i JORDAN STONfii Manacle Editors BAM'L WILLIAMS. Political Editor. WEDNESDAY ..APRIL 30. EXCEEDING THBIItPOWBRS, The Charlotte Democrat of Monday &ay 8 TiiUte Legislature appropriated 5 000 for a building for "the use of col rWf and dumb and blind children. Tho Rakish News states that the work h.a commenced bv the Committee appointed; and iwill cost more than the o.V mnrited. When the Legisla- inra minm tne.iau. it win. uc v-antw i upon to rruike.up the. deficiency, whicii i we nope ii win uuiuu, , - In our local columns, .u Su.us cription of the plans oi me B.- t . i -1 j: : . I waastatea tnavm carryiuB.v :vuwT signs ot tne tfoara .o! "c"" thought tne appropriauuu mt. 1 sand dollars wlIleomewnatexceeueu It was also stated-that in consequence I ... j i of the smalUppn-pnationnwasagreeu , not to enter into any contract for paint- ing at present.. . We agree with the vmoeravya iu Directors cannot legally go oeyonu me .." I JJ A.1 I amount specified by the law. i , The sum of five thousand dollars is doubtless inadequate, to .carry out the plans of the Directors ; but they should VmiJM flnrh a structure only as that amount will pay for,: and then it they desire farther improvements hereaiter, they most rely' upon the Legislature for additional appropriations. If the Legislature appropriates five thousand or five hundred dollars lor any public building, no set of men, ex- cept at their private expense, have any right to exceed , that sum by the erec-1 tinn-of ft buildin? which costs more f than the appropriation voted . by the Legislature;' -' If five thousand i dollars wiil j not erect'soch a building as may be suit-1 able in the judgment Of the individuals whose duty it is to contract for the jb, they havts no option in the premises, I and will not be justified in going bes ond the limit prescribed by the Le- islatore; . .' It i9 not our purpose tr reflect in any manner upon the good faith or honesty of purpose of the gentlemen who have this matter in charge. They are, in . all probability, actuated by philantropic motives, and are desirous of erecting a commodiioa 4iBd soitable building lor the . Jinfor.tunate; class of persons lor whose benefit, ihe. appropriation was intended. But we tell them if they go beyond the sum of five thousand dollars, they lo soiftt their own personal risk andexpeuseiWithou.fe any prospect of the Legislature. ; priate a larger Rum man in it uuy at its last session thought it their . duty to do.. . V'V - ' We do not believe the General Assem bly will be thus forced into increasing the appropriation in this manner, and we therefore Warn the Directors that if n.CJ uuu iipuu nnj cyis.aiurB. io. reiuna to tnem the excess ot tne appro- pnation or pay a tiollar more than the sum specified in the Act, they will de- pend upon a broken reed, in our opin- It is unlawful for the Directors to 1 - contract for any other than a five thou- conH 1a I.. V.-.il,i: TT I oauu uuiiu uuuuiug. ,-i uuwi ver inucu a better building: may be needed we do not presume to, say. That is a ques tion - with which the Directors have nothing to. do in making the contract. It is not to the point for them to say the Legislature has " not appropriated enough. Jbrthp. purpose of erecting a respectable building. The Legislature has instructed 'the' Directors to use five thousand dollars only, and il. a larger sum U used4 it ia done at the individu al risk of the Directors thenjselves. It is a danerousprecedent - to set this transcending authority conferred by the Legislature ;' and we feel it Our duty to thus speak plainly on the subject, as we believe the General Assembly when it meet jnexjt winder, :will .refuse to en dorse the action of the Directors if they have contracted to pay more for the building than was appropriated by law. OJUIVE LOGAN. This distinguished female lectajer and author, is now. on a visit to the South. ' She lectured in Richmond last week afcd was to well received that she was Induced -to return and give two more lectures there this : week, after ful filling an engagement in Petersburg. Our Richmond cotemporanes speak of her in such