(si '-j -i sr j. .-: . ' AlL Y NEWS. E fc UZZELLy - Propkiktors. KAYETTEyilXE STREET, ;er W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. ASH INVARIABLY LN ADTANCK. DILY'NKW9 will lie delivered to lbors at fifteen cents per week, ,ie to the currier weekly. Mailed at 17 nam : $3.50 for six months; $2 forthres IS. NVKKKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. r DAILY NEWS KATES OP ADVERTISING.;, One sqnar, one lnnartirm...- ,, y i'oo One squar. two insertions l 50 On iKiuara, three insertions-... 00 One square, six insertion.. J...... 3 50 One square, one month.......;.: g 00 One square, three months. ,. 18 00 91 ll' poathg , 80 00 One square, V, elve wnnth. t ' , L.- iit gn 00 JTr .f??3" advertisements, liberal eon-. tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. 1 f ; I- i . : Hi li- ! .! VOL. II. RALEIGH. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING. MA RCH 20. 1873. NO. 18. i 5 ROFJBSSIQNAI CARDS. iERKIMOX. S. A. AS IIS THOMAS C. FULLER. IRIMON, FULLER & ASHE, turners aud Counsellors at Law, 11 ALE I Q II , N. C. practice In the State and Federal arts, wuerever wieir services may be required, ;E: Formt r onice of Phillips $: Mer u. feb28-3m IAKLES- W. SPRUILL, f T O R N E Y A T LAW , Wakrenton, N. C. RT-S Warreu and adjoining coun jpreme Court of Ncrth Carolina, and I stales uouris at xtaieign. .DimAW2m. - M L E DUPR.EE, (Lately of Raleigh, N. C.,) aey aud Counsellor At Law, fo. 6 Wall St., New York, ttend promptly to all Professional is tiitrusted to him. Refers to the justice and Associate Justices of tue te court of North Carolina, aud to oie tsar oi .Nona Carolina, tt V? S PR U ILL, J R . ; O R N E Y A T L A W , JACK SOS, N . C . practice in all the Courts of Halifax, ube and. ' Northampton counties. Supreme Court of .North Carolina the Federal courts. x tions made in All parts of North a. Jan JL-bw XCHELOR. L. C. EDWARD . PLUMMKB BATCH ELOU. CHELOR, EDWARDS AND BA1C1IELOR, TTORJfEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C.J i tend in the ourts of Wake, Gran- ruuk.Hu. Wjtrreu. Hall tax. North- , aud '.lialtiaiu, and the federal jieino ouris. Jand-ll E X U . SMITH-, V I TORN KY AT LAW, i" LAND NECK, C. -racticem the ouxts of Halifax and counties. uous attended to In all parts of the 'uay n-tl 1 Clakk. J. M. Mcll&n. A II K & M U L L E N , HALIFAX,, N. 0. Jt iu all he Courts of Halifax lbtou aud dgeoint6 counties supreme Court of .North Carolina ae red era! Courts. ilectious mauo in all parts of North i. mnwy IGLAMD. ' WM. H. DAT LAW .PARTNERSHIP. X 1 G L A N D & D A Y , .TTORNLYS AT 'LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. te in the Courts of Halifax and ad- cuuuwea iu me supreme-Court of s, ami in the t ederai Courts. They s i.'tx:iui aiteutiou uncollecting aud Uf4 tm&iue.vj, and to adjust lug the i u executors, administrators aud 16. ' mbr partner will attend at his of 'eldou on Saturdays and Moudaj s eeK. do -u vys, Uam'l T, Williams N N Jk WILLIAMS, roiurErs .it L,n ItOCKY MOUNT, N.G- L L I A M S & B U N N K'A LEI (J H, N. C. iues iclteis may i ..lilressed silttled in nuj part of u. State. ei;t e m the Supreme Court of the a Hi lUw t edera.1 Court at JttaleJgU; t. .- - ( 1 U li Y W 11 I S K E Y ! i in delicate health, olten flad It iu obtain a Pure Stimulant wxen ni by their Pnysiciaus, and it is gUis aud other flist-ciass . trade daily, designed.'-. It is diffirently IIOIU W li 1 S K E Y I N MARKE T , ri inj; n any old brands out of . cause lite "principle upon wmcn e is supei'ior." jost universal testimony of those t used I Lb ESTUItY WUbKIES . iei-e-is an entire absence of Ilead- d tn r di-sng eeable after-eUV cU -xperienied in the use of other Tins is a direct consequence of the ? of the Century Whiskies, hnmiritv of rnanv otlier brands. A1WJLUTKLY PC UK; lour prom- uusis certuy to this Tact, viz : LLIMAN, State Chemist of Con. U. BHEPARD, Jr., SUte ChemUt -ttjuiiua. C. T1LDEN, Washlnaton, D. C. HN DARBY, New York. whom agree in pronouncing it iauii," una "iree irom any ueie- ostauce whatever." by tl rst-class dealers everywhere. ME A N D SEE e Universal" Plow, xeater variety of work than any iu use. LEACH BROS . Agents for Raleigh, N. C. SiU - P II OSPII ATE. ks1 Watson and Clarke's Super- Vs "Z-lls" Suner-Phosnhate. control of iue celebrated Phos- xiiu market- Wecaneheerfullv them lor cotton or anything 30N.UPCUURCH4 THOMAS, MORNING EDITION. THURSDAY MARCH 20, 1873. