., , t i if'U "Mil . , . :j 1 . ! ?. ' i -: . 7i -I DAILY NEWS. STONE &. UZZELL, - - Proprietors. FAYKTTKVILLK STREET, Over W. C. Stronacn & Co.'s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to subscribers at fifteen cents per week, payable t o the carrier weekly. Mailed at $7 per annum; feS.50 for six months ; $2forthre3 mouths. The WEEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. DAILY NEWS. 1 f RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square. me lnBertloH................$ 1 00 One squar two Insertions- 1 60 One square, three iasertlons. . 2 00 one square, six insertions.................. s so One square, one month ...................... 8 00 wne square, tnree months ......... . le oo One square, six months 30 00 One square, V . elve months, 50 00 For larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non YOL. II. RALEIGH. N. C.. SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 23. 1873. NO. 21. pareil constitute one square. The Daily News W ' S M U S E U M Fayetteville Street. F MIES II i It ill VJl L, S. The Spring Stock of Fancy Goods, Notions Confectioneries, Fruits, fcc, Toys, Musical Instruments of every kind. In short, a full stoeK of - evwy thrrtg to be found In a GENERAL VARIETY STORE, is now arriving at Brown's Museum or Emporium of Fancy Goods. The AVIARY has been recently re stocked with Canaries, Gold and Bull Finches, Java Sparrows, South American Parrots, aud the American Mocking atd lied Birds. The A Q U A R I U M of Gold and other small fish is constantly replenished with the mcst beautiful of the tinny tribe. Two Dozen Children's Carriages Just received. Also a large lot ot MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Dally arrivals of Fruits and Confection eries. Large stock of Toys and China Goods selling at cost. .-. For anything and everything, go to NAT. L. BROWN'S. mh20-tf T HE MORNING STAR DAILY EDITION Though only five years old, bas the largest daily circulation ot any newspaper in the State, and a circulation in Wilmington fifty per cent, larger than that of any other paper. WEEKLY EDITION: Now combined with the "Carolina Farmer," making one of tne best FAMILY NEWS PAPERS in the South. Circulation very laige and rapidly increasing. subscription price: Daily Star, 1 year ...87 00 " 6 montns 3 50 " 3 months.......... 2 00 Weekly Mar, 1 year 2 00 " " H months 1 00 3 months 50 It may be safely asserted that no news paper ever established in North Carolina lias made such rapid progress as The Morning stak. jkir Send for specimen copies. Address, W.H.BERNARD, jan9-tf . Wilmington, N. C. W h i: t e g o vo d s We ask attention to our large stock of Nainsook Muslins. ' .Hull Muslins, : Jaconet Muslins, Checked Muslins, Striped Muslins, AND Jaconet and Nainsook Edgings, Which we are offering very low. DAVIS, DRAKE & CO.. Tetersburg, Va. marlo-ly c E T U 11 Y WHISKEY! Persons In ttelieate health, olten fiad it UitQcult to obtain a Pure Siiinuiant wfctn prescribed by their Pnysiciuu.-, and it is lor Druggists and other rirsi.-c...-s trade that tuts is particulai ly designed, prepared irom It is differently ANY WHISKEY IN MARKET, and is driving many old brands out of market, because the ' principle upon Which iMiuiue is superior." Tne almost universal testimony ot those who have used the CENTURY WHISKIES is. that there is an entire absence of Head aches, aud ntuer disug eeaoie after-ell'ects so often experienced in the use ot other brands. This is a direct consequence of the Parity of the Century Whiskies, aad the impurity of many other brands They are ABSOLUTELY. PURE; four prom hieut chemists certify to this fact, viz : Prof. MILLIMAN, State Chemist of Con necticut., Prof. c. U. S II EPA RD, Jr., State Chemist ( or hou tu Carolina. Prof. W. C. TILDES, Washington, D. C, Prof. JOHN DARBY, New York. All of whom area in Dronouncing it "without fault," Hid "free iroui any dele terious substance wnatever." Fur sale by rirst-class dealers everywhere. ieb o-aiu. n O M E A N D SEE I'he Universal" Plow, It loes a greater variety of work than any "iner plow in use. LEACH BROS , mhlS-tf Agents lor Raleigh, N C, g UP EU-P1IOSPHA T E T, 100 Sacks Watsou and Clarke's Super- aospiiaie. , ttw aaciis 'Ziills" Super-Phosphate. Wie have control of these celebrated Phos Pnaies for this market. We cau cheerlully rec(j.uiiiend them lor cotton or anything iNe-. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH A THOMAS, iiinis-tr THE " WILSON" COTTON PLOW the best plow for the cultivation of cot liithat has ever been invented. Farmers yii use tuem say that cotton cultivated ilh this plow will hold betterand produce much stronger XI ore than if cultivated !th any other plow. " or an explanation of tins iaci can ou B no Ivi LUiAUil BtVOO., rho are the Atrentd tor Ralelzh. N. C. MORNING EDITION. SUNDAY , MARCH 23. 