LY NEWjj, Proprietors. v;; round. A. Co.'s Store. Hi- IM AIU.Y i? ADTASCS. v ' l'KrN c'nts per week, " , i .. i we feU. Mttll at $7 !i'vi:irfis months; $2 forthres ., i v v at per annum. 1G EDITION. u w 4, ..JUNE. 10. 1873. -. . ...V CAL MATTER. ill 0viso.J, Viir Editor :, crip Tit icit momktrk. The urduy alood as follows 5 lok biore : - i a, r.i ........... J ........;..v 73 75 74 ...' (. . in the Episcopal Church. , tucnvhcrc .-.'' Carter and Capt. R. B. r0 in the city. , uutni gins for sale. See ,.nsau ot Williamson, Up Tiiotnas,. Agents. .; '..-. fv r keeping the city pumps : vcrtisol -for. See the nt ot the Chic! of Police.' ; , r i ; 1 g co! r. tn s s w e p u bl Uh 0:V proclamation in regard to iuuional Amendments. Pa to .copy, will take notice. i r. Variant p:ol oi water on between Wilmington and w ivfle " our' city- fathers are ::;jbf'.i:iitary condition of our ;v them to have nn eye on v w.v-ihc first day of the i.'r.t 1 xerces at Trinity Xol I Ti-.rr.ell. ot this city. State I .'.-.vers the address 4c:orc the , ci v:icti on Witimsday lr. 1. leaves this evening for enr Cuur.T The Court met .i 10 a. . in Judges Crooks w h"eh catno up was ,, 1". S.. vs." J. It Moody, th iiAVim; mi hi possession 13 n' lured tobacco un l i 5UUS District At pr.' cutt-l . an I T. B ,;a.f.v 1. -After the i-ami-, E:?tt'ur ol-. witnesses ami, v ,e ur.s'l,lhe'c.:i,-e was gvv : y .ti.d the Court took a re- - 1 1 i U; S , vs. Cawthorne, .-.: I:.y. the jury returned. ) ihl..NooX SESsMS. : the -MkvSJ case returned :.';;-'t '4'iiity on the first count ; ..'ick-.t .w-as- rtjtd cvtr and' . 1 p. rtmptonly this morn- a.;j-,urccd - to uieet at 10 ' - ::'u- ' ' " fue trial jfS. T. Car row I! -h.-r, before the Circuit r I tv, wasa petltct rnock c :u.-.-il 'for the prosecutors, . . :-'. i:.d, dtsircd to move s'.i-.uM 1j rttntDded to the "Atfe- i;( t pres'-nt. The . r:. y in t the indictment. - f r the dttt-U'lanta read a :. . r wfi.ieu it was claimed i-!i;u acted and, by consent,' I - Not Guilty " was at Tii- very p..iut ot the case, r i.rt ti.e .Marshal had the ' - f;,r f m tkiifj the iirrust, u s t Uf. Certain it is, that v.- shown ? at the time of d yi.knux and Underwootly ;r jilar e 1 on t-fiah wus never ii r conVpbint was made to i-'Cs ot tliea'U-iied unathor- L"n- er what circumstances ii i , This ii good weather .-l.rWa- .'uid ' mad log3. We. 'i' in several places a war ot ' i - n bVvs been declared against !..e the temerity to pant y or i toa'm at. the mouth. ;!"r North, the tanmus 'J.ietv who .h'itd an excessive J.-r-dog, in an ttsaj oo the -i .that hydropfiobia was a - ( rt atiori ol inere kars, and it bud been killed as nuid i':'ifiis to ignorance, flly i excited communities lie to investigate the subject, ,':d cases to their source and 1; to discover a single per- . iii.s own eyes, had ever ''dog, tTTough hundreds had ' f: .from their neighbors. '" 1 r t- r tfogs disqualified him, ! '!' p-irsumg the investigation i-".u!-i'iH?-y. . . , ;-yK CucitT. This Cuurt met 'J iJioriiit)'' at i) o'clock. All oi ' ! i . i re present. : 'i-'--.vii;g 'cases vl-ere argued : i i: kr rv vrcK. S. French, il, Robeson. Merrimon, '- A-!.'.- for the plaintiff and Ned. McKay and is. a 5,'f the !etet!lant., i :M.:ia;.. A im'r. vs. N'eiii Mc '';'-7..- lhJ.e.-.oii. Giles Leitch 'and N'(h-:n I. r .pjuMitilT and Ned ?HI,d N if M,.l ..ur. ..r ihTflldaUt?. lv!t ;oii,,im,f'd to meet this at th u-tial hour. 1 x t i r i ; r k. -T i i e Comnic 1 ici-- " i (of Peace Institute will dfcednv the 23th infct. m x ' oldivsw Vlll be delivered at ' - sh itday by Kev. II, O. Hill, ' ' a !,,,-, N, c:. Atttr the address ; !-e 'a'luouucuieut, of distinctions , 1 the different tlusst s, ad- s ''' '!ie tiraduating clu&s by I'roJ--o'ttij - and awarding ccrtiti ?01 ,;i K.iuation. , f :er,gular semi-auuual concert will t' -iu: Wednesday evening. JIP Daily News. VOL. II. KKTtvrr r. V.llT XI' 1;efore the Ma you itsterday mominc-Otho (VdYfrJl arraignea before lfis Ilono S S f 5 y weapon on the pcrsou of Mr iUmrv ton one of the Prop.ietors o the & tinel newspaper. Messrs. Ar,o & UaJ coun.bc'1 tor the prcsecutiou ila?ringMU-y:- A"octe Editor, Harris, Cosby, Newby and Collins nro pnetor and Farri Vowler, fetC and the colored porter, Wrirht were sworn as witnesses lor't he State. M f KmiS testiGed ia substance as fobows: I went in the composing room about G o'clock r. m , Saturday evening, to see the foreman, Mr. CollinS; saw Hampton remonstrating with Crab tree, and heard the charge that he, Crab tree, had pied some type on the galley s and ; heard Crabtree give Hampton he dn he, when Hampton slapped him in the face with his left hand ; thev cinched and both Tell. Hampton on tor were separated by men in the office.' taw the handle of a knife in Crabtree V hand. Alter being separated the was renewed by Crabtree advancingon Hampton, who picked