IS b A I L Y NEWS. DAILY NEWS. ,-jLV.NK & UZZELL, - - Proprietors. ; if A YETTK VI LLK STREET, eivor W. C. Stronach A Co.'s Store. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, oae lnsertlom.M...... ...'.t 1 00 One square, two insertions 1 50 On square, three Insertions.- 2 00 One Bquare, six insertions...-.............. 3 50 One sqnare, one month.............. 8 00 One square, three months......., 16 00 One square, Bix months . .. 80 00 One square, f. elve months,. . 50 00 For larger advertisements, liberal con tract will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. t i H CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Hi.- DAILY NEWS will be delivered to t jSsi ii 'rs ul fifteen cents per week, p:i':i:.'U u Uo wn i iiT weekiy. Mailed at 47 er an mini ; i : .r.O for six months; $2 for thre 3 i'lio l.VKKlvLY NEWS at $2 per annuic. VOL. II. RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL I. 1873. NO. 28. News. .iORHlNG EDITION. She galeigh gaiUj gm. TUKSPAY. ...APRIL 1, 1873. LOCAL MATTER. F- C. V, OODOX, City Editor fr-fT Conespondcnts will please write on one side id the paper. 3 ;" Local Bhikfs. Gov. Caldvell is expected to return t this city to-day. Gov- Ilol'lea takes charge of the istolrice of this city to day. See notice of Joseph B. Batchelor. 0 iminiss.ont r in the matter oT Anthony II Swasev &.c universally popular. Handsome in D. A. Jcukin?, Eq , Public Tteasurer, person, accomplished in manners, suc returned to the city on Saturday from a cessful in business, he seemed to pbs- visit to his home in Guston county C. F. Beams, Eq , leit this morning for Wahinyton to obtain a patent for an ingenious cotton-chopping machine. is an almond tree blooming beautifully em the laim of Mr. James Dodd, ab-iut.2 fades west of this city. We learn that W. D. Haywood, Esq., is to be an independent, candidate lor Mayor ot this city in the approaching nnvtiicipu'l election. Su'niay the v -it ions churches had very full congregations, aud our streets were vocal with harmonious rustling of new Spring" 'dresses. For s.mething extremely handsome au l stylish, see the Li. E. Lee hats at O. D.-lU-artt & Co.'s Boot, Shoe and Ilatsto.eon Fayetteviile street. The south wins ot the Yarborousrh House is to be at onceiemoved in order that the handsome'''' improvements contemplated can ie commenced. A tew more boarders, both day and lodging, can be accommodated at the Boarding-Houfco just below the Yarbo roii-ib Hote!, known as the old Bank Bunding. -i lion. A. S. Merrimon arrived in this city Suturdny aiternoon iromj Washing ton. The Judge was looking as if his Senatorial labors lud not impaired his health at all. - Religious 'services' are held at the Penitentiary every Sabbath - afternoon. Amorg the convicts is Rev. Pais ley, coi-v but ihey have not yet invited him to officiate.; The North Carolina State Life Insu rance Company, which commenced doing business ubuit the middle oi last month, lias already issued over 50 policies. This is a Happy omen tor the future success oi.tiie company. Judge AiUrtM'ii is now in the city, the guest ot P. F. Pescud, Sr. The Judge wiil, ve understand,- remain in the city tliioiigln.ut the week and open court heie i'U Muuday n-ext. The Dar nf H.U iiiti i;-r. i vrrv much olf;aS( (I with' Jud -e A. ar.d the manner in which he,presi!e.j. Only one iu.-igiiiliant caie had come beloie the Mayi-r yesterday up to C P. M. A wiiite man and a neiiro were ar- jaigueei lor having a scrimmage Sun day aiiern. on near the. N. C. R. R The ii uio wits proven to have been the aggressor, and fined $5 and costs. Whiskey was at iUe bottom ot the a!' lbir, as i. m negro was the 'drunker ot the two -iud got tliiovvn eiown and tie other pi it il n tij l h:m. Ai'iUL, A.- to-d iy Uiheis into exis tence both flattere'l and abusetl month, jwe deem U hot uiappropri aie to i ve a sketch of iis Instoiy and a:so soiue iiceouut is to ii. this (its fiist chtv) eau.e to be sty e-i "Ad fool's Day." We wili beyiu by sa mg, w ;. :t every one pr i iitiy is not aware oi , in a it is tue ie ur!;i month ot the ye:r ami con- sisto oi .j i days. With the Romans it .wa-i the M.cond month ol the year. Julius Canar aelieel the 30th day. In the.tuiie oi Neio it was Neioneus It is siippo ".ed te. be tlerived Irora Aperlre to owcii". bin aiise the LiUils open them-seive-i a: this pcrioti.' In the Atlienian Cu.'enilar, the latter ot Elaphebolion ami i he greater part ot Munychiou cor lespomr to . A'v'mI.- Cliaiieujagne, " in -iiishevs C.i. t uiiar, C illeil it grass mouth, the n.iioe still given to it by the Dutch. lioi!.ine:.-.-Fieuch revolutionary Calen dar merged it into the gieater portion of- G.