1 ' I--' ...,-ri.T.L. . Proprietors. S ...rriCVlLLK STREET, tronacb A Co.'s Store. .Kl.' ABLY IN ADVANCE. vi-'WS will be delivered to r"'T ,lt ,'rrier weekly. Alalled at 7 we to mouths; 12 forthre3 ' ,rrY NEWS at 2 per annum. flON A .VJ CARDS. ,.. c U L L 0 M I itrt L, a te , C. superior Courts of John- 111 . . I .. ! I f ti V Warren and ta"' us auJ the Supreme f1' r 1 jr. - ' coiUied lu any part of the aplO-m. J. M. Mullen. U L L E N , I'l.AKK. & M 'r ii K i- b.i-M'i;rs .IT c. nil am Courts of Halifax n. hkliiecombe counties I '"'I'p viae Court of .North Carolina ":taeulparU of North t.,UH.AM. wsi. H. Day r vn i'AliTNEKSIUP. u; LA N D & DAY, 4TT01tNKYS AT LAW, Halifax, n. a ., . i,, iv;1. rourts of Halifax and ad- ? Us ni the Supreme Court of ' V mi a m tne rfdeial Courts, mey f ' , rt-ial utteuilou to collecting and ;. ,;, uin. and to adjusting the ..'lts oi t-M-cuiors, administrators and f.f :!v t. ArwlH Uftllll HtlllSOf- vVf.'.io.i on Saturday- ir 11,11 iul . - - - Hud Mondays J'l weed. no i-U f ...vkimO. I S, A. ASHE I ' THdMAS C. FULLER. jlKinO.N, Fl'LLEll & ASHE, 1 und Cviastltors at Law, A L E I G II , N n i 1 u victioe in the State and Federal ;,'r wnorcver their services may Lie required. ---Foiiatr oiuce of Pulllips A Mer- ib 2s-3iu X ttL. K. L. C EDWARD .'. fU-lMH! BATCH EiAK. EDWARDS , AND VflOUXEVs'AT. LAW, RALL1GH N. C.l u-1 m the ' ourts of .Wake, G'an ...i.zi.in. Warren, llaliiux, NortU , .i ii .i.ttimui, aua the Federal ,u .ue oui ls. Jan 3-1 n S M I T U I ATTOiiXLY AT LAW, liLAN li .NECK, N C . 1 ;.:v:tnem tue ourU of Halifax and i.bj, oaaiies. i ..vi.ons uiu-uded to in all parts of the t. may U-tf i. Hrs, IL-.N ' Sa M'IT. Wilxiajis LLI A MS, 1 L C I A M S 4 B UN N K a I, L 1 li H N . C . lP,.' K-uet may be addressed tr Ui u-x-feV Mwuut or Kaltlga.-Cff J Ul'tru a a any part of the State. I n t!i- supreme Court of the lprei Lil Cc t -Mi-; .i, Si nn-ivalM I-ilcitie is u-.-rnntcd c ; a siiiKle nrtlde oi ;.-icury, ; y UijuriouH mineral hubhtance, but is. Pl'KELY VECETABLE. f'ha YKAIW it has proved its in nil uiKf Hses of the Liver, iunl Kidneys. Thousands or the i l'lH1 ki- ft i'i :til parts of th country ii l.r i:h v..ndertul and peculiar power j Jiiio- k; ti.e lilMxl, btiinulatKitf the )"i biv-r Hud li(iwi:l. nnil imniirt.inir I.Lv n t Vi-f,rto the whole svstem. b.Vi.w,.,j l(J h.iv; QO t.(JUiil ft LI V Ell, 3IEDXCINE, tour in. dical elements, never e,i hi t:i.; -i-aine iiuppy proiortim in I'hi.r jnei),ir:itiuii, viz: a gentle C;v li . t 'v n iriu'. Jouic, ajiunexceptiou-Aii.-,-.,tiv5 mid a rriaiu Corrective of "ii ji,ii,.h ,,f t.;ie u1jy. such signal i.-.-s atttnded its use, that It is how Vnfaitin r : Specific '-iVrr mpUiiYts and. the painful ofT wit: DYSI'KPSIA, ll.i r .... r'--i ti'.v ION. .T;i ii ntUt-f. HI I lous attacks. 'i'-A DACHK. C'o.ic. Depression of SoUii STOMACH, Heart liurn, the Liver and prevent HILLS AND FEVER. 'jI'J;.V LIVKIt HEOULATOR ; Is inanuia tured oely by J. 11. ZKILIN fc CO., Macon, Oa , and Phi adelphia. !'' .! ivi ...... ... i... ,H "ff piti.i, si.04. i'jepred ready lor use f ' i Jl.-i. - 'i LY ALL DKUO GISTS. l" ware of ail Counterfeits and Irnl 4 lebl-DsWeodtjm V H E N N f!"o. 2-1 and 20 Union St., OU FOL K, V A . , M-V LFACTLT'.KR AND DEALER IN Ku,kie8,IiurneSs, Saddles, Halters, Hames, Whips, Horse Lothin?, r.nn.llobes. &C Vls'. arm Vayons, Carts, Cart Wheel ft r , ' " ari1 Gear, &c. LotuT" uj varied stocic always on hand, juj'iwjd InducemeuU ollcrtsd mer- . w 1 VOL. II. MORNING E D IT I O N m giakigu gaily TUESDAY. ..... APRIL, 29. 1878 LOCAL MATTER. K. C. WOODSON, City Editor ttrfMrAU Partie.8 ordering tbe New will pleuse send the money for the lime the paper is wanted. W7 nonces inserted Under the -apeciai city items" head at 15 Ceii i per line fur first incon inn nw lO cents per line tor each ubeiaent 1U3VIUUU, . J. O. U. Nuttall. of the aiarlotte Au vertislng Agencx. la agent tor this paper in Charlotte, N. C He is duly authorized to contract for advertisements and receipt 1V1 lKUUn, Messrs. Grifiln and Hoffman, Newspnper nuiciuaiuK ngeuus i o. 4 oouiu tsireet. uuuuuore, xua., areuuiy auuiorlzed to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to ieHve uieir lavors witn mis nous?. 3TlIE AORICULTORAI. JOURNAL Alfl the .News. The state agricultural Journal, an eight-page Weekly published iu misjMiy, win oeciuo bed with the Daily -twsat i.oO per annum, and with the Wkkkly N kws at $3 50 per annum directed to either paper will recelv Orders re prompt attention. f