JORDAN STONE, Managing Editor. SAM'L T. WILLIAMS. Folltlcal Editor. ; SUNDAY .......APRIL 6. 1873. EDWAKD COMGLAND, ESQ. We are pleased to learn that this eminent lawyer and true son ol North Carolina has volunteered his services to defend the Wilmington Journal, irtthe so-called "libel" indictment, recently "found by the Grand Jury of Bladen County, at the instance of Solicitor Cantwell. This is a graceful and worthy act in Mr. Conigland which does him great credit. CAPT, JACK DEFIANT. The Peace Commissioners have had a talk with the Modocs. Ca'pt. Jack is defiant. lie will not Lave the country. Col. Mason's command, which i(s cjufrontiog. the Modocs, has been order ed to move opposite Captr Jack's cave- From this we infer the war is to be carried on, not in Africa, but in those famous lava beds. FREEDOM OF THE PRESS. When several ineffectual efforts were made by Solicitor Cantwell l ist Fall, to indict the Journal lor libel, at New Hanover Superior Court, the Raleigh News sounded the tocsin cf alarm, and denounced this effort to cripple and muzzle the influence ot the press in stroDg, unmeasured terms. Not because the Editors of the Wil mington Journal areour personal friends not because the Journal itself is a Con servative newspaper not because Cant well is a Radical Solicitor, nor because Rasseli is a Radical Judge, but with a sincere purpose to vindicate the freedom . oi press, to uphold one of the chief pal ladiums of Republican liberty, to pre serve and protect the rights, privileges and immunities ot the Fourth Estate Irom the sacri ligious hands that would strike down its power, its usefulness and its indepen dence, wc have protested lrom the first against this persecution con ceived, as we believe it, in the bitterness of party spirit, and carried on with the malignancy and unscrupu lousness of political hatred and venom. The Editors of the Wilmington Jour nal are gentlemen of character and of the highest respectability. They, are known throughout the State as men of high honor and integrity. We do not believe thisproseeution will detract one iota lrom their well earned reputa tions. But it is not in the light of any injury that may result to them personally and pecuniarily from the issue of this trial tor libel, that should so 'much in fluence the press of North,, (V"""1?" "1 r ; 1 -jc on tne .freedom of the press which has oeen perpetrated by a Radical Solicitor, aided and abetted by the official power and personal influ ence of a Radical Jude. If it be the purpose of these two par tisan officials to enpple or impair the influence of the Journal, or to damage it in its business, they will fail most sig nally. The very means by which they would injure it wiil tend to build it up to advance its prosperity,by adding to its subscription lists and enlisting tlie sympathy and efforts of its friends ic it3 behalf. If it be the purpose of these two par tisan officials to break down the Jour nal, because it is a Conservative news paper, and because it has the boldness and independence to speak out plainly and fearlessly, and to give forth no un certain sound in criticising the conduct of corrupt and uuworthy officials, then the effort -will be equally -futile and abortive. - It it be I the purpose of these two paitisan officials to.crush the spirit of a lree press, the tffort will prove a silly and uu profitable undertaking, and will recoil upon the heads ot the weak and snort-sighted individuals, who have the vauity to imagine their puny arms can strike down one of the strongest bn! Wirks of civil liberty one of the proudest monuments of true '.Republi can Government. The voice of a free press cannot be