DAILY NEWS. 7 n - j Ti w T T" 1 ! r '' "iK" STONK & UZZELL, - - PRorRlKTOKS. FAYETTEVILLK STKEET, . Over W. C. Htronach 4 Ce.'a Store. CASH INVARIABLY IK ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to subscriber at fiftken cents per week, payable to the currier weekly. Mailed at 7 per annum; 3.50 for six months; $2 forthrea SlO'ltllK. The WEEKLY NEWS at 2 per annum. RAXES. OF ADVERTISING. u ot One squat one Insertion tot, 8 ne square, two Insertion, . 1 61. n square, three insertions.........,.. - 2 St One square, six Insertions a oar One square, one tnrwith . 8 Of - , One square, three months. ....,r.. 16 Oi) On square, six montog....j......Ii.' SO 0J One square, f. elve months,iu.MXU.; 0 00 ixot larger advertisements, liberal. oon- VOL. II. RALEIGH. N. C.jTHUESDAY MOflNING. JUNE 12 1873. NO. 93. i wwjHwm Demade. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. - tr4 i . -4 MORNING EDITION. She gtaldfjlt gaul tw. TIIUKSUAY... .JUNE. 12, 1873 LOCAL MATTER. K. C. WOODSON, City Editor ZTAl parties ordering the News will nlertse send the moaer lor me time the paper is wanted. Contractors will not be allowed, under their contracts, to advertise any other than their legitimate busi ness, unless by paying specially for uch advertisements. Aj-J. O. II. Nuttai.Ii, of the Charlotte Advertising Agency, is agentfor this paper in Charlotte. N.C. He is duly authorized to contract for advertisement and receipt lor subscription. Messrs. Griffin and Hoffmaa, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 South Street, Baltimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements at out lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. t3"TnK AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL AND Tiir. News. The State agricultural Journal, an eight-page Weekly published in tnis city, will be clubbed with the Daily News at 5S.50 per annum, and with the Weekly News at 53 50 per annum. Orders directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. - I'-if As the enforcement of tlie-Cash system ic ill cause us to strike from our lint the names of many of our subscribers and after the first of this month, ice trust that no offense will he tahen by those wJio may thus find their papers discontinued, as ice mean no disrespect to any one m doing so, bat only to carry out our deter jnination and the recommendation of the late Vtcks Colwentiori. We hunt, how ccer, that those thus deprived of the News will at 07tce renetc their subscriptions. STONE & UZZELL- June 1, 1873. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. RALEIGH TOST OFFICE ARRANGEMENT. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 8 p. no., du ring the week (except while the mails are being distributed.) TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING THE MAILS Western New Orleans, La., Augusta, Ga., Columbia, S. C, Charlotte, SalisburYj Greensboro, Salem, Chapel Hill, Hillsboro, ifcc, due at 7:30 a. m. Close at p. m. Eastern Charleston?" S. C, Wilmington, Newborn, Beaufort, Goldsboro. Ac, due 7 p. hi. Close 0:30 a. ra. Northern, via Weldon New York, Balti more, Philadelphia, Washington, Rich mond, Fet.ers.uurg, Norfolk. Weldon, dfce., due at at 3.3'Jp. in. Close 9:15 a. in. Northern, via Greensboro and Danville Yn., due 7:;0 a. m. Close 6:;0 p m. Cliaiham Railroad Fayetteville, Jones boro, Apex, Osgood, Ac, due 10 a. m. CJose i p. ji. Miscellaneous Eagle Rock, Monday and Thursday, due 11 a. m., close 1 p.m. Rox boro, every Wednesday, due lllaa.m., close 1 p. in. Leachburg, every Wednesday, due a. m., close 1 p.m. Averasboro. close 8 p. m. Thursdays, due 0 p. m. Krida-'--- Office hours for Registered. Letters and Money Order Departments, from b a. m. to 5:30 p. in. No mails sent or received on Sundays. W. W. Holden, F. M. State of ths Thermometer. The Thermometer yesterday stood as follows at BransoiiY Book Store : At I) a. in:..'.- . . . .. "72- ' At 1 m..' -.. 74 At3yni 80 At 0 p. m... 80 Local Briefs.- Two mad dogs "killed in the ticinity of the Raleigh & Gaston railroad shops yesterday. . T. A. Gardner, Esq-, ot Wilmingtom ex-Grand Master of Masons is on a visit to the city. Madison Hodge, Esq., who was thrown from his wagon, by a runaway horse, on Wednesday, is rapidly recovering lrom his injuries. With the exception of a small num ber Of arrests of parties " drunk and down"' yesterday a general dearth of police news prevailed. The work of remodeling the Court House commenced yesterday. We learn lrom the contractor, Mr. Royster, that, though it will not be finished, the next session of the Court can be held iri it. Brick niakincr is at present about the largest business done in our city, and orders are now ahead of contractors for brick to erect new buildings. How is that for prosperity. The Mayor has issued orderi to own ers of property to at once see to the cleansing up ol their premises, as a Board of Examiners will proceed to in spect every lot in the city on the 19th inst. Steps are beyag taken to break up the hells-hall-acre on the Boylan farm, in the extreme western part of Western Ward. A