1873. LOCAL MATTER. X E. C. WOODSON, City Editor SStT All parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. 13T Special. Notiees inserted in the Local Column will be charged (20) Twenty Cents per line. 4SJ. O. II. NuttalIi, of the Charlotte Advertising' Agency, is agentfor this paper in Charlotte, N. C. He is duly authorized to contract for advertisements and receipt for subscriptions. "y i Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents. No. 4 South-street. Baltimore. Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atoui lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. AS" The agricultural Journal and the News. The State griculttjral Journal, an'elght-page Weekly published in liiis citywih be clubbed with the Daily News at 8.50 per annum, and with the Wksklt News at 53 50 pe annum. Orders directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. U2F Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. 'J2. Local Briefs. What has become of the' Water Works Company ? . , . , ' The Board of County Couimissioners meet ou the 3rd prox. Rejnember Valentine Vox at Tucker Hall on Tuesday eveniDg.j Gate lifters continue to be a source of annoyance to some of our citiztns. The, Board of City Commissioners meet on Wednesday evening next. The magistrates of this township are inclined to complain ot dull times The Register of Deeds of this county last week issued six marriage licenses. Eighteen beeves, 10 hoys and four calves were slaughtered" in this market last week. Gov. Caldwell is not expected to re turn to this city until the first of next month. Up to 0 p. m., yesterday no cases of a criminal nature had come before his Ionor, the Mayor. Pool & Morint? announce fresh arrival of grocecies at their establishment on Wilmington street. See tho advertisement of a dwelling house lor rent and the arrival of new goods by Wyatt, Green & Co. All the churches will be open to day, and ample opportunities are oflered to all to get rid of surplus piety. A wool pulling occurred yesterday afternoon between two drunken colored women on Cabarrus street. We understand that a colored man, name unknown was killed day before yesterday in Little River Township, this county, by a falling tree. Ladies are out on the street every day in tull force doing their Spring shopping. They are rigM in observing Lent in most every other particular. A good many tax payers would like to know how much special school tax the County Commissioners will levy, should the vote next month be earned in the affirmative. The drawings! of the proposed gov ernment buildiujr in this citv have been made out at Washington. Those who have seen them, say that the de sign promises a beautiful structure. In bur last issue-we said that "Mr." Tavior had been re-elected House keeper of the Deaf, Dumb & Blind In stitution. It should have been "Mrs." Taylcr. The necessary apology is here with rendered. The small politicians are now busy ing themselves over the coming mum . '-' . . .. mi i i. i cipal election, l ne siate uas uetu mu d)ll, out we nave ouiy ueaiu a. pum-u AtLit We hear that the temperance fraternity are going to have a candidate in the held lor Mayor. The mcmbershio of Edenton Street Methodist Church is still increasing Four new members were received on last'Sabbath, six on the Sabbath pre ceding, and six more a short tune since. The uulrjit has been handsomely recon structed and the congregation are hope fully moving to extensive improvement Personal. Intelligence. Captain Nash, of the firm, of Baxter, Nash, & Hn of Norfolk is in the city. Tir v IT. T-Tniverton. Secretary of jvi. ii - - i - cnto ia on visit to his relatives in Ulttlt) "J " .Tones coiintv. Gen. Pendleton left the city yesterday lor the South. A Requisition. Yesterday a lequi sition wa3 received at the Executive Office from the Governor of Virgiuia, lor William Roach, a Virginia burglar who was recently captured and jailed in Tarboro. A warrant of delivery was issued. Benefit Lecture. Edward Cars- well, the Canada temperance humorist will deliver a temperance lecture at Metrooolitan Hall on Thursday night next. An admission fee of 2o cents ...in hu :nhrtrpii at the door. Children Will VI end servants 10 cents each. J iTbere will be a meeting of Raleigh Lodge, No. G5, at Odd Fellows' Hall tomorrow evening. As business ol innrr-nrp will be up for considera tion, every member is requested to be present. Lost. On Fayetteville street jester dav agold medal plate