Correspondents will please write on oue side ot the paper. State of the Thermometer. The Thermometer yesterday stood as follows at Branson's Book Store : At 9 a. m ........... . At 12 m.. At"d p. ru.. . .. ... At 0 p. m. 51 56 53 54 Local Briefs. No need for the street sprinkler yes terday. All quiet on Sunday, not a single dis tinbdnce or a police arresi The fence around the new fair grounds has been couiplettd. Lighting tbe streets will be resumed on and after Wednesday night. Largo congregations at all the churches Sunday morning and evening. Dr. Willie J. Palmer, formerly of this city, but now of Belleville, Canada, will arrive in the city this morning. Fifty tickets for the May day excur sion to Hay wood, are yet for sale at the hardware store of T H. Bnggs & bon. Go early to secure one, $1.00 each. A meeting ot the Executive Com mittee of the State Agricultural Society will occur this morning at the office ot the Secretarv of the Society in the Fisher building. . Major Si-aton Gales, of this city, left this morninET for Wilmington -where he delivers an address before the Odd-Fel- lows of that city on Thursday evening. The Wilniingtonians may expect an m- tcllccunl treat of a high order. Three-fourths of the rerd estate of Pasquotank county is owned by Northern, mcu that have purchased and settled on the same since the war. We are glad to learn that they are a prosperous, enterprising working, class. md are adding to no email extent to the general prosperity of the section. Explosion of a Soda Fountain A Warning to Others. The follow- ing Singuuir acciueui , uiu-wc from tbeWilmington Star of Sunda)-, should prove a wsrning to many others Says the Stars m Yesterday, shortly af- ter 12 o'ciock, the crowd in the stores and on the streets in the vicinity of Mr, F. Mayer's Confectionery ' on Market, ntand Second streets, were started by a sudden and terrific explo blincr the discharge of a can non. Unon" investigation! it was lound that the generator attached to the soda fountain in a rear room of Mr. Mayer's establishment had exploded, one part entering the ceiling overhead und demolishing it to a considerable extent. and tne otner guint; ujiociu which was urettv badly torn up. The plastering was also knocked loose in manv ulaces unci tne muc iwm 1-"- sented a seine of dire destruction. 3:r; Thomas Maver. son of the proprietor, who was standing just inside of the door, ws8 considerably scalded about the face hv thft shower of aciwbesides being i.rmjpil .ind otherwise imuTPTfT. He was l'-t''X M m WW.- tuken home and a nhvsiciau summoned ... v..n.i.r t.in the nrooer medical aid. Wm understand that his injuries are not considered serious. A colored man by Mia nam ft of .Toh n Lucas, who was em ployed in the room,, was also slightly injured by the acid, besides receiving a slight bruise on the ear from alragmeut ,i fh,. o-f-nerator. Thc'.r escape inotanr ,ith is almost a miraculous lljgtitu . "It is supposed that the accideut was . . i t..: .l.nffii .,oJ Kit t hp. mnO 1 IfC UtU) tuoiiivu beyond its capacity. Our Honored Dead. The follow i Anm,nitnir.i't.in'.i ' from an esteemed nrr-spondent at Norfolk, explains it r- self: Vanpm.K. Va.. April 28th, 1873 w.i;tnr RnJAiah News : In walkirg tiro -gh the negro cemee ry of this cit; , 1 caa;e across thegravesof several Con federate soldiers who were uuneu luc., having died while prisoners during the war "Thinking that probably the one from North Carolina may have surviv ing inends who are ignorant of his last resting place, I send you his name and the name ol his company and regiment, and also the names of those from other States. They are: Nath'l Wright, 56th N C Volunteers, died Feb. 6th, 1864 , James McDermott, Co. G, 42nd Va Cavalry, and died Jan. 30th, 1864, and Jetf Howard, 21st Ga. Volunteers, died March 31st, 1804. :. Respectfully, &- Apfointed.-L. W. Howe has been appointed by the Governor Couimis sioner rf Deeds for North Caroliua, resi r ) t E RALEIGH. N. C. Eloquent Sermon Sukday Evening at toe Mktdodist Church. The es teemed pastor of the Methodist Church. Rev. A. W. Man quent and impressive sermon on Sunday evening. His text was from Colosians. chapter first, verse tenth: "That ve micht walk wnrthvthp Lord unto all pleasing, beinsr fruitful in every good work and increasing in the Knowledge of God." The learned minister said that rl.