DAILY NEWS. STUNK & UZZELL, - - Propriktoks. Faykttkviile Strket, Over M C. Htronach A Co.'s store. CA8U IN VARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to subscribers at fifteen cknts per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at $7 - er an mini ; 3.50 for six months ; 42 for thre 3 vaontlm. j The WKKKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. r DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One square, ae lnsertioiiM.m.M..........$ 1 00 One squar. (wo lnsertlonsM.;MM.....MMn 1 60 Ona square, three lnsertlons.... 2 59 One square, six Insertions.... 8 00 One square, one month........... 8 00 One square, three months.........-...... 1 00 One square, six month-. ...' 80 00 One square, f elve months,..... 60 00 or larger, advertisements, liberal eon tracts will bo made. Ten lino s solid non pareil constitute one square. VOL. II. RALEIGH. N. CL THURSDAY MORNING. JUNE 19 1873. NO. 99. Daily News .JUNE. 19. 1873. LOCAL MATTER. K. C. WOODSON, City Editor MORNING EDITION. AH parties ordering the News will please send the money for, the time the paper is wanted. 5PContractors will not be allowed, under their contracts, to advertise any other than their legitimate busi ness, unless by paying specially for such advertisements. JO-J. O. H. NtTTTALij, of the Charlotte Advertising Agency, is agentfor this paper iu Charlotte, N. C He is duly authorized to contract for advertisements and receipt or subscriptions. Messrs. Griffin and Hoffman, Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 South Street, Baltimore. Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements atom lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favOrs with this house. S-Thk Agricultural. Journal and the News. The State agricultural Journal, an eight-page Weekly published in inis city, will be clubbed with the Daily News at $8.50 per annum, and with the Weekly News at 83 50 per annum. Orders ilirected to either paper will receive prompt attention. $gr As the enforcement of the Cash system will cause us to strike from our lint the names of many of our subscribers nd after the first of this month, we trust that no ojfense will Ite taken by those who may thus find their paper discontinued, as we mean no disrespect to any one in Jointy so, "but only to carry out our deter mination and the recommendation of the Lite Press Convention. We tmst, how ever, that those thus deprived of the News will at once renew their subscriptions. STONE & UZZELL- June 1, 1873. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. RALKIGH POST OFFICE ARRANGEMENT. Office hours from 1 a. m. to 7 p. m., du ring the week (exespt while the mails are being distributed.)- TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING THE MAILS Western New Orleans, La., Augusta, J a., Columbia, S. C Charlotte, Salisbury, Jreensboro, Salem, Chapel Hill, Hillsboro. ij ,3ueatl:a. m. Close at 5 p. m. Eastern Charleston, S. C, Wilmington, Newbern, Beauiort, Ojldsbaro Ac, due 5:20 p.m. Close 9 p. m. Northern New York, Baltimore, Phila delphia, Wphington, Richmoud, Peten Imrg, Norfolk, Weldon, Ac, due at at 3.30 p. m, Close & 15 a. m. Chatham Railroad Fayetteville, Jones boro. Apex, Osgood, Ac, due 10 a. m. Close . p. m THURSDAY.... Misceiianeoas-Eagie Rock, Monday and Grounds is being done at this establish rhursday. due 1114 a. m.. close 1 p. m. Rox-I , 6 ooro, every vveunesaay, due iia.m., close 1 p. m. Lieasnourg, every weanesaay, uue iy, a. m., close 1 p. ia. Averasboro. close! s pfm. Thursdays; due 6 p. m. Fridays. onice nou s lor Kegisterea L,etter and Money Orcer Departments, from 8a. m. As no mails are received or sent on Sun Sunday, the office will not be opened on that day. W. W. HOLD EN, P. M. Local Briefs.-. The town of Halifax contemplates a Jockey Club and Race course. Something unusual the large turn out of young men present at the fire on Mqnday night. The depot and warehouse at Forest ville, on the Raleigh & Gaston Railroad, is to be moved to Wake Forest College, one mile north of its present location. Col. Douglas, the iload Master of the North Carolina Railroad, will, in a few days, commence the work of rebuilding entire the railroad track of the depot yard in this city. A meeting in the interest of the Hali fax & Scotland Neck Railroad will be held in Scotland Neck early in October. A barbecue is in the programme, and distinguished sneakers will be invited. . . ' .. . . , ucv. lur. i upper ami miss cage, win oi ,iuiv. ine soie ooiect oi tins move .1 T.l mi 1 ,.... 1 . , i.i io raise lunus lor ine jomp.euon or tuo lemale department ot the large Shaw Collegiate Institute in this city. There will be a called meeting of Ral eigh Typographical Union this (Thurs day) evening at G:30 o'clock, at the Mayor's office, for the purpose of makintr final arrangements for tbe proposed ex- r 11 t'Ci i r rt rx iritt.lPn . 