DAILY NEWS. i; A- UZZELL, - - Proprietors. A i'ETTEVILLK STREET, .r W. C. St ronach & Co.'s Stove. i 1NVAU1ABLV IN ADVANCE. pa II A' NEWS will be delivered to ..r 'nis .it ki ktkes cknts per week iiiifCM-rU'r weekly. Mailed at 7 ,,'uk v-Uo for six. mouths; $2forthre :KLY NEWS, at Z2 per annum. HI Hi VOL. II. G II O C3 E II I E S i;r;ir, ouoe aim riuur au grades. i; Meats, North Carolina and Virginia ii,,i;.iuiuiil, sugar Cured Hams. Pickied foi'K, i ui iii-ti hiuuih.hu iseei (very n i.e.) breakfast Baeou, ehoice I'm -families, Kxtra mess, s,,s. . J:in13 Kilt Mackerel, Half barrels ,o. - Mackerel, Nos. 2 and 3 New Mackerel in barrels. Ail the best brands of Canned Goods. vtt. d Turkey, Chicken, Tongue and Ham ri.-;i!l i:aMjage-4n Jars, ' l'lf pared Horse Radish, best, brand Chow-chow, Itnpoited Mixed Pickles, Tickled Oysters, V-.n-ivsiershiro. Sauce. . Celery Sauce, lVpper Sauce, &c. i'.ushels W hite Corn, ' ' - " Bolte.. Meal, " Ship Stuff. 1V0 'J MORNING EDITION. RALEIGH. N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING. APRIL & 1873. NO. 30. 33TAU parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Special Notiees inserted in the I lOlumn will ha k .. Twenty Cents per line. .w; i7 I, oca OX C ON SI GNMEN T. ' ;ushels Stock Peas, White " Beans, " Mixed " " i tan, " Irisli Potatoes, . " Mountain Apples. i Pozen rgs, itarreis good mountain appTes.' Vor hue prices, prompt, delivery, and nu.ui'y f goods I guarantee satisfaction., i. uic'i't uie increasing demand, I haveeu laivjrd my - . . lolloe HoustiDs and Grinding De partment. Time, trouble and loss saved by buying ii! v iioh roasted and ground coffees. iiiirJ -ti" WAYMii ALLCOTT. . - ' -pillCES GREATLY REDUCED. s w wish to make a change in our busi ne. we n tiiy our Friends, aud the Public Hi it wv will sell our stock of goods at (JREATLY. UCUUCKl) PRICES FOR CASH OUR STUCK COMPRISES iiousk fuun ISSUING GOODS, DJM F.ST ICS Cloths and Csisimeres, I'.iari.ivli vies, Cor-itts, Hats and Caps, : Boots and Shoes, GENTS'" FURNISHING GOODS, Yankee Notions. NOW IS TdE TIME FOP. BAR iAIXS , AT ITvIMKOSE, Pi.TTY & NEWSOM'S. All indebted to the firm are called on to P., P. & N. &BJ. O. II, Advertising i to for subscriptions, NtJTTALL. Of tUd flwi-lAHa' n rhritnrS A?e.?cyJ,la "geatfor this paper o wVli' V lle is dul authorized o contact for advertisements and receipt Messrs. Grfflln and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents No. 4 south ttireet. Baltimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract lor advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with tnis house. Meeting of the Board of Trade Oa Tuesdapafterm-on the Board of Trade of the City of Raleigh held a meeting at the Citizens National Bank. The President, Col. Wm. E. Andereon, - "! mi . . Robbery. 1 We are infcimed that on Tuesday afternoon, between the hours of 3 p. m. and 4 p. the house of one Hattie Daughety, a Cyprian, living in presided. The meeting was ot short the southwestern extremity of the citj, 3 The agricultural Journal and the Mews.-The State agricultural journal,. an eight-page Weekly published in mis city, will be clubbed with the Daily News at ss.50 per annum, and with the Weekly N ews at $3 50 per annum. Orders directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. LOCAL" MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Correspondents will please write on one side of the paper. igJi , Local Briefs. - Dr. Ilowerton has lor rent a dwelling house on Fayetteville street. 'See notice elsewhere. Up to 7 P. M. the Mayor, had ease beiore him. yesterday, his Honor, no; -a single criminal settle nnnudialclj V A L S . uncanvassed JT E V A U li I Sugar-cured Canvassed, N. C. liam. ' Kug:tr-cured an'roked 'Beef. fill ips, Sides and Shoulder -Bacon. Bologna sausage and Beef Tongues. ' Boxes thik;s and Crackers, ail kinds. . li)D acks Virginia Family t lour. . Barrels i'aiapsco county Flour and oilier grade, of Flour, i'iciiles in barrels and jars. Bard, best family, iiilieics, kegs and backets. oUU gallons of Cuba Molasses. ' SyiupHoi unlerent grades. Marekerel .Nu. 1,2 aind o, bbls., Y bbls and kits. Sugar, Pe.i.'r, F. Ii. and alt grades, le ihied. Coh'ee, Mocha, Java, Baguire and Rio. L ijt.xes Candy and Kaisins. -i buis. Early lio'se Potatoes and Bald- Wiii Appies. , A few Hoxc. oraujjes.: BiileW nl grades oi ramily Soap. lmsiiois i'f a-uuts and a smart lot of - Coiion Yiui'v Barlow Matches and a good assortment of Fancy Groceries, At WYAIT, (J It KEN t lO'rf, " (Souiii-sideMaiKCt Square.) -t-iioods deiiveied promptly without eliar'j; nt Hie city. . Wf iil.