p a f L Y NEWS. 7ofB & "UZZELL. - - PROPRIETORS. " Fay ette villi Stkket, Stron ach & Co.'s Store. over V. C. CAHU-l"VABIABLY IN AVANCK. . -. -. in .1-11 The niirY Nts win utj usuvereu 10 V.i, t irii.'TKKN cents per week. l,bs;r m the carrier weekly. Mailed at f 1 payable y for gix m0nths ; $2 for thre 2 per annum i lfl0?t,jvV'EEKLY NEWS at 12 per annnm. GAUDS. " V IKBK1M0X. I S. A. ASHE A. MhK THOMAS C. FULLER. 1FRRIMo:S FULLER & ASHE, ittornf vs and CounselUrs t Law, K A L E I G II , N . C . , ii nnPtice In the State and Federal . ',.uri wherever their services may ' ' be required.' wrrv Former oince of Phillips & Mer aFFtr,n ' feb'2S-3m rufx li LES yv7S PRUILL, O A I T OUJiEV AT LAW, W ARBKNTON, N. C. mUKTS Warren and adjoining coun suureiue Court of Xcrth Carolina, and OUtod states Courts at Kaltib. IllU J-i-''" " -'" 0 VIDE D U P R 13 JS r ( Lately of Raleigh, N. C.,) attorney and Counsellor At Law, Ko. 6 V all St., New York, Will attend promptly to all Professional business duirusted 10 him. Refers to the rtuet Justice and Associate Justices of ti-e UDreuie court of .North Carolina, and to tile wuo.e bar of Norm Carolina, ifluvti - j B li VlCHKLOK. L. C. KDWAKX) W. PLUJiMEK HATCHELOR. I ATCiIELOK, EDWARDS AND X BA1CUKLOR, ATTOUNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C.1 V;il attend in the ourts of Wake, Gran ,;!;e r'ruukli.u. Warren, Halifax, Nortn- ana i t me .liuthuiu, aud the Federal illlil "Ut UUl'li.. jau 3-tf A L E X 11 6 11 I T II A l TOKNKY AT LAW, fCUll-AA ii NEC K, IS . ii. pnu-tirtiu ttie ourU of Halifax aud v.o.iccciou3 atieudod to iu all parts of the v-u.r. 'nay 11-tf W'ALTkK I'l.AKK. J. M. Mullen. 31 U L L E N . ALA it IV jii oif.rA.l-A AT 11 11 HALIFAX, N. 0. i i'Lioui-f ail iie Courts of Halifax uiiu4Ujploa aud Edgecombe counties u ine supremo Court of Morth Carolina uJ lii tije rVueral courts. Coin-vUuii kiuue iu all parts of North taiviiUit. iuh4-iy tD. CoMUL-4.Nl, LAW 1 wji. ii. Day ARTNKRS'HIP. G 0 N I Li L A N D & I) A Y , ATT O It N ii V S AT 'LAW, HALIFAX. N. C. Practice in the Courts of Halifax and ad ,o:aug counties in the Supreme Court of the Mate, and in the t ederul Courts, l hey will give- icial attention to collecting aud ix.iimuUu,; OuaiiieAs, aiid to adjusting the jM-cuuuts ui citfcutura. uduiiuisirators aud iruaiuiaus. ine Jaiiur part uc-r will attend at his of je in Hi'iJou ou Saturdays aud Mondays ui eacu w .-&. llo.a-ll &. ii. iil.N.V, Bam'lT. Williams YV 1 L L LA MS, ) I .Y KUCK.Y MOUNT. N. C. vv ILL 1 A M S & 15 U N N . J TO It . 1 'il S A T Xi It 1 it K1U1I, N. C. t liaucss leticrs may be addressed ciiut: iii i..cii.y ji .iuLur KaleiU..r tlasu. ti.Ilettcd ia auy part of the State. r i i. -Oitie iu the .Supreme Court of the tukv uii ui u. Federal Court at KaleigU. :n.,- i-u. C L N 1 U H V V 11 1 tiKEYI i'tixiii, In deln'uu liealli , oi:ri-un to obtain u. l'ure Stim rten flud it nt wiieu ... nd it is i'lcMrrii u oy llie;r fit Vfciclui '.'r lii'djgiMrt tli.lt ti.e aud oilier Ursi-t... trade i putii uUiiy deiyucd. It is difltrently Ii.-j. a red ii.oiu - ANY WHISKEY IN MARKET, "ii 1 ik .riving inany old brands out of ina.-Kfi, uccuunu the principle upon whicli it is iii.k.ie Is Kuperior." H- utmost uutversal testimony ol those liuve used the C;.MTJltY WHISKIES t'litt tiitjre is an entire absence of Head , uo.i auirdUw etable aftcr-efl'ecU - win u i xoerieiii ed in the use of Other br In is ijudufcctconseiiuenceof the I'untv of the Century Whihkies, a:i' tii-; impurity of many other brands. 1 ' re AU.-5.0L-UTKLY 1'UIIE; four prom 'ueni i-lieiiiiriu certify to this fact, viz : '''.'. .ILLIAIAN, l""ei K.-ul. State Chemist of Con- C U. .Si I EPA UD, Jr., State Chemist 'I tn Carnlinu. l'r.r. w. c. TILDKN, Washington, D. C. 1'rof. JOHN DAUUY, NeWi'ork. - All of w hom aree In pronouncing it without fault," vna "free from any dele lenous MiUlancc Whatever. " j-olll. 0 O M E A N D SEE t he Uuiversal" Plow, It le.s a greater variety of work than any olllt-r plow in us,'. , ' LEACH BROS. mhlH.tr- Ag.-..tslor lUleigh.N-C. s lr 1' E R - p II OSP1I ATE. . 1W sacks-VutMu and Clarke BUper 'Osphaie, , I'JJ sacus 'Zells" Super-Phosphate.. e live control of these celebrated Phos-Hau-8f.r tliuiuarket We can clieerlully rwuiuiucn.i tlieiu lor cotton or uuything jLLAMSON, UPC1IURCH & THOMAS, T HE - WILSON" COTTON PLOW i the x Kt picw fur thu cultivation of cot Ha that has ever been invented. Farmers u m .M'e laeu my that cottou cultivated lu ui plow will hold better and produce aiucu btionjr ttore thau 1C cultivated lthanyolherplowF . jr an expiauatlon of thl fact call on f yjj, LEACH BROS- , mhitu " Aeat tor KiMZ1 ii'0' r VOL. II. MORNING EDITION nlcigft gaihj mtw. FRIDAY ..MAICnl, 1873. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor nfjTZnK Agricultural Journal and TnT?;WS-lh,e SUle AGRICULTURAL Jolrnal, an eight-page Weekly published m Inis city, will be clubbed with the Daily 5s-.ou per annum, and with the Weekly N ews at 83 50 per annum. Orders directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. , . . , , . . Correspondents will please write on one side or the paper, .gfl ? Local Briefs. ' Hon. W. . tional. Smith, is at thea-1 The rains of the past two daysltave been sufficient to put our streets, -in a Yery bad condition. 3 J R. C. Badger, JGsqM has been con firmed as District Attorney for Eastern District of North Carolina. f. The sidewalks of Fayetteville street are now lumbered up with the boxes of our dry goods merchants who are re ceiving their spring stocks. fhe llickumn Lodge, No. 1, 1. O. G. T., Raleigh, is .said to , be the banner lodge in point of numbers in the whole world. The Urajarf Council of the or der meets in London England, this year. ' v Ik'V. B. F. Long, of 'Warrenton, Sec retary of the Old North State- Fire In surance Compauy, is in the city in the interest of his Company. The, Old North Sate is one of the leading Tire insurance Companies of theJSouth, and we are glad to know is doing a large business both in this and other States. We would call the atteution ot Com missioner Backalin to the mammoth hole at the txtreme eastern end of Martin Street. ,We suggest to him that when the foundation of Messrs. Williamson, Unchurch & Thomas new stfore is being dug, that he put his carts to hauling, and fill up that hole. It is a much bet ter place for red mud than the Baptist Grove. - Messrs. C. D. llenrtt & Co., boot, shoe and hat dealer?, announce in to day's issue that they are in receipt ot several attractions in their line. -'These gentlemen are the leading men in their line in the city, in fact the on4y exclu sive dealers in boots and shoes, and therefore ihould command the public patronage. Go and see them. Having alluded before to the pro proposed new building on Fayetteville street, we are pleased to believe that all our anticipations are to be found correct. In the place where Mr. Kreth formerly occupied, a most enterprising firm contemplates building a large, three-story, pressed brick tront store house, extending irom Fay ettevi'.e street across to Salisbury street. This will be a magnificent ad dition to the numerous fine buildings now elected in this 'bursr. Another firm contemplates erecting a fine store house on the adjacent vacant lot These new structures, together with-the proposed public improveraeuts,will give not only the mechanics abuhdaut work, but induce others elsewhere to come to loin Ibtm m reauintr me uarvesu The addition to trade will be consider able, and altogether the outlook for Raleioh ferthe next two rears is most o - favorable indeed. Geneual Pexdleton. We resret exceedingly that threatening weather last evening prevented this distinguish ed geutleman from delivering his ad dress up m Gtn. Lee, ac Metropolitan IThII ns Tier announcement. 1 Ins is to be all the more regretted as Genera Ppndleto'n could not remain with us another day, owing to other "engage metits ahead. We trust Gcnernl Pen- dlettm will soon nav U3 a t o her find- it convenient to visit, and not t l together deprive, us oi me picasuie t a listening to his admirable address o which we have heard so much. Halifax & Scotland Neck Hail- hoad. A meeting of the '-Corporators and all others interested," to take steps t organize the Company, will be lie in tln town ot Halifax on Tuesday the 25th of March. The Cm porators named in the charter are M. W. Hansom, Ed ward Coniglatid, Walter Clark, K. II. Smith. II. J. Uervey, W II. Smith J. K Tillery, P. E. Smith, W. II, Day, II. L. Tillery, John C. Randolph and W. R. Bond. Election of uiiief xnu i Labt evening the Fire Department ol this city held an election lor Chief .Ln gineer. The choice fell upon II. T. Clawson., There were no regular nom inations. Mr. Clawson .received 107 votes; R. H. Bradley, 6; C. Luester, 1 ; n Lamson. 1. For the past few months Mr C has been acting as Chief Login cer, and made a most efficient officer. What Hauius Our midnight dis- patches announce tne nnpwn that Harris has been confirmed Revenue ..i.