' TtiP www YORK PRESS ON THE Engineer and baby were dashed to ohe quarter-deck, but they never stirred. IMtf fftntfinll dTlllltU Wi$VC$. loss OF TUE ATLANTIC. side, both, strange to tell, unhurt. Hand clasped in hand, husband, wife, w JVL Thp New York papers continue to There may seem no connection of mean- and child went down together. In the . 1U' v r. - , . inr between this little incident on a supreme moment of life, wife and hus . mAW Unnarmir KdltOr. I rlupiica fhA lOSS fit IDe AUftDUl. AUC11 I SAM'L T. WILLIAMS. Political Editor. CQ - apkil 6 i73 in TUESLAY - ' . 1 11 K 1 1 A m n 1 Uil f. iM.CJ.ft - I UJv'vmuo w 1 rniinT r v rflRI 1 HT1 1 1 I. il P. ulrHL 11(11 I 111 W LI 11 11 I Ualill 1UI fUL all- IllirSl. 1 1 1 1 . IV I I II 5' ?- HUH ,,r .ruir TV DARKNESS. nnews of fresh recitals and new incidents nUtn m. i f - snme of the eras men in New York I i.,-; Btrack for higher wages, and the ena- am K0;,ni.,M Wi,ntbeen eno. w WM ""M ii.r.eisful. . w w I The streets below Grand Street are in comments on the great horror, as it is total darkness at niht, in consequence of the strike and merchants and busi- or tne siriKe, auu uiuw ness men have been compelled to go back to the old custom of using candies. While the performance was going on at , ' ' . ..Lq snddenlV the Stadt theatre the gas was suddenly extinguished and the audience left in utter darkness. In Brooklvn eas strikes are also j e threatenea. " - nnv nsi v ririrn saved. THE ONLY cuiiju SAVtu. The only child saved from the At- lantic was a little boynamed John Hen- ley who was lifted by the hair through . . . t -i - i a port hole by . iticnara iveyuo. , sufficient coal ble, keep the keys ; but in the broader Queenstown, one of the survivo.s. aDOard when he left Liverpool. The worij ot every day, at each man's own The boy cried out through the port hole Captajn knows not how to account for hearth, in his child's lace, in even the for assistance saying that his father, the error in reckoning the position of drowning hands stretched. out t help mother and brother had all been the ship, exeept on the ground that the the boy, is the proof of the God who motuer anu , current bad a stronger northeily set rules them both, and wU Ih-s oserjs. drowned. r than he imagiued, and so; carried him Tlie New YotkMlWZt ivpoits a pub When young Henley met his sister out of bis course. He sduuits that he nc mcetin"- Friday ni'lit at the rooms at Castle Garden on Sunday morning- was not on deck but was "in the chart pofytechnic Institute, hid was the day the survivors reached New f--- largely attended and whicli . was ad York, the meeting is represented as but the leads had not been dressed bv several speakers. having been of the most affecting char- acter many of- the bystanders were moved to tears. On accouut or tne saa aeain oi n.s parents and his own miraculous escape, Henley's case elicited profound sjrn- patuy'ttmoug the thousands gathered to witness the landing of the survivors in New York. THE ENFIELD FIRE. A special telegram in to-day's paper gives the particulars of the destruction B, , .. . . . x, k cf valuable property in Enfield, by the fire which occurred theie on Sunday last. - The larae warehouse, belonging to l the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad, , the Southern Exp located in the grocery store belong .owr, .vBv...w. . b steam engine and cotton gin,were entirely consumed by the conflagration. The contents of the warehouse and store were also burned. The entire loss is estimated at $30,000. The buildings were only partially in- ured. The North Carolina Home In- urauc company, ot tnis city, win ress Otfice, which was gumbro liht was told that he was not England were to blame tor not provi- Slates warranted in every particular. . warehouse, the large captain or mate, and should mind his