-r- -TWWtirTr'" DAILY NEWS. r DAILY NEWS. . RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one insertloH.-..... l oo One squara, two Insertions . l 50 Ona square, three insertions 2 00 One square, six insertions . 3 66 One square, one month 8 00 One square, three months . 16 00 One square, six months... 80 00 One square, V . elve months,.... . 50 00 or larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten line s solid non pareil constitute one square. 1 S'i'K S. UZ7.ELL, - ..j. ProPRI ETOS3. A KTTEVILLE STREET, tw W. O. Stronach & Co.'s Store. 1 H CASH IX VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to nbsi'.riber at fifteen cents per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at 7 per an mini; fc.50 for six months ; $2 forthres months. , The WKEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. VOL. II. RALEIGH N; CL SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 19. 1873. NO. 46. INSURANCE. rpiIE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL life l.rsueijtjrcE co., OK HARTFORD. CONN., Annual Income IS early $ 1 0 , 000 ,0 0 0 . 0 0 !j! ! This Company has steadily pursued two great practical ends: FIRST. To place its policies beyond the power of adverse contingencies. SECOND. To reduce the actual outlay of its mem bers lor tneir policies 10 the lowest possible rate, lo accomplish this, it allows him to retain from 2u to 80 per cent, of the first premium as a permanent credit or loan, and 10 retain fiom each subsequent prem ium that port ion ol the pievious year's full premium actually proved to bo surplus; so that at no time does the Company take from li itu a hi&her actual premium than is needed to carry the lisk for the year, and provide tiie reinsurance iund. It is strictly Mutual. Nothing is diverted to stock holders, and each membei has his insur ance at its exact cost to the Company. Its rate of expense has been from the begin ning less man that of other companies, cj. UOUUIjaS W AIT, lieu. Agent, Office Opposite Post Office. jan21-tf. " . Raleigh, N. C. A 8 T ATE INSTITUTION, SAf ECOSSE&YATIVE, ESi ESGETIC. THE . WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA LI F E i its success encouraging. Its Stability Assured I - OFFICERS : Dr. A. J. DkUOSETT, President JOHN VV. ATK.lN.-iON, Vice-President. t ii.-CAMiHON, .Secretary. Dr. C. A. AN Lt:ivsuN, -Medical Director. OIKKCTORS : J.W. Atkinson, General Insurance A'gt I. li. GliAiNutu, President Bank of N'ew Hanover. -' " F. W. Kekoun&k, Grocer and Commis sion Merchant. . M. stisdman, of Wright and Stedman. T. II. McKoy, of W. A. Whitehead & Co., Fayetteville. 1k. A. J. L)-;rtosETT, President. H. B. IjiLKHS, Commission Merchant. A. A. -Vn-tiAKU, 01 Williarvl Brothers. W. A. CuM.Mi.stt, of Northrop & Camming. G. W. illiajih, of Williams & Murehi son. fcLi Mci:kay, of E. Murray a Co. A. J. 'Otitonciiii'T, 01 Deitossett & Co. Kon'T iitvNNiNG, 01 hawsou Teel & Hen- n Alex. cpnUNT, British Vice-Cousul, ol .Sprunt A llinsou. . . . , . ..... . ... . . . T A . r. r. ilUiti'tn, .ti iwiuejf tti uiiw. J. u. vv 1 1. li a. via, 01 J. D. Williams & Co. Fayette v pit. J as. C. McilAfc., Att'y at Law.Fayettevlllt. I. B. KrALi, Merchant, Keiiansviile. J.Trl'oi., .Merchant, ljUiuocrion. This U strictly a ll Officers and .Directors are citizens of the Stale, of high cuaracter for .,u.-,iness capacity, enterprise and probity, i i oilers every ! ' SHU ST A NTIAli D 3 EF1T that Northern Companies do. with the great additional coiihiaerallon that the Capital is Rept wituiij tlieisiale, ami, Qiereiortj, helps to uuild up iMid toslei Home lusLltutions. Anotiiei importaii tlact to ue considered is, thai to? vv iluiinjilou Live has thus far OOUiilietl A VfcUY MI CH LAKUBH' ISTtKEST lor tiie 111 ouey inveoieu at Home, than any in i.hH .,tw. 1'oi'K Companies receive for tneir in vestments, aceoruing to their sworn iiaiumtjuis Ijeiore lue coinmi&sioner of that 'i'hebe uniues.tiouable facts should com mend iiii-. v-uiujiuuy, above all otuers, to our peoiii. L,ei it oe born in mind that million of uoliars icceivt-d lor Lite p"e nuuni na.e bt;cn seul North since the war, hich at once drains thertouthandenricnes tue piemoric ca,jitaiisis of the North. II tiiere whs no oilier consideration, ssiUety, Jaii iieos and cneapuess being eiiual, why North Carolinians should i.nsUkk at lioaiK Auit weie more man suiUcient. THE ViLMlNTpN LlFli jias eitceiient special features. it places 110 restriction on Residence or Travel : it iudie8 no extra chaiite lor l?'e- uuue runs ; arid its Jfoiicies are inc . .tes table alter uive 1'cvrs. li6 bu.suieo.s is uiaiiased eeonom.cally. Its risii.3 are taken witn equal caution. Its investments are made judiciously. Its motto is: . KtOVOtf, I'ttOilPIAKSS, FAlilSESS." AGENTS WANTED in every County in the ftlate, with whoai the most liberal terms wni be made. Applj to ' jAAito D. BROOKS, Uenerai supervising Agent, or, i'ilKU. H. HILL, Local Agent, Oct21-lJAVt3in Kileign, IS. C. 7Lij t KOUTH STATE INSURANCE J COMPANY, WAHIt.ENTON, N. C. CAPITAL STOCK, - $100,000. tasares igaiast Loss or Damage by Fire. OFFICERS : COL. Vv. S. DAVIS, President. K. ii. -rLUMMEfi, Vice-President li V LONG, Secretary Wii J .NORWOOD,. Treasurer. T U WILLIAMS, Sup't Agencies. oiheotors : ' r,i w 8 Davis, Warrenton E H Plum juei, i ..