DALLY NEWS. s l't'Ni: .fc UZZELL, - - Proprietors. Katkttkvillk Street, i-ser . C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASU-INVAKUELY IN ADVANCE. Tie DAILY NEWS will be delivered to i.iiisoii'jers at fifteen cents per week. n 1 DAILY NEWS. RATES OP ADVERTISING. One sqnar. one insertloH l Oo One square two ln8ertlon8..3.rr: 1 60 One square, three Insertions .7 2 fifl One square, six insertions.." .7 i m One square, one month t na One square, three months ZZ 16 00 One square, six month. sq One sauare. tv elv mnntha cX zz E pyatle to the carrier weekly. Mailed at f7 I pfi annum; i..u lor six months; $2forthre3 S tiESLiiiRr "isTinsCTOT Jin wiU 3Je mae. Ten line a solid non pareil constitute one square. YOL. II. 'he' WEEKLY- NEWS at $2 per annum. RALEIGH. N. C.. SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL 26. 1873. NO. 52. News. . JAJ pUOi'ESSlONAl CARDS. H E . G U L L O M Attorney et t L afc , SMITH FIELD, K C. practices in the Superior Courts of John stun, Wayne, Wake, llaii.'ax, Warren and ii.ljuiniu counties, and' iu the Supreme Court of North Caiolina. tftf-Clauus collected iu any part of the rotate. aplO-am. Waltiii; Clakk. J. M. Mullen. 31 U L L EN , 0 ' L A U K HALIFAX, 27. C. practice in all .he Courts of Halifax NoriAauiptou and Edyeeombe counties iu u -- oupreme Court of North, Carolina ;,mi iu the federal Courts. TuilocUons made in all parts of North C.u.H:ia. mh4-ly LIS I'jSIGLASD," WM. H. DAY LAW PARTNERSHIP. Q ONIGL AND & DAY, ATTORNEYS AT .LAW,. HALIFAX, N. C. Practice iu the Courts of Halifax and ad oiniu ii. unties m tue supreme Court of the Male, uuu in tne Federal Courts. They will j;ive special at tent ion to collecting and cuuutiiuj; LumucvnS, and to uiljustiug the su'Cwuntsi of executors, administrators and .uuaians. iue Junior partner will attend at his of Ihv iu W'e.uoa on oaturaays aiid Mondays oL each Week. " no 28-tf :itraiiMoN'. iliO-UAS c. S. A. ASHE FULLER. MERttlMUN, ElTLLER & ASHE, Attorneys and Couasclbrs at Law, KALEIGll, N . C : Wi l rr.ictice in the State and Federal Courts, wi.erever t heir services may be required. ' OFFl i. 'K: Fornur oiiice of 1'nillips & Mer-van-.,.- lcb23-3m. j. v. ,i. :U1KLOR. L. C. EUtt'AKD v.. i.;jijlEK BATCllKLOK. . IWiELuU, EDWARDS AND BAlCliiLOR, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEiUlI N. C.J 1 .la-.ii'i in the "ourts of Wake, G an- wii vli.e. i iuiikiiu, w at leu, iiaiuax, ortn and '.h.ttlium, and ihe federal . iia;" oum. jau 3-if " LEX. II ; S 31 I T -.11 , A l'TO RN E Y AT L A W , SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Will practice in the ourts or Halifax aud adjoining counties.. OoUicUous aiieiided to iu all parts of the si-iu-. may 11-tt S-ia'L T, ' Williams W i L.LT A 31 6 ', 13 U N N A; ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. W 1 L L I 31 S & B U N N R A L E ITJ H, N. C. ,t-. Business ietu rs may be addressed eitiier to ivocKy Muuul or Kaleii..&jr Claims CoHntcd In asy part of the State. 0" Practice in the Supreme Court of the Stale and in th federal Court at Raleigh, mir 1-itv ( Af?V, Jl -I'M" Thl- unrivaled Medicine i Jto; to (j iiitain a sitile particle oi .Mercury; or any injurious mineral MtbstaLcc, ijtut is rUUELY VEGETABLE. For -FORTY YI'AltS it has proved its great value, in all diseases of the Liver, ilo'.vels uiid' Kidneys. -Thousands of trie good anu urent in all parti of the country vum h ljr is wimdei'ful'and peculiar power iu pufif.ting ti.e lllnod, stnnulatitu the torpid Liver nnd liowt.ls, and Imparting new l.i 1 n i V Igor to tne wiioie system. siMMn.Vti' l.IVi-.K KL(iULiilOR is ac Ktiowiejed to have no equal as a LIVER JIEDICTNE, Z It cfint iins lour nu dical elements, never united in the satno iiappy proportion. In any ot'.jn. prcptraiion, viz : a getitle Ca tna: ti , a vv noeriu' i ouic, an unexcvjition- aole .i!-i-itive ui.-.l a ctriaiu Corrective of ml impiirities of tne bod uch signal sikh'i'; n.'S jiticiided i ts use, that it is now regarded as the di'tiit SJiifiiilittsr Specific for Liver ( ompl.iints and the painful off- sp;ing. ihereot, to wit: DYSfEPSlA, CtJNnri I'.vi lO.v. Jaunili"e,I3iiiousailacks, i-ICK ilEA liACHK, t'oiic, Deprosion of Spin s, soUU SlOilACli, lieait liurn, &C, Ac. Regulate the Liver and prevent CHILLS .AND FEVER; SlM-ViONo' LiVl-.Ii REGULATOR Is mauuiai'tured orly by J. 11. ZElldN & CO., Macon, Ga v and Phi adelphia. Price SI. 00 per paeKakw; sent by mailj pofttage paid, cl.01. Pi en -.