eialted terms of praise as to leave no doubt of her merit as an 1... . J l.J : ciuucuauu guieu spcaser. ene was greeted there with i"ull bouses com. posed of tbe best people in that citv. Her eloquent tribute, in her lecture on "The Girls," to the noble women of the Soath,' won for her many friends among those who are not accustomed to see ladies occiipjing a stund in the lecture We notice that the- Savannah, Au gusta and New Orleans papers are very enthusiastic, in their encomiums of Miss Logan, and the kind manner in which she hB been received at the South must be tjuHe flattering' 'tdr' her loelingS ' and Pde. ,:: ; .... ; r The National ..Encampment oLthe Grand Arm v of the; Republic meets in New Haven, .Connecticut, on. , the .Hth prox. , . A GENERAL INDIAN WAIt AP- j PREHENDED. MI do iot ask for quarter, 1 ne'er will be your slave; . -But I'll swim the sea of slaughter, , . Till I sink beneath. Its wave -v The shout of defiance uttered by the Modocs has been caught up by other Indian tribes, and along the whole line of our North Western territory, warlike preparations are rapidly goirjg on. The "Indians of Oregon, Nevada, Ne -LV braska, Kansas and Wyoming Territory are having war dances and are arraying themselves in war paint, and the settlers are- anticipating a . general outbreak. Signal fires ate . seen nightly on the mountains oi ivevaaa n the meantime the Modoca have . d tbcir pur8Uers arrd are nowhere . Sr.hofield teWraohs Lbat. Q0 doubt some Modocs escaped - o i likely !K"and should the threat eaed Indian outbreaks in Oregon oc- cur .re.inf0rcements will be required. Hi.n.h v. that tfiV Modoc nrftmned at the base of the moan- 1 . . . 80Uth end of the lava betu The excU3e given for the failure of- the cavalry to attack them is that nearly alr norse3 have the eoizooty Th(J murder of Qen Canby seems to b(J tue sisrnal ior a general Indian war GovernmfcDt will be forced to send morj tr'00J)g t0 the western frontiers Tbpeace policy' will give way. gradu ally as the Indian depredations increase, and we uiay look for severe and desper atei struggles between the dusky war riors and the United States troops dur ing the Spring and Summer. FIG WITH THE MODOCS. ' The dispatches to day. give an rc count of a battle recently fought be tween the Modocs ami Federal .soldiers. in which the troops sustained a severe loss. Nineteen soldiers were killed and tWenty-thrce woumicd-and seyeral are. missing. The losses of the. Indians are not reported. We will probably get farther particulars of this right .by our midnight dispatches.; Capt. Thomaa ami Lieutenants Howe anci yright of the: Federal ' army are reported killed and Lieutenant Harris wounaed Capt. Thomas was at,: -one; time sta tioned near Wilmington, in -this State, an(j i8 favorably known in that section. He is a son of the Federal Gen. Thomas, w ho won a high reputation lor bravery and 6kill during the war, xiIE LEE-JACKSON LETTERS. The letters of Generals Lew and Jack 80n, relerted to editorially by tis yester were crowded out ot ouf last issue', but we' have the pleasure of publishing I them this momiug As stated yesterday, they were pub- lished in the Richmond Whig of Satur- . The M. E. Church in India has seven teen churches and seven parsonages, an increase of three churches and one par sonage. Total valuation 166,590. t is said that in Scotland one man in every thousand goes to college : in Ger m&nv tin Dr.inortJnn in nni fir pvpn p gijy ; in England it is one' for every p.yuu.! la Alexandria, Va., recentlv, a case was tried before a jury composed en- tlre,y t)f lttwjer3. Ot course tbey could i iiiii. nini'H uiiii kip rsue u.- Miir -r There is a prospect that the Summer I 1 A I .. f. .. . 