AtU3SmVmm tJJ W nwr'ai '.m.".-.- i. , : v. .. i a fTf Xr. T-nmrTi lv ' y 1 , . v, . ,.rT - ' . : . f1 . ! ' , ,ff?ggggg '. 1 1 ' ll '" , 1 1 , uzzEii. -V- PKOFBittoEa. f V n r n iiL " . - NY I '" ' ' 1 1 .""J . F ATSTTEVIZJUK STRBKT, IN VAJlIABLr IX ADTisi.CK Tne DAI L Y NEWS. will, be delivered to mbscriberH at fiktkkn cknts per week,' payuble to the carrier weekly. Mailed at 17' peramitiTii: 8.50forsixttionths: t2 forthrer.. riift -WKEKLT NEAVS at t2 fer annf ri. mr: - TUliSDA,Y JUNE 21. W3. LOCAL MATTER. ; K. C. WOOp$oy; 9ity Editof ,- MORflNG -EDITION. im T rr -r;: vrrr rr Tr' fT All pnrtie orderiurthe News will plttise sfeud the mondy for the lime the papers 'Wanted. " 5tTContractr will nrt be allowed, under their coutract,. to advertise any other than their legitimate buti ne, unless by pajriuif specially for ) i ucn advertisements " ; 1 " -i- v i1-' 4?F-J.O.:H. KmrrALWfiThiB.Chftrlcitte Advertising Agency, Is agent for this paper iu i :iiaiiotte, JS u.i He l iduly authorirea to contract for advertisements and receipt tor KUUSCripUODB.. ;h , u . i ., i. n;i "' Messrs. Qrifllu and Hoffman,' Newspape Ml vertlslpi Agents, No. 4 South street. tract for advertisements atoni lowest ratei Advertisers "14 tlat dty are leave tUelt fayors wltU.tma tiousjl .' !it, S- THK AOtftlOOtTURASi JOXTRNAIi- ikNB TUK-NirvvB.i The State aoricultdraii Journal, an eight page weekly; published In t nia, city, will be clubbed with (he Daily iNicwsai t,s,w per annnm, ana with the V kkkly Nkws at 83.50 per annum. . Orders directed to either paper will receive prompt attention. : '.. ' . ... the enforcement of ihe Gafh iy stem will cause us to strike from ' our list the names of many of our miscrtbera and after the first of this month, ice trust that no offense will he taken hj time mho may thus find t7teir papers discontinued, as we mean no disrespect to any one tn doing so, out only to carry out our deter mination and the recommendation of the late Press Convention "We ' ti Ust, how ever, that those thus deprived of the News --- . ii i 1.' xcuL at, vnce. renew w?r ruuscripiwns. STONE & UZZELL Jang 1-1873. r !V POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. RALEIGH POST OFFICE ARRANGEMENT. Office hours from 74 m to 7 p. m., du ring the week (excspt while the mails are being distributed . : , . . TIME OF ARRIVAL AND CLOSING THE MAILS Western New Orleans, La., Augusta, cia., (Columbia. S. C Charlotte, Salisbury, Ureensbofo, Salem, Chapel Hill, Hillsboro. s; ,iue at 1: a. m. Close at 5 p. m. Eastern Charleston, S. C, Wilmington, Newbern, Beaufort, G ldsbaro, &c, due 5:20 p. m. Close 9 d. m. Northern New York, Baltimore, Phila delphia, Washington, Richmond, Peters burg, Norfolk, Weldon, fcc, due at at 3.30 p.m. Close 9:15 a. m. ' Chatham Railroad Fayetteville, Jones- noro. Apex, usgoou, sc, aue 10 a. m. Jiose ii P. -n, , Miscellaneous Eagle Rock, Monday and Thursday, due llj a. m., close 1 p. m. Rox boroKevery4 Wednesday, de lla. m., close 1 p. in. Leachburg, every V eduesday, due 11 a. m., close 1 p.m. Averasboro. close 8 p. m. Thursdays, due 8 p. m. Fridays. - Office hours for Registered Letter and Money Order Departments, irom; 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. As no mails are received or sent on Run KunJHy, the office will not be opened on that day. V.. "W.. HOLDEN, P. M. Local IiitiEFa.- . The trustees of Wake Forest meet to-day at the College. . College Members of Mauteo Lodge, No. SO, I. O. 0.;F., are requested to bear in mind that the election ot officers takes place this (Tuesday) evening. A neat and comfortable cottage resi dence with lour rooms, kitchen, tine garden and- other conveniences is for rent. See the advertisement of J. R. II. C'armer, Esq.