r rT 1 t 1T? 1 DAILY NEWS.3 STONE fe TJZZELLi. - - Proprietors. RATES OF ADVERTISING. FATETTKVILLE Steekt, Over W. C. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IN ADTANCK. One square, one insertion.. OneBauam. two lnftertinnft 9 i oe-, , 1 50 ' 2 6 3 00 1 8 00 A One sqnare, three insertions.-... -me square, six insertions ...... ..t. ........ Tha DAILY NEWS will be delivered to uue square, one montn ..... One square, three months, v One square, six moutha.......:........;....!. One square, t' elve months.-......i....- subscribers at fifteen cents per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at $7 per au nuin ; $3.50 for six mouths ; $2 for thre 0 mouths. The WEEKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. IS 00 SO 00 50 Of or laftrer advertispinpnt liberal oim VOL. II. RALEIGH, N. C. FRIDAY MOIINING. JUNE 13.1873. NO. 94. tracts will be made. Ten line s solid noni pareil constitute one square. - . , DAILY NEWS. News. rr n Y II 11 ll A i MORNING EDITION. FRIDAY ..JUNE. 13. 1873. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor BST'All parties ordering the News will please sendthe moaey for the time the paper is wanted. "Contractors will not be allowed, under their contracts, to advertise any other than their legitimate busi ness, unless by paying specially for huch advertisements. 3J. O. TI. Ntjttall, of the Charlotte Advertising Agency, is agentfor this paper in Charlotte, N, C. He is duly authorized to contract for advertisements and receipt lor subscriptions. Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 South Street. Baltimore. Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atoui lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. 3" The Agricultural journal and this Nkws. The State agricultural Journal, an eight-page Weekly published In this city, will be clubbed with the Daily News at $8.50 per annum, and with the Weekly News at $3 50 per annum. Orders directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. As tits enforcement of the Cash system trill cause us to strike from our list the names of many of mir subscribers :md after the first of this month, ice trust that no offense will be taken by those wlio may thus find their papers discontinued, as we mean no disrespect to any one in doing sofbut only to carry out our deter yninalion and the recommendation of the late Press Convention. We ty mt, hoio cccr, that those thus deprived of tlte News will at once renew their subscriptions. STONE & UZZELL June 1, 1S73. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. RALEIGH POST OFFICE ARRANGEMENT. Office hours from 8 a. m. to 8 p. m., du ring the week (except while the mails are being distributed.) , ' TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING THE MAILS Western New Orleans, La., Augusta, Oa., Columbia, S. C, Charlotte, Salisbury, Greensboro, Salem, Chapel Hill, Hillsboro. &c, clue at'ZioO a. m. Close at 6 p. m! Eastern Charleston, S. C, Wilmington, Newbern, Beaufort, Cioldsbvro, &c, due 7 p. in. Close (i: 30 a. m. Northern, via Weldon New York, Balti more, Philadelphia, Washington, Kich moud, Petersburg, Norfolk, Weldon, &c, Jue at at 3,30p. m. Close 9:15 a. m. Northern, via Greensboro and Danville Va., due 7:30 a. m. Close 6:30 p m. Chatham Railroad Fayetteville, Jones boro. Apex, Osgood, &c, due 10 a. in. Close 3 p. m. Miscellaneous Eagle Kock, Monday and Tliuibday, Que " lw I" boro, every Wednesday, due llUa.m., close 1 p. m. Leachburg, every V ednesday, due 11J2 a. m., close 1 p. m. Averasboro. close S p. fd. Thursdays, due 6 p. m. Fridays. Office hours for Registered. Letters and Money Order Departments, from b a, m. to 5:30 p. iu. No mails sent or received on Sundays. W. W. HOLDEN, P. M. State of the Thehmometer. The Thermometer yesterday stood a3 follows at Branson's Book Store: At 9 a. m 72 At 12 m.. .. 74 At 3 p. m 80 At6p. m.... 80 Local Biukfs.- The hydrophobia panic is about to die out here. Judge Henry is at the National. "VVc understand that a number of gar dens in this city have recently been de spoiled by thieves. We hear that the work of making temporary repairs upon the Court House will soon commence. The City Hotel is receiving a new lress ot paint and being otherwise reno vated lor the summer season. T. H. Hill, Esq., local editor of the Daily Sentinel, has been confined to hia bed by sickness tor several days. Though yesterday was a juicy day as far as the weather was concerned, yet in a local point of view it was a dry time The perlormances of a druken negro on mule-llack was the excitement on Fayetteville street, in front of the Court House, yesterday afternoon. A small white bov. living in the Western Ward, on yesterday morning came near being seriously injured by a vicious cow which made several at tempts to hook him. The turtle soup at Tommy Harrison's yesterday was the finest we ever ate. Those wishing some of the same sort can get it to-day at 11:30 o'clock at his saloon on Hargett street. For the millionth time