-nniiial and the cmmeneement of Floreal. , Oa antique monuments, Aprilis is iepree.hteo as a ilahCing youth With a iaitie in his halil. To-lay is. c died in tlie English l.tnuu.i-e April foo.'s day, but the cusioiii ot semiing people on empty eriandi ami lauding at them, is com- mon in everv couutrv in Europe, ana wherever the ra es have set tied ou this eoi.tuieiif. Two accounts ar iven of its ongin. The oriental 8;i;o!ars s ty that il ls ueriveu irom tue huli aiuo:jg the Hi n loo, where a similar eust-mi prevails.' The older opinion is that it comes trotu a celebration of Christ'a t iv i ii 4 s.nt about to and fro between Heiod,'lMate and Caiaphas. Iu F.a .ce the tooled man is called pais so'i. d'acril, meaeiug silly fish, like a mackerel, easily Caught. In Scotland - he is called gowk, which means cuckoo. In order uot to render oursell name to the charge of plagiarism, we herewith candidly acknowledge our indebtness to the American Cyc opaniia for the aDye. "Pai'kr Mkh.- The Raleigh News tells ab ml tivelleiiuis of tobacconists out there somewhere. We wonder how m.ii.y quires it took to make the afore said' lieam-i." 'Petersburg Indeq. e dou'tkuow, but w inquire. We u. r think, however, the Messis. 'in- are made ot .better material than i .they are -uLstantial represent t f a men if energy. In on etc. The members of the Board l lr .de ol the city ot Raleigh are re eu, sicU to meet thii aiternoon at 5 p. m, See notice elsewhere. Complimentary to the Late Rev. Wm. Barringer. A late number of the Charlotte Democrat has the follow ing communication in it : The sad and untimely death of this excellent gentleman and eminent divine at Greeusboro, N. C, on the 17th iust., was an event so singular in its surround ings, and closed a career so marked in its course, as to call for more than an ordinary notice. This is due alike to Ins memory and to a quiet public sen timent, which is mourning "as for a brother." Mr. Barringer was the third son of Gen. Barringer of Carbarrus county, lie received a good education and then entered upon the business of a merchant in Concord. In this he was highly successful, and no young man of his -day. had before him brighter prospects of &l that wealth, culture and high social position could give. lie was sess , all that heart could desire. But in the midst ol all this. in the very Spring time of life, he gave up all, dedicated himself to God, and entered the Methodist minis try. This was thirty years ago, when I ihe Methodist Church of this section was not the strong and popular power it has since become. His course could not fail to excite surprise and comment. But the shining convert pressed nobly forward. He overcame every obstacle and finally entered upon his duties us 'circuit rider." lie gave his time, his talents, his means, his hopes, present and future, all to Christ. The writer of this knew him well in all the, relations I i i : ' : .-i."i .r "i pnvaie, ministerial ana uusi: ncss and he does rot hesitate to say that lie never knew ay one who sur- rendeied himself more sincerely and entirely to me cause ne espouseei. in a very few years he was made Presi ding Elder. But it was mauitest that Ai.r. B. had no ambition except to do his duty. In this position he soon ac quiied influence and power and could probably in due time have secured the highest honors ot his Church.' But he shrank from all temptations of this kind, and continued to devote himselt solely to the work committed to his care. lu ISol Mr. B. married Miss Alston, of Chatham county. But this change made no difference in the labors and sacrifices of this devoted servant of Christ. His noble w:!e entered into his work 'with all her sou!., and to the close ot the late war she coutinued to cheer and sustain him. About this time her health failed and she finally sank under the wasting of disease, leaving in the care and keeping ot her husband six young children. litre was a new trial ior our christuin hero. Property, coun try, schools, al gone. What was he to ( I Nobly did he meet his responsi bilities. Instead of idle repinings anil sinful complaints, he deliberately set himself to work to conform bis Hie and that ol his household to the new require ments. He lived economically ; he taught his children industry and thrift; he arranged so that thev could instruct ench other, and for more than five years he was practically his own teacher and housekeeper. During these trying years he never once slackened his zeal in the cause of hi Saviour. JOu the contrary, his heart we it out stronger than ever. He saw at a gl.ince the dangers growing out ol the demoralization of war, anel he re solved to meet them maufulty and pa triotically. First of all, he; saw the whole land