t DAILY. NEWS. , i - ;km UZZKLL, - - Proprietors. rKTrnviLi-K Street, . r VV. C. 8tronach A Co.'s Store, CA-iH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE." r;w IUILY NEWS will be delivered to , i ,m ri'jr sit k iFTKKS cksts per week, pl,-;i ,.w to i be carrier weelily. Mailed sit ?7 ', : .iiriuni; $3.50 for six months; $2forthre j Mt'iiu.'vVKKIvrY NEWS at 52 per annua. INSURANCE. A STATE INSTITUTION, SAFE, C0XSK&V1T1YE, EAESCETIC. THE WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA LIFE I TS S UCCESS ENGO URA GINQ. Its stability Assured ! OFFICERS: lr. A. J. DkROSSETT, President Jul! N VV . ATKINSON, V iee-Presldent. F. H. CAMERON, Secretary. I ;r. H. A. AN DEUrfON, Medical Director. DIRECTORS i J. V. Atkinson, Oeneral Insurance A'gt. 1. B. Guainukk, President Bank of New li;t:iover. - F. W. Keroiiner, Grocer and Commis nuu Merchant. . M. jstkdman, of Wright and Steduian. T. H. Mt Koy, of V. A. Whitehead & Co., luyeiteville, iiii. A. J. DeRosett, President. H. Ii. Kilki?s, Commission .Merchant. A. A. Villi aki, of' W Lilian I Brothers. V. A. Cumming, of Northrop Cumming. U. v. Williams, of Williams A Murchl- SOU. Eli JlrnRAY, of E. Murray a Co. A. J. HkKosskit, ol HeHostsetl iS Co. Iton'r UKNNiNo, of liaweon Teel & Hen hiug.' alex. Spkust, llritish Vlce-Coudul, ol L.ruiii A iiinsou. i Muiu'U, Attorney at Law. , J. D. V iLLiAMa, ol J. D. Williams A Co. i'avettt.'vdle. J as. C. mcKak, Att'y at Law.Fayetteville. I. K. ICf.LLV, Merchant, Kenanaville. J. T. i'oi"i. Merchant, Luniberton. 'This is strictly a HOME- LIFE Its Officers and Directors are citizens of tlie suae, of nigh character for business capacity, enterprise and probity, It oilers t cry SUBSTANTIAL BENEFIT that Northern Companies do. with the great additional consideration that the capital is kt-pi within the stale, and, therefore, helps to uuild up and toiler Home institutions. Another impoi tan tfact to be considered i.s, that Liie ilmiuton Lave has thus far uljUlUCli A VtKV MUCH LAKUKK INTKULST tor the money invested at home, than any ot tae .New 1'oin companies receive for tiit ir investments, aecoraing to their sworn statements beiore the Commissioner of that State. liie.se unquestionable facts should com iueud this company, above all others, to our people. Eel it be born in mind that miiiiuiis ol" dollars ieceivd for .Life p-e-miuin hac oeeii se.il Noith since the war, which at once drains the South and enricnes the pieinoiic cu.'itaiists of the North. If there wus no older consideration, safety. i';iiriies uU'i cneapnes being equal, why JSoi lh 'Carolinians MiouldIsURK AT XIOMK. tliis were more llian .-suilicleut. THE WILHINUTUN LIFE has excellent special features. ii Lilaces no restriction on Residence or Travel ; it m.ikes no extra charge for le-iiiuien.vK.-: aud its 1'oiicies are ino.utes- Uliis.iliei live itrtil!.. Us misinehs is tu.iiiaged economically. It.- n uie talicn wnn equal caution. Its iu vesi i nuns are mude Judiciously. Its motto is : UOMJjIV, PROMPTNESS, FAIRXFS." AG KN'i .- WaNTEU in every County in the htaie, wuh whom the most liberal terms will be made. Appl. to J a .vi tvs L. Li ROOKS, Oeuerul supervising Agent, 01, liiEO. H. HILL, Local Agent, Ocil-L'A A t). 11 Kiiieigh. JN . C. 'jui: cu;nNKuticut mutual ' . " ';. ). LIVt: l-VSVHAJTVE CO., kNN. ill' HARTFORD. ; 3 Annua! Income, Nearly l o , o o o , o o o . o ori I I This Co npany has steadily pursued two great practical eudtt: FIRST. To ji'.ace its rxlicies beyond the power of ltd ve rat: contingencies. SECOND. To ! iiw th victual outlai of Its mem- 1 eis or i ,e;r policies 10 the lowest possible iuiv. in complisii this, it allows him to ii Luiu li .,m -jj u .10 per ceni. of the first i'l t tinuiii as a . oermaiient credit or loan. iii. t i i .m t ..i-Li iihseouent nrem Him i hat uu'ruun ol the Pi evious year's lull iJit inuuii uctuai.y proved to be surplus ; so Umt ut no time does the Company lake iroin ljin. u higher actual premium ttian is im-.ii-.i t..fi.irv iiit lixk lor the vear. and I rovide tua rt insurance luud. It ia strictly -wutijiii. .i,!iiini ih diverted to stock- imiif.K. :md j..n-!i iiimtei has his lnsur uiii-i- hi. ii Hvai't. ci mi. t.i the Company. Its i i'o oi expen.i(3 has een froin .the begin .iiin,' le.v, man tht of other companies. rt. DijUUL.i.- iiAll, uen. Ageni, oilice opposite Post Oilice. Italeigh, N. C. jan21-tf. U' lL1-NOUTH STATE INSURANCE COMPANY, WAKUENTON, N. C. CAPITAL STOCK, - $100,000. Insures Asainbt Loss or. Damage by Fire. OFFICERS 'OU.W. S. DAVIS, 1 'I. ri.UMMKIt, '.M .J .NO it WOOD, President. Vice-President Secretary Treasurer. T i: WILLIAMS, Sup't Agencies. jJIUKrrroUS : v s; lxivi. urn.,on.nn ! E II Plum- i .i-w U'in i.itt.n vv'rn Watson, x-sq-j . ii i. i i i..... lUurrAtuuu: Him vr M,.tr r. . -T Kuxton Wll- h - ' 1 1 . . v trt i 1 1:11 1- r r l.il:isl.,... 