JORDAN 8TONE, Managing Editor. SAM'L T. WILLIAMS. Political Editor. THURSDAY. .APRIL 24. 1S73 THE INJUNCTION AG AJNST THE DANVILLE ROAD. It will be seen lrom the opinion of Judge Albertson, which we publish in lull this morning, that the injunction sued out by the Attorney General, rep resenting the State of North Carolina against the Richmond and Danville Railroad as lessee of the North Carolina Road, to restrain and enjoin the defen- dant from altering the gauge of the North Carolina Road from Greensboro to Charlotte, has been continued to tbe hearing. The order of injunction was first granted by Judge w atts at cuamuers m this city, on the 9th inst. The defend- ant made a motion to dissolve tlie in- junction before Judge Albertson, and on. the 17th inst. the case was argued at; great length before his Honor, on the motion to dissolve. The State was rep- resented by Messri T. L. Hargrove, tht Attorney General, W. N. H. Smith and Joseph B. Batchelor, and the de- fendant by Messrs. Merrimon, Fuller & Ashe, R. C. Badger, and George V. Strong of this State, and Judge II. H. Marshall, ol Virginia. The Judge by the consent and request of counsel reserved his decision until Tuesday last when it was delivered at Oxford. The motion to dissolve the injunction was based on the ground that the State was improperly maae a party, anu mat the Danville Company had lull power and authority by the express terms ot the lease to alter the gauge of the Road. Judge Albertson. in his opinion, holds that the suit h properly brought ill tue uauio u. iu otatc, tuC au.u can be sustained by the State either as a corporator ot the Koad or as a sover- eign. He does hot think the question of the validity of the lease is involved in the injunction suit nor does he think he is called upon to decide whether or not the North Carolina Road has the right to change its gauge through its en tire route. The question which is in- vovled in the case before him is: Can the JNorth Carolina Koad change its gauge in any portion of its line and preserve the identity of the Road ? His Honor thinks that no such power exists, inasmuch a3 a uniform sauge is as necessary for the working of a Road aa the road-bed itself. To have a P-niiae. o o of one width through one part of the line and ot a different width through another part is not a real compliance with the obligations imposed upon a Railroad corporation by a charter which is silent as to its powers in the premises. As the identity of the Road cannot be preserved where the uniformity of gauge is destroyed, his Honor concludes that the contempla ted change of gauge betweeu Greens boro and Charlotte i a without authorty of law, and therefore he gives judgment that the injuetion be continued. -In order, however, that the defend ant be indemnified from any loss liable to be sustained, by continuing the in juetion until; hearing, Judge Albert son requires the State to give a bond in the sum of filty thousand dollars con ditioned for the payment to the defend ant of any loss that may be sustained by reason of said injunction. If this bond is not given by the first day of May the injunction is to be dissolved. Judge Albertson's opinion is a clear and able document, and is well fortified by authorities. As an appeal has been taken to the Supreme Court, the litiga tion is not yet at an end. It is evident that a Railroad war is brewing in North Carolina, of which this suit is tut the beginning. Rail road monopolies are the great powers which now threaten to control the whole legislation of the country. If these monopolies become absolute, the rights of the people will be crushed and annihilated, and popular liberty will depart the land. Better to go back to the old logy ways of alow coaches and stage lines than for the State to be bound hand and foot and be at the mercy of soulless corpora tions that will plunder her at will, destroy her commercial independence and make her the petty slave to their