DAILY NEWS. SLONK fc UZZELL, - - PCOPRIETORS. , Fatetteville Stkeet, over W. C. Stronach fc Co.'s Store. CASH INVAIUAULY IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to mbsc-riber at fikteeit cents per week, p;iy;itIe to the carrier weekly. Mailed at f7 perunuuiu; frt.Vi tor ix months; $2forthreo The WKKKLY NEWS at S2 per annum. - - - - F DAILY NEWS. RATES OP ADVERTISING One Bqu&rs, one insertloa .. 1 1 m One square, two Insertions.: l -5 One square, three Insertions .7" 2 nn One square, one months 1 y One qnare, three months 1 One square, six months. One square, tv el v Tnnnih ... 8 50 -.8 00 . 1 00 .... 30 00 . For larer advertisements. Uner&l mn 6000 VOL. II. RALEIGH, N. C. EDNESDAY MORNING. MARCH 19. L873; NO. 17. MORNING EDITION. WEDNESDAY MARCH 19, 1873. LOCAL MATTER. K. C. WOODSON, City Editor 23?" All parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. i-g" Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged (20) Twenty Cents per line. -J. O. If. Nottall, of the Charlotte Advertising Agency, is agentfor this paper in Charlotte, 2s". C. He is duly authorized to contract for advertisement and receipt for subscriptions Messrs. Grlfiln and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents. No. 4 sooth street, Baltimore Aid., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City "are requested to leave their favors with this house. jThk Agricultural Journal and tiik News. The State agricultural Journal, an eight-page Weekly published in tMs city, will be clubbed with the Daily News at M.50 per annum, and with the W ekkly N ews at S3 50 per annum. Orders directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. IdEf Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. Locai, Briefs. Night schools are talked of here. Tlie ladies are just taking the Spring shopping mania. .JF veral, wild geese were seen passing over this city on yesterday. . . The nppetite of this city last week required 18 beeves, 12 hogs and 4 calves. We may reasonably expect that ice will be much che-.i per here next Bum mer than last. The Grand Lodge of the I. 0. 6. F. of this State meet in this city on Wed nesday. May 21st. Guv. Caldwell is on a vh-it to his home at Morgantou, where he will re main until April 1st. t The copartnership heretofore existing between Geo. C. Upchurch and J. C. L. Harris has been dissolved. See notice. For information as to good baking powders and articles in tlie grocery line see the advertisement of W. C. Stronach. Theo. N. R unsay left last evening for the western portion of the State on bu siness connected with the order of Good Templars. J. G. Hester was to have left this city this moruiug for Santiago, at which phce he has been appointed United States Consul, A colored man, name unknown, liv ing in Swift Creek jtowuship, this coun ty, was severely injured on yesterday by a tree 'ailing on him. W. F. IIugins yesterday took pos session ot the ohice of Steward ot the Insane AsvUiin,to which he was recently elected '"av the Caldwell Board of Direc tors." Col. W. II. II. Cowles, Reading Clerk of the Senate, passed through this city 3IouUv evening en route for his home in Y ulkui county, from a visit to Wil There will he a meeting of Rescue Fire Company to night, to nominate a candidate lor "Cliiel Engineer" of the Fire Department, for the ensuing " year. A. lull attendance is desired. lestcrdiy J. C. L. Harris hied Ins bond m I'rc.isurer of the Board of "Di rectnis ol ihe Insane Asylum, afid en tered upon the dischtiie of the duties ol the office. The bond is tor 25,000 We understand that Gov. llolden, the inclining postmaster of io:-' city, will establish a system of p.ftu! boxes th.ouliout the city. This will be a ina convenience not onlv to the busi ness, but citizens generally. The trou ble ot walking to the postoffice to mail matter will thus be avoided. " Pkof." De VVitteu in Hot Water The Baltimore Sun of a recent date gives the loilowing information concern nig the "Prof." De Witter,. who figured in this city during the last winter, but who has been arrested in Baltimore, chtnged with passing a counterfeit note: De Witter, who has fiuk-edhere lately 'as the " colored repor'der" of a New York paper, when told bj the oin cer tuat I he 'note was Counterfeit, de nied it, and ictusied togive up the book Tue officer then tookDe Witter before United States Commissioner Rogers. lie h iranuued before the Commissioner aidjist the indignity ottered him, de nied that x tiie note was counterieit claimed l he book as his propvty, stated that he was from Nova bcotia ana British tul.ject, &c,'and is said to have been quite obstreperous in his manner. .The Commissioner returned the book to the boy, and informed Dc Witter that he would ,tuke bail for his