steeped in ignorance and the entire educational system going to ruin. In this emergency he united with others of his' church and countrymen in the almost desperate effort of re build ing the Greensboro Female Methoilist College, lately destroyed. The effort Wiis successful. He hiiiiself had the main charge of-the work of construes tion, and lie was on one of his : regular turns ot inspection, on the 11th inst.. when lie accidentlv tell and received the fatal lriunes ending his valuable ana uselul lite. Ah I that more ol us had such faith, such courage, and such zeal in the cause nf our country and of our God ! The death of our friend was inexpres sibly touching and sad From the mo ment of his tall to that ot his tlissolu- tion he was unconscious, except an in terval of a tew hours, when he calmly reviewed his faith in Christ, and ex pressed to - his sorrowtHg J'amily and iiiends his desire to live for his and their sake. But he added, "if it be the will of Providence that I go now, I submit, it is all well with me." Davknport Female College, Located in Caldwell County, N. C The authorized Agent, Ben. T. J G ettis. is at present in our city, canvass i.wr inthf interest ot this institute. We commend Mr. Gattis and the cause represents to the favor of our people. Davenport College is tne propeity oi tho TJnHh Carolina Gouterence. and L-iciy deseives aid from our. people, Th nro,)ertv is valued at about $25,000 jt naa never received a dollar from the rwrth Carolina Conterence or rrom tne ctiltp at lare. except what has been collected bv the agent the present year The Collesre is greatly needing new lur niture. new app.uatus, and improve mentson the .building. Thus tar, the ao-ent has met with encouraging success, and we trust the good people ot Kaleigu will nt fall behiud other places of much smaller populations, and far less means, in these contributions. The necessity fnr this appeal gro.vs out of the tacttbat Gon.Stonemati at the close of the late war qU,irteml his men id the College build ings, greatly daipaging mem, aim ai&o destroyed neatly alt the furniture, with the appa-ratus. Barcer-Siiop Removed.--The. "barber- --r 1. TT " 1 shop ? ibe laruorougn iiouse nas been removed to the old telegraph building, second floor, next toBraeliey's ContectTonary store, in consequence ot theremovalof the south wing of the Hotel in older to give way to the addi tions that are to le commenced upon that building. Oley, the head barber of the estabJithmenr, would be glad to ete his customer at his iew quatters. Meeting of the Board of the City Commissioners. Last evening an adjourned meeting of the Board of City Commissioners was held in the Mayor's Office, his Honor Wesley Whit aker presiding. Messrs. Battle, Gor man, Johnson, Stronach, Ellison, Dun ston, Upchurch and Prairie, Commis sioners, were present. Mr. Gorman, from the Committee on the extension ol Swain Street, submit ted a verbal report, in which he favored the presen; postponment of work in that direction. On motion the report was adopted and ihe Committee discharged. On motion of Mr. Battle, the Mayor and Treasurer were authorized to issue on the presentation of warrants already due eight per cent, interest bearing bonds, due one year hence, to parties so desiring in lieu therefor. A street was ordered to be opened from Newbern Avenue to Linden Av'cs nue. -. TheCitv Attornev. J. C. L.Harris. Esq., in response to interogations by the Board, submitted a communication. eivingr it as his oinnion that in accor- dunce with the recent decision of the Supreme Court in tne case of R. S. Pul- ien, et al., vs the Board ot Commission- Besides this, there were 5 North Car ersofhe Citv of Raleisih. the Board olina companies iu the 10th Virginia could not tax any subject ot property uot mentioned in tne cnarter, neitner could the city exceed the rates of taxa- tion as fixed in the charter. If taxes have been collected on property not mentioned. in the charter, such taxes must be refunded or placed to the cred it of the parties lor taxes for 1873. and where taxes in excess of rates men tioned haye'been collected, such excess must be refunded or placed to the cred it of the parties for the year 1873. On moth n o Mr. Praiiie, a part oi the lot of Mrs. Eilen Mrrdeeai on Wil mington street was condemned. Messrs. 