up a mallet. Crabtree then seized a "shooting-stick " Iso licks wero. struck by either one, H8 the same parties interfered and the mil let and "shooting stick" were taken away, but in the scuillo the combatuutv got uear the rear d or, when Hampton tell out backwards and 'Crabtree on him which was the last I saw. -Hampton was bleeding piplusely alter he arose from the tlo.r. Mr. Col -in-?, the ore-man, was mxt ex amined, who stated that when he ar rived at the otlke in the morning,-. "Mr. Harrlss-said to him tint the porter had "pi,r a lorm at the press room the m-ht previous,; and to put on id! the force lie could tet, as it was necessary to make the Wtstesu mnil that evv.uing. "Mr. Crubtrte.thejob printer, came in at this moment. I told him ot the eireum-. stances, and asked hiuv to' suspend 'his job woik and go on the newspaper.' He relui."d to d.i so. We (the proprietors) then told him if he could not .insist us when in the Jnrj we had no use lor him, and told him he was discharged. Tie. came to tjie office in the evening, called tor hi? pay. when I sent him to Mr. Har ris?. Alter beit.g paiil by Mr. II. he came rack o the' Composing room and commenced a eouicisttion with Mr. Cosby in ngartt tos me money t'ht Mr. U. o.vcd Jnm tin V.ii private aeeount. Mr. C. to'd him to. etUne'o.n. Weur.t d iy and he w uld pay'Ktm ; beaid Crabtie'e Call C.isby-u i! n thief anil a liar, and' turmng from Cosby case, knocketl down some matter in the galley which Ml. Hampton had emptied, Mr. Hamp ton said "now See. what vou have done. pitd my matter f Crabtree s-nd, T iid not do it, and any .man that says so is a d n liar,' whereup u II. struck him or slapped him in the face, when the -fight occurred as stated by Mr. Kingsbury. I our oilier witnesses tcstihed to the same tacts, with the exception of Mr. J. A. Crabtree, who said Mr. Otho Crabtree did not use the term d n lie to Mr. Hampton. 1 he colored porter testiaed that Crub- trec came out to the door where he was jQnding and wanted ta borrow hi knife, at the same time stating that lie in tended to whip somebody before he left the oliiee. One of the witnesses stated that Mr. Hampton, after getting Crabtree "down, was stamping aim w..en Crabtree did the cutting. 1 Mr. Argo'the -counst! lor Mr.-Crab-tree, argued that accoiding to the, it was simply an afTriv, and one was as guilty as the other, that Hampton, a man wrmhiug 1GU lts., m:o!e the attack on Crabtree, wh? only weighed li t, and Crabtree used his knife in self-defer e. Crabtree was bound over in the sum of f;X)0, the Maur at the same time stating that.-ie would also b:nd over Hampton when his condition womd permit him to come into courr. Won't makiu Uequivtiox fokIIim. Gov.-Leslie, ot Iv ntucky, ins notmeti Governor Cahi.ved that he will, not make a rtquisi'tion -..for D .V. Peek, wlro was arrested some time va ' 1,1 ;."auiswu. county, this SUte, charged witu a fugitive from lvtatucwy on nei;ouui .., horsestealing, reek h i.hi a naiu time, and has betu used in a shameful manner. The tacts in '-the case. , are about as follows : S . me time idler the close of the- war l'eeK an rnuiitv. N. C, and went to Madison, county Kentucky, vv here he was tn- Vhc ,tch gafed on the tanu oi a gen; k uku,. had a ho.iic and stolen from him, and suspecting some of his hands of the theft, had several of them: arrested. ? Peek -wo? not charged A ttbcrime and continued to -ii-oik on tire tarm for several months afriTwards. Sometime- afterwards he returned to his home in Madison cmn tv N C. where he was charged with ..:.. .1 r,,n,m.'d the crime, lhe Governor of Kentucky was notihed of the arrest, but retuseci co mu , yy was discharged. tionand the prisoner Peek then went to work in; the nfigh fhood of Gre,nvii!e, C. ciohe h- was again arrested n no jail on the same- charge, crnor of Kentucky ag' a mi com uu i i . il,w In but the uoy Hi reiusmg ;o . - . ".. . 1 make a requisition, ue Feck returned to his home in this Slate and tlo re remained unmolested ior rear ,.,. he was auain arrested L ; . old charue aud kept for OH 1 iiv "- . - weeks in j til, and H now in eoi uuv- nieiir. .as "V,v.r;: , ...tut to statea vju111"" -"'" ti,. ha-i for the thiru r Liftko icqnisition tor tb, prisoner. ?i v CaldHdl has issued an order for -k' Tie and we hope tLc unlar- tilll). - A I ,or ' lillisdaf ,y-thrc -ifii of the P""T',.U ind van'1 find ; " 'll!lt ' ",lh" case. RALEIGH. X. c.. Stkday. Whether or not the un usual quiet of the city on Sunday was attribubible to the fact that it was the first Sunday, of the ne .v police force on duty we are unable to say, but certainly nr!l rUneW the c 5 so quiet an el orderly before. All the churcfies were largely attended, both momin, nn.i evening At the Edenton Street Methodist the fev. u u Ilendren occupied the nuluit in place of Mr. Mangum. v F At Christ's, Episcopal, theRev.Riclmrd