- ' ' - - V . The regular Commencement Exercises of Wake Forrest College will commence to-morrow morning, and continue throughout Thursday and Thursday night. ; This evening at 8 o'clock there will be a special meeting of the Executive Com mitte of the State , Agricultural Society at the rooms ot the Society in the Fisher building-. ' Matters of importance are to be discussed, and a full and prompt at tendance is desired. . , T A mad dog made his .appearance on Hillsboro street yesterday morning, and was chased to Morgan street, where he took refuge on the premises of Mr. Royster. Here a line' of battle moved on him with guns,, pistols, axes, hoes and spades, but the shrewd canine made good his escape and upo the present writing (G p. m.,) has not been found. It seem that the dog's madness had some method in it. Now is the Time. It will be seen from our telegraphic dispatches that the cholera is spreading put from Nashvil'e, Memphisancf "other point! where ft is raging fearfully, aDd if there was ever a time that extra exertion should be used to promote the healthfulness of our city by the authorities, now is the time. Merely (a formal inspection by the police and aa order to clean up filth on prem ises where it is fouudj: will not do. It seems , to us that atf emergency exists thatwill fullywarrant' the Mayor in ap .pointing a special Committee, with in itruction?,' not only to inspect; the premises of evry citizen but to see that the orders are obeyed This is a matter of the strictest importance, and shbuli be at once attended to. Now is the time. A NOKTH CAfcOLLXlAN IN ARKANSAS. Mr. L; Ml' Hoffman,-' formerly book-: keeper in the lreasury Department in this city, is residing at Jacksonport, Arkansas, and engaged in the practice of law. The many friends of Mr. Hoff man will be gratified to learn that he bids fair to prosper . abundantly , with hit profession in his far Western home. He graduated with distipction at.Da vidspn College in " 1869, and is kno.wn ' to be a gentleman'pf superior mental at tainments. ..While we always regret ,' to lose our young men, yet we are pleased to near ot their success wherever they may go. T- 1,11 1 1 I KUSONAL lNTELLrOKNrre i ,r Prof. Eugene Jones and lady arrived in tne city yesterday morning from Austin, Arkansas. - 4 ! r H. A. Foote, Esq.. editor of the War renton Gazette, passed through the citr j"itluaj BTeaiug en route west, in searcu 01 bis cotuin. Hope he may find - ; . . i - ' ' . ! . .,?! 1 "" ... 1 L" 1 r ' b i i i i .I - . . r i . , - . . i . - VOL. II. btTEKioR Court.- The Superior Court of Wake county commenced ' its second xtrfa .Yesterday' , piorning,! His Honor; Judc fiattuel ..'.WattK,; prVsi ding : " :o , . 1 lie urand J ury beuisr re?u!arlv sworn, His Honor proceded to' deliver j "uc uijf .w3,irAraorainary charges ever kuowatothe Baror Deonle. Hd we had any Idea that it would differ esbenally ftum ihe usual characteristic charges, we would have been promptly onhand to report in lull, but as we were not, we can only report from hert say. . " .1 The Judge' prefaced his remarks by saying that the Daily News, a paper p.uoiit.bein KIeigu, had published a statement tlfat hewasfiriven to nreachini: his charges Irom the stand, and in order tuat mat;paper should have some foun dation for the statement he would Dro ceed to take histek,lrua I Corinthians, 13th chap, lith vtirsa : When I was a child, I spake as a iphild, J understood as a thtidfl tAouynt dr a chUd; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. The-i Reverend gentleman, ' that ' is, we mean he Judge, His Honor dis coursed a considerable length, and but for the anecdote of the dog and the pole tat, with many others that . did, ,ojt smell: quite so strung,' nhd 'his ' reference to King Solomon as having said that the sons of the parents should be visited, etc., the sermon would have been highly creditable to His Honor. Tis well that the iMjnistfcr,. .that . is, we mean, His Honor, the Judge, closed his text with the end of the 11th verse, lor the 12th verse reads: "Fur now ue see through a glass darkly?? Had he read this verse it 13 our opinion that necessity would have reouired the Sheriff tct rlear th Court room. At the close of the sermon F. H. Busbee, the acting Solicitor, announced that the State docket could be cleared this week.J Friday5 was4 appointed for the hearing of the bastardy docket, and the principals and witnesses 'discharged till that day. Next Monday will be devoted to liti gated cases on the State docket. The bastardy docket numbers 43 ca ses, the criminal 56, and not a capital case to be tried. , . , , TheN. C. State Life Insurance CoitPANYi We cody the following from o the State Agricultural Journal, of. Sat urday last, endorsing the compliment it pays the N. C. State Life Insurance Company for the assistance it has given the Siate Agricultural