-o respeoLX'ully solicit Consignment of cojuiiy produce. HieilS if R. M. Furmau, the good-looking and clever editor of the Asheviile Citizen, is at the Yarborough. -Major General Irwin McDowell, U. S. A., arrived in this city last evening, and is stopping at the. National. The Board of County Commissioners met yesterday at the -Work House. Nothing of public importance 'transpired. The opening bt the side door of the postc luce, winch leads out oa JUartin stieet, is a ureal improvement. It does much towards preventing the disagreea ble rush and jam which used to attend the opening of the office. The bill incorporating the Water Works' Company of this city, by some oversight, cut cot come to a third reading in the Senate. The bill will have to be introduced again at the next session of the Legislature. Comparatively one of tlic most libe ral subscriptions made yet towards the new Fair Grounds was made last night by the Yarborough House barber, V. G, 0:ev, who contributed ten dolJars cash. The .Meeting Last NrGHT--RAb-EiGii Will Raise the Amount Asked of Her. The meeting last night at Metropolitan Hall was well attended A uuiauon, ana tne loiiowing comprises the sum total of what was done: A. B. McPheters, Esq.. offered the following resolution which was unani mously adopted : Whereas, Dr. T. D. Martin having g'ven entire satisfaction, both to buyers and sellers of cotton, by the impartial discharge of his duties, therefore He&ohed, that Dr. T. D. Martin be unanimously re-elected lor one year from tlatc to the same office. J. P. Gulley, Esq., was unanimously elected Treasurer and Secretary. The following resolution were offered as a tribute to the memory of the late A. L. Adams, and were unauiunusly adopted : XAsuccea, mat in the death ot our late young trieod and Secretary, A. L. Adams, we have sustained a loss which each member of this Board entertained with heartfelt regret. Resolved, that as an honest and effic ient member of this Board, and one who was esteemed by every one of us with whom his duties brougnt him in contact, our young fiiend had no supe rior. ; Hesolced, that we deeply sympathize with the parents and lamily in their loss of a son and brother possessed of so many virtues and such kinkness ol disposition. j Hesolced, that a copy of these resolu tions be sent to the parents ot the de ceased, and be published in the city pa pers. The North Carolina Map For tite Vienna Exposition. In our issue of the 23rd ult., we alluded to the agri cultural, xniisciulogicab and topo graphical map which Prof. Kerr, our State Geologist, was setting up lor the great Exposition at Vienna, iu order that the advantages which each section of our richlv endowed oilers to emigrants and capitalists might be luliv brotiaht out. Yesterday we had was entered aud robbed of a Docket- book containing jome $30 or $40. watch and chain, necklace, a set of enameled jewelry, and a pir of sleeve buttons. The value ol the jewelry, we are inform ed, amounts to between $17o and $200. In this connection wo call attention to the advertisemmt, to be found in another columQ,roffering a reward ot $50 for therecoiery of the same. 1. Pardoned Ku-Klux. Yesterdav paraonswere eceived at the United States Marshal'office, in this. city, from the President oj the United States for Janus Sweezey W. U. Depreist and wuo were ineo.A tue special the United StateaCircuit Court,Septem- bcr, 1871, on the cliarge of kukluxism, and sentenced o two years in the Albany, New Yok, Penitentiary. '." The paidous'-were immediately fowarded to Albapy. ' JiOOS DISPATCHES. Cal Wagner's Minstrels. This troupe is billed fcr Tucker Hall, this city, o i the evenings of the 11th and 12th insts., (Friday and Saturday.) If Excitement over the Loss of the At lantic Nine Hundred and Fifty Passengers on Board Not a Wo man or Child Saved New Y'ork, April 2 No copy list of the passengers of the steamship At lantic is in this city. The Agent of the Line here, says his dispatches from Halifax,- received last night, state that none of the Atlantic's cargo Lad floated, whieh he considers as evidence that the steamer's hull is not broken. The peo ple who had friends on board the ill fated steamer crowded the office of the White Star Line Steamers, hoping to learn the names of the survivers, but as no list had been received no information could be given them. The terrible dis aster is the only topic this morning, and a full investigation is demanded Pj, J he public and t h e peo pie, that the on the proper parties. Halifax, April 2 The steamship Delta, which was dispatched to the scence of disaster to the Atlantic, has not