1 1 a 11 Andrews, KaleUb. N C; ; Capt Si'. - fid W J ur-HJii, xi"""y-, Ridewii wn? t,; iiv'a leete. War 7 VOL. II. MORNING EDITION. WEDNESDAY.. APRIL 9. 1873 LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. JgJ Local 11 kiefs. Mocking birds are warbling. Pic nic parties wtU sooq be in vogue. (2) A pure stimulant. Centurv Whiskey I 4 Col. L. W. Ilmnphrey. Senator from Wayne, arrived in the city yesterday. ooua water, mint juiepa and elieirv .AO.- - .1 . . T uouoiers are now me popular Doveragesi We again ure upon the city author ities to take vigorous sanitary measures at once. ... Wyatt, Green & Co make an attrac tive announcement. See the advertTser ment. See the advertisement for.urtnsosala for building the colored Daf Dumb and Blind Institution. " t Capt. Charles M. Cooke' and W. K Barham, Esq., ot Louisburg, are in at tendance on Wake Superior Court. j Dense clouds of dust float over our streets, much to the annoyance of those who are compelled to enciounts it. Purchasers of the old Fnir Ground lots are requested to call at the office of the Secretary ot the N. C. Agricultural Society and get their deeds. The atmosphere ol Fayetteville and Wilmington s:reets is redolent with the perfume ot fertilizers. Some people like it, but we prefer cologne. We were glad to see in our office yes terday, Capt. C. B. Denson, of Chatham, and S. F. Tonilinson, late Superinten dent of the Deaf, Dumb and Bliud Institution. Collars are worn wide and turn down for morning, high and standing, with turhedback corners, tor evening dress. The Auiedeus is the leading style tor turned down, the Czar for' standing colters. We learn that C. J. Rogers, Esq., the late postmaster ot this city, is spoken of among leading city politicians as a can didate for the Mayorality. How is this? What is to become of the present in cumbent, Mr. Whitaker? The best way to cure corns is to take two ounces of gum ammonia, two ounces of yellow wax, and six drachms of ver digris, melt them together, and .spread. the composition on soit leather. Cut away as much of the corn as possible, apply the plaster, and renew every fort night till the com is away. Scpekior Court His Honor, J. .11. Aloertson, Judge, presiding, .Tuesday, April 87. The Court was opened at 10 o'clock, State Do. ket resumed. State vs. Arthur Henry delendant, submits, judgment suspended on pay ment ot costs. , State vs. Merrit Yates arid Susan Sla ter lornic.ition and adultery, not. pros as to Susan S attj Yates tried and ound guilty, judgment suspended on payment of costs. otate vs. W. 11. Marton assault and uttery, delendant called and lailed Judgement nisi. States vs. Stokes Crump aflVay, de endant called and failed. Judgement ram - State vs. 'Francis Jordon assault with a deadlv weaDOn. defendant sub- mits. Judgement, delendant be mi prisoned twenty-four hours and dis charged on payment of costs. Si a e vs. Adam Herndon 1 ireeny, tried and found not guility, SiHtH vs. Rose Hunter larcenv: called and failed. Judgement nisi. State vs. Primus Haywood affray, tried tud found guilty. Judgement reserved. Statt: and Jas II. Harriss vs. Osborne Hunter - peace warrant. Dismissed on navment of costs bv defendant. r -j State and Osborne Hunter vs. Jas, II. on Harris Deace warrant. Dismissed navment of costs bv defendant. 1 . tt . - j n xt State vs. USborne liunter anu v ix. Hunter. Dismissed on payment ol costs by defendant. - . r . 1. 1 1 A State vs. :d. rerry assault anu uat- tery. JSoL pros. State vs. Juo. A. Jones, ucienuaiu submits'. Judgement, s.xpence onu costs. Improvement of the Courthouse. The Commissioners of Wake county have appointed Messrs. Kemp if. liattie, T. H. lirigys and l uomas iuois a. Committee To examine the County Court House and report auy repairs they mi"ht think desirable to do maue on the'buildmg. We are glad to chroni cle this movement. Th Committee wijl doubtless recommend extensive ad dition to the Court room, if not a recjr in struction of. the entire building 'The Coartbousc ttoull.be, not lesi than 20 feet larger than it now is, in order ,o -mmorUifi even ordinary attendance, on the sessions of the Superior Court. The pce intended for the members 01 i..:- ;Q niirp!v too small tor com- 111C 0:11 10 "'j - . e fort or convenience in the transaction ot business. The Judges seat: occupies six times the space necessary. 