-.t., Warrenton; W m Watson, Isq., v .n r. u .on ; DrJ(i King, Warrenton ; H i - liuu.er, Ksu... Warrenton; J Buxton Wil iiao., t.s4u., Warrenton; Capt J J Davis, LouiMJurg, N C; Col Vv' J Oi-ien, Baltimore, Md; Capt a B Andrews, Raieiah, i C; Capt Jonii - oancy, Jarboro.N O; CaptB M Col lins, lli.igfcway, N C ; Dr K ' fct Pete, War ren PUdliS, C. ! uovlDAWtf C ' v -:-V jSl A ft1 ' : K-1- '- . a' A MORNING EDITION. SATURDAY ...APRIL 19, 1873. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor HP" Correspondents will please write on one side of the paper, .gij Local Briefs. There was a big frost yesterday morn ing:. Our Local Chief is expected to arrive thi3 morning. If you wish to see some stylish silk and telt hats call on C. .D. Heartt, & Co. Up to 6 p. ra. yesterday not an item could be squeezed out of the Police Court. We hear that several horse thefts have been perpetrated in this and John ston county recently. We understand that the ladies ot the Methodist Church are preparing to give a series of charades and tableaux. A small colored lad, living in the Eastern Ward, while indulging in the juvenile sport ot "walking the fence," tell and dislocated his lei t shoulder. Consumers should use from one Jourth to one-half less of Dooley's than of other Ycst or Baking Powders. It is put up full weight. Every one wishing t3 get a bowl of good soup will not fail to go to the Green Front on Harget, street to-day. Pepper's old stand. Alabama Mel tore, col., was yesterday put in jail for the non-payment of a bill of cost. The bill amounts to $50. Alabama will probably go to the Work Ilouse to work out the bill. The approaching municipal electicn is beginning to excite interest. We hear of several independent candidates for the Mayoralty and about a thousand for Commissioners in the various Wards. Tommy Uarrison, the, well known Saloonist, has become the proprietor of the "Green Front," Harnett street, for merly conducted by W. R. Pepper. Tommy is a practised hand at the busi ness and will run the machine both ac cording to Gunter and Hoyle. Trouserings this season are of unu sually quiet and neat patterns, favor being about equally divided between small stii pes and checks. They are cut rather smaller than during the winter, but still quite easy to the leer, and ner- reciij iraJbfc fr-. tha bnoo down, without any spring at the bottom. We learn that a petition is circula ting praying Hie Governor to commute Jhe sentence of Simpson Monlecai and" Thomas Griffice from hanging to impris onment lor life. It will be recollected that these men are under sentence of death lor burglary upon the premises of W. H. Hicks. Organized. On Thursday evening, Rev. R. II. Whitaker, of thi3 city, organized' a council of . Friends of Temperance at Wftke Forest, with thirty charter 'members, to be known as the Wake Forest College Council. Mr. Whitaker is an indefatigable and zeal ous worker in the temperance cause, and we are glad to know that his labors are being crowned with that success which always, sooner or later, attends right and perseverance. Mr. Whitaker's paper, the Friend of Temperance, is a .most useful and entertaining journal, and lichly deserves the large and increasing patronage it enjoys. Anniversary Celebration of tiie Hook and Ladder Company. Yester day alternoon Hook and Ladder Com pany,No. 1, of this city, celebrated their tilth anniversary by parade, barbecue and target practice. The Company paraded the principal streets of the city with their new a.d handsome truck, presenting a fine appearance. Where the parade was over, the Company marched to Mordecai's Grove, where an old-time barbecue was spread and enjoyed. After the barbecue was digested, the target practice beoan. After a good dea! of powder being burnt, Mr. llilliard Bell was declared the winner ol the hrst prize, a beautiful chrorno entitled "Bed Time," presented by Chief Engineer ' Clawson. His shots, in lelerence to the "bull's eye," were, 6 inches 5$ and 2. M. Thad Bosher came in second best, win ning the second orize. a set of silver spoons. His shots came within 7, and 6& inches of .hitting where they were intended. Mr. C. A. Driver was the fortunate winner of the third prize. His prowess possessed him of a