dmg tuel in abundance; that the offi- old by 1-ealers generaUy . , c.vr were tit hiult lor not knowincr the JULIUS LfcWIS & CO., i. i,a 1 BCl'uuu u.v.....j " . . a Sole aeents for North and South Carolina. suffer to some extent by this calamity, mind. It is no sougtniul task to pro but this excellent Comnanv is in such a nounce severe judgment upon those healthy pecuniary condition that it will meet the loss without serious ineonvt- mL . ... ivwu ix Xiuuciu nao luicatcucu I but wi.s saved by the heroic txertions .s1()Uld,will know just the circumstances stances surrounding this case in a lull of the citizens and a large number of which led to the latal blunder ot Cap- and comprehensive manner, colored men, who happened to be at- tain William , and ju3t how lr the After the close of Mr. Towle's re tending a reliuiotw meeting in the responsibility f the calamity rests m.uk t,,e ,ubject WaS diseased by a , . upon the managers and owners of the . . , . , , . place. vessel he commanded. - number of gentlemen with great anjma- We regret the loss to the WilmiDgton ... tion. The conduct of Capt. Williams, and Weldon Railroad, and especially to Actions have beeti performed in the without exception, was roughly criti Mr. Alsop. who is one ot Enfield's most monient of deadly peril which have cized and censured, some of the speak- . : - , . . . . called forth the admiration of the , , . , . . ,. enterprising and worthy citizens, whose worid. Captain Luce went down with rs warmly advocating his indictment public spirit, liberality-and success in his boat. The pilot of the Erie and for murder. - business have done much to build up the wheelsman of the-Griffith, on Lake From the New York Advertiser, and improve his adopted town. Mr. Erie, take rank among the worIds he- Making allowance tor the exaggera- . , i ,, . -, roes. 1 he conduct of the captain of tion inevitably incident to the earlier Alscp s pecuniary losses will excite deep the Metis is still fresh in the memory ot counts of a terrible disaster, and put- sympatny lor him wherever he is known. Mr. Alsop will doubtless rebuild as - r . , soon as practicable, and on a larger BCale than ever. Men of his stamp of his energy and spirit do not give way to despair in the face of adverse ci-cum- i ucspair in tne iace or adverse ci.curn- stances, but gather new courage and itauiuiiuu in me nour oi gloom ana Hiauotuv THE ARRIVAL OP TUP SIIR VIVORS A SCENE THAT BAF FLES DESCRIPTION. On Sunday morning, a large number of the survivors from the wreck of the Atlantic, reached New York City on the '' avh pMi. auu . iiiiiiiriiiniri v Ih, Mwud .t the pier .hous.o.U of men, women and children some led by tits ot consanguinity, some by friend- 8hip,some by curiosity, all by svrn- naie inaiviauais wno naye been saved irom tne laws or death, into wh ioh were nlunued so manv of their mm- nomdeToyaae. . Our telegrams give a touching aa- 'nnnntVif thi. bwip" uihMi ia inffas bafflmi all dP9..r.w,n ru.A 1 . crowd about the pier was so large and the excitement so great, that none but . . tmployees aud 4 were admitted members ot the press . j. . 1 nsie the gates. To v avoid tne pressure, the pier was closed nrl u tnrv hurfornr1 nhnn TttKiz.K u.. .,.:... " . : cuuuvia wciu ciuuaikcu MUU CaKen Anu,n (votL tiA. tt-. IIere the recognitions took place. The touching and heartfelt greetings 9 1, the wild excitement ot wives, brothers, . tisters, children the uncontrollable outbursts oi joy and happiness, as one after another of the survivors ..