1 he ju 11 as the space tor tne ..,n0ra hv useless railing and barn- r.adU about them. The'only railing at -n .iiiiioin the r..om would be a ; miliar division extending entirely .u i.;u;n.y onH Renarating the aCrOSS U1C uuauiu - ;t.nrWi for bvstandera and spec space iuiv"" -j - . , . . , t, ,Lr fmm that to be occupied by the . i ;r lawvers and witnesses 1 vJn thousand or more dollars judi- .,.i vni.nHpfl in enlargement repnir's would rcUy advance Justicelby ,r ' .r.h.rt to all its ..fhcera and ".rcnta, while engaged in UpsnsiDK it. "p . ' ... iw.tn ' thi commence W hnro SOOU iu -' ' H RALEIGH. N? C. "The Old Master. Some days ago our readers will remember that a cor respondent in speaking of the artistic ability of our fellow-citizen W. Cail Brown Esq., as a portrait painter, allu ded in rather disparaging terms to the old masters.'' We were rather as tounded at the boldness of our corres pondent and fairly trembled at temeri ty, but in a recent number of Watson's Art Journal (a high authority) we find hi3 views substantiated. We copy the following from the Jovrnal . "We must admit we are not deep enough m metaphysics to say whether taste and common sense are quite in compatibly but we are certain that those who wish to cultivate a good tuste would do well to give common sense fair play. We ap piy our rremartc particularly to the hne arts.. Send twenty persons of tolerably goodjiatural capacitv into an exhibi tion room, and eighteen of them; if they decide according to their direct im pressions, will judge correctly coming to the same conclusion as to what is good or lad,' aSv the most experienced connoisseur. This doctrine. . we are atraid, will give great offence to the high-priests of the Holy order of pic- tureMteffiling. With tuem painting is an irreproachable mystery ; make it once amenable to vulgarvscrutiny, and the plain evidence ot eyes, and what becomes ot the glorious host of Ra phaels, Tjtians, Correggios, etc., which, irom time td 'time ris on the aston ished town", redole-nt of varnish, dirt, asphaUuiu,tpu,c'hlng and trickery, and being, lor trie most part, vile copies, or. vuer imitations ot the masters whose names they bear ? 1 hose who come to see them, fright ened by such names, and still more frightened at hearing that those august performances are valued at from ten to t wenty thousand dollars each, more or less, walk away, concluding that paint ing is a fine thing, or else who would give so much money for it ?' But, at the sarr e time, being conscious at what they have seen has given them more disgust than pleasure, they conclude that the art can only be understood by the professional initiated. Flattering opinions, to.o, to modern art, are some times caught updrom such source?, and modern pictures are conceived to Le destitute of merit, becanse they are frtsh and agreeable, and bear no resem blance to black, heavy, fine old painb ings. :. : -. .-. - ." " - ::, Gal Wagxeu. ikiday jnigut at Tucker Hall. We are to have a first- class black entertainment at i'ueker Hall, Jb ridav and Saturday evenings next. The Cal Wagner troupe have just completed a most successful Southern -oafl1 fudging trom the notices of the press where they have performed. We take the following from the Savannah News : I o-m o r r o vv , W e o n esilay evening, Cal Wagner's celebrated corkist begin a two nights' engagement at the people 1 heatre, and we are sure our will hail their return with delight. The troupe is even 1 trger than on its Christmas visit to our city, and the orchestra, which wa9 capita' before, has been strengthened and improved Mr. E. M. nale,.pne of, the first ban joists in America, and late ol Manning's Minstrels, and Cancros3 & Daxv's, f Pniladelphia, joins the company here, and will occupy the left end position of bone-man besides appearing in his specialtits. Of Mr. Charles Hey wood.- another recent accession to the troupe, the Mobile Register of a late date critically says : lhe nyht bower ot the troupe is Charles Hey wood, the soprano character singer. His voice is a truly remarkable organ, combining rare power, truth and flexibility, and a range rare in sopranos, It is, besides, admirably controlled, and used with discretion and effect worthy of far higher surroundings. "I hou art so near and vet so far,'' was admirably sung wih just enough comic power to make it enjoyable, without marring it ; and with enough bass introduction to show the compass or the voice. On the richly deserved encore, ' W hen the Swal lows "was given in German with deli cacy and feeling, the bounds ot comedy never being overstepped tar enough to hurt tlie true musical effect.'.