1 I-, ii . , aiU"s v,esapeaKC x.y win ; oe I D o season. The last curiosity in Norfolk, Va., is a petrified lemon. It was round in cleaning out a well. The odor ot the lemon clings to it still. Pr ofessor, Stone is mtsmerizing, biolo gizing, and in a general way m ignetiz and electrifying the people ol Dan ville, Va. Petroleum has been found on the farm of Doctor J. S. Apperson, Smyth co;unty, Va. There is. a sewing machine factory in Peru, Iod., employing 1,000 workmen. In Montreal,' Canada, six hundred children are abandoned every year. "'Atlantic sufferers" are be Western cities. , - " Mr. Charles Reade is to come to this country next year. IJoseph Miller, aged .100 years, died inj Coatsville, Pu., a lew days ago. " iThere are now 600 men employed at the Norfolk Navy Yard. Hon. Carl Schurz sailed for Europe on Saturday;. The borax discovery in California is genuine. i A colored woman in Georgia is the fond mother of 49 children. ; Twelve widows of Revolutionary sol diers still survive in the State of Maine. jNew York 13 shipping straw hats to Japn. 8 H E E For sale FORTY SHEEP. Apply to ' 4 JONES & CHEVAS8E, Bp24-tf -' Henderson, N. C. .E c A L L E SPECIAL attention to pur "Forersters Lemon Cakes " the finest ever offered in this market. Also to our Proctor and Gamble's Olive Soap ' the ladies' 4,lriend and labor saver." Our flours are bought on change In New Yorkbyur resident buyer, consequently we are able to offer them to the trade wi h one profit. Special inducements to prompt and cash buyers. ap6-tf - LEACH BROS. A PAN E S E SI LIS -At DAVIS. DRAKE & CCS. rpHE WILLIAMS COTTON SEED. Something Entirely New. tTh largest yield to the acre, and the best quantity of lint of any now in use Only a limited quamtity for sale. . " Apply earlv to JOHN A. ma Rmonxr . i Castalla.. Nash county, Special Agent. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. T3 E M O . V A L. BETTS, ALLEN & CO. have moved their Sash, Door and Blind Factory to the lot. of the old Bayonet Factory, on the line of the R fe G. Railroad, at the northern terminus of Dawson 6treet.where they will be pleased to see their old friends and customers. O-Sentinel and Era copy for 1 month. apr28-lm N OVELTY AND EXCELSIOR The Best CLOTHES WRINGERS. mi -i-i mi TV,0 liiry save lauur. xuvy bjvyo uuie, xuyj.t saves clothes. They save money, tor family, Hotel and Laundry purposes, Strong, durable and will last a life time.. , i- or aie uy i JULIUS LEWIS & CO, i Stoves, Hardware and Cutlery, Paints, Wagon and Bug gy Materials, Sole Agents ior lue ceieoraieu Holies Cotton Hoe,- Fisher Building, apr2Stf ' Raleigh, N. C. rp o THE BEREAVED WHITELaW & CROWDEB are prepared to furnish TOMB S T O N E S of alt kinds, as cheap and as neat as any other estabiishiueut in the .-souLUern States Having been at tne business of carving aud engraving marble forty-iour;years, we consider ourselves equal to any iu the Un ion. . . , All orders or communications punctually attended to. V -WHITKLAW & CUQWDKR, Corner Blount and Morgan streets, Raleigh, N. C. N. B. I sincerely hope the new Arm will meet with success, if we are worthy of pat ronage, itespecifuily. formerly of Warren county, N. C. apr2S-tim O I C E Having sold out our entire Stock of Groceries, &c, to Messrs. R. F. Jones & Co., m lue future a- iu the past, shall ever con we recommend them lo the lavorable con- tinne to renreseut sruods as thev are. and sideration ot our friends and customers. I A. (i. LiliE & CO. I itaieign, u. April, t,6. In accordance with the above notice, we win coniiuue me. vvnoiesaie ana rteiau i (Jrocery, Commission and Factorage busi- ncusnt. the olil Rtanl anil rf.srwf'tlnlivso. I licit tne patronage oi tne former customers of .A. G. .Lee iS: Co., and the public gener ally. W e nave engageo tne services of Mr. w. C. McMncken, former saltsmau and cotton buyers for A. G. L.ee & Co, R. F. JONES & JO. j F. JON E S & CO, Wholesale and Retail irocers, '. CO T T O J C T O R S CO MM ISSIO X M ER CHANTS Wilmington St., east of Market, : RALEIGH, N. C, Haveon hand.and are constantly receivinz a are constantly recei ving Misses' and Children's iiose, uauies- j nuer Jrovisions, Grain, Farm- garments, Lauies' Ready-made Dresses, ocerits, etc. Baby Dresses, Corsett Covers, Coisetts, Knitting and Crochet Cotton, White Trim- consiKninents ot ri ing Utensils, Groc ..9.e.! !.r the uurchasij itXVttn cXX rw Z1 fi l"?,T' t roa.u.ce.ro- Attention 45 1 ' . op ll N O E hooks or subscrintion to the p; a "PT tat. CTi T." ,.f .1... il i v . i ... , f