DAILY NEWS. 4 U2ZELL, - - Proprietors. Fa yetteville Street, Over W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered. to guiiseribers at fifteen cents per week, ,, iv;ible to the carrier weekly. Mailed at tl ,r annum; $3.50 for six mouths; $2forthre3 r.ltHltllS. ruo WLHKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. CORNING EDITION. sATL'KDAl..... .APRIL 5, 1873. LOCAL MATTER. C. VUOl.-.. tty Editor -j" Concspoiiiients wil please write Oil (LlC S;te l i i t . ?r f,,;0Al, liUIKIS. F.iy.itcViiie strict is 'aruished with awnings. . Tin: s.kU water nt Cj. r.uei's is going He:). K. 1'. B.title, of this city, lcc t.ucd in jniUui. last evening. (.)) Century Whisky, the Crane de la Ci nnc vj ad Wiiiskit. ( It is s.ii! that several marriages will t. ike place iu Raleigh at au early day. .Now is : tii j time to list your taxes under Schedule "lv of the State revenue law. Yesterday morning the police court h i i no ili-vius io admonish and cor rect. Read the advertisement of Simpson's sparkling, co.il and relreshing soda water. " Sue itvt veil iieiuciit ot Leach Brothers. Tlicy have uu iiand a'iuil assortment ol groceries. ;jee notice, ol house lor saly iu anoth t-r-column. It is a most desirable piece i i propeity. i'lie re.ivi.! at the Baptist church ikl '1 hiirs.i iy. A unmoor w id be baptised on Sunday. lion. William M. Shipp, ex Attorney General ol this State, miived iu this city yesterday morning. M tny of our cilizeus are still suffer ing itoui seVcie colds contacted during I lie changeable v tattler of the past couple ot in. -u l as. . it was the sk- leton ol' a Cat, not a laohkey, louiid ihe otner day uuder the old building jaat pulled down from ' alongside the Yaiboiough. J. Y. Whined, tue well known tobac co manufacturer at llillaboro, will, we learu, send -some- specimens ol tobacco io the Vienna Exposition. The annual me-ecing oftha Ladies1 Memorial Association ot this city will b j held on Monday (the ; 7th : inst.,) at the Preabyteriou ChUteb. See notice eise where. J The delightful spring weatlier with which we are nowUlssed will prove inott bcucheial t.og:irieiin.' We may soon toon expect to have vegetables upon our tables. ' ' R. 0. ii idger,E , yetti.i d.-iy was qual ified as U. C'. .-uumuy of me Eastern District oi lias Stau-jy N J. liiddick, L.p, Clei k oi i lit U. S. Circuit Court l't UllS Diall iel. J uit received ;tt I lullt Bubelliclii. Ol lolly halt batl'cis Celebrated I'iniadc Inc liuett ale iu lire, Mi Her & Nelson's, Meli opolitati Hall, oi Massey & Uo's Iphia ale. This is It. The Uiiiiiiily old wooden building oa ; lie cuii-tiKi liaigett and Wiiuiiug tuu fleets is itiii puiied dVU. Col. Bunting ia go;iig 10 ciec. I'U the site a iiandsoiue in u i fcto.y building- Euter piisiu; nieii iiKe Col. Bunting are ot luaL v-lu-i ai.vi use to a 'Community. Ja.-. A. L ..oi, E.-q , ior a long time Reward iii uie Dlui, DuUii) and Blind liisUtution in mis diy, itlt last tveniug oi- his hoihv; iu Thomasviile. Mr. L. maiiu a mj.-t .liieitnt oliicer and is gieaily esteemeu iu llnst iiv. Ills many li lencia here him. rigid much to pui i. with Govrcuiith, of G.i , llis Exc. ceil-, i.c v. lii liiV.U-d to. Cjiit'iw eli" to paltiClpate hi ;i Lonvei.ii;. i "i 'Governors ol bouth e:n, VvcRieiii .i.u Ai l thv.es; eru States, iu ie neiu in .ivuuuiu on the 20h of M.iy nexi, in iicience to the pn OSed Aaluuic ami'G.cat W elel U Callai. The i lijCt ot this eunal IS to connect the 'l.inic&M.e nvv. , uiui in rough that river iiu (.i.iiiu s'iMiiii oi liiiaiiil uavigatim i the V e.-t, with I lie "Atlantic Ocean at Savannah and Brunswick. "Msbs T aeUouiy, a epsrit medium, ol ii.iii i-n, iS. . ociiniib in l uuiUih to be sia.eu Dciuu tineiiiig lu r t;abinet, alter which I'U Ilia di ho;. ibnn; Voices and blue i iic i i v ell lest luo aUnt .is cupped fiom a North t in- pMp-.r and .eui n ua by a lady ol this cnj, us.v.ug inw.i nwttioa ot us in ivgaid to tiic ii.utier. '- We never heard ol Mib-s.iu- K u:y m iore, and 11 such a leuiininu i ur.oaii ever iiad uii abiding piuee Hi our uiidt- v c am lu bilsstul ig li.jiancc oi u. c I.. el. "wo iroin home tc Hear viie lu-ttt,' j& au nnuge worthy ol ai'i accep.atii;i, md ins uuui is beatlti iullytXeiiij..ldiea iu lIhs iii&lunce. luvuua; iijoii.iiig Faytttcil:e street became a bit e excited ovirthe appear ance ol ac.iiryail coining down tLe sln-i i i .iM.ULi Willi all Sous of hCliDtL- . i ...-.