1 . . L A . t, 1 LUIOIUII IU iVUVlCll O OlllJga Ull LIIU till I ot July. All the honorary members and apprentices are respectfully requested to attend. We saw at Reams' Tobacco Factory, yesterday, a lot of the finest sun-cuied tobacco that has been brought to RaK eighjBince the war so judges ot the weed. said. 1 his tobacco, bought by Reams from a Mr, Wright, of Granville county, will be- used for his cele brated brand of chewing tobacco, "i'ride of Raleigh." G. II, Snow, Esq. On the 24th inst., St. John's Day, this gentleman will de liver an address at Rolesville, having been invited to do so by the Masonic ijoage at mat place. Mr. Snow is a pleasant and fluent -speaker, and those who. will hear him at Rolesville, will agree with us in the above assertion. If Mr. Snow acquits himself on this occa sion as well as he done on others of a similar character in the past, he will have sustained a deserved reputation 'for talent, industry and usefulness. Personal Intelligence. R. M. Furman, of the Asheville Citi zen, arrived with his lady by the North Carolina Road yesterday, and . took rooms at the Yarborough House. The newly married couple were accompanied oy Aliss Crenshaw and Miss Furman, ot Louisburg, Hon. Jno. Manning, of Chatham, is in ,.u J z aucuimate upon the Supreme Court. f :ri i ti . -r W. Humphrey, of Goldsboro, and Blair Burwell, of Baltimore, are rt-gistered at the Yarborough House. w'l. kj. ij. I'liiii it iuni kitn i ai 1 , i,v.n,,wu CORRECTION. In our lastisn roia. tike occurred in the article in reference to Rev. Unas. E. Taylor. For uhA-o-ivia to fervid simplicity" read " he joviutmpiepuiy, - xc. V,.-.7 , . . 7. r. r " A complaint Answered. Some days ago we received a communication, advisory and affectionate, purporting to ..v..m, ituiu set forth in rii . stance tho flrtS . The writer acknowledged that the , , ...v. .llu,uf. . I Daily News was the livest and best nWiCrt l hI " lr daily ever tvp it m hi nanrii.i S". HBSUISCHnaiU Opin- ion that the space which we frequently and most cheerfully give to "Oxford Items," "Trinity College Items," ''Louis burg Items," Greensboro Items," &c, had better be given to legitimate Italeigh items. We have only this to Say in reply to our admonishing friend : Out of the 2,500 subscribers to the Da1 r,Y News, 2,000 are in the country along the lines of the various railroads, and the publication of the items complained of, is a matter of interest to 1 hem, and always contain news which they take pleasure in reading. Our locals con cerning the city of Haleigh always give everything that is transpiring, and no labor or expense is spared in giv ing to our city readers everything of a local interest which can be gathered. But we cannot exclude from our local columns matter which interests over two-thirds of our daily subscribers, nor would it be just for us to do so. It is our intention in the future, as i has been our endeavor in the past, to make our columns acceptable to all classes of patrons, and take this oppor tunity to remind our local correspon dents that they have been rather remiss of late in sending forward their commu nications. We would like to hear from them more frequently. Betts, Allen & Co. Our advertis ing columns have already announced the removal of this firm to their new buildings and grounds on North Street, immediately on the Raleigh and Gaston Railroad. A visit yesterday to this ex tensive sash, door,' blind and general building establishment, enabled us to see for ourselves the marked increase of mechanical work now going on in Ral eigh over even six months ago. The establishment. of Messrs. Betts, Allen & Co. is one of the largest in the StateH and with the aid of a large number ol experienced mechanics and everv con ceivable style and pattern of machinery, turns out weekly an immense quantity of work, and as we learn from the pro prietors, orders for work have accumu lated so rapidly on the rile that many large jobs are turned off daily. Ihe new Fair Ground buildings have been entrusted to the superintendency of Jacob S. Ailen, one of the above firm, and much of the work for the Fair Having alreaaly in a rormer jssue uw f , .k k -; v., given a bricl outline of the various inacumery anu ine operations or mis catuHliohmont i. xnnoor t .mnooo.. ry to review in detail ; but since our last report the entire capacity has been doubled, and yet this energetic firm are more pressed than ever to fill their or ders. Who will how say that our rap id ly growing city is not on the high road to a large metropolis. Bible Meeting in Winton, N. C. A meeting of the friends of the Bible cause was held in the M. E, Church, at Winton the county scat of Hertford county, on Friday evening, June 13th. After an address from the Rev. P. A. Strobel, it was resolved to organize a Bible Society, and the following officers were chosen : President William P. Shaw. Corresponding Secretary William P. Taylor. Treasurer Matthew Bremer. Depositary John W, Faison, Executive Committee J. L. Mitchell, J. G. Joiner and H. D. Godwin. Vice Presidents Langley Taylor, St. John's Township. ueorge i. iiouonian, winton Town- xr t Shaw littrreiisvuie Townshin I h'H tprritnrv nf tlnu Snrmtw wl m. - J ...... '"'v'vv i ... ..u i n... u:.. ..e jt t. t. nr. 