DAILY NEWS. Kl'uNK & UZZELL, - - Proprietors. FAYrrrKviLLK Street, Over W. O. Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASkI INVARIABLY IN ADVANCK. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to subscribers at fifteen cents per week, payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at J7 per aimuni; 13.50 for six months; $2forthre3 ai.mths. The WKKKLY NEWS at $2 per annum. DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. , One square, one Insertion.....................! 1 00 One squar, two insertions 1 50 One square, three Insertions...... ........... 2 56 une square, six insertions...-. vu One square, one month.................... 8 00 One square, three months.................. 16 00 One square, six months. 30 00 One square, t' . elve months,............... 60 00 For larger advertisements, liberal con tractu will be made.; Ten line 8 solid non pareil constitute one square. VOL. II. RALEIGH, NY C SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 21. 1873. NO. 101 The Daily SATURD ..JUNE 21, 1873. LOCAL MATTER. i:. C. WOODSON, City Editor FORMING EDITION. 37" All parties ordering the News will please send the money tor the time the paper is wanted. "Contractors will not be allowed, under their contracts, to advertise any other than their legitimate busi ness, unless by paying specially for Vuch advertisements. WJ.O. H. Nuttaix, of the Charlotte Atlvertising Agency, is agent for this paper iu Charlotte, N.C. lie is duly authorized to contract for advertisements and receipt (or subscriptions. Messrs. Griffin andHoffmani Newspaper Advertising Agents, No. 4 South Street, Baltimore, Md., are duly authorized to con tract for advertisements at oui lowest rates. Advertisers in that City are requested to leave their favors with this house. j9?The Agricultural journal and the News. The .State agricultural Journal, an eight-page Weekly published in tnis city, will be clubbed with the Daily N'KWsat $8.50 per annum, and with the Wkkkly Nkws at $3.50 per annum. Orders 1 irected to either paper will receive prompt attention. tSF" -4 the enfoi-cement of the Cash system will cause us to strike from our list the names of many of our subscribers ind after the first of this month, ice trust that no offense will be taken by time wJio may thus find their papers discontinued, as we mean no disrespect to any one in doing so, but only to carry out our deter mination and the recommendation of the late Press Convention. . We tiust, how coer, that those th us deprived of the News will at once renew their subscriptions. STONE tfc UZZELL' June 1, 1873. TOST OFFICE DIRECTORY. RALEIGH POST OFFICK ARRANGEMENT. Office hours from iyt. a. m. to 7 p. m., du ilng the week (excapt while the mails are being distributed.) TIM K OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING THE MAILS Western New Orleans, La., Augusta, G a., Columbia, S. C, Charlotte, Salisbury, Greensboro, Salem, Chapel Hill, Hillsboro. iv.i ,3ue at 1: a. m. Close at 5 p. m. Eastern Charleston, S. C, Wilmington, Newberu, lieautort, G ildsbjro, &c.,-due 5:20 p. in. Close 9 p.m. Northern New York, Baltimore, Phila delphia, Washington, Richmond, Peters burg. Norfolk, Weldon, &c, due at at 3.30 p. m. -XJlose 9:15 a. m. Chatham Railroad Fayette vi lie, Jones boro, Apex, Osgood, &c, due 10 a. m. Close Up. or. Miscellaneous Eagle Rock, Monday and Thursday, due 11 a. m., close 1 p. m. Rox boro, every Wednesday, due IVA a.m., close 1 p. m. Leach burg, every Wednesday , due 11 1 z a. m., close J. Jaa Averasbora close h P." m. Thursdays, due 6 p. m. Fnaaj--. Ollice hours for Registered Letter and Money Order Departments, from 8).a. m. ito 5:3tp. in, " 0 ' s no mails are received or sent on Sun Sunday, the office will not be opened on that day. w. W. HOLDENP. M. The Decision of the Supreme Court in Regard to the Drummer's License Tax. The following decision of the Supreme Court ot North Caroli na was rendered a tew days since : , Sinclair et al., vs. State of North Car olina. We have no hesitation, following the authority of Ward vs. Maryland, 12 Wallace, 4l8,in declaring the provisions of the Act, 1868-9 Chapter 103 under, which the tax was collected unconstitu tional. The opinion of the Court in this case referred to is clear and explicit. We will not repeat the reasons upon which it is founded, deeming it sufficient to say that the act in question imposes a tax which discriminates against traders who are pon residents, and in doing so vio lates the Constitution of the United States, which -ordains, Article 4, Sec tion 2, v'the citizens ot each State shall be entitled to all the privileges and immunities ot citizens in the several States." And, further, it