DAILY NEWS. sroxK A. UZ.ZELL, - - PROPRIETORS. Fatetijivill Strkett, 0r W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CAiHTN VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to ibwrt'jrs at ti ft ken cknts per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at 7 per an nam ; $3.50 for six months ; $2 for thre 3 months. ' - iue WKEKLY NEWS at 2 per annum. S T AILY RATES OF AD One squ&r. eae Insertion vuo iiqoara. two mseruo vuv square, uiree mserti One finn&rn al-r Incortlnn One square, one month uus square, uiree montas vuic mjuare, bi mnm., One Rnn8.nt t- .in m v. "" -f-- -- - - ui4ji, w yij yol. li. RALEIGH. N. C SUNDAY MORNING. APRIL 27. 1873. . ,fpvr advertisement, liberal con tracto will be made. Ten line a solid non pareil constitute one square. NO. 53. ) TJ rj J 1 -ILJLLJj A : ; OU8. 2 60 in AA .... w w 8 00 18 00 80 00 I CARDS. E . C U L L O M .attorney at Law , SMITUFIELD, N. C PrvtUes In the Superior Courts of 'John ston Wa lie, Wake, Halifax, Warren and -uljoining counties, aud in the Supreme l oart of oi tu Carolina. ' s-Clanus collected lu any part of the .state. apl0-m. Waltf.k Clakk. J. M. MCLIK. MULLEN , 0 L A R K & A TTOMUTE 1$ a T L.A H HALIFAX, N. 0. practice in all .he Courts of Halifax Nortuainpton and Edgecombe counties iu tne supreme Court of .North Carolina unit iu the r-'eiteral Courts. Collections made in all parts of North Carolina. mh-ly Kl. t'oNIGLAND. W. H. DAY LAW PARTNERSHIP. c O S 1 6 L A a D & D A Y , ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HALIFAX, N. C. Practice in the Courts of Halifax and ad .oming counties in the supreme Court of tue state, aud in the ederal Courts. They will give special attention to collecting and consulting business, and to adjusting the aiTouuts of executors, -administrators and guardians. , ' The J unior partner will attend at his of fice in We.dou on Saturdays and Mondays ot each week. no 28-tl a. s. JIRRRIMOX. S. A. ASHE lliOMAS C. FULLER. MERBiaiON, FULLER & ASHE, Attorneys a ad Counsellors at Law, II ALE I G II, N. C. Wiil practice In the State and Federal Courts, wuerever their services may berequired. OFFICE Former oince of Phillips & Mer- ruuuLi. Ieb2S-3m i. B. BATCHELOR. - . C. EDWARD W. PU-1K BATCHELOK. B ATCUELOR, EDWARDS AND BAiCiii-LOK, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C.j Will attend In the "ourts of Wake, O n ville, Kiaukliii. Warren, Halifax, North ampton and Chatham, and the Federal uud supreme . onn. jan 3-tf A L E X II SMI T H ATTORNEY AT LAW, SCOTLAND NECK, N. C. Will practice in the ourts of Halifax and adjoining counties. Coiiectionsatteuded to in all parts of the utte. . may 11-tf ti. 11. BUSN, Sam'lT, Williams W I L LI A MS . 13 & rocky mount, n. c. 7" I L L I -A M. S & B U N N rale i u h , n . c . Business letters may be addressed either to Rocky Mount or Raleiga.-fcr Claims tclftrttd in any part of tar State. Av Practice in the Supreme Court of the State ami in the Federal Court at Raleigh, mh l-il. - 3 Thi unrivaled Medicine is w.irrmted njt to contain a single particle oi Mercury, or any injurious mineral fcubstance, out is PURELY VEGETABLE. For FORTY YEARS it has proved Its great value in all diseases of the Liver, Uowels and Kidneys. Thousands or the Kood auu great in all parts of the country vouch lor its wonderiul and peculiar power iu - purify inie the Blood, stimulating the torpid iliver and Bowels, and imparting new Life hihI Vigor to the whole system. SIMMONS'' LI VU KEG UL A TOR is ac Kiiowletiged to have no equal as a LIVER MEDICINE, Tit cmittdiiK lour medical elements, never united in the Mimo happy proportion in any other preparation, viz: a gentle Ca tnai tic, a wonderful Ionic, an unexception H .le-Aiteitive uud a certain Corrective of ail impurities of the body. Much signal success hits attended its use, that It is now regarded ai the tircat In failing Specific U r Liver Complaints and the painful off ipiiii(j;s thereof, to wit: DYSfEPrflA, va ) N.rt f 1 PAT ION , Jaundl Bilious attacks, M UK U K.V DACll K, Col !, Depi$isBiou of Spans, SOR-WTOMACU; eart Burn, Ac, Ve. Keguial-6 the Liver and prevent r. CHILLS AND FEVER. SIMMONS' LIVEU REGULATOR la mauuiactured only by' J. H. ZEILIN CO., Macon, Ga., and Phi afflphia. Price fl.OU per pacaaka; BentOyxmail, lKiuge paid, 1.0 Prepared ready tor use l.uo, uud S1.6U. