' ' , -' -jr .- . v r : , . : ' . . ......... ' . DAILY NEWS. DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one insertion., .$ i oo One square, two insertions ......... l 60 One square, three insertions ... 2 00 One square, six insertions..... ..... s 5d One square, one month..... ..r.. g 00 One square, three months., . ...... ig 00 One square, six montJas.. ........ 30 00 One square, t.. elve months,;.:.... .. 50 00 .r iST?6.1 advertisements, liberal con tracu will be made. Ten line s solid non pareil constitute one square. b i'i )N K i; UZZELL, - - PitOPRlETOKS. FXYKTr EVILLE Stiiekt, , er W. C. Strouach & Co.'s Store. OASU-IVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. Tii-- DAILY NEWS will be delivered to iKi-ri'x'rs at kiktekn CKNT8 per week, payable to the cwrier weekly. Mailed at f7 p r .(imam ; lor six months; $2 forthrea t lis. Y0L.1I. RALEIGH, N. CL TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 15. 1873. NO. 42. he WEEKLY NEWS at S2 per anuum. Daily News. t f t i SPRING MILL I N E R Y, 1873. j?i it s . fu t t i jr a e it has now received the largest stock of Mil linery - LiDIES- n.CY AI FfSMSIIIXG GOODS ever brought to this mmket. This stock was selected with the treatest care by Airs. O. in person, and consists of an endless vamly.of r mXXXTS AND HATS, ' X rimmed and untrimmed, FLOWERS in t he greatest profusion, 2,000 Pieces of Ribbons, Lin es, Silks. 100 dozen pair KID GLOVES, we. make thi.s'one -of our specialties. Col larettes, Rulllings of every description, INDIES' SILK BOWS AUD TJES, v H:,ir Goods, real and imitation, Ladies', Misuses' and Chihlren'srlose, Ladies' Under iiannents, Laaies' Ready-made Dresses, liatiy Dresses, Corse tt Covers, Corsetts, Knitting and Crochet Cotton, White Trim mings of every kind. Silk and Cotton Fringes, Collars and Cuffs, real and imita t ion Laces, Lace Collars, UndersLeeves, and many other articles not here mentioned. A t ( ETTING EIl'S you findlhe exact thing necessary, there you will not have to put up with , a make shift, which is often the case in a small stock. While buying at ISA AC (KTTIN0ER8 X is buy hi at the fountain head, at first hands, therefore, the cheapest. All the novelties are there; all the quaint and origi nal things in endless varittv. As a spectacle, it is better than a theatre. (Jo, young and old, witn the former it will be u school of instruction, and with the latter it will have a most desirable effect, and tfiat is, it will revive their youth. We, are Agents for K. Uutterick Co's Patterns. S hd for Catalogues. api'-luvWlm A -C li E E C II , It I'dlevillc Stride ' KALE1GU, N. C, V. ll-I.;.SAr.U AND ItKTAIL DEALEIl IN STU'LE i.!).FAXCY DRY GOODS, Woolens, liaatiels, Hosiery, Jlilliaery, White C.ooJs a.ud A'ankee Notions. BOOTS, SHOES, - HATS. TRUNKS, VALISES h. I odVr to my friends and customers a full line of particularly attractive and desirable, spring and summer Dress Goods, and a beautiful assortment of JAPAN SILKS, WHITE & COLORED PiQUES, to w hich your especial attention i invited. Prints, I)oaH'sUfs,Cottonades, Dnelcs, Jeans, and Piete G jods Generally, in a!l d jsir.ible grades, styles and prices, whi.eh I guarantee to suit. Clotb, Cssshncres and Cents' Faruisliing Coeds, I:i Greater Variety than ever before. liibbuDs. White GooU,Laees, and Trim uiiiigs, IL-sieiy, GToves, Towels and Vuukie 'NotiuiiS, Corsets, plain ami einbiuiiiered Alad- aine. Foy's, Thomp son's Giove Fitting, iluwk's O.mi uud otiier Cele i: .Ceui;iak.t& ; Iloopskirts Bustles, &c. An immense stock of 'liUOTS !-m SHOES, from eoar.se to tine wear. Can. please and siiit a.! in want of these goods. Ai.i.i tue bit-, st styein S1L!, 0UK'niirt' & Till HITS. :3 r si s o t. s a' sjec.ii;ry so.ui- of the latent Paris nov vlUos, .vi..i a iHryt; sioi'k ol Umbielias for san ami i..iu. Yua snouid see them. Exjiti i-i;ct has long since taugnt that I deal f.tiriy witn ail, siud the uupro-eiteuteU succe.-s i busiiie.vs for the last year 1ms induce-s. me to lay tu a much larger stock than ever b; i.;ie, wniuh I can, v. iil, and do sell at . po)uiar. prices. Trusting to b;sustained ia Uu.-iulUio a- ia tlie jast, liill ever cou tinue iu represent g..ods as ia-y- are, and seli them au toe ery lowe.-i' f l ice;. You af-earnvstly sola, i led to exa... au- for your self. litspt:ellul!y A. cEKCII. S ', mples sent on Application. aplO lwaV4w. CO f t ON SEED FOR SALl). The uidrs:gneu has for sale a small quantitv t Cotton f-eed ot last year s crop, which i:e can recommend to tlie public us being superior to any ever raised in this .Slate. i'uis- (.' )ttm graws in clusters of from 8 to 1 hai.s, live ul' ciis to each boll, and pro Uuees i..; ly puunus of lint from one huu-iji-i d pounas ol heed cotton. it is a Idu .staple, of a ' beautiful white il. -eey appearance, and is almost equal in l. xutr- io tlie celeorau-d ,Sca Island cotton. l he seed were originally procured by the underlined in Mississippi, where they sell lor 2"ct.