( DAILY NEWS. DAILY NEWS. s tone & uzzell, - ' . proprietors. ?a yrrrsvitus Street, ' . ; Civur W. O. Stronaeli & Co.'s Store. . RATES OF ADVERTISING One square, one Insertion...... i4...$ i oo One square, two Insertions l 50 Ona square, three Insertions . a 00 One square, lxlnsertlons.-M.....;... . 3 54 One square, one monthJ.;.:...'.,v..'...L. 8 00 One square threemonth.....,... i uo One square, six month. ...... l.... SO 00 One square, twelve month8,....L.. SO 00 t or larger ajdvertisements, liberal con tract will be made. Tea lines solid non pareil constitute one square. CASH INVARIABLY IS ADTAKCK. The DAILY NKWS will be delivered to ubscri'oer at fikxkks cknts per week, payubJe to the cu rler weekly.. Mailed at f7 peranuUm; $ :L20 tor six mouths; $2 for tare 0 Bdii-.tlis. Th WKKJvLY NEWS' at" S3. per annum. VOL. II. RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 18. 1873. NO. 16. IHE MORNING EDITION. Uc galfigli gaitg Jims. TUESDAY. ..MARCH 18, 1873. LOGAL MATTER. E. C. WOpOMJN. City Editor Local. Biuefs. (2) A pare stimulant, Century j This market is now well supplied with shad. The new revenue law is now being cnt out by the Secretary of State, Hon J. J. Hickman left this city yes terday moruing lor Newbern, where he is to lecture. ........ Governor lolJcn will enter upon the duties of 'Postmaster of this cit7 on the first of next mouth. The livery stables lately occupied by Messrs. S. M.Dunn& Co. are lor rent. Apply to Messrs. A. G. Lee & Co. Dr. R. B. Ellis entered';'' upon his du ties as 'Steward of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Institution on yesterday. - ' Kev. George W. roidie, colored, of this city. preached to the convicts in- the Peuitentiary on last Sunday alter- noon ''. .'.':' '' . '; ,. V'.'7'i V:; A reuW Convocation of Raleigu Chapter NorlO I loyal Arch. Masons, will -b held at the Masonic Hall this evening at 7 o'clock. ' j The brick are Wing -made preparatory t build the residence of W. G. Up churcb, Eq , Ou McDowell street, eistern fronton Nash Square.1 John G. Saxc will arrive in this city Monday morning Timi Savannah, Ga., and at night lecture at Tucker Hall. The tickets have been placod at the various Bookstores. ; We learn 'Miv App'.egate, the archi tect of this city, is engaged in drawing plans for the building to be used as the Colored Department ol the Deal, Dumb and Blind Institution. - Flour, syrui, lard and other groceries can, be found in lurjje-. quantities" at Messrs. Williamson, Upchureh ThomesV Also Supher Phospatea & in any quantity. Sec no; ice?. Our peripatetic h-cal Chief is now holding forth iu Wentworth, Rocking ham, county, --whither be has gone to attend the Court now in session there. -We hope to' heat a good account from him. . ' . We understand tlmt work upon the proposed new government buijding in this city will commence some time du ring the early pail ot May. The pres ent post I'lHee building wiil be shortly removed to some oilier place. Large numbers oj miscellaneous books have been-donated by members of the congiegation to the library of the Baptist Sabbath School in this city, and new and handsome book-cases have also been put up to receive them. Notice the advertisements ol the Mtisi??. Lt iicli Brothers in another col umn.. They have on hand all maimer of groceries. Call an i see their "Uni veisal Plow," and the "Wilson" Cotton Plow.-' " ; Grand Master Nichols and a number of the masonic irateii.ity . of this city visited Anchor Lodge, near Auburn, in this county, On Saturday last. A num ber ot degrees were conferred, and the gentlemen expressed 'themselves pleased with their visi?. , j- We aie told that quite 'a number of buildings have been tendere 1 to Gov. Jlolden, the new INtmuste; : ihiscity, to be Used while the Post oilioe constructed. The number"....- s ueiuij Vpplica- tions 'for Clerkships under c ; regime have become so numeriK' no effort is now being made t count of them. i: ; new .that keep W. Cakl BuowN. We publish with pleasure the toliowing ir,m a gentle man coucerniii'i this a C"inplished ar tijt. The. wr.ter is a gentleman whp has traveled extensively and knows whereof he s; e des : i - i The good cuy ot lialeigh may justly pride herselt on ch.imiug as one of her old citizens, an arti&t whose name would . iiii';iis:i tltc ol the greatest p;ii;ilt.i of tlie aue. Win. Carl Brown, E-(j , lias i ecently Uit suot iior skill givcu specimens of in the portraits ot a muniiei oi our mo-it proiiiiuent and well known passed eitiZeiis tnaf. caunot le sur y auy modern, or'. even, ancient 4 i ust, were liny on eartn to compete with ' our ' talented townsman. The . wiiter ol this uiiicle his seen the great collection of pn.iured in the Louvre in Pans, and oilier reat picture galleries in Europe, ami having a natural taste for the line ails, th'tius he is correct in his jud-iuent There is a great deal of .humbug about liie ancient