ULY NEWS. iIFj A UZZELL, . . Pbopkietors. AVSTTKVJ'LX.K STREET, ovr.r V. 0. Stronacb & Co.'s Store. C Vil t ISV A HI A K IY IX ADVANCE. lii,- 'AILY XKWS will be delivered to si.seTtUers at fiktkkn cknts per week p n i.uje to the carrier weekly. Mailed at $7 hi uuiu; fro..) lor mx mouths; S2 fbrthre.-j C.i1jltllS. - !'!: WKBK1,V NEWS at 82 per annua. INSURANCE. T he (CONNECTICUT MUTUAL life: Lrsun.i.vcE co., OF HARTFORD. CONN... - ,.V" . VT Annual Income, Nearly Ho.ooo.ooo.ooijn This Company has steadily pursued two great pracuoal i-ni ' " FIRST. To place iis n .licies beyond the power of au ver.se fontlufucics. SECOND. To -re -luce the actual outlay of its mem bers, ior Liieir policies 10 the lowest possible raie. Io accomplish Uiis, it allows him to retain lnm 20 to M per cent, of the tirst (.ltiuiuiii jis a permanent credit or loan. Hint io retain i;otn each siibsfqucut prem ium mat portUm ol tlie pievious year's full premium actually proved to be surplus- so lilut ui no lime docs the Comiuinv .tUh-a Irom iiim a lustier actual premium than is -'-: Lv.'eaii nieiisii ior tne. year, and jiiu'. ru- uic leuisurauce lund. It isstrlctlv ...... i..... huuiS is uieriea io stock hi.i .ois and each iuembei b:s his insnr. am-e at its exact cost to the Company. Its rale i.i expeii.se has been from the begin- "'- i"iiu 1111 vi tuner companies s. DoUt.iL.AfS WAIT, Gen. Agent, Ollice Opposite Post Office. . jai:'l-tl. . tai'.ei-h, N. C. 6 ! A. T E INSTITUTION, t Jill V ATI YE, E. E GETIC. Til K WILMINGTON NORTH. CAROLINA : 53 t ... ii i r e m'a1 vRurcE conpi:rr. ITS SUCCESS ENCOURAGING. Its Stability Assured ! OFFICERS : In: A. J. Di-UOSsKiT, Tresident -JollN ,V. ATKlst.)N, Vice-President, i . it. CA.M l.i' ).N, .Secretary. U.-. 10. a..a iLlto .N, .Medical Director. i'.UUEUi'ORS: a. Vi". Atkinson, Uc neral Insurance A'gt 1. II. (jiivi.Niitu, I'resideut Jiauk of New i . W". U'KKCU.NEii, Urocer aud Coramls mo.i iifu-i-.ant. . t. M. .-'riii.t., !' Wright and Stedman. .. i- iJ- svivy, ol W. A. V iuleheau & Co.. i-uyettev:ll;. i'K. A J. DnUosxEiT, President, ii. i J. Kj ..fciss, L'oimuihsiou .vlerehaut. A.Vv. Vi i.u, aud, ul WUlianl lirothers. S . - v. ( ir.u.Mix,, oi N(i thn)ji A: Cuumnu. . . ti.LiAHi, ul Williams & Alurchi- hi.i ,i l-k.jav, -1 1-;. Murray t Co. A.J. OKit.a-,iiri-, tl lel!o.s.-sfcU & Co. dou r ut.-i.u, ol Dawson Teel A Hen- Aj.kx. -citLNT, liiitisli Viue-Cou.vul, ol -Sprual v iiiij.-ion. , ' I'. .'uu,if-n , .vttoriiey at Law. i. w."-. tl,i,iAia, ui.J, D. Willi jaia.it Co. r ityellr. i. e. , Ja. C. .'kiUt, Att'y at. Itv.-.Fayeitevillt , )' '-' J-1-!, -uercnaut, K:iiauviiio. J. 1. i'uet, .Mei'eiunt, Luiuboriuiii This is. s! rictly a .' I Is Oitit ei s and tui et t rsare t tue .ut.t , ui nih enuracter loi eujiueiiy, ruit'ipioe iiud probity. i.ens of Our.illeSS ii oilers wiy M ns'i ANT1AL It EN EI' IT ti'iU Not iliei ii )iiipanie.s do, w ith the great tn!i,ti.n;i eoii.siueiiaioii that lhe capital is ii-iL v ii i.i, i Lut fi;tle, ami, Iherejoru, helps ! i'.iiM! uj. ami lo.ler li.jiue lu&Ututiuiis. 'lie. iiiiportun Had to be comsiUered nia. i.-.e w iiniinjjioii la v e has ihus lar 1 ' 1 1 1 i i a Vriti V ..HCCU LAItUKK XNTKlii.SX ;'r ii.t .i:.,aey in vt..ed at home; than any T!iie vy Voi'it (.ouipauies receive lor !.!; in vf.tuicnts, aceoruinj; to their sworn .- iiii iiji-uis beioi e lhe Commissioner ol thai frt.U.;. : . i n m- i.nqiiu.il ionable tacts slrouid coin lid lat.-. t ojui-any, above all others, tt) ' r in i..,,.-. Lei it oe Torji in mind that "iiiii. ii.-, ol dollars recei.vd lor Lite ;'"tai nave been seul .North since tli'j war. v. , !i ii i,c oueetiraiiia I lie .Sou I h andenrienes '.i uiono eatlluiiis ot' tire Norm. II i II-IV w ..o ll'iie.s.- :i uo otiier tMisiUeriAtion, safety, l'.l cheapness oeinu eoual. whv .N'Ulll lroii mails should I.nsUKK AT HOME. In).-. Wert:. more than sullicleht. THE W'lEJJIA'CiTON LIFE .! '.. excellent special leatures. i. piatves no le.itiictiou n ilesidence or i i.w, , it iii..ks no extra charge ior l'e-iii,t,i- r..-iis; itijO il.s i'oncie.s are itic ..les ii'ie ,iiir f'lve it uJ. li.i luiiLios i. managed econon. .tally. It riii.s ii.e taken with equal caution. Its ia i. uui ills are m itie judiciously, lis iitotio u; : LOAC:iV, Piti)32IiliSS, FAHiESS. ACiKNl'S v'AN'l'l-;u iu-every County in the Mnie, -.vith v.iioai me most liberal terms Woi oe made. Apply to jA.ito i'- liltOOiCS, ij-nerai .MJpfi-visliiy Agun, o., illE". ii. HILL, Local Agent, ' .i-l.AWm iUlei-ti. N. c. I ,1.1) NOitfil S I ATE INSURANCE LO.UPAN'V, W A 11 II L.S TON, N. C. A1JTAL STOCK, - $100,000. ii;uis Against Loss or Damage by Fire. OFFICERS : : U.L. v. s. DAVIS, President.