(Was recognized- who hd been been mourned as lost the deep feeling, the agony of suspense, the abandonment to despair by those whose tears for the safety of some member of their family were realized by the statements of the survivors all these and a thousand in teresting incidents which can betfer be imagined than described form picture of painful but deep interest in a scene wliicli up pep can a,de(juately portray. ... . m. umn8 show no diminution of interest ja appaUing the country. The meaning is lost fear ot death in the companionship the subject.. Their correspondents here. This poor engine-driver knew noth- of each other. They recked not of the 1;, , a Aa uunH fnrth inor of the child he saved. The bov.creep- opinions of the world, while the waves ... . 1 ino o I to captolu or crew tuau tiuj uiuti i ucu ucsuutuuu aa iiuiuiucuv, uuy with no prospect of getting to the j rQwnm!r cassensrer. Yet thev risked were simply true to their instincts. One 0f the chapter. their lives with all their reality, their such fact will outweigh volumes of ar-j w- from the leadins unfulfilled promise and sweetness to gument in favor ot free love and easy " V , 7 T 7 enm New York dalles ot Saturday, some I IV II popularly called, from which it will be 6een that the public mind of that City tn tKa l3 still terribly agitated in regard to the matter:' I LFrom the ew ipricneraia. Captain Williams pretends that he gufficient 6Upply ot coal wheu he jjiverp00 Jet ne admits that "three days of heavy weather" upset all such calculations ana left him without sufiv . -moKlo him tn rpar.h New iilCUfc IrUUl k Kf UVlW.uM " York without putting into Ilalifax. The heavy weather did not, however, bi3JTessel, 0r he had been but ' , t d was a5out two dav8 ieom eWi York, when his supply- was exhausted ; so ihat the facts flatly 4-n;t- K!j aaonrtiin nrl rtrnve that used because they were not ap- proaclnug a low, sauuy snore, besiues. ne uiu noi imun. n. u-- s.rv. because the ni"ht. ihouyh over- - . . - k t, t o j , .. . ro light should be been tioin fitteeu 10 twenty miles, bo, although tie did not see the light, and although , if his own e O,cfock in tltf morintf have been within eighteen miks of Sainbro Island, his vessel was kept learning on at full headwav until she struck the latal rock. There can be no further doubt of the criminal neg.ect m uug.. calamity occurred. But when we com- pare otcr 8toricS with the Captain's statement, when we find tbat Quarmas- ter Thomas, when he cautioned the omcer, in charge oi me uec inai ne should not stand in to the laud so, as "reDOsiu the vessel sruck, that the we ther was getting thick, the carelessness of the commanaer ana uie inmcu-ncy . is subordinate orhcers appear qual in guUt to whokbuSe and deliberate mur- der. The particulars of tins great calamity, now ii v oeiore us in an tneir miasm ness, teach some lessons which a timely word OU9ht t() imures.Uoon the public 'h" are officially iespo..sible br the Atlantic's human height. Whoever they may be they must stand self- crushed and il.x'-'J Octioio Visions moi-P rrim am teriihl thnn Hm.-h of I Clarence amid the remorseful memories i locf Mnmldv nifrhr l?nt iho iwh1m our people. But Uaptaiu Williams will be known in history only as the com- iander f l(it thousand dependent human beings to their late, with the crY of " Sauve qui ytut " as the man who; mote carelul oi his own lite than ol the lives of others, letc the vessel he had.wrecked got ashore among the earliest ot the rescued, while hundreds of his passengers etill clung to the rig- g'g auu pravcu vaiuij ior uenverance. fFrnm l.h New Ynrt Trlhinis It is hard to find a single point, oi J "S111 in me oiacit story oi last l ues- aay s aisasier. vv netner mere was eul- pable carelessness on the part of the the blame is due to a lack of coal or t the inatu ntion of (Japt. Williams, does DOt aflect-the issue. The bald terrible i set remains mat over one nunureu J Rnn ft wt-rt' WHkfa irnm sl rpnrplnl t!nn i . - . . .i .r oe choking agonizin.rT.onTiL the engulfing water, and the next had met tleth and learned his secie:?. S',u,e,imes in such a massacre as this selt-sacrifice, of uniiinchinir intejrritv to- duty, that the pain and loss ot boi ,,,c BCCUJ uu- a "iu wute iu imy jor tl.ie Doble.le8Son and hravu wrd9 of S!?K0viT "v" w .uv, iwiuvu Ku uvfnii lilts the heroic figure of a Knowles into View. But here there was but litll room 'or.