would seem to beau infraction of Art. 1, Sec. 8, which or dains that, "Congress shall have power to regulate commerce among the several States." We have thought proper to say this muchjupon the question of law raised by the pleadings, but we are inclintd to regard the - present application as an abuse of the jurisdiction conferred upon the Cburt by pur State Constitution, which ordains Art. IV. Sec. 11, that "the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction to hear claims against the State, but its decisions.shall be merely recommendatory ; no process in the na ture of execution shall issue thereon ;" they shall be reported to the next ses sion of the General Assembly for its ac tion." As our decisions are merely recom mendatory, and are to be reported to the General Assembly, which is the only branch ot the Goverameht that can af ford relief, it is fair to presume that that body would give due consideration to the decision of the Supreme Court of the Un jted States. Then why invoke our decision upon a point pf law which has so receutly been decided by the highest judicial authority in the land. As a general rule taxes paid without a protest will not be refunded. The Crops in the Eastern Coun ties. We have spent the last few days in the counties along the line of the Wilmington & Weldon Road, between Goldsboro and Weldon, in some of the Roanoke counties and on the line of the Raleigh & Gaston Road, and we were pleased to find the crops generally in a good condition, considering the disad vantages the farmers have had to labor under during the Spring. In Halifax county the cotton crop is generally out of grass and looks well. With no des- tiuctive seasons in the future, the crop will be a good average. The corn crop the child was found asleep under a kitch- is loosing wen, though in some sections en near by its home. oi the county the average area has not been planted. Both the cotton and corn crops in Northampton county are in good condition, the cots ton being fully up to the average ap pearance at this season, while the area Child Lost. A little son of Mr. Samuel Fall, of this city, yesterday after noon, about 5 o'clock, wandered from the home of his father, and tip to this hcur (10 P. M.s) has not bfen heard from. The parents are vety much alarmed, and, with the assistance of the police, instituted a vigorous search all through the city, but bo far without suc cess. The little boy is named Willie, and has black eyes and black hair. He speaks with an English accent as he is of English parents. P. S. bince the above was written grounds, submerged by the late severe freshet, give much better promise than it was thought could follow the over flow, the freshet fortunately being early in the season. Although we heard complaints from some farmers, we must conclude from all the information we could gather that the prospect through out that section is most hopeful. Along the line of the Raleish and Gaston Road we noticed many cotton and corn helds heavily in grass, though the crops generally looked fair. Marriage. We copy the subjoined article from the Richmond Dispatch of Wednesday. Miss Davis is a niece of J. W. Watson, Esq., the well knovtn pho tographer of this city and has many ac quaintances here. ' Some of them will learn with regret that the bird has flown: Fashionable Marriage. Miss Belle Davis, of this city, a daughter of one of oui leading milliners and a lady of great beauty and personal graces, was mar ried last night at the Broad-street Meth odist church by the Rev. Dr. Edwards, assisted by Dr. Granberry, to Mr Hud son, of New York, a leading florist of that city. The church was crowded to its utmost capacity by persons of both sexes to witness the ceremony. The bride was handsomely and elegantly attired, and looked beautiful. After So far as we can see, the plaintiffs the ceremony the bride and groom pro- paid this tax, which, iu Yiew ot the ju- I ceeded to the residence of Mrs. Davis, risdiction invoked, is so small as to tall 1 where a magnificent reception awaited within the maxim de minimis nen curat them, after which the happy couple kit lex, without protest and after the expi- by the Fredericksburg train for a tour ration of three years, ask to have it re funded. The matter is without leg il embar rassment, and proper only for the con sideration of the Legislature. Settle, J.., It is seen that this dec-'"" case arising uuuer the lormer revenue law of this State, which provided that every non-resident or drummer or agent of a non-resident," &c, should pay an annual tax of fifty dollars. In order that there may be ho misap prehension on the part of business men generally, as to our State law at present, attention is called to the fact that the rsvenue act, ratified 24th day of Janua- Kittrell SpRiNG8.By reference to our advertisement columns, it " will be seen that KittreTs opens to-day We are informed that a good many have of corn planted is larger than tor the already arrived, and are now stopping last few years. 