-1-. ii. PLUMMKH, Vice-President ' 1-' I. ;.'nG, Secretary ,,v f NORWOOD, Treasurer. T CjWJ i. r,AMS, Sup't Agencies. -jJlREflTORS : ( "i V S Davis, Warreuton; t II Plum ' ' , i.i-, W airentou; Wm WatsonEsq., i io,.n ; Dr J u Kiu, Warrentou; H ii r VVarrenion; J lluxton Wil- iianiv-, is1.t Wanenton; Capt J J Davis, iwuisoui-, . c; Col W J Green, lialtliaore, uu ; ca-a a Ii Andrews, KaleUli, N C; Capt 'oiiu nancy, 1 arboro. M C ; Capt ii Al Coi- Mu"-'sev O; Dr K F ri Pcete, Wax leu Plains, NO.' novia-D&Wtl 1. 5. VOL. II. MORNING EDITION. m iildglt guilt) S w. FRIDAY. ...APRIL 18. 1873 LOCAL; MATTER; E. C. WOODSON, City Editor Correspondents will please write ou one side of the paper, Local Bhiefs. The ii'-st roses ot ing. opring are bloom- i.i liey. Dr. Pritchard, of this city, is in Wilmington assisting at a Drotracted meeting :n the First Baptist church of j mat cuy. Id consequence of the arnr , the imunction c.a " : gauge of the N. C. R.Tl, there was no buperior Court yesterday. CCU IKUlCe in another ennmn .A house and lot and two tracts of land lor sale, located iust outside ofRalMtrh Apply to W. G. King Esa. The Good Ttniniars of Durham ...a to have a pc uic on the 1st nl nPvi month, and havH i Manguui, of this eitv. to deliver' nV,.,i' dress upon the occasion. The Charlotte Observer conies the greater portion of the recent letter ot our correspondent "Velta," in which t lie writer sneaks f tut ,.t t ... iuuu . hi nuu in another portion of the Observer asks ''Who is "Velta," the" correspondent oj the Raleigh News, who writes so pleasantly about Charlotte ?'' Echo answers, who ? High-Handed Conduct of a Uni ted' States Detective. The Spirit of the South, a Republican paper pub lished m Rockingham, "Richmond county, deals rather sharply- with our U. S. Detective Berry, whose head quarters are in this city, jar misconduct in that county. Thej:Dettctive discov ered some illicit distillers and tobaeco peddlers in that -county who defied his authority. He returned to Raleigh and secured au armed escort of Fd,.?ul cni. J - . -Ii Micro ana with these proceeded io cap- tnr." .ill tlin ,, ,.ii;, 4.1. - .. . i . turo all the p.irtfies thus engaged, to- 'inerwun tlie (Whisky and tobacco The Spirit of the South, while sustaining the officer in the discharge of his duty" thus speaks ot the conduct ot some ol t he soldiers tu the trip. Savs that paper : "We. have been informed that the soldiers under the command of Detective Bury rsfoc drunk and behaved them selves very badly at Laurel Hill in this county, which place it seems they also visited, it bein near Laurinburg. Our inioimant saya that they amused them selves bv hrimr oil tht-ir inir. nnrl and cursed and abused several citizens. Their conduct ou-iht to be looked into. and if they acted in the manner that we are inlormed tlu-y did. thev deserve to be punished, and we should be glad to hear that it was done. The people have a right to ask that soldiers sent unions them be made to conduct them- seives-properly, and we respectfully re quest supervisor Perry to look into this matter." Referring to this affair, the Era of this cuy says : jir. Detective Berry may be a very energetic officer, but the almvr- .lmws him to have been totall? unfit to lead and govern an expedition of the char acter ot that he latelv romlm-tpd through Robeson and Richmond conn ties. He not only appears to have failetl to suppress the insubordination of the men ot hi? expedition, but his coiiducr.at the outset, is reported to nive.been such as would naturally lead to whatjhe Spirit of the South details as occurring. at. Laurinburir. 'On the march of the expedition, a short tlistunce out, a Republican re ports that Mr. Berry halted lor the night, and ou leaving in the nioinim ittempted to evade pavnient of the tiifiing sum ot five dollars fo." supplies furnished by a poor woman of limited means, telling her to ''charire it to the United Stales Government," but was finally prevailed on to piy the sum by . oeigenut auu some oiners or the ex- ix dition. tjuch conduct as this is unbecomin" in officer or agent of the jiovernmeut. iud H is time that Republicans, of North Carolina demanded the removal of such 'jiliccrs and agents from the State. The time has come when the services of such men can be disuensed witu, and the Republican party must insist upon gentlemanly deportment in those office! s anil agents sent out on among our people : government duty and the Republicans of North Carolina do demand it." Game Cocks. Those- beautiful chickens, sent to Dr. Blacknall on yes terday, created quite a sensation on the street.. In -color, size ami svinmetivof orm, they were perfect. Well they might be, as they come from the' poultry yard otMr. Gid Arrington, oi Nash, county, who has no tqual as a chicken man. His cocks have fought from New York to Mexico, and ntn. havfi etrayed I he conhdeuce of their owner, ne is snipping them every - day to different parts ol the world and has on mncl several hundred ot the same sort. Cait. Hoi'is Lkctcuk in Raleigh. Our citizens may expect to have a most interesting ltcture On the evening of the first of Mav, irom Capt. James arron Hope, the able editor of the Norfolk Virginian, as all arrangements have been made ior his deli veriu'y hW lecture upon "Tne Press und the Printer's Devil" here at that time. Capt. Hope is oae of the most polished gentlemen in the South. Registration. Yesterday the regis tration in lhe variousJWaids resulted s follows; Middle Ward. W lutes 0 colored colored Western -.