-red ready lor use 5l.0J, ain Sl.aO. SOLD LY ALL. DRUGGISTS. tf licware of all Count erf its and Imi talioti.'d3 leblS-Di:V eud'Jni A W R E N N '. " ' warranted ;.ros. 24 and 26 Union St., N O 11 F OL K, V A. , MAN CFACTUIIKR AKD DEALEK IN Carriages, Huskies, Sulkies, Harness, ' Saddles, Halters, Hames, Whips, Horse Lothin?, Lap-Robes, &c Also, Farm Wagons, Carts, Cart Wheels and .xles, t arm Gear, &c. A hi.rge and varied Stock al wayson hand. Unsurpassed inducements ottered mer chants. epu ' 'imW, MORNING EDITION. SATURDAY........... APRIL 26. 1873. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor 23?" All parties ordering the New will-please seud the money for the time the paper is wanted. "Special Notices inserted in the Local Column will be charged (20) Twenty Cents per line. 3J. O. II. Nuttall, of the Charlotte Advertising Agency, is agent for this paper iu Charlotte, N. C. He is duly authorized to contract for advertisements and receipt lor subscription. Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 touth tstreet. Baltimore. Md., are duly authorized to eon tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. 3THF. AGEIl'ULTUKAL Jouknal and the News. The State .- gkicultukal Journal, an eight-page Weekly published in iis city, wiii be clubbed with the Daily News at per annum, and with the Weekly News at S3 do per annum.- Orders directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. . Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. State of the TiiekjiojIetek. The Thermometer yesterday stood as folio ws lit Branson's Book Story : At 9 a. m . ..... 46 At 12 ra 43 At 3 p. m 51 ' At G p. in oO Li.CAL BltrEFS. Not a single street fight at court this week. Oxford Yesterday was a cold antl qloomy day a bad day for local hunters. The brick work upon the extension of ihe Yarborougb building is going forward rapidly. Slicrill Murray, of Alamance, passed through the city yesterday lrcni a Northern tour. Cot. I. J. Young returned to the city yesterday evening, and is now on duty at las office. New rye is said to be coming up nicely. When it bt conies Oid Kye it will go down nicely, too. Overcoats and tilts were not at all objectionable yesterday. Verily, Win tor is lingering in the lap ot Spring. Our brother coiemporary, J. Abcer llarrell, Esq., ot t lie Henderson Tri bune, tavored our office with a visit yes terday forenoon. The Daily News has attained a Ci? culation unsurpassed by any paper ever published in. the city. Let our business meu make a note ot this tact. The coining municipal election in this city creates no positive interest. As the day diaws nearer, however, we suppose there, will be more treating and bu'ton-holintr. Who flat Lit rue?" "Wlrnr's Gut lantern ?" were the exclamations of an astonished Elmira darkey, alter being thrown something like a hundred leet by a locDniotivc. - Iu our statement yesterday morning as tt thy amount of insurance held by the late Col. K. II. Covvau in the New Life Insurance Company, we placed it at $30,000. It should have teen 20,000. The election in this city on Thursday, upon the scliool-tax question, was doubt less thy most quiet ever held here. No one seemed to know or care anything about it. We wonder " w ho was elec ted r Oar merchants an'l other business men will find the columns of the News a most valuable medium through which to ncquuint the public with the fact that Hiiieigii offers invaluable inducements to the general trade. Gire us a trial. " At Oxford, Granville county, there are three hung juries. 'Tis said the ne groes, who are generally three-lourths of ttic jury in this well regulated radical County, are fonii ot this method of mak- i4pjer diem and mileage. me Right Worthy Giand Lodge of the Independent Older of the Good Templars of the world, will hold their regular annual session in London, Eng land, the latter part of 3lay. The fteunnr Cusia'ia will sail Irom New Yt ikCity with' tlie delegates on the Hth of May. Ve learn that Dr. Prit chard, the regulaily elected delegate Horn North Carolina, finds it impossible to attend, and that Theo N. Ramsny has been chosen iu his stead. Temperance. Satiford Council, Friends Of Temperance, we sire pleased To learn, is in a very prosperous condi. tion. Cipt. Dtllas Ward, the gentle manly Conductor on the Raleigii and Gaston. Railroad, so deservedly popular with all, but mote especially with thy ladief, , delivered a lecture last., uig'it before the Ci-uncil, which we know must have been a decided success. Capt. Ward la a