appearunce lor a lurther healing on Saturday, the 22d in--t. ; He was taken in charge by Deputy Marshal Pegley, and on 'bis way to i lie MaistiaTs office collected a crowd around him by his .'oud complaints in the streetr The Deputy Marshal at tempted to hurry him forward to avoid Hie crowd, when De Witter pushed him aside, and his custodian slipped a pair of nous on his wrists, and De Witter buriemlercd. He continued, however, t deiM.uuce the treatment he received, and asserted his rights as a British 6ub j. ct until he reached the jail." A Runaway icciDBT. Yesterday about uoou a horse attached to the dray ot Nat. Browu. Esq.. took fright while crossing t he railroad bridge on Hills- boro street, and becoming unmanage able, iau away and soon succeeded in throwing the driver,; one Boston, col-ori-d, to ihe . pavement, cutting and bruising him ieinbly." Dr. ltyster wai "called -to the assistance of the unfortu nate driver, bat declared his' If.iuries oot gf a serious character. A Drunkard Reformed an TuaxED Pkeacher. In the year 1867, there lived,vnear KittreU's Springs, a I man by the name of Arp, whose gener ous impulses caused him to get drunk whenever an opportunity presented it self. And when the opportunity was slow in coming, he always managed to make it happen,- regardless of expense or consequences. His habits of dissi pation had gone to such an extent that he had nearly sent to the poor house his amiable and industrious wife, and her seven little helpleis children On a hot summer morning in Auaust, Arp left his home and work just to step over to the depot to arrange some busi ness, and to hear the neighborhood news. (The reader will recollect that '67. was tue noted mad-dog year.) Thefear.of hydrophobia had gone to siuih an cx tent that all neighborhoodtravejphad nearly closed, and only th?inosk ttrgent business could induce -one to -leave home, and nothing could H tempt one to stay out after ' dark. The . mere howl of a dosr would spread (terror and consternation ove"r a ' whole neighbor hood. Yes, Ai"p went to the depot ac companied by his constant companion,. a. small nc-eyed-bench-leg irorf grey nee, whose only recommendation rwas his faithfulness to his master. Well he might be,as Arp had in all his life never struck him a blow, or even given Lim an unkind word, and had been heard to' say often, that lie had a wife and seven children, but hevwould be d -d if "Tijre" want worth more " than all of them put together. Before Arp left the store, late in the atternoon, he went in the back room with, the mis chievous clerk to talse v'just one more smile," and then for home' This was just one drop too much, and whether accidentally or designedly the door was locked with Tige inside, and he was only let loose -vwith a flea in his ear alter Arp had been cone long enough to have reached home. Tijre went the first quarter like a rocket. Then he commenced meandering first to the right theu to the left, then forwards, then backwards. Sometimes running. theriNialking and oftener rolling. All sides of the path were his. He overtook Arp sitting on the fence but a few hun dred yards lrom the , house, hesitating whether he could walk 'down one hill and up the other to reach the house. He did not loug debate the matter, for. the howl of Tige caused him to vacate his seat . and - make for home at a speed that would have done credit to a quarter horse. They both made for the house first one ahead and then the other. Tige's pain and his master's fears upset the little house hold in the twinkling of an eye. Tige ran under the house and his master ran in. The door was shu The mixture of fright, whiskey and fatigue brought Arp to the floor as helpless as a new born babe. Alter a halt an hour s rest he became able to articulate, and then only said, "Gun--gun mad-dog." The old flint and steel was hoisted from the rack, over the door, and when Tige made his second trip around the house,U3t as he passed the back window, he found himself a cold, cold corpse in the cotton patch, thirty leet in the rear of the house. There he laid with no one to shed a tear or even heave a sigh ot regret over his death. He had fallen a victim to the hydrophobia pan ic. In about two hours Arp ventured out and after firing -one more volley at his once loved and faithful Iriend, to make sure that life was extinct, he ven tured up to lament, and to see how a genuine mad dog looked. When he got Within a few feet he burst out crying as if his heart would break, and went back into the house. He had discovered the whole secret. This was to him a dread ful shock, and we hear he never again went to the depot, but left the State, and is now a regular Baptist preacher in East Tennessee. Rockingham supekioh Court. --our Local, Avho is in attendance upohTtock ingham court, send3 us thefollowing uuder date of Monday evening : The Spring termof Rockingham Superior court comjnenced its sessions Monday eveningat 3 o'clock. Hon. Judge A. W. Tourgee presiding: The Stated docket, numbering 104 Cases, wasT taken, up and many cases disposed of, by dismissals, continuances andSubmissions. The Jufge did not arrive before 8 o'clock, and the jury was not called.