-Ward. Whites. 4 11. Eastern Ward. Whites 10 : colored RALEIGH. N. - An . Import akt Communication from Ireasurer Jenkins. The subjoined communication to the public from Treasurer Jenkins will be found ot in terest to many persons throughout the fetate : State of North Carolina. Treasury Department, Raleigh, April 16th, 1873. me lollowing opinion 13 published in reply to such persons as have asked my construction of the law in respect to the taxation of stocks, bonds, solvent cretins, money, &c, and for the infor mation of ers therein, and all others interested . 1 - ;iwuiuuiu occiiou i, uiass i, ot the "Act to raise revenue," ratiaed the 3rd day xuarcn, provmes that there shall be an ad valorem ta of twenty cents for . -on.eve7ODe h".ndred Z Z Vh' , Z Pro L . Z L Tr1 lu CAemPlns I i , ' o J - ' -i.c, bonds, stocks, etc. The subjects mentioned in section 1 are aiso taxable under sprtimic 9 s ori 4, imposing taxes for special purposes. lu my opinion the stocks in banks. wuetner i.auonal L!auks, or Banking Institutions established under the laws ot this State, and in all other corpora u.ons or associations ot the' nature of joint stock companies, are taxable. as it affects National Bank stock espe- cially,,s consistent with the following vwon uv.uuii ji luc -law. so lar pi ovision of tlie Act of Congress, ap proved June 3rd, 18G4 : l-ioiided, 1 hat nothing in this Act shall be construed to' prevent all tlve efiares in any of the said Associa tions, held by any person or bodv cor porate, Irom beinn included in the val uation of the personal property of such person or corporation in the assessment ot taxes imposed by or under State au- thnritTT ofr tlw. ,xl.. 1. ..' i i . . o.l nauc vvueie Eucn uanK is tocateI, and not elsewhere, but not at a .caiei iaie man is assessed upon other moneyed capital in the hands of indi- vioual citizen?, ot such Siate. Prod ded further. That the tax so imposed under the laws ol any State upon the shares ol any of the associations author izes oy this Act, snail not exceed the raie imposed upon the shares in any of the banks organized uajer authority of v . . i.cov'l.liiHUU 13 iO cated. Provided alsz, That nothing in' ..I V. i ,i . o tne tia.e where sut:h fissnn-.tinn ; l this Act shall exempt the real estate ot associations irom either State, county oi municipal taxes to the same extent according to us va'ue, as other real estate is taxed." Also with the following proved February 10, 1SG8 : Act' ap. An Act in relation to taxing shares m National Bi iks." li a enacted by the Senate and House of heprtsentata-es of the United States oj America in Congress assembled. That the words "place where the Bank is located. ana not elsewhere," in section forty-one of the "Act to provida a national cur rency, approved June third, eighteen hundred and sixty-tour, shall be con strued and heid to mean, the State with- in winch the Bank is located: and the Legislature of . .each State may deter mine and direct the manner and pla'ie oi taxing an tne shares of National banks located withjnsaid State, sub T ..f t .- ill.. .r. . r. f ; .. .1. . . . 1 . jv.i.1, iv me ican leiion mat tne taxation sua. I not be at a greater rate than is asscsed upon any other . moneyed capital in the hands of individual citi zens of such State: And provided al way, 1 hat the shares of any National Lank owned by non residents of anv State, shall be taxed in the city or town where-said bank is located, and not elsewhere. Section seven of "An act to provide for tne collection ot taxes by the State aud the several counties of the State on property, polls and income, ratified Jth oi Jbebruarv. 