- ' i JORDAN STONE, Managing Editor. -SAM'L T. WILLIAMS. Political Editor. TUESDAY.... .MAY 20, 1873. myrows WHY THE SOUTH REMAINS POOH, The last State Agricultural Journal gives several strong reasons in explana tion rtf the impoverished condition ot c,,tv, Tf a a the Journal . l;.!,.. says, vuv vuc y , mend home enterprise; but as example goesiartnertnan precept, "we woum how' many Editors in North Carolina practktf what they preach ? e may rite eloquent articles on the subject oi developing our resources u and of adding to our weaitn ana pros we set the example parity, yet so long as of withholding -our patronage from our own people,' our words of counsel will fall upon listless and unheeding ears. We referred a day or two' since to an able editorial on the subject ot Southern manulacturies' in the Greensboro Patriot, in which the writer stated that if every man and woman in the Southern States would resolve towear only home fab brics, when such could be procured, it w ould not be long before factories would spring up along our streams from which would come as fine work 'as now comes from the looms of Lowell. How true is this remark t ' And yet how lew wil 'practice the Reason it teaches? We grow the .raw material in the South, "which is sent North to be mafia- r-- AvW-nnrl returned, with vvui v. r . ' I heavy profits added, from the looms of New England, for . Southern consump- ' tion. ' -r ' " . ' .:' We have in North Carolina watei power eq.ual to any in the world, which is idle And unemployed on account of the want of energy and capital. We have, a few cotton factories in f iis Statev but "they would be greatly Increased iri :number if we would pat ronize' those we already have. The cotton yarns sent out oi our ' State are frequently purchased b our merchants of the loreign dealers, instead of being boughi at home, at factory prices. This is strange but it is true. The first step towards the commercial independence of North Carolina will be taken when' our people make up their minds to purchase the ' labrics manu factured in oik State when it is practi- cable to do so. The Granite Cotton $Iills. in Ala mance: county, the Salem Mills in Forsythe, and the Rock Island in Meck lenburg' are said to manufacture cotton goods of as good quality as can be pur chased -out dt the State. During the waf; our - soldiers were' supplied with clothing, to a considerable extent, from J . trim v, CproKnVLfarffiripa- and the These lactorlea are now at work, and are constantly turning out almost every species of ; fabrics, such as cassimeres, ginghams, cottonadea, eheetiDgs and shirtings, ticks, drills, domestic plaids and stripes, cotton yarns, warps. &c , ot the best quality. , Why cannot our people, wear these goods,' instead of apending their money, ' as they; often ;db, for inferior- articles purchased abroad ? We have two shoe factories in this Stateone at Salem and one at Thomas ville.' If our people will buy their shoes at home, they will find less paper and wooa in trie soies. , . .The State Agricultural Journal pub- - lished a few ;s "weeks, ago an incident ' which 'occurred at: Salem, which is a good illustration of the manner ween - courage pur home manufactures. A lead- ing merchanf of Salem, who purchased his Spring stock 6f goods in New York, was boasting of the excellent bargain ' he had made in laying in a large supply or ciay pipes, ! which he said were of superior tnake; and finish. When the pipes were opened and examined, his attention was called to the stamp upon tbem-. S.; Salem; IT. C. and it turned that; thesetidentical pipes, pur chased a North Carolina merchant iriew prk, were made at the Salem i Pottery oi llenry Shoffoer,' and made too -within less than one hundred yards ;of'thie hid I merchant's store! ' : : ; We conclude these remarks with the following extract from the editorial in the AgrimUural JouHcal referred to in j the commencement ot this article : " We . want' factories -of eveTy .kiud, but these - factories 'inust hae patronage, -and like 'chhHtfmpitmst mnt--begin at . hobe ' fWe. jeraain ' poor, because ' we .mupt