UM'L'f'N'EWS; HINNK UZZELL, - Pkopkiictorh. . FATJETTaVILL' STKKXT, over 0. Sttdnach A Co.'s Stor ,' CAhH INVARIABl.r IN ADVANCB.'' ' TU DAILY NEWS will be dellYeroU to. tulMcrlrn jU -fiktkkk cknts peri week, p&VMtile u Lh carrier weetly. , Mailed at, fi ptr aauuiu ; fornix months; $2 for tb re a lkMlLllH. . , i , The WKKKLY NEWS at $2 per ana n nr. SUNDAY. '...!..JUNE LOCAL ERi i K. C. WOODSON. City Editoi j T T HORlilNGTEDITIONL NT-All oartles orderlnc th? News will pleuHe . send 'the moner .' for the- titnt the, paper is , waate.4- i in v I - u ..; .: i it; ,.;.i.'4t.i j jCou tractors will not be allowed. , under their contracts to advettie any other than their legitimate buti ueits, unless bjr paying vpecialiy. for nck advertisements. . ..i-'.-.u j ' ii 41-(! . bm !) i j ..' aJ. O. II.. Nuttaix of the Cliar ioite , AU veriifjlng Agency, 14 agentfor this paper 4 a Charlotte, N. C. He U duly.iaathoHSed 4eontract or alvertleuPU and rtaoefpt lor snlMeripUont. .... m.,,,,. i., ..nJl . . i.. i .1; j ' MeMim Grtflin uid.Hofraaab, -Newspaper AdverttelntT' A teuton t No. - HoUi. Street, baHlmorei MdM are aaly authorised to con - i tract fvadTertlseaenta.atoui lowest imdeax Advertisers in that Cli9i are reqwhtedj to leaytre thelg fayors .mth.tta ihoe , i S-TH AaRtCULTDUAt. JOTTRlrAfc'AKD THte News."-The-' Htate KoRrctrcrtraAi. lOtTRNAL, an eight-page Weekly published In IdIs city, will be oluobed with the Daily News at- $8J50 per- annum, 'and with (he wekkly NW8 at per annum, -orders dl rected to either paper w Ul receive Pforn pt atteOtton.i t - 4 'T . .I-.j-d j 1 ,4- 1 ' " i JV7,II J y(a'f' ei:;titH' front Kkur litt the names, of many of our mjlart6trf 'and after 'the firtf bf his tmnfh;-iti&tiit that tio 'iffen viU : fc taiei by 'tlio&uho iruty thus find their pajwt dtidontimied, a -tri inean no -dUrttfUeet tyanfy'an in doing wihfti pidyto ciirryftktvurjjdkier initiation and the recommendation of the late Press ConvehttoiZ '' We pt kut fiow , ever thiil titvac thu deprived of thei iVV? will at onee renew their suhacrtpiion 8. nn ii BTONE , UZZELlt Jtfni.i1873.-.'. If ;ii post orriCE-DiREcrroRYi I '. " X.- I if 1 1 ( 1' j . , BALKIOH POST 'oFFICK'A.iBijSGKXEj;'!4. " ' Offloe hours from a.:n. t07 p. m., du rintf the week (exespt while the malls are being distributed.) t!r '-: - I I It K or ABKIVAI. AND CLOSING THK KAlLS Western New Orleans, La, Augusta, (j a., Columbia, S. C3iarlotte. Salisbury Ureen&borp, Salem, Chapel Hilt, Hlllsboro. oi3 .iueatl: a.m. Closeatp. ni. ' ; L Eastern Charleston, S. C, Wilmington, Newbem, Eeaolort, G ltUboro' Ac, flue 5:10 p. m. Close 9 p. to. ' 1 I Northern New York, 'Baltimore' "Phila delphia, Wafthlngton, Rlchmoud, Peters burg, N orfolk. Weldon,. fce., 4e at at 3.30 p. in. , Close tfcl5 a. m. r . .. i( . , ( 1 Chatham R&llrodd Fayettaville,. Jones boro, Apexi Okgood, Ac, due H a. in. , Close a p. ji.- -i , f ,,,t . Miscellaneous Eagle Bock, Monday and Thursday, due 11 a. m close 1p.m. ,Roz boro, every Wednesday, due llVia. m., close 1 P..JU. Leachburg, every , tVednesday, due U4 a. m., close 1 p. m. AYerasboro. . close 8 p. m.,Thunday8,due 6 p. m. Fridays. : Office hou. s for Registered ' Letter and Money Order Departments, from J4 a.i m. to5:30p.m, '' 1 i As no malls are received 6r sht' On Sun ' Sunday, the office will ' not be 'Opened on that day. ' ' ' ' ''"''j LoCAIj! : , . Turtle soup Monday ancI..Tjiea34y! at Tommy garrison's. -.Families supplied r The rumor yesterday that J. ij Over uy, -cisq., uieu suuueuiy at uis rcsiueuvc, is unfounded. j The sale ol the old Fair ' Ground 10U will commence on Wednesday nextat 1 1 o'c lock. a 7; .... -j I Jacob Higgs, Esq , of the firm Iof Hies & Higs, is dangerously ill at bis . "5 L. . . -A. & I " rehiuence onijLiaBfjnorgan'street. i , Smith & Woolford, of Ridgeily are the-4contractort'for drying mca the exhibition in search or the Pol . i. 'ji '.j I. ( -.ulL Polaris. The kilchen chimney of Mrs. William .,Iiw1oodlpn Fayetteville street, too' hreilabt night, but for the timely pearance on the spot of Mr. K M. Bfyan and others, might have been a serious acair, but lortunatcly no damage iwas . don3. I Ji 'wit; l nt'ii;L The congregation of the Peison sireet Methodist Church , has purchased an Organ which will be introduced ft the, hrst time In the service this The cdnerecati6n 'of th growing very rapidly and to know j that the young niroistef in . charge, Mr. -Trimmer, icontiouei fo in crease in popularity and surpassing tven tne expectation oi the congregatiop. Supreme Coukt. This Court met n yesterday at the'f niuaK BodA Chief Justice Pearson and Justice Bojden were absent on account of continued io dMpositw.i u rti, it sii ! The argument in the case of Anne M Kumnf.vs Commissioners of .Orange was coucluded. J. W. Graham appearing lor th!)plAintiif.ji9d Attorney General Hargrove for defendants. This jcase involves the question, of itbe power of ' " the CountyConlffiisslooew' to tax solvent , credits. , The d'ecisioh' of'the Qouft ia . looked forward to -with great interest 'I ' The case of W.lK! Hadlef W.X ' Nash and wife, from Chatham, was , next taken un and areued. Hon. John 1 Manning appeared for the plaintiff j and tJ, H, Headen for defendants, v' j The Court adjourned to meet again uu iuuuuay morning at v oxiock: . . V , ' ' 1 ? r, !"