1873. is as fni!n "All Other peisonal property what ever, including moneys, credits, invest ments m bonds, stocks, joint stock com panics or otherwise, and all taxable polls, and all other subjects liable to taxation, except such franchise and personal property as aie herein specially pioviueu ior, snail be given in in the in v Usui j . iu vmcn tne .person so charged resides on the first . day of April.' The residence of a corporation, partners'sip or joint stock association ior the purpose of this act, shall be o'eemed to be in the township in which its principal office or place of business is situated : it, however the corporation, jai Luui sin ii, in association, nave sepa rate places of business in more than one township.it shall be given itvin each, the nropei-ry oreltects therein, but any bodv oi i-aucis belonging to persons or a cor poration, paitnership or association and divided ly township lints, shal. be given m in that township in which the larger part thereof is situated." The language of this section is expli cit as to the place '.where the subjects specified are to be listed for taxation. The law imposing the taxes on mon eys, ' credits, bonds, stocks, &c. is in accordance with the requirements of the State Constitution, and the Stafe Treas urer, a ministerial officer, must carry into effect the previsions of the law. Money on hand or on deposit in any bank in or out of the State, including therein all funds invested within thirty days before the 1st of April in any non taxoaying property with the intent . to evade the Dement of Hnv t,.vn ue iistea and the taxes paid. n.e taxpayer must likewise list the amount ot solvent credits.owing to him (whether in or out of the State) by bond, note, bill of exchange, oneu ac count, or dtle and piyable, or by any Government except bonds of this State or of the United States, &c. subiect to deductions in subdivision 5th, sec. 9 of uie iuacii:nery Act. Bonds issued by any government or corporation, except those -of this State or ot the United States, must be listed at their market value The foregoing conclusions are reached after a careful consideration of the Acts of the General Assembly in relation to uevenue, and 1 am persundetl that thev are entirely consistent with the piincf ples of the law as based upon the con stitutional provision on the subject. D. A. Jenkins, State Treasurer. (2) A pure Whiskey 1 stimulant, Century CL Fill DAY MORNING. meeting of the state d30ard of Education in the Executive Office April 16th. Pursuant to Section 9, Article IX, of the Constitution of North Carolina, which provides that "the Board of Education shall have full power to legislate and make all neediul rules and regulations in relation to free public schools, and the educational fund of the State," the Board of Education met April 16th, present : His Lxcellen', Tod P. Caldwell, Governor, D. A. Jen kins, Treasurer, W. H. Howerton, Sec retary of State, John Reilly, Auditor, and Alexander Mclver, Superintendent f uuuc instruction, and unanimously adopted the following rules and reo-ula- of lions in relation to public schools'- 1. The school districts of the several counties shall be kid off as nearlv rlual form, as the situation of the fe1 alines will permit. Natural unas, a.monUins jarKe water on iiuius. KUU unoccODied lands shall be adopted as the boundaries of adjacent school districts. The conve nience of each neighborhood must be consulted. 2. Each school district shall contain an area equal to a square of from four to seven miles square, and the school house shall be as near the ceutreofthe scnool population of the district as may uc piacucaoie. .. r. s in a tn :.c oi i Committees to lay off school dSr cts within their respective townShinJ in pcuuve lownsnios. in accordance with the foregoing regula tions, aud sections 19 and 20 of" tin school law, ou or before the second Sat uiday in June, 1873, and record the boundaries and designation of each dis trict in the book of School Records id the township and report the same to the Register of Deeds. If a school dis- tiict is to be laid off so that it will lie in two or more townships, the School Committee of the several townshins in. terestetl shall nmw tmnn ihD .KAn,), or if they fail to a-ree. thev shall renort the facts to the (km , iWd ' iff, nrirthf r::Z.:r:i:r cation.-and the . . J " " iJUU- utter shall establish the district. The electors of the several ftehonl Districts shall, on the fourth Saturd av in June in each year, elect three residents of the district to be styled "District Trustees," whose'term of office shall be gin on the first day of Julv following and continue one vear and until nfhora ar chosen. The white electors shall elect "District Trustees" for the school for- white children,' and the colored electors shall elect "District Trustees" for the school for colored children. The election shall be held at such place in he District as the School Committee of the township may designate, and the three persons having the highest number ot votes shall be declared elected. The School Com mittee of the township in which lhe district lies shall give notice in writing at three or more public places in each district of the election at least ten days before the same, and shall appoint two suitable residents of the district to conduct the election. The said con Juctors'of the election shall give to the School Committee a certificate in writing of the number of votes received by each person, and the School Commit tee shall' declare the three persons receiving the "highest number of "votes lot- ' District Trustees" for the District . Prodded, That whenever the District fails to make an election, the School Committee of the Township shall ap point suitable persons "Distrcit Trus tees," and shall fill all vacances that may occur Irom any cause. 