masters There areAriiu )l t lie present day whd. can produce us fine u )ieiure as Raphej, xirTniun, and inanY otliers of. old, and W. .'Carl Brown la oue of them. Whet these great men were liying, they stalled 10 deatn for want ol patronage!, 'and after ceutur'us have passed ovej thei r mortal remains, their r pictures biive sold tor thousands, of pounds,, while hundreds vt taleuttd artists of the present day go unjauinized. It is no so, however, with our friend Browd; h lives in a community who appreciate aud patronize-hi in well. Mr. Brovvd has it in view to erect a suitable buildi ing for a picture gallery and emporiuuk ol fine ait. which, if he carries his vrews out, will be another crnament to our beautiful little city. , , . ! Anotueu NiiW CLua. Yesterday we received a dUb of isubscribers to our daily from Oxtord. Our friends in thif eectiou are giving us substantial token$ of their go d w ill, - lor which vve nr very gratetul, und we will in the future, as in the paat, labor zeaiouely; wivQ our patroo4 a iiyeuud reliable paper. St. Patrick's Day. Of all the days in the calendar, St. Patrick's Day is dearest to the heart ol the true and genuine Irishman. Yesterday, the 17th inst., was honored in this city not only by the son3 ot the Emerald Isle and those of Irish desceni, but numbers of others "wore the green" as a mark of reverence ior the day and tribute of respect to that heroic but oppressed nation. Though scattered throughout the known world, the Irish never allow the Day to pass unnoticed. It is cele brated and honored amid the snows and ice of the frigid zone as well as 4 amid thtf gdare and heat of the torrid. ' In all climes where the light of civilization shines, the natal day of Ireland's Evan gelist is observed with all the demonstra tions of lively joy consistent with true"" piety. For 14 centuries the name of St. Patrick has been reverenced bynil- lions of christians, and should the world see another 14, the leefjng will be as deep and strong then, as that of to-day. Z - . . For the benefit of our readers who have never read the , history of - Saiat Patrick, we append the toliowing sketch clipped from the columns of an exchange: v 0 f LIFK'AKD CnAitACTER OF ST. PA1CK. , i :The most reliable authorities represent that St. Patrick vas born about the close of the fourth cenftiry iu thlat part of Armbric Gaul near the, present Boulo-gne-sur Mer. His lather's n&irie was : Potitious, a man of TTtiihCanu of a noble family; his motfier?i .namefwas Cpnchessa, either a sister or near relative of St; Martin, of Tours. Some author ities describe Conchessa as uiece of St. Martin. While yet a mere youtht. Patrick was twice reduced to slavery He was barely sixteen When first made a captive and sold to Milcho, under whom he served as a swineherd in the moun tains of, Sleamish, in the county, of An trim, North of Ireland. A spot is pointed out even at the present time as a favorite resort of this saint when engaged in the holy work of prayer. Without entering into any . elaborate display of argument to prove the exact ness of those places to be all that popular tradition ascribes them to be, we may only state that even at the piesene nour tuey pessess cuaracteneucs lavorable to the belief of those whose lives have been spent around them. Durinir our last visit to Sleamisb. rer marks " a writer, in company, r with a young Italian priest, we remember how enthusiastically the y Levite cried out, "I believe, I know, that this is the very spot which St. Patncd trod." St. Patrick regained his liberty, and fleeing to France, repaired to the mo nastery ot his illustrious relative, St. Martin, where he spent four years pre paring himself for the work, which he felt himself inspired by God to fulfil- viz ,, the conversion of the Irish people from Paganism to Christianity. In a vision granted to him by the power of God he read the wbrds, "The voice ot the Irish," and at the same time he heard the voice of the people crying out to him "Come and walk amons us." Atter studying for some nine years under SS. Honoraius and Maximus, he, by the advice of St. Germanus, his di rector, proceeded to Rome, and there so- licited and obtained from Pope Celes- tiue a commission to preach the Gospel iu Ireland. Happy, thrice bles3ed,day when Pat ricjk lauded at Strangterd in 432 and baptized Dicho, the- chief of that dis trict, in the North of Ireland. But happier far when he visited ' Leogaire, the monarch of Ireland, when assembled in the courtly halls ol Tara. By the laws of the country no fire was to be lighted before the Bealsinm (or Baalfire,) but St. Patrick and his companions among whom was Benig nus had determined to celebrate the Feast of Easter, and for that purpose had pitched their tents and lighted their fires. Let us here note the reply ot Druied priests in answer to the in-, quiry ot the King concerning this strange violation- ot the