DAILY NEWS. sroXK & UZZEL.L, - - Proprietors. Fat kite ville Street, Over W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to i ibserlbers at fifteen cents per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at f 7 peranuum; $3.50forsix months; $2forthrea OlOUtllH. - I'he WKKKLY NEWS at $2 per annuic. Hi WW Daily VOL.-II. RALEIGH- N. CL TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 22. 1873. NO. 48. A INSURANCE. STATE INSTITUTION, SAFE, COXSERVATIYE, E3EEGET1C. THE WILMINGTON, NOIITII CAROLINA - r,. - j. : - i.' ux f LIFE ITS SUCCESS ENCOURAGING. Its stability Assured ! OFFICERS: Dr. A. J. Df.ROS.SETT, President JOHN W. ATKliONVice-l,reisldent. JAME- H. HILL, Secretary. It. E. A. ANDERSON, Medical Director. DIRECTORS: J . W. Atkinson. General Insurance A'gt I. Li. GKAiNUtK, President Hank of New Hanover. - . , F. W. Kkkcunkk, Grocer and Commis sion Merchant. ',.:, M. stkumas, of "Wright and fetedman. T. H. McKoy, of W. A. Whitehead & Co., Fayeltevilie. -l)n. A. J. DeRossett, President. ii. 11. Eilkks, Commission .Merchant. A . a. V illi aki, of WUlianl Brothers. w A.CiiMMiMi. of Northrop & Cuniming. G. W. Vv iLUAiia, of Williams & Murchi- En Ml'kray, of E. Murray a Co. A.J. DisUossKTT, ol Delvosselt & Co. Kob't iiKNNiNti, of Dawson Teel & Hen Sprc.n't, British Vice-Cousul, of yi.ruiit & iiiusou. p. MUhr-ux, Attorney at Law. j. d. WiLLiAJis.01 J. D. Williams & Co. Fayetteviiie. ,,, J as. CMcllAE, Att'y at Law.Fayetteville. I. ii. Ki-LLV, .Merchant, Kenansvilie. J. T. i'urz, Merchant, Lumberton. MORNING EDITION. TUESDAY APRIL 22. 1873 J3T"AI1 parties ordering the New will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged (20) Twenty Cents per line. O. H. Nuttall, of the Charlotte Advertising Agency, is agent lor this paper in Charlotte. N. C. lie is duly authorized to contract for advertisements and receipt lor subscriptions. s Messrs. Griffln and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 south street. Baltimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atoui lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. PERSON COUNTY. Last week we planted our fcot tor tte first time, on the soil ot Person county, and Monday night lound us comforta bly quartered at the excellent little Glenn Hotel, in the town of Roxboro, the county seat. Person, named in honor ot General Thomas Person, of Granville county, (a very distinguished man in his day) is located on our northern border, and one of the tier of tobacco counties, where the people are more prosperous, better contented, better oft, more liberal, more kind, more hospitable, better fed, wear better clothes and more of them than in our less favored cotton sections. thlo QQcnrtiAn nra moon if f"flllrQP the entire populace, or what would be reflects upon my character as an officer, . K " ' . . 1 .runt Amsn Vrnr lnfnrmatinn . Detective Berr and the Re ported Outrage in Richmond Coun ty. Haying published a statement concerning alleged outrages in Rich mond county by United States soldiers, under the command ot Detective Berry, and our information having been ob tained from The Spirit of the outh and the Raleigh J7ra,which we deemed good Republican authoi ity,we give the Detec tive the benefit ot his own denial in the matter: Raleigh, N. C, April 19, 1873. Mr. Editor : In your newspaper, of the 17th instant, my attention has been called to an article entitled "Whiskey Smuggling-Official Misconduct," which K3 The agricultukal Journal and the News. The State .-.gkicultokal Journal, ian eighth page Weekly published ...1., I . Iw. aIii .Ku;1 u?i t )l till) IUII.V News at 8.50 per annum, and with the repassed and also camped in this county Weekly jnews at &i ou per annum, urueis jor several weeks. And many incidents the convictions ot an observer by a general view ot the people on Court Green Tuesday, the largest day of the Court, would be. Person can afford some of the most interesting historical reminiscences of any countv in the State. Lord Corn- wallis with his British army passed and directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. " . LOCAL MATTER. K. C. WOODSON, City Editor Local Briefs.