AayA)WrjtipgVfrom, the North. "We plow outcrops' with Northern made plows; bitch" out ttieams 'with' Northern . .?ipttt oiir wood with North . fjn imaeflxes .drss jour lumber with N6rthiern tnade, toolsy drive our. North -eruTjJs : wrtb; aNorlhcrn- mad'e' bam V.anA :'P&ir5f 'our ' Rouses : with .' a Nprthra rserush dipped in'Nbrth rn' paint. k . ;. . ,;. .. , n shor.we are rocked inJNorthem made cradles ; iwrapped (! in Northern mad swaddilng.clothea, suck our paps mhftirhoik Starch, through a North-; ern'made nipple from a Northern bottle. We are educated -irom Northern made books, areisbta'ed'fatb Northern pby. sicarid eutlylaid !n alTorthern coffin,' our minister clothed in. Northern made tlotbes, takes our funeral text from a Northern made Bible, and loving hands in Northern . niafo jgloves, ' lower us by means of -a Nortbru,.made; top into a Southern, grave, land out, last - resting place is marked by a tombstone quar- ried, dressed and catved at the North. Thi3 policy is not the true one. we must manufacture and patronize home institutions. Then, and not until then rn we Pxntct to be independent of the Northern States.' THE MODOC BRAVES. Captain Jack and his braves have amm eluded their pursuers. Just as the United States troops lm- agincd they had them cooped up in their rocky fastness in the mountains, cli9flnneared in u, - - - atwiDKuogi arvinK inv i - . i The dispatches state mat me iuouo expQse hig u,- beyond the proper Uimt9 escaped by three routes, and are now permitted by modern war to the com ko? nnnnpd bv Col. Mason's com mander-in chief. What wonder, then, mand and a vaue hope is expressed mana, ana a va ue j that he will get them this time. Kings Imrj's comm-nH fin- -one to reintorce Mason. In the tiioantimu jacK contin ues his shout of defiance and laughs to ennrn hi mirsuers. He can now sirfg with impunity : .Tnrlr of the Modoc braves, I'm cock 'o the walk in the lava bed caves; When I catches 'em out their heads I shaves, Tne neaos oi iue umves ui mo ttti? pmsnNlNU CASE IN NEW YORK. A. strange poisoning case is reported to-day in our New York.dispatches. Seven persons, among them the father of Judge Blatchford, were taken sud denly and seriously ill, and upon exami nation by a physician it was found that they had been poisoned with arsenic. Th nprsnn who was arrested, on sus- t picion of having administered the Fwt 'USV1- J- " .. ...i UL L. WaS aiiaCK.eU. WllU lUC oauis Djr ujfcuiiio that had Drostrated. the others. No rleatha have vet occurred, and it is hoped that all may recover, although some of the victims are still extremely low. ' SELF- DESTRUCTION. Several cases of suicide are reported this morning. - From the number that have, recently occurred in Brooklyn, that city must be an unpleasant place to live in. Suicides in our cities are frequently traceable to fast living and dissipation Pecuniary embarrassments produced by reckless speculations constitute another source of this great evil. Suicides are more frequent at the North than at the South, and this can be accounted for from the fact that our people live more temperately and in less excitement than those in the North. OUH PEERLESS LEE. The Edinburgh Revieio for April con tains an eloquent eulogy, on Gen era! Robert E. Lee, which has been looked for with much interest, as the announcement was made several weeks asro that it would appear in the next issue of . that periodical. people of the South to see the distin guished leader of their armies so justly estimated for his noble qualities, purity of character, pre-eminent military skill and matchless heroism. Passion and prejudice may obscure for a while the brightness of the fame won by our military chieftains in the war for Southern independence; but the impartial pen ol history will yet do justice to their memories and write their names in undying lustre by the side of the heroes of other nations and of other ages, who have earned immortality in story and in song by the exhibition o those qualities that challenge the admi ration of mankind. iuccAimu ueiow gives a tiescnp tion of the interview between Genera lee ana totonewall