L) Al LY NEWS. sr'NK A ITZZELL, - - Proprietoks. Fa ysnTKYiLLE Street, t.vrr W. C. Stronaea fe Co.'s Store. CASH ISVA1UABLI I2T ADVANCE, fno DAILY NEWS will be delivered to ,,s .riwrH at kiktken cents per week, .irii,j to the carrier weekly. Mailed at (7 .(r:ii.uuii for six mouths; $2forthreo iS'wHKKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. INSl'KANCE. STATE INSTITUTION, SAFE, CONSERVATIVE, EaEEGETIC. THE ' WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA LIFE i.rs viuurcjE cojrirjiJrY, ITS SUCCESS ENCOURAGING. its stability Assured ! OFFICERS: Dr. A. J. DkROSSETT, President JOHN W. ATKINSON, Vice-President. F. 11. CAM EICON, Secretary. in: L'. A. ANDEltON, Medical Director. DIRECTORS: J.V. Atkinson, General Insurance A'gt. I. H. Gkaijsger, President Bank of New Hanover. K. W. Kekchner, Grocer and Commis si Merchant. . csteoman, of Wright and Stedman. T. 11. McKoy, ol VY. A. Whitehead & Co., Fayeiteville. liv. A. J. D e Ros-sett , President. iL U. Eilers, Commission .Merchant. A. A. Villi akd, of Willionl Brothers. W. A.CUiiiiiNG, of NorthropA Curuining. U. W. w ti.JL.iAUs, of Williams & Murchi so;i. . r.Li Mi'KRAY, of E. Murray a Co. A.J. 1 1 til-toss Err. ol DeKossett & Co. Ho'it'T ikasmisai, of Dawson Teel & Hen na.:. ' ALtx. SprCM1, British Vice-Cousul, ol Spruni S: liiusou. p. Mi'iiiM if i Attorney at Law. J. D. W H.X.IAA13, uJ J. D. Williams & Co. Fiivetteville. - j as. i'. lcitAK, Att'y at Law.Fayettevillt. i. i;. Kt.L!.v, Merchant, Kenansvllie. J. X. i'oir-E, ilerchuut, Lumberton. Tais is strictly a IHKU K LIVE Its Officers and Directors are citizens of the suue, of nigh character for business capacity, enterprise uhd probity. It oilers every SUBSTANTIAL BENEFIT tiitd Northern Companies do, with the great auUitional consideration that the capital is kept within the siute, and, thereioro, helps iu uuild ud ana io.sicr iiuiue institutions. Another iuipoi tan tfact to be considered is, mai tlie liiuiuulou Live has thus tar obtained A VKKY JILCJl LARGER INTEREST lor the money invented at home, than any oi tne iew VotK companies receive for their investments., according to their sworn siuteineuis boioi e the Commissioner of that State. Ihese unuuestionabie facts should com- iueud this company, above all others, to our. people Lot U oe born in mind that millions of dollars received lor Life p-e- laiuins have been seat North since thewar. which at oi.ee drain a the South andenrienes the plethoric capitalists of the North. 11 there was no other consideration, safety, fairness ana cheapness being equal, why .Norm Carolinian sTnould insure AT HOME. this were more innu sumclent. T1IL ViL31lNUTON LIFE Las excellent special features. ii piiiecs no coii lotion on Residence or Travt i : li in .li js no extra charge for b'tt- maie ii-Ks : and Us Policies are inc ntes- t;-.!ji-.iiii. rive i tals. !(.- business is managed econoiu cally. Its iisivs aie taKeh n ith cuuai caution, lis iuvetint.u:s are made judiciously, its iioMois : " 1A0 .iMV, rii0JIi'LESS, FAIliXESS." ACii!..N l- WANTKD in every County in the fsuiie. witu Aiiuiu hie most, liberal terms Will be made. Apply to ' ' JaJics L. BROOKS, uouer.i: supervising Agnt, or, nlt:0. 11. HILL, Local A.eiil, Oct: A. Wtiut. Ralclgn, .C. t. (i.NNEUTlCUT. MUTUAL OK 1 1 A K 1 KORD. U N . ii- x) v 1 A ..v ' - -V Annual income, Nearly $ 10 , 0 0 0 ,000 . O 02! ! X 4-'-' "V TnU Company ,4tas steadily pursued two great practical ends: FIRST. To pl.icets policies beyoud the power of udver.-.eco:itm,44ieies. . SlOOjD. To re J nee the actual5ouil5 of its mem- tieis ..r t .eir policies 10 igi: lowest possible rate. . o aecompiish tliia it allows hint to retain from Al, to so pfcr cent, of tlie first lirtnnum as a permanent credit or loan, ami to retain f.om each subsequent prem ium inat portion ol the pievious. year's. full premium actually proved to be surplus ; so that at no time dies me company lane from lain a tiitilier actual premium than is needed to carry theiisk lor the year, and provide the reinsurance: tund. It.isstrictly -Mutual. iNotliing is diverted to stock hoi jers, and each membei has his insur ance at its exact cost to the Company, Its rate of expense has beei froin ti;e begiht niu; less than iht of other companies. .S. JliuUuL.w WAIT, Gen. Agent, Odice opposite Post Office, jaujl tf. Kaleigh, N. C. 0 LL) OiiTH STATE INSURANCE COMPANY, WARUENTON, N. C. CAl-lTAtSTOCK, iijsaits Against Loss or - $100,000. Damage hj Fire, tM,. Ay. S3. PAV 18, 11. PLUMMKH, h v long, W.M J NORWOOD, President. yice-Presidept Secretary Treasurer. T C Wir r,LM Sup't Agencies. ' '.! V." H Puyjf i teuton- E II Plum n - r, i s.., jr i Win Watson, Ksq., v mr. iiii.ynTotman, Rig, Warrenton; H ti im.i i r7f ia fdi.viin; J Ruxton Wll liMu,,' 8 .