tin born.and his shots are registered in the "arcnives oi gravity" as being 8, 6f and 7 inches of the bovine optic. After the target practice was over, the comnanv reformed and marched back to the city, and upon halting in front of Metropolitan llall, were aci dressed bv Mavor Whitaker in a co:. orratnlatnrv strain, in which the Com- uanv received deserved compliments The Mayor's speech was neat and ap- oroDnate in every respect, i he Ciu zen's Cornet Band furnished the music for the occasion, and Well did they acouit theuiselves,and their leader. Prof. Henry Smith, may take great credit to himself tor their rapid improvement. The whole affair was a most pleasant one, and we hope the Hook and Ladder will celebrate many more such. Supreme Court. Court met yester day morning at 10 A. M. ' '. The Civil Issue and Summons dockets were called over. io business ol im- nortance was transacted; only a few unimoortantjnotior.s were made. (1) Pure Whiskey T and. mellow I Century Please Remembeu. The following in relation to. the Orphan Asylum at Oxford, was handed to us with a request to publish. Being anxious to do every thing in our power to advance the interest of this noble -institution we cheerfully comply : 1. Children have some inalienable rights. They are entitled to such op portunities and privileges as will enable them to grow up into wise, virtuous and useful men and women. 2. Jails, penitentiaries and houses of correction are more expensive to the State than schools, shops and factories. 3. Laban was an oppressor of his poor, relations. His spirit is still rife in the earth. But every form ot labanism is a wrong, a crime, a sin ; and the cupidity of labanites ought to be restrained, by public opinion, and by law. 4. Our laws permit rude parents to exercise cruelty towards their own off spring ; they permit young men to marry widows in order to enslave their chiN dren ; and they afford inadequate pro tection to poor apprentices, and even to wealthy wards. 5. A prosperous father may die at any moment, and leave his children a prey to the prevailing madness for money, politely termed "demand for labor," and labanism may hold them in oppressive, but unmolested, servitude. G. The Orphan Asylum at Oxlord, es tablished by the Grand Lodge of North Carolina, feeds, clothes and teaches in digent orphans between the ages of thirteen. It receives those whose parents arc both dead, and those whose fathers are dead and whose mothers are helpless. The management of the Institution is not political, nor sectarian. 7. As indigent orphans do not read the papers, they are dependent on their Irieuds to inlorra them how they may enjoy the benefits of this benevolent In stitution. They will be received by the Principal, Rev. A. D. Cohen, resident on the premises,' or transportation will be furnished arid the orphans promptly and sately forwarded by J. II. Mills, of Raleigh. The same parties will ' also receive (in cash L or in kind) such con tributions to the support ot the Asylum as those, who approve the work it is doing, are willing to make." 44 Our little son in helpless infancy, Child ol" unhappy parents, ne'er will know Thy care, my Hector, nor thy love repay With filial piety. Should he outlive This mournlul war, of endless woes the cause,; Labors and sorrows he ninst undergo Perpetual, of his lather's rights depriv'd By fraud or violence. The day that makes A child an orphan, leaves him destitute Of every friend ; a melancholy youth, lie pines, and sighs, and bathes his cheeks with tears. Oppress'd und poor, he seeks his father's mends ; One by the robe, another by the c"at He pulls, and begs them. Some, who pay feel, Offer a pittance in a scanty cup. To wet his lips, not satisfy his thirst ! While others flourishing In joyous ease, With both their parents living, rudely smite their board ra With scorn unfeeling, and reproachful speech: Begone ! thy father banquets not with us ! The child in tears reiiriug to complain, To me, his widow'd mother, comes ! Alas! My dear Astyanax ! so tenderly W 1th dainties led. upon his father's knee ; That lovely infant, who latiguel with play, And fratiate with deiigrits, so sweeny slept, On beds of down, within his nurse's arms. Must many wrons and insults nowendure, Depriv'd-forever of his father's love. Hector's Widow, Andromache, in Homer's Iliad." . Here and There : The Connecticut election is spoken of as a Con-Dem-nation of the Republican partv. American 'ari-and-'arf The Indian policy. The queerest things in hats Wigs. Bath, Maine, is a very cold bath. How to kill time Break your watch. A man who blows out the gas at night is pretty sure not to be able to light il in the morning. "United we stand, divided we fall," as the man said who had no money to pay for his