1). L. Royster, ,G. W. Wy-nne, Wm, Warrick, AV. C. Up church and H. C-Jones were appointed a Board to assess the damages accruing. The projection of the lot of the old Episcopal Parsonage, on Halifax street, was ci'ndemneel on motion ot Mr. Stronach, and the same Board men tioned above were directed to assess the tlamages. The remainder of the pro ceedings of the Board were unimportant and therefore omitted. The Granville County "Goodwin Agricultural Club." -We were pre sent at the residence of Colonel S. S. Cooper in Granville, on Saturday last, the eceasiont beint the regular monthly meeting of the Goodwin Agri cultural Club. We have heretofore published in full the object of this oigauiZition together with a list of the members aud officers, and therefore have only to add that the club is live and prosperous, and effect ing a great deal ot good tor the c.-.use ot agriculture in Granville. Saturday being an exceedingly incle ment day, the number in attendance was neeessarily small, and enlv an infor mal meeting was called. Col. W. R. GnfTithf ot Baltimore, having beea, luviteel by the club to lead an address upon "the similitude ot construction and diseases of vegetable and aLimal mat ter, anel upon what nature's law required for palatable food lor plants," y retiuest the address will be pub- iihed in full in State AgriculLuralJour nul. anel will be read at the m xt luil meeting of the club. An esay upon gardening, prepared by one ol. the most intelligent aud ac compiisiied young ladies of the county. would nave been read had. there been a tull meeliug. We regretted'" this moie than anv -other disappointment- we suf fered, as we were more thau anxious to hear whit our vounr lady friend knew of buttei beans anel cy mbbns. i he next meeting ol the club will oc cur at the residence o' I-aac Davis, Esq , on the lat Saturday in April. Registration, According to the nquirements ot law, reistration lor the approach'!! g tnunicipal election iu this ty w ill commence to day at 9 a. m. All who ejesire to vole must register at the present registration anel those who neglect it will have their ballots reject eel. The registiation books for the sev eral wards ot the city will be kept opm at the Mayor s orlico untiL the evening ol the 25th in?t. The following are the registrars : Western Ward Jas. D. Pullen aud Beni. Rhodes. Middle Ward Nick Jones and Wm. Mitchell. 'Eastern. Ward Jos. Howard and Jni E. Williams. At 9 o'clock each moruingdu.iag the continuance of registration the bell at the Maiket House will be rung to let al' k iow that the hooks are opened, and thev will so continue until 6 p. m. The law prescribing the rules and regula tions ot previous registrations will gov ern this one. Special Court. Justices 'Whitaker Wicker, Harrison anel IVttilord held a Special Court on yesterday on the premises of Mr. James Dodd, two miles West ol the city, to condemn the land of Seth Nowell, so as to al low Mr. Dodd ihe right ot way from his home- te the county road. The court, atler viewing the premises of Nowell, anel hearing alt the arguments for and against the prayer of the petitioner Dodd, proceeded to con demu a way, 20 feet in width; across the land - atoresaia. Assessors were ap pointed to assess elam ages to Nowell, and the Court adjourned. Mr. Dodd, with his accustomed liber ality, s-p eael a mott sum pun us dinner before the Court, and, if rumor is enti tled to any credit, bnr heretofore lean anei lank Mayor is in a fair way to grow fat. IIave Paid I nKiit Taxes. Mr. M. Grausman, City Clerk, desires us to state that the names ot Margare'tha Ev ans and W. 11. Ruseil, published as delinquent tax-payers, were iudver tanliy placed with other names. Iioih of these.parties had paid their taxes aud held receipts Irom the Clerk, the mu uke being his, , . North Carolina in the Late War. In glancing hurriedly over the record kept in the office of the Adja tant General of this State during the war. we came upon the following sta tistics concerning the troops of this State during the recent war, which may prove of interest to some of our read ers on the original Rolls, GL636 21,608 18,585 3.20S 4,203 5.BS6 2,650 1.312 121,897 Recruits to original Companies, Conscripts. Troops i ci State Service, Junior Reserves, Senior Reserves, Militl Officer, Home Guard Officer, Total, If to the above total be added the 3,103 men operating under the com mand of the Militia and Home Guard officers, the number of the men which this State had in service. will be swelled to 125,000. The troops were classified in the fol lowing manner : f- Regiments Artillery, 3 ; Cavalry, 6 ; Infantry, 60 ; Junior Pveserves, 1 ; Sen- ir deserves, l Battalions Artillery, 4 ; Cavalry, 4 ; Inlantry, 3 ; Junior Reserves, 5 ; Senior Reserves, 4 Cavalry; 7 in the 7th Confederate Cav- j.i c m mc ucigm: lumuu;, and one in the Gist Virginia Infantry Making in all, 14 companies recruited iu this State, servingoutside of North Carolina regiments. Oak City Council. The "Sociable" given by the ladies of this Council, at the Temperance Hall, last Friday eve ning, was