small body of densely tim bered ground is used on Sunday as a refuge lor low down gamblers, who. drink, curse and broil, much to the an noyance of persons living in that vicini-. ty. Break it up. He that ringeth the bell for the 'as sembling of the Circuit Court doeth his work well. We donot wish to inter fere with the innocent amusement of this valuable public servant, but offer the following proposition : If four taps instead of a hundred and four fail to reach the ears of the most distant mem bers of the bar in the city we will in-person after them. go Old Bourbon. Messrs. ilogers and Harris, liquor dealers, on Wilmington street, sent to our office yesterday quite a novelty in the shape ot a bottle of genuine Bourbon county whiskey, five years old. Mr. Rogers, one of the parties, a native ot Bouibon county, is now on a visit to his home and bought several barrels of this whiskey, which he sent to his firm by Express. We have seen none in this market to tqual it. Catawba. White Sulphur Springs. I This-pleasant summer resort is now J fien lor the reception of visitors. The the many attractions surrounding the Springs are too well known to the public to need comment her. W in. v'te attention to advertisement. Preaching Temperance Ukdkr Difficulties Bro. Ramsay, the great North American Temperance Apostle, received a few days ago, an invitation, numerously signed bj citizens of county, to deliver a temperance address at a certain church, about four miles distant from station,on the Raleigh & Augusta Air Line, Tuesday evtning. Bro. Ramsay, as. a matter of course, jumped at the proposition, and accord ingly on the 'evening aforesaid, entered the train bound for his destination. We will-'not dwell upen the happy and contented features of the Apostle's countenance as he contemplated the glorious reception that awaited him at .the station; the large and overwhelming outpouring of the people that looked for his coming at the church ; his grand entree with a select committee of distinguished na tives, and imposing march up the aisle to the pulpit, and last bat not least the introduction by some prominent vounir man or tne county, who would doubt less refer to the public acts and 6eryices of the distinguished orator. J While in this pleasant, train of thought the whistle of the engine an nounced the station that the apostle was to get pii at, but the reverie was onlv disturbed for the realization ot the pleasant anticipations indulged in. Bro. Ramsay arose from his seat, and though somewhat excited, managed bj a dexterous movement to so arraDge the lappels of his duster, with a slight indentation ot hi3 cassimere hat. as to present a sentimental appearance. To say the least his general u get up4" was on the careless neglige order, which we be- leve is recognized now as iust "the tninf? ties. Bro. Ramsay reseated himself just as tne cars halted at the water tank to await the arrival of the committee, but as the committee seemed backward in coming in, the programme was necessa- niy cnangea ana liro. 1. advanced to the platform, and still the committee were non est. V - The engine ,kblowed off breaks" and the rapidity with which the Apostle made for" his carpet bag in the rear ol the coach and his abrupt disembarka tian, somewhat disturbed the dignitv of the occasion, but as everything hap pens for the best, there was not a single soul present to witness it. The Com tmttee; where was it? "That's the question," thought Bro. Ramsay ; he was not, however, long in suspense. As the smoke of the departing train cleared off, a man with a mule emerged lrom the bushes near by, and asked "it thar hain't one of thess Roily temper ance lellows around here sum'ers." The Apostle replied that he had been invi ted to deliver an oration on the subject of Temperance at Chuich that evening. "Then I rather guess you're the feller they sent me alter. So come up to this stump and get up- be mud me, fr, tebborrrai latbct ttdc afore," said the man. But Ramsay prefered to ride behind, and the pair, or rather trio left the station for a gentle man's residence two miles from the church and four from the station. We will not attempt to describe the appearance of the Apcstle, with carpet bag in hand, taking a rear seat, on the bare back mule, holding on with bis left band embracing the waist of his file leader, (We have sent on for a cut which we propose to publish in the News.) Though frequently admon ished by his companion to "keep his heels outen the flanks of the critter" Bro. Ramsey could not help it, and the olt repeated kickingups's of the mule delayed the journey to his stopping place till the time that the speaking should comnjience. As it was only two miles to the church a proposition was made to walk over, which the Apostle gladjy accepted thinking he could get some relief from the pains and aches of his mule back ride. The lateness of the hour would not admit of supper, and off the party star ted for the church, which was reached in due time, Bro. Rarmay smartly fa tigued, An audience of twenty-five were In waiting, the Apostle walked