drinks. How to make time pass rapidly Give a note on time that you are sure not to be able to meet. The chronic mania in Congress Kleptomania and the kleptomaniacs have a ''uod time of it. North Easton, which prides itself on its trees, no longer -.boasts ot its Wakes. It has hiyher aims. It is suggested that, during the ap- nroachinsr summer, the docs shall be curtailed oi their limits. A young man at a party one even ing being asked if he could p'ay the harosicord. wanted to know if it was anytliiDg like seven up. A nero was put upon the stand as a wirness, and the judge inquired it he understood the nature of an oath. For certain, boss," said the citizen, "il I swear to a lie, I must stick to him I" A young lady in western New York has declined an offer of marriage from a wealthy lover whose name is Hussey. It is impossible not to admire the spunk of that woman who refuses to be called a Ilusscy or a man. A physican, on presenting his bill to the estate ot a deceased patient, asked, Do you wish to have my bill sworn to ?" "No," replied the executor, "the death of the deceased is sufficient evidence that you attended him profes sionally." A ten-year-old, boasting to a scnoo!- niate of his father's accomplishments, put it thus: "My rather can do almost anything. He's a notary ; public, and he's a 'pothecary, and hecan pull teeth, and he's a horse doctor, and he can mend wagon and things, and he can play the fiddle, and he's a jackass ai all trades." A Danbury woman sent her bdv down street lor the following articles: A. bar of soap, piece ot music, entitled "Waiting at. the Gate, Love," three needles, a feather, a bottle ot hair oil, the New York Weekly, a . pound of starch, a mended ear-ring, a half pound of candy, ten cents' worth of lime, a basket of peaches and a paper of cinna mon. What the boy brought home was a half pound of candy. xx. We are glad to know that the water works question is exciting interest. War in -the Republican Rakks, We publish by request the following communication from a member of the Republican party: . Messrs. Editors! The following extract is taken from the editorial col umns of the Weekly Era, of the 17th instant : "The people of North Carolina, if their public officers represent them, are determined that the State shall have no progress or prosperity if they can pre yent it, while it is the determination of the Democrats to hopelessly commit the Republican party agaiast the develop ment of our internal improvements. But, let it be understood that the rail road policy of the State administration is not the policy oi' the Republican party,and in the complications in which the Governor and his Executive officers are involving themselves they have not the sympathy of those Republicans ac quainted with the railroad affairs of the State ; and when certain disasters over takes them and the State, they must bear the responsibility, hot the Repub lican party, which, having no sympa thetic insanity on the subject, will as sume none ot the consequences." As there is no Republican paper published in Raleigh except the Era, which is believed to be hired to advo- cate the interest of a foreign corpora tion in opposition to the interest of North Carolina and her people, I have to ask the privilege to say through your columns, that the Governor, and other State officials co-operating with him, are those who are truly represent ing the interest of North Carolina and they are sustained by a large majority of the people without distinction of party ; while the Era and a few sore heads, disappointed in their expecta tions ot replenishing their purses by rea son of the interference of the Governor and other officials, are the parties who.xare playing into the hauds of wealthy monopolies outside of the State, and endeavoring to make their own State "a hewer of wood and a drawer of water" for those monopolists. Let everlasting shame encircle the brow of every North Carolinian who turns his back upon his own State and lends his aid to foreign speculators in their at tempts to deprive North Carolina of an y of her rights, and reduce her people still lower in the scale of poverty. A Tkue Republican, and one , of the Original Panel. Removed. James D. Brooks, Esq. General Agent of , the Wilmington North Carolina Life Insurance Company, lias removed his headquarters from this city to Wilmington. This is done for the reason that it is believed that it will be advantageous to the advancement of the business of the Company to have the headquarters of the General Agent in the place with the home office. We are lad to know that the Wilmington , & ... , r,nq-in i.uS. iness, and as it is a meritorious home institution, it has our best wishes for continued prosperity. Mr. Brooks is a a competent