DAILY NEWS. 7 1 DAILY NEWS. RATES OP ADVERTISING. s; o;k A UZZELL, - - Phopkietoks. Fa yettkville Street, over W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IX ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to subscribers at fifteen cents per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at t7 per an mini ; $:i.oJ tor six months; $2 forthreo ui r.uim. fh-j WKEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. H n squar. one insertion One Rnnuf. turn Inuntu.. On square, three insertions.. "u oLujje, iux insertions. yuare, one montn... One eqoare, three months. Unesnnara sl-v vn.i.- One sartAm t.- .i.. VOL. II. RALEIGH. N. C SUNDAY MORNING; MARCH 16. 1873: NO. 14. trZZtm ii f TLSr - ments, liberal con pareii constitute one square. Mews ..f 1 00 -.w- S 00 16 00 SO 00 I ! 'J PUOFESSlONAJARDjSj A. S. MERRIMOX. 8. A. ASHE THOXAS C. FT7LLER. MERRIMON, FULLER & ASUE, Attorneys and Coansellors at Lair, 1JALEI0H, N. C. Will practice In the State" and Federal Courts, wherever their services may be require dv ' ' OFFICE: For uur office of Phillips & Mer rimon. feb 28-3 m r G II A HLES W. SPRUILL. A T TORNEY A T LAW, Waurenton, N. C COURTS Warren and adjoining coun ties, isupreme Court of Ncrth Carolina, and I'nited states Courts at Raleigh. in li5-L1 rh.v. W '2m. - Q V I D E D U P R EE , (Lately of Raleigh, N. C.,) Attorney and Coaunellor At Lan, No. 6 Wall St., New Youx, ! Will attend promptly to all Professional i business entrusted to him. Refers to the . hift J u-tic and Associate Justices of tne supreme court of Worth Carolina, and to the who.e bar of North Carolina; ' i feblS-tf - B . S PR U I L L , J R . .1TTOIINEY AT.LAW, JACKSON, N . C . Will practice in all the Courts of Halifax, KJgecoiube and Northampton co untie, iuine supreme Court of North Carolina and in the Feeleral Courts. - Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. jan3i-tw J. B. BATCIIELOK. L.C.EDWARD W. PLU.MiI Eli BATCIIELOK. 13 ATC11EL0R, EDWARDS AND BAiCHELOIt, ATTORNEYS AT LA1V, : RALEIGH N. C.J : Will ut tend In tbe ourta oi Wake, Gran ; vllie, Iriiukliu, Wiuieu, Halifax, North- uiiipton and .hatham, and the Federal ? ana .ui'etae ouri. jan 3-tf A LEX. S M ITH , AITORJIKY AT LAW, jjCOTLAMD NECK, N. C. ' Will practice m the ourts of Halifax aud ; u.ijoiniutt counties. -, toUecUuus attended to in all parts of the !M;iie. may ll-tf I Walter Clakk. J. M. MULLEN. jQLARK & MULLEN, j .ITTOIUVEYS IT JLlt HALIFAX, N. C. i ' '' I'ractice in all the Courts of Halifax luMiiuiupluu and Kdgevoinbe counties In tne oupreiue Court of North Carolina tnd in the Federal Courts. Collections inauo in all parts of North Carolina. mh4-ly JD. CONIGLAND, war. h. aDt LA V PARTNERSHIP. O N I G L A N D & D A Y , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, c HALIFAX, N. C. 1 Practice iu the Courts of Halifax and ad !,o;iui.g counties in the Supreme Court of Uje Miiic, und )ii tne teueiai Courts. They :.t give special utieutiou to collecting and (.iiu.su mug uuiuess, and to adjusting me i.ci'uiiub ui ejteo a lor administrators and fcUuiautusv .''. i i'iic Junior partner will attend at his of ' lice nt, ciuou un .-Saturdays aud Mondays oi t -ucii' . ueii. - no 26-tl 'ii. ii. i;i', Sam'lT, Williams j j- L :n N & W ILLl AiU, UoCKY MUU.NT, N. C. J 1LL1 AM 6 & li U N 'N HALE 1 G H, N. C . e? liuiues letters may be addressed ! eitner to liocy Mount or Haleigh.-4Sir Claims tciictleil la uj part ef the State. Practu-e in the Supreme Court of the .State ana u. tue r ederai Court at ttaieign. i 11111 l-ll. ; L. VV. 'iiioiiAsoN. L. J. LaBAKJlB LA W . T UOilASON & CO., , - ! (.Successors to K. T. iiall & Co..) I ' ABdiuurers aud CoinuilsMon Herchaats, I NO. 3, WlLilN(;T02V STREET, I . RALEIGH, N. 0, 1 special attention paid ty the sale of Real CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. J -liefer to J. G. Williams, President 7 -ww national Bank ; A. G. Lee CO., i Kak Uh; ft'. Whitaker, Mayor of Raleigh ; l w. C. Mronach. italeiifU. A fail stock, of Groceries on hand at j reasonable prices. j E. W. THO MASON & CO. I noviyj-tr . s, , . IV II. P L U M M E R & CO., l-l caniore Street, Petersburg, Va. Lealers iu IU0., SFtKL 1 1 AGUICILTCLUL IS- I'LEMEXIS. Orders will rpcpUc nromnt and careiul atieniion. and ai e renectlully solicited. 