-Capt J J Davis, i)iwMcbVs tall, and n Grseu, lialtlmore, ?a-iAi. He is wetaleUh N CjCapt louiA' . . I c ; Capt 13 JV1 Col- huJfiiuI to be as fx F'a Felef War. rtHJarits us most piruo 0 v f HE VOL. II. MORNING EDITION. Slit gaily fJfaM." THURSDAY.. APRIL 10. lg?3 gr All parties ordering the Now will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. J3?Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged rani Twenty Cents per line. FJ. O. II. NUTTALL,. Of thft Chnrlnttfi Advertising Agency, is agentfor this paper in Charlotte, X. C. He is duly authorized to contract for advertisements and receipt lor subscriptions. Messrs. Griflln and Hoffman. Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 south street. 1?Q t TV1 rW ft lira Hnltr ntlin.itini1 mn tract forauvertisenients atoui lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. The Agricultural Journal and the News. The State agricultural Journal, an eight-page Weekly published in mis city, will be clubbed with the daily News at 8.50 per annum, and with the Weekly News at S3 50 per annum. Orders directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. LOCAL MATTER. JE. C. WOODSON, City Editor USP" Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. gj Local Briefs. The Sunday Schools " are thinking abou t pic-nics. (lj Pure and mellow! Century Whiskey ! See the notices of G. T. Stronach & Bro. in another column. Judge S. W. Watts arrived in the city yesterday afternoon. Up to 6 p. m. yesterday the Police Coutt was without a case. Fat cattle wanted by A. II. Temple. See h's notice iu another column. Sweet potatoes for sale by See notice elsewhere. A. II. Temple. Capt. J. J-. Davis, ot Franklin, is in in theity ia attendance upon the Su perior Court. A lively mule auction took place in fiont of the Court House Yesterday- afternoon. The odors waited from the thousands ot bass of fertilizers in the city is not at all suggestive ot peaches and nfilk. Grand opening of Charles Homau' Summer Garden ou Monday next, when a iree luucn will oe siven. bee notice elsewhere. A small white lad, living in Eastern Ward, broke his arm yesterday by a fall irom the fence which he was trying to walk. T. II. Biiggs '& Co. are increasing the capacity ol their Sash and Blind Fac tory by putting in a new and large engine. Col. W, II. II Tucker, ol the finr. of xucssif. t uctver cv r 'is..u. city yesteniay, alter an absence of some wttks in New lork City. The following letters are held in the postofiiee of this city lor lack of proper postage: Miss Ann Harris, Lock ville, N. C. Charles Irvin, Sardis P. O. Miss. Boquets of various kinds of flowers form many of the face trimmings. A boquet and trailing sprays are seun at the b.ick,'tiiiugled with streamers ot lace and ribbon. Mr. Commissioner Woods is in the city, taking testimony m claims before the Southern Commissioners. Parties who have cases -wi.il' take uotice and at tend. J. M. Rosenbaum is now receiving a large and elegant stock of dry goods air. it isenuaum is a inercuant or large experience, and eniovs a large and de served patronage in this community Bradley opened his soda fountain yesteidav and drenched the News for a start. The superiority of Bradley s soda water is too well known to require further notice. Go and see for your selves. Messrs. Wicker, Dunston and Petti- ford, township tax list takers have com menced operations. The lists are kept at the Mayor's oftice and are accessible from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. each day, except Sunday. We learn that the Postmaster ct this city has obtained from the couDty Commissioners permission to remove the present Postofiiee building on the Court House lot. The Postofiiee will then be nearly opposite the Yarborough House. We presume that, as a matter of course, the Department at Washiug tou will consent to this arrangement, as it will save a considerable amount in rent to the Government while the new Postofiiee building is being erected. The. quiet of the city was broken in upon yesterday about the hour of 1 p. m. by the dread alarm of fire being sound ed. The cause was soon discovered to be the burning ol the kitchen of Dr. W. II. Martin, on Hillsboro' street near St. Marv's. The rooi had caught from spaiks from the chimney, but the fire was entinguished before any material damage was- done. The fire depart ment turned out promptly, but happily their eryicts