-. apiece. A naiiipiu ui the I'earce Cotton and feeeU !iii in-.seen at-the siorc ol (i. T. Wtrouach Co., oi r.aieih. l-'or particulars apply to Uieiu.urto tn uuuersiguea, at iiniiaru stau. JOHN J. I'EARCE, jlilliardston, iri DJtW'w Nash county, jN.U. 1 X It O P O L S Proposals for tlie erection of a building I' lri;... Deuiirtm-nt of the North Carolina Institution, Lir tlie Deafand Dumb !im i i.ae liu'iil. will Ofc receiveu until iUon .1 .v- A,,ril via isT.t at 12' o'clock. Al.- far- ti.. '., ii la. Tiar i he Illicit Worn and Plas tei ion. aut ilie Wood W'orlc, separately, or eaii bil for the whole. flans and spec;iicatious.can be seen at the ..lli ;..- ol tne Priiicipal. xne Hoard reserves the right to reject any ur ail bids. U.S. TUCK Kit, 1 ' 11 LoCKH A 111', VBuildmg Com. J.o. NICiluLi-, J aprlii-lot. 1 A U D N E R TIIIE EXTINUISIIEll AND HOOK AM) L A I) i) 2-11 TiilCK EQl'lPMEXT, Absolute Protection from Fire ! Ucn. Wade-Hampton. Says: " THE GARDNER FIRE EXTINCUJH ER has my hearty approval, and I lecom menj its feeneiai introduction as a sa!e anu ellicacious protection against the risk ol lire. The great beneilts it has conferred in saviug property, justify the conlideuce re posed in it." . Send for Descriptive Circular to Graime A DeRossett, Agents, Wilmington, N. C. mhlah-MaWaE 2m 50 0 CASES BRANDY PEACHES, Casts Frtsh Oysters, 10 J Boxes usisoried Candy, 5J " " i audies, , at &prl;tf LEACH BR03. MORNING EDITION. iltc !alci0t gailtt tv$. TUESDAY , APRIL lo. W3. STAU parties ordering the New will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. 15FSpecial Notices inserted in the Local .Column -will' be charsred CZQ) i ciu) v,cms per line O. II. Nuttall, of the Charlotte Advertising Agency, is agentfor this paper in .Charlotte, N. C. He is duly authorized to contract for advertisements and receipt for subscriptions. Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 south Street, Baltimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atoui lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with tuts house. -df-TlIE AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL AND tue News. The State agricultural Journal, an eight-page Weekly published in tnis city;, will be clubbed with the Daily News at $s.50 per annum, and with the Weekly N ews at S3 50 per annum. Orders directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. . LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Correspondents will please writo on one side of the papet Local Briefs. x. . Lettuce is about to go to seed in this climate. ; There was a dearth of items at the Police Court yesterday Only one fisticuff enlivened Wilming ton street yesterday. ' There are now three thousand two hundred and fit'ty-seren bales of cotton stored in this city. The Baptist Sunday School are mak ing preparations lor their usual an nual picnic. We arc glad to see that Hon. D. M. Barringer has recovered from his recent indisposition. Now is the time for live business men to advertise, and the Daily Nea'3 is the paper lor them to do it in. The children of the St. Augustine (colored Eqiscopal) Sunday School en joyed an Easter least yesterday. Tiie frightful sun bonnet is to' be re vived, which makes a tair face look like a blooming ovter on a vari-colored shell. - Fishing parties were in vogue yester day. Crowds bent on piscatorial ex cursions were seen going in every di rection. Hons. i C. Fuller and W. K II. Smith let t last evening to attend the session of the United States District Court ut Greensboro. , T.N. Ramsay, the mighty temper ance man, lelt yesterday evening for Ashboro, Randolph county, to organize a lodge of Good Templars. - The ladies of the Methodist Chuich of this city, will, in a tew days, give a series of tableaux and Charades lor the benefit of the Church. ' . Primus Haywood, colored, lecently put in jail by Judge Albertson for five days lor an afJray, was yesterday QiS- charged, having served cut his time. The Catholic and Episcopal Churches were beautifully decorated for Easter Sunday, and large congregations were in attendance at the morning services. The newest French shoe is of black silk, embroidered with beads, and lacinsr at the side high above the anKle. It has a thin sole and a small, fiat heel. Wc learn that our temperance iriends will have a " dry ticket" in the field at the ensuing municipal eltction so, far as tlie Board ot Commissioners are con cerned. Our Local Chief is in attendance upon Person Court this week. We envv him the yood time he will