'jt iier.ii Agents ar tne Fanners rienu I iov Tne at. en Lion of Fa mers is j;Le- aLiy iuvited to tbu superior fLOW.which "t iueu wiiu universal commendation. FAMILY ROE HER ew No. 1 Shore-Mackerel. -ew o 1 co-i-t isn. " fSntoked lirolling R. ef, HiiKjiied lieef Touguep, AtliUet mid hlmil Kjw.. 11 twiner'. Smoked and Boloijna Sausage, 111 More hv More bv ie S it W. C. STRONACH. J(.AVAS6A. GUANO Hxcelleiiza Cotton Fertilizer. ; Guano. i ;'luble sea island Quaub." J tui pire Guano. w. o. strunaCu. MORNING EDITION. Wit akigb Qtw& 8UNDAY... ..MARCH 1G, 1873. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Local Briefs. Go to church to-day. St. Patrick's Day in the morning. ' (Two etrtet fights yesterday. Nobody bort. A roving baud of Gypsies passed through the city yesterday. Let 'em pass. Sted oates and white peas at Os borne's grain and feed store, Wilming ton street. y Gen. W. D. Jones returned to. the city yesterday,- No news from the Jones Young contest, l .... There will be a regular meeting of H'ram Lodge No. 40, F. A. M., to morrow evening at 7$ o'clock. -5 R. M.jPurmanEsq., Editor of the Asheville Citizen, passed through the city yesterday, en route to his hotne. Jas. D. Brooka, the popular agent ol the Wilcuiogtou Life Insurance Compa ny, is confined to his room; by sickness. Mr. Win. Andrews living Tnear the Central Depot was kicked by. nmule in the right gron late last evening,4 and at latest - accounts was suffering the most intense pain, and his condition is considered somewhat critical. -Gexerai. Cox akd St. Patrick's Day. Our distinguished citizen. Gen. W. R. Cox, accepts in the following graceful manner aa invitation to be present at the St. Patrick's supper tos morrow night : ' Capt. T. F. Lek, Chairman, dr. : ,'Sir : I am in receipt of the kind in vitation to be present. and participate in the celtbrationr of "'St. Patrick's Day," on the I7th inst. I assure you it will afford me much pleasure to do SO. , .'-''..- ; . - It is highly appropriate for the son3 of Erin to honor this day, and for otheis appreciating how prolific she has been of statesmen, warriorn and, poets, and how much she hm contributed to -our own glory and goodness, to unite with her sons on this occasion. - Very respectfully yours, &e., W. R. Cox. Near Raleigh, March 14th, 1873. Hon. John G. Saxe. Our citizens will remember that this distinguished gentleman will lecture at Tucker Hall in this city on Monday the 24th inst. We learn that Mr. xe Will only lec ture in this city one time, and wc again call upon those who wish to enjoy a least to go and near him. Ticket i jot reserved seats can be hid at Branson's Bookstore. Secure them early. The following is taken from the Bos ton Post : 4,0f the poem by Hon. John G. Saxe, wc would say that nothing of its kind was ever received with more true de- ight. the audience warmly ap plauding' . its -touches of sound sense and noble sentiment, and indulging in be greatest mirth at the poet s spark ing wit, felicitous expressions, and the ively tone that pervaded every line. St. Patrick's Day. Tomorrow, he 17th inst. is St. Patrick's Day in be morning, and will be observed in his city by not only the Sons of Erin's ale, but by our citizen!? generally who will participate in the celebration sup per to-morrow night at the Yurborough louse. Dr. Blacknall and his estima te lady will have everything in readi nes?, and a grand gala lime is reasona-. bly anticipated. We received too late for publication a lengthy programme or the dav prepared by rather Mc:sa- mara, but we can say that it is highly attractive and no one will regret that ie was there. We have no doubt but the; Dining-room of the larborough House will be: crowded to excessive oveiflowiug. Tickets for Pale at the drug stores and book stores. Tiik Peabody School Fund. The following named public schools in the State have.witbin the last few daye,been promised assistance lor the present year from the Peabody Educational fund: Wilmington, $2,000 ; Oxford, Granville countv, $200; Washington, weauiorx county, $600; Old Fort, McDowell county. $300 ; Warrenton, $400 ; Dysart- viile, McDowvlI county, $15U; Utter Creek. Rutherford county, ; $300 ; Solphur Springs, Buncombe county, $300. Assistance has been promised a number ol other schools in the State from the same fund during the year. ; Friends of Temperance. We are nlp.isp.d fo learn that . this Order ot Temperance is making rapid progress in the State. Four new Councils were organized durinsr the last week with an average ot some 25 or o0 charter mpmbers. The Friend is a Southern order based unon white membership, and