Daily news. DAILY NEWS. S TONE A UZZELL, - - PBOPKIJEToas. Faykttkviiak Stekjet, Over W. C. Stronach 4 Co.'s Store. ' CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. . The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to subscribers at fiftehn cknts per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at 17 per annum; for six mouths ; $2 for three month. The WRKKL.Y(NEWS at $2 per annum. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, one Insertion................. i 00 One square, two insertions...... 1 60 One square, three insertions. 2 66 One square, six insertions.................. 8 00 One square, one month...... 8 00 One square, three mo iths.......... ...... 16 Otf One square, six mon' Os . 80 00 One square," t. el ve meads,....... 60 00 ; For larger advertisements, liberal con tract will be made. Ten line 8 solid non pareil constitute one square. 11? VOL. II. RALEIGH. N. CL TUES DAY MORNING. JUNE 17. 1873. NO. 97. MONDAY ..........JUNE. 18. 1873. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor MORNING EDITION. AII parties ordering the News will please send the money for the time the paper is wanted. "Contractors will not be allowed, under their contracts, to advertise any other than their legitimate busi ness, unless by paying specially for such advertisements. -BS-J. O. H. Nuttall, of the Charlotte Advertising Agency, is agent for this paper in Charlotte, N. c. He is duly authorized to contract for advertisements and receipt for subscriptions. Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents. No. 4 South Street, Baltimore. Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this uouse. 13"" Thk Agricultural journal and thk News. The State agricultural Journal, an eight-page Weekly published In this city, will be clubbed with the Daily News at $8.50 per annum, and' with the Weekly News at 83 50 per annum. Ovders directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. .4s the enforcement of the Cash system will cause us t ) strike from our list the names of many of our subscribers md after the Jirst of this month, we trust that no offense will be taken by tliose wlio may thus find their papers discontinued, aa we mean no disrespect to any one in doing so, but only to carry out our deter rninatiah and Xhe recommendation of the late Press Convention. We tiust, how ver, that those thus deprived of the News will at once reneio their subscription i. STONE & UZELL June 1, 1873. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. RALEIGH POST OFFICE ARRANGEMENT. Office hours from a. m to 7 p. m., du ring the week (except while the .nails are being distributed.)' TIME OF ARRIVAL AND-CLOSING THE MAILS Western New Orleans, La., Augusta, Oa., Columbia, K. C Charlotte, Salisbury, lireensuoro, saleni, Chapel Hill, Hillsboro. &c, due at l:a. m. Close at 5 p. m. Eastern Charleston, S. C.,, Wilmington, Newern, Beaufort, Ooldsbjro, tc, due 5:30 p. ra. Close 9 p. m. Northern IS ew York', Baltimore, Phila delphia, Washington, Richmond, Peters burg, Nortolk, Weldon, &c, due at at 3.30 p.m. Close Sfclo a. m. Chatham ItailroMl Fayetteville, Jones- boro, Apex, Osgood, &c, due 10 a. m. Close 3 p.m. Miscellaneous Eagle Rock, Monday and Thursday, due 11 a. m., close 1 p. m. Rox boro, every Wednesday, due lllia. m., close 1 p. in. Lieachbure. every VediiesUay. due Qlnoe houvs lor itegisieiev Money order. Departments, from ba a. m. U 5:30 p. m, t Rnn. As no mans are ictcnou - , Sunday, the office will not be opened on tnaiaay. , TTrvr nine J M. J.AUIA'J'-' I w. w. Local Briefs.- Pomegranatcs are now in bloom. A Raleighite in Londok What IIe Has Seen and Hea?d. From a private letter 'to a party in this city from Col. W. II , Tucker, we take the following extracts: I continue well, and am still enjoying myself in seeing much of the old world. I will go East some time during the cext week. Will stay a week at Paris, and then through the South German States pi s :n through Wurtemburg to Vienna. I received your letters and the Ral eigh papers yesterday ; glad to hear from all, &c The Raleigh paper9l will place on tile at the great Vienna exhibition'as samples from the North Carolina press. Would like to have Jtad the pleasure of placing some of our farm and mechan ical products on exhibition, but suppose our farmers do not take much interest in Vienna fairs this season of the year. We went to the Derby races on last ednesday, and as for telling you what I saw, I think it best for you to ask me what I did not see ; for such sights comes here but nee a