all alone through the aisle to the pulpit upon which was burning a tallow candle and the only light in the room. Bro. Ramsey's first idea was to in crease the light, which he did by cut ting the candle in two pieces, and placing himself between them, opened on " Temperance," "Good Templars," etc., etc. , He told them of the great reconstruction now going on ; how the whole country from Maine to Texas was rising in its might to crush the monster intemperance ; and that in a few years, ' it the lamp would only hold out to burn," but it did not : before he could finish his sentence, the flicker of. the last candle expire3, leaving nothing but a greasy spot on the pulpjt. A com motion was heard in the audience, and as Bro. Ramsey could not see be con eluded to go and feel for the disturb ance. 'In passing 'down the aisles he found every bench empty. Going out in the yard, be saw only one person who approached him, saying, "if it was convenient for him he would be glad to have him spend the night with him." It is unnecessary to 6ay the proposition was accepted, and soon the Apostle was wrapped in the arms of morpheus, dreaming of Temperance,rec'onstruction and organizing Good Templar Lodges. At 4 o'clock he was roused from his slumbers, and told that if he wished to take the train he must be in a hurry, that a mule was in waiting and a man would take him over to thestation, five miles distant. The toilet was hastily concluded, and by the first gray streaks of morn, Bro Ramsay discerned his man and mule at the outer gate. ."' Be in a hurry," cried tne man witu the mule, "them cars don't wait much for anybody, not even temperance speakers." This rather quickened the moderate pace of Bro. R., who was soon placed in position on the mule. A half gallop nan troi, wnn now ana tnen a run down a hill brought the Apostle to the station just in time to get aboard the train for Raleigh, At ten o'clock, we daw Bro. Ramsay seated at the breakfast table at the Yar borough House, displaying an apetite truly remarkable as we thought, for a cold water man, ana toon oc casion to remark upon the same. When we heard the story as above related, all that heavy exercise without iood for twenty-four hours, it was satisfactory, and no further questions asked. It is reasonably expected that when Bro. Ramsay appears before the Queen, he will relate this true circumstance as a part of the "History .of Temperance Reconstruction in North Carolina-" How Long ! On How Long 1 1 Since the commencement of Jthe Federal Court in this city' an opportunity has' been afforded us of obtaining an insight to some ot the most, damnable, diabolical, flagrant outrages perpetrated; on the very best citizens of this State that has been known even, in these,latter daya of sham justice. In the Revenue i DeparN inent there are a miserable horde of sneaking, skulking specimen? of degen erated humanity, known as Governments detectives. . In this State we are pe culiarly cursed in this particular, and cite the following cases to bear us out in" our inflexibly formed opinion : W. C. Troy, ot Fayetteville, who, for two suc cessive terms, has been honored with the suffrages of the good people cf Cumberland county for the position of State Senator, and is now a member of jthe State Senate from that county, a gentleman whose reputation for honesty, integrity and every other virtue that enobles a man, is not confined to the limits of his own section, but through out the State, is brought from his home and business, required to remain in Ral eigh for more han a week to answer an indictment before the Federal Court for not cancelling stamps on empty tobacco boxes, or in other words, for defrauding the Government, upon the affidavit of one ot these things above refeired to. Yesterday the case wus brought up against Mr; Troy. The detective did his swearing ; after which the District Attorney consented to a verdict of "not guilty." Mr. Troy, who not only loses his time and incurs a heavy expense, but suiiers the stinging indignity of an indictment upon the affidavit of such a man, is not the only one by several who has undergone the same experience. J. J. Minetree, Esq., ot Louisburg, one of the most quiet, peaceable, unoffending citizens of Franklin county, was dragged up here by the same man, under similar circumstances. The ques-tion is now, how long ; oh, how loDg, are these things to continue? How long are our people to be subjected to these .grievous indignities? How long are we to be cursed with this mis erable Government detective system? The 24th of Junk. Masons every where will remember that this is the anniversary of St. John, the. Baptist, on which occasion Tuscarora Lodge of Ox fordjCelebratta it in a grand style at the dance ot othci Lodges and Masons from every section ot the State. Let there be a large and full turnout. It will pay any Mason who has the good of the order - at heart to go, and see their splendid prosperity, and what is being done by the order for the orphans. Din ner wiU be prepared for 500 persons. Addresses "will be delivered by