- There are seventy-seven cases on the civil issue docket and twelve on the summons docket. We n ticed in attendance upon the court the following members of 'the bar : Samuel F. Watkins, Col. Andy Boyd, Win. N. Mtbane, Col. David Settle, Gov. D. S. Reid, of aockingham ; Gen. A M. Scales, Col. J. J. Scales, Col. Jno. N. Staples, W. S. Ball, J. T. More head, John Dillard, S. Murray Smith, of Greensboro; Robert Watt, Hon. John Kerr, Samuel Hill, Benton Withers, of Caswell. Hon. Josiah Turner addressed a small audience in the Court House on the sub ject of bees, clover, deep plowing, State printing and the rings, out more oi tnis speech hereafter. It is believed the court will finish its session by Friday. , The horse swaps is also a feature ot this court ano will come off to-morrow, (Tuesday). The Moving of the Baptist Col lege Building Mr. O. R. Smith, the gentleman engaged in moving the large Baotist College baildiug on Blount street, is getting on well with his work. The building has been removed some 250 fe&t, without the least damage to it, and Mr. Smith in now engaged in tnrninc. it half round and lacing it west, for the purpose of run ning it back- into the posttiou in which it is to be placed.xxWith the uew buildings that have already been erected uoon the new site, the establish ment, when completed, will be one of the best arranged college buildings in ihe State, and will "prove an ornament t. tin- citv. The moving of this build- Jik' and leaving it intact, ba3 been an exceedingly heavy undertaken ig- Here and There. I was raised in opulence, but I moved an ay -from there long since. The doctor's work fill six feet of ground, but a dentists fill an acher. A man named Firey is making red hot temperance lectures in the town of Em poria, Kansas. Men talk about the idle wind; but the wind is always busy, and like a cheerful farmer whistles at his work. Why are Grecians the quickest ship builders ? Because whenever Greek met Greek, then came the 'tug of war." The motto ot the Good Templar girls of Salem, N. - J., is " The lips that touch wine shall never touch mine." "We find that he came to his death from calling Bill Jackson a liar," was the verdict ot a coroners jury m Mis souri. John King, the first Englishman' who signed the total . abstinence Died. (?e. is now an old man, and without a dollar. Terrible lesson ! t; A , cfergyman at Pat i3, Kentucky, Stopped his prayer to lead an unruly -rrran'out by the ear, and went on : "As 1 was saying, Oh, Lord 1" lark Twain in speaking of cannibal ism, grows serious1 lor once, and solemu- Jy-declares that l'orhis own part he "would go hungry'for two days rather than eat an old personal Iriend." Warnioth was asked if Durell cot .drunk n the bench, to - which he re plied : "Toy .1 think not. My impres sion ia mind, this is only an impres sion rrjy.i'mpression is he gets drunk at home before he goes on the bench." A worth v old ladv oftprs frlif folloTO. njr advice to girls : "Whenever a lel- low pops the question, dou't blush and stare at your foot. Just throw your arms around his neck, look him full in the lace and commence talking about the furniture." In a J5an Francisco ' court the other day,' a" little dialogue ran thus: Couusel to witness: "You say you were at his house every night?" "Yes, sir." "Were you his partner?" "No, sir." "Any relaiive ot his?'' "No." "What were you doing at his house every night?" "I was sparking his wife's sister." . I think it -is hardly an argument against a man's general strength of char acter that he should be apt to be mastered by love. A tine constitution doesn't insure one against smallpox or any other of those inevitable diseases. A man may be very firm in other matters, nd yet be under a sort ot witchery lrom a woman. Adam Bede. Fire at Kader Biggs & Co.'s Waueiiouse, NorfolkYa. Asa good many ot our North Carolina merchants do business in Norfolk, Va., and with the firm of Kader Biggs & Co., in that place, we take lrom th'e Journal an ac count of the fire at the Warehouse of that firm on Sunday night last, which is alluded to elsewhere in this paper: " The fire at the warehouse of Kader Biggs & Co. was occasioned, as we have already stated, by sparks blown from the building on Water trtet. These lodged upon the gutter, setting tire to to the cornice of the house, whence