5. It shall be the duty of the "Dis trict Trustees" to have supervision of the school, school house and school property of the district for which thev are elected.to obtain funds bv vi.Iuntarv subscription to pay half the cost of the building, repairing aud furnishing school houses, to determine the tim at which tlie pub'ic school shall be tau.' ht. i t commend a teacher who will he ac ceptable to the people of .the District, ami abt-am by voluntarily . sub scription such assistance as will supple ment the public school fund so that the two combined will pay the wages ol the teacher for such time as the people of the district mav desire to ennrimm the public school each year, and report to the School Committee lhe school cen-us ol the district. G. The School Committee shall in no ase, give an order on the County Treasurer in payment of a teacher's wages for more than seventy-five cents a month for each pupil to a teacher of a third grade school, nor more than a dollar a'inouth for each pupil to a teacher of a second grade school, nor more than a dollar and twenty-five cents a month lor each pupil to a teacher of a first grade school, counting the num ber of pupils, in every case, by their average attendance. The Hook and Ladder Company. As has been heretofoie announced Hip Hook and Ladder Company No. 1, of this city, will celebrate their filth anni versary to-day by a parade, barbecue and target practice. The two lattpr will take place at Mordecai's Grove 1 he Company will meet at 1:30 p. m. and at 2:30 p. m. will deceive their hon orary members and invited guests in front of the Metropolitan Half, ami es cort them to the grove. In the tar'ef- shooting the first prize will be a beauti- lul schromo, presented by Chief En gineer Ciavyson. The second, an elegant set of sdver spoons presented by that vetraa friend of the Comvanv. Jno n Palmer. The third 'prize "will be a uudsome medal. The honoary members of theComoanv and invited guests are requested to meet;at the Mayor's office at 2:30 o'clock, p. m.-tiiis afternoon. Habeas Corpus, W. D. Stanlv, t.f JohnV.on county, hehl for a bill of cost. was brought before Judge Albertson yesterday morning, and yvas discharged by order of the Court. ' Allan Smith, a soldier of the war of 1812, formerly of Craven countv. this State, but how of Glasgow, Kentucky, has written to the Governor for a certifi' cate of his services, with a view ol ob taining the pension allowed by Con gress. r : ; . - i APRIL 18. 1873. 41 IT X iuiiw. ve cneer fully give space to the following com- mumcation upon the necessity and practicability of having City Water Works. . It is from the Tien of nn whn knows whereof he speaks r ... Messrs. Editors: The water ques tion is one in which all our citizens are much interested. I observed in your paper of the 28th of March, that the water question was again agitated. Let the cry go forth and the alarm be sounded until we have water. You also mention the complete water works of our worthy and enterprising citizen, Col. R. S. Tucker, which reflect great credit on him for the way and manner he has constructed them about his premises to the great comfort of his family, besides protection from fire. I observe also that you call attention to the stream owned by Col. Tucker as a suitable place to obtain water to supply the city. I have often examined this stream with a view to the same pur pose, out nave doubted that there ..wU. U a Duuiueui-uantity to sup- ply the city. There might be enough for he fire department, unfess we should have one of those terrible con- rlagrations which have visited many of our cities within the last year and then it would not do, and besides the citizens would require large quantities oi water for other ournoses. Another expense attending the raising nf tli .t, iv n..r T..T.:r " ., ....lu iiwm oM, xucucrs location, would be the cost of a steam engine sd. pumping machinery, and constant at tendance with engineer and other ex penses. So much for Col. Tucker's loca tion. I will now call your attention to an- notner location, which affords much more water and is located sufficiently high, in my- opinion, to flow over the top of the Capitol without the use of engine or pump, which would be of to 'the Water Comoanv. , - g , inc n ater 'mPany. FPG loc" above referred to is Camp 1 antflim enr nrr o.'f,,., U. a "'gi o.iuoicu siuuuE inrce miles west of the mn 4. . 