avarice and tyranny.' i MURDER IN GUILFORD A -FAITHFUL DOG. Our Greensboro correspondent in to day's paper gives an account of the death of Henry Clapp, M Guilford county, from wounds inflicted by Peter and Alson Staley, a few days ago. Clapp was missing for several days, and on search "beiDg instituted by his family and neighbors, his dead body was found in the woods, about four hundred yards from his residence. Upon examination of his body, the physieiaD found three ribs broken and two frac tared .and' the lungs congested. The Jury of Inquest, from the evidence ad duced, returned a verdict that the wounds were received at the hands of the Staleys Peter and Alson. Clapp, who was a dissipated but harmless, inoffensive man, had a small dog that alwajs followed him. On seeing the torches which the people carried wnne searching for Clapp in. the night, the little dog, who kept laithluj watch by the side of the dead body of his murdered master, began to bark as if to inform the searchers where they could find the object of their pursuit. They knew the bark and fastened to the 6pot. Our correspondent does not state how long Clapp had been missing, but we infer that it must have been several days, as the whole neighborhood turned out and joined in the search. THE STATE FAIR. The next Fair will le creditable to the State. The President and Executive Committee of the Agricultural Society are doing- their utmost to make the oc- casi0n a success in every way. Although the Fair belongs to the 'w.noje State, and for ithat reason the whole State is concerned in the result, nevertueieS3 the chief responsibility restg upQn the dty of Raieish in all matters pertaining to the location, hn;idinfrs anri conduct of the Fair. If these things arediscreditable.thereputa tion of our State's Capital will suffer accor(jingly. Tne urJsightly and ill-arranged shanties at tne 0& Fair Grounds, which were honored whh the designation of halls anfi U3e3 lor the purposes of exhibition of the varioU3 articles contributed to tue Fair, were a disgrace to tbe State and to the city. It would be better never to have any Fair at all, it more suitable and convenient buildings .are not built. It is with tpleasure we learn that the Executive Committee will make the exhibition an attractive one by having weH arrancreci amjj. commodious halls and other buildings, and win make iht new Fair Grounds in other respects far superior to the old: To enable the Ex ecutive Committee to make the con templated improvements, the citizens of Raleigh have contributed a handsome sum and a considerable amount has also realized ffCm the sale ()f the od buildsand lots belonging to the So cjety But after all is done that is proposed by the Society, the Fair cannot be a success without the active aid and co operation of our leading farmers and mechanics; and professional and busi- ness men generally. And last, but by no means least, the women of North Carolina have their part to perforin and theirs is the most interesting and attractive department of the exhibition appeal to the State prichof all our citizens,ol all classes in every section, to do something for the annual exhibi tion in 0ctober of the State Agricultu- ral Society All should lend their in fluence in making the occasion worthy of the resources and the productions, as well a3 the character of North Carolina, We copy the following from the edi torial columns of the last Hillsboro Recorder : , " We have 'received from Mr. R. T, Fulghum, Secretary, a list of premiums to be uwarded at the next Fair, which is to be held at Raleigh on October 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18ch. We are glad to see that these premiums ate ot a substantial character, being paid in cash, ana not in medals and trinkets It is out of our Dower to notice the list in detail, but the Secretary will furnish full information on application to him at Raleigh We congratulate the State that the vexed question ot the