-mht. less many persons were puzzled with the'dfierent lights in which the subieels ot works and faith were treated in the Bible. . Some individuals, discarding the ne cessity of Jith8eeta?l to rely solely upon works ; others trusted to faith alone, considering works unnecessary. Faith and works should co hand in hand. Faith would oerish if it did not feed upon works as its bread. No one could be saved bv faith a!onp. Tinth were essential. God has, in the most solemn and suggestive manner comanded the neces sity of ervice in his favor. The Scriptural expression "well done. pood and faithful servant ; thou has lem Yfaithfulovcr a ftic things ; I will make thee ruler over many things.'' imnlied in the most positive terms that work wasTequired ot us before we received our reward ; and that we would be re warded accortling to the value ot our -work which would be measured accor ding to both its quality and quantity. in the .Lord a messages to the seven churches, He invariably used towards each the words : 44 1 know thy works," showing unmistakably that He regard ed with favor the crood work of his people, and took due note thereof. 44 Let thy light so shine that others seeing thv good deeds" &c. was em phatic aud remarkable Biblical lan- uage an injunction indicating plain ly the importance of setting a good ex ample by doing good and holy deeds. come members of the Church were content in the performance of a narrow sphere of christian usefulness, which they would mark out lor themselves t suit their own tHSles and inclination;. They would willingly petlorm such species of labor as was congenial to their own feelings, and were satisfied with this narrow, contracted walk. Some would prefer to confine their work to punctuality in attending Church and in contributing their mite to its sepjrt. Others thought their duties were fully performeel when they officiated as mem bcrs.of the Church choir. Others were satisfied with attending the prayer meet ings and taking part therein. But the Lord commahds us to be " faithful in every good work. " These good works were immortal. They adorned the life of every christian. They made the character ot a christian woman ap proach in beauty and perfection that of our first mother in the garden of Eden ere sin had defiled her loveliness or cast a stain upon her cheek. The hand ol the architect could erect grand and magnificent structures that were the wonder and admiration of mMnkind but a sudden confligration might level tnem to the dust in an hour. Tne chisel of the sculptor might transfoim the crude marble into the majesty of the living, breathing form but the hsud of time would cause to crumble and lade away, the prouelest monuments of human genius and of art: while the good works the Christian would endure forever they would become bright iewels in his crown of glory and shine on in the endless ages ot eternity i i - i that circle nernetualiv around the Heavenly throne. Mr. Mangum a peroration was beauti ful, and the congregation, which had bcerTtisteuing with rapt attention, ap peared nvrret that he closed so soon. Ilev. Mr. Bobbitt, editor ot the Lhris tian Adcokate. iben ottered a most ap propriate prayer to the Throne of Grace; alter which a hymn was admirably ren dered bv the choir concluding with the doxology. Locals from Trinity College. A correspondent at Trinity College gives us the following items from that place : Trinity has a string band, several of the young students indulging in the use of the banjo and violin. ' The College is to be lighted with gas next session, the contract lor tne same having been already made. The Freshmen are anticipating a gay timn on the Htll (Jl iliaY. tue Uigui ui the Senior presentation. Branch II. Merrimon, the son of Sen ator Merrimon, is considered the hand Bomest youth at Trinity. , N. D. Mann, Esq., has bought out the store of Messrs. Shaw & liradshaw, and will soon have a full stock ot epnng good3. He is an enterprising youDg M'inn. , How Soon We are Forgotten. According to the first map of the city omr drawn, the original of which is , -- w ' y cj now in pcssession of Colonel W. H. H Tucker, the square now occupied by the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum was for many years the city burying ground During the excavation lor tne iounaa tion of the Asylum building?,, many BWnlls were thrown up, and even teeth onri Lnnes were seen on the' bank of dirt. Well might Rip Van Winkl have exclaimed, 44and are we so soon lOIJiOHC-liJ Pic-nicing. As before stated, the Baptist Sunday School pic nic at Hay wood's on the 1st of May. The Com mittee of the Methodist Sunday pcnooi haye not as yet reported as to the place, but the time is "ed for t0fc 8th- Toe other Sunday Schools so far have not as yet cahvassed the matter. We return our thanks to the managers of the two Schools for a complimentary invitation to be present, and promise to be on hand. . ' ' - - . :.; : -" ... Pardoned.