temperance man from princi ple, a young gentleman of ialent and met it, and we are glad to see is placing his light on a bushel, that his numerous lrieuds may see and follow his good example. Gin Burst. V the dcstiuctioil ot ; regret to learn of the cotton irin of Simon Smith, Esq, in Panther Branch township, on the night of the 23rd inst. The house .contained full fixtures tor the running of the gin. twelve hundred pounds of guano, tne agricultural im plements ci the farm and severa. stacks ot fodder. The fire was supposed to li4ve been the. work of an incendiary. No insurance. Lots fob Sale. See! advertisement in another column from Cob C. B. Har rison, announcing the sale, at public auction, on the 17th ot May, of a num ber ot town lote. Davidson College. Our fair cor respondent " Velta," under a recent date, sends us the following beautiful sketch from Davidson College : Messrs. Editors : Davidson College is a most pleasant place to spend a few days. The College building can lay no claims to beauty, it is simply huge, massive, imposing. The halls of the Literary Societies have indeed been made most attractive. Rich and luxu rious carpets ; elegant furniture, pure marble and handsome wood ; eiegant lace and damask hangings; superb chandeliers the one in the Philanthro pic Hall, unsurpassed in its supreme beauty. It is claimed to be the one under which "Napoleon was married" and the Euraeneans, not to be out done, declare theirs to have been used at " Behhazzar's feast:1 1837, the year of its founding, marked in the lamp globes of the Philanthropic Hall, the beautilul mottoes, all the speaking surrounains, in a concert of voices suggest what an array of " thoughts that breathe and words that burn " have sprung forth i these clastic walls. Each Society has an extensive aud invaluable library. The complimentary lighting of halls, and a charming serenade from the very fine stringed band, were highly appre ciated and much enjoyed. Dr. Phillips, that mighty mathematical genius preaches in his most erratic style a powerlul sermon of big tlhiughts, to grasp all of which one must give intent and earnest heed. He bursts lorth some startling " What is Truth ?' and as you listen eager for his respouse. be disap points -your expectation, and sweeps by to gather up another handful of shin tng truths, and displays theurto view. Prof. Latimer is an ardent aud eloquent Minister, anil seems warm hi his love for souls. -The choir, .with so many fine, full voices, makes sweet melody. The supenor Faculty of Davusou College, individually and collectively, titling their high trust it-o effectively, with all the facilities afforded by the Institution, are indeed tloing a grand woik. A large amount ot hope, of the chuich, Slate and country, is vested in the students now iu attendance there. The present graduating class, which is quite laige, has in it much of piety, talent and promise. Professor Winn's peitcct restoration is the subject of heartfelt thanksgiving. The: Williams' Associa-tion t)f Inquiry, is oue of the auxiliaries of good. This college has been long renowned for its high-toned morality, and its large pro pot tion of vital godliness. It Is a living fountain, sending forth flowing, fertili zing, ' sparkling.- streams. A mighty spread, ng tree, maturing beauteous, nutritrious, luxuriant .fruit. It w as Sabbath evening ''Day like, a weary pilgrim had reached the western jxaie ot Heaven, and evening stooped down to loose the latchet of its sandal shooii." The zephyrs through the sur rounding pines sighed, in tender elo quence, nquicms lor the foot-steps w hich no longer sought 'their sacred solitude, to pour forth full hearts in sup plication to a prayer-hearing God. Sons of such an Alma Mater will may your hearts thrill with Pride, and your souli burn with -Love, as you recall her fair history, and recount your glori ous band of brotherhood. Methinks even on thy pearly streets of ihe New Jerusalem you will cluster together and review the. precious seasons oi grace en joyed in jour regular prayermeetings, and other sweet times of refreshing. Yelta. An Important Meeting of tue Executive Committee of the State Agricultural Society. President Holt has calied a meeting of the Ex ecutive Committee of the. State Agricul tural Society tor Tuesday morning next at ll o'clock, 'at the. office of the Secre tary in the Fisher building. He desires a full and prompt attendance, as busi ness of the utmost aud most inimetiiate importance is to