DAILY NEWS. STOXK & UZZELL, - - Proprietors. Fay Trvi Street, Over W. J. titronach fc Co.'s Store. CASH IN VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to ulMfivi.wr4 at kiktkkjj cents per week, p iy knle to the carrier weekly. Mailed at $7 p-iv :tniiuiu; t-.;:..'.4forsix months; $2forthre3 "rf'i'vVKWKLY. NKWS at 52 per anuunj. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One ftnnnra ba Iniwrf .MW. w. W ... One square, two insertions-, One square, three lasertions. 1 00 1 50 2 00 3 50 8 00 square, six insertions wuo square, one montn... One square, three months 16 00 une square, six mwMl)s.,..m. 80 00 One square, V . elve months,......... 50 00 ? iSfSer advertisements, liberal con tracts wiU be made. Ten line s solid non pareil constitute one square. VOL. II. RALEIGH. N. C SATURDAY '"MORNING. APRIL 12. 1873. NO. 39. DAILY NEWS. -- 1HB PRING MILLINERY, 1873. .11 R S a: TT IJTG E It has now receive! the- largest stock of Mil linery LADIES' I A( Y ASi) Fl'RMSlIIXG GOODS ever brought to this market. This stock was selected with the greatest care by Mrs. O. in person, and lonsists of an endless variety of BONNETS AND 1IAT8, tiimnic4 and untrimmed, FLOWERS "in t lie greatest profusion, 2,000 Pieces of Ribbons, Laces, Silks. 100 dozen pair KID GLOVES, we. make this one of our specialties. Col larettes, KulHings ol every description, LADIEV SILK BOWS AND TIES, Hair Goods, real nnd imitation, Ladies', 'Misses' aiut Children's Hose, Ladies' Under garments, Lauies' Keady-made Dresses, itahy Dresses, Corsett Covers, Corsetts, Knitting and crocnet Cotton, White Trimming-, of evrry kind. Silk and Cotton Fringes, Collars and Cuffs, real and imita tion Laces, Lace Collars, Undersleeves, and many other articles not here mentioned. At (ETTINGEK'S you find the exact thing necessary, there you will not have to. put up" with a make t-hilt, which is often the casein a small stock. While buying at I3AAC CET TING EES fs buying at the fountain head, at first hands, therefore the cheapest. All the novelties are there;, all the quaint and origi nal things in eadless varietv. As a speeiacie, it is better than a theatre. Go, youngami old, witn the former it will be a school of instruction, and with the latter it will have a most desirable effect, and that is, it will revive their youth. We are Agents for E. Kutterick x Co's Patterns. Send for Catalogues. ap2-DJc Wlm . A C li E E C II -JFayctteviile Street, t KALEIGH, N. C, WHOI.LSALS AND RETAIL, DEAL Kit IN STA PLE A 0 FJL CY DEY GOODS, ATouIens,- Ilanad-i, Hosiery, Slilliaery, White Goods aud Yankee Notions, HOOTS, SHOES, HATS, TRUES, VALISES k I oflYr to my friends and customers a full Hue. of particularly attractive and desirable spring and suiutier Dress Goods, and a beautiful asoortmnt of JAPAN SILKS. WHITE & COLORED PIQUES, to which your especial attention is invited. Prints, l)3tncslics,CottO!iai3cs, Docks, Jeans, and l lece Gw-jtls Generally, -iu all desirable grades, stj'lea and prices, w hich I guarantee to suit. - Cloths, Casshucres anJ Cents' Faruiiliing Goods, In Greater Variety than ever before. Ribbons. W'l.ite GoodLaces, and Trim- mings, Hosiery, Gloves, Towels and Yankee Notions, Corsets, plain, aud embroidered Mad ame Fuy'a, sou's Glove Hawk's 0 a ti and Thorn p Fittiug, other Cele- brated makes: iloopskirts Bustles. An immerse stock, of. n m shoes, - from course to tine wear. Can please and suit ail in waul of these goods. . Ail ,1 i-ie iat. st styes ill GKX'fS' ML, I0li, ST&ltT & FCK UATS. f I el "s O L. s a1 speciiil y so. ne of the latest Paris nov elties, ai.u a iaigr! stoclc ot Umbi eiias for Kuuii.niia.ii. Vuu snouid see them. l;ti iciice has long since taught that I deal fairly with all, and the unprecedented success in busiiiwss for the last year has In duced me io lay in a nuicii laiger stock, than ever beioie. wuioii I can. will, and do sell at popular prices. Trusting to be sustained iu uic liauie a in ttie uat. sn ai ever con tinue to represent g .oils as i.i-y are, aud ve.i tlicia ill liie eiy Iowc.-m , l iee-. You are tarucsLly solicited toexu;...i. lor your- seil. litspeclluliy A. Jxi.:i-: JU. 4' S .in pies sent on Application, apio il-A'a v 4w. . "DEAUl E CO r 1 OX SEED FOli X HALE. The undersigned has for sale a small quan tit., .of cotton Seed ot last year's crop, wiiicu lie i-.an lecomiuend tb the public its being superior -to any ever raised in this hi ate. i uis c 'it ton grows in.clusters of fromSto I Urns, nve ol cks to each boll, and pro iIiTws ioiiy pounds of lint from one hun- ur d no ill ia ol seel cotton. it is a iojLi .