i 1 t' 1 i ; ! 1 V I JORDAN STONE, Managing Editor. SAAI'L T. WILLIAMS. Political Editor. ....APRIL 25, 1S73 FRIDAY. THE VIENNA COMMISSIONER SHIPS. The New York papers are discussing the alleged corruption in relation to pur chasing commissionershipa to Vienna. Reports are rife that several gentle men who have -received the appoint ment as honorary commissioners to the Vienna exposition paid pretty snu sums for the honor In one case it is said to have cost as much as six thou sand dollars. The position is in such great demand becau3e it gives the appointee peculiar privileges during the exposition Each honorary commissioner will be furnished with elegant quarters free o expense and' will have free admission to the various departments in the exhibi tion rooms. The appointment will constitute a passpoit to the society of the learned and great the literari and the scientific men of other nations who are to represent their respective coun tries at Vienna. It is now stated that there is to be an investigation into the charges that money has been used by several indi viduals who have been appointed by the Commissioner of the United States, as delegates from this country. If the charges are sustained, it will ehow the demoralizing effects of the evil exam ple of Congress. When men occupying the high and responsible positions of Senators and Representatives in the Congress are proved to be guilty of the most astound ing corruption and bribery, are allowed to retain their seats and are endorsed and applauded by their constituents, need we be surprised at similar exhibi tions elsewhere than in the halls of Congress ? The Vienna Commissioners who have bought their way to the exposition are uot guilty of any greater crime than that committed by Oarpenter,one of the United Senators from South Carolina, who bought his place with negro votes, or by Clayton of Arkansas, who gave money and offices to the men who made him United States Senator, or by Pomeroy and others who might be xumed whose rascality is known to the whole country. - ' . AN IMPORTANT CONVENTION. The State Board ot Education has issued a circular inviting the lriends ot education to meet in this city, on the 9th of July, for the purpose of devising ways aod means to educate the- masses ot poor children who are growing up . in. iw" We think this is a good move for it no benefit comes of , -it, certainly no harm can be done. If it will not stop the progress of the State on the down grade to ignorance, it will do noth ing to accelerate the .retrogressive movement. The public school system which has .been adopted in North Carolina since the closei ot the war has done compara tively nothiDgfor the cause of general education. There must be a change or the State will relapse more deeply in the gloom of mental darkless. The neglect of educating the children of the pres ent generation will produce evils for which we will be held responsible. Pau perism, immorality, crime, and all the concomitants ot vice and ignorance will be the consequences of this derelic tion of duty on our part. The proposed Convention in July should be attended by the lriends of education from every, section of North Carol'na. Our people seem to take but little interest in this matter. They should be awakened from their unac countable apathy and be made to feel its importance. ONE-SIDED, The statements sent out by-the Radi cal officials in Louisiana concerning the troubles in Grant parish, are altogether ex parte. They are made up by the United States Marshals and Deputy Marshals,who are the mere tools and minions ol Durell and Kellogg. The outrages at. Colfax owe their origin to the official misconduct of Durell and his subordinates, an i it is very natural that they should endeavor to lay the blame upon others and to shield themselves from the awlul consequences of their responsibility in the premises. But lor the misconduct and officious intermeddling of Durell, Pinch back and Kellogg, the disturb ances at Colfax would have never taken place. These individuals, together with the President ot the United States who sustains thcra in their course, ire pri marily liable for the condition of af fairs in Louisiana, and they will be a jaigned at the bar of public opinion for all the bloodshed that may flow from the anarchy aud bad feeling now pre vailing in that State. The public should put no faith in the one-sided statements published