-' We can justly credit Mr. Heywood, with .being the best in his line ever heard on the Mobile staee : and we can recall no one elsewhere who combines more. With ' . eouul lacilit.v as Leon, and an orgun quite as good as that "wonder's" in its best day Mr Heywood is carelui to remember those nronrieties that the other delights in ''chucking in de gut- ter." . Passing Away In a few davs more many of the old rookeries on Wilming ton street will have passed away, and larse three and i-oui storv brick stores will be erected iu ..their stead. Frm the corner ot llargetf down Wilmington street, on the west side, every store and shanty to Love's store is soon to be taken down. On Fayetteville street, the old lvreth oi Lougee bundina is now being taken down, the Post office will iu a tew days be "shoved out"! to one side tor temporary uff. nnd all the wooden part ol the old i amorous n is now among the things that were. "Tick and A Quaiitek !""Ten ahd a quarter !" exclaimed an ' evidently eiated youn. barrister yesterday, a. m. to another in the Court-room. - "Ten and a Quarter !" echoed barrister No. .2. Then followed smiles and handshaking. Instantly one thought of a telegram inat. in Irom Liver poil... onBOUDCi-ng a sudden bound in middling uplands, and these disciples of Themis are mk ;nT bpr temule a cotton exchange. But overheard the additional re- , ..... we soon mark from No. 1, "It's a boy," and crnpssed "ten and a quarter wa3 not the price ot the baby. cotton but the. weight of WEDNESDAY MORNING. APRIL 9. 1873. Sewlkq on , Buttons. On several occasions we hve re-produced articles from the Danbury (Conn.) News, which we have reason to know were accepta ble to our readersvand now we give one with the aboye caption tully equal to any ot its predecessors : "It 13 bad enough to see a bachelor sew on a button, but he is the embodi ment ot grace- alongside of a married man. Necessity has compelled experi ence in the case of the former, but the latter has alwarvs depended upon some one else for this service, and fortunately, lor tbesake ot society, it is rarely he is obliged to iesrt to the needle himself. Sometimes the patient wife scalds her right band, or runs a sliver under the nail of the index finger of that hind, and Jt is then the, man c. inches the jpeedle around th& neck, and forgettirfg to tie a 1 knot in the thread, commences to put on the button.. It is always iri the morning, and from five to twent-tainateaafter he is ex- ptced to be down in the street. He lays the button exactly on the site of its predecessor, and pushes the . needle through one eye, and carefully draws the thread after, leaving about three inches of it sticking up tor the lee way. He says to himself; " Weil, if women don't have the easiest time I ever see." Then he comes back the other way, and gets the needle through the cloth .well enough, and lays himself out to find the eye, but in suite of a great deal of patient jobbing, the needle point per sists in bucking against the solid part of that button, aud finally, when he loses patience, his finger catches the thread, and that three inches he had left to hold the 'button slips through ' the eye in a twinkling, and the button rolls leisurely across the floor. He picks it up without a single remark, out bt respect tor his children and makes another attempt to fasten it. This time when coming back with the needle he keeps both the thread ,and button tiom slipping by covering them with his thumb and it is out of regard for that part of njm that he feels around for ttn eye in a very careful and judi cious manner, but eventually losing his philosophy as the search becomes more and more hopeless, he falls to jobbing about in a loose manner, and it Is just then the needle finds the opening, and comes up through the button and part way through bis thumb with a celerity that no human ingenuity can guard against. Then he lays down the things, with a few familiar quotations, and presses the injured hand between his knee?, and then holds it under the other arm, and finally jams it into his mouth; and all the while prances about the floor, and ,; calls upon heaven and eaitn to witness uiat there has never been anything like it since the world was creatad. and howls, and whistles, and moans, and sobs. After a while he calms down, and puts on his pants, and fastens them with a stick, and goes to his business a changed man." The Halifax and Scotland Neck Railroad. A large raliroad meeting was held in the town of Scotland Neck an Saturday last: for the purpose of de ciding the question as to whether the proposed load should be run to Enfield or Halifax. R-. H. Smith, Esq., was calleu to the chair. The meeting was addressed bv Hon. Ed. Conigland and Col. Walter Clark, delegates from the town of Halifax, advocating that point as the .upper terminus- of the road. Spier Whitaker nnd D. Bond, Esq? replied on the part of the Comraitteu sent from Eofield in favor of that town. The meeting was addressed by W. H. Smith, E-q, Capt. W. H. Kitchen, and others. The meeting voted in favor of makirg Halifax the terminus, and sub scribed $23 000 to the enterprise. As announced in our dispatches yes terday morning, the stockholders met at Halifax on Monday and organise ! by the election of a Uoarcl ol Directors and President. The road is to be run "(i miles in length, extending from Hill's Ferry, on the Roanoke, to the town of Halifax,' and it" is' presumed