extends 1 r from West Vir-iinia to Texas, in which latter State alone there are upwards of 30,000 members, ana ovcryuu Councils. One hunored and btty councils have been organized in tuis state. , ! ' ' ' " '"': LA Cabd Joubnalistic. We insert the following caid at the request ol Mr Evans : J$ditsr Iiahigh Newt ; You entirely overreach my estate in supposing me uhln to start a newsDaDer in Rleiah. For the peace of mind of a small com- mtinitv or my creditois, please correct this impression. At present I have not ti.. rvimtfil tuihcient to even keeu a a boaiding house, i Yirurs ia the Crait, 1 , , T. C Evans. March 14th, 1873. Mk. Alfbed J. ITobrison Goixo ikto the Mrs i str Y. We have already alluded to the fact that Mr. Morrison, member of the House of Representa tives froin Lincoln, had tendered his resignation, and we now give place, with pleasure, to the following concern ing him from the Charlotte Observer : The resignation of Mr. Alfred J. Mor risson, is a member of the House of RepresentativesJ'rom Lincoln county, and his adoption of the highest and noblest of all professions,, that of the Christian Ministry, has excited the ad miration of his many friends through out this section of the State. . It is a rare action in times like these. Young, full of hope and energy, gifted with more than ordinary powers of mind, and endowed with qualities of head and heart which would have won for. him the affections and esteem of the people, hewas just entering upon a political career of honor and usefulness that gave noble promise of a bright fu ture. -Though 'one of the youngest members of the General Assembly, he took a high stand in that honorable body, and more than once electrified the Hduse with bursts of gerftiine eloquence. His loss will be lelt at the'-next session of the Legislature, unless his place be filled by a successor equallvHaleuted and 'patriotic! y Acts like this .of Mr. Mof nson'a are seldom witnessed now-a-days, ' It is not an uncommon thing for preachers to be" come , politicians,'? bu$ - tor a successful politician to turn from the path of am bition to take-up the cross, is indeed a marvel in this age of worldlineTs and de generacy.. And inasmuch as this is an" age ot almost unprecedented corruption andaenjjoralization, such an exhibi tion ofy moral heroism is worthy of especial commendation. It is a bright example to the rising young men: ot the country, worth far more than sermons and precepts; and will no doubt serve to lead the footsteps of many, into the paths of Truth and Righteousness. Mr. Morrison goes to theMinistry &t a time when preachers and pious men are much needed. "The harvest truly is great r' Vice, dishonesty and general ; looseness of morals pervades all the government circks and extends through out every grade of society. The spread of immorality is fearful ; "the trail of the ! serpent" is visible everywhere ; the foundations of the society are shaken ; the very existence of the Republic is threatened. To roll back the tide of evil, to restore the reign of virtue in the minds of men, is the work ol Christians. More earnest, god-fearing men are needed to denounce the vices of the day, to preach the Holy Word, and to carry the tidings of salvation to the hearts of men. And eveiy new la borer who goes into the harvest of the Lord will be hailed with joy by chris tians everywhere, and be bid, God speed in his good work 1 OCR UnuitCHES To-Day. -Divine services will be held at the following Churches to day, (Sunday.) Strangers and others in the city are earnestly and cordially invited to attend. Gentle manly ushers will be present toconduc visitors to pews which are always free. Edcnton Street Methodist Church, denton street, Dr. Craven, D.D. officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7$ o clock r. m. Baptist Church, corner Sal isbnry and denton streets, Rev. T. II. Pritt hard, l D., officiating. Services at 11 o'clock , m. and 8 o'clock p. m. Presbyterian Church, comer Salisbury and Morgan streets. Rev. J. M. Atkin son, u. D. oriiciating. bervices at ll o'clock a. m. and 7J o'clock p. m. Christ's (Episcopal) Church, Wilming ton street, Rev. K. b. Mason, D. D., officiating, services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 7iclock p.m. St. John's (Catholic) Church, corner Morgan & Wilmington streets. Rev. J. V. McNaiuara, priest, officiating. High mas3 at 11 o'clock. Vespers at o o'clock p. M. Person street