law: 41 This fire, which has now been kindled before our eyes, unless extinguished! this very night, will never be extinguished throughout ah time Moreovjer, it will tower over all fires of our ancient rites, and he who bghts it will ere long scatter your ancient kingdom. " . The King was enraged. Yet, the next day, Pat rick preached in the halls ot Tara, and Leogaire declared, " It is better that 1 should believe than die" The Saint next visited Breffney, now the county of Cavan, where the wor ship ot the Croni-cruach (a large idol) had existed tor centuries. When the Saint saw the idol he atltpointcd the staff of Jesus, and the idol lefl to the earth never to rise again. Atterlravers- ing all Conuaught for the space of seven years, returned again to Ulster, and l the distiict then known by the name of Machai received from Daire a grant ol land at a place called Drurin Sailech (the Hill of Sallams), upon which the ancieut Cathedral of r Armagh V was erected.: --' ';'. ' "-:--; ;.;.:.--.;'. It is needless to assure the reader that the fine old cathedral was lost at the time of Henry ' and Elizabeth's '"refor mation" of Christ's religion in Ireland. But the successor of St. Patrick, the late Primate Crolly, laid the foundation ot the new cathedral, which stands higher and is even grander in point of architec tural beauty than the old cathedral. ' What a strange verification ot the words of the Druid priests at Tara. St. Patrick's apostleship in Ireland lasted nearly sixty years. During that time he built or caused to be built a church for every day in the year. He also consecrated as many bishops, and ordained nearly 8,000 priests about the same number to be found in Ireland at the present day. It were a very easy matter to give many and.beautitul out liuesof the holy liie and career1 of St. Patrick, but , where is . the hand lit to write the faintest sketch of the Fesult ol his labors as manifested in the mission .arv career of-the Irish saiuts in Europe or in tne uispersion or ma eniiaren throughout the world. Np laud eyer produced ;nch a multi tude of saiuts ami scholars as Ireland Not a cbhtury-'passed by, lrom the days ot ft, ratncK uown to me uuruuaction, or, rather, attempted introduction, of heresy into Ireland, without witnessing hosts of Irish saints enrolled in the glo rious history of the Church. Though we had no procession with banners, &c, the day was fitly com memorated by aery handsome : ' ! -r' . STJPPBB ' at the Yarborough House. Of the ma terial part of the banquet but little is needed to be said. Every one at ail acquainted with the reputation of Dr. Blacknall.as a caterer, knows that a3 it came under his supervision, it was all t.iat it should be in every particular. At 0:30 p. m. tbeguest weie invited mtoi the banquet room. Gen. W. R. Cox was called to the chair. Gen. John .C. Gorman and Lee, Esq., of Boston, Were made Vice-PTsideuts, and the vaXous representatives of the city press present were invited to act as Secreta- Alter at, fervent grace bad been pro nounced by .Father McNamara, ao-: at tapk was matie upon theanay of tempt ing. edibles,-nd the onslaught con tinued with a vim until the "inner man" ceased to" relish morg. iT Telegrams were irad' from Judge Settle aod Capt. T. F.-Lee, regretting that necessary business (retained them in Washington City. ' 4 Letters were read from,. Judge Manl y and C, M- Bubee, Esq. giving, reasons why they were not present. The, ab sence of DEj Burje Hay wood, Col. I. J, Young and ofother invited guests were acfcbuit.edoVr The first regular tdast of y theeyemng, the "'Day We Celebrate,",. waA- responded to by Major Sea'ton Gatesof this city, in a manner Which thrilled 1 every Irishman's heart who,f" heard it. The speech was a 'most happy one in every urticular. Speaking of the glorious past or Ireland and alluding to tne long array of her Warrior's Statesmen and Poets is a theme likely to inspire elo-; queoce, the . gentleman alluded to was true to the inspiration. His speech was, as it deserved to be, enthusiastically applauded. The song, "I'm leaving Thee, Erin," by Mr. Thompson, was well rendered. Father McNainara's songs, "Wait for the Wagon" and "Blind O'Leary his Doy," were irrcettd with uu1 roaiious encores. uThe speeches of Dr. Grissom, Mayor Whitaker, Gen. Cox, and Gen. Gorman, in response to senti ments,were neat and appropriate. The health of Judge M. E. Manly, of New bern, was proposed and drank with all the honots. We could not stay to hear the other sentiments and responses thereto, and if we hadiJio allusion here could be made to them on account of the late ness of the hour and the press upon our columns.) In the next issue the deficien cies of his notice will be atoned for. Among the prominent citizens present, besides those already mentioned, we noticed Messrs. W. H. Jones, P. Cowper, A. D. Royster, Dr. II. J. Menninger, Dr, Grissom, J.P.PrarieMayor