Rev. B. Craven, D. D., of Trinity College, Rev. George Patterson, of Wilming ton, Hon. Edwin G. Reade, of Person, Hon. Robert B. Vance, of Buncombe, Ion. M. W. Ransom, of Northampton, and other distinguished speakers. The cost of transportation will be as lollows : Raleigh to Oxford and back, 4 25 Forestville to Oxford 3 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 45 85 65 90 15 GO 15 75 Franklinton to " " Ridgeway to " " Warrenton to " " Macon to , Littleton to " . Gaston to " " Weldon to , " " The North Carolina road will sell re turn tickets for one first clas3 fare. Other roads will be requested to do the same. Supreme Court. This Court met yesterday morning at 9 o'clock. All the Justices were present. Appeals from the 4th District were caBes taken up and the following argued,: .. State vs. M. McJ, Tatom, tt at., from Bladen Attorney General and W. M. L. McKay for the State ; no counsel for defendants. Willis P. Barnes et al., vs. , W. J. Brown and wife et aZ, -from Robeson. Nnt McLean, W. M. L. McKay for the plaintiffs : Robert Strange, Giles Leitch and N. A. McLean for defendants. State vs. W. II. Harrison, from New Hanover. Attorney General and Ed ward Cantwell lor the State; no coun sel for the defendants. State vs. John T. Speight, from New Hanover. Atton ey General for the State; Mauger London tor the defen dant. State vs. Jno. Devine et al., from New Hanover. Attorney General lor the State: Motion to dismiss for want ef appeal bond. How is It. J. J. Overbly, Esq., du ring the month of April used two gas burners in his store on Wilmington steet. On the first of May he dispensed with one, burner, closed his store at the usual time and paid the same gas ac count that he did for April. V e have one or two extra gas burners that we dout use for the sake of ecouo my, which if it is all the same vwe will put in operation. Married. On Wednesday, the 4th inst., at the residence of Major Peebles, in Pitt county, N. C, Capt. Robert Joyner; to Alice Swepson, youngest daughter of the late S. S. Stubbs, ol Noilolk. .' CaptnJoyner resided in this city last year, where he made many warm friends who rejoice in his advancement. Paying Up. Colonel P. B. Ruffiin Treasurer of the Richmond and Dan ville Railroad passed through the city yesterday on a "paying up" tour to the hands employed, on the North Carolina division ot tne road. i Bret Harte's Last Truthful James to the Front. The' author of the "Heathen Chinee," has aat perpe trated the following Modoc Poem, which will doubtless be read with interest by our readers. f It is in the" "Heathen Cfc'inee" style, and some of the stanzas reminds us strikingly of that peculiar poem. It appeared in tlfwSw York Tribune of the 10th inst., in the editorial col umns : K ' TRUTHFUL, JAMES TO THE EDITOR. (Ybeka, 18731) Which It is not my style. " To produce needless pain By statements that rile, Or that go 'gin th vraln, ' 1 But here's Captain Jacft still a llvin' and t Nye has no skelp on bis brain t ; On that Caucasian bead- There la no crown othalr. It is gene, It has fled t Ana tcao sez -wnere ?" And 1 asks, "Is this Nation a White Man's. and is generally things on the square r ; r I She was known In the camp As 4,Nye's other squaw." And folks of that stamp t Hez no rights in the Law, But Is treacherous, sinful and slimy, as Nye might hev' w 11 known before. But she said that she knew Where the Injins was hid, And the statement was true, For it seemed that she did ; Since she led William where he was covered by tteventeen Mcdocs, andslid I Then they reached for his hair: Buc Nye sez, "By the Law Of Nations, forbear ! I surrenders no more : And I Iooks to be treated, you hear me ? as a prisoner, a pris'ner of war!" But Captain Jack rose And he sez "It's too thin, Such statements as those ' It's too late to begin, There's a Modoc iudictment agin vcu, O Paleface, and you're goln' in ! "You stole Schonchln'a squaw In the year sixty-two; It was in 'Sixty-Four That Long Jack you went through. And you burned Nasty Jbn:s rancher ia and his wives and his pappooses too. "This gun in my hand, Was sold me by you 'Gainst the law of the land. And 1 grieves it is trae !" And he buried his face in his blanket and ' wept as be hid it from View. - "But you're tried and condemned And skelping's your doom," And he paused and he hemmed But why this resume? He was skelped 'gainst the custom of Na tions, and cut offlike a rose in Its bloom. SO I asks without gile, Ami 1 trusts not in win. If this is the style That is going to obtain litre's Cm plain Jack still a liviu', and Nye wiih no skelp on his brain? Bret Hartk. If Personal Intelligence. W Ball, Esq , Editor of the New North State, and a"member of the Greensboro Bar was in attendance upon the Circuit Court vestclrr -.. -.: - Col. Robert Strange and Mauger London, Esq., of thh.Wilmlngton Bar are in attendance upSn the Supreme Court. Mr. Budd, a member of the Phila delphia Bar, andan Attorney in the Swazey Railroad bond case, is registered at the National Hotel. Col. T. M. Holt, President of the North Carolina Railroad, Col. J. L. Moorehead, ot