officer and pleasant gentle man, and in a social point we regret much this change. E. W. Pou, Eq., formerly of Johnston county, but now of this city, will be the agent at this place. Mr. Pou is a thorough business man and the high character he has al ways borne gives him the confidence of all that know him. Honorary Delegates. Governor Caldwell has appointed the following delegates from this State to attend the Convention in reference to the proposed Atlantic and Great Western Canal. which assembles in Atlanta, Ga., May 20th : Wm. R. Myers, J. L. Morehead, W. T. Ball, J. A. Gilmer, W. H. Baily, Jas. E. Kerr, Mauger London, W. A Wright, W. A. Guthrie, J, W.Hinsdale, T. M.. Argo, W. H. Pace, L. J. Moore, M. DeY. Stevenson, C. W. Graiuly, Walter Clark. W. G. Candler and C. F. McKesson. Honorary Commissioners to the Vienna Exposition Yesterday his Excellenry,- Gov. Caldwell, appointed the following gentlemen honorary com missioners lrom this Ptate to the Inter national Exposition at Vienna. W. H. 11. Tucker, of Wake : W. P. Bynum. ot Charlotte: Gen. Rafus Barrinser. of Charlotte: Silas Martin, of Wilmington; K. P. Battle, ot Wake : Palemon John, of Elizabeth City ; D. M. Furches, of Statesville: O. H. Dockery, of Rich mond : D. A. Barnes, ot Northampton ; C. D. Smith, of Macon ; B. S. Gaither, of Burke. Copper Ore. We have now before us some species of copper ore taken from the land of Luther Clegg, of Chatham county. The specimens have been submitted to Prof. Kerr, State Geologist, who declares the copper to be of good quality, and the land from which it came is well worth mining We learn that the vein is eight h wide and a halt of a mile lon Here is an excellent opportunity fur capital ists to go into a paying speculation Who will be the first ? Another Important Decision.- The State Treasurer has decided that the State revenue law taxes all pur chases of liquors, in or out of the State, 5 per cent. The following i3 the language of the scction'im posing said iax : "Lvery dea ler in spirituous liquors, vinous liquors, porter, lager beer or other malt liquors, bhuH pay a tax ol hve per centum on the amount cl all purchases ; anu every agent who offers liquors lor sale shall pay the tax on the value of all liquors ot every description sold by him. The Laws. The Secretary of State de sires us to place him right in the matter of sending out the Laws of the last session of the General Assembly from his office. The Public Prrnter.it is true, has com menced furnishing him with the bound copies, but a few days will have to e'apse befoie the Secretary can sup ply the immediate demand for them. He will, however, mall tuem each day until all parties have been supplied. Can't Come. -We regret very much to learn that W. 'II. Barnes, Esq., Past Grand Master of the New York Grand Lodge of 1. O. O. F.,' will not be able, owing to other engagements, to visit this city on the 14th prox , to deliver his lecture, "Entertaining an Audience." Mr. Barnes has the reputation of being a very entertaining lecturer, and we hope he may find inconvenient to pay us a visit at no distant day. In this connection it may be proper to call attention to the error which has occurred in regard to the meeting of the Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. FM of this State. This body meets on the 14th prox., instead of the 21st as heretofore published. - Death op Mrs. Yancet. We regret to announce the death of Mrs. John G. Yancey, of Warren county, whch oc curred in this city yesterday afternoon at the residence of her sister, Mrs. B. F. Moore. Although Mre. Yancey had been an invalid for some time past and under medical treatment, her death was sudden, as but a few hours preceding her demise she was bright and cheerful. Mrs Yancey was a most estimable lady and her death will be sincerely lamen ted by a large circle of friends and ac quaintances. t iv Roet. Lawson & Co. Our types Thursday morning made us say that Messrs. Robert Clawson & Co., saddle ry and harness dealers of Baltimore, had made a contribution to the State Fair. It should have read Robert Law son & Co. We hope many other busi ness men of Norfolk, Baltimore and other places, will be heard from. Registration. Yesterday the regis tration in the various Wards resulted as follows: Middle Ward. Whites 5; colored 1. Western Ward. Whites 14 ; colored 3. Eastern Ward. Whites 13 ; colored 6. Attention Middle Wakd. On the 6th day of May you will be calledon to make a selection for Commissioners be tween Messrs. Upchurcb, Battle and Ricks on the one side, and Messrs. Bat tle, . Stronach . and Blacknall on the other. Register and take your choice. State of the Thermometer. The Thermometer yesterday stood as follows at Branson's. Book Store : At 9 a. m .......... 