W.Whitaker. William Simpson, J. Pirsson, arid num bers ol others whose names cannot now be recalled. :The tsweet jwusic rendered by Messrs. Simpson, Pirsson, V. Royster and William Vaughau was one of the features ot the evening and contributed much to the enioyment ot the occasion. If an attempt were made. "to give an adequate description of this lestiye scene, '.lo no space would- be giv en in this paper to anything else. We- regret we ; cannot chronicle the sprightly hon mot, spark ling witticism, &c.,which flew thick and fast. On every hand there was joviality rendered more enjoyable by the hearty good feeling which characterized it. The agreeability which marked the observance of this St. Patrick's Day will cause many to look forward to the coming of the 17th ol March next with anticipations ol enjoying another even ing ot uninterrupted pleasure, when the "least ot reason and flow of soul"' min gle '.so delightfully with the material enjoyment ot the table. V The Escape and RecaptcIie of Mohdecai'on Saturday. W7e referred Sunday morning to the escape from the jail ou Saturday -of Mordecai, one of the negroes under sentence of death lor be ing implicated in the Hicks' "outrage. We staletl lhat the j'ti'or was guilty of gross neglect in heuig so careless with prisoners under such a seutence. We learn that the jail at the time was under the charge of' a colored man uamed Evans, who was in the habit of allow ing the piisoneis to go into the yard, us in this case, when Mordecai seaifd the walls and escaped without being seen Evans is not a sworn r officer, but to his praise, immediately upon discovering the escape ol the prisoner, he gave chase and succeeded in capturing him in the Western part ot the city. The re-cap ture of .the prisoner, however, does not do away with the carelessness allowed in the management of the pnsouexs. The School Tax. The Register o: Deeds in this county, Capt. W. W White, is now sending out tickets for the election iu regard to levying special school tax. The e ection takes place on the 24th of next month. VY e have not seen the man who, could tell what amount of tax it is necessarv to levy for school purposes in this county, and we nave seen no one who has any idea of the, number of wchool disuicis in the county. In fact, we believe, the School Committee have never yet laid oil said districts as they are required to do. Ip a day or two- we will endeavor to post our readers upon tins nitittei. Distinguished Aiuuval. A minia ture representative of St. Patrick put iu an appearance early yesterday morning, at the house of one ot tlie. State officials, lie weighed about lo pounos. He will be called lJatriCK. Protracted Meeeikg. A protract ed meeting commenced lust evening in the Salisbury street ' Bapti.-t Chutch. The Pastor, Rev. Dr. Piitchard, is ss';sr ted by Elder J, D. Hulhani. The meet: ing will continue several days. (3) Century Whisky, the' Cremc'de la (jrem oj ail YMw&i. . Death of the Rev.'Wm. Bakiun ger. By a special dispatch, received from Greensboro last night, we have the sad intelligence of the death of the Rev. .William Barringer, Presiding Elder of the Hillsboro District, his death resulting :h"qm the severe fall be sustained from the second 'story of the new1 College-building, in Greensboro, bn!Tuesday last,' an.account of - which we gave last ; week. The following is the account of the accident, . as gi ven by our Greensboro correspondent last Thursday: . ; ; ."Mr. Barringer was on an inside Bcafiold of the second stery,; inspecting the College; ; building when a, mislaid plank gave way, causing him to fall a distance, of some thirty feeti' He fell ou his right side, breaking his right thigh, spraining his wrist, knocking several teeth from his mouth, bruising his face badly, mangling the flesh terribly on the right side and injuring him in ternally to ah extent that : it caused blood to flow freely from his nose and moutlr" , ' , -. Hopes were entertained that he might possi bly ' suryive his jnj uries, but the sad news of his deatli will .carry grief to the many thousands in the State' who kuevv and loved him for his true worth. He was one of the brightest ornaments in the North Carolina Conference. "-'The deceased was some fifty years of age, and was a brother of our distin guished townsman, Hon. D. M. Barrin ger, who has our hearty sympathy in his present bereavement. - ,"'"." '.- "''- " -.