that it will costin.the neighborhood of $200,000. It will open up a magnificent country, and we'ui e glad to itarn that the people along the proposed line are in earnest in the matter. The character ot the officers elec ted give evidence 'of an intention to go ahead with the work, aud we doubt not but that in twelve months the whistle of the iron horse will bn .heard in the Scotland Neck section. Tne county o Halifax will, on the loth of May, vote upon the proposition to subscnbe $100,000 to tlic'enterpme. ' IMPOKTANT TO MERCHANTS A2JD Otiiehs. Treasurer Jenkins has issued the following opinion in re lit IP. or of taxes under section 12 - o scheuule ii., ot the "Act to raise Revenue :" State of North Carolina, . Tkeasury Department, , Raleigh. Apr.il 8th, 183 r or tne lniormation or sucn persons is are taxed under section 12, Schedule B. of the "Act to raise revenue," rati fiec the 3d day of March, 1873, andia reply- to enquiries ; respecting the operation of said section, L express tne opinion that merchants, jewellers, grocers, drug gists, and all others w ho are taxed on their purchase?, must list their purchases for the quarter ending Maich 31st, 1873, to the Register of Deeda, and not to the Slu-rift us provided in iln former law. The present law was ratified, March 3d; 1873, and is in foicj so far as it re lates to taxes, and mode of Usting the purchases, prescribed in said section twelve. ' ' ' "V '' ." ' "; The State taxes under the section is Kme eighth of one' per centikh bo lhe total amount of purchases in or ut oi the State,- for cash or on credit, except the products of manufacturers, . and agricultural prpducts'of this State." A retail merchant is not required to pay any tax on purchases, made from wholesale merchants lesfding in this State.. This exeniptiou, however, does not embrace purchases ot liquors,-as they are taxi'd at a higher rate iu an other section. ' v ; ; . J). A. Jenkins,. State Treasurer. BI.EW8: The Orphajs Asylum. At the Ma sonic lunerai held near ,La3niej's a Roads, on the Raleigh and Augusta Aii- ine last Sabbath, after the sermon was over, Rev. Mr. Riffle, addressed the au dience present on the importance of ending aid to the Orphan Asylum of Oxford. A subscription was raised and over $28 added to the fund from thisjsmall audience. Let our ministers everywhere imitate the worthy example of Rev. Mr Riffle, and from time to time take up collections for the support of our poor orphaus. Mr. Mills, ia assiduously at work collecting these poor unfortun ates and taking them to the Asylum. Now let 'us by even small contributions endeavor to educate and make them comfortable. The Streets. Why is it that our Street Commissioner will allow that dangerous breach in the side walk, be- ween-JrC Palmer's Jewelry store and Carmer's Drug store, to go unrepaired. The sidewalk opposite the city park, on West Hargett street, is also impassa ble, and a little work on it would great- y oblige a large number of taxpayers iving beyond this locality. Wanted. An active, sober and intelligent business man to canvass Eastern North Carolina for the State Agricultural Journal. References res quired. , Address, State Agricultural Journal, t Raleigh, N. C, O TV O E On FRIDAY the 18th of April. 1873. 1 will proceed to sell on the respective premists, by order of the Board of City Commission ers, the TOW'N LOTS of the following Dh- L.INQIJNT TAXPAYERS or as much thereof ias will pay the taxes for the year Bryan, Mrs. N, M. t: 7.20 Branch, Shade 5.80 Busbee, Quent ' . 61.W Best, R. W. for Mrs. E. V. Bynum, til.93 Best, R. W. 3.42 Bennett, Aaron 3.60 Bryan, Jordan W Carpenter, Mrs. A. 4.20 Cifion, W. V. . " 5.40 Dodd, O. L u 14.40 UinkiDS, Bryan , 4 60 Dixon Mrs. 3.00 . Finnell, Richard 12.00 Gallagher, John . 18.72 Green Mitchell, 4.80 Howell, B.N. 38.11 Hunter, Osborne 8.00 Harris, W. N. 26.20 Haywood, W. D. 72,00 Lane, Edward 3.80 Jones Friday 10.72 Henry, Mrs. 78.00 Mayner, Elizabeth" 1.20 Olds, L. H. 25.20 Page, Henry ? 7.16 Pool, Jac. 6.32 Pool, L.ewis 3.40 Pennington Henry 48.00 Rogers. Wm. G. for Marion Smith, 5.40 Squire, William 5.60 Smith, Julius 3.00 Thompson. Mrs. M. C. 4.20 Teasley, Edward . 10.40 Upman, Marcellus . 6.80 Vaughn, Mrs. Laura A. 8.40 Weaver, Eliva 8.60 8668.93 51.90 . $617.03 M. GRAUSMAN, Clerk. Raleigh, N. C, March 28th, 1873. 9-td, A? A MEETING OF THE BOARD of Commissioners appoint dby the Gener al Assembly, held in Raleigh on 3rd of April. 18(3, tne ioilowlng resolution was adopted, to wit : Resolved. That the Chairman of this Board, give notice in one or more newspa pers of the State of the time of our next meeting, and that he invite propositions actual time, from auy party or parties lor tne purchase ana completion ol the west era Nortn Carolina Railroad, or other pro posals, connected with the objects of the general Assembly in constitutions tins Board." ; . The time of next meeting of the Board is TUESDAY, 31H MAY. 1873. Place, the Executive Oilice, in Raleigh, N. C. Propo sitions are respectfully solicited. TOUR CALDWELL, s ' Chairman. Raleigh, 7th April, 1873. 