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor 3TnK Agricultural Journal and tiik News. The State agricultural Journal, an eight-page Weekly published in inis city, will be clubbed with the daily News at f 8.50 per annum, and with the Weekly News at ?3 50 per annum. Orders dlfeeted to either paper will receive prompt attention. ISF Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. Local Briefs. Peach trees are in lull bloom. r Groceries of every kind can be found at Wajne Alcott's. Call and see Lim. The meetings at the Salisbury street Baptist church are crowing in interest. We learn that W: II. Finch, Esq!, leit this city yesterday evening on a visit to Tennessee. . ' , Iq a few daysUie suburban portidnsof the city will be vocal with the musical carolings of birds. 1 C, S. Allen, Esq., is about to erect a dwelling, ou the corner of llarr;ett and Harrington streets. . l The frame of the new warehouse, at the depot of the North Carolina Rail road, is nearly completed, and will be raised in a few-days. MessrsXW. H. & R. S. Tucker & Co, announce this morning that they have received a newlot of beautiful goods. Call and see them. ' The last shingle rooVon Fayetteville has disappeared. It was covered with tin on yesterday by the well known tinner, Mr. J. C. L. Lumsden. . New walkways have been laid on the top of the Capitol. We are glad to see this, as the old ones were so dilapi dated as to be positively dangerous. N.. J. Itiddick. Esq., the popular and efricienffctejkiof the United States Cir cuit Court, is on a visit to bis home in Gates cuuuty, on account of the illness ol his mother. Yesterday morning a steer-cart cap sized on Wilmington street, catchiug the colored driver under it. He yelled lustily for help, and was soon rescued from the unpleasant predicament. The first mint juleps of the season. appeared yesterday at the saloon of ilriler & Nelson, under the Market. Capt. Laswell a concoctor of rare genius, does them up in style, and we must say in quality unsurpassed. ; The members ot llyram Lodge, No. 40, F. & A. M.f will meet promptly in their Hall this evening at 1 J o clock to pay the last tribute ot respect to their departed brother, W. E. Lee. Members ol other Lodges are requested to par ticipate in the solem ceremonies. The meetings at the Baptist Church art progiessing finally we learn, the con gregations Leing good, and much in-. terest manifested in the services. Several peisons have presented themselves as setkers of religion. Rev J. D. Hut ham is aiding the pastor in the meeting. We learu that Judge D. G. Fowle will remove in a day or two his saw mill, located near this city, to Beaufort county on Blount's creek, upon the land of Mhj. W. A. Blount, where timber in large quantities and of good quality can be had. It is said that Miss Gaylord intends shortly to honor this city by lecturing here. As the papers containing notices of her, which we have read, with aston ishing unanimity agree that she is a humbug, we will be so ungallant as to' hope4hat she may postpone her visit. Hon. Ge. Davis, of New Hanover, Hon. M. E VManly, ot Craven, and Col. Walter L. Steele, of Richmond county. have notified the Governor that they will be present at the meeting in this city, on the 2nd of next month, of the Commissioners appointed to adjust the affairs ol the Western N. C, R. R. Martha Norwood, a colored damsel of comparatively a few years, was ruth lessly brought before His Honor, the Mayor, yesterday morning, charged with having been guilty ot disorderly conduct on Hargett .street. The testi "mony did not fully sustain the charge, and blie was allowed to go on her way, alter being somewhat severely advised as to her future walk and conversation. We are glad to learn that the blowing ud of the boiler ut Dowd's Mills, at Apex, a lew days since, resulted in no fatal iflect. The negro man was se verely hurt, but will recover. Ibe younger brother of Dr. Dowd wa3 cut in several places, but was iu the city yesterday. The boiler was a total wreck,-the accident having been occa sioned by a defect iu it. The loss sus atined amounted to over $1,000. Change op Schedule. The down accommodation or through freight train over the Raleigh aud Gaston road leaves Ralegh now at 0 p. in., iustead nf Smtnrmerlv. The same train now comes up the road on Saturday nights, and goes down Sunday nights. Parties traveling over this roaa on me uigut train should make a note or tnese