by the Radical officials at New Orleans, con cerning the Louisiana disorders. In Pernambuco, Brazil, two old ladies living in the same house died recentlv. One was 103 years of age, and by an only daughter could number sixty-two descendants. The other was 108 years of age, married at twenty-five years, in 1790, and has had fifty-six great grand children through five children, the youngest of the great-grandchildren being fifty-six years old. TOO LIGHT. It- we arc to judge from the tenor of our exchanges the verdict in the case of Capt. Williams', the commander of the Atlantic, suspending him loi two years from his position, is too light a penalty in the estimation ot the public for his grave neglect of duty -a neglect which sent hundreds of human beings to uu timely graves. Soon after the disaster occurred, it was seriously charged that Capt. Wil liams would be arrested and tried for murder ; but it seems two years suspen- siou from service, is the extent of the numshment which is to be lnntcteu. is At th pnl of the two vears. he is to be - taken on dutv attain and entrusted With , o men will not be anxious to commit themselves to the keeping of an officer O I Whouassuownnimsen euuerunmiuu.u. of his duty or grosslv incompetent lor .: ''Vwa;t;n ' :' ' i ' EXCITEMENT AMONG THE IN UIANS. The murder of Gen. Canby and the strincfent measures taken by the Govern- b ment to of Indians, who are preparing lor war acaiust the United States. 'The Indians on the Columbia, Snake and Lewis Rivers in Oregon, are having war dances preparatory to host.le movements, and Irom Arkansas City, Missouri, comes the report that Indians near the Southern line of that State have recently committed nine murders.. AN INTERESTING SKETCH. We publish to-day an interesting r , . . i- il... .. c scrap oi nisioiy, nom me pen ui wi. John H. WlKeler, author ot Wheeler's History ol North Carolina, giving the particulars --of the military movements asainst the Indians in Western Xorth , . imn i Carolina in 17 6. with pleasure by North Carolinians who take an interest in the revolutiona- ry history of the State. MADRID--ltlsl!Mt; OF - THE PEO, PL.E IIIUEATEMID, Our dispatches rt-present the 'dry i f Madrid in irreat excitement. Marrrtill has lun an noin r en to hi temporarily the position recintiy oc- -nnj IV p;n , . . ' Ti,i -r, ..-o (a hoi,,, cupied by Jj-igucras. 1 his Bctn.b to have caused great dissatisfaction in Madrid, and a bitter fteii tig prevails. There is imminent danger th:t this fee'ing will produce an. uprising of the citizens. How to Begin, an Ahticle ron Publication. Agrcu many people aie apt to hit upon happy 'ideas in society, uVifl U-' ! i n r t l.-r . - - - - I .....p -. t for publication, ant! most oi these uouu loiks know hovv hard it to begin an article satisfactorily. A w.ird to tium : Commence wit h o.ur very finest writing and most beauMhdiv-i'oiMided sentences. Introduce Your subject in your most Y"- V- J 1 j ' uiuolih., os jui u"uc may w, mi u when j tiu think nt, yraduallv drop into tl.A dr nccion f -,,1,: Vf ' ... the discussion (it ttie subnet nuttter u nen me article is nnisiieo, m-tn at t.t nnr-nincr spntpn r,l ;f"r,t;! ,r " , you una uu nave commenced to say somethin" t -the point. Stop at this place ; strike out everything before it, and let vour article hrrrin insr ' iln-n. the lives ot the passengers who may will be present in the city a great many Buy Procter Gamble's fuu weign patronize the White Star Line. ministers and others who wiil go there rand, Sold GJjjsr. We take it. however, that orudent to witness the deliberations of the body. A wholesale Agents. avencrp his death bv makin" a in uiip -, and some in IJeaveii. liut well adapu-d to tne u.?e of Housekeepers. fierce war ngainst ' the JUodocs, have " ' ' " . i laet, m every respect, tue ai i east, row- . , ., .. home are not uk'ly to had it elsewhere tier nirTle "lor the Kitchen, tue Camp, Mie crreatlv excited the neiahb.onoff tribes ' Gailev. ... D y . lj w You will then riroh thtv mid ' t'.f it AJClv of-lbe old rth Htate Lite Insur iou. will men prooauiy nna taat it .uu.e company have been opened in opens well, and that by collecting all Kaieigh, at th Lhw -otiiee of Messrs. your labored composition in one place where it can be reudilv stricken out vou will have saved yourself all the trouble that would have been necessary h-ol it been scattered through the article hut never write on both sides of the sheet. Frank li StocUon, in Scrilner for May. The Sad Fate of an Autiiou T'l,, TT.. 1 1 il.'