'v-o iuc unusutuo at. ou mi , iu- lm, and Harrellsville. a portion oi the Countv which has hitherto been some- what neglected and in which much des titution is believed to exist. The Exe cutive Committee gave an order lor $45 . worth of books and a small ii rant will be sought from the Parent Society This Society begins its operation under fvi ' I IPO 1 H tl II.' nim.CI , Y1 cuopico. Ladies Bazak. The ladies of Eden- ton Street Methodist Church will hold a B iz-ir at Tucker Hall on Wednesday and -Thursday evenings next for the pur- !. x?.-.u...nn tn u ui me new uicuiuuisi iiuitu iu tuts city, livery preparation is being made . to render this one ot the most brilliant affairs of the season, and we sincerely hope that its success will bo measured by its merit. Ihe ladies in charge this aftair, and who are directing its management, inform us that it will be different in many respects from the en tertainments ot the same character heie- tofore known in the city. There will be no ""grab-bags, fish ponds, pious raf lies, &c, but everything is to be on ducted on a ' strictly moral, high toned andkelevated manner. Eatables, both of the substantial and lancy, will be sup plied at the Baz ir, and ull manner of lancy goods, both useful and orna mental, will be sold. Go one, go all, the object is a laudable one and one in which all the citizens of Raleigh, ir respective of Church ties, are interested tl 1 mm m . ' - w . WE JV ELCOME THEM.- ft gives US pleasure to welcome to our city J, Fen nessy, XiSq., ana laay. Mr. x is a prominent Irish American from Fram- ingbam, in the vicinity of Boston. He is an old friend of Rev, Father McNa- mara. ins omect in visitins our citvjs to determine whether or 'not it. would : . . . be advisable for him to locale in our I . ; Ant- nn i - i. i business, at which he has acquired con- siderable means in his Massachusetts " home. It Mr. Fennessy concludes to 1 iiiiUDi. aim van v uii a innu: iiifi-.ii an if th i : ' 4 . . . . .7 Inottfl in Raleigh his exam rile' will lead mnv others to follow him int.i North Carolina. His high standing and per- I c.nul influence will tend to make others L.rtm aftr him. We welcome men ot I V"-" this class among us. Alleged Certatn Dure por the Bite of a Mad Dog. The editor of the Kent Neios, published at Chestertown, Mrl in ov nd nnh hr.itw to thfl to Unva nr ' " " "lcie, V V X 1C m "e ProPer , .1. l. , I 8tale lor tne IP? Persons w" are not aequa nted with Mr. Dyre, that he is a highly I respectable and intelli- ., J:,,: ' I:': gem itumei, icsiuiug near uraieua, 10 mis I ereai iarmer. resiuins near ua ena. in tnis countv." I i ElecaraDane is a Dlant well known to most persons, and is to be found in man v of our wardens. Immediately afttr beinsr bitten, take one and a half ounces of the toot of this nlant m-een rocn, is uemaps preieraoie, uuc me ury i will answer, and mav be found in our drug stores, and was used by me. Slice and bruise it, put it into a pint ol new milk, boil to half a pint, strain and, when cold, drink, fasting lor six hours afterwards. The next mornini?. fasting, repeat the dose, using two ounces of the root. On the third morning take an-1 other dose prepared as the last, and this will be sufficient. It is recommended that after each dose nothing be eaten for at least six hours. I have a son who was bitten by a mad dog eighteen years ago, and four other children in the neighborhood were also bitten. They took the above dose and are alive and well to day. and I have known a number of others that were bitten, that applied the same remedy. Franklin Dyre. Pennyroyal leaves pulverized and mixed with honey is said to be a reme dy. Give six table spoons lull a day with sweet oil for three days, and and then no tears should remain. Wash the wound with warm vinegar and water, wipe it dry and pour on the J?Qd a ew drops of hydrochloric acid 10 prevent aos going rnaci, mix a little sulphur in their food in the Spring. Mrs. Mason's Family House- W if es Counsellor. Stockholders Meeting of Halifax and Scotland Neck Railroad Com- pany. A meeting 01 the btockuoiaers of this Company was held in the town of Halifax on Tuesday, the 17th inst. On motion, Major John R. Neal, of Norfolk, Va., was called to the chair, and James M. Grizzard, Esq., requested to act as Secretary. The meeting was addressed by Messrs Ed. Conigland, William II. Day, R. P. Spiers, (Jol. Walter Clark and others. Resolutions were adopted pledging the Stockholders to the construction of the road, that no effort should be relax- ed until the last rail was laid, and di- recting a survey of the road during the summer. 