arranged as a watch tfuard ornament.star shaped and markka "rnuauiuiup.v. ..j , - -, The under will please return to this office. - . Loutsburq Items. Since the visit of your local Editor to this place, but ittle ol" interest ha3 transpired. The charge of Judge Watts to the Grand ury on the first morning of the Court, and a few houjs before the arrival of Woodson, was nearly the same old charge with only a few slight variations. As some time has elapsed since its de livery 1 will not attempt eve a a synop sis how. I can only add to the account of Franklin Court already given in your columns, that Judge Watts presided with more dignity, despatched more business in a shorter time and gave more general satisfaction than on any previ ous occasion. " The repairs on the Courthouse have been completed, and also muchneeded repairs and alterations have been made on the county jail. It is believed that no prisoner can now dscape from its yvalls, unless aided by outside help. Manulacturies are still springing up n and around our rapidly growing town. Messrs. Wilder & William's Plow Foundry recently completed, is one ol the largest ot its kind in the State, be- ng 100 feet long and 28 wide. The engine used . is a 24 horse power, and all the arrangements of the entire build- ng and lountry are complete. They are also prepared to turn out castings of any pattern, including mill irons,fcc. Messrs. Baker & Co., of this place, lave established a tannery with Wm. I. Hester, Sr., as chief in charge. Mr. Hester js an old experienced tanner and rendece satisfaction to his numerous patrons. V Wesley II. Spencer, Esq., Attorney at aw, &c, was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Miss Emma G., the ac complished daughter of N. B. Walker, Esq., of this place, on Wednesday even- ng, the 19ih inst. Rev. P. J. Carraway was the officiating clergyman. Als, on the evening of the 20th, at the residence of the late Reuben Rogers, Mr. Dorson Gaines to M:S3 Martha A. logeis, M. NV Young, Esq., officiating. The latter couple were small-pox patients ot Dr. Crenshaw's and narrowly escaped the severe and violent attack ot this loathsome disease. C M. W. Our Churches.- To-Day. Divine services will be held at the following Churches to day, (Sunday.) Strangers aad others in the citv are earnestlv and cordially invited to attend. Gentle manly ushers will be present to conduc- visitors to pews which are always tree. Edenton Street Methodist Church, denton street. Rev. A. W. Mansum. officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m.. and 7 o'clock r. m. Bautist Church, corner Salisbury and Edenton streets, Rev. T. II. Pntchard, D. D., officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and b o'clock p. i. Presbyterian Church, corner Salisbury and Morgan streets, lie v. J . M. Atkin son, D. D. officiating. Services at 11 o clock a. m. and 7t o'clock p. m. Christ's (Episcopal) Church. Wilming ton street, Rev. R. S. Mason, D. D., :)mciating, services at 11 o'clock A. it. and To'elock p. m. St. John's (Catholic) Church, corner Morgan & Wilmington streets. Rev. J. V. McXamara, priest, officiating. High mass at 11 o'clock. Vespers at o o'clock p. sr. Person street Methodist Church, Rev. Mr. W. II. Bobbitt officiating. Service at 11 o'cloek a. m., and 7 a. in. North Carolina At the Vienna Exposition. We learn that Prof. W. C. Kerr, our State Geologist,is preparing a large agricultural and mmeralogical map of tins State ior exhibition at the grand International Exposition at Vienna. The topography of the State w'jI be dcleniated. Its valleys, mountains, rivers, etc.. will be shown. together with the divisions' .of the soil c. In short all statistics necessary to a complete knowledge ot the State will be given. The various tables will be printed in both the -English and German languages. The map will be finished in the course of the next three s. Wc learn tuat-the work of copying the map is to be done at army headquarters in New York. We trust that Prof. Ken's arduous labors in this direction mav be reward- . ed by a tide of German immigration to this spaiseiy settled .and ol ours. The Berger Family. The Berger family gave a matinee aud evening per formance at Tucker Hall yesterday af ternoon and lat evening to a large and highly appreciative audience, on both occasions. We have only to say that this excellent troupe sustained their well earned reputation as artists of more 'than ordinary attainments. They leave here Monday for DanyilSe, where we bespeak for them-crowded houses. that is, if the citizens ot that city are disposed to encourage first-class enter tainments. " Education The Nation's Hope." We are pleased to -learn that Rev. Dr. York, Professor of Rhetoric in Uutberlord College, will deliver a free lecture in Metropolitan Hall, on the above subject, on Wednesday night next. 