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Beware of all Counterfeits and Irai taiWm.'V- iebij4-DVv eodum W it E N .N Vos. 24 and 26 Union St., N ORFOLK, VA., ' MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies, Harness, Saddles, Halters, Uames, Whips, Horse Lothing, Lap Robes, &c. Also, Farm Wagons, Carts, Cart Wheels and Axles, rarm Gear, dtc. A large and varied tock always on hand. ' Unsurpassed inducements ottered merchants. PRO -SSlO.N AI ' (L-T'. 'L W - T - V 1 MORNING EDITION. Site Uigb gailjj $ms$. SUNDAY.. APRIL 27. 1873 MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor ' tSf All parties ordering the New will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. 22?" Special Notiees inserted in the Local Column wiil be charged '20) Twenty Cents per line. JtgJ. O. 11. Ndttali, of the Charlotte Auvertising Agency, is agentfor this paper iu Charlotte, N. C. lie is duly authorized to contract for-advertisemeats and receipt lor subscriptions. Messrs. Grifilu and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents. No. 4 &outh street. Baltimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this houte. J-The Agricutuka Journal and thk News. The State x QR1CULTTJRAL Journal, an eight-page Weekly published iu tnis city, will be clubbed with the Daivt News at $8.50 per annum, and with the Wkkkly News at $3 5u per annum. Orders directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. JEIP Correspondents will please write on one side ot the paper. .J3 State of the Thermometek. The Thermometer yesterday stood as follows at Branson's Book Store : At 9 a. m . ; At 12 m... At 3 p. m At 6 p. m. ..... . 48 54 61 58 Local Briefs. The iruit ciop so iar is uninjured. Ice yesterday morning on the ponds near town. Stawberries graced one of the mar ket stands Friday morning. Farming hands are scarce in Gran ville and other eastern counties. Vegetables are scarce in the market, and sell at unreasonable high rates. Patent medicine men haraDgued the loafers on Wilmington street yesterday. The city is still in darkness, notwith standing the boast of the officers that there shall be light. Auditor Jno. Reilly returned to his post yesterday, alter an absence of several days at Fayetteville, his former home. . , The walls of the New Yarborough House are going up rapidly, .about twenty-five workmen being engaged thereon. Owing to the illness of Judere Tour- gee, theie will be no session ot the Su perior Court for Oraage county this week. One hundred Kuklux cases were called at the Federal Court at States-, ville the past week and discharged upon payment ol costs. Col. Wm. Dallas Haywood has de clared himself an independent candi date lor Mayor. It is generally believed that he will be elected. It is rumored that a petition is afloat praying for a commutation of tfce death K.ntence of the "Hicks outrage'' men, to imprisoument lor Jife. Rev. K. H. Whi taker, pastor ot the Person Street Methodist Church, is ab sent on a visit to Staunton, Va. His ap pointment will be supplied by one of the local ministry. Attention is directed to tlie adver- tisement eisewhere in to-day's issue of I the meeting of the Board of Medical Examiners, which occurs in Statesville on the 2Cth of May. All interested should make a note at the time. T. M. Argo, Esq., a member of the Ciiy Bar, returned to the city Friday evening from a two weeks visit to his father-in. law, Professor Hubbard, late of the University at Chapel Hill, but now President ol a-Female College at Mon liens, tear Syracuse, N. Y. The new feed store of Job.Osborn, situated immediately alongside the North Carolina Railroad, and near the depot, is now completed. He keeps on hand at all times a large quantity of baled hay and fodder, shucks, peas, corn, hominy, meal and flour. He is not only prepared to sell in the city, but will sell at wholesale rates to farmers and others in the country. We learn that Dr. Congleton, the proprietor of the celebrated Congleton remedies of this city, proposes to divide the gross amount .resulting from the 6ale of his Vegetable Salve with the Orphan? Asylum at Oxford .to the amount of $ 500, w-hea ordered by par ties lor that purpose. He proposes fur thermore, to divote the same amount to the Wake Forest College endow ment fuad upon the same plan. This is a highly commendable act of the Doctor's, and we hope will succeed. Native Pkeparatioss. Carmer, the jlru'ggist, exhibited to us yesterday sev eral new preparations of his own man utacture recently turned out Irom his laboratory, all ot which "we hope wil prove equal in reputation to his cele liruted baking powders, cough balsom and otfter goods manufactured by him self. Rev. Du. Watson. Rev. Dr. A. A. Watson, of - Wilmington, one of the most distinguished ministers of the Episcopal) diocese ot North Caro'ina, arrived iu the city yesterday rnorning, and will preach this morning at Christ Episcopal Church at 11 o clock. Dur- ,ng his stay xn . the cit, vMitto. 