1 Committees were appointed to solicit additional subscriptions. On motion of D. Edmondsoo, Esq., by-laws were adopted for the govern ment of the company. Ihe meeting adjourned to meet again in the town of Scotland Neck in Octo ber next, the time to be ordered by the Board of Directors. The meeting was unanimous iu their resolution to build the road, and to spare no efforts to attain that end. It is evident that the Stockholders, notwithstanding the recent defeat in the county appropriation, intend to prose cute the work to completion at no dis tant day, and we wish them all the success the energy of those who have the matter in hand may entitle them to. Supreme Court Decisions. Deci sions were rendered yesterday in the following cases by Judges of the Su preme Court : By Reade, J. John Bond vs Alexander II. Bond, from Chowan. Judgment auirmed. John II. Garrett vs J. O. Cheshire, from Cbowau. Judgment affirmed. State vs William II. Harrisotj. Error. Venire de novo. By Rodman, J. John and Nancy Gregory vs Ferebee Gregory, from Pasquotunk. Error. Judgment reveised. State vs. Harry Davis, from Chowan. Error. Reversext and remanded. B L. and J. M. Perry, Ex'rs vs. Mer chants' Bank t Newbern and A. J. Jerkins, from Edgecombe. Error. Re versed and remanded. By Settle, J. State vs. John Divine f al., from New Hanover. N error. Appeal dis missed. Siricl.ir, Owen & Brown vs. State of North Carolina. Law requiring license tax oi drummers declared unconstitu- tional. SUPREME Court. This Court met 1 yesteruay at me. usuai nour. vuiei I A i . .. .i i i -rii-if Justice Pearson end Justice Boyden were absent owing to indisposition. Tho fniiminr cocps mom rTiiH .Tnhn K Hnvk-in and wife vs. Sallv Kent et nl... Wavne. Faircloih & Grain - . j -- j ger " for plaintiff, and Smith & Stronfe w ., . t , r.. .'..: Wavue. Battle & Son tor plaintiff, and Faircloth fc Grainger lor defendant. Robert Wooten vs. Jno. S. Maultdby, Lenoir. No counsel for plaintiff, and Merrimon, FuUer & Ashe tor defen dant. State ex rel. Mary Hargett vs. J. W. Broadway, Lenoir. Attorney General for State, and Smith & Strong for de fendant. Adam Barrington. Guardian, vs. Neuse River i errv Company. J. H. Haughton for plaintiff, and Geo. Green tor defen dants. The Court adiourned to meet this morning at 9 o'clock. Hon. Z. B. Vance. We have sem a letter from this distinguished gentle- man to J. II. Mi ls, Eq , of this city, - - stating that be would, soon deliver a I 4- .1 1 ..at. f 1. i Hf i kh ifi ir,LuitiN itir iik iiri tnib ui lilo " T . . . . . Orphan Asylum at Oxford. ; The times and places ot the lectures will be an nounctd in a few duys. Tn this connection wr will st.-.te that nersnns diRirinrr to attend the Masonic Celebration at Oxford on the 24th inst., I will be nassed over the. North Carolina and Wilmington & Weldon Railroads I .. 0 Mor one tare. Col. Thomas M. Holt. The follow ins handsome compliment to Col. Thos. M. Holt, the President of the North Hem ino "Ro;irrrl too lir w x.,wV P . m 0 Jv',.. nftotorH o tt nni(11s....n. "TUV l"?"': .r:""- uu A,T vaa W8iUoa -y Republican votes, yet 1 wuicn we can lay aauie our party pre-, U,Ana nnrl nnitA with nnp rHtol l j ... ............. f"""1"" j"ui u uunw versaries for the general good. It is a matter that politics should have noth in8 to do witn aad we are K"d to see ana Know tnai a nonpartizan as ol- Holt is filling the position so ac ceptably to all : MV j u"j ""v x uuuim M. Holt is one of the nrst practical men ln tbe otate.- As a Dusmess man, lar- mer manuiaciurer or mercuanc ne is a success. Tbe new Fair Grounds he has opened, when completed, will not be surpassed by any at the South. The baildings erecting thereon are models 01 iasie. eiegance ana amnty "Mr. Holt was a short time since chosen President of the North (Mrolina Rail road Company. An admirable; proper, and appropriate selection. His interest, directly and indirectly in that corpora tion is one or the largest individual interests involved in the work, and the management of his own and such other business as has been entrusted to him, has Deen so perfect and admirable that it was wise to have selected him to over look the affairs of the largest corpora tion in which the State of North Caro lina ever