DAILY NEWS. FT DAILY NEWS. iiNlj UZZELL, - - Proprietors. P"ATErfKVii.i,K Street, 0-.-.T W. C. Stronach fe Co.'s Store. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one insertloH.. ............1 1 00 One squar. two insertion h .. 1 50 One square, three insertions. 2 00 One square, six lnsertions.......... 3 50 One square, one month-.......... . 8 00 One square, three months.. ..... 16 00 One square, six months 30 00 One square tt. elve month 8,. ... 50 00 - I or larger advertisements, liberal con tract will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. H CASH IN VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. annum; !.50for six months; $2forthre3 ".V WKKKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. VOL. II. RALEIGH. N. C. FRIDAY, MpRNING. MARCH 28, 1873., NO. 25. News M a . ti n Xi." p.ULY NEWS will be delivered to ..'.-.ri'H-ro at fifteen cents per week, in lliftonrrierwefiklv. Alalia at t U o W ' t MUSE U M Fay ellcvitlc Street. F n E S If U-Il II I TM I S. t':p sarins Stock of Fancy Goods, Notions (. uiiteotionerifs. Fruits, &c, Toys, Musical Instruments , of every kind. . ; . In short, a full stoea. of - everything to be t,,und in a -. v- .... GENERAL VARIETY ST0RE,y is now arriving at . . " ' ' "'' Drops Museum or Emporium of Fincy Goods. The AVIAIIY has been recently re-stiH-kt'd with Canaries, Gold and Bull . Kinetics, Java Sparrows, South American I'.irmis, and the American Mocking and U.-.l I'.irds. The : , A Q U A It I U M of Hold and. other small fish is constantly v. ;:!i'nished with the mcst beautiful of the tinny tribe. Two Dozen Children's Carriages ju.t received. Also a large lot ot MUSICAL IXSTIiUMKXTS. Riily arrivals of Fruits and Confection- t lit s. hure stock of Toys and China Goods selling at cost. For anything and everything, go to NAT. L. BROWN'S. mhiM-tf T" E MORNING STAR I) A I L Y EDITION Though only five yearsold. has the largest u.tiiy circulation ot tiny newspaper. In the Mate, una a circulation in Wilmington t.; iy per cent, larger than tuat of any other Vt EEKLY. EDITIONS X )v combined with the "Carolina Farmer," minima one of the best FA MIL x NliWS l'Al'Kits in the South. Circulation very iu.ge. and rapidly increasing. SPTCRIPTIOX PRICE : Daily Star, 1 year (i montns ...S7 00 ...... 3 50 ....... 2 00 " 8 months Weekly tar, 1 year . " - " months ' " . 3 months. .... ....... 2 00 ...... 1 00 ....... 50 ll may be safely, asserted that no. news paper ever estabUshed in North Carolina tins made such rapid progress as The MOK N IN O STAK. !Seud lor specimen copies. Address, W. H. BERNARD, iaui-tf Wilmington. N. C w II I T E GOO D S We ask attuution to our large stock of Nainsook Muslins. 3Iull 31uslitis, , Jaconet Muslins, Checked .Muslins. Striped Muslins - AND - - Jiicoiiet and Nainsook Edgings, Which we are oliei ing very low. DAVIS, DRAKE & CO.. niiirl -iy N T Ftetersburg, Va. c "1 E U li Y W UISKEY! Persons in delicate health,-often find it aiilu ufi lo oljiam ;i iJure t l in u.aut wten prescribe ti by iheir lJuysici.. and it is lor'lruggi&ts and other lir&i-c-.ass trade t imi i hi- : is paiticu'laily designed. It is diffirently pi epaivd li om " ANY W UISKEY IN MARKET, a:id is driving many old brands out of jiurUet, oecause the -xji incipie upon wbicli n ma le is superior." 'i ne ainnit universal testimony ol those who iiuvo used the .CENTUllY WHISKIES'- - ' is, thut there is an entire absence of Ilead acue.s, iiud . tuer disag eeable alter-ettects mj riieii experienced in the use ol other brauuo.,- Tins is a Uaeet coneciuence olt the i'rnitv of the Century Whiskies, and the impurity of many other brands. Thev are Ali.-OL.UTfcL.Y lUKh; lour prom inent ciieiiiifls certify to this fact, viz : Prof. KILUMAN, State Chemist of Con- lieeilcill. Proi; C. U SHEPARD, Jr., State Chemist ol .South Carolina, Prof. W. C. TILDEN, "Washington, D. C. Prof. JOtIN DAUBY, New York. aii rr i.-hiir !5trre in nronouncinz It "without fault," and "tree irom any dele terious Kubstanee whatever." 1 .r sale by nrst-ciass dealers everywhere, leu u-;;m. --.'' ' - " -'" C O M E A N D S E E The Universal" Plow, It does a greater variety of work than any other plow In use. LEACH BROS , mhlS-tf . Ageuts lor Raleigh, N. C s UP E11- P II O S P II ATE . ' sacks Watson and Clarke's Super- Piio.-pnate, , . . ul, sacks -Zells" Super-Phosphate. We have control of these celebrated Phos phates for this market. Wecancheerlully ieci.nmend them lor cotton or anything ew i LLIAMdON, UPCHURCH & THOMAS, iii.iis-ti , MIE " WILSON" COTTON PLOW 1 ui'Sl piiw lur me emu vjv'- tuii mat lias ever been invented. Farmers who tuem say tuut cotton cultivated win tins plow will hold better and produce a much stronger ttore than if cultivated witn any other plow.. :( ' For an explanation otM fact call on Who dre the AgeoM 'or iialeigh, N , C mhlS-tf 13 MORNING EDITION FRIDAY. MARCH 28.'1873. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. JgjJ Local Briefs. ' The police court, up to G p. m., yes terday war without an itehi. 1 W. II. Bailey, Esq., of Salisbury, ar rived in thiscity yesterday morning. The work of macadamizing Fayette ville street, seems to be it a stand-still. We have heard nnt.hinVr of tln tipto Methodist church movement in a lonn ume. - f ' " ' " It is said ihat one of the prisoners escaped irotn the work-house on Tues day. Rev. Dr. Wingate, President of Wake Forest Co-! lege, was in toe city yester day. ' - w The location of theHemporary post office is still a matter 'of considerable discussion. X (i Arrangements are being made fcirja goat and dog fight to comef. Ve are gambling on tue goat. VV v Monsieur Labiaux, at Rid2ewayrtvaHa ten million rabbit skins. He ougllt'' to be easily supplied in a short time. There are now seven prisoners in the jil of this county, all of whom are colored. One ot the number is a woman. Sheriff Lee returned to this city and was at his post of duty yesterday, after a protracted wire-pulling visit to Wash ington City. J. D Cameron, Esq., editor of the HdIS"Oro Jiearrdcr, passed through this city yesterday morning en route for Nor folk, Va. We regret to learn that Miss Delia Litchford had . a severe ;l'all Jrcm .the piazza of the residence ot James Litch ford, ou Wednesday afternoon, and broke her arm. In the statement of expense;for the m'jntu, submitted at the last meeting ot the Board of City Commissioners, v as an item oi $;00 lor refuse rock at the old quarry. The Citizens' Cornet Band were out on the street yesterday alternoon in the band-wagon advertising the Carswell lecture. Consideting the practice of the band, dered. excellent music was ren- The announcement of J. Kreth, Mer chant Tailor, can be found . in to-day's issue. Mr. K. has, years ago, established an enviable reputation for giving satis faction in work coming from his estab lishment. We invite . special attention to the advertisement of Miss Amis & Andrews, the lashionab'e milliners of this city. They have a most complete stock on hand, and invite an examination ot it by the public. . ' .' . Mr. Carswell's Lecture Presen- tatiox of A Uake. Lust-evcni-ng-this eminent temperance orator delivered his farewell lecture in this city at Metro' politan Hall. Mr.C had an appreciative audience, and the lec ture was very en tertaining in every respect. v At the conclusion of the lecture Mr. T. N. Ramsay, on behalf of Hickmau Lodge No. 1, presented Mr. Carswell with a handsome gold-headed cane. The presentation speech by Mr. Ram say and tne,respoiii;e by Mr. Carswell were most happily conceived: The cane bore the following inscription : Presented to .Edward Carswell, By Members of Hickman Lodge, No. 1, I. O. G. T. Dr. L. W. Martin. The geutlemau whose name heads this article well and favorably known throughout the State as the representative from Carter et in the lieneral Assembly ol lbiu has been appointed special travelling agent lor the .North Carolina State Life insu ranee Company and also for the Home Fire Insurance Company. Dr, Martin, has entered upon the discbarge- of his duties, and left, this city yesterday evening lor Lexington, where he will coirnieuee upon an active canvass iu the West. We wish him and the excellent companies he represents much success. ' ' ' ' Temperance " Sociable." Be sure sure to go to Temperance Hall to night, over Gulley's store, where the ladies are making preparations to entertain all their visitors with Ice Cream, Cake, &c7 Tickets 50 'cents. ' No extra carge for refresh ments. Go early, as we leara that the tickets are nearly all sold. We expect to be on hand. Always go to such places, ana as we are aoout half inclined to join the Friends, we must go round and get. aquainted.. Personal Intelligence. We were pleased to , meet on the streets yesterday Capt. Jno. A. Busk, General Supervising Agent of the Caro lina Lite Insurance Company. .Capt. Busk will rtynain in the city several days with his headquarters at Major Deveieaux & McPheeters Insurance Office, over the Citizens'fcNatioaal Bank- Jno. Jf Long, Jr., of Halifax passed through " the 'city yesterday " evening en rout to Western Carolina. ! " ' ' PoItponedI -The 'meeting of ' the City-ot Raleigh in refence to the State Fair, which was announced to come off this evil niug, at Metropolitan Hall," has beea,pdstponed-until-Tutsday-;evtning, when it is. looped