the attention of the police is directed to the danger ous practice which the boys have of hurling stones at each, other in the streets. The nuisance should be abated at once. Wo received yesterday from our old friend, W. R. Pepper, of Beaufort, a bunch of fine pig fish, and a mts3 of to matoes, the fiist we have seen this sea son. Mr. Pepper will please accept our thanks lor the same. A special meeting of Raleigh Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 will be held this (Friday) evening at 8 o'clock, to decide it the Compnny will accept tbe invitation ot the Rescue Company to visit Fayetteville with them on tuecom iug 4th of July. Prof. Blair, the horse tamer, who created such a sensation last week in Charlotte, has just arrived in Raleigh. ine State papers have noticed ine ro fe3sor in a wav not very complimentary, and we advise him to change his habits or change his base. Yesterday morning, Soree Haywood, Marcellus Ransom, Lawson White and Matthew Freeman, all colored, were up before his Honor. Mayor Whitaker, on the charge of gambling on Sunday in a piece ot woods near the residence ol W llham H. Boylan, Esq. No evidence appearing against Haywood and White, they were discharged. Ransom was Rutherford College Commence ment. The annual commencement of this College took place May 28th. Dur ing commencement week, very able and interesting addresses were delivered be fore the various literary bodies by Hon. W. M. Rob bins, Rev. T. Page Ricaud, aud C. F. McKesson, Esq. The sermon to the graduating class was preached by Rev. S. S. Leard, Pre siding Elder of the Shelby District, N. C. Conference, M. E. Church, South. Hib text was from St. Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews, XI, 27 "For lie endured, as seeing him who is invisible.'''' It is spoken of as a very able eflort, and appropriate to the occasion. The graduating class was one of very decided promise. The honorary degree of L. L. D, was very judiciously and properly bestowed upon Dr. E. S. Gaillard, Editor of--the Richmond and LouisviUt-Medical Journal, and Professor of the Principles and Practice ol Medicine in , Louisville Medical College. He will be remem bered as the able and zealous Medical Director of Gen. J. E. Johnston's army, down to the battle of Seven Pines,where he lost his right arm. Dr. Gaillard stands deservedly high a3 a teacher ot medicine. The degree of A. M., was conferred on Captain C. F. Siler, the scholarly and accomplished Principal of Mt. Vernon Academy in Chatham. Two hundred, and thirty students were in attendance daring the past collegiate year, and the vacant Profes sorships will be filled by competent in structors by the opening of next session. Educational Convention. A Con- vention of the liiends of education will be held in the city of Raleigh, on the 9th and 10th days of July, 1873. An effort will be made to secure a free return ticket on all Railroads in the State. The Mayor and Commissioners of the city have offered the use of the Metropoli tan Hall for the Convention, and tbe citizens of Raleigh have tendered their hospitalities, and .a cordial welcome to ali'teachers, examiners and other friends of education to hold their Convention in the city of Raleigh. . The Convention will be organized at 10 a. m. Wednesday. To give time lor tlie thorough discussion ot tfie several topics presented, the papers introduc ing them should be short, nbt occupying more than thirty minutes, v SUBJECTS PRESENTED. 41 The Teacher?' By Rev. B. Craven, D. D , President of Trinity College. "Higher Education in North Caroli na." By Major Robert Bingham, Prin cipal of the Bingham School; " The Relations of the Churches to Public Education." Bv W. G. Sim mons, Professor cr Matnefnaucs m tt ane orest College. " The Necessity for Universal Public Education." By Hon. A. S. Mernmon. Compulsory Education." 13 y J as. H. Homer, Principal of the Oxford High School. How Shall the Girls be Educated," By A. F. Redd, Co-Principal - of the Raleigh Female Seminary. 44 Industrial Education." By Jno. W, Norwood, Esq. . Delegates will please forward tneir names to some one of- the undersigned Committee of Arrangements on or be fore the fifth day of July. For the in formation of such as may prefer to stop at a public house, notice is given that delegates'will be entertained at the Na tional Hotel and the Yarboro House at $1.50, and at the Exchange Hotel and Mrs.' Pullen's at $l'per day. T. H. Selby, W. E. Anderson, A. M. McPheeters and J. H. Mills, Committee of Arrangements. An Editor A ttacked by a Sir Wil liam Joat A Drawn Battle. Our friend Harrell, of the Henderson Tri bune, though a man of spirit and in domitable courage, as well as a success ful journalist, is nevertheless a quiet, peaceful and well ordered citizen. He is at peace with all the world, has no animosities towards his fellow man, and no enemies to punish or friends to re ward. He can, therefore, retire to his couch at night with a conscience so clear that blissful repose musir