Jaekson during the battle of Chickahominy : , UA few minutes more and the gallant soldier himself appeared on the scene and rode up to greet Lee, cheered bv Longstreet's men,already vetras enough ju war iu uuuerstana wnat nia coming meant. Nothing, it has been said, o this first meeting of these great soldiers on the battle-field could ba in more striking contrast than the appearance ana manner oi the two. Handsome in tace and figure, -'finely mounted, a eraee ful.rider.calm-visaced. -'and caretnllv dressed, Lee presented the beau ideal of the commander whose outward bearing captivates tne soldiers eye. His fa mous lieutenant rode, apparently by choice, an ill-groomed, rawboned horse. auu sat go suort-stirruped as to give his ngure tne most awkward BDoearance An old cadet's cap, evidently a relic of tne college prolessorship he had not long since left, was drawn down oyer his; eyes. His coat was not only inreaa-oare cut ill-brushed ; and his words were jerked out in short, ahrnnt sentences, between which he sucked the lemon which was, as usual, his sole re rresnment during his day's work. Yet eacn already understood the other, and toiucu mm ai uis true wortn. r iat is a hesvy fire down yonder,' said Lee, as iuc reuerai guns, opened in ren v t.i oaciisons, -can your men stand it?1 i ney can stand almost- anything. Thev can stand that ' WAS rha omnh ; . repjy ; ana alter a few words of order ana explanation, he left hianhiof lead on; the attack. This was decisive aiaea asitwas by ' a fresh me troops before eBgaged. The Feder als were turned, overmatched and driv en from their position, and before dark the scattered remains of Porter's force were crossing the Chicka hominy in hasty retreat. Lee's first battle, in fact, was as strik - w-.HUw ing a success and as well-earned, as anv oi ine morfl tamnna vifM.; : after .days which have hepr so ;ioi studied and so often extolled. No word nencelorward from hia Government ol any want of confidence in his powers,or ear of his over-caution. From that hour ,t he became the mnor t0f Well as the moat nntA nlin.i e u.. nrA T " B11""" vi me h.rA.Tl ?- rAa 10 his soldiers, his hardy bearing, free self-ex nosure, and constant presence near their ranks, com pleted the influence gained by that power of combining thfiir torce to ad- Vantage, jbjcb thy ifiW th i Btorv of the hour. The subtle influence bf sympathy, which wiD8 many hearts for one, was never more rapidly exercised. Like Napoleon, his tro Dps soon learned to believe mm equal to every emergency that war couia bring. LiKe nannioai, ne couiu tpcan. lightly and calmly at the gravest mo ments, being then nimselt least grave. Like Raglan, he preserved a sweetness of temper that no person or circum stance could ruffle. Like Ctesar, he mixed with the crowd of soldiery freely, and never feared that his position would h Wotten. Like Blucher. his one recoffniled fault was 'that which the soldier readily forgives-a readiness to if he thenceforward commanded an army h would have diedjor him ! an armv from which his partin wrun tears more bitter than any the fall ot their cause could extort; an army which followed him, alter three years oi (rloriou vicissitudes, into private life glor without one thought of further resist- ance against the fate to which their adored chief yielded without a mur mur." Each of the little boys of the Mount Emory, Tenn., Sabbath bchool plants ta.'plv hills nf c oin, and each of the lit.rle mrls sets one hen. and with the proceeds the school is supported in lux ury. A new dish is grape leaves fried m e"-' batter : it is called a t rencu disn. A" contemporary remarks: "We, can't think of anvthins that would be more- rlplir.inua than dried eraoe leaves, un less it is a theatrical poster on toast. 