Mason, Jr., supplied his father's ap pointment. F At St Johns', Catholic, the Reverend ather McNamara, alter Mass, read lrom the; Xentmel,. an article headed a "Sad Case,' which he thought was intended as a personal reflection on him, and an attempt to impair his usefulness as a chnstian minister. Father McNamara commented at some lenth upon the article, after which he made a lull and complete statement, of the whole affair upon which the article referred to was based, and we think satisfied his audi ence that his actions in the matter were not only far being wrong, but prompted by a christian spirit anU a desire to aid in the restoration of depraved humanity. Death of Agkd Minister. The Rev. W. II. Holmes, of Henderson, aged TG years, died in that place Sunday night from injuries received by a rail road, accident Saturday morning. Mr. HolmeV was walking along side thc de pt -platform, when a freight in back ing up to the t.ack,' struck him on the sho'-Jlder and threw him underneath the platform. As there was suflicieEt room between the platform- and the tiack to admit ot his passage, and the bruise on his shoulder not sufficient to cause death, it is reasonhblv supposed, u .at in u.e excitement ot the moment i. . ... negot tinker inc. rats which caused fatal injuries. his Mr. - Holhjes was ore of the oldest membeis 01 the Mciho.iist tamferecce, having been placed on the suneranuated list.secr:d-years, ago. Tie was4 however, a zealous worker in the cause' of rtdtg ior0a?:d the community of Henderson .suss aids a severe loss in jiis deatit. Jlis children- are al! married and his a''ed wise hold wikh the tuiiy meir.btr bl his house iu the .time -of his sad misfortune. i iiAK?. - Our r.tighbt.r, tha furis- ias our tloiuks for. the V,"e I; iv," i. led z d ui;'y to gi ve our '.crs a !;vc newspaper. ;Uoi the .mimeroUH evidences nhielt we daily rt ceive indif ate that our labors are appreciated and are particularly grati fying. Hays the Advocate :' "A .gentleman remarked ' to us a lew days s;r:ce that he had for some mon ii past been a reader of the Daii.t Nkws and that he d:d not hesitate in saving it was 'the miist sprightly" an 1 interesting Daily in 'the State.' We congratulate the. editors and managers of the Xews upon the marked success which has at tended their labors as jounirdists." N. C. Feiitilizino Company. The importance of this valuable enterprise to the State of N. C, can hardly be ap preciated in the absence of its existance, and we are glad to record the flattering pro?pcct of its immediate. - operations. We understand that there has-been an offer to take all the acids over that required 'by the Company at two hun dred per cent, on the cost of manufac turing for anoihrr entirely new enter prise th;t is to be started in this city. Died. dtath.ol We are pained to record the Dr. P. B. Hicks, a prominent citizen of Oxfortl, which sad event oc curred in that place on Saturday last. SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. XoTicr.T-This in to r.otifv a'l persons that 1 w ill pay no bill!?, either upon the order of my 'family or any one ..else, unless under. my own .signature, june lO-lt Nicholas John. Jon PftiNTiNO. We c.ill the attention of iiurchauts.C'krks of Courts, .She-rills, Law- y'ers, llailroad eltieersand Agents, and all fjicilitie clllre d at the Daily N ews Print I INCJ r'.STABLlSIlMElST tor the l-rnm Ptand I f to faithful exe-( Ut!on of all kinds of " " 1 Pit i.n tin o. V."e can furnish at short notice Cards, I.iill-Head's, Letter-Heads, Program mes, Hall Tickets, Blanks, Pamphlets, Tags, Hnud-bilis, Catalogues, Hills of P'are, .liow-liills, Ac, t'cr. 'Satisfaction, gviarau- tff'd. NEW ADVLft TISKMEN1S. 1) It O l O S A L S . At a moat ii'13 of the Board of Commis sioners for the City of Raleigh, held on the evening of the (ith rnst., tbe Cnief of Police was authorized to advertise for proposals to keep the c ity Pumps in order for one year, the Contractor to furnish new Stocks tt K.,.uVi . Prooosals' will he received at my ollice lor ten .lays from this date. 'r 1.. .M 11 ,v in v or an. reserved. , ..j r . , JAS. C. KING. June M-lOt Chief of Police. her.ti.uel and Era copy. S50 It K W A H I) Mtoleii .from the subscriber -n the 1st day AfJiaw. , IjA '.MK t'liEsNUT .sorri:ij Ma Rh", twelve years old; slightly sprung in liin.i anei.