-BUCh a lesson. It was all bheer, unmitigated horror. The black night, the driving storm, the wail of the Uteerage passengers battened down as it their coffin, the solitary woman's figute lashed t'ead to the iigging, her tyts protrudinj;, the jewels sparkling on her lrozen hands : the thousands of anx I ion Tnnnrninnr K(jrta in tnif lwm,..r. to.dav of which w, know nnthi . . , ' ""f w"er 18 u,e recompense here I But in the story of the Atlantic there is one little hint which suggests that there is another side to life, broader and deeper, aud better worth attention. A little boy, Eays Mr. Toxley, made his way up on deck, and clung to a man about to cross to the rock on the rope. Even in the darkness and driving storm, with hundreds of men and women shut in below them to drown, and hundreds about them washing from their side into the sea with every wave, the captain and the crew found time to care for and to save this boy. On the very day, too, before the Atlantic disaster, a simple little story comes to us of an engine-driver on a lreight train on the Reading Road creeping round on the cowcutcher to save a baby which had keated itself upon the track, and fling ing himtelt down at last to do it with mry .cbaqce of death before him. I,, oi,; h,.ri , hr HwtHt.i-i. t mb thouyhi me agents oi uie company in rPlr rr r TTT.T.tXi Dg to Mr. John T. - r 1 real ...i.io,, of the .hip under ail cir- ' v Raleigh, N. C., or" i HntMin nn r n noiir oeiore i t"v v,v ""-"j - i 4 , j Ai . i wk;u I iin on dpr.k . was no nearer in realitv I sweot oVer them. and the horror of sud- r .. 1 .u save them simply because these un- L,, wirt.rt.n L their.homcs, and wives, and little ones, VJ VT 11 L.U11U1 UlVUilU mmv " the whole world of quiet daily routine of affection, of gentle, gracious tender- ness, of happiness the world, in short, ohich h man know8, but which never makes itself seen or heard tnrougn the newspapers. We got out oi our way now and then, according to our own notions Qf preaching, to remind our readers that there is such a' worldliest the frightful, unending record which, a3 news venders, we must keep of vice .tl .laath ehuulrl rnnt( tlem to foreret UUU UVUb., v w O nm - JAfe is not all given over, as our 0lu sometimes might induce any ma?Tothjuk, to conupti.n, bribery, Dolitic. raurder and shipwreck. These things may prove that ttieie is a lower life than this ot which Sin mid Death A.x !niiol onnnrrlinrrtii filtnn,a nurfi- The leading address of the evening was delivered by Mr. Hamillon E. Towle, on the subject ol the "Atlantic: Who is to Blame, aud IIw .May Such palamities be Prevented in theFuture?' The World says of this addies:-: s He exhibited a chart anil a diagram showing the position o the vessel at noon on iuarcn oi, me uuy oeiore uie disaster, according to the statement ot MJaptain VV Hliams. ar.a irom this ue clearly demonstrated how a variation of one-fourth of a point oi the compass would and probably send the ship fif teen miles westward oi the..pint for which she started; and that this error was probably due to an imperfect know ledge of the compass aui the variations underthecircumsiauc.es. The speaker lustly, expressed his conviction, found ed upon published tacts, that great blame also primarily res-ted upon the shoulders ot the managers of the Com pany for not knowing beyond doubt that their steamers were sufficiently sup plied with coal, and that inefficient men were alioWtd to command tneir vessels. T1,e speaker also ceuured the captain tor le iving the deck tor an instant while