location of tbe Fair has been so happily settled, and that Raleigh is to bj the permanent location. It claims it by Levery consideration of position, central- lty and accessibility, and no other part of the State can complain of this, and State pride should dictate that the Metropolis should be crowned with all uui jewels, e how iook upon tne Fair as permanently founded, to grow each year in dignity, aud interest and usefulness." Is Captain Jack a Jeuseyman ? A story is in circulation in Newark, New Jersey, to the effect-, that a few years since there dwelt in the Thirteenth ward a number of Indian halt breeds, who gained a living by well digging. One of these had a son, named Jack, who was noted as a ruffian anil desperado of fhe 'worst type. After five years' service in the United States army, this Jack re turned to Newark, and opened alow groggery, but so great a nuisance did it become that the authorities closed it. Finally "Jack" went west, and it is as serted by those who knew him in Newark that his personnel tallies in every particular with the description of this Modoc chief. It is also plausibly set forth that "Jack" is likely Jack, from the fact that his fellow fiends incarnate, " Steamboat Charley" and " Boston Charley," once dwelt in the East. y The Warm Spring Indians, assisting our troops in ; war against the Modocs, are known as the confederated bands in Middle Oregon, and comprise seven of the Walla Wallas, Wascos, Teninoz and Deschutes tribes, numbering 626 men, women and children. The leader, Don-' aid McKay, is, no doubt, a half-breed. .and well acquainted with the mode of warfare Jack and his party have adopts ed. The tillable portion occupied by the Indians consists of 500 acres, and though even this portion is not very good land many of the families by rea-s sou of their industry have succeeded measurably in their farming operations, and are considered self-sustaining. ' Miss Una Hawthorne, daughter of Nathaniel Hawthorne, is in London, searching out poor and destitute chil dren to give them a comfortable home and tram them up for domestic servants. Mies II.;has appealed to the American public for aid in her philautropic ef forts. A singular duel took nlaee th day at Vickeburg. The weapons used were knives. The sweet namp nf th combatants were Rosa Dent and Violet Carter. As the result of thP mmUt ri, Violet faded forever. - The cows in" Vermont yield an income of f6,000,000 a year. A Remarkable Case Probable Fatal Consequences from sticking a Splinter in the Thumb. About three weeks ago a colored man by the name of George McFarland, residing on the corner oi beventh and Bladen streets, accidentally stuck a small lightwood splinter in the ball of his thumb. Upon with drawing tr.e splinter blood commenced flowing very lreely and continued to do so for about a week before he came to the deter mination to call in a physican. On the seventh day alter the accident a doctor was summoned, who came and for four days used every effort to staunch the flow ot blood, but without aval". At the expiration of that,time another doctor was called in a physician ot large experience and the two, after consultation, proceeded to make arrangements to perform an op eration on the unfortunate man, whose life-blood, was 'fast,' ebbing out. , They first split open his thumb, but it was inflamed and swollen so badly tiiaj; they could not get to the artery. They next proceeded to make an opeuing m each side of the wrist, the arteries of which were taken up and securely fastened. Previous to doing this, however, an ef fort was made to stop the flow ot blood by tightly cording his thumb above the wound, but when this wus done the veins and arterits in his hand com menced swelling to such an extent lrom the accumulation of blood , that it was lound necessary to rcnove the cord. Alter the arteries in the wrist were tied up, the flow of blood from the thumb was checked, but inflamation immedi ately set in and