Society in the furtherance of the- work upon its new & - Fair Grounds. Savs the Journal: No more Striking instance of the ad vantages of Jionie institutions can he than the recent action of this Company jq agreeing to lend eight thou sand dollars to the North Carolina Ag ricultural Society on a first mortgage ot its Fair Grounds, buildings, etc. Application had been made to the Northern ' Companies for the loan, but f. :,i l 1 1 after uuusiueiauie Hesitation tuev re- fused, notwithstanding the security of fered ia most amp!. Doubtless these companies, as is natural, 'pxeler to have tneir money invested in their own com munities. . i; if. ; . v.- u .-1. mr-'i "The. security offer,ed is fiwt-class, as might be1" expected from the approval ol such cautious men as the Preside,. t of the State L'fe Company, Kemp P. Battle,;Esq, and the Executive Com mittee, vz: John G. Williams, Presi. dent of the1 State. National Bank ; Win. E. Anderson, President of the Citizens', and John C- Blake, Assistant Cashier, of theJRaleigh. National Bank of this city. In iconsists of a. first mortgage of the Fair Grounds, fifty -five acres of land, including all the. buildings, such as Grand-Stand, General Exhibition Hall. Machinery Halls, Judges' Sand and several other smaller build ings, in ll to cost about $32,000, and requiring one million feet of lumber. The buildings are to be in snred and the policies lodged with the company, . The mney is not to be paid .until the completion of the buildings The was approved not only by the Executive Committee but by the Direc tors of the State Life' Company at their meeting last Thursday. "Thus While the Life Insurance Com pany invests a portion of its funds on unexceptionable security, it aids in buii ding np Fair Grounds which will be an crnament to the State and will be a po tent agent iir diffusing ... knowledge and enlightenment anion 2 our citizens Sttpremb Cotncil Friends of, Tem- PErence. This body will meet in this city, at the nail of Oak City Council, at 8 o'clock tliis evening. Delegates are already arriving. Jas. Cutrer, Esq., Secretary of the. State Council of Mis sissippi and J. A. Ott, Esq., of Osyka, Mississippi, are stopping at the Yarbu rough House. . Most of the delegates will arHve to-day.- . . The, present session will be the most important ever held The question of consolidating all the Temperance Orders of fhe South. upoh the ' basis of white membership will be decided. We, learn that the proposition meets with much favor among the Friends. 1 , ; Public addresses will be delivered at Metropolitan Hall by distinguished vis itors on Wednesday and Thursday eve nings, of which due notice will be given by hand bill. The Friends of ' Temperance is a Southern Order, based upon white mem bership. It was organized in the city of Petersburgon the 29th ol November, I860, and. has, therefore, been ? in exis tance only seven years and a halt. Since its organization, it has spread from West Virginia to the Rio Grande, and has now a membership ot'more than one hundred thousand. Should consolida tioo be effected, nearly the-entire South will Uo working under the same rules and regulations in the temperance causel Auction Sale of City Lots- The Building Committee of the State Agri cultural Society will self on Wednes day, at 11 o'clock, twenty-five building lots located on the old Fair Grounds. Here is a' good opportunity lor investment. RALEIGH. N. ii s" : : .1 i , . ...... Liberality Towards the Orphan Asylum. The following letter from one of our distinguished citizens, which has been placed at our disposal, speaks for itself: u ' J. II. Mills, Esq., Superintendent Or plum Asylum, &c. : My Dear Sir : I enclose you a check for $100, to be appropriated as you may think best for the benefit of the orphans at the Asylum in Oxford. You remember ttte earnest and suc cessful tiForts made by the good people of Che State, during the ' civil war, un der'tfte lead of the Rev: Dr. Deems, to establish a similar institution with a corporate charter from the State, and how all our hopes weie blasted by the unfortunate results of that disastrous stfUSgleJ If there was good ; reason1 then for such an asylum, while our sol-' euers were in thefield, and hope still auimated our people, how much more ;0, it ouf duty to mioUter to. the: wants, religiousj moral, intellectual and! physical, of thtf; orphans of the State, anq , especially, to aid the .destitute and helpless children of the brave men who lost. their lives and sacrificed their prop erty in behalf df their country. ' C I : I write this from a sick bed indeed I am scarcely ap.e to write at all. But as it will not be in my power to attend your celebration at Oxford on St. John's day, I could not .let. the cccasion pass without ffivinsfvou some -substantial assistance and saying a word of encour agement and hearty eood will for the nobie cause in which you are engaged. 