- - ' l ' Bekgeu Famii,y. Last evening a very large audience greeted this deseiv- ing troupe at Tucker Hall, and we were glad to see it, for the performance mer its patronage in every way. " Each member ot the troupe did credit himself or herselt. Miss Nellie Knapp received encores in her songs, and she indeed deserved them. Her voice is wanting in neither culture nor volume. Miss Anna Berger's Cornet Solo received richly merited . applause, and her per formance on this instrument would do no discredit to the celebrated Levy. Mr. Sidney Franks in his original char acter songs was the recipent of frequent and hearty manifestations of the ap proval of the audience. As a Violinist Mr. Earnest Thiele can lay claim to dis tinction aud has u right to be regarded as a yiolin Virtuoso. His performance on this instrument entitles him to rank high among artists. Another noticea ble fe iture of the entertainment was the young ladies'-Silver Cornet Band, and as the music they rendered was excel lent an additional charm was inveu to the novelty. ;; Jn fine, the whole enter tainment, was ineritorious and we hope that the troupe may have full houses during their stay in this city. Changed Occupation. We learn that our old office chum, ex-Steward of the Iusane Asylum,. James II. Moore, Esq , leaves .this morning for his home in Halifax, preparatory to entering upon the duties as Agent of. the popular North Carolina State Life Insurance Company. Mr. Moore will also have an agency in the well known North Caro liua Fy e Insurance Company. We con gratulate our friend upon his entering upon what must be a pleasant and what we doubt not will prove a prohtaole employment, as this life insurance has alreadv obtained a' popularity unprece- dented in the hist..ry of life companies in this State. We congratulate these cornpariies upon securing the services of such undoubced qualifications as Air. M. possesses. VVestekn N. C. R. 11 Co. The Com missioners appointed by the General Asse mbly to act conjointly with the Commissioners appointed by Judge 6V Dick, of the U. S. Circuit Court, to arbitrate and settle the matters pen ling in said Court; wherein Hiram Sib ley and others are plaintiffs against the Western N. C. R ft. Co.. have been re- quoted by his Excellency, Gov. Cald well to meet at the Executive ofhee in thiscitv on the second dav of next mouth. The 'Commissioners appoiuted by the Legislature are Gov. Caldwell, lion, Geo. Davis, Judge Manly, Hon J. IJ. "Wilson and Col. W. L. Steele, aud those on the part ol the Court are Hon B S. Gaither and Col. Marcus Ervvin. Oxfoud Items. Our correspondent sends', us the following under yester day's date : The next meeting ot the Buiidinj aud L iaii Association will take place as usual, on next Friday night. Spirit ed bidding is anticipated. Un bunday tuo uaptist pulpit was supplied by Rev. A. D. Cohen. Tlie audience iu attendance was unusually large, being composed ot tlie various denominations, as there were no services at the Other churches. The dii-cmrse Was interesting and practical, and was listeued to with marked attention. The Cokcoud ,1Sl." Mr. Charles F. Harris advertises ehewhere that he w ill coiiiuience the publication in Con cord, JN. J., on iMtiuroay next, or a weekly paper, to be called the Concord Sun. 10 b' Uonservative in politic;. We wish him much success. - Two steady piinteis can liud regular employment in the bun oihee 111 1 'Time is Money-" So says Messrs. J ulius Lev is & Co., who announce in a doi.ble-coluuiu advertisement this inorninu that tlie Boik's Cotton Hoe tavts lime a nan-j (an no iwice s as 1 1 mui h work, with it. &end 101 the p;iee list oi. the Bolle's hoe. Appointed. John ' 31. Cofriu, E-q.. of Sidiabury, has been appointed ou the Board of Directors of the Peuiten tiary, vice Gen. Allied Uockery, oi Riviiinond county, lesigned. Mr. Coffjq has signitied his acceptance of the posir tion.' WoitK RESUXfEi. Ye are glad to see that ihe, work of gidin-' N a si) Square Park has beeuiupied. A Lnrrtryat:t fence is b ing placed aruuud Moore Sfjums Rented. On Saturday last the build ing at the Southern extremity of Fay etteville street, usually called the "Gov ernors Palace" was rented to General John C. Gorman for $240. Gone After His Secokd Stock-of Sfrikg Goods. Col. Tucker; of the firm of W. II. & Pi. S. Tucker & Co.", left yesterday morning for-the Itorth to obtain bis , second stock of goods this season. ,i, ,.- ' , . ; - " i' e '.; 1 7r " ; Grain akd Feed Store. Mr. W. W. Vooddel, Agent, announces 5 else where that he will continue in the grain and lefcd'bu3iness in tbePrairie builing, Wilmington street. See his noticed To have elegant light Biscuits, Rolls, Buckwheat Cakes, Fruit Dumplings, &c., you should use Dooley's Yeast Powder; Ask your Grocer for it. It is a pure Baking Powder. ; Commissioner of Deeds. J. D. Reinboth has been appointed Commis sioner of Affidavits for North Carolina, resident at Philadelphia. For Sale. A pew in Christ Church; apply at this office. See notice else where. "... (lj Pure Whiskey ! and mellow ! Century NEW ADV1SKTISEMENTS. E A C II B R O S G 11 O C E It S AND '.. .. . COMMISSION M E li CHANTS , Raleigh, N. C, OlTer to the, jobbiDg trade 25 Ban els Fat, Family Mackerel, 25 Cases Fresh Cove oytters, 50 " Plain Pickles, 50 Boxes assorted Candy, 25 Gross Box SnnrT, 50 Barrels Sugar ail grades, ! 50 ' Flour, " ;.