uiuvn. ui iuc uiu mi'fiu smie ijiie insur ance company have been opened in Raleigh, at the Law office of Messrs. Batcheior, Edwarus & Batchelor. JACOB PARKER, B. F. LONG, mh22 ti Incorporators. H E JI A Y 0R A L TY I respectfully announce myself as an In uepenueni candidate lor the oeffle of maiub oi tne city of Raleigh, at the elec tion on me ist xiouaay m Mav next. ap25-td W. D, ilAJf WOOD. F u JL. L VV h l GUT a o A t PROCTER & GAMBLE'S X T R I O JL I F E. Some Brands of Soap are sold shori Hvveight five to eight pounds per box. II1 u use inese soaps you pay Kinney for wnai. you uo not receive, can you af ford TO DO SO Buy Procter , Gamble's full weight; tsianay sola by Grocers in your city. J jE A.CH B BOTH E Hrt, Wholesale Agents. apn?-3m Kaleieh, iv. C. w H I t E GO O D S . We ask attention to our large stock of Nainsook '.Muslins. Mull Muslins, Jaconet Muslins, Checked Muslins, Striped Muslins, AND Jaconet and Nainsook Edgings, Which we are offering very low. DAVIS. DRAKE & CO.. inarlS-ly Petersburg, Va. M C K E R E L In barrels, half barrels and kits. aplO-tf. G. T. STHONACH & BRO. PLANTATION BELLjS! As Agents lor the manufacturers we are prepared to fill orders for Farm or Plantation Bells of any style at bottom prices. Send for price list, HARDWARE HOUSE of JULIUS LEWIS & CO., : : Fish Eii BtriXDrNG, ap4-tf Ralei N.C. g U PER - P II O S P II A T E . 100 Sacks Watson and Clarke's Super Phosphate, ' , 100 Backs "Zells" Super-Phosphate. We have control of these celebrated Phos phates for this market. We can cheerfully recommend them lor cotton or any thine else. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH A THOMAS. mhOS-W . - '.. ' A C II E E C II . Fayettetiille Street, RALEIGH, N.C., wholesale AND RETAIL DEALER IN STAPLE AS II FANCY DRY GOODS, Woolens, . Flannels, Hosiery, millinery, White Goods and Yankee Notions, BOOTS, SHOES, MT3, TRIMS, VALISES k. efftr to ray friends and customers a full line of liarticalarlvalti active and desirable fcj-fi n ir on1 U i- rv- T W. t 4 i.'v i '1 rift ft. M'"" auu k1umu":' ar.-a uuu, " " huant til HKiutrtmunt nf , .- JAPAN SILKS WHITE & COLORED 'PTOTTli,4 h.- to which your especial attention U invited. Prints, Domestlcs,CottonadeS, Ducks, JeaBS, and Piece Goods Generally, in all desirable grades, styles and prices, which I guarantee to suit. Cloths, Cassrmeres and. ; Gents' Farnii.hin3 Gwds, In Greater Variety- than ever before. Ribbons, White Goods,Laces, and Trim; mi rigs, Hosiery, Gloves, Towels and . Yatikee Notio.is, Corsets, plain and embroidered Mad ame Foy's, Thomp son's Giuve Fittiuii, Hawk,s 0n and other Cele-N brated makes ; Hoopsku tS Bustle3, &C. An immerse stock of HO U.TS jVU S II GES, from coarse to fine wear. Can please and suit all In want of these goods. All of the latest styes in GENTS' SILK, COKK, STRUT & FIR HATS. I 1 R I SOI.!! a speciany-some oi nie "" eities, anu a large slock oi u umc. sun and rain. ou should see them. xjtpeneijee una biuot mugua deal fairly with all, and the unprecedented success in business ior tne last year na m l me tr lav in a much larirerstock. than ever before, which l can, will, ana uo sen .t. mmiiiar nriews. Trusting to besustaintd sell them at the verv lowest price. You ooi-ntti vr Kilifitii tnrtamine for vour- self. Kespectluliy - A. CREECH. Samples sent on Application. apiO D2waW-iw. . -i PRING M I L L IN E li V,"lb73. n rJ JtlRS. (E TT-UTC E R has now received the largest stock of Mil linery. LADIES' FAXCY AXD FCSMSOIXG COGDS ever brought to this market. 'This stock i with the greatest care by Mrs. O. in person, and consists of an endless variety oi V BONNETS AND HATS, trimmed and untrimmed, FLOWERS in the greatest profusion, 2,000 Pieces of Ribbons, Laces, Silks. 