1 remain Very truly yours? ' D. MBaiuunger. Nuisances. -We caaalways tell when a poor localizer ha experienced a hard, dry day ot it and a sleepless msht. bv the; heading of -what few articles he raaiiaged to scrape tosrether and the use of others known to the craft as thp. stereotyped." u A Nuisance" rauks-lts To. 1, of that class, for there is never a season in any city that it will not fur nish a two stick article. Caldwell thp sprightly localizer of the Charlotte Ob server, lor instance, in his Sunday morn ing's issue, devotes nearly a quarter of a column to tfae " dog " nuisances, and recommends; that the city fathers at once adopt an ordinance to kill all the dogs. We protest against anv such vio lent measures, and before such action is taken by the city authorities of Char lotte we demand that persons and pa pers ue sent ior, ana Ualdwell be re quired to state the circumstances under which he ran over four dogs " whi.e he set one hundred more howling We have our opinion about this matter, not necessary to be explained here, and do mana an investigation. In the mean time we are for the under dog in the fight do -,'oiie if we ain't. Supreme Court. Yesterday Court met at the usual hour Chief Justice Pearson ftrid Associate Justice Boyden still absent on account of sickness. The following! cases from the 8th District were argued : Nathaniel Boyden vs. Bank of Cane Fear, Rowan. W. II. Bailey for plain- tin, ana isiackmer Jc McCorkle and Bat tie & Son for defendants. Henry iCauble vs. J. A. Bovden.l iwwan, 1 1 Jones cs Jones lor plaintiff. and W. II. Bailev lor defendant. C. F. Lowe etui. vs. CommissionerR of Davidson county, Davidson. W. H. Bailey for plaintiffs, and Blackmer & McCorkle lor defendants. P. N. Heiley vs. J. A. Dumas. David son. ; Blackmer & McCorkle forplain- tm, ana vv. n. liailey and D. G. Fowle for defendant. James Leach vs. H. J. Harris, David son, w. PH.' Bailey for plaintiff, no counsel for defendant. riu ' i . ine uoun aaiourned to meet Uns morning at the usual hour. Commencement Exercises at the Peace Institute. The commence ment exercises at this iostitution of arninglf will take place to-morrow. commencjing at 10 o'clock a. m. The following is the programme for the day : Prayer. . 1 Anthem "Sing Praises to God." Concone Singing Class. Announcement of Distinctions. Annual Address by Rev. H. C. Hill, of Fayetteville, N. C. Duo fori two Pianos "Fantasie on Lucrezia j Borgia," Alberti Misses A. Lacy and M. Dewey. Addross to Graduating Class by Prof. J. Stevens Awarding Diplomas and Presenta tion of Bibles to Graduates by Rev. R. Burwell.' . "Parting Song ," En&ign Singing Class. h Benediction. Exhibition of Drawing and Paint ings. ;1 :i The public are mviled t;i be fU be present. Exercises of Wake? Forest Col- lege on VVednesday On to morrow the exercises at - Wake -.Forest College will be ol a very interesting character. At 11 o'clock a: m. Hon. A. S. Merri- mon will dehve the address before? the Literary Societies. Iu the aiteruoon II. R. Folk, Esq., of Brownvide, Tenn., delivers the Alumni address. In the evening Kev. Dr. Hatcher, ot Peters burg, VaM will preach the jermon to the graduating class. On lhursday addresses by the repre sentatives ot the two Societies will be deiiveredj and other matters ot interest will tike place. This year the eraduat- ing class numbers seven. - Ladies' Bazaar. We again remind the public that the ladies ol the Edcn tou street AL E. Church will open their Bazaar, at Tucker Hall, on Thursday and, will keep it open during Friday evening. We hope the ladies will meet with a most liberal patronage, as the object lis a commendable one. The church which onr Methodist