returned. There is no later infor mation. Later Halifax, April 2 The Atlantic had 900 steerage and 50 cabin passengers. Not a single -'woman or child was saved. : Later from New York No reliable rlptnils nf the disaster. The City ot List ot the Cabin Passengers'of the "Atlantic" The Arrival of Some of the Survivors at Halifax, etc. London, April 2. The following list of names of the Cabin passengers of the Steimship "Atlantic," has been ob tained from the Agents of the White Star line : N. Brandt. John PjIp TT Kruger, S, W. Tick, Albert Qoiuner, J. DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one insertion ... i oo One square, two Insertions l 50 On square, three insertions. Z. 2 00 One square, six insertionstin:." 3 59 One square, one month 4 s on On ltlt' lYTee mo?s 16 00 One square, six months. ; . 80 00 Ito?qS2S-vemontl18 - 50 00 ttiu imgtfoenisments. Uter&l con- erty, J A Peters, John Burkman, Johan nes Deer, James Ryan, Tim J Sullivan, J M Peterson, Charles Haveley, Michael Sullivan, Patrick O'Connor, Patrick Moore, Patrick Reilly, Thomas Pratt Osmond Gumderson. Jacob Smirit Michael Kelly, Michael CoIMds, Thomas iisun, jjaniei yaisn, jbienry H. Sbeg may, R E Pritcher, Andrew Schwatz Hewitt, Spencer Jones. H. Wellington I W Shaw. Neil Sullsen. Richard nnmB' W. Gardner, James Brown, R. Cbmacks.' Jonn McGroth, Peter Anderson, August J. Marckwald, H. Hierch, B, Richmond. Biglesen. Hugh Hughes, WilUam W. Menitt, W. Speat, H. Speat, Chas, HaJ Patrick Haannon, Michael Carmo- Allen, A. Jugla, John Brindley, L. Lev- "Ji Thomas Booth, James McAlister inson, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Merritt, Mr- Christeaum, Mr.'-" "Polk Mrs. Sneat, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs. Ran- Dust Elficle, Joseph Telliff' don, Mrs. Brodie, Miss Barker, Miss J Volsk, J Jarvis, Fred. Drumbuski' Merritt, Miss Speat and two Misses John Vessel, Fred. Waythen, Wm' Iose- Glandfield, Charles Morris, Wm.' Mr. McDermatt and two children Hawk, John Wren, Thos. Murphy were among the passensers of the lost Hampton Seaden, Hush O'VeilU Pet steamship "Atlantic." MrP.:McDermatt I'ussey, Peter Leveret, Mitchell Senorer is Matron of the Fifth Avenue Hotel. Joseph McLeatchy, Thos. Minnino-' It is also tedrthat.rmoJLJPrip Alex. Cameron. John Williamn Th a air. oiriuuiey, Agent wt-j-- v c.,. " we are to judpre tM merit .of the troupe by the comments pf the press of the Montreal, due to day, brings a duplicate cities in winch thej have recently ap- ijst of the Atlantic passengers peared, they are entitled to patronage, and give an enjoyible eutertainment. Those who wish to drive away " dull care," and "laugh and grow fat," should, by all means, go to hear them. preached near Lashley's x Roads, the line of the Chatham Road, on bt Masonic Funeral. The funeral of W. C. Backer, lately deceased, will be on bun- day . next, Carey Lodge F. A. M. officiating, assisted by the Masonic fra ternity of Raleigh. The Masons and other citizens of Raleigh are invited to attend. An excursion, train will leave the N..C. Depot at 8:30 A. M., on Sun day. Fare for the round trip, 50 cents. the rood fortUDe to model from which the is to he prepared at army headquarters see great the man vv 7 II I T E G O O 1) S We ask attention to our large stock of Nainsook Muslins, Mull Muslins, jjiuoaet 31 uslins, checked Muslins. striped Muslins, AND " Ji.conet and Nainsook Edgings, Which we are ol'ering very low. DAVIS, DRAKE & CO.. marl;5-ly 3 A Petersburg, Va. and, w e are glad to say, a lively inte rest was manifested. We can now en tertain no doubt of the amount needed bcicg raised, and that wiihin a few Says. The subscription last niht was incieastd to something over $8,000, and only a little more liberality on the part of our citizens will justify the Execu tive Committee in going lorward with the beautiful plans that, have been drawn up. It i3 certain that our citi zens intend that the Fair shall beheld next fall, and that at Raleigh. Several of the speakers thought tnat the peo pie ot 'Raleigh had been censured too heavily for the failure to raise $10,000 ; the subscription already was most libe ral, and praise should be given instead of ccn&ure. But stiil they 'earnestly hvirv-rl the 'Committee would receive "all the support they needed to go lorward with the work. The improvements contemplated will cost but little less than $30,000 ; t lie proceeds ' of the sale of toe old Fair Grounds, after liquidating the pre.