were not needed, Wp learn that our citizens are slow in engaging lock-boxes in the city Postof iiee. Tht se boxes would certainly be a great convenience to business men. We lcaru that the Postmaster will order and put up the boxes if fifty can be engaged. The charge will be 3 for the box. They will be the propeity of the person ordering the box, and can be sold or transferred at any time. The box rent will be $5 per annum. The use ot lock boxes will serve to decrease the "rush" which takes place whenever the doors are oneucd, and will enable the holders of lock-boxes to deposit their letters and take out their mails at all hours. RALEIGH, N. C. "Ouk State Capitol." The Hills- boro Recorder in its last issue has the following comments .upon our recent ar ticle in relation to the Capitol building, which we take pleasnre in reproducing in order that the "tiuth of history" may be vindicated : "The Raleigh News has of late pre sented some sketches of the Capitol at Raleierh which furnish much entertain- g and useful information. Ave are glad to see the effort. 'to recall and fix the incidents and transactions of a gen eration fast vanishing from the scene,and giving permanency to acts which exist now only in oral tradition. The News has fallen into the com mon error in connection with the pave ment of the South passage of the build ing, and ascribes it to inherent delect in the material. This is incorrect, and docs injustice to stone naturally as en during aa.anv in the other part9 of the structure. M'he "Raleigh" Granite" geo logically considered, constitutes a dis tinct formation, with characteristics peculiar to itself, one of which is feld spar in undue proportion, llns ele ment has' a. tendency to undergo destruc tive change by chemical action. It is acted' u pop with great vigor by any caustic alkali, such as potash, or lime. Many persons are not too .old to re member the great celebration in Raleigh in June, 1840, on the completion of the Capitol, and of the Raleigh and Gaston Road, both events being celebrated in the same r Jubilee. The doors of Ral eigh were all thrown open. Immense crowds were drawn into the City from all the surrounding country, and Vir ginia poured forth its beauty and lash ion. Entertainment and provision on the most bountiful scale were prepared. On the occasion of the great dinner. which was one ol the striking, features of the festivity, one place was found in sufficient. One of tbe dinners was spread in the warehcuse of the Raleigh and Gasion Road, another was hud in t;:e passageof the Capitol, extending troni the JNorth to the bouth door. At the South end where the carving was principally done, through hurry and care!esiuess,much grease 'was. spilt upon the floors, and after the feast unsightly stains marred the beauty of the newly finished pavement. To counteract this, and in ignorance of the character of the stoue, the flooring was thickly covered with quick-linie,which not only brought away the grease, but the substance of the rock with iC The mischief was done at. once, and when the Legislature sat iu tlie building for the first time, in the following November the South passage floor presented nearly the sanie appearance that it does at-thisdav, allowing that the wear has not been the gradual effect off time,but sudden chem ical action." Origin of the cld North State.' From the Hillsboro Recorder we take the following interesting account of the origin of our State song, known as the "Old North State :" "The Presbyterian has recently under taken to trace the origin of a song which may be called the Nat local air of iNortli Uorolina. 1 Here ate some errors in the statement which we design to correct. The authorship is rightlv giv- en. out there is a rnistaKe as to the uio tive or occasion of the composition. As we were nrtsent 1:1 Uaieigu at ti e time, our version may be relied on, acd it will be sustained by the recollection of others. Upon the occasion of the completion, of the Raleigh and Gaston llailroad, and of the new Capitol in June 18-40, the Halls of the Capitol1 were thrown open tor the entertainment of the numerous guests, aod victors to the city. The Senate Chamber was appropriated to dancin" and on two successive nights magnificent balls were enioyed in that room, the well known Frank Johnson, with his exhilirating band, furnishing the music. The Hall of the "House ot Commons." was appropriated to prom- enaders, and lor their enjoyment, a German harpist anei wife were employed to play, i heir names were Canderbeck. Une oi the airs made a strong im pression upon the