100 dozen pair KID GLOVES, we maKe tins one oi our specialties. larettes, Rumings oi every uescripwou, LADIES' SILK BOWS AND TIES, TlA ! a Mil and 1 m i t a t .1 Oil T .SU 1 GS Misses' and Children's Hose, Ladies' Under- pYriiKftSdcinjuirS.'VC-af RdvUiltm t;on Laces, Lace Collars, Uhdersleeves, and many otner articles not nere mentionea. . At OZTTINGER'S you find the exact thing necessary, there you will not have to put up with a make thift. which is ofien the I casein a small stocK. wnue ouyins at ISAAC (ETTINGEtfS Is buying at the fountain head, at first hands, therefore the cheapest. All the novelties are there; all the quaiut and origi nal tilings in endless variety. As a spectacle, it is better than a theatre Go, young and old, witn the former it wilt be a school of instruction, and with the latter It will have a most desirable etfect, and that is. it will revive tnelr j outn. We are Agents for E. Butterica. t Co's xaneriis. etuu ior iaiaiogues. ap2-lKtWlm Q A II M E R S Carolina Raking- Rowders You should use the " Carolina Baking Powders" because there is no other that gives sucn saus acuon. it maices ciiarming Bread, Delicious Roils, Cakes, Biscuits, VYahles, Com Lircad, GrKldle Cakes, - Pastry and Cakes of every Variety. For niakiog - Buckwheat Cakes it has no rival. Those that have tried it, sav it Is decided ly the VERY BEST. Feeling considerably flattered at the increasing den;and where put in competition to so many kinds now on tne maraet, max, i snail in future manu facture it on a much greater scale. It is the only Bakiun Powder manufac tured in the South, and I guarantee it to give as mucn satisiaction as any other. Manufactured by J. R. II. CARMER, Druggist, Ko. 11, Fayettevilie Street, Raleigh. 2i. Jan 29-if ' "-, g P R I N G A R R IXV4 L S A T JL . R O S E JT T II I JL S NO. 50 FAYr TTEV1LLE STREET, New Prints, New Dress Goods, Shoes and Boots to suit all. Hats of all Styles and Prices. CLOTHS AND CAS SIM E R E S Ingrept variety. WHITE GOODS and FANCY GOODS. Gentlemen1 Furnishing Goods of every Description. Ready-Made Suits, for all wear, a 'Specialty. Prices range from $3 to $35 per Suit. My Stock has been most carefullv select. ed In New York, and I respectfully Irvlte the public to give it an examination before they purchase elsewhere. ap ll-3m L, ROSENTHAL. JgQ BARRELS FLOUR ap S-tf W, C. STRONACU. R O W:N 9 H MUSEUM C JFayetteville Street. F II E S II R It i rri, s. The Spring Stock of Fancy Goods, Notions' Comectioneries, Fruits, ac, xoys, Musical Instruments ofevervkind. In short, a fu!.l stocii of everything to be found in a GENERAL VARIETY STORE, is now arriving at rown's aSeum or Emporium of Fancy Goorls. 1 The AVIARY has been recently re stocked with Canaries, Gold and Bull Finches. Java Soarrows. South American Parrots, and the American Mocking aid RedUyrds. The A Q IT A RIUJI . Q m and other sman flsh is constantly " Vl .iti i i. v,Q mrct hnttfni f th replenished with the most beautiful of the finny tribe. Two Dozen Children's Carriages just received. Also a large lot or MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Daily arrivals of Fruits and I onfection sellinK at cost. ;For anything and everything, go to r ui , Nat. L, SkoWS'S., mh20-tf p A R A SO L S AND JL a dies Umhrc I la s , At DAVIS, I'KAK K A GO'S. M1; A T A IN" D L A li D 40 Boxes, 20,000 lbs. Bulk Sides. 40 " " " 44 Shuiiideis. " 10 Tierces Leaf Lard. 20 Kegs Lard. , . 25 Half Kegs Lard. 25 Buckets Lard. , Receiving this day, bought since the de cline. . '-- - WILLIAMSON, UPOHURCH & THOMAS. JWERCI1ANT TAILORS. hmilENCH TAlLOItiKQ ESTABLISH- OPPOSITE MARKET- IIOUSE. JIOA'SIEUR E. RESSOJiT, lias just received a fresh stock of FREXCH A.D KXGLISU CASSIMERES OF TUE L, 'JL T EST S T 1' LES9 j li s u ' - CLOTHES, CASSIMEliES DOESKINS, and VESTING S -jhe best of F It E NC II WOKK3IEN employed. Satisfaction warranted in every respect, marll-3m E. BENSON. NOTHER PltECI N OT HEARD FROM I il AND W EIKEL STILL A II E A D COME EARLY, Come Quick, COME IN A RUSH To the acknowledged headquarters of fashion for your SPRING AND SUMMER OUTFIT. ir E I II E- JL Has just ret ur . ied from the northern mark ets with the largest and most complete stock of -vtry grade of gentlemyns' goods ever received in Kalei jh. He calls the attention of the trade especially, to iiis stock of French, English and German Cloths, JKaucy Caimeres and Loeskis, Paris Vestings, French V or t eds, IilueFlauiiel, Crape and TricotContiugi i English and Scotch Tweeds, and