-.r fr.r the 4th District of North Carolina. The question is, which Har ris - Jamcts H. Cobum L. or J. C. Logan. While we have no choice between the three, yet we would like to know which one It is. '- " ' : . O O. F. Called meeting of Seaton I Gales T.culire. iNO. 04, tm ".UB evening, at 7 -cick. iuir.. ptss. .T ry By order of N. G. M V'B. Gilbeut, R. b. It GoES -Spring clothing still gorng oft at low price. Go early and gel cheap bargains. Also a handsome line of Scarfand Neck-ties at Ramsey & Co's, 20 Fayetteville street. .,0at. Last evening Col. Robt. 'rairi.o'Wdf tiilas' -N". Martin, Esq., of fi ?!?n. arrived in this ctty and H RALEIGH, N. ROCKINGHAM COUNTY. The Superior Court Judge Tourgee WentAvorth and Reidrille Gen eral Items. The Spring Term of the Superior Court for Rockingham county is now in session at Wentworth, the county seat We were present in attendance upon its session on Monday and Tuesday, the two first days, and had an opportunity of witnessing the striking contrast be tween the general appearance oi a west ern court room with that of the eastern counties we have been visiting. Though the court was opened on Monday even ing and much business transacted, yet the jury was not called until Tuesday mornins. While the jury was beinsr called. Col. Watt, of Caswell, asked that a certain man be excused from serving, as he was a coach maker and repairer, in the town of Wentworth. This being an excuse oi the highest dig-nity, the Judge replied certainly, of course, and inti mated that halt the visitoi-3 in twn that came onwheels could not get back lome withnnt. .s;i;tnnfrt frnm thf toIipp' repairer, such was the condition of the roads. The Judge Droceeded to charge the Grand Jury, which by theway was decidedly one of the 'mostinteUigent ooking juries we have seen since the Spring Courts commenced. Both the Grand Jury and Petit Jury were white, which was thepiiuc'pal contrasting feature with'trur Eastern Courts. The charge of Judge Tourgee was an able document, entirely void of super fluous language and directed mainlv to the points of law likely to arise before the body. The most important trial of Tuesday was that of a bastardy case, in which much interest was manifested. Solicitor Bulla was assisted in the prosecution of the eighteen year old de endant by Messrs. Staples and Boyd, and the delense was ably conducted by the Messrs Scales. The examination of witnesses was especially inteiesinir as will readily be seen when we say one was introduced'upon the stand that was scarcely three months old. Several important cases (two lor mur der) will be tried this week. ent worth, the county seat, is health ully,not to say beautifully situated, on l high hill, in the centre ot Rocking ham county, and is "about eight miles from the nearest railroad station, Reid- ville, on the Richmond' and Danville Railroad. It is a three-cornered town with the Court House iu the centre, has a good hotel, live stores, a flourishing male and female school, two churches, a coach factory. several drinking sa loons, two blacksmith shops, and a thriving and enterprising population of about three hundred souls.' Wentworth is the home of Ex-Governor David S. Rcid aud the Settles, and the former home of the Scakses. Leaksvi.Uc. noted lor its "fine cotton mauuiacturing mills and good water power; Madison lor its advantages as a local tobacco market, and lwiuvule as r.i . 1 . .11. one or tne most enterprising ana rapiuiy growing little towns in this State, are the principal business centres of the county We regret that we only had a night view of Reidville, and had no opportu nity to visit the several warehouses anil tobacco factories that have" recently sprung up in this town. From Doctor Smith, the genial proprietor ( i the Reidville Hotel, we learned there were inooL-ratiou at this time nine tobacco factories and warehouses, together with seven or-cight stores, three churches with a convenient number, shoe, car penter, wheelwright and other man ufacturing establishments. The Ila-urdy published by our friend Webster, at this place, is the only news paper in the county, and wVare glad to know has what it deserves;: -.a large couutv patronage. The Record is one ol our best country exchanges, and must . 1 .1- I.-. . .... ... . i.. .il.ti-. (... ni nnlN succeeu utiuei us picM.-ui uwic. ij..