-ent indebtedness ot the Society, will leave some $6,000 to operate upon, and with this and the asked-for subscription from Raleigh, the Committee is willing to go ahead and make the proposed improvements, believing that , by out side subscriptions and other means the remaining amount needed can be ob tained. . On motion, two special Committees were anoointed to endeavor to raise the remaining eighteen hundred dollars wanted Gen. W. R. Cox, Len II. Adams and J. W. Watson, Eqs. 2. A. a Lee. G. T. Stronach and B. F. Chea tham, Esq. The said Committees to report to the .executive Committee on Thursday next, and we doubt not the full amount will be forthcoming at that time. The Executive Committee is anxious to go to work, and not one day is to be lost if the beautiful buildings in New York. From it can be gathered accurate information as localities where gold,silver,iron, copper, &c, are to be found, and the adaptation of the different sections to the various agricultural products. &c. In fact, Irom this map can be gathered a thorough knowledge of the iesotrces of the State in every particular, and of climate, soil, topography, kc. Besides the man. the Professor will send a' number ol articles ol the growth and manufacture of the State, which will give an ocular demonstration of the lact that the rare advantages wl.ioh nature has lavished upon our State are not overrated. Professor Kerr deserves no little credit for his arduous labors to make our State take that high rank to which she is entitled, and in this work he should receive the assistance and encouragement of all who have any State piide. The model from which the larire man is to be prepared was sent to New York.this morning. Annual Meeting. The annual meet ing of the Stockholders of the Western Railroad takes place in Fayetteville to- to the day. Jno. J. Minor, of that place, has been selected by the Governor, to repre sent the interest 61 the State. The "Portsmouth Enterprise''1 is to be the name of a daily paper to be commenced .in Portsmouth, Va., on Mouday next, by Messrs. John W. H. Porter aud M. V. Coucanuou. (2) A pure Whiskey! stimulant, Century The. company sent an agent to provide lor and report the names of the survivors. It is reported that Russell Sturgis and Franklin V. Smith, of Boston, were passengers on the Atlantic. In London the Atlantic disaster is the universal theme. The office of the agents are thronged with, friends of the passengers. A Scene in the French Assembly. Paris, April 2. The Assembly has been debating for two days the Lyon s municiDalitv bill. The discussion closed to-day with a remarkable scene Lerover. Radical, described the commit tee's report which accompanied the bill as trumnerv. Marquis d'Granmonte bitterly retorted, and accused the deputy of impertinence. President Greyy called the Marquis to order, but the latter refused to retract his lan "tiage. The members of the Right, ex asperated at the call to order, threatened to "au.it the Chamber. President Grevy dignified speech, in which he intimated that he should resign and declare the sitting ended. The House broke up amid intense excitement Deputies of all shades of political opin ion waited on urevy to-nigiu ana oeg-o-ed him to overlook the incident, bui charge, and. the Barcley street firm ot this city, were amorjg the passengers. Inquiries are also made for three steerage passengers from Ireland, who were consigned to relatives here. The Agents ot the line haye been in structed to omit; nothing that will re lieve the distress . of those saved and forward them to their destination. Halifax, N. S., April 2. Only three or four cabin passengers were saved from the wreck of the Atlantic, one Englishman and two or three French men. Only one lady passenger attempted to save herself ; she was frozen to death in the rigging and fell into the water. The Purser is among the lost. Some ol the passengers arrived in this city to day, and gave horrowing details ot tue calamity. The names ot officers or pas sengers'saved are not known as yet. Relief steamers are expected up at two o'clock. The Atlantic had eight hundred and fifty steerage passengers and thirty saloon. There had been two births during, the voyage." The crew numbered one hundred and forty two, and there were fourteen "stowaways" discovered. Three hundred in all were saved out of the total number, of one thousand and thirty-eight. There is nothing in the shape ot documents sayed from the wreck. A list of passengers will be obtained, if possible, upon the return of steamers from the wreck. LATER FROM HALIFAX An Account of the the Drowned and Saved. Halifax, April, 2. A steerage pas senger makes the following statement : I turned into my birth about eleven The night was o'clock, Monday night it is expected his resignation will be dark but; starlight, and the weather offered to-morrow. 