. ...it. fnT... . f rri I r "1CJ "a."i -"c aucuor in Xiver oi i nee ira lonaiy Ureaming, was a gentle man of wealth and great intellectual endowment. Admired and petted, he led a wild, helpless life, in which his wealth melted away, until he had not wherewithal to buy his daily bread. The woman he had loved discarded him. In the deepest distress he com posed this charming song. A" London publisher gave him one hundred dollars for it a mere pittance for such a spendthrift. He wrote other success' id songs, but inva moment ot weakness, depressed with poverty, he forged the name ot his publisher ; and, notwith standing most strenous efforts in hi behalf was made by his' friends, in which the publisher "joined, Foley Hall was thrown into Newgate prison, where he died, b.oken-hearted, before his trial came on. i ; : . BfiECHEE .ON SODTH CAROLINA. Henry Ward Beecher in a characteris tic sermon at Plymouth Church, Sunday, drew on South Carolina tor an illustra tion. He said that he did not know on earth a more pitiable sight than South Carolina. It was at one time the richest and proudest of the States. It inaugu rated those ideas which led to the dis aster of the war and the cleansing f the continent. The people of South Carolina had risked and sacrificed eve rything for their principles; they had seen their children laid in the grave and their households reduced to beg ary, and yer, in the plentitude of thefr sorrow, they would take back no. parti cle of their faith in the cause. Though in a bad cause, they had shown a hero ism it would be well to pattern and admire. Suicide of a Naval Officer. Lieut E. Dennison, of" the United States steamer Saranac, son of ex-Postmaster General Dennison, shot himself in the head Saturday in San Francisco, and was immediately killed. Domestic difficulties constitute the causes given for- the suicide. His wife is in San Francisco and had sent her husband a note, saying she would never live with him and had determined to obtain a divorce. v EWjnf BTToth. the great actor, is booked for Norfolk, Va, on the second of May, - In the -'Literary Life of William liar- hess." that genial writer tells of a tutor iiCBs, iufal .,,- to Hope's son, the author of Anasta- tius " whom he one day found pacing ii anr Hnwn the, room in rrrpat ftflta- uu " - - o i-ims. tion of mind. "Is there anything the matfpr?" innntred Mr. Harness, anxi ously. "The matter," he replied. "I I . I .1 ll. :1. il t TI- n ,U l,n I "WJ T SIIOUIU luiutv mem vvaa i mite ui worst things that can possibly happen to a man. I'm in love, I'm in debt, and Eve doubts about the doctrine ot the Trinity." JL A. iJ . in....... I -The meeting of the Piesbyteriun General Assembly, soou to take piace ui in Baltimore, promises to be an oc- tfl casion oi great interest. The Assembly cumposeu ox sonic ..v i.uu.u tersUnd ruling - elders ot the church, comimr from all parts ot the country, j r. .i": ; .),, m - siuea tuese, uunug me ewiu" A ithode Island man has invented a torpeuu, m vue ..aFc Bia.u u. . no iirn mi Kti t ! t Mirrtll! dill -Tl r of. crow3 As soou HS tne bud takes hold of it, it explode s'- and blows the ton of his heatl oiF.r This affords a cheap and innocent r'ea-uion for the crow, and at the 8-imo t tuc d.x.s aWy Wlth a "rievous evil. . i w Some people think happiness is in a ,, ' 1 , , , ; ; -,f - all-room or a theatre, om.e tlt.uk It is v. ..- .. ...:n;,. i..,i .. x,tu.:.y . .... m ? L.,,, ! (Vnt in !,rvin.l f(,r tK.. reason that several iliet ot Oyster boats were ice-bound in the rivers down the T h e A1e xa n d ri a ( Lo u i si ana) Democra t says that Ilodiior, the leader ot the Mc Enery party in the attack on the court house in Grant parish, La., ou Laster Sunday, and who was wounded, died on the 13th at Alexandria, in that Stato. In Pari, a hurleique History ot Na- nnlnfiii TTf ilhi.4trnttfi vv-ifli . iinmfrniii ' plain and coi0red illustrations, is to be published in' one hundred numbers at ten centimes each.- . A Russian squadron, composed ot several line Ingates, is expected at Bnr- deaux. Iliis squaurou . win visit . the .. i be at the disposal of the Empress ot Russia during her stay in Italy. " DIED. JONES At the residence of Mrs. L. O'B. Branch, in tiiis city, on 'the2ttn of April. 