1 he Roanoke low U-ifli Arr riavh ittho jiwuaj.jjVBj - a www x ft-r Va .jV m Ji V V A bll a this season will be gayer than ever, and and offers many attractions to the inva lid or;pleasure-seeker. An elegant band of mueic, and free dancing lessons for little girls and boys, will cause us to put in an appearance in due time. We will state in this connection, that Major Blacknall is making extra efforts for the entertainment of the Typo, ex cursion on the 4th inst. through the Northern States. Personal Intelligence. The distinguished Confederate Gen eral, John B. Hood, of New Orleans, is stopping at the Yarborough House. Cor. John II. Dillard, L. M. Scott, Esq., John N. Staples and Col. James T. Morehead, the present able State Senator from Guilford, all members of the Greensboro bar, are in attendance upon the Supreme Court. Maj. Jno. W. Graham, of the Hills boro bar, is also in attendance upon the Supreme Court. Acknowledgment. We return our thanks to Chas. N. Otey, a member of the graduating class, for an invitation to attend the second annual Commence ment of the Howard University, which takes place at the First Congregational Church in Washington, D. C, Wednes day evening June 18th. Arrived. Prof. Julius Schneider, a most talented musician, has arrived in this city for the purpose of taking charge of the musical department of St. Mary's School at the commencement of the fall session. Supreme Court. Court met at 9 a. m. -Yesterduv the Jn Local Briefs.- The Board of County Commissio ners meet to dav. - The work of repairing the TCourt ry, 1872, modified this provision ot the tt : .i ,i,f . law so as to make it operate alike upon uuu. .3 uc.j residents and non-residents. There can ioi plaintiff and Attorney General liar The steeple of the Presbyterian church be doubt about the constitutionality rove for defendants. is being repaired. . 01-oJ .xouc-aua ABMJCiaie n1 .mi i i ii fl, ijaea are sua uetatnea irom the bench by sickness. The following ceses were argued : George W. Swepson vs John II. Har vey et al., Alamance. Dilliard, Gilmer & Smith, L. M. Scott and W. II. Bailey tor plaintiff and W. A. Graham for de fendants. John C. McCown vs Herbert H. Sims, Orange. Battle & Son., for plaintiff and W. A. Graham for defendant. Anne M. Ruffin vs Commissioners of Oranse county. Orange. J. W. Graham State of tiie Thkrmomet.e RTrnTvts' at Branson's Book Store : At 9 a. m '. : .83 At 12 m 88 At 3 n. m 83 At (5 p TELEGRAPHIC JTEirS. New York Items Custom u onse " Corruptions, etc. New York, June 20. Warrants for arrests have not' yet been issued under the new ring indictments, and the Dis trict Attorney says none will be served until Monday. ' On which day the Court of Oyer and.Terminer will be in session. Nobody seems to regard the indictments as anything more than' a .part of the bitter political fight now on hand. The United States - Marshal's office completed the service of subpoenas yes terday in the equity suit'1 against the Union Pacific Railroad Company, Credit Mobilier ot America, and others. Some of the respondents are in Europe, and were subpoenaed through their counsel. The name of the importer who is charged with, attempting to defraud the Government out of a large amount of duties upon Mexican shawls, is J. Allis. Several cases of mixed goods and a quantity of black lace were taken in South street and elsewhere yesterday by the Custom officers. A heavy seizure was also made in Baltic street, Brook lyn. - '7. Pending the appeal in the suit of Jas. Reid & Co., to set aside the judgment for. $7,500, the value of the cargo of whisky entered at the Custom House by means of alleged fraudulent practices, a reference was obtained by the Govern ment to determine whether the whisky had been entered without intentional fraud. At the resumption of the reference yesterday Ex-Guager John C. Strong testified that when he was in the Cus tom House, Mr. Jayue threatened to lock him up in Ludlow street jail if he refused to sign a certificial paper, the contents of which were not disclosed, and to escape prosecution he did sign it and that subsequently he was told by Jajne that he (witness) would lose his p'ace, if he could not remember that Reid & Co., had offered to biibe him to underguage the whiskey in question. From Havana. Havana, June 20. Only two hun dred (200) negroes having offered to work on the trocha, a large part of the army in the Central Department is still required to complete the work. It has been decided that there is no necessity tor the third trocha. When the first and second are completed all Spanish forces in the field will be concentrated in the Eastern Department. ; From London. ,,w -"riui.OTm at. Windsor : A Cotton Case Decision. 