13 the guest ot the Hon. K. P. Battle guest There is no excuse for poor Biscuits, Rolls Bread, Griddle Cakes, Muffins, Waffles, &c.? when Dooley's Yeast Pow derisused. Grocers sell it. (2) A "pure Wbiskey I stimulant. Century GRANVILLE COUNTY. The Superior Court . for Granville county opened its Spring term at Ox ford last Monday, and will continue through the present week. The State docket is largp, and though no cases of special importance to be tried, there are a few of a 'knotty" character, which are hotly contested and creating a lively in terest. Hung1 juries, almost unknown in Catawba, Caswell, Person, Alamance and other western counties that we have attended, are as common in Granville, as bastardy cases are in Johnson. There is, however, a reason for this. The juries are generally composed of negroes who " hang around " the Court House lor the purpose of making their per diem and mileage. When ws lelt the Court House Fri day morning, there were three hung juries with, a fair prospect ot three more before night. One ot the juries were split on the Cbarner Towns case which was decided nt the last term of the Court, by the conviction of the guilty Charner, and granted a new trial 'by Judge Watts. Charner Towns was a (ne gro) Commissioner of the County, a leading radical politician, and a promi nent man in his party. His offence is stealing tobacco, and is as guilty as guilt can make it. The civil docket, on which are several important cases, will be taken upon Tuesday, as we learn. Judge Albertson is presiding as we may say with his usual ability, and we are pleased to say satisfactory to the har and the people. - In attendance upon the Court were the following members of the legal pro fession : Col. L. C. Edwards, Col. T. B. Veuable, Col. J. 8. Amis, Maj. J. T. Littlejohn, Col. T. L. Hargrove, J. W. Hays, Esq., M. E. Lanier, Esq., Robert Lassiter, Geo. Badger Harris,sq., Col. Wortham, Saml. J. Skinner, Etq., A. E. Henderson, Esq. of Granville, Capt. J. J. Davis, W. H. Spencer and Maj. J II. Bullock ol Franklin, Gen. W. R. Cox, Chas M. Busbee and S. A. Ashe of Wake, Marmaduke Hawkins of War ren, H. L. Bumpass, Henry T. Jordan and J. J. Lansdell of Person, and J ude Marshall of Virginia. ' . OXFORD, oce ol the most beautiful and pleasant ly situated towns in the State, is the county seat of Granville, acd like War rcnton, noted lor its elegant society, pretty giris and fast young men. The town seems more prosperous than any t)f the inland towns we have visited. Several tobacco manufactories and warehouses for the sale of leaf tobacco are located here, and add much to the business prosperity of the place. The merchants of tue town are live, tnter prising men, have large, fine and well arranged stores, keep full and attractive stocks, and no doubt all make money. There is only one hotel in the town, known as the OSJJOUN HOUSE, and very well managed by our young fiiend Caleb Oaborn, a genuine chip of the old " Job" block. Though crowded beyond his capacity the entire weik, Caleb furnished gootTi accommodations, fed well, and as tar as'we itarn rendered satisfaction to his guests. We recom mend the Osboru Houae to all visitors to Oxford. On Monday and Tuesday eights of the Court, the ladies of the town, assis ted by a number of young gentlemen, gave a series ot charades with a "feast" accompaniment, the proceeds fiom which were applied to the i'resbyterian church. 