a complete success. Quite a large number ot persons were present, and a couple of hours very sociably and pleasantly spent. Cakes, ice cream and canelies were then furnished,of which all partook, anel another instance was ad ded to the arguments of temperance tidvocates. that men and women may be merry "without the aid of wine." Late in the evening. Rev. L. Branson, Presi dent of the Council, intrcduced to the audience Rev. Brantley York, D. D., Professor of Logic in Rutherford Col lege, who entertained the crowd for the space of five minutes with some admi rable and well timeel remarks. The audience soon thereafter dis persed to their homes, all seemingly well pleased with the "sociable." in about two weeks the ladies propose to repeat their entertainment, adding new features of interest. Among other things they propose to have a ring-cake con taining a valuable ring, to be cut tor by all who buy a ticket to the entertain ment. 1 hese sociables are intended to make money to fix up the Hall for the meetii g ot the Supreme Council to be held in this city iu June next Tna Mektixq To Night. The c'ti- zens of Raleigh will remember the meet ing tonight at Metropolitan Hall, to endeavor to devise means for the raising of th". two or three thousand dollars wanted to enable the Executive Com mittee of the State Agricultural Society to go ahead with the improvements unon the new Fair Grounds. : This is a milct mnnrtiint mensiitfi tor tne citv oi R i. a i. mid we hone this last enort to rii thrt rtouired amount will be sue- cessful. Let the Committee have the , .1 nli-d cnnn.ut. and the citv und the State will have cause to be proud of their work. The Endowment Fund Fern Wake Forest College. A dispatch from Warren county, under elate of vcstertlav. savs ; ' "The Educational Convention ueiu at Gardner's on Saturday and Suuday, in behalf of the endowment fund lor Wake Forest College, was a complete uect-ss. A large crowd w as present and much interest maunesieu, w sub scription being liberal." The Teaiics Cotton eed See notice elsevvheie ot this prolific cotton sr-fd' The staiile is i he tinewt we have ever s.-en. The seed can be bought ol Mr. Geo. T. Sironach, of. this city. XT" O T I C 1. on FRIDAY the 18th 'o' April, 1S73. 1 will Ki-oi-t-il t ue-W on t resneelive premises. uliTiiWX MiTsof the JoUowina Di' Uitreof as will pay the taxes tor the year r .1 XOI KX 1 1 A A 1 iiilio or as Juu-11 ih2. I ' , - 7 - i ' 7.101 7.20 5.S0 64.0 01.98 . 3.42 3.60 90 4.') 5.40, 1. 480 Bledsoe, M. A. Bryan. .Mrs. N. M. Braueh, Shade-f . : Hnsiiee. t)uent Best, It V. for Mrs.-E. V. Bynuiu, Best, 11. VV. Bennett, Aaron Bryan,-Jordan e.'arpeuter, Mrs. A. C.ifion, W. V. Dodd, O..L Diukius, Bryan Dixon Mis. Fiuuell, Hlchard-.; Gallagher, John Gr.eii Mitchell, Howell, B. N. Hunter, Osborue Harris, W. N. Haywood, W. D. Bane, Euward i : Junes Friday Henry, Mrs. Mayner, Elizabeth OtUs, 1 1. H. Page, Henry Pool, Jac-v Pool, Lewis Pennington Henry Rogers. Wm. G. tjr Marlon Smith, squire, William Smith, Julius I hoinpsou, Mrs. M. C. Teasley, Edward Upniau, Mnrcellus ii . Vaughn, Mrs. Laura A. VVreaver, Eiiva ! ill I ': lex) ; 18 72 4.8U 38.11 6.00 2t.20 72,00 3.80 10.72 78.00 1.-20 7.16 3.40 48 00 5.-10 5.00 8.00 4.20 10.40 ti.Sef - S.4l 3 00 S(j6S.93 51.U0 S017.0J M. Git VUSM AN, Raleigh, N. C, March 28.h, 1S73. tJierfc. -9-td. lOO K EOS N AIL S 50 tetrs Hore and Mule Sho s. Saddles, Collars, Bi idles and Harness of all discmpiKms. at. mar 1 1-tf G. T. STRQN ACII A BrwO?S. TpRYTHING USUALLY FOUND In a First-Class Drug Store At ; SIMPSON'S. hov'28-tf cO ASTZ SEA-FOAM! powders. lo le KYeast Powders. ltoval Baking Powdtrs, mchitf X W. C. fcTRO.VACH. S l?N DAVIGIIT TXlE(GRAMs7 Washington News The New Coin age Act Rush and Scramble lor Office, Etc. Washington, March 31. The Assis tant Treasurer at New York,-" has; been directed to purchase naif a million of bonds on Wednesday April 9th. and Wednesday April 23rd, each, and to sell one and a half million of gold each Thursday during the month of April, thus purchasing in all one million of bonds and selling six millions of gold. The new Coinage Act will go into op eration on the first of April. The Mint of the United States is established as a bureau of the Treasury Department, embracing in its organization and under its control all mints for' the manufac ture of coin and all assay offices Tor the stamping ot bars. The mint at Char lotte, N. C, is returned "as one of the assay offices. There is no change io the. gold coins, but in the silver coins there is to be a new trade dollar. The two, cent piece is abolished, the minor coins being five, three and one cent. .