that .there will be a large iurnout of citizens'; JOIINSTON COUNTY. Smithfield, an old and ancient burg,the county seat of Johnston county, is beau tifully situated on the left bank of the river Neuse in the centre of said county, and is in many respects a finished town. The business men of the place are live, enterprising public spirited and gener ally successtul in their affairs. The number of grog shops, compared with the business ot the town, largely pre- field of labor for Bro. Whitaker, the leading temperance oracle of the State, than Smithtield, and we know of no place more sadly in need of a flourish ing temperance order. v , . i The SUPERIOR COURT for Johnston countv commenced ifield on Tuesday, his Honor. Albettson. nresidin"-. We rejrret laiiK of seace precludes the possi- uilitf bJ"givinga synopsis of the alle chargBSjt4i9 Honey:. Suffice it to say that it was'spoiken of byVnembers of the bar ana otners as one ot the best ana most practical charges cvej- delivered in the cOugty. --i- The; State docket was taken up in the afterupori and several cases deposed of; none 0f ipeciatmportance. Kednes- aay the State dotket was resumed and through the pressing CBcrgy and genius of Solicitor Cox and, his assistant, F. II. Basbee. Esq., several jury trials were closed and a large number oV cases dis posed of." : y j Astoiand David JBetwith, colored, (brothers) were cfHjtd of stealing a steer atid senterjCecLfo three years in the Btatft-pr!8on'.xjohiiMcNeill. col., was salso:6.ent jurtheT'eniteutiary for break- iag mtfya boxcar at belma with intent to steal, orather lor a former offense, uponSyhih judgement had been . sus pended' We observed in attendance upon the Bar the following gentlemen : llon.B. F. Moore, Gen. W. R. Cox, - George V. Strong, Esq., Maj A. M. Lewis, F. H. Busbee, Esq., W. II. Pace, Esq . W. W. Jones, Esq., of Raleigh ; Hon. L. R. Waddell, J. H. Abel!, .esq., L. Eldridge, Esq., C. lj. Saunders and H. E. Cullum, of Smithfield; Hon. W. T. Dortch and S. Grainger, Esq., of Goldsboro; W. K. Barham, Eq , of Franklin ; General McLean, of Harnett. E. Wr. Pou and E. o. Moore. THE LADIES FESTIVAL AND CHARADES. During the session ot the court the visitors and citizens were most delight- Kliif.y entertained by the ladies ot the town witn a series of performances at the Baptist church, gotten up by the ladies ot this church lor the purpose of raising funds to secure a, pastor to fill the pui pt, which has been vacant lor several months. We attended, of course and was agreeably surprised at the highly successiul rendition of the well-selected dramatic plays. In "Lord Dundrenry's Visit"' the Aliases Telfair exhibited a grace and ease, in the rendition ot their diffcreut parts that indicated a talent remarkable in amateurs, t The representation of the Old Scan dal Mongers, by Misses Bettie Thorntou and .Maud MeCullers. in the play of Scandal, was perfect lo a fault and re fleeted great credit upon these young ladies. We mean no disparagement' to any of the ladies engaged in the charades. or any unjust discrimination, when we say, decidedly the best theatrical talent displayed on Tuesday levenir.g, was tithe part ol "Betsey Bunker," in tucNaugh- ty.Boy, so admirably readeied'by "Miss Alice I el fair. - i Shu iff Holt and hisclever Deputy, Mr. Cannady, Mr. Vt ljburn and li. E. Cullom, L.sq isted tlie ladies in " acting well their parts pieces. : - . ' in tne various 1 he vocal and instrumental music on the occasion aided in a great degree to the success of the affair Mrs. L. R. Waddell led in this depariment of the exhibition, and. was ably seconded and supported by Uie Misses Telfair, Mrs. iSoi vvood. ""Mrs. Hobbs, iilisses .lennie Blow and Maud MeCullers. We are pleased to record the gratifying fact that.the ladies realized an amount even bevond their expectations, aud the obiect sought, lor accomplished. -A minister will be called at an early day, when it is o be hoped a-marked ioi iirnvfinint will hp maili; in the morals ol the good old tow n. , We almost forgot to mention that on Monday night a vouiig lady in making her delut became so excited , that she upset a kerosene lamp on the piano, which caused' a general consternation in the audience, but no ; damage was done.and order and ouiet restored. The ierioi mance was tuimuuuu w 1 without iurther interruption. THE SPRING FIGHTS .... commenced ou Monday evening, , the bloodiest ot which was reported m the News in its Tuesday's is?ue." This was a saiaU affair though, . however, as the five men engaged in it only received a black eye each, and a small size indict ment tor an aff ray. Tuesday, the bellig- erepts became, more obstreperous . and the damage more severe. The first in order was a - SHOOTING' CASE, " in which a small boy sustained a pain ful, though not serious injury from the effects of a pistol shot in the hands of a drunken man bv the name of R.