-stayie. of a beautiful white fleecy appearance, and is almost tqual in Uxtuiv ' u the ceieorated Sea Island cotton Th.-;?vcd wtie originally procured by the underpinned iu iia.issippi, where they sell inr 2a. iiuieec. . A .-a.i.n.e of the Pearce Cotton aud Seed can i: aeeu at the siore oi O. T. Stronacu .t uo., i-f i.aieih. For particulars apply to lin.u, or to tbe undersigned, t liuiiard- "hiou. - JOHN J. ARISE, - liilliardsuin, api 1-D&W2W Nash county, N. C. j) U O P O S A L S Proposils lor the erection of a buildin? for the iJoiored OeDartm -nt of the-Norih Carolina lnstituiion.tjr the Deaf and Dumb and tue iiinid. Will be received until won- il-.iv a nril 2ii. is73.at 12 o'clock, M. far- th-s ilh md iir Hit: Bricn Worn and Plas tering, and i he Wood Work, separately, or can be 1 for the whoie. i Kians and specifications can be seen at the oltic ot the Principal. xiie Hoard reserves the right to rejectany or all bids, U.S. TUCK hit, ) 11 LuCKHAKr, Building Com. J. o. .N K.liuL-s J aprl 9-lut. a H D N E . R FI11E lXriNUISHEU AND U0t)x l.D UDDEll TtCK KQC1PJ1EXT, Absolute Protection from Fire I Gen. iyate Uamptoa Says : "THE GARDNER FIRE EXTINGUISII ER has my hearty approval, and I recom innd iiu .nfi'H.1 intrtKluction as a sale and eilieacious motection aeainst the risk of lire, the meat benettts it has conferred in ny i g property, justily the confidence re tjosvu in It.-' Send tor DescriDtive Circular to Grame iv i'i itossett. Agents, Wilmington, M. C. uili7-AlaWaF2m -T 'CASES BRANDY PEACHES S U Cast s Fresh Oysters, 0 Boxes assor led Candy, " Caudies, .. at aprlotf LEACH BU03. MORNING EDITION. Site gtoletglt ga tojs. SATURDAY.. APRIL 12. 1873. All parties ordering the Kcw will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. EiT Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged (20) Twenty Cents per line. 3-J. O. TI. Nuttall, of the Charlotte Advertising Agency, is agent for this paper In Charlotte, N. C He is duly authorized to contract for advertisements and receipt lor subscriptions. Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents. No. 4 South street; Baltimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. S-The Agricultural Journal and the News. The State agbiotltukal Journal, an eight-page Weekly published in inis city, will be clubbed with the Daily News at 88.50 per annum, and with the Weekly News at S3 50 per annum. Orders directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. ,. LOCAL 'MATTER.Q E. C. WOODSON, City Editor lgF" Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. J3 ? Local BiuEFs. ' Serenading parties are now in vogue. The Catholic and Episcopal churches have been diessed for Easter. . If you want to "laugh and grow fat' go and see Cal Wagner to night. Fishing excursions ate the order of the day, and quite the thing just now. Mr. j". P. Prairie has for sale 150,000 brick, three-fourths of which are hard. See notice. It is said that this county has paid noBchool tax lor the past two years. How is this ? The hop at the City Hotel Thursday evening was largely attended and high ly enjoyed. A large number ,of dwelling houses are iu course o election in Eastern and Western Wait's. X. The Mayor's Court, up to 6 p. m. yes terday, was without a case. The police report the city quiet. The Board of City Commissioners should now order a vigorous enforce ment of the u dog law." Hon. John Manning, of Pittsburg, is' in attendance upon the present session of the Superior Court of this county. The holes in the sidewalk, near Carmers drug store and the Ilowe Sewing Machine office, are still unat tended to. -It is said that the school tax in this county, it the election is carried in the affirmative, will be c cents on the f 100 worth of property. Elders P. D. Gold and L. J. Bod en heimer will preach in Metropolitan Hall on Sunday,' 13th April. Preaching will commence at 11 o'clock, A. M. A number of our State exchanges will find an advertisement in another column to be copied, concerning the meeting ot the North Carolina Medical Society. Mr. Sol. J. Allen, of Dayton, this county, has purchased through Mr. W. C. Morgan; General Agent, a lilandy 20 II. P. portable saw null, and coin mill, id tu-sigu running a gin by the same powe The fancy m gentlemen's hosiery this season is Drown xJaiDiigg&ns. ine socks come in stripes of fawn and brown, fawn and purple, maroon and other dark hues. - Undershirts and drawVare also shown