held an interest. With a lew dozen Tom Holt's our good old State would move along with the progress of the age." Intimidation. Tuesday morning, Mr. O'Neil, of Salisbury, commenced work on the wall of the Williamson, Upchurch & Thomas building on Fay etteville street, bringing with him from Salisbury all the hands required, num bering about thirty, xesterday morn ing two of his hands come to time much delayed. Upon enquiry as to the cause of their delay, Mr. O'Neil was informed that they had been waited upon by several of the city mechanics and told that they would be mobbed if they did not conform to the eleven hour system that the Raleigh mechanics had exacted from their Bosses. Mr. O'Neil told them they could do as they wished as he brought about two hands too many along with him. The hands commenced work stating that all they wished was his protection. Liater in uie uav several ruiuors reached Mr. O'Neil that the city me- chamcs'would pull down . his work at night if he did not at once put Ins workmen on the 11 hour system of work, and he was even so informed. Mr. O'Neil has a perfect right to work fourteen hours per day, and to employ his hands-accordingly, and any combination of men or measures to break him up or interfere with his bus iness should be put down at once and forever." A Suggestion. The Citizens' Cor net Band Wednesday afternoon kindly and appropriately discoursed sweet mu sic on the root of the southern wing of the Capitol. This place was suggested to tbem by his Honor, the Mayor, but the experi ment Wednesday illustrated the fact that the place is badly selected. It we were all ' up among the stars, sailing around the moon," the position would do quite well. lr a stand cannot be erected, we would suggest that the music would sound much better if the band will stand somewhere Dear Washington's Statue on the elevated ground, in front ; or if this be objected to, on one of the por- ticos, Eastern or Western, of the Capi tol. The root is too highl and music from there reminds the passers by of the 'horns of Elflund faintly blowing. The object ol the Mayor was commen dable to afford all of our citizens in every portion ol the city an ODportunity of listening to the dulcet strains of the rt i t jt i i. i.u u r; Comet Band but the rool ot the Capi- tOl does not answer the purpose. It is a Fact. There are standing nnntrofo frr hniMin in th'a rUv tn Tift 44.4UJ.v,. . "- completed belore January 1st, 104, tuac i u i4- -i Will amount: ro over one anu a uan urn- ,. , . .. -vt . -4.1 4 a;-, k lions of dollars. Notwithstanding .he fact that every mechanic in the city of House of Representatives, ail of said elec- Rrtlfitrh a work vet a new contractor Uous to be lield vote!i compared and re Itaieigh is at, woric, yet a new c)ntractor, fltnrns made in all respects in accordance Mr. O'Neil, of Salisbury, commenced 'with the laws of the State of JSortU . Caro- work on the Williamson, Upchurch & Una. a ' ... u,rU th.tmu Thomas building on Fayetteville street, With a set of hards all ot whom he brought from i?alisou.y did not draw on thu city tor a single workman. It is a lact. furthermore, that t0 hundred good mechanics can find con- stttDt am steady employment hereon application. The forcjOinsr facts are sufficient to convince all of the fact that the city , ,.... . . Ml ot Raleigh is growing morerapiuiy than any city in the Southern States. State ov the Thermometer. The Thermometer yesterday was as follows at Branson's Book Store : At Ua.m..... ........ .........70 At 12 m... ......... .........84 At '6 p. m . . . . .... .... .". . bb At 6 p. m. 88 Cane Lost. Rev. T, H. Pntchard, has lost a gutta percha cane which he values highly, and would thank the finder to retura it to him. 1 he smu cane has a crooked handle, with three vory rings around the neck. An interesting fact is noted from the British Museum. The restoration of thu statue of Diadumenus has just been completed by Mr. J. D. Crittenden. The statue was executed by bttpnanos, oy tmie.r ot Augustus Caesar, and is a codv l -- a . . . - of an original by Poljcletns. I , t j . i . . - . - , i . i i he whole nurooer 01 memoers 01 ine or . 7le( second Congress who have re- lrned tlieir back pay to the Treasury is 44. Of these 12 are Senators and 32 are Representatives. The total amount returned is $183,321, an average of $4,166 for each member. s. The first person born in. St. Paul, Minn., has just diet!. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W A N T E D A Second Hand Four-Seat Rocka way. , Q. iV. B LACKN ALL, jul8-3t Yarboro Houses E T T II E B E ST! LEWIS' STAG WHITE LEAD. To Dealers and Consumers of W. If I T JE J, E t n We desire to call attention to the fact, that LEWIS' ST A G LEAD sold by us, is guaranteed to be equal to any Lead in the market, and supe- i rior to most. We are offering It at prices below the figures usually asked for Pure Lead in Oil. WE AS K A TBI A L! Satisfaction is guaranteed both to price and quality. c jt v t i o jr In purchasing, be sure that you find our Trade Mark on each package of the Lead. Address all Orders to JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Fisher Building, jul8-tf RALEIGH, N. C. 3 A T E N T GLO88ST A R C II. he finest article in the Market, put up 6 lb. boxes lor family use. Just received d lor sale at CAHMEli'S DRUG STORE, june 17-d2w. QONST A N TLY RECEIVING fresh supplies ot first-class U.hxIs which we warrant to please. W I ATT, UllHirM tvC kaj., aprl9-tf No 4, South bide Market. y v n T? n T A POTTOS HTN jr. First premium avvardtl to (J. T STRONACII & BUG. This Company have thirty years' experi ence in the business, and warrant every gin perfect. Circulars wilii testimonials may ue nuu by addressintj ; Raleigh, N. C APR 00 LA M AT ION By the Governor of North Carolina. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT,) Raj.kigh, June 10th, Ls7o. j Wiikreas. Official information has been received at this .Department tnatvaeanci-. exists in the ssenate branch of the Genera Assembly of North Carolina by reason o the resignation of Hiram E. Stiliey and J B. Respess, representing the second hena torial District, and that vacancies exist In the House f Representatives of ihe said General Assembly by reasou of the resig nation of Alfred J. Morrison, representative from Lincoln County, and, Kicaaru u Badger, representative from Wake County Now. tnererore, 1, ioi tt. ialdwbll. Governor of the State of North Carolina, by virtue of authority in me vested bylaw, do is.ue this my Proclamation, comm-.UKl- ing the ssnerins ot tne counties composing Carolina to open polls and tiold an election tile iTflHHlU nriUllUllrtl ItL V7.1 AUIIH at. the usual voting places in said, countn on THUICSDAY. THE BfcVKNIH DAY ol- AUGUST, A. V. 187.. for two senators ; and I do further command tne sinenns oi liin- coin and Walce counties to pen pons una hold elections m their respective counties on THURSDAY", THpI SKV ENTH DAY OF AIr4TTKT a. l 'l87;S. for a member . f the of Juue, A. D , lb73, and1 in the L. s.l ninety-seventh year of American Independence. TOD R. CALDWELL. By the Governor : J. hi. JNEATHERY, Private Secretary. junel4-Wtd A. UCT I ON S A L E O F VALUABLE HOOKS, statk of North Cakotina, Office secretary of fctare, J!ah'ijh, June 2d, 1875. In pursuance with Section 17, Chapter 45 Laws of 173, I shall oiler lor sale, at Public Auction, at the -Vrsenal on the Capitol Square, on Thursday, "tlVe 3d day of July, 1873, 3.000 volumes, more or less, of Laws, Jour nals, Documents, &c., worm less manuscript ami other, matter on hand, consisting in part of-the following book: Public Laws, lSo!)-'70, half bound, ' mil . " Senate Jou 1 iu-Js, isi;'J-'70 i'u'1 bound. Hons ' , " " " LiMWS Spe;il s;.-.niuii 1 '. iteportof Frau S Co-ii. ion. Private laws l6isl-'70. I.eKisiutive Documents ls;.i-T7!. " - 17;)-'71. Code of Civil Pnx-edure. Senate Journals inOH-'OU. House " , Constitution and Ordinance. I.-MW senate Journals lS7f)-'7l. Hou-e Legislative Documents ls0i-'07. Hevised (,'odes. Senate and House Journal KHWi-i.l. rubric Ijiws ISG-V'tf"!. 1S(H)-'01. -i. jiale and HoiiKO Jouriin Is ix;j-'ii:i. Legis alive Docum-nis, iw- bi. .Journals of ..invention lfM-'(xi. &c. tSC Lawyers ana outers aesi ring wipurctifwe nrivaudy, an d ko t any lime before the dav of sale. The sate will commence at .10 o'clock, p. in. Terms cash. for information regarding private sale, address this olllce. WM. H. IIOWERTON, j une 3-4w D Secretary of State. E. W. THOMA -SOX, Auctioneer. mm: mm NOON DISPATCHES. A Double Suicide. Albany, N. Y., June 18. Two sui cides occurred in St. Johnsville yester day. It appears that a physicran named D. Whellock, a married man, was paying attention to Miss Ruth Smith. The parents of the young lady objected to his conduct on the ground that he was not divorced. Yesterday for some reason unknown, proceedings for k di vorce having been commenced, t Miss Smith look arsenic and died, and the Doctor on learning the fact took a dose of morphene and also expired. '... : m t iloomy Crop Prospects in Alabama. Montgomery, Ala!, June 18. Plant ers are gloomy over the continued rains which began May 27th and ; have con tinued to date, missing only three days. The amount of the rain fall in the past twenty days is twelve inches. The crops are backward and work delayed greatly. Ianging of the New Iberia Murders. New Orleans, June 18. Over a thousand citizens of New Iberia and viunv oaoiaieu at tutj uauyiug ui me i tuice nt-sjio muruerers. 