year, and to me, perhaps, but once in a lifetime. The Derby races is to the English somewhat like the Fourth ol July is to .us. a gen eral holiday. Everybody turns out ; such crowds ; all sorts ot funny things and sights ; it would till a book for the to undertake to tell you all. The racing was good and I ought to know, as I have seen some of the finest racers in the United States, including Longfellow, and Harry Bassett. I know all the world " and the rest of mankind " were at the races. The old and young, the rich and poor, the no bility and the beggar in his rags,'ail were here. Every kind and species ol conveyance was in demand, and thou sands went out by railway, some on i donkeys, mules, wagons, drays, and others in the finest equipages in the world. The course was literally throng ed with human beings and the sight was truly a great one to me and my iriends, and all had a good time. On such occasions carriages liiie from 1 to 100 lor the day, the one we used -cost 12 for only lour. We returned salely : at 9 o'clock, p. m., at which time it was ! not dark and tor miles and miles along the road and all through the city was one continual stream of human beings returning trom the races. , On yesterday we visited the Bank oi England; went all through the buildings and was satisfied with what we had al ways heard that it was a "big thing." I had in my hand five millions of ster ling, one bill alone for one million. Well enough lor a fellow to feel rich once it he is required to give it back to the Bank and as to gold and silver' there seemed to be no end to it. The printing and making ot gold money was very interesting, and alter leaviug ufv '60&dw.jaV"- k purchasing some of our Fall goods, r . . . -M i. ;mArtnl irpt.lv for YY. WUlCn Will oc iuij;unvu J - H & R. S. Tucker & Co. From the ex terior of these buildings, one' would suppose that they were rather small, but you will be agreeably disappointed when The City op Charlotxe. Returning from a brief visit through some of the Southern States, we halted a day in the "future London ol the South," and spent a few hours leisurely viewmg the most lovely portions of this really beautiful city. Charlotte i$ rapidly growing into a place commercially ol no small im portance, the general business of the place increasing with each year. The The completion ol the Atlanta Air Line Railroad, which will take place in Au gust, will add much to this business, as it will place Charlotte in more easy com munication with the great ma ketsof the West, and place it on one of the shortest and most rapid rbutea be tween the North and South. Some of, if not the largest wholesale, dry goods' establishments in the State, are already established here, while the commission business is growing into handsome pre1 portions. And withal, the Charlotteto nians are displaying a positive energy that is highly commendable and which will always find its results. j F Through the courtesy of Major W. J. Yates, ot the Democrat, (to whom we are indebted for most courteous atteu tion during our stay in Charlotte.) we enjoyed a drive through and around the city, and were struck with the general appearance of neatness and good taste displayed in the dwellings and grounds ol the citizens, which renders 0uarlotte at this season quite beautiful. -We have seldom seen burial grounds mora hand somely arranged than those ol Elmwood Cemetery the people of Charlotte therein evidence that tender fondness lor those ''who have gone before" which marks them as not without soulin this moving age of business. j The grounds ot the Carolina Fair Association are in read i ness ! for the Approaching Fair,- which, we jlearn, is positively to De neia this tall. The he com- by any only be be com- dle of and grounds are not surpassed in t pleteness of their arrangements other now in the State, and will second to the State grounds to pitted iu Raleigh by the mil October. 