50 At 12 m 54 At 3 p. m. 60 .At6p. m. 58 ThK unrivaled Medicine is warranted not to contain a single particle of Mercury, or any injurious mineral substance, but is . PURELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEARS it has proved its great value in all diseases of the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys. Thousands of the good ana great in all parts of the country vouch lor its wonder mi and peculiar power In purifying ih Blood, stimulatim; the torpid Liver and Bowels, and Imparting new Lite and vigor to tne whole system. siAiMOiss" ijivmit KEiiUbAiuii is ac knowledged to have no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE, It contains four medical elements, never united in ine- same nappy proportion m any other preparation, viz : a gentle Ca thartic, awoiiuermi ionic, an unexception able Alterative and a certain Corrective of all Impurities of the body. 8uch signal success has attended its nse; that it is now regarded as tne Great Unfailing- Specific for Liver Complaints and the painful off springs thereof,, to wit: DYeJPKPiSIA, CONSTIPATION. Jaundice.Bilious attacks, rflCK HtiADAClirO, Cone, Depression oi Spirits, SOUH Sl'UJlAUll, Heart Burn, &c, sc. . - Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATOR Is manufactured only by J. 11. ZEILIN & CO., Macon, Ga , and PhUadelphia, Price S1.00 per packake; sent by mail, postage paid, 1.04. Prepared ready lor use $1.00, and 41.60. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Beware of all Counterfeits and Imi tatioii.s."5& . Iebl8-Dfc W eod6m SPECIAL NOTICES. It Acts Like a Charm. This is what we hear on ail sides of Dr. Tutt'a Expectorant. In cases i f OrouD. Uroncuitis. Astbma and all diseases it artords instant, relief. It per meates the very substance of the Lungs and causes the ji to throw off all acrid matter. It is verv pleasant to the taste. Children take it rtadiiy. Ntw Yokk, August 31, 1S69. Dr. Wm. U. Tutt: Sir When in Aiken, last winter, I used your Expectorant lor my cough, ana found more benent irom it man au j. nave useu. I took bail a dozen bottles home with nie and have had lo give some ol it to my Iriends. Please send me one dozen by iur- nress. C O. 1). AL.f rli.lJ uyzo weskoisi, suetu LVr. Tutt's Hair Dye imparts a Color. Natural Tun nllnwinii statement. Irom one of the oldest and most respectable merchants ol the city of lJeter.burg, speaks ior useu ana needs no comment: , .r. r htive ior in uy years useu uniuiv WITH'S ANTI-DiSPKi iiO i lL.rH" as a fAiuily medicine ana also m my umu c .e, uiK-i I have no hesitation in pronounciug tueui the must sale, emcient na pieayant T.wiif'iiiK with wuicn 1 am acquainted. They prmptly relieve Dyspepsia and its HwiLdaehe. Iioss of Appetite, Choiie, &a. I take pleasure in recommending them to the public. They ward off disease and pre serve health. I always Keep a lull supply on hand and wouiu not wn:ingiy oe wuu outthem. i Johs RoffLm. Prepared soieiy Dy me proprietor, n.. BECKWITU, successor t Dr. Beckwith I'wprshnre. Va.. and lor sale, at he reduc ed price ol 25 cents per box, by all druggists - - i IV'I I . . . I A 4 and uy josepn carr, y ubuo vgcuw jan 27-U ' TELEGRjiPIIIC JTEWS NOON DISPATCHES. No News from the Modocs Florida v , r Scrip, Washington, April 18. Gen. Sher man has received the following dis patch from Gen.. Schofield, dated April 18th : "No news from Gen. Gillem since the 12tb, but I hope to hear of decisive action this evening. ; AH available troops are ready. to move if next reports make it necessary, and I will go to the front if my presence seeems desirable." The Agricultural Scrip for Florida, purchased, by Lewis, of Ohio, h'as been paid for, and Ex-Governor Bloxham has deposited the ;funds, $181,000. subject to the order of the Board cf Trustees. New Orleans Races. ' New Orleans, April 18.' Yesterday John McComick won the first race, time 1.51. Frank Hampton won the second, time 1.49i, 1.48J and 1.59J. Mary Louise won the third, time 5-44. . Flora Mclvor came in first, but was disqualified-from losing three and half pounds weight. Extermination of the Modocs. San Francisco, April 18. General Schoffeld thus concludes a dispatch to Gillem : 4I suppose you have force enough to destroy the outlaws unless they succeed in eluding you. Nothing short of their prompt and sure destruc tion will satisfy the ends of justice or meet the expectations of the Govern ment." Small Pox Patient on the Rampage A Stampede. San Francisco, April 18. The "Colorado" arrived with five Chinese with the small pox. A Chinese small pox patient escaped from the pest Bouse and ran naked into a street car filled with ladies and gentlemen. The pas sengers and conductor fled. Confirmation oi the Louisiana Troubles Washington, April 18. A despatch from Marshal Packard, of Louisiana, to Attorney General Marethan lully con firms the report of the Colfax troubles. Packard claims that process can be served without the aid of Federal troops. . .'