-i.m.. mtnt. Rockingham is exclusively a tobacco county, aud possibly' this-may be one reason why the multitude that thronged Court Green on Tuesday seemed to us to wear a more contented countenance, a better appearance generally,'' better dressed, better led, ard abetter disposi tion to subscribe lor the News than any other Court we have attended. Rockingham, like other counties, ia sorely afflicted with bad roads. We shall have to remember thragged and rugged state oi th road that passes over Perry's Hill and leading from Wentworth to Reidville. I he vehicle that contained us on 1 uesday nigut. driven by a careful hand and at a slow pace, was upset and the entire crew of oassengers narrowly escaped destruc tion. We became entangled .in the wheel wheeU and being dragged a few paces. sustained a slight injury. Dr. Smith, of Reidville, was caught under the car riage, and though critically situated, e.t:ad with only a sliht bruise. We are pleased to say that our efforts to fxtend the circulation of the News in Rockingham '.succeeded, and soon mir list in this food old couutv wiil be w v - known by hundreds. Baitist Churcii. seo that the nightly -We are glad to meetings iu iu interest. this chinch are growing On Wednesday evening several persons ap liprl the Inltar and asked the prayers oi tne cnurcn , i i Ou the evening above referred to Rev J. D. Ilutham pieached an able sermon. The meetings will continue for some days to come and the Pastor.Dr. Pritchard, will have the assistance of He v. Mr.. Ilufham In his ltibors. Dn. ItoUEitT II. Towles. We are dad to learn that our young friend, Dr. Towles, has every prospect of pro fessional success in the town of Greens boro to which place he has lately re moved. His standing at the Medical College in Baltimore warrants us in predicting for him a fair shair ot prac tice in his new home, and our best wishes attend him. Acceptep. W. G. Candler, Eq, has accepted the appointment of Solici tor of the 11th Judicial District, re cently tendered him by Gov Caldwell. C. FRIDAY MORNING. Heating tiie Capitol. It is be re gretted that the Legislature, at its last session, failed to . make provision for heating the Capitol by a modern beating apparatus. The question was brought to the attention ot the Legislature by resolution and a committee appointed to examine into the feasibility of the project. The committee, we learn, made extensive inquiry, and besides ex amining the apparatus used at the Lu natic Asylum and the Deaf and Dumb Institution, called to their aid the best mechanical judgment of the city. They made a lengthy report favoring the pro ject, and recommended the appropria tion of $10,000 to purchase the appa-d ratus and fixtures, and to pay. formats introduction into the buildingsCom petent mechanics judged thatMt would not cost over that amounttoinsert the latest and most"approveer heating ap paratus into every room ot the Capitol, and therefjy do away w'th the old fashioned fire-places, and the numerous retinue of wood-cutters, firc-leeder ind drones politely called servants that now lounge leisure ly in "and about the offices of the CaDi- tol, and in the halls during the sessions of the General Assembly. Persons acquainted with the working of steam heaters estimated that the outside cost of running" a heater during the entire winter would not exceed '1,200. The committee'ascertained that the present cost ot heating the building exceeded $a,000 annually, and was poorly done at that. The halls are exceedingly chilly during the winter months, the usual time they are occupied, aud more than one member of the Legislature in years gone by, who have died Irom that bauclul disease, consumption, affirmed that the seeds of the diseases Were con tracted while representing their con stituencies in the halls at the Capitol. Mr. Duckworth, of Transylvauia, who died last summer, was the latest victim The leport of the committee died upon the calendar on the adjournment oi the General Assembly. We, hope, however, the friends ot the project will renew the proposition next winter. Besides its utility, it would be real economy on the part of make the improvement. the State to Hexky W. Conn eii. The announce ment of the death of Henry W. Conner will send a thrill of pain to many a heart in North Carolina. A gallant soldier lor four years, he never recovered from the effect of his wounds and dis ease contracted -in camp. When wc first knew him, he was upon