the flames spread rapidly to the iuterior arid were communicated to the cottontored oh the fourth' floor. A smallwooden cupola in the centre of the building was fired in tlie same manner the flames spreading to the rafters of the house and thence to the bales of cotton. The situation demanded rapid action, and appreciating this fact, several firemen dashed up the stairs to the fourth stoiy, where tliesuioke was so blinding they were compelled to lie flat on the floor andto place iianakerch'eis over tueir mouths to prevent suffocation. Grop- Hheir way througtv the smoke and flames three gallant fellows reached the west side of the house, where with axe? they cut a hole through the roof, and then threw out into the street the burn ing bale9 of cot. on. Through the hole in the root a steady stream of water was poured, deluging the house and com pletely putting out the fire. It the paid fire department needed vindication, it received it Sunday night. The gallar try of the men and the faithfulness with which they worked in subduing the flames was the theme of praise upon euerv tongue. The value of their sei- vices will be appreciated when we state that the property stored in the ware house is valued at;over $100,000. It contained 1,100 bides of cotton, 1,000 bags of peanuts, 100 tons of guano, a large quacty of cotton bagging and other articles. 1 he cotton is on con signment to Biggs & Co. Between 35 and 40 bales were consumed and 75 or 80 damaged some badly. The damage to the building by fire is not great, but the entire stock is more or less injured by water. Temperance. Edward Carswell,the Canadian temperance humorist, will address the ciiizens of North Carolina at the following t laces. at the time mentioued : Charlotte, Thursday and Friday, March 20th and 21st. Salisbury, Saturday and Monday, March 22d and 24th. Fayetteville, Wednesday, March 26th. Raleigh ; Thursday, March 27th. Kinstou, Friday, March 28th. Wilson, Saturday, March 29tlu Mr. Carswell :s lecturing in the. inter est of the Good Templars. We enjoy a good joke, even at the expense of our esteemed personal friends ot the Wilmington ktar. The last Petersburg Appeal has the following : . ."The Emperor of Germany has con ferred the order of the Red Eagle upon Herr Joachim, the famous violinist. Wilmington Star. ; That is true. In our last conversation with the Empeior we put in a good word for Herr. He told us then, that if he decided to conlcr the order upon Herr, he would announce it through the Wilmington &tar. (3) Century Whisky, the Creme de la Qreme of all Whi&lie. Bible Meeting at Chapel Hill. The Rev. P. A. Strobel, District Su perindent of the Bible Society, for North Carolina, addressed the citizens of Chapel Hill, in the Baptist church, on Sunday evening. The Rev. W. T. Far row, Pastor of the church, conducted the religious exercises. ' ..- The N. C. University Bible Society held its anniversary on this occasion, and elected the following officers : Rev. ,W. T. Farrow, President. ; Vice Presidents Bingham Town ship, Alvis Dunham ; Chapel Hill Township, J. B. Mason. Corresponding Secretary Theo. M. Kirkland. Treasurer S. M. Birbee. Depositary J. W. Carr. Executive Committee E. II. Wilson, Jone3 Watson and W. J. Hogan. The Committee gave the State Su perintendent an order for $200 worth of books to replenish the Depository. The Townships of Bingham and Chap el. Hill wiil hereafter constitute the territory of this Society,, and steps will be promptly taken to -supply rt he desti tution. The Superintendent received a donation ot $21,20 for the Parent So C'ety. The Supeiintendent also address ed the Freedmen on Sunday after noon. They organized a Branch Bible Society to be under the supervision of the University Society. Social Chit-Chat. Black cashmere sleeveless vests will be worn with spring suits. Etruscan cloth is a new dress material woven from linen thread. Embroidered camel's hair polonaise will be very fashionable this spring. The fashionable evening gloves are of soft ieau de uedey with six or eight buttons. For midsummer, linen suits and white sleeveless vests of dark Napoleon blue linen will be worn. Alternoon musicals are favorite Len ten entertainments. They are peniten tial in the extreme. Black silk stockings, with low shoes, are the latest, chaussure lor young New York in full dress. "Stove pipes" are going out of fash ion for ladies' riding hats, and the cavalier beaver, with a long ostrich plume, is now the correct thing. The news seems to be almost too good to be true, but it is officially announced that false hair is hereafter to be entirely tabooed from the heads ot fashionable ladies. But what will they look like? At a recent fashionable wedding all the guest signed a document whereby