be tiansacled. The sub-committee is prepaied.to report upon the estimate of, the cost ot the improvements, and ic is .necessary that the woik be commenced at once in in onler that the grounds- may by 'in readiness by October. Now that the Committee h ive deiei mined to go for ward with the woik.'theie is no time to lose. We hope to see a full attendance of the Committee, hs the decisions made on Tuesday next will govern the future actions o'. the Building Commit tee -and -those who are. co-operating with th cm. A Handsome Office. Major R. G. Hay,. General Agent for the State of North Caro'iiua for the Security Liic In surance Company, has establisheil his office in this city in the suite of rooms immediately over the store of ytssis. R. B. Andrews & Co., and formerly occupied by Mr. W. 11. Crow. The rooms in que.-tion have been "most handsomely fitted up, their general ar rangement beini; second to noue other in the city. We are pleased to see this evidence ot prosperity on the part ot this c mpan v, aud wish it continued success. Prof. Southgate, ot Hillsbon, is con neeted with this Company, and is traveling in its interests in connection w ith the business of the Masonic Temple lurid. - Dr. Daniel Cogdell. Some of our Eastern cot temporaries staje that Dr. Daniel Cogdell of (joldsBoro, is dan gt rously ill at the Yarborougb. House iu this citv. We are ylad to be able to state that this rumor is incoriect, as Dr. Cojde?l is mw recovering, lie is not siiircrinLvrTTim the 'o Deration for cataract recently most suc cessfully pet formed upon him 'by 'Dr. George VV. Graham, of this city." He is attacked with fever, but this has been s-tayed, and we hope t son see the patient out again. ; - . In this couritction":we are pleased to say that Dr. Graham has been very sue cessfull in the large-number of surgical oDerations which, .--me has been .teal led upon to perform since residing fki our ur.dst. ,; ., : There is no excuse for poor Biscuits, Rolls Bread, Griddle Cakes, Muffins! Waffles, &c, when Dooley's Yeast Pow der is used. Grocers sell it. Individuality. We are too ready to "pin our faith upon other men's sleeves," to depend upon the opinions or the actions of others, to discard all personal mental efforts and await the action of another . man's fingers ere we decide upon what road to take in our journey of life. One hangs upon the words dropped from the lips of a Beecher; another accepts as his model man a Greeley ; another believe the opinions of a Wendell Philips to be both law and gospel, and we are all wrong. Expe rience teaches us at an enormous expense for tuition, that our greatest idols lail to come up to a proper standard, and time proves to be nearest right, you must, perhaps, with great labor, evolve your own consciousness, guided by all the knowledge you can attain, a correct view of all the great concerns of life, and of your own wisdom choose your way. Our idols have been shattered, the men in whom we 4iave placed implicit confidence have disappointed us, and we see more and more every day the natural weakness of man. We need not go into families about it; we are in measure all alike. We are perhaps dis appointing our liiends, and we must not forget that when men are elevated to high positions they still remain men, with all their natural weakness and foibles. Whether in the Senate Cham ber or the House;' whether in the na tional government or the church, or mercantile life,, men are but men. And iu the noisy whirl ot lite, tempted by place and power, often hesitaiing conscientiously between ' two opinions, they shtiuld not forget their individu ality uid instead of being guided by his own best thoughts, let others lead them because they are afraid to lead thtmselves. A firm individuality is the truest murk of manhood, and he w ho would be truly great must act out him self regardless of the many influences with which he is surrounded, save only those which his conscience tells him are for his :ood. Tue Latesf from tue Danbury Man The following cu " Adventures of a Pot of Paint," is the very latest rom the pen of Bailey, the wit who iresides over the columns of the Din- bury Ykts : Old Mr. Watson on Nelson street, has got a nice little bill to pay. He sent a nan dovu town for a pot of paint a'nd ladder. Ihe man got the paint and then went to a lumber yard after a lad- fer. 1 hen he tied the paint pot on the end of the ladder and put the ladder on his shoulder. This was a very smart arrangement, aud