1 he enter- tainment was in every particular a sue cess, and not only were the ladies hand somely compensated by large receipts at the door, and the object of their lau dable purpose secured, but tney re ceived the daudits ot the numerous visitors in the town for . the highly in teresting character of the entertainment given. After each performance, tables were spread in the room and a general "least" ensued. Everything in the way ot sroo-i eaiinsr was attainable at fair prices, and as a matter of course we "went for" all in sight. Nearly three hundred dollars, we learn, was realized lrom the exhibitions. In company with Mrs. S. A. Elliot, the well known authoress', Maj. E. B.Branch, of the Petersburg Index, and several other ladies and gentlemen, we visited on Wednesday morning the OBPHAN ASYLUif for which the elegant St. Join's Col lege aud grounds have been devoted by the Grand Lodge of Masons ofja State. As the Orphan Asylum hasoeen thoroughlv written up and ventilated through these columns, we propose only to refer to the the impression made anon us "from' a brie! visit within its walls. The Rev. A. D. Cohen is the chief manager and general director ot tne Asvlum. In the selection of Mr. Cohen, the Grand Lodge was particu larly fortunate, as the excellent manage ment ot this Asylum will show. He is an ab'.e and efficient' executive officer, energetic in the diseharge of his many duties, thoroughly alive to the impor tance of his mission, a chiistian, a scholar and a gentleman. In a word, he is "the right man in the light place." Mrs. Robards is the kindly matron of the As-flum, and lrom a brief acquain tance with her, we can conscientiously say that she has heart enough to "moth erize'' all the Orphans in the Stater In the school room Mr. (Jo ben is assisted by his accomplished daugher and Miss- Bridges, ol Salem. We visited first the Chapel, one of the largest and best ar ranged College Chapels in the btate. The Orphans are required to attend devotional- exercises in the Chape morr.inp and eveninc and divine ser- 0 r . - . vi cp. ever fiiindnv evenmsr. The bit-1 vices are conducted by the Ministers of the various religious denominations of the town, who alternate m regular order. The orphans are requireel also . ,Ju ; nn to attend Church in tne town on every Sunday morning. From the Chapel we entered the main recitation room, where the orphans, thirty-six in number, arose from their seats and received the visi tors with a polite bow. The bright and happy faces ot these poor little unfor "I w . . " . fc . tusates. now so well and kindly cared for, indicated plainly that all was con tentment within. The children sang severalSundayschool hymns which were highly enjoyed by the audience. We visited also the interior building to its fourth story, but for the present will suspend our remarks on the' Asylum. Otjs Churches To-Day. Divine services will be held at the following Churches to day, (Sunday.) Strangers and others in the city are earnestly and cordially invited to attend. Gentle manly ushers will be present toconduc vi3itors to pews which are always free. Edenton Street Methodist Church, Edenton street, Rev. A. W. Mangum, officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and o'clock p. M. Baptist Church, corner Salisbury and Edenton streets. Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D., officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. st. arT8 o'clock p. m. Presbyterian Church, corner Salisbury and Morgan streets, Rev. J. M. Atkin son, D. D. officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 1 o'clock p. m. Christ's (Episcopal) Church, Wilming ton street. Rev. Dr. Alfred A. Watson, officiating, services at 11 o'clock A. M. and 7-Jo'clock p. m. St. John's (Catholic) Church, corner Morgan & Wilmington streets. Rev. J. V. McNamara, priest, officiating. High mass at 11 o'clock. Vespers at 3 o'clock P. M. Person street Methodist Church, Rev. Mr. R. H. Whitaker officiating. Service at 11 o'cloek a. m., and 71 a. m. St. Ausgustine (Col.,) Episcopal, cor ner of Lone aud Dawson streets. Rev. John Smedes, officiating servtces at 11 o'clock a. ., and 7 p. m. ' Didn't Want to be a Witness. That Danbury (Conn.) News man is af ter a youthful individual who tried to flank the law and not testify in a liquor case. Says Bailey : 44 There is a young man in Bean Hil in this State, who had occasion to re member the temperance movement. He was wanted as a witness in a liquor case, but being naturally of a retiring and unostentatious disposition, he sought to avoid the officer, and ran in to a sweating vault of a tannery where the hair is steamed from hides. While he was thus sequestered a prey to many una conflicting emotions the engineer innocently turned on the steam; and when that young man came forth he was a sight to behold. There wasn't a spear ot hair on his head. It was a howling waste of parboiled scalp. He don't squander any time now in looking at the spring style of hats, but just gets UBder bread and milk poultice, and bounds around and