--" mBKTlKU OJT TUB iJOARD OF, VjOM" .MisstonKBs. The Board of : County CJmmis8ioner8 held an adjurned meet- ing yesterday in their room iri the Court nous. Mesara. R .Wynne, Hi C. Jones, M. Y. Todd and Samuel Rayner com , .m'issiopeM, were present.' ' , ; ,11 No business of any general impor tabce'was' traiisacfed. H M i The County Treasurer was ordered to pay .the fdttowtog." Mounts': ',.!u.i4 1 Dr. li. B. Ellis flU' for . ex.minin!? idiota and lunatics ; jpr.' S., Chapel, $5 fct fcxamimncr idiots and lunatics i Dr. H. IL Harris 5 for exatnirie' idiots and lunatics : ,Bey Watkina.'. S25'(fdr, Weep- ' ing away rafts: from Rogers' iBrMiaJl across WtUae river for twelye . months II. C. Jones $!J2 for eleven days -service (i as county v CommmiMioiieri Julius Lewis f 13 tor one ton oi cW( e 'he lollowing- parties - were :reliey(fc,d , jrom paying qouQie tax f ut i - 'ime., Matfiew's; Gffjl!fa(in$ . jriouroe v as J!.lrza"-4Uook,, - Thomas 'jj Brooks and Mary, Yelvine '' ,:iJ ' j , , The Board adjourned . to mtet airain VU VMC UU pro. f.-ff mnrnmcn.! i ri'i : .. r - . V I I I ! - II "Wk i x "V" ... . .hi ! . Hj . . . V M i W - . v n i'WW - i.y .'-mi 'riimf al -La. JLL. U ; a; J II vi y y rSo .' VOL. II. villk bTRRET Trouble Among the Wokkingmkn. The folio x'iqo ha8 been i . w . -i To thei-Hditort tf the '&iityIttfrk,ui the 20th of June, under thu kr hoiri - - WWVU SAWS VS. you do Mayor W hi taker irrqat iniu9ti(W in your criticism ol- lH offlal doudiict. wnereas vou sajc.,.. vt. Notwiths;dn,'(riuii we were assured !b the ilayor one hour before this scene ocenrrepi that should an atteniDt be made to interfere with Jlr. Q'iH's nieo be would ptdexiout hisiull oolice force! and irntssttrv !w6uld call out the iitJ i3ltp'pUih,tia iuw and order, and notwithstanding the disturbance took place immediately tin view of bi 'office, yet we' saW HiJ 'atterdBt' made liy his Honor at the time to protect the thread MnfcumectHtDiCii, or td' xhsnerse the crowd, or in any manner to preserve the jjeace.and Uumt oi.. the city.- i And us the disorderly scenes t te in siffht of the Mayor's nfficp.. ut nuaer tne nose 01 that tuccti ary, without any special effort to s presfe-Jnedist or ounce; whetrrt' Was! at its height, we must say that Mayor Whiiaksr guilty. - uf, dereliction iof duty in not acting with greater' fifluness anu giscretion ana etllcieucv as a oeice omcer I n 1 vl fl v.'.t.iiii ). .i)i'rri The uudersi ned, a , ponin of (he woikiny-mtu and citizens of Raleiirh. claim the right of Iretlnen to conie' pate on the btrcets ol their city for any puifinsetwaauvemBat a .nt vhlawful, and we insist th:U the" assemblage of workiogmen on Fayitteville street list Wednesday alteruoon was not an un lawful gatjierin .Tijcy, went there jfor the purpose of remomtrance, not violence, and lor any of the excitement incident tal to the crowd of idle and curious spectators vh cohyregtted there tUrl uitvunuits uuu woi Ulcu Ol Hie CM ; - l iT: are not to be held as Droducims a vi fAt'tobmotftJti'oiif rtife streets4 tb-the x teut or urcakiug the peace IbJere was no breach 'flf the peace. (B.) Mayor Whitaker was assured by good and true orderly men peace loving citizens- " white mechanicj" that there would be no breach oi the peace, j and these men were about to see that no violent,' disturbance,, or , outrage be. curred. (C.) i i You political workers get up miet- ns, draw promiscuous crowds, shdutL Ccsssions, deride yoTir pOliucaf foes and beaten opponents when you pass their nouses, create all manner ol excitement,. break up the quiet of the community and nothing is said. (D.) But when the 'material workers of pur class gather on the streets for , siuv. pie remonstrance merely to secure unity of action and interest, anions the labors ug men you arid your class' are indig nant at the Mayor because we are hot arrest c-i and put in the guardhouse. (E) Do vou forget tne grand .parade here in 1870 in ccJebratiou of the release -oi Mr. Joslah Tnrur, cud tbu other L.irk prisoners . jctyou forget' the tofcu- lgni processions oi ooui political par tita here last, August , the booming of cannou. the noise anu tumult in .the i?lilh OU3 Willi tU 'cries; gro&hs. shouisl and the cannonading, breaking the windows4 of rfesRidhdes'aVongi tW roate ot thl pry- terrible., a&aenibls aco c on Wednesday afte ehdbX or-w1iicl yott was complain at-the-May or so biUerl jnjthfi ',opeh .Vpaj.' 'Andf'ftl',,thre was some ' language, . promise u.oiisfv'.'.uaed "in the crowd .that should not have been tted,V.VfoC..Vliic(i.we. do .not ,pofo- grzdrfoSir: defence,: it was in no Htuse; hbfeturc,ftehrrg and violeu inj tone litical firoceaiens marching our'stfeeis; for youido not forget that the throwing of a rock .Into, a, .political , procesB'on here last fall, by some miscreant pfp- auceci a violent excitemeni,-ana in real,. S A . . - 1 A. 1 i f itad threat,-., jeace. ) Wtiitnk'e'r'" rin mpve- enea a deadly breach ot the peace, d Whcn(ya arraign Mayur in connection with the labori men t last .Wednesday, you.rtflect tn the ty that shall be .mutu,- allv. beneficial to the whole comhiunity ol our people the property. owners, con tractors mechanics,! laborers and every business interest and individual of the cityi'" (G.) 