necessa- rily follow But the most placid stream that ever wended its way through a mountain valley is somarirnes ruffled by aaverse wiuus, auu iiia muic -"ou Brother Harrell coulavTeasonaoiy ex pect that his life should pass off as a summer's day dream. A few nlglits ago, about the hour ot 10 o'clock. Biother Harrell, having con eluded his labors of the day, left his office in the tJown of Henderson, to seek perintendent lor North Carolina, ad that repose necessary for an overtasked cUhen9 of Camden county f mind, in the quietude of his boarding house. Ascending the stair case, ue en tered his room and, striking a light, observed in the corner, near his bed, what he might term & caprw capricomus, we would call it a Sir William Goat, but the little boys about the' house said it . . . tt tt n - j. was a Hilly uoat. xsro. naireu sujuu motionless for awhile, gazing at the interesting pbysiogromy of the mis chievous intruder. The Sir William showed no symptoms of alarm, ne el even batted his eye, but with head and taifc erect, seemed to say I am as in ucn at home as you are. Bro. li. advanced to the bed to get his stick, preparatory to an attack, but the Sir William ac cepting the first offer, made tor the edi tor, wbo retreated to the door,, At this point the battle commenced in earnest. The editor being a Good Templar, the goat had the advantage of two horns, which, with the editor's weight, made the chances about even. A lively scuffle ensued for a few moments, when it come to a 44 roll and tumble" fight. Both came down the sttp3 together, lauding about ten feet from the door in the yard. The tumble down the steps aroused tbe bouse and all the neighbors around, who came ! out to see ."what was to pay." After much effort, the combatants were separated and the battle declared to be 44a drawn one." M. V'B. Gilbert,Esq., arrived yesterday afternoon from Montreal, Canada, lie is looking well and gives a good account OI' I no lewwuw" w. of the reception or oeiegaiei oy, uivir - .V . ... i A Little Boy's Epistle to his Father. The following letter was re ceived by a gentleman visiting this city from his little boy in Baltimore, which is so characteristic of little boys that we publish it exactly as it was written : "Papa, come - home. Ime got a base ball bat and a ball too. Mama gave me two ten cents one one day and one the next. One boy has got a ball and one has got a bat but Ime got both. I promise Mama to be good for twenty five weeks and would you believe it I got a little bit bad that same night but Mrna was going to take the bat away and I got good agen. Papa, we've got a pussy cat too, and Nellie takes it up by the neck. I take it up right cept sometimes by' the tail. Please come home soon to your Little Boy." An Important Decision. An . im portant decision to our planting commu nity was rendered in the Federal Court Wednesday evening. We refer to the Guano case, in which a firm known as Mernmon & Co., sold to W. C. Stronach, of this city, 17 tons of a guano, manu factured by them, Stronach in turn sell ing to one of our prominent farmers. This planter, above spoken of, refused payment on the ground that the gUano was entirely worthless. He also had the guano subjected to test to prove its val ue. Both, Prof. Liebig, of Baltimore, and Prof. Kerr, of this city, decided it to be worthless a3 a manure, Prof. Kerr finding 68 per cent, of sand in the ar ticle. The manufacturers, in the state ment of formula used by them, acknowl edge to 950 pounds of street dirt, and yet in the face of all this, Mr. Stronach is obliged to pay the claim with interest. We should think thia would be suffic ient to open the eyes of all,to the impor tance of subscribing at once to the Guano Company to be located in this city, and thus put an end to these swin dles practiced on our people. Bible Meeting in Currituck County. A meeting in the interest of the Bible cause was held in Providence Baptist Church, on Indian Ridge, Cur rituck county, on Sunday, Juae 8th, at 11 A. M. Religious' scryices were con ducted by the liev. P. A. Strobel, Dis trict Superintendent of the American Bible Society ; who also addressed the meeting, setting forth the objects of the American Bible Society, and the duty of all christians to co-operate with it in its great work. It was. resolved to organize a Bible Society tor Currituck county, and the following gentlemen were chosen officers : President Joseph Morgan. -Corresponding Secretary A. C. Dey. Treasurer and Depositary H. E. ii .. Executive Committee Dr. Joseph J. Baxter, W. S. Mercer and George Snow den. This is the first Bible Society ever organized in Currituck county. The friends present seemed much" gratified at the result, and have taken hold of the work with much earnestness. The Executive Committee ordered through the Superintendent $65 worth of books, and measures will be taken to supply all the destitute families in the county. Davidson College Commencement. Commencement week at Davidson College begins June 