-M.. i will pay TVKNlY-i-ivi: IiOIiLAIIS for in fori nation- that will lead to the recovery olih .Mere an 1 the same a mount: for information that will lead to detection of the tmci. - C. If. GAl, ju7-dtitandw4t Kitirells, N. C. w A ' -JN I) T O li E'N T Two Seats' in Dr. Mason's iJnuicn. Ap- plv to J'uiie 10--t t. . r i . iv t- .j u, Ytirboro House". O HINGBBS, SHIN G L E & kJ in oh White Pine shingies cheapest and most d arable. u 3-tf W. C. STUONACH. QQ I) O Z . UOLLES O COTTOJT SIO&S Iteceived this day. TRADE SUPPLIED. Addre-ss e rdt-rs IIARUWAHB HOU3Eof JULIUS LEWIS & CO., ' Raleigh, N. C, ; ! Pole Agents for southern tstates. June 1-tf TUESDAY MORNING. JUNE 10, 1873. SUNDAY NI7lTELEGRAMs7 Resignation of President Fisuras A Proclamation of a Federal Democratic Republic, &c Madbid, June 8 President Figuras announced to the Cortes his determina tion to return to them the powers with which the Assembly had invested him as President of the Provisonal Govern ment ol Spain. He said that the condi tion ot the tenure ot his grave responsi bility had become more difficult than they had heretofore been, citing the freshly announced revolt of General Velardes command and the disastrous troubles between the citizens and sol diers of Grenada. He moved the pro ject for a proclamation of a Federal Democratic Republic. This motion was unanimously taken under consideration, and awaits only the final approval of the Cortss. A vote was taken on the nomi nation of Senor Pierez Maragal, the Min ister of Interior, to form a new Cabinet. The result was one hundred and two votes in the affirmative, and fifty in the negative. Pending the announcement of a new ministry, the Cortes adjourned to 9 o'clock this evening. Later. The Constituent Cortes at 10 o'clock this morning proclaimed the Federal Republic by a vote of two hun dred and ten to two. " The Invasion of Mexico, New Orleans, June 8. The Mata laoras Y Pullico, the government or gan, in an editorial headed " Invasion,'' severely criticizes Gen. Mackenzies expe dition into Mexico in pursuit of the Kickapoo Indians. It- denounced the act as an aggression, committed upon a nation that is to 3 weak to resist, and intended to serve as a pretext to seize additional .territory. The government of Mexico is urged to exact immediate reparation for this violation of her sov ertiguty, and concludes by saying that if it is not complied with it will be found that the Mexico cf to-day is not the Mexico of 1846. It is supposed that this article reflects the sentiments ol the government, it was received from City ot Mexico by telegraph, and is put forward to test the feelings of the peo ple of the frontier Mexican States. steamer llurnt. '-, Detroit, June 8. The steamer Aieater was oumeit. i tie passengers wtre nseue l with difficulty. - It is beiu ved that none were lost. The boat was valued at s75,000. foie had a lull cargo for Lake Superior ports. - :- -- Firemen Killed. LosTon, June 8. At the burning of the Hyde Park Mills three firemen were killed and several severely wouneled. A large number are thrown out of em ployment. Insurance. Toledo, June 8. The total insurance oh the fire yesterday amounts to about $210,000. NOON DISPATCHES. THE MODOCS. MURDERERS IDENTIFIED. Widows of Murdered Settlers "Go (or" steamboat Frank and Hooker Jim General Davis Pnlls oil' the Feminine Furies and is Wounded Exciting Scene in Camp, Ac. San Fkakcisco, June 9, Dispatches from the front state that Gen. Davis sent for settlers to identify the murderers and stolen 'property recovered from the Mo- docs. These people tell the following storv : Messrs. Boody and Seiera took up tiieir quarters on a section of land near the mouth ot Lost River last Au gust, and settled with their families. On the moiuing of November 29th, Capt. Jack's band of Indiaus were attacked on Lost River by a party of volunteers and compelled, to retire. Hooker Jim and his - party of Modocs were on the north side of the river from Capt. Jack, but knew, of the latter's defeat, and (luring me . uucuwu dcu "j Boo iy and Sciera were murdered by Hockcr Jim and his associates, while J T"1." :T.. " ? Sheep aoout ineir uouse, ane uncny uu conscious ot danger. The Agent of the ...... Yainox reservation haei pronusea ine settlers that any offensive movement nifn n-t the Indians should oe maue v..-., . known to the whites in time to attord them an opportunity to obtain a safe refuge; but the messenger sent by the Agent failed to perform bis duty, there by facilitating the massacre, and the arrival ot Boody s team without a driver and blood upon the wagon was the first intimation of the terribte tragedy the poor women received. Before noon they found the bodies or the mur dered men, wnicn were stripped 01 all their clothinff. And at different points within a few miles of the house, .j ag0 met tl)C Modocs, Hooker Jim, . v ... t: r..i- IT.ialoil ll.-ifnr One S Mou3; Rock riumn-'je'rry and Mrs Hooker' Jim. While 'the In- and mis. o dianswentto me uoue w uuu uui male victims, these women escaped and traveled night. and. day, su tiering many hardships and reached the houso ot Mr. fbmn in a complely exhausted condition GeneralDa-vis received the women kind- Iv. heard their story, assigned mem t "o a tent and promised to assist them to recover their stolen goods. 