1 Boston, June 20. The case of Gassa way B. Lamar against Albert G. Brown and others, an action ot tort for the conversion of 1800 bales of cotton val ued at 1500,000, which the . plaintiff claims t'u j Jefendants took from him in Georgia in 1865, and which has been on trial in the U. S. Circuit Court for the week past, closed yesterday. Judge Chepley, after the evidence, ruled that as the evidence was uncontradictory that "the cotton was turned over by the military to defendants who claimed thev were appointed soecial agents of Secretary of the Treasury to take charge of captured and abandoned property in the seceding States. No action could be maintained by the plaintiff, and directed a verdict for the defendants, subject to revision by the Supreme Court ot ihe united btates. Washington News. Washington, June 20. Grant has Long Branched. Wm. Gurney is appointed Ceatcnial Commissioner from South Carolina. A lull Cabinet to-day. . Robeson's plans regarding the Polars are indord. The pardon of Wm. Mclntyre, con victed of Ku-kluxing, is recommended. He has suffered three-fourths ot the two years sentence at Albany. Grant confirms the decision not 10 re turn the Kickanoo women and chifdren captured by McKensie. Settles in the vicinity killed three Klammoth Indians. ot m. ,S8 The evening edition of the Daily News is sold by carriers only at the rail road depots in the afternoon. W. G. Candler, Solicitor of the 11th Judicial District, was in the city yester day. Chief Justice Pearson continues in disposed, but we learn that he is rapidly recovering. Cant. M. E. Carter, of Asheville, is in our city, in attendance upon the Su preme Court. 1 The Grand Jury ot the Circuit Court, which was recently in session in this city, Jound a number of true bills in re gard to the alleged lrauds in the collec tion of U. . taxes in this district. Par ticulars will be given hereafter. We hear that the tight over the Rad ical nomination for the vacancy in the House ot Representatives from this county will be a hot one. A prominent city official said yester day tht Woodson was too young in the cause t rule the city yet awhile. Old enough though to condemn the acts of those who seek to misrule it. The Ladies Bazaar for the benefit of the Methodist Episcopal Church,will be held in Tucker Hall on Thursday and Friday evenings next instead ot Wed-, iu sday as stated a few day3 since. Col. D. Wyatt Aiken, Grand Deputy of the National Grange, will deliver an address in this city on the 26th instant, and will organize Granges in this coun ts Our farmers should make it a point to hear him of our law as it now exists, laking this view, the taxes collected from drum mers since 24th of January, 1872, are unquestionably legal, and we understand that the Treasurer ot the State, regard ing the present law as in accord with the Constitution of the U. 8. and the decisions of Supreme Courts of the Uni ted States and ihis State,will insist upon the payment of the tax by all drum mers, and require the Sheriffs through out the State to see that the law is ob served. Who Will Take Hold of It. Amonii the shipments from this place during the last year were 60 car loads of hickory timber, sent to Greensboro. Just think of it ! Sixty car loads of timber, cut in our own woods, and sent to a neighboring town to be returned to us m axe handles and spokes, ail ior tne enrichment of another community, while our people are content with the price of the raw material. Can't this be remedied ? Is there no pride, no en terprise among us ? Is there not capi tal enough here to emuars in uie oust The Court adjourned to meet again this morning at the usual hour. Bible Meeting in Northampton County. The annual meeting of the Northampton County Bible Society was held in the M. E. Church at Jackson, on Tuesday evening, June 17th. The meet ing was addressed by the Rev. P. A. Strobel. The tollowing officers were chosen : Dr. W. S. Copeland, President ; Walter S. Copeland, Corresponding Sec retary ; J. A. Buxton, Treasurer ; W. T. Buxton, Depositary. Executive Com mittee : J. W. Newsom, N. R. Odom, and R. A. Weaver, i During the past year this society sup plied fourteen Sabbath Schools and dis tributed about 250 volumes ot the Scrip tures, which is a very decided improve ment on the report ot the previous year. Much, however, remains to be done be