22; At 11 a. m, of that day the Rev. Dr. Irvine, of .Auguss ta, Ga., will "preach the Baccalaureate Sermon. At 8 pt m. the Rev. Dr. Craven, of Trinity College, will preach the Mis sionary Sermon before the Williams' Association. On Monday the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees will hold its session, preparatory to the annual meet ing of the Board itself on Tuesday. ' On Wednesday morning the Hon. T. L. Clingman will deliver the annual ad dress before the Philanthropic and Eu menean, the two literary societies of the College, and in the afternoon Mr. Bre vard McDowell will appear as the orator of the Alumni. On Wednesday night the; representatives of the two societies will contend for 44 first honor" in behalf of those whom they represent. Thursday is graduation day, when the Seniors will engross public attention. Visitors by the North Carolina Rail road can obtain tickets lor a trip to Davidson College, during Commence j ment weeK, tiirougu oaiisuury ment week, through Salisbury and Statesviile or through Charlotte, by paying the usual fare in one direction only. . Bible Meeting in Camden Coun- tt. Tne ltev. tr. a otrooei, Lnsinst au. Sawyer's Creek Baptist Church on Sun- day, June etn, at r. m. The county Society was re-ogornized and the following officers chosen President T. B. Boshall. Cor. Sec'y -W. W. Morrissette. ' Treasurer and Depositary J. T. Eth- eridge. Executive Committee G. D. Pritch ard, II. W. Scott and C. L. Grandy. The Executive Committee ordered a supply of books for their Depository, which is the first order sent in since the war. The Camden County Bible Society is one of the oldest in the State, having been organized in June 1818. During the early part of its history it displayed a good deal of activity, as it appears from the records of the parent society that it had sent to the Bible House a f -t ,- i $225 in tne way oi donations, and nearly $700 from the sale of Bibles. The first President of the Society was Mr. Enoch Sawyer, who, though living in Camden County, held the office of Collector of Customs for. Elizabeth City. Mr. S. was President from 1818 to 1824. Dunns this time the venerable Bishop jA.sbury visited the counties around Al ;bemarle Sound, and made so favorable an impression that many children were n,nri ftftpr flip Rinhnn This fart bftinrr made known to the Bishop, he ordered a box of Bibles lrom New. York, to the care of Mr. Sawyer, with .instructions that each of his little namesakes should i npin o mm ni rnri Escrnn nr.rinTiir(.n . r . . - ... i u: "7 rj iT- " Appointed. His Excellency, Gover nor Caldwell, has appointed'!. V. Mc Cracken, ol Pine Bluff, Arkansas, Com missioner at Deeds for North Carolina in that State. Lunatic Arrived. Sheriff McCall, ot Caldwell county, brought to the city yesterday, Robt. Miller, Esq., a lunatic from that county, and placed him in the Asylum. Mr. Miller was quite a promi nent citizen of that county, and before the war very wealthy. The loss ot his property by the aad.termination of the war is supposed to be the cause of his lunacy. M. B. & L. A. The money on hand having been disposed of in the cancel lation of stock, no meeting of the As sociation will be held to-night. Mem bers can pay their dues to the Secretary at his store, 33 Fayetteville street. Fines will be strictly enforced against delinquents. Wm. Simpson, Sec'y. Classical and Mathematical School. We invite the attention of pa rents and guardians to tbe advertisement ot Messrs. T. J. and W. D. Horner of their School at Henderson in this issue of our paper. Pupils entrusted to their training will not only be prepared for College,but fitted for honorable and use ful stations in life. These gentlemen are thorough scholars and are in every way fitted for the vocation in which they are engaged. Special Courts. Governor Caldwell has issued orders for special terms of the Courts of the following counties : Rowan, commencing on the second Monday in August, Judge Albertson, presiding. Mecklenburg, commencing on the third Monday in July. The name of the Judge to hold this last named term will be aunounced here after. ; Capt. Brain. We were pleased to meet in our sanctum yesterday evening Capt. Jno. C. Brain, who was one of the most distinguished officers in the late C. S. Navy. Capt. Brain, is visit iDg our city in the interest of the 44Muhl Patent Ice Machine," of which he is the mtinutacturer and the sole proprietor of the patent for the States of Virginia and North Carolina. By the use of this machine, which has proven itself a suc cess, ice can be delivered in the city at one cent a pound, to say nothing of the atvantage of keeping the money at home. We wish the Captain success in his en terprise. Supreme Curt. The Court met tsiciuay tit iuv uouuv . Justices present. The following cases were argued : . Geo. D. Black, Adm'r, vs. John Daw son et al., New Hanover. W. S. & D. J. Devane lor the plaintfff and Robt. Strange for defendants. Sinclair, Owen & Brown vs. State of