- Chas. N. Banks, col., convicted at the Spring term of Craven county Superior Court 1871, of larceny, and sentenced to two years and a-half tn th Penitentiary, has been pardoned by tbe Governor, having served out two years of tbe term, AIEY TUESDAY MORNING. APRIL 29. 1873. New Advetisements. The readers of the New3 are earnestly requested to read the following new advertisements that appear for the first time in lo-day's issue : Messrs. It. F. Jones & Co. succeed in business Messrs. A. G. Lee & Co., at the well known stand on Wilmington street of the latter firm. Messrs, Jones & Co. are young men of considerable business experience, well and favorably known in our business section, and from their known energy and popularity will succeed. Give them a trial. Messrs. Julius Lewis & Co., the pop ular Hardware dealers, offer to the pub lic tbe Novelty Washing Machine and Clothes Wringer. TheJadies would do well to examine U merits. Messrs. W hi telaw & Crowder, Marble and Stone Cutters, are prepared to exe cute all work in their line ia a neat and satisfactory workmanlike style. We have examined specimens of work at the yard of this firm, nearly opposite Wynne, Yancey & Co.'s Livery Stable, and : recommend them as superior workmen. . Messrs. Belts, Allen & Co. have re moved their large Sash, Door & Blind Factory to the Northern termination of Dawson street, near the Raleigh & Gas ton II. It. Shops, where they would be pleased to see their many customers. Messrs. Zeigler & Gruendler, Cigar Manufacturers, are now prepared to fill orders lor the various brands of cigars, so popular in this and other cities where they have been used. Messrs. Allred Upchurch and W. H.'Bagley, have been announced as candidates for Commissioners from the Eastern Ward. Report of the City Treasurer. M. W. Churchill. Esq.. Citv Treasurer. has submitted the.following report to the Mayor and Board of Commissioners in regard to the finances of the city. The report runs from January .1st, 1873, to April 1st, 1873: Itec'd of M. Grausman, Collector, $ 5,795 90 " " J. c. Kin, chief or Police and Clerk of the Market, 1,333 30 " of B. H. Dunston, Assistant Chief of Police, , 13 00 " lor rent of Metropolitan Hall, 50 eo Bonds issued, 750 00 514,747 80 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid out on warrants, ; $7,247 40 city bonds, 50 UU " " " Hook and Ladder truck, 515 00 " " 44 claim of N. B. Barnaul, 1,037 00 " " note in bank, 15,500 00 " " " January interest and : discount on bond-,- '3,398 05 $11,747 80 CITY BONDS AND THE BONDED DEBT. From the 1st of January, 1873, up to date (April 1st) $7,500 city bonds have been issued, ot which 6,000 weie to pay January interest on city bonds and bank debt, and $1,500 to pay the claim ot N. B. Barhavn for the land used for the colored cemetery. The bonded debt of the city is $118,- 000 and issued as follows : In 18t9 (Market House,) $50,000 Iu 1371, 1, 2 and 3 years, (equal) 40,(100 In Al arch 27th, 1872, . 6,000 in June litn, 1872 10,000 In December, 1872, lO.OfO In January 7th, lh7:i,.... 6.000 J n January 29th, 187;l,......... 15,000 $127,70 All of the above boads bear 8 per cent, interest, payable semi annually. Past due bonds taken up to the amount of S9.500 $118,000 The floating debt of the city is about $12,000. The Colored Firemen's Parade. The two colored Fire Companies of this city will join in a general dress parade through the city on' the 1st of May, commencing at 3 o'clock, P. M. The first anniversary of the Bucket Company will take place at 7J o'clock at Metropolrton Hail, with the " Vic toria " as their guests. Several orators will address the Firemen, among the number Chief Engineer Clawson. G. W, Perry, Rev. G. W. Brodie, Jas. II. Har riss and Stewart Ellison. The members of the Companies are requested to repoit promptly at Fire meu's Hall at 2 D'ckck. Baptist Female Seminary. The immense buildings for the above named institution are, rapidly approaching completion, and will, when finished, ba an ornament to. the city. . Rev. A. F. Redd, the Associate Principal of the Seminary, will in 1 few days leave for Boston to purchase the complete outfit of furniture, together; with