fore the destitution in the county is fully supplied The long mooted question as to which is the butt end of a goat has finally been solved by Harrell, of the Henderson Tribune. He will give the necessary information on application. We were pleased to see in our office yesterday Capt. Charles G. Elliott, ot the firm of Elliott, White & Co., of Norfolk, Va. Through the weather yesterday was very warm, delightful breezes funned fevered brows. The Piedmont Press advertises for a "sober, steady and reliable printer, to whom moderate wages will oe paia. G NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I T Y T A X Raleigh, June 20th, 1S73. Not w-e is herebv eiven that I will attend a t. t.h Mayor's office on the 1st day of July onri for thirt.v davs afterwards. (Sunday?. excepted,) to receive the City Taxes for the year 1873. All persons are expected to come forward ana pay uie same promptly. ju21-tljy Tax Collector Congratulatory. In the absence of our worthy Senior, we copy the follow- ness ? That it is profitable, is shown by ing notice that followed the announce ment of his recent marriage from the g II I N G L E S 1 S 11 I N G L E S 3,500 White Pine Shingles, 2,200 Cypress Heart Shingles, r'or sale cueap. . ,ilT je 21-tf W. C. STKONACII. r WoioOD MILCH C O W S One with, the other without a call. je 21-tf 7.W. C. STRONACH. o day. A soecial from Madrid says tnat me Conservatives of the Cortes are seeking to establish a Unitatian republic with Serrano as President. A Band ot ltobbers. Owingsville, Ky., June 19. The outlaw Hagan. has been arrested ana jrives eighty names of a band of rob bers, working between between Pendle ton county, Ohio, through Kentucky, Virginia and North Carolina. Death of II. F. Clark Divorce . Pauline JLua. New York, June 20. Horace F. Clark, President of the I ake Shore and U. P. Roads, and son-in law of Com modore Vanderbilt, died in this city yesterday of rheumatism of the heart, in the 50th year of his age. He was a member of the 35th and 36th Congress, and since his retirement from politics, has beet identified with business in this city and railroad progress, and the de velopment of the West. Judge Ingram, of the Supreme Courts has griited an absolute divorce in the case of Pauline Luea against her hus band, Baron . Von Rhoda, with leave to marry again.' The plainiiff was. also awarded the cusldy of their child. . Burning of the. Mount Vernon Mills. Baltimore, June 20. The total loss at the Mount Vernon Cotton Mills is over a quarter of a million dollar?. The building was of stone, 134 feet, lonp- completely destroyed. The first story contained looms, the 2nd was the card room, the third was the .spinning room, the fourth looms, and the filth warping and twisting room. The picking es.ab lishment, a lire proof building, near the the mam mu!3, was saved. About hands are thrown out of employment. G E T THE B E 8 T I LEWIS' STAG WHITE LEAD. To Dealer and, Consumers if ?i n r t e is e vi n . We desire to call attention to the fact, that L E,W I S ' STAG LEAD sold by us, is guaranteed to be equal to . any Lead in the market, and supe I nor to most. We are offering it at prices below the figures usually asked for Pure Lead , in Oil. W E A S K A TR I A L! Satisfaction is guaranteed both to price . and quality. t v t i a jr . : In purchasing, be sure that you find our Trade Mark oil each package of the Lead. Address all Orders to : JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Fisher Building. julS-tf RALEIGH, N. C. A U C T I ON S A L EOF VALUABLE BOOKS, dt-c. State of North Carolina, Office Secretary of State, Jialeigh, June 2d, 1873. In pursuance with Section 17, Chapter 45 Laws of 1873, I shall oiler for sale, at Public Auction, at the Arsenal on the Capitol Square, on Thursday, the 3d day of July, 1873, 3,000 volumes, more or less, of Laws, Jour nals, Documents, &c worthless manuscript and other matter on hand, consisting in part of the following books: Public Laws, l8(39-'70, half bound, .. ,. ,nll Senate Journals, 18Gf)-'70 full bound. House ' " " " Laws Special Session 18C8. Keportof Fraud CoiomiSoiou. Private laws 18ti9-'70. . Legislative Documents"lsi!)