- R. King. Fiom , the evidence . before the Magistrate's Court, it was shown that King, thoroughly under the influence of the most miserable, whiskey that ever went down a man's throat, can.ie to a sudden conclusion" that he. must shoot simiebodv' before he left town, and in accoruance vnu lui yu drew his pistol from his pocket and fired into a large' browd of horse-swap pets. Tiie ball passed through . -the cniwdin the street, through an r open gate, and lodj little - boy in store. , Jiing .was, arrested, committed to jail,' and" On ' Wednesday morning tried-before a Magifetrate's- Court,' and bound oyer, to the.Superjor Court iQ.tbe sum of $706, W. A. Smith bee ;ining his suret. The second in order was a serious STABBING CASE, - in which a man bv the name of Jas." A. Orrell was the principal. -The stabbing occured a lew miles lrom bmithneld. Both ot the parties were in town on friendly terhis during the' day, and left 1 near night fall lev Aone in company together. - Dr. Jas. A. Rose wa$, called to see the wounded man, and at our request furnifched us with the lollo wing brief or the case - 1 K ' '' 'This Vinson, and Jas. A. Orrell, his brot her-in -lav,: had a quarrel on their way home from Court. Orrell told Lson i he would get off ot that horse he would whip hiui .very quick, -;&c.," Vinson accommoqateU; him at once. They lought and tuiseled in the dark from 10 to 20 jards.' in5 the woods when they quit by" mutual agreement, and while standing on the "battle ground without any warning, Orrell lumped at Vinson and stabbed, him- wound 2 to 3 inches long, tbe knife passing in 3 inches below, and to the- right of tne right ' nipple.;. betwfcei"' the eight and ninth rib, and deep into the substance f the lung. I Bew'ed up"tbe wound. Vinson suffers much pain and difficulty 0r breathing. His condition is' critical and very likely will prove fatal." , . Orrell was arrested early Wednesday 'morning, by Deputy Sheriff Kennedy, and. upon' a nreliminarv examination. was required to give bond in the1 sum ot $7,000. The bond had not -been gve Wee ven up to tue Hour or our leaving ednesday evening, and he was doubt- ess committed to jail in default of bail. The third and last in order, (for we were afraid to remain any longer) was a MURDER CASE, ; r in which a young colored woman is charged with the murder of her infant child. The .cifctiiu'stancesas reported to us by the principal witness in the case, Mr. John A. Mitchener. upon whose plantationthq 'alleged. deed.. was committed, ' are as follows: Harriet Boon, a young colored woman, gave birth to a child on Monday night, which was reported still-born. But, as the woman was careful to secrete her- eit and wa3 alone when the child was born, suspicions of foul play arose and. upon examination, it was discovered that the child's head and breast Was broken in and its neck broken. fhe Coroner, Dr. J. G. Rose, having summoned a Jury, repaired to the scene of the outrage Wednesday evening, but as yet, we have not heard the result ol the investigation. , i . , FARMING OPERATIONS. We were pleased to see that the far mers of Johnston were hard, at work, and from what we saw on the roads we traveled, were far. advanced consid ering the' seasons. " Johnston has sonie first-class farmers, chief ' among whom is Col. A. J. Heath, -who never fails to averages 400 lb. b-ile' to the acre. ' On the Cypress farm, one of the prettiest in the county, and owned""lv Messrs. Wilson '-,nd Waddell, we ?f?unted 10 plows, all drawn -by tine likely mules, turning over the ground into cotton beds. This farm without the aid ot fertilizers, produces easily a bale to the acre. . ... ' : -; -.-'' . Cotton and turpentine is the market able product ol Johnston, chilis aud fevers the greatest malady, and temper ance societies, churches and pastors its GENERAL ITEMS. l he tiorse iiwappeis, tnough not as umerous, are more active if possible than the Louisburg Cedar-Hul-ers. One man informed us that he made eleven swap3 iu twenty-five minutes and changed saddles every time. Most ot the swaps, were on an even busis, and only in one instance did we see boot te- requued. In this case a horse was ex changed for a mule and a dilapidated (shad) fish net given as boot to make the trade even. Smithfield has a good hotel, consid- ering the fact that it is an iniand : town and tar removed from market. Messrs. Benton and Giice are the proprietors and we found them to be clever, polite gentlemen. , -, ; , . ,' Se'lma. lour miles.' from Smithfield, Princeton, formerly Boon Hill iutl Claj- ton, are the other towns in the county, and all located on the Noith 'Carolina Railroad. These towns exhibit more life and enterprise than Smithfield and are rapidly. building up. Henderson and the State Fair. We published yesterday a letter fiom Col,. S. S, Cooper, President of the Ilen- derson Agricultural Society, offering the Fair Grounds, and to raise the requisite amount, provided the next State Fairjs neid there. , . .. . ... 