JORDAN STOlNE, Managing Editor. - -SAM'L T. WILLIAMS. Political Editor. MAY 13, 1873. LEE DUNIAP CASE. We have stated that it was an error for Solicitor Starbuck to appeal on a preliminary motion to the Supreme Court of the United . States, in the Lee Dunlap case. " "tAUcr'Banbp' Traa' granted a new Irjal in our Supreme Court on account pr.ihe ' oi Judge Loganr he made an affidavit that he could not get justice in ou$ Bfi .Courts, on account of his being a colored man and a Re pnblicaxu. and ,akd that bis case be transferred to the United States Circuit Court, under the authority of the Civil Rights Bill. Judge-Logan allowed this, but an. appeal was taken to the bupreme Court' which,' decided that, under the CiTjt Rights Bill, Dunlap had a right, for the causes set forth by him. to have the case removed to the Circuit Court la' coming to" this determination , the ?ourt Baid such, result was deeply to be regretted, but so the law was written. la the Circuit Court last June, m this CiJtfc 1!U Starbuck. filed a motion in writing; ."asking ,v that the cause be: re manded to- Mecklenburg County, itp- cord of ., the - Superior Court of that county; that it. tad jurisdiction in the matter." J " illil - -arTo'riextterm, last Kovember, Judge Brooks refused the motion to re mand, whereupon Air. Starbuck, on the part of the United States, took an ap peal to the Supreme Court ot the United States.- !Ji;'i.-.i . - . . : The Sqpreme Court, as we antici pated it would ; do. has dismissed the appeal, pa the ground that the appea wai taken, prematurely, as appeals to that Court in criminal cases only lie-irom final judgments. . Dunlap will ilrerelore be tried at the June term' of the Circuit Court,. and aftertriaV And judgment in the Circuit Court,' air appeal . will then lieto the United States Supreme Court "The reason of the rule is apparent A man charged with a capital crime might be kept imprisoned lor years if an ap peal on every preliminary motion, that could be made m the Circuit Court was allowed. In this way an innocent man is liable to be held in close confinement without a trial, for an indefinite length of time." ; V,V Starbuck who- has been Solicitor all since t he .war should have learned this much-law at least PUTTING HIS FOOT DOWN FINALLY. The President - has resolved upon a firm course towards the tax-resistersJn Louisiana. x He will issue his procla mation, wh ich jn the most positive terms, call ing.upon tbe people of Louisiana to cease.theig-;-fl'iM . f "tai ir tne "Kellogg Qovernmentwh ich is the only recognized J Government in Louisiana, and to quietly submit to the laws. The President reproves Kellogg lor not calling for United States troops, which he is not only- williug but anx ious to furnish. He will increase Gen. Emory's force, and says that it is Kellogg's duty to make a requisition on Gen. Emory for as many troops as may be necessary to suppress the resistance to his authority. The President's mind seems to have undergone a remarkable change within the past tew; days. When he first re cognized Kellogg's Government, he did so with the understanding that it was necessary to recognize either McEnery or Kellog,aad he desired tobe understood as not expressing , any opinion as to the le gality of either Government. lie said this matter was for the Courts, but pending the decision the Administration would take no part other than a formal recog nition of theState Government i inaugu rated by the Republicans' with Kel logg as Chief Executive. From'the tenor of our dispatches to day, it seems that the President has de termined to uphold the Kellogg faction at all hazards and to the last extremity. It strikes us that ; the people of a State nave a right to their option as to which ! of two 1 conflicting Govern menu they ' ought ' to pay taxes, and if they think one is lawful and constitu tional and the other revolutionary and usurpatory,they can elect to support and sustain the former or ' at least to with hold from the latter the means of sus ' tenance, namely, the payment of taxes. Suppose the Supreme Court of the United States shall decide in favor