drowned by judicial tyranny or intim- ' idation. The spirit of party hate, malice and vindictiveness cannot extinguish it. Neither political fury and madness,nor personal vengeance and spite, nor the mailed hand of military power, can ' destroy its influence or trample dovvc its spirit. Assaulted it will return to plague its assailants. Crushed it will rise again. Silenced for a brief period it will in the end re-assert its power and majesty. It will spring forib into life again, with new vigor and courage inlawed by threats unintimnJated by violence unharmed by abuse unhurt -by malice. So long as we have freedom of thought and of speech, we feel there is some hope for the preservation of the people's liberties. But without a pure, fearle9s, incorruptible, unpurchasable public press, Republican .Governments can not long flourish or exist. - They will become a prey to corrupt rulers and tyrants and will perish miserably at the hands of their own citizeus. A London boy crept into the lurnace box ot an engine the other niirht nrl fell asleep. The stoker, knowing noth- ' "r """"x i, iui-.w ju some uurnin" coke, and the boy was so badly burned that he died. THE CAUSES OF THE LOSS OF TlrE ATLANTIC The Northern papers are filled with particulars concerning the scenes and incidents connected with the sad fate of the Atlantic. Of course, the officers and owners ot the vessel are denoufice'd in unsparing terms on account of their carlessness, their criminal mismanagement, their greed for gain, their heart lessness, and so on ad nauuani. Of course, an investigation is demanded,- as is usual in all cases of Railroad and Steamboat disaster,.. - Of course eome body is to be held to a rigid accountability and some other body ii to be made an example of, to prevent the sacrifice of human life hereafter. All this sort of talk we. must expect and is necessary, we, presume, to pan der ta the feelings and honest indigna tion ot the masses ol readers, who pour over the detailed accounts of the many heart-rending, scenes with sad hearts and tearful eyes. , Capt. Williams, commander of the Atlantic poor, unfortunate fellow, s told that it were better he had died on the vessel's tdeck attempting to save one human beinj; than live and be made responsible for the sad 'calamity. I The cause of the Atlantic's disaster is attributed to three things : the want of a sufficient supply of coa!, the misdirec tion of its course, and the mis shapen style of the vessel's architecture. The vessel sailtd on . the 20th of March. On the 1st of April,only ten tlaxs was short ot" coal, -arid put in at Halifax for the purpose ol getting a fresh supply. The dt fick-ncy of coal 6eems to be the real cause of the acci dent. If an investigation shall, result in making the proprietors o' steam lines more careful of the interests of those committed to their charge, it will be of vast benefit to the public. A IJANpsOJIE COHPLI31E3T. Siuce our connection with the Ral- eigii News, we lrtive not received a compliment which we appreciate more highly than the following in the Spirit of the Age of ihe 5th mst. The Age is edited by that eminent minister and popular gentleman, Rev. Dr. II. Pritchard, of the Baptist Church of this city, fin whom we entertain a very high personal regard. When our course meets the approval and "hearty admiration" of peisonsot the high character of and eminent, worth of Dr. Pritchard, we feel prou l of the compliment and .must be pardoned for transferring it to our columns. The Spirit of the Age. replying to'an article that appeared in the local columns of the News, says : "We knew that the Nkws was a polit ical paper.' and we ill.