- : 20 Sacks Rio Coffee, . 10 Boxes Bulk Sides. We claim that we have unsurpassed faci lities for buying goods, as we Keep an ex perienced buyer constantly in the Northern marKets. On the above goods we CHALLENGE COMPETITION, and only ask an inspection of our stock. mnis-ii rRE WILSON" COTTON PLOW Im the best plow for the cultivation of cot ton that has ever been invented. Farmers who use tu em say that cotton cultivated with this plow will hold betterand produce a much stronger nore than if cultivated with any other plow. S if or an espiauation ol tnis lact call on ' LEACH BROS., Who are the Agents lor Kuleigh, jN. C. mhl8-tf Su P E R - P H O S P H A T E 100 Sacks Watson and Clarke's Super- Phosphate, liw saciis "zdiis" Huper-r"iiospnate. We have control of these celebrated Phos phates lor this market. Wecaucheeriully recommend them ior cotton or anything else. , WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH fc THOMAS, nims-u JPLOUR 1 FLOUR 1 1 FLOUR 1 1! 100 Barrels Bur's Extra Flour, 50 ' Klk Kiver " 2no Sacks Viminia Extra and SuDer- flne Flour. ? 2J Barrels people's favorite Family Flour, (good as Patiipseo.) wLtlOhbliC RCH fc THOMAS. mhl8-tf L A -R D LARD LARD 100 Kegs best Leaf LarJ, W Half kegs " " 10 Tierces " Arriving to-dav. WILLIAAlSOiV, UPCIIUltCII k THOMAS. mil is-tr 0 O M E A N D SEE The Universal" Plow, It does a greater variety of work than any other plow in use. LEAUU liltOS , mhlS-tf Ageuts lor llaleigh, N. C, s U G A R UO U S E S Y R U P 100 Bairels Sugar II ue Syrup, Axriving this day iu m j order. WJLL1AMSU.NY DPCii dClt A t ilO,vl A. mli 18-ti ; rpu ALL WHOM fl' MAY CONCERN- OFF1CK K EO. OF UK KDS, V -KK tXlUSTY, llalign, 'JS, C. lotn -March, 1873. Any and evt-i y peronpaying a tux on their rec iits ami Ue.-, us provided in thr- Kkvescb Law, raUUed JrU any o' Jlareu, 1&73. sucli as Aiorolj. tins, Auoiloiieers. com mission Merchants, ite &. 'and every per son who has lirst to obtain a lJICKSl. be fore exercising any truie or cuhng, all of whom are comprised uuUi-r t-cheduie B, of said Act, and nave Heretofore leturned such their lists to 1 lie Suerili ol tlie coant y, -AUU NOW KKQUIHfci), under, secliwus and 26,-of said tteveuue liaws. 011 the .stuays of January, April, juiy aim ueiouer, to list, on oath, to the KKG1STKH OF DEEDS, tlie total amount 01 tueir purchases, receipts and sales as the cae may be, for the pre ceding quarter. This, Theiefore is to Give Notice to any and every one interested, lhat the undersighed win on tne itsr dak oh Al'KIL next, ai tend at the Ol1 FIuK OK TllK UOAltU Of AJVJUrMTX CJilJlliSSlUJ.N- K1W. for the purpose ol receiving such lists; and those whoe duty it is to attend, and who fail so to no, will De noted aud cimrtred double lax as required ly law. - w. v. win in;, Era copy tf llegister of Deeds. mar lo-ll w hk ouni y. II. P L U M M E K & CO., 121 Sj camore Street, Petersburg, Va. Dealers -in IRON, STEEL A 1 AGIIICI'LTIRAL 131 PLEjIEMS. , Orders will receiv prompt and carelul attention, and ai e respectiully soiivilcd. Uener.il Agi iils 1 r tne Fariuei's Friend Plow The al em ion ol 1 a: wers is espe cially invited to this superior I'LOW'.which ins met with universal commendation. UU 14 - iJ'. f VA7 00U' V V i ings, 6 FAMILY LOE HER! New No. 1 shore .Mackerel. McWiN.ilLiM-rWi. ,, tsmoked Droiling 11 ef, . timoketi Deet Towgues MUllet, aiU Shad, Kou. llechier's .inqked aiid IJologiia .Sausage. Iu store by f ij tl W- HTIIONAC11. N AY AS S A G U AN O Kxeellc-uzJiColtau Fei'Ulitter, , t li uua.no, tjolqUlo Sea lslat;.i Uunq, , i:mpireUU4Uu, ... .. So'rtuy W. C STfiONAQa, TELEGRAPHIC JTEirS. . (.Special to the Dally News. Death of Kev. Win. BarrinsrerHis Death Resulting from the Xate Fait he. sustained. . ; Greensboro, March ,17, 7 10f. m. The i Rerl Wilham Barringer, ct; the Methodist Episcopal Church, has just departed this life. . His death . resulted from the- fall Jie sustained " from .the second story of the new College ' Tmild ing, in th'ia place, oh .Tuesday morning last. - . ; , . i ' SUNDAY NIGHT'S TELEGRAM?. General Intelligence. Cin6innati, Ohio, March 16. The standing committee of the Protestant Episcopal, Churchin this city have in formally resolved on behalf of Churches, of the city to offer to conduct the fune ral of the late BishtJpMcIlJiaine, and to bring the body home from Italy for interment- The family of the deceased; have not yet returned an answer. , ' ; The Academy of Medicine passed a. resolution to-uight forbidding its mem bers, not regular life insurance physi-- cians, from. issuing certificates of health to their patieats, except by the patient'a consent and payment of five dollars 18 UJ the insurance company benefitted. A gale, blowing at the rate of ,36 miles per hour, commenced here at 7 p. m.. to-day. A number of telegraph wires west Of this city were prostrated, Bath, Me., March 15. The agent of the ship Jennie Eastman, of fbia port, has