the whole arm became inflamed to the shoulder, which was soon followed by the flesh rotting and dropping oil' the arm below the elbow, the leaders in which are laid bare, pre senting a tenible spectacle to the eye. In the meantime. the unfortunate man is suffering intensely, and as amputation in the present condition of the arm is impossible it is the opinion ot his phy sicians that his recovery is dpubtful. it is a remarkable case, and, in connec tion with it, we are inlormcd that Mc Farland came neai bleeding to death when.a youth from a flea bite, which he scratched rather vigorously. A broth er of McFarland bled to death about twevle years ago. : At last accounts McFarland was resting a little easier, than he has tor some time past. Wibningto Star. It is stated that applications lor pass ports are received at the State Depart ment at Washington at the rate ot one hundred per day. And this with no abatement in consequence ot the Atlan tic disaster. The decision of the United- States Supreme court has revealed the tact, that except the ciiiet justice, no mem ber of that bench is inclined to favor the woman's right movement. It is proposed to build, by contribu tion, for the'Kev, Mr. Ancient, a testi monial church, surmounted by a iiht house instead of n steeple. A D V E H V ISM EJi TS . S I X G ' cPtJ T. All persons indebted to me are earnestly requested to come forward at once and set tle otherwise they will find their claims in the hands of an officer. Those whom I owe are requested to pre sent their claims for payment. ap24-3t W.K. PEPPER. URDER WILL OU T . STARTLING DISCLOSURES. On yesterday a country man, rather shab lly dreised, drove a small ox cart down Fayetteville street to the Market, where he disposed of his produce and with the pro ceeds, bought lrom J. P. GULLEY & BUO., a handsome Spring suit, in which he made his appearance on the sireet,feeling that he was a well diesssed man, and nad found the place to buy CLOTHING and DRY GOODS. Let othprs go and do likewise. apo4 3t M. It. A. A N T E D A good PRINTER, to work on a country Newspaper will be rtquired to do Press and Job Worn. Address i'mmeuiately, 'M AlLi " ap23-lw. v Rocky Mount, Jn'. AO 1 K V SPRING AND SUMMER, SECOH D ANNOUNCEMENT! 11. B . ANDREWS & CO., 2T Fayetteville St., Raleigh, IV. C. CI O T HI mi S JS3 Respectfully announce to their Custom ers and the public in general that they have now in st , re the largest and most varied stocK of FOR MEXj BOYS, YOUTHS & CCILBREX, that they have ever had the pleasure of ex hibitlng a any one time before. It com prises every Grade in Quality, Style and price, and is therefore adapted to the re quirements of all Classes. An fearly Examination is Solicited. ap23-tf. N O C E All parties indebted to the late firm of a. u. jee b co., in whatsoever manner, will please come forward nromptly and settle, and oblige. aprl3-lm YiTM. B. DOUB. 4 DOZEN FRESH CANNED Tomatoes. 16 Dozen "I Winslow Jones" Green Corn mchl9tf W. C. STRONACH JLOUR ! FLOUR ! ! FLOUR 1 1 1 100 Barrels Bur's Extra Flour. 50 " Elk River " 2iK) Sacks Virginia Extra nnd Rn fine Flour. 20 Barrels reonle's favorite T?n m n tt Flonr. (good as Patapsco.) In store and arriving. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH A THOMAS mnio-u "gLANK BOOKS IN VARIETY. Initial Paper, elegant, just to hand. J-u BUANSON, Bookseller, Raleigh, N. C. mar 13-tf NEW I C X, O T H I H Q- , j 1 TICE 'TVO V O TE R S . Registration for the ensuing election will close next THURSDAY EVENING at SUN DOWN, and not oh Friday, as heretofore stated. All voters will please remember this. W. WH1TAKER, ap22-St Mayor. O R E N The HOUSE on Martin street, next to Mr. B. F. Moore's residence, recently occupied by A. Stonebanks, deceased. Also the FURNITo RE for sale. Inquire of A. W. FRAPPS. ap 22-lw I U h L, VV & i i li T O J A 1? i .--"'- PROCTER & GAMBLE'S 1L X T It 1 JL I'T.JE. Some Brands of feoaD are sold short weight five to eight pounds per box. Ill vou use these soaDS you pay money foi I what you do not receive. Can You af- ford to no so? . , , J Buv Procter .