'i' i--i : 1. ,-'' ... ,l&fA.Ml ... t, ;i we grant you iue ngut anu an wrier BWPM.tN, riht:!toarray yourselV againsr.Aue. mecuamc ana ;worKingmen ,oi .Italeich. '4 Y0adoubt leas 'deem it,to. 9ur'pecuwaryiut)ert to do so, but we cannot submit to have you misrepresent issai). the Mayor, with whom the jihheifiulcV of Ra)eigUV ' workine Vo "preserve the Deuce. and wittf ' w'horA1 : a'-perfert tmderstand iDg was-jhaitat thir should bfcno violent disturbance or breach oft the k:'feWt'6f'th'e meclianlcs ami I iaDoxing:men.:wuo 1 asaemuiea jon. ay etteyiile Wfeettajt Wednesday afternoon was.peatauty,K('iretau!y.Janej,).quieiiy attained, without tire aid: and copera tt6n' bf !yo Wpr,es- for, ,in 'th js,1 $6$p any iqrmer ftctipn 5 Iooking,'M wel1 being and interest, have the mechanics and workipg men, ot Raleieh had the ai'd and symputlry bf -either uqe News oilTififtcinori WiU; they, perhaps, here-. alter want the aidandi sympatay ot want xne aiu ana sympatny m ,enner oi these twoguarnaisi ; 7 REMARKS. U ' 1 ' 'This' o ni m uorcktin'1 W as (304 by thirteen individuals ; but4 the pdrson who hanued'it usfor insertion aftei- Vartis Ife'ted'1 us1 ;to "withhold! th naimjs 61 tue signers WeBUbmiH the LAjlwiBgowmenta vi il lilM 1 . "a,:t-T-heMaypr's voluntarily'assHiranoe to us that Weill's 'nandr should be iVf k lP denied. 1 1 neit-h denied that the disorderly sceridb took rxUcedivsiifh of his officeandithtlt he did not command the peace or take any tntfasuWs ii protect the MkWei iheu tne excibemeiit was at its neignt. 15. It is nt a lawful purjaiisolor' any mraw Bflj.uuB or profession u as. (aemWe op-thertreets, 10, nierfeie w'itli persons engoged in a peaceful viii hoii of able' (fimploy ment. 'u ti poten tial revwnitfance " as th4t ,o Wednesday opki TO1 Jn,, iS ChUrCu "Ml ibkn'nru' an Am vArin if tA' rutrtai u'it jirr we are plefaeAUf labor: 10 the .city thatahali be mutu,. , . w l ! f! il T - I' " 1 1 i hi ,i AP?IG -N-:? a'ternooq, by which work .was susperit!- ei uy tne nanus wno naa reiused to comply with the terms previously re- cohwhnded bf ihi ihdlf ittuaU' makinir me "reinoustrance," was something bc lote wri heard of in this city,' and we sin cerely trust will never be heard iof again kevkr I If there was no breach i.tbe.:peatJt v&:iecUise the defenfce- less workingmtu in the employment-of uieui sutiinitted to overpowering numbers;" and it was not the fault ot the Major nor the ruling: spirits of the .WPhaJUfcif 01 wiAi-po, breach, .oi, the peace. ( C. From this it appears that the Mayor Was acting in collusion and by Agr'e;,t .with,., the in.Unidators; and is even more guilty than wo -imagined. D. When political meetings interlire with' the 'rights?' 'any citizens, ibey become unlawful assemblages. It plol liUeiana, -lawyers., merchants, doctors, or "anybody el men 'attempt ; to inttrtere puujiciyn, the streets by ; such demon strations ad'we had On Wednesday last, witr; tne rigmsot any; Class, ..wJe iluuld dsbouncQ such oondtict as" . utterly hn- Warfanted aJld, despotic;, and as deseT- i uj iMnuauru g(ou. citizens. 1 ! E.'Such"imple remonstrance'' ' as that resorted to, to secure1 " unity of ac tipq rami interest among thet laborfng7 meu " is putting it rather mindly, where it is known that such remonstranfce" actually, put Q'NilV'a laborers in bodily lear, stopped their work, and caused them against their wishes to accede' to .tjiteriuwhicii.tbfcy ad '.Petore re quently andjmost . positively declided. V e never, Warned the Mayor for not ar resting and putting in the guard hou-e anybody. yCetaioit5.we; wuuTd,' id vise him toVajfeai ah v tnnox;etft person.) His Honor outfntf6 KaVtidfspersed the crowd whoadgabert;d tur'remonstrHtc'r so gettiy, wUh wdrkrngmen that they Tnipelied to suspend their woik. Vjlfcu'DOlitical oarages hhdli visit lfenngageTdaCtheirj lawful trade and DyapreatsaBd ther v'y-fcBtle rtmm - strnncescdinptUuepv to iuspend their a ip me M,sy, we snaii ueuoijnce MhnniueasurfcdJterhis And when, political gatherings shall, so oyciawd1 private individuals as to compel them to work Otf-"'inV :V9tem of lahnri Uv reason of fear. or bodily harm, they be- come despotic and illegal ."1 bodies and should: b$ .severely . condemned: The man Who would throw a Tock into a politicui procession is guilty ot a - piece vf meanness-and his conduct cannot be app'rdved,'"Hny more" than the conduct ol. those who attempt to iulei fere with a man s private contracts. . u. , JNd reasonable man can say we reflect upon the mechanics ot the city, Decause, we charge the. Mayor with dere- lectiou of duty in not protecting defence less mecluinics from the inob. It 13 be cause we are the lriends of mechanics that we wish to see such outrages suo- pressed m tne uuu. zso true rrieua ol j the mechanics will endorse lawlessness and crime. , They are bad counsellors wno tell them that such n course will advance ,their. interests., It U doubtless best there be unity of action and concert among mechanics. uux rnia was a eu- tost ot Workiogmen against working 'men', uhd'we -espoused thecauae of! the workiogmen who had the law on their side1. ' We would be glad if'they would all work harmoniously and according tb tbetsamo system. 