1 his morning Hooker- Jim and Steamboat Frank, who had just returned from a scout f - 1 a I . . I'a n i nitccimr AT rf i fQ alter tne inieu o. .w... rM -'" S..f?,T??..SnZ'd av7ti;il'r..5or .... tlipqp women, liooivei uiui was lucuu- i S 11 ! r, Boodv as one ofl iicti t T,i;n0 rmiwrno. n the massacre. lUu imimuo wuv ----- - , In response to some rem a ik. auuuu robbery of the house "Hooker Jim" said that "Long dim too .i me iouK jmi find he YTlooker Jim) took the shorl purse." At this point ol the interview tne two women became greatly excited and began crying. They lost all control of S" TrSTnd wit for SHmboa Frank A 5Irs; Roodv drew a kni e and dashed at Hooker Jim Gen. Davis interposed and "Lrmed botl! Twomen, receiving in the cfrocrh.. a alioht wound in the palm of hia hand,neaf the thumb, by the knifie Mrs. Boody's "hands. The savages du ring this scene stood like statues. They j never spoke nor offered resistance. It galls Captain Jack and his comrades in custody to see "Hooker Jim" and " Steamboat Frank " traveling to and fro at will and armed at that. He does not understand the consequences of turning States' evidence. . This after noon he became greatly excited and gave vent to his rage in a fiery oration. He rose in his chains with Schonchir, and in a strong and impressive manner, reiterated his grievances. The purport of what he said is told by Scariaced Charley, ' He is' mad," says Charley, "to see that the white men do not treat us all alike." He also complained that while in the lava beds a portion of his iellow captives were waning in their sympathies with him. An offieer of the guard came in and compelled him to desist in his wailing. There are now one hundred and thirty one murderers un der guard here. Miscellaneous News. A riot occurred at Fort Dodge, Iowa, The Marshal attempted to arrest a sa loon keeper for selling liquor contrary to the city ordinances. The saloon keeper was killed.' The engine of the mail express, bag gage car and a car freighted with fish, on Sunday's train, bound West, yester day went into the Elkhorn river at Omaha. One missing. The passengers will be detained a day. Gov. White, of Maryland, respited Holohan until the 1st ot August. A pie-baking establishm'eDt on Sulli van street, New York, was burner!, with thirty horses. The loss is $12,000. A number of negro families lost their fur niture; A fire at' Cincinnati destroyed 1,400 barrels of coal oil, twent-fi?e freight cars and nineteen dwallints. mostly shanties. The loss is $150,000 The fire originated between South and Park streets, in the "yard of the Marietta cc Cincinnati Railroad. Three million.' feet of ldmber was burned. Masonic Honors to the Late Minister Orr. New Yokk, June 9. At a -meeting' under the auspices of the' -Grand Lodge of Masons at Masonic Temple, Deputy Grand Master Weilford Thome presid ing, the following additional arrange ments were made regarding the pro posed obsequies in this city on the ar rival of the remains arc James L. O.r, late United States Mi:iiu r to llusvia. Owing to the absence from the city of General Charles Roomp, Grand Marshal of the Grand Lodge, Henry Clay Prcs ton, Tast Eminent Grand Commander of Grand Knights T templars of the Suite, is appointed Grand Marshal of the procession. II. W: Deputy Grand Mis tor Thorne has named the following dis tinguished M.asons as pal! bearers at the funeral: M. W. Christopher. G. Fox,' M. W. John 1). Lewis, ?.!. W. Clinton F. Pace, James Gibson, M. ,W. John II. Authon, M. W. Isaac Phillips, M. W. James Jinkinson, M. W. C. Nathaniel, M. W. Warring, MW. Johnson and Robert1 Mirccoy. The funeral takes place on Thursday should the remains arrive on Tuesday, and on Friday if the remains arrive on Wednesday. California Facms '-Races. San Francisco, June 9. The Facing race at Oakland to-ciay was wen ty the California hors?,. "Defiance"-in three straight heat, beating Dan-Voorhees' and kLoo:lellow." Defiance's best -time was 2:19. Dan Voorhets was the la- voritc Alexandria Palace. London, June 9th. The Alexandria Palace, London, is burning.. Adudion- al fire brigades have been called,- out it is feared that they will not arrive in time to save it from destruction. Later. The Alexandria Pabioe is entirely destroyed, lost. Seven lives were Boys Drowned. Newark, N. J., Juno 9. -Three of ten boys, returning from a'pic-mc in a j. . -i - " n- 1 1 . ........ boat4sre drownea. ire. ooai was iuu down by the. steamer Ameiicu, . : -- : MID N 1C II T DISPATCHES . Mexican Frontier Troubles. St. Louis, June 9. Dr. D. Williams, who has resided in Chipauhua 2 years arrived here. Dr. Williams -.confirms . .... : ti;.. 