crutches, but with a fund of joyous humor that rendered him the most pppular man of his class at the University of North Carolina. His' friends in Lincoln atd Mecklenburg, his class-mates, and the members of his club, will long keep green in their hearts the memory of Henry W.Conner. We append the fol lowing account of this sad occurrence, which we take from the columns of an exchange : Early Monday morning, Mr. II. W. Conner a uatiye, and resident of Char lotte, North Carolina, died at the St. Clair Hotel, North Calvert street, under circumstances peculiarly sad and dis tressing. Mr. Connej was a merchant, and arrived in this city ou the 7th inst. for the purpose of replenishing his stock of troods. lie was somewhat subject to pulmonary coin plaints, and was suf fering Irom o severe cold, which heneg- ected until Wednesday of last week, when lie was compciled to take bis bed and the professional services of Proles- sor vv alien procured, cniortunateiy the disease, which was soon developed nto typhoid pneumonia, had made such nroads on his system that the best med ical advice was of no avail, and he died is above stated. Both telegraphic tnd mail communications were used to inform his relatives of. his cond'tion, but from the fact t hat Mr. Com er was the last survivingmem- ber of his laiuily, with the exception of a sister, residing in jSevv iork. no rela tive or -.friend was at las bedside' to soothe his list moments, his brother in- aw not reaching the city until some hours alter his deith Mr. Conner was about 27 years of age. He was a single man andNyas .much bc- oved in the community where, he re ,ided, on account o! his genial, and pleasant mauneis, and his high orderpf attainments. Ilts remains were to-daV placed in the mausoleum at Grcenmount, with a view to being removed to his 1 ite home on a suitable occasion.. The lather ol the deceased, bearing the same name, represented the district in Notth Carolina in the lower House ot" Congress from the years 1821 to 1811, when he declined a re-election. A Commendable' Action and'a WoiiTHY Man. On Wednesday night it will be remembered that a rather severe wind storm prevailed thioughout t '.lis belt of country. Dining the pre valence of this storm, the mail train on the Western Railroad approached Fay etteville, and when at lull speed, in a few miles of the town, a light on the track caused the engineer to blow for the break 3. The 'train- was brought to a halt, aud it was discovered that a large pine tree had been blown' dowu - across the track. The position of the tree was discovered about a half an hour before train time by Geo. McKay, an old col ored man living in the neighborhood. George at once appreciated the difficulty ot the situatiou, and immediately kin- died a fire near the track, and. ran home lor his axe, and v. hen the train halted, on iiccount of the fire, George was found hard at work cuttiog the tree in two in order to clear tne tracic. i he night was densely black, and had it not been for George's discovery and precautions to stop the train, a serious loss to both life and propei ty wouta. have occurred. We hope the railroad authorities will give George a substantial token of their ap preciation of his good service upon this occasiou. To have 'elegant light Biscuits, Rolls, Buckwheat Cakes, Fruit Dumplings, Sc., you should use Doo ley's Yeast Powder. Ask your Grocer for it. It is u pure Baking Powder. ' E' T" Kfws. MARCH 21 1873. TELEGRAPHIC JTEWS, NOON DISPATCHES. General Intelligence. New York, March 20. Dispatches f rom Chicago and Maine report heavy snows. . : ' - . The news from the Modoc war is un important. Gen. Canhy's plan is to starve Capt. Jack out. bix hundred troops are aiouno the lavn beds. Com pany A,' of the 4th artillery, has been ordered to the front. The Tennessee Legislature passed a billallowing localities to decide the question of tippling houses. The gov- pernor will sign the bill. Bloodgood Ostemore's Elastic Belt ing Factory has been burned.' Loss $60,000. The advance in pork is at tributed to the demand from Europe to make bacon for army food. The schooner Jas. Garland reported lost, with alLaboard, is safe at Rock land, Me. The Press to Receive no Informa tion from the New Secretary of the Treasury. Washington, March 20. The new Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Rich ardson, says he will have little or no news for the journalists. These gentle men are referred to the President for news oi the operations of the Treasury Department. Misterious Disappearance ot a Georgian. New York, March 20. Thomas J. Blackwell, dry goods merchant, of El berton, Georgia, while enroute to New Tork, left a friend while the train was at Wilmington, Deleware, on Tuesday, go in the smoking car, and has not since been heard of. He had consid- ble money in his possession. 