8-w3r. Era, ssiatesville American and Asheville Expositor insert 3 times and send bills to the Chairnmn. D IS S O L U T IO N The Copartnership heretofore existing between R. Dob dn and P. Francis, under the name and si y le 01IDOB BIN & FRANCIS, has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent. Hereafter P. Francis can be found at the stand formerly occupied by W. H." Ellen; where he will be pleased to t erve his old friends and customers in the Boot and Shoe line.. - . - aps-lw. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE UNITED States Fomth Circuit, and District of North Carolina. j - ' November Term. 1871 In Equity. In the matter of Anthony H. swasey, for himself and others, tc., aainstthe North Carolina Railroad, David A. Jenkins, Public Treasurer ot the State of .North Carolina, and others. The undersigned having been appointed Comnissioner by a decree of the' said court, made in the above named causeat its November Term, 1S71, to take an ac count of what is due to tne plaintiff, A. H. Swasey, and all other persons holding coupons oi the bonds in the state or North Carolina for the construction of the North Carolina Ruilroad, under the acts in the bill mentioned an account of such cou pons, and of the dividends and lunds ap plicable to tne satisiactiou oi sucn coupons, and to cutise an advertisement to be pub lished lor such holders of such coupons to come in before him and prove their debts, andtonx a peremptory day for that pur pose: and in default or their coining- in and proving dt bts by such day, that they be en iluded from the beiielit of this decree, &c. Aud for the better taking of such accounts that parties produce, &c.,and be examined, &c. , These are therefore to notify all persons owning any of the coupons ol the bonds issued by the tstate of North Carolina under and by virtue of the provisions of Ads of the General Assembly of said State, rati fied on the 27th of Jan. 1840, and 22d and 2-ith of Dec, 1852, and on the 14th day of Feb ruary. 185 , all passed to aid the North Car olina Railroad Company to c. instruct its road, to appear before the undersigned at the omoe of the Cierfc of the said Court, in the eity of Raleigh, and State of North Car olina, on or beiore the first day of May, then ,and there to produce and .prove the said coudos, and be 'examined accord ing to the terms of the said decree in the aid cause. JOSEPH B. BATCHELOR, i Commissioner, &c. KaleiGH, N. C, February 5, 1872. N- B. By order ol Court made at Novem ber Term. 1872, in the above entitled action the lime for taking profif-i of bnds, &c, is extended to 1st -h-, i8t3. - , ' : JOS. B. BATCH EL t, - - Commissioner. aprl-lru " ' - 100 LBS. NICE CORNED REEF lor families, aprlotf Best in this market.' : WAYN E AlLXiCOTT. TT IO V HE D JACONETS AND P EEC A L E ' S j 'Just rectivetl at mar29-tf PAVIS.DKAKU 4C0'3 NO. 36. TEJLEGRjiPniC JTEirS. NOON DISPATCHES. Great Democratic Victory Iu , Con necticnt Ingersoll's Majority Hartnord, April 7. The Senate probably stands, eleven Repabl'cahs and ten Democrats. ,The House is very close with indications ot a Vsmall demo cratic majority. One hundred and fifty- Dine towns show opposition gains over the Republican vote of. last spring ot 7,585, including 1857 temperance. Io- gersolPs majority is about four thou S .nd. Starkweather, f Republican, is re-elected to, Congress, V also , Hawlev. Barnum, Democrat, is elected to Con-' rrrtca 1 Anrrr'a plertinn u rloBP in t.hft o'-" ""'"bo" ' r, second district. ; : Recoveries of Bodies on the Atlan tic. '-'.''."'., Halifax, N- S. April 8. The divers are at work to-day, and report the ves sel most awkward'y'beached. Two ot them went into number four hutch, but found no light on the upper deck. The passengers and cargo are so mixed that the bodies cannot begot at. 1 wo girls were found lying in their beds in the lower aft steerage. Holes will be blown in the ship to facilitate the re covery of the bodies and cargo. Eleven bodies were got out to -day, of which five were' grappled up. To date 226 have been recovered. None of : those lound recently were cabin passengers. I The Insurance Ivestigation. , New York; April 8. The gas strike continues, but the company are ; endea voring to secure other workmen. j Under cross examination in the Mutual Insurance examination, McCul luck acknowledged that the charges against ihe company had already 1 been investigated by a committee of Boston stock-holders,' and the ! Superintendent of Insurance, and declared "it to be groundless.1 The investigation' will be resumed at Albany. . V Disorders in Cincinnati, ( ' i Cincinnati, Ap.il 8. Disorders in the 8th Ward resulted in the probable death of four men from beating and thooting, including two policemen.' .The riot alarm sounded, when sixty police men appeared, preventing further bloodshed. - - - - " v New .York Items..