1)1 F.1L, SCRRKLL Near Morrisville, Wake county, on the night of April the 1st, Mr. 1esii'sy Sourkj.l. atred 87 years, father of Mr. Alvis Sorrell, of this city. He was a member of the Baptist Church, and though ins disease was long ana painful, lie mur mured not ; having died in the full hope of an immortal crowu of glorj v A. W . li. Domestic News. The Daniel S. Miller, the first boat of the season, has reached Poughkeepsie. A general strike of house painters, for three dollars per day, is apprehend fine. I knew the ship was going into Halifax lor coal. .The last I remem bered was that "two bells," one o'clock, bursen, J A.-WcoiftJWiJiiHpnrvPar Charles Groom, John Wakerham, Jno Carlisen, B Lunsen, Theodore Cullsen,. Edmund Gayner, Chuff Hans, Patrick Graccford, Peter Reily, Ralph Smith, J CJElly, Fred Roby, O 1 Nelson, K Pompson, C Cornelius, Henry Jacobs, W Worthington,J McGrath, J Handley, Thos Cunningham, Beni Peck, Thomas Connelly, Patrick ' Connelly, Peter Rogers, John Schwartz. Wm Sbult, Mr. Lizendall and BOn,Vm Wallam, Michael Schwartz, Michael Barns, Daniel Rid ley, Chas Crincraft, Thos McCuppen, Marcus Euison, Neil Neilson, John Mung, Thomas Metcalf, Cornelius Dris. , call, Terrence McCarthy, Peter Mormen Jos Henry, -John Shlauser, Fred W Kahn, Jno Frum, Michael Sullivan.Wm Parker, Robt Carter, A Bishop, Cor nelius Scranton, A Anderson James Foley, G Keskie, Michael Schwoer, Jno Wreckenburg, Alex Parish, John Qtiinn, John Swaki, John Learner, Win Valentine, A Bier, Cornelius Sullivan, Christopher Anderson; N E Johnson, Owen Donnelly, John Mander, Michael Henry, J Donnelly, John -Turner, John McMann, W Doudler, Jno Patterson, J R Jones, Martin Cogle, Jno Ledley, Win Roland, John Lowe,1 Patrick Scaleny, Thus Farrell, John Doyle, Jeremiah Neal, Peter McKay, Andrew Haxley, James Walsh, John Datton, James Flancagan, John Taylor, John Murphy, Thomas Redway,J P. Tapman, Geo Russell, Joseph Kelly, M Sullivan. John'D Jackson,F Williams, Holland, Jamts Pratt, Paul Moore, U JSespitt, Arthur Devlin, Wm Coughlin, Stephen Wreck List of Hammell, Jno Anderson, Dan'l Schleley, Edward Figgins, Thomas Trevereaux, Wm Barron, Edward Doyle, M Kallru, Michael Cunningham, Thos Chaplain and John Owen. Total, 336, besides 77 coming up in the steamer ','Lady Hed." About one-half of the steerage passen gers were lost, and as all the books were lost, their names could not be obtained. The following cabin passengers were saved : Freeman D Marchwald, of struck. I then went to sleep, and I woke up with the shock, and remarked I Thompson, Landon & Co., 391 Broad to mv mate, "there goes the anchor." I thought, of course, we were sale in way, N. Y.; S W Vick, ot Yick & Me.- bane, WllQ11Dgton, N U ; . J Bpenccr ed in the vicinitv of Sprim-field, Mass.. Halifax harbor, but a3 soon as she made Jones, of New Ross, Ireland ; Lewis s PRING MILLINER Y, 1 a- Commissioners' M e e t i n g. The Commissioners, appointed by the recent Legislature, to arbitrate the suit now pending ir the Supreme Court of the United States,' betwi en Sibley & Co.' New York, against the W, N. C. Rail road, met in Governor CaldwVlPs office vpstiTf :iv. l'rescnt. Uov. UHunein Hon. M. E. Manly,-of. Newbern,' Hon- llivis d vVi tnimo ton. lion' ii ,.f fii.vfi.to r.!M-iti 11 1! VL'V JiaViJ. tl VIIUIIUII.V, vvtutiv Walter Steele, of Richmond county Colonel Marcus Erwin, of '. Asjievillei appointed by his Honor." Judge Dick, as one of the Commissioners ot the Cour .1 , . 1 ...irwl ' ,1 .r fti. iLinrne TO SCil LUC Siim luaii uimn niu '".i-iv of t'orcl-isure. Colonel Gaither. o1 Mor-'anton. was (ietaiued at McDowel1 Court. Messrs. Davis and Erwindecl'med to serve as members ot the board of arbi trators, owing to the professional re!a. tionship whieh both sustain to parlies in the dispute. The conclusion arrived at yesterday by the Jsoard wa, mat tue act ot tne Legislature appointing them contained no authority of power which' they could exercise, and knew they couid acCom plish nothing. We, therefore, infer that the commission will. -accomplish noth ing definitely, affecting the present state of affairs. This is to be regretted, as we are sur it was the object of the Legislature to have the matter denntte- lv settled without prolonged litigation The Commissioners meet again to-duy. The Democrats elected their caivdi- a second plunge, 1 said, " good voa, for Mayor oi Milwaukie, and the entire she's ashore." With that, we got up Democratic county ticket. - and dressed. The companion-way was The Indians who