- 1 . .-. Road Clear. Omaha, April 18. Trains are now moving along the whole length of the Road. The storm lasted three days. The people did not dare to leave their houses. Fifty miles of telegraph poles are down. Reported Death of the Pope. London, April 18. A telegraphic despatch from Berlin says the death of the Pope is reported in that city this morning. No information lrora Rome reaclieh LoWdnfaapUoess has is placed in the report from Berlin. Three 31 en Reported Burned to Death. Philadelphia, April 18.- Grants Soap Woiks : on asra ana Hamilton streets were burned thi3 morning. Three men are reported burned to death and others injured. f The Carlists at Work. 1 Madrid, April 18. The Carlists have cut the road between Barcelona and Sarasrossa. ; - Failure of Bankers. New York, April 18. Messrs. Lock- wood & Co., successors to Legrand, Lockwood & Co., bankers, have, failed. iiimnnrtnnt nnil Startliii- iyew8 "Important ana siarmn news, Paris, April 18.-IIenri Rochefort's Wile IS dead III . MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Louisiana ffairs Considered at Washington. I Washington, April 18.-The Attor ney General has instructed United States District Attorney iiecRwiin to mate a thorough investigation ot the afiairS in Grant parish, and it the United States laws have been violated, to sparejno pains or expense to cause the guilty parties to be arrested, and il necessary to execute any United States process to call upon General .kmory tor that purpose, who has ; been instructed by the Acting Secretary of War,, to wive , him . all aia. 1 ue ahuihc) General has forwarded lull copies of the telegrams received by him to day to l be acting Secretary of War Robinson, with the request mat tne commanding officer at New Orleans be iutormed as to the necessity ot mili tary aid. If such necessity should exist, the acting Secretary oi War, in his ais- Datch to General Emory, instructs that officer to render all the 'military aid neneKsarv to enforce the process of the United States Court. , A fmirt f Inauirv on the Atlantic Disaster. Halifax. N. S., April 18. E Mc Donald, Collector of Customs here, gave in.i.rmi nt in the Atlantic enquiry to- dav He commenaea tue cuuuct oi . . .. i the officeis after the ship struck, but condemned her management from the time she bore off for Halifax on the 31st, especially the Captain's conduct in leayiny; deck at midnight. Ills cer tificate mi?bt bejcancelled,but in consid eration of bis efforts to sjave lite, it shall be revoked ior two years. John Brown, 4ih officer, is suspended tor d months. South Carolina Affairs. Columbia, 'S. C, April 18, The Sn- preme VAJUll lo-iiy uecjuen iimv iuc Blue liidge scrip is unconstitutional. This seities a vexed question winch has exercised the people and Courts for more than a year. Secretary Cardozo has arrested several County Treasurers, charging them with. fraud. ! ' ' ; Judge Carpenter decided to-day, in Chambers, that there was no just cause for the charge in the case of thj Edge field Treasurer, and he was released. Description of the Lava Beds. Washington, April . 18. r-Professor" Hayden, in charge ol the United States Expedition lor the general survey of the Territories, who last :year yisited the lava beds in Oregon, now. occupied by the Modoc Indians, informs a reporter of the Evening Star, that the lava beds are an out flow of Volcanic matter, forming a perfect sea of melted rock, which gradually cooling, had become broken. Innumerable little stones have worked there way through, and the whole place is filled with caverns which connect one with ; another, and extend for miles ; under, ground. They vary in wiatn irom nttj to nve or six hundred feet. The entrances to them are generally very small, and, therefore, can easily be defended. The lava beds comprise from fifty to one hundred square miles. It will be a difficult thing to surround the Modocs, and there is great danger of their eluding Our troops on account ot the familiarity of the Indians with the lava beds. , The Modocs are the same as the Dig ger Indians, and live upon the rabbits, lizzards, snakes, mice, and all kinds of bugs and insects which aie found in the caves. , r Comparative Cotton Statement. New York, April 18. Net receipts at all United States ports during the week 55,912 bales. Same 'week last year, 38,Uol. Total 3,154,871. To sanve receipts to date date - last year for last week 73,343. Total 2.553,988. Exports 76,786. Last year exports to date 1,967,471. Las c year 1,703,162. Stock at all United States ports 485,275. - Last year 