1 We called on Gov. Z. B. Vance, found him busy with a client he look ed as jovial and cheerful as usual. Long may he coutinue the pride of all North Carolinians. We SDent a short! while. with Cape. R. P. Waring, the able and efficient Senator from Mecklenburg, ana were pleased to find him looking well. His iriends in Raleigh will greet him back here next November with! pleas- ute. Uur young mend Johns tori Jones. of the Observer, we are glad to team, is doing well with 'his Dai v. M,iv he long live and prosper. . ! i he Central House was our place of abode during our stay. It is well kept, both the lodging and dining room? evi dencing a neatness that is aDnrieciated may welTfeeY "pride1 m the evident in creasing prosperity oi her western city, and we hope the fondest dreamt ot her citizens may be tully realized, The Citizen's Cornet Band. The subjoined correspondence speaks for itself. We commend the accommo dating spiiit manifested by the gentle men composing the band, and predict for them a rich return from this bread thrown upon the waters. They are emi nently worthy of public patronage, and should have it. Raleigh. June 16, 1873, To His Honor, W. Whitaker, Esq., Mayor of the City of Raleigh, N. C: Sir : We, the members of the Citi zens Cornet Band, in consideration of the liberal contributions from the citi zens of Raleigh and vicinity, and wish ing to show our appreciation of the same, do hereby tender our services to play one evening in each week in the Cap itol Square or elsewhere, as your Honor may;iiirec1j We would suggest the erection of a music stand, as better n abliflg us to perform to advantage, in the Capitol Square. II. C. Smith, For Citizen's Cornet Band. Mayor's Offibe, ) Raleigh, June 16, 1873 Pro. II. C. Smith, Citizens Cornet Band: Sir Your note of this date is before me. On behalf of the citizens of Ral- eiffh. I return von nH unnr hnnrl ninrprn thanks for their kind offer to "discourse MOTHER LOT OF THESE ELE- Ju st received at The Daily News in Goldsboro. The recent change of schedule on the North Carolina Road will throw the morning edition of the Daily News in Goldsboro by 4 o'clock every morning. It will contain the midnight telegrams, and will reach that city some seeen hours ahead of the dailies from any other point either in or out ot the State. ne snau enect arrangement! at once whereby the News can be supplied to the citizens of Goldsboro at a very early hour every morningr, thus placing the markets, telegrams and other late news in theii hands before the business of the day shall have commenced. We hope to meet with a liberal support in this endeavor.. DIED. In this city, on Monday, June 16, 1873, at 1 o'clock, a. m., Ida B., infant daughter of Chas. W. and'Marion M. Horner, aged 14 months and 4 days. The funeral services will take place at the residence oi Person Stieet, between Hargett and Martin, this .aornine at 10 o'clock. Friends of the family Invited to attend. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A N ELEGANT ASSORMENT OF Sponges from 5c. to $2 each, just received and for sale at UARMER'S DRUG STORE. sweet music" one eveninsr in each week. I am sure our DeoDle will aDDreciate th is j-are, treat, and I name Wednesday eVening.Vhd half past six o'clock, as the hour an hour after the labors of the day shall have ended, and at the close of the half week when recreation to our citizens will be most grateful. 1 would suggest that your band take position, on the roof of the Capitol, South wing. I pave the honor to be gentlemen, ' "... Very truly your ob't- servant ; W. Whitakek, "," ' Major. Supreme. Court. This Court yesterday morning at 9 o'clock. of the Judges were on the beuch cept Judge Boyden. The following cases were argued : Mary E. Davis et al., vs Joshua Park er, et al , trom Wayne. W. G. Mornsev for plaintiffs and Smith & Strong for defendants. State vs David B. Joues, from Wayne. Attorney General for State"; no counsel for defendant. Atlantic & N. C. R. R. Company vs T. M. Cowles t al., from Craven. R. Lehman tor plaintiffs and A. S. Sey mour and George Greene for defendants. II. P. Whitehurst, Trustee vs Eliza B. Greene, Executrix, from Craven. No counsel for plaintiff and J. II. Hauiih- Gr CAKMER'S DRUG STORE. ULLETT'S LIGHT DRAFT GINS. Perfect castings, and guaranteed the best Gins in use. G.T.STRONACH A BRO. junel7-dtf JATENT GLOSS STARCH. The finest article in the Market, put up in 6 lb. boxes for family use. Just received and for sale at CARMER'S DRUG STORE. june 17-d2w. TELEaitJlPIIIC JTEWS. SUNDAY NIGHT'S TELEGRAMS. Horrible Itlur. From Louisiana A der. New Orleans, June 16 The libel case of Hawkins vs. the Picayune is pro gressing. There are six white and six negro jurors. The Court is crowded. New Ibera, La., June 10. Samuel A. Lenet, a Frenchmen, and Alex. Snaer, a colored Justice of the Peace, were brutally murdered in their store 5 miles from this place, last night. The store was robbed and burned by 3 negroes. A number of citizens have gone in pur suit of the murderers. The Fire Fiend. Navosata, Texas, June 15. A fire swept Washington Avenue from Bros sig's to the Postoffice. The loss is $200, 000. Insurance $73,000. It is believed that an incendiary caused the fire. NOON DISPATCHES. met All ex- O C E This is to notify the public that Silas Jones, colored an apprentice absconded from my premises, four miles Soutb of this city, on Sunday oi last week. All persons are hereby warned against harborins or employing him. He was decoyed off by anot her colored boy by the name of Bennett Hester, Silas is about 15 years of age. I will pay one ($1) reward for "ai? return to me. 11. J. PEUKINSON. Raleigh, June 16, 1873, June 17-dlt s c E IU13 "lliurumg au v Rev. Dr. Northrop's Addresses at the Churches on Sunday This gen- U. S. Circuit Court. Yesterday this Court convened at 10 A. m., Judge Brooks presiding. The case of Windley vs Bradway & Ppttit was resumed. Mesrss. Battle & Of the VERY BEST kinds, such as cannot be found at Grocery Stores, always on hand. Cloves, African and Jamaico Ginger, Roots and Ground Cinimon, Nutmegs, Spices, Cloves, Pepper, giain and ground, Cream Tartar, Bi-carbonate ol Soda. Consumers of Cream of Tartar, Tartaric Acid, and Carbonate of Soda, should be careful to discriminate between the Com mercial and Medicinal kinds. The forn t r are extensively used in the Arts, and p o duced at low prices ; much injury is s s- m TT F. F E T T E R S O II O O L, SUDDEN DEATH OF A FROMI NENT MINISTER IIE DIES IN HIS PULPIT. special to the daily news. Durham's, June 15. A private dispatch has just been re ceived here announcing the sudden death yesterday of tbe Rev. AG. Hughes, a prominentPresbyterian Minister of Orange county. The only particulars of this melancholy affair are; that on Sunday evening at 2 o'clock ho met his appointment at X roads church near the Orange and Alamance line. A large congregation was present, and shortly after taking his text he sank down in the pulpit speechless. When he was waited upon by members of the con gregation life was found to be cxtiuct. His remains will be buried at Haw River to-day. The Rev. A. G. Hughes was about fitty-five years ot age, and has been in charge ot the pulpit in which he died for more than twenty years. He whs a man of extensive learning, an excellent preacher and remarkable for his kind ness of heart. He was noted us a live and persevering pastor, and his reputa tion as a Dure and devout Christian, for his prominent worth as a good citizen and his general exemplary course of life, extended over the entire State, especial ly with his own church. Ila was a brother of the present Sheriir Hughes MIDNIGHT Washin DISPATCHES. Last ton NewsKelloeg's uispaicn. Washington, June 16th. Belknap returns Friday. Sherman returned on Saturday. . The Siar says that , a change will be made in twenty Consulates to make room for Southern men. The Attorney General on Saturday evening last received the following dis patch from Gov. (?) Kellogg, of Louis iana : "The reported interview published in the New York Tribune of the 9th, re garding the President's proclamation is incorrect. My requisition oh the Pres ideut was fully justified, and the Presi dent's proclamation has had a salutary, effect in all respects. Taxes are being paid mote rapidly than ever before in Louisiana. " After providing for the January and February interest, we have over $450,000 dollars in State funds to night in the hands of the fiscal agents, and will pay March, April and June coupons early in July. The injunctiong only restrains the payment of interest of the five series of bonds of 25. There is money enough to pay the interest on all bonds in the hands of the fiscal agents." A Fearful Murder. Belfast, MAiNE.June 16th. At day break this morning Almond Gordan, a farmer living near Thorndyke Station, and his wile and' youngest danghter were found murdered in one bed, and his little son six years old. who slept in a crib in the same room, fearfully woun dedr and the house set on fire. ,AU the bodies were much mutilated; A bloody axe,with which the slaughter was done, was found near at hand. A" younger brother ot the murdered man Mi& now under arrest charged with the crime. The alleged cause of the bloody work was a dispute about some property. The suspected man appears perfectly calm and manifests no anxiety. San Francisco Items. Sj n Francisco, June 16. All the Modoc prisoners have been removed io St. Klamath under strong guard. The reported invasion pi Bonora, Mexico, by bands ot Apache Indians, irom the vicinity ot luken, is denied. James Oldhtld has been muraerea in the t'wn of Palisades, Sonora by a man ... - named Addist, who stabbed li is victim riitht in the presence of his wile. D. O. Mills has resigned the position of-President ot the Bank of California. It is reported to-day that Wm. Sharon has finally purchased the interest of Huntington & Hopkins in the Central Paciliu Railroad. L of the Kittrells, N. C. j Principals. von enter the store, iney are larg.au-.