Charlotte and J. M. Mul len, Esq., of Halifax, are registered at the Yar borough. R. M. Fiirman, Eeq . Editor of the Ashevtlle Citizen, passed through the city yesterday morning, whither bound we know not. As he appeared in rather a "questionable shape," we thought it impolite to ask questions. United States Disteict Court. Nothing of general importance trans pired in the Federal Court yesterday, the day being consumed principally in tne argument of cases before the Judges as to continuances, &c, on 'the civil docket, and other . applications and motions for tianstere, &c. SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. See the two fine Cows witk young calves. for sale by , i Junel2-lt E. W.Thomasox. Tommy Harrison. (Fepnff's old Place.) has fixed up the New "Sprfag Cock-tail." He will to-day and to-mcfrow, serve up Green Turtle Soup. Familiis supplied. Parties desiring clerts, Salesmen, Travelling Nurses, feeamsresses, Coach men and Gentlemen's Traveling Servants, can be supplied by applyinj&t Intelligence Office. A. G. BjNNETT, Jr., June 12-3t Proprietor. I Job Printing. We call he attention of merchants, Clerks of Court; Sheriffs, Law yers, Railroad officers and L gents, and all others having orders for rintlng, to the facilities offered at the Dai' News Print ing Establishment for he prompt and faithful execution of all kinds of Job Printing. We can furnish at short notice Cards, Bill-Heads, Letter-leads, Program mes, Ball Tickets, Blaiis, Pamphlets, Tags, Hand-Bills, Catalogues, Bills of Fare, Show-Bills, fcc, &e. Satiaiction guaran teed. ! HER I F F' SAL E. The undersigned, by virUe of an execu tion issued from the Suerior Court of Chatham, in a case where J.H. Hauh ton is Plaintiff, and . the tfcpe Fear and Deep River Navigation Conpiny Defend ant, will sell at public aicfion, at the Court House door, in the towW Pittsboro on MONDAY, 7th ,f July, "lb franchises' of said corporation, with all te rights and pi ivileges thereof so far as rlatea to the receiving oi fare or tolls" on te Cape Fear and Deep Rivers from Fayetteille to Han cock's Mills in the county of Aore. Terms cash. T G.J. iVILLlAS, Sheriff. Per J oe Ropkk, Deputy Sherf. Pittsboro, June 5, 1873. j fell-d2t gHINGLES, S If I GLES 40,000 White Pine shingles eapest and most durable. i . n 3-tf W. CI SHONACII. o C ! E 1 WM.B, 8HEPARD, Esq., f Eden ton, N. C, having this day been am It ted as a partner in the business of Job B. Neal Co., the style and name of to firm will hereafter be BAKER. NEA, fc HflEP ARD. I WM.J.BKER, . JNO. B. EAL. WM. B. SEPARD. , Norfolk, May 22d, 1873. ;my25-im NOON DISPATCHES. The Cholera in Tennessee Hon. Jacob Thompson Dangeronly HI at Memphis. Nashville, Tenn., June 11. The excitement about the cholera is abating. The weather has turned unusually cool, and contrary to the expectations of phy sicians, the prevailing sickness shows fewer and lighter cases. Very few, if any of the cases have proved fatal in the past few days where medical aid was promptly summoned. Memphis, June 11. The cholera is undoubtedly increasing. There were 1 8 interments tosday against 11 yesterday, while the undertakers had received at G o'clock to-night orders for fourteen burrials to-morrow. The weather con tinues cloudy and sultry, t Hon. Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior, under President Buchanan, is lying in this city dangerously ill with the cholera. New York Items. New York; June 11. The steamer George Washington, now at New Or leans, will proceed to Bahamas and tow the Cromwell here. The Rev. Drs. Bellow3 and Taylor, Howard, Potter, Prof. Hitchcock, j". E. Williams and others left by steamer Wyonoke for Norfolk, Va , yesterday to" attend the examination exercises of Hampton Normal Agricultural Institute on the 12th. Miss Mary Carpenter ac companied the party. The remains of the late Mintster Orr, was landed from the steamer at eleven o'clock this morning and were received by the Knights of Templars and a de tachment ot the pol ice force. The re mains were taken to City Hall, where they will lie in state in the Governor's room. . Foreign Affairs. Madrid, June 11. Orcnze ha9 re signed the Presidency of the Cortes. Figuerras reports himself unable to torm the Cabinet. The crisis continues. Funds are depressed. A mutiny has occurred in the com mand of Gen. Velarde, which arose from superceding a Captain. Twelve hundred of the troops remained faith ful, and retired with the General to Tortesa. Paris, June 11. A recent test vote upon an exciting question indicated the Conservative coalition unbroken. Who Killed Canby? Not I says Cap tain Jack. A Modoc special says that Capt. Jack, in his interview with Gen. Davis, said "Bogus Charley and Shacknasty Jim called Gen. Cauby out Allen David, Sip -TTIarnath. chief. Advised them to kill en. Canby, o he-did it. I am telling the truth I did not kill him ! I had it done, but did not do it. I don't lie, bring the men that saw me do this thing, I want to lace them. If I had my chains off I would tell the names of all the men who did these things." Heavy Rains