- Col. J. M. Htck is placing a lountain in his yard. "We leam that there will be no Agri cultural Fair at Goldsboro this year. The young ladies ami gentleman of this city are talking of a big pic-nic soon. of his stay and campaign in the county and as a gentleman. Your information, I observe, is derived trom a newspaper published in Richmond county, called the Spirit of the South, which in turn has bten imposed on by some lying in formant. The charges contained in the article are as follows f ' . We have been informed that the soldiers under the command of Detec tive Berry got drunk and behaved themselves very bully at Laurel mil, in are vet preserved by some of its old "s county, which piuee t,ccu w.cj citizens. We have been promised, by also visited, it being near Daurmourg the venerable Dr. Jordan, assistance in Our informant says that they amused Weregreat to learn that lion. S. H. Rogers still suffers greatly from iheu- D matism Alabama Melton, col., having settled his little bill ot cost was released from jail yesterday The Baptist Sabbath School ot this city will pic-nic it at Haywood, Chat ham county, on the first day of next month. K T. B. Kingsbury, Esq.. arrived in . . .. i r ... ,,,, duuu ii . uiauuu ),S. Un .; : Kerr, Col. E. B. Withers, R: B, Watt, u,cpoS,wuM w. E ? G.N. Thompson, Esq., and Bam'i -" . n:.i !. -Consumers should use from one lourth to one-hall less of Dooley's than of other'-Yest or Baking Powders. It is put up full weight. We were glad to see Mr. Zleide, form eily a merchant of this city, but now engaged in business in Fayetteville, in our city yesterday. Thi is strictly a Its Officers and Directors are citizens of the Stale, ol nih character for business capacity, eutei prise and probity, ll oilers SUBSTANTIAL BENEFIT chat Northern Companies do, with the great ttUUitional consiueraLiun that the capital is ket)t wituiu Uie slate, and, thereioro, helps to build up and loMer lloine lustituiious. uother iinpi tan tlact to be consiaered is tiiaiuie Wilmington Live has thus lar obtained a vkky jilcu lakgek interest for the money luveoted at home, than any ol the ew VoiK companies receive ror their in vestments, according to their sworn bialenieuts belore the Commissioner of that blThe"se unquestionable facts should com mena this company, above all others to our people. Let ll oe born in mind that millions of collars ieceivd lor Liie pre miums nave bet n sent North since tnowar, which at once drains the South and enricues lie pletiioiic capitalists of the North. 11 lucre was no oilier consideration, saiety, iairuess anu cueapness being equal, why North Carolinians should insure at home. this were luoie man suuicient. THE WlLMiMiTON LIFE . It ...a ... lullllll-UC lL uiaces no restriction ou rtesiueiice oi uisiuiuauvC ou uaimuaj wv. . .... - . . i , . . ..... I -r m. 1 T ll . . .. . V . . . Lucy Moore, coi. lucv hvcs ueui iuv, Cottage Hotel, in Western Ward. getting them up, and will at an early diy furnish our readers with some of the unwritten incidents of the Old Revolu tion. Of the prominent men that reflected credit and honor to the State by a pure and upright course in our Legislative Halls, we can truly say Person county has luruished more than her quota, that is, reckoning by comparison. The James ot George Lea, John Campbell, Robert Vankoor, Richard Atkinson, the Williamsons, the Cun ninghams, the McGehees, the Hesters, the Halemons, and a host ot others, are a part oi our State history and adorn its brightest pages. SUPERIOR COURT opened its Spring term on Tuesday morning, his Honor Judge A. W. Tour gee, presiding. The following gentlemen of the legal protession repotted tor duty within the Bar : Hon. W. A. Graham, and Maj. John W. Graham of Orange ; Hon. Jno. themselves by firing off their guns and pistols, and cursed and abused several citizens. Their conduct ought to be looked into, and if they acted in the manner that we are informed they did, they deserve to be court-martialed and punished; and we should be glad to Lear that it was done. The people have a ri"ht to ask that soldiers sent among them be made to conduct themselves properly, ana we respectfully request Supervisor Perry to look into this mat ter." "On the march of the expedition, a short distance out, a Republican reports that Mr. Berry halted for the night, and on leaving in the morning attempted to evade navment of the trifling sum of five dollnrs for supplies furnished by a poor woman of limited means, telling her to "charge it to the United States government." but was finally prevailed on to pay the sum by a Sergeant and seme others of the expedition." i he whole story is talse from begin ning to end, and has been hatched up no doubt by some individual who was connected with the attempt made to evade the revenue laws of the United States, and who has felt the result of uiv energy in enforcing the law. None of tbe soldiers who were with me "got drunk and behaved badly" during the Hiil. Eso.. ot Caswell: Col. T. B. Yena- ble, ol Granville; Montlord McGehee, C. C. Winstead, Henry Jordan, J.. J. Lonsdale, S. C. Barnett, H. L. Bumpass, ol Person, and Solicitor Bulla. Thechanje ot the Judge was charac trin onlv one U. S. Soldier attached to terized with nothing-special, and the tj)U expedition a sergeant, visited the 1 ..,.,.11.. I I I . same in regard to form that is usually rendered by him. The dockets were light, and the busi The Police Court yesterday could ness wa3 easily and promptly dispatch lurnish out one mue item, aiere n, is. ecj m t0ur days. Annie lates, col., was arrested lor disorderly conduct, and was fined 5. Henry S. Taintor, Private Secretary ot Governor Jewell of Connecticut, has been appointed Commissioner of Deeds tor this State resident at Harttord. Three colored lads were before the "Mayor yesterday afternoon tor raising a Travel ; it tu.iK.wS no extra cnarge ioi r e uiaierislis; auU its Policies are inoles taoie allel l ive I'eais. its business is manageu economically. Its rit-ks are taken with equal caution, lis invesiUneuts are maUe judiciously. Its motto is : -" LCtAGUI, PUOMPT.VESS, FAISNESS." siie with wiioui the most liberal terms clever representative in Mr. Day w ui be iuue. Apply to Ut nerai supervising Agent, Wilmington, N. C, or, K. W. FuU, Local Vgeiit, 0. t21-l'S:V'v Otn imieigh. iN. C. We weifa glad to meet yesterday Mr. John C. Day, of the house ot Thos. D. Toy & Co., No. 144 Main street, Nor folk Va. Messrs. Toy & Co. are a most reliable wholesale drug firm and have a The most important case tried, and the only one that excited any interest, was a civil trial, Has kins vs. Royster, for damages, resulting from the loss of his crop by the enticing away by Royster of the farm hands ot Haskin,atter the crop had been pitcLed. Messrs. Jno. Kerr and Bulla appeared for Royster, and Col. E. B. Withers, aud H. L. Bumpai8 lor Haskins. A large number of witnesses were examiued on both sides, alter which the Couu a.A urcnied the Question of law be- a a . . vilae of Laurel Hill, and he accoui named me to the village, and returned with me. At no time during the trip were the soldiers allowed to "auiuw themselves by firing off their' guns and pistols" or to 'curse and abuse citizens.' The charge alluded to in the last par agraph is a lie out of whole cloth, and but tor the fact that it may impose on those who do not know me, is hardly worth denying. I append, in refuta tion of the charges alluded, the affidavits of two individuals who accompanied the expedi tion. In' t conclusion, Mr. Editor, I desire 'to say, that my of ficial acts . are open to the most rifrid scrutiny, and 1 challenge in vestigation, but I think I have a right The Milton Chronicle Man and Our Local Chief. In the absence of Captain Woodson, in attendance upon Granville Court, we transfer the follow ing to our columns from the last num ber of the Milton Chronicle, it referring principally to Captain W. and his peculiar powers as a canvasser. 'Says the Editor of the Chronicle : 'We, (the Senior,) attended Roxboro' Court to solicit new subscribers, and collect up "old scores," but we were not very successful in either calling. We left home feeling badly Monday evening, and arrived at Roxborough luesday morning at 10 o'clock. Found .but a comparatively small-crowd on the Court green and lei so unwell that we laid our old carcass on a leather bed and rested from our labors until evening, when we sallied out and tilted against Turner, of the Sentinel, Woodson, of the Raleigh News, Cameron, ot the Hillsboro Recorder iKh'Greearcf-th Durham Tobacco Flint all ot whom were drummers for their respective pa pers. The first man we made a pass? at Wis Wooflson, who stood with his back to us, but before we put at him to subscribe we discovered who he was and letting go his coat tail we gave him a cordial shake of the hand. Turner now gathered the crowd to hear ''what he knew &bout Farming, Public Print ing, Rings, etc." We heard him on Farming, and think he knows a heap more on that branch of business than Public Printing. In fact we are in lavor of the State employing Turner at a good salary to tell the people in every county what he knows .about Farming but he might as well drop that Pub lic Printing talk and tell the Rings to goto the devil with their rascality. Well, hearing Turner's most excellent views on Farming, and aware that we were losing time while that fellow Woodson, (said to be one of the best Local Edi tor's in the State,) was flying around and hauling in the subscribers, we jumped up and made a brake ior a gen tlemen standing on the outskirts ot the crowd, to solicit his name but just as we were in the act of button-holeing the man we discovered it was our triend - Cameron, of the Recor der! Seeing a crowd of a dozen men all huddled together and laughing fit to split their sides, we made for it, but when we got there, we found it was Woodson amusing a party of "good templars!" Before he got through his yarn, however, we booked the names of a couple ot the crowd, but candor com pells us to confess that, unwell as we were, we couldn't "keeo up" with that fellow Woodson. Never mind ! we'll cet even with him yet. We brought home a risrht long string of new subscriber's names, but if it had TEL.EGRJ1PUIC JTEWS. SUNDAY NIGHT'S TELEGRAM?. DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, ene lnsertiOH...... i oo une square, two insertions i m One square, three insertions. . . 