- , New York, April 8. The conductors of vanous,car lines met last night and resolved to strike lor four hours ahd three. -dollars. ' ' ' !':-; 1 Two leading non-gas strikers were bruully assaulted in the.cars last night, . Iiynch' Law. ' " ' Chicago, April 8. O'Neil, acquitted of thechajge of killing a man at El Paso, killed another man in La'Saile county a lew days ago. He attempted to escape, but the crowd ot excited miners caught and hanged him.' The Modocs. 7 San Francisco, April 8. Troops are closing around Captain Jack, who per sists in rttnaining in the lava beds, "or having a reservation in the vicinity The: Peace Commissioners think Capt. Jack is frightened. ., The Itennblicans Triumphant in Annapolis. , t ! Annapolis, Md , April 8. The entire Republican ticket is elected by a . ma jority rauing from one hundred.to three hundied. Democratic Yi'ctory In Cincinnati. Cincinnati, April, 18. The Demo crats elected their candidate for Mayor, and a majority of the Police Com mis sioners. . :-r ----; - : ' . t , ' . . . . . . . ,- i i McEnry Endorsed. Baton Rouge, La., April 8. Thei municipal election resulted in ihe elec tion of the McEnrv ticket. j Postponed. ,'..rii ' ,'Vi Louisville. April 8; The Libiary Drawing has been postponed until July 8. - ; -. Democratic Triumph In Cleaveland. Cleaveland, April 8.- JmesV G, Bull, Democrat, is elected Mayor. -Wife Murder. J Easton, Pa. A pril.8 Grouse murder ed his wile. Drunk. , M1DN1UUT DISPATCHES; Cotton Claims., "Washington. D. C, April 8. The Treasury Department has commenced paying the cotton claims, niett under the act ot May 18th, 18?2. Over 1,260 claims have been presented, coyering over G,900,00Q. More than one-half oi them will be rejected cn account of ln- sutnclent proof. Filteen million it dol tars of the cotton tund Nnow n mains In ihe Treasury The , claims beingj paid are those lor cotton seizeu uy tne gov ernment agetsfterel!S-0.;li of June. 18G3. The act of Mav 18th, 1872. pro-- vidciliirrtValf klu'se claims should be filed" within six mbnths," and thtre'ore expired on tne loin oirxovtmuer last. Quite a larg-- number or claims nave lieen hied since the expiration ol the law, and they must be thrown out as all; efforts to have Congress extend time failed. V : ' ) -- ;' u" ' ' Victory In Connecticut lsgersofl Elected By ' 3.CC9 Majority The NeuateKepnbtican"aniniie House Democratic. . ;-.-',; , Hartford, April 8. r Returns from every town in ; the. ..State - give- Haven Republican, 39,200 ; ingersol t Democrat; 41 1)00 ;..5mtthi temperance, 2.092.1 , In, gersoir tiiiy -lity is3,GP9.:. Id the first Congressional district General Hawlej liepubiicau,.is re eUted by 1,333 ma jority. .In the second district Kellogg,' Republican, is re-elected by 657. majori ty. In the third district Starkweather, Republicftn, is re-elect&l by 1,52L . ma jority. In he fourth) district Barnum, Dcnuerat, is re-elected by iO . ma jority.' The RrpabTicaus haye a major ity in the State .Senate and the Demo crats a majority lrbm 12 to' 18 iq the House, ' DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one lnsertlOH................ 1 00 una Bqnar, two mseruons . i 50 On square, three insertions.- . . 2 00 One square, six Insertions- ; - 3 50 One square, one months- -800 One square, three months........U.... 16 00 One square, six mont.inC i...-..... 80 00 une square, v.. erve months,...- bu oo For larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten line s solid non pareil constitute one square. - - Ohio Municipal Elections. Cincinnati, April 8. The result of Che election in Columbus. Ohio, seems to be a democratic success! both on the Municipal and Constitutional Conven tion tickets. In i Mansfield the demo crats were also successful in the main.' In Dayton the whole democratic ticket is elected. In Chillicothe the democrats elected their Mayor but the remainder of the ticket is doubtful In Lancaster the citizens' ticket, as opposed to the democratic ticket,, was. elected. In Cleaveland the IndeDendents elected their Mayo 710 d the Republicans elected the remainder of the ticket.'' In Cres- thine the democrats ; were tictorious. In Circle ville the republicans .were, suc cessful. V V ' V . l ; New Yoflr Itemsi New York, April 8.- The Assistant Cashier of the Bulls Head Bank, arrest ed on the charge of the embezzlement of $200,000," was bailed in a bond ol ftRn AnA ' '? ' '-': tt--- Tug boats hare gone to the assistance of the Elm f City, ashore at Throngs Neck. : ; ... --'.ivs-vm.