the man himself ad mired it very much. He started for hi? inme this way, and didn't find any tiouble in getting along the first block because people had an impression that a long ladder with 'a pot of yellcw paint landing on the end of it wasn t ex actly the thing to trifle with, so they mlunced along on the curbstone, or rushed up against the buildings. Pret ty soon the man saw somebody in a store lie knew, and he turned around to speak to nim, and drove one end ot the adder into a millinery case and knocked the crown out of an eighteen- dollar bonnet. Then he backed oft in ftright an knocked down two sewing- machine agents with the other end. Then he started to turn around, a'nd an ld gentleman, who was desparately en deavoring to pull his wife out of danger. saw the peril.and shouted out,"Hi, thete!' But was too late. Ihe pot struck against an awning-post, tippled to one side, and the entire contents went over the aged couple. This so startled the -man that he w heeled completely around, smashing in an entire store front. uighteuing a man's team, aud knock ing over- some thirteen persons who were actively dodging about to get out of the way. .Then he dropped the lad der and 11 td into the country, shouting " murder " and " fire " at every jump. regul.tr orifaiued painter." is now en gaged on Mr.' Watson's house. Literary Entertainments. It is not true that because thy people ot Raleigh do not patronize second class shows and other humbugs, they have no appreciation of true literary merit. The hiirbly respectable audience that Elected Mr. Saxe when he lectured at fucker Hall is a re'ut.t on of the s!an- . - .1 i .1 " i i.er that our citizens arc uevom oi literary tste and refinement. Capt. Jbines Barron Hope, the taien- t(d EJitor ot the Norjollc Virginian, has consented to deliver his famous lecture on the "Press ami the Printer's Devil" in this city on the 1st of May. We trust to see a large turn-out at Tucker's Hall on thy occasion. Capt. Hope's let tury is spoken ot in the highest terms by our Virginia cotemporaiies. He is a scholar, a gentleman and a Poet, and a devoted lrieud of.North Carolina, and deserves a crowded house. Where's Ramsay. Ye see from Our Richmond exchanges that the beau tilul Olive Logan has been lecturing with' creat success in that city. Her snl.iert Was "Girls." ami in the course of her rematks she paid an eloquent. tnbute to ftoutnern lauies, w noui sue professed to admire greatly. Her lec tores were attended bv the most select audiences composed ot the first ladies and gentlemen of Richmond. Where s is Ramsay ? Why -ant he get Miss Locan to visit Raleigh"? She would draw a. crowded house at Tucker Hall. Job Work Done, The Job Depart ment of the News office is thorough and complete, and all manner of work can be-done"-, with neatness and dispatch. We have in our employ the most expe rienced workmen. All we ask is a trial, as we are" determined to please in both price and quality of work. Orders from any portion of theState will receive our prompt attention. Completed. The enclosure around the new Fair Grounds near this city, has been completed, and we understand, is a most excellent ' piece ot work, re-flecting-credit upon the contractor, Mr. Ellington. Wilson County Items. Our corres pondent at Wilson, under date of yesterday, furnishes us the following items : At a meeting of the citizens of the town of -Wilson, held on Tuesday night, the following gentlemen were nomina ted for municipal officers lor the ensu ing year: For Mayor, Col. Tuos S. Keenan was unanimotsly nominated for re-election. For Commissoners : Messrs. Oswald Lipscomb, S. W. Chamberlain, Wil liam P. Wooten, Pt per Royal and J. A. Tynes. For Constable : Clhirles D. Brown ley, re-nomiuated. i The Rev. F. H. Wood . organized a body of Good Templats at Joyner's Depot, on Friday last. Twenty-one members were installed. Jonas W. Crowell was elected W. C. T. Messrs. E. M. Nadal P. M. Biiggs and Maj. Jno. W. Dunham are the School Examiners lor the county. The weather is decidedly winterish and the farmers blue." Rain is very much needed. The gardens are suffer ing and early cotton has been severely injured. Wilson is improving rapidly. John I. Barnes, E.