rips and rares at prohibition with as much interest as if he were the sole owner of a brick dis tillery." , Advice to Young Married Editors. Should anv of our voung married brethren of the quill ever have occa sion while from borne, either at Oxford or apywhere else to visit a ladies' fenst or fair, or any other place where a beau- tilul voucg lady presides over a tot tffice, and is told by her that there is a letter lor you and charge you ten cents postage for it don't you take it. Pay her the ten cents tor the letter and let it remain in the postoffice. But, should you take the letter, don't let It lay around loose in your pocket when you get home. The sad reality of bitter ex- pet lence justify us in well, you had better not have anything to do with the letter at all. It may accidentally get in your coat pocket and well, you wiil hud out the rest. A ISew Papsu. We received yester day morning the first copy of the Lin- coin rroqress, published weekly at Lin- conlnton, N., O, by Messrs. Seagle & bmith. it presents a neat appearance, ana its editorials give evidence ot a valuable accession to the cause of Con servatism and the advancement of the tiue lntei ests of the State. Savs the Editors in their salutatory : "The in terests ot this eection ot the country shall be promoted and made known through tne Progress, and the agncultU' ra!, commercial and mechanical interests of the country, shall be advanced in every way in our power, through the columns of our paper." Commendable LiBEKALiTX.-The Sec retary of the State Agricultural Society vesterday received a letter from Henry VVCtj, wholesale grocer and jobber in teas, iiil wasnington streei, ana iw Franklin street. New -York, covering a check for $30 to be appropriated to the improvement to be made upon the new grounds. The Executive Committee ieel much encoui aged by tne outside iLterest which is being manifest! in their endeavors to make the State Fair Giounds what they should be, ami the liberality ot our friends in the cities North ot us should be remembered and rewarded. Accidentally Shot. Mr. Tighe. an Engineer on the Raleich and Gaston Railroad, shot himself in the handjys- terdav by the careless handling ot a . . . . ... ' . Smith & Wesson pistol. The ball passed through one finger and lodged in the second. Dr. . . tlayward ex traded the ball from the finger and probed the wound. Ihe aanger to Mr. Tighe will be slight, as by proper care the use Gf the hand wilt not be lost. The School Tax Defeated. The returns from the election of . Thursday, from all the Townships in the county except two, give a majority of some 500 acrainst the proposed school tnx. . liad the measure been adopted, the tax im posed would have reached from four to seven thousand dollars, within the dis cretion of the Board of Commissioners ot the county. See to it. The tax list tor both the county and city isr stiU open at the - Mayor's Office, and will close on the' 29ih inst. without fail. After that - time, all those who have not listed will am. IIS. I be requirea to pay aouDie tax. English Enterprise. As an ev idence of the improvements in our city, we have before us a package of cigar lighters made by Mr. Geo. Spencer, a young Englishman, who proposes start ing a factory in this city. Boys, take a note ot this, and do not let a youth from a foreign climate come to North Carolina, and go ahead of you in enter prise. Call and see him at the City Hotel. House Thief. The house of Hil- liard Bishop, colored, near the foundry of Messrs. Se parks. Hicks & Co , in the western ponion of the city, was enter ed through a window by some thief, on Friday night, and some dozen pieces of clothing stolen. Our citizens should be on the alert. Accomodating. The two brass bands of tnis city alternate with each other and play on Capitol Square two or three evenings of each week. Stan ley's 44 Oak City" were in the square yesterday evening an j, discoursed most excellent music. - Masonic. There will be a special meeting ol Hiram Lodge No. 70, on Monday, April 27th, for woik in the first degree. Transient brothers respect fully invited. (1) Pure Whiskev! and mellow 1 Centurv AMUSEMENTS. U C K E R H A L L Commencing Moi day, April 28 . ., C II I II I S I I , OS A ND C 0 MBINATI ON, Will give Everybody T WO USEFUL PRESENTS I On the Opening Night, Besides the Usual 150 Useful and Costly Presents to be given away. Admission 25 cents. Reserved Seats 35. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N 0 T I C E The BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMIN ERS of the State of North Corolina will meet in Statesville, N. C, May 20th, 1863. at 9 A.M., and continue in session from day toaay until tne business for which It is convened shall be disposed of. Applicants ior license are requested to present themselves as early in the ses sion as possible. C. DUFFY. JR.. M. IX. ap27-4t. Sec Med. Ex. Board. o E On PATURDAY. the l;th day of MAY next, I will sell at public auction, at the store of W. H. Jones Co., lots 11, 13, 14. 15, : 1(5, 17 and 18, being portions of my premises norm or tne city limits, jp urcnasers are requested to examine these lots as staked off and numbered, any of which will .ie dis posed oi privately. i erms : gcasn, Daiance in one ana two years. ap ij-ZW C. B. JiAKItlSOJS. P REPAID TICKETS TO EUROPE ROPE. GREAT REDUCTION OF RATES. The magnificent Steamers of the A L L A N LI N E, will leave Liverpool for Norfolk, Va., every alternate Tuesday during Spring and Bum mer or i873,connecting witnuateign Dy rail road. Steerage and intermediate passage as follows : Liverpool, Queenstown, ) Steerage $33 SO Glasgow, London or Bristol y to Raleigh, . - J Inter $5,! 80 to SOISU. Hamburg, Antwerp. Hoi-1 Steerage Sf7 80 land or navre to Raleigh, f Inter. $54 80 Paris, Norway, Bremen or i steerage $41 SO Sweden to Raleigh, Inter. $58 80 Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Parties wishing to send for friends will apply to GU1CG 1TX, Raleigh. N. C. WiiiLiAM Lamb, General Agent, Norfolk, va. meiiB-inawsm. TPXTRA AND FAMILY FLOUR1 150 barrels Norfolk City Mills at - ap 10-tf G. T. STROJfcCH & BRO'S. JgREAKFAST STRIPS A few boxes those nice Breakfast Strips. apiu.tr G. T. STRONACH &BRO. E A li L H O MKI N Y Pearl Grits, Carolina Kice, Split Peas, .l&pioca, Pearl Barley, Buckwheat Flour, ff Oswego Corn Starch." W. C. STRONACH. "DEE HIVE CANVASSED HAMS, 1,000 pounds juet received at aplO-tf G. i . STRONACH A BRO'S. E1 RESH COCOANUTS, ENGLISH alnuts, Almonds and Pecan Nuts at MOSLEYS. G E NTS W AN TED NEW YORK LIFJMN8 FRANCE ASSETTS $2) 00. Apply io J. A.BYRNE, General Htate Aeent. ' T Yarboro HTJHse, Or by letter to his office at Wilmington, JN.U. - ipj-- T E CALL ESP I A L VV aUention to our "Forersters Lemon Cakes," tfi. net ever offered in this market. Also ini iui.-Prm-iir Ann i -iH.iti me h iiiive ca.D.' tViJiiis' "menu anu lanor saver. f' . - ; . . -- : .. - Our flonrs are bought on change In New York by our resident buyer, consequently we are able to offer them to the trade wl h one profit. Special inducements to prompt and casn nuyers. apo-tt iiiuu uaoo. T A PA N E SE S IL K S At DAVIS. DRAKE ACQ'S. N . C H A M S son nnnnds lust received at r10-tf G. T. 8TRONACH & BRO. T n e B O L L E S C O T T o jv n O E , Knw in its third vear is better than ever The Boll es is the only Hoe in the United States warranted in every particular. Sold by Dealers general my. JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Raleigh, N. a, Sole agents for North and Booth Carolina TRADE SUPPIJED. I i ap-u TELEGRAPHIC JTE ITS. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Spanish Affairs The City of Madrid lu a Confused State, Etc. London, April 25. Dispatches re ceived in London from Madrid state that the latter city has been greatly agitated during tHe past fewdays. A rising was expected on Wednesday night, and the theatre? and shops were all closed. During the day of Wednes day a permanent committee of the As sembly held a session at which all the members of the government, with the exception of President Figueras and Senor R. Y. Margall, Minister of Inte rior and Acting President during the temporary retirement ot Figueras, were present. A long discussion upon the situation took place. Senor Castellar, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Senor Solmeren, "Minister of Justice, made speeches in which they admitted that the aspect of aflairs in the city was grave. They stated, however, that the depredations of the Carl is ts had been checked, dicipline was restored in the army, and the Government was of opin ion that it was not necessary to again convoke the Assembly or postpone the elections for members of the constitu ent Cortes. Senor Castelar finally asked for an adjournment for 12 hours, which the committee refused. The members of Goverment then retired to deliberate upon the course they would