- The State Department is overwhelm ed with , applications for offices of all gradeSbut tnere is known to be only one vacancy the mission to Bogota, which is not' open to competition, and will be filled by au appointment from the South. The clerical force of the Department is not large enough to write replies to the hundreds of applicants. The other Departments ate also busden ed with applications and accompany ing recommendations of office-seekers. The President h as, ever since the inaug- uration, been similarly, annoyed by the same class of people. - It was yesterday ascertained at an dAi cial source that the President will ap- ptnui. xvev. ui. xewmau, inspejior oi Consulates in Japan, China and other eastern countries. Fighting in Spain Carlists Victo rious. New York, March 30. A Herald special from Barcelona on the 28th, says that a battle took" pi ce near Vieh, in the Caladona province, fifty miles North of Barcelona. Twelve hundred infant ry, sixty cavalry and four guns sup porting a supply train was driven back by three Cariist bands concentrated upon the heights of San Hippolite. The Cariist Commantler Galcedrin was L-illorl Tli m t mr na rutip.fl ajitViin en n. portinsr distance from when the Cariist retired. The losses are heavier un nr, K.,tti , T?,n fnr- J I j- , which the supplies were intended, sur rendered ttT the Carlists, from whencd the Cariist are moving on Berg: Three bridges between Vittoria and Panipel mia have been destroyed. The capture ot Berga will flank Vich aud Gerrona. A Cotton Swindler. Charleston, S. C, March 30. Several prominent Cotton merchants here have been victimized by one W m. Meade who shipped 130 bales of cotton hence to Philadelphia on Friday. The cotton is said to have been fraudulently obtained. HOOIS DISPATCHES. news irora ?nniu-l ue Carlists Madrid, March 61. Ihe Carlisle capturnea iserga wnn uve nuneirtu - T - ' . i ' T I S prisoner-. The Diano, ot liarceiona, says that many other places must follow a3 the troops are paralyzed by insubor diuation, and are unable to render as- 3 to the garrisons. The Carlists, after several skirmishes, still hold Ripoll. The troops retired to OU t. The Womens meeting was a failure; the Internationalist meeting tlTin Fede ralist meeting orderly. A deputation visited 'the Minister of the Interior, demanding a demolition monarchial municipalities. The minister replied that the government had no power to overthrow the regularly appointetl authorities of the cites. Later Baiceloua despatches repre sent the situation there as grave. It is stated that the Cai lists burned Berga alter capturing the tow n. Crowds were in -he streets ot . Barcelona and H.reats of reprisals against the clergy and Car list sympathise rs are threatened by the Government to retraiu the people teuera Intelligei ce. A' negro and a pair ot aiulcs, which .he was einvir.g, weie kibed 4y lighN uing in Anne Rundel. Md. There wa. alums a tornado in Phila delphia oa SatU'day evening. ' Trees, lencis, sigis and unfinished .'budding were damaged. JNo personal injuries are reported. , Chas. Mortimer, who- murdered Mary Gibbon at Sacramento, has been senten cet! to be hanged. Commissions to the Georgia Post nvasters have not been issued." They have been referred to Postmaster Gen eral for a full investigation of the ques tions w hich led to the squabble in the Senate. The commissions will probably not issue for some days, and it certain charges shall be verified they ' withdrawn. The Cuban Press on Emancipation In Porto Jtico. Havakna. March 31. The Yo:z Je Cuba in commenting on th'e ab ditiou iu Porto Rictxdisapproves the pay mcnt lor cmancirated slaves from the revenuesiol 1 . . . ' A i ... i i n i iT?mnircTnaaoii!triMini national Treasury, would not compensate for what the country may lose in a po litieal sense, and thinks three years too long f'r slaves to remain under control of masters The Conslaitcla sa s ihe taw is the best that could be procured under the ur- cunintances. The JJiar o th ink hp ministry for ..' ., t introducing the three jcais i.;uc, but Itas not lung limner to say. Tour of Inspection. Washington, March 31. Postmaster General Creswell, with Senators Howe and Cameron,' will make Southern tocr to inspect the r'ostal Car Service. These trentlemen also seek health from irouttttrti sunny ureezes , (2) A pure stimuianv Century WliUkey ' MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington News. Washington, March 31. Internal revenue receipts for this month are 8 millions. . James Brook's condition is unfavora ble to-d ay. Commissioner Douglas has appointed an engineer to survey lands in the South sold for direct taxes with a view of their restoration to the otiginal owners upon payment of taxes, costs, &c. Canby telegraphs Shetman 'that he thinks when; the avenues of escape are closed, and supplies cut e ffor abridged, the Modocs will come iu The Supremo Court in the case of the State of South Carolina ex eel Wngner versus Wosmer, of Charleston oountv, the questionvvas whether the tajc officer was bound to accept "bill "pf thes bank or South Carolina in payment of taxes, the allegation being its charter made its bills receivable-' for' all public dues. ."