320,552. At all interior towns 90,240. Last year 48,512. At Liverpool 694,006. Last year 798,000. American afloat in Great Britain 208,000. Last year 155,000. ' - Lockwood & o New York, April 18. The firm of Lockwood & Co., is one of the oldest on Wall street, having been established in 1872 by Legrand Lockwood, Jr., who died a few years since,and was succeeded by his son ' and othec parties. It is stated that the firm was short $100,000 shares of stock. ' The liabilities of Barton Allen. Brokers,is over million. They expect to compromise and go on. " ' . . ! . Execution ol Fralich. Syracuse, N. Y., April 18. Henry Fra'.ich was hanged in this city this forenoon for the murder of Peter Scaf- fer. Ffralich marched firmly to the gal- . lows where he made a speech denounc ing the Judge and District Attorney in bitter language.' He closed his remarks by saying "In the name of God Al mighty I am ready, let nie go." m ' - ' His Holiness Better. Rome, April 18. The Pope is some what better. He arose from his bed to. day and remained up several hours,dur ing which tiirie be transacted business. Washington, April 18. For the Mid-" die States partly cloudy and clearing weather, with westerly winds. Indian Peace Commission Dissolved Washington, April 18. The Indian Commissioner Smith has dissolved the Modoc Peace Commission. COMMERCIAL REPORT.' Mew York Markets. New York, April 18. Cotton steady; sales 1,780 bales; uplands 19; Orleans 19. Flonr quiet and heavy; common to fair extra $.10a$8.15 ; good to choice $8.20a$12.25. Whiskey easier 1J. Wheat opened heavy 1c. lower (WaOOJ. Corn active, higher to. Pork firm, quiet $18.50 new mess quiet, steady $11.25. Lard firmer 91-10a5-16. Turpentine dull 64ai4J4.' Rosin dull S3 20a &i.25.i Freights quiei. Cotton Net receipts 729 bales ; gross 1,74 ; oales for export, to-aay 1,4 j. i 8. . . wtton Ior future delivery to-day. ly. ,-as .owar Aprtj, i;-mj. 19: October 17K. - ' iVlore cheerful feeling In the financial circles. Gold 18V. Governments steady. .States neglected, prices nominal, higher rate. Sterling XA. Jt'oreiern Markets. London. April 18. Consols closed at 93 J. Fives i)0. ... Evening Common rosin 8s. OaVd. Hpirits . turpentine 41. Frankfokt; April 18. Bonds 26. Paris, April Is. Rentes 55 and 92. LiVKKfooi.. April 18. Cotton opened dull uplands a4, orltans ttj. LiATKR uotton dull ; sales 10,000 bales. Speculation and export 2,000. lireadsturis dull. Corn 27 and 3 to 6. Beef 83 anu fl. Lard 39 and V. Evening Cotton closed steadier. Yarns fabrics dull, with downward tendency. Cotton Markets. Wij.mistgton, N. C, April 18. Cotton net receipts 'JM, , Norfolk, April 18. Cotton quiet; low middiiujiS i Nkw Orleans, April 18. Cotton de mand moderate; inldalings 18. Tetter, Salt Rheum and all Skin I Iseases cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. . Thk People's stamp of Value.-The Government indorsement, which legalizes the sale of Plantation -Bitters, is not the only stamp affixed to thai, famous Vegeta ble Tonic. It bears, in addition to that of ficial sanction, the still more , valuable stamp of public approbation. This inesti mable voucher ol lis rare properties as a Tonic, Corrective and Alterative, is of much earlier date than the Government creden tial; for millions of sick peisons had pro nounced It the Grand .specific of the Age long before congress thought of taxing pro pi ietary medicines. It is unnecessary to repeat, in detail, the proprieties of this wonderful Vegetable Invigorant. The btst reference that can be orteied to those who desire the full particulars of its -virtues, is the General Public. Ask those who have tr;ed it as a remedy lor dyspepsia, consti pation; billiousness, Intermittent fevers, nervous debility, rheumatism, sea sickness, low spirits or loss or vital power, whtt Piahtuti6u Bitters has done for them. ard be governed by the response they make to your Inquiries We Have Frwuentlt Heard motheri say they would not be without Mrs. W ia slow's soothing Syrup, from the birth ol the child until It has finished with the teething siege,, under any consideration whatever. The Secret of Beauty. What Is It? nc If nicer asked, for the world of fashion and ail tue iaUi. know that it is produced by usinu a delightful nd harmless toilet prep aration known as i. W. Laird's "Bloom p Vouth." Its beautifying effects are trul wonderful. Depot, 5 Gold Street, Ne York. BUKVETT'S STAITDABD FLAVOBINO EX TRACTS are neatly put up in Unpannelled 2 oz. oa. and 10 oz. bottles, and are for sale by 'the trade generally In .every principal city au-1 town in the United States, Cana da, and British Provinces, as well as lQ many other foreign countries. IP , I? H k ; ; s it if If'. il 1 i1 i i S T I

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