of the McEnery Government ; what remedy will the people liave, if they should pay taxes to the.Kellpgg officers, after the taxes have been squandered and stolen by irresponsible collectors I Kellogg, aided and abetted by Grant, bas established a despotism in Louisiana, and the determination of the President to add Still .'farther to the aggressions already inflicted upon that people will recoil upon the Administration, and should be severely condemned in every section and by all parties. There will be no resistance, in our opinion, to the United States troops. The peopla Louisiana ; have shown no disposition to get into a quarrel with the National Government.' It has been repeatedly wi4 by . them that they will submit to the authority of the United fitatesbut they , will submit upder pro test. Thej .ate not opposing the Presi- detit--they ate opposing the Kellogg usurpation, which they believe to be a wrong and an outrage. If the Presi dent shall, at the point of the bayonet, u 4k; a,irr,ntion bp. unhold. ot ...... MOf - n then the responsibility .will rest upon his shoulders and the powers of the sword not the voice of reason, justice or law will prevail. I - I W, I T C II C R -A F J AMONG" THE w nhiuh pUflwhere to-dav irom the Lincoln Progress a case of conjuration ftmonff the colored people of Catawba, which is a eood illustration of the super- Btition orevailins among that class of our population throughout this and the beautiful ot all the year, is to tne oouiu nthP.r Southern States. ern heart the most hallowed, the most lit cannot be said that superstition is confined exclusively to the colored race, or that it is the necessary concomitant of ignorance, for some of the most intel- licrpnf mpn in everv ae of the world Ugeni men iu cvcijr oc Wi "" I iu. :1,,, rsf ?ta I nave acKnowieugeu uie muucu mvsterious and supernatural power. But the freedmen in the South since the close of the war have, become the '.victims of impostors of their Own color who have taught them to believe as firmly in the doctrine" of witchcraft a did our New Enaland forefathers du- ring the times of Cotton Mather. And although we have as vet had no Salem in which socery has been practiced among the colored population since 1865" were compiled and published, they would form a volume larger than Math er's "Wonders of the Invisible Word" and equally as startling in its disclosures. SPIRIT OF THE STATE PRESS. The Enfield Times discusses the pro posed appropriation for the Halifax and Scotland Neck Railroad. The election comes on inursuay next, lue.i " : mi j . -.a. mi m- i opposes the appropriation and bas but little fear of the result. ' Per contra, the Iljanoke Neics earnest ly advocates the appropriation and is confident the vote next Thursday will be in its favor. "We are pleased to see that the personalities on this subject have ceased. The Republic-Courier says: 4 The Editorial Convention at Goldsboro takes-place on Wednesday next and the publishers and editors of the journals of this State should see lo it that nothing is left undone to secure a general attend ance and harmonious working. Such a convention as that of Wednesday next should be productive of much good, not only to the newspaper men them selves but to the people of North Caro lina." The Milton Chronicle thinks the Dem ocrats were guilty of folly in nominat ing a Republican for President at Balti more and says of the next Dtinocratic nominee :. " He must come before, the people clear from the stain of such treachery as that .of the leaders who sold out the party in the. last camnaitrn xiecicr.TarY to make the race with a pure man and be defeated, than to make it with a leader whose Democracy is only a mild form of Radicalism. We can conceive of no middle ground, in poll tics, between right and wrong, between Democracy and Radicalism." The Wilmington Journal refers face tiously to " Our Indian Trophies" for warded to headquarters at San Fran cisco. The Journal thinks Gen. Sher man will disavow the act of the army officers in sending the heads of John Sehonchin and other Modocs to San Ffancisco.' That paper says it