Methodist Church, Rev. Mr. L. Branson, officiating. Services at 11 o'cloek a. m., and 7 a. m. Siiqoting Affair. Hobt. Sea well, Esq , a highly respectable and much es teemed citizen of this county was ar raigned before his honor Mayor Wesly Whitakcr, yesterday, charged with firing two pistol shots at Eli flay wood, colored, a bar-tender at Pepper's tfaloon. From the evidence adduced, it was shown that Mr. Seawell. while in the saloon, kicked a pet dog ot Elis, xhu doubtless spoke abruptly to Mr. Sea well, or Mr. b. so understood it. A scuffle cn;-ued, in which Mr. Seawall drew a pistol, and from the statement of Eli, the pistol was discharged by the fall ot Mr. beawell to the floor. Capt. Watson, of the night police, was near at the time and quieted the disturbance before any harm was done. Mr. beawell was bound over to the Superior Court in the sum of 6300. It was a small attair, and out for the accidental discharge of the pistol wotild not haye created any excitement. The Western N. C, Railroad. The firt meeting of the flowiTlou Board of Directors ot tne Western N C. Railroad, occurred in Salisbury on Friday. Dr. W. II. Howerton, entered upon hisduties as President of the road. - A committee was appointed to wait upon hi Honor Judge Dick, and o(t tain his construction or tne law in re gard to the new appointee ot s,tib ofli cials, Col. S. McD. Tate, the retiring President, claiming that his nppoiLtees cannot be supplanted till the expiration of toe term tor which they were appomt ed. which is the 12th of Anril. The following officers were elected by the Board : Col. Win. A. Eliason, Chief Engineer and Superintendent II. C. Cowles.Secretary and Treasurer. 1 hj Board adjourned to meet as so.n as the reply oi Judge Dick could be obtained. (2) A pare stimulant. Century Whiskey I Nobth Caboleta' Stjmmeb Resorts. As the season ia rapidly approaching for our North Carolina down Eastera to cast about for a comfortable and at tractive place of refuge from the ills and chills incident to the section; we call the attention of all concerned to the advantages offered by the various places ot resorts in our our States 'f - , The climate of this locality isvsaid to' be the most salubrious - inthe (United States ; mineral springs, the medical qualities' of the waters of which aro not excelled by any ; refiued and moral com munities, with churches of every, denomination,- -and the best schools in the country, gi yes N. Carolina an advantage over"any other State as a summer resort. Withont disparagement to any of the other popuiarpoints in the State, we think it nothing more than shctr jus tice to speak particularly of oneplace, that wjll this season re-open after a sus pension of several years. The town of Warrenton, situated on the Raleigh & Gaston R. R , m Warren, county, has long been noted for its salu brious climate and the excellent mineral springs near the town. WaTreuton has now one ot the best hotels in the State. The, Norwood House, though recently taken in charge by its energetic proprietor, is winning a reputation second to no Hotel in this section. Tt is being enlarged, refitted and refurnished from basement to garret and the fair and accommodations are excellent. Mr. Norwood, the proprie tor, will have completed from his house to the old Suck Spring (a distance of three miles) a turnpike road, and those desiring can have a beautiful drive to this truly romantic spot, but the water will be kept fresh on draught through out the season at the Hotel. A large Ball room is one of the conve niences of this Hotel, and should the number of visit rs justify it, an excellent band of music will be in attendance du ring the season. We have not as yet heard of other new plans, but the far-lamed Kittreli's Hotel is being made ready for an in creased patronage. North Carolinians, leave your money at borne this Sum mer. Escalade. Simpson Mordecai, now under sentence of death for burglary, and confined in the county jail, escaped therefrom yesterday by scaling the walls, but was overtaken by several citizen?, and brought back to his quarters. The jailor, a colored man, gave him permis siou to walk in the yard, and though the wall is very high, yet he climbed, according to the jailor's account, so quickly and easily, that he was gone before he saw him. This wanton carelessness on the part of the jailor is reprehensible in the highest degree, and for this act of per mitting a con,cnteueed to