iacts. Presbyterian Cho.ch. Rev. Mr. Penick, of Mebanesville, will preach in the Presbyterian cnureu iui tiunug at 7:30 p. in., and on each succeeding evenin" of tue week. The - public are invited to atienu. s Messrs. Ramsey & Co. are receiving tutfr Spring Clothing and Hats, which are oeaumui auu u". Dress shirts they make a speciality. Give them a can. Rocrnvvn Yestenluv' the resigna- w if Walker. Esq.. as Coin UUU VJ& Ut A ' . . . i ......ihiiH ii r niissioner of VVreCKS, was ret;cic North Carolina State Life In surance Company. We are gratified to hare it in our power to announce that this Company is now in lull oper ation. We happened yesterday to5 stroll into, their handsomely fitted up office on the eecond floor ot the Citizens, , Na tional Bank building. In point of con vienience and completeness of arrange ment, a better one could not be desired. In the outfit of the office theie is one feature which we particularly commend: All of the books, blank forms, etc., are ot home manufacture and are of work manship as good as could be procured anywhere. The policy forms were printed in this city and are gems of typo graphical beauty. They were gotten up under the supervision of Major F. U. Cameron, the Vice President of the Company, and are the neatest and most compjete we have ever seen. The vignette upon them is a most handsome one. It consists of a female figure, typical of North Carolina, surrounded by the productions of the State with a noble pine forest and the ocean in the distance, and spreading over all is a shield bearing- tiie sname of the com pany, emblematical of the protection which the operations of the company throw over the industries of the State. In a worth, the outfit ot the'tipmpany is as thorough in every particular aS it could well be, and all the completeness pf the appointments betdken the guid ance of an experienced and skillful hand.' '""-: The company has. secured the services of some of thmostctive business men of the State as agents, among whom are James H. , Moore, Jacob A. Long, H. A Londonand a number ot others whose ryrmes we do not now remember. Already has a most flattering progress been made in the organization of the State. Applications for policies are com ing rapidly lii, and on every side gratifi cation is expressed that weiiave another strong and reliable home life compa ny to meet the increasing demands in insurance in this State. The success of the company is assured beyond all doubt and its continual prosperity will be a source of pleasure to all who have the true interest of the State at heart. As to the proper management of the uflairs of the company there can be no doubt, as all ofxthc gentlemen having their direction are well known throughout the whole State for their business quali fications adjnegjntyofc Tiik Destruction of JIr. Harris' House in Halifax. We published yesterday morning the fact thatMr. Thomas W. Harris, a highly esteeineif citizen of Halifax county, had his elegant house burned down on Satur day last. The lioa nole 2feicsf of yester day, gives jthe following additional particulars : j "Mr. Harris was absent on a visit to his son, in eastern Carolina, at the time of the accident. All the members of the family, save Mrs. Capt. Bartlett, a daughter of Mr. Harris, and two small children, had gone to church. The dwelling took fire from a loul chimney and there being no '-one on the lot to fcxtinguish it in tiuu. aud ,;v strong wind blowing, the flames rapidly spread over the entire building, consuming it together with all of its content, of any value, a few small articles only being saved. Mr. Harris' house was one ot the best in the county, and was elegant ly lurnished. Unfortunately nothing wa3 insured, aud the whole loss will foot up $10,000 or more. "This is a severe loss, and we heartily sympathize with Mr. Harris, as all, who have the pleasure ot hi3 acquaintance, must do. Such blows falrwilh telling eflVct on men whose means are always at the command ot the needy, and many who 'have shared his bounty will deem his, a public lo?s." Prof. Valestine Vox, the Ven- TRILoquilt. By reference to our 'ad vertising coluuinSjit will be seen that the world renowned ventriloquist will be in Raleigh on Tuesday and Wednesday evening next. 1 he press speak ot him in terms of praise, but the following remarks Irom Prof. Bennett, Principal of. the Masonic Female Collcnge at Cokesbury, S. C, Feiuiary 5th, 1873, on