in Memphis Hon. Jacob Thompson Recovering. ' Memphis, June 11. Most severe rain and thunder storm that ever was known raged about 10 o'clock last night, ac companied by immense sheet of electric ity. In an hour and a halt 2:70 inches of rain fell. It is feared that great damage has been done to the planting interests in the adjacent country, but the sanitary condition is greatly impro ved. Hon. Jacob Thompson is recovering from his attack of cholera. t. The Liquor Law in Utah, f Salt Lake, June 11. The Territo rial Court has released the prisoners confined for violation of the municipal liquor law. The court enjoined the city authorities lrom enforcing the ordinance until its legality is decided. ..Young ad vocated its enforcement and total prohi bition by the city council. The entire audience sustained the proposition by raising their hands. Washington Affairs. Washington, June 11. The State Department will f urnish a copy "of the investigations regarding Van Buren to that gentleman who can make what use of it he pleases. The official report will be given ot the next Congress, but the the State debt wiil withhold it from the Press. Commissoner Schutts, writes that the American department of the Vien na Exposition will be completed June loth which win not be the ca9e with any other nation. ; The Delaware West Murder Case. Dover, Delaware, June 11. In the vVest murder case the jury has rendered a verdict of acquittal on the ground of sell clelence. The remains of the nt,ro was mutilated for anatomical purposes, Were found in Dr. West's office. Before putting the body to this use, Dr. West killed the negro as the jury aver in self-' delence. Explosion of a Pennsylvania Colli eryTerrible Loss oi Liie. SnAMOKEN, Pa. The Henry Clay Colliery has exploded. Eight have been brought out dean. There were 00 in the slope 35 are known to have es caped. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. Bowles Bros. & Co. Boston, June 11. The second genu ral meeting of the creditors of Bowles Bros. & Co., was held to day atf the U. S. Court house, for the purpose of allow ing the creditors to -prove their claims. Only a few were present, but a large number ol claims presented by the At torneys of different creditors. The matter of greatest importance to the creditors comes up for a hearing to morrow before Judge Lowell, of the District Court, upon the question of the acceptance or rejection ot the applica tion ot an offer for a compromise which is to make up the gross amount of Bowles Bros. & Co. to $1,550,000. Imposing Ceremonies over the Re mains of Minister Orr The Wal worth Murder Case, and other 1 Items ' i New York, June 11. Imposing hon prs were paid this morning to the re mains of Minister Orr. The remains arrived in the city at 11 o'clock, and were escorted by a cordon of police, to gether with a deputation appointed to receive him. Flags on all public build ings were at half mast during the pro Cession. The streets were crowded, and as the hearse passed up Broadway, near ly every head was uncovered. The re mains are placed in-a magnificent rose wood casket, silver mounted, with wreaths pluced' on top, composed - of laurel leaves and white roses. The fol lowing is the inscription on the casket : 'James Lawrence Orr, Born in Craytons Vie, S. C, May 12th 1822. - -Died at St Petersburg, May -5ttv 1873, aged 51 years." .; ! Waltncutu was arraigned In the Oyer and Terminer Court to-day; He plead ed not guilty. He will be tried in about ;two weeks. , t ! "Nathan Britma'n shot James McAd ams dead last night near the yard ot the Pennsylvania Railroad. Britrnan had been discharged by McAdams. .! President Grant and staff will attend the funeral of Minister Orr, on Friday. James Ncwcomc, a well known sport ing man in Middleton, died thia niorn log of an overUose ol chloroform. ; ; liequiem jna3s was celebrated - to-day at St. Stephen's Church, for the soul ofj Cuban General Ignacio Agrumonte. The Church was crowded with Cubans Two Railroad'A ccidents. j New York, June ll.A JpS9ebger train from 1 New XfK and a freight train from Market mreet, Newark, cam's I u collission at East Newark, at 2, o'clock this, afternoon. Both engines demol molished The baggage car telescoped into a smoking car. One engineer was fatally wounded and a large number of of passengers cut and bruised. The passengers in the smoking car crawled through the windows. The air-brakes prevented a more serious disaster,. Had the accident occurred one'minute sooner there would have been a terrible loss ,q1 life. The engineer of the freight train is blaraed for the accident. - GAricoxs, N. Y., June ll.r-The Chi cago express train which left New York city, at 10 o'clock this morning met with an accident, at this station." Thejournal of the passengers coach broke and the car jumped from the rails and bounded along the ties, but did not upsfct. One iittie "girl whose, natne.is not recorded had her ankle dislocated. Both tracks are obstructcdand all I trains delayed, but the road will.be cleared. The' pas- sengers by the Chicago express tram rmve gone