be hang ed, to go unlettered, not to sajr walk out in the jatd, is in our opinion a good cause for removal from office. We Die Hard. The Solicitipg Committee, also the Auxiliary Commit tee appointed, at the last meetingof the citizens to raise funds for Fair Grounds asked through Mr. Harp, one of the members, to be relieved .from all other duties in the way of asking contribu tions. Some one present in the meeting proposed making one more attempt be tore a final abandonment of the project -and to test this matter, Messrs. Lynn Adams, Chas. Busbce, and Jno. Arm strong were appointed a Committee to again sie it the citizens had fully made up their minds to let the Fair go? It is matter that concerns them so much that we trust they will reflect before too late. Blowing up of Dowd's Mills. The steam engine attached to the ex tensive Saw Mills of Dr. Dowd, at Apex, in this county, exploded its boiler on Friday, 'resulting in the entire destruc tion ot the engine an I cons'ulerable iu- jury to the building. The accident was caused by the oolhpse of the inaiirnue. The engineer wa-. seriously wounded. but it is believed his injuries will noi prove fatal. None others hurt. These mills, situated immediately on the R.tleih and Augusta Air Line road, and convenient to this city, were or great beuifit to our building cominuni ty, who will be necessitated to incou- mience arising iroru a temporary sus pension. The Bkll Ringers. As announced by advertisement elsewhere in to-day's issue, the Berger Family of Swiss Bell Ringers will delight our citizens to morrow night at Tucker Hall with one ol their matchless entertainments. This company come to us endorsed bv the press of the State wherever thev have appeared, and we therefore feel no lu-si tacy in commending this exhibition to our citizens and believe they will be highly entertained by a visit to Tucker iiall. Enterprise. In walking around our little city yesterday, anu arriving in the neighborhood if the R. & G. R. R. Shoos, and castinsr our eyes in the d rtction of the "oi l Bayonet Factory," we were jjreeteu wmi a iuii view or a lare frame buildiug under construction, and proceeding to it, we found, that our younjjj ana emernrisingirienas, lSetts. Allen & Co., h.id purchased the site ot the old "factory ' and W'eie pqUmg up mamnnvth. workishops to aocomnvnlute their rnpidly Iricreaiing lunin'-s. These gentlemen Jire firsttdass workmen, and turn cot their work in goonl style and at short notice, , 1Ci.eanixoUp. The proprietors of5the Billiard Saloon, Restaurant, &c, front basement Metropolitan ? Hall, are over hauling, renovating, renewing, refur nishing and othe.-wise cleaning up this popular pleasure resort which will in a few days wear a new lo ik. The gen tlemen thoroughly understand their business, hs evidenced by their liberal advertisements in the News and we wish them continued success. - Impobtaot to Witnesses in Ktj Kltjx Casks. For the benefit of a large number of persons in the State, we publish the following ord-jr, sent us by Solicitor Lusk j esterday : ' '; '. ;i " ' Office U. S. District At'y, ' t ; ; ; Western District of 2f. C, ' . : . Asheville,. March 13, 1873. To all whom it map concern, - , . . ' ' J All persons summoned, recognized, or otherwise, bound for their appearance as witnesses at the U. S. Circuit or Dis trict C .mts,either at Greensboro, States ville or Asheville, N. C, in; the behalf of the United States agaiust parties indict ; ed under tbe Enforcement Ku-KIux Act, are hereby excused from, any fur ther attendance as witnesses.' 1 And they are also hereby discharged from any further duty as witnesses in any of said i n d ictmentti, u n leas re su m moned. . U. S. Dist. Atto. Western Dist. N. C Religious. The Rev. Dr. Craven, President of Trinity College, will occupy the pulpit ot Edentou street M. Episci pal' Chuicb, this fo:enocn and morning . To have c!egaht4ight Biscuits; Rolls, Buckwheat Cakes, Fruit Dumplings, &c, you should use Dooley'a Yeast rowder. Ask vour Grocer foriL It is a pure Baking Powder. NEW ADVEUTISEMENTS. S OUT HER N 'HOTEL II A L I F A A , N. C. W. H INTER QARRISS, Leasee and Proprietor. Is now Open for the Accommodation of Gnests. m ' 3TCouveyance to anv Dart of the ean always le obtained at. th " Hnnihom Hotei" Slai'les. mar lm r0 ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Offick Reg. of Deeds, Wa ke County. itaieign, jn. c, 13th March, 1873. Any and every person ' oerson. navine a tax on their receipts aud sales, as provided In the Ukvence Law, ratified 3rd day oi Marcb. 