1 : At. ty, lugciuer witn another stream a. few hundred yards below which combined, would supply the CltV Vears to romp T.WjnfT tU grade of the North Carolina Railroad at seventy feet to the mile, up to a right angle with the spring, and we have 2f0 feet above the station at this city. De- uuec iuu ieetior a difference of eleva- . . f inn nt ovt - rr i i ; auu, we nave iiu ieec whicli will throw water over the top ot the capitol. At anv rate we will i , ., ... . . " , w 1 1 have water over every part or the cuy, whicn can be used for fires in all the lower parts without in engine, and every merchant on our principal streets could have it on every floor ot their houses, and with about 50 feet of hose could resist most any ordinary fire. The resevoir could be constructed at the stream with small cost, to bold several millions of gallons of water ready for any emergency. It is also . very "pure water and will answer very well for drinking purposes." Now, then, Mr. Editor, the city is allowed to borrow fifteen thousand dol lars for the purpose of digging reservoirs in the ground, which would "be of vWv i trrtt-v 1 1 1 i 1111 mi t o rnncT nrri r i-, . 1 . 4. 1 - . ' . J ntrie use in case ot a larfre fare, as anv one of our fire engines would use all the water in a tew minutes. It seems to me that if the city, instead of throwing away that amount, would subscribe it to a Joint Stock ' Company, with a capital stock of seventy-five thousand dollars, to be increased to any amount required, it would be tar better, as the object would then be accomplished. It is my opinion that the water could be brought from the point suggested to the west gate of the Capitol Square for about fifty thousand dollars or less. Now then, Mr. Editor, cannot men of capital be induced to take hold of this thing and bring the water to the city. It seems to me that it would pay. Engineer. Nomination for Republican Mayor of the City. At a meeting of. the Re publicans t t the city last night at Metropolitan Hall, for the purpose of putting in nomination a candidate lor Mayor, on motion, T. F. Lee, Esq., was called to the Chair, and Charles Hunter made Secretary. Mr. Quent Busbee nominated the present incumbent, Wesley Y hi taker, Esq. and Friday Jones nominated Dal lasriaywood, liq. Mr. Wicker wanted to kuow if Mr. Haywood was a Republican ? Friday "rose to explain" at some length, and said that ".Mr. Haywood ws as "ood a 'publican as many of the galvanized 'publicans uovv in the party." Then followed a cross fire of speeches between Friday (not Crusoe's man) and Loge Hairis, James Harris, aud others, as to the merits of .'the two men, Friday's persistency winning for him ' roars of laughter. A vote being finally reached, Dallas Haywood received lour votes and Wes ley hitaker the remaining portion of the meeting. The Chair declared the latter nominated, and the nominee was proceeding to the stage to speak a piece when we left the Hall. Oxford Items. Our correspondent under date of yesterday, gives us the follovviug items of interest: Married, in the Bap ist Church a this place by Elder R. II. Marsh, , on the morning of the lGth inst., Miss Mary, the beautiful and accemplished daugh- ter of D. A. Hunt. hiQ.. to Samuel A Parker, Esq , . of Enfield. The bride was beautifully attired" in a handsome traveling suit, and immediately alter the ceremonies was performed, the bri dal party bade adieu to friends and de parted on a Northern four, May happi ness and joy attend them. ; Our Superior Court begins next Mon day. No capital cases. During the war, a hea Captain from Norfolk, Va. named Baify, with his family, located in Orange county. Captain Baily and his w ife died and leit twro little helpless and dependent, but sprightly boys. These boys had no re sources, and were entirely dependent. A dark luture loomed up before them, until the fostering hand of masonry stretched out its protecting arm and domicile 1 these promising youths in the Orphan Asylum at this place. What a noble institution, and who will with t old his or her might ? A ' " " NO. 45. - state nv ni-rn n . . Richmond & Danville Rail Road Buford et al, Directors. -Suit to obtain perpetual inWtion nfr5,cfi widpnimr nf ti,Q c -r - - i"v tauKo iji ine orrn Carolina Rail Road between Greensboro ana cnar:otte, from four feet eidit inches and a half to five feet. Order of injunction granted by Judre Watts, April the Jth imit. The case came before Judge Albertson yesterday. at Chambnra nn mnfttr. ai i . "1 u "i"uuu ui ucieuitani fj" T J tmr ... . to dissolve Judcre Wtta' order. On the ground, ' First. That the State is improperly made party plaintiff. Second. That the,,- North Carolina Rail Road had full power to alter the gauge, and in express tern rav tiat power to the lesseea-the Richmond & faunae xtaii ivoatl. Third. That it is to thednterest of the State that it should be done. The grounds of the.plaintiff are, that the lease is ultra vires that it was oeyona tlie power of the North Carolina noaa to make the lease- hut that if the North Carolina Roa'd had the right to make the lease the lessees had no power to chan-e the gauge of the Road Aigued lor the plaintiff Lv T L Hargrove. Attorney General W N. 11. Smith, and J. B. Batchelor and for the defendant., t., t..: . .Inri.