'I Captain Jack, the Modoc chief, is a fullblooded Indian, and about thirty-five years old. lie talks good English, and had, until recently, about eigut nunarea dollars deposited in the ireka lianK. The teacher ot a private school in the western part ot the city, has substituted castor oil for corporeal punishment. lie thinks it makes the children much more "dose ile" than the old plan. Prince Bismark is a great consumer of lager beer, introducing it in his dwelling house in small kegs, which are on tap at all hours ot the day and night, and on all occasions. It is thought that the new Legislature ol Connecticut will re-enact a usury law; with the legal ; rate ol interest at seven per cent., instead of six, as in the old re pealed statute. A western paper ittmiz s b iefly thus; "Mrs. John Bau2. ot Omaha, has left Mr. John Bagg, taking the money-bags, ana leaving joun empty Baggs. to hokl the little A single wheat field ou a California farm contains 38,000 acres. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . W ANT E D "Someone to contract to BLAST ROCK from a well. Address, may 20-3i B. B. Louisburg, N. C. ISXEW FASHIONABLE DRESS -LN MAKING. Good facilities for giving satisfaction. hoth in style ond prices,. JIhe, ladles .aree; connected with Weed Sewing Machine office, up stairs over Mrs. CEttlnger'sIilii- ury store, rayeiieviue street, lialeigh N. C. - . mylStf HATTIE A. MARKLAND- E RSON3 DESIRING TO VISIT mountains, can procure BOARD hy ay lS-dtf ! Asbeville, N. C. L o T A POCKET BOOK, i yesterday, between airs. Plungers Millinery Store and the juaieign (suasion iau road office. The book eouutineu vaiuaDies. rue nuder will be re- warueu oy leaving it at maylf-if 1 THIS OFFICE. jst 0 K TH CAROLINA CABARRUS COUNTY. SUPKRIOH CoUKT. Jacob A. Fisher, et al., Plaintiffs. ... . Against wm. iiornson and the "Concord Gold aiming company " et ai.. Defendants. it appearing to the satisfaction of the uouri iMauaueMomson, Matilda Morri- bu auu xvuuert morrison are necessary yoiura iu niisutuuu anu mat mey reside beyond the limits of this State, and cannot ucsciveu wilii process, it la therefore or dered that publication be nude for six weeiif successively in Uie"ltaleieh News ' a paper published In the City of Raleigti, N. C., noLDying the said defendants of tue filing of ihe complaint in the above action and that unless they appear at the next term of our Superior Court for Cabarrus uuuniy, 10 oe neia at the Couit House in Concord, on the first Monday in July next and plead, answer or demur to the said' complaint, the same will be heard ex parte uxaciu uu juuguitjni, granted accord ing to the complaint. wiven under rcy hand and seal of said v.uuii, ai oinee in uoneord, this 14th May. Mcdonald. Clerk Superior Court.. Cabarrus countj". J. Y. Allison, Att'y mmr 1 1 ...I- " 101 nam tins, concord N. C. E M O L. isk.1 IS, ALLEN & CO. have moved their Sash, Door and Blind Factory LO ice iOt Ot UlP.n H Ravnn.t '""uc "l 1. Uailroad, at the northern terminus of Dawson street. where mey will be Dlea d 0l V1U""U9 S-sentlnel and Era copy for 1 month. j; apr28-lm M M E R BEVERAGES NOW that tho Sllllrr Riimriiai ,TTf. - . ' w ncuiuri i rast coming on, I Have prepared to alleviate nauia ui me inixsty. a At my Saloon, on IT A no rrTT ct u tt xti pepper s old stand,) can be found all the inpuiar urines 01 tne seasop. . MINT JULEPS, SHERRY COBBLERS, TRIPPLE TONIES, (a new and favorite drink.) - DASHED SHERBETS. (most excellent wnen the thermometer is at 96.) CLARET PUNCHES, JACOC SEEGER'S Lazer Beer always on uiauguii ana otners too numerous t.n monti t keep none but the purest nmi uat n.,A unrl miorant. o.F";r "H""o, bv.uuv oauoiatnuu 10 customers. itespsctiully, J. T. HARRISON, maylo-Dtf Pepper's Old Stand.' gREAKFAST STRIPS A few boxes of those!! nice Breakfast Strips. apio.tr G.T. STRONACH &BRO. J A 2 E JV PS. O i tsj t-3 -( H P3 H ' P3 H O rH H o ft O ! i HI o i" i O fa O J t-5 PATCNTEO Is the only fertil zer. fexctDtics Peruvian Guano,) in the United States, (to our knowledge,) that is sokt STRICTLY ON A Thia CELEBRATED "OOTTON FERTILIZER" has won such a marked and exten- SiVe reputation throughout the cotton growing region of North Cai that the-Manufacturers, (the "SOUTHERN FERTILIZING CO." cannot do more than supply the ENTIRE CASH DEMAND FOR THE ARTICLE. Planters who will need small quantities, for second app-Hcati on to their crops, would do well to send in their orders A.T ONCE, which is closing out rapidly. THIS