-'70. Failures. St. Louis, Mo., June 20. Harris & Thomas. Guthrie & Co., and Cheatham, Draughan & Co., provision dealers, nave failed" Their stock and contracts ag ereirate 6.000.000 pounds ot meat and 12,000 barrels ot porK. , FROM PHILADELPHIA. Casualties and Apprehended Crime. Philadelphia, June 20. Hugh Smith, who attempted to swim the Schuylkill was drowned. A brakeman on the Pennsylvania Railroad was crushed to death between two cars. ' ,. Two nrls were found locked, in 8 closet in a vacant hcu e. They ha been missing fci'-ce Wednesday. On survives. A" terrible '-crime is apprt hen lied. Constitution and Ordinances ISfW. senate Journals 1870-'71. V House " " a Legislative Documents IStiO-'ti. Revised Codes. - Senate ami House Journal ISfiO-'til, Public Laws lKG5-'tHi, 1800-'i: Senate and IIous Journals K2-'(:. Legis.ative Documents, LXftVOI. ; Journals of Convention lSU5-'0i. Ac, &c &c. Lawyers and others desiring to purchase privately, can do so at any time before the dav of sale. The sale will commence at 10 o'clock, p. in. Terms cash. For infoimatlon regarding private sale, address this office. WM. II. IIOWERTON, june 3-lvD Secretary of State. E. W. TliOMA SON, Auctioneer. . Crops in Arkansas. Little Rock, June 20th. The wet wr-athfir is unfavorable to ClOLS. It has rained every day for a month in some counties. .Drowned. TT ii rviV Junn 19 Two whites ami j one UlaCK, Motion Denied. , CaxandacuaV N. Y., June. 20th. A motion tor new tiiut for the p-rsous who received.il ret a! votes from women was denied. They were sentenced to pay a One ot $2. t ach, :ttid costs of pioferu- tion, winch amounts to $30,.- belonging to the fishing schooner, Ben Bearly, were drowned. Cholera in Nashville. Nashville. June 20. Twenty 2 roes a yesterday. nd tour whites died of ne- cnoiera Weather Probabilities. nt . t .. - . f..- tKr. A t VV ASHIAUTO.N. .JUUC L'i'i I uu I south Atlantic states." generally clear weather and light to fresh southwestly to northwestei ly winds; for the Gull States brisk winds and clear weather. , the erection of three establishments of the kind in Greensboro, , all supplied with timber, to a great extent, from Orange. Will it not be equally profita ble here, with the additional gain of the saving of freight and agencies ? Some body give the matter consideration. The atyove paragraph, taKen irom tne Hiilsboro llecorder, applies with equal force to our city. Immediately around Raleigh the forests teem with the finest timber in the world, and there is no point in the South that is better adapted or situated for a large spoke and handle . ' ... ,. , f, factory. Now, who will take hold of it ? The three English youlhs who left ! Liberal Contribution. we learn QQ BUSHELS OATS & HAY For sale low to close consignment. je 21-tf W. C-KTlWMiCCH. this citv a few davs ago, loot-back, bound for Colorado or some other far oil" country, have been heard' from in the neighborhood of Greensboro. These nre plucky young men,and we hope they will succeed in life. The loser of an ivory cuff button has brought the fellow of the lost button to thts office, saying that '.f the finder ol the missing article don't see fit to re turn it, he can have the mate by apply in" here. He is a generous and philo tiophic gentleman; and withal a chris tain. T. 11. Purnell, Esq., State Librarian, after much trouble has succeeded in getting a copy of that rare and valua ble work known as Byrd's History of the Dividing Line Between Virginia and North Carolina. The work was published in 1728, and but few copies are now extant. The Newbern Times, in its last issue, pays a deserved compliment to the ho tels of this city. In alluding to the Na tional, it says : - " The gentlemanly proprietor and clerks, together with attentive waiters, clean, airy and quiet rooms, and an excellent table make this hotel an admi rable restiug place lor the weary trav- . ullcr." ' . - . that the Raleigh and Gaston and the Rale.itrh and Augusta Air-Line Rait? roads are contributing to the State Agri cultural Society the freights on the lumber over these roads, and as but little less than a niillion of feet of lumber will pass over these roads lor tne x air Grounds, this contribution will amount to a handsome sum should these roads continue to be thus liberal. In addition to this, the Raleigh and Augusta road is now engaged in running a railroad track from its main track into the grounds. These contributions are most acceptable to the Society in us present condition, and exhibit a most commen dable spirit of liberality on the part ol the managers of these roads, .while the immense amount of work to be done will be greatly furthered by such action. Bills of Indictment. At the recent term of the U. S. Circuit Court in this city, which adjourned yesterday, tht Grand Jury found 47 true bihs. Of this number'15 were fcr violation ot the In ternal Revenue law ; 9 for defrauding the Government in the matter of pen sions; 8 for embezzlement; 9 for peijury,. &c; 3 for extortion ; a ior conspiracy.; i for secreting and detaining a letter. Sumpter, (S. CY) News : "We congratulate our Brother Jour nalist of the old North State, upon his great good luck, and tender him and his lovelv bride, our best wishes tor