have. with his many friends in that section, and know he will give a good account of himself. On Sunday morning a very large con ixretration attended the Edenton Street Methodist Church, nd the sermon id Rev. Mr. Mangum, the Pastor, is snoken ot as one ot unusual force and interest. See the notice in another column from the Secretary of the State Agricultural Society. He has been authorized by the Committee to collect the first instal ment on the contributions recently made. " Superior Court. Court met yester dav at 10 a. m. The following cases were taken up : State and Matthew Medlin vs. Jos Hicks, peace warrant : to be dismissed on payment of cost. State vs. Ransom Horton, pea: e war Tant ; defendant called and tailed iutWment 'nisi. State vs. J Q. Andrews and W. J Bussee, unlawful road ; nol pros. State vs. Benj. King, wiliull burning a motion-to quash the indictment gran ted. Victoria Pool, larceny ; verdict guilty aud defendant sentenced to two years in the Penitentiary. State vs. Alabama Milton, larceny ; verdict, guilty. State vs. James Rice and Prior Al ston, larceny; verdict, guilty as to Alston and not guilty as to Rice. State vs. Fisher Ilerndon, assault and battery ; nol pros. State vs Louisa Alston, larceny ; de fendant recognized to June teim in 200., : The Court adjourned to meet again this morning at 10 a. m. ' Receiver For The Western North Carolina Rail Road. We learn- that yesterday, at Greensboro, Judge Dick, of the United States Circ ait Court, ap pointed Hon, W. A.Smith, Receiver for the Western North Carolina Rail Road, Republican Meeting in Western Ward On Friday Evening. By res quest we publish the following proceed ings of a Republican meeting in Wes tern Ward on Friday evening last, fur nished by the Secretary of the meeting : The meeting was called to order by J. Backalan at 8 o'clock, who stated that the first thing in order was the election of a Chairman. J. W. Winslow moved that Mr. Quen tin Busbee be called to the -chair; car ried. Mr. Busbee came forward and stated that the next thing in order was the election of a Secretary. A. J. McKensie moved that W. R. Davis act a3 Secretary ; carried. A. J. McKensie moved that the nom inees be elected by acclamation ; lost. Mr. Gormon moved to proceed by ballot ; carried. - The Chair announced the meeting ready for nominations. The following gentlemen were placed in nomination for City Commissioners of this Ward : Messrs. J. C. Gorman, 1ST. Dunston, J. II. Jones, Jno. R.. O'Neill, II. C. Jones, A. Johnston, J. Fisher, W. P. Wether ell, J. W. Winslow and Z. Potter. Mr. Harris - moved that the three highest candidates be declared elected lor the nomination ; carried. The Chair appointed Messrs. H. Bish op and F. M. Sorrell as tellers. On the first ballot Mr. Gorman re ceived 80, Mr. Dunston 28, H. C. Jones 38, Mr. O'Neill 25, J. II. Jones 27, Mr. Johnson 70, Mr. Fisher 3, Mr. Wetherell G, Mr. Winslow 1G, Mr. Potter 3. The chair announced Messrs.' Johnson and Gorman elected, and to elect the remaining candidate the Convention must prepare to vote again. On the second ballot Mr. Dunston received 20, J. II. Jones 39, II. C. Jones 28, J. Winslow 20. The 'chair declared no election. Mr. Harris moved to reconsider the motion to declare the highest nominee elected. x Carried. . The chair requested the meeting to prepare to ballot again. Mr. Duntson desired to withdraw his name. . . - -. Mr. Winslow also withdrew his jiarne. Mr. Lane moved to elect Mr J. H. Jones by acclamation. . Carried. Mr. Soneil moved to make the elec tion unanimous. Concurred in. The cbainuau declared the three fol- owing duly nominated : Messrs. Gor man, Jones and Albert Johnson. On motion the meeting adjourned. Quentin Buseee, Chairman. W. R. Davis, Secretary. The Little Brown Jua." An es teemed friend in Halifax county, who possesses much of the genuine soul of poetry in his composition, sends the toliowin" to Ye Local ol tLeNisws:" Is the Woods, April , 1873 Woodson, Dear! We are sadly "distrait," and would gladly leel irisKv : i Pray, where can one come at, that "Century WnisKey ? And wrap up his bis soul in Eiysian dreams, With wkat you keep styling " The cream ot all creams I r Either send us a tickler, or give a chap quarter. And not so eternally make his chops w ater: That such nectar is known, is to me most surprisur. For, except Jerry Holt's, I tho't now, 'twas - all pisiii' ; And lie, dear old fellow ! (however un- wiliin ,) Wrote me some time ago, " that he'd left i ll distillin. All this taxing, inspecting, collecting and spy in With all sort of folks, in a man's business prying. Might be pleasant to guagers and tax-get ters, very. But d 1 a bit did it please Col Jerry. It a ceuturv seems, since 1 had a nice " drap," And