receiving a large donation from the hands of Valentine Vox, in aid and support ot that worthy institution, speaks lor itself. Said the Professor: "Ladies, Gentlemen and Pupils, allow me to say, in behalf ot this noble insti tution, that we shall always leel grate ful toward 'our benefactor, Prof. Valen tine Vox, who has not only amused and edified usth s evening by his won derful powers as a entriloquist alone. but so generously contributed this handsome sum in aid of our cause. We seldom meet with strangers who take any interest in others than themselves, anil when we do find a man possessing the same noble and generous heart that our friend has, we shall always be ready to appreciate his talents, integrity and true benevolence in the right spirit. May he always prosper in his honest and humble calling, is the earnest prayer Of the Mascnic Female College." TJ. S. Circuit Court. Since the aboli tion of the moiety system in the reve nue service.t he libel docket of this Court has grown slim. Heretofore at each term ol tue Court there would be from seventy five to one hundred casts docketed but now. since the abo lition of the moiety system, the cases are lew and tar between. At the last November term of this Court, only one case o I this character was returned and uot a single one has been returned, to the coming June teim. It is said that al next June term of the Court none ot the cases under the Enforcement acts of May,31st,1870, aud April 10th, "1871, will come up for trial. Death of an Aged Citizen. Mr W. E. Lee, an agedcitizen residing just west ol this city, died yesterday morn ing at 7 o'clock, alter alter ah illness of some few days from pneumonia. The deceased ws some 70 years of age, aud was for a number of years an employee in the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad shops. He leaves a wife and six children. Rev. Db. Pendleton -Traveling in the Interest of the Lj&e CnuRCH at Lexington. This eminent Divine, well known as Gen Pendleton, Chief of Artillery of the -Army of Northern Virginia, accompanied by his daughter, arrived in this city on yesterday after noon, and took rooms at the Yarboro House. ';-'"' "'"''', : '';:'.' ;. Gen. Pendleton is on a mission to the Southern towns and cities, in behalf of theXee Episcopal Church at Lex ington,' Virginia. The design of this Church originated with Gen. Robert E. Lee, and at hi3 death was uncompleted. At the request cl the Washington-Lee University, Gen. Pendleton consented to visit the Southern States to raise funds for the -completion of Gen. Lee's plans in connection with the Church. We are pleased to learn that General Pendleton wall readffis'MEMoniAL' Ad dress, in this city this evening, the place to be announced by hand-bills to day. This address was first read on the 20th of January last, at the anniversary celebration of Lee's birth-day, and was prepared at the request of the students of Washington Lee University and citi zens of Lexington, and has since been read at Lyrichburg to an immense audi ence. General Pendleton's intimate personal acquaintance with General Lee emi neutly fits him for the task of portray ing the life, character, and service of oH:r late ' distinguished Confederate chieftain. General Pendleton was close ly associated with General Lec during the most trying periods of the war, and therefore can speak of his personal knowledge concerning the latter's pri vate virtues as well as great public wortlu We bespeak for General Pendleton a large outpouring to-night of the pat riotic citizens of Raleigh. I here will be no admission fee to hear the address, persons being allowed to contribute to the fund subsequent to the addres?, if they think fit. St. John' College at Oxford. It is generally known that this property is now owned by the Grand Lodge of Masons of this State. There are, it is supposed, claims, though not of a Urge amount, against i he Grand Lodge on account of the erection of the build ing?, &e. The Grand Lodge, at its annual communication in December last, appointed a committee composed ot Messrs. R. W. York, F. II. Busbee, W. 1C. Cox, Geo. B. Harris and Sion II. Rogers to ascertain if possible the ex act amount of such claims and report to the Grand Lodfe at its next annual rbornmunication. ItM here suggested to all parties such claims against the Graud Lodge on account of the College, in the form of accountsor bonds and notes, to send copies of thesame, with