- - '!. " a fha ri.nt.ff and Busbee ' f .r.menls. NO flpmon Whose DrGSeiCe V uuuuuv.u . DOU uij'ueu -. t,...- cut up into urn-.-.,- ,, ' , . Ai- Xr. Rnhi.e tor the defendants FRED. A. FETTER, A. M. CHAS. FETTER, A. M., mile from Kittreu Fifteenth Session (J mau, tv.- v - ; M r . f-,i i . - . .ii i -i i- j - . a- Kiicrwe mr nits ucicuu t,.,.w r-vmtv rwt is in cession this show here la the store nouses u. iQ tne last ews, ueuvc - - - fft . the de nil ir i. uui. i - . i i t nun in rnn i imiiiiii n.u lu icovivu week. The new schedule on the North Car olina Railroad. commenced on Sunday nioht. ------- i naiu., " - r - . ,1 . . . . . , : ..ffiA n mi -. on mnaaive nniiain8 auu held in me pos.oui-.c i i uamcf, .u hnilt atrone and substantial Ti.nir h..rtiess does not commence in London until about 9 to 10 o'clock in the morning rather late ior me. . . i .1 - -- finndiTnnp in the able auurtM-- - - Presbyterian and the other in tne uap tist Church, which were listehed to in Kn. k ...atnnr.ea bv larsre aad intelligent A, letter is di Lammermoor" an extra w .... -i 1 night : hop to see the crowneu u.- out Went last night to the Hay market Theatre, and have been to many places of note, which my time will not permit me to describe. When I return m the Fall, will hold a big levee, and can then tell you and my, friends ;of the many . . . - i . ...... o mnnv thinS sights l nave setju, auw v- j - f Ti..-..- i..,orii which cannot well ue i UttYC iiv, written. - Fire. The alarm ot fire sounded last night at 10 o'clock, caused by the burning of Beam's store on Eist Har- Where lie graduated gett street, near Camp Rusaell, ana op- posite tne oiu x air . , was caused by the explosion of a kero sene oil barrel, which was ignited by a ir,rren lamo while the on was.ueiug i.v.. i .- trom tiie oarrei to a tu a' the and Lit loir nf nroner Dstaee, ad ,)rcos tn Mrs. Virginia P. Aliord, Sanvalda, Ga. , (.. Jude W. A. Moore holds the special term ol" the Mecklenburg Court, which commences on the third Monday m July. The health of Judge Boyden will not admit of his appeareance on tne su preme Court Bench during the present session. A. H. Boyden, Esq., the popular young Enrolling Clerk of the present House of Representatives, was in the city Saturday. a rocmUr Convocation of Raleigh nuADi? A M this evening at V'llOpiVl x. ! - J- 11 uual hour and place. A lull prompt attendance desired. Should his health permit, Judge Boy den will attend the Commencement ex ercises of Union College at Schenecta dy, New York fifty-two years ago. We learn that Jno. II. Wheeler is pre isdative Manual of North Carolina, which will probably be ready by the meeting ot the Legislature in November. The work will be a very valuable book of relerence. On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Gattis, a highly respectable lady residing on East Davie street, was, painfully injured in f.rpKo.H hv the careless throwing vw a vou in the street, tone mn e.riouslv iniured that the services of a physician were required. We have repeatedly called the attention ot the authorities to this practice, and we aain inquire how long is it to continue? We are informed that it i3 a daily prac on this street. e9Deciallv where Per son street crosses Davie. If the police ' do their duty, this practice can be stop: ned, and the lives- of pedestrians pro tected from these flying missies. - Rljored Revenue Frauds We hear it rumored on the streets, on all sides, that District Attorney Badger, in : f;!infT he frauds in the collec- tion of United States taxes in this Dis trict,has developed stupendous frauds of long standing, by which the Govern ment has been delrauded of large sums, wwn hArhanrea are investigated tully and the blame fixed where it belongs, the people will be advised of the whole facts. The jury found all the issues fendants. The Court took a recess until 4 p. m. EVENING SESSION. At 4 P. M., the Court convened. Tak ing the evidence and reading the depo sitions in the case of William Morton v,r a v Pettit. consumed the session. i. tji -EVJaa Waterloo and many Kj.'a uftWHona for the noblei the good, Urocura w SV Mason. S. F. Phillips and others The London bridge, it is said. I tbe true and beautiful at home, and was vatkins appeared lor the plaintiff, . nr. ,wnnQ tn hni Id. fasseo ith trr.