-. knew that the JlyVor'iue1 m utter "i its ifciifcofumr" We mentioned his name not to ae, but to compliment lr.ui. We have no quarrel with the political con duct of the News. On the contrary the ability, dignity, and hih-tone courtesy which have distinguished its political coi'rse have-. commanded our hearty admiration. In this regard the News has shown itself a model paper." ROBBING THE I)E V W--CAPT. VICH'S ESCAPE. Efforts are being daily made to re cover the bodies of t he -passengers who perished in the wreck of the Atlantic. Many of the bodies that: have been found Were robbed. c-apt. ick, of this State, and a Frenchman who escaped with him, were in the rigging eight hours. The Fiench man had his legs badly frozen. We copy from the Battleboio' Ad vance of the 4th inst : "We are astonished at the tame spirit exuiuuea uy the prt.m ot jNoith Caro lina on a subject of vital imrwirt:tnr not only to themselves but to the whole nr it uuuuiry. ve aituoe to .he recent at-, tack on the Wilmington Journal, under the garboi a "libel suit," by Edward cantwell, Radical Solicitor ot the 4th Judicial Circuit. We have already, in the columns of Uiis paper, characterized the conduct of this ollicial and his. stigators- .s we thought the outrage upon the oiess and For simply criticising the conduct of an oineer oi uie Government as the Ed itors of that paper thought, it deserved and in much milder terms than his con duct had been commented on by the press near his own home, this Solicitor has pursued those Editors with a vengeance-like spirit lrom the grand jury rdorn' of New Hanover to the county ot Bladen, in such a manner as to deserve the severest condemnation from every Iriend of civil liberty in the land. Strike down the freedom of the press and the independence and "oriru if t ua jury box, and what is left ot the liber ties oi tins people will not be worth the snap of your finger. Tyrants cither in a little brief aut hority will ride rou h shod ovej the land aud laugh at your calamities. - The press of our country cannot afford to remain indifferent spectators of such proceedings. It one it road upon sacred rights is tamely submitted to, others wid assurely follow as night follows day. We notice, with approval, the com ments of the Raleigh Sews and Ken tinel and the Ilobenonian , ....v. not CICI V paper in tne otate will speak out. We understand from good authority that one of the most distinguished law yers and statesmen of Noith Carolina one whose able and eloquent voice is always on the side of humanity and civil liberty, Edward Conigland, tq., has tendered his professional services in deience ot Messrs. Engelhard and Saun ders in this cruel persecution. This noble, and unselfish conduct on the part ot-Mr. Conigland, is in full keepiug with his lofty reputation and will add still more to the "f ull measure of his fame" The Richmond, Va., bar passed reso lutions in reference to the death ot Judge Daniel, of Lynchburg. SPAIN. Figuera?, to encourage the gloomy hopes of the Republicans, declares there is no crisis in the Spanish ministry, and says the situation of affairs is better than has been represented. Facts are stubbon things. The Re public of Spain ife a myth. It wiil fade away in anarchy and civil war. The Illinois Legislature is consider ing the following joint resolution: '' That without regard to politics or party ties, we do most emphatically place the seal of our condemnation up on our Senators and Representatives in Congress from this State, w ho by their own vote increased their own pay to $7,500 per annum, and took a bonus of 5,000 for services, already rendered, and we further condemn the President of the United