cannot imagine to what use these trophies will be put. On the subject of 4Briareu3," the Journal discusses Railroad matters with the Star, its local cotemporary.'" The leader ot the Wilmington Star Saturday, was " The Tenth of May," which concludes as follows : "These memorial tributes to the he roic dead of the South have no political rc i-x i Bigumcauue. uur late enemies need have no fears that the fires of another civil war will be lighted at the urns of the noble men who fell in the last one, We loved the cause in which thev fell, We love their memories, and we would not dishonor them or their and our late cause by refusing to pay the rites of annual recognition and fond remem brance." The Wilmington Post of Friday, Re publican and edited by a Northern man and Federal soldier during the war, Major James C. Mann, pays a tribute to our Memorial Day which does credit to "that paper : . : ''However much we individually may sympainize witn ine opposite side ot the iate great struggle : however much wemav differ from those who will bow the knee to-morrow, in everything con nected with it, we should most sincere ly regret to see the people of the South neglect to honor their soldier dead Although the cause lor which these brave men freely gave up their lives was to our mind wrong, yet they died in what seemed to them the most holy of duties, and they deserve the fender est recollections. False to all gratitude would be this people if thev neglected Ito honor thes? men, and unworthy cf ine Bacrmce oi me Dravest and best of the South. It in the inscrutable wisdom of Provi dence, the sacrifice of blood was neces sary to wipe away the sins of the Nation, as is often taught, we hold that the , blood sacrificed on one side ' of the struggle was as pure in His sight as on the other, and that all the sacrifice was made upon the altar of Liberty, whether by the blue cr giay. Brave hear. s beat beneath both uniforms, that now have rcoaldered into dust, and we believe there is no distinction in the Father's sight whether they wore the blue or the gray. We believe the day will come when the survivors of both armies will udite on these sacred memorial days, asa strew nowe.s upuu iu giavco their united dead. Here bitter recrimi nations should cease. No sound of strife should break the solemn stillness their rest for their souls have gone to God who gave them, and we, weak mortaS) cannot fathom thc mysteries now known to the meanest ot those gone before." Wnen sucn sentiments as auove ex- nrpffspri shftll nrpvail in thc hearts 01 the Northem tfae day of true recon. ciliation and mutual good feeling be iweeu iue .iaieiy "'ycicu lUu, have dawned upon me iana The Charlotte Observer ot the 10th says: "The month ot May, the most sacred. It is the season chosen tor tne honoring of the great army of f allen braves, who shed their, life s blood iu defence of our country, and left us such a noble legacy or splendid virtues anu - , I Unmir i4uii9 Pririnll9 ltipmones C1US- I m.'" ter thick about us in this floral season ; and each year as it rolls by uearing further and further back into the ueau past the eventful pet iod when those whose memory we now celebrate were bravely upholding "the stars and bars, renders this consecrated day, the lUtu of May, inore and more hallowed. We reverence tlle4ay set apart for so holy a sacred, and neverlorget lo pay our an- nil. I f.iKnta j.f h iIwi ! .il n ( V, i I the dead soldiers who wore the gray.' : The Tarboro Enquirer calls for a work house for criminals. On "Gamb ling " the Enquirer has a sensible arti cle on the evils of prize-drawing enter tainments, prize-caudysboxes and the numberless ways of deceat gambling in vogue at the present time. It says: u There is scarcely anything done these days in which the gambling feature is iioL mnnectPd. anil uniPSM our npnn m nsft .. . . . "r - their influence against the evil tendency by preventing the participation therein of their children, they may expect them to grow up gamblers. The welfare of fu ture generations demands vigilance on this subject." Senators Conkling, of New York, and Edmonds, of Vermont, are spoken of in connection with the office ot Chief Justice of the United States. The remains of the late lion. ; J. L. Orr will be sent to Anderson Sounth Carolina, for interment. The severe snow storms in Northern Texas and New Mexico have killed all the fruit. The reported cholera ravages in Aus tria and Turkey are denied. Cincinnati brewers, make $3.25 profit on a keg of lager. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J? O li S ATT"if A fifty horse power Steam Engine, finely finished, with four large cylinder boilers complete all in good order. Apply to JOHJTEUDEY. Jamestown. N. C. Gabdsre Hill, Mine, N. C, May 10, 1673. 1ST O E My wife, ANN HARP, having left my bed and board without just cause, this in to warn an persons irom trusting ner on my account, ad I shall pay no debts of her contracting, may 11-lw J. R. HARP. O THE BEREAVED ' WHITELAW CR3 WDSR ara prepare to furnish T O M B S TON E S of all kinds, as cheap and as neat as any other establishment In the Southern states Ravins? been at the business of carving and engraving marble forty-fourjyears, we consider ourselves equal to any in the un ion. All orders or communications punctually attended to. WHITELAW & CROWDER, Corner Blount and Morgan streets. Raleigh, N.C. N. B. I sincerely hope the new firm will meet witn success, n we are wormy ol pat ronage, nespecuuuy, Z. CROWDER, formerly of Warren county, N. C. apr28-6m 20 BARRELS "A" SUGAR, 10 Barrels extra C Sugar, 20 " "C" 10 Crushed, and PowdereC Sugar, ap6-tf LEACH BRO'S. PREPAID TICKETS FROM ETJ KOPE. GREAT REDUCTION OF RATES. The magnificent Steamers of the A L L A , N L I N E. will leave Liverpool for Norfolk, Va., every tutciuivio i utauay uunng spring anu sum mer of l873,connectinirwiUiJial!asi by rail road. Steerage and Intermediate passage as follows : , Liverpool, Queenstown, ") Steerage 33 80 Glasgow, LiOudon orlirlstol to Raleigh, J Inter $52 80 to $5480. Hamburg, Antwerp, Hoi- Steerage $37 80 land or tiavreto Raleigh. Inter. $.54 80 Paris, Norway. Bremen or I Steerage $41 80 Sweden to Raleigh, J Inter. $58 80 Passenger accommodations unsurpassed. Parties wishing to send for friends will apply to GEORGE LITTLE, Raleigh, N. C. Wiiliam Lamb, General Agent, Norlolk, Va. , mchS-Dlaw3m H OUSE AND LOT AND LAND FOR SALE. I wish to sell my HOUSE AND LOT, situated just outside the corporation, and near the Insane Asylum. Good water and a fine fruit lot attached. It can be fought cheap. Also Two Tracts of Land, four miles southeast of Raleigh, adjoining the lands of Messrs. T. H. Brieas. W. G.TTn- church and others, containing 73 acres in one tract and 133 in the other. 40 of which are closed, and is good cotton and corn land. It can be bought on easy terms. -Appiy to W.G.KING, apr 18Dit&W4w N S O R E 400 Bushels Bolted Meal, 500. " , Corn, 700 " Virginia Oats, may5-t? R. F, JONES & CO. fT7,ll j&!SW55 is t 1 T E JV O N a i i H '. W H o 32 K O H. H H O HI H O 5 2 o Hoy --1-- X P, O 1 "2 ps p a C 3.-.V-- 5 PATENTED Is the on!V fertilizer, fexftf-nticer Peruvian Guano.1 in the United States, (to our 14.110 wieue,; mat is sola STRICTLY ON This CELEBRATED "COTTON FERTILIZER" has won such a marked and exten sive reputation throughout the cotton growing region of North Carolina und Virginia, uiao in iuamuac:urers, (the "sourjtiuKiN cannot do more than supply the ENTIRE CASH DEMAND Planter who will need small quantities, for second application to their crops, would do well to send in their orders AT ONCE, as we have now a very small lot on hand. wnicn is closing out rapidly. THIS FEliTILdZEK lis SOLD OJNLiY r OK CASH ! SOLE TERMS: $60.00 per Ton of 2,000 lbs., cash at our warehouse in Norfolk, Va. ' Drayage fro a warehouse 50c. per Ton, additional. Freight to destination to be paid by party ordering. C. W. GRAND Y & SONS, Cotton Factors, Norfolk, Va , Special Agents of the Company for ana sontbeastern Virginia. 