2 80 One square, six insertions... 3 oo One square, one month..... . 8 00 One square, three months 16 00 One square, six mouths 30 00 One square, V . elve months, 50 00 For larger advertisements, liberal con tract will be made. Ten line s solid non pareil constitute one square. Transportation Scarce. Washington, April 20. It appears from a correspondence from act ing Secretary of War Robeson, General McDowtll, Commanding the'. Department of the South, who is now at New York,- and General Emory Commanding at New Orleans, that It was difficult to obtain transpor tation for two companies of Federal troops to Grant Parish. The Regular boats refused to carry the troops as it would ruin their trade. Application was made to collector Casey, who had no means of transportation. Finally Emory succeeded in chartering a vessel for the especial service. The correspon dence does not clearly show what the troops are to do when they reach Col fax, beyond preserving order. v. Destruction of; San Salvador - "v-JL.arse Los ol Life - -v Panama, April 20. The destruction of San Salvador is confirmed. A popu lation of 40,000 were ruined. Every city within a radius of twenty miles suffered more or less. The shocks con tinued from the 4th to the 19th of March, when the climax took place. Fortunately such citizens as had not left the city were living in the plazas, hence the loss of life, though great, is much diminished. The hotel del Plague, and the Government palace only are left standing. The loss is estimated at $12, 000.000. The aggregate loss of life is 5,000. : , Ilish Times in New Orleans Kellogg Hung in Effigy, &c. New Orleans, Aril 19. Tom Cor bett won the first race ; time, 4:30. Alice Mitchell won the second in 1:45. Village RIacksmith won the third; time, 3:42,' 3:53. 4:16. Edward Booth was released from 24 hours imprisonment for contempt of court in rei using to pay license to the Kellogg government. He received an ovation in the shape ot a parade, headed by a band of music. As; the procession passed the corner Camp and Gravier streets, Kellogg was hung in effigy and burned. Suicide of a Naval Officer Con tinned Outrages by the JUodocs. San Francisco, April 20. Lieut. Dennison, of the steamer Seminac, sui cided. He was a son of ex-Postmaster General Dennison. The retreating Modocs killed Eugene Iloyey and stole his horses. Messengers hirve been sent in every direction to warn settlers of the escape of the Mo docs. Many couiiers refuse to go out, learinj? Hovev'a fate. Gen. Schofield Modocs Still in the Lava Beds. Yreka, April 21. A courier from the front at 3 o'clock Friday, reports . that the Indians are still in the lava beds. - The epizooty has not reached the front, but is at Bait's place, where the volunteers are rendezvouing. Appeal Withdrawn. Washington, April 21. Owing to to the Indian excitement, the Govern ment has withdrawn its appeal for the release of Santana and Big Tree, not withstanding the Kiowas have complied with all conditions. Large Fire. Canistala, N. Y , April 21. A large portion of the town has been burned. The loss i3 estimated at $80,000. i . - - MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. KOON DISPATCHES. has ordered troops from several points not been for Woodson "putting in ap- to Gillem. pearance" before us, it would have been much longer. Nearly every man we asked to take the paper told us that Woodson had just interviewed him ! How Turner, Cameron and Green came out the Lord only knows. " fore the Judie at considerable length. to complain ot the public press when Judge Tourgee decided in lavor ot.the tjiey take take the unproved statement defendant, and an appeal by the plain tiff was prayed and granted. But very tew cases on the State dock- Victoria Pool, col., sentenced at the et horn the fact that whenever a crime last term ot the Superior Court of th s hs committed the offender has but a lt 13 not presumed that those whose ras- couutv to two years in the Fenitentiary, short distance between him ana vu- Cality he unearths should speak wen 01 Arrived in the City. Mr. Wm, Edgar, from Hamilton, Canada, to whom we referred in our Editoiial columns Sunday morning as having identified himself with the interests or North Carolina by engaging in the manufacturing and mining business of Chatham county, under the control of