his vessel was lu atiing toward rocky coast or any other shore in rough weather kuowu to be within two hun- dred miles, especially off a coast which was one of thj most dangerous on the V IllCI itaa Ooatiacnt. rV provout till sucn aisastcrs in the .Uture we must . . cuuourage investigation ana me stuay of all the seeminslv trivial circum- tin the most charitable construction upou the acts of the Ctmpany which owned the Atlantic and those of the officer in command of the ship, it is im- possible to resist the conviction that the lives of seven hundred human beings have been rccklsssly and shamelesslv sacrincecl. This is a hard thing to say, but the facts of the case, although still imperfectly revealed, justify such a ver- oict. l ne whole history ot the vj&oe ot thfi 1 l tate'l Khin from thplirtw nf her departure from Liverpool to the "uicumi iuc uuni uautsiropne, is a icooiu. oi mcAcusaoie oiuauer?, pit lful economies, ; neglect of duty, ai.d indifference to the value 'of human life, f From t he Journal of Com marce. The first and chief" fault tests upon some peison representing the company I T ; t. ... .. 1 fi.. ii..., .t. i to iToK with', .h," .ppl, f Si" That is a lct. She should have been stocked with coal for at least thirteen days; but on the eleventh day out, it we i longer, ana she was ob.iired to nut Hadfak tor a fresh supply. The defi- prime. cause of me uaiasiropne, oecause it drove the ship to seek a coast with whicli the niHfPra in clir. woro not well acquainted. ILLNESS OF A. T. STEWART. ewart, .ne luercn, ot New lork, is seriously ill dence in that city. He was 1 A. T. Stewart, the Merchant Prince at his resi- city. He was better yes- tenlay, but his ti lends were not allowed b3 h,s Physicians to see him. A TRIBUTE TO THE MARRIAGE TIE. It will be seen from our telegram to day, that it is stated a number ot hus bands, passengers on the Atlantic, re fused to leave'their wivee and children but preferred to share death with them than to seek safety in attempts to escape. , Oa this subject, the Daily Graphic of Saturday has the following : "Never was a higher tribute paid to the marriage state than was given bv the married men who vvere passengers on the wrecked Atlantic. The record of their fate is extremely touching. With few exceptions, they all perished, refusing to desert their wives and little ones. Wives beyger? their husbands to seek safety by flight from the sinking i.i i ixiw in mm mini vhh r - im i if r t mm vr- Captain, her supply rah Uown to 127 ran rArA?0 witn Peasant rooms hlS tons, or not enough lor only two day. son sueet; "nelrly' ZiilSl r . - - .. , . r r 4- 11 4. Kfl : : ; u.,f divorce." r The engagement of the Duke of Edifi burgh to the Grand Duchess Maria, daughter ot the Czar, will be made pub-, he from Sorrento, shortlv after the Empress' arrival in that place, and the betrothed couple will meet there, ce Q BARRELS "A" SUGAR, 10 Barrels extra C Sugar,' 20 " "C" V " 10 ' Crushed and Powdered Sugar, At - apC-tf LEACH BRO'S. 50 T U B S L A R D 20,00(J Pounds Sides, a,500 " Hams, At ap6-tf; L.EAC II BRO. BBLS. EARLY ROSE J-V POTATOES, 10 Barrels Early Goodrich Potatoes) 10 " " Peach Blow " 10 ' Jachson White's " 10 - Prince Albert's 5 " ailver Skin Onions. feb23-tf VAYNK ALLJOTT. M A Fresh Bolted Meal just received, apl-tf G. T. STKONACH & Bl.O. M O S S- E S A new lot. ap4-tf G. T. 8TRONACH & BRO. u G A R S Good Brown Sugar per pound, 10. Kxtra C, A, B and f. ap4-tf G. T, STRONACII & BIIO. 13 L O W S ! V LOWS!! Eagle "A" beats the Watt, $3.00.. A 6 Plow, S3.IH). . O " 3.00. Hanny South, 4.i'5. Cotton Piow, 45. Points and Bars. ap4-tf G. T. STRON ACH & BRO. T H E B O L L E S o ttoy n o r. TRADE SUPPLIED. ap4-tf P R A T T 1 m,l s I r a I Oil WILL NOT EXPLODE. S Millions of Gallons have been old and not one accident, directly or indirectly. Th original and only safe OIL tbat has stood tne test or 10 years without an acct- dent ol any sort. JULIUS LEWIS & CO., ai4-tr : Kaieign, X. C., Sole Agents. PLANTATION BELLS! As Agents lor the manufacturers we are prepared to fill orders for Farm or Plantation Bells of any stylo at bottom prices. Send for price list, HARDWARE IIOU3E of JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Fisuek Building. Raleigh, N. C. W A K R I V A L S ap4-tf S P It I N CI S T Y LE S . 