1673. such as Merchants. Auctioneers. Com mission Merchants, &c, Ac. and every per son who has first to obtain a Lic&ns& be fore exercising any trade or calling, all of wnoni are compnaeu unaer schedule a. of said Act, and have Heretofore returned such their lists to tbe Sheriff of the county, ABE NOW REQUIRED, under sections 12 and 26, of said Revenue Raws, on the 1st days of January, April. July and October, to list, on oath, to the REGISTER OF DEEDS, the total amount oi tneir purcnases, receipts and sales as the case may be. for the ore- ceding quarter. This, Therefore is to Give Notice to any and every one interested, that the unUerslghed will on the FIRST DAY OF APRIL next, attend at the OFFL K OF THE BOARD OF COU.NTYCOMMISSION- ERS, for the purpose oi receiving such lists; and those whose duty it is to attend, and IW lw foil rf-v Hrt. nHll l e-- double tax as required by law. , W. W. WHITE, Era copy tf Itesdster of Deeds. mar lo-tr Wake County. ' AM CONSTANTLY RECEIVING CONSIhNMEKTS OF Corn, Meal, Hay, Fodder, Shuclcs, White and Mixed Beans, White and stock . Peas, Sweet and Irish Pota toes, Tt.rnJps, Chick - ens, Eggs, Moun tain Butter, and everything fusually sold on co pii jyL i s s 10 .v. fedi2-tf WAYNE ALLCOIT. "RISE! ' LINEN A V 50 CENTS. We call attention to a latge lot of I R I S II L I N E At 50 Cents a Yard. N The choicest toods of the. Kind we have ofi'ered for some time. OAVlrs. DRAKE 4 CO., retersburg, Va. marl3-ly c E N T U R Y W H I S K E Y 1 Persons In dclu-ate health, often fiud it aiflicult to obtain a Pure Stimulant, wV.en prescribed by their- Physicians, and it is for Druggists and other first-class trade that the trinsuEi" is particularly designed, prepared from It hiydltFx reutly ANY WHISKEY IN MARKET, and is drlvine many old brands out of market, because th'piinciple upon which it Is made is superior." The almost universal testimony of those who have used the C EN TURYvW II Is K I ES is. thatthere is an entire absence Of Head- aohen, and other disag eeabie after-effects 6fttn experienced in the use of other ands. This is a direct cousequtneeof the . '. Puritv of the Century Whihkies, , - - - ': x and the Impurity of many other brands. They are ABSOLUTELY PURE; four prom inent chemists certify to this fact, viz ; Prof. SILLIMAN, State Chemist of Con necticut, Prof, C. U S H EPA It D, Jr., State Chemist oi South Carolina, Prof. W. C. TILDES, Washington, D. C PicX JOHN DARBY, New York. , Alt of whom agree in pronouitein It "without f.iult," tid "free irom anv dele terious iul!st.-ii.-e whatever." For sale by hrsi-cla-ss dealers evcrvwiiere feb 6-3m. M ULLETS, M ULLETS,M ULLETS 100 barrels Fresh Corned Mullets, lu atore. Fat and Fine WILLIAMSON. UPClIURtn A THOMAS. twv .S-tt X'HE WEED SEWING MACHINE Why i the Weed Sewing Machine bound to ple-jse all hfcliwif Because it m the best Ufeer in the world ja 16-tf TELEGRAPHIC JTEirS. NOON DISPATCHES. Affairs in Alabama. Montgomery, March 15. During the progress of the debate in the House of Representatives, Parson, .who , was Speaker of the Court-room House, said the two million bond bill passed by that body was void ab initio, because it had never: receive.!-, the Constitutional vote. Mr, Hunter, another member of that body, said the "bill ' was passed by a Honse that-'had no quorum' preseut, and that the Senate was hot in session when it pretended to have passed that measure.,. .-,.'', :......;;;'.',; The Legislature has ben in session four months and no prospects of an ad- joorrimfent before April, i . ijie Civil rights bill inv substance is the . same as Sumner's bill, killed, by the House by 19 minority. The House is Republican. ' If Solomon is special agent; for this State, it haseen kept a profound secret here, but his representations as to the intentions of allllieAlabamians to the. paynient ot just debtsare undeniably correct. ! . The Difficulties in England. London, March 15. The report that DTsraeh refused the Premiership ia un true. He simply represented the diffi culties he would have to confront. Lord Derbv has ariivprl from Tjr?a rTleihw had a Ions? conference with DTsraeli. It is probable that DTeraeli will acceptt he office and finish the business of thesession by June, and then dissolve the Parliament. - The Conservatives all-over the coun try are confident ot theesult ot the