Col. Heck, arrived in Raleigh Satur- . r , , ho, I t hp rlfMS1ire ot f omQ mniutnr rF i ip lw and herald MJ '""I 0"" "w f . l uun- i'"""' 1.: n;.,, n.gf ,rinw meeunr mm iu out umo jh.oihuj We find him a genial, pleasant gentle charges against me without a particle ot truth to base them on. The position f Rpvwnifi Ao-ent is no sinecure, and I HIE CONNECTICUT MUTUAL Ob ilAUTFOItD, CONS CO., was conducted to her quarters yester- dav morning. Victoria had only been pardoned out of the above institution but a lew days before she committed the thett lor which she is now incarcer ated. For the benefit of correspondents and other inquiring Iriends : Loon, Hid, giuia, where he is seen to go. Accor- hj,n ant he expects slander and calum- dingto the returns ot the Sanenn ior ny to iollow him when whole commuui several years past, we should think ties aid and abet violators ot the U. S. that in Halifax county, Virginia, there Ims. The Aaeut only asks that the it. nrcsent five hundred negroes trom friend ot the trovernment should not ... Person-coucty. is the ROXDORO countv seat of Person Johnston county, is Boon Hill no longer, and will compare lorvorably in At the last session of the present Gener- size and importance with lanr.ey- al Assembly a law was passed changing viile, though Roxboro has only one its name to Princeton. In the past two church, (Methodist) andi is minus the . . ! - - IIi, 1 i.f clnniti in t.r.. rlva 7 have inadvertenllv al- oeautnui umiv aaous, o.--o ... ' -.-V- . I'll J Annual Income, Nearly gre luded to it by its old name. The Humphrey House was opened in Goldsboro on Saturday last, under the management of Dr. S. P. Wright. We know that the Doctor will run the ' machine "iu first-class style. The Doctor has large experience in hotel Keeping, besides being a clever and pleasant gentlemen. - The Wilmington Star, in its issue ot Tills Companv has stealily pursued two Saturday, pays the following conipli reat practical ends: uient ta Rev. Dr. Pntchard ot this city -We leain that Dr. Pritchard's efforts at the First Baptist Church in this city are being crowned with success. The interest in the meetings, wnicu are 1 th $ i O OOO.OOO.OO !I! ! FIRST. To place its policies beyond the power of adverse cotiliUrfeLiCieei. SECOND. To reiluce the actual outlay of its mem bers i,ur iijeir policies to the lowest possible rale, 'i u uccoinpliaii this, it allows him to retain lruin 20 to M per cent, of the hist premium as a permanent credit or loan, and to retain iioui each subsequent prem ium 1 hat portion ol the pievious year's lull premium actually proved to be surplus; so mat al no time does the Company take from tiiiu a niftier actual premium than is Yancevville an ornament to the State. Roxbo'ro is immediately in the centre ol the county, and is not only eqm-dis-tant from" each of the comers of the county but irom most unywheie else ; lor instance, it is twenty-six miles to either Hillsboro, Oxford, South Boston, Yaticeyville or Danville. On our return from Person, we enjoy ed one day ot quiet rest under the hos pitable roof ot Col. John WjCunning ham, at his elegant ' Waverley Hull " mansion in the Northwestern corner of the county, an event that will long live green in our memory, for who Can ever forget the genuine hospitality of the Colonel and his most estimable lady, ar?elv attended, is daily increasing and especially w hen lavished upon the ,or- i.Jr iaPVPruinrlif.tion that much oood tunate sojourner in astyle so prince- UVH.."i'v.i - - a . , " n . ,1 w ill result Irom the protracted labors of ly and magnificently grand 1 IT I Ti ll .11,1 it. r c Dr. Pritchard and Rev. Mr. Hiden, the Pastor." Halifax and Scotland Neck R. R. -The county of Halifax is to vote on 15th for the ratifaction or rejec iimvule the reinsurauce tuud. It is fntii:i.i Aothini is diverted to stock hol.ieis, and each menihei has his insur ance at- its exact cost to the Company. Its rate of expense has heeu from the begin ning ies uwii thax of other companies. 7s. DOUUL.A8 W All , tien. Agent, Udice Opposite Fost Omce. j:iu21-tf. llaleigh, N. C. tion of the subscription ot f 100,000 to this road, and the matter is attracting much attention in the countv. The South last summer for his health, suf feiinir ureatly from consumption, has Rod in question is to run from Weldon been stoppinr, for seven months w ith his to Hills's Ferry, 32 miles, and it (as is ,adv Ht tue Yarborough House. His thouerht probably) the W. & W. R. R. h(iyiUh h),s sn tWr rec.ivered as to enable "s xolmi STATE INSURANCE will lease the privilege of running cars him to leave lor his Northern home. QLD UcoMPANY over their track irom Hahlax to Wei- VVettusthe may be enabled to reach tov'rv v ;t -" don, 8 miles