10c lounu turned State's evidencs. They all con fessed. . ' r Washington News. WisniKfiTnw lime 18AnnrphPn. sions are felt on account of Vice Presi-1 - " w. I dent Wilson's complete physical pros tration. The rumor is revived that Richard- cn ;a oWit t roi- ti,Q se.fhm . , ' b , . . J . I oi llic xicusuiy auu taive tunige ui New York and Paris banking houses. Contempt ot Court. Indianapolis, June 18. Editors have been cited to answer why they should not be attached for contempt lor com ments upon the decisiou of the Court in granting Mrs Clem a new trial. Cholera in Cincinnati. Cincinnati. June 18. One cholera death to-day. Other cases are improv ing. No new cases are reported. Failure. St. Louis, June 18. 'Taylor, Bros Co., have failed. Spanish News. Rome, June 18. The Spanish Queen Isabel is here. Foreign News. London, June. 1.8. -Heavy rains are reported in the southern portion of Er.g' and. MJDIVKi IIT DISPATCHES. Washington NeAvs Meacham Fa vors a Continuance of the Present Indian Policy The Attorney Gen eral wants them, to Mind their Uusiness and let Politics Alone, Jbtc, jbtc. Washington, June 18th. Grant re turns to-morrow. Cant Howrrate. of the Signal Service. and Mr. Kimbal, Chief ot the Marine n.,., . i-: ... .r,. ,hlMa uuicau, nao, lull i v ui.v. i iiiv Savms with Storm Signal Stations. Meacham favors a continuance of the present Indian peace policy, sain there are white meu in California and Oregon more responsible for Canby's murder than Capt. Jack, The Utar sajs the Attorney General has not been oflicially advised of the action of the committee ot white and colored citizens in Louisiana, with ref erence to the resolutions telegraphed from New Orleans and printed iu the morhirijj papers. lie stales he is hardly able to form any opinion concerning them, as there mav be an ulterior object which, official intelligence will develope, He thinks' the people of the State had better attend to their businesi and fvr. the present leave politics alone , New York Items. New Youk. June 18. At a meeting of the New York Fiie Underwrittis .tn. day the question was -discussed whether they should- discontinue risks in 'Boston. A committee ot 25 weru appointed to conlei vvith Boston authorities br the rcb.ini of their defective iirc depart ment. Severn 1 speakers condemned Mansard roofs, and. -said, if Boston per sisted in having them, iuimrcis would decline risks. Sptcie shipment to-day was 650,000 in silver bars. The Erpr'ess says tint by some blun dering the purposed new Constitution of this State abolishes the Senate. The Government sold 500.000 dollars worth. of bonds to-day at 115-40 to 115 C2. Nearly a million offers were made. A Jlurderous Villain. Patter-on, N. J., June 18. Last niht a pile of timbers, pieces of iron, etc , were found lying across the track ot the Erie Railway, near .Clifton, and were removed iust before the airival of the Express train, westward bound. Subsequently one Jacob Zevon, of Pas saic, was arrested iu Patterson for placing obstructions on the track, and this morning was fully identified as the yuiltv person .and. was committed to jail. Zevou was put off' the traiu yes terday afteruoou tor not paying his fare, He is believed to be insane, and has been a year in the State Lunatic Asy lum. Insurance Matters in Missouri. St. Loui3, June 18 An examination ot the condition of the North Missouri Insurance Company of Macon, Missouri, has disclosed the fact that their capital is impaired sixty per cent. The State Superintendent of Insurance has given the Company sixty days from June 2nd, to make the impairment good. Tlie Edgefield Slaughter. Auocsta, oa., June 10. in tne ac- f count of the fcflgetield homicides sent i ,1 it 'wan stated that Glover sent j yesteriiay. lt wassiaieo uiai jiover seui for the Goumiluons to meet him at a store in the village. This is not correct, as Glover did not seek tne difficulty. The Gouiniilions, it is now stated, bunted up Glovef, with the result rs re ported yesterday. The Shah of Persia In London. London, June 18. The Shah of Pet sia landed in England to day and arrived in London this evening, and ia now passing through the city, attended by a brilliant suite and escorted by a military and civil procession of extrr ordinary splendor: An immense crowd collected to witness tbe display. Tbe enthusiasm was great. The Irrepressible Susan D Canadadga, N. Y., June 16 Under instructions of the Court the inry m the case oi Susan B, Anthony, indicted for voting in violation of law, returned a verdict of guilty. The Court refused to poll the jury. Michigan Press Association. Detroit, June 18. The Press Asso ciation ot Michigan passed resolutions requiring new advertising agencies to send cash with their orders, and fixing the