in fawn colors or brown. Col. Buford, President of the Kich- mo'id & DanviliexRailroacl, was in the city yesterday. VY exsuppose Ins busi ness was in connection with the recent injunction sued out by the State author ities aaainst the proposed alteration ot the gauge ot the North Carolina Rail road :above Greeusboio. The principal point of attraction on Saturday, is in front ol the auction store o i E. W. Tiiomason, E q., whose happy style of crying always draw a crowd. Thomas is a young man of fine business qualifications, aud we are glad to see he is receiving a liberal share ot patrouage. REbiGious. Services appropriate to the occasion were held yesteiday (Good Friday), at Christ's Episcopal Church, Rev. Dr. Mason, St. John's Catholic, Rev. FatLer McNamarra. and St. Au gustine, (crloted) Episcopal, Rev. John Smedes. Each ot these churches will be appropriately decorated for Easter Sunday, and the sei vices will be of an interesting nature. Registration.-- Yesterday the regis tration in the various Waids resulted as follows : , Middle Ward. Whites Z colored Western Ward. Whites 5 ; colored 12. Eastern Ward. Whites 5 ; colored State of the Thermometer. The Thermometer yesterday stood as follows at Brauson's Book Store : At 9 a. m -.... 60 At 12 m.. i... 69 At 3 p. m 74 At 6 p. m. ..... . . 6(J Meeting op the Bar. The members ot the Raleigh Bar are requested to meet in the Court House this morning, at 9:30 o'clock, to consult as to what cases on the Civil Issue docket shaM be tried at this term. f; The last night of Cal Wagner. "The Old Tramway." It seems that a few errors crept into our recent article in relation to the Captol. where in mention was made of the old road from that building to the old rock quarry. A gentleman sends us the fol lowingwhich we publish with great pleasure : Messrs. Editors: You are gener ally very correct as to your historical facts, but one or two errors have crept into your paper of late, which I beg leave to correct. The Raleigh experimental railroad was not a wooden "trt raway," but was a heavy strap iron road, and was built not by Mr. William White but by Qapt. Daniel II. Bingham, an engineer cf some distinction, assisted by two of the pupils in his military school, Dr. R. B. Haywood and Col. Wm. Abbott, of Miss. The heaviest embankment was just where Newbern and Blount streets intersect, and the heaviest cut (about five feet.) inside the Capitol Square, and was filled up" with the debris of the stone cutter's sheds. The road turned out of Newbern street at the Hutchings Hou9e7 into Morgan street, and ran on a ridge in a line with Morgan street to Camp Russell, and thence in a "south easterly direction between the camp stables and Mrs. Lambrights to the Quarry. This road was the third road built in the Urfited States and the first south of the Potomac, and was suggested by a man travelling with a model of a road which he exhibited in the old Concert Hali, and road our citi zens around the rode at ten cents ahead.'-. The idea was incorporated into "the Raleigh Road, and a car was ordered from John R. Harrison and put on the road. This car paid tor the whole road at twenty-five cents a head, and when the Capitol was completed and the objects 'of' the. road accom plished, three hundred per cent had been declared in dividends. H. "How TiTE Boy Arises." The fol lowing from the Danbury (Conn.) Neics is now. going the rounds of the press, aud as it is a " good thing," we repro duce it in our local column : "Calling a boy up in the morning can be classed unJer the head of "pastimes," esptcially it the boy is fond of exercise the day lefore. And it is a little singu lar that the cext hardest thing to get ting. a boy out of his bed is getting him into it. vTi.ere is hardly a mother who is a success at raising a boy. All mothers know this, so do their boys. And yet the mother seems to go at it in the rig'it way. She Opens the stair door and in sinuitiiigly observes : "Johnny." There is no response. " Johnny." Still no response. Tben tiiere is a short, sharp "John," lollovved a moment later by a prolonged and emphatic "John Henry." A grunt from the upper region, signifies that an impression has beerrniade, and the mother is encouraged to add,"You'd better be getting down here to your breakfast, young man, before I come up there an' give you something you'll feel." This so startles the young man that he immediately goes to sleep again. And the operation has to be repeated several time.?. A father knows nothing about this trouble. He merely opens his mouth as a soda bottle ejects its cork, and the "'John Henry" lhat cleaves the air of that stairway goes into that like electricity, and pierces the deepest recesses t of h'ia very nature. And he pops out of that bed and into his clothes, down the stairs, with a promptness that is commendable. It is rarely a boy allows himself to disregard the parental summons. About once a year is be lieved to be as often as is consistent with the rules of health. ' He savis his krther a good many steps by, his thoujzhtt'ulness." - Corrt House Improvements.