ot the proposed Road may there 8ttleiv. WARULMON, N. C. be considered as already built. Gran- 1 i . : hastily denounce him bet .re the lacts have been ascertained. So far as I am concerned, however, the false charges alleged above, the condemnation of the press, nor any other efforts of the eva ders of the Revenue Laws, shall deter me in performing my duty to the gov eminent. Respectfully, Matt ISkruy. I oppend the following affidavits . State of North Cakolina, ( Wake County. Personally appeared before me, W. Whitaker, a Justice of the Peace, in and for said State and county, Gustave Fritz, Sergeant, Battery G, Second Ar tillery, U. S. troops, stationed at Ral eigh, and C. D. Upchurch, citizen of Raleigh, and maketh path, that they were in the expedition alluded to above, and that the statement made by Capt. Berry is strictly in accord with the facts, and that the statement made in the Spirit oj the South is utteily false 'in all respects, v Gustave Fritz, Sergeant, Battery G, Artillery, CD. UrcrjRCH. Sworn to before me, this the 21st of April, 1S73. W. Whitaker, J. P. Tlri McCosn. This celebrated divine and able Presided of the College of I t t-J son, of Hamilton, Canada, who came New Jersey preacneu to a crowueu ' ' ' . I . .1 T I ......... .1 I 1 1 n rr 1 tr house in toe riesuuciKm vyuun.n ui Sunday morning. He also lectured in the afteinoon aud preached again at night. Without the captivating graces of the oiator. Dr. McCosh is a profound and logical thinker, and expresses his views with great force and precision . 1 u: .. ...... A n I man, ana we exienu nun a oiu.i welcome to North Carolina and to Rbleigh, he intending to make our city his home We received yesterday morning the Toronto (Canada) Mad, sent us by Mi ll. A. Engelhard, a Landscapist well known iuthis sectio.i, containing a notice ot Mr. Edgar's departure from that nlace. Irom 'which we take the fol- 1 IowIpj? briet extract: " Mr. Edgars family will remain here till the tali. The Raleigh company may depeud upon it that they have secured a live business man lor managing part n er. " - W-nr eased to learn trom Jir Ed'ar that we may expect other capi talists of Canada to locate in our midst and assist in developing the rich stores of wealth to be found in our good old State FROM WASHINGTON. A Telegram from Governor (?) Kel Iogg on .LiOuisiaua Auairs laen Schofield on the Modocs. Washington, April 21. A telegram from Governor (?) Kellogg to the At torney General, received to-day, is as follows : "Matters are quiet in Louisiana with the exception or 4 or 5 parishes Mv communication to General Emery, requesting that troops be sent to these remote parishes, was with a view tp pf vent any possible outbreak, lne statement that i issued commissions to fusion officers in Grant Parish, or to any other than those first commissioned is untrue, lne btate taxes hfinnr CO llected rapidly. The tax A resistinfr party is breaking down The collecting during the past thirty days exeed the collections ior the same time in any previous, year. iue amount ot taxes and licenses collected in New Fish Culture in the South Washington, April 21. Prof. Baird. U. S. Commissioner oi Fish and Fish eries, has iust dispatched Seth Gren and four attendants to Augusta. Qu, for the purpose of there comnnnci-ig the work of shad hatching, with a view ot restocking the Southern and West ern waters. After the season closes at August a Mr. Green will proceed north ward and continue his labors, succes sively ar Newbern, Weldon, Fredericks burg, Washington and other localities. A portion of the fish hatched out will be placed in the river at each particu lar station, and others will be transmit ted by sail therto adjacent waters both on the Atlantic coast and in the Missis sippi valley. The Boaid ot Supervising Steamboat Inspectors are still engaged jon a revision of the general rates and ex pect to complete it by Wednesday. Arrival ol the New Captain A Cold Greeting, Jbtc. Havana, April 21. The new Cap tain General Preltain has arrived. Not a cheer was uttered, not even foi Spain, by the immense crowd which wit nessed the debarcation. lhe new Cap tain General said he hoped he would soon be able to finish the rebellion. His first measure will probably be the ordering of an election ot deputies to the Cortes. New York Financial Market. New York, April 21st. The Wall street markets are free of excitement and all apprehension of trouble seems to have passed away. The week opens with a general improvement. Sales ot Southern bonds amount to $200,000. Steady prices and improved demand for prime commercial paper. : Proceedmga of the Court of Claims. Washington, April 21, The Court of Claims rendered Judgment in favor or Emma lYSykes