forward. v . : : Jerome Park Races. A eiujm Park. J n no , 1 1 Sewiii d Day i lie track. was in spleudid condi tion, jarui the attendance fair. The race forst wa3 for the r ladiesj stakes, 3 year old fillies, 1 mile and 5 furlongs. Eight horseft started as follows : Annie Hall, Electora, Medora, Alice Mitchell, Katy Peas, Sallie Watson, sister to Bremu's, and Lizzie Lncas. The race wns won by Kate Peas ; Sallie Watson second ; time, 2.58J. Second Race Jockey Club, Handi cap sweepstakes; 2 miles. Six horses starred. Won by Pieaknesa, beating Hubbard, Ethel? Sprague, Eolus, lien nark's b. c, four .years old, and stock wood; time, 3.38 i. . Third Day For a purse of S500; all ages for 1 mile and 1 turlong ; 11 start ed. Won by Bremui's; time, 2 min. 4th, By Fadladeen, beating Gray Plan jt; time, 1-17. : Washington News. Washington,' June 11. The Presi nent appointed John Moore, of Missis sippi, Consul at Santiago De Cuba. The Southern Claims Commission has suspended oral -examination' until the 2nd week in October, when they will resume and continue until the middle of November. The Treasury has redeemed all the outstanding 6 per cent, certificates ex cepting the amount of $30,000. When the first call was made in November, 18 U, tbere were outstanding 45 millions, Robeon wa? at the Navv Yard B?ain to-day engaged in the Polaris investiga tion, lie expected to conclude it this evening and will prepare a report imme diately. : ' ' . ; . Foreign. Madrid, June 11. The column of troops which mutinied against-the au thority ot General Velarde at Iqualada has been re -organized, tand is now com manded by General Cabrin. London .June 11. A. special dispatch to the Daily Ntws from Rome' says that many ot the -Monks -belonging to the monasteries which are to be supprebsed will go to Bolivia and Chili. The Prize Ring. St. Louis, June 11. Asecond depos it of $100 a piece in the ' coming prize fight between Tom Alien and alike Mc Coole was made last night. AlcCoole has gone into light training dear this city, and Dublin Tricks will take charge of-him in ariew days. Allen will prob ably train in or near Cincinnati. Sherman at West Point. Inkw Yokk, June 11. Gtiieral Shar nia;, rtacheti Vest "Point at mum, and Wat received with a salute. 1 ti is after-- noon he joined Piesidetu Grant in ai; examination of the rooms. Weather Probabilities. Washington. June 11 For the South Atlantic States light and freth southerly and westerly winds. Partly cloudy weather and Vain areas for Ten nessee, and the Gulf States. Steel Manufacturers Meeting. TuiLADtu-piiiA, June 11. At a meet ing of the AnnrCan Crucible Cast Steel Munulactutth-;, it was . resolved to maintain the present, prices oi steel. A -N-.T ii D T O KENT TWO Keats in Dr. Mnann'a f!nnn.h An. Ply to G. W. BLACKBALL, juneiu-t. arboro House. COMMERCIAL REPORT; JtUiuq New York Markets.; J ' ' f active and uBcnarxaedr oammnn tn .,t- fcxtra $8. 0a$7iW; rood to choice t7.9-iaJ 11 on IVhisky a shade firmer 93a9,.chlefly at in :lde price Wheat less active, scarcely so Eirm, exporters are lesi dlspesed to operate 2 for winter rad .Western. ( ihflifo TlrrriAi trat-fr 'Hamta . ... J riiaud, holders more disposed, realize, W : Southern yellow, Pork steady i5i$iflna? for new mess. Beef quiet, sa.00aSH.2a for blain mess ; tll.50afl3.u0 tat extra do. Ldtrd Wealc 99. . Turpentine steady 45a , KOeln firm $3.00. - ---'n ''-- CT-f LVrto1? steady ; sales 2,820 bales ; nplaaibi, 19-K ; Orleans A4. , 71 ; r 1 bales for exrtnH' ff 1 . . " uv im u oniiiif Bales of cotton . for utnre dellverv wiv . 10.000 haiPM na follows r July 19 13-lft Anrust1 r i - - - - - m u a r VVa.. Gold 17Vial7l. nnvurnmiml. rfnii .,TT huleU States- steady and nominal. I7T t -ja vening-vonsois closed 82. BpiriU urpentine 36s, .; . ' . " . Paeis, June 11. Rentes 5fi and 80. . Later Rentes 56 and 90. -v- tnarket opened firm ; uplands 8i.Orlean i ""'-wi.wu iirm, upward tendency. , Pful18 0uoJb?1 -Viteion kbtfexpoxV Evenim f5ot.t.rkn-niir - lZ J fclude 7.5QU American" 77 " A ui " I Wilmingtoh Markets ' 1 'J'S I Wilmington, N. C:, June 1L 3TiHUrittft bentlne lower at 40. . Roeln qu.etatri?5 lor strained ; $2.32 for No. 2;'i3.23 tor pale ; C4.50 for window gla-8. . Crude turpentine -steady; $2.C0 for hard:. 33.00 for yellow dip and virgin.- j Tar market steady at $3.2 j y u.i : , 4 i : 1 . i " , ' ' . i f . i Baltimore Market , u u1i, .f BALTIMORE. June 11. Flnnr nrilr. i art A f voi8 buyers. Wheat dull, choice white: u.8sai.w uorn dun ; wnite- 70a71 f yellow pa. - Oata, Southern AtiaoO. Provisions vdnll t rd nominally; unclianged ; Whiskey ijcj New Orleans, June 11. Cotton fii fair demand ; ordinary 12; good ordinary low middlings 17al7; middlings 18.; y r i Charleston, June 11. Cotton .Arm, cood demand; middlings 1(: good ordixuii-y' 16aI7 r ordinary 13aH. - X 'l WiLMiNaroNl June il-iCotton quiet, mid-' tilings 18..,.: fjid--;.i- i.i.au Norfolk, June 11. Cotton Bteady and firm; low middlings 17Hi Hi .j.;.T I Mobile, June 11. Cotton quiet and firm I middlings is. - . . I Boston, June 11. Cotton "steady ; filings 20. ... ... ; ; ,, , , 