-I i.ti w.i.s. Ihe vehicle stouoed in o.iui r, v . C. Diioiiuch's store, and tiw.r.. uti.riVtwl i rum it u suare made man wm" a loim giey betid, and Ins petscii uuvi-uu iiu.il u I ' piacaiua beailug all soils of Biblical quotations. dou a cioau conecteu j ii uiouii.i ii.ui, iutl he luioraiea mem mat he vwa -jue wi the chobvU, uud his mis sion was i.' - o out auiimg his lellowmeu and preach i..e living. Word without pace, il.a name, he t..ys, a Edward .U 'Blake,-and coo.cs irom the Eastern fchoie oi .Mai viand, lie left, alter a fchort tin v , ior Caithage, Moore county. ' Appi;1ntki-. W If. Ellen has been apno.i.Ld bv the Board of Directors of the Pciiiiciiiiary, to take charge of the S ioe Shop oi tnat institution. This is aa exec..t appoiutnieui. Mr. Ellen is a skiiiu. woikuiau, and a most worthy and useful citizen. . (2) A pure Whiskey I stiinulaut, Ccatury 1 VOL. II. The IIouse OP C. W. Grandy "& Sons. We copy the following article concerning this enterprising house from the Norfolk Virginian, heartily endors ing all therein said : "The bright prospects opening out for the iutuie of our city, the ranklt has already won as a cotton market, and the great increase in its trade, with the ex ertions which are beirig made by our merchants to expand theirbusiness con nection?, has attracted and is attracting attention x throughout the country. Among the mercantile firms of our city that have been unceasing in their efforts to produce these results, none have. done more than that of the well known gen eral commission house of C. W. Grandy & Sons. It is one ot our oldest, largest and wealthiest firms, and has through its admirable business management, its high standing, the promptness with w dch it has always attended to business confided to its care, and the untiring 4 and unceasing efforts , of the ' in dividual members of the firm, as well as all connected with it, has won areputa tion and a rank that is indeed most flattering. The house established in 1845, the senior member of the firm, C. VV. Grandy, Sr., coming from our neighboring State, North Carolina, a State which has furnished us with so many of our best business men and citi zens. The business of the house is strictly commission, and to this their entire energies and exertions are con fined. Through them a good deal of trade that formerly went to New York, Baltimore and other chic's has been stopped here. This they have been able to accomplish, by setting lorth, in nu merous circulars, which they have scat tered in profusion among the planteisof Eastern and Middle North Caiolina,aud Southeastern Virginia, the many and superior advantages Norfolk affords as a market, by clearly exhibiting the Tact that the ntt returns to the producer on his commodities sold here are larger than those received from any other market, and thus large shipments ol cotton ate made to this house ship ments which yearly increase in magni tude, owing to the willingness of the House to accord their patrons every facility. Having ample means, they are prepared to offjr very superior induce ments by honoring sight drafts made agaiu&t shipments to them, and uiaKiug liberal cash ad vances ou bills ot lading in hand. Ap plicants can alvva)s get any amount they may want from tiiem upon proper secu rity, payments to bo made by shipment of crops. Besides, we are iuiornied that the linn forwards cotton and other pro duce ci.ect to Liverpool, or to any market their friends may desire, with outextra charge for forwarding, charg ing only one commission, whether sold by themselves or their consignees in other markets. The advantage's accru ing to our city by this house in the in crease of our trade in groceries, dry goods, bojts and shoes and merchandize generally are very great. Doing, as be tore remarked, an exclusively commis sion business, they received daily large orders lrom their army of friends lor supplies, and the amouut of money thuo spent in our city lrom his source alone is much m the item ot Norloik's prosperity. "The long and large experience of this house, and its great lacilities, as briefly stated above, enables it to com pare lavoiably with any house North or South, audihe confidence which is re posed in it by its numerous lriends and patrons a confidence which ua.s grown with the growth and streugthend with the strength ol the firm ia but a just tribute to the worth, ability and iuieg rity of C. W. Grandy & Sons." GitAPiiiTK oh Blacklead. The Wake county vein of this miueral has been described :s lonu ago as the first Geological rcpott iu 1814 and 1827 by .... . . . Drs. Almsted c; Mitchell, and is pro nounced then ihe most extensive ever known. It was also described by Dr Emmons m his hist reuoit, ihe vein snows itsell at inteivals ior 18 miles in a line N. E. aim b W. : :t varies lrom U to 18 inches in thickne-s and dips W at aii.angle.oi GO to" 70 degrees. The first mining operation ws undertaken about. 