-afc nower and elegance. ,j cm;h Xr. Strong tor tne aeienuaui oner 11 1 Lev u uiiuwua i uauuit-i "vu tn r i . . 1 nux-i a wards, we went up and down the River aUfUences, composed ot the most public oi.intiid or our cmzicus. wun. . mill substantial and solid bridges the Lon j v,r,Arra ftonthern Railroad. South uuu u' "-'o ' " . i i m a the mornings discourse wa xj.v, the development of the This school, one Cnrlnaa nnenn its ' -C," io.K Inlr The course of instruction is Classical, ifnv.aiviatioi nn( Pnmmercial. The celebrated water irom iu '"'s" " used freely and -with happy effect by boys, whose healtli requires it. . - . Board (including mei ami nguin; n tion, $115. Circulars sent on application, june 19-dtf. : HHTIE SWIFT CREEK MANUFAC- JL ING COMPANY r a omninvment to Soinners. Card Room hands and Weavers, in their Mill near Petersburg, Va. Families will be pro vided with comfortable homes, with the nrivileee of garden. Location healthy and General Intelligence. New York, June 16. The Suit says that four other persons in addition to been already reported from yellow fevcr,weie attacked .i, tt0.mor Y7!)!, route trom ila UU LUC ovtouix " . . j -pi.4U.r1f nhia ana tms pon, uu fv,at t.w af them died, and were buried .. oo tu fnf.t. lein? hitherto kept se- 111, D(.0, - d , i. cret. vccotio u. . Cruze are now subjected to a most ngo DeatU ol a Prominent liemoci-. Boston, June 10,-Hon. Moses ai, ... ..lt moTniiftrof the Democratic partv, and for some years Chairman ot the State Central Committee, died in East B.idwatcr this morning. . - .. c ItloailirP lRrtV. A Sad isnains oi - - MONTPKLIER, VT , J UUe q a.pleusure party m i were arownru. twentv on tIT i,-n collided. n,ers were taken from the water un- STlw. HoueS of Pariiamen.,-&c. On The talk ,t tl,e evemng usmb y w. The Cottrt wi(l mt at 10 o dock ,h ?paSt Monday niiint, juue uw r ,,v i upon tne niuic oo u k.v..."-, --- i niorniug, wueu ius o eoin to the Opera at "Drury Lfane, w wa9 an ciiort of still greater power, vu. Mad' Christine rn.son m 1 nt the larcest congrrgauuus, uUJFv."& hear " Lucia all denominations, (.the otner cnurcuca having suspended services for the pur pose was assembled, and the teeling for popular education aroused and fos tered by their presence, caiinot tail ol its influeuce hereatter. j Dr. Northrop is a scholar, ft9 well as a fine speaker, and gave uojversal satis faction. en- the and ana OF THE Fire transferred stand. . .,, ., The stoie of Mr; Bem, with its tire contents were soon burned to ground, nothing saved. Both Mr. Mrs. Bein were severely burned harplv escaned with their lives. The adjoining store oi uvi-" also burned to the ground, and only bv the most heroic eflorts oi.me Ladder and' Bucket Fire Companies were the adjoining buildings oi Mr. Smith and others saved. ; Tbe entire fire brigade was promptly on the spot, but only tne con pan, above named were able to render any service in subduing the flames, though the Victor, alter much etiort, succeeueu stream, wnen tue mcun-u all the service that was m it would seem uniair to The Proposed Excursion Rescue akd Hook and Ladder Companies to F ayett eville. We learn from the Committee 'of Arrange- tl.(n !n l.Aimr -ir-TVirP(l ments tuat eYerjiuius v"a f-tr for the proposed excursion of our Favetteville on the nf TnW and a eaia lime.-, is ... v .j , " i bly expectert. i Fiom the Eagle of Fayetteville, we learn that the Firemen of ihat city are making preparations for the entertain ment ot our "boys in red," and from ht we know of this good old town, Fire 4th reason- Where is He? Miles Rink, ot nickory Tavern, N. C, writes to the Chief ot Police of this city, that his father, David Rink, was summoned to appear before the U. S. Circuit Court in this city, in 1871, and has not since been heard of. though every exertion has been made to ferret his whtreaooutsor the cause ot his mysterious disappearance all 1 proved unavailing. . " The said David Rink is a bright mn Uttr , aged about 50 years, and a shoe maker by trade. He is the owner of i.fh rtil and nersonal estate in the town of Hickory, and if he is dead his hf us would be glad no, we mean it would be necessary for them to know it, in order to settle up the estate. x t ' H. L. PLTJMMEK," Agent, Hwift Creek Manf'g Co. Petersburg, Va.. June 17, 1873. "Daily Sentinel" copy 6 times and send bill. junel7-d6t U S T RECEIVE D. Mayor's Court. Before his Honor, Mayor W. Whitaker, Mwulay, June 16, 1873. ' J a. Saunders, the proprietor of a Bar