North Carolina, Cumberland. J. W. Hinsdale for piaintifis, and Attorney General Hargrove for the State. B. A. Greene et al. vs. G. F. Greene, Union. J. II. Wilson for plaintiffs, no counsel for defendant. Thomas J. Jones vs. Commissioners of Bladen county. B. & T. C. Fuller for plaintiff and T. H. Sutton, N. McKay and Robt. Strange for defendants. The Court adjourned to meet to-day at 9 a. m. Argument of appeels from the 5th District will be continued. Bingham School. On the 25th prox. this popular school opens its Fall session, and the prospect for a large at tendance is most flattering. Notwith standing the difficulties UDder which the present session opened, on account ol the sickness and subsequent demise ot the late Superintendent, Col. Wm. Bingham,it has been one ot the most suc cessful sessions in the history ol school. This school in point of reputation is behind none in the South, and its pres ent corps ot instructors, Maj. Robert Bingham, Superintendent, Major W. B. Lynch and Capt. T. L. Norwood, is a most efficient one, and the gentlemen composing it are finished scholars and teachers of large experience. We wish the school a continuance of the large patronage which it has deservedly en joyed since is establishment. United States Circuit Court. In our report of the proceedings of the CircuitCourt Wrednesday,we were guilty of the crave error of using the term District Court. ' We therefore make the neccssary apology to the officers The entire morning session was con sumed in the argument of the case of L. Davis & CoV, vs. James W. Schenck, Geo. W. Williams.Eli Murray and Benj. F. Grady, on the civil docket. -Messrs. Smith & Strong, and Devane tor the plantiffs, and Col. Robt. Strange and Manger London for the defendants. The Jury returned a verdict for the plaintiffs for $3 385.88, full amount ot debt and 1 ' di.miges. The main points in this case was a suit on the indemnifying bond of the Sheriff ot New Hanover county, James W. Schenck, who had executed a levy on one Fishblate, who was the agent of Louis Davis & Co., in favor ot another mercantile firm. Messrs. Louis Davis & Co., a3 tiie owners of Fishblate's stock secures not only the amount levied upon by the Sheriff, but also the damages claimed at foUU. j , EVENING SESSION. .Messrs. Venable atkl McKay, the counsel lor Abner Kelly, convicted a few days ago tor Jvu-Kiuxing, tnacte a motion in airest of judgment on account 0f gross irregularities in the bill of in dictment. Mr. Badger, the District Attorney, said: "May it please your nonor, this indictment is not ot my own drawing ; it came down to , me from a former ceneration." . Judge liona replied : -i nope, sir, 1 . . . .- in I C t . ; i ,, i nhn. inmrp lArrnmcn win r ni h. iiRtrpr Radical Nominating Convention. The Radicals of this county hold a Con vention in this city on Tuesday, the 23rd inst., for the purpose of nominating a candidate to fill tbe vacancy in the dele gation from this county in the House ot Representatives, ccasioned by the resignation of R. C. Badger, Esq. There seems to be quite a scramble among the Rads for the nomination. We hear the namesTSf T. M. Argo, R. W. Wynne, R, T. Bosher, C. L. Harris, M. V'B. Gilbert and James H. Jones, col., prominently mentioned in connection with the nomi nation. Who the winning man will be we cannot say, but are inclined to think that the contest will be between Argo and Jones. . 'Error. The, following which we take from the Richmond Enquirer is erronous in two particulars, First: , It was not in ,the News office that tbe stabbing case occurred,and secondly.the parties engaged in the stabbing in another office in the city are not seri ously injured ':.-'... "It seems we can't have a crime in the South but immediately the North imi tates us. We had a parricide in Geor gia a week ago, and New York followed suit. Day before yesterday two printers stabbed each other nearly to death in the News office at Raieigh, and Boston off sets this by a stabbing affray between two of the employer of the Herald ot fice. Let tjiis generous rivalry continue until the bloody chasm be closed." SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. Parties desiring Clerks, Salesmen, Travelling Nurses, Seamstresses, Qoach- men and Gentlemen's Travelling Servants, can be supplied by applying at Intelligence Office. A. G. Bennett, Jr., June 12-3t Proprietor. Job Printing. We call the attention of merchants, Clerks of Courts, Sheriffs, Law yers, Railroad officers and Agents, and all others having orders for printing, to the facilities offered at the Daii,y N ews Print ing Establishment for the prompt and faithful execution of all kinds of Job Printing. We can furnish at short notice Cards, Bill-Heads, Letter-HeatJs, Program mes, Ball Tickets, Blanks, Pamphlets, Tags, Hand-Bills, Catalogues, Bills of Fare, Show-Bills, &c, &c. Satislaction guaran teed. i N EW ADVERTISEMENTS. CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATI- y CAL SCHOOL., Henderson, Gianville County, N. C, T J. HORNER. W. D. HORNER Principals. , Will open the Fall Session on the third JV1UJNUAX in July. The price of Board and Tuition per ses- charges. ' Wilu"ul' The School is designed not only to pre- pare young nien in ,"il-rfTil"KtatVons in I 1, i For particulars, address the Principals at Tally Ho, N. C, or J. Abner Harrell, Hen- derson, until the School opens, aiterwaras i at Henderson, N. C. jel3-wtf A P ROC LAM A' TION BY THE Governor of North Carolina. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT,) Raleigh, June 9th, 1873. J Be it known to all whom it may concern : That in conformity with section 8, chap ter 153 of the acts of the General Assembly nassed at the session or 1872-'73. in relation to amendments ot the Constitution of the Slate: I, Tod R. Caldwell, Governor of the State of North Carolina, do order so much of the preamble of said act as sets lorth the alterations proposed and agreed to, and the second section of said act to be published for thirty days preceding the first Thurs rtnv rf Anernst. 1873. In the Raleigh "Daily Sentinel," the "Daily Era" and the "Daily Nkws", published in Raleigh, and also for the . same length of time in the following Weekly papers, puDiisnea in tne various Congressional Districts of the State to-wit: First District "North Carolinian," Eliza beth Citv : "Express " Washington. Second District" News," Goldsboro ; "Mail," Rocky Mount. Third District "Statesman," Fayette ville : "Star." Wilmington. Fifth District-" New North State," Greensboro ; "Chronicle," Milton. Sixth District "Democrat," Charlotte "Spirit of the South," Rockingham. States- 17-illi. "WotjhmiHi " Sa.lislmrv. Eighth District "Pioneer" and "Exposi tor," Asheville. That portion of the preamble ordered to be published is in the following words,, to-wit : "Whereas, the latt General Assembly, (three-nfths oi the whole number of mem hurs of each House concurring.) the bill containing the same having keen read three times in each House, proposed the fol lowing alterations of the Coustiiution of the State, lO-Wlt ; Aiierauuu m reiauou wj the public debt; alteration in relation to the office of Superintendent of Public Works; alteiation in relation to the State census; alteration in relation to exemp tions from taxation,: alteration in relation to the University ; alteration in relation to t,h sessions of the General Assembly ; alteration in relation to the Code Commls tiionera ; alteration in relation to Federal and other officers holding office The second section of the said act ordered to be published is in the following words, t.o.wit, "It shall be the duty of the Sheriffs in enpti and everv county in the state to open polls at the several election precincts in his ... ii t . rr v. . - ... . 1 . . 4 n ... county on tne saiu ihsl iuuisuaj m au (mat nfixt. and the same shall be Jtept open tnr nn riav. from tbe hour of eiiht o'clock in the morning to the hour of seven in the alternoon. when all persons qualified to vote according to the Constitution, may vote for or against the ratification of each of the said amendments, those desiring such amendments to vote with the written tbos of a contrary opinio written or printed ticket, -rrt onto or nrintea tiaaet rui iimcimiucuw, 'Against Amend ments.'" , . . The attention of County Commissioners and Inspectors of the Election is also called to the 4th section of said act of Assembly which provides that separate ballot-boxes shall be furnished for eacii amendment to be voted on. . Hone at our City of Raleigh, the L. S. ninth day of Jane, A. D. 1873, and in the ninety-seventh year of American Independence. TOD It. CALDWELL. By the Governor ; J. B. Kkatheky, Private Sec y. June 10-30d The papers named In the foregoing proclamation will publish as therein di rected and forward bills to Executive office s l'r E R I F F' 8 SALE. no iitiiprsiffned. bv virtue of an execu ttnn issued from the Superior Court of Chatham. In a case wherein J. H. Haugh tonis Plaintiff, and the Cape Fear and luon Uivpr Naviaation Company Defend- o,it win kpII at public auction, at the COUrt HOUScUWl, u iuo vunu VIA i iitouuiv, on MONDAY, 7th of July, "the franchises of said corporation, with all the rights and thtrftof so far as relates to the receiving oi fare or tolls" on the Cape Fear snd Deep Rivers from Fayetteville to Han cock's Mills in ine couuiy ui iuwic Termi.cash. q WILLiAMS, Sheriff. tot- Tnii TtATKR. uenutv Sheriff. Wttsboro, June 5, 1873. fell-d2t TELEGIllPIIIC JTEirS. NOON DISPATCHES. A Crisis in Spanish Affairs Serious uutoreaks .Expected in Madrid. London, June 12. A special to the Times, from Madrid, reports that the crisis in ths Government of Spain con tinues, and tears of a serious outbreak in the Capital are entertained. The Cortes remained in secret session most of the day yesterday. During its dehbera ticna a party of armed volunteers sur rounded the Palace of the Cortes. A large body of armed police was concen trated at the column ot Dos De Mayo, ' and detachments of