FERTILIZER IS SOLD ONLY FOR CASH ! SOLE T SG0.00 per Ton of 2,000 lbs., cash at our warehouse In Norfolk, Va. l)rayas:e fro a warehouse 50c. per Ton, additional. Freight to destination to be paid by party ordering. C. VV. GHANDY & bONS, Cotton Factors, Nokfoik, Va , Special Agents of the Company for and Southeastern Virginia. May 4-D&VVlw : Gr U A N O ! (i II A B. U SO X VJS I E' S E Jl State Fair TrciHlnai at Wilnilnjrtoa for GOLDSBORO, Wayne County, N. C, November 23rd, 1872. JOHN H. POWELL. Esq.: ' Dear Sik The Soluble Sea Island Guano purchased of you this season was used by the side of three others, and Las given ers, ine soiunie sea island uaano was tne one used upon tne acre 01 iana upon wnicu my son raised the cotton upon which he took his State premium for the greatest amount of cotton t an acre ; and I am informed by the Chairman of the Committee that had he entered for the largest amount, of cotton to the acre, premiums open to all ages, he would have also taken that premium, beating all 150 lbs. I am better. pleased with it than any other Guano I have ever used on others ntxt season for my cotton crop. . ALSO EIGHT PREMIUMS The Amount of Seed Cotton made was Three Thousand Six Hundred and Thirty-three rounds. EDGECOMBE COUNTY, N. C, December 12th, 1872. Messrs. R. W. L. RAISIN & Co., Baltimore: I bouht ot Messrs. Branch. Herbeit fc Co., Inst Spring, one ton of your Soluble Sea Island Guano for myself and three tons pleased with it. and say it is the best Guano, used, ine ton i used myself was put m am willing to say that I should buy the So.ubte Sea Island Guano in prelerence to any that I have used since the war. Very respectfully, SELMA. N. C. ovember 12th, 1872. W. H. A VERA, Esq..: Deak Siu The ten bags Soluble Sea Island Guano more than met my expectations I consider it equal to Peruvian for cotton. It paid me over 100 per cent. I - more than doubled the crop. My neighbors who bought ft are highly pleased, and will use it in preference to any other when it can be had. Hope you will keep a supply the coming Spring. cotton crop next year. ' HENDERSON, Granville County, N C, November 29th To S. J. PARHAM : The me by either, TI"CMtV OTTnnTt T T7 - . . ti.n , i . ' . 1 . :. 1 1 . , uiinivi suivniiiij.rJHU.. iiHSSLaim S,,. ?L.lan ?i.,).i,i ri . i.uU vjuauir w ine uuciicsi Kuttuu ue YANCEYVILLE. Captain W. P. ROBINSON, you G ta,LeBr'"J l1.! and I expect to use it next season. Soluble Sea Island Guano rjurchnRpd nf v, 11 was 1 . ie side of Peruvian Guano, Stonewall & . I like it much better than , and I observed a marked difference in faver of the Sea Island. Shall use in the Dkak Sir In reply to your Inquiry as toliow I liked the Km Tdar.i t n r , I wish to say that I applied it. 200 pounds to the acre. innni,iA r,tpaio tj uano and Gllham's Tobacco Kertilizpr in Pnimi r, n , t, t i t iM . it.(. v, ...Vr 1" j J "I V1 luc w-uer leriuizers used. 1 mink it is a SDlendid fertilizer v Messrs. IIARRISS & BLACK WELL.: x vifcAiTS 1 useu 1 111s season, on -mv ntf and better nleasfid than with t.h V r7?t Island Guano, testing it by the side of Guanape TanS Vegitator, and up to the?time of the heavy washine rains last of Jnne.T wasnniiv rviniin, u. ,.t5"r". Ci1. "i "ie M ' - . w..w W VAVUUVll A u i W T AT Jan lfi-4m B R O W N ' S M U S E U M FayettevUle Street, FRESH Jt IIRI JjtZ.S . The Spring Stock of Fancy, Goods, Notions iomeciioneries, Fraite, fic, Toys, Musical Instruments ofevervkind' In short, a fuU stock of everything to be GENERAL VARIETY STORE, is now ari iving at Brown's Museum or Emporium of Fanq Goods. The AVIARY has been rontiir ra. siocitea witn Canaries, Gold and Bull Mnches, Java Sparrows, South American Parrots, and the American Mocking and AQUARIUM of Gold and other small fish unnctiinti replenished with the most beautiful of the Two Dozen Children's Carriages just received.. Also a large lot ot . MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Dally, arrivals of Fmlts ciies. ttUli- larire Stock nf Tnra ami flhlno ocilium COSC. 1 . j " - VWTUO if or anything and everything, go to NAT. T, UPnWM'Q mh20-tf - r- , c ' rn . Q. W. BAREFOOT, by J. J. B. Circular of eight pages of Certificates at .. 