'i,;t I the capture 01 tne wiran i"o vu.t, Losada. It was believed he was imme- diatelv shot, Dr. Williams thinks there will l.n no serious . comulaint over the McKenzie incursion after the Kickapoos. Williams, however, thinks the Mexicans will use Mclvenzies exploit as a pr- ce dent and follow home Mausuder into the United States territory, i ms w 111 eventually lead to trouble and pninge the frontier into war. bucu-resuu How ever, would be hailed by many as de-ira-ble. as it would lead to the carving out ot another full slice lrom -sick '.nan in the southern border. 'There are, how- ever, efforts being made by somof the leadsng men ot parses on the Mexican Grande, wnich may lead lay lead ------ to neo-otation for annexation ot n.ore ot Mexican territory, m order to stnnuth- -n the! boundary line, and by wh eh Mexicb will be enabled, to to pi.y cer The terntoy cove; eel ior mar purpose embraces tne states oi inucm Leon, .Cohahnaila, Chiunhua and .the "North .end ot Durougo, -.' Leno-ra -.and Lower California. These bta-Us were This o nc- known as M"exicai iron! n r -States. -would shorten tlie Ooiiue viy one .,. , in rr ot the ii -" " ., could be much more easily projected hj r- . . f iwn.rt.N? ir.w 't i lost I uum ulIuuu"tu"'i I - t c,-. with the. rre sent i f --- - - T "boundaries. It wodlcl be a vfis, tcino- ry with fine'mineral lands and pastures which are now nearly .worthless to the Mexican pepplev ; ,. , 1 . .- ; r(.o.i:nrc nf Howies Ilrother -St Co. Mwro Vontc. June 9. B )wies, Bro. Co.'.rarTs bakers, . creditors 'o rnjn ?ooa he 11th inst. iney Pv l" l' J V 1 with interest within a year, but a co m- promise - property from being absorbed by lea. in I proceedings. NO. 91. A Terrible Massacre Perpetrated on the Captive Mcdccs by Cowardly urejron Volunteers. Sax Francisco, 'June 9. Dispatches trom IJoyies Camp.rdated Yesterday, re late the particulars of a massacre ot Mo doc prisoners, which is supposed to have been perpetrated bv OWoit ' volunteers. , . ' i on t.aturetav mormnsr. Jame Fairchild ami ,lM1 twni i.r. ,r.U tt.,; I u;i ii Ti I . ii . y, , i . .1 vuhuuhu vilcd, witu seventeen Mouoc captives, inelud- mg women and ' children, and Shack- nasty jim, jjous unaney, leeence jacK, Pony, and Little John. Tb Indians J - ., , 1 r-3 1 were in tne wasron drawn bv femr mules, . T . T ? , I and at the crossing of Lost River the .... a ' i.j- . , volunteers under the ccmasand of Ay- ser. lhe soldiers eathered about the wagon and questioned Fairchilel. The latter told taem the Indians were all Hot Creeks except Little John, and that there were no charges against them. Fairchild undertook 1 to push on to Boyles Camp, and the Volunteers retired I to their camp near Crowley's. On the road Fairchild saw two men' ahead, rid mg to itocky if to intercept him. Wtien tlie team approached the M men, nnpnf tliPm' nrfspntcil o nr-fdlp (Tlm't one or tnem presented a needle gun at Fairchild, saying "Get down you old white headed rascal." By what author ity said Fairchild '., "By mine." I am going to kill the Indian, and you too was the reply. The leader caught hold of the mules and unhitchad them, cut ting the. .harness, Fairchild clinging to the lines, leaped to $ the ground. The poor wretches implore 1 for mercv and befji. e I Fairchild to save them. The warriors were unmarried and knew resistance was ; useless, they were the coolest party although facing inevitable tic th, but the womtn and children shrieked, '.'groaned and wept piteously. i airclnld had, unfiling but a small pis tol and six inches from his ear was the muzzle of a .needle gun. lie says tears came m his eves 'and he mingled his en treaties with those of the Modocs in hCDesihat-thumassaerc-miiiht be avoid- I , .1 . Tf ii:. ;. :i.i ;. ' . 1 en. ate auus, "ii w as. a leruuie scene, one I never shall forget. I shudder when I tlii tik' of what I saw and heard. The tearful voices of those women and children stiil ring in my ears; but the cow'aidly "homjd's were not to be balked. A !? ho1:, an d Lillle John lay dead in the .wagon, with a bullet in his brain. The rauas dashed away with F liicniid, who became .entauilcd. in the bats. l ive more shois were ired m' rgmi!sueees sion, bv which Jack, Por v and' March were kilieil and . Li tile. -John's squaw frightfully wounded in the shoul der. Atvay a!. ad . Oil t he road, in the direction of Boyles Camp, v cloud ' of oust was perceived, indicating the ap h n roach of a team. Tne ulurderers saw the dust and so. rapidly away. .5cgcaut Murphy ' of Battery G, 4th Artillery, with ten men and a teamster, came up to -the scene of the massacre, when the Sergeaut' ..took charge. Fair child, si teamster and the. wounded squaw, with 'her two children, came in at 2 o'clock this morning. Indian 31 alters Davis Proposes to 'March Tfirougnto the Sen," cVc. BovLiis Camp, June 9. Gea. Davis proposes to take .cavalry, a light battery or the Fourth Artillery a net ln.tantry and march through the Klamath couq try to Fort Warden and llaruey and lar north as, V aU'ihaUa, tor tee our;:ose of ihtiniidatlts:..' .the vlndinn., Prebmi tiiiry (iidsMs for this-'nioveuvent have al- rWi-.J v- becn'i.s&Ui-d. ' -.