- We are glad to see that this matter is exciting general interest. We have for months directed public attention to the inade quacy of the present building and com mented freely upou its unsi:htiness in an architecural point of view. We do not hesitate to make the insertion that nine tenths of the Courts favor either a remodeling of the buildiug, or 'the in cline ot a new one. The present bui dmg is confVsed.y lnauequate, Having no accommodations .for Judge, Jury, county officials or spectators. In this connection it will be proper to state that Messrs. K. P. Battle, T. H. Briggs and Thos . Coats, the Committee appointed bv the Board ot County Commissioners to examine into the matter, desire that members of the bar should send them suyyestions as to, .how the proposed improvements should be made. At an other time we will have something more to say about this matter "Information to Travelers Going North." Under this caption we find the following advertisement in a copy of the Raleigh ' Register, of January 1833 : "Duiin the continuance of the bad roads, the mail will leave Raleigh daily for Petersburg, at the usual hour, in a two horse cart, aud is of itself a suffi cient load, therelore passengers will not be carted. But for their accommoda tion a coach will leave Raleigh on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday morn ing, and go to Petersburg xia Louis burg, Warrenton, Lawrenceville and Beltield. The tri-weeklv line .of coaches will leave Raleiyh as usual, ou Monday, Wednesday and Friday morn ings, and go to Petersburg in two days, fin Nash Court House, Enfield, Halilax and Belfield. Both of these lines inter sect the Railroad cars at Belfield. The daily coach line will be resumed as soon as the roads will permit. Avery, Tompkins & Saltmrsh." Removed . to Greensboro. We notice that our young friend, W. I. Young, Esq., ot Henderson, has received and accepted the position of operator for the Southern Atlantic Telegraph Company at Greensboro. We wish him much pleasure in his new home, We suppose that with , the expiration of Lent the Imp season will commence Superior Court. Court met yester day at 10 a. ni. The following cases were taken up: State vs. W. II. Blensoa and Gilbert Seawell, affray: defendluts submitted and judgment not prayetV State vs. Stokes Crumj, affray; de fendants .submitted and f judgment not prayed. , State vs. C M. Ford, Rufua Ford and E. D. Mathews, ' peace Varrant; . dis missed on payment of; costs. Defen dant Mathews wai. called and failed and judgment nisi was taken. - State and Cynthia Patterson, bastar dy ; verdict guilty. ' ; State vs Bryant Jones, bastardy ; de fendant called rnd failed, judgment nisi. State and Adeline Sima vs. David Winfrey, bastardy ; not guilty, " State and Delia Jones vs. Henry Goings, bastardy; defendant recogniz ed in $200. ,1. State . Catherine Ramsey vs. J. D Hayes, Bastardy ; defendant recognized in $200 to Jnne term. . State and Barbara Rogers vs. Rich ard Mangum, bastardy ruot guilty. . State and Margaret Powell vs. B. Jones, bastardy. Not guilty. State and Louisa Cotton vs. Benj. Jones, b tstardy ; defendant recognized $200 to June term. State vs. Bryant W. Green, unlaw ful road; defendant recognized in $200 to June term. State and Martha Hedgefield vs. Wra. Yearby alias - Willis Lowe, bastardy ; defendant recognized in $200 to Jane term. The Court adjourned until this morn ing at 10 o'clock. LouisnuRQ Items. Our Louisburg correspondent sends us the following items from that locality : The wind on last Saturday played havoc with trees and fences in the sec tion. Dr. Crenshaw had ... a fine saddle and harness hoi se gored to death by a heifer a few days fgo. Epizooty has returned to the county, and is raging among the mules. The farmers are busily engaged in planting corn, and hauling cotton to Frankiinton. Fertilizers in . unusual large quntitios are beiDg used in pre paration for