-,. MUr,ii v:.,:..-. auer' m?: U1 giuia, ana otron The plaintiff contends that th ol change of gauge so as to conform to the gauge of Virginia and South Caro- uua win convert the Road into a mere thoroughfare tCross the Srarr onrl thereby greatly damage the citizens. And that the N. C. R. 1., had no riht to make the lease "nnrW tho r..,..-;.. the charter to firm out their ritrht of transportation." That the lessee havo not for the nsrht to altf-r the gauge, though the Road originally could hve established A , CC .i ,. : its gauge u.ueieiitiy irom what it now is, yet having made it four feet eight and I l.nli' : i o au ruuues, ana the State havino- rhar tertd.manycorporations connect with it, with the gauge the same, under the rHSsnf.f.t0 .... t...i .. case of State vs. Matthews, it amounts to an alteration of the charter to that extent. The plaintiff further contends that the change of gauge, if allowed, would subvert the I wkvs H tlVj I ... . wnoie iiailroad policy of tue State would separate EastPrn nH Western.North Caiolina-wo.dd North fi.mii r,.i . I .. uiv.ltlj a tuuuuary artery for the benefit of other States-and would do incalculable and irrpn,.rKia . . . wrong and mischief to the whole State. ine defendants claim that the State having granted general power to the tween Charlotte and Goldsboro with it. Vy. uaitroaa. to constrnoh n maA J WMU I i -v., ...? , oui restriction as to the gauge, any act passea in connict therewith would be unconstitutional "and therefore void and the Courts, where no 'act has been passed directly affecting the gauge of this Road, will not iorce a construction to that effect by implica tion. That it will benefit the State by building up a through trade between the South and States and th m.,rito i xr...,. that all ot the 150 mil- nf "d,- and the country adjacent will be directly benefitted -and developed and that the increased receipts from this source will enable the Richmond and Danville Road to greatly diminish its charges for freight and passenger fare on the whole line of the Road that no portion ol North Carolina will be injured, as the proper connection of the Western part ot the Stale is over this line, on account . 4ts shortness that the other portions bi the State already have communica tion with the North by other lines and that this was a fight between two com peting lines of Roads, and not one in which the people of the State should be made parties. ; At a 'ate hour in the night the argu ment in the case-was closed bv G V o.rong, jy;q. itie Judge reserved his decision The Sociable. - The entertainment given by the ladies oi Oak City Council Will nine nlT tliij ; .i - - w .' v- v mu. ue auvise ..i ! I ii- li, , mijli , I . : i ...4 n leu iu oj en M-a pieasant even ing to go. 1 lie Socialde will be at Temp-ranee Hall, over Gulley's store. A handsome gold--'ring will be given away, and all who expect to be married soon had better try their luck. Admis sion only 50 cents. No extra charges for auytukig. a The Laws of the Last Session op the Legislature. During the next week the Secretary of State will be en abled to seud out the greater portion of the laws and resolutions, adopted by the late session of "the General Assem bly. They will be sent first to the Judges and to the members of the Leg islature. Consumers should use from one fourth to one-half less of DorJey's than of other Yest or Baking Powders. It is put up full weight. i See the notice elsewhere of Wm. Doub, concerning the claims of A B. G. Lee & Co. MAItlilED , PARKER - HUNT. - At the Baptist g"?, i' ?: . byEWer,K. H Parker, of Halifax bounty - to n Mary v. Hunt, elde.T daugK of -Till lit, JjSC. A DVERTISMEISTS.' N O T I C E t AU parties indebted to. the late firm of m .ee in whatsoever manner will please come forward promptly and settl-, and oblige. apns-im WM. E. DOUB. H OTJSE AND LOT AND FOR SALE. LAND I wish to eli my HOUSE AND LOT, situated just outside she corporation and near the Insane Asylum. Good water anri a fine fruit lot attached. It b cheaj. Also Two Tracts of Land. four mik-s southeast of Raleigh, adlolnlne the lands of Messrs. T. II. Brlggs, V. G Vv church and others, containing 73 aciVs lti one tract and la in the other. 40 of which laud It can be bought ou easy terms. Apply to u fl K'lO aprlSDiWiWlw - U' K1U DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, oae lnsertloa ; r nn One square, two insertions" : i so One square, three insertions.Z.7Z. 2 00 One square, six insertions.. T 3 69 One square, one month r m rrtt f (lQare. three months is m One square, six months. 