troops were posted at other places in the city in anticipation of an outbreak, but their services were not called into execution. The Irrecon concilables press only advocate an army revolution. The situation is very dis quieting. Later London, June 12. A Mad rid special sent from that city last eve ning says that the Irreconciliables are opposed to the formation of a Ministry from the Right. Bodies ot armed Irre conciliables and armed partisans of the majority of the Cortes respectively, oc cupy strategic positions in the city, and I a conflict between the opposing factions is feared. NEW YORK ITEMS. The Popularity of Stokes Charges Against the Japanese Minister Counterfeit Currency &c, &c. New York, June 12. Fully 15,000 persons nave visited titokes since his confinement in the Tombs. Between two and three hundred called yesterday. The occupants ot Murderer's Row con tinue, muah elated over the granting of a new trial to Stokes. Counterfeit currency, of tea cent de nomination, was discovered in circu a tion yesterday. The counterfeit is un usually well engraved and printed. Mori, the Japanese Minister to the United States, according to a letter in the Tribune from, Yedda. rest3 under grave accusations, preferred by his own countrymen. His management of funds entrusted to his care is said to be sus piciously loose, and his conduct towards his own government is characterized as perverse wiiruiness. Mori has beeu granted leave of absence. - A Halifax Horror. Halifax, N. S., June 12. A man split his wife's head fatally with an axe. and then cut the throats ot two children, aged 3 and 5 years. The man had been drinking. t MIDNIGHT DESPATCHES. Spanish Affairs. Madrid. June 12. Ameetinsr of the -- , - agreed, in order to conciliate their op v-tsvtsmtn YrnrncLfl a m 1 til at Ttt fr ViA F-- . - -r i- p " uuuiposeu ui - wuscnouiwauuT xuw- conciliables. The Cortes has accepted resignation of the Figuras Cabinet. At a meeting of the majority last night, the following new Ministry was agreed upon : President ot the Council ana Minister of the Interior, Piy Marall ; Minister of the Colonies, Lorm Minis' ter of Foreign Affairs, Muzo; JSiimster of War. Estavuz : Minister of Marine, Onrich : Minister it 1 Finance, Ladus ; Minister of Public Works, Benat ; Min ister ot Justice, Gonzalez. The author ities are determined to resolutely sus tain the majority in whatever measures they may adopt. sp.nor Kimiras has lelt the city oi Madrid. . . New York Finances and Other Mat ters. New York, June 12. Money con tinues abundant to borrowers, on call, at 4 to 5. and on prime mercantile pa per at 7, and .all the indications, ootn here and in London, are favorable for an easy money market. In the stock mar- - ket there has been a general aavance, prices having risen from to If. The Government sola one ana a nau millions of gold to-day, at from 116.78 to 116.91. A man was arrested for throwing his wite out of a fourth story window. The trial of Claflin aud Col. Blood lor indecent publications, occurs on Monday. . . " From London. London, June 12. A treaty of alli ance between Germany and Itally is re ported to have been concluded. - A Mississippi Valley Society, for the oromotion of trade and the investment of capital in the western and southern otate3, was organizeu ucre w-uaj. Among the'promoters of the enterprise are some of The wealthiest Englishmen. Cremarne won the gold cup at Ascot. Heath -flagralet the sec md ; Revenge the third. Seven rau. From Washington. Washington, June 12. Gov. Davis, of Texas, telegraphs that he will send Satanta and Big Tree, the two Kiowa chiefs, to Fort Sill, to be released in ac cordance with the request of Secretary Delano, but hopes that the Indians will be held by the military until after he can muke an official visit to Washing ton, which will be in a very few days. The State Department has advices of the release ot the Herald correspondent, Price. From Boston. Boston, June 12. The annual meet ing of Master Car Builders-postponed tha consideration of heating and venti lating cars, until the next annual meet ing. The meeting of the creditors of Bowles Bros, it Co., the Faris bankers, lead to no result. The farm propose another meeticg for final action. Weather Probabilities. Washington, June 12. For the South Atlau.ic States, light to fnsh variable winds and ' partly cloudy weather, with areas of rain ou the couai. , . -v..,- : A Cotton Corner. Nkw Yoke, June 12. The corner in spot cotton was fully developed to-day. Several failures are reported. No names given. I ' - tindian Xews.'V;'r;;'':! San Francisco, June 12. A. band 61 Apaches 'started South and poba'bly4' invaded Sorena. - ' Another band are- re-i j ported live miles over the borders. . Adr j vices from Gen. Davis' camp report only 3 or 4 Modocs at large. The Pitt River J Indiacs delivered 11 Modoc refugees to'' Davis. - . ') Russian He verse. ;' St. Petersburg, June 12. There is a rumor current that tbe Khivan expe-4 ditionary column, under the command? of