the next cotton crop. Rev. P. J. Carraway, the Methodist Minister here is most acceptable to his congregation. Rev. Wm. Royall fiils the Baptist pulpit twice a mouth. Mr. Royall stands deservedly high as a preacher. The Episcopal church is without a Rector though its members are tollerably numerous. The new hote,l kept by A. L Green, is growing in favor. The general health of the town and county at present is very good. The wite of T. C. Horton, former County Court Cierk, a . day or two ago was badly bitten by. a sharp dog on her husband's premises while endeavoring to rescue her little son from the dog's attacks. She was bitten in both arms, and one finger was nearly bitten off. The little boy escaped almost unhurt. The dog was instantly put to a deserved death, -v' Cal Wagner's Minstrels. Last evening tnis troupeave a capital entertainment at fuckerilall. Second to o'.d Joe Sweeney's, this is-4he best minstrel performance we ever sawSouth; and to be candid, we will admit, that we are actuated more by a spirit of tome. pride in putting old Joe's troupe, none of whom are now living) at the head of the list. The spectator con stantly finds himself disposed to enquire why such excellent artists an vocalists should deem it necessary to avail them selves ot burnt cork. In the excellent performance given last evening, there were manv conspicu ous displays ot real artistic merit, and we do not leel called upon to dwell wtb special emphasis upon either the drolle ries of the Han, the admirable -humor of Cal Wagner, or the dancing of Can- field and Booker. All aie excellent, it not quite unequalled in their respective lines. A specially commendable ' fea ture, of the Cal Wagner roupe is the fine music, both vocal and instrumental, with which it piulusely entertained the audience. - A second and last performance will be given to night, and we have only to say that those wanting to laugh heartily should yo to Mje the Cal Wagner troupe. Ladies can attend, with full propriety, as the entertainment is strictly chaste. There is to be an entire change ol pro gramme. Ticket to Win. The following communication fpeaks for itself. We endorse the ticket of "Many Voters," and will be glad to see it go through, as it undoubtedly will on the oth of May : Editor News : Please announce through your columns the following ticket for Commissioners lrom Middle Ward: Hon. Kemp P. Battle, Dr. Geo. W, Biacknall, William C. Stionach. They are the right men for the place, not only representing the interest of all, but as non partizaus will be acceptable to all and every one. X 'Many Voters." Meeting of the Board of Edu cation. Yesterday a meeting of the the Executive office. Governor Tod R. Caldwell, Attorney General Ilnr grove, Secretary of Mate Howerton, Auditor Riley and Superintendent Pub lic Instruction Mclver. were present. The rueetin was caiied to consider an application of the authorities ot the city of Wilmington, for. instructions from the Board tor authority to levy taxes for the establishment uud support of graded city schools. The Board were ol the opinion that the Board of Alderman of that city had no power under the amended charter to levy taxes for such a purpese. The Board had several other matters under consideration, which will be made public in a lew days. (2) A pure Whiskey I stimulant,; Century Radical Nominatios3 For Commis sioners. The Radicals nominated last night for Commissioners in the Eastern Ward, Stewart Ellison, colored, J. P. Prairie, Esq.. and W. W. White, Esq. The Western Ward' con venlion, after a hard - fight, delivered : themselves of the following ticket : ' 1 John C. Gorman, Albert Johnson and James H. Jones, colored. Thus it will be seen that Noifleet Dunston, one of the most estimable colored men in ths city, has been thrown ovetboard. ' Furniture for Sale. Mr. Kemp P. Battle, Administrator, will, on the third of May, sell a lot of hosebold and kitchen furniture at the residence of the late Judge R. M. Saunders, on Hillsboro street. '.''' DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER SHIP. Toe Copartnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers under the name of A. G. LKE & Ci., is this dt:y dissolved by limitation. April 8th, 1873. Wm B. loub is fully authorized to adjust and settle the bnsiness of the late firm. A. . LEE A.T. M1AL, apl0-12t J. W. B. WATSOl-T. W E C AL L ESPECIAL attention to our "Forersters Lemon Cakes," the finest ever offered in this market. Also to our "Proctor aud Gamble's Olive