States for signing the bill by which they were enabled to realize the increased pay and his own salary iaci eased by f 25,000." " Aniwtrade gold dollar piece is to be issued. The advantage it has over the one now in circulation i , that it is more accurate as regards fineness and weight. In a thousand pieces it only varies one-half an ounce, while the dollar now in us; varies often two ounces. Take Simmons' Regulator regularly, enjoy health yourself uud fjive gratifi cation to thosft about jou. You will have '-cause to bless the day you heard of Simmons' Liver i Regula tor, i . Mr. Crouch, of G irder:, Ala.,! heard a ucise in his hen p.:n tin other night, and on making a tour of investigation succeeded, by a well directed snot in bringing down his son, who had also heard the noise And whs looking for the thief. It is stated here that Col. William E. Cameron, formerly d" the Petersburg Index, wiil be ussocs-ifed with Mt.jor Baker P. Lee in the-editorial conduct of the Richmond Enquirer. The Governor of Virginia last year Granted S unconditional pardons, o con ditional ones, and one commutation. There were 9G applications. Norfolk, Va., is thoroughly excited over the coming Presidential visit, and are making prepaialiot-s to receive the august personage. NEW- ADVERTISEMENTS. 20 BARRELS "A" SUGAR, 10 Carrels extra C Smjar, 10 " Ciulud and Powdcrec Sugar, npJ-tf LEACH BROS. 50 T U B S L A R D 2V0 Pounds s, JMaW " iiiiius, At apOtf LKAl II TAIQ. E SPEC I A L E C A L L attention to our ir "Forei-sters Lemon fakes,'" ottered in this market. Also t he iioest ever to our ' Froclor and Gamble's Olive fconp, ' Hie ladie.s' "irieiid and labor saver." Our flours are luiintit on ChanL'P In Xinv York by our resident buyer, consequently we aie itoie 10 uiit-r mem to tne trade wi h one pi'orit. Hpecia' inducements to prompt alio casu uuyeis. apti-tt" LEACH .BROS. o T E uu l nila i iu 19UI O' A ll il. i U'lH proceed to sell on ti e respective prfinists, viuci ' me Duaruoi cuy commission ers, the TOWN EUT.S of the following MAfAltliS or as much tnereuf as will pay the taxes for ihe year Bledsoe, M. A. l-.ryau. .Mrs. N. ii. brunch, hhade BusUee, lueut Best, R. V . fir Mr a. I Best, R. W. Bennett, Aaron Bryan, Jordan Carpenter, Mrs. A. C.mon, V . V. l)x!d, O. E Diiikins, Bryan Dixon Mrs. l'innell, Richard Gallagher, John Given Mitchell, Howell, is. N. Hunter, Osborne Harris, V. .. Haywood, W. D. Eaue, Edward Jones Friday Henry, Mrs. " Mayner, Elizabeth OiUS, Li. II. Page, Henry Pool, Jae.. I'ooi, i.ewis Pennington Henrv 7.-0 7.-J0 ;.M) iil.-d) V. By nu in, ui.'M :;. V2 :;.i w 4.20 0. 1'l h.ik a.oo 1Z.(X iS.72 4.S.1 ;xn 72,(10 ;5.o 10.72 78.00 1. -0 7.1ti " ti.;',2 o.JO 4S.V0 Rogers. Win. G. tr Marion Smith, 5 40 Squire, William 5ey oiiiiiu, J UilUS 'J hoinpsoii, Mrs. M. C. Teasley, Edward Upman, M a reel 1 us Vaughn, M rs. Laura A. W eaver, Eliva 3.00 4.20 10.10 ti.&O 8.40 i;t;tKS.y;l 5I.1W S017.0.' t. , , . M- (;R-AU.SMAN, Clerk, lialeigh, .(., March 28th, 1S7J. 19-td. o T C E Books orsuUeriptlon to the CAPITAL SlOCK ol the Uld . rth wtate Rile iLhur ance Company have been opened in Raleigh, at the 1m w- oitice ot Messrs Batchelor, EdwarobA Baichelor. Jacob barker, li. K LONG, , iiiii-j-ti Incorporators. M R 5 . . II . W . M I L L E R b' isuiituirv MOUSE, Corner oi Newberu Avenue and Por son Street. mh25-3m. D & O L U T I U N . The Co-partnership heretofore existiug Detween lUe suoscrioei s .,mlr tho Jonu Iturown Si Co., is this day dis.