election. --. - The Weekly Economist Says It. is rumored that Derby yields to the re quest of the Conservatives to undertake tne formation of a Cabinet. A speech gives currency to the same report, but says that Derby is determined to appeal to, the country. Latest 3 P. M DTsraeli waited upon the Queeu, giving her the reasons for impelling him to decline the office. Derby concurs with DTsraeli that the Conservatives cannot accept the respon sibility of forming a Government at this time. General Items. New York, March 15. No progress in the Modoc war. A cannou and the militia compelled the Lieutenant Governor, of Nevada, to surrender the penitentiary. The epizootic is in San Francisco, the stage contractors using Indian po nies. The body of Bishop McIIwaine, who died at Florence, will be brought home. A New Orleans special says the Cres cnt City National Bank has closed doers. It is said Ui he a bar! .iiilnr cuas. (JlarK, ot ihtlaitelphia. mur- dered his wife with an axe." The Fremont Fraud. .-" New York,' March 15. The Times publishes a card fiorn Fremont defends ing himself from the charge of fraud or connivance at fraud. He complains of the unfairness of the French court- making him the sole antt conspicuous defendant. He declares that all money received by him was accounted for to the receiver appointed by the American and French courts. He states that the transactions alleged, to, be fraudulent occurred belore he became President of the road . Hritklajeis Won't Strike George r raucis i rain. , New York, March 15. No strike is anticipated by the biick layers or hod carriers. 1 hey have expressed, satisfac tion with the present wages and hours. Dr W m. A. Hammond thinks George Francis Train is insane. : : 11IDNIGIIT DISPATCHES. Washington A fl" irj Ladies Receiv tug Appointments Appointments, AC. Washington, March 15- In a recent t xainination fur p.oin tions in the In ternal Revenue 'Bureau.' under the Civil S rvire Huks. one iudy secures a fourth vlass Cleikship atl.SOO; another a third-tlass, f 1,000, while tenther per sons appointt to sec ml cla-s Clerks ships, six are wi men. Miss Leaiy. who secured the fourth class Clerkship, has been employed in the office floor over ten years, and several years has had exclusive i;hirge and direction of the copjing division. ' Pardons has been sued by the Presi dent to John G. Robinson, of South Carolina and Wm. C. Dupriest, oi Noitb Carolina, both convicted as Ku Klux and sentenced two yeais to the Albuua penitentiary. The former had served six and the latter eighteen months. ' Currency balance jn the Treasury is now one and a half million dollars, ami the figures are lower than for a ureat many years, lne outstanamg legal ten der nous are $ 357.155.000, Boutwell will continue' a3 Secretary for three or four days. Judge Richardson's friends are not so confident. Commodore VV. K. Latimer 13 dead. 1 he bond-nieii of James P. Miloer, Collector of the Filth Maryland Dis trict, withdrew 1 heir . bonds: Milner w as"jiiiled " ujion the ch irge of misap pr ip'-iiitioii f public money. Gen. TelThas leen nominated as Pen sion Agent at Indianapolis, . and leaves on the 30th. The Assistant Postmaster General's oilice is vacant. Derby and D'Israeli Declines form ing a JItnistrr isari i ran vine 10 be Premier. London, March 15. Derby and D' hf ;tli have bth declined the responsi bility of f rniing a ne Ministry. No. b ing definite has transpired fcinee this announcement. '-.., It is rumored that Earl Granville will be Premier and Cardwell Chancellor of Exchequer; . ' Gladstone has gone to the country till Monday. i- .-- ; ; - Jt ia expected that Parliament5 will adjourn from Monday to Thursday. Washington, March 15. The fight is : :; renewed with fierceness over the Cliatta- i nooga Post mastership. . Capt , Ai G. , Sharp was. on Thursday, confirmed' bj the Senate in place of Kencedrick, the" "? present incumbent, whose friends' in ; ' f ore are now here to' prevent Sharp from entering upon the duties of the office; and to effect this end, they will endeavor to induce the Senate to rccon- ''r' sider tue vote by which Sharp was con ' firmed, and-it they tail ! in this, they t will prefer chargea against him to tbftjr3 present Governor. Sam Baixl, is 00 tha , ground, but taking no part in the fight. " " Senator Brown low left here tonight for his home. - v? i.i t ; , , , ) i-- j, 1 ' V New York Aflairsl ; ' New Yobk, March 15 The-bank' rn books r et