they declared that they had witnessed the ceremony performed, etc. White neckties for full dress are now worn very wide; our fathers wore just such neckties, and we shall soon be back to the "stock" of ourgrandfathers. Many of the "demusaison" costumes are made entirely Without trimming, their onlv ornament being a handsome y o set of buttonsOr tortoise shell or oxyd- ized silver.; The fash ion editor of an English paperin a report of a ball, describes thebelle of the evening as 'pale, pulpy and peaceful " At a recent church wedding, the bridesmaids wore massive gold lockets, containing portraits of the: bride" and groom, with enameled monograms out side, beautilully blended in coPfrs. Ladies' head dresses have become such structures now that Ihe hairdress ers have to petition to the city govern ment lor "permission to build" belore they can get ahead. Boston Commercial Bulletin. Nothing sets off personal beauty like animated talk. Says Madame de la Fa yette to Madame de Levigni : "In un constrained conversation your varying expression so brightens and adorns your beauty that there is nothing on earth so brilliant as yourself. Every word you utter adds to the brightness of your eyes, and though it is said that language im presses only the tar, it i- quite certain that yours enchants the vision." Items of Interest from Halifax, A Iriend in the town of Halifax, un der date of yesterday, sends us the fo'.- lowing items of interest from that community: "' Rev. Mr. Carson, of the M. E. Church South, commonly known as "Uncle Bob Carson," died -nt--this place Sunday night. The fine residence of Mr. Thomas W. Harris, in the upper end of Halifax County, near Littieton, was burnt down Sunday morning. The root was caught by a spark lrom the chimney. The family were absent at church at the time. The, wind was high, and the fire was so rapid lhat scarcely anything whatever ot the furniture was saved. Loss estimated at $10,000 to $12,000. No insurance. The town of Halifax s;ems seized with a general spirit of improvement Berger Family. A large audience again rewarded the admirable perform-. acce of the Berger troupe last evening. They fully sustained the good opinions won on Monday. We cannot, of course, enter upon a full description of the entertainment, but whatever ot compli ment is contained in this general allu sion, nothing is exngerated. We have no hesitation in pronouncing it one of the most chaste and enjoyable entertain ments which has been offered lor patronage in this community. Wherever this troupe may go they carry them our recommendation. with Released on Bail. Jas. Allen and Colonel Smith, both colored, who w-.re placed in jail on the 11th of February last, on the charge of stealing cotton from Willie D.Jones, were released on bail yesterday. Masonic There will be a meeting ot Hiram Lodge No. 40, A. Y. M. at their Hall, this (Wednesday) evening Maich 19th at 7 o'clock, lor work in the third (Masters) Degree. Transient Brothers fraternally invited. Another Penitentiary Recruit. Sheriff Cline, of Catawba county, ye terday morning lodged in the State Penitentiary one Sandy Cline, colored, sentenced at the term of the Superior court for a term ol five years for rob bing a store. The prisoner elaims to hail from South Carolina. Now that the Spring terms of the Superior courts are being held, we may expect large ad ditions to. this "institution of learning." Change of Title. The title of Agant heretofore applied to that : class ot men employed by the American Bible Society, to superintend the opera tions ot the Auxiliary Societies, has, by order of the Board of Managers, been changed to that of District Superin tendent, as indicating more properly the nature of the work committed to their care. Transfer ot Real Estate. Yes terday E. O. Macey, Esq., Administra tor, sold, at auction in front of the Court house, a house and lot belonging to the estate ot Mrs Mahalia Holder, deceased, situated on East Street, Eas tern Ward. The house contained two rooms and the lot of an aci e of land. S. G. Hayes, Esq , became the purchaser of the property for $365. Honorary Commissioner. As will be seen by the midnight telegrams, Prof. W. C. Kerr, our State Geologist, has been appoiuted by the President one of the Honorary Commissioners to the Vienna Exposition. This is a de served compliment to the distinguished' gentleman upon whom it is conferred. Step in the Right Direction. We are glad to learn that the Keeper of the Capitol has issued orders forbidding wood to be piled up against the doors, and tor the removal of the boxes of rubbish lumbering up the rotunda. New Postoffice. A ' rnjw postoffice has been established in this county at Neuse depot, on the Raleigh &. Gaston Railroad, with Mr. Wynne as postmas ter. This will prove a great convenience to the people of that section. ' , -r , To have elegant light Biscuits,' Rolls, Buckwheat Cakes, Fruit Dumplings, &c, you should user Dooley's Yeast Powder. Ask yourGroeer for it. It is a pure Baking l?jwder. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "npWIN BROTHERS" YEAST -X Cakes, received to-day. mchiatl W. (J. STRONACH. 'Q.ANTZ SEA-FOAM' POWDERS. Doaley 's Yeast Powders, Royal Baking Powders, inch 19tf W. C. ISTRONAC1I. 6 0 PACKAGES JAVA I OFFEE. W. C. STRONACH. mhl9tf gOO BUSHELS FRESH GROUND White Bolted Meal. . mehl9tf V."C. STRONAv II. -100 BUSHELS STOCK PEAS. W. C. SIRONACU. nichlOtf 4 DOZEN - FRESH CANNED Tomatoes. 16 Dozen "L Winslow Jones" Green Corn, mchhltf W. C. WTRONACH. D I; S S O Ij u T I o n, The copartnership heretofore existing between George C. Upchun h and J. O. L. Harris, is dissolved this day by mutual consent. GeorgeX!. Upchurch assumes tho debts of tnenrm, ana ti him all payments due the firm of George C. Upchurih dt Co., must be made. -. GEO. C. UPCHURCH, J. C. Li. HARRIS. Rileigk, N. C, March ISth, 1 873. mchl9-lt L EACH B R O S a mi a c e n s AND COMMISSION M E E C II A N TS Raleigh, N. C, Offer to the jobbirig trade 25, Bariels Fat, Family Mackerel, 2i Cast-s Fresdi Cove Oy&ters, 50 ' Plain Pickles, 50 Boxes asoned CandS 25 Gross Box Snuff, 5u Barrels sugar all grades, o-i " Flour, " 20 Sacks Rio Coffee, 2U Boxes BulK Sides. We claim thai we hat e unsurpassed faci lities lor buyiLg goods, as we keep an ex peiieuced buyer constantly in the Northern markets On the above goods we CHALLENGE COMPETITION, and only nsk an inspection of our stock. inhlS-tf P E R - P H 0 S P II ATE 100 Sacks Watson and Clarke's Super- Phosphate, ' loo sacks "Zells" Super-Phosphate. We have control of these celebrated Phos- Dhates for this market. Wecan cheerlully lecommend them lor cotton or anything else. - WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH 4 THOMAS, mhlS-U T7L0UR ! FLOUR ! ! FLOUR ! 1 1 100 Barrels Bur's Lxtra Flour, 5'J Kik River - " Am) Sacks Virginia Extra and Super fin ft Flour. 20 Barrels people's favorite iamiiy Flour. (good as Patapseo.) In store and arriving. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH & THOMAS mhlS-tf ' L A R D LARD, LARD 100 Kegs best Leaf LarJ, . iju nail ncgo . 10 Tierces " Arriving to-day. WiLUAM.SUN. UPCIITJRCH A THOMAS, mil 18-tl c O M E AND S EL 'Ihe L'uivtrsal' Plow, It does a greater variety of work than any other plow in use. y LEACH BROS , mhl8-tf Agents for Raleigh, N C. s UGAR HOUSE SYRUP, 100 Baireh Sugar House Syrun, rrlving this day iu g.HKl order. WILL 1AMSON, CPCtiUCU lUOMAS. wh ns-u TELEGUirUIC JTEirS. NOON DISPATCHES. Domestic Intelligence. , Washington, March 18. E very bus iness honse in Laurenceburg, Kentucky, except a tin shop, has been burned, in cluding the tavern and bank. There was little insurance. Meetings have been held throughout the State tor the relief of the unfortunates. Lorpey who murdeied Miss Nich olson, was taken by the people from the jail in Monteroy, California, and hanged. ' Carlo Patti, a brother of Carlotta Pat- ti, is dead. "Uncle Sam" was plaved to an im- mence audience at the Grand Opera House in Nejv York'Mirth triumphed over lnoignatiou. Engineers are on a strike- on the North Missouri Railroad. Thev de tached an engine and destroyed a turn table. Travel is impeded, i The other employees sympathize with the engineers.- .": ; ' . . - ' , Bonds to the amount of one hundred and sixty-eight thousand dollars were stolen from the office of the Western Pennsylvania Railroad while the Presi dent was at lunch, v The schooner "Joseph Garland" is re ported !ost7 She had a crew of twelve men. . No tidings of her have been received since February 23rd. i , The steamer Clarksville, with 800 bales of cotton on board, sunk below Pine Bluff. : George Neemeyeas cotton factory, at Cincinnati, was burned. ' - A fire is raging at Centreville. Gallia county, Ohio, with high winds. The citizens are exhausted. A party of drunken roughs used re volvers cn a Third Avenue, New York, street car, wounding the conductor and persons on the street. One arrest was made. Finances of France. Versailles, March 12. The finance budget shows a gratifying condition ot Affairs. Halt of the sura due on German exactions is in the Treasury. No loani will be required to complete the pay ments ot the war indemnity at the dates designated at the recent Convene tion. Vive la France. Assstant Secretary of the the Treas ury. Washington, March 18. The Presi dent has nominated ex Senator Sawyer, of S. C, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. mm MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Nominations and Confirmations. Washington, March 