many other articles of fashionable- we-r not necessary to mention. THE MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT is now supplied with the most skillful workmen that ever threaded a needle and perfect sa'lslaciion in every particular guaranteed. Orders from a distance attended to with promptness and dispatch. N. B. Thankful lor the large and liberal patronage hereto ore bestowed on me, I nope by my continued efforts to please all and every one, to merit the same and more for the future. apH 3m . C. WEIKEL. J. K R E T II J1IERCSI1JT TIIJLOR, lakes this opportunity of announcing to his friends and patrons thtt he has now on hand a complete and carefully selected stock of French and English Cassimeres and other Cloths, Suitable. for Spring and Summer wear; which are made up in the best style at the very lowest figure. Having removed from' my former 'stand on Fayettevilie street, I can now be found on Martin street, Just opposite the Post- otlice. . ma28-d3m - B E NT U R Y WHISKEY. Porcnu. in rtAi?.tP hpaith often Audit difficult to obtain a Pure Stimulant when constipation. They restore the diseased ; prescribed by their Physicians, and it is Liver, Stomach, and Kidneys, to a health for Druggists and other nrst-ciass trade lul acuon, while at the same time they that the is particnlaily designed. It Is differently prepared from r ANY WHISKEY IN MARKET, and is driving n any old brands out of narbet, because the "principle upon wnicn i it made is superior." The almost universal testimony pt those who have used the . CliATURY WHISKIES is. that there is an entire absence of Head aches, and tUer disag eeabie afler-effVcts so often experienced in the use ol other brands. This is a direct consequence of the Puntv of the Century Whiskies, and the impurity of many other brands. They are ABUiU'f EL. V PU UK; four prom inent chemists ceitlfy to this fact, viz c Prof. SILLIMAN, State Chemist of Con necticut. Prof. C. U SHEPAED, Jr., State Chemist ol South Carolina, Pruf. W. C. TILDES', Washington, D. C. Prof.tJOIIN DARBY, New York. All of whom agree in pronouncing It "without fault," and "free iroin any dele- terious substance whatever." For sale by first-class dealers everywhere, feb 6-Siii. w sir evc. IS 73. SWJJ11J11ER. We have received n unusually large and attractive stoclc cf . 5lrng and Summer Dress Goods. CONSISTING OF Black and Colored Hilks, Pine Arp'e Silks, jj!ce-wrong in japanes. ciotns, Lauraine riaius, Burmah Cioths Mohair Bal ernqs, Tyrolese Cloilis (In sage and Mignonette colors) Pari- sians. Solid Alpacas (in new colors), Ciiene Le n o s , i e ii e v a Stripes. liabana Linen fsiuiUiis.' Zaliara, Linen suitings, . , French Cambric u nd La wns, Tucsore Linen Suitings, v Percales and Linen Lawns, s ' . And other ur ss Goods. Full assortment of Lace and Embroiderit s. Ladies New Myle Neck-Ties. NECK RUCIIINGS (in new styles), and all desirable goods relating to Ladies aud Aiisses wear. - W. li. & R. S. TUCKER & CO. ap!3-tf nnnE TWENTIETH ANNUAL MEET i' ll at Vu Menlca'. Society- of the tttate ot oi-m-' t'aiu .in will be held in STATE-i l'LLK, N. C , .i A V 20 I'll, 1873, al ii a. m. JAM lis Mt Kl-.E, M. D., Secretary Mclicii .-ro ; ,;:y, is C. lUleiga, jN C, Ap.ii iltu, 7. Daiiy entinel, tio;dsbo:o Messenger, Wilmington Uaiiy Jourual an.a a. ai-. .v v heme Journal of Commerce, Hil sboro Re corder, Greensboro Patriot, Salisbury Watchman, Chailotte Observer, ; Wtates ville Iu tell igencer, Battleboro Advance, Tarboro ttouthernor, and Weldou JSews copy three times and send Mil to Dr. H. T. Bahnseu, Trtasuier, tealem, N. C. ap ll-3w YY ATT, GREEN & CO., Grocers and Commission Merchants, Solicit consignments, which will receive prompt attention. ... Orders tilled at lowest ir arket rates when accompanied with cash or satisfactory reference. apri 9-tf J3 H O T O G R A P II S , F E R E O T Y P E S, 1 Jfi RROTYRES, GEMS, &c., &c, &c, in all the laiestand mostapproved styles at tt!TSOJlS Gl LEER 1", 2nd Door above Tucker Hall, Old Pictures copied and made new. LIFE SIZK PoTRAITS made from old Daguer reotypes and colored to nature. A line assortment of PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS. PICTURE FRAMlCS, &c &c, which will be sold low. Call and see me. ap!2-if J. VV. WATSON. 