'Dr. York has been blind ior twenty years or more, but thoroughly undeistands his theme, and is a most interesting and instructive lecturer. Let everybody hear him on Wednesday night. Fire in Fayetteville. When the train le t Fayetteville yesterday morn. ing. a firj was raging near the Depot Om. dwe iiug house had already been entirtiv consumed, and another one had taken fire and was rapidly burning up when the train left. We trust that the flames were subdued before other damage was done. Miss Jeanie Patterson. We see from our exchanges that Miss Jeanie Patterson gave readings and recitations in Griffin last week, aud in Macon on Thursday and Friday evenings last. (1) Pure and mellow! Century Whiskey l John G. Saxe. the Poet Tucker Iall To Morrow Night. John G. Saxe, the Tom nood of America, will arrive in this city to-morrow morning rom Savannah, Georgia, and lecture at Tucker Hali at night. The doors will be opened at 7 o'clock, and the lecture to begin at 8 o'clock. We hope and rust our citizens generally will turn out in large numbers, and crowd the hall. We clip the-r following from the Chicago Times: ''Saxe's poem on "Love," last Satur day evening, at Metropolitan Hall, more than made good the expectations of hia warmest admirers. It was dig nified and chastely classical throughout, although bubbing over with the richest lumor; and the reception ot the poem was genial and enthusiastic to the end." A Runawtay. A team of mules ran away with a wagon loaded with hay yesterday an Wilmington street, and the head ot one of the mules coming in contact with a tree near the office of Dr. W. II. McKee, the tree proved the most stubborn and the mule was killed. The team belonged to Henry Mordecai, who sustains a loss of about $175 by the accident. The Keeper of the Capitol. Mr. W. Rogers, the Keeper of the Capi tol, desires us to say that the well in the Capitol Square is in peifect order, and any child can draw water from it He complains of the article in the Sentinel charging him with a direliction' of duty n not keeping the wells in order, when such is not the case. In justice to Mr. Rogers wc make the statement. Convalescent. We were pleased to see on the streets yesterday, Mr. J. M. Monie, the popular Fayetteville street commission merchant, who has been confined to his bed bv sickness lor ten iays or more past. He is yet feeble, but with no relapse will be able for duty the coming week. Prompt. Andrew Syme, Esq., the General Agent of the Guardian Mutual be Insurance Company, on yesterday jaid to the heirs ot M. J. Myers, Esq., who was killed a short time since on the Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad, $1000, it being the amount of his in surance policy in said Company. Meeting. There will be another meeting of the citizens of Raleigh, at Matropolitan Hall, on Thursday eve ning next, to take into consideration matters pertaining to the next Fair. Mr. Saxe's Lecture. Messrs.- Editor .-Those who are thoughtful Ol ihc-fjexter imeresto of our city, can bat be gralifiedthat the poet- lumonst or America is to deliver a lec ture to our citizens. It augurs well lor the improvement of our people on the subject of puplic entertainments, whtn they substitute the intellectual and re fiued for the unprofitable and olten times vitiating exhibitions of the mis cellaneous drama. We ought to have frequent lectures on popular themes from the accomplished talent of the and. It would not cost the community as much money, it would benefit it vast ly more. Let the good system ol lec tures, now inaugurated, be liberally sus tained. A. W. M. NEW A D V JE 11 T I S 12 M E ft T !S WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUcT- I tion at the Court House door, on the 3rd d.y of April, o e Clay Bank Horse, to sat isfy a mortgage given me by Allen Rogers ou said horse. Terms cash. mch&itd G. T. STRONACH. F O R R E - N OR S A L E. One Dwelling: House, seven rooms, with good well of water in the yard; also one on an adjoining lot with six rooms lor Jamily, and store room attached, 18x45 leet ; last occupied by the late firm oi Uzzle & Jo near K. & U. n. n. uepoi. irersous uesnriug to rent or purchase, will apply to WYATT. GtiKEN & CO, Grocers and Commission Merchants, south side Market Square. mch23 tl In EW GOODS ARRIVING, We resnectfnllv inform our friends, and the public generally, that we are receiving a fine stock ol Groceries, fully adapted to the use ot city ana country, wnicn we pro pose