room near the Central Depot, was arraigned for retailing spiritous liquors on Sunday in violation ot an oruinauuo made and provided. Upon conviction he was fined 25, aod his license re voked. r,iri T5ashaw. for being drunk and i;wiv nn the streets Sunday, was ' ' I UiOwlul,J - . -, mua in rne m mane iu sc"uf tor Deins viruua. v.u.x uw The finest assorlment of Single and Double Trusses, Men's, Youth's and Infants, Male and Female Shoulder Braces, Sus pensory Bandages, Nip ple Shields.Nursing Dot tles, Self-Syringes, Sick Feeders Glass Tubes and Bath Towels , EVer brERSl IWV. -' No. 11 u-ayeitevuiB -Tr junel7-d2w Raleigh;,N.C. Gr Ed na I A COTTON GINS. ,.r..,v iTr.iversalist sermon yesterday .r.r.,ai husband. atred23, met ft lft vear old Wife with whom he had rever lived, and stabbed her five times. five minutes. A disreputable person killed justantly Th trii of Victoria WoodhuJl . and m nK,f1iii tor libellinsi Lutherie riharles. wbs to have began t -Jay -K,, h..u hren adiourned-till tUe lall c;. liartlo Wru-.re reoorta thai uiiiiv on w thousand persons are annually -x ported jrom Africa and sold into-slavery.. James Cuitin, wnile drunk, early yes -terdav morning quarrelled with his wife, -.1....,".. v,.r.ntr and idiotic brother of the -. : f.,l umi ttrlH-k CurtlU Wltll latter iuu;iic"' . an axe, tatally wouumait him. Tl,u n-niirted StlZaie 10 io lnurteea copper btills, twi-.ntvKlivG thousand gallons ot ma . . . . Afn rn nf and 01 her articles ror tne iuinu,v.Lu illicit whiskey, sems not to nave altogether correct. The revenue n.yn iw..T..i.t Thv could man-ie nit -a-.; ..ttl.nf thi aid 01 10i.ee, h n,.Hp ihrt Keizure. but a nu; pciei (AL1V ln-v . . i them with bricks and .btrniet; and the illicit whiskey listitlersc-,ony i.-ocurea a r,irt and diov off triumpluintly wUL tl. et 'U undfillier oropeiiy . Mnwhilfl .me ot the Revenue U19 IlJii - conscious, but were restorer Church Uobbecl. New York, June 16. The vestry ol 1 . . -va.A hnnr ars TrinitW V, UlICll Was IlMiucvi j A 1 J - J - l..t niuht ot heveral b'oxes were-empnea robes carried off. bi.oks. The poor and some clerical The Shah of Fersia. London, June 16 -The Shah oi Per Sur arrives Wednesday, Extensive for i.ia rrceDtion are maar. Onild liall and many other building will be bandriomelv decoratea. Brook! vn I'robabilities. Juno 10 tor me and Gulf States east of the Mississippi oeneruily cloudy weath er, rain areas. - Veather Washington, South Atlan ic COMMIiitCiAL KKPOIITV- New Vork .ilarket. Nkw Vokk, June 1.-Th?hwek open. with quiex m:u.ei. 4ht.n ..f. i r. . ...... ciiangogo bo.u ;. -- steady, but lnac- i i. ....in live: soutlievn ooi.u ---- NW. the only, sule ' K.nV'udiaUoii deungs in Southern cunues ol every kV:mion quiet and nominal; sales 677 bale; in getting a performed their nower. discriminate, but the. almost super human efforts of Chas. Lang, Lsq., As sistant foreman of the Hook ana Lad Ar t1ri A. O. rhair. ot the Bucket, are deserving of special mention Thp Rescue Engine was pulled out by hand by its Cmpany, an considering the distance and the condition ot the streets was. a teat that reflects great rrpnit. nn the erliciencv of the Company. We saw in the rank and file ot the Rescue one of our oldest citizens, D. L. Koys ter. Esq.. who worked aa energetica ly Important Notice. The Executive a3 hl8 Ron ia thc same line and equally Committee of the N. U. Agricultural as u c. . - .' .hn,,t afiOO. me loss is csumoiou "u - - ;r,,i hv actual exDerience, we can say to our boys there is nothing to tear, "all will be well." Having Hfepted au in vitation to accompany the excursion, a resolution was actually Resented the tew davs aszoj bffered by our friend Merrill,the efficient'Assistant Chief of the Fire Departmentjproposing to en two extra Dias ih the Market House for our especial use. and a notifi cation sent forward in order to prevent unnecessary alarm at ojif coming. 'Memorial SEUUOniUAt the. M. E. One Mvers. Favettevillo street, wa3 re- ed to add $ o.UU to me uepiv-o qui treasury No insurance. Lost. A. lead-colored pointer, with Church, on Sunday rrioning, tile uev. Mr, Mangum delivere(j an eloquent eu logiura upon the character of Rev. N. F. Re;d, deceased, 'Which was pro heard it to be UIIUUIUI "J ...--"w unexcelled in matter and in sentiment. The dead divine had a large circle of intimate iriends m this city, wno iovei him with a deep affection, and we learn that further testimonials in honor of his spotless memory will i be made at the approaching Quarterly Conference. . Wake Forest Cot.legb Commencb- lrw, return OUT thanks to the ftlCX 1 . n v. .