-q.,has nearly completed his new brick stores, on Nash street. They are decidedly attractive in appearance. The survey of the Wilson and Tar River Narrow Guage Railroad is being vigorously pushed under the superin tendence ot Ma). John C. Winder. The President is sanguine of its being built. The Masonic and Odd Fellows fra ternities have secured the third story of Mr. S. B. Farmer's handsome brick building, and w ill occupy it jointly as a lodge. They hope to move iuto their new qunrters shortly. Wtll make Raleigh His Head quarters. We met in our city yester day Maj. J. D. Pollard, of Tennessee, who has been made General Supervi sing Agent for the State of North Car olina lor the Widow and Orphan Fund Lify Insurance Company of Nashville, Ter.nessee. Mi.jor Pollard designs es tablishing his headquarters in Raleigh. A Store Destroyed by Fire. We learn that the store of Mr O. D. Rich ardson, together with its contents, loca ted some two miles from Merry Oaks, in Chatham county, was destroyed by fire on Thursday night. Loss,some f 1,200, with no insurance. We did not learn the probable cause of the 'fire. New Dish. A gourmand of brilliant inventive powers has originated the charming idea of utilizing tadpoles, or "polly wogs,". as an article of table luxury, lie has tried them, and found them better than snails, shrimps, or any other such "small deer" usually reckoned as luxuries. (2) A pure Whiskey 1 stimulant, Century AMUSEMENTS. T u C K E R II A L L Commencing Moiday, April 28. C II I II I S It I , G B A N D C 0 M B I RAT I 0 K , Will give Everybody T W O U S EFUL PRESENTS On the Opening Night, Besides th Usnn,! 15) Useful and Costly Presenis to be given away. Admission 25 cents. Reserved Seat 35. NEW A D VEKTlsEME VPs. 1ST O T C E Hi, KTITaniV Hip l tii lav rf MAY next, I wilt sell at public auction, at the store of VV. 11. Jones & Co., lots 11, T3, 14, 15, Hi, 17 aud 18, being portions of my premise north of the city limits. Purchasers are requested to examine these lots as staked off aud numU red, any of which will ie dis posed ot privately. Terms : easli, balance 'in one and two years. ap litj-Jw c. is. ii.-i iLirsji. N . C . II A M S JVirt mmnMs inst received at aplO-.tf G. T. STR4 )N ACH & BRO. J A P A N E S E SILKS, At DAVIS. DR AKE & CO S. J E CALL E S P E C I A L attentionlo our "Forersters Lemon Cakes," the finest ever ottered in this market. Also to our Proctor and Gauibie',s Oiive soap,' the ladies' "irieud and ia or saver." Oar lijurs are bought on change in New York by our resident buyer; consequently we are able to offer theiu to the traue wi h one profit. Specia1 inducements to prompt anu cash buyers. IjEACII IJROS. T li E B O L L E S co tto r ii a i: , Now in its third year Is better than ever The Holies is the only Hoe in the United States warranted in every particular. told by Dealers generally. J if LI US LEWIS & CO., . v,. naleigh, N. C, Sole agents for North and South Carolina TRADE SUPPLIED. ap4-tf CHAMPION HOUSfi MOVER. By T. J. RE AMY, Tarboro, N. C. Patented Jannary 14th, 1873. FIFTY PER CENT. SAVED BY ITS USE S T REAJIY, ST4TE AGENT. 3" HOUSE MOVING done at lowest rates possible in Wane and the adjoining cMumies Office at YARBORO HOUSE, llT.tJlREAMY, Proprietor, Tarboro, N. C. mar 13-tf c L ARD, LARD, -.LARD"". 100 Kegs best Leaf Lard, 10 Tierces " i..ltrfntwiat k WILLIAMSON, UPCHUItCH & THOMAS. 7EL.EfSnPiIIC JTE 1VS. oTNISRAcTlES Affairs in Spain Serious Disorders Prevalent. New York, A.pril 25. A Herald's special, under date of Madrid 25th says: There is a conflict over the permanent commission whereby the assembly hoped to control the Ministry. Serrano who favored a permanent commission, failed at the critical moment. The sol diers fraternize with the people and the volunteers proved faint-hearted. Dis orders commenced Wednesday night. Contreras, lately Captain General of Calitonia, was tired at near Plaza Tarros by the volunteers who had taken up arms in favor of the permanent com mission and held the Bull Ring. Six batteries of artillery andthe mitraillieu es caused the volunteers to surrender. At midnight the Ministry decreed the dissolution of the commission and dis armed its defenders.