to retail and wholesale as cheap and on as good terms as they cm be bought in the city. We also respectfully solicit con signments which receive prompt aad ad vantageous attention. Satisfactory reier ence will be given if requiied. WiAi i. uiiii,n,iM ar u. Grocers and Commission Merchants, south side Market square. mcnzoti Although retiring: as a member of the firm, my connection with the nouse oi : - "X- WYA TT, QUEEN & CO., will be continued, and I respectmlly in vite my old friends and customers to call on us at our new stana, SOUTH SIDE MARKET SQUARE, where will be found everything; usnally kept in a FIRS i CIASS GtlOCKHY STOKE. inra23tf I. It. LZ2LE. lOO K EG S N A I L S : iiirs TTni- nnii Mule Shops. Saddles, Collars, Bi idles and Harness of all Giscnptions, at marll-tf G. T. STRONACH & BRO S, L A R I) , LA RD, LARD. 100 Kegs best Leaf Lard, oO llail Kegs 10 Tierces " " Arriving to-day. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH A THOMAS. mh 18-tf ' JTLOUR! FLOUR!! FLOUR!! 1 -100 Barrels Bur's Extra Flour, 50 Llk River 2iJ0 Sacks Virginia Extra and Super fine Fiour. ; 20 Barrels people's favorite Family Flour, (good as lJatapsco.) ' t In store and arriving. WILLIAMSON, UNCHURCH & THOMAS. mhlS-tf -J CO BUSHfiLS STOCK PEAS. mch!9tf W. C. StRONACH. "rpWIN BROTUERS" YEAST Cakes, received to-day. mchWi W. C. STRONACH. TELEGRvlFIIIC JTEirS. NOON OiSVATciiar FOSTER POISONED HIMSELF. His Sickness Friday JMor ning His confession of having taken Poison He conld not have lived till 10 o'clock The cause oi his Pros tration at the Gallows. New Yoek, March 22 A statement published is tion derived from a Tomk.oi k Foster took poison the night before the execution. About S oVIonlr rOCK,. morning, the matron nf th tk. - - ' " . -vi lound i oster sick, and ia explanation men admitted that he had taken poison. The man's symptoms in every way confirmed the suspicion. On this account the Sheriff hastened the execution, and while many believed uuranou oi tne reli"rious.exerc ses ere telling on Fosters' nervps wain reality weakness caused bv Doison that was acting on him. Tim tnmlA physician savs Foster wnnlrl i.oit died if the execution had been delaved until ten o'clock. AHavana dispatch says the Span ards are. becomintr sprinnslv pniimf. rassed for want of funds to' meet tlie expenses of the prolonged conflict with wc laauigeuts. . Arrest ot Supposed Bank of England r orgers. --.-.. New York. March 29,1 .Tii1 j rvrvB SMA-'WU Jarvis, clerk ot arrests bureau claims mat ue aiscoverea to-day strong proot that George McDonald arrested yester- uay is eitaer a. Warren himself, or one oi his principal confederates in the late heavy lorsreries on the "FUnk- of England. Letters and 'nar.kncrea lmirn been found here addressed to Austin Bidwell, and A. Byron Bidwell, and Geo. McDonald. The last mentioned came to Duncan, Sherman' & Co., and tney Knevf nothing ot its owner. Marine Disaster. Savannah, Ga., March 22. The Ship Caduces, ashore on Sapelo Island, will be a total wreck. The captain and the crew have arrived here. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Foster Still Talked About Tweed's Case, &c. New Yoke, March 22 William Foster was buried this morning at ureenwooa, Kev. Drs. Walker and Tyng officiating. Alter the service Dr. Tyng said he felt it his duty to state his belief that the report that Foster had taken poison aud va3 dying at the time of his execution was false,; that he and Dr. Walker were alone with Potter for tliruo.f)iiartuii nl hours immediately previous to his going to the scaffold; that he seemed in good health and strength, and had a remarkable sell-possession of mind ; that he dressed himself with minute care, conversed lully and freely and on being visitsd by the Sheriff at 9 o'clock announced his readiness in a lull and cheerlul voice, and although pinioned walked with a firm step .nd wirhout assistance to the scaffold where he stood until the. fatal moment. , Botfr clergymen declared the idea that he at tempted or contemplated, suicide as en tirely ineonsistent with their observation of his physical and moral conduct du ring the last hours of his life. Tweed's Counsel, before the Senate investigating Committee, has taken the ground that the committee has no ju risdiction, Tweed not having been, nor intended being a member of the Sen ate. The Committee decided ( that the question was not withih their province and procedeed to examine the witness es: - ' Washington NewsConfirmations and ?S'omiiiations---I resident Sick, etc. Washington, March 22. Confirma tions : Casey, Collector of Customs at New Orleans ; Shaw, Postmaster at Tarboro, N. C. ; Adams, Postmaster