$ Gamble's full weigm Brand, Hold by Urocers in your city. Wholesale Agents. Oil Unlairrh il fT 6 Is raDidlv suDersedina all others prepa rations for producing Jillegant, sweet and Wholesome Holls, Liiseuiis, rsreau, rsucK Wheat and other Griddle Cakes. Perfectly ;Pdre and Iteliable, aud always ready lor immediate use. The Cueapest Baking Powder in the world, and H will keep on laud'or sea. in anv climate, for years. It is wtll adapted to the use of Housekeepers. Miners, Mariners, Emigrants, tc., and is in faet. in every respect, the Best x east Pow der made '"for the Kitchen, the Camp, ',he Galley. Sola by Grocers and Dealers Everywhere Manufactured by JJOOLEY & BuO., mch7-Deod2m 69 !New Street. N.Y w II I T E G O O D S We ask attention to our large stock of Nainsook Muslins, Mull Muslins, . Jaconet Muslins, V Checked Muslins, Striped Muslins, ; AND Jaconet and Nainsook EdgiitsV Which we are offering very low. DAVIS, DRAKE & CO.. maris-Iy Petersburg, Va. II E M O R N I N G -: S T A K D AIL Y EJ)ITIO N : Though only five years old, basthe largest daily circulation oi any newspaper in the btaie, and a circulation in Wilmington filly per 'cent, larger than that of any other paper. EEKL Y ED I T I O N : Now combined with the "Carolina Farmer,' making one ot the best b AM If. V JNEVVS PAPEluS in the t?outh. circulation very la. ge and rapidly increasing. scbscriptiok price : Daily Star, 1 year..... S7 00 " 0 montus 3 60 " 3 months 2 00 Weekly -tar, 1 year ... 2 00 " " months......... 1 00 " 3 mouths 50 It may be safely asserted that no news paper ever established in North Carolina uas made sueii lupld progress aa TiiK o it N l Ci .ST AK, &r fciend lor t pecimen copie.4. godless, VV. 11. BERNARD, jau9-tf Wilmington, C M E li E L In barrels, half barrels and kits. aplO-U G. T. STKONACll A BRO. p L A N T A TION BEL L,S As Agents lcr the manufacturers we are prepared to fill orders for Farm or Plantation Bells of any stylet bottom prices. Send for price list, - HARDWARE HOUSE of JUL' US LEWIS & CO., Fisukk Building,--Raleiij ap4-tf . C. su P E K - P II O S P II A T E 100 Sacks Watson and Clarke's Super Phosphate, RW acks "Zells" Super-Phosphate. We have control of these celebrated Phos phates for this market,. We can cheerfully recommend them Jor cotton or anything elst. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH A THOMAS. mhlS-tl L E A C U B II O S a n o c V si s AND COMMISSION MER QUA N TS , - Kaleigii, N. C, Sole agents for N. C, "Lemon Crackers." for Forester's aprlotf Gr A R D N E R FIRE EXTINGUISHER ' AND HOOK AXD LADDER TRICK EQOPMEXT, Absolute Protection from Fire ! Gen. Wade Hampton, Says : " THE GARDNER FIRE EXTINGUISH ER has my hearty approval, and I recom mend its general introduction as a safe and efficacious protection against the risk of fire. The great beuefits it has conferred in siviog property, justify the confidence re posed in it." Send for Descriptive CiroulaT to Graime & DeRossett. Agents, Wilmington, N. C. mh27-MaWaF2m IsT O T C E We are now offering for sale, the valu able property belonging to the Roan oke Literary Society situate! in the Town of Weidon. The lot fronts First street about 70 feet, l nnning back about 75 feet, on which there are five Store Houses, now renting for an amount equal to 10 per cent, on $7,000. Also a spacious Library Hall aid Reading Room now used by the Socie ety. Parties wishing to make a good in vestment would do well all and exam ine the premises, or correspond at once with tbe undersigned Committee. Committee: J. B. Tllghman, B. W. Bass. B. W. Mpilman and T. L. Eniry. Wddon, N. C, March 5th, 1873. marl3-dlawlw 50 CASES BRANDY PEACHES Cases Fresh Oysters, 100 Boxes assort ed Candy. 