4.I)AWlW " I U A N O t G U A N BUY T S O E U B L, E 8 E 1 State Fair Premium at Wllniinston for . GOLDSBORO, Wayne County, N. C, November 2Srd, 1872. JOHN II. POWELL Esq.: - th km r k Soluble Sea Island Guano wlz n v7 IT i r, s auaas given me more satisiaction man any ol the oth ers, ine soluble Sea Island Guano was the one used upon the acre of land upon which i oui itixecu ine r.oitn n rvrm wh wh ha truir of cotton tw ftQ y---r-- entered for the largest amount of cotton wuuiu nave aiso taken that premium, beating all 150 lbs. I am better pleased with it XVhn-any . ber GuaDo1 have ever used on cotton, and I shall use it in preference tc a ikbouu im in uutiuu crop. ALSO EIGHT PREMIUMS The Amount of Seed Cotton made was Three Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-three Pounds. EDGECOMBE COUNTY, N. C, December 12th, 1872. Messrs. R. W. L. RATSTN" Cn TUltlrtAw. t , 1 bought of Messrs. Branch, Herbeit & Co.," Ust Spring, one ton of your Soluble Sea Island Guano for invself and ihrp tnnn for nthor pleased with it. and say it is the best Guano, and paid them better than any jhey ever used, ihe ton I used myself was put in cotton by the 6ide of two other guanos, and 1 am willing to say that I should buy the So.uble fcea Island Guano in preierence to any that I have used since the war. Very respectfully,! W. H. AVERA. Esq..: " Dear Sir The ten bacs Soluble Sea Island Onann more than mpt.:mv PTnwt.tinnii l consider it equal to Peruvian for cotton. doubled the crop. My neighbors who bought jiicieicuce iu auy oiuer wuen u caa oe naa. E. W. FULLER, Esq.: Dkak Sir lUsteti your Guano this year, cuiwu crop nt'ii j ear.- HENDERSON, Granville County, N C, November 29th 1872. To S. J. PARIIAM: The Soluble Sea Island Guano purchased me by the side of Peruvian Guano, Stonewall either, and I observed a marked difference in lUlUie. HENRY BURRELL, Esq., has stated to tobacco crop, using two other higher-priced ixu if.iu.uu uuauu is me ciieupesi guano ne YANCEYVILLE; Captain W. P. ROBINSON. Delvk Sik In reply to your Inquiry as yviu, jl wiou. iu nay vutu, i appiiu 11, puuuus to iius ucre, alongside oii"eruvian, jfaclnc Guano and Gilham's Tobacco Fertilizer In equal quantities ; it stands the drouth better than either of the above fertilizers. It matured better on the hill and cured better and more yellow than either of the other fertilizers used. I think it is a splendid fertilizer and I expect to use it next season. Yours, respectfully, MARCELLUS MIMMS. WILSON, N.C, January lltn, 1873. Messrs. II ARRISS & BLACK WELL: Gents I used this season, on my cotton crops about 15 tons of your Soluble Sea Island Guano, testing it by the side of Guanape and Vegitator, and up to the'time of the heavy washing rains last of June.I was equally pleasod witli.its action as ol the Guanape and better pleased than with the Vegitator. G. W. BAREFOOT, by J. J B. Circular of eight pages of Certificates at 1F IL EIJLJ1I C. A GEN T A T Jan 16-4m B R O W N ' S MUSE U M Fayelteville Street. FIIES II 1 II It I ru s. The Spring Stock of Fancy Goods, Notions uoniectioneries, Fruits, &c.i Toys, Musical Instruments ofevervkind. In short, a full stock of everything to be iounu in a GENERAL VARIETY STORE, Is now arriving at BroflnVMusenm or Emporium f Fancy Gook The AVIARY has been recently re stocked with Canaries. Gold and Bull Finches. Java Sparrows. South American Parrots, and the American Mocking and Red Birds. The AQUARIUM of Gold and other small fish is constantly replenished with the most beautiful of the finny tribe. Two Dozen. Children's Carriages . - just received. Also a large lot ot MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Dally arrivals of Fruits and Confection eries. Large stock of Tovs and China Goods selling at cost. J? or anything and everything, go to ' - NAT. L. BROWN'S. mh20-tf T E D CO w H H O o 5J W H h3 -. O H K O H h-t o 55 tr1 o H H E S H H O S3' i ( t H CO A CASH BASIS ! ktiim uu." at " Kicnmond, va.j FOR THE ARTICLE. Eastern and Middle North Carolina, ! ; O ! ! G U A N o r X II ' E BEST i s e,i jr n o ui jr o ! the Largest Amount of Cotton to an Acre. purchased of yon this season was used by h a utato nrAminm . .,t, to the acrepremiums open v. - 1. A. UKATsUi-K. AT WAYNE COUNTY FAIR. on an Acre of Upland by Mr. Granger J. it. IriitiiuN. SELMA, N. C, Is ovember 12th, 1872. It