1850 by a New Yoik purty, and a, tunnel was driven in ou the vein aUout 1,000 feet, and about 1,000 barrels of cleaned graphite was obtained, 1 he mineral is not pure, but is mixed with about 40 per cent, of band and earthly matter, which is removed by a peculiar process ot washing. It is said that ihe property has recently been purchased' by anotner party who pro poses to re-Open the mines. There are many other veins of this valuable mineral iu the State, bu: all those of any size are of the samequali ty as this ol Wuiie county; and are not adapted to the most important uses ol this iiiinerai, which are the making ot pencils and of steel crucibles. The ma terial for these purposes is still obtained mostlv from abroad. Freaks of a Crazy Man. On Mon day night, a crazy man by the name ol Stephtn Lewis bioke into the kitchen room of Mi. Frost, near ihe North Carolinia railroad depot, and proceeded tO mix up a quantity oi llouf, meal, salt butter, &c, into a first-class mush, and spread it over the floor. Ou Tuesday Stephen was arrested and carried to the uard house, but lor some reason he was discharged. 1 he next treak he indulged in wasou VVediusJay night, lie effected an entiauce into ihe Episcopal Church, aud proceeded to divest i nimseii tri everv stitch, ot cloth- m He was SeOu discovered and again ariested by the police and once more nut in the calaboose, where he remaiued until Thursday morning, when he was committed lo the chatge of Stanford Cole, acting deputy Sheriff, to be placed in iaii When the two not near the jail Stephen suddenly pitched intohis custodian with fist and loot with a vim onH was oulv subdued and lauded iu I jail alter a hard struggle. Luxury, Health, Economy insured by i.sin.. Dwolev's Ytast Powder. Eleau Li"ht Uolls, Biscuits, &c.f prepaicd in r ttu miuutes. Iry it. Dai rl RALEIGH N. Oxford Items. Our Oxford Corres pondent, writing under date of yester day, nends us the following from that place : Mr. Thomas J. Pittard came to town last week and tied his horse, as i3 his custom, in the lot in rear of the store of Messrs. Herndon, Hunt & Co. About 4 o'clock p. m. Mr. Pittard discovered that his horse had left the lot, but sup posed as a matter of course that he had returned home. Iu this supposition, however, he was mistaken. He. has thus far been unable to get any clue as to the whereabouts ot his horse, and think it not improbable tltat he lias been stolen. It is reported that a large ball dog, the property of Rev. Chasteen Allen, broke loose from his confinement with in the past few days, and, is killing sheep on an extensive scale. Madame Tiumor has it, that he has slain some twenty thirty belonging to Messrs. Franklin B. and to. II. Hester and others, have suffered similarly from his depredations. His tenure on life hangs by a tender thread, as it is likely to be sapped as soon, as he puts in au appearance in propria penoia. For some time past Elder It. D. Hart has been laboring under serious indis position, being confined to his room at the house of his son-in-law, Mr. Alexan der Crews. He has sufficiently recovered to walk about town, and is considered by himself, and physician, as standing a fair chance to recover, although consi derably enfeebled by his recent severe attack. Mr. James A. Patillo, from whom a tumor weighing twenty pounds was amputated by Dr. Christopher John son, of Baltimore, one of the most em inent surgeons in the United States, an account of which has been published in the News, was in town on Satur day the 30th inst., and was looking hale and hearty. Dr. J. was fifteen min utes in cutting off the immense excre sauce owing to the number of arteries that had to be tied upas he proceeded, yet Mr. Patillo' had the resolution to submit to the terrible ordeal without taking chloroform. Mr. Patillo is an estimable citizen and speaks in the highest let ms of the gentlemanly bearing of Dr. Johnson, from whom he received many marks of kin.lnes;. Mr. White, of Elliott s White, Nor folk and Mr. Piummer, of E. H. Plum mer & Co , Petersburg, were on a visit io Oxford, on Tuesday, in the in terests ol the firms respectively that they represent. At, the Osborne House thev partook of tome of the celebrated Oden- heimer Sauce manufactured bv John E. Odenheimer, E.-q., and immediately thereupon purchased a gallon to take with them home. II your voracious Local Editor, Mr. Woodson, is in want i.f any of this sauce, which is really a good appetizer, tell him to telegraph at once, or Mr. Odenheimer will not be able to supply him with more than one hundred gallons. In the matter of holding an election in the section of country that it was thought would be taken dff ironi Gran ville and added to Franklin, Judge Watts ha3 granted an injuction, which deleats tiiat object lor the present and perhaps lor all time. Arch Williams Cotton Sled. As will be seeu by the advertisement in this issue, that Mr. J no. A. Harrison has been appointed by Mr. Williams agent lor the exclusive saleoi' the