take, and they did not return during the after noon. Eleven battallions of volunteers, com posed of Monarchists, revolted and fired on General Contreros, who escaped, but four other persons were killed and several wounded. The agitation in creased as night came on, and shots were fired in vaiious quarters of the city. A number of volunteers broke into the halls of Congress where the Perma nent Committee was io session, and the committee sought safety in flight. Marshal Serrano and a number of his political friends, fearing the wrath of the mob, prudently hid themselves. On Thursday the Government decree appeared dissolving the Permament Committee, and the city became more tranquil. Lieut .Gen.Loceas has been appointed Captain General of Madrid to succeed Gen. Pavia, who has tendered his re signation. A dispatch from Paris 6ays the report that the Commune has been established in Madrid has no confirmation there. General Items. Twentv thousand persons visited the Seventh Annual State Fair at New Or leans. .... - ;-- Gen. Sheridan and Btaft were at Brownsville, Texas, yesterday, and leaves for New Orleans to day, touching at Galveston. Travelers from the Camanche section contradict the reports of Indian trou bles. A San Francisco dispatch savs that Murphy, who killed Murray five years ago, was hanged at Stockton Friday. Where are the Modocs,? is still the conundrum in San Francisco. No fighting in'the last few dajs. A New York dispatch says that the Purchasing Committee board of Indian Commissioners have contracted for 1,503 dozen butcher knives and 120 skinning knives, among other articles to be furnished the Indians. Cotton Statement. New Yoit, April 25 Net receipts at United States ports during week, 46,633, same week last year, 25,203 ; total receipts ro date, 3 201,504, to same date last year. ' 2.579,192 : exports for the week , 65,229, same week last year, 26.315 : total exports to date, 2,032.700, same date last year, 1,729,477 ; stock at ' all Unitedjbtate8 ports, 454,o4o, same time last year, 296,695; at all interior towns, 4 133, same time .last year, 39.160; at Liverpool 092,000, same time last year, 782.000 ; American tffoat tor Great, Britain, 226,000, same time last year, 202,000. New York Aflairs. Nkw York, April 25. A private cable dispatch says that Biscbiiffaheim is selling ins Erie in London and has ordered that held by him in New York sold. " Bleakley, who murdered his niece in a house ot ill fame, has cut the arteries in his arras with a razor. The doctors saved him. Washington Affairs. Washington, A pril 25. The Pay ments ot Commissioner Van Jtiuren's dralts upon the State department was stopped on account ot an informality in the bond. . . New Commissioners to Vienna have been pppointed vice those suspended. Violation of the New Shipping; Act. New York, April 28. 127 Keepers ol sailor-boarding houses have been iadict- ed tor violation ot the new shipping act, and fifty-two are locked up tor exami nation. ' m Strikes ended Snow ia Ohio Cincinnatti, Apr. 26 The strike o Crisp' ns and Gas men ended disadvan tageously to the strikers. Snow in various parts of the State. - ' .' r- ; A Family Poisoned. Gekmantown, Ohio. Apr. 26 A fath er, sonand daughter has been pfisoned .... M supposed to to oe iro arsenic in coi fee. MOON DISPATCHES. Weather Probabilities. WAsnrso.TON, April 26.For the South Atlantic States generally tir and warm weather with light southerly "winds. . ; - -..'-.'-. - . Wall Street Doll Imports Week. for the New Yokk, April 26. Wall street intensely , dulL The weeks imports make 10 f million, including two mil lion dry goods. Mercantile paper Southern State bonds neglected. Heavy Frosts in Portions of North Carolina, Tennessee and Sonth Carolina Goldboro, N. C. April 26. Frost last night throughout the State, which has damaged the crops and iruit gener ally. It is feared that the cotton plan ted is entirely ruined. ? Kkoxvillk, April A 26. -A heavy frost last night ; peaches killed and the wheat injured. - Columbia, 8, C, April 26. A, heaTy frost and ice this morning. The young cotton and vegetables killed in this vi cinity. Cold weather reported'' in the up country. : L The Famous Wharton Trial Ended. Baltimore, April, 26.