paid me over 100 per cent. I more than it are highly pleased, and will use it in nopeyou win Keep a supply tne coming, Truly yours, R. HARE. LOUISBURG, N. C, December 4th, 1872. and the result Is, I will use It ou. ly lide xours, xc, ELLIS M ALONE. of v. u was vised on tnhn & . I like it much better than favr of the Sea Island. Shall use in the S M. HOYSTRR' HENDERSON, Granvitle eounty. us that he made a test this present year's guanos, but Is convinced that the Soluble nas ever purcnased, and shall use it again. Caswell County, N. C. December 6th, 1872. to how I liked the Sea Island Guano I got of S Tit O Jll CII S, R A L E I G II . JQAVIS, DRAKE JOBBERS OF & CO. , F OREIGN AND D OM ESTIC n II Y GO MJ s , Dress Goods and Yankee Notions COR. BANK & SYCAManM rs Petersburg, J. SPRING TRADE, 1873. We take pleasure in inviting the the at tention oi tne IERC4AXTS OF VIRGINIA AD NORTH CAROLINA To our Stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods and Notions which are now being receivedand which will be complete in every department by the 1st of April, by which time we will Ins prepared to exhibit the LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE. and which in variety, price and terms, will compare favorably with any south of New lorjt. We return our thanks to the Merchants 01 this State and North Carolina, for the manner in which they have sustained us in our efforts to establish a First. Class wholesale Dry Goods House in this city, and with ample means, increased ex perience and a determination to give satis faction, we feel sure we snail in the futnrp as in the past, deserve the confidence of our friends and the trade generally. Jf Q CUT HERRINGS, FRESH. Just received at aplO-tf G.T.bTONACH BRO'S, We have just received a fine lot Oporto Port, Florio Maderia, Marsailles Sherry. These are imported Wines. may l-tr u. t. aiituAun k uku. R ABBIT SKINS WANTED. I want to buy "10 million ," more or less. of Rabbit Skins, and solicit applications Irom tnose who can supply large iois. J. Li. LAB1AUA, Kidgeway, N.C. mch28-tf T HE WEED SEWING MACHINE Why is the Weed Sewing Machine bound to please all 'ae ladies? .Because it is the nest feller in tne wona Jal5-tf . D It E S S G O O D S IN GREAT VARIETY. Just received at mli26-tf : DAVIS, D RAKE & CO'S. E M O V A BETTS, ALLEN & CO. have moved their Sash, Door and Blind Factory totLelot of the old Bayonet Factory, on the line of the R. ft G. Railroad, at the northern terminus of Dawson street.where they will be pleased to see their old mends anu customers. SSentinel aud Era copy for 1 month. ; apr28-lm ATOVELTY AND EXCELSIOR The Best CLOTHES WRINGERS. . Tlifv save labor. Thev save time. They saves clothes. They save money. For family, Hotel ancL,, I- "ry1Tir,vrrrT -r- -.jiiWifl last a life time. ( . rortfiaieuy JULIUS LEWIS & CO, Stoves, Hardware and Cutlery, Paints. "iguu ttiiu Duggy juaieriais, oie Agents Tor the celebrated Boiles Cotton Hoe, Fisher Building, aprtl Raleigh, N. C. 1ST O I c E. Having sold out our entire Stock of Groceries, c, to Messrs R, F. Jones & Co., ws icwuwueiia mem 10 tne lavoraoie con sideration of our friends and customers, -. , . i A. G. LEE t CO. Raleigh, N. C. April, 1873. In accordance with the above notice, we will continue the Wholesale, and Retail Grocery, Commissipn and Factorage busi ness at the old stand, .and repectiully so licit the patronage Of the former customers or a. G. Liee t-Co.. and the public gener ally. R. F. JONES & CO. R. J O N E S & C 0., Wholesale and Retail Urocers," CO T t a if 4 c r O It s AND ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington St., east of Market, : RALEIGH, N. C, Have on hand.a nd are constantly receiving consignments of Provisions, Grain, Farm ing Utensils, Groceries, etc. 43 Orders tor the" purchase of Cotton so licited and satisfaction guaranteed. Consignments of all kinds. Produce, Gro ceries, Provisions, lc, will receive strict attention. ap28-tf O C E Books of Subscription to the CAPITAL STOCK of the Old North State Life Insur ance Company have been opened in Raleign, at the Law office of Messrs. Batchelor, Edwarus & Batchelor. , - . ; JACOB PARKER, " B. F. LONG, mn22ti Incorporators. L L WEIGHT O A P PROCTER & GAMBLE'S E JL T It Jl O E I J E. Some Brands of Soap are sold short weigut nve to eight pounds per box. Ill you use tnese soaps you pay money for v uu uci iiMi receive. UAN YOU AF FORD TO DO-SO? Buy Procter Gamble's full weight lirana, &oid Dy urocers in your city. r . LE4.CH BROTHERS, Wholesale Agents. ap2'4m Raleigh. n.H W li I T E G O O D s We ask attention to our large stock of Nainsook Muslins, Mull Muslins, Jaconet Muslins, Checked Muslins Striped Muslins, - AND Jaconet and Nainsook Edgings, Which we are offering very low. DAVIS. DRAKE & CO.. maris-ly Petersburg, Va. C K E R E L In barrels, half-barrels and kits. aplO-tf G. T. STRONACH A BRO r T . x rv JiJE L L.S ! As Agents for the manufacturers we are prepared to fill orders for " . ; Farm or Plantation Bells of any style at bottom prices. - - - Send for price list, HARDWARE IIOU3E of JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Fisher Building, ap4-tf Ralel y. C. g U PER - P. H 0 S P II A T E . 100 Sacks Watson and Clarke's Super Phosphate, - 100 Sacks "Zells" Super-Phosphate. We have control of these celebrated Phos phates for this market- We can cheerfully recommend them lor cotton or anything WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH A THOMAS, PODDEK, OATS, HAY, SHUCKS. may 2-tf W. C. STRO XACII. O O D, WOO D 150 Cords OAK" TilfnrnTJVor,,! 1 1 WOOD - a uAVi.UCi iiaiu mar 15-tf W C. STRONACH. JgLANK BOOKS IN VARtETY. Initial Paper, elegant, Just to hand. ju, JittaAJN SUN . Bookseller. mar 13-tf Raleigh, N. a JSPECIAL NOTICES. Tetter. Salt Rheum andalf Skin riic .rZ cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical n" oovery. The Peoplk's bTAMP of Vat.ttwti ' Government Indorsement, which leiiaiiy the sale of Plantation Bitters, is nVt ti' ouiy etuiup aniAcu tu llicil iamous ve't. Uic -A- JLX im iv uwiot nuuitiuu IU tilUt fit ficial sanction, the still xuore valuiht " stamp or public approbation, This intti mable voucher ol its rare properties as iT - earlier date than the Government c-rt-Uti,; uai ; lor minions ui bicu. puisonn liau iii nounced it the Grand .Specific of the long Delore Congress tnougutof taxin ;.' pi ietary medicines. It is unnecessary V repeat, ih detail, the proprieties oi "ti ' wonaermi V egetaole lnvirrant. . The tH.v reference that can be otteed to v,1! desire tne lull particulars oi its vii tm s i the General Public, Ask those who t.-'v ' tried it as a remedy lor dyspepsia, coiVvti" pation, - billiousness, interiuitieiit l'evi-rs nervous ueDiniy.rueuinausm, seasickness low spirits or loss ol vital power' v'mi Plantation Bitters has done for them i,n ue guvei ucu ujr uie x cijiuusc niey inaiio to your inquiries . The iollowing statement, from one nin,. oldest and most respectable merchants . - . ,i . ,1 . , . . 1 . . ' ' , V" ' me Ciiy Ol reiciauuig, ByKa.n.a lor llstll UDu needs no comment: I have for many years used "hnc- WITH'S ANTI.DYSPiiPTIC PILLS' -a, : family medicine and also in lay own c st and I haye no hesitation iu pronoum .i .' tnem tne most, saie, euicieni aim piea.v;lu(. medicine with which I am acciutiuu'w They promptly relieve Dyspepsia ami ic usual attenaants, uosLiveness, tteaitb.nj iieauacne, jjoss ui apireuie, juoiio, iti- j take pleasure in recommending tUein' t,, the public. They ward off disease aud i-,re, serve health. I always Keep a luli suj.piv on hand and would not wii:ingly be u iai- outtnem. joiijs itowLi rr Prepared solely by the proprietor! i c BECK WITH, successor to Dr. Beckvitu Petersburg, Va., and for sale, at JieiViiur ed price oi Jo cents per box, by all drug-i.ii i and by Joseph, car r, Wholesale Agent. Jan27-tf ; Help fob the Hopeless. You arcu-, u dejected, miserable, and nothing dues' you any good, you say. Don't despair, 'iw. 1 1' I . I nr. 1 . 