murdered a survey- thronged with lower steerage passen- inrr rto am! Hi wpst nf Arkansas Citv. ??ers. Seeing that the sea was com- i . j ---- - , . -' were the "vvniri winds, a maurauuing Jfl S has now received the largest stock of Mil linery, LADIES' FANCY AND FIB-MSHIXG GOODS ever brought to this market. This stock was selected with the greatest care by Airs. O. in person, and consists of an endless variety of BONNET H AND HATS, trimmed and untrimmed, the greatest prolusion, FLOWERS in Arson. Rachel Whitaker, col., w.as arraigned yesterday afternoon before D. A. Wicker, J. P., on the charge of setting fire to the house of one Richard Wood, co)., who lives near the Rock Quarry. It seems that Richard was from his slumbers early 2,000 Pieces of Ribbons, Laces, Silks. 100 dozen pair KID GLOVES, .we make this' one- of our specialties. Col larettes, xtumiogs ol every description, LADIES' .SILK BOWS AND TIES, Hair Goods, real nd. Imitation, Ladies', misses' and cmidren'sisose. ivanies- unaer- yai inents, Laaics' Keady-niade Dresses, tsabv Dresses, t'orseit covers, uorseiis, Knitting and Crochet Cotton, White Trim mings of every kind, fSilk and Cotton Fringes, Collars and Cuffs, real and imita tion Laces, Lace Collars, Undersleeves, aud" many other articles not here mentioned. At (ETTINGER'S you find the exac t thing necessary, there you wiiLnot iiave 10 put up with u make fchiit, wnicu is onen me case in a small stock. While buying at ' 75.1.1 C (ETTINOER'S is buying at the fountain head, at first hands, therefore the cheapest. All the novelties are tht-re; all the quaint and origi nal things in endless yarietv. As a spectacle, it is better than a theatre. Go, young and old, win the former it will be a school of instruction, and with the latter it will have a most desirable elfect, and that is. it will revive their youth. We are Agents lor r:. liutterica s. to s Patterns. Send for Catalogues. ap2-D&Wlm band of Cheyennes. A party has been organized at Arkansas City to avenge the surveyors. The whole Democratic ticket is'elect elected in St. Louis by over three thou sand majority. Terrific and Fatal Boiler Explosion in Wilmington. Wilmington, N. C., April 2. A boiler at the Steam Saw Mill of Colville & Co., exploded twenty minutes to six o'clock this morning. Two men and One woman was killed, and one man and one woman seriously wounded. All the killed and wounded are negroes. One of the boilers was carried over one hundred yards to Front street, killing a woman in its course, and another wa3 hurled nearly half way across the Cape Fear river. The caue ot the explosion is not definitely known, though it is generally supposed to have been caused bv low water in the boilers. Cabin III-Fated the I R A S O L S AN D omnscil trnm his s umbers ear v ves- ptoposed are to be .completed by next teraay raorrJing, about the hour of'4, by the roar ot fumes near his bed. Jump ing uo and running out. he fund the JL tt d i e s timbre I ius 9. DAVlft, UKAlCKiiWS. II October. P. Manguai, Esq. in our yesier- At w. day's issue we fell into the error of an nouncin" this gentleman as minister to Japan, and further m saying d. U E T . t2 Hit t il.l jr'jT Ttl IJL O If , 't'akts this opporl unity of announcing to his fi i. nds and patrons tint he has now on .hand a complete and carefully selected stock of French aud English Cassimeres and other Cloths, Suitable for (spring and Summer wear; : HharemaJeupiu the best style at the v'.v west figure. . HavinJ removed from my former stand on Fayetteville htreet, I can now be found n Martin street, Just orposite IheTos'. office, iulr-d3m that he .i oru nnn iv WaS Uie SOU la ... MiiD-um. Mr. Mai gum is the son of Priestly H. Maugum, ot tnis couniy,anu is a nephew of the late Senator. He graduated at Chapel Hill about the ?eur 1843, and was for some time a tu-or at Wake Forest College. He af terwards read law, obtained a license and moyed to Washington city and commenced --the' practne of the profession. Early in 18ol he received the appointment as Consul to Canton, China, lrom whence he was transferred to Nagasaki, Japan, where he has remained for the past several vears. He was recently called to Wash- iii'ton Uitv on uusiucbo,uuu .. a visit to "his lelatives in this county. We learn that Mr. M. is very much Dleaed with the East, and says that in some of the poits of China and Japan ....... ii.ttm.orl socieiv as can be fouad l, :,r5" the world. We alsoletrn ,i,:tiifr. Man gum vu'l return to Japan i iJ e v - in a short tim end of his house, near the chimney, on lire, and saw anel recognized Rachel as she was retita'ing from the spot. , She had brought a lot of kindling wood and piling it against the end of the house, set hie to it. Kichard succeeded in extinguishing the flames after' a con siderable hole had been burntin the end of his house. 