1 But '.if there are son;e who wish to work on a different iieU'X,.U".ia iJESpijisji,.. wicked, cruel, absolute despotism, which would de- pViVe ttiehi ot tlieic rights .'as freemen to contract on such ; terms as they may deem fit. ' -' ' i if, The ; RittfiGji News . will , never advocate any priuci pies w hich we be-' livye detrimental to the ititcfesU of workingaien.1 its proprietois belong to . that; Class ' themselves. Their sympa thies, their feeling's, their interests,' are all with the workinamn of - the-land. But ! We ' will , not' advbcife" the course pointed ont by agitators and: political dethagognes who ha ve( at ' least only their own promotion ahet '.self interest " and' who, vrhen -the troubles ot the working men, ae brought upon ' them by their violent and incendiary appeal will pe the nt&i to de3ert them in 'their hour of need and peril. ! "They are not the best 1 friend of the working classes who,, council extreme measures and who 'professthe greatest love tor them. Such hp service lsxmeap. It cost nothing.. We despise the rant ing demagogue and truckster who for selhhh, purposes would at ray one class of lour -copulation at ainst another. Our people will , not deioQd. workiagruen when they do wrong, but will in tha face of misrepresentation and prejudice, advocate what it believes to be their highest interest bs good citizens and as uselul members ol society. ' I Ice for Raleigh. The people, of Raleigh are paying annually thousands of dollars for ice to Northern tompa- ii"eV,whtnit might be maie here and sold at one cent per pound. We are surprised that the enterprise ot Capt. Brain, to manufacture a supply of ice for our peo pie, is not at once up ana carnea 1 ' - n 1 out. Ice afforded at one cent per pound. and that, too, of the best quality, would be mote largely consumed than it is at present, ana a ueauny margin 01 pronts Would thus be afforded to the manufac turers. ' Capt. Brain requires but eight thousand dollars to commence the mas ulactuie of the article.; Charlotte is wide awake on the 6ubiect, and will, have a full supply of the pure article, maue-on tue spot. - why (to :our citt zens hesitate f We trust the itquisite .UtnoUJi&Vlll Joe: raised at. once, auel this real blessing, pure ice, be alfonled to on 'pcliyia iit riheap'Tates." t " 1 " Waynb Alcott. This enterprising apd energetic grocer.bas recentlynoved into the commodious store recently oc- cupied by, M. H, Brown, next to the Citizcns'National Bank, !Fayetteville street. Mr. A.ifias large-experience lih 'Ills' business, and is! withal ' liberal auei enterprising, auei in eveijr way oe perjfing of p s,hare of public patronage. He always keeps on hand a stock of J(' 'ii4' . j :'.'.'... j.. 1 dentations concerning. them may be im ficitly 'relied bn ;.; We vite ; special attention to his attractive-', afloounce- i ment in this issue. ' ' !,,);' ' .UNPRAJ IVJOItlsriNG. The Raleigh Baptist Sunday School Its PBOsPERrrj-, Etc. At a recent session 'of t bo Baleigh Baptist Sunday Schoolv Col. Heck, theguperin tendentjj . presented M his report for the past year, aud on motion of Mr. John NichfKls, it was,rtHp,lved to request its publication in the Biblical Recorder, the daily papers ol the city, and to publish it with 'some1 ofcher matteV in pamphlet fofm lor distribution amopg.the mem bers of the chuich. The 'report ' is as follows : Report of the Superintendent of tlie Ral eigh Baptist Sunday School, for the year ending May 1, 1873. : My. Dear Friends, Officer?, Teachers and fccholars: In presenting this my 1st annual report,! I xeter with gratitud to the fact, that although we number more than GOO, death has nob made a single inroad into our ranks. Not a single perBori actively engaged with us in this work, has been called nway. While, we have incurred the dangers usua rail road travel in V tww excursions,, one j to Lockville, with about 700 persons, and the other to Haywood, with over 850 : maitiug an aggregate travel ot over 50.- 000 miles, the same merciful Providence has protected us from all harm. , ' Materially, vye have been very greatly blessed, and numbers have been added P,9 to u.3 vnd sour) peo pie bayei beep gen erous in their contributions, as will be sliowu by our expenditures, which are tallows : For Ple-nic, July, J87X - $ 200 00 For lic-nic. May, 17;J, 245 00 i r ChrlsUnaaylhrA'icash,) i 207 90 For Presents by the school and . t friends to the poor and other " estituated 300 00 For New Organ, . . 