celebrated Williams cotton seed. Having already coaimented upon the merits ot this new candidate lor public . . . favor, we can only repeat that in our opinion the yield and lint is not ex celled by any cotton in u?e, and we seriously doubt equalled. It is something eutiiely new, thy seed having been imported by Mr. Williams himsell, who. aiter expeiiuieutiug fully, declares the cotton io be, not only ot the finest quality, burtbe yield larger than any othr known to him. . From a long personal acquaintance with Mr. Williams, wc can conscienti ously assert that .Aorth Carolina can boast ol no man more reliable in every particular than Aich Williams, of Nash, The Swimdler "Preston IIamfton.0 Our readers will lemcmber that, re- centlv a man, calling himself 'Preston Hampton," figured in (liftl-rent portions of this State, and in this city, as an impostor. From a recent buuiber ot the Macon (Ga.) Telegraph We learn of his present whereabouts: rtie sharper who eased his room mate, JUr. VV. 11. becrcs, at Browns lotel, Wednesday night, of an elegant gold watch and chain, pistol, sundry articles of clothing, and all his loose change, was nicely nabbed on the 29th in Fort Valley. lhe stranger gave his name as Preston Hampton, and passed for a son of Gen. Wade Hampton when caught, as W llliams. ' - A Pcre A5u Genuine Article. Mr. Rogers, the well known Kentucky muie dealer in this city, a native of Bourbon couuty,fceut ou a few Weeks ago to an old neighbor" for a barrel of whis- key lrom his ce lar, that he knew to be three years old. The barrel arrived on yesterday and was sdid to Mr. James C. Harnss, on W ilmington street, where those desiring a pure and unadulterated sip of genuine old Bourbon can c.iil and see lor themselves. . Caswell Court. The Superior Court for Caswell county commenced its Spring term ou Mouday last, aud is now in session. We were in attendance during the greater part of the week, and should our case of epizootic peimit, will give a detailed report ot the proceed ings, with one of the most interesting capital cases probably ever known in the county. Ladies' Memorial Association The annual meeting of the Ladies' Memorial Association, will be held on Monday, April 7th, at the Session Room ot the Presbyterian Church, at 41 o'clock, P.M. 13y order of the President, I S. A. Paktridge, Secrttery, C SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 5. 1873. Deatii of Dr. Solomon Williams A Good Man Gone. We are deeply pained, to hear of the death of Dr. Solomon Williams, which occurred at his residence, near Shady Grove, Warren county, on Wednesday the 2d inst. Dr. Williams wTas about eighty years old at the tim'e ot his' death. He had lived to a ripe old age, and died, as he had lived with, the respect, affection and reverence of his relatives, neigh bors and lriends. f For many years he had been a devoted and pious member of the Methodist church. As a physician, as a citizeD, as a friend, and as a Christian, he performed his duty laithfully, con scientiously, usefully, and his death will cause a vacancy in his neighborhood which, perhaps.will never be filled. We trust that some pen more compe tent than ours will do jastice to his memory, and pay an appropriate tribute to his distinguished services and Chris tian virtues. "' The Right Men in the Right Place. The new Committee appointed to solicit contributions to the Fair, went zealously to work yesterday morning, and in a short. while received additional contributions amounting to more than three hundred dollars. They only visited a part of the. Western side ol Fayetteville street. The Committee are confident of raising the remainder ot the ten thousand in their complete circuit. Iu this connection, we are glad to state that the colored citizens ol Ruleigh are doing their whole duty, and in order to give lllan opportunity ot doing something, a su1committee of colored men will wait upon their friends today. ";--,. ..j Registration. Yesterday the regis tration in the various Wauls resulted ns follows : Middle Ward. Whites 11 ; colored 1. '.Western Ward. Whites"; colored 27. .'" Eastern Ward.. Whites 14 ; colored 17. The total number registered up to the present time is 425. Of these 192 are white, and 233 are colored. Wanted. A gentleman, wife and child, desire a nicely furnished room, first li or, pleasant location, within five minutes walk. of the Yarborough House. Address, stating particulars, 'M., News office." Ti.e soiemn benediction and distri- bution of Palms will take place, in St. John's Chuich to-morrow, (Sunday) morning, , immediately belore Mass. . Hi-U Du. Tutt's Liver Pills. As a purgative medicine stands unrivalled. Their action, is uniiorm, certain and safe. They are en tirely Vegetable, and do not cause those griping pains tnat most pills do. Augusta, Noweiaber 9, 1&C9. Dr. Wm. II. Tutt: Dear Sir I have lonsj been a sufferer of torpor ol tu Liver auu Dyspepsia, and in search of relief 1 have trie i almost every Aledieine recommended for ttiose diseases, but have never derived hall the benefit irom any of them as 1 have from yur Vegetable Liver .Pills. They are in valuable, ana 1 would recommend to all witii Dys pepsia, aieit-Headache and Billiounes.s. Yours truly, W. J. Ulaik, Late of Danville, Va. Dr. Tuti's Hair Dye leaves no ridiculous tuna. N SSW ADVERTISE SI E N T S . Q O D A W A T E R. lee cold ai;d refrt-.sb.iug, prepa.