soap," the ladies' "friend and labor saver." Our "flours are bought on change in New York by our resident Jauyer, consequently we are able to offer them to the trade wi h one profit. Special inducements to prompt and cash buyers. ap6-tf . LEACH BROS. B OWEN WHISKEY 4 YEARS OLD, Zeb Vance Whiskey 4 years old. James Miller Old Bye. Chicken Cock Rye. Martin Old Rye. iN. CjUorn Whiskey, aplO-tf. : G. T. STRONACII & BRO. rjTEAS, COFFEE AND SUGAR, Of every Grade. aplO-tf G. T. STRONACII & BRO. Jp REPAID TICKETS ROPE. FROMU E GREAT REDUCTION OF RATES. The magnificent Steamers of the A L L A N L I N E, will leave Liverpool for Norfolk, Va., every alternaie Tuesday during Spring and Sum mer of lS7o,connecting withKaleigh by rail road. . steerage "and intermediate passage as follows : Liverpool, Queenstown, ") Steerage $31 80 Glasgow, Londonor Bristol toRaJeigh,. J Inter $52 80 to " S5180. flaniburg, Antwerp. Hoi- Steerage ?35 80 land or Havre to Raleigh, Inter. &180 Paris, Norway or Sweden i steerage $39 80 to Raleigh, Inter. $58 80 Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Parties wishing to send for friends will apply to GEORGE LITTLE, Raleigh, N. C. William Lamb, General Agent, Norfollr, Va. iuchS-Dlaw3m JJEE HIVE CANVASSED HAMS, 1,000 pounds Just received at aplO-tf G, T. STRONACII & BRO S. 150 L3S. NICE CORNED BEEF or families, prlotf Best in this market. WAYJNE ALLCOTT. 10 HHDS. CUBA MOLASSES. 20 Barrels Cuba Molasses. 50 " s. II. at aprlatf LEACH BROS. 4 DOZEN FRESH CANNED Tomatoes. izen "I Winslow Jones" Green Corn W. C. STRONACH This unrivaled Medicine is warrinted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but is PURELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEARS it has proved its great value in all uiseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the rood ana treat In all parts of t he country vouch for its wonderful and peculiar power In purifyine the Blood, stimulating the torpid Liver and Bowels, and imparting new Life and Vigor to the whole system. SIMMONS' LIVER REGUL TOR is ac knowledged to have no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE, "It contains four medical elements, never united in the same happy proportion in any other preparation, viz: a gentle Ca thartic, a wonderfuVTonic, an unexception able Alterative and a certain Corrective of all impurities of the body. Such signal success has attended its use, that it is now regarded as the Great Unfailing Specific for Liver Complaints and the painful off springs thereof, to wit: DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION. Jaundice.Bilious attacks, SICK HEADACHF.: Colic, Depression of Spirits, SOUR STOMACH, Heart Burn, Arc. Ac. Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured orly by J. II. ZF.ILIN A CO., x Macon, Ga., and Phi adelphia. Price $1.00 per packake; sent by mail, postage paid, $1.04. Prepared ready for use 51.00, and $1.50. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. - Beware of all Counterf its and Iml tations.-a febI8-DWeod6m J!Bi.-v'5'.Sl(i n Is rapidly superseding all others prepa rations for prooitciug Elegant, sweet- aiid Wholesome Rolls, Biscuits, Bread. Buck wheat and other Griddle Cakes. Perfectly Pure and Reliable, and always ready for immediate use. The Cheapest Baking Powder"in the world, and it will keep on land or sea, in any climate, for years. It is wll adapted to the ue of Housekeepers, Miners, Mariner, Emigrants, c., and is in fact, in every respeci, me xjcsi. i easi rw der made '"for the Kitchen, the Camp, ttie Galley. " , Sold by Grocers and Dealers Everywhere. Manufactured by 1 OOLEY & BHO.. mch7-Deod2na i 69 New Street, N.Y 10 D( mchltf MMiM WBMi eB 9- --W-37i' TELEGnjlPUIC JTEirS. NOON DISPATCHES. New York News. ' - New York, April 11, Medill with drew from the Civil Service Commis sion on account of the President's order of the imcompatibility ..of the State and Federal office. The " Presi dent in accepting Midill's resignation gives assurance that the rules of the civil service will be maintained. ; .The Gas strikers held a private meeting to-night; and to-morrow night have a , gtand mass meeting. The President of the Gas Men's Society says the organization is now complete and a general strike will result before the week is out. . ; Work has commenced on the East river bridge, which . will, connect Nw York and Long Island City. Ye Noble Red Men. Arkansas City, April 11. The Res cue party sent to protect and. warn surveyors on the Cunnanion river, have returned. They found the bodies of the four surveyors terribly mutilated. Dening's-body was brought back. The others were buried on the spot. The party encountered bands ot Cheyenees who made hostile demonstrations, but did not venture to attack. . '.