- The Reds forced their way into the presence ot the com mission, but members of the Ministry were personally protected. The Reds have posted themselves at the corner of the streets and have possession of the city. It is variously reported that Ser rano ha3 been imprisoned or fled the city. : -r . Railroad Matters. Cincinnati, O. The meeting of the Superintendents of the Western Rail roads have adjourned, leaving the com pletion of thti time table to a commit tee. The difficulty was with the Penn sylvania Central combination. The committee meets in New York on May 1st. There were present representatives of the Green Line organization to con sider the detentions on the Nashville, Louisville, and the Iron Mountain roads by their Southern connections, which appears to be short of-cars. The Con vention determined to issue 750 nddi tional cars, pro rata, to different roads, and appoint a superintendent to look after these cars and return them to their owners. Kelfo?? Preparing for War 'Let Us Have Peace" Policy. Newt Orleans. April 25. A New Orleans special says that Kellogg has bought a boat and armed it with how itzers for operation in rlie rivers and bayous ; has organized a battalion of cavalry, and has directed the Attorney General to procetd agaiost McEncry and others for treason. . Indian Outrages in Texas. - St. Louis, A pril 25. The Democrat's special from Denison,' Texas, reports that the Indians have captured a government train destined for Foit Griffin. Four out of eight men in charge were killed and two wounded. The German Government. Berlin, April 25. The clergy debate asted six hours. Bismark defended the attitude of the Government as being iustified by the tlbmineering assump tions of the priesthood. He denied having instigated ihe Italian occupation ot Rome. General Davis Left for the Lava Beds. San Francisco, April 25. Gen. Jieft C. Davis leaves tor the lava beds to day. All the Indians are reported sullen and insolent. The Indians on the Modoc Warj. Virginia City, Nevada, April 25. The Indians as tar East as Utah know all about the Modoc sffiir. The people apprehend an outbreak. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Spanish Aflairs The City of Madrid In a coninseu Mate. n.ic. Xondon, April 25. Dispatches re ceived in London from Madrid state that the latter city has' been ureatly agitated during tne past few diys. Ai rising was 'expected on Wednesday night, and the theatre? and shops Were all closed. During the day ofWeanes duy a pet imnent committee of the As sembly hehl a' session at which all the members of the ."government, with the exception of President a igueras and Senorli. 1. Margall, Minister ot Inte rior and Actiug President during, the temporary retittnient of Figuerap, weie present. A long discussion upon the situation took ulace. Senor Castellar, M u sterot Ft r iin Affairs aid. S nor Solmeron, Minister of Justice, mnde speeches in which they admitted that the aspect of affairs in the city was grave. They stated, however, that the depredations of the Carlists had been checked, dicipline was restored ia the my, and the Government was of opin ion that - it was not necessary lo a;airi convoke the Assembly or postpone the elections fur numbers of the constitu ent Cortes. ; - - ' Senor Castelar finally asked for an adjournment for 12 hours, which the committee refused. Ihe members ot Goverment then retired to tlenberate upon the ourse they would take, and they did not return during the after noon. ' - Eleven battallions of volunteers, com posed, of Monarchists, revolted and firtd on General Contreros, who t scaped, but four other persons were killed and several woundttl. 1 ne - agitation in creased as night came on, and shots were fired in various quarters of the city. A number of volunteers broke into the halls of Congress wueie the Perma nent Committee was in ss.-ion, and the committee sought safety in flight. Marshal Serrano and a number of his political friend, fearing the wrath of the mob, prudently hid themselves. On Thursday the Government dectee appeared dissolving the Peruiament Committeej and the city became more tranquil. Lieut .Gen. Loceas has been appointed Captain G ncral of Madrid to succeed Gen. Pavia, who has tendered his re signation.. A dispatch from Paris says the report that the Commune has been -established in Madrid has no confirmation there. The Pope again Confined to his Bed . Rome, April 24 The Pope has re lapsed again and is confined to his bed. Cotton Statement. New York, April 25.-Net receipts J n'ted States ports during week, 46,033, same week last year, 25 203 total receipts ro date, 3.201,504, to same date last year, 2,579,192; exports for the week, 65,229, same week last year. same date last year, 1,729,477; stock at ' all UnitediStates ports, ;454,846, same time last -year, 296,695; at all interior towns, 84 133, , same time last year, 39.160; at Liverpool 692,000, same time last year, 782,000; American affoat for Great Britain, 226,000, same time last yetr, 202,000. New York Affairs. New York, April 25.