1ST J, Akmistkad. infant son of Armistead ana Dannie 11. Jones. A?ed 15 days, NEW 11 E ADYEKTisMENTS. il A Y O lUVTY n Ij aJ I respeetfu!ly nnnomice myself as an in- ,''l"'ueul cuii'iHla e tor the ocftle of M yoK of tho Ci!y u. KlieUll at the t,lcc. lion on the 1st uOwdavin Mav next. ap23-td W. L), II A V vv 00 D. C L O G 0 U T. All pprsrii.s iiidt-hteil i me are earnestly requested to come tor ward at once and set tie otherwise they will liud their claims in the hands oi an i ilicer. Those whom 1 o v. e are requested to pre sent their claims lor pavimnt. . -J( w. it. 1'ErPEIl. UR D E li VV I L L O U T . STARTEiNU DlSCLiOSUKES. ! On ye-terday a countryman. ratliershah- lly dressed, drove a small ox cart oown Fayettevilte street to the Market, 'where he j disposed of his pi ouuee and with the ro- ceeils. bought Irom J. I uULLEY & liliO., a nanusome priny; u it, in v !i icn he made 1US iHParitnce on the streer.teeling that he was a-well dresssed man, ana nud found the place 10 buy GLUllILNU and UliY uuun-. Let others go and do likewise apoiat . m A. . l.. 1ST J-N Cooks of Subser I 0 E " Cooks of Subscription to the CAPITAL. Caiciieior, Kd warns A. iiiilclielor. J.-Oli l-'ARKER, i. i-. l.O.NU, ir.h22 ti Incorporators. 1873 CLl 11 1 N G v 183 SPIUXG AND SUMUEIl, SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT! 11. B. ANDREWS & CO., 27 Fayetteville St., Raleigh, -J. C. I Mj .S A MU i m .a Ttespeclfully announce to their Custom ers and the public iu general that they have now in stjre the laryei-t and most varied stock of m m mm. w armm iriffWll J CLOT HIN C3r FOR 2IEX, BOYS, YOL'TSJS & CniLDBEX, that they have ever had the pleasure of ex hibiting at any oue time before. It com prises every Grade in Quality, Style and pi ice, and is therefore adapted to the re quirements of all Classes. An Early Examination is Solicited. ap23-tf. N O C E All parties indebted to the late firm of A. G. Lee & Co., in whatsoever manner, will please con. e forward promptly and setti and oblige. aprl8-lm VM. B. DOUB. 0 DOZEN FKEtiil CANNED Tomatoes. 10 Dozen "I Vv inslow Jones" Green Corn mchl9tf , W, C. STKONACH LOUR! FLOUR!! FLOUR!!! 100 Barrels Bur's Extra Flour, 50 ' Elk River " 2i0 Sacks Virginia Extra and Super fine Fiour. 20 Barrels people's favorite Family Flour, (good as Fatapsco.) In store and arriving:. WILLIAMSON, TJFCHtTItCH & THOMAS mhl8-tf jgLANK BO OK S iN VARIETY. Initial Paper, elegant, just to hand. L. BR ANSON Bookseller, marl3-tf Raleigh, U. C. 7 X I , IPS 1 iS 9 VT O TI C E T O V O T E R S . , ' . , ,, ... Registration for the ensuing election will close next THURSDAY EVENING atsUN- B DOWN, and not on Friday, as heretofore "r" - " V"V W. WHITAKER. ap 22-St Mayor. N E D and Job Work. Add A good PRINTER to work on a country required to do Press Address immediately, "MAIL, ap23-lw. Rocky Mount, N. C. A u L L vv t i li ii i o u a r q 1 ' Uf - ,,nrTr ri-nnr. .E'S Su A r IZ i V JL 1 9 JLi. KIs.m 1!ran(lsofSoilD are som short gweiht five to eight pounds per box. Ifh gvou use tnese soaps you pay m.ney w Ewhatyoudo not receive. can iou ai- Eford -io do bo? Is raoidlv sunersedini all others prepa .otirtnw f.tr r,.i:ifiiiif l''.l(nrTllt KWHt Jtnil wholesome Roils, biscuits, Bread, liuck- wheat and otner OridUle Caltes. I'erieetiy rure aua iwiiasii', aii( immediate use. The i'ovvder in the world, j laiut or sea, in any elit The v icapesi liaising and "it will keep on mate, lor j'ears. It is Sola by Grocers and Dealers Everywhere. Manalactuied by LOOLEY & BKO., men -Dod2m tii) 2s ew Street, N.V W 11 E GOO 1) S We ask attention to our large stock of Nainsook .Muslins, JIulI Muslins, Jaconet Husiins, Checked JIuslins, Striped Mushus, AND JacoiiKt and Nainsook Edgings, Which we are offering very low. . - DAVIS, PKAKE & CO.. Uiai'i. -iy rctersburg, Ya. H E il O R N I N G S T A R JL DAILY LDITIOX: Though only five yearsold, has the largest daily .circulation oi un newspaper in Uie .state, anu a circulation in V iiminuion fifty per cenl. larger than tnat oi any othtr paper. . W EEK L Y EDITION: Now combined with the "Carolina Farmer," making one of the best FAMILY h.V- l'Ai'l,l3 in the feouth. circulation very la.ge and rapidly increasing. suuscitipxiox rmcE: UdllJ Ulul, J J Crtl ., 7 00 3 5J , 2 ou 2 00 1 Ot) j montas ' ' i mouths..... Weekly -tar, 1 year... , " ' b months " a lnoutus 50 It may be safely asserted lliat no news paper ever ehtabiiaiied in 2s orth Carolina nus made such lapid progress as Tuk teend lor i-pv-imen