4X One square, f.. elve months,:'.:;' 50 00 TEJLEGIlPniC JTEirs. noon disIpachesT Rumor of the Death ot Sir Samuel Baker and Wife-Severe Storms, etc. London, April 17.- A Dainfnl rnmnr comes from Alexandria, Egypt, that Sir Samuel Baker and his wife, Lad j Baker. bave been murdered in the interiei of A.f"ca by the natives of that country. Sir Samnpl Rotor n : - i i. . t . w.v-, auuiuauieu ov nis I full. 1 , . J wile, took an extensivA pmoHitinn the Nib. ; 7 7 A number of severe thunder storms occurred yesterday in Wales. Tfce crops were injured and several persons were struck by lightning and killed. xne weather throughout England to daj ia ,air and favorable to crops. An Old Minstrel snow' Bound. Washington, April 17. Wm. R Donaldson, the oldest negro minstrel and clown in the United States, is dead. Three thousand , passengers are de tained at Omaha by the storm. Fortication of Halifax. Halifax, April 17.-A letter savs that England will spend a half million of sterling on the fortifications of Hali. fax. , , Snow Storm in the West, " Omaha, April 17. The Rtnrm n' .ered a striP of 300 miles wide. It Was, . . uorst ever known. The W1" be cleared to-day. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. From New York. New York, April 17. Jay Gould was summoned before the Grand Jury to testify regarding usury. A gaaetriker was sentenced to the Penitentiary for an assault. The Government sold a million and a half of gold to-day. Washington Affairs. Washington, April 17. The Presi- dent h appointed A, Foulds, Post Imcir .r ' master at Cincinnati. The Government has ordered the offi cer m charge of, the Vancouver at Arsenal, to issue 5,500 bceach loaders to the citizens of Oregon for their defence. - Fatal Accident. Pittsboro, Pa., Api il 17. -William Grant. PronriMnr f tK ri-i, t-. i n 1 iouiv atuge Coege, and Walter Gibbs. inside hot I tpa l: ii s ii- . ... were killed by-falliner coal whilft prm. miDS Whether the new slope was safe ! worKmen Two laborers jurefl ,:)y the falling slope. were ln- Folice Sent to Colfax. New Orleans, April 17. It is un derstood that a hundred Metroplitans, armed as infantry, and a battery of two Napoleons left the city for the interior, it is supposed for Colfax, the Federal authorities having refused troops after repeated applications. Death of an Old Journalist. Nashville, Tenn , April 17. Henry Smith, agent of the Western Associated Press at Nashville, and an old journalist of this city, died thia morning after a protracted illness. New Orleans Races. New Orleans, April 17. 1 esterday "Village Blacksmith" won the first race, time 2.21. "Foertowu" won th second ; won the time third 2.2G. "Silent Friend" ; time 4.03. Ku KIux Dead. Frankfort, Ky., April 17. Advices from Henry county report three of the Ku KIux wounded in the recent adven ture died of their wounds. xs Weather Iteport. Washington. April 17. For the Southern States rising temperature with partly cloudy and clear weather.. ' 00.I.EKCIAL ItEPOKT. Sew Vork MarkelsT New Yokk, April lS.-Cotton dull; sales Hmn a,e"S, uPUllds organs Vlou? V- Ueavy f romni0 to extra so.iqaj6.lo; good to choice S8.20a$12.i!5. VVhiskey steady. Wheat Arm. extra & Com Uriner, and fair demand : yel.ow western 0oa Hice steady. 1'ork shade ll. iner, quiet ; new 31K- Lard firm 1-ltf. quiet quieu '-fallow - steady. Freights Cotton Net ' receipts 729 bales ; gross 7, , iii t tu-uay none. Money after a hard day closed 6 to 7 cents uui III IU. Eoreien Markets. Fl90N' AprU 17--Consoht closed at 93. Frankfort April 17.-Bonds 26. Paris, April 17. Rentes 55 and 92. LiVERroouAprLl 17.-Cotton opened auiet uplands 94, Orleans 9a9. "cu 1uiei. .LATER IJotton lnll . l,. innnn .i. speculation and eiDort 2mm uoAt., quiet. ' .i-uu. Evening Cotton closed dull. Cotton fMarket8v Wilmington, n. a.. Anrii i7r-i- net receipts 39. ' ; Sr,?Jf' Apr11 "--Cotton quiet; low middliuKS Baltimore. April 17. Cotton middlings 19. doll Boston. Anrll 17 rvittn dliDsr . "u" mid- New Orleans. Anrii i7rv.. mand moderate; ordinary likal2. oxl Mobile. Anril 17.-rvttn 4in imnin.. SdSSlfe16 low mTddlYngri-: Memphis. Anrii 17 rnttnn flrm. i middlings . ' . ? O T I U E Osbnrn's Grain Feed and Store, ' 500 Bales Ilay, Fodder and Shucks. ' .1,000 Bushels Corn. an ' Peas. ) " : M-aJ. 5t) Sacks X. C. Flour. Also Brand and Mill Feed now In ftore and to arrive. apr!0-4t W. A. GATTIS, SVPT. 50 0 CASESBKANDY PIACnES Cases Fresh Oyters. - ii ,nA , WLton Ior luture delivery to-day. 11,000 oaies, as luliows : April, 18 6-l(Jal87; 4May, 18 7-10al8 9-16; June, i8al8 15-ltf : July. 18 15-l;il9-l-lH. ' y 10 i0' 100 Boxes assorted Candy. SO " Candles, at prl5tT LEACH