1 . . 1 The Henderson Tribune, alter arguing to shw tht the Fair cught to be held in Raleigh, says: lint it the Fair is to be moved, we nut in onr petition anu usiv mooa in authority to help move it to neuueisou f - .. . . . 11 .1 To offer proof that Henderson is -.the, Lext best place to Raleigh would be like proving a white horse is white, or that two and two make lour, lor it is self-evident. For eighteen years Ueu derson has kept her Fair, and whether she' gets the btatej Fair or.not, she will have hers. " ' ' " We had sonie '.of Ihes leaders ot the Henderson Fair to call at our olhce aud authori ie us to offer the giounUa aud ten thousand dollars to have the fotate Fair at this place. We do not mean to pLad we are more liDerai ijuan rwai- ejtrh but then when .we- say so, we. aieah.it. . ,,- ' We ask those in authority not to let H State Fair go anv. further. West it is the East that support-tnein." " ; . . . ; i ' i i , . . . . i , : . : More Light. The edictfthe City there siialt be light vuuuu - I.i v j2-..:itT . .;f Ail .p. IS UUb V.UJ, ; - J! - at the hour ot 10 b'clovk. only one lamp could be, seen on,'.iijfcWpern, ayenuej one of the ihost trequentea thoroughlaie iu theenfv. ; Complaint reaches. - m from other Doints but ih this case we speak where of we know.1 Somebody 13 to blame, we know ' nor who. uniy correct, dht . . ... evil and we will say no rnoreabout it. Vhile we are on the subject, 'wewould further rerhark thaffi Jitlle ' sohp: 4nd water would add much to the appear ance of theTjampin Capitol Square. Water Works. What ha3 become of the proposed "Water W6rks Compa ny ? In asking this question the second time we do not mean ; to be anxiously persistent, but as it is a matter that so. nearly concerns every citizen of Ralejgh we feel compelled, to" agitate the subject. What we know about water wprks can be told in a very short f pace,' but we offtjr isome suggestions wjiich if even wortbless may draw somebody out who may offer some more valuable. , ; '', '' A I 'few, evenings " since while oh. a visit to the' residence of". Major R. Sj Tucker, on Hillsboro street, we were" shown by that, gentleman, the, modus Iperpndi by which his .building and premises are supplied with water from springs in a remote part of his plantationJTn the tower of his building is located atauk capable ot containing seven thousand gallons of water.' This tank is underneath the Hoof ol the tower above the ceiling cf the rooms-below' and is therefore obscured from view. It, is supplied with water, lrom several springs,- the springs the streams of which are concentrated and made to flow in an aqueduct prepared for the purposed Nine teet below- the aqueduct- is . A small Hydraulic Ram, which forces the water a distance of twelve hundred and fifty feet on a straight line and then a perpendicular of oue hundred and eighty feet to the , tank in the tower, at the rate of one gallon per minute. The surplus water in the tank is con veyed by a pipe and gutter, first to the aquarium and lountain in the yard, (soon to be erected) thence to a large tank in the rear, yard s to be used for stock and other purposes ; the surplus lrom this tank is then conveyed by a bund ditch to the branch lrom whence it comes. ' - Every room and c!oset in the build-. ing,, path rooms,' kitchen1 and (Cook rooms are supplied lrom the tank bv pipes and this f amily finds it impossible to utilize one-half of the supply. .The tank in the yard will be made "large enough to contain enough water lor the protection, not "only to himself, but the entire neighborhood in case of fire. We speak of this private enterprise, which we learn from Maj. Tucker, was completed at comparatively a small cost, merely to show if as much good can be effected by one individual why may not a company be formed to pro ject the same plan upon a more extend--- ed scale The same . springs that supply the aquaduct of Maj. Tucker, will in our opinion, be adequate for the city. A pond cau be erected near Harrington street,; within the city limits and , w ater thrown to any and all parts ot the city oy means ot