1 ' - " The Affairs of the St. Louis, Kansas Ac N. W. It. It. St. Louis, March 20. The affairs of the St. Louis, Kansas & Northwestern Railroad is quiet. The Metropolitan police and local authorities seem ample to prevent further damage or interrup tion oi travel. Spanish A flairs. Madrid, March 20. Francisco Sal- meron was today elected President of the National Assembly, and Sardol and Ltpez becretaries. , lhe Uarlist bands are becoming more numerous and troublesome in Anda lusia. Gladstone and His Colleagues to Re main in Office. Eondon, March 20. Gladstone will announce iu the House of Commons to- ght (Thursday) that he has decided to 1 remain in otnee with an oi ins col leagues. Robbery of a Post-Office. Pittsburg, Pa., March 20. The Post O (lice was robbed before five o'clock this morning. Over one thou- said dollars worm or stamps ere stolen. Sailing for Vienna. New York, March 20. The Guard, with a thousand packages for the Vien na Exhibition, sails to-day. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES.' From New York. Few YoitK, March 20. The United States' fleet has left Rio Janerip on account of the yellow fever, where 70 cases are reported -daily.- The epidemic has extended to Bahia and Pcrnambuco where it was confined to the shipping. The cholera is very fatal at Para. The United State.- , School Ship "Mercury" was at St. Thomas on the 14th. Two ol her crew had died of yellow fever. ' Aiicivy defalcation at the Bullshead Bank is reported. Its capital is two millions. It had no tlirtct connection with Clearing Bank. The bank is closed and in charge of the police. Crowd of depositors surround the build ing. A person named McDonald whs ar rested upon the arrival ot the Stutingea as a lorger upon .the Bank of England McDonald had money. -diamonds and .other' valuables, -hut -'alleges there is a gross hiisi'-kc , The ear hook murderer Foster's fam ily left by to U y :-:imer lor Europe. Ilis children at' his own riqutst have noKbccn al'owed to see him since his incracMati'.n. Foster's counsel is making a ti.td ellort to delay the exe cution unoif the ji round that the re prieve requires a i tsi i.tence. -r . ' ' Washington A flairs, m Washington, March 20.-Confirma-tions : Speuce. Assistant Attorney Gen eral lor the Post olhce Department ; Parker, Marshal for Eastern Texas ; Badger. Attorney for. the Eastern dis trict oi Nortii Carolina ; Reeves, Collec tor of the fifth district ot yirgini Lewis, Collector of the nineth district of Virginia; Smith, Collector of the third district ot Virginia: Duval, Col lector of the first district of West Vir ginia : Harris, Collector ot the louith district of North Carolina; Murat, Col lector" of Customs at Apalachacola; Collins. Collector ol Customs at Biuns a-irk GeorM:t: ""-Booth. -'.Collector of Customs at Baltimore ; Kendrick, Post master at Chattanooga. . Our Financial Policy. Washington, March 20, Richardson regards the President's letter to liout well as mandatory upon him to pursue Koutwell's uoiicy. Nominations : Adum Ecking, Naval ofH-er at Baltimore; E, II. Smith, Col lector ot the third Virgln-i district. New Jersey Legislature. Tkkmon, '.'March 20. The Senate passed unanimously the general rait-, road bid. The bill had already been passed by the House The local option bill has beeu indefinitely postponed. Body Found. MoNTUEAL, March 20. The remains of Mr. Hyatt, "a"' commercial traveller, was found in the ruins of the St. James Hotel. ' . - NO. 19. No Change in the English Cabinet. London, March 20. -In the House of Commons this afternoon, which was crowded to snfiocation, Gladstone an nounced that the opposition having declined to form a new government, he and his colleagues would remainin office. The announcement was received with cheers. ' Weather Probabilities. Washington. March 19. --For the South Atlantic States, southwest winds varying to northwest, and increasing to brisk for a short time in North Carolina, generally partly clowdy and clear weather. Fire in Lake City. Cincinnati, March 20. Six stores, post-office and