school ap paratus and musical instruments. We learn that uo expense will be spared to render this equal in every particular to the finest and hest appointed Female Colleges in the South. " Committed. His Honor Mayor Mech lin, of Rharakalte, by the aid of a 4;steerkert" and a city policeman, com mitted to the guard house yesterday a native of his classic region -for being "drunk and down" in the streets of Raleigh. One unfortunate circumstance, however, occurred that might probably militate against the future dignity of the, Mayor, which was, when arriving at the station house door the pol;ceman was unable to discriminate between the condition of the Major and the offender, and to make assurances doubly sure," turned his key on both. 5 Lecture Friday Night. Major Bingham will deliver his lecture on the Anglo Saxon Race at Peace Institute on Friday evening next. At Charlotte and Fayetteville, whereJJMajor Bingham has appeared, the lecture is spoken ot by the press of those cities in the highest terms of praise. -We would advise all who desire a rich intellectual treat to hear the lecture. The public are invited to attend. - - Erratum. In our co mmercial report on ' the 3rd page, ; under the" head, ol Cotton, for " appearance " please, read 'difference. The News, which is by the way no exception to other dalles in the State, bas some w ay " compositors, Theatrical. Chiriski drew a large house at Tucker Hall last evening, not withstanding tbe, , inclement weather His various tricks were cleverly per formed, and his audience seemed well satisfied.! . It U the ; best show for the money we ever saw, and we commend him to he patronage of the public wherever he goes. ' , He gave away quite a number of use ful presents, besides a cash prize ot eight dollars and a silver sett ot castors, and a gift of two useful articles to every one of the audience. - ' - He appears again to night. Go and see him. ! Miss Bacon. We are glad to learn that this zealous laborer ia the field of education,' now in New Haven, -. Conn., in compliance with an invitation from Gen. J. C. Gorman, Chairman of the County School Committee, and other leading citizens, has consented to visit this city in a short time for the purpose of conferring in regard to the establish ment here of a system of graded free school. And Darkness Reigned Over, &c Sunday evening last, just before the close of the services at the Episcopal Church, some portion of the gas pipe got out ot order and in a moment dark ness reigned over the scene. The au dience, howsver, manageel to make their exit in good order and no damage sustained more than the I033 of the halt of a very excellent sermon. There i3 no excuse for poor Biscuits, RolU, Bread, Griddle Cakes, Muffins, Waffles, &c, when Dooley's Yeast Pow der is used. Grocers sell it. (2) A pure Whiskey I Stimulant, Century SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. Tdk Celebrated Century is sold at the saloon or Miller & Nelson's, under Metro politan Hall, fresh Baltimore Lager Beer, ice cool en draught at all times. 1 apr28tf Owing to the largely increasing demand for CONGLETON'S CELEBRATED FAMILY Remedies, Dr. J. R. Congleton has removed his office and Laboratory, to the corner of Martin and Salisbury streets, near Fayette ville, and within a Tew steps of the Post office, where orders will hereafter be at tended to. Sold at retail by all the city druggists. ' apr28-3t ' The Best ix the Market. It is well known by all dealers that the "Raleigh Fa vorite" and I'Pride of Oak- City" brands of cigars are the best in use, and therefore command tha quickest tale. Manufactured and sold at wholesale by Zeigler & Graind ler, successor to O. H. Mlllliam, Fayette ville street, Raleigh. apr33-3t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. poii EASTERN WARD COMMIS SIONER. ,: ; We are authorized to announce .Alfred Upchurch. Esq., a candidate for Commis sioner irora Eastern Ward at the approach ing city election. apr28td f?0R EASTERN WARD COMMIS JL1 sioner. We are authorized to announce Major William H. Bag ley a candidate lor Com missioner lrom Eastern Ward, at the ap proaching city municipal election. apr28td O T C E The BOARD OF MEDICAL EXAMIN ERS of the State of North Corolina will meet in Siatesville, N. C, May 20th, 1863, at 9 A. M., and continue in session from day to day until the bnsiness for whicn it is convened shall be disposed of. Applicants for license are requested to preseut tliemselves as early in the ses sion as possible. f C. DUFFY, Jr., M. D ap27-4t. bee. Med. Ex. Board. 