20TT0N " FERTILIZER. TED S' c ft 03 H O W H a O' H B o H i-i O CO H to a . S3- O H' i i i H w a i i H H O 0D CASH BASIS ! (Jarolinaand Virginia, at Richmond, va.,) as we have now a very small lot on hand. E R M S : Eastern and -Middle North Carolina, NO!! G U A N O ! ! H E B E IS JL JlJI G V Jl JT O I the Largest Amount bf Cotton to an Acre. me more satisiaction than any of the oth cotton, and I shall use irin preference tc T. A. GitA4SGH.1t. AT WAYNE COUNTY FAIR, on an Acre of Upland by Mr. Granger for other parties, and I find them ail well and paid them better than any they ever cotton by tne side 01 two otner guanos, and 1 t J. R. GREEN. xruiy yours, iv. ii..ive LOUISBURG, N. C, December 4th, IS72 ELLIS M ALONE. HENDERSON, Granvltle eounty. mna ihnt ha mail, o . . .... - v. .. .ucu a vc.ii 1,1113 urcseui years .-a w.u"u' 1 iic nuiuuie uas ever purcnased, and shall use it again. Caswell County, X. C. December 6th. 1872 better pn the hill and cured better and x ours, respectiuiiy, MARCELLUS MIMMS. WILSO.v, N.C., January Utu, 1873. - r i-rAc o Vvmi 15 ., c, r. " w.o uuauape RALEIGH . D avis; drake & oo. JOBBERS OF r ouisuin AMI) DOMESTIC n k r 000 u s Dress Goods and Yankee Notions, COR. BANK & SYCAM011E STS. Petersburg; TV. SPftING TRADJE,. 1873. We take nlejLSnre in In-tritlntr tlioll.o ., kuuou ui tne - . " r-r ' r-' O r-" fut MERCfiAXTS OF VIRGIXIi A.D SORTfl CABOLKi To our S tock of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods and Notions -which are now being received,7 and which wm uet-uuipieie in every department bv tne 1st of April, bv whieh t.i m w will 1 1. 1 prcpureu to exnioit ine LARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE. and which in variety, price and terms, will compare favorably with any south of New ui We return our thanks to t,l'i fovv,o, ol this State and North Carolina, for the manner in which, they have sustained us in our efforts to - establish a First Class W holesale Drv Goods H wtj, M.uu wnu iiiupu) means, increased ex perience and a determination to give satis faction, we feel sure we snn u In t ha ft.,. as in the past, deserve the confidence of our "KuuoiiuuuiB uau generally. N. Qj, HERRINGS, FRESH. Just received at ' aplO-tf Q. T. bTONACH A BRO'S. ! 1873, 1873. THIRD STOCK THIS SEASON. W. II. ife K. s. TUCKER & CO., J - v . Are now receiving their purchases made within the last few days in the Northern markets, and are better prepared than ever to supply the trade with the most fashion able and desirable Goods in their several departments, of Iadies Dress Goods, . Mens' and Boys' Goo is, Children's Goods, Silk Goods, Linen Goods, . Cotton Goods, Lace Goods Straw Good, Hair Goods. Foreign Goo is L'omostic Goods, : Medium Goods Fine Goods, Cheap Goods. This last, with the former purchase of mis wpn ug, manes our stock tne Largest and Most Complete in the State, which we are offering at WHOLES ALE AND RETAIL, at price-, that must attract the trade. W . H. &Olf S. TUCKER & CO. may 14-tf E SOUTHERN MUTUAL FIRE of Richmond, Va. "Accumulated Capital 1st Jan. 1873, $172,867.23. Issues A nnual Term and Policies. Participating FARM PROPERTY A SPECIALITY Dr. II. G. DAVIDSON,: .President. JORDAN H. MARTIN, Vice President: J. E. NEISWANGER... .Secretary. I S. B. JONES, JOSIAH T. WATTS, may 11-tf Local and Travelling Agent. T A P A N E S E S I L K S At DAVIS. DRAKE & CO S. gOLUBLE SEA ISLAND GUANO 300 bags of this excellent Cotton Fertiliz er received to- day. - may 2-" . W. C. STRONACH. PROCTER & GAMBLE'S: JE X T R Jb O L JT.V JE. some Brands of SoaD are so1 A Rhrrt weigbt five to eight pounds per box. II you use in ese soaps you pay money for what you do not receive, can you af ford to do so ? Buy Procter :S Gamble's fnll wpio-ht Brand, Sold by Grocers in your city. LEACH BROTHERS, Wholesale Agents. ap2V?m KaiPicrh ,m n JVA U D , . LARD, LAUD. 100 Kegs best Leaf Lard, . 