all the proofs necessary to enable the commit; tee to form a correct opinion to R. W. York, chairman of the committee, at Morrisville, N. C. In a 1 1 cases where a compromised tendered the terms should be clearly and distinctly stated. It would be well for ail claimants to act promptly in heeding this notice. That Constitution. Some time ago we alluded to the fact that a letter h id been received by the State Libra rian from a party in Wisconsin, stating that the original draft of the first Con stitutiou ef this State was in the posses sion of a person in that State, having been taken from the State Library du ring tle war. Yesteiday we received a note from O. II. Peiry, Esq . a former State Librarian, stating that no such document had ever been deposited in the State Library, and, consequently could not have taken therefrom. We alluded to the letter at the time of its reception as an item of interest, but knew nothing of the facts which it alleged to set forth. Berger Family. This talented troupe left this city yesterday for Fay etteville, where they will give some of their., chaste entertainments. W'e bc spciik li r them a cordial welcome.as the the character of their performance enti tie them to it. We are glad to aunounce that the troupe will return to this place on Saturday and will give a mat inee at 2 p m., and also perform in the evening. It is the universal opinion here that this troupe is in everyway worthy of patronage and claim nothing lor themselves which-they do not de serve. j: Gilham's Cotton Fertilizer. We direct attention to the new advertisement of Messrs. C. W. Grandy & Sons, in this morning's issue, giving the tub stance of Capt. J. R. Thigpen's tests with ten different Guanos, which proved the Gilhatu Cotton Fertilizer to be the best of all. According to Capt. Hi ig pen's experiment, Gilham's Fertilizer realized $12 97 per 180 lbs. Capt, Thigpeu is well known as one of the best and most enterpusing farmers in the State. Released. Jane Stallins, white, who was committed to jail some three days ago for assaulting the street hands who were engaged in moving her house iu order to facilitate the opening of a new stitet, per order ot the city Com missionus, was released from confine ment ytsterday on giving a bond for $200 for future good behaivior and obedience to the authority of the'pow eis that be." . ReprkhEnsible.- The taking away gates tim the iront yards on lliilsb ro street at night. TRe yaids can thus be easily despoiled by cattle. The parties engaged in this idle spoit should be punished. - To have eiegant light Biscuits, Rolls, Buckwheat Cakes, Jbruit Dumplings, &c, ' jou should use Dooley's Yeast Powder. Ask your Grocer for it. It is a pure Baking Powder. Pub. Docs. We return thanks to Hon. A. S. Merriuion for sending us public documents. (3) Century Whisky, the Qreme de la NOON IMS: A T V II F S . Domestic Intelligence. Washington, March 19 The en gineer's strike on the Sr. Loui, Kansas and Northern railroad continues. An otlier train has been tlet ached, and a bridge honied near St. Charles, Mo. Several of the ringleaders of the strike have been ' arresied. The company offers twenty-five hundred : dollars reward for the arrest and conviction of any person destroying its property or cutting the telegraph wires. Mat Torssey was hanged by a mob at Monterey, California. He made a will giving one thousand dollars to Nichol son Husband, his victim. Nicholson witnessed the lynching. The mob is condemned by the people. Everything is quiet in the lava beds. The soldiers are waiting the result of the new Peace Commission to the Modocs. It they fail to come out for another talk the troops will open the fight. The loss of the steamer uGeorge L. Wright," with all Aboard, is confirmed. Portions ot the wreck are scattered a hundred miles north of Cape Caution. A Herald special reports serious trou ble in Porto Rico on account o: the proposed emancipation of slaves. The meeting of carpenter bosses and workmen last night, in New York, to regulate the hours of labor, was without result. The steamer Alpha arrived from Hal ifax with the mails and some passengers of the disabled steamer Niagara, from Bermuda for New York. The Niagara encountered a gale on the 2nd and 3rd of March, and her machinery were dis abled and bulwarks stove in. -' The Italian baik Anna foundered on the 13th of February. The captain and 12 of the crew arrived at Bermuda in