now venerable Mrs. James Tavlor. She was so carried away with it, that she called upon Judge Gaston, who was always an in mate of her house during the sessions ol the Supreme Court,to compose words atlaotedto the fascinatiug air. - Judge G. readily entered into the spirit ot the humor, and produced, almost impromp tu, the lines which became ac once upi versallv known and popular. It .cannot be said that they possess much poetical merit, yet they were so hearty, so full of Stale pride and lofty patriotism, that they struck a chord to which every heart at once rebounded. It is possible that the Uerman may have uttered the blessing upon our State, which furnished the key note to Judge Gaston's composition, but we had always hearcbiind believed-that the author was left entirely free to the in spiration of his bwn genius." M. B. L. A. The 48th regular meet ing of the Mechanics' 'Building and Loan Association will be held in the Court House on Friday, evening, 11th iust., at 8 o'clock. Fines will be stricllv enlorctd against delinquents. .. Members can pay their dues to the undersigned at his store, 33 Fayctteyille street. Wm. Simpson, 2t Secretary. Wanted. An active, intelligent business man sober and to canvass Eastern North Carolina for the State Agricultural Journal. References re quired. Address, . State Agricultural Journal, t Raleigh, N. C. Registration. Yesterday the regis tration in the various Waids resulted as follows : - . Middle Ward. Whites 4 ; colored 3. Western Ward. Whites 16 ; colored 9- - Eastern Ward. Whites 8 ; colored 0. THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 10. 1873. Superior CouRT.-rThe Court met yesterday at the usual hour, Judge AlbertsoD, presiding. Thecriminal docket continued, . The following cases were taken up : State vs. Jno. Williams. Assault and battery. Defendant submitted. Judg ment not prayed. State vs. Armstead Brown. Forgery. Verdict, not puilty. State vs. Edmund Jones. Larceny. Verdict, guilty. Judgment reserved. State vs. M. A. Bledsoe. Unlawful road. Defendant submitted. Judgment, sixpence and cost. State vs. Horace Manly. Larceny. Verdict guilty. Judgment reserved. State vs. Nick Alford. ' Affray. Ver dict guilty. Judgment that the de fendant pay $1 fine and cost. State vs. Annie McNeal. Larceny. Oeicnclaat feubmitled. Judgment sus pended ou payment of cost. : ' - btate vs. Jack Kansom. Larceny. Defendant called and failed. Judgment nisi. . btate vs. Norwood Williams. As sault and batterv. verdict not euiltv. State vs. J. A. Terry. Ausault and battery. Defendant submitted. Judg ment sixpence and cost. State, vs. Bryant W hillev, Sol Wat son, V,iap Mial, Oilbert bcawrell and Jane Terrell, larceny, was in progress. when the Court adjourned until to-mor row at 10, a. in. The State had closed its evidence iti the case when the ad journment took place. Clean Up. As will be seen from the following from the Chief of Police. house-keepers and lot owners are called upon to put their premises in cleanly order. It Is to be hoped that this warn ing will be at once heeded and acted upon, in the general health during the summer months, depends in a great measure upon prompt work in this di rection : By an Ordinance of the City of Ral eigh, it is made my duty to see that all fi'th and refuse matter liable to breed siCKness, tve, is removed Dy owners from all lots within the city limits. This is, therefore, to give notice that I shall immediately make a rigid inspec tion ot all premises within the city, and shall strictly enforce the ordinance in regard to the same. Owners of premises will save themselves trouble and the payment of the fines prescribed for neg lecting or refusing to do so, by having their back-yards and lots, cleaned immediately, and all refuse matter antl other faith removed. J as. C. King, Chief ot Police. Raleigh, April 8, 1873. . ' The Halifax Hotel. We spent couple of days in the town of Halifax this week, and were much pleased to find the convenient and handsome im provement made in that ancient and honored 'burg by the opening of the new "Southern Hotel," under the man agement of Mr. Hunter Harris. The building is complete and thorough in its arrangements, is furnished and kept in goou style oy Mr. Harris, it will prove a source of great comfort to those whs nave to stop over in mat town, ana we congratulate the citizens uoon at last having a hotel in their midst. T" we - V- UECEIVED 1113 bPIUjNQ bTOCK OK Goods. By reference to advertisements elsewhere, it will be seen that Mr. A. Creech, has received a full stock of Spring Goods, embracing everything in this line. An examiuation of the stock will prove interesting if not beneficial. State of Tua Tkekmometer. -The Thermometer yesterday stood as follows at Branson s Book Store : . At 9 am... . . . . ..... At 12 m.. ......... .. At 5 p. m . . .... . . . . . . . . At 6 p. ni . . . . . . ........ SO 84 80 80 See the law card, in another column, ot H. E. Cullom.Esq , Attorney at Lav, at Smithheld, N. U. He practices in the Courts of Johnston, Wayne, Wake, llaulax, W arren and ad joining countie'3. and in the Supreme Court of North Carolina.1 . ... A Positive Relief. The rain storm last evening was Quite a relief to the immeuse clouds ot dust that proved so disagreeable throughout Yesterday. . . . . . . Dissolution of Copartnership - See notice elsewhere of dissolution of the copartnership of Mcssis. A. G. Lee& Co. ..... -,..:., "Keep Cool." This is the advice of Mr. Wm. Simpson. See his notice else where and call and try his soda water. (2) A pure Whiskey ! stimulant, Century W Y AT T, G RE E N & CO have a complete stock of heavy and fancy Groceries, at very low prices. Wholesale and retail at aprl 9-tf No. 4, South side Market. IT I Q V R ED JACONET F I AND P E Just received at R C A L E S, niar29-tf DAVIS, DRAKE & CO'S 150 LBS. NICE CORNED BEEF lor famiiiea. Best in this market. aprlotf WAYNE ALLCOfT. 2Q aplUf BUSHELS STOCK PEAS. - W. C. STRONACH, PEARCE COTTON SEED FOR SALE. The undersigned has for sale a small quantity of Cotton Seed of last year's crop which he can recommend to the publictts being superior to any ever raised in this State. . This Cotton grows in clusters of from 8 to t" bolls, five blocks to each boll, and pro- duces forty pounds of lint from ones hun dred pounds of seed cotton. - It is a long staple, of a . beautiful white fleecy appearance, and is almost taual in texture to the celebrated Sea Island cotton The seed were originally procured by the undersigned in Mississippi, where they sell for 25 cts. apiece. A sample of the Pearce Cotton and Seed can be seen al the store ol G. T. Stronach & Co., of Kaleigh. For particulars apply to them, or to the undersigned, at Iliiiiard- ston. JOHN J. PEARCE, Hilliardston, oprl-D&W2w NasU county, N, fj. NOON DISPATCHES. FROM NEW YOItK. Spanish K e w s T he Gas lien's Strike &c. Nilv York, April 9. A Madrid letter to the Worlds says, that Deputy Garcia Ruiz inveighed forcibly against the United States, in rhc late debates on slavery, saying that Spain might as well ask England to initiate a reform in the East Indies as for the United States to advise a release ot slaves by Spain in the Antilles, after a long tirade against the course of anglicizing the American continent, pursued by tbe United States, he concluded by saying he would rather see Spain in power of, Charles the Seventh than divided among the English, French,Portuguese. and American. An attcmot to elect two school trus tees in Fordham, Westchester county, yesterday, culminated in a riot, which lasted all the aftsmoon with altera ting success between the two factions. the police being lrtquently "uriven off but returned bravely to the charge. Up to 9 o clock last night not a vote had been cast. Several were badly wounded by clubs aud stones. A special irom the camp, near the lava beds, states thut the Peace Com misiou had not yet accomplished , any thing, they having had but one talk with the leading Indians-, although unjeliabie Indians like " Bogus Charley" come in every day and get presents from Commission. Another battery reached the camp on the 7th. Col. Mason's com- rn-nds is now within two miles to the eastward of Capt. Jack's camp, and sig nal stations through the country have been estublisheel. Boats Wave been put on the lake and communication between the camps is frequent. The gas men and police came into conflict last evening and alter a short and sharp tussle the policemen were victorious, The strikers made a dem onstration on the Manhattan Gas Works on the 10th Avenue side,but the Jattack ing party was repulsed with but little damage liallying, a rush was made tor 17th street entrance, but the police quickly appearing there, the strikers were overawed and retired to a safe distance, where they had a consultation, and the ponce say obtained arms, subsequently the wuole lorce or strikers were massed, and a rush was made, that the police might be taken by surprise and an entrance gained. The police were on the alert, however, apd routed the gas men, many of whom had bruised heads and well belabored bodies. Pistols were used on either side. It was understood that attacks were made on the works so that the valve room might be gained and the gas shut olT, so that the citizens generally mi3ht be inconvenienced and made to sympathize with the strikers. During the conflicts outside the works, there was great ex citement inside. The men were armed, and expressed a determination to pro tect themselves. Domestic News. There is a heavy snow in Iowa and Kansas. The election for municipal officers in Albany, New York, resulted in 1,500 Democratic maiority. Thieving bands of Indians are nu merous .in the western part of Nebras ka. Despatches from the lar west intticate no improvement in the disposition ot the Indians. 