- managers for a 'complimentary tick et the. Wake Forest! Commencemnet ex orpiq. and also the' annual sociable par tv The wind, waves and weather per- muting, we life hi 'ft -4 officers made bis" way to a ponce .lauon, i ,n 0fcclining ; corinionvjlr asking that his associates, then coohned , , O.ur$6.at47.so ; good to 7 lu iu the'abandoned. distillery, b rescued, Ny aeady - i r - - . . - ;'V i'Vid Wlivy; vellovv- wehteiu ft",, lork The Mexicau rder Investigat.ns Vi? 1 Committee. Hv and sict:.y. i allow wea i Runaway. Yesterday about 10 A. M the monotomy which hung over the lower portion ot Fayetteville street was broken most opportunely tor local nem-;..-o tiw running away of a pair Ol nules attached to a wagon loaaea witu gVlth testimonials may he naa . x. Raieigh, N. C. Wasiiisgtok, Juue 16.-The Mexican Border Investigating g.ommiuee .uu. returned to this city to prepare ..en- report. They have oeen en-.. stantly since January 10th, aud huve heara evidence iu tour hundred ca. Rnd have received in aaduion l.oOO tj L iii: coihiHitsi'-'iicis Fi'oigh.s quiet rorciaii Jlaxketfc. June- hi i'xiu..-Lonwl Kfl. parte au in afhdavus. contereiice First premium awarded to n. T. STRONACII & BRO. This Company bave thirty Jg 1TI I llH IIUQIUVU-'I with Secretary i tsh. A Whole Family ?inrderet. Belfast, Me., June ltf.-Mr. Aliuon Gordon, wile and child, were found murdered in their beds utTuoindyke. I' i .-cmuT. .Tune .r. ...me jii-Noo.-Uentcs wand x . , i.l V I'.iii'O'jL, oneiicJ s i-ao y : ...... v..viv aUl2,W ooje; 1 """ - I6Kon. TJonda . ui iaudHO ; Oileanl)K t .i'1-t i: ;iVi ' : ste.'y ; e iwi.v 7 8 'lt'H ri-itt. mixed, American 7; rot ton Market v vv. ki ! .n vii.-i'o'lon firm Rncie.tv are ren nested to meet the Build ing Committee onheFair Ground, this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock, in order to consult as to the location of buildings, race track, &c. All who take an inter est in turf exercises during the Fair week, are invited to ; attena ana give "D; " Yrh dt)- is about tire months full programme ot the their views in the laying off of the pro Mutf. 1 8 Q tbe name of Frark. 1 heretofore been pub"8he u..ia ,a Kr.rrhem hav. l ne team utl !:.- ' - ... . 1 tided with the postottice lence on iuo Court House side, ana threw tne anvei out together with a couple oi Daies ui hav Nobody was nun anu uuiuiu moai,,l and the veuicie was bouu iuiori nnpw. ana Dursucu uu risiiii.cu, iuw , , r the even tenor ol us way io tue destination. w eurNGTON Literary Society. We acknowledge the courtesy oi an in Df owned. 'Philadelphia, June 10.'- two brothers were drowned dywine river. 1 hey wen years of aire. -Yesterday I Ui:; iu the Brai' 10 and 18 . - ii t n t?. t T C EI a w At One Cent Per Pound, ueuvereu. lam prepared to offer the MnU Patjnj. ICE MACHINE, wuu a -"fndintne SS the if Patent Office, ice can be man fry the U.H- c" " n, cost of niaciureu wu im oim(lk The prices not over .25 cent per runas. in r mftcmnesruso '"t to manufac I also offer fcr the rlfht ma lans and spUonsnssti -ciation A liberal reward will be special reporter of he News. The ex livery ai ine resiuence ui i eruisco v.w - - nK . ft-ju) n. m. Mr. o. W . xai- i -or uit.ri r-T- lot uea aieu, m K K D- b. ,o B. C W S bS STrt tiS 8t.te.H . member C tbe . "'"W. J?HNC BBM , a the MacS. Committee of Arrangements. i jei&- He Swings Boston. June 16 The jj? aoo,inled to examine, .toimth, the Yvest apuoiuic ,Ar .hat hft is pane. field mumerei. ici'w ni.oncs ontne-iui. A 1 V .,-,- Civic Parade and Pic-Nics. Baltimore, June 10.- A number of t - :-.:,. uro,-Wl and marched OU CIVIC BOU.eiicB - . to the country . ptc-mc. u.c Patrick, west ,J . ... nominal : Wn MixGHiN. June in v"m . ' . . r..t. 'r. H-nYl . filTerlDE VV1' inH ?;7v "J- low miadlinga. 1 1 L. I t . V' : v. - ' irU ; '"" r- ,,.tnn flrm . mid. CUAltI.KSTON.JUi i : vvlhllfni 17. ordi- vitation to attend the Final Celebration ,m mS of the Washington literary Docieij w t d u8e the inac-.ine toruus w . nigius Ylnpndent Order .L- TT:..-,otfTr rvf Virwimft on Monaav. L,nntff . ,io Kitlfi ASSOCiatiou, iu-vr-- .lliriK .t W L U. B. f dllil'iK nary l lu4i . Ii I.TIMOISK dling l'-'tc miii.ilincis lf"i- 1-.osih Jane 16.-oi ton 11 llii- i4- .MKXl-niS. -:ui:e middling iii- mid- lime !. Cotton firm ; 16.- Cotton flrm; iow f onil'v '. mli- lt- V 'l ' " . ItalUinore Jlarket, ,nnft i4.--Flour quiet and BAiTlMOBE, June 1 ,,oW nnclwngetl. Corn uuii , " provisions 63. oau dull-feon J n n-aw . Lard . Wb sky 91a9i 1 - i.nofrl Trar.vc I "