'ma, . His Honer, Henry Potter, late Judge of ' the , United States Ccurt for the District of . North Carolina, gave the following as his ' opinion of Beckwith'a Pills: ( , - i i "For some ljj,.or-tvelve years pastlliave " been in the liabit of using Ult. BECK WITIL'S ANTl-DYSPJflPlIC PILLS In my , fanfily; and consider them so valnble' domestic medicine, that I never suffer my stock to be exhausted. I have used them ! with good effect in -Oyspept-lo cases, under various modlricatlOhs, nhd have found them efficacious in ? relieving from Sick j Headache, and from all the uual symp toms of lu actional derangement of the Vis--' cera. As an apperient, they are excellent. ; I have long had the pleasue-or an intimate acquaintance with the Inventor of these fiWsAntHeJ8 a gentleroari of talents. fnteg- 1 L.v "nu nuxnu, auu ue inline mgu iu oae science or medicine and the healing art. . . ' ( V. H. 'POHTXK.?! : : Prepared by E. It. Beckwith, (successor to Dr. John Beckwith) Proprietor, Petersburg. ' Jxld b Druggist generally at 26 eenU ' pet box. Joseph Carr, Wholesale Agent. Petersburg, Ya. ,j -a . . y V uoc lam a t, i. o n BY THE Governor of North Carolina.' i. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT.! Raleigh, June 9th, 187J. j" ; Belt known to all whom It may concern :' That in. conformity with section 3, chap ter 153 of the acts of the General Assembly passed at the session of 1872-73, In relation; 7 to amendments ol the Constitution of the ' State: ... :, - . x.-xy -,-t I, Tod R. Caldwell, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do order o much of the preamble of said act as sets lorlh the alterations proposed andagreed to, and ihe second section of said act to be published .f for thirty days preceding the first Thurs day of August, 1873, in the Raleigh "Daily Sentinel," the "Dally Era' and the "Dally News", published In Raleigh, and also for ? the same length of time In the following Weekly papers, published in the various Congressional Districts of the state to-wlt: First. DistricWWerth Carolinian," Eliza- ' ' both City ;"Expres8f" Washington. Second THstrip.t 11 'on, " riAil.u.. . -' "Mail " Rocky Mount. 'r , ' ", 'i'hird District "Statesman." Fayette ville ; "Star," Wilmington. - .Fifth District " 'ew North Btate." Greensboro; "Chronicle,' Milton. - Sixtu District "Deiuocrat,", Charlotte "Spirit of the South," Rockingham. 1 Seventh : District " American." Statea ville : "Watchman,". Salisbury. Eighth District ''Pioneer'? aad "Exposi tor," Asheville. , , That portion of the preamble ordered to be published is. in the following words, toWit ' "Whereas, the last General Assembly, (three-tlfihs of the whole number of mem bers of eah House concurring,) the bill containing the same having ueen read three times In each House, proposed the fol lowing alterations of the ,Cousli.utlon of, the State, to-wit; Alteration In relation to tbe public debt; alteration in relation to the office of Superintendent of Public Works ; alteiatlon in relation, to the State ceusus; alteration in relation to exemp tions from taxation z alteration ia relation to the University ; alteration In relation to the sessions of the General Assembly ' f alteration in relation to the Code Com mis ' loners ; alteration in relation to Federal and other olllcers holding office.'' t -f i f The second section ol the said act ordered to ha pubiifchodls in ihe following words to-wit: . '"It shall ltn IhA dntv of lha ShMffii i . each and every county in the State to open polls at the several election precincts In his" counts un the mm id ftrut. Thnr.Hu... .. UKt next, and the same shall be n.ept open lor one Uay, from the hour of eight ocaxk... ill the IiK.ru i nw Inthi. hnnr nf wtxm.. 4 n . i alternoon. whn all persons qualified' to ' vwb accoruing to tne Constitution, inajn VOtl for Or lliruinHt. t.h rjllHt(,.n nt nn,.!. 01 uie saiu Hmendruents, those desiring such amendments to vole with the written or printed, ticket 'For Amendments;' tno.se of a contraiy opinion to vote with a written or nrlnted tlcitet. 'Azafnst Amt.n.T. ments.'' . . , , The attention of Coi nty Commissioners and -Inspectoisof the Eh-ciloii Is also called -ti it. 1 I,-, t. Honiara I a shall teiumished for i-ac.i ameTXtimtnt to . Done at our City of Raleigh, the l. s.J ninth day of J ane, A. D. JL87M. and in , the nineiy-seventh year of American f Iudejendence. By the Governor ; j . ii. EATHKa y, Private Sec'y. June 10-30d ' J jr The papers named In the foregoing proclamation will publish as therein di-i iected and forward bills to Executive ofilce P .-.R... O P . 0 ; 18i L 8-.;;; At a meeting of the Board.of Commls Kioners for th City.o; ttaluigh, held on the eveuing of the 0th inst., the Chief of Police was authorized t advertise for proposals to keep the City Pumps" in order for one year, the Contractor to furnish new Stocks and Platforms - - f . . : - Sealed Proposals win oe received at my office for ten days from this date. . The right to reject any or all, reserved. , JAS. b. KING. ! JunelO-lOt Chief of Police. ' Sentinel and Era copy. J Oil in