1 8 7 3. MOLESKIN II ATS. 1 case of Spring style of, SMJLIt M11TS, &ILM JMTS, at our low prices, only $5,50. W. H. & R. s. TUCKER & CO mar li-ll E A It L II o M I N Y Pearl Grits, Carolina Rice, Hplit Peas, Tapioca, Pearl Barley, Buekwueat Flour, Oswego Corn Starch. VV. C. STKONACH. A P A N E S E SILKS At DAVIS, DRAKE & CO S. jOA It D , MR a . R 13 O A It I) K O E L L A mar 30-1 w O(J0 BUSHELS FRESH GROUND - White Bolted Meal. mchiy.f W. C. STBONAOH. O f 2O0 B A GS At OF S H O T , mhi5-lf G. T. STONACH & BRO. JA DIES' NECK-TIES, &0 New designs and shades f LADIES' FICHU'S and NECK-TIES something new and beautiful. Also juace collars auOVUndersleeves, Linen Oillurn and Pn fTo Lace and Embroided Handkerchiefs, ' Plain Linen and ti enastiched H'dkfs, Kid Gloves, and a lull line ol Hosiery. VV. H. & K. 8. TfJCKEK V CO. 3,000 DOZEN COATS', CL ARKS' and Stafford Spool Cotton. W. H. St K. 64 TUCKER&CO. JUSTTO HAND, A FRESH SUP ply of Apples, Oranges and Lemons, at tf MOesELKY'S. IRESH COCOA NUT CANDY, - Chocolate and Burnt Almonds, c, at tf MOSELEY'S. THRESH COCOANUTS, ENGLISH W alnuts, Almonds and Pecan Nuts, at tf , MOSELEY'S. THRESH CRACKERS OF EVERY variety. Abo a line assortment of Cakes, at MOSELEY'S. jgLANK BOOKS IN VARIETY. Initial Paper, elegant, just to hand. L. BRANSON, Bookseller, marl3-tf Raleigh, N.C. into cnurcn. w ill also take day boarders. COTTON. FACTORS lEstaDlisnea And General Commission and ShlppiDg Merchants. 1845 BK HOUSE Town Point, NORFOLK, VA. C - W. GR l2$I) F O G I Li IIlJriS"COTTOJi" FEIITI L. I Z E It . Is F. C? s'Na a We have the exclusive right of sale and Middle North Carolina, M A N U F A ( ZT U SOVTM ltJtr TE11T1LI7.IJI G liWiiyirW A T 11IC11MO N D, V A. F U R N I S II ED AT AT;WAltEIOTJSESOF W G R A N NORFOLK, V A . Cash Price Per Ton of 2,000 lbs. - -Time , ' 2,000 lbs. - FREE OF I NT E RE S T FURNISHED F ACT O R Y FREIGHTS ADDED Your attention is called to the "Opinions of the Press," and the reportsjof disinterest ed Newspaper Correspondents from various sections throughout Eastern and i'.iddle North Carolina, and Southeastern Virginia, where it has been extensively used, stat ing the high repute in which this Fertilizers is held by the Planters, as matter of public concern and benefit. Enquire for Pampnlet containing these Testimonials and Opin ions of the Press and other Useful Matter of General Information and Interest to the Farmer. . ' ' It has been so extensively used and universally praised that it requires no commen dation at our hand. The Cotton Planters using it affirm that it matures the Cotton earlier by Several Weeks, and nearly doubles the yield". Many say it is equaled by no manipulated Guano on the market; end prefer.it for many reasons to the Peruvian Guano. There will be only a limited amount of this Fertilizer manufactured especially for our supply and trade, and we desire that the Cotton Planters in the section of country tri butary to this market, should FIRST BE SUPPLIED, with what they may need. After supplying the needs of the Planters-, in the will go to fih the orders of the trade a. large, assigned to us. C- .. " At I 1 i 1. XII: oome ui me lugieuitias ior mis r ertuizer, to Import from Germany at a great cost, and beforehand. The Company, therefore, required us to inform them at the beginning of the season, the probable