pipes with an engine. This "seems to ' us a good piau. both in point of economy and conven ience, especiallv as several of the North ern cities- hav louw'd it a -matted ' bi economy to doj away with reservoirs, fec., and much "better water furnished. As above stated, we. offer these sug gestions for what they aie worth, and if nothing else is accomplished, to keep this important matter alive. NJfi'W ADVEIITISEHEINTS. IB B I T SKI N sTwXeI! E 1 want to buy "10 million," more or less, of Kubbit Skins, and solicit applications from those who: cau supply large lots. J. la. EA111AUX, Kidjeway, N.C. mclil'S-tf E W A R R I V A L S. uncauvsvssed tsugar-cured Canvassed, N. C. Hams. Susar-cured.Stnoked Beef. '. " Htrips, sides and Shoulder . uacon. Bologna sausage and Beef Tongues, oj Boxes Cakes and CrtcKers, ail kinds 100 wacks Virgin iu Family b lour. 50 Barrels Patupsco county Flour and other grades 01 Flour, , ., Pickles in barrels and jars. Bard, best b ainily, in sacks, kegs and buckets. 300 gallons of Cuba Molasses. 1 SSvruosoi'difl'ereut inade.' Marckerel No. 1, 2 and 3, bbls.j M bbls uiKl.lritE I .:..-. ' -J r .... Sugar, l)tf.u'r. P. R '. R. and all grades, re- Cottee,.jl"ocha,. Java, Laguire and ltlo 2o Boxes Cauuy and Raisins, 2j bbls. Early Hose Potaioes and Bald win Apples. A few tSoxea Urauges. Uirlereni ti-itJes ot r'uinil.v Soan o'J Bushels Pea-nuis und a small lot of deed Oats. Cotton 1 am. l'arlow Matches aud a good asioiinieui of Fancy Groceries, At yVATT, GREEN & CO'S, Houtii-sKle Market (Square.) AS" Goods delivered promptly without 'charge in the city;'' ' ' - " L ' ' We also respCLiuny ;oiicit uonsignment of country produce, mcniss tt JLASHIONAiiLii BOO V EMPORIUM ; Beinoved to No. 17-j .viain Street, next to KucJLAlunuiugfs . Alarge and valuable importation ol French Call Skins, - . . . ' : . ' - V I ' Direct from La Beile, France, per Allan Blue. . . ; NOTICE. I bear the atenttion of mv et3- tomers and the good public ol Sosfailiz and viciijity, that i am prepared to maae to or- det.J.. . . y- , , ; , ; ," ; . - . FIRST-CBAS8 'iOOTS AND SUOi.S After the latest P risiah modes. My prices are tt neruiis aud reasoiiblt . and assure those who arein need of a neat- H ly-litting Boot or tihoe, that lean stis.:y their cravings lor uuraoie ana iisLiiit work. Lasts made to suit the toot. : .fromptrest and dispatch in filling an order, and ra.'ie. measures for the protection and alleviat'oc 01 .the leet. rop in and inspect our new store aiu stock. , ','.,' " . ; ,7 - S. jIAIva," ' ' .' " No. 175 Main Street, ' Next do-r to Buck Manning s, jnn-24tf. ..."..- . Norfolk, Va T II E Y II AVE C O M E 'J 11) ? , Those Beautiful STew Style NECk RIJCIIING FOR LADIES, T and. CORSETTS AND;NEW oX Y I J2. PR I N TS, . t . ' - . - - ' :'.. I Also : Our Spring Order for Gents'. - r Burt Gaiters. ' W, mar20rtf II. & R. S. TUCKER & CO.. A R D , . .Li ARD, LA.R IX . 50 Half kegs ,h 10 Tierces ArriVintr to-day. ! WILLIAMSON, UPCHCKCH A THOMAS, mh 18-tf ' ' ' TEIjEGRjIFIIIC JVEjrS. , . . J New York Items, 's .. New York, March , 27. Vice-President Azulexa, ol the Cuban revolution ists, who has been on a tour in England and, France arrived here yest'erdar. He reports great sympathy -is ' expressed in England, but English officials say they cannot interfere-uUV41eU sited State's does.; In Frafice.thercpiaicafe divided; Some saying the present republic of Spain ought not to be harrasscd at pres ent, while others urge that a remon strance' be sent td Madrid, while others askvwhy the United 'States . does not intervene, as it is'an American question. Azuilefa says, that" Spanish' offieials have hoodwinked Sickles'by asking his advice to such an extent 'that the ;pasj sive policy of the, United States- can be relied upon for a long time to come in Cuban affairs: ''.;' A meeting of ; United Masons passed a resolutions denouncing Vanderbilt lor an attempt to. deprive, tha . Harlam rail road workmen pt the. eight hour rights. A committee was appointed1 to wait; 60 the Mayor and demand and enforcement of the eight hour law. .. . ' ' A number of journeymen horse-shoers struck yesterday. , The gas men held a meeting last night in favor of the eight hours. A strike is apprehended unless the employers concede. t ' .. . Three children were burned to death near Read's " Landing, Minnesota. They were caught by the prairie lire. V Tweed's resignation as Senator 'from the Fourth. New York District, is filed. A . greater ,part of Campbeilsville, Taylor county, Ky., was burned. Domestic Intelligence. The" harbor master of Stockton, Cal., vraylound in the 6treet with his skull fractured and iobbed; A woman was arrested in