1-11 r 1 1 . II .... . ... .... - ij uoim iu iitx.vx. uaYO fuu Liieu V lUe"ar Bitters ? No 1 Tnen, why don't you ? v h, ! h er your complaint be dyspepsia, biiiuvH ness, nervous weakness, constitutional a bility , or any other trouble, Vinegar Hi will revivft nnrl TAiinvato vnn. . . - y BiictLcre.t system, as a genial rain relreshes the vvul-erednowci-s. : Wk Have Fkequently Heard moi i say they would not be without Mrs. H in siow's fcootaing fcyrup, irom the biru, u; the child until it has finished with uu teething siege, under any considers i.f i whatever. . Bubnett's Standard FtAvnntn i v tracts are ne'ttly put up in UnpannoU. d i oz., 5 oz. and lu oz. bottles, and are for s,tk by the trade generally in every priue: city and town in the United States, "Juna das, and British Provinces, as weii' , i many other, foreign countries. To OwnekI of Horses. No one who ever used Dr. Tobias' Horse Venetian Liui ment, will ever be without it; it isaier tain cure for Colic, Sore Throat, cuts Bruises and Old Sores. Warranted suptrc or to any other; in pint bottles, atone i -Hilar. Sold by all Druggists. Depot, lo 1' uk Place, New i'ork. Risley's Buchtt is a reliable Diuretic un-i Toaic lor all derangements of the urinary and genital organs. The genuine, as loi merly sold by Haviland, Harral & Kisi -v, and their branches, is now prepared by ti. VV. Risley, the originator aud Propriei-oi; and the trade supplied by his success-., Morgan & Risley, New York. ' The Secret of Beauty. What is ii? uc longer asked, for the world of fashion ;.au all the ladies know that it is produceu ca using a delightfuland harmless toilet in . i" arauuu known as G. W. Laird's"Blooui v k'outn." its beautifying enects -are tnil wonderful. DJpot, 5 Gold Street,. .Nd: York.' . ; Foe Dyspeksia, liidigestion, depression of spirits ana general ueOiiity--utheir va rious forms ; also, a.i a pi eveutive as ailhl 1 i . . ...... . . . - - revcr anu. auc, auu OLiier lnunuiiieci fevers, the Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir vi Calisaya, made by Caswell, Hazard W Co., New York, and sold by all Druggists, is tuo best tonic, and as a tonic for patient-, re- has no equal. Thurstons-Jvory Pearl Tooth IV.w der. The best article known for cleans; 114 and preserving the teeth and gums. Solo by ail druggists. Price 25 and 60 cents ;er buttle. F. C. Wells & Co.. New York. Pratt's Astral Oil, has a world-widt reputation as the surest and best illumina ting oil. Over two million gallons have been sold for the past twoyears, from which no accidents ol any description have ue- curreu. oena ior circular, uil House o. Charles Pratt, established 1770. New York. 40 DOZEN FKEsIl CANNED Tomatoes. 16 Dozen "I Vv inslow Jones" Green Coru mchl9tf W. C. ssTRONAOJi F T" ATT1" r "-v-.-. a a . . - . - - . 1 .1 I I K I H I. Clitic I T I I 1 I I T f r 100 Barrels Bur's Extra Flour, 00 " Elk River " " 200 Sacks Virginia Extm aud Sin cr fine Flour. ! 20 Barrels people's .favorite Family Flour, (good as Pa tapsco.) In store and arriving. V IDLI AMsON , UPCHURCH & THOMAS mhlb-tf gTORAGE, STORAGE, STORAGE, Having completed our large B It I C K W A II E 11 o u s7:", along side the Railroad near the North Car olina Railroad depot, w&'are prepaid! lu receive and store COTTON and any i ii;r PRODUGE or GOODS, and make liiwr.u cash advances upon same when desitvU Parties desiring to carry their cotton ov until next Spring, will find it to their m 1. 1 v. - t.v i.uiicnuuiiu W1LI1 US. WIL1L1IAMSON. UPCHURCH & THOM AS nov 0- tf Commission Meiciiais. isr - B O O K Just recei ved, 1 LetAiiii:llst Hymns. f .! ;'lii""t Geographies. 1 Im..... paper. 1 " Baptist Hyfeins. Call soon. L BRANSON, oct2-tf Raleigh. N. C. IIS. II . W . MI L L E li ri' ROjIItDEYG II OUSE, Corner of Newbern Avenue and To son Street. mh25-3m. gPRING AND SUMMERJipODj3 Mi I U JI (SUCCESSOR TO A. KLINE.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR MEN ASD BOYS. A2ID Staple Dry Goods, Ilatv Boots, and Shoes, China, Crockery, and Glass-ware Corner of FAYETTEVILLE AND HARGETT STS: R ALE I G II , N . C . Having on hand the most complete stock . of goods ever received by him, he earnejsl ly Invites an examination of the same feeling confident that he can ' p'ease any one wanting goods In his line. Call and Examine, and you shall be Suited. ap 22-3m JU BIN'S PERFUMERY AND TOILET POWDER At ; SIMPSON'S ' Drug St c re