Gen. CaufTman, has met with a re verse. " ' :' '''' ' '? The Khivans retreated after a sharp fight near Chaboat. Two Russian Col-J onels were killed. , . . , , No Hail.' ' Richmond, Y a. , June' 1 2. The sec onds in the recent duel made an.untu: cessful attempt for release JjajLjj,,., The beard of a man, clean "shaved at me time oi uis ounai, six ' years ago, in San Francisco, was found to beeigatetzi inches long when the coffin was opeped a few weeks ago. ' ' , St. Louis is to have a new uaner't'o be called the Tribune, and to start with a capital of $100,000.; ? -,-..' y-,ff rT Sew York Markets. New York, June 12. Net receipts of cot r)nJ1'13?bales; Sross fgales for export to-uayozu; last evenlug iau. .. is Sales of cotton for future iIpH 27,200 bales, as follows : June 20a20 118 " Jo. Cotton irreeular and iTnfi'ffi" VslA, higher; good speculation demand: -sales 1,900 bales; middling uplands 20; .Orleans b lour dull and declining; common to fafr extra $6.20aS7.90 ; good to choice SZ.oaSll.tW. Whisky unchanged." Wheat la2c.wef very moderate demand and large rtecel nts Corn a shade easier; yellow vVestern 63j Pork active and steadier. Laid active ami lower, 8a9X;- . Navals steady. Freights quiet. ' i Money easy at -1. Sterling firm n.t.o rini'i !CJal7. Governments dull :ii.i vVr.,Kiv States quiet. Wilmiugton Markets. : Wilmington, N. C. June 12. Spirits tnr. penune quiet, at 4o. Rosin uulet. no saiew reported. ' Crude lurrjenMne stpn.K- 9PnfAi,..j. 9J.00ior yellow dip and virgin. , -.' im lower, at so.ou. Baltimore Market. ' Baltimore:, June 12. Flour steady and improved demand. Wheat quiet and steady. Corn white CS. Oats Southern ?? Provisions doll. ' Lanl very dull, Vtfav. Whisky steady J ' : " - Foreign Aiarkets. t London, June 12 Evening. Bullioa in creased 121,000. Kts- J cne 12. Bullion decreased 54,000, 00J francs. Itentes 0(i and 80. ,. 4 Livekvoow Juiie 12. Evening Cotton closed strong; sales of American 9,750 bales: 9y&, orieans, juue delivery, tr.uiirueut8 Cotton Jttarketr- ,, ;, Mobile, June 12. Cotton firm ; , good or dieary 16; low middlings 17; middlings Charleston,-June 12. fcottott strong ami tending upi middlings lsa,18 - ordinary Baltimobe, June 12. Cotton firm'i mid dlings 19a 19. ; , Wilmington, June 12. Cot ton nominal ; middlings 18). . . . . ... t . , ' Norfolk, June 12. Cotton firmer, low middlings 17. -.. ,7. "g AX TER, NASH. Co: N OR F O L K , Cy,.i:MM, .... NORTH CAROLINA HERRINGS: We are receivi ng direct from the Fisher ies of North Carolina, 'pJ '- 'i "Sli Cut, Grosi and Roe Herrinss; all of which we are selling at very7 lowest prices. - , ' ' ; ' ' j Parties In want would do well to ordei at once to get them fresh and tri good ordlr1. may 3tf BAXTER, NASH CO. w A N T E I) T 2 ; R E-N T Two Seats In Dr. 'Mason's Cnurclv ;Ap- ply to O. W. blacknalt;,: June !0-2t Yarboro ilou. INGLEH, S U.I N0LE 40,000 W hite Pine shi ngles cheapest and .v..t rhi.ol.1ii ' ' S - u 3-tf W. U STRONACH. 1ST O T '13 ' '! .'rr.5!V"... WM. B, SlfEPARD, Esq., of Edetiton, N. C, having this day been admitted as a partner in .the- busiucss ol" JoUu . li., He ti m Co., the style and name ff the firm will hereafter be I5AKER. NEAIi & HE1' AltD. ' ,h, I ' JNO. B.'NBAU'" I WM. B. KUliPARD. t Nokkolk, May 22d, 1873. ,t s. my2j-JLra W HITE . SULPHUR1' -SPRINGS, Catawba County Ni C vP - This celebrated wateiing plac (formerly Sparkling Catawba) is now open for visitors. The bracing atmosphere, with the health-restoring properties of tbeir waters, render these rpngs ;l most desir able report lor: invalids fJid pleasure- Mrs. MAY WREN', who is fo well known as a model house-keerer, will have charge of the Culinary Department. Good l;and of music, Tea-Pen Alley, Billiard Table, and a good supply of ice. An Omnibus will be at Micsory station, on thoAVtKtern N C. I.aihoad lor passen- gets on the ai rival ol evry train. DK.-E. O. ELLIOTT, Junel2-Diiw4w&W4t Proprietor. c HAIILES v. SPRUILL. I I U It a X A M. 1j A n , WARRENTON, N. C. ' : ; ! COUNTS Warren '-and -adjoining coun J;es, surejne Conrt of Ncrth Carolina, and United Statts Courts at iialeih. ; mho-1 1 mot W2m. '. "" " . O P () S A L S . At a meeting of the Board of Commis sioners the City of ItafeJ, Hldi? he eveuins of the ot:i inst.; lmb um j. um-o was autriorizel t advertise: lor pYo?osals to keen the t iiy Pump -In oftler for one year the contractor to furnisUjiew Stocks a1LM L Wonosals will b- iwsivea at my onice for tun days i'rtfii tlU ile.. " The rigUt to reject Jg " CtiiuyXft'o-fce. al'"' 1 , .Kftntlnclaod Era cony. XXT O O D O OA L I have "this day opened my WOOD'D m r, V'AKD.with a good tock of -Oak a laavjt tliir i place of business on 'Wefn"?y. apl2-tt ' ; , W.: Vi bT;ilONACJtl ,17dHi9' October 1811-l6i; November HieKorv, niiw uw uuiciiuuw and Soft CoaL Parties wishing to purchase orders at the Yara or my twed 110, and Freeman $5. 4 ,5.n fe low craftsmen. ' M But ",UJ I . nui uvfcVJ . .. - J " -o " ' 1

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