18. There are Internal Revenue reports of a recent seizure of 50 lots of cigars and tobacco in the 1st Louisiana district. Justice Carter qualified in the Cabi net to-day for the next four years. Capt. BarstoiV has been ordered to duty as Assistant Quartermaster in the Military Diyision of the South. Confirmations ; Naval officer, Dil lingham, at New Orleans ; Postmaster, Citsey, at Vicksburg; Dilsack, at Mem phis; Stillwell, at Ilumbolt ; Bliss, at Columbus, Mississippi ; Wilder, at Co lumbia, South Carolina ; Baseman, Charleston, South Carolina ; Wagner, at Indianolo, Texas ; Clark, at Savan nah, Georgia. Tlie.nme of Sharpefor postmaster atChatlanooga, is with drawn, and the present incumbent is renominated. The appointments to the Vienna exhi bition, by the President under action ol Congre.-s, include seventeen sci entific men. Among the honorary Commiisioners are Frank Druxeler, of Alabama ; A McDonald, of Arkansas : W. C. Bibb and Edwin D. Newton, of Georgia Frank Luney and Henry Visenand, ol Louisiana : Col. Ed. P. Jones and Au- x gustus Seneago, of Mississippi ; W. C. Kerr, of North Carolina; Samuel Tate and L. J. Dupre, of Tennessee; Moses P. Handy, of Virginia, and J. II. Dis debard, ot West Virginia. Nominations: 8wizer, Assistant Stc retary ot the Tieusury; Kendrick, post master at Chattanooga; H. L Grant, postmaster at GdidsbnrO; Isaac Duval, Attorney ot the first district of West Virginia; D. S. Lewis, Attorney of the fifth distr ct of Virginia; H. C. Hunt, Collector ot the fourth district of Texas; H. E. Stilley, Collector of the first dis trict of North Carolina. Fire in Montreal-'-Narrow of Females. Escape Montreal, March 18. At one o'clock this morning a fire broke out in a building behind the St. James Hotel, and communicated through a laundry into a passage of the fourth flat, and from there to a stairway leading to the tilth flat, where the female servants of the establishment were sleeping. The girls finding their escape by the stairs was cut off, fled to the windows, and three of them threw themselves on the yidt-walk, where their fall was partially broken by matrasses ; and other soft material. They were taken to the gen eral hospital, where they now lay in a ve:y precarious state.; Another girl named Matilda Layer hung out from a window twenty minuses, and was finally rescued by the firemen, who brought her earcly to the ground amid the cheers lrom the excited multitude. Notwith standing the efforts of! the firemen, the fourth and fifth flats were completely destroyed. ", : Arrett of Suspected Swindlers of the Bank of England. London, March 18. Three shabbily dressed men. with Amercan accent.wh" deposited twelve thousand pounds in the Cork Bank, was arrested on suspic ion of complicity in the recent swindle j upou the Bai k of England. - - ; m : - flamed. Nrcw Hamburg, N. H., March 18. The dye house was burned. Loss $50, 000 Seven hundred are now t m ploed. ; pie4. -' WASniNGTou, March 18. Mr. West, of tiie Treasury ia dead ; aged 63 yeara tract win be made.. Tea lines solid non pareil constitute one square. Crazy Train. , New York, March'; .18. -Elective Hatch has been Convicted bf7perjury in a divorce case and sentenced ttf six years in the Penitentiary.: , & Judge Dalej. is conaicerin , the pro priety of se-wing George Francis Train to the Insane Asyluiri. ' " ' - The Papal ZomaTea Rome, March la The Pope: gave an audience yesterday , to one hundred can didates, who served in the' Pgntificial Zouaves. His hbRnes congratulated' his visitors upon their steadfast devo tion to the church., - i .., Weather Probabiitiesi Washington' March 'iS'.-'For the South Atlantic and Eastern Golf States westerly winds -and, generaUjj cloudy weather. . , commercial2 Report. New Vorlt Markets. X0 March Ig.-J0btWn frregnlar : sales 1,950 bales uplands 1SU Orleans iw t lour auivt : wimmnn tr fair t.a u $8.30, good to chol o $S.4Oa$lS.O0. Whiskey firmer at 98. WhMt.vurv nniot vmjL. ask full prices for prime stoek Corn a ue easier, ana steady Rice steady 7a. 83.40a$35. Tallow 0.uieU tl-elEhU auiet. I UAotN,a !reeiptai i7talest gross 1,360. Sales for exporu to-day. 1.058. sales for future deliver .trwikv 90 JUOneV ClOSeO 32 to 32 1.1t lnmml.,lnn sterling 8a8 1-16. Gold iialS Govern ments stronger. State bonds dull and steady, i -.; r:u.