-ed by the latest and must approved apparatus. The following mineral waters always on ullUl!int,: Kcssengen, Yichey, Congress aud S l.zer. Families, with sj phons, can be supplied wituauy oi the above. Ail iu lull blast, wi mtigenuine lruitsyrups apt loi at rtlMP.-.DiS'.- nHE WILLIAMS COTTON SEED. Something Eutiiely New. The largest yield to the acre, and the best quauuly oi lint oi auy now in ute. TJuiv it limited uuantitv for sale. App y euriy to JurUi A. llAllIUdON, Casta:. a Niish county, ftpeeial Agent, api 1 -3i, a i .Mdnr riiTAMrri'Y iHt1 NICE u. - white bolted and unbolted Corn Meal.Coru,- oats, fctocli and wnite Peas, White auu mixed Leans, Irish and bweet Poiatoes Ground Peas, ship Stuff, Greeu and Dried $?B!,SX?oiX& uroniptly. " aprlilt WAYNE ALCOTT. lOO LUS. NICE COiiNED BEEF ior iamiiies. apriotf Best in this market. WAYTjnK ALLCOTT. F ULL STOCK F1UST-CLASS Kamilv Groceries. Prices low. Etst at tention given to ordert, Hi.d goods deiiver- ed promptly ,' IwAILY CONSIGNMENTS OF country Produce are being: received by WAYNK ALLCUTT, Grocer and Commission Aleicbant. aprllti L E A C H 11 11 O S no c e n s AND COMMISSION MERC HA iV' TSa Raleigh, N. C, Sole acrents lor N. C, tor Forester's "Lemon Crackers." upilott CQ BOXES PliOCTOii 6c GAM- BLLS " OLIVE SOAP,' only for sale at LEACH. BROS , apria tf Agents for lUdeigh, N C. IO HHDS. CUBA MOLASbES. 20 Barrels Cuba Molasses. 50 S. h: at apriotf LEACH BROS. f BARRELS EXTRA FLOUR. au Barrels Super Flour. 100 Bag N. C. Family Flour, at apriotf LEACH BROS. prr CASES BRANDY PEACHES, . 60 Cases Fresh Oysters. 100 Boxes assorted Candy, 50 " Candles, at- aprlStf LEACH BR03. NOON DISPATCHES. Eaxmination of Custom House Sub Treasury Offices. Washington, April 4. Functiona ries of the Civil Service, departed last niht to apply the lists to Customs and sub-Treasury officers. They go first to New York, thence to St. Louis, thence to New Orleans and the Texas ports. Another party, headed by the Chief Treasury Clerk Gaville, will leave next week for Richmond, North Carolina, Wilmington, Savannah, Mobile and other ports of entry and treasury sta tions on the Coast. From New York. New York, April 4. A false report of the amount ot coal aboard the :At lantic must have been made to the Cap tain. Ten thousand dollars worth of silks and laces and many trunks ot pas sengers were found by the Algria. Charls M.- Barras, dramatic author, was buried yesterday at Greenwood. Fears of a Revolution in Portugal. Lisbon, Aprils 4. Deputy Vallada made an aiarni'st speech. He declared the crown would be set with danger from the latent revolutionary element. The President of the0 Ministry declared that Vallada's fears were groundless, and called on the House to trust to the loyalty of the country. French Assembly. Versailles, April 41 The Assem bly after a scene of disorder and excite ment proceeded to consider the Lyon's municipal bill. Louis Mattel, a lead ing man ot the Right Ceutre, is a prom inent candidate for the Presidency of the Assembly, which Grevy resigns. The election takes place to-day. Fire at Parkei'sXanding. TiTUSViLLE, PAApril 4. A fire at Parkers Landing burnt, the Parker House, Central Hotel, Exchange Bank, Savings Bank, Posiofnce and Telegraph office. The loss is $200,000. From Bayonme. Bayonme, April 4. Geo. Nouviila's headquarters are at Estella, whence he will operate against the Carlists. The Commune has been declared in the pro vince ot Salamanca. Steamer Sunk. St. Louis; April 1. The steamer W. J, Lewis, for Red River, with eight bun- dred tons sunk. The carjro lslvalued at $100,000. Insured. Another Blow Up. Baltimore, April 4. The Centrifu gal machine, of the Calvert Sugar Re finery,. but at '.and killed one and wound ing two. His Holiness Slightly 111. London, April 4. A dispatch from Rome says that the Pope is slightly ill. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Particulars of the Disater On the St. Louis tic southeastern Railroad. St. Louis, April 4. It appears that tho,accidcnt ou the St.jLouis and South eastern Railroad, which occurred at French Village yesterday afternoon, was occasioned by cultable carelessness of the conductor of the construction train. The passenger train was-just about to take a side tiack to let the freight train pass, when'., the construc tion train, Wiiicli had been passed by the passenger train at the Dirt Pile but a fiew minutes belore, aud its conduc tor must have known of its proximity, came thundering aiound the curve at a high speed and plunged into the rear of the passenger coach. The conductor ol the passenger train saw the construc tion train coming and cried out tor the . , 4 . i iasoiugno juiu n.t.i mw. did so, but Le.'ure all c uid escape the engine of the construction train had entered the passenger coach. The latter was immediately filled with steam, and a number ot passen- or less scalded. Mrs. John P- Tusk, or Luke, - of Morgan county, Missouri, while in-, theict ot f .i jumping lrom the train, was caugm ue- tweeuiiie cars and cruoheil to death. Her hu-b.ind, with imauts in h is arais, succeeded in rciching the platform uii- hurt. A geutlcmiui, supposed to be - Jamcs 11. Walts, of Cheste ot th L caught between tjie plane Chester, 111., meni stature, was oi ui oi tne rear car and the engine of the dir t train and literally torn in pieces. A youn daughter "of .Mrs.. Gnlna, ot McLeaus- boio, lilinoiS,recei ved a of jet steiun full in her lace, and vvas horribly scalded about the head and tue , upper part ol her bodv. Her eves wire . out out. It ought she cannot recover. Stebbius, of Millwaukie, was severely cut and bruised about her head, and several other passengers were more or less injured. The engineer of the dirt train, Michael Fannery, fled as soon us he saw the result of his carelessness. Writ ol Habeas Corpus for McDon aidsuit Against ihe Gold Clique lor $50,000,000. New York, April 4 r-A writ of Habeas Corpus was granted to-day, re turnable Monday next, in lavor ot Mo- Donald, the alleged forger ol the isaiiji of England notes, on ihe ground that conspiracy to defraud is not covered by the extradition treaty. It is stated that several other.packages of notes, sent L tiere to the care of Jay Cooke aud others by Bid well, have been seized. Richard Schell and a number of Wall street broke: s propose legal proceed ings it is said, against the gold clique to recover fifty million dollars damage, which it is alleged was sustain; d by the cilv and county of New Yoik bv liie conspiracy with which the clique is charged. luvestigtUon. will also be made into the violation of usury laws by the officers of National Banks and others Weather Report. Washington, April 4. For the Eas- tern Gult and South Atlantic States, increasing southeasterlv winds, and increasinjr southeasterly winds, and elbudv weather. For the Middle States and Southern New England, southwest mnds, cloudy and threateamg weatlur, NO. 33. More ol the Atlantic Stories ol Suicide ami Robberies Denied Burial of the Dead,&c. Halifax, N. S., April 4. A steamer has just arrived from the wreck steamer Atlantic. The ship is almost intact. Only a few packages of her cargo have come ashore. The report that Mrs. Fisher's body had been found wa3 not correct. The story in some of the papers that Albert Sumner committed suicide is false. One of -his friends, who was saved, says Mr. Sumner held on to the wreck as l.onw as he could, and then was washed off by the Sea. The Captain says the stories ot the mutilation of bodies by the crew are fa Is?, and reports of robberies are largely ex aggerated. He says the people at Prospect did all they could for the living and the dead, but among the crowds who flocked to the place from the surrounding country there were some who rilled the bodies when ever they could get a chance. The col lector of customs is awaiting instruc tions from headquarters, and will pro bably commence an investigation this evening' and in- the morning. 'The Captain cau give no explanation of the cause of the disaster, except miscalcule- tions as to the current, and the vessel s speed. Great numbers of people are leaving in steamers going down to the wreck. Last night a coal train from Picton ran off the track west of Truo soon after Inter-Colonial express train from Saint Johns, New Brunswick, came along and ran into the freight. Ihe engineer Camerou,and the baggage master, Hunt, were killed. None of the passengers were injured. Among pas sengers were agents ot the White Star line who were coming to Halifax to look after the Atlantic. ;'. ' One hundred and sixty-lour is the exact number of bodies louud up to this morning. The, work ; of burying them has commenced and a gang ol men will be se.nt down this evening to help the fishermen in that woik. The bodies of J. II. Price, Henry L. Hewitt, Mr. Merritt and Miss Merrrtt, of New "iorkj Albert Sumner, of San Francisco, Henry Metcalf, the.second ofiicer, were brought