an open boat. The steamship Cheviot, with cotton from New Orleans, called for coal and took in the crew of the Anna. Washington Items. Washington, March 19. Tut -'fight ovejCol. Casey us Collector ot Custorus is the topic this morning. He will probably be confirmed by two votes, but if . Flannagan leaves, by but one. It is somewhat loosely stated that Carpenter and West traded. West voting lor Dillingham as Naval officer, and Carpenter voting against Casey. The ew lork 1 imes sharply de nounces the President for appointing Richardson as Secretary of the Treasury and James as Postmaster of New York. The resolutions of the Democratic Convention of Rhode Island include one expressing sympathy with the people of Louisiana under the rule of rederal Ku KIux. The principle part of Circleville.Ohio, has been burned. Loss $33,000.' x Irish aud English Riot. London. March 19. A seisous riet between Knglishmen and Irishmen oc curred in Wulvcrhampton, a town of &tnordsi:ire,tw-clve miles from Birming ham, yesterday. At least three thousand persons w erecngaged in the conflict. Fire amis and knive3 were freely used, and thei'cwas much blood shed, though no cases of fatal itijury have yet ft been repotted. At the last accounts from the town, order had been restorecKand it was believed there would be nore petioii of liotiug. The English Ministerial Crisis. London. March IS. Gladstone and his. Cabinet. colleagues had a four hours consultation nothing of importance transpired. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. ; Washington Items. Washington, March 18. Lowe, Minister to .Chin i, has resigned. Hon. J. iii.es Brooks is repcrted sink ing ..daily i-oiii malaiial disease con tracted .' dunny : his trip around the world. The cci!su.- takers for 18G0 are to be paid without proof .of loyalty. The Credit M .'oilier books called for by the' Bureau oi Jus:ice are est ray. ionunaui'i - : jj. n. x.ioerr, vaov- ernor, of Colorado; A. D. lhotnas. Pension Airi-nr, Litiie Rock ; C. T. Hunt, C!U tor, of the Fourth Texas District ; U. T. Sttvcnson, Register of Land Ollke, .;..biii ; C. L. Cass, Re ceiver" t pt!:.c money, at Jackson,' Mississippi. From New York. Few York. MhicIi 19. The ' Erie officials buspended to-day were Horatio N. Otit beer, tary, Justin D. White, Assistant 'Treasurer, -aud John Hilton, Auditing Cleik. : U. S. District Attorney Blis3 stated to-day th;.t ti e cafce of Phelps, Dodge & Co., has la in tanally settled on the payment ol $27,000 dollars to the gov ernment. No Hope For Foster. New York, March 19. In answer to a telegram of the Sheriff to-day in re lation to FiirU'i s case Gov. Dix respon ded, "1 have no communtation to make." The Sheriff then issued official invitations to the execution, which takes place :u Friday, to morrow the gallows will bu erected in City pension. New Jersey Railroad Matters. Trenton, N. J., March 19. In the House the Committee on Corporations reported, adversely to the Pennsylvania Railroad pioitct which was passed by the Senaic The House agreed to the rtpoit l y a vote of 32 to 26 thus efi'ect- urally killing oi it. lete Hyacinthe. Geneva. March 19. The ielij:ious excitement at this city, caused by the preaching of Father Hyacinthe, is in creasing. The ultramontanes are much exasperated. 'Ihe English Cabinet. London, March 19. Gladstone pro ceeded to Windsor and submitted tc the Queen the names of ,th5 incoming cabinet, Strike Repudiated. St. Louis, March 19; Chief Engin eer Wilson, of the Brotherhood of En gineers, in an interview with the Su perintendent Van Home, naid the Brotherhood were not engaged in a strike. It was the work oi onj divis sion and would not be sanctioned as it was in violation ot the rules of the organization. k , Montreal Fire. " Montreal, March 19.-rThfc hospital report gives the following statement of the condition of the victims of tbe St. James Hotel fire : J. E. Thomas, suffer ing from broken ribs and other injuries; Henry Belcher, badly injured about the head, and his condition Y precarious ; Mary Freunan is dead ; Hi'.dick, cleric of the Hotel, is dead. . . A Rank Whipped. Philadelphia, March 19. In the case of David Scuh against the Lexing ton Bank for recovery of $30,000 in Government bonds stolen from a box deposited for Eafe keeping when the bank was robbed in 1871, the iury this morning after being out two days, re turned a verdict for the plaintiff. Weather Probabilities. Washington. March 19. For the South Atlantic States, cloudy and pos sibly rain iollowed by northwest winds and falling temperature by Thursday evening. For the middle and -East Atlantic coast increasing South and East winds, threatening weather , and rain. i St. Petersburg. March 19. Judere Orr, of S. C, presented his credentials to the Czar to-day. London. March 19. Three men ar rested in Cork yesterday were dis- t0 charged, no evidence connecting thm wun tne Hank ot England swindle. . ' ; : .'