100 00 r Yates' Cudpel. (China ) ' 5 U0 '' For Chapel at home, 118 73 For New Carpets, ' ' 97 97 For Church at Eden ton. 25O0. r or Mr. .otgne ti. Pollen, (silver,) 00 k or New liauner, i '2ii 00 100 00 60 00 15 00 H For bf.uday School pagers, ', , For Singing Uooks, ,". For Q,uef tiou Books, . , .. Eotl mated value liookn. and. money raised lor New Llbra- 400 00 $ 1.925 68 To. which, if we adel the presents made by the officers aad teachers during the year, we have a grand total ot nearly two thousand dollars. It wi.l be no- ti9d.rttat this, report, covers the whole since the election of the present officers. which is something over a year, but more than fl.buO ot tins money has been expended within the year from May, 1872, to May, 1873. During the ast year a new enterprise has been started that promises ereat srood. not only to the, school, but to our entire city. I allude to our miscellaneous li brary. , We hooe the time is not far distant when our present 400 vol umes . will , be increased to ' at east as many thousands of vaU uable books supply a lelt "want in our growing community. I congratulate you upon the fact, that your school is entirely free from debt. and notwithstanding the comparatively laro'e amount of monev exnomletl "last year, it was raised without aur gutuni Ifort, showing that our good people have a " mind to work " in this direc tion, and I think it should encourage us to undertake yet greater things' for the advancement bf ' oor school. The Sunday School should be aggressive, with a motto of '"'Onward and upward." While our school should be satisfied with no less motto than Excelsior, with our Father's blessing we may be the lest if we will. . - . .. ; But for the expected . report 1 of the Librarian, I would refer to the present condition of our Sunday School library. which n quires immediate attention. i'regret to report ibafc'tht! spiritual condition ot the np.ts good as it should be, nor so good as it would beVif we' were more faithful. ' Hi Twelve hoperal converts have been baptized rroavour.scuool by our beloved pastor within The last year, and there are as uiany'ofherf wlio are iriejuiring the way of life. ., . , .In conclusion, let me thank yon all for your uniform kindness, to , ine since you made me your Superintendent.' Your ' gentleness and good 'behavior . r not t(i scold, even without an e "fhere'are o'fiice'rs,' teachers' knd' s enort.-- scholars here, whose nqble conduct and self-sac- rince aught to De mentionea, out mere is fpch.a number of these worthies that time forbids. I can assure you, how ever, that they will.not be forgotten by your unworthy Superintendent;! be! sides, thercf is a book of remembrance being written, more enduring and tuore to be desired than the most flattering epitaph ever written on sculptured gran ite or polished marble. " 1 : . Truly the laborers in this viueyard shull have 'their iead. ' ' 5 '-- . ., J. M. Heck, Sup't. Chemical Fluid Gas Light. This is a most excellent substitute for the gas used in cities, and is in every way superior to the ordinary lamp-light. The fltiit is used with the Vesta Gas-Burner, which gives, a iight remarkable for its brilliancy and steaeliness of flame. The fluid is easily and cheaply made, ami is prfectlysa1e;f We have not space to go into details, but. refer the reader to the agent in this cit4 J. W. Brown, Esq., corner of. Morgan and Dawson streets, opposite Masonic Hall. We especially advise house-keepers to call on Mr. Brown and satisfy themselve as 10 the merits of thi9 fluid. ' ' SI ! jilt " . . . I ", i K A Model Farm. We visited a few d.iys since a uioael farm ot tome eighty acres, near .Weldon, under the manage ment of Thomas L. Emry. Esq.; one of Jthe most indefatigable workers in the State. Tom has his model farm in most capital condition, and ire would like to see many like -it in yevery section or the State. ; i. f. , i ! -i : I Thermottieter - yesterday -was as follows at Branson's Book Store :", At 1) a. m ; . . j .. . i At 12 ni.. . ... j , . j.. At 3 p. m.. .......... . ,78 .81 ;85 "Ate p.! mil..;..: JUNE 22. 1873 1 --' -.- - . " L Raleigh Female s Sekinery. We ; call the attention to the advertisement of this school, which appears in another column. Wp are gratifiwi f6 know the h.indsome buildings are now about com plete and they will prove an ornament to the most desirable part ot ' Raleigh. The three large buildings, the main one of which, is three stories high, measures 68x78, will afford every convenience for accommodating a large number of boarders. ,The supply bf water on , tv ery floor, by means of pipes, will con tribnte much to the comfort f ol the. young ladies. The gymnasium.1 build ing, which is to be 25x60, will be some thing unique in Southern schools. We were always impressed with the belief that the sana mens in sano corpore was too much disregarded. We congratu late the school on tha 4 acquisition of Dr. Van Meyerhoff, whose enthu' si as tic devotion to music, thorough knowledge of it, and great skill in im parting JnstrucUftnA. wjll . contribute not a little to the formation of high musical taste. As an evidence of the manner in which his skill is appreciated, we give a brief extract from the Louisville and Richmond Christian. Observer : : ".Atthe head ot the musical profea sion in the United States stand Rubin stein, Von Myeihoff and Perrebeau. The first named is regarded as the leading pianist in the world. But in some re pect8 he is surpassed by Yon Myerhoff, who, for wondrous brilliancy, power and sweetness combined, probably has no equal." The New York Herald, in speaking ol a concert given in New York, says: uHt'Van Myeihoft was ien - thusiastically eodofetl; and' responded with '. atacrity, performing one of his traoscriptionsbkillimly,,,,, gracefully. brilliantly. Wonaertul, his playing speaking to the mind and heart, full 01 ideas and inspiration1; exciting medita tion and amotion, giving deep satisfac tion. We understand that L. Vou Mey erhoff is not only a brilliant .organist, but also a consummate pianist,' who commands the tender and softer graces ot his art, in which Rubiastein is defi cient." . 