twenty dwellings in Lake City, Chacot were burned. county, Arkansas, COMMERCIAL REPORT. New York markets. t Nkw Yobk. ilarch '0. Cotton easier: sales 2,005 bales ; uplands 9 ; Orleans i9. Flour quiet; common to fair extra $6.15a S8.30, good to choic $8 40a$13.00. W hiskey closed at 91. Wheat la2c. higher, holders ask full prices for prime stocks. Corn a shade easier, and steady. Rice quiet, 8. foiK nrm, quiet new 164. Lard quiet,. Nav als quiet. Tallow active 8a8. Freights quiet. Cotton Js'tt receipts 13fc9 bales, gross 5,04'J. Sales for exports to-day 1,063. sales lor iuture de.'ivery to-day, 11,4 0 bales, as follows : March 18al8!4: April 18al8; May 18 ll-16al8; June 18 15-16 iyys; July 19al9 3-16. - Money closed at 7. sterling dull at 8g. Goldloal5. Governments steady. State bonds very dull. Foreign Jtlarkets. London, March 20. Consols closed at 92 a92. Fives 95. Evening Bullion increased 53.C00 pound. Paris, March 20. Rentes 55 and 22. Liverpool. March 20. Cotton opened steadier; uplands 9a9; Orleans 9. Later. Cotton closed firm. Sales 14, 000 bales ; speculation and export 3,000. Evening Cotton closed firm ; uplands 9ba9K; Orleans 9a94. Sales 10,000. Cotton Markets. Wilmington, N. C, March 20; Cotton quiet; middlings 18J. Norfolk, March 20. Cotton quiet. Mo bilk, March 20. Cotton quiet, light demand ; middlings lSalS. Boston, March 20. Cotton dull, depress ed; middlings 19. Savannah, March 20. Cotton dull, ir regular ; middlings 18. x Memphis, March 20. Cotton dull, nomi nal ; low middlings 17al7. - Baltimore. March 20. Cotton dull, low er ; middlings 19. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLIP P EIVsTS iTlPRsI Just received an elgant lot of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Slippers in gre it variety. " . Our Cloth Gaiters for Ladles are unsur passed for fit and comfort. Gents hand-made Boots and Gaiters, the best in the market. Call arid see bur elegant stock of Gents Hats. mchiltf -4. C. D. IIEAKTT fe CO. s T A T E A G 1?1C ULTURAL JOUKNAXu SP L E N D ID EDI T I O N ! Sa turda y, March 22d, I 873. Contents- Western North Carolina. How to .Make Dogs Profitable. Cultivation ot Cotton. Use and value of muck Guano on gray land and Rush in cotton. lignity of Agricultural. "Fair r no Fair." Latest Jftws, c. State Agricultural Journal. ONLY $2.0O 1EU ANNUM. Flic Cents Per Copy. L E A C 11 B R O S G Si a C E R s - ' i . 1 - f and. '-'- COMMISSION M E It C II A If TS , i - v- i - Raleigh, N. C, Offer to the jobti?g trade 25 ltari els Fat, Family Mackerel, 25 Cast s Fresh Cove Oysters, 50 Plain Pickles, 5'J Boxes assorted Candy, . 25 Gross Box .Snuff, - ' ' ' 5 ) Barrels 8ug!ir all grades, . 5 " Flour, 20 Saks liio Coffee, 20 Boxes Bulk Sides. We claim that we hare unsurpassed faci lities lor buying goods, as we keep an ex perienced buyer constantly in the Northern luariceis. -On the above goods we CH ALLEN G E COM PETITION, and only ask an inspection of our stock. mhlS-tf ' - , . 131.ANK BOOKS IN VARIETY. Initial Paper, elegant, just to hand. L.. BRANSON, Bookseller, mar 13-tf . llaleigh.N. C. E. W. Thomason. L. J. Labakbjs E W . T H O M A S O N & C U . , (Successors to E. T. Hall t Co..) Auctioaeers aad Coinmisslon merchants, NO. 3. WILMINGTON STREET, RALEIGH, N. C., -" , Sp:oia . Estate. 'et lon paid to the sale of Real CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. Refer to J. Q. WiUlams, President State National Bank; A. G. Lee & Co., Raleigh; W. Whitaker. Mayor oi Raleigh; W. C. Stronach, Raleigh. ' 1 . A full slock of Groceries on, hand at reasonable Prics.w THOMABOjr 4 cq.' nov28-tf - : ' ' . -v D. A;I'L, X) ; JST JE W S . RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one insertion., One sonar, two Insertions $ 100 . 150 .. 2 00 .. 3 60 ..8 00 .. 16 00 80 00 On gauara. three Insertions, One square, six insertions..... one square, one montn.. one square, mree montns une square, six voantm On square, V. elve months, 60 00 For larger advertlsementa, liberal con tract will be made. ; Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. - ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Faycttevllc street, . FRESH The Spring Stock 6 Fancy dtobds. Notions Confectioneries, Fruits, &cn Toys, Musical Instruments - ; : t -i - 'r ot every kind.