!r.uf;COUuty ;Tsurtr answers that the. bills were. issued in. 1801 and io aid of the rebellion and theref .-re are not legal tender, anel further that the charter under which the hills were' ten dered, had beec lepealeeU .The first question was found by the jury in favor of the Bank,' but the Cemrt held that the claims requiring , the State ' to re- ceive the 'bills in payment of taxes was sub3equeflttv repealed, 'lhis ruling is sustained i n 1 the judgment is affirmed. .1 New York Money Market Con siderably Excited. New York. March 31.' Monev verv stringent, and borrowers on call wero forced to pay higher rates than for a long time past. Early in the day all renewals and new loans were at one-six- teenth per diem, but later the price of money rapidly advauced, and betoie 3 o'clock, i cent and interest was paid, ru in plainer tt rms.l89J per ct. per annum. After that time f of a per cent was paid, anel before 1 o'clock toans were made at 1 per cent or 3G5 per cent per annum. Banks w ere calling in loans to day, and one institution banking for city called in a large amount, which was one great reason of the stringency ' Exchange was completely demoral izeel by the advance in gold and the money stringency. Prime baukers sold at 7i, but at the close quotations were entirely nominal. . Gold ' very active, opening at lGf and sold up to 17, led to 1Cf ra he( and vanced to 18, 'e. Jo 1- rallied to 18 and clossd, 17 to 17f. Loans were at 4 to 1-16 fer carrying A Stampede In " Church Women and Children Badly Injured. Trenton, N. J., March 31. Daring a Requiem Muss for the dead at St. John's Church, lor Rev. Father Mackin this morning, the immence crowel was startled, by a crash w hich was nujipiwaii to be fiom the givieg way. of the galle ry and caused a scene ol consternation. The crowd rushed towards the outlet. A number were thrown dowu and crush beneath the feet ot the mass. Fully ten minutes elapsed before the passage eoQld be cleared, when the wouudeel Were rem ived. to residences near by anel physicians fcummoiied. LateiV-A dozen women and chil dren were found to fe severely "vfotin - ded. Some are inn daageroas cond.uo i, but no deaths as yet. 1 be alarni' was caused bv the breaking ot a kneeling board. The ulartn having subsided the the fuueaal services were resumeei. Death of Mrs. James Gordon Ben uett Stokes Again Denied. Nkw Yoke, March 31. A private cable announces the death ot Mrs. J as Gordon Bennett at Kdeuijjsteiii Judge liiady lo-day denied the motion to ameud the judyement record in St-okes' ease, aud a.tid the propermethod was by certiorari, which wilt bring the j CaSC hefore the general term Deaths, in Mobile. Mobile, . Match 31 Dr. Josiah C. Nott died iui hi? O'J! it oirtnday, tins morning, at half ptUi 7 o'clock. Mts. C. E. Suiitn,; w lie oi H. l.' Smith i and dauyhier 1 Rev. liiibeii' Moraroied, Ld fcouih Caroiiua, died eteid-iy Saw Mill Rurnt STASHVILLK, '1 ESN. Mirch 31 Driver's stw: mid at Smitherhoid & Edgefield, beeii i-utiKjd. Los $75.- 000. ..No aisurame, :, ;t , ,.'; Weather iceiort. vVa sli in gton, Match 31. Por the South Atlantic Siuieu, lallittg berome ter, outttetsiei'y wtuus aua increasing cl-JUdintss ' ' Cuban Success. KtY West, Miich 31.' The Cuban have captured MeansVille, ail linpoV taut point out he East cost..! ; , ; . . ,.- French Troops Goin; to the -Frontier. Parp, March Sl.-The government is s tiding troops, to the Jspanisu frouiier, NEW A DVERTlSEMEVrs. PEA RUE COTTON SEED FOR SALE. , ouantitv of 'cut ton Seed ol la.t vear ci,n. 1-which he can recommend to tne public a I iinsr snnerior to anv ever ra.iiin t:hi - , to any ever raided in this State. ruis Cotton grows in ciustars of from 8 to 12 boos. nvc. blocks to each -boil, and 010 tsuees foity ponnls. of lmt frwja one huii- Ur d poativ.s or seed cotton.' It is a long Mapie, or a oeauttJui . write fleecy appp'aranct, and is almost raual in t xture to me ceieoratea sea isiami cotto 'ihe seed were origtua ly procured by the undersigned in Mississippi, where they sell lor 25 ct. apiece. , A sample of tne pearce ctton and Seed can be seen at the Mote o: G. J.'