-oived JU11S R. BROWN, ji. ji.xH iirsGs, , J. V. ii. VVAIftUX. Earpsboro, N. C, Dec. 2uili, is;:. Ilia Ouainc&s ol iiik Ihip nnn ilUI t . ... ..... ll, L tied up by mz-uLw JOHN R. BROWN. QO-PARTKERbHlP JS O I I U E . The Co-naitnernsliin !icrf.tnf,.ri..o.i. n between ine suoicriueis. unnr oi w idiaiu iiasnugs it Co., is tliis uay uis solved by mutual consent. WM. HASTINGS, J. It. BuOOlvS, c J. W. li.' WATSON. Ssmithfleld, N. C. March 2jtn, 1&73. Hie business auu aecouuts or tbn mte firm will oe aujusieu by mw;iw WM. HASTINGS. lOO K E G S NAILS: ;M gs Ilorse aud Mule Shoes Saddles. Col Imi It.i.n.,, ii ... all discrlpiW. at " Rainess OI marjl-u .G. T. STRONACII & BRO'S. JARD, LARD, LARD. 100 Kegs best Leaf Lard, aO llaif kegs " 10 Tierces Arriving Kwinv ' .V0- UPCIIURCH & THOMAS. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED States Fourth Circuit, and District of North Carolina. November Term. 1S71 In Equity. In the matter of Anthony H. Swasey, for himself and others, dtc.xazainst the North Carolina Railroad, 'David A. Jenkins, Public Treasurer of the State of North Carolina, and others. The undersigned having been appointed Comrikissioner by a decree of the said court, made in the above named cause, at its November Term, to take an ac count of what is due to the plaintiff, A. H. Swasey, and all other persons holding coupons ol the bonds in the state of North Carolina for the construction of the North Carolina Railroad, under the acts in the bill mentioned an account of such cou pons, and of the dividends and lunds ap plicable to the satisfaction of such coupons, and to cause an advertisement to be pub lished lor such holders of tuch coapoas to come in before him and prove their debts, and to fix a peremptory day for that pur pose: and in default or their coming in and proving debts by such day, that they be ex cluded from the benefit of this decree, Ac. And for the better taking of such accounts that parties produce, Ac, and be examined, &c. These are therefore to notify all persons owning any of the coupons of the bonds issued by the State of North Carolina under and by virtue of the provisions of Acts of the. General Assembly of said State, rati fied on the 27th of Jan. 1S4D, and 22d and 2-ith of Dec, Idol, and on the 14th day of Feb ruary. l!5.5, all passed to aid the .North Car olina Railroad company to construct its road, to appear before the undersigned at ur the clerK of the said Court, in the city of Raleigh, and State of North Car olina, on or beiore the first day of May, then and there to produce and prove the said couooiis, and be examined accord ihe terms of the said decree in the taid cause. JOSEPH C. BATCHELOR, Commissioner, Ac. Raleigh, X. C, February 5, 1872. N. li.lsy order of Court made at Novem ber Term. 1872, in the above entitled action ineuime lor taking proofs ol bonus, &c, uj extended to 1st Aia'-, i73. ' JOfe. JJ. BATCHELOR, --. Commissioner." aprl-lm M E 'Fresh Bolted Meal j iist received. apl-tf G. T. STRONAC1I & BCO.' M O E S A new lot. ap4-tf G. T. STRONACII A BRO. s u R Good Brown Sugar per pound, 10 L Extra C, A, B ami c ap4-tf G. T. STKON ACII A BRO. L o w a ! P L O VV S ! ! . Eale "A" beats the Watt, A Flow, t3.H. O :?.im). Sunny South, 4.2o. Cotton l'iow, 4.5. l'oints and Bass. ap4-lf G. T. STRO.N ACH A BRO. r II E B O L L E 5 COTTOV II a 12 , Now in its third year is better than ever. The Holies is the only Hoe in the United Slates warranted in every particular, sold by Dealers generally. . JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Raleigh, N. C, Sole ngi'iits for North and South Carolina. TRADE SUPPLIED. ap4-tf P II A T T ' Jsfr a I Hi I WILL NOT .EXPLODE. Millions of Gallons have been iold and no: one accident, directly or indireetlv. The original and only safe OIL that has s.toou t lie test ot 10 years without an aeci uent ot any sort. JUI.II" r