ror $3,eo3 in a Mis sissippi cotton case. The week will be occupied in hearing heavy cotton cases, known as the Vicksburg cases. J. hey involve several hundred thousand dol lars. All will be tried together. From New York. New York, April 21. Most of the striking gas men are working at other occupations. Only a lew are about their headquarters. . - The Bull's Head Bank resumes busi ness on Wednesday. V 1 Weather Report. Washington, April 21. Tuesday on the Southern States, continued warm are southwesterly winds with hazy and partly cloudy weather and possibly rain on the coast of Texas. neous goods. Robbery of Freight Cars. Philadlpiiia, April 21. Eight freight cars Iioui ti e West, contigntd Orleans d uring the first quarter of 1872, I to New York, were robbed. They were was $133,000. The amount collected in loaded with flour, tobacco and" misella- t he-first quarter of 1873, was $254,000. . . . . -1 V . P.il i - I We collected out very nine uunng January and Febiuaiy,; owing to the political difficulties. General SchoDeld, in a private tele gram to-day, expresses great hope aud confidence in his troops.) He is engaged in making every possible arrangement to render successful, the movement aora'mst the Modocs, who he believes, from inlormation received by him, are still in the lava beds. While at Waverly Hall we collected some histor ical reminiscences that we propose writing up on our return from Gran yille. ; Left for Canada. Mr. R. 11. Wil- Tiie Libel t-'utr at Asueviixe. Jude Merrimon left here on Sunday evening to attend Buncombe county Superior Court. One of the most important cases to be tried befoie the Court is the State NT w: Woodfiu vs. Thomas D Carter, an indictment lor libel. The indictment is founded upon curNin nil hlication made by Carter against Woodhn. in relation to tns com promising with Littletield, Swepson & Co. (1) Pure Whiskev I and mellow ! Century Submission of Apaches lhe Ji.pl- zooty Subsiding Work with lexas and San Diego R. It. Commenced. Sak Francisco. April 21. Two of the worst bands of Apaches in Arazona have submitied unconditionally. 1 hey have defied the government for twenty -oars but having had two hundred 01 their warriors Killed :asi campaign, u has dispirited them General Crook aC- rpnted their surrender. lhe chiet . . . , . i promised to send worn to outsiue par - V . ties to come in. urooK gave passes to runners spreading the news ot peace. The epizoot has nearly subsided in Arizona and all stage lines arc running, Work commenced on the Tex is and San Diego road on Sunday. SPECIAL NOTJICES it a nrs TjiKE a Charm. This is what we hear on all sides of Dr. Tutt's Exp. ctoi ant. In cases f Croat), Broncuitis. Asthma and .iiiM it. nftords instant relief. It per- .ot thevcrv substance of theLunns and causes the ji to throw off all acrid matter. take it readily. CAPITAL STOCK, - $100,000 icsar s Agaiast Loss or Damage by Fire. OFFICERS : ville is to vote in August on asimilur subscription of $100,000 to the Gran- Nash Square. Dr. J. R. H. Carmer vesteidav received a lot 01 lawn crass ; ' New York, August 31, 1S69, Dr. Wm. II. lutt: c!-riitT1 in Aiken, last winter, I used Tj;a your Expt-ctorant Ibr my cough, anu found ais rtr hSpiit-ftom it than any I have used. language ia ornate and well-seiectea, and" his arguments strong and conclu- Kellogs'8 Tax Gatherers Need Pro tection. New Orleans, April 21. The steam er liode, with United States troops, has departed for Colfax. Kellogg's officials have left St. Mary's parish. The impression is gaining oround that federal troops will be re quired in every parish to protect the Keilugg tax gatnerers. sive iuuic . ----- .-. ,t.u I took half a dozen potties uome wim uiC and have had to g ve some of it to my friends. Please send me one dozen by Ex- Dress, u. J. v- President. COL. W. (S. DAVIS, K. 11. PLUilMEll, B F LONU, ,WAi J NORWOOD. T c WJIJiIAMS, Sup't Agencies. DIRECTORS : " O-t SV s Davis, Warrenton; E H Plum-iiK-i, 1,!., Wanenton; Wm Watson, Esq., Vuri, i.tou; DrJ u King, Warrentdu; H B lluinCi. ha., Warrenum ; J .Buxton Wil lianih, ksq., Warieutou; Capt J J Davis, LoiuMjurg, N'C; Col W J Green, Baltimore, Md; vjapt A ii Andrews, Uaieuh, JN O; Capt Johu uaiicy , Tarboro, JN eft CaptB M Col lins, ilidcway, C; DrfiFb Peete, War ren Plaius, N C. " novl3-D&VVtf lLl tl4 Z seed intended for Nash Square, which physicatlippearance-of high intel.ee- tual caste ot features, ana 01 very pre possessing manners. Dr. McCosh is a gentleman of fine P Ilfbed CUSHISG, 23 West 3lst street. tion iusists that it has paid taxes- tor vears on the appropriations to build Vice-President Railroads in the other parts of-the Secretary Treasurer. ..mint v. and that now the aid ought to Pr1"". r J - , seed, lhe lawn t.r. rut nrTipn . 