copies, udress, V. 11. uKUNAKD, jauy-ii Wilmington, S. C jy A C K E 11 E L lu barrels, half barrels and kits, apio-lf U. T. srilONAUll 4.V UltC 13 LA N T. A T I ON BE L L S ! JL js Agents ior the manufacturers we are prepared to fill orders for Farm or Plantation Hells of. any style at. bottom prices. ' Send for price list, HARDWARE 1JOU3S of tttt itc Tuirrj CO., Fishek Building, api-tf Ilalei C. g U V E R - P II O S P II A T E 100 Sacks Watson and Clarke's Super- rnospnaie, 10 ) Sacks "Zcl Is" Super-Fhosnhate. We have control of these celebrated Phos phates lor this market, we can chetrtullv recommend tliem lor el-. WI1XIAMSON, UPCTI mhl.s-tl cotton or anything IIJRCH & THOMAS, L E A 0 II 1 B li O S . G R O C E:R S .."'". ; AXI) COMMISSION M E li CIIA X TS Raleigh, N. C, Sole. agents for N. C. for Forester's "Lemon Crackers." aprlotf: Q . A R D N E FiKE EXTINGUISHER R AND ' HOOK AXDL1DDEH TRI CK EQCIPMEAT, Absolute Protection from Fire ! Gen. Wade .Hampton' Says : " THE GARDNER FIRE EXTINGUISH ER has my hearty approval, and I recom mend its Keneral'Sntroductioti as ajsafeaud elhcacious protection against the risk of nre. ine great benefits it has conferred in s iving property, justify the confidence re posed in it." Send for Descriptive Circular to Graime it- DeRossett. Agents, Wilmington, N. C. mhi7-MaWaF2m 1ST O c We are now offering for sale, the valu able property belonging to the Roan oke Literary Society situated in the Town of Weidon. The lot fronts First street about 70 feet, l tinning back about 75 feet, on which there are five Store Houses, now renting for an amount equal to 10 per cent, on $7,000. Also a fcpacious Library Hall and Reading Room now used by the Socie ety. Parties wishing to make a good in vestment would do well all and exam ine the premises, or correspond at once with the undersigned Committee. Committee: J. B. Tilghman, B. W. Bass, B. W. sspilmari and T. L. Emry. Weidon, N. C, March 5th, 1873. mar 13-dlawlw 50 0 CASES BRANDY PEACHES Cases Fresh Oysters. 100 Boxes assorted Candy, 50 " Candies, at aprlotf LEACH BR03. 0 FayclicviUe Street. F RES II a R II I I S. f' )' 1 I ; The Spring Stock of Fancy Goods, Notions? Confectioneries, Fruits, Ac, Toys, Musical Instruments of every kind. In short, a full stock of everything to be found in a GENERAL VARIETY STORE, is now arriving at Brown's Museum or Emporium f Fancy Goods. ... - The AVIARY has been recently re- stocked with Canaries, Gold and Bull ol Finches, Java Sparrows, teooth American i anota, iiim jiiuciivm uuv-anij, . -v. lted Birds. The AQUA II I U 31 of Gold and other small fish is constantly rAntanlshori with t.h mr.st, heantifui of the nnny tribe. nnv triim Two Dozen Children's Carriages just received. Also a large lot or MUSICAL INSTHUlTEXTf. Daily arrivals of Fruits aud confection eries. Large fetock of Toys and China Goods selling at cost. For anything and everything, go to NAT. L. iiilOWN'S. mh20-tf J K R E T II ... . ... . f i. fll-r.ii tlilc nmmrt nnitv rif n n lif imin ni TO 1 -..vo k. "1-. j o l.a . 1.. ,..,.1 .-..1.....; It s luc i-,Mr I ms menus uuli 1'ttuuuo vn r hand -a complete and carefully selected stock of French and English Cassimeies and other Cloths, Suitable for Spring and Summer wear; which are made up iu the best style at the very lowest figure. Having removed from nay former stand on Fayetteville street, I can now be found on Martin street, just opposite the Post- oihee. ' - ' " ma-S-d-3m A - A WHITE AND CHECKED " MATTING, COCOA MATTING, At DAVIS. DRAKE & CO S, ' Corner liauk and Sycamoie Streets, marllS-lj' f'etersburg, Va. E A T A N D LARD 40 Boxes, i,oC0 lbs." Bulk Sides. 40 " " " " shoulders. io Tif-v-As Leaf Lard. CO Kegs Lain. 25 Hail' Kegs Lard. li Buckets Lard. Receiving this day, bought since the de cline. WILLIAMSON, UFCUURCH & THOMAS. P A R A SOL S A N D . d i c s U sji lir c 1 1 a s , At DAVIS, DRAKE & CO'S. f lilAMPION HOCSti; MOVER. V- li Y T. J. UEAMV, Tarboro, A. C, Patented January 1 ith, 1873. FIFTY PER CENT. SAVED BY ITS USE. S. ..T. KEAMY, STATE AULNT. 3p HOUSE MOVING done at lowest rates possible in W'aue and ihe adjoining couiiues. Ollice at YARBORO HOUSE, Raltigh, N C. I. J. REAM l, Proprietor, Tarboro, N. C. ju;ir io-u T) A XT R 1? TC -A TT .fc'.-'nn N O R F O L K , V A . WHOLESALE DEALERS IX GUQCLTIIKS, L1QC0SS AXDJ TOBACCO, Special attention raid io nnr syt?.ttt ""- on giduisuuu guarantee Quality and Price to compare faVOlilhlvwitli nnvMnrl-ct rayoiauiy witn anj Market. Outers solicited and iromnt!v . xocnted. mu25-3m BAXTER Nashaco 50 BARRELS EXTRA FLOUR. Barrels Super Flour. ' ; 100 Jkag- N.