I. VI i:aleirK ?., Sole Agents p L A N T A T I O X BELLS As Agents lor the manufacturers we are prepared to fiLl orders for Farm or Plantation Hells of any style at bottom prices. Send for price list, HARDWARE IIOUE of JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Fl.SIIEli Bl'ILDING, apl-tf Raleigh, N. C. T E AV A R R I V A L S a i- it i t s l li L S , 1 8 7 3. MOLESKIN II ATS. j 1 case of Spring style of SIJLI. itT,S, 1U1TS, at our. low prices, only 5,5,50. W. II. & R. S. TUCK Kit & CO. mar 12-If J) E A li L ii O M I N Y Pearl Grits, - Carolina Ru e, split Peas, Tapioca, I'eari Barley, Ruckwneat Elour, . Oswego Corn Starch. VV. C. STRONACII. A P At A N E S E SI L K S DAVIS, DRAKE & CO S. g O A R I) , IJ O A R D 31 K S . II . K O E L L A Cap furnish BOARD with pleasant rooms lor G ENTEEMEN, at the cottage on IInw. son street, nearlv .onnositt h ,.K i, Vi':n .. i . .."wuini m1.'"1-"- vv lL aioo ifiK.e uay ooarqers gOO BUSHELS FRESH GROUND White Bolted Meal. meh.Wir w. C. STRONAuII. 2 O 0 tt 8 F 8 H T ' mh2.5-if G. T. STONACH & BRO. J-A DIES' NECK-TIES, &C New designs and shades ef LADIES' EIJHTJ'S and NECK-TIES something new and beautiful. Also i-ace Collars and Undersieeves r t " , Linen Collars and Cuffs. Lace and Embroided Handkerchiefs, Plain Linen nit Himiri,.,o,l iVj.iv. r. - - - . - . . . . v . i ... v ii 'Uin, Kid Gioves, and a full line .l Hosierv cy. n. luUKhK CO. 3,000 D0ZEN COATS', CL ARKS' and Stafford Spool Cotton. w. jti. & k. s tucker a to. TUST TO HAND, -A FRESH SUP tf ply of Apples, Oranges and Lemons, at tf iUUSi-LLl'S. IT'RESH COCOA NUT CANDY. - Chocolate and Burnt Almonds, Ac, at' THRESH COCOANUTS, ENGLISH -L Walnuts, Almonds and Nuts, at tf lllNkT Wsi TpRESH CRACKERS OF EVERY variety. Also a tine assortment of Cakes, at MQSELEY'S. gLAKK BOOKS IN VARIETY. Initial Paper, elegant, just to hand. L. BRANSON, Bookseller. marl3-tf Iiaieigh.N. C. COTTON FACTORS And General Commission and Shipping Merchants. E E n OU S K Town Foint, Noepolk, Va. 0. W. GBZLZTD'?'-& S.O.HS'., H H a 1 1, ua ji s cott CD t i i AVe have the exclusive ileht of sale and Middle North caioliiia, M A N V F A ( IT sci;TiiM:itv i 'LJiTiLisr.ui r? criJii"i" A T 11 I C F U R'-N IS II E D AT A1 : VA It C C It A .V 0 11 F 0 Cash Trice Per Ton of 2,000 Tme 2,000 V It E E O F FURKISIIED . F A C T O II Y F It E 1 G 11 T Vfin r ftttfin tinrt ftii i i. ' " 1 lo iae "I'onS eu.ew.papercorrerpondentsfrom various ollu .aroiina, and Southeastern Virginia, Mhere ithas been extensively u.ed -.tat ng the high repute in Which this Fertilizers is held by thePlanters. as matter of public " U"UtUt- -n1U,re for Pamphlet ions n tne Press and other Useful Matter Farmer. It has been so extensively used and universally praised that it uciuort at our hand. The Cot "a earlier by Several Weeks, and nearly doubles the yield. Many manipulated Guano on the mnrt.t , ... i Gnano. , - There will be only a lta,W .moB, of ".. bU.arj.t,hisn;arktl. shoilld FIRST BE DDlvintrllipn.o.uMwn,.:. ' will go to fiR the orders of tb. . assigned to us. Home of the ingtedients for this Fertilizer, to import from Germany at a great cost, and beforehand. The fomnnnv ' r-.., .uviul.,reqnireunslo Infr.rm tw . the Sea.n. the prohahle amount orlra1ewo,a Kcu. " . " "m andwefeelmfl.iPthftm ..... . numerous demand will far exceed . Planter triends to send in ' . iu (jr a IV give them the nreferenr-eo.,.. .,... eu, mey them whenever they need it. The Fertilizer will cos, the Planter nomore Pricey Free of interest-cash Price ?C0-at in new, strong bags of 200 lbs to the oag. adage, onr friends negfect to avail themselves of the o, 1S the W duly notifled.they cannot hlame ns if