.- . Treaty Ratified. Paris, March 19. The Assembly this afternoon ratified without a dis senting voice the treaty signed on Sat urday last between Thiers and the Ger rnam Ambassador, providing for pay ment of the war indemnity, and the evacuation of French territory. Death of Mrs. Reverdy Johnson. Baltimore, March 19 The wife of Revwdy Johnson is dead, aged 70. She was a daughter of Governor Bowie, of Maryland. Jio Chance For Foster. Albany, N. Y., March 19 Governor Dick still sees no reason to interfere in behalt of Foster. COMMERCIAL REPORT. Wew .York Markem. New 'York. March 19. Cotton easier ; sales 1,202 bales ; uplands 19 ; Orleans 19. Flour quiet ; common to fair extra $6. 15a $8.30, good to choice $8 40a$13.00. Whiskey closeu at 93. Wheat la2c. higher, holders ask full prices for prime stocks. Corn a shade easier, and steady. Rice quiet, 8J. Pork firm, quiet new Lard quiet. Navals quieCx, Tallow active 8a8. Freights quiet. X Cotton Ntt receipts 30 1 bales, gross 2,9tii Sales for exports to-day 48a. Sales for future delivery to-day, 21, 00 bales, as follows : March lSJalS: April I8al8 11-16; May 18alS; Juue lSaia1; July 19)4. Money closed S2 to 32 1-1G commission. Sterling steady. Gold loal5. Govern ments steady. Stater bonds very dull. Tennessee's lnfirnier. x Foreisn Markets. London, March 19. Consols closed at 92 a'Ji. Fives itoy Paris, March 19. Rentes 55 and 22. Liverpool, March 19; Cotton opened steadier: uplands 9119: Orleans 9. Later. Cotton closed steadier. Sales bales; speculation and export 2,000. Evening Cotton closed quiet, steady. Turpentine 44. Lard 38 and C. Wilminston Markets. Wilmington. March 19.-Spirits tur pentine uu sett led at 51. Itosiu firm at $2.70 for strained. Crude Turpentine unchanged, $2.50 for hard ; $4.50 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar market quiet ut 2.80. . Raltimore Markets. Baltimore, March 19 Flour shade bet ter. Wheat quiet, firm.'-; 0rn firm, white 03 ; y t How 67. w h iske 90 for sound lota. Cotton Markets. Wii mington, N. C, March 19. Cotton quiet; middlings Norfolk, March llt.-Cotton quiet. Mobile, March 18. Cotton quiet, liht demand; middlings lS'alS1. Boston, March 19. Cotton dull, depress ed ; middlings 19. Savannah, March 19. Cotton dull, ir regular ; middlings IS. Memphis, March 19. Cotton dull, nomi nal ; low middlings 18al. Baltjmokk. March 19. cotton dull, low er ; middlings 19. L E A C H B R O S . it n o c e it s ... ; ; AND . COMMISSION MEM G HA N TS , Raleigh, N. C, Offer to the jobbing trade 25 Ban els Fat, Family Mackerel, 25 Cases Fresh Cove Oysters. 50 ". Plain Picklen, 50 Boxes assori ed Candy, '25 Gross Box Snuff, 50 Barrels Sugar all grades, 5) " Flour, 20 Sacks Rio Coffee, 20 Boxes Bulk Sides. We claim that we have unsurpassed faci lities tor buying goods, as we keep an ex perienced buyer constantly In the Northern markets. On the above goods we CHALLENGE COMPETITION, and only ask an inspection of our stock. mh!8-tf rpiIE " WILSON" COTTON PLOW lthe bvst pl w for the cultivation of cot ton that has ever been invciiUd. Farmers who ue them sav that cotton cultivated with tins plo will hold better and produce a much Htrouer flure luuu if cultivated with any other plow. For an explanation of this fact call on . LEACH BROS., Who are the Agents for Raleigh, N. C. r mh!8-tf S U G A R HOUSE SYRUP. 100 Bairels Sugar House Syrup, Arriving this day in goid order. WILLIAMSON, ;iJPCUCH A fHOMAS. mhl8.tf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; Faytiteviie Sireei i'. - rhtxw, i i. a. Oil I to V.rt&,!fi Jt. FRESU a JR. R J ytjt t S i :. '.:t lusil fA The Spring Stock of Fancy Goods, Notion. , . vuuio,nuiioiit8,r i uibB, Qlv igri - , Musical Instruments f, i . u .