-c. Funiily Flour, at aprlotf , LEACH BROS. JltltCitAA r TAlLOK. -niii.'vnii m.nAn.v,, i-.,.,,, ,m, ijvft.ivii AAAA.urviu i-oiAULisil- JJ 1ENT. .OPPOSITE .-MARKET HOUSE. JTI OA'S IE UR E. IS ESS OJ Has jist receivid a fresh stock of FCEXCII AjiD EXGLISII CASSIMEBES ' OF THE EJI TEST S TIFL ES. ALSO CLOTHES, . CASSLMERES DOESKINS, an3 VESTING S. The best of FRENCH WORKMEN employed. Satisfaction warranted in every respect mar ll-3m e. BESSON, .' R O W N ' S M U S E U M Tr ill-" - -7 NTUR Y W HIS KEY Persons In delicate health, often fi CI1YT UIl Jk inilSJLE i" 13 particularlv designed. It is differently preparea 11 0111 a "r v v nit! 1.-' v v tv r a nrPT I 1 . t.tv is mane is superior." 1 who have used the CENTURY U HIS KIES is tbat. fhAi-ft it .111 onitrA aiiwnno JXenuU aches, and .tUer disag eeable afier-eff.-cts so often experienced in the use of other brands. This is a direct consequence of the . consequence - ' " Purity of ' the Century Whiskies Prof. SILLIMAN, State Chemist of Con- I necticut. . t . r tt uiTPn . lir, t c. . . v rof C. U. SHEPAKI), Jr., State Chemist soutu ttaoiuia. j Pr Soi . , . . T . ' , ' ; - I Tf tahv iuprv vA ' i .. . , i AIl of whom agree in pronouncing it "without lauit," and j "free lroui any ueie- terious suusiauce wnaiever." Ff)1" sale by lirst-ciass dealers everywhere. leb b-3iu. TVSSOLUTION OF COPARTNER- JLy SHIP. The Copartnership betetofore existing be twetn the suo.-eribers: under the name ol a. G. L fc.E &. CO., is this d y dissolved by iimitidi n. April 8lh, 1S73. Vv m B. Doub is fully authorized to adjust and settle tue bnsineHs ol the late hrm. A. 4. I .EE A T. MlAL, ap!0-12t ' J. W. B. WATSOl-T. N O I c E The firm of A. G. Lee & Co., having been dissolved by limitatibii, Mr. WILLIAM B. I DOUB, has been aipiiited to settle up the o iru nf t'.ta lutu fi .a , A ici.o, 1 . . I I . u I aiiiuiaui ttiv iabv. uiui.,uiu o ttxvt- n i , . , , . I ousiness as our agent, inrougn. nim we i nvLr il f.t ill I i n n m 1 i oi i ot I 1 ip r: t.t i ill mrii -. t f nur .. . . . lriends and customers. A. G. LEE, A. T. MIA Ti, ap 13-tf J. W. B. W-A.TSOX, In accordance with the above notice, I will continue the WHOLESALE GKOCt.- RY, COMMISSION and FACTORAGE bu- siiress at the old stand, and with tne same facilities as ttie old firm. Mr. ft': iv MeMac.lt in. ns salpsman and cotton buyer for the Ilouse.wili still be found at his post. ap 13-tf W. B. DOUB, Agent. W. B. DOUB, Agknt, Wholesale and Iletail (Jrocer, COT T O JV Ft ct a n J. AND ; COMMISSION MERCHANT, Wilmington St., east of Market, RALEIGH, N. C, ditlicult to obtain a Pure Stimulant when meates the very substance of the Lum-s 1 I prescribed by their Physicians, and it is causes the ji to throw oil' all acrid 1111, for Druggists and other first-class trade It is very pleasant to the taste. CLi !. '" that the take it rtadily. :t and the impurity of many. other brands, clal Unction the' "tUl xLoie v a 1 They are AfoOLUTEL V l'UR4 four prom- "Jfuhnl. Iro lrm TI- .,l,a,ai'- iii-i t ,.'-i,,ii (,.i'tifii ,,, ! f7r;t siailipoi puoiic approudiion. in s liiixi; latnt uemk cei tify to tnis fact. -v iz . maD voucher 01 lis rare i roperiies w .! Has on hand, and is constantly receiving and genital organs. The guuiue,?as 10; msignmentsof Provisions, Grain, Fertil- merly sold by Haviland, liarral a. liisk v, ers. Farming Utens.ls, Grocerits. etc., and their branches, is now prepared by IL, con i.er etc., etc., whieh lie w ill sell at the lowest mnrket price. "omers ior ine purcirtse oi motion so- 1 . w&nmp, oY kTr n fim. cenex, Provisions, dc, will receive attention. ap VV- II. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. sir ijt'g.- is?3. szrjrijfirR. We have rcceiv ,ivo,t , rtt-ficVion invnrA i I aitr -ctive Z c? S attrcme feioci ol Spring and Summer Dress Goods. COXSISTISG OF Black and Colored Silks, Pine Apple Silks, Lace-wrought Japanes cloths, Lauraine iriaius, jjurmau o.otns Alohair Bai ernos, Tyrolese Cloths (in sage and Alignonfette colors) Pari sians, Solid Alpacas (in new colors), Chene Le ' . no s.Geneva S tripes, Habana Liivn Suitings, Zuhai a Linen Suitings, French Cambric and Lawns, Tussore Linen Suitings, Percales and Linen Lawns. And other Dr ss Goods. Full assortment of Lace and Embroiderits. Ladies New Myle Neck-Ties. NECK RTJCIIINGS (in new styles). and ail desirable goods relating to Ladie and Aiisses wear. Wr. H. P.. S. TUCKER & CO. ap.io-tr ' JMIJB TWENTIETH ANNUAL MEETING of the Medical Society of the state of North Carolina will be 'held in STATES VILJLE, N. C, MAY 20TH, 1S73, at ' 11 IU. JAMES McKEE. M. D- Secretary Mdic.;il sn,,ptv- T Raleigh, N C. April llth .'73. I 1 in i i r fcontiMol nA',J.hnrt v uuiiugiou omiy journal anatatar. New oerne joumai-ot .,ommerce,-Hil sboro Ite- V,r t' viccus:juh iillllOl, oailSOUiy Watc hman . cIimI.