at Pensacola. The President is indisposed, and no visitors were admitted. No Executive business. The Senate, after a brief open session, went into Executive." session. Casey oc cupied them two and a half hours. It is understood that Democrats generally voted for Casey upon the ground that he was more acceptable to the people of New Orleans than any person the President would nominate in his stead. The exact figures and names are inac cessible, but it is understood Casey was confirmed by a respectable majority. Nominations : Wm. P. Dockery, Col lector at St. John's, Fla. ; Joseph Ju gensen, Collector at Petersburg, Va. Washington Affairs. Washington. March 22. The letters and packages w hich have been address ed to Bidwell, care of Duncan Slier man & Co., Bankers, and the Safe De posit company are supposed to contain missing bonds of the Bank of England. Proceedings to attach these letters were commenced to-day,- Bidwell is an ac complice of McDowell's. From Philadelphia. Philadelphia, March 22. John Lewis B;iker, a well-known actor, is dead, aged 45. He was the- brother ol Mrs. J. Schanfrau, and mirried Miss A'.exina Fisher, daughter ot Mrs. E. N. Thayer. Was President of Actors Or der of Friendship. Royal (tirthday. Berlin, March 22. To-day i? a hoi iday in Berlin, it being the anniversary of the birth ol Emperor William. Flags are flying from public and private buiUiiugs and the city will be illumi nated to-night. The Emperor is seventy-six years old to-day. . - Bishops Appointed. Rome, March 22. The appointment by the Pope of the following Bishops toi the United States i3 announced to day : Very Rev. M. A. Corrlgan for the Diocese of Newark, and Rev. Mr. Gro&8 for the Diocese of Savannah. Weather Report. Washington, March 22. For Son day in Gulf States increasing southerly winds, cloudy and threatening weather; for the South-Atlantic and southern portion of Middle States, light south westerly winds and generally clear weather.. .. . ! Foreign News. Madrid, March 22. The Radicals are determined to prevent any demon stration of the extreme Republicans and a crisis is exepected to-morrow. COMMERCIAL REPORT. ( ' New New York. York Markets. March 22. Cotton quiet: sales 1,622 bales ; uplands WA. : Orleans 19. b lour quiet ; common to fair extra $6.15a $8.30, good to choic $8 40a$13.00. Whiskey closea at: 90-. Wheat 2c. higher, holders ask full prices for prime stocks. ! Corn a moderate and steady. Kice steady, 8. Pork lower, quiet, new 816. Lard easier, 8al 11-16. Turpentine nominal. Rosin quiet. Tallow quiet. Freights quiet. wuiiuu iutt receipts : zva oaies, 2.738. Sales for exports to-day 1,200. gross Sales for future delivery to-day. 18,300 May bales, as -follows: April 18al8ji; 19l June 19al9!4; July 19 d9 13-16. Money clostd at 4. Sterling 7Va8. Gold 1515. Governments steady. States dull. 1 ennessee's very heav . Foreign Markets. London. March 22. Consols closed at 922 a92. Fives 90. Liverpool, March 22. Cotton opened quiet steady ; uplands 9a94; Orleans 9a 9- L,ater. Cotton closed steady. Sales 10, 000 hales; speculation and export 1,000. Cotton Markets. -Wilmington, N. C March 22. Cotton qtfietj middlings 18. Norfoxk, March 22. Cotton quiet ; low middlings Mobile, MarcK 22. Cotton quiet, light demand; middlingVlSalS1. Boston, March 22. Cotton dull, depress ed; middlings 19). Savannah, March 22. Cottonuull. ir regular; niiddlings'18. Memphis, March 22. Cotton dull, nomi nal ; low middlings 17al7. Baltimore, March 22. Cotton dull, low er ; middlings 19, o C E Books of Subscription to the CAPITAL STUCK ol the Old JN rth State Life Insur ance con pany have been opened in Kaleigh, at the Law office of Messrs. .tsatchelor, n.dwaros & Batchelor. Jacob parker, B. F. LONG, mh22 tl Incorporators. TDRICES GREATLY REDUCED. As we wish to make a change in our busi ness, we notiiy our Friends a d the Public that we will sell our stock oi goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES FOR CASil. '-.'" i - -. . OUR STOCK COMPRISES DRESS GOODS, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, i DOMESTICS Cloths and Cassimeres, Embrolderits, i Corsstts, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoe , GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Yankee Notions. NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARiAINS AT PRIMROSE, PETTY A NEWSOM'S. All indebted to the firm are called on to settle immediately. j mh2i-im P., P. & N. J7.il E Y II A V E C O M E Those Beautiful New Style NECK RUCIIING FOR LADIES, and CORSETTS AND NEW. STYLE PRINTS, A'.'o Our Spring Order for Gents' Bart Gaiters. W. II. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. mar20-tf 4' 0 DOZEN FHESII CANNED Tomatoes. ; 16 Dozen "I Winslow Jones" Green Corn, mchiytf . W. C. STRONACH. PREPAID TICKETS FROM EU JL ROPE. GREAT REDUCTION OF RATES. The magnificent Steamers of the A L L A N L I N E, will leave Liverpool for Norfolk, Va., every alterna'e Tuesday during Spring and Sum mer of i873,connecting withKaleigh by rail road. steerage and intermediate passage as follows : ' Liverpool, Queenstown, ) Steerage $31 80 Gla-gow, London or Bristol to Raleigh, J Inter 52 80 to ' m 80. Hamburg, Antwerp. Hoi- Steerage $.15 80 land or navre to Kaleigh, Inter. fc-M 80 Paris, Norway or Sweden t steerage 8:59 0 to Raleigh, i Inter. 858 80 Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Parties wishing to send for friends will app'y to GEORGE LITTLE, : Raleigh, N. C. William Lamb, General Agent. Noriolk, Va. mch8-Dlaw3m Is rapidly su parsed ine all others prepa rations for producing Elugaut. Sweet and Wholesome Rolls, Biscuits, Bread, Buck wheat and other Griddle Cakes. Perfectly Pure and Reliable, and always ready for immediate use. The Cheapest Baking Powder in the world, and it will keep on land or sea, in any climate, for years. It Is wt 11 adapted to the ue of Housekeepers, Miners, Mariners, Emigrants, tc, and is in fact, in every respect, the Best Yeast Pow der made '"for the Kitchtn, the Camp, '.he Galley. Sold by Grocers and Dealers Everywhere, Manufactured by EOOLEY 4 BKO., mch7-DKxUm 69 New Street, N. Y SPECIAL NOTICES. The lollowine statement, from one of the oldest and most respectable merchants of the city of Petersburg, speaks for itself and needs no comment : I have for many years used "BECK WITH'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC PILLS " as a family medicine and also in my own case. and I have no hesitation In pronouncing inein tne most saie, emcient ana pleasant medicine with which I am acquainted. They premptly relieve Dyspepsia audits usual attendants, uostiveness, ueartbum. Headache, Loss of Appetite, Choiic, Ac. I take pleasure in recommending them to the public. They ward off disease and pre serve health. I always seep a full supply on hand and would not willingly be with out them. . John Rowlktt. Prepared solely by the proprietor, E. R. BECK WITH, successor to Dr. Beckwlth, Petersburg, Va., and for sale, at the reduc ed price ol 25 cents per box, by all druggists and by Joseph Carr, Wholesale Agent. jan 27-tf Avoid Consijmption. No enemy to the human race is more to be dreaded and Is more insidious in its approaches than' the too fatal destroyer of health and happiness of myriads "consumption in ltsghastly form " The duty of all is to guard against its first advances. This may be done by the timely use of Dr. Tutt's Expectorant. Boston. February 9, 1870. Dr. Tutt : Dear Sir Will you please inform me at what druggist, In New York, lean get' your Expectorant, as I can use some of it to ad vantage, having seen the effect, of it on a friend ol mine ? Iam fully satisfied that it has but to be tried to establish its merits. It works like magic. What is your whole sale price, delivered In New York? Let me know where it can be had for the present in New York, and I will communicate further with you at another time. Very truly yours, W. H. Bakkon, 90 Summer street. Dr. Tutt's Hair Dye Is sold Everywhere. Tetter, Salt Rheum and all Skin E isease8 cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis" covery. The People's Istamp of Value. The Government indorsement, which legalizes the sale of Plantation Bitters, is not the only stamp affixed to that famous Vegeta ble Tonic. It bears, in addition to that of ficial sanction, the still more valuable stamp of public approbation. This inesti mable voucher ol its rare properties as a Tonic, Corrective and Alterative, is of much earlier date than the Government creden tial ; for millions of sick pei sons had pro nounced it the Grand' .specific of the Age long before congress thought of taxing pro pi ietary medicines. It is unnecessary to repeat, in detail, the proprieties of this wonderlul Vegetable Invigorant. The btst reference that can be ottered to those who desire the full particulars of its virtues, is the General Public. Ask those who have tred it as a remedy for dyspepsia, consti pation, biiliousness, intermittent fevers, nervous debility, rheumatism, seasickness, low spirits or loss ol vital power, what Plantation Bitters has done for them, and be govei ned by the response they make to your inquiries The Secret of Beauty. What is it? nc longer asked, for the world of fashion and all the ladies know that it is produced by using a delightful and harmless toilet prep aration