1873 CLOT 11 1 N G i SPUING AND SUMMER, SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT! R . B . A ND R E W S & CO., 27 Fayettevilie UU, Raleigh, M . C. C X O T II I E R S J Respectfully announce to their Custom ers and the public in general that they have now in stare the largest and most varied stoci of L O T I I I Isl O , f FOR 31 EX j BOYS, YOUTHS i COILDUKX, that they have ever had the pleasure of ex hibiting at any one time" before. lt com prises every Grade in QualityTstyleand pi ice, and is therefore adapted to the re quirements of all Classes. - An Early Examination is Solicited. ap23-tl. . .'. PANS AND. PARASOLS New Style and Shape. n.TTTt Papa. SOLS with chain holders, somethintt new n cnain Holders, DAGGER and oth ."v v x i.ii any u l u r r r H LI S W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO JJATS! II ATS!! II ATS!!! For MEN. BOYS and CTTTT."nr?Tr,.v and best selected stock we ever offered.0 w. a. s k. b. TUCKER fc CO. gHOES! SHOES ! I SHOES!!! Ladies, Men, P.ys and Girls Shoes and Bootees, splendid stocK. . W. H. & H. S. TUCKER & CO. QUR WHOLESALE JOBBING DEPARTMENT is complete Attention oi Country Merchants is called tpllt;nuon OI OUR WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT aP 13-tf W- H' & R: TUCKER & ca ' gQO CASES BRANDY: PEACHES ,9Sses resh Oysters. 100 Boxes assorted Candv " 50 " ". Candles, . at " aDrl5tf . LEACH BR03. SPECIAL NOTICES. Dk.Tutt's Pills. It Is purely vegetable concentration for beeping the Bowels in natural motion and cleansing t le system of all impurities, and a positive cure for R03E, OA., January 11. 1S71. Dr. W. II. Tutt : Dear Sir Having used your Lwer Pin and lindins none that have donUny wim ormVself as much good, I wcTuidlike t( know!' they would do as well North as here. I intend eoinz .Norm in juaren, an.t if they will have the same effect as in this climate l want to ukb iuem uu wiin inc. Hoping to near iro.m you swu, I remain, your ob.ed't servant. MENUY A. MILLS. Dr. Tutt's Hair Dye imparts liJe to the haip Tetlc, fa:t Rheum and alfSkin disease; . cared by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis- The "People's mamp of VAt.xjE.-Tlie GovernmMt indorsement, whicn legalizes the sale of Plantation Bitters, is not the . only stamp affixed to that famous Veeta, ble Tonic. It bears, in addition to that of- ' ficial sanction, the still more valuable stamp of public approbation, This inesti mable voucher, ol its rare properties as a Tonic, Corrective and Alterative, is of much earlier date man me ooverumem, creuen- tial; for millions of stele pei sous had pry- nounced it tne Grand .specific of the Ai;e long before Congress thoughtof taxing p o- pi ietary medicines. It is unnecessary tu repeat, in detail, the proprieties ol" the wonderlul Vegetable Invirrant. The btst reference that can be olieed to those vh desire the full particulars of its virtues, is tne General Public. Ask those who havo tried it as a remedy for dyspepsia, const, - pation, billiousness, intermittent-fuveis,. nervous debility, rheumatism, sea sickm ss I low spirits or loss ol vital power, what Plantation Bitters has done for them, aiw be govei ned by the response they make to your inquiries I The lollowins? statement, from one of the oldest and most respectable merchants i.i' the city of Petersburg, speaks for itself and needs no comment: I have for many years used " BECK WITH'S ANTI-DYPil'TIC PILLS" as a family medicine and also in my own c isp, and I have no hesitation in pronouncing them the most safe, efficient and pleasant medicine with which I am acquaint'.. They premptly relieve Dyspepsia and Us usual attendants, Costiveness, tleartburn, Headache, Loss of Appetite, Cuoiic, &c. i -take pleasure in recommending them u the public. They ward off disea.se and pre serve health. 