50 " Candles, at aprlotf LEACH BROS. kS5v R O V N'8 MUSEUM Fayetteville Street. F II E S U The Spring Stock of Fancy Goods, Notions Confectioneries, a runs, otc, xoys. Musical Instruments of every kind. In short, a fuR stocK. of everything to be found in a GENERAL VARIETY STORE, Is now arriving at Brown's Museum or Emporium of Fancy Goods. The AVIARY has been recently re stocked with Canaries, Gold and Bull Finches, Java Sparrows, Kouth American Parrots, aud the American Mocking atid Red Birds. The AQUA HI U M' of Gold and other small fish is constantly replenished with the most beautiful of the finny tribe. Two Dozen 'Children's Carriages just received. Also a large lot or MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Dally arrivals of Fruits and Confection eries. Large stock of Toys and China Gocds selling at cost. , For anything and everything, go to NAT. D. BROWN'S. mh20-tf J. R E T II JlEHCISJUrT TtIJLOii9 Takes this opportunity of announcing to his friends and patrons that he has now on hand a complete and carefully selected stock of French and English Cassimeres and other Cloths, Suitable for Spring and Summer wear; which are made up in the best style at the very lowest figure. Having removed from my former stand on Fayetteville street, I can now be found on Martin street, just opposite the Post office. m.i-8-d3m A - A WHITE AND CHECKED t tfc MATTING, COCOA M A T. TING, i At DAVIS. DRAKE A CO S, Corner Bank and Sycamore Streets, mar2!My Fetersburg, Va. M E A T AND LARD 40 Boxes, 20,000 lbs. Bulk Sides. 40 " ... ... x shoulders. 10 Tierces Leaf Lard.. . . - 20 Kegs Lard. 25 Half Kegs Lird. 25 Buckets Lard. Receiving this day, bought since the de cliue. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH & THOMAS. A R A SOLS AN D Ladies Umbrella sj At DAVIS, DRAKE & CO'S. c IIAMPION HOUSrj MOVER. By T. J. KEAMV, Tarboro, N. C -Patented January 14th, 1873. FIFTY PER CENT. SAVED BY ITS USE S. T. REAA1Y, STATE AGENT. S3-HOUSE MOVING done at lowest rates possible in Wake and the adjoining lAsuuucs. Venice at lxViiuunu hUUst Raltigh, N C. T. J. REAMY, Proprietor, Tarboro, N. C JL1I tVl J.O-H Jg A X T E R, N A S II & C O NORFOLK, V A . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN GROCERIES, LIQUORS AS TOBACCO. Special attention paid to our SYRUP DEPARTMENT. We keep all grades and guarantee Quality and Price to compare favorably with any Market. Ouiers solicited and promptly f xecuted. mh2.j-3m BAXTER, NASH & CO. 50 BARRELS EXTRA FLOUR. u Barrels Super Flour. 100 liagi N. C. Family Flour, at aprlotf LEACH BROS. MJSKUllAM' TA1LOK. TpKENCH T.AILOR1SG ' ESTABLISH- JL' ML NT. OPPOSITE MARKET. HOUSE. J?IOJSIEUIl E. HESSOJl just received a fresh stock of FREXCII AM ENGLISH CASSIMERES OF THE Is JL T E S T S T I, E S , , A L S O CLOTHES, CASSIMERES DOESKINS, and VESTING S. The best of FRENCH WORKMEN employed. Satisfaction warranted in every respect marll-am E. BESSON. ' B Jilt It I Tl L S. G NTURY WHISKEY persons in aencate neaitn, oiten nna iv difficult to obtain a Pure Stimulant when nrurlh4.H Iw thpir VhvK ( ans nnrl It. Is I FoVDVuiaU and otclW tVade CEJTTUItl9 WHISKEY is particularly designed. It is difltrently prepareu lrom ANY WHISKEY IN MARKET, and is driving many old brands out of aiarbet, because the "principle upon which ismade is superior." The almost universal testimony of those who nave useu tne CENTURY WHISKIES is, that there is an entire absence of Head aches, and other disagreeable after-effects so often experienced in the use of other brands. This is a direct consequence of the Purity of the Century Whiskies, and the impurity of many other brands. They are ABSOLUTELY PURE; four prom inent cnemists certify .to this fact, viz : Prof. SILLIMAN, State Chemist of Con necticut. ' Prof. C. U. SHEPARD, Jr., State Chemist 01 teoutn Carolina. Prof. W. C. TILDES, Washington, D. C. Prof. JOHN DARBY, New York. All of whom agree in pronouncing it "without iauit," and "irce lrom any dele terious substance whatever." i. For sale by lirst-class dealers everywhere. leb 0-oni. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNER- SHI P.' The Copartnership heretofore existinsr be tween ihe subscribers under the name ol A. (j. ijh.j3iK CO.. is this dy dissolved bv 1 i . . . : . . : April 8lh, 1873. W m. B. Doub is fully authorized to adjust ana setue tne Dasiness 01 tne late nrm. A. . LEE A T. M1AL, apl0-12t J. W. B. WATSOiV. O C E The nrm of A. G. Lee & Co., having been dissolved by limitation. Mr. WlLLlAM B. DOUB, lias been appointed to settle up tbe aft'iiis of the late firm, and succeeds to the business as our agent. Through him we ask a continuation of thepationage of our irienus ana customers. - A. G. LEE. A. T. MI A ft. ap 13-tf J. V. B. VATSON, . In accordance with the above notice, I win continue tne WHOLESALE GROCE RY. COMMISSION and FACTORAGE bu- siuess at the old stand, and with the same lacilities as the old nrm. Mr. W. c. McMackin, as salesman and cotton buyer for the House.will still be found at his post. apl3-lf W. B. DOUB, Agent. W. B. DOUB, Agent, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, COTTON Fl CT O II COMMISSIOH MERCHANT, Wilmington St., east of Market, RALEIGH, N. C, TTo a nnV,nnH an io n-t consignments of Provisions, Grain, Fertil- etc., etc., which he will sell at the lowest m;irKet price. orders lor the purchase of Cotton so- ncitea and satisfaction guarantee-!. Consignments of all kinds, Produce, Gro- ceries, Provisions, tc.,will receive strict attention. ap 13-tf T II. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. SIniVG. 1S?3. SUJTSJflEIt. We have received n unusually large and attractive stocK OI Spring and Summer Dress Goods. CONSISTING OF Black and Colored Silks, Pine Apple Silks, Lwi-c-wiougm oapaiies' cioms, jjanraine jriaius, uurmau cioins Mohair Bal einos, Tyrolese Cloths (in sage and Mignonett-e colors) Pari sians, Solid AlpacHs (in new colors), Chene Le tt o s , Gen ev a Stripes, Ha ban a LinPli buiilngs, Zuhara Linen Suitings, French Cambric and Lawns, Tussore Linen suitings, Percales and Linen Lawns. And other Goods. Full assortment of Lace and Embroideri s. Ladies New htyle Neck-Ties. NECK RUCIIINGS fin new styles) and ail desirable goods relating to Ladies anu musses wear. W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. ap 13-tf T HE TWENTIETH ANNUAL 11 a. m JAMES McKEE, M. D., Secreta,5T Medical society, JS C Raleigh. N c. -11 th '7S. - Daiiy "entihel, Goldsboro Messenger, .iuiuiuSiuii uiinji juuruai anasiar. xs ew oeine Journal 01 Commerce, Hilisboro Re corner. irfriK hnvn fntnt si.j T . - - . . "'i 1 . dm 11 1 NVatchman, Charlotte Observer, states- nie Auieiugencer, liattieboro Advance, a. en uvji j ouumeniur, aim vveiUOU JNeWs copy inree times ana send bill to Dr. II. X Bahnsen, Treasurer, Salem, IM. C. ap ll-3vv Y A T T.-GREEN & C O . , Grocers and Commission Merchants, Solicit consignments, which will receive prompt attention. Orders tilled at lowest rr arket rates when accompanied with cash cr satisfactory icicicutc, apri y-tf p II O T O G R A P II S , F E It E O r Y P E S, Jtl B It O T- Y I E S , GEMS, Ac, &C.t &c, in.11 the latest and mostapproved styles at nlTSO JIT'S GRILLES i nd IJoor above Tucker Hall, Old Pictures copied and made new. LIFE SIZE POTRAIIS made from old Daguer reotypes and colored to nature. .v,n.e. a!???r.t..I?tient of PHOTOGRAPH Annual i. fiUTUE r RAMES, &C &C., .mi ut ouw low. itoii see me. aP-'f J. W. WATSON. P A N S AND PARASOLS JSew Style and Shano. r-r ttt t a t SOLS with chain holders, something new Ah-o the DAGGER and other Fans. 11. & R. 8. TUCKER & CO JJATS! 1IATSII HATS!!! For MEN. BOYS and PHfT.nRPv i t biwa we ever orrer d. vv. n. k. s. TUCKER & CO. W tiuiit. ! stiOES ! ! SHOES ! ! ! n - . . . . , n Ladies, Men, Boys and Girls Shoes an xtees, splendid stocK. W. H. & R. 8. TUCKER & CO. QUR WHOLESALE JOBBING LortviiuiiiNi is complete. Attention ol Cou.. try Merchants is called to OUR WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. W. II. & R. S. TITPTfVB rn ap 13-tf NRF0LK CITY XILLS MEAL' 300 bushels just received at MEETING' oi the Medical Society of the state of North Carolina will be held in STATES V ILL E. N. C..MAY 2flrn ikts a aplO-tf G.T, STRON AH & BRG'8, " - fi u L L j C O T T O'Jl" n n Now In its third i-oar i i eRolles tsthe Itly T . , J uuc 111 bDeale JUUUS LEWl.s'4 (0 Kaleish v ' Sole agents for North and w.,nti. TRADE SUPPLIED ap4-tf R A T T , A stral O H WILL NOT EXPLOI)E, Millions of Gallons ha VP huon . not, one accident, directly or ludirr,.'