their future happiness. May they expe rience all the joys that flesh is heir to, and enjoy exemption from all of its ill? and sorrows. If friend Stone makes as good a husband, as he has made an Ed itor, we take upon ourselves the respon sibility ot asserting that Mrs. otone win not regret the step she has taKen in marrying a member of the raw boned and hungry fraternity." ' Louisburg Items. Our Louisburg correspondent writing under date of yesterday, sends us the following item of news from his section : On Wednesday, the 11th inst., Benja min Stone, son of Washington Stone, while returning home from Webb's mill, near the Nash and Franklin line, with a steer cart loaded with corn, met with a singular and fatal accident. He was going down a steep hill, holding the reins in one hand and the shaft with the other, when by some unexplained means he fell, the wheel passing over his head in such a manner as to cause death the next day. : The New Fair. Grounds. Under the supervision of the Executive Com mittee the work goes bravely on, and by the first day of October North Carolina will have the mo3t magnificent Fair Grounds in the South. Every day brings letters from different parts of the State showing that our people are fully alive to their interest and are deterT mined not to be out-done this Fall. Let each farmer feel it his indispensable du ty to bring something the coming Fair. O A T S AND H A Y 5(H) Bushels heavy Virginia Oat. 1()0 Hales Frune C nay. jq liitf R. F. JONES &ca TI R G I N I A T O B A C C O BlacKwell Orange Brand. Travis' Pound Chewing Tobacco, ju 19-tf K. F. JONES & CO. gOAP, SOAP, SOAP, SOAP, SOAP, 30 Boxes of Fowler & Col, Salem, Park corn nan v. Honey and May Flower Toilet R. F. JONES & CO. Soap, ju 19-tf F L O U R AND MEAL liii s&pW M n. Run. and Familv Flour. 30 Barrels Baltimore Flour various grades in quantities to suit purcnasers. 150 Bushels Fresh Corn Meal at lowe market rates. , R. F. JONES tfc CO. Wilmington Street opposiie ju 19-tf". Market Square E X T T U E S D AY Cotton Mills Burned. Baltimork, .Tune 20. The Mount Vernon cotton mills, Wm. Kennedy President, are burned. The loss is $200,000. MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. The Cholera, Nashville, June 20. Five in Paducah. None in Cairo yet. IlnnS-d Georgetown, Del , June 20.- ored raper has been hanged. dentlis A col- New York F. COMMERCIAL, RKl'OliT TiiscnrnraTMlsre and other Lodges will celebrate the 21th of June at the Orphan Asylum. Dinner will be prepared for 500 persons. Addresses will be delivered by Rev, B. Cra ven. D. D.. of Trinity College, Rev. George tatterson, oi wimuugwu, u u. Vance, of Buncombe, Hon. M. W. Ransom of Northampton, and other distinguished speakers. The cost of transportation will be as follows: ; i , o- wrnm ftaleirh to Oxford and back, $ 4 2a " Forestville to " " " Franklintou to " " Ridgewayto " " Warrentonto " " Macon to " " Littleton to " ' ; " Gaston to " " . Wftilnn to " The North Carolina Road, and the Wil mington and Weldon Road, will sell re turn tickets for on first class fare. . Visitors mav leave Raleigh or Weldon on the Monday morning Mail, or the Monday evening Freight, and reach Oxford in time for the exercises. Returning, they may tob-a train at. Hfinderson. on Tuesday even ing, though the tickets will be good, if they snail preier io rfiiutiu. ,,Trrc, ju 19-td J- H- MILLS. Finances Horace Clarke. New York. June 20. It is expected that prepayment, without rebate, ot the .Tnlv interest will beain in a few days. Southern State bonds at tne xoaru wcic extra so.. ZUs wtVi ' . ;,oa r .)on nfiO Aq a re- Whiskey lower, at 914- Wheat steady on a business ol odO,UUU. as a re 2 owert high freights, sen suit of the death ot Hortice . larK, Union Pacifies opened at 22, haying closed yesterday at 24, and has since flntnntod "Vpt.wfien 22 and 231. Lake Shore has fluctuated between 91 J -and 91f, and has been comparatively little nftW.tttd ' ; The Po4 says that Horace F. Claik TOoa nndnnhtH.llv the victim ot over work, having for years borne a respon sihle. and active wart in many corpora tinna At the time ot his death he was President of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railroad Company, and Union Pacific Kailroad company He was Director in many companies; mnmr which were the New loric Cen trd and Hudson. New York and Har lan. New York and New Haven and the Hartford, Toledo, W abash ana western, Kric. and Pittsburg, Dunkirk, Warren nnd Pittsbur'. "Western Union Tele graph Company, and Union Trust Com uanv. besides several Banks and Iusur- ance Companies. PROCLAMATION By the Governor of North Carolina. EX KCUTIVE DEPARTMENT,! Rai.kigu, June 10th, 1K73. Yukki;as, Ctlicial