1 here has been some detention in travel , North from landslides, causetl by J he great freshets. H. J.Mason, Stenographic Reporter is dead. lie died of htart disease. The Will ol Brigham Young. New York, April 9. A. special de spatch lii'iu Salt Lake City says tnat Brigham Young made a will " dividing his immense property equally among his sixteen wives and sixty children, and cuefull7 stipulating the method ot division. Il is believed that the old Mor mons will follo w, the change of Joriunes ot their self eleposcel le-ders, aud that so lar as Utih is concerned, the Mor mon problem may-' be considered as solved. Resignation of Ildsham Youug, Salt Lakis City, April 8. The Mor mon Uonierence was largely attended to day. Biigham Young addressed the Saints, and said he was getting old, and wanted young men to cany on the work he hael commenced. He wanted seven counsellors to aid the first Piesi dent, and finally lie resigned the posi tiou of Trustee in tiust oi the Church. , Sentenced. Conc mD, N. H-, 'April Olh. Georg Dherbuiii, who eloped with a young girl and j lead guilty to adultery, was sentenced tq three years in; the btate prison. . , , . J ; . Connecticut Election. Hartford, April 9th. The' House stands 109 Republicans and ld2 Demo crats. Last year it stood 13Q Republi cans and 111 Democrats, Ingcrsols ma jority is 3,443. Fatal W all Tall. Rochester, N, Y., April 9. A wall on the river side fell, carrying 20 to 30 ueople. m-inv ot whom it 'is feared are drowned. The river is Avon. still rising at MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. New York Financial Market. New Yohk, April 9. Sales m gold have been al 117 to 11.. Loan rates have been " at o to fj y.t cem. --tor-carrying. The money market is still stringent, but rates are loer, &c. Gov ernment bonds strong. Southern State bonds, at board, dulL ,; - - - - ; ''" . ' llealth of the rope.. J RoiiB, Ap.il 9th, The Iope suff. red considerably eatcrdav, but is better to day. His Holiness is stiU confined to hi3 bed, N0.37. New York Items, i New York, April 9. The Italians employed by the New York Gas Com- pany have all left and Germans have supplied their places. Everything b&s been quiet around the gas works to-day. Th strikers have given, up all hopes that the employees of the Manhattan company will join them. Car drivers on the -Belt Line will eti ike to-morrow lor $2.75 per day, at present they only gei $2. Judge Tappan, of Brooklyn decided to-day that Mrs. Meyers, a witness in tne Goodrich case, should be discharg ed onher own recognizance and surety ol $1000. "J , v The United States, Senate committee heard to day the continuation of the arguments in reference to the postal car question. President Hickney, of the Philadelphia and Bahimore road, read an extracts Irom the annual reports, snowing the small uronts resulting to the company from earnings ol carrying mails. President Harris, of the Connecticut valley road, stated that his company received $12,900 from the express per year, and ii they were paid accordingly tor mails; they would get $45,950 year- y, as it is they only get ten dollars tor a round trip by a 21 feet, car, with two issengers. It the latter paid their are it would cost them seven dollars. Hinckley, presuming road docu ments to snow the ineouahtv of the postal 'remuneration, his own compa ny received 62 cents per mile for a thir ty feet car on the; Baltimoie and Cen tral branch, while on the Delaware branch, they only received 14 cents per mile lor 30 feet cars. Mails were car. rieel in the same class of car3 on both branches. The committee then adjourn ed till to-morrow, when Davis will make argument for postofiiee depart ment. - -- ' " . -' s . - .. . ,- , A Destructive Fire ia the Woods, GoKDONSNiLLE, Va.'