up to the city. Later. Nolstone will be left un turned to recover the"followiug bodies: C. M. Fisher and wife,otVermont ; W: J. Speat, wife, son and daughter, of Nevada : Henry L. Wellington, ofBos ton : Mrs Merritt, Miss Scrysmer and Mr. Knight, of New York ; Miss Brodie and Miss Barker, of Chicago ; Mr. Bnntley, Mrs. Davidson and daughter, of England Beside what was reported this morn ing as recovered, this completes the list of the cabin passengers who were lost. Caps. Williams and assistants searched the island around the wreck thoroughly last night and picked out from among the many bodies brought ashore, those reported this morning, which had been telegraphed fjor by liieuds. The bodies reported recovered this morning have been dressed aud placed in inetanc coffins and await arrival of friends and relatives tojtake them in charge It is thought the bodies will hardly remain in a condition to be examined The coffins have been sealed and made USUI i . Another trip will be maue to the wreck to-morrow. The stewards and men acquainted with the passengers have been left in charge of the wreck to take care of tlie bodies as they washed ashore. Jno. Bdndtlv was lost. His name was put in the list of saved by mistake, one of the passengers having mistaken another for him. It is now proposed to bring ail the bodies lo this city, and bury them together in the public cemeteiy, and erect a monument over them." The City Council, on appli cation ot . the Provincial government, resolved this' afternoon to place a lot in I luc ccuiciei . . u iuc ultpuaii ui "c Iriend Is of the dead. New York Financial Market. New York, April 4 Gold has been strong at 117 o-8ao-4a7-y.illb. On gold loans the rates have, been 7 in gold per annum at l-'J2.i3-U4:al-16 per day lor,, carrying. Jboreign exchange was very weak at opening, but has since improved -a traction.'.- Sales have been reported at 100 l-210o 7-8 lor GO days in sterling, and IO i g 47-8 tor demand. In the money market-the opening rate for demand loan3 was 1-4 flat per day, and iheie was a decline to and an ad vance to 3-16. Mercantile paper i3 en tirely . nominal. Government bonds quiet and steady. In Southern State bonds business was confined to two thousand dollars in North Carolina. In Uailread bonds- some seventy thou sand dollars changed hands, with prices steady. Investment shares were dull. The slock market has been strong. Money easier, the bulk of busiuess was at i-lG to per diem, with loanstt 1-16. to 1-8 about the close ot bank hours. "Exchange weak atopening, and leading bankers lowered tneir rate to 7 1-8. Soon i Karaite market gaii ed strength and the rate advanced 1-8 pei cent, at that time until it reacneu l l-a, The highest quotations for actual Jouai- nesa was 3-8. lucre was an improved demand to-d.iy, parily the icsult ot the easier condition ot the money market Geld opened at 17f, advanced to 18L, closed at 181alcf. Loans were horn 7 iu gold to 1-16 ior carrying. Govern ments dull and steady duiing the day, and close i very strong, Comparative Cotton Statement New York, April 4. Net receipts at alt United States ports during the week, 49,130'; same week last year 34,551 ; total leceipts to date 3,049,513 ; to same date last year, 2,481,ub7. Exports for the week, 52,145, same week ,st ear 00,541 ; total exports lo date 1,840,941, to sauic dale last j ear 1,597, 215. S o ;k at all United States ports during ih week, 5o3,lo9 ; :ast year 387, 111. At all interior towns daring the week, 101,251; last year 61,583 ; at Liverpool 634,000; last year 715,000. American afloat for Great Britain 195, 000 ; last year 218,000. Allen G. Jones, the Savannah defaul- ler, is thought to be in Jamaica or Mex- co, or somewaere eue, , DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, eue insertion...... l 00 One square, two Insertions....... 1 so One square, three insertions.-........... 2 00 One square, six insertlons......-... 3 60 One square, one month.........WM...... 8 00 One square, three months.. 16 00 One square, six months. 80 00 One square, t'.. elve months, 60 00 For larger advertisements, liberal con . tracts will be made. Ten line s solid non pareil constitute one square. " 7 Washington News. WASHiNGTON,April 4. The Secretary of the Treasury tr s issued regulations for the withdrawal of alcohol in bond for scientific purposes, under the act approved February 21st. It requires a bond to be given by the President or Curator of the institution where itia to be used, that the alcohol is for preser ving, anatomical experiments, &c, ac cording to the meaning of the law. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has received an official report from the Supervisor, Perry, stating that on the 17th ult.J Agent Berry, accom pained by six soldiers, a United States Deputy Alarshal, a Deputy Collector and an As sistant Assessor, proceeded lrom Raleigh, N. C, to the third districted made a number 'of seizures, mostly of unstamped tobacco. ' Warrants have been issued for all the guilty parties. Verdict Set Aside. Philadelphia, April 4. In the case of Daniel Scull vs. the Kensington National Bank, in which the'ury ren dered a verdict for $37,000 for plaintiff for the loss of his bonds by the robbery of the bank February, 1869, . Judge Williams this morning set aside the ver dict and ordered a new trial. From Boston. Boston, April 4. Agents of the White Star Line have engaged Faneuil Hall to provide for the wants of the saved emigrants from the Atlantic. ' COMMERCIAL REPORT. New York Markets. New York, April 4. Cotton dull ; sales 1139 bales: uplands 19: Orleans 20V Flour quiet and unchanged. Whiskey Bteadyat 9oa912. Wheat dull, favor buyers, scarce. Corn lower, yellow westtrn 65Ua6tt. Kice quiet ana steady at 8a8. Pork rather easier, new 17. Lard shade nnner. Turpentine heavy. - Kosin weak. Tallow steady at baa. r reignts quiet. Cotton Met receipts 241 bales :" gross 971 ; sales for export to-day 60 bale. Sales or cotton ror iuture delivery to-day. 13,300 bales,as follows: April, 18 Vals. May, 19al9l: .Tune. 19al9 9-16: July. 19Vial9: August 19, - . Foreign Markets. London. April 4. Consols closed at 93. Fives 90. ; - Frankfort, April 4. Bonds 95. Paris, April 4. Rentes 55a56. . Liverpool. Anril 4. Cotton opened quiet ; uplands 9Ja9 ; Orleans 9. LiAtek cotton neavy: aies iu,uuu Daies. Speculation and export 2,UU). Breadstuff; quiet. ; Evening Cotton closed dull. Wilmington Markets. Wilmington. April 4. Spirits tur pentine ouiet. no sales reported. Rosin declining, tf2.26aS2.30 for strained. Crude Turpentine quiet at 5J.2 ror No. 2 ; $3.75 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar market steady tz.tx). Cotton Markets,. Wilmington. C, April 4. Cotton firm ; middlings 18. : Boston. April 4. Cotton quiet : mid dling 19. . Baltimore. April 4. Cotton dull; mid dlings li. Norpolk. April 4. cotton firm ; low middling 18. New Orleans. April 4. Cotton moderate demand ; ordinary ia ; middlings 19. , Mobile. April 4. Cotton dull, nominal good ordinary. 10; low middlings 17$; naU' diings 18. jy U. S . H . W . MILLEHS' noaitoiJTG house. Corner oi Newbern Avenue and Por- son Street. .mh5-3m. . . I S S O L U T ION . rue Co-partnership heretofore existing bciwecn Hie suoscribeis, under the name ol Jobn it. urowti cfc Co., is tnis day dissolved by mutual consent. . . JOHN It. BROWN, WiVl. IlAS tTiOri, J. W. B. WATSON. Earpsboro, N. C, Dec. ith, 18i3. f Tlie ouijiness oi ihe late hrm will be set tled up by ii.pl-ijj.vt . JOHN It. BROWN. QO-PAR iLRSllIP 'NOTICE. The Co partnernship heretofore existing between uie suoicriberb. under tne name ol vjvidiani .Hastings & Co., is tnis day dis solved oy mutual consent. , vviu. n&oiinuo, J. It. BttOOKS, J. W. B. WATSON. Smiildleid, N. C. March 2jtn, 1873. lue ousuieso una accuuuis ol the late firm Will be uujaSLea oy - ..... it i . C3 IOO K E G S NAILS; i.egs Hof ie aud Mule Slioes. aaua.ta, Ooilars, Biiuies ana Harness oi ail uienptioiis, at lual" 1 i-U Ki. T. S I UVU AUll K JUlkU O. rp 11 E MORNING S T A U DAILY EDITION J Though only five years old. has the largest daily circulation oi any newspaper in tlieA otate, aud a circulation in - Wilmington niiy per cent, larger tnau mat oi any otner paper. W E KL Y EDITION 8 Now combined with the "Carolina Farmer," main ug one of tne best FAMILY XMKWfcJ PAPKitS in the south.' circulation very laxge and rapidly increasing : -. SUBSCIUPTIOK prick: Daily Star, 1 year-..M. 87 00 ' tf laouluaM. 3 50 " - 3 months . . 2W Weekly -tar, 1 year - .. 2 00 5 " y 0 mon ins ...... 1 oo " ' '6 mouths ............... fil) , It may be safely asserted that no news paper ever Established in Worth Carolina iias made sueh rapid progress as 1'Hit MOKNIMO STAK, ' ' jiWVivnd ibr bpeclmen copie. ' Address, VV. H. ilKUNAED, jau-tf Wilmington, ti.C. PREPAID TICKETS L KOPE. FROM ELT GREAT REDUCTION Of RAl'Ks. The magnificent Steamers of the A L L A N L I N E, will leave Liverpool for Norfolk, Va., every alterna.e Xuesdy during Spring and Hum mer of i73,connctiug wnhKaleigh by rail road. . . meerage and intermediate passage as follows: ... m. Liverpool, Quecnstown, ) Steerage $31 80 Glasgow, Loudon or Bristol - .-.lon. tolUieigh, - Jlnt,'2 80to Hamburg, Antwerp. Hol 1 Steerage $35 tO . laud or uavre to Kaleluh, Inter. 54l Paris, Norway or Sweden 1 Steerage $3910 toltaleigh, Inter. 5Siw passenger accommodatious nnaurpussed. Parlies wish iui Bend lor lriends will uppiy to GEORGE LITTLE, '. - Kaleign, N. C, "VVt'-liam Lajib, General Asrm-. NortoiI

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