--In the Cir- cuit Court of Anne Arundel Countv at Annapolis this morning, the case of the State vs Elizabeth G. Wharton, for an atempt to murder Eugene VanNess, was settled by the prosecuting attorney Revel, with consent of Attorney Gen. Syester. This ends the famous Whar ton trial. - . . f New York News. New Yobs, April 26. Most of the saitor boarding-house keepers have been released on five hundred dollars baiL Recorder Hackett, has received more threatening letters and has been follow ed by suspicious looking characters, and stones thrown against the front of bis house. The police . are on the alert. - .,. , . English News. Lonpon, April 27. A critical in spection shows the French cable broken two hundred miles from the French . coast. ' " -. -1 A Paris dispatch from Madrid denies the proclamation of the Commune oi that city. : . ' ; Beblik, April 26. Bismark'a bill regulating the clergy passed the upper house. - . ; , i The Bank Statement for the Week New York, April 26. The Bank statement shows again of reserve of half million dollars; loans decreased f even eighth million : specie decreased one- eighth of a million ; legal tenders in creased one million ; deposits increased one million. " v !" Failure of a Bank Memphis, April 25. The Memphis Life and General Insurance Bank, D. P. Money President, has failed. A Town Destroyed by Fire Mariana, Abe., April 26. The town has been burned loss $60,000. . . CO HI M E RCM U BJiPORT. Mew York Markets New York. April 26. Cotton Quiet; sales 1.721. Uplands 19; Orleans Flonr dull and unchanged. Wheat, strictly prime Jots strong, offerings light. Corn, in fair demand and a shade firmer. Pork unset tled and lower, new S16.50aSl9.00 Xardk steady, N avals quiet Groceries steady. M oney easier 6 to 1-04 commission. Ster ling, limited business at Gold 16. Cotton Wet reobipu ooO bales; gross I, 762. Exports to-day 410; last evening 136. S lies of cotton for future delivery to-day II, 500 oaies,as follows: May, 18 13-lSalU 15-; June, 19 3-10ali; July, 19 5-16167-19 ; Au-aru-t, 195-16aia; September, 18i; October 19. - - - Foreien Markets n. Livkhpooi., April 26. Cotton closed quiet; uplands ; Orleans 9. Later cotton closed dulL Sales 10,000 bales. Speculation and export 2,000. ' ' Cotton Markets. Baltimore. ApriL;24. Net receipts 34; gro-s receipts 10; export coast 81; sales 164; stock 8,97&6. Wilmington, N. C, April .26. Net re" ceipu 41 ; sales 118 ; stock 4,209. , Charleston, April 26. Net receipts 606; sae4U0; fck 2196.. Mobile, April 26. Net receipts 870 ; gross 373: exports coastwise 125 ; sales 600; stock 345. . . - , .' Boston. Anril 26. Net recelnta 10: cross? 583; exports WOreat Britain bid; sales 300; stova i.ouu. . - ... o r LOOK TO TOUR INTERESTS. r Read the following, to which we might add very many more names of persons wnoe cures nave siood the test of time : Tkis is to certify that we the undersigned. Uave been cured of Cancer by Drs Greene, Llndley and Bently, and tha we remain sound and well ap to tnis time, and we be lieve our cures to oe permanent, ana we cheerfully recommend all those afflicted with cancer to apply to inem at once. Mr, j. j. -una, syeitTiue, r. u. . Jeremiah Wentz, Indian Trail, " Julia Kotoerts, Fayetteville, " - Mrs. Bettle Fultz, (Salisbury, J. K. Bmitn, Smith's Grove, . John Whitaker. Mooresboro, ' Ho welt Whitehead, Pactolus, W.J. McNeill, Laurel. H1U. " Geo. Johnson, J ' '. Mrs. M. M. owicegod, Asbeville, Zacnariah Coggins.Milledgevllxe, M. C. Campbeil, Goldsboro, Kuben Bryant, Pacolett, S. C, Miss Mary Prather, Crow Keys. Mrs. Caroline Webster, Pacolett, ' B. H. Withers. Orosbyvllle, . Drs. Greene and Bently, may be consult ed or addressed at "Goldsboro Medical and Surgical Institute,'1 Golusboro, N. C, and Dr. in dley, corner of Trade Btreets, Char lotte, N. C. send for circular, or call on them. Consultation tree, - , -mh25-wlu V QVIDE DUPREE , Lately of Raleigh, N. OJ , , Attorney and Counsellor At Laf No 6 Wall St., New Yobie, Will attend promptly to all Professional business entrusted to him." Refers to the Cbif JuKtice and Associate Justices of the Supreme court of North Carolina, and to the whole Bar of North Carolina. . feh!8-tf QHAMPION HOUSK MOVER. Br T. J. BEAMY, Tarboro. If C. Patented January 14th, 1873. FIFTY PER CENT. SAVED BY ITS USE, 8. T. REAMY, STATE AGENT, -HOUSE MOVING done at"kwest rates possible in Wake and the adfoinlnr cuniR Office at YARBORO HOUS, RT iKEAM Y, troprletor, Tarboro, N. C. - roar 13 -tf . k- -- ? . A It D LARD, LARD 100 Kegs best Leaf Lard, ., Sl Half kegs - " 10 Tierces - IWlSlkTlsONtPCHUROH A TflOM Ak nhl&-t i -

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