received a cable dispatch announc-: ing. her total wreck. The ship was valued at fifty thousand dollars, and -partly insured. I WasHington, March 16. Col. James, of the Custom House, succeeds General Jones as Postmaster at New York. NOON DISPATCHES. Washington Affairs. . Washington, March 17.' A cabinet meeting was called by the President this morning for the -purpose of consid ering nominations to the Senate, the 'resident being desirous of completing thilTimsiness in order that' the Senate may adjournte die at its convenience. All the members-wefe present With the exception oi the Posunaster , General, who was represented bylilr,Marshall, the First Assistant. : r j; It is probable that the President will to day nominate the members of; his cabi net which will be composed of ail who now are in position, with the exception of Boutwell, who will resign this after noon. The friends of Assistant Secre tary flichardson express their confidence that he will be Boutwell's 3uccessor,but in the course of several hours thi3 ques tion will be placed beyond all doubt.' St. Patricks day is being celebrated by a large procession of the Benevolent Societies'attached to the Roman Cath olic churches. A banquet is to be given in the evening. The day1 is calm and bright.- Mnny houses, are decorated with flags and evergreens, including the residence of Gen. Sherman, where the green; flag is conspicuous among the profuse display of. American bunting. Domestic intelligence. , The fire on Bowery, in New York, occasioned a loss of ; $00,000, divided among small dealers, who lose lrom $3,000 to $10,000 Insurance tweuty five thousand dollars. - f-A, - . ' The soldiers captured 35 horses from a partv of Modoca and would have killed the Indians .but for the peace ne gotiations. Captain Jack wants to ta'k but is advised that Canby can't control his soldiers. The horse disease checks military op erations in Arizona. Three men gambling at; Syracuse, N. Y., on Saturday night quarrelled. SniulteZ was fatally stabbed by two orotners namea ivnaron. A .fire at Elyrio, Ohio, burned ten elegant stores; Loss two hundred and thirty eight thousand dollars. The house of John Simmons, farmer, near Chicago was burnedL His father aged, eighty years, aud a child two years old perished. A thousand dollars secreted ia the wall. was burned. The Agricultural works at Qumcy, Illinois, have been burned, '.A Heavy mail robberies are reported between St. Louis and New York. Foreisin News. ' - London. March 17. Gladstone again interviewed the Q levii. It is probable that Gladstone will remain Premier with an unchanged iv. bluet. The Spanish Government has advices ot the rout of ihe three thousand Car lists concentrated al Yeia. It is thought that General Howard's treaty with Cocmes will result in a Mexican claim of five or six millions special damages. . j New York Items. ' Nkw York, Marck 17. Postmaster Jones says his resignation originated from desire to be free from responsi bility for defalcations of subordinates. btJine h:t".en steamers are now over due here from two to fifteen days. No anxictv is ielt about any except the iS iayai a lrom Bermuda. There were fully 25,000 persons in the St. Patrick's procession. MIDNIGHT DISPATCIIKS. Foreign News. . ' London, March 17. Gladstone has rt;urnef Vo Londim. ; , The Echo sajs. Mi. Gladstone has not withdrawn his resignation. The, Echo believes that the formation oi the Min is.; ry is still in the banda of the Conser- Vili , i 'I--'. .-' :;s-,;. : ... . ?fADiiiD. March 17. The Govern-in- ut 1im i -ived oft'ici.'tl information of defeat m-ur Pampaluna ol united Cai'lists Lands, led by Alia Perula. and D 'vregary, by a force of Spanish troops under General Castrano. The insurrec tionists were completely dispersed. "Wentber Probabilities.' - ' 1 VAsnixcTOS, "March 17i Winds and rising temperature lor the Soutb AUaatic and pastern Qulf &UU9 Washintoin Items; !" Washington, March 17.The'credi itors )rBowlea,"iTirtherthe P ris bankerp, have' appeared tot-fore the reg ister in Bankruptcy. rAttendanc6 fftm Bosf oh, New York,! St Louis 4nd other citifcs, represfentinff ooe elghtUomillion dollars., , Ielen J.. ..Mausfields., claim over eleven . thousand dollars. " Henry Stevens, Boston; clectea assfgtie r Ji Inspector1 Perry 'ffeportsthJ destruc tion of two illicit distilleries ; with, 80 hogsheads of mash, inr Gaston county, Nominations Wm.' A.J"Rrchardsb,n. Secret a;y of, t'Jfeasurv.-, All othr Cabintt "lacuuibehfs ' VmWitr. John Gofcrth, Assistaiit Attorney -General of theiUnitedSutcs; E.iW. Barber, Assist ant Collector Customs, Georgetown Q. C Juho F.. Collins, Collector o Cus tours.'Biunswick, Ga.' ; 4 - Postmasters Thomas' I Jamer, pbst mastcr,4,New York; Chas. M, Mderi Columbia Court House, , 8. p,;1 B. A. Baseman,. Chafle'stou S: C; Petefasef, VicksVurg; J. Dilvack Memphis E: R. Bliss,:Columbus, Mississippi. j-. -; t i General; Young, of Georgia, jiaa been quite sick, but is :now, convalescent.' The following decision was maAe in the Supreme Court htb-'daT ? No.'