Henry Meaager) f saw ! dust sWindler," arrested yesterday, shows he has done business amounting tef 1,000 per week jsince Jaouary istM oli'l :i n The widows and orphans of the fire- -men killed by the Hanover street catas trophe, have been provided for by the trustees ot the Firemen's fundi The French Indemnity. -t ' Paris, March 15. A treat? has been . signed to the effect that France pays ' me inst- instaumenc 01 tue,inaemnityjby the 5tlr-Ot September,: when Germany: 4 Will evacuate -tho French t eluding Belfountv . ; , , ' Weather Report. Washington, March 15. For the South Atlantic States westerly t windg and partly cloudy weather. : ,. CO U MEltClAL Ktl'U KT. New York fllarketh. : - Cotton, net receipts 373 bales ; gross' 98d. j u Sales lor future riAliverv tYuil.u m nin ales. as follows: March. 18ai9: Anril lbIaS3 it. l9m 'raUe' July. ; ' Cotton nominal, teudlDg down; sales 218 bales ; low middlings ij ; ornaus 'MX. b lour dull, heavy ; common to f-lf extra O.laaS.30 ; good to choice iU0al3. Wheat very quiet, trifle firmer, Uutn dull, nnehaneed. Pork firm. Beef dull. Lard steady. NavaU , quie't WCr' Grocerle? stady. Freights Money cised easier." sterling nominally " ' steadie . Goldl3ald. Governments dull. steady. States very quite; Tennessee strong. -. - , x Foreien Markets. Lonooj. Ma.-ch 15 Consols closed at 8254 a92. Fives tK). Tallow U. f Liverpool.' March ; lo. Cotton i opened dull; downward tendency ; uplands SWi : or leans 9. lAter. Cotton closed unchanged. Bales 10,000 bales; speculation and export 1.000. Pork 57 ana C. Liu il.38. - Cotton Markets,. Mokfolk, March 15. Cotton, net receipts 1,076; exports 1,473. Sales 64 bales; stock 8,844. Mobile, March 15. Cotton dull, declin ing; middlings 1S; good ordinary 17. Net receipts 1.487. Boston, March 15. Cotton dull, depress ed; middlings 20a20J. rnKarrMHagVisT """"" UUU - Galveston, March .15. Cotton heavy: good ordinary lbxZ. Memphis, March 15. Cotton dull, nomi nal; low middlings 18alSJ. Atjgcsta, March 15. Cotton dull. Irregu lar; middlings 18). . r Wilmington, N. C, March I". Cotton cull; middlings 19. Net receipts 126 bales. Sales 10 bales ; stock 5,359. Baltimore. March 15. Vtton dull, low er ;, middlings 19.. Sales 15. . Thb unrivaled Medicine is warrtnted not to contain a single pnrtlcle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but is V PURELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEARS It has proved its treat value In all diseases of the Liver, Bowels :md Kidneys. Thousands of the good ana grei tin all parts of the country voui-h for its vonlerful and peculiar power In purifyim: tue Blood, stimulatinu the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new Life nl Vigor to the whole system. MMMOXS' LIVER BEUULUX1U is ae .kn twiedged to have no equal aa a -.. LIVER MEDICINE, It contains four medical elements, never united in the same happy proportion In any other preparation, viz: a gentle Ca thartic, a wonderfu' Tonic, an unexception able Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Huch signal success has t tended its use, that it is now regarded as the Great Unfailing Specific . for Liver Complaints and the painful off springs thereor, to wit: DYHPEPSIA , CONSTIPATION. Jaundlce.Blllous attacks. SICK H E A DACII K folic. Depression of Spiriis, SOUlt WXOMACJU, Heait Burn, .fee., c. Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS HVF.U REGULATOR . Is manufactured only by J. H. ZEILIN S CO., ; Macon, Ga , and Phi adelphta. . Price tl.00 per packake ; ent by mail; postage paid, frl.04. Prepared ready lor use Sl.W, and tl.50., BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. SB. Beware of all Counterf its and tml tations.r febI-DJfcWeod6m. CHAS. D.HILL, CHAS. B. SKINKEK, OBXBAgOXS. BpeclaL H ILL & SKIN K E R COHIHISSON MERCHANTS, Jio. Vi Pearl Street, RICHMOND, FA, , ;: .;': Solicit Consignments of Tobacco, Cotton Flour, Grain, fcc., 3 General Agents for Virginia and North' Carolina lor Messnt. G. Ober 6t Son Stanilard Fertilizers. . , . ap2G-wtt . N E W G O O D S 73 Barrels Irish Potaloe, 2H and kegs lrd, . - - .1 i . &) " and kits Mackerel, 15J Boxes kmoked Herring, 15 Bbls. Wood's Family KoeUeiTlng. JO-J Lbs. codflth, ' 1,6-XI If arna, ' IU Eoxes Ext ra Cream Cheese, ? -r 20 r.c. large Apples. 26 '( friuh To. 1 0 Lbs. smoked Boiling Beef, . . s : - . ' Mbls. Cuba and H. C Moh. sea. mi7-U W. C STUl NACH, V

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