Brooklyn suspected of the murder of Charles Goodrich. ; ' , ' ' John S. Harris, late postmaster of Kansas city and ; later cashier of the the German Savings Bank which; was burned and robbed, has been arrested on the charge ot arson and robbery, and released on bail of $20,000. The grand jury of St. Charles county, Mo., have indicted several ol the St. Louis. Kansas and Northern Railroad strikers, Scranton & Co.j bankers, at New Ha ven, have suspended. : Two murders in California yesterday; A man at Peekskill attempting to kill his wife iufiicted a trifling stab and then hanged himself. The schooner Ada M. Dyer was sunk off the Virginia coast. The crew were saved. . ,:, ,; The colored Republicans in "tJew Orleans passed resolutions last night indorsing Judge Durell and President Grant, but expressing pain kt the lailure ot the Senate to accord P, S. ? Pinch- back his seat in that body. - The resolutions also threaten the se cession of the colored Republicans from the party unless they are treated, better by Con urrpsa D Foreisrn News. Don Carlos is positively reported, in Geneva. ; The bpanish Jabinet has issued a circular, claiming sympathy and.; assis tance of all parties in the country against tne Uarlist, on account 01 the aeciara tion of emancipation in Porto Ricov5 The Gaaettif. of Madrid, contains the 'official announcement of the appoint ment of General Spieltain, Captain General ol Cuba, and. General Rivera, Captain General of Porto Rico. . The death of Amedse Simon Domin- que Thierry, an eminent French his torian, is . announced this . morning Thierry was in the 76th year ol ,his age. - -v . .. : . - : The Countess Guicceol died at Rome. . v ." , . I ' to A liis Suit. . Portland, Me., March 27. The Maw. heirs met hero to day and fonned an association to prosecute, their claims to the estate of Maw ia Scotland, worth some 50,000,000 dollar. : . , UlUiNlGlIT DISPATCHES. . i Cuba. News. , , -.".'" II ay an a, March . 27, Sid well, . tlie alleged forger, iLUiains iu close coufiqe mtfal, cut off. iroiu all communication from others. ,Pe mission has, been re fused him to consult with counsel. The authorities have made arrangements, subject to the sanction ,jof the home government, to. send the prisoner back to London as soou as the. llritji sh officers aniyjt; to take chargeol him. . Orders -to that efiect are daify expected from Madrid. ..'-;"&;,".,-,--'. ' . ; -i . .-. The Republicans continue; to . organ, ize here and in the interior, wl,the island. It rumored, that a decree will soon appear relating to the, embargola prop erty now belonging to widows and, or phans and to a number ol Cuban gen tienicai, who have been in no wise con nected with the rebellion. , . . A report has, reached the city that three regiments ot troops, composed al most wholly of natives pi the i( Island, and which have been hitherto operating with the Spunish forces, in , the neigh boiliod of Mansanilla, have revolted and . . ; : . -re i.l joinen tue insurgents, carrying vu i-eir commanding omcers witn tnem, - Tlie abolition of slavery in Porto Rico mtet3 with the approval of the people A lew pro-slavery leaders only object to it. ven slave owners consider, tbt provisions of the law morel lavorabl to their interests than they had reason to expect- The press generally abstain a3 yet from comment on the passage Of the "bill. " ' ' ".". vi;r.ii ' jxnftr AppiriiT Mexican Com mission er, has auive.l Here, and sails to-day on. the steamer for New York. ; Ij "j! . ' Death of Ex-Senator Dixon. Hartford, 'Conn.,' March- 27. ExzSeoator Dixon i3 dead; aged 58. - ' ' ) Dead. --h AtlaktJl; March 27.-' Job nfi Wilsonj a distingaishsd Presbyterian divine, is dead;- .;-'--r- --- ;';-'- New York Items. '; -: r New York, March -27. The Legisla- u ture will continue the investigation of cA Tweed, notwithstanding his resigna- -at f tion.f ..'v-vj. - ' - '1 John Mallooney, for highway robbery' nn a woman SiinflT wm'cpntonM1 tn ''.. fifteen1 years. ;' v-i I -J.r Train.waa bejforeiite 3opiremSCoojri on a jwrit of habeas corpu$t . and, .was re-. -c6mmitted. r fle held a boquet "in "his ( ' ' hand and made rambling speech:' The ' '' case comes op again to-morrow. 3- '-'' -u.hry ri .r 1 1 rr. ; -;;. n;,i.i. :i A Much .Vexe4 Settle Ike Yonng , ' 1 Victorfous'at Lat. " ir c WA3HrN6Tow,,' March' 2TJ&bivm&yU:'; has- dccUrrca regirding ther. ? Ealeigh ,1 I -. d Collection , District.- ; Harris was icqnr,. tuM firmed on the last day ol the session oi V t&e Senate, but the President ha'd pfe-4";1 viotrsly," by a message, withdrawn : the' nomifiatidn, thus Young Yiretains he !;:; Grant's Soathern Tour.' JWAsHiNGToit. 