amount our trade would require, which we did accordingly and we feel confident from the numerous Inquiries aud large orders received that the demand will far exceed our stock, or ability to supply, and therefore we bespeak our Planter lriends to send in their orders at once, (lljat we may book them; and thereby give them the preference,) and then, they can order the Fertilizer to be shippedjto them whenever they need it. The Fertilizer will cosi the Planter no more to order it early in the season, is- Tiioe Price SG5, Free of In teres t Cash Price 560 at our Warehouse ia Norfolk. It is put up in new, strong bags of 200 lbs to the nag. "FIRST COME. 'FIRST SERVED' is the old adage. If our friends neglect to avail themselves of the opportunity presented, and here by duly notified, they cannot blame us if.their orders later in theseason have to be turn ed off. - ; mhl2-d&wlm Yd SONS. , a C JT T S R a H M d O- a 'ts o H c o e H p a H o O H S3 SOLK I uwxituii oi suppiy im jnxu MnA'w- . i r - XT,-, i 4- -k a n n and sonineasiern vugim. K E D B Y T H.E FA C TORY P R 110 E S D Y & SON S $GO SC 5 BY OUR AGENTS at' "... . IV It I C E S region namedi the remainder, if any over, throughout the wide district of territory ; . 1 M . . ..... tne "soutnern ertuizing Company " had this slock had to be laid in and prepared C. W G RANDY & SONS, NORFOLK, VA. S ACT TO PROHIBIT THE SALE Ob' INTOXICATING LIQUORS IN CEIt- Section 1. The General Assembly of N orth Carolina do enact : That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, to sell or give away any intoxicating liquors iu any way or manner, or in any quantity, so as to receive any compensation for the same whatever, either directly or indirect ly within four miles of Antioch church, in Alleghany county ; Blull Presbyterian church, in Cumberland county ; Asbpol Missionary Baptist cnurch, in Robeson county, or Yopp's Meeting Mouse, in Ons lew county. Or within three miles of xv following places, to-wit: Mount Pleasant AUiiueiuj', ill unci u&co iuuu .y -f UIIluur- land Union church, near W alkertowu, n Cumberland county;Blockers store in Cetiar Creek Village, in Cumberland county; Juu. son Female College, in Henderson coumy Pollocksville in Jones county ; Laurel Un,' church, in Richmoud county ; Big Branch Baptist church, Beauty Spot church, asu poie ProSby teriah church, Zion's Taberna cle Baptist, church, Asbury church, Horeb Methodist churoh, or Mount Mariuh Bap tist church, in Robeson county; or within two and one half miles of Rocky is'oie church, iu Cabarrus county ; or within two' miles of the following places, to-wit : Piny Grove church, Luneville church, or RL-u Hill church or School house, .iu Anson county; unrisuan jjengni, cuur n, or con cord church. In Beaufort county ; Frem-n'", Creek Baptist church, Brown Marsh l r,s byterian church, in Bladen county; EaUor Furnace, or Flouring mills iu Lockville,.in Chatham county ; Methodist church, Presbyterian-church, or Baptist churcn n ar Fort Hembri, or Hick's Hign Scbool, Bar nard's camp ground, in Clay county; Pleas ant Plains cnurch or Peacock's store, in Columbus county ; Blockville Acadeniv or ' Cokesberry chuich.in Cumberland county New Bridge .church, in Duplin counts ' Mountain Island Factory, in Gaston coiuV ty; Corinth Baptist church, in. Granvnie county; Flat Rock, in Guildford count -Johnston's chapel, in Joiinston county : fchiioh church, colored, School House jnV, 1, inFedeial Precinct Township,, in iscu Hanover county; Zion church.in Richmond county ; Lumber Bridge Piesbytiiiau churcn or Providence Baptist church, in KODeson cpuniy-.iiitieroeesc.pnngs, m Kicii mond county; Little River cnurch, in Tran syivauia'county; Goshen church, Sampson County; the Paper Mills at the laus oieuM river, in Wake county; the Court llouse in W ilkesboro, in Wilkes county, or