1 ' is to be sown down with this seed at once. If the authorities are careful in preparing the soil belore putting in this can be made to.smiie State of the Thermometer. The Thermometer yesterday stood as follow s 1 T....U . at liranson a uwn vjloc . At 9 a. m with green. 03 68 78 01 At 12 m.. At 3 p. m ............. At 0 p. m. Pack your turs in camphor and your woolen goods also. "Extra Olive" SoAr. See notice in another column of Procter & Gam ble's full weight brand, sold by Messrs. Leach Brothers, wholesale agents jn this city, nnd by grocers generally. It has a most excellent reputation. (2) A pure Whiskey t stimulant, Century Dr. Tutt's Hair Dye imparts a Natural Spring and Summer Goods. Mr. J. M. Rosenbaum advertises elsewhere Help Vor the Hopeless! You are we.afe delected miserable; and nothing doe you any good, you say. Don't despair There is balm in Gilead. Have you tried Vinegar Bitters? JNo ! men wuy uuu b.vou . hi larj?e assortment of Soring and Summer Goods. He invites er your 'complaint SWf. au examination of his stock, being con- bllltV, or any other trouble. Vinegar Bitters fident that he can please, notice and give him a call. Read his will revive and renovate your shattered system, as a gemai rain reiie&uco mo inh ered flowers. - Wb Have Frequently Heard mothers . i.Tr nnnu not. he without Mrs. Wfa- slow's soothing Byrup. fromthe birth of the chUd untU it has finished with the For Rent. The residence on Martin street, latelv occupied by A. Stonebanks, deceased. The furniture lor sale also. J teething siege, under any consideration See notice elsewhere, I whatever. llreak in the French Cabfe. Brest. April 21. There is a break in the French Atlautic Cable 230 miles iencH. From Suit .Lake. Salt Lake City, April 21. A party of negroes lought over carus. iwo were shot through the breast and anoth er was razored. The Commission to Arizona u pro irctsi" mptdly. Two thousand Mor mon men are going. COJ1MEHC1AL ItEPOKT. new Y ork Markets. Vra'YniiK. Anril 21. Cotton steady: sales 1,43J uaies-; uplands li; Orleans 19. Flour sieauy anu rainer,. more uumg. vr moa-vy uuiet and unchanged, wneat snaue nrmer with a moderate uemade mostly for spring; winter quiet. Corn rainy active ana snaue firmer, itice quiet at 7yaay2. troris. nrmer and quiet, beef steady. Eard firmer t yia9 ll-lt. Navals unchanged. Tallow 9. Freignts lower. Supply or money mcreaeiug . uum vj fraction commission, bternug b. uoid 17Ual7. Governments closed firm at Ja Ua.ivaiice. Tennessee bonds stroDg. Other &i.ate bonds dull and steady. Cotton et receipts i,7o7 Daiea ; gross 4.619 : sales lor export to-day 729. StltB OI COlWn ior luiureuciiycijr iw-nj , 15.700 bales, as folio ws:j April, 18 11-16 ; May, lsl3-16al815-16: June, 19 3-ltal94; July, lt- 6-ltial9 -lti ; October 17 9-16. Wilmington Markets. Wilmington, April 21. Spirits tur pentine higher 4SlA. itosin steady, $2.M ton strained. '.''' .a" Crude Turpentine steady at $2.10 for hard ; $3.55 for yellow dip; 54.0o.for virgin. Tar market higher $2.80. Foreien Markets. LivERPOOuApril 21. Cotton opened stead ier; uplands Orleans 9. Eater Cotton firm ; sales 14,000 bales. Speculation and export 2,000. London, April 3L Consols closed at 93. Fives 90. - " pARti, April 21. Rentes 06 and 5. Cotton Markets. Wilmington, N. C., April 21. net re ct ipta 51 ; exports coast 20 ; stock 4;431. , Norfolk, April 21. Net receipts 1,145; exports coast 1.7a ; sales iw ; bloc. Baltimore. April 21. Gros receipts 690; export coast 81 ; sales 95 ; stock 10,581, Boston, April 2 h Gross 1336; sales 300; stock 11.000. Savannah, April 21.-Net Receipts 982; exports coast iJ.uiv; twv,i. .ftHT Ariril 21. Receipts 1,IH; snip- ment3,4tt4; stock 3.868. - American i7.nriish Canilol for an itauroaut New York, April 21. It is reported thet plans are maturing in .Englaud lor a railroad between New York and Phil adelphia via New Y'ork Bay, and across btatt n Island. Convalesence of the Pope. Rome, April 21. His Holiness arose at 7:30 yesterday, and received visitors. To Owners of Horses, No one wuo ha ever used Dr. Tobias' Horse Venetian Llni mnt will ever be without It; it Is a cer tain cure for Colic, ttore Throat, Cut Rruises and Old Sores. Warranted super -to any other: In pint bottles, at One Dol lr? Sold by all Druggists. Depot, 10 Park place. New York. -. ' m Rislev's BiTCHU Is a reliable uinreiic ana Tonic ior all derangements of the urinary and Kenltal organs. The genuine, as for merly Sm by fiaviland. Harml AJ Rlsley. ?nd their branches, is now Prepared to B. w Rislev. the originator and Proprietor; -iid he tr'ade suppUed by hU sucoessox, ; Morgan & Rialey, Kew ork.

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