- . Naval Preparations. Washington, D. C, April 11. A special says that private advices from New Orleans state that five monitors there are being repaired and got ready for service, besides which there are three other monitors and eight gunboats ready. It is Relieved that this has some connection with the recent movement of troops on the Rio Grande. Foreign News. The Carlists opened fire on Puigcerda. Villa Franca is threatened. Two 1 Cuban and twelve Spaniards were killed in the engagement near Manzanilla. Paris, April 11. A despatch from Peipiguan this morning says the Car lists have been repulsed before Puigcer da after fighting the whole day and night. Apachee Raids, Arc. J San Francisco, 'April, 10th. The Apachee raids into the Mexican territo ry are unabated, robberies and murders are frequent. The Mexican Government have au thorized the construction of a telegraph through Sanaloa: and Lenoa. Crops Killed. Galveston, April 10. Telegrams and private intelligence from twenty three counties reoort a killing frost. The crops and fruit are all killed, and replanting has commenced. Three counties embrace a larger portion of the cotton growing district. Arrival of Bodies. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., April 11. The remains of W. M. and Mary Merritt, victims of the Atlantic disaster, arrived to-day aud were put in the receiving yault to await the finding of the Jbodies of Mrs. Merritt and Miss Scrysmer, when, ulf will be buried together. JIoyement of Troops. Fort Scott, April 11. The United States troops stationed on neutral lands, have commenced Xtheir departure for Fort Gibson. The cavalry started on Wednesday, and ' will march through. The infantry will follow by rail on Mon day. Urigham Holds on to His Spiritual Authority. Philadelphia, April 11. Brigham Young telegraphs to a paper here, that his resignation of secular offices does not affect his position as President of tlie-Mormon church, in which capacity he shafkstill exercise control Arrest of Retractory Witnesses. Albany, N. Y.Apjd 11. The as sembly passed a n si'iutionordering the arrest of Tweed, Gould andDutcher, for re!usin; to testily before investigation committee. the-ne Breaki Repaired. -New York, April 11. The breaks on the Erie railway, caused by freshets, have been repaired. . : , ; ..... MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Washington Affairs. r Washington, April 11. The Presi dent leaves eatly nt xt week for Missouri and returns on the 1st of 'May. Robeson, Belknap and Creswell were absent from the Cabinet meeting to day. ' . The President has appointed R. M. Rejnolds, Collector ot Customs for Mo' bile, vice Miller, removed. Gens. Sherman and McDowell, who commands a division ot the South, had a consultation with the President with a view to the concentration ot troops in the interesc of economyj McDowell leaves for headquarters at Lou.sviiie in a few days. Secretary Delano has advised the mil itary not to surrender the indicted Mo docs to the civil authorities in case the Modocs surrender. Surseon Joseph . K. Carson has been ordered to the department of the South for duty. The President has appointed R. B. H;iyes As.-itant Treasurer at Cincinnati The Flood at Memphis. Cincinnati. A pril 1 1. A special dls patch states that the river at Memphis is now within two feet ot the last over flow, and is rising one inch an hour. Fears are cuterained of a serious over fl'uv below. " x : Weather Iteport. WAJiiNGToN. April . 11. For the South Atlantic, btates northerly winds veering to the South, with falling ba renviter and partly cloudy weather. IndemnityDebt. Paris, April 11. Fifty million ol francs will be paid to Germany oc the 5iu of net moLth on account of the war indemnity. . New York Items.' New York, April 11. The Senate Postal Car Committee heard the argu- ' ment to-day of L. Cuyler, of Philadel-: r phia, who held ; that the government had no more constitntional right to 2 force a railway Company' to perform ' services for nothing or for ansatisfacto- ry compensation than to take'a citizen's residence "and' torn ft1 ftto aHpostoice," and denied the 1 power of Congress to fi compensation forearryicg mails. , Gold, stock, cotton and; produce on'.? change closed , and Courts have