50 Half kegs X" " 10 Tierces : Arrivine to-dav. X WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH & THOMAS. inn ia-11 x THE BE RE A V ED WHITELaW CR 3 WDE a are prepare to furnish ? i ; 1 T O M B S T O N E S of all kinds, as cheap and as neat as anv other establishment in the Southern States Having been at the business of carving and engraving marble forty-fouryears, we consider ourselves equal to any in the Un ion. . . .; - : All orders or communications punctually attended to. x WHITELAW & CROWDER, Corner Blount and Morgan streets. r Raleigh, N. C. li. 1 sincerely nope the new firm win meet witn success, 11 we are worthy of pat- 1 uiiuge. . xwspecnuiiyj Z. CROWDER, formerly of Warren count v. N 11 apr2S-6in - : ' 20 BARRELS J'A" SUGAR, 10 Barrels extra C Sugar. . i;;, .1 20. . " "C"..- , 10 ' Crushed and Powdered Sugar, ap6-tf LEACH BRO'S. s UPER-PHOSP II AT E 100 Sacks Watson arid f!Trir' Phosphate, . luo sacks "Zells" Super-Phosphate. We have control of these celehrat phates for this markeU Wecan cheerfully recommend them lor cotton nr nnnhin else. J WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH 4 THOMAS. TY1 n lft-T t JfODDER, OATS, HAY, SHUCKS. may 2tf Wj C. STRONT ACII. W O O D W O O ;D, 150 Cords OATv tiinironvon.! 'Wood " ' 1 ... . 1 un.i mar 15-tf W a STRONACH. BOOKS IN LRIETY. Initial Paper, elegant, just to haTnd. ' nuAiNSOJy, Bookseller. mar 13-tf Raleigh, N. C. SPECIAL NOTICES. Tetter, Salt Rheum and alf Skin di.seiwp cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Liu" covery. " The People's Stamp of Value Government indorsement, which legally the sale of Plantation Eitteks. is n.it tiv only stamp-allixed to that famous Vet ble Tonic. It bears, in addition to tli it A' iitiai sauuttuu, iud oiiu inure Vaiuab' stamp oi public approbation, Thisinesn mable voucher ol its rare pronertiH a .'. " Tonic, Corrective and Alterative, is of inu-' earlier date than the Government creden ' tial; for millions of sick peisons had Dm nounced it the Grand .Specific of the -long before Congress thoughtof taxing iu7. piietary medicines. It is unnecessary i repeat, in detail, the proprieties ol t ' wonderful Vegetable In virrant. The 1m reference that can be oiieed to those w i , desire the full particulars of its virtues i the General Public. Ask those who h 'u1 tried it as a remedy for dyspepsia couti pation, billiousness, intermitteut l'evvr nervous debility, rheumatism, sea sickness low spirits or loss ot vital power wn ii Plantation Bitters has done for thein ai your inquiries - The lollowing statement, from oldest and most respectable mercti.ir.tv ' the city of Petersburg, speaks for itselt a.i.i needs no comment: I have for many years used " Bi t WITH'S ANTI-DVSPJS1T1CP1 1 .JH "... Jiniily medicine and also in my own c ' and 1 have no hesitation in pronounis them the most safe, efficient and plea-u, medicine wiUi which I am acquaiiiu, ' They prwmptly relieve Dyspepsia and n usual attendants, Costiveness, lleaubi i ,' Headache, Loss of Appetite, Clioiic, Oce ,' take pleasure In recommending them t , the public. They ward oil' disease aud 1,1 , -serve health. 1 always Keep a lull sutii.i on hand and would not wii:ingly be mum out them. John Kowit" ' Prepared solely by the proprietor, e"".; BECKW1TH, successor to Dr. Beckw'i'" " Petersburg, Va., and lor sale, at .he reap ed price 01 25 cents per box, by all drugis s and by Joseph Carr, Wholesale AsjenLT' jan 27-tf . Help fok the Hopeless. You are w v t dejected, miserable, and nothing does yo,, any good, you say. Don't despair. Tin 10 is balm in Gilead. Have you tried Viue. u Bitters? No! Then why don'tyou? Wild ¬ er your complaint be dyspepsia, biliuu, ness, nervous weakness, constitutional d. bility, or any other trouble, Vinegar BUu i s will revive and renovate your shattered system, as a genial ruin refreshes the with ered flowers. We Have Fkequently Heard mottu!. s say they would not be without Mrs. Win- -siow's Soothing Syrup, from the birth d: the child until it has finished witti tue teething siege, under any consideration whatever. Burnett's Standard Flavoring ' i x tracts are nettly put up in Unpanutlle j oz., 5 oz. and 10 oz. bottles, and are lor sjic by the trade generally in every princij ;u city and town in the United States, C;ui 1 das, and British Provinces, as well a m many other foreign countries. To Owjsees OP HorSes. No one wlo i, ever used Ur. Tobias' Horse Venetian Li meut, will ever be without it ; it is a c 1 -tain cure ifor Colic, Sore Throat, Bruises and Old Sores. Warranted supi . 