1ST O E On SATURDAY, the 1 th day of MAY next, I will sell at public auction, at the store of W. H. Jones fc Co., lots Jl, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, being portions of my premises north of the city limits. Purchasers are requested to examine these lota as staked off and numbered, any of which will .e dis posed of privately. , - .- Terms cash, balance in one and two yeart. , ap 26-2w C. B. HARRISON. W E C A L L E SPECIAL attention to our "Forersters Lemon Cakes," the fluent ever offered in this market.. Also to our Proctor and Gamble's Olfcre Soap, the ladies' "iriend and laoor saver.": Our flours are bought on change in New York by our resident buyer, consequently we are aDie to oner tnem to tne traue wi n one prottt. Specia inducements to prompt and cash buyers. 1. : - apO-tf , LEACII BROS. AP AN E S E SILKS. At DAVIS. DRAKE & CO'S. rpHE WILLIAMS COTTON SEED. Something Entirely New. The lareest yield to - the acre, and the best quantity of lint of any now in use. Only a limited quantity for ale.:' -Apply early to JOHN A. HARRISON, Castalia Nash county, Special Agent. aprl5-W3t .-. J.,.- PREPAID TICKETS TO EUROPE JL , . ROPE, .-'v.-.j.; ,i . - GREAT REDUCTION OF RATES. - The magnificent Steamers of the - A L L A N LI N E, will leave Liverpool for Norfolk, Vai.: every alternate Tuesday during Sprint; and Sum mer of l873,cohnecting wllhttaleigh by rail road. ' - steerage and intermediate .passage ..as follows: Liverpool, Queenstown, Steerage $33 80 Glasgow, London or Bristol - ' toRaJeigh, J Inter S52 80to S&180. ' Hamburg:, Antwerp. Hoi-") Steerage 837 80 land or riavre to Raleigh, Inter. $54 80 Paris, Norway. Bremen or I Steerage $41 80 Sweden to Raleigh, j Inter. $58 80 . Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. ' Parties wishing to send for friends will apply to , GEORGE LITTLE, Raleigh, N. C. William Lajcb, General Argent, Norfolk, Va. mchd-Dlitv3m . EXTRA AND FAMILY FLOUR1 150 barrels Norfolk City Mills at ap 10-tf G. T. 8TRON ACH A BRO'S. RE A K F AST STRIPS. -A few boxes of those nice sBreakast u G T STRONACH A BRCv Strips, apiatf j TTRESH 4 COCOANUTS, ENGLISH I JO Walnuts. Almonds and Pecan Nuts at MOSELETU NO. 54. TELEGRAPHIC JTEWS. SUNDAY NIGHT'S TELEGRAM?. Don Piatt's House Burnt Govern ment Sales and Purchases. Washington, April . 27. The fire last night destroyed . two housed and seven ' adjoining mansard roofs. Don Piatt lost his nouse and furniture, ex-, cept library and piano. Piatt had no insurance. The government sells a million of gold on the first, third' and fifth, and a mil lion and a half on the second and fourth Thursday's, and buys iialf mil lion bonds, and on the first; and third Wednesday's of May, and pays interest due May first on the twenty-eight inst., without rebate. Disastrous Frosr in South Carolina- Great Damage to Cotton and Early Vegetables Charleston, April 27. Advices from the neighboring coast section report a disastrous result to crops from the kill ing Irost of yesterday morning. Much of the cotton.will have to be replanted, and the injury to' early vegetables is ir reparable. No frost so late has occurred in this legion in fifty years.-; m ' . -' ' ' ' Indian Outbreak in Oregon Feared. San Francisco, April 27. The In dians appeared on Lewis river settle ments with wr' paint. A general outbreak in eastern Oregon is feared. The settlers ask for arms. Nothing lrom the lava beds. ' From Nevada. ' ' ' ; Virginia City, April 27. A number of young Pesite braves who spent the winter in the settlements have disap peared well armed. signal nres are noticed in tne mountains.- " . ' -: In Bankruptcy. , Chicago, April 27. The Great Wes tern Teltgraph Company is in process oft bankruptcy, upon the petition ot J. C. Hilton and the Commercial National Bank. ' , NOON DISPATCHES. No Defalcations in the Post Office Narrow Escape of Guests from a Burning Hotel Commune in Ma - drid. . - : New Yok, April 28. Postmaster James pronounces suspicions of delal cation by H. W. Whitney, cashier of the post omce unrounded. - .. St. Charles Hotel, Patterson, NV J., has been burned. The guests narrowly escaped by leaping lrom the upper windows to the adioimn buildings One was fatally, and two seriously hurt: A Herald special from Madrid says the Ultras are demanding the establish ment ot the Oommune. bagosta was surrounded in the street by an armed mob, the leader bearing Phrygian cap upon a bayonet, Cecerra