some Century Whiskey would just till the gap. wonder what whiskey will do for a "sisrn." When, loliowing on Foot-e, you the Tem plar-ants line? Every whiskey man's name stands out bold on your sneir, Save the Century one's you keep that to yourself. ' I am most true, . You rn in a horn, And out'n it too, J. of Ikon Grey. Thiuteenth Aknual Fair of the North Carolina State Agricultu ral Society. Now thut it has been definitely determined to hold the next State Fair in this city, the Executive Committeehave gone towork vigorously to pertect all the necessary arrange ments. The Secretary of the Society, Captain R. T. Fulghum, has issued the premiums list lor field crops, and the samv are being sent to all por. Hons ot the State. I hey are very liberal, aud embrace all manner ot agricultural products. The special premiums constitute a noticeable and prominent feature, and are iuller this year than ever before. Experiments and essays are also provided for, and will add much to the interest of the Fair. - .. - The People' Sspring Bed Bottom. These springs are a most luxurious sleeping arrangement, and their comfort is materially enhanced by their cheap nes3. They are most highly recommend ed by a large number ot merchauts and lurniture dealers and persons who have used them. They consist or coiled springs set in strong cross-bearers, aud elaetic spiuce slats, (trom 5 to U, accord ing to the width ot bedsteads) self fast ening to to the spring uand restiug se curely upon them ; and so has the dou ble elasticity ot metal springs ant spring slats. Mr Geo. B. Euais, ot this city, is the General Agent for this State, and will take pleasure in showing and explaining these springs to those who will call on him. Registration. Yesterday the regis tration in the various Waids resulted as follows: Middle Ward. Whites 8 ; ' colored 11. : Western Ward. Whites 6 ; colored 13. Eastern Ward. Whites 6; colored 15. . ' (1) Pure Whiskey ! and mellow ! Century Steiff's iiANOs, The Pianos man ufactured by Mr. Chas. M, Steiff, No. 9 N. Liberty Street, Baltimore, Md., are so highly appreciated here, that it is almost superfluous for us to speak a word in their praise. They are superior in every respect, manufactured ol the most durable material, selected with special reference to the influencs of the southern climate. Since the yrar fifteen hundred of these pianos have .been sold to the South, and upwards of two hundred and fifty pianos have been supplied to southern schools and academies, where they are much used,and receive the best test of their durability. Their new Grand Square Scale, 7 octaves, have obtained the perfection of this branch of manu facture. They have the full iron piate with patent agraffe, and constructed Steiff bar, exclusively firm, which ma- the ingeniously patent agraffe used bytrus terially contributes tohe exquisitely liquid and pure vocal treble, which is eminently their characteristic and ad vantage over all others. For the higher qualities of 4eauty, fulness, roundness continuity and richness of tone in bass, tenor and treble range, that crisp and yet elastic facility of touch and that sym pathetic quality which is their crownS ing grace, they confessedly stand unri valled. - Independent of their intrinsic merits, there is a perfect neatness and solidity of mechanical construction, contribu ting one of these pianos an ornament to any private or public apartment. The large and extensive factories of this firm, at Nos. 84 aDd 8G Camden street, and Nos 45 and 47 Perry street, attest the thrift, industry and enterprise of the firm. They are prepared at all times to till any orders with promptness and dispatch. Their success is illustra ed by the fact that they have carried off, against all competitors, over fifty first premiums, at 6tate and other exhU bitions. This house is agent also for the cele brated Burdett cabinet, parlor and church organ, a splendid instrument, without any harshness or reedy tone, and equal, if not superior, to the best manufactured. Meeting of the Disaffected Re puulicans. Last evening there was a metiing ot Republlct ns,disaffected with the present administration of city aflairs, at Metropolitan Hall. Mr. lenry Keith called the meeting to order by nominating Mr. James H. Enniss to the Chair. Mr. E. took the Chair. He aid the first question to be decided was f.retorm was needed in the city gov ernment, and in order to test the matter would take the sense of the house. He put 'the 'question, "is reform needed.'' whereupon there were two ayes. The contrary oidc ol thu quaerian wq ntlt to a vntp ind-tliree were about a dozen "noes.'' The Chairman 6eemed a little non plused, but at last decided that the 'noes ' had it, but said that those