1 or to any other; in pint bottlesyatOne l lar. Sold by all Druggists. Dejiot, 10 1'., Place, New York. Risley's Buchu Is a reliable Diuretic a: 1 1 Tonic lor all derangements of the uiin.i v and genital organs. The genuine, as 1.. -merlysoid by Havlland, Harral & Uisl. . and their branches, is no'w prepared bv Ti' V. Kisley, the originator and Propriei and the trade supplied by his successo r Morgan & Kisley, New York. The Secret of Beauty. What is it? n. longer asked, for the world of fashion r 4l tlie ladies know that it is produced . y using a delightful and harmless toilet in p aratidnknown a G. W. Laird's "Bloom 1 lfoutU.""Mia beautifying eflects are trie wonderful.Dti'ot, 6 Gold street, Nt York. For DYSPEPsiAiudigestion, depre.ssi.Mi of spirits and general Uebilily i u their va rious forma; also, as a preventive ag iiiii Fever and Ague, and other mtermitUi.t fevers, the Ferro-Phosphorated Elixir ; Calisaya, made by Caswell, Hazard A; f. New York, and sold by 'all Druggists, is tin best tonic, and as a tonic lor patients re covering from lever or other fictile.- 1 has no equal. Thurston's Ivory Pearl Tooth Tow der. The best article known for cleansiu ; and preserving the teetu and gums, fr-o; 'i by all druggists. Price 23 and 60 eeuts in-.. bottle. F. C. W ells & Co., New York. .... . x. Pratt's Astral OiLh.as a world-v 1 1 "7'"?;' unii 1 tent, iiinmin i tins oil. Over two million gallons Imv, been sold for the past two years, from wl, . ; no accidents of any description liave curred. Send for circular, uil i louse .- Charles Pratt. esUblished 1770. Now Yti K DOZEN FRES11 CAN Ni-.i; Tomatoes. 10 Dozen "l Winslow Jones" Green Cor'i mchl9tl w. c. Si'Ki ) N' A i ! jLOUR! FLOUR I! FLOUR ! I ; . 100 Barrels Bur's Extra Flour, M Elk River 200 Sacks Virginia Extra and Si; i v: nne Flour. 20 Barrels people's favorite ' Faml.y Flour, (good as Patupsco.) In store and arriving. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH & THOMAS mhl-tf gTOll AGE STORAGE, STOKAlii', Having completed our large BRICK XV A R EH O U S E , along side the Railroad near the North 1 olina Railroad depot, we are prepare, receive and store COTTON and any oi it 1 PKODuGhi or GOOD.M, and make lib. i cash advances upon same when I desi it Parties desiring to carry their cotton 0 until next Spring, will And it to ti,tir terest to coj-respoud with us. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH & T1IOM V nov 0- tl Conimissioji MeichaU. E B O O K S Just receive 1 Let MetuJ.i.-,t Hymns. 1 Maury's Geographies. 1 Initial paper. 1 " Baptist Hymns. Call soon. jl- BRANSON, ocUtf Raleigh, N. !. yRS. II, W, MILLERV n 'cm rdijtg House, Corner oi Newbern Avenue and Pa son Street. mh23-3m. Q V ID E Ds U P R E Ji Lately of Raleigh, N. C.,) Attorney ana Counsellor At Lm, No. G Wall St., New York, Will attend promptly to alk Profession; ! business entrusted to him. Refers to l L Chif Justice and Associate Justices of n e Supreme Court of North Carolina, aud io the whole Bar of North Carolina. iebl8-tf - Cf fAS. D. niLL, CHAS. E. SKISKER. I G. OBEE fc SuSS. Special. N K EK , I J ! V" $ SKI coaoiisso?r merchants, ' JVo. 17 Pearl Street, ( RICHMOND, VA., Solicit. fVm wl L....:.. r lour. Grain. Ao ' . - , ' I , S General Appnt.a" tnr virinia North Carolina for M Standard Fertilizers. ... ' at)2-wit w N D Board, in a wivate house, for Twlw nmi three children for the oalance of the year ages of children from 4 to 8 years. Am.u- at office of Piedmont & Arlington Li le In surance Company, may 13-! t M C K E R E In barrels , half barrels and kiter G. T. STRONACH & aplO-tf. BRO. TO 20 PER DAY ! AGENTS J Wanted! All clas.p of wnr-nmr people of either sex. youmr or old. niakT- more money at work for us in their spare moments, or all the time, than at anything else. - Particulars free. Address a. i nann CoM Portland, Maine. JalO-WIy