.1' "ri The original and only safe OIL n .iyv stood the test of lo years without i i ;' dent ot any sort. , ut duo:1 JUI.TTTS r.-pwrrL- , 10 a un ' a -I-tf , Raleigh, N. C Sole A uuvuviui, i.uiaiuou, DULCUelor !f mh22 ti D.K-orpo'raf(,!s i RS. II. W. MILLEus- n 01 It D I.rG HO U$ t Corner ol Newbern Avenue aud r0 son Street. mh25-3m. gPRING AND. SUMMER G0Ul?i J ji. it o s Ejvn a f-?J (SUCCESSOR TO A. KLIXE ) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER is, READY-MADE CLOTIIIX( FOR MEN AND ROYS. AND Staple Dry Goods, Ha's, Boots; aud Shoes, China, Crockery, and GIa-ware . Corner of FAYETTEVILLE AND IIAKGETT ST. R A LEIGH, N . C . Havingoii hand the most complete stock of goods ever received by him, he-eanu-s; ly invites an examination of the sum.' I wlluu,:'" euil I) ease Ull I one wanting goods in his line. I Call and Examine, and you shall be Suited. ap '2-3m A N OTHER PRECINCT IIEAKD FEuM AND W E I K E L S TI L L II E A 1) COME EARLY, Come Quick, C03IL IX A ICl'S If To the acknowledged -headquarters l 5 fashion for your SPRING AND "SUMMER' QLTFiT. If E I IL E L Has just returned from t!u; nortliPiiMun ets with the largest and. most conijiii- stock of every gra ie of genti.-nu'ii.-' goods ever received in LaU-i ;li." He calls tlie attention of the - trade fspecbilly, to his stock of French, English and German Iot!i, Jb'ancy Caimeres and loeski:, Faris Vesting, French Wor t eds, liliiM Fiauuel, - Crape and Tricot i'oatini.'. liiglish and Scoich Tweeds, and many other articles of fushioiiu'jlo wer not necessary to mention. THE MAN UFA CTURING DEPA RTMEN T is now supplied .with the mot skilihil.. workmen mat ever threaded a m -eali.' ' pe-iecf ! isuciion in .every ." guarai.t 1 Orders .1 :iu a distance attended to v.i:i proniptne nd dispatch. JN. li. 1.. ... f ii for the larae and liht'i: - - - - - - - - ..... . I patronage i .. ore bestowed on n", 1 uope by my continued tH'orts to i;leae'- n'l aud every one, u, merit, the same and nn !' for theutnre; . - . J apll Sm C. VVEIKKH. FRESH CANNED GOODS, I'KAtii' es. Tomatoes. Ovsters. Lobsters Salmon, at MOSELEY'S, THRESH COCOA -N UT C A N D V JL Chocolate and Burnt. Almonds. A c, ul tf MOSELEVV. VV E OA L L E STECIA i attention to our "Forersters Lemon C'akt s ' the finest ever offered in this market. Ai.- to our -Proctor aiid Gamble's Oiive soap,' the ladies' t'iriend and laoor saver." Our flours are bouirlit on chunsrc in XfW York by uur resident buyer. conseoueiiVy we are ableito oiler tliuti to the trade vi i; one profit. Special inducements to pronij and cash buyers. apb-tt ' LEACH BR' iS. QONST A N T L Y P. E C E I ! I .N 0 fi esh supplies o: first-class Goods which we warrant-to piease. VV i ATT, GREEN & CO., aprl9-tf JSo I.Suutli r-ide Mark. i. c R M li COMPOUND PECTORAL COUGH SYR I 1 It will cure Coughs, Colds, Hoarsen ss, H j. m ju,l, jDioiicuitis, anu an uistasc-) ot the Throat and Lunt s. PREPARED BY J. R. II. CARMER, Druggist, No. 11 Fayetteville Street, Raleigh, N jan za-n BIN'S P E R-F U M E l Y AND TOILET ROWDER At 81MPSN'S ov26-tf Drug Store. BANNED OYSTERS, MACCARON1 . Wax an. Adnmnt1no Pnndlrs Starcli, M011 Laundry Soaps. A. G. LEE & CO. O ATS, OATS, OATS, OATS, OAT: 750 Bushels Oats for sale bv nnv21-tf w. H. -DOTl- WELSH'S GILT-EDGE -BUTTER JL!L o ,.- ,.t Cream Cheese, Soda and Lemon Biscuit Books of. Subscription to the cmv' STOCK of the Uld JN u th huite Lii'e , 4 Al ance coujpauy have been oi,,.,, VUn5 Raleigh, at the livw otticn V.u uraers solicited. . A. U, LEE & co, - ;-C L