iheiZ "" ed off. mhl2-ditwlm Established 1815 " 9 1 y i . ii II V T S O R o r f : si T iiizemi. H H -3 H o o H tri H I c o ROLE CONTROL or supply for Eastern a and Southeastern Virginia. U R E D B'Y T II.E II M O N I), VA. F A C T O R Y P R I.CE S E II O E S llO F N I Y A- & O N S L K , V A . lbs. - - 1 lbs. - - - I IV T E II EST. 8 GO iG5 BY OUR AGENTS AT ' T It I C K S S A I) 1) E D c f the Press," and the reportsf disiaterest- sections throughout Eastern and Middle containing these Testimonials and Opiu- of General Information . aud Interest to the uanig iu . ajnrm that it matures the Cotton say it is equaled by no vm" " ,or. nian5" reasons to the Peruvian thls Flliler manuraMrM ' CO"., inters , the . ' . " SUPPLIED, with whnt tt. '""J neeu. After . .. , any over, f- -u.lllriie)UlroU2lout n18 wi,r. i,!...;, i .. . Ui lerniory the "Sotuhero . .,. , had . . nu prepared " . &Arll 1,1 1 I i I01l i " c U1U accordinalv inquiries A-ni iOTO . MeTS ved that the " ntt 'ore we bespeak our In i.,n.i.. inem. and thereby can order the Peri l n. f fertilizer to be shipped; to to or.,.. ff , .. our w. . . " "FIRSTnntP ,'n. . U iS " 1U tueseason have io c- W. X3 RANDY & SONS, onFOLK, va. ACT TO PROHIBIT TIIE SAL3 O f INTOXICATING LIQUORS h-r TAIN LOCALlllS N CR- SecUon 1. The General, Assno , North Carolina do enact: f hVt it r f'f unlawful for any person or person U ui :- or give away any intoxicating i u?;,1'' H any way or manner, or in any Qln " to receive any coiripen-,atioti v' Karne wnaiever, tuner . direetlv anon I.,!- ly within four miles of Antiocfi ch, -: Alleghany county; Bluif 1'rt-' u' lil ehareh, in Cumberland county- l,'na' ussiouary jiapiist cnurcn in i county, or Yopp's Meeting lions' u v"' i W fiDnt.v. (irwifnin ii, .' 0i,. Missionary Baptist churcn i., following places, to-wit: Mount v , " Acalemy, in Cnerokee couutv i I' 1 :, : iaiiu jiiiou cuuicii, near W-'iIl-,,.. ' i I :nmherland con n t v-Rhtr-irc.. .... .-- -j juujviici a s CreeK V illage. in Cumberland c - - r" n ai (ru i . ' ' Hon. Female college, in Ilemier.. ; "- Poliocksviwe in Jones count v r , """u church, in Richmoud county ' pi, l?1 Baptist church, Beauty Spot Vim?, rJiUl:1' poie Presbyterian church, Zion s 'i ' A''!i cle Baptist church, Asbury ctiurcir l,on,;i Methodist church, or Mount iMm'i.'i ,v tlst church, in Robeson countv V- Jjli'' twoaad one haif miles of 1;,, .Vii'" church, In Cabarrus county or 'A'"" miles of the following placVs, to-wit -"'J Uv" Hill church or School house iu" county; Christian Delight ehunh ', Chatham county ; Methodist chrivi 'f' "' byterian church, or Baptist cii' l ' . '" s Fort Hembn, or Hick's ili'MSo' , nara s camp ground, in Clay cour t v ' '" " ant Plains enurcn or Pe ..cock's v 'l"s Columbus county ; Blockville V ,"!r' "l Cokesberrv church. in inn k. ?. . 'fuJll.v i- Cokesberry church, in Cumbf I-h.'h j".v -f Tivr Bridyft chnreh in i...iu-'Wiih' o v j u i j ii ; ' Mountain Island Factory, in Gum.h. ul,i-: ty; Corinth Baptist church, iu , -county; Fiat RocK, iu Guiidi,jr, i l"' !-hiloti cliurch, colored, School H, 1, inFedeial Precinct Townshj,, ,'"'' - Hanover county; Zion church i-i ' " i T - wumiu county church or Providence BaptU cuum-i "' l county;K!leros.-.1)1jt;,s ;'c '- !" junty; Little River c'iun", 'i,, Kobesoi mond county sylvania county. Goshen chnr-iV couaty; tuePaper Aiilisattho i ..L' 'Ulh river, in Wake county; the Court' i : Wiike-stxiro in Wilit. ilou.-1;. - . wuuix , ttr wit, the Corp'. rate limits of ihe t ,v,aof '"" aye in Moore county, ,.,r Luiubcrt.,?,' " ' l t.tH.rill ft in i I i ,t- t r ,t t-: , . f .. ALfli.;; t.uiuuiio.