- , In short, a fall stock of everything to be . GENERAL :yARIETYr STORE, is now arriving at . : . : BrowiV Museum. or, Iinporiai f Janqf Goods. The AVIARY? has , been rfntlv re stocked with Canaries. Gold and Bull Finches. Java Snarrows. South iAmerican Parrots, and Uie American Mocking and Red Birds. The i - a AQUAMDIt: .m of Gold and other small fish is constantly replenished with the iicst beautiful of the finny tribe. .:; : , ;- Two Dozen Children's Carriages just received. Also a laie lot ot MUSICAL INSTRtTMEirfa. Dally arrivals of Fruits and infection- eries. . - - . , . - - ,: . Large stock of Tovs and China' Goods selling at cost.... ; j. J( -j.ij u,f.j. x or anything and everything, go to ! NAT.ilvBROWN'S. mmw-tr . . r n c APT, JL .R.M THIGPEN, OF EDOECOMBI qoySTT, J NORTH ' CAR O t i TflA , -.' - .'. v- ,: -j.'i (who is too well known as one of the largest, most intelligent aud successful' farmers in ixorih Carolina, to need any-introduction here, at our hands,) says thathe realized on GILUIM'S COTTOSr FESTltlZEK 812.97 (twelve 07.) on every 180 pounds, NET ,PRQFTt ', He experimented with ten (10) '. : Standard Commercial Fertilizers, on his farm, under his own personal super vision, mrougoouG tne season,- ancr G I L H .A Jtl 'A 'i -..-' .- ., i-.i. i i . i.'. i't tit 2-See his published1!)!:! ,M State Agricultural Journal," of March 8th. ti There will be only a certain "limited" amount of this Fertilizer klanufactured for "our supply and trade.". Our friends will do well to send in their orders at,6nce to be booked, and then order as they majriecd it. ill i 4W TIME-PRICE " tes.oo CASH PRICE.1 - . - . $CO.OO At Our Warehouse in K:orolk. Planters who are' strarigers td' ns can be supplied now from our Agents established at the principal depots, at ' i FACTORY PRICES, FREIGHTS , ADDED. -j i . r Where planters artyustomers' of other CommiPsionMerchantS'in.'Nprfolk, they can order this Fertilizer through them. . The highest testLinonlahs ecivd from some of the largest farmers, irom "Opin ions of t he Press,'' And newspapef corres pondents, and other disinterested, parties I throughout tle Daily Press, relative to iu A Liberal Discount allowed to the Trade. ...:,,;.,,,-; -.-..': 3- A large per centage given for CASH orders of twenty. (20) tons, and upwards. C. W. UttAJNDX KONH, (Cotton Factokb,) Special Ag'ts, i Norfolk, Va,, To whom the Sole Agency in Norfolk and Portsii outh. and exclusive right? of Sale. and entire control of supply for Eastern and Middle North tr01inj and Southern v lrginia uas oeen ceaea..i -j UJ ; u t. AvoiD CoN'sUknoK.-i-No nemy to the human race is more to be dreaded and is more insidious in Its approaches than the Wo fatal destroyer of health and happiness of myriads "Consumption iu its gnastly form " The duty of all is tq guara against its rlmt advances. This may be done by the timely use of Dr. Tutt's Expectorant. - . i . - . . r..r-. ' J BOSTON, Februarys, 1870. Dr. Ttttt I o" -d blaudtf.i Dear Sir Will voui vdease, inform meat what druggist, iu New York, lean get your expectorant, as i can use some or io ad vantage, having seen the effect of it on a friend of mine? I am fully satisfied that it has but to be tried to establish Its merits. It works like magic. What is your whole sale price, delivered InNeWSforkT' Let me know where it can be had for the present in New York, -aaU'l wal communicate further with you at another time. - Very truly yours,-1 W. U. Bakbob, 9Q Summer street. ; Dr.Tutt'B Hair Dy is sold Everywhere. ' K E 'G'8 ,9-N AILS: . - v 50 tegs Horse and Mule Shoes.. Saddles, Collars, Bi idles 'and Harness of all disci iptions. at , , -mar 11-tf G.T. STRON ACH ABRO'S. L AUD, LARD: LARD 100 Kegs best Leaf Lard, , ' . : X1U Tlercea ; l-..i '.-.A-.-di t Arriving to-day. , WILLIAMSON, OPCHTJKOH A THOMAS. mh LS-tf - . . r i f ..fj JPLOUR ! . FLOTJR,! ., ( FLOUR ! 1 1 100 Barrels Bur's Extra! Flourt, 50 ."Elk River . t " - , 200 Backs Virginla-Extra aifd Super fine Flour. . -.' ,i " . ; i ; 20 Barrels people's favorite Family Flour, (good as PaUpsrco t. In store and arriving. WILLIAMSON, UPCHXJRCH A THOMAS. mhl8-tf . , - . H 00 BUSHELS. , STPCK PEAS -L " ' ' - V lUChI9tf .-; 9 4b. 'n't tU'.i 4 DOZEkPRESn CANNED Tomatoes., 16 Dozen -I Wlnslow Jones" Green Corn. mchl9tf W. a STRON ACH. . i , i t . ... i ; . ' .i - - i m . BROTHERS'. ' X EAST Cakes, received toayiurii iim mchlSU , .... W. C. STRONACR,., Ann k M H H H il U . W . - B - .V ! ' f : i A. 1 t : - - U I X f ilr fr'I t - I if I:' , . 'i. IK 1; H 1 5: V' ill it. ; , t. -It f: It IB 1 i' ih. Ill - tj li: I i . -.; m if VA w m 1 1 -leered at tbe Yatborough.