1:. . , Acknowledgments. Ca p tai n Thad Bosbier, placeel upon our table yesterday me wnite cabbage weighing ten and a half pounds, raised on his truck farm near the' city. " This was one of one hundred to at he brought into market. Captaia Bushier is also' entitled to the first show of . tomatoes and greea corn ol the season. u : . Tne Messrs. Gill & Bro.. of Exchange lace, will accept our thanks tor a bot tle of very superior native blackberry wine. This winei was manufactured in this county by an expert in the business - . BoY8-The : Henderson Tribune is ustly proud of a young lad only ten years of age that not only superintends the entire operation ot the telegraph of fice, but is his father's (Dr. W. , T, Cheatham's) book-keeper also. , - i - , We have a boy in Raleigh, quite a ivf .of an ice store or cellar, and doing a- staving business. His namo is Rufiln Litchtord, a sou or J. J.,'' Litchford, Esq.. - 1 ' ' ... j I .,, .. Excitkmeht in . the Camp. The rads are terribly excited over the . com ing man for the Leislature. It is said the ring are at work for Argo. We 'are betting on Boshier but gracious knows we have no choice in the lot. Of the two evils give us the least. DIED. ROYSTER In this cily. on the afternoon of the 21st lust., of typhoid fever. Edwin eiKAY Roystkr, ton of David L. and Sarah J. Royster. aged 8 years 4 months and 28 days. He died very gently as gently as a oaoe iaiang aeieep on its inotnar s oosom. " Is It well with the-cfrHd "I "II, U well." His young spirit, unsullied by earth's de flleneuU, now resta In the arm of that Saviour who, when on earth, said ; of the dear little ones. w of such ia the Kingdom 01 Heaven." iU. l- -.....,. O ! not in cruelty, not in wrath'. , . ' SVUA OCUU UIB IfiapVli AiHiU to gather such flowers iobe transplanted irom eartniy soil in xurdwr to Dipom in tne me raraoise above. . . J. w. Jr, The funeral service will lake nliioe from the Methodist Episcopal Chuich this (Sun day! afternoon at 414 o'clock. Friends, ac- ouaintanoes and the communllv eenerallv are invited to attend. '. ,, . . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. JALEIGU FEMALE SEMINARY, F. P. HOBO OO D, A, M.. ) InAtnal- A. F. REDD, A. M j ncipals. Dn. h, Von MEYEEHOFF, of Vienna, Mii- .- , sie iJepartuaenu ; 1 The imposing new building, with Us im proved school apparatus ana recently fur- nisnea musical outnt, win oe openeo on SEPTEMBER 1st,,; 1873. The Faculty has been largely increased. The tlusieal Department 1 in charge of Prof. Von If eyerhoflT, a pupil of Rnbinsteln. 1 ne troieaor is a ortiuanb perrormer, ana nas suceeeu ea wen as a . seaener 01 vocal and Instrumental music in this State. ' .Apply for oatalogne. ju22-lawD&W2m .,: TWO GOOD MILCHi COWS. One with, the other without- a calf. jeJil-tf. ... -oW. C STRONaCH. 400 BUSHELS OATS & HAY ,For sale low to close consignment, je 2i-tf W. C. 8TROCCH. INGLE SIS II INGLEP. a.500 White Pine Shineles. ' 2,200 fypresn Heart shingles, - : -.; For sale cheap. Ut . . ' -' ;e 21-tf . . t , W, C. 8TE0NACH. 'h O U R 5 A N D M E A L . 60 Hacks N. C. Hup. and Family Flour, v ' 3U rtttrrels Baltimore Klour various grades in quaewtiee to suit purcnaaen. 150 Bushels. Fre-h Corn Meal at lowest market rat en. - m.i-R. F.JONES CO. -Wllmingtou Htreet oppoeite, -ju 19-tf ; ; . Market Square, tjyi . t y Tt,.-i-A x . . Kaligh, June 20th. 187S, ; Notice is hereby civen that I 'Will attend at the Mayor's office' on the 1st day of July; and for thirty , days. afterward., tsandav h excepted.) to re-lvB the City Taxce for the year leva. ah persona are x pee ed to come forward anu pay tne same promptly, .. . ... fRi UCIu M tir. ij u t l FRAMCJH M. JOHKKL.Tj. i .i ju21-UJy - Tax Collector. paTBNTQ LOSS 8 ,T A;R C II ' , The finest article In ' the Market, put up 5ors lb. boxes for family use.. Juat received and for sale at , .1 "-- ' CAUMER'S DRUG? STORE. I Junel7d2w. , . NO. 102. I 1 MOON DlUf AfiJlIES. Sleacham's Report of the Modic t Klgktiag. h.-.a j , Nkw York, June 21.-Iu Meacbams'' report of the Modoc lighting, he says that during 1 he war the Modocs killed and wounded about ' three soldiers for' every warrior within the lorce at the time, numbering not more than 65, and that during; the first three, day's fight t tis band not only held out against 800 troops armed with every ; appl a ace of modern warfare but -kept- a passage open lor retreat which even the Warm. Spring Indian scouts could not close. Meacbarn's , idea of the best Klicy for the future is that all tribal lines be abol ished, that the Indians be made amen able to the laws, and be placed 00 the same footing with othef murderers.' ! , : , : v ' Another Destructive Coaflagration Washingtok, June 21 Michigamme cityj Marquette county, on Lake Supe-r rior, was yesterday destroyed by, ; firt which caught from the burning woods around the place. The town was fan iron mining one, ' and ' contained near 600 inhabitants. Among the buildings burned was the mill of Jackson Hough ton, which had been just equipped ; at an expense of $40,000. Much damage was done to the railroad. The - citizens