-118, U uapy trusiejj VcavPPei li' ':. ' 1-L. -i.. .1''1..:.V' -- suit was' lriohght;t6a?oio Safe'df -Kktul in Missouri,- macfe by DaHy'tci LurfaSi on the ground thiis it. was: contfnvefitkon of the bankrupt act in having. been? made within six, months pi thebahkruptcy of Daily, and Lucas having a reasonable cause to suspect that he'-was' insolvent?. The Court below found, that the, Bale was an honest dispositi -n of the, laud, aud this Com t takes the. same yiew, finding that the sale' was" not' ijasdti on the idea that he was insolvent by Daily but upon a convictipn that.hvs.property turned . nto j, mouey t .wpuyt . ,p&y all bis.debtf. The Court ' incident ly say that Jit' is 'i clear f that ill sales were not fOrbiddtni ty' the act, only such as have Uaudulept object, and it is said that it would ", bo 'absurd to suppose that Congress intended to set the seal of condemnation ' bri " fcvery transaction . ot the;, bakrupt". within six moiuhs twlore bankruptcy without regard lo its character A, policy" lead ing'to such a ' result Is prbuounc'ed' aV excellent con triyau co lor ' pa ralyizinir business, and. cannot bejimpufed.-to Congress without an express declara tion ti that effeGt.' The decree was "af firmed. " Mr. Justice Davis delivered tbopiniou. .' . ' 1 ,-fl . y ! . Confirmations. :; Sharpe,, Suryorct Customs, NewYoi;k ; Harriman, Naval Officer, Boston ; Terrell, Pension AgcnT, Indianapolis '; Foster, Minister to Mexi co ; ' Carr, .Supervising Inspector: r of Steamboats. Gtb, Distr icr ; . Dukeo,. At torney, Southern District of. Alabama,; Smith, 'Commissioner,- Indianapiilis ; Barber, third Assistant Postmaster' Gen eral ; Wilson, Postmaster, Montgomery . Wood, Natchcs. ,, . i ; .,. Boutwell has taken his seat in the Senate. ' ' ' " ' t'OittJUEKt'lAli KEPOKTi i; New York Markets.1 New York. March 17. Cotton Irregular; sales 2,831 bales ; uplands 19 ; Orleanw 19. Flour quiet;- common to fair extra 66.16a $S 30, good to choic $8 40u8l3.00. ' Whiskey firmer at 91. Wheat very quiet, holders ask lull prices for prime stocks. Corn' " a snade easier, , DoHlnesa chiefly -iorxport. voneeiuny laic. lower on prime VaK. njwer on on me slock : r.io toyuopi. uiee sieauy as. 01 k nrm, new10i. Liiird,weak8a8. Turpentine lower, bx'z. Rosf n lower S3.4oal3.45. fallow quiet. . Freights quiet. . ( Cotton Ntt ' receipts SfkJ bitles', ross Hales for exports to-day, GIG.. u-m Sales tor' future oelivery to-day, ,05 bales,' us follows s ' March. 1718; April 17alb; May lUa; June iSaill; July Julv JJ4at)95. ' ' Money closed at 5aC ; sterling SJ-gaSJ. Gold l5albl4. Govern mentfl stronger. State bonds duJl and steudy.f Tennessee's very firm. ' 1 UrlJ.MlNGio.s. March 17. Snirltji t.nr- inline dull at 5. Kosin lower at $2.70 lor strained. Crnde lurpentine - deellnlnff: $2.15 for hard; $4.5Hor j ellcw dip and virgin. , . ' . . I : .--I Foreign W arketa. :.. ; (iiiNDns. Ma.ch 17. UiuwU closed at 9254 a92:i. Fives nominal. ' Fhankfokt, March 17. Bonds 95. ! ''' Pa ris, March 17.--ltentes 66 and, 47. , . ; LiVKKFOOL. .March 17. Cotton . ocened dull; downwiinl tendency ; uplands a l.atei-. Cotio:i closed neavy. Sals I2.WW bales; specuimiou xnd exuort 1JUU0. Breadstufl's quiet. LiiidSS. ven ins- cotum closed lrreniar i un- landsyK:;Orleausy. , . , ; . Cotton Markets. ' ' NokfolK, March 17. Cotton quiet;-) ,.5 Moiiilk, March 17. Cotton unsettled, nominal; low middlings l7J4al7J4; middl- imis Itial.Si. ,i. ?.p, iio.sTON. March 17. Cotton dull. clcDr;ss. .d; middlings 19. . Savaxnau, March 17. Cotton dull. Ir regular; middlings 1$. JIkmphis, Msrch 17. Cotton dull; nomi nal ; low middlings lSalsJ. t . ? W 1 1 m i ' gtojj, N. C, ' Mart-li 17'. Cot 1 ou .uil; middlings lb': ' ''' ' vrt-i Baltimukk, March 17. Cotton dullj low er ; middliiiKS "191. - O U T HER N U OT E L HAH F A A, : N . W. HUN T E B II A It It 1 8 8 . i 'i '.. . i - N - j , .-,; t Le$ee and .Prey f itter t Is now Open for the Accommodation. of Guests. 3 Conveyance to any part of the'Wwrnfy can always be obtained the "Stwtlvli n Hotel" Stables. " - iua 15-in lltESH CANNED GOODS. PEACH JL vt. Tomatoes. Oysters. Lofestfers aiti JSaltnon.Ht MOSKLlfiY'li.; 4 . s ..- N E : W O O 1 - ' 73 Barrels Irish Potatoes ' ; 2r . - - and tegs lrd. , ; . 50 Pud kits Mackerel. 1"J P.oxes kinoketl Herrinr ,l . l" y, Ubls. Wood's Family Roe Herring; L"iis. t'odtl-lt, - V "liWi.is, .! . .--., l'j u.fxeh E-.a.i.'Cream Cheese, ' '" ,-'r y Dbis. UTe A Liplvii. : .-; vl 2A Cues frresii Toioutocs, , " t liW Lbs. smoked Boiling beef, V 't J'.bls. Cuba and S. C; Molmses. . mh7 If ' W. C STKONACH. npUE WEED SEWING 'MACHINE Wliy i the Weed Sewing Machine bound to please all ladiesT ' ..vn.. Because it is the best Ufcer In t worlds ja tt-U

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