-iMb -oiwerVpr -siiuiJ. ville Intelllriicer. Kattiehniv Arivunw" larboro jsouthtruor, and Weldou News copy three times and send bill to Dr. 11. T. iiaimsen, 1 rtasurer, fcalem; N. C at i l : Y A T T, G R E E N & CO., Grocers and Commission Merchants, Solicirconsignments, which will receive prompt attention.! ( Irilel'K 11 I ld lit Inirccf. v.- orlrnt rnta . . "i uim-uuicnuru accompanied ; with cash or saiisfactory reference. apri 0-tf H O T O G R A P II S F JJ R .E 6 T Y P E S , 1 JTI IS ROT I 1 E S , GEMS, &c, &c, &c, V in all the latest and most approved styles at WITSOJi-tS GILEER1 2nd Door above Tucker Hall, -iOld Pictures copied and made new. LIFF SIZK POi'RAIi'S fnnde from old Da'tier reotypes and colored to nature. A fine assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. PIiTUnE FKAMKS, Ac.f&c which will be sold low. Call and .see me " aplMf J. W. WATSON'. I? A N S A N D P A R A S O-L S memyll-a-n'-8,P- rLUB PARA SOLS with chain holders, something new Also the DAGGER and other Fans L w- il- & S- TUCKER & CO "Pf ATS! HATS!! HATS!! For MEN, 'BOYS and CHILDREN-, lareest and best selected stock we ever offer, d W. n..A ll. s. TUCKER & CO. gHOES ! SHOES!! SHOES!!! Ladies, Men, Boys and Girls Shoes and Bootees, splendid stocK. ana ; w.;h. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. QUR WHOLESALE JOBBING DEPARTMENT 'is (ittinlMo 'a'i': Couuary Merchants is called to " w OUR WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. ap 13-tf W' H-R-S. TUCKER & CO. NORFOLK CITY MILLS MEAL. 300 bushels just received at aplO-tf Q. T. STR0NAII&BUC3. SPECIAL NOTICES. It ActsXikb A Ch abm.1 This is what i, hear on all sides of Dr. Tutt's Pxn.cto an In casts cf Croup, lironctiitis. Asthma 1,1' nd It all diseases it aribrds instant relief, it ?!"' adily. New Yokk, August 31, ! . Tlrm. ZZ". Sir When in Aiken. Iasfr winter r , your Expectorant for my cough, ana fun more benefit from it than an I have i,v i I took bait a dozen boitits lioine witii f anil liavd han T i ir i -. . l- . , . . , . ; . iriends. Piease send me one dozen i.v . ' ntwt ' 4"! f'k 1. ' v" iua'iiivuomjvjU, vt esi iist hviv-i Dr. .lull's nair Dye imparts a. Xatu'-.i VU1W1 a letter, isait liiieum ana all fekm 1 1k..-.-..,- cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical iX. covery. Uhk 1'eoples stamp of ' ai.ce.-T1i, Government indorsement, which legaiiz,ts the sale of Pl,atatio Diiieks. is nut ta', only stamp affixed to that famous Ye -et - Tani (!nrrwtivfliiTii Alti-rutiv- i . earlier date than the Government or. ...'. ,5i.l for millions ox sick ohi sons nounced it the Grand specific 'of tiie SL long before congress thought of taxiii j pnetary medicines. It is uniit.ces.vai v repeat, in detail, the proprieties oft! wonueriui v etieiauie inv 1 iuraitt, l lie i t reiercnce ma can ;;oneieu 10 inose w -u, uesire ine iuii particulars oi lis virLm.- the General Public. Ask those who hi,"l1 tried it as a remedy for dyspepsia, pation, biliiousness, intermittent iwe, nervous debility, rheumatism, seasiekiit low spirits or loss 01 vital pov.-r, .wn-.' Plantation Bitters has done fur tliL-i,:, . tie governed by the response they uuuu- .,! your inquiries ' The lollowing statement, from one of t m oldest and most respectaoie merchant toe city of Petersburg, speaks for itscli ui needs no comment: I have for mny years used '"P.Eri; W IT IPS ANTI-DYSPEPriC PILLS'" t f.mily medicine and also in my own . and I have no hesitation in prououuei . ' them the most sale, emcient and plea.