known as G. W. Laird's "Bloom o Youth." its beautifying effects are trul wonderful. Depot, 5 Gold Street, Ne York. Burnett's Standard Flavoring Ex tracts are neatly put up in Unpannelled 2 oz., 5 oz. and lu oz. bottles, aud are for sale by the trade generally In every principal city and town in the United States, Cana cliis, and British Provinces, as well as in many other foreign countries. Help for the Hopeless. You are weak dejected, miserable, and nothing does you any good, you say. Don't despair. There SlUerTt S'oTlffle'n wWXSn er your complaint be dyspepsia, bilious ness, nervous weakness, constitutional de bility, or any other trouble. Vinegar Bitters will revive and renovate your shattered system, as a genial ruin relreshes the with ered flowers. , To Owners of Horses. No one who ha ever used Dr. Tobias' Horse Venetian Lini ment, will ever be without it; it is a cer tain cure for Colic, sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises and Old Sores. Warranted superi or to any other; in pint bottles, at One Dol lar. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, 10 Park Place, New York. Risley's Buchu Is a reliable Diuretic and Tonic lor all derangements of the urinary and genital organs. The genuine, as for merly said by Maviland, Harral A-Risley, and their branches, is now prepared by IL W. Risley, the originator and Proprietor; and the trade supplied by his successors," Morgan & Risley, N ew York. Pratt's Astral Oil, has a world-wide reputation as the surest and best illumina Vui oil. Over two million gallons have been sold for the past two years, from which no accidents of any description have oc curred. Send for circular, oil House ol Charles Pratt, established 1770, New York. We Have Frequently Heard mothers say they would not be without Mrs. Win 8iow's soothing syrup, from the birth ol the child until it has finished with the teething siege, under any consideration whatever. Svapnia, or opium purified, the mos penect anodyne in the market, made by process of Dr. 1. M. Bigelow, Detroit Medi al College. Is always uniform in strength, which is rarely the case in other prepara tions of Opium. For Dyspepsia, Indigestion, depression of spirits and general debility la their va rious forms; also, as a preventive against Fever and Ague, and other intermittent fever, the i erro-Phosphorated Elixir ol Calisaya, made by Caswell, Hazard fc Co., New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic, and as a tonic for ptftlents re covering from fever or other tdekness, It has no equal. Thurston's Ivory Pearl Tooth Pow der. The best article known for cleansing and preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by all druggists. Price 25 and 00 cents per bottle. F. O. Wells fe Co.. New York. OUTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY, Superior Court. " Candace D. Johns, Thomas J. Johns, CI arles N. Allen and Caroline V. Allen bis wife, John S. Johns, Patrick 1$. Johns, Hannah Johns and Jas. J. Ferrell, Plaintiffs, Against AbnerSmith and wife Willie, James West and wife Bertney Ann, William Williams and wite Dilly, and Bryant Ferrell anl wife Lethe, and the heirs at law of such of said "feme" defendants as may be dead, Defendants. Action for re-executlon and correction of conveyance. A summons having been issued to the Sheriff of said county for the defendants in the above entitled actlcn, and said Sheriff made return that they are not to be found in said county, and it appearing to the Court that said deft ndants are non-residents of the State ; that there Is good cause of action against them, and that the subject matter of the action is real property within the State, in which said defendants have an interest; it Is therefore, on motion of Battle & Son, Attorneys for Plaintiff, ordered that publication be made, once a week for six weeks. In the Kaleigh News, a newspaper published in Raleigh, com manding kaid defendants to appear at the next Term of said Court, to be held In Raleigh, on the 8th Monday after the 2nd Monday of February. 1873, then and there to answer the complaint, a copy of which will be filed during the first three days.of said Term ; and that they take notice that if they failio answer or demur to said com plaint during said Term, the plaintiffs will arrly for the relief demanded in said com plaint. w iiuess, John N. Bunting, Clerk of said Court, at office lu Raleigh, this the 21std ay of February, 1873. J. N. BUNTING. ftfbftMawdw C. 8. C. rpjWERYTLIINQ USUALLY JTVUXD In a First-Class Drug store At SIMPSON'S. nov28-tf - O O F T tx A T B Gents' Spring Style Soft Hatty ."KttiBEs, tockerVco, il V s v 1 . t .t J 1 1 iflus-tf