-'..".;-!'.;.-.' - The fog was very dense this morning until after 8 o'clock. .. . The new workmen in the gas .works are progressing more favorably to-day, and it is believed there will be no lack of gas to night. '-'i,?;t !-' f; ! A. 1L MacDonough was to-day elected Secretary .of the Erie Rail way in place ot Oti3. . Vice-President Hilton 'and .the Assistant Treasurer h ave also resigned. More as Men on the Strike The New Citr Charter,ilVn v j; New. York. Aoril .8. Thesaamcn ot the Manhattan Company last night voted to strike t641ay'for the eight hour system. This - company supplies "the city from 35th street to .Grand street. TTX . 1 r ?j uuring tne aiscussion. oi tue neweuy charter ' for New .York to day, in the State Senate, the section exempting cer. tain chnrch property from taxation was stricken out entirely. ,, .,; , ; : -.-A:-Ju The Post Office Deficit in Savannali. Washington; ' AFril ''8--WhIte," the Savannah Postmaster; ls " here. In March a special post offioc agent found a deficiency of $3f535 71, for which the clefk in charge cbuld.not account- 'An error since discovered reduced the ' de ficiency. $425, and it. is not -yet too Wn at the Department whether any defalca- cation exists. I j -1 . ilt-y't '(.'' - ... . ' ; . Steamship Ashbre Installation of. ; ; nhe rrince of Wale ; London, April ;8. -The , Anchor Line steamship ..India, ;from Glasgow for New York is ashore in the Cly4e oft the mouth of the river Severn. ' t""iA" The Prince of Wales was to-day in stalled as Grand) Commander of the Order of Knight Templars. ? V u j ; , Accident on theTrapeiei;', a The Chicago April 8,-White Lion Bros. gymnastics,whilst performing their x double trapeze act at the Nixona Am phitheatre last eyeningjttbe younger one slipped and ! fell heavily to the ground, ''-a distance ot some ten feet, striking on his face andf right side, fracturing the right thigh near thp hip. He is probably disabled for life.. , " V m " :' " ii - Weather. Report. v'f - " . yAsINGTON April .6. For iiWedner -day in the South Atlantic States cjpudy ana ' rainy' weaiher, ' with South lind West winds. ' Fbr1 the,;Middle States, - easterly winds increasing brisk with rain. ;., .. - - ,, , -;; - -Municipal Elections;1 " ' Keokuk, Iowa, April 8. The demo crats elect. their, Mayor. u ;i!.- , Evansvtlle, lad.; April 8. The Re publicans have seven, and the demo crats five of the Counciiriien. Steaner Snnlr. " : v Pittsburgh April 8". --The : steamer New State. 4'or. VVlieeliqg,, with .arfull cirgo, sunk from a collision with t,he Ertiile. ' Tlie cargo will' b'e a' iotal loss, t he. people wetesaved. ' :.M ? -h f B aTiaoRE, April $.rr GeorR.e Q. fiay age, has been acquitted, of the charge of embc7.zling"'m6uey from the 'bingtr Sewing Machine Company- Mi V'W: ! COHMERqiAL .REPORT. fl j , .;. u NevriVock Markets. ' w Nkw York, April 8. -Cotton dull ;. sales 830 bale; uplands 19; Orleans Flour quiet and heavy; common to air. extra 8G.10a825; good to choice $8.40a$12.75. Whis key, a hKie i easier Bt91.i .Wheat' limited request for home or export Corn heavv? yellow western 6laS5. 1 Kic steady i7HH"A. 8a Turpentine dull Koin weak. Tailowduli at 8J4a8.t Freight o.ulet , 'Cotton Net receipts tfltf bales: irrosa 2,278; -, sales for export to-day lfl7.bale. ; ve les or cotton lor future dell very to-day. 7,300 bales, as follows! April,-' 18al. May! lyJal'J 3-10; J une, iyaU) j ay VJ 5 lOallJ AOKUSt 17. - Money ciosea at 7. uoiv lSUalS. ,Uovr erume.jts Irregular r but closed rirm at frac- lion decline; Tennessee States steady. . yjx lower; other ? 'Eofeienj,Warketa.,-j , ....-t ' London. April 8, Consols closed at P3a ; rives f. -. 'i- , ,Ji;AjiiprtaT, April 8, Bonds 95. ... .! -; ' Paris, April S. Rentes 86 and 25, , y LWbujPool.'. April S. Cotton closed qnitt nplands J4a8; Orleans 9,u-., -ni t LiATEB iAtuii dull, easier; sales 10.0CO bales', 'i Speculation and export 2,000. K j f . '.: Wilmingtoa ! Markets.4' iU'iLjiiiro'ro, " April : g.Splrlts1' ttrf iichune Arm at 48. itosla Arm at fox No. 2; April delivery 8i0. - Crude Terpentine quiet at 12.25 Sot hard ; J3.50 for yellow dip and virgin. v Tar market steady. 7 n ;i . ' - t .'( V f r Cotton1 Markets, , f 1 w ujiiKGTox, ji April ' 5.-cotton firm ; middlings 18.,- . ., .. . s . , eOsTOjr, April 8. Cotton doll ; mid ig 20. . , .... it j , . ; u 1 . -.T KA.TifORic. April .8 Cotton" quiet; mid dliugi 15- j ..::'. t- i 3 t i ..':- ii.J NvKKoi.K, April K Cotton quiet; low uaddJiot. 17. ;--' i ' : -' ' ' NfcW Oulkans, Apri 1,8. Cotton mederate. demand; ordinary iaa.13. " '.- Mobile, April 8. Cotton dull, quiet ; t good ordinary. 16; low middlings 17-k; mld- uungs . r U : tar i QALT, SALT, SALT, SALT, 8ALT,V Worthlagton's Factory Filled, or saie oj. noy21-tI W.ILCODD; i i ? i I s I I 1 1 I! i 1 J 1 H ! i 1 V i 1 i uebt of the work,