arrested in Serrahos mother s house. I he increas ing fury of the Ultras indicates a mas sacre, as monarchial volunteers are di posed to fight against the decree dis arming them. . Spanish News via London Great Fire in Manchester. London. April 28. A dispatch fronr Madrid says that search for members of the permanent Commission continues. Beecra and Ferquerala have been aiv rested. A monster meeting Of federalists was held yesterday. - at which . gallant speeches were made. ' ; ' ' '. The Lancashiie Com panys Carriage Works have been burned .in Manches ter. Fifty locomotives and one hun dred and twenty coaches were burned. Tbe loss is one million dollars.' Ornithological Experiment F a t a 1 . . Eire. Cincinnati, April 28th. Fifteen hundred singing birds fiom Germany were uncaged yesterday by tbe society . which purposes Americanizing them. The station house crossing at the New Albany, Chicago and Lake Shore Road, was burned. A father, daugh ter and five childien perished in the flames. m . French Election. Pis, April 28. The Catholics car ried the department of Mar bis. The result was the election of Barodet, Rad ical, by 165,000; Count de Rumesat, 135, 000; Baron Staffel. Conservative, 27,000. Rumesat was Thiers' ; candidate. The .Republicans- carried departments' ol Carneye, Jura and Name. . r- . , . m . .. Indian Affairs., Washinton. : April ; 28.-Schofield telegraphs that no doubt some Modocs escaped, and that should the threatened Indian outbreak in Oregon occur, rein forcements will be required. . 1 - ' . ; . - Arrival of the Kaiser ''" St. Petersburg,' April ' 28. The Emperor Wilhelm arrived with great eclat. . " . ' ". ;- The Horse Disease. - Sad Francisco, April 28. The horse disease is paralysing business. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. The Northern Pacific Railroad to be Protected Funeral 01" Commodore Washington, April 28. A special order from the War Department assigns thirrv. romDanies. including all arms, with all machinery' and supplies for a prolonged expedition, to protect the operations ot the Northern Picific Rail road. It is the heaviest expedition eter umf. nut in time of peace. The expe .liHon leaves on the 15th of June and remains in tne ucm uuunuo wiu w October. ,r: ' i'; ' ' ' ; ' The Secretary of the Navy directs the Naval Officer and Maric.es uri duty here1 to aoDear in lull dress at Commodore Aulick's funeral Army officers invited. He was aged 84. " ? ' ' -Wather Probabilities. ! - Washington,! April ' 28: For the South Atlantic States rain to-night fo lowed by clearing and partly Cloudy nvatuci win tvyu"n j westerly wids, and increasing Dres'ire OA Tuesdsj, ' i DAILY. NEWS. RATES OP ADVERTISING, j One squar,0ae in wart inn , 1 ,f no One squax. two lnerf.1nrn , . 1 59 One square, three insertions ..... 2 59 One square, six insertiona.Mt....vW 8 00 One square, one month .. ; rj g 00 yne square, three months .... 18 00 One square, sLx months.. sn cm On square, V . elve months,. 50 00 For larger advertisements, liberal con tract will be made. . Ten: line solid non pareil constitute one square. Washington Affairs Important Suit Washington, April 28.-i-Tha Court of Claims awarded Eugene TMckelman, of Prussia, thirteen thousand dollars tor loss caused by , detention pf the ship Issis by Gen. Banks while commanding -at New Orleans. The Court adjounied to next Monday, when It will nave a clear docket of cotton , cases, ,and tnen aujourn to uctooer. . . , In the Supreme Court Osborn. Agent Southern Express Company "yH City -of Mobile, decision, ia t amrmed. and Xho tax levied by Mobile sustained. ,t The Planters Bank of Tennessea vs. Union Bank of ' Louisiana, remittances and collecti&ns due tbe Planters 4Bank were paid; by the Union Bank: 'to the military by order., or, Gen. ,Banka: the Court .held ..that :the tender v of Confederate" nhey;Ciwhen" silch : money had no value, ' did F not extinguish the debt i The Supreme Court holds thai : Gen Baaks had po authority to order the debt to. be paid, and that obedience to 'that order did not exonorate the Union bank. Jus tice Bradley dissented, holdinz that Congress having intervened to, protect General Banks and other officers in similar circumstances,' front the respond Bibility lor illegal commands by mili tary power, the Government should re spond to the injured party. in tbe insurance v case this Court affirmed tbe decision oi a j lower. Court, giving the insurance money to a suicide and his heirs. The Court adjournedito Thursday, when i it niwHIl adjourn -tlie term. I..