-t!L;j ru 'Foreicn: Markets " London. March. Connni rimuvi .1 095 a9. - Fives 95. . -rr- -- Paris, March 13. Rentesr'65 and 67. Liverpool. - March IR rvrftn' dull; downward tendency : uplands 9Ja Orleans 9a9Vi r u ' .InumT y 10.000 bales:' 6neciilftrtn'Tvrt Annrt 1 fwt Breadstuff's quiet. Lard. 38- ' evening uotton closed irregular: up lands 9X: Orleans . Yum ftwira. infi Turpentine 44a45. . . ' ' r .: .V . ,, Wilmington, JHarkefs. WlI-MINQTON . ' ' AfarMi 18 Inlrlt pentine dull at 51.) Bosin lower at $2.70 for strained. , . Crude Turpentine deelinlrigr.!J $2.75 for hard ; $4.50 for yellow dip and virgin. u..a.v UUKdllCU All .00. ' ' '" " ' . ; ' . ' i' 1 tf - Uultimoxii Markets. Baltimore. March lA.Firtur Jnli. wh.t dull. Corn steady. Rve oulel 80aHO. Hav unchanged. Provlsions'scrbtisi whiskey steady. Cotton Markets Norfolk, March 18001100,111,61 at 17Ji Mobile, March' 18. Cotton unsettled, nominal; low. middlings mal73: middl ings 18al8H. Boston, March 18. Cotton dull,' depress ed ; middlings 19. j ,r t. i , Savannah, March 18. Cotton dull. Ir regular ; middlings 18J. ' Memphis, March 18. Cotton dull, nomi nal ; low middlings 18al. Wilmington, N. C.; March 18. Cotton dull; middlings 18.; f , ; d J, 1 Baltimore. March 18. Cotton dull, low er; middlings 19. ''-'? 1 1ST O R T II -LN wa CAR OL I N A wake county; '1 ; Scpjbbioa .Court. Candace D. Johns, Thomas J. Johns, Cr arles N. Allen and Caroline V. Allen bis wife, Johns. Johns, Patrick H. Johns, Hannah Johns and Jas. J. Ferrell, plaintiffs. Against s I Abner Smith and wife Willie, James West and wife Bertney Ann, William Williams and wife Dilly, and Bryant Ftrrell and wire Lethe, and the heirs at law of such of said "feme" defendants as may be dead, Defendants. Action for re-execution and correction of conveyance. . , A summons having been issued to the Sheriff of said county for the defendants in. the above entitled action, an I said Sheriff made return that they are nuc to be found In said county, and it appearing to the Court that said defndants are non-residents of the State ; that there is good cause of action against them, and that the subject matter of he action Is real property within the State, in which said defendants have an interest ; it is tceretcre, on motion of Battle & Son, Attorney for Plaintiff, ordered that publication be made, once a week for six weeks; in the Raleigh News, a newspaper published in Raleigh, com manding said defendants to appear at the next Term of said Court, to be held tn U11 It-lorli rtn thailth 4rknrlur ftaw tho Or4 " - ..j, wa.w VIM.. bUU UV. Monday, of February, 1873, then and there to ALtewer tne complaint, a copy or which will be hied during the first three days of said Term ; and that they, take notice that if they fail 10 answer or demur to said com plaint during said Term, the plaintiffs will apply for the relief deinandeu In said com plaint. w ituess, John N. Bunting, Clerk of said Court, at oirice in Ualeigh. this the21std ay of February, 1873. J. N. BUtfTINQ. febZMawW C. S. C. ALL WHOM IT MAT, CONCERN- Office Reg. of Deeds, Wake Cocntt, Raleigh, N. C., 13th March, 1873. Any and every pemon, paying tax on their recelptsrand sales, as provided in the Rkven uk Law, rati tied 3rd day ol March, iSTo, such as MerehantKAuetioneers, Com mission Merchants, fcc., dec. and every per son who has first to obtain s License be fore exercising any trade or calling, all of whom are comprised under Schedule B, of said Act. and have Heretofore returned such their lists to the Sheriff of the county, ARK MOW REQUIRED, under sections 12 and 26, of said Revenue Raws, on the 1st days of January, April, July and October, to list, on oath, to the REGISTER OF DEEDS, the total amount of their purchases, receipts and sales a the case, may be, for the pre ceding quarter. - ' " i This, Therefore is to Gire Notice to any and every one ' interested that the undersigned will ou the FIRST DAY OK APRIL next, attend at the OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF CuUNTY COMMISSION ERS, for the purpose of receiving such lists; and those whose duty it is to attend, and who fail so to do, will be noted and charged double tax a. requiredytaw. Era copy tf . RexUter ox Deeds, mar 16-tf Wake County. IOO K EG 8 N.A I 3 ' ' L 8 50 Keg.Horse and Mule Shoes. Saddles. Collars. Bi idles and Harness of all discrlptins,.at' " u ? -Ml ' mar ll-tf O. T. STRONACH A BRO'8. rpiIE - WILSON" COTTOij PLOt7 K the best plcw for the cultivation of cot ton that has ever been invented. Farmers who ue them say that oottoa cultivated with this plow will hold better and produce a much stronger fibre than if cultivated witu auy other plow. , . j For an explanation of this fact call on f . J LEACH BROS., Who are the Agent for Raleigh, N. C. iahlS-tf -'- ' ' ' ;ii- ID. CONIOLAK0, ' . i WKi H. DAT LAW PARTNERSHIP. j O N I G L AP i&p A Y, ATTORWEYS AT 'LAW, c , .. . . , HALIFAX, N, Cj Practice iu 1h Codrts of Haiilki andi ad n 1 n ii wiui iL la the Supreme Court of &?alMlJhe Federal Courts. They IvespiM . t atinirtiie erur.TmlaTrytor.and orrlnwiil'atW m We.doJ on satuidayn i-coUUU OI m.. . t each week. w ISJalS; May 18 5:i6al8U5.1(J;AWne 18Sl l-lti;Juiy 18al., , ,