1 he day previous, VV ood had come upon Rachel just as she hud taken the liberty ot drawing the staple which lastened the padlock to the door of his house, preparatory to entering and helping hrrself. and had caused her. ttrrest, but she was-discharged lor some lack of evidence, and this attempt at arson was to revenge herself. Squire Wicker sent Rachel to iail. as the offence is not a bailable one. of Registration. The registration yesterday resulted as follows : Middle Ward. Whites 12 : colored 13. Western Ward. Whitts 17; co!ore( 22. JStitrn Ward, Whins 28 19. Pjisseuuers of the Atlantic. New Your. Aril 2.- Among cabin passengers of the lost steamer A lantie, only ones now known aie Wm. II. Merritt amiwife, of New York, Miss Merritt his sisfer, and Miss Scryui- zer, a sister-in-law. From Spaiii. Madrid April 2. The Care of Santa Cruse was surprised, and narrowly es: caped. Several ot Ids nieu were cap tured. The agitation in Barcelona is subsiding. D I S S O L U T I O N WIDNICJIIT DISPATCHES. The Co-partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the name of John R. Brown & Co., is this day dissolved by mutual consent. wm. Hastings, j. w. 15. watson. Earpsboro, N. C,, Dec. 20th, 1873. The business of the late firm will be set tled up by . ap2-Dw joiiiN 4. iJituyvix. c O-P ARTNERS HIP NOTICE The Co-cartnerriship heretofore existing hptwppn the subscribers, under the name of William Hastings & Co., is this day dis solved by mutual consent. - . WiU. llAOIlHUa, J. R. BROOKS, J. W. B. WATSON. Smithfield, N. C. March 2oth, 1873. The busiuess and accounts of the late firm will be adjusted by apa-D2w WM. HASTINGS. JQQ K E G S NAILS- 50 kes Horse and Mule Shoes. Saddles, Collars, Bitdles and Harness of all disci iptions, at mar U-tf .G. T. STRONACH & BRO'S. A GOO D CHANCE For an enterprising man a good business for sale iu the city of Raleigh. Apply at this office. ap2-2t. A. FEW MORE TONS RED ASH rn'n-fd Coal left. An extra choice lot of shucks on lu u,cu consignment, and for sale cheap. j aP2-tf A, G, LEE & CO, New York Financial JJarket. Net York, April 2. The financial situation is not quite so distressing to borrowers as yesterday, but nevertheless it was stringent enough at opening. Call loans were made at Jaf per diem. Soon alterwards was paid, and at three, f to A very heavy business was transacted during the morning hours. During the alternoon, there was a temporary let-up. The market rate declined to 4. with some few loans at one-ninteenth in gold, but late iu the day, the demand lor money increased once more. Long alter. 3 o'clock there were street dealings at to 3 3-8. Exchange dull and "heavy eaily in the day, owing to the continued stringency in money; but at the close of themaiket a firmer tone: prune bunker" sold 7J to 7 3 8. Gold opened at 17 1-8 aud declined to 10 7-8, and advanced to 16 5-8, and closed at 17 3-817 1 2 Loans were mide at from 5 to 3 60th tor carrying. Governments dull, prices slightly better than at tlu close last night. States, very quiet, little change in prices. Weather Report. Washington, April 2. For the Eastern Gu!f and South Atlantic State?, rising barometer, light winds. mencing to break over the ship, and lower down the companion-way I got as many as possible to take to the bunks and hold .on by the. iron stanchions, i here we remained until after day-light. The ship had fallen over. The steerage was lull of water, one side only being out of it. Oar enly chance to escape was by the ports. Numbers of men, probably twenty, got out through the ports to the side of the vessel. I re mained until all who were alive were out. There Were a great many drowned in their bunks, and others were drowned while trying to reach the ports. I "ot out through the port hole ar.d held last to the side 'of the ship for about two hou:s, and then went to shore by the life line. When I left the ship there were slid a reatmany in the" rigging. : The names of; the' cabin passengers lost 'are as folio ws : Cyrus M Fisher, Counsellor ot.