rate of discount to all advertising agencies at 20 per cent. f Weather Probabilities. Washington, June 18. For the South Atlantic States light to fresh southerly and westerly winds, with clear anci partly cloudy weather. Foreien markets. London. June 18 Noon. Consols Wk. r ives oj. TI OfT Paris, June 18 Noon. Rentes 55 and 80. : i.IVEKPOOU June; -18 JSOOn. Cotton 9. - . onened r!iiIv nnln.rla K'TaU Mrlaana UlXa L.ater Cotton steady, unchanged ; sales iz,uuu oaies; speculation ana export Z.UUU. juneaeuvery sis-ia; August ana (Sep tember 9; Orleans June delivery . . evening uottqn ciosea steaay; saies American 7,ouu ; May shipments v. New York Markets. New York. June 18. Cotton, net receipts 258 bales; gross 3,367. Sales of cotton for future dellverv to-dav 17,000 bales, as follows: June 20a20V July 20aS0 15-16; August 20; September 19a 19 7-16; October 18J ; November 18 ; De cember 18al8. Cotton irregular ; sales 1,325 bales ; mid dlings 21. Flour ouiet and heavv: common to fair extra $6.5(ia$7; good to choice $7.80al0.75. Whiskey shade easier at93i. Wheat closed quiet; common western 70. Rice steady. rora ya lower; moderate Dusmess; new 16. liard firmer 8 15-16a 9, N avals Arm, Tallow quiet. Freights quiet Money assume u a sudden cnange ai ta. Sterling quiet and steady. .Goid 15aW. uovernments dull and steady, (state bonus quiet. . Cotton Markets Savannah. June 18. Cotton firm ; mid dlings 1H ; low middlings 17 ; good ordi nary li. Wilmington. June 18. Cotton firm ; middlings 18. Mobile. June 18. Cotton firm, offering light; good ordinary 16 ; low middlings 18 ; middlings 19. Charlkston, June 18. Cotton'qulet; mid dlings 18alS ; low middlings 17 ; ordi nary itynio. B iltimobk, June 18. Cotton firm ; mid dlings ' - Nor"olk. June 18. Cotton firm: low middlings 18. Boston. June 18. Cotton steady", mid dlings 21. r Memphis. June 18. Cotton firmer: low middlings 17al8. Wilmington Markets. "Wilmington. N. C. June 18. RDtrits tur- I tor No. 2. i nantina firm at. Ill Rnaln nulttt. tLt M Crude turpentine steady: J2.10 ror nara ; 3j?0ior yellow dip and virgin. Tar quiet, at 83.00. The dog show in Paris this year bore a very great lesemblance to previous ones. The only difference was that H was more noisy. It was called in fact, on this account, tbe "National Assem bly." Apropos of this show, there is a little anecdote told iu Paris. A Russian countess, well known there, suddenly felt it necessary to try a change of air. Her only -companion was a little dog that she carried ia her muff, sometime in her sleeve, aud occasionally in her pocket. On arriving at Milan this pet poodle was taken ill and died. Its mistress invited all the aaa&U dogs in Milan to its tuneral. Three hundred mourners appeared, and each was sup plied with a jacket covered witn silver r ... AAA tears. Alter tne saa ceremony me ouw weie invited to partake of the funeral baked meats. This was too much for their irood behavior. In spite of the occasion they got into a free fight, and the ending was quite an Irish one, the crippled and the bruised creeping slowly home, or carefully catned there oy meir tender mistresses. "Goveunok" Bullock The Atlanta (Ga.) Constitution says : " Recent information from Bullock leaves little doubt that he has about reached the bottom of his purse and must go to work. His reconstruction gains have disappeared in the vortex of princely aud luxurious living. Exile has leen gilded, as tar as possible, by the elegant expenditure t t his plunder ed funds. Fine horcs and lordly stylo have marked the f ugacious regim, but the retiibution is coining.. The royaj wanderer can no longer indulge in hia ease. It is jeven aid that he baa had Governor Smith aoun led as to whether he will Le permitted to resume hia daily toils for bread untouched by the j.ude hand of retributiva w. It looks iik.e the fates are closing in on tbe once royal Rufus." " . " A gentleman in Chicago offers la match Ubassy, the champion billiard player of that city, to play any man ia the United States a series of games,-five hundred points up. for a stake of from $500 to $5,000 a tide. A colored man, while digging on the Vale Royal plantation, near Savannah, a few days ago, unearthed seventeen thousand dollars, which bad been bur ied by a miser, eight years ago. Ada M. Hulett, a Chicago girl, after passing a very creunsuic cuiib"u before the Illinois Supreme Court, has been admitted to the bar. Capt Jack hasn't quite settled whether he will try the insanity dodge or claim to be a Herald correspondent to save hia life. A Memphis man committed suicide for fear he would get the cholera. A N ELEGANT ASSORMENT OF jtV , Kpomgea from 5c. to 82 each, Just receive I andfor'aleat

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