-'' ' ' FAirxiiiLb Ranch, SVuO A. M At S o'clock esteidav hiornimr John Fair Ci! no and ii;s b. o Bulgers together w 1. .1 liOgUS Unai airO, S'hacknastv J,m. M 1 T.I 'I pVnin .uVa, ctiptti.rcti aie tjt he'r I 'and tluy few day's.. with ti'C -Modoc ptiSoneib ' . - . hborhood. There j . , v i .. . . , r ; ! .p vi.M -i- fv , , . v '-' w ;.. i it Ke i v oe- capiUi.ya in a The New !puuih CiibiiiCi. MADidD.'. J-ine-' 9' Shivtly after :h he p u-'ure of the resilnt:n:- dcfinifely pro claimmg tiu rsb a il Uepuboc yester dav.'the Cartes took'n recess until the evening. .' At ; he ti ght jsittiug, Senor FiV Maraud propo&r'd.: the- ioi lowing Ministers tor the Cham btr : .-i'res;ient-ot the uouncu and sua is:cr of .Interior, Senor. I'iy Margall ; Mini-ter of S;ate. Ccrvera; Minister of J itstfeo. J: Predieal ; --Minister oi War, Fstavar.z; Minisrer of the Colonies, Loiri; Minister, of Finance, Corv j il ; Minister Of Marine, 0,eiro; -Ministei ol Public Works, PaSauca. : After an animkted eh i) ste. the Cortes went' into.- secret session, during which, the neminauons were appr:;ved. Another Street Car Murder in New York. New Yor.K, Jane X. FeeriKinney, this 'morning while travelling down tow n on the 3rd" Avenue car, engaged in analteraiion with another p isrenger,wdio proposed they should get out of the car and fi"ht it oat on the side walk. Kin- ,iev consented, when immediately on their etesvnountJng his. aeivei saiy (.new a pistol and. 'Sited, ihe ball. lodiMug in km ncy'o abdomen."'".. The wour.d will likely move fatal. The man who fired the shot escaped. His name is net. known. Joe Ueburn, tin; pum'ist, wdnesset th affray nr.d s detail d "p n i -ig the m te mortem investigation,-- IJigh Times in Duplin. Dr i'i iN. June 9 ini'dn tlie timber v A gre it fire is rag i: i to eves lnter- i oi eves rsipt He !ir. men.- i r op- i!i.(- charge. r tne The rnoi. , ami wunv - e hurt Mavor of the city were hit with a stone. Tht'txcitemect is jpar.Jai ' : !- ' Weather Prohilities. Waskingtos, Ju-i'e 9 - For the South' Atlantic' States' fVrsh southeasterly to sou; hwesu nv v,ii;ds abd partly cloudy weather. O T I G E I SlIKPAtil', Esq., of Edenton, AR!. :'Mi'J. CAKKR, JSO. U. NFAL. Wil.iJ. SIIKPARD. Norfolk, May 22J, 1873. my23-lm v i. 1', Tsj (v n v jn,r this oav oeen auinii ie, s t,;irtiter iu the business of John B. Kea i'tlL style nd ,n?m e of t rm wd hetvaiter be l?,KLil. NLAL & b'Uf- DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. une square, Be lnsertUm..... ...i 1 00 une square, two insertions . . 1 60 One square, three insertions 2 50 une square, six insertions........... 00 One square, one month 8 00 une square, tnree months.. 16 00 One square, six months. 80 00 One square, V . elve months, 60 00 j? or larger advertisements, liberal con tracts will be made. Ten line s solid non pareil constitute one square. . COMMERCIAL REPORT. New York Markets. Tm EW-YORK . June ft. flnttnn stenriv. eols. 1.T29 bales, bplands 19 Orleans 20. Y - , 9,242. . , haiet of cotton for future delivery to-day W?1!1, : 'u-ti , iiujiMi, is m-oa : isepiemD r is 7-ih Octob r 17 13-lGaV7. . ' f lonr mill ana aroomne ; enmmnn tn taAr -L 1 t uioivci luwer, ill UU vers lixvui vo. wiieaL u snaae nrmen Corn a wuueuer; yenow western euaOT. Rice .uu 01 "..- weaK. rll J j!8 L15T16 ?!? 17; Governments better.. States steady and nominal. 1 ' &..auv. H' i'TUiO aiCb.. xauvvr Street market opens dull. Money vcu uuuiinaut. Foreien Markets. London, June 9 Noon. Consols 92K. Five's 89. :.--' Livekpooi.. Tune 9. Noon. C!ot,tn nnen. ed steady ; uplands 8; Orleans 9 juater uoiLon ciosea nrmer, not higher. Sales 12,000 bales. Speculation and export 2,000 bales. .Livening Cotton closed uplands 8 ; Or- leans 9J4 Baltimore Market. T2 T rpTirrvnw limn ( tt..-. J changed. Wheat dull and unchanged. Corn i.steaay ; wane woutnern ta ; yellow south- -IU. mixea western 03. UatS OUll ; southern 48a50 ; western mixed 48. Wheat nominal. Kye unchanged. Hay vnchanged. Provisions quiet and unchanged. Western butter steady ; good to choice 19a21. Whis key dull and nominal 94. Suerar firmer 10 4 " Cotton Markets. New OiAeans. June 9. Cotton in oroort demand ; uedinary 12 ; good ordinary 15 ; lOWlTlidfirinfrs f&.ii(W. ml rLO Intra 1 low midanngs I6al6 ; middlings 18. Norfolk, June 9. Cotton firm: low middlings Boston, June 9. Cotton firmer; mid- ntrs nn. dings n). Baltimore. June 9 Cotton firm; mid- dlings 19Ja. Charleston. Jane 9. Cotton auiet. mid dlings ' Wilmington. June 9.' -Cotton quiet, mid- 7T Olings 18. ... NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A p R O "C L A M A T ION BY THE , Governor of North Carolina 1XECUTIVE DEPARTMENT,! Raleigh, June 9th, 1873. J - " Be it known to all whom it may concern , That in conformity with section. 