. btrouacu fc Co., of Kaleigh. h or particulars apply to U).tI) or to the uuderigued, at Hiuiard- JOHN J. PEARCE, HUliardston, Nash couniy, N. C. s-.pi-l-DtvV2w. rpHE - WILSON" COTTON PLOW Is tne best ple.w for ihe cwlUvalion oi cot ton that has ever been invented. Farmers who use tnem Kav that cotton cultivated with this plow will hold better and produce with anv other titow. j or&u explanation of ihi fact call on 1 who a the Ant-f7 Kaili'Jh. N-'n. J mhh-tf COMMERCIAL REPORT. New York Markets. Nkw York. March . 31. Cotton quiet, miv.dlins'20; Orleans 20sales 3,2J0 Dales. Flour steady ; common to fair extra $16.10 a$g.; good to choice $8.40a$ 1-2.75. Whiskey easier, 90 H- Wheat la2 lower j limited milling export demand. Corn, a shade easier; ' mftlerate business. Groceries nothing doing at high rate; Gold checks iu demand, coffee, rlo, 16al9. Klce, Cir oiina, at 7a8. . Fork stronger at $1 6.50a S16.65. Larflrmer at 8 13-Ria9 Navals high. Tallow 8a9. Freights quiets. Cottou Wt receipts 330 bales, gross 4,733. Sales for exports to-day 2138; Satur day evening 292. , Sales (or future aeilvery 4 25,300 bales, as follows : April, 1819; May, 19al915-16 ; . June, i(19Jia20. July 19"16-ia2uK Jt'oreien f Markets. Ix)NbON,Ma1xh8r.-Co'nsols' closed al 92 a92. Fhres 8U.-.J?-. r t ; Pabis, March 31. Rentes 55a62. - j "LiVBRpboU 'March 31. Cotton opened Arm ; uplands 9a ; Orleans 9. : . JLATER-i-Cotton lirin ; nplauo 9; Or leans 9-.l Bales 15,000 ualos. Speculation and export 3,ue0. ? . - ii ; Wilmington; Markets. f Wilmington March SL Spirits; tur pentine quiet at 55. Hosin quiet at S3.12 for number 1 92.75 for low number Crude Turpentine steady ' at i25 for hard ; S400 for yellow - dip and virgin; o Tar market quiet $2.50. : : .. Cotton Markets. , -: -,v Wilmington, N. C, March. 3i. Cotton quiet; middlings 18.' Mobile, March 31. Cotton. firm an4 ad good ordinaryl 16al7 ; low middlings 18; middlings 10. , ; i t , ic! Boston, March 31. Cotton strong and higher; -middlings 19. j .a Mkmph is, March 81. Cotton higher J low middlings 18al8J4. BALTiuoRit, March 81. Cotton firmer ; middlings 1. , . , 'ij li O VV N. ' S"M U, tit E U M ". Fayetteviile Street, i F 11 E S MI t II R.I y ttb S, The Spring Stock of Fancy Goods, Notions Confectioneries, Fruits, Ac; Toys, i Musical Instruments : of every kind. - ' ' ' In short, a full stock of everything to be found lna ' . GENERAL VARIETY STORE, is now arriving at . Brown's Museum or Emporium of Fancy Goods. The AVIATtY has been recently re stocked with Canaries, Gold - and Bull Finches, Java Sparrows. South American Parrots, and the American Mocking and Ked Birds. The . , : ' AO V AR iVM.'J.. of Golel and other small fish Is constantly . replenished with the m-st beautiful of the tinny tribe. . " Two Dozen Children's Carriages . just received; Also a large lot ot " i MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, h Dally arrivals of Fruits and Confection eries. - ..... Large ,tock of Toys aud China Goods selling at cost. ' j For anything and everything, go to 'j - NAT. Li. BKOWN'. mli20-tf . ; . -, . . , ; . - . ! i.i VV II I T E G O O 1) S I We ask attention to Our large Ktk Of Nainsook Muslins, Mali Muslins, ' .n j: Jaconet Muslins, Checked' 'Muslins s v..;. i -:t 4n.&.. Striped Musline, AND Jaconet and Nainsook Edgings. .-, ' .'. i Wiii.-h we are offering very low. ' ";!-!.' - ' -- i 5 1 ' f DAVIS, DIUKE& COu. ) marlMy refersburg,' Va. O 'M E A.N p SUE 'The Universal" Plow, , -:,";.;ir,i -.j y.,u i(fii 'yj- ul. a. ;(1 It djez a greater variety oi work than any other ulow iu use. - t LEACH BROS mhlS-U Agents for Kaleigh, N C. ' -! -t "' .......j ----- R A S O -It S , A -N. ,D JLa d, i e 8 V unbr.e I la At DAVIS. diuke'A'cou 4-4' WHITE AND CHECKED MATTING, .. -. : ..; I C O C OA M.A T T M& A ''' -At 13 A VIS. DRAKE. &. COS, ' ! i :.!n jli -(?'' ..'ifi:.-M " Corner Bank and Sycamore Stt eets, . mar28-ly . Tetersburg, Va. IO RBLS. EARLY ROSE POTATOES, 10 6arrels Early Gootl rich Pobi toes, .10 " . .Peach Blow- j. . , D ' 10 " Jachson Vvhitc'a , - . 10 ; 4,I,Prince Albert's' ' 1 'nS; 5 " feilver Skin Onions. ., r frb23-tf : ; WAVNE AU.tlTt.'' ABB IT KINS WANTED. I want to buy "10 million," more or . less, of Rabbit Sktnsf and solicit applications from those-who can supply Jarve kt. , , j J. L. LABIAUX, RUlgeway. N.a. mch28-tf . M E A T AND ;L A R Dl ' 40 Boxes, 20,000 lbs. Bulk bides. 40 fj t Shoaldera. 10 Tierces Leaf Lard. , ., ' ' . 20 Kegs Lard, a :in !-t ;.-r -.u 25 Half Kegs I-areL , -j . , ,4J 25 Buckets LArd. ' v J . 4.. . Receiving this day, bought Kince the de- W "lLI AMSON, UPPHURCU TIIOMAR. S " O F' II" A' -'T ' Gents' Spring Style Soft Ilats, Light, New and Airy. W. U, & R. S, TUCKER A ( O, ! ? i .' : 1 i. f ,s, ! - "'I- H .i- v J. V t v li. in i ;- w - ! 'i it,

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