refageed into the Lake ; several bodies have been recovered from the Lake and others are missing. " j A Missing Party 21 order by Indians Feared. ..... : .. San Fkancisco, June 21. Judge C. T. Hayden, of Arizona, lelt Camp Mc Dowell May 24, with a party of Ameri cans and three -Mexicans: to prospect along Salt Kiver. They had eight days' provisions only. . Nothing, has since been heard ot the party, and it is feared they have been murdered by ' Apache Indians. ' .: m i " Destractive Fire imf Pptlsville. :' PoTTSviLLB, Pa., June'i 16. Forty houses were burned. ! One child Was killed. The Minersyille and St. Clair Hose Company, coming to the .rescue. ran four miles atoot in sixteen minutes.' Several firemen were injured by falling walla. The loss S130.V0Q. r ! v . . ' -i m '--'-" j Bad Crops in Texas. ! , Bbekham,, Texas, June la. The dai ly rain lor the past month has-nearly ruined the the crops in this , county, - f lanters are unable to keep down! the weeds, and a great portiou in cultva. tion has been abandoned in consequence. - Discharged. ; Philadelphia, June 21. All ; the parties arrested on charge of maltreat ing two little girls were discharged this evening as no sign ot any kind of vio lence as was at first suspected were found; : . ,;: ,-; ;.,., '.,-,.. ,: ;. -).:. . Fires a,t Toronto ' Tq&onto. June 2i. Fires are sween Railway is sunering. . Loss to ,raifroau contractors heavy, i ; ..i? .;:: Cable laying. r. t V" London, June 21. Up to noon; yes-: terday, at which time the Great Eastern was in latitude 53.45 N. longtitude 28 Wr 940 miles of the , cable had .been played out. r !;.' -' ; . I '1' ,;- m :,;, Cholera in Cincinnati. ,1 Cincinnati, June 21. There wen three deaths on Thursday and three on Friday, lour reported cholera cases. Coleratic Diarrhoea. Washington, J une . 21. There are several cases . of choleratic diarrhoea here. , ,'. , ' '. .', ;' ,;" ' .' ! MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. . ri New Vork Items. n . New Yohk.'" Juiie 21 There;' were seveo sunstrokes yesterday. The steamer Juanita expects to sail to-day through' Hell Gate. The clew has been reduced from 210 to 130. She takes 250 tons coal for use ol the steamer Tigress when the latter reaches Dico, The Juanita also takes 2 steam launches The Tigress expects to reach the Brook lyn Navy yard on Monday, when work ot fitting her out' wilt be immediatel) commenced in order that she may leave here for her cruise on the 4th or 5th. oi l July. The Tigress wilt be provisioned tor 2 years. .".-h--- - avv , The jury in the Sharkey trial rendered a verdict of murder in the first degree. The jury lecouimeuded mercy. ; . . While Nathan Harsh and A. Porter were breaking up .old; cartridges iu Harsh Bro's. ordnance store tor .he pur pose ot lilling new ones with thvir cin tents, a . tenfic explosion ficcurred . ot over two thousinu cartridges sttewn over the floor. The tront and back window were blown out and two men who were sitting in front of the store were blown into the street and seriously injured. Harsh and P rter and W. Harsh's three little sons were found frightfully injured, one ol the children terribly disfigured, the skin being burned oft of a greater part of the body. .The faro bauks were closed to-day in anticipation bf a police raid. . During the scrub race of the New York yacht club to day, the Magic and Restless collided, both being damaged considerably. No one hurL Deaths for the week number 474 Four easis of yellow lever aie eXrt ed by the Brook I) u uuiou in State Mieei, of that city,Tn a row ot teueuient houses where- a young man died last week. : DaakStatemeati New Yoke, June 21. Bank sUte ment shows a gain in reserve of 1T mil million ; specie shipments to day 394, OoVmillion. ,y The weeks imports of merchandise 33' million. Bank' state ment Loans increase li million ; spe cie Increase1' Z million: Wat teuder increase ll';niilliou';f deposits 1ncrea.-e 2i million. :i J i,? " i - J ' ' 'Aturn tieltetrfor one first class fiire; 1 ft . . .t vt.iH V,JU,?.-,V leave Kalelgh or Weldon 1 ' -1' Death f UH vroo4JlS ui .1 r iaaauN June al alia iF. Wood, who was shot' a s week :' ago. by Henry Jewett, died . to-day.,, . RATES OF AD VE ItTISlIf G One aqnarsv one lnsertlom. ...t 09 Onesquara, two, Insertions ...Wf I 60 One SQUare. three iBsertlons......t.'.,ti;.. ' 1 59 One qnaxe,alx Insertions... , One sqnareone month s oe 8 oe 19 OS 80 09 one square, turee montns une eqaare, six moo: For larser advei-tisemen W. 'libei-al eon euoe tracts will be made ;Ten Jlnqi aujd mon parell eonstltute one square. , Paris Piewa .Tmnartant fram'lTnaiB ill. A. Federal ltepa brie is ibeiac . Orffanized O ther Foreiga . terns. ;:f Pabis June 2LVExeoutions jliavt been issued against the goods of Gus- tave Courbet, and they are to tie solef to assist In defraying the expenses incurred in reconstructing the, Vendome column, !MADaib;June21.iIt it reported that Senior. Cast;llar js vnged -in drawing up. tlte constifutiona ol a Federal .Re public analogoa to that of the Uni ted Statts of America ' The number ot States will be fifteen; includimriCob ad.PhilUpiner Islands. Madrid, is to rem-iin the capitol. The Prifident of the Federai Republio ia to be elected by uuivertal suffrage, 'tliti term of ofSce fiye years ; Senators to be chosen s by 1 the States ; deputies are to .elected, ; by universal suffrage. . "j' i ........t;.' ni-.n-ii Miui ; Bayonnb,, June, 21. Jfhe , parliaia in u hkj nave rcueiveu uispaicnes an nouncing!tha the insurgent' capturt d Pancorbo ia theproviace of Barjos, with 400 iprisoners.,7 Ui av'i)1Uinmu , , CoN8TANTiiopLK, Juna, 21;-,The, re port that the. Sultan is seiiously ill, ia without foundation. J ' r ' J1 ' ' J Gregory ''Aristruchf -is appointed Turkish! Ambaasador ,1 at 'Washington in plaje of. Blacque Bey ,eijfned.