-A private cable dispatch says that Biachnff-ahpi is selling his Erie in London and has oraerea that held by him in New York sold. Bleakley, who murdered bis niec in a house ot ill fame, has cut the arteries in his arms with a razor. The doctors saved him. Weather Probabilities. ' Washington, April 25 For the South Atlantic States and the Southern portion ot the Middle State ahd the Ohio Valley rising barometer, mtrtw cloudy and clearing weather ; for the cuii wiaico uimtntsning northwesterly winds veering to southeast in Texas with generally clear weather. Washington Affairs. , , Washington, April 25. The PaV- raents of Commissioner Van Buren'a drafts upon the State deoartment ws stopped on account of an informality in New Commissioners to Vienna h been PDDointed COMMERCIAL REPORT. flew Vork Markets. Ntw York. Amil 2fi.i 1.412. Uplands W;Vorrean7"l" 'Flour uuchanged. Whisky shad easier! Wheat prime at la2:. infer j-r '2aH ofnta Hr,- . 3 tc 1 cent better yellow western 71. Rice steady 7a8. Pork unsettled at 19 83 Lard heavy and lower at 94ayM. Turpen- Frieghts quiet. Money 7 currency to gold. Sterling 8. Gotd Dal. Govemmenta uull. btates states very quiet. VlJ?njN'et' recelPts 1.895 bales'; gross Sa.es of cotton for future delivery to-day b, uu oaies, as follows; April, 18 13-1618 : lf'v,t laAltJj1; June, fva b-ll; Jufy lJl$ AUSUSW lJ4al951tj; October, m Eoreisn Markets. LiVKKFOouApril 25. Cotton opened quiet: uplands 94 ; Orleans ). bales 10,000, for ALwe?k ,btf-000: export 7,000; speculation 4,tW; stock 0'J2,OJO; American ai3,000; re oeipts 61.00J; American 20,000: actual ex port 8,000. Latkk Cotton sales 10.000 bales. PDecu- lation and exnort 2.0UO. Afloat "til nn American. Breadstuff Arm. Corn27andtt. Cotton Markets,. Boston. April 25. Net receipts 182; gross; 2,0ito; sales 200; stockl2.o00. . Mobile, April 25. Net receipts 1:385; ex ports coafctwise 331 ; sales 700 ; stock. 33.H77. Savannah, April 25. Net receipts 561: sales 660; stock. d9,076. ' Wilmington, N. C, April' 25. Net re ceipts 39; stock 4,198; weekly receipts 285 ; exports coastwise 471 ; sales 84. Charleston, April '25. Net receipts 7C3: exports 1,190 ; stcck 20,790 ; sales 600. . Baltimore, April 25. Grots receipts 477 ; expert coast 111; sales 151: stock 9,820: net receipts 302. i "PXTRA AND FAMILY FLOUR" 160 barrels Norfolk City Mills at ap 10-tf U. T. SIRON ACH S BRO'S. B RE A KF A ST STRIPS. A few Strips. aplO.tf boxes of those nice Breakfast G. T. STRONACH &BRO. p E A R L HO M I NY Pearl Grits, Carolina Kice, . ; Split Peas, Tapioca, -Pearl Barley, w . i tJuckWiieat Flour, Oswego Corn Starch. W. U. STKONACH. jEE HIVE CANVASSED HAMS, 1,000 pounds just received at aplO-tf G. i". STRONACH & BRO'S. Wat. E Ellison. L L I S O N L. Hakvei HARVEY & WHOLESALE LI QUO It DEJILEI18, 13 0 9 Cary Street, RICHMOND, VA. Sole Proprietors of the Celebrate KNICKERBOCKER" Old Ky Whiskty oot7-wly ' . TO $20 PER DAY 1 AGENTS Wanted l All classes of working people of either sex,' young" or old, make more money at work lor us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. Particulars free. Address O. btlnsou Co., Portland, Maine. Ja 10-Wly gU FFERE RS FROM CAN0 2R LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS. Read the following, to which we might add very many more names of persons who.ie cures have s.ood the test of time : This is to certify that we the undersigned, have been cured of Cancer by Dm Greene, Lindley aud Bently, and that we remain sound and well op to tola time, and we be lieve our cures to be permanent, and we cheerfully recommend air those afflicted with cancer to apply to them at once. Mrs 1". J. Bulla, Fyettevtile, N. C. Jeremiah Wentz, Indian Trail, ' Julia Roberts, Payetteville, . " Ir. Bettie Fultz. Salisbury, " J. K. Smith, Smith's Grove, " John Whitaker. Mooresboro, ' Howel! Whitehead, Pactolos, W. J. McNeill, Laurel Hill. Geo. Johnson, , ' Mrs. M. M. wicegod, Ashevl le, " , Zkchariah Cogglns.MUledgeville, " . M. C. 'ampbell, Ooldsbro, ' ' Ruben Bryanr, Pacolett, g. C. Miss Mary Prather, Cross Keyt. Mrs. Caroline Webster, Puclett, B. H. WithersOrosbyvllle, Drs. Greene and Bently, may be consult ed or addi eased at 'Ooldsboro Medical and Surgical Institute,'' Golusboro, N. C, and Dr Ltadley, corner of Trade Streets, Char ioue, N. C Send for circular, or caU on theui. Consultation free. ,. rub.2V-wl.i- - - - ' c O D Watches sent C O. P. to be examined pe foi e paid for. Send for ric List. ' L. G. GRADY. febS-Wtf HalitaX,N.C,