8, chap-' ter ibi of the acts of the General Assembly passed at the session of 1873-'73, ln relation j to amendments oi the Constitution of the .state; 1, tod R: Caldwell, Governor of the State of.. North Carolina, do order so much of the preamble of said act as Bets lortli the ' alterations proposed and agreed to and tha sec uct section or saia act to De pamisnea tor thirty elays pteceamg tne iirst xnnrs-t day ot August, 1873,-in the Raleigh "Daily v Se'ntinel,'f the "Daily Era ' and the "Daily - .news ', published lu Kaleign, and also ior the same length of time iu the following Weeiily papers, published In the various Congressional Districts of the State to-wit t First- District 'N ortn Carolinian," Eliza beth City ; "Express," Washington. isecond District "isews," uoiusDoro! "Mail," Rocky Mount. Third District "statesman," Fayette ville ; "Star,-" Wilmington. - Fifth District "JNew North State," Greensboro ; "Chronicle," Milton. Bixtu District "Democrat," Charlotte; "Sjpii it of the South," Rockingham. iseventn District " American," statea ville ; "Vatchraan," Salisbury. Fignth District "Pioneer" and "Exposi tor," Abbeville. - -' That portion of the preamble ordered to . be published is in the following words,"' to-wit : "Whereas, the last General Assembly, (three-rifihs of the whole number of mem- oers of ea -h House concurring.) the bill containing the same having t-een read 1 hreet tines in each House, proposea the fol lowing alterations of the Consti.ution of the State, to-wit ; Alteration in relation to r the public debt; alteration lh relation to it he olnee 01 Superintendent or Fubllo ! Works ; aiteiation in relation to the State eeusus; alteration in rei ition to exemp tions from taxation ; alteration in relation to the University ; alteration iu relation to the sessions of ihe Ueneral Assembly; alteration in relation to the Code Commis-' ioners : alteration in relation, to Federal and other officers holding oflice." :; -The second section of the said act ordered I n t... ..I.4..1....: i,, i,. .'.I 1 n..r i .... . .4 I rAnir - ,. I Ki,an :, ,lntv of the Sheriff In I each and very county'in the state to open I pons ut uicsuvn iitiBcuui piTOmuwiuiiii county on the si 1 nrst Thur.-aay in Ao I trust next, and tlie same shall be kept open- tor one day, trom tne uour ol tl-ht o clock in the morning to the hour of seven in the altt inoon, when ail persons qualified to vote according to the Constitution, may vote lor or against the ratification oi each f the-said' amendments, those desirins sucli amendments to vote with the written printed ticket For Amendments.' . those of a contrary opinion to vote with a wiiite i or punted tie-Ket, "Against Amend- , ments.1" Hie attention of Cornty Commissioners and Inspeeto: s of the Election is also called to the 4ih section oi said act oi ASsemDiy whi -h i r ) i les t hat separate ballot-boxes shall te furnished for eaea amendment Xfy oe voteu on. Done at our City of Raleigh, the l. s nintli day of J ane, A. D. 1873, and in tne niney-seveniu year oi America u Iudepe'udence, TOD R. CALDWELL, By the Governor ; j. B. JNKArniiiiY, rrivaie isecy, June 10-a0d ' jt&ir The naoers named in the foreeoinz proclamation wilt punlish as therein dL- reeted and iorwara oios to .executive orace A UCTION .81 L E OP VALUABLE BOOKS, &c ' State of North Carolina, : uitice Secretary of staie, Raleigh, June 2d, 1878. I q pursuance with Section 17, Chapter 45 Laws of is"3, I shall offer tor sale, at Public Auct ion, at the rsenal on the Caplioi Square, on . ... Thursday, the 3d day of July, 1873, 3 000 volumes, more or less, of Laws, Joor n'ais, Documents, fec., worthless manuscript and other matter on hmd, consisting In part of the following books: ' r Public Laws, 1869-'70,1ialf bound, ' full " Senate Journals, I800-'7U full hot nd. ,. . . .t . t. .. . . . . ' Laws special Region 1CS. Huportof Freud (3oumiion. Piiv-ueh'ws lMii)-'70. n . Legi"'-tive Doeu-nents-l-To. e;- - , . 1870-71. Code cf Civii rrocednic - senate Journals IStW-'tJO. Ho.s.! " ". Coiistitution and Ordinances ISelS. f-puate Journals 1S7"-'71. ' House " " , 'Legislative Documents lS66-'67. He-vised Codes. - r ; : Senate and House Journal 1860-'o. . Public Laws istfc-'0tf. isw-'w. senate and House Journals 1862 '63. Legis at ive Documents, 18(i-V64. ; Journals of convention 1865-'66, . &c, &c C f,n?v1.i.s.imi others uesirine topnrcnase privately, fan do so at any time before the iny o sate. ' . , The saie will commence at iu o cioca, p. ui. " i'eruis c:ish. Kor inlo-mation regard lrg private sale, address thUvffleefi - HOWEB June !-4w D Secretary oi fcstaie K. W. TBOMA .SON, Auctioneer. riEAS, CO FFEE AND SUGAR. Ofallgiades, my21-tf R. F. JONES & CQt 1 1 1 n r- H .; h-'t i . -: f ,,i U' ; if v i . - ! , . - S ' I -Hi i , i - 1; f T. r.

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