(1 ., ;;'- i ; ! ; TMM'ntoikif f ' ' Washington June 2Isf. Appoint ments, Mrs. White, postmaster, Walter Valley, Miss , vice Buford, suspended. Secretary Richardson t has gone to Harvard. ... .. 7 ' , . Secretary Delano hhS gone off for ten j The Star says, 'the .? auUimatic tele graph with its branches are about pass ing into . the " hands ' 6t ' the Western Union Tch-graphv : 5 t 4 - The war department ants a quarter of a million of head.' stones, ; tor- the Union dead,, ' ( " iiarfToimerlf" Attorley., General i prominent for the pfositiosi of Chief Jus tice. (n d -ro nobis Vf i The doctors anawi ce . the cholera death to-day of a cleanly colored , wo man in a beathful locality' and' state cucumbers as the cause! ' r Jerome Jark Races.. ' New YoKk, Juh 2if Second . race. Handicraft and Sweepstakes une-mile aiid a quarivr.'nThte vollwing ataTted : ..Woodbine, Brehuu.-, Sbnikwood Buck deii, " i he, Nuise aui Little's , colt. Won by Stock w:mmI 111 2:12.'1 Third -race.' Selling ; raw 'miie mile. ' "Five started,1 viz : Gerald, tuiu, Sand ford,' Winesal and Liverpool. Sand lord won the race in ,1:46 . Fourth race was selling race, one aud three quarters; 7 horses started. Wbn: ' by Vespuci us in 8:11. . '! u- . 1 -ei ',.; . i Weather Probabilities. . Washington, June 21. For the South Atlantic 5 States light to fresh winds,' mostly' from the west and south, and partlyc'ottdyj weather with rocca i onal coast rains., , i ..-.::i;oj 1 i hofera Quesirou1. " . BovroN, June 21. The State Board of Health; has addressed a circular to cities and towns oi.the State advising the health authorities to take prompt measures to avert danger from the Asiatic cholera, j:U I'oi. i .M J(" " A Nol Pros.. 1 " 'CANibAtjAVN. YM June .--District Attornev Crawley to-day entered a nolle prosequi in each Ol the cases of 14 woQien4a4icted wult-Mias Anthony lor W.P&ii j t T i r t; ! -1 - COJHJ1EKC1AL KEPOliT' , Wcf Vork .Varkeu. Nkw Yi'ikic. Juue 2,. Cwttou dull aud unchaug.d. eiesU7tMileit. . MldlinkS . Flour dult and heavy ; common to fair extra, IKl.iX lk 41ml inrhom. MIW.In .i Whe a one cent lower wtlu a uioUerate ei A: txirL u.-iii ltntitMt tiithlinif l...l.....u anxious. Corn steada with a. lair demand. Fork weaker, new 1.40 Lard Weak ai 8 , V Mtf. Aava er quiet.: relguU uuu grKile quiel. , 4 ; i -ttou , 1 net ' rece 1 p ti," 1 .: M bul e . ' O rca 2,9M Halea.aud export. . ' Hales lor future- 18.100. , Mark-t c'.os.d July 'JDla.i) 5 16 ; Augusfanad-Jri; September 18 11 10al ; . October 17.1-Xtf H '- : : Mouey abundant ut -Ua. terllu Gold ti a 15!.- Uoveruuients dull uu'd qaiet. etiuUsa very quleU Foreign JUarkeis. , . L4VEajrooL, June 21 no -n. Cotton ! open ed quleU Uplands 8a. ' or . ana Sl&HX. Later Cotton Cotton earner and partial. y a shade lower, uplanda Hale.i, lO.wiO ; specuiatlou and export, tfiOO. t . . ' Later-Havanuah and Charleston deliv ery lor July MhiputtftiU 9 ; July aud August delivery ; iron Mew Orleans for Juu delivers hj ; Jnij ami Augusts. : wales of American tJ.ttW. Losws, June XI. couaoia 9l' Fives 8a, ( Tallow 43. . , Coiloa Markets ' .-WlI.)tOIOK, June 21-CotUm fit m miuunuca is. CHaRLKSTon, June 21.-Ootton quiet; mhl dllnas lHltti: low middlmga is ; ordi nary 16al7. , Bltixorb, Juue 21. Cotton firin ; niid dlmgsaH. ...... . . ., j, .'t...v.'. NoHft-oijc, June mlddliugs 21. Cotton firm; low Bostos, June 21. Cotton dl ngs 21. steady; luid,-- M km phis, June 21.-Cotton firmer ; low middliuga 16&1. . ... ; Savannah, Juue 21. Cotton Arm ; inld dliugs low middlings 17; good ordi nary 16. . . . Mubilc. June 21. Cotton firm, i nuring light; good ordinary ItiJi; low la; middlings lit. . N EX T T U E S D A Y Tuaoarora Lodge and other Ltdgw will celebrate the 21th of June at IheOrphuu Asylum. ; " , ,(., . 1 uner will be prepared lor .lou pertun . AddreaaMi will be deiivertl by Uv. H. Cru yen, l. D .of Trinity (XUege. Uev. Itomu Pat tenon, of WlImiugUHi. Hon. Kotjert b. .Vance, ol Bunrombe. Hon. M. W. Oanwira of Northampton, aud other diatlnguisheJ Speakers. The cost of transportation will be a iuuuwi : From Kaleigh to Oxford and back. S 4 25 k'nrMtvilla tr " - I .' jTanaiinion to ' Rldgeway to " . ' Warrenton to Macon to " Littletunto ' ' " 5 .iiiCMvetoo ta. . ..- i-Juiy Weldou to - " 2 85 2 & 3 15 8 m 3 W 4 15 Tlie North Carolina IVoa.' ami th'a wi. 4I mlnatoq and, Weldou HoadL will sell r. the Monday morning Mail, or the Moudav evening FretxtuVand leaeh Oxford In time for the exercises Returning, they mav take train at Menderwoo, on Tuesday even ing, though the ticket will be good, if they shall prefer to remain. - ' jal9 id i ;J. U. MILLS. An

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