. April 9. A tim ber conflagration is raglDg on all sides of the village. The entire population are panic stricken. Some families are eaviug their houses to avoid destruc tion. 1 he fire commenced south of the village on the farm of Mr. Meenie, in the Green Spring neighborhood, and swept across the railroad at Meltons, a station on the C. & O. R. R , three miles south of this place, destroying the station, dwelling houses and everything its path. 1 he railroad track is ren dered impassable and. the trains will be detained probably for an hour. The fires have swept nearlv all the fencing &c, in its path and has caused great destructipn to timber, houses, &c. The oss is heavy to the farmers. The fire ias extended to the mountains and along the line of the O. & M. R. R., and C. &0. R. R. Companies. The latter will lose heavily on wood and build ings. . From Washington. Washington. April 9. The White House has been crowded The President goes to Richmond, Va., on the 10th of May. The President has signed the com missions of Win. McKennan postmas ter at Sheiveport, La., and Thomas E Milstead, Collector of Customs at York town, Va. ----- , The Rochester Freshet. Rochester, N. Y., April 9. The water rose steadily uutil noon, when it became stationary. The persons that went down with the wall have beeu recovered. Reports from the op .valley .show that the water is falling slowly anel the canals are gradually tilling up. Defaulting Professor. PlULADELPAIAi PA-. April 9. Prof. Kerch, of Ilahnemonn JSjfedical Col lege, who disappeared from the city three weeks since, has been discovered to be a defaulter, having squandered funds of the College by his dissipated. habits. From Sew York. New Yokk, April 9 Gov, Dix has signed the JJcac;) I'ueumatic Tube raii road biil. i : The Welland canal will be opeueel on the 21st inst. '.' ' . 1 :; Ail quiet around the dav. ; . ; gas Works 10- Mobile Fire Department. Mobile April 9 The Fi e Djpmt tntnt of this city, composed ot 9 com panies, 7 with steameis and 2 hook and ladder companies, celebrated their 85th anniversary to-day. The display was beautitul. -The- Fishermen . -Dos don, April 9.-In the conflict in Kinsale, Ireland, between the fishermen strikers and . the s. police,, two strikers were k,iiled and several injured. , At last accounts the fishermen were again assuming a threatening attitude. Georgia Medical Association. 1 Atlanta,' April 9th'. The Georgia Slate Medical Association met to-day, A large number were in attendance. Road Blocked. ; v PouGHKKEPsiE, N, Y., April 9. The western bound train returned. The central road is impassable. .', More Missiosr. ' Rochester, N. Y-, April 9. More of the bouKi have been recovered,' -More are reported missing., E Probalities. j ' VVashlsgton, April 8. For the Middle aud South Atlantic States brbk westeily winds with cool weather. , and clearing R A L S Proposals for the erection t( a building f r the Coiore-l Departm nt'of the Worth Carolina Instiluiion.f -r&Ue JUeafand Dumb aud the Blind, will Ue receivrd until Mon day, April 21st, 1875, at 12. o'clock, M.; j)?ar ties can bid for the BricK Wora and Plasi ti ing, aud the Wood Work, separately, or can bid for the whole Pians and speoiticaiions can be seen at the oince of the Principal. '1 he Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, - 1 : . K. H. TUCKER, V H LoCKHAKX, J-BuUding Com. JNO. N1CHOL, J apri9-10t. O O S DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. une sauara. eae insertion . :.t 1 no One squar. two iimi-Mnn .,,.-.. , l 50 One square, three Insertions 2 00 One square, six insertions ..M 8 50 One square, one month-.w-.fc-.i.. 8 00 One square, three months.....-... . 16 00. One square, six montha... . 80 00 One square, t-.elve raonthB, 6000 1-or larger advertisements, liberal con ' tracts will be made. Ten line s solid non pareil constitute one Hquare. . COMMERCIAL) REPORT.' " Wew York Markets., . s -. , New Yokk, April 9. Cotton dull; sales 1516 bales ; uplands 19-; Orleans 20-. Flour quiet and heavy ; common to fair extra $0.10a$S25; good to choice $8.40a$12.75. Whis key a shaue easier at 90, ; Wheat better! request ; holders ask an advance ; white western tl.97a4F2.00. Corn stady, felr demano, yellow western ti4i4&65. Kice quiet 7a8g. Porx firmer, new 17.85al7.405 Lard steady Turpentine nominal. Uosln firm. Tallow steady. Freights quiet. Cotton Net receipts LOIS bales ; gross 3,301 ; sales for export to-day 1,000 bale. Sales of cotton lor future delivery to-day, 1,000 bales, as follows: April. 18al9. May. la4al9 3-16; June, 19al July, 19 5 16al9; August 1714. i -:..'. , Money firm 1-1G&J-5.' GoluT8al8 Gov-" ernmeute advance iii States duii steady. ' Foreign Markets. . . London. April 9. Consols closed at 93a. 93. fives IWaOO-K. . TeaskforT, April 9. Bonds.95?5. 