who thought that reform was needed had a right to discuss the matter, and the meeting would go. Mr. W. J. Edwards was requested to act as Secretary. Mr. E. arose aud said he came merely as a spectator, and declined to act. Mr. Cornelius Edwards was next requested to act, but he made no response to the invitation. At last Charles Hunter, colored, was induced to take the position with the express stipulation that he was not to be bound by the action of the meeting. The after proceedings of the meetiDg were rich, but we have neither time nor space to describe it. Meeting of the Board of City Commissioners Last evening an ud- jouined meeting of t he Board ot City Commissioners was held in the Mayor's office. Mayor Whitaker presiding, and Messrs. Prairie, Gorman, Stroimch, Dunstou, Ellison and Johnson, Com missioners, were present. A petition Irom various citizens, a-,k- in: that Blount street be allowed to re- mum as at present was opeueu reau,auu, . . .. - .1 .1 1 on motion of Mr. Prairie, granted on the condition that the owners ot property on that street furnish a plan of the survey of that portion ot the city, to, be tiled lor their own protection. The proposition ot the extension of F.dp.nton. j-treot was next discussed. On motion, the matter was recommit- ted to the Committee who formerly had the matter in charge,tor further investi gation. The Assessor, appointed to assess the damages accruing Irom the opening of Peace street, reported the loliowing awards : Maj. A. M. Lewis, S40; S.F. Phillips, $35; lt.:K. Ferrell, $G0; Henry Morde- VV V filiftnn 5- 1ST. S Ham.' -") -y-t-'- f ifi Thft renort was aflonterl. A petition from a number of'citizens, 1 netitionin? tor a lamn post to be placed on the comer of Salisbury and North ..-.. . T . I streets was read. ' The proposition of Julius Lewis & Co. to purchase fifty feet of hose to be at tached to the pump, near the Market House, was agreed to. Mr. Prairie moved to appoint a com mittee of three to settle with city offi cers. Carried. The Chair appointed Messrs. Prairie, Gorman aud Stronach. Ellison, colored, moved that the barber-shops be closed on the Sabbath. The motion was voted down. Ad journed. . Tournament and Coronation Ball at Halifax. We have been fav . red, with au invitation to attend a corona tion ball to be given at the new South era Hotel at Halifax on the evening ol the 22nd inst. This hotel is under the management of Jir. Hunter Harris and his ladv, and Ave know they will make ths occasion exceedingly pleasant, Among the list of mauagers and Hon orary Managers, we find the names of Messrs. T. P. Devereux, Samuel T. Wil liams, Plummer Batchelor and Jordan Stone, of this city, and Major John W. Dunham, of Wilson. . (2) " A pure. Whiskey I stimulant, Century Another Donation. Norfolk mer chants, who desire to obtain a part of the trade of this State, are contributing liberally to our coming State Fair. Yes terday authority was received for Messrs. Gwathmey,Dey & Powell.wholesale gro cers of that city for the Executive Com mittee to draw on therri for $15. We dare say that other merchants of that place and Petersburg will soon - follow the laudable examples ot Messrs. Baxter, Nash & Co., and Messrs. Gwathmey, Dey & Powell. Appointed Can vasser. Capt. Ful gham, Proprietor of the State Agricul tural Journzl, ol this city, has appointed Mr. II. J. Corbell general agent lor that journal. Mr. Corbell will to day com mence traveling in the interest of the Journal, and will solicit subscriptions, being fully authorized to receipt for the same and to contract for advertisements The circulation of the Journal ia already very large, and the paper affords, advan tages to advertisers unsurpassed. Vestry Election. Yesterday morn ing the members of Christs (Episcopal) Church of this city, elected the follow-, ing gentlemen Vestrymen for the ensu ing year : Messrs. K. P. Battle, W. R. Cox, R. II. Battle, J. B. Batchelor, P. A. Wiley. W. II. Jones, Dr. E. B. Hay wood and W. E. Anderson. State of the; Thermometer. The Thermometer yesterday stood as follows at Branson's Book Store f At 9 a. m..... 57 At 12 m.. .... ......... 67 At 3 p. m. .. ........ ...... 76 i At 6 p. m. . ... ...... 70 The Cal Wagner minstrel troupc are edifiing the people ot Norfolk, Va. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OFFICEOFrTIFrNMIlAO. LINA AGRICULTURAL, SOCIETY, , Raleigh, April 14, 1S73. To Subscribers to the Fair of the N. C. Agricultural Society. To enable the Building Committee to proceed at once with tlfe work of improv- 1 IWV Via VI rT f nv. In f tViA X.' ..nf Vs ing the new Fair Grounds of the North larolina Agricultural Society, the follow ing resolution was adopted by the Executive Committee, at a meeting held on Thurs day, April 10th, 1873 : On motion. Resolved; That the Secre tary be instructed to proceed, without de lay, to collect the first installment of the amount subscribed by the citizens of Raleigh and others, and place the funds in the Treasury. In accordance with instructions, the names and amounts have been verified. and receipts prepared for each subscriber. I shall be pleased to wait on contributors during the present week. R. T. FULGHUM. aplo-3t Secretary PREPAID TICKETS ' ROPE. FROM EU RFrPT REDUCTION OF RATES. The magnificent Steamers of the A L L A N LIN E, will leave Liverpool for Norfolk, Va, every alternate Tuesday during spring and bam- mer of l873,connectingwithltaleigh by rail-" road. steerage and intermediate passage as follows : Liverpool, Queenstown, Steerage ?31 80 lllassrow. London or Bristol to Raleigh, J Inter 52 80to SolSU. Hamburg, Antwerp. Hoi-1 Steerage S"5 SO land or tiavre to Raleigh, J inter. i4 8U Paris. Norway or Sweden Steerage $39 80 to Raleigh, Inter. S58 80 Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Parties wishing to send for friends will apply to Raleigh. N. C. William: Lamb, General Agent, Norfolk, V a. mcne-uiawdm L ARD, LARD, LARD' 100 Kegs est Leaf Lard, 50 Hail Keys " 10 Tierces " " Arrivinar to-dav. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH & THOMAS. mhl8-tl D Y S PEPTICS, Graham Flour. feb27-tf W.C.RTROXACH. II A M S 500 pounds lust received at a plO-tf C. T. HTR INACH & BRO. - .. . . -ttRKctt ra KK S Or LVLlCx JL." variety. Also a line asSoitment of Cakes, at MOSKLKY'S. B LANK COOKS IN YAKIETY. Initial Paper, elegant, just to hand. 1.. BRANSON, Bookseller. marl3-tf ... Raleigh , N . C. () COXES CA.ND 0JsmeaSata CANDY AND TEN ers. ' large lot Salt, at jan 1-tf M. A. PARKEK. 150 BARRELS F L OUR ap 8-tf W. C. STRONACH. SPECIAL. NOTICES. The loliowing statement, from one of the oldest and most respectable merchants of lntJ V,l .t5l." . . z . - . 1 .. 1 , , . .. it. W ..... 1 1 iieeus 110 comment : I have for many years used "biujv- 1 . rn. . . . , a X'TI nvt!D-trir( DlfTUII o - ""ifh ?"i , so m mv own nl I have no hesitation in pronouncing I . . . . 1 . . . . . , . . . . . . . i.i II lilt .1..illt I lie 111 lilt: AfiurtL otxxv;, cXACidjn cuu. i.jtw. medicine with which I am acquainted. They premptly relieve Dyspepsia ana its usual attendants, Costiveness, Heartburn, Headache, Loss of Appetite, Choiic, tc. 1 take pleasure in recommending them to the public. They ward oil' disease and pre serve health. 1 always Beep a full supply on hand and would not wn:iugiy oe witn- outthem. jobs KOWLhTT. Prepared solely by tne proprietor, n.. ii BECKW1TH. successor to Dr. Beckwith Petersburg, va., and ior saie, at uereuue. ed price oi 25 cents per box, by all druggists and by Joseph Carr, Wholesale Agent. jan Z7-U medicine stands unrivalled. Their action is uniiorm, certain and sale. They are en- tlrely Vegetable, and do not cause those griping pains mat mosi pins u.u, . Augusta, November 9, ltli!). Dr. Wm. II. Tuit: Dear Sir I have long been a sufferer of torp r oi -th Liver and Dyspepsia, ana in, search of relief 1 have tr;o .umwst every Medicine recommended lor tii.fc ui.v,te-i. but have never derived half the benefit irom anv of them as 1 have from yur Vegetable Liver Pius, x hey are invali. able. and 1 would recommend to all wan Dy pepsia, sick-beadache and Billiousness. s- Yours truly. W. J. Blair, .Late of Danville, Va. Dr. Tutt's Hair Dye leaves no ridiculous tints. -- I E HAVE r Kisuufiriiiii xijsakij luuiuen they would not be without Mrs. Win- ?s Soothing Syrup, from the birth ol teethinK siege, under any consideration whatever. TELEGRAPHIC JTEirS. SUNDAY NIGirrTLERAMsT More About the Modoc War. : San Francisco, April 13. When the courier lelttthe lava beds' orders had just been issued for an advance along the whole line. The plan, was to ad vance slowly, taking everything as they wentjjhaving water and provisions along with them. In. this case it may be two days before the trouble is ended.. J "' It is presumed that the remains ' of Gen. Canby and 'Commissioner Thomas will be" forwarded to this place and should arrive to-morrow. I ; By many persons it is believed that the Modocs are utterly desperate and will fight till' their last man falls, and that they will not leave the caves in the lava beds. By others it is believed that they have already made, their, escape, and will begin a relentless war upon all weak.parties of whites whom they may encounter. It is supposed thatuScarfaced Charley" and ''Curloybead Doctor" were with the Indians vho attacked Col. Mason's position, and that this attack was made to attract Gen. Gillem from the conference between Capt. Jack and his men and the Commissioners. " Mysterious Tragedy. ' , Sanannaii, Ga., April 13. A myste rious tragedy occurred at Cape Roman Light-house. Mrs. Johnson, wife of the keeper, was found dead with her throat . cut from ear to ear. A razor, and revolver were lyinc; by her side. A large sura ol money, which the deceased had lately , drawn from, the bank, is,'' missing. It is not "known whether this Is a case of murder or suicide. -. Official Confirmation of the Massa . . cre. - Washington, April 13.