information has Iwn P,vivpri -At ihis Deoartmcnt thatvarauclt s exists in the senate branch of the General Assemblv of North Carolina by reason of the resignation of Hiram E. Stilley and J. B Ilt'spess, tepreseutii.g the Second Sena torial District, and that vacancies exist in the Houe f Representatives of the said General Assembly by reason of the resig nation of Alfred J. Morrison, representative from -Lincoln County? and Ricliard V. Badger, representative from Wake County, Now. therefore, I, Ton R. CALDWKLL, Governor of the suite of North Carolina, bv virtue ol authority in me vested by law, io ivne this my Proclamation, comniuid- iue t he Sheriffs of the counties composing the secona wenaionai uisura ui Carolina to open polls and hold an election at the usual voting places in saiu (uuiiun. on THUllA, TiittSfc.viSj.wi.il. i AUGUST, A. D., 187.i, for two Senators: and 1 do further command ?hc Sheriff of Lin-, coin and W'ake counties to open polls itud hold elections in tneir respective timnu on THUIWDAY, THri SLV ENT1I DAY OK AUGUST, A. D., 187.J, ior a meinuer i uie House of Representatives, all or.alu elec tions to be neni, voies uumpdjcu tnrns made iu all respects in ucuoruauue with the laws of the State of North Caro lina. ... . ., Done at our city or iwneisn, uie rain ot June, A. D , 1873, and in the L. s.l ninety-seventh year of America n Independence. 1 TOD R. CALDWELL. Bv the Governor : J. B. Nkathe.ry, Private secretary. June 14-W U 3 45 '2 85 2 do 3 15 3 (10 8 60 4 15 4 75 JVcw Voru itlarkeb. New York. June 10. Cotton wtak and iri-Aiih.r - ist-f: 4-27 bates. Midlines 21 Flour dull ana lower curaniu.i w iit 3 U-W1U OU. t heavy, 1 ana J. cts. lower, ruga iie:s"''0. , chwua elifiii'O. umber wtstern. i( : wane Southern 85; Corn steady. Sugar lower. stcari-. Forlr cluii ana aeciaeuij lower. New lt:;aloJ. Lard weak. Navais nniftt. Vrpishis lirn and advancing. I i) inn. !. it'min. - tja.i-a. ulj 2.177. Kiti-jM. and port 16. sales ioi iu- turcs lSp . Market closed July ia) j--ihaj..; August ? A ; Kepi ember is I.jIOuIV; Mnupvt .sv at JUi.j. teriins v.,. uoin ! , t ! ...,1 ...liol "it'ltnv veiy rjuifct. Foreign Markets. LiVKiti'OoL, June 20 no-jn. CoLtoinien- Kalw 10.000 bales ; sneculatiou 6,000 ; stock 878 000: American s9.0C0. Receipts A mfln.-Q 11 ..J Id II. rtl tl ill CAI-VI w j .w. T...toi. fVitlon steadv. Sales, specula jjv. w j - ... . . -I....-. ti,,n- and fxnort. .UJ'J bales. Breausiuus . f Vim 7:ll(l(i. I, .-1 'I ..it1 i'.i-t W. ill. IV- j,aier psavannwn mm vikw erv fcr June and July 1 i-i-hk AiUat 555,Oi0 ... jvi-.m 1IS8INN). .1U1U..V"..-;-;- , . . ..... . FjVfcninti Cotton ciosea quiet auu mhuij in.ie.st r.JtO.1 bales. ..caviuint.a ui tuau' Muv k itnnif-nr.s i : .iu v uejivfi.v i ' ' r j , j i . . Yarns and fabrics cull ana lower, t special ly yarns. , LoNio , J une iu. uu;u Consuls M2. , ' ilv tiling tiusjar, spot. ana o.i mon rosin 8 and o. EOUGIA COTTON GINS. G- W0 First premium awarded to G. T. STKONACII V I1KO. This Company have thirty years' experi ence in the b.isim-ss, and warrant every giUmUarswith teslfmouialM may Iks Lad by ddresn, na(.h AIRO- A .:. v .Raleigh, N. f. Mid t Com- H VM - AN I BREAKFAST BACON- Superior Canvassed Hams. lireakiast Strips ju W-tf R, F. JONES & CO. Comparative Cotton Statement. Nkw York, June 20. Net receipts at H United States ports during the week 1$) 890 : same' week last year 8.830; total t rut a 462.812 : to same date la-t year 2 C89,4t5. Exports for the week 40,135: ' ..:i, or i9. r.r,?. tntai t. ! same wccn tnci. . date 2,425,140 ; to same date last jnar 1.887,337. Stock at all United Skates ports 222,352, same time last year 1,515, 440. "At all interior towns 43,938; same time last - year 13,472. At Lberpooi S7Anfio- tsaine time last year 979 000, American afloat for Great Britaan HWr i 000; same time last year oo,00U. Wilminston Markets. f WaxiMTO-, K. C. June .-Spivi.1-i-niine uuiet. Rosin steady at -." ' strained extra pa. Tnrj entlneqr.let, at for liartl ; 3 for yellow.dip. Cottou liarkel Wilmington, June 2.-Cotton llrra ; TSSok: June 3.-Cotton quiet; mid .SsSrloSX : low middlings 17 ; ordi . o i4Wal5. Bi.timork, June .-yCotton firm ; mid-dling:)2"- ; ' , Xoki-oik. Jane 2 rotton;'flrm; low middlings lVi- " ; ' June 20 Cotton sieatiy ; mia- N ELEGANT ASSORMENT OF Spon from 5c. to $2 each, just received and for stile at ...t,,--i 'AHMKU'S. Dl'UG STORE. . ' M -t t -T-s r T T T XT i OjNS 1 A i I J A IS Hi Ks Xj 1 iw fresh supplies ol first-class Goods which Me warrantlopier.se. y 1 Al 1, Ulvr.U'i v v., No 4, South Hiae iiarKei., aprl 0-tf !i llOSTON, 1 tiling 21. N T) r a A second HandTFoar-Seat ltpcka . - - . i way. jU lS-3t G. V. BLACKNALU Yarboro House.