1 I Paris, April Rentes 55 and 27. ( : r Li vkrpoou April 9. Cotton closed aulet: . uplands 9J4 , Orleans 9a9. 1 Later Cotton quiet; sales 10,000 bales. Speculation and export 2,000, - - ' . , 1 ... r 1 , ! ; . Wilmington Markets. . Wilmington. April 9. SDirits tur pentine q uiet 48. Rosin Lieher at $70 for ' strained; April delivery $2."j0. cruue A urpentine steady at for hard ; $6.50 for yellow dip and virgin, Tar market lUrm $2.60. v " Cotton Markets. ' Wilmington. ' N. Anr'il ' 9; Totton Boston. , April 9. Cotton dull ? . . m A . dling 20. ' . -. ' Baltimore. Anril 9. Cotton dull ; raid. . dllDgS 1 ; , . r , , . Norfolk. Anrll 9. Cotton oulek; low middlings 17. .. - - , ,., New Orleans. April 9. Cotton stead V : , middling 19al9 - Mobile. April ' 9. Cotton dull, easier : gpod ordinary 14; middlings 16. , : NEW advertisements; i .... .! BO WEN WHISKEY 4 YEARS OLDf'r rj 1 1 . . - - jcu ucb w uiatLvy years Old. James Miller Old Hye. -' v . t ! i Chicken Cock Rye. i Martin Old Rye. - ' N, C. Corn Whiskey, . c , . 5 aplO-tf. (i. T. STRONACH & BRO. rpEAS, COFFEE t AND : SUGAR, , Of every Grade. ., . , ( , ,:-. . , aplO-tf G. T. 8TR0NACH & BRO. Pf E . . C . U L L O M it 1 t io rn eyl a t Law '$' ; , SMITBFIELD, N. C. Practices In the SuDerior Courts nf John. ston, Wayne, Wake, Halifax, Warren and1 adjoining counties, and In the Supreme Court of North Carolina. 4t3"CIaims collected in any part of the State. - - , - aplO-Sm. DISSOLUTION" OF COPARTNER SHIP. , . Toe Copartnership heretofore exlstlnir be tween the subscribers under the name of A. G. LfcE & CO, is this day dissolvedby limitation. ' .. April 8th, 1873. .;-;' ." -. Win B. Loub is fully authorized to adjust and settle the bnslness of tbe late firm. A. G. LJEK ' " . A.T. MIAL, apl0-12t V J. W. B. WATSOM. ; A C R E : E C II Faycttcville Street, RALEIGH, N. C.,' : U-:in v WHOLESALE AMD RETAIL DEALER IN STJPLE AxD FAXCYDRT GOODS, Wtfolens, Flannels, Hosiery, MlHItery, White Goods and Yankee' Notions, BOOTS, SHOES, HITS TEDSKS, VALISES ic I "offer to my friends and customers a full line of particularly attractive and desirable Spring and Summer Dress Goods, and a beautiful assortment of . s , japan silks, white & colored piques, : to which your especial attention is invited., Prints, D3mestifs,Cottonades, Docks, Jeans, and Piece Goods Generally, - - 1 in all desirable grades, styles and prices, which I guarantee to suH. ' - - - Cloths, Cassimcres and Gents' Fnrauluiig GooJi In Greater Variety than ever before. ' r?,KK..J.n wk'u.. 'n:ln,i '. r k.;' nr: ' ' mings, lI(bilry,'Glovesi Towels and 1 ' laukeeNotio.is, Corsets, plain , and embroidered rMad-. ! . ) . arae Foy'a, . Thomp- -son's Giove Fitting, , :. , Hawk's 0n and other Cele-'-.' brated makes ; Uoopskir 13 ' Bustles, &c! ------ - - ... 1 - -, An immecse stuck of noorkiiJrn suoks, 1 from coarse to fine wear. Can please and suit ail in want of these goods.' ' ' All of the latest styes in t --. UfcA IS' SILft., tU&Ja.. lUAH & t iJK UATSj I 1 It 1 S O Id ' 8 i i!t a specialty some of the latest Paris nov elties, and a large stock of Umbrellas for sun and rain. You should see them. ': ' Experience La long since taught that I. deal fairly with all, aud the unprecedented' success iu business for the last year has In duced me to lay In a much larger-stock than ever before, which 1 can, will, and do sell) at popular prices. Trusting to be sustained in the future a iu the past, shall ever eon tinue to represent goods as they are, and sell them ac the very lowest ' prices. - Yoa are earnestly solicited to examine for your self.1 Respectfully y Samples sent on Application. id i i- ,, f ( . FIRE EXTINGUISHER flaoK AND LA DDES TRUCK. EQITP3IOT, . ' . ' . i Absolute Protection from Fire ! Gen. Wade Hampton, ' Saya : . -, .; - r '. ..... , -,, - ; i "THE GARDNER TRE EtTlNGUISH EU has my hearty approval, and I recom-' mnd its general introductiou as a safe and efficacious protection against tbe risk of fire. Tbe great benefits it has conferred ia saving property. Justify the confidence re poseu In it," , f 1 yj- y ' , 8eud for Descriptive circular to Grame fr Deltossett. Agents, Wilmington, N.C ' , " mhz7-MaVaK2m , ; s O D A W A -T B. Ice cohl and refrtshing. prepa.-ed by the 1 ne.-, land n ii provi-u apparatus. , j -The following uiiucial vk a. jis always on draught; . ;J ;!-;. .:-:, j lieesengen, .:-;,;- Vicney, Congrcea and Seltzer.,. ' . Fa m lies, with sj phons, can be supplied with any of the above. All iu full blast.wlih genuine fruit syrups. fcpri5tf at , ttlMFSON