--Official ad vices fully confirm the dispatches of last night in all their details. Indig nation is general and - orders for prompt and terrible punishment have been issued. General -Sherman has issued a general order highly laudato ry of Canby. ' ' ' : r Swift and Bloody Vengeance. San Francisco, April 12. On the 11th of March a large band of Apaches killed three men. -The troops followed, Lieutenant Rice reports the . killing 01 79 warriors and the capturing of 26 women and children. Captain Randall reports the killing of 17 warriors aud capturing 2 women. v ' .-.. Escape oi Bidwell. Havana, Cuba, April 13. Bidwell, the alleged English lorcrer, escaped irom prison halt dressed. ' ' 1 NOON DISPATCHES. FROM NEW YORK. -1--- - l.nm T.JWfl T?Ala Revenge of the Money Lenders- Sanity of Tram. New. York, April 14. Advices from the lava beds early Sunday, morning; says that no hostilities have yet taken place, and that Meacham may recover. Two Germans, employed in the Gas Works, were attacked by ;. strikers, whose ringleaderluey shot.. The Ger mans would have, been killed, ,but the police rescued them, arresting three of the leaders ot the stckers.' . . , It is stated that the money lenders of Wall street, ' in retaliation lor tie threatenetl usury prosecutions,' have combind to. withdraw their funds, and refuse to lend at any rate. i. j , Train has summoned, as witnesses in behalf ol his saiiity,nearly every states man, financier editor, and' phytican hereabouts. Tlie examination wilLbe continued to-morrow. - i Spanish News. !! Madrid, April 14.- There was great excitement in; 13arcetona, yesterday, in consequence of the report t bat a Carlists 1 toree was approaching the citylhe volunteers were called out anl pfompty obeyed the summon". It was soon dis covered that the report was Untrue and the excitement subsided. " ' I " " I n.triitinn ni th n,irni Tril,P Detroit, April' 14. The' Tribune building has been burned. The loss is heavy. Four cylinder presses in the fire -proof loom escaped. ; T6 Tribune will he irinted at present in the tree Preas olfice. '' ''i u ...... . .. 1. m : ; . Fre,sheJ 4. Indiana. ' Fort Waynk, Ind., April 15. The St. Joseph river and tributaries are still rising. Bridges have beeu washed away and the roads are flooded." The Steamer City; of Dallas Key West. April. 14. The steamer Jfjitv of Dalris was brought ' into the harbor.- bhe is not leaking, and soon after departed for'New Orleans. - -'-:, Arrival of Tweed. . Toeosto.' Canada, April 14 -Win. M. Tweed arrived here Saturday night niDNHillT DISPATCIIES. The' Modocs to be -Extermlnate'd War to the Knile. . Headquarters .Army ofU. S.,! ) Wasuington, D. C, April 12, '72. 4 Gen. Gillem, Modoc Camp, via Trela, Cal : . : : ;,.s:.;r. . . Your dispatch announcming the ter rible loss to the country of Geh. Canby .by the perfidy ot the Mpdoc bands ol i '0f Indians, lias been sn own to tne rres ident, who authorizes tne to insiruci, you to make the attack so strong, and persistent that tucir late may , oe com mensuratCwith their crime. You will be 'fully Justirteld iri'thef r utter exttrmi-' n.ition:;,''"! '' ' ! W. Tu Shebmak, General. , The Carlists in ia Critical Position." PJUUS'A minli Dispafche's report the , Carlists who retreated from Puigcerda' are in a critical position. , ." From Havana. ' ' . 4 .-,! ' Havana, April 14. Bidwell lias been hi i -. i -i.- t, ; . captured twenty niiles above the city.. He had maps ol, the city and CD.untryj. re'U8ts t? say wno aiae him in liis e&- ? - cape. The W estern N. C. RailroadWm. , . A. Smith Receiver. f 1 Greensboro, N:' C.,! Apfr U.In the United States Circuit 'Court io day, in the case of Hemy Clew9 against the Western North Carolina Railroad Com pany, Judge Dick appointed Maj. Wm. A. Smith Receiver. Maj. Smith is President of the North Carolina Rail road Company, and a member or. Con gress elect Irom the fourth Congressional District: The above suit has gone oa in an appeal to the Supreme C6urt of tne. united States.' " General Intelligence. Washington, April 14. he Mis souri Plaining Mill at SLLou'ik'has been burned. Loss $80,000. - ' i t . The President: leaves Wednesday for Lt. Louis. - . . ; Gen. Jefferson C. Davis succeeds Gen. Canby. : " ' t,. , New .York . Items , -' ' New Yo'rk 14. ilic'h'aer Donovan haa been sentenced tWehtr" Years for highway robbery. , ..i' .. ! , iischer,Sj Co., heavy ; Bik importers, have failed. ,- ,; ,-f, (; rand Lodge of Knights of Pythias RicimpNp, April iir-Thq Supreme Lodge of the Knights of, Pythias con venes here to-morrovy. ' The session will last a week. ' '-J !! vd, - ,' ' Weather Report. s ;WASHiNGtoN,JApril 14: F6r lue Mid dle 'and Atlantic - States, northeasterly winds and rising temperature. , fpw; ;Yorlf. (Warkets.j New Yoke, A,prllH.