ad- ; journed over till to-morrow. The banks are open, it not being legal holiday. ' r Comptroller Green reports that the reduction of the expenses of city adver tising in 1872,agaianst those of year pre- -vioua aggregated nearly a million of doj- .' lars and .unless ' the . legislature 'passes' 1 laws ofdeiiag additional ad vei tising for 5 the current year will keep the expenses inside of one hundred thousand dollars. A full" supply of gas was lei' oti to'-diy 5 The strikers nre 1 applying for work at tbe old rates. . .. The Sergeant-at-Arms of the Legis- -lature arrived here to day to .arrest Jay . Gould, , Wm. M, Tweed . and .J, , B. Dutcher, charged with contempt in not 1 appearing before the Investigating Con- mittee whea summoned. -Tweed could not be found, and 6earch is now being. made for Gould and Dutcher. At a meeting of "the stockholders of the Atlantic and Great Western Rail-4 way t)-day it was resolved to ratify the lease ot the Cleveland, Columbus - and Cicinnati and Indianapolis road to the Great Western. Mr.; Hutchins, Vice-2 President, presided ; . . ., :: (- Illness of the Tope Fatal Accident in Home. . ; New York, April 11. A World cor-i respondent from Rome says the Pope is suffering ; from , rheumatic fever . and ulceration jn the leg. His illness is ex- -tremely serious. ' ' " v- "A factory in Rome was destroyed by lightning. Forty were buried in tbe : ruins. . Five were- killed and seventeen wounded. ' The Erie Investisaiion. :!' ; Albany, April 11 tn the Erie rail- road investigation Senator Madden tes tified that in 1868 he received $1,000 tp be handed lo a , lawyer named Little. When he was a candidate in '71 Gould' sent him $4,000, which ho spent, and a . part of it fur election purposes. Since Madden became Senator he ' has never received a cent lrohi any source. . m ' - Earthquake in Central America.. Aspinwall; via Havana, April 11 The city of San Salvador, capital of the Central American Republic, has been destroyed by an earthquake, causing a terrible 'loss of life. Eight hundred persons perished and property valued at $12,000,000 was destroyed. The earthquake was followed by a confla gration and many buildings burned. Sugar Cane Destroyed , Havana, April 11. The sugar cane on fifteen plantations has . been destrov- ed by fire. (1) Pure Whiskey ! ' and mellow 1 Century .-'i.-rbin. DOJJ1MEKC1AL KKFOKT. ? New York Markets. ,;,. It being holiday no Northern market re ports were received yesterday. - Wilmins cton Markets. , WlLJIINGTON," April 11. Spirits tur- pentine quiet 4 J. itobln quiet, .no sales reported. Crude Turpentine steady at f 2.25 for hard; $3.50 for yellow dip and virgin; $4.50 for new crop virgin. Tar market higner $2.65, ; i ' . BUMCKaMff'aCMBPaBM3 Ml MWBttBMHBKWP NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I have this day opened my WOOD ;ANa COAL YARD, with a good stock of Oak Hickory, fine ana other Wood and Hard and Soft CoaL Parties wishing to purchase ean leave their orders at the Yard of my, t my. piace or ouiaess on I'ayeiieviue street ajdiif.. W. C. STRONAC1 Af TiiEIl PKECI.NCT HEARD FROM A N D U'LIKEL STJh L AHEAD COME EARLY, Come Quick, i .11.1 JX. f To the acknowledged headquarters of ruiiro iiu- A litre Yr fashion for your AND SUMMER SPRING OUTFIT. Has just returned from thenorthrn mark ets with the largest and most complete stock of every grade of gentlemeus' goods ever received iu Raleigh. lie calls the attention of the V " . trade especially, to his " stock of French, English and Cerman Cloths, Fancy CaNimeres and Doeskias, Paris Vestings, French Wort, i eds, Rlna Flannel, Crape ' i and Tricot Coating, English and Scotch T w e eds, and many other articles of fashionable we r not necessary to mention. ' .. ; THE ; . 'v - . MANUFACTURING . DEPARTMENT is now supplied with , 1 he mct skillful workmen that ever threaded a needle and perfect satisfaction In every particular guaranteed. . ? . . . , . Orders from a distance attended to with promptness and dispatch. JN. is. rnanKini ior lae uwwv uu patronage beretofore bestowed on me, I uope by my continued efforts to please all and every one, to meri tithe same and more for the future. - , ,. ' apll-3m C. WEIKEL. E C U L L O M .11 torn e y; at L,aw , SMITHFIELD, 2f. C. Practices in the Superior Court 8 "ot John ston. Wayne, Wake, Halifax, Warren and adjoining counties, and in the Supreme Court of North Carolina. -Ctaims collected In any part of the State. . pl0-3m.

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