within the corporate limits of the town of Cartil age in Moore county, or Lumberton. in Robeson county, or Rutheifordton in Kuii, cilord county, or wituin two miles of tin eorpoiate limits of Carthage or Lumberton, provided this shall effect the power oi. Uu', commissioners ol Lumberton to grant ii- ' cense witniu its corporate limits; or within one and a hall miles oi Cherry Grove Baptist church in Columbus county ; Leu Farm Presbyterian church,- (.colored; n arris ilepot ; Methodist church at Com Spring i-iuup ground.or Methodist church t Bethel Camp Grouud, in Caoarrus count ; or Alurchison Factory, in Manchester', Cumberland county, or within one ,nue . ! Goo&e Creek; Island churcn, ia i'.eauion county; tne Baptist church iu Abbottsbu:", in iladen county; Newton Acaue.uy , ,', Fair View school house, in which J. .. sliuford taught school, in Buncombe coun ty : Pioneer Mills Post Ollice, in Cuban u.v county ; Cypress Creek church, ov the Bau lk t or Methodist church ia Hallviile, fniii-. iin county; Vine Hill Academy, in iidin,o; county ; tiethel churcn, in Pitt couuiy ; me Court House in Ashooro, in iiaiKt tiim county ;: Turnersbury church," iu JieUeii county; or Union Chapel Metiiodistcnuixh, in Robeson county. Sec. 2. Any peison or persons violating any of the provisions oi this act, stiall u; deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction tliereof b tore any acting J u.siia of the Peace, lor each. and every oilein , shall pay a tine of not less than ten n.a more than rilty dollars or be imprisoned, in the discretion of thw Court not to exceed thirty days. ec. 3. The Secretary of the State sli.i furnish a certified copy of this act, immedi ately alte,r its ratinoatiou to theJ".ra," "Sentinel" and News lor'pubiication. Sec. 4. Thi. act shall be iu ce from and after the nrstday of May.'JV. !., is;;;. Jn General Assembly read three tunes an i ratified this the 3rd day of Marcn, A. 1., 1S73. J. L. ROBINSON,. Spcakeroftheiiou.se C. H. BROJLEN. President of the teenal STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA.) Oi'ilCK SECRETARY OF StaTK, .- Raieigh, Marcli 7, isTo. J I, William 11, ilowerton, Secretary il State, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the oiiginal act on hie in this oflice. VVM. ll.'liuWEltTo.V, mh S-30d ' Secretary jji State. 1873. !T--J. s p it ijt g c l o t u i .r , it . II . AND RE W & CO. 61 O T 12 1 t: ii S , -7 Fayettevilie Street, Have just rteeivedaiiot'nr Joint" GENTS FINE URIAHS 'Nil HITS- OK THE ' N EWE S T S T Y L E , Which for FIT. DURABILITY, uud CvM FORT cannot be surpassed in this cou id t y. now o r ex : a full si n .. ,r men--. WlITHS' and i;ov Black and vo.oi ed Felt. 'Hats, i inbrac ii all the most deai. able shapes ami col- i. R. B. ANDREW S & CO., Clothiers, 27 Fayettevilie Sim-K mchO-tf Raleigh, N. G R 31 E K COM PO U N D pectoral coutai yri: It will cure Coughs, Colds, Iloarsyn, s 'lhroat, Jjro chitis, ami all 1 lsea ol tue T.iioat and Lunys. '' PKEPARKJO BY J. R. II. CARMER, Druggist. No. 11 Fayettevilie Street, lUh-igh, an29-tt , see D Y S PEP T I C r Graham Fltnir. -feb27-tf w. C. STRuNACH g O F T II A T Gents Spring Style Soft Hat, Light; New and Airy. W. H. & R. S.-TUCKER -A ' fV boxes candy and tkn" Bane s Crackers. 2o Boxes meat and a large lot Salt. M janl-tf M. A. PARK i it Lu BIN'S PERF U M E- V AND TOILET PO WDER At SIMPSON'S nov26-tf I 'rug Store. (3 BANNED OYSTERS, MACCAUONI, Wax an.. Adamantine Candles, Stanli, Toilet and Laundry Soaps. A. G. LEE A CO. LARGE LI N E O F FLUID EXTRACTS and EL1X1K At nov'26-tf hIMPSONS Drny stdi-e o ATS, OAT3, OATS, OATS, OAl 750 Busjiels Oats for sale bv nov '21 -t.f V. h. r')ii'. 7ELSIPS GILT-EDGE BUT TEH Cream Chfee. S.da and Lemon Tliy''' r ( Orders solicited. A. G. LEE A CO.

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