-rCotton dull; sales 1,041 bales; uplands 19i Orleans 21. Flour quiet and Bteady. WUislcey a shade firmer, )114. Wheat quiet, held firmly: ' Corn in fair demand, old shade flrmer. yellow wes tern 61a("). Rice quiet 7Ja8U. Pork shade easier. : Lard firmer. K,t1s flrm;.1 Tallow active. Freights quiet and firm. Cotton Net receipts '8521' bales''; gross 4,982 ; Bales, for .export to-day none. Sales of cotton lor future delivery to-day 880 bales,1 as follonys;, AprlL 1 13-16 ; May 18 5-16aly ; June, 19 3-16al9 7-16; July, lrva Money easier, V commission. Sterling 734 Goki i8al8M.: Oovernmieuta declined y. states heavy, 11 tue change, : y ; IVilmington Jlarkei8. Wilmington, , April Jl-Spirlts tur pentine higher 521 Rosin firm at $2.75 for strained, ' 1 !.. Crude Tumentine stead v at S2.2,i for hard ? $3.50 for yellow dl; KOO for virgin. Tar market higher i.8tt. ? . ,' . Cotton .Markets,. . Whmingtonv N. C, April li.-r-Cotton receipts 4 ; stecks 4,662, ' - Norfolk, April ll.Mtton aulet: low middlings 7-. ., . , , s Baltimokk". April" 14. Cotton, quiet ; middlings l&Jfe- i i lnyj Boston, April M.-r-Cotton, dull; mid dling. . STATE INS TIT.U Til ON, SAFE, COASE&VATIYE, KtEEGETIC. WILMINGTON NORTH CAROLINA ,"'i ti.Hi ' 1 .J i-5 '.-'11 ' T T V 1? ijrs uiimjce ' cojiiPtfAi FtS SUCCESS EtfCOURAtiim. Its Stability-Assaretff1 ' ''' 'I Xrvasmv', p, h. CAMERON, Seer Dr. A. J. DkROSSETT,. President. vice-rresiueni. Dr. E. a; ANDERSON; Medical Drrfector. . - . piRECTOR.S. ,:, . J. W. Atkinsoh, General Insurance A'gt. . I. . Okainukk, Pi-esidentr'iiJiw.k of Mew ilauover. ; - . . ' K.A V. kkrchnkr,' uroeer ana wmrni b- -.iou Merchant. ... ,, '- . M. stkoman, of wrtght ana' eteaman. T. H. : McKoy, of tVy ! .W hitebead ft Co., Fayetteville. ' 1 ' Du. A. J. DkRossktt; President. 11. B. Eileks, Commission iViercnant. A. A. NViLLiAHDi of Willlanl Brothers. W. A. CuMMitro, of Northrop Camming. G. W.-WtLLiAMi of WilUaanB A' Murchi- Bon. jt v;. ELt M URRAY, or Hi. Bl UTT&J A UO. ! A. J. DtRosaK-rr; of DeRosett & Co. " Kob'tHehnisu, of Dawson Teel & Hen- OliUK.' ai'll! 1 ?(! VOli; f I'i ALEX. SPKCHT, niuui vice-wjuaui, ui Sprunt & HinsOn.4- w ' V. AlV&yUY, Attorney p, jw. . ' J.' D. WiLLiAJis, of J. "D. Williams & Co. Fayetteville. ' J as. C. McRak, Att'y at Law.Fayettevlllt. i ,JL B. Kjclly, Merchant, Kenansville. J. X. rurfi, Mercuaut, jiuuDervuu. i it i v.i.. ' '. :.;,.: , - i.,t;i.; m. v Thin is strictly a . :.- .., n,;0 U OM K LIFE. 1 3 COvTfpf JV IT. . its Officers and Directors are .citizens of tne State, 01 nign cnaracicr lur - pubuicbb capacity enterprise ad probity, ,;It offers every . . . ' SUBSTANTIAL" BEK EF1T that Northern ComrianIe8, db; wlta the great additional consideration, tbat the capital is kept within the State, and, therefore, helps to build op and. foster; Howe Institutions. Another importan tfact to be considered is, that the -Wflrahacton Live bs rthue far obtained A vmr xocu laeoeb intkkest for the money invested 'at home, tttan any of the ew. York .Companies receive for their in vestments', according to their sworn utemeau be tore Che Commissioner of that Stale. . " These nnquestfonabie faots should com mend this Company, above all others, to our people. Let 'it-be born In mind that , million of dollars fecfcivd for .Life pre miums have been sent Korth 'since the war, w hich at once drains thefcjou th and enriches the plethoric capitalists of the North. 11 there was no other aonslderatioln safety, fairness and cheapness ,belng equal, why North Carolinians should iksubjc at home. ,tul.wer naora tbat omciejnl. isSia haa excellent sjjeciai teatures. , . It places nb' restHctloa'on i'Kesldence or Trawl ; it nuikes jio extra.harge.for Fe-, male risks'; and' Ittf Pollcles'are lnwmtes tabie afte 'iv .Years, t ; i -: . .f lis business is managed economically, it. niwrniic taken with equal caution, its iuvvi-meuis are made ludicrously. i . To -j....!. ui.iiou ' .-mi. So 1U) 1UUIM1 U " ECOSOMY, PROaPTXESSjf FilfiXESS." AGENTS WANTED in every Coonty in the state, with whom the most, liberal terms Will be made. ' Apply toai.- - , , tAMV.s.11. BROOKS, i.: !. i i ' orUEO, tf. UILL, . ' Local A.gent, Oct21-D&W8m lSaieigh, N. C, .. . ' ',1 i:- ur -Valium

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