-Lavvy.pt Vermont, and his wi'.e : Miss Brodie and Miss Parker, both ot Chicago; J II Price, of 151, b'roadway, New Yoik ; Mr. Kruger, of 54, Jt xeh'uige, Place, New York ; Albert Summer, ot San Francisco ; llemy T Hewitt, of W J Best & Co.,448,Broome street, New York ; Mr Menitt and wile, of New Yoik ; M;s Seiimzer aud Miss Merritt, or New York: Mis JJavidson and daughter, of Lo idou :V B Wel lington, of Boston ; Mr Stredt, wife, son and daughter, at Nevada. The toltowing are the officers saved : James A Williams, Captain ; J W Firth. Chief. Oliicer ; Cornelius Brady, 3rd Officer ; John Brown, 4th Othcer, Cup page, Jsurgeon. Second Officer,- Henry Metcalf, is among the lost, also Ambrose Worth- mgton. Purser, and Hugh Christie, Chief Steward. Probably 6ne-halt ot the crew were lost. The number of steerage passengers saved are Robert Wood, Edmund 1 ye, Thomas Cully, M Greener, James Bate man, Edmund Egan, ; Henry Jones, Joseph Carroll, P Kelly, Benjamin Burns, P Carroll, P Dunn, John McNa mara. Wm Kelly, E Cornwall, William Alfred Brenan. Thomas 'Sin clair. Peter McA dam, Robe, t How left. Patiick Boylan, i P. M. Hauson; John Svienzk. R R Peterson, O P H in son. O R Anderson, E M Neilson, VV il liam Cuuningham. C M II Hanson, E BLawson. R Svienzon, P Thompson, A Hansen, J M Johnson, John Richards, John Stancell, John Luca3. Christian Curling, George Parker, Alliarte Go VMni, M Schwartz, Jacob Smidt, Charles Joou-o'V.Dubler Z .1 kOE Stevenerman, John Fungo, Jonu D.notol, Edward Mills, James Lucas, James Doran, Fie C( rick Potter, Clause iClaschicht, John Smith, William Booth, Thomas Keys, Patrick SampsonVW H Hayman, Chas. McCabe, William Hayman, MileElliDer, Victor Meyer, floberc Thomas, Thomas Beeripg. VV Smith.. Richard Taylor, George smith, M Aid rson, W Kelly, Richard Reynolds. Patrick Snteliffe, Levinson, of London; W Gardner, of London ; Charles W. Allan, of London ; Henry Hirsel, of Switzerland; Simon Camachis, of New York ; B B Rich mond, of Detroit ; Adolphus Jugla glove dealer, of 737 Broadway, New York ; William John Brindley, of Bur stein, England; Daniel Kinane, of Snrinafield. OhioT James Brown, of """O j 7 Manchester ; Nicholas Brandt, of New York. The following is. the Captain's state ment : " We sailed from Liverpool March 20th. Durmg the first ' part of the passage wo had favorable weather and easterly winds. On the 24th, 25th and 26th we experienced heavy south west and westerly. gales, which brought the sb'p down to one hundred and norliii-wi miles a dav. On the 31st of March, the Engineei s report suowid but about one hundred and twenty- i j in seven tons coai on uoaru. we were theii about four hundred and O.AVJ .....yw J , J with wind southwest and high weeteily wind and falling barometer, the ship steaming only eight knots per hour. 1 considered the risk too great to push on as we might find ourselves, in the event of a gale.shut out troin any port ol supply, and so decided to bear up for Halifax. At oue p.m. on the 31st, Sanibro Island was at a distantance ot 170 miles, the ship's speed varying lrom 8 to 12 knots per hour, wind south with rain, which veered to westward, at o o'clock, p. ni. with clear weathter. At ...' - . . ... . midnight 1 jduged me ,suip 10 nave made 122 miles, which would place her 48 miles south of Sambro, and I then left the deck, and went into the cha"it room, leaving orders above to look out, jpid to let me know if they saw any thing, and to call me at. 3 a. ni., intend ing then to put the ship's head to southward, and await daylight. My first notification of the catastrophe was the striking ot the ship on Marra Island, and remaining fast, the sea immediately swept away all the port boats. The officers went to their stations and com menced clearing away the weather boat?, and rockets were fired by the second officer. Before the boats could be cleared, only ten minutes having elapsed, the ship keeled heavily to the port, ren dering the starboard boats useless. Seeing that no help could be got from the boats, I got the passengars into rigging and outside of the rails, and encouraged them to go forward where the ship was highest, and less exposed to trie water. The third officer, Mr. Brady, Quartermasters Owens and Speakman, by this time having established communication with the oat-lying rocks about forty yards dis tant, by means of a line, got four otlnr lines to the rock along which about two hundred people pe ple passed. Between the rock and uic sh.-re was a passage one uunoreu yards wide. The rope was successfully passed acios3 tui, oy bich n eans about fifty got to land, though many were drnwnpd in the attcmnt. At 5 a. m., the first boat appeared from the Idnd, but she was too small to be of any assistance. , inrougn exertions o Mr. Brady, the Islanders were aroused, Patrick Cosgrove, William Wood, J and by b u. m., tbeir iarge boats came Simon F.iui, Jas Doyle, Eduiond Doh- (cjhtisuko on FOuaxn FAGE.

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