1 always Keep a lull supply on hand and would not willingly be with out them. JOHN KOWLkTT. Prepared solely by the proprietor. E. li BECK VV ITU, successor to Dr. Beckwitii feiersburg, Va., and lor sale, at he reduc ed price ol 25 cents per box, by all druggists and by Joseph Carr, Wholesale Agent. jan 27-tf , Help for the Hopeless. You are wea k Hitters? No ! Then why don'tyou? Wheth er your complaint be dyspepsia, bilious uess, nervous weakness, coiisiitutional de bility , or any other trouble, Vinegar Bitters wiil revive and renovate your shattered system, as a genial ruin reireshes the with ered flowers. We Have Frequently Heard mother say they would not be without Mrs. Win. slow s ouotuiug oyrup, num tuc unm im the child until it has finished with the teething siege, under any consideration whatever. Buknett'3 Standard Flavoring Ex 1-kacts are uettly put up in Unpauneiled 2 t,.., i ol. and l' o.. bottles, and are for sale by the traat. t-in-r Jiy in every principal city aud Lo 1 1 iji tii lTnitti States, Caiia dsus. and B. i :-:. Pi-nvim-ex, ;us well as iu many other i'n.-:,n countries. To Owners ok Uoksks.. one who ha ever used Dr. Tooia.s' lluiv Veuctian Lini ment, will ever be without it ; it is a cer tain cure for Colic, Sore Throat, Cuts, Bruises and Old Sores. WatEiinted superi or to any other; in pint bottiesTatOne Dol lar. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, lOT'ark Place, New York. Risley's Buchu is a reliable Diuretic and Tonic lor all derangements of the urinary and genital organs. The genuine, as for merly sold by Haviiand, Harral fc Risley, and their branches, is now prepared by Ji. v. itiaicy, tn origi uator and Proprietor; and the trade supplied by his suocessois, Morgan & Risley, New York. Pratt's Astral Oil, has a world-wide reputation as the surest and best illumina ting oil. Over two million gallons have been sold for the past two years, from which no accidents of any description have oc curred. Send for circular, wil House oi Charles Pratt, established 1770. New York. The Secret of Beauty. What is it? nc longer asked, for the world of fashion and all the ladies know that it is produced by using a delightful and harmless toilet prep aration known as G. W. Laird's "Bloom o Youth." Its beautifying eli'ects are trul wonderful. Depot, 5 Gold tetreet, Ne York. For Dyspepsia, indigestion, depression Of spirits aud general debility' i u their va rious forms; also, as a preventive ag iins: Fever and Ague, and other intermitteiu fevers, the Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir oi Calisaya, made by Caswell, Hazard & Co , New Y'ork, and, sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic, and as a tonic for patients re covering from lever or other ticUnessJ it has no equal. ' Thurston's Ivory Pearl Tooth Pow der. The best article known forcleansiiii; and preserving the teeth and gums. SoJd by all druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents per b ttle. V. C. Wells & Co.. New York. 4 0 DOZEN ""-"FRESH CANNED Toma toes. . -. ' - 16 Dozen "I VV-inslow Jones" Green CcVn mchiatf W. CVSTRONACL OUR! FLOUR!! FLOUR!!! 101) Barrels Burs Extra Flour, 50 - ' Mk River " ' . 200 f;'C-& Virginia Extra and Super fine i-' i-u:. iOliitrrrTs people's favorite Family Flour (fioii ; 1'sttapsco.) Jnstoirtjn:- :.:iiving. WlLLIAJicA. oi CHURCH & THOMAS mhlS-tf MRS . II . Will L L E US' nOvlRDIJTG IIO USE Corner oiNeAVbern Avenue and Vo sou Street. mh25-3m.; S PRING AND SUMMEU GOODS J . Ji. rose .rzr a uu (SUCCESSOU TO A. KLLNE.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER J V READY-jIADE CtOTIII? FOR MEN AND BOYS. -- 'AND Staple Dry Goods, Hats, Boots, and Shoes, China, Crockery, and Glass-ware Corner of FAYETTE VILLE AND HARGETT STS R A L E I G II , N . C Having on hand the most complete stock of goo is ever received by him, he earnesl ly invites an examination of the same feeling confident that he can p'ease any one wanting goods in his line. - Call and Examine, and yon shall be Suited. ap 2-3m . BIN'S PERFUME It Y AND TOILET POWDER 1 At . , SIMPSON'S ovdtf Drugstore. dejected, miserable, and nothing does you any good, you say. Don't despair. Then; is balm in Gilead. Have you ti iedViuei';ii

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