-';. 1 a: K; i 1 i 1' i The Modoc Camp The. Biackfeet Indians and Americans at War. San Francisco. April 2$.r-The Moi docs are encamped, at . the base of the mountain at the South end of the lava beds. Nearly all the cavalrv horses have the epizootic , . , .. 4 ; l oRONTQ,r-A , Fort Gary .Manitaba dispatch reports fighting between! the Americana and iJlack feei A. n large number qf, Amencans .yyerei, killed. Trouble in the black-loot. , .country,-jin consequence of , which, S.6Q9 i Indians have crossed the line and :, threaten the interior pettlements and Manitaba. i . I-". 1 :i. ' . . . .. Affairs in France., Paris, April '28. The . Election , .of Barodet to the National Assembly from this city will probably lead to the 'mod ification of the ministry. It ii proba ble that the Count de, Komusat,. Minis ter of Foreign affairs, Leon fJayMinis ter of Finances, and Jules Simon,. Mia ister of Public Instruction, will resign. Cosimer : Perieve, formerly Lalinisteriof Interior, and M, jGrevy, JLate, .President of the Assembly, are talked d as prob able members of the new Cabinet. ' : COMMERCIAL REPORT:1 New York Markets. New York, April 28. Cotton qufeti sales 727. Uplands 191A : Orleans, 20,:. Flour dull and unchanged. Wheat, strictly prime lots strong, offerings lights. Corn Ju: fair demand and a shade firmer. Pork firmer and quiet at $18.75.: Whlakey tedy. i Lmni easier. Havals quiet Groceries steady. Tallow steady. Freights easier. - ' - Money closed at 1-16. aterlina Saft. Ortld steady. , Governments' dnlL sta.te 'nw- lect motion net receipts K7o Dales; rrnu 5,317. Exports to-day m- 1 , Fk 'i i TtJ Sales of cotton for future .dellverrHo-day 9,750 bales, as follows: April I85ial8 13-1: , May, 18al8; June WjfcWsb July August laiis; September ltJalSjiToctc- -ber I7ai7 11-10; 2ovembera7kai7 -December nyn. ... ;ii 1 . 1 "': .; M '; ' . ; Eoreirn Markets, . .j,, iLoNPON, AprU 28. Consola opened at SQ5. Fives .90. .. r. i i ill i ; . Ti Paris, April .-Rentes 56 and 27. 4 LivkKPOou April 28. Cotton closed quiet; uplands V ; Orleans ' r w.. ..s-.. . Later cotton closed easier. Sales 12,000 bales, speculation and . export 2,000. li J". Cotton MarketWv- . Baltimore, April 23Net recelpU 90 ; gross receipts 1416; export coast 120; sales 55; stock 10,354.. v .' . t -.iT Wilmington, N. C April 2S.-rNt re ceipts 48; sales 32 ; stoci; 419. - Charleston.-Anrir 28. Net wffcfea fins- sales 400; stock 21,306. . ,n 1. u Mobile. April 28. Net reoelots 370 s btoss S73; exports coastwise 125 : safes 600 : stock; O YID E 1 . '. i is i D V PR Lately of Raleigh, N.'C.',) )!- Attorney' and ' Counsellor At Xkt 9 y- No. 6 Wall 8t., New York, -J Will attend promptly to all Professional buslness.entrusted to htm. Refers .to-the Chltf Jndtiee and Associate Justices of tne Supreme tXurt of North Carolina, and lo pUIAMPION .;HOU8ifl -MOVER. By T;'.J. R E AM X i Tarboro , Nv C. Patented January 14th, 1873v . FIFTY FEti" CENt. SAVED Vl.VsE. S. T.' RE AMY, STATErAGEN. ) .- ; r, 1 IZm 1 ' 111, t .ftt' Nlii.ii' HOUSE MOVINa ;done ,at lowest rates possible In Wake and the adjoining counties. Office at YARBORO' HOUSE, Raleign.N. - 1 t 't2tn T. J. REAMY, Proprietor, Tarboro. N, p. marl3-tf 4 V V 1 1 1 ' "' i 1 i ' 1 . ' I 1 l ' II I , II i LL A R D , X A R D L A' R D t ; ; if : i ' .i!l M ,) i'jli C S'bl'i ... 100 Kegs best Leaf Lard. .A . t , , ' 50 Half kegs " ' r A"' ; u . i lOTlerces .1 H y.H "j 'MuwrnA WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH a'tMqAlIi!. - mh 18-tf J - ' - : J;i- '---- t e a r l; h;p m i Arriving to-day. Pearl Gritsr Carolina Rice, ( -Split Peas,. , , , TaDlocav fat- U J'il'.'-U .i ,ti nt .;"f.1: Hi - I , Vn.ri Rarlev..- . f.r:..' Buckwheat Flour, , Oswego corn cstarcn. , . , 1 c "DEE.myE C ANVAS8ED HAMS , Ilr"!--.i a 1 nm mnnAi lnfii rpoervea ac api0-tf . . O. T. STRONACH A BRO'S. C OLLECTOR'S OFFICE iTH DISf, J TRICT NORTH CAROLINA, i - A... . .11.1 n All persons deslrinr to do any boslnearf after the 30th April', 1873, upon, which a special Tax. Is required to be mid under the Internal : Revenue Law of the United' States, will please notify tW ,?a?? oflZY,r fact, and a blank; form of application .wll be forwarded them. Application ! may b Amv TvnntiM in, the various iocau I ties, or to this office by letter, AU. persona, doinir- business without License after ther & , r 80th day ef April, 1S73 WUJ lga' dent in New York Utv,

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