-)iVfnci9 Ul IjUl t' 'T. ,i, r.. ... nr. ,.,ic. i . f ...... I'l-ll Wil Itlli lit. flWIhtr.,!., li ... ; . B",llJ one and a hall milts .. f ..v.111U1i: yr U ' I ' OI l ilv-i ry (.,, 1 1 T" I i .T rt i ii ri' 1 1 iti I t. . ,. .... , . I'Vim PrtsOi terian cuun'li 'r ' Harris depot ; ghin'cii Spring ramp ground,or;.ieti.o(.itc'"i,1- '' '' Bethel Camp Ground, in Cabarrus "v,"- ' or ilurcbisoii Factory, ia ,".,- .' Cumberland county, oi w ithin iiu''T GoJse Creek; Isiana churcn in ' ' county; tne Baptist cnurcn In'-vi,:,''"1'" " in liUUcn county; Nfewt-in A cnw . '!" '' Fair View school house, in whiVh ' ' "' bhuford taught schojl, in Bunciiui'e' ' ty; Pioneer Mills iot oili-jc, in county ; Cypress Creek cnurcn, or uV ' th t or Metnodist cnuroh l'iiaiivi'i.- '" " lin county; Vine HniAcadetnv in i '''" county ; uetnei cnurcn, in I'm .uii-v i, Court .House in Asuooro, in V "1' county; Turnersbury chiucii, in j,V;'' county; or Union Cnapei -Ietho(Iitcn' " in hnhfsnn rniintv '-" '"' ' cd Sec. 2. Any person or -persons vi..'; any of the provisions oi thism-i v,v deemed guiiiy oi'a misdenifan.)r.aii!i''" , conviction thereoi b lore any sieui ,. of the Peace. lor each ana Cl-Y"i'.'i.'X' shall pay a line of not less -ihun t,'., ,' ' more than nlty dollars or be nuiir.i. r,1' the discretion oi thw Court na to thirty days. see. 8. -. The Secretary of tlieSta'cOft' furnish a certitied copy'of this.aut, nnni, . ately alter its ratincaiiou to tile "l. ' "jsen tinel" and nkwu lor pubiicaiion. "' Sec. 4. Tuis act shah be In c- r,. and alter the tirst day of -U.; a. I'."-;' In Genera! As.einbiy rea l tl.ivo u'nu- ratiried this tne yrd'day ol laro'a, A.'i., l6. J. J. L. RuLIXsoX pcakv-r oi tin' ilmiM. C. H. iillUUUK.N , ' Pi't-sidctit ei the .sci.a! JST ATE OP NUKT1I t 'AlluLTXA. , OfFICK StCRKTAKV 'OK SiAiK, Uaieii-h, iiaivit T, ,. i. ' ) I, William II Howerton, yecrctun .' State, hereby ccrtily tl.a the :.: n. true copy ol the oninai act on li'.e in t.. tti-- Wil. 11. llv V i.rCi'O.N mh8-U'd s,.t-:d;.n 1Q7 O lb'7:j. ' v' -ST ' ii. R. a x ) ;n: v. . c i. a t n i v. a i l';.yeilt ii.v i i , Have just rtceivtd aiiwtii.-r ' GEXTS FIXE DHLS. sunns OF TKIi N E W E S T .-j T Y I E S. which for FIT, r-UilALJILHT O Vl ii i" cannot, be surptcusst u in li. i- ivu:.i 0 Y o r i: s A full Nt... : ,f ME.w . .-cniS' A N I ) ' 1 i ' lilack and Color. ,1 Fdt Hats,, ti.i!' all the most desi. able shape-; ana R. 11. ANliIl t, S it CO.. , Clothier L. I-ayeitoMiM '.r- mchG-tf C A R 31 CO SI I' o C N I PECTORAL COirC'lI .sVKM'.' It will cure Cough, Colds, ll 'Ihroat, liiu. chitis, ami ;i .ars:n. s, Hi I .- :t ol tlie Tt.roal, ail Lai! rliElUBKD 11 Y J. R. II. CAII.MF.i:, !': No. 11 Fayetteviile s.i-fi-i. i: N. ' iau29-ti i v b v i: v i i Graham Flour. jfb27-tf u'.C. Will N A( g O F T II A To Gents' Spring 'Style Soft liat Light, New and Airv. W. If. a it. K. TUCKK BOXES CANDY AM 1 v.s 2 Boxes meat and a large lot SaM. . Jan 1-tf m. .v. P - K!v J.u diiTs pY.uf U'M k AND f 01 LET P0 WVKIl At ylMlSN' 1 rx i nov2G-tf QANNED O Y6 1 ERS, MALT W aX Dili. AilflTnontinti C:i l'.tl 1 1 'S, Starlit Toilet and Laundry Soar s. A. G. l.Ki: lt ' j L A R GE L I N K 0 F FLUID EXTKACTS and i:i;i'l,S At ji.Mrsos's 'OATS, OA1-' QATS, OATd, 'OATS, TAll ri..,V,Al. nt - . I . . . uiinuris cats :.r saie uv - ...n nnv 21 -tf WV H. TH1 ELSirs GILT-EDGE ULTTr.n Cream Cheese, Sola and Iieni'-mJ1;" Orders solicited. A. G. LEE & LUl cord cnurcn; in Beaulort count v Creek Baptist church, Brown- M-l 'i11,'1'"" byterian church, in Bladen couii.s.'li ' k urnace, or Elouring mills in i ,.'. h'-'"? j , v. uiuci iUI UiOll ii i ertoru county, or wituiu two mi t limils ol Carthage or 1 uv'X"' provided this shall elieci tiic i .-.!,.' - i - . i tt