-i ot everv kind. '' - 'L In short, a fall stock of everrthlnir trtK found In a , 1 - GENERAL VARIETY' STORE, - is now arriving; at i - ; a - v.u Brown's Mascnm er Imporiam tf Fancr oo&" iiAfti hsls oeen recently re stocked with Canaries, Gold and Bull.1 Finches, Java Sparrows, South American, Parrots, and tha AtnrMiv.uirinM .L RedBirds, The .,. . . ' AQUARIUM ; V ' ofGold and other small fish 1 constantly renlenished with thn mnBthaantifni t i . flriny tribe. rT ' T w Turn nnTon rk(M...I. V Just received. Also a large lot ot; I:-- MUSICAL IN8TRUMENT8.U a Dallv arrivals nf Vrnlfn onrl frY fjwf frv - eries. - - n' - Larire stoclr nf Tnr ani rrhinA .rLrAai selling at cost. x or anytning and everything, go to'- & n aP T , J . R , T HIG P E OP EDGECOMBE COTJNTT, ' ' "V' NORTH CAROyifAi (who Is too well known as one of the largest most intelligent and successful farmer in i North Carolina, to need any introduction here, at our hands,) sayg that he realized on ' ; ):; i : tin v.nit i GILQIU'S COTTON FERTILIZES ., , $1Z97J4 (twelve 97J.) on every 180 pounds, NET PROFIT I u t m 1 7 -' "' ' ' ' . . . ' i'i l V fif ,rv j- ffe experimented with ten (10) . ' ( . Standard Commercial Fertilizers.! , on his farm, under his own personal super vision, throughout the season, and ct i i, jar jn s SURPASSED THEM ALL, , i JSee his published report in " State! '" Agricultural Journal," of March 8th.; -.. 1 1 There will be only a certain ''limited" , amount of this Fertilizer Manufactured for "our supply and trade." Oar friends will do well to send In their orders at once to be booked, and then order as they may need It. ; TIME PRICE, - , 165.00 Free of Intei est." ' ; 4 ' " ' CASH PRICE, - - . $GO,00 At Our Warehouse in Norfolk" Planters who are strangers to ns can be ' supplied now from our Agents established r at the principal depots, at i FACTORY PRICES) FREIGHTS ADDED, Where planters are customers of other Commission Merchants in Norfolk, they . can order this Fertilizer through them. - ; The highest testimonials received from, some of the largest fanners, from Opin ions of the PresR," and newspaper corres pondents, and other disinterested parties throughout the Daily Press, relative to its action throughout the State. a. Liiuerai Discount auowea to tne Trade. - 4 A large per centage given for' CASH orders of twenty (20) tons, and upwards. c. w. g randy a hons, (Cotton Factors,) Special Ag'ts, Norfolk, Va., f To whom the Sole Agency In Norfolk and Portsn oath, and exclusive right of Sale, and entire control of supply for East ru aud Middle North Carolina, and Southern Virginia has been ceded. mh20-2t ' Avoid CowsuMPTioif. No enemy to the human race is more . to be dreaded and is more insidious in itx approaches than the too fatal destroyer of health and happiness of myriads "consumption in its ghastly form " The duty of all is to gnard against its first ad vancts. This may be done by the timely use of Dr. Tutt's Expectorant. ' " Boston, February 0,1870.' " Dr. Tutt : -' - - Dear Sir Will you please inform me at what druggist, in New York, I can get your Expectorant, as I can use some of Ft to ad vantage, having seen the effect of it on a friend of mine? I am fully satisfied that It has but to be tried to establish its merits. It works like magic. What is your whole sale price, delivered in New York? Let me know where it can be had for the present , in New York, and I will communicate further with you at another time.. Very truly yours, ' .(. W. JH. Bakkon, 90 Summer street.. Dr. Tutt's Hair Dye is sold Everywhere. . 100 KEGS' KA'11,8: 50 Kegs Horse and Mule Shoes. , . , Saddles, Collars, Bi idles and Harness of ' all discriptions. at -mar tl-tf G. T. STRONACH A BRO'S.' A RD , LARD, LARD ..' - 100 Kegs best Leaf Lard, . , . : 50 Half kegs " " ' ' " 10 Tierces " " ;--. ' Arriving to-day. WI LLIA MSON , UPCHURCH A THOMAS. : mil 18-tf -V r ' ! i ! T?LOUR I FLOUR 1 1 FLOURltl 100 Barrels Bur's Extra Flour, , 50 Elk River - " 2o0 Sacks Virginia Extra and Super. ? : fine Flour. T 20 Barrels people's favorite , Family 'M Flour, (good, as Patapsco.) In store and arriving. ' ! ' ' WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH A THOMAS. . mhl8-tf ' ' -- 1 00 BUSHELS 8TOCK PEAS mchl9if W. C. SrRONACHV , , f 1 0 DOZEN j FRESH ; . CANNED, Tomatoes.-1-" .-'V : 'l 16 Dozen I Winslow Jones" Green Corn. mehlVtl W. C. STRONACH. ' A r imm TJ r-v twi nil. m ; k -"J Cakes, received to-day. mchivti W, LV STRQNACH, i -t i I ii : i 5 ! Hi ! I '1 3 ' ji :'l h o : ' i , ' L t I f i- ! ! h 1 ' I'M s. r-1 -" - , : ; ' i x r n j i v. 1 v : 3? ! 1 4 t ! t 5 1 ! It 1 v, i- 4 I f,(( ii. 4 1 j r Creine of all Whikie$ the Executive orncc.