'March 27.,--The Pres-' ident infornaed aSputh Carol lOa.dele-, gatipn .that ,be wuld probably .make a . , i ; , .-v .1 ...fo tJ g Philadelphia Centemfml Celebration, i. -..-i PHtLABELrHiA,; March j 27.4r-A jailb has passed . the Legislature appropria ting fi,000,000 to the .CentenialCele bration" and goes to the Governor; ua .j-) I 1 New Jersey Legislatures . -.-a:--i v n Tkbntoh. N. J.. , March.?.27-r-The f; ; House vand Senate have appointed a . - couimiiiee 01 cpnxerence on tue general railroad bilk M . .' n i:-;!'- ' ,: i; 1 Weather Rpnnrt. For the South .Atlantic States facjre4s.4 ?T . Z' . ' -- ' 1 lo ing southeasterly , winds, fpllowed by . .., cloudy Veather Friday 1,' I . Tweed Agaiaw . 3.51 01 -gal uin-ji , Alb ant, Marlh 7.-The Benaldthia nO afternoon discharged the oonimittefjin" 1f.-.: vtigatin'g:Tweel's.tfansjactjo COMMEHC1A V lIlEPORT. "Y.i ,:ii VjO New York Markets.' Nk'W YbK.1, March ' 2.-o'tto'ni stead v ' '' sales 3193 bales -..uplands Orleans, aO.. ' Flour : quiet and steady, whiskey 92. Wheat firm. :;. buyers anxhsellers ' ask . 2a3c : i. . Red winter western 70a78"r Corn moder&te . request and a shade firmer; Tllce quiet- and steady, Pork very stronz at fia.25aS16.?5 Beef steady. Lard J firmer and -ood. Tor- pentine activejaod higher at cl, HosUa fi.tn.j,,f liiuuw quieu r reiguLS quieu -v -CottouNet- receipts 283 bales.. . erosa 4,588. Sales for exports to-day '2,526;; last evening 730. ; Sales ' for future : delivery !'; 23,900 bales, as follows : . March, 18 ; ' April, 18 9-16aI8T3-16; - May, 19al9ir ; "Tune 19al9; July 19 9-16 ,192i ; October 17. . . . Gold 15 9al5K. Governments 'steady: State bonds,dull but steady; , t v - nf J Baltimore Markets'.' Baltimoki. March .27.Flohr vnulet bu V steady. Wheat quiet but firm. , Rye 80a90-; Corn firm. - Provisiohs decidedly firmer but active; mess $16.25a$16.50; bulk meats active tout higher. " Bacon active but firm ' ' shoulders 7 : . Wh .sides Siaal Whiskey. firaier,90a92. " ; " ' ""J j Wilmington Markets. WiLminqton. ' March l27.--SnIrits tur-' J J pentine steady at 57. Rosin quiet fat S2.70 for 1 . otrained. Crude - Turpentine steady' at $2.35 v t0r . hard ; $4.00 for yellow dip and virgin. . , Tar-market lower. - ' " ' ' - ' ' -' Foreign Markets. IjOndon, March 27. Consols closed at 92 jf-1' i Fives 90. ... - . , .- j ; ,j u . Pahis, March 27. Rentes 55aG2, ( : f " , 1 LrvKKPOOL, March 27. Cotton Closed "'' steady; uplands 9)4;, Orleans.. 9J4aa. Cotton Markets, v; ' Wilmington, N. C March 7.-rCotton i quiet ; middlings 18. 'Norfolk,- March 27.- Cotton quiet ; mid- ' 1 dJiiigsl7. ; . .. : . ,.: ... .- ; .Mobile, March 27. Cotton, firm, light demand; middlings 19: , Boston, March 27. Cotton doll, mid dlings h Savannah, March 27.-r-Cotton quiet ; ; - ' middlings 18. . ., ,,. ..q t ; -;t ,., ,4;-tl.. Memphis, March 27. Cotton firmer; 1 low middlings 17.; . :f;;!,j ii' i y ; -.r:: Baltimokk. March 27. Cotton firmer : . V middlings m$; - JYERYTUIKG USUALLXFOUHD , In a First-Class'Drng Store '.' .At'-- ""L? r'v vsiaipsoNs, i " UuVli-tf ... ., . ' , . . . 40 DOZEN -.; FRESH - CANNED Tomatoes. "' 16 Dozen "1 W mslow Jonea" Green Corn, mchiatt W.C Sl'RONACH. 00 BysfltiLS JSTOCJI ,PEAS ;mchl9tf .'WCiBllttOSkCH. 0 T a 4 Books o.r Subscription to the CAPITAL STOCK of the Old North State Life Insur- ' ance company have been opened , in , Ualeigh, at the Law office 01 Messrs. Hatchelor, EdwaroMifcBaxcnelor. . b k t J COB PARKER, , ... "'- 3 ? U. 1V LONG, J l- "'' rnh22-ti ,1 ncorporators. 1 0 .nil. jpLOURl FEOURH , FLOUR 11 1 100 Bar tel Bur's Extra Floor, 1 M , Kik River " : 200 Sacks Virginia Extra and Super-"' fine Fiour. . , ' 2u liarrels people's favorite Family Flour, (good a Patapsco.) . j ' i ; . . J ; ' . In Btore and arriving. . WILLlAMriON, UPCHITROII & THOMAS, mh 18-tf , ,. , jy;R S II . W . i M IL L E It ' S lSOAnDlJTG ' HOVSE, l' Corner of Newbern Avenue and Por ' ,l ' son Street. "mh25-3m. t - ; ; t . .-. , '. OODA CRACKERS 1 ANDLEM:QN O - , cakes, . In Boxes and Jiarrej a, . , '" mh2.3-tf G. T. STRONACH & BRO. Yy HISKEY, WINE AND BRANDY ' .A large Jot of both Fine and Common Liquors. Just received, , - ; , , . mhx&-tf G. T. STR6nACTI fe BRO. ' -ut trp for Family rise 1b 6 gallon Kegs, . rnh25-tf , G.T. SIRONACH ABRO i .1 -J ... - - - . . : . r - ... 4 : B BIS. - :E A R L Y ROSE 1UXAT01S, , 10 Barrels Early Goodrich Potatoes, 10 ... " PeacbBlow 10 " Jachson White's . , " : Itf it " Prince Albert's .5. - Silver Skin Onions. - -. ; feb'Mf ' ' " "' " wAYN K ALtCOTT. V.. 11 A' T 8' Style Soft Ilat8y . tents' Spring Light, yew and Ahryf , ; t W, H. n, & TUCKER A CO; 1 hl wY 1 i 11 f !l

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