-.,;.t medicine with which . I am aequainu-,! They promptly relieve Dyspepsia ami usual attendants, ixtsuveuess, tiearthu.i), Hnadaehe. Loss of ADDetite. (io,ii ,v,. i' tok treasure in recmmieudiii'' i!,.!,;' , tue puolie. They ward oil" disea.5 and i,. s. rve health. I always Keen a lull mh , h- i , i 1 .... ... .. : (.li Ii;iII(12LIltx ULiiU 11UU H n l!;illv IW ni t. uu auu '"-"'o') uc.ui.u- out them. John Row let i. Prepared solely by the pioorietor. i" t, BECK WITH, successor to Dr. Ueckwau Petersburg, Va., and lor sale, at liere;(.c ed price ol 25 cents per box, by all drui., and by Joseph Carr, VVholesa.e Ageni'. - jan27-tf Help fok the Hopeless. You are w, -: i dejected, miserable, and nothing does-x.-u any good, you say. Don't "despair. Ti-'-rt? is balm in Gilead. Have you tried Viue.-.i' Bitter? Hoi Then why don't vou? Wlnu: er your complaint be dyspepsia, bilious ness, nervous weanness, consiituutmni dc bility, or any other trouble, Vinegar hi iters will revive and renovate your shattered system, as a genial ruin refreshes the with ered flowers. We Have Fkecujently Heard inoil,.-! say they would not be without Mrs. siow's soothing fayrup. from Hie binh h the child until it has liiiished wit i i ? e teething siege, under any consider li:-u whatever. To Owners of Hohses. No one w 'no ha ever used Dr. Tobias' Horse Venetian Lini ment, will ever be without it v it is a cer tain cure for Colic, bore Throat, Cuts, Bruises and Old Sores. Warranted superi or to any other; in pint bottles, at-One ;i r. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, lu'Paik P.ace, New York. . Rislev's Buchu is a reliable Dimctican i Tonic for all deraiiiemenis of tiie urinary y. Rislev. the originator and: Proprietor; and the trade supplied by his succes.su. s, Morgan & Risley, ISew lork e Cro rRATT S Aal KAL VJUj, uus a unu- iui strict reputation as the surest and best illuuiiua-13-tf t,Uir ver lwo million .gallons tia ' been sold for the past two years, from whicl Pkatt's Astral Oil, has a world-wide no accidents of any description pave oc curred. Seiid for circular. il lipase t'l Charles Ptatt. estatilisijed i.itJ. New York. The Secret of Beauty. vvhat is it?. nc longer asked, for tbe world ri i'ashion iu.d ail the ladies know that it is produced y "using a delightful and harmiessS.oilet prei'. aration known as G. W. L; i rd's.-'ihoum o ifouth." Its beautifying eliects aretiul wonderful. Depot, 5 Giiid Street, Ne York. Burnett's Stasdard Flavokino Fx tracts are ne ttly put up in Unpaunelle-J 'l oz., 6 oz. and 10 oz. bottles, and are for sale by the trade generally in every priiscij ui city and town iu the ."United States, Cdsif. das, aud British Provinces, as well asla many other foreign coumries. For Dyspepsia, indigestion, d-'presM, n of spirits and general debility iu their-:., rious fornis ; aiso, as a ' preventive ag"J :-t Fever and Ague, and other interniiiii 1 1 fevers, the Ferro-Phosphorated- Elixir 1 1 Calisaya, made by Caswell, Hazard so Co , New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic, and as a tonic for : patients n covering from lever or ot,ber sickness, it has no equal. Tuukstos's Ivory Pkaiil Tooth Pow der. The best article known for cleansing and preserving the teeth and gums. Sold by all druggists. Priee 25 and oil cents per b ttie. F. C. Wells &. Oo.. New York. jy R S . II . V . MI LL Eli S1 nOlROIJG HOUE, Corner ol Kewbern Avenue and To, sou Slrcetr ' l!lh2.",-"l-!. gl'itlNi.- AND fcUMMEil GOODS J . Ji. mi a s EJrit s v.u (scccEssoii to a. . k.i.i.m; ) ; WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEK I v READY-MADE CLOTKi:V; FOK MEN AXO HOY?. A N i Staple Dry Goods, Hals, Hoots, and Shoe., China, Crockery, and Glas-wa'ie Corner of FAYETTEVILLE AND II ARGE j;S"r- RALE I G II ,'N C . Having on hand the most complete stoci of goods ever received by him, he earn ly invites aa exatni'na-tioa of the same feeling confident thaUie can p'tase a-.y . one want in? goods in his line. Call and Examine, and you' 'shall Le Suited. ap 2-3;n ; ' U BIN ' S V E R F U M E i V AND TOILET POWDER At . SIMPSON'S ov26-tf Drug Store QANNED OYSTERS, MACCARONI Wax an. Adamantine Candles, Starch, loilet and Laundxxpaps. Q ATS, OATS, OATS, OATS, OATS, " . 7) Bushels Oats for sale bv nov21-t.f W. H. DODD. ELSIFS GILT-EDGE BUTTER Cram Cheftse. Rod. arnt T.mnn Biscuit q 0. : I. jbu I -I " lin ior aci i rut ; Mi i i i ". ii Tu , t - i i yet its tin ' Ra j my I - C I sul ' t 8l Coi r Ob' th : ol ouq st ; wi) 103 stu as sut wli cip iot res sev s nut th s a i ll of lik 23. the wli pre Jan tioi five ' see tiorf Ira tt 6 sob am 8Ct . for . Jro ,- Fr SUl do sai g: c h a V ll N tl i S tv I . B ' " k! 1 t Orders solicited. A, G. LEE & CO.

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