friends in tend building will be an ornament to the city, - and we hope they will soon have funds enough in hand to com mence the work. C. TUliSDAY MORNING. Supreme Court. Yesterday the Judges of the Supreme Court rendered decisions in the following cases : UY Keade, J State vs. A. C. Moodv et al' lrom Robeson. No error. Jndu- ment affirmed. State vs. Gilbert Evans, from Cum- berland. No trior firmed. -' 1 v Juugment al- State vs. Hardy Jonca, from Petition to re-bear dismissed. Craven. Duncan M. Kennedy vs. John John son et al., from Richmond. No error. Judgment affirmed. ''. By Rodman, J. Geo. D. Flack ; Adm'r, vs. John Dawson et al., from New Hanover. Affirmed... . ' ti: H. W. Guion and wife vs. James Mei viu et al., from Bladen. Judgment re versed and case remanded. 1 Robt. L. Purvis;. guardian, vs. John ; C. Jackson, from Moore. E rrnr. .TnrliY; ment reversed antl venire de novo. j By Boydfn.-Ja., Alfred Dntr. R. 5. Trevch 1 trustee. .t al fmm son. No error. Henry Nutt from Robeson, versed. Judgment .affirmed. , ' vs. Joseph Thompson .Error. Judgment re-' J - vi A mKf KfJ "State vs. M. McJ. Tatom, et al., from! Bladen. No error. Judgment affirmed. By Settle, J. State vs. Samuel Tny-i lor ,from Chowan. Error. Judgment reversed. - William B Surles ics vs. Lewis Pi old ru from Harnett. Error, and eenire de novo '. James C.B.-yan vs. William Foy, from Craven. No" error. Judgment affirmed; The Educational Convention. We have the pleasure of publishing the fact that Rev. W, M. Wingate, D. I). President of Wake Forest College, Prbf. W. C. Doub, of the Natural Sciencesj formerly in Trinity College, now Greens boro' Female College, Rev. Charles Phil lips, D. D., Professor of Mathematics in Davidson College and Silas N. Martin,1 Esq., of Wilmington, will be present and take part in, the Educational Con vention, July the 9th and 10th. ' Mr. Martin will give a lecture on the subject : " What kind of schools ou-h'. the State to teach ?" Prof. Doub, on the subject: M Who will teach the teacher ?" Dr. Phillips, on "The reciprocal du ties of the teacher and the public." Rev. Dr. Sears, of Staunton, Va., will probably be present and give a lecture on " Graded Schools." The Father McNamara Kerrigan Child Case Trial Before Judge Watts at Chambers Yesterday at 3 o'clock the trial of Mrs. Kerrigan vs. Rev. J. V. McNamara, being an appeal from the action of the Probate Judge in the binding ot several children of the said Mrs. Kerrigan to Father McNama ra, the same being regarded at the time as abandoned children, commenced be fore Judge Wat s, at Chambers. The circumstances attending this case are as yet fresh in the minds cf . our readeis, the pros and cons having been thor oughly discussed in this paper and the other city press. As the casa is con tinued till to-morrow we will not detail the evidence thus far adduced, but in justice to both sides forbear any com ment till the decision of his Honor is made known. Atlanta & North Carolina R. R. His Excellency, Gov. Caldwell has ap pointed the gentlemen Direc tors ot the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad on the part of the State : ' E. R. Stanley, Hon. C. R, Thomas, R F. Leeyman, ot Craven, R. W. King and A. Davis, of Lenoir, Isaac Ramsay and W. B. Duncan, of Carteret and C. II. Harper, of Greene. The Governor has also appointed L. J. Moore. Enq., of Newbern, State Proxy. The Annual meeting of the Stockholders will be held on the 26th inst., at Beaufcrt. Capital Being Investkd in Ral eigh. Mr. James Fenuessy, from Massachusetts, who visited our city last wetk, as stated by us, with 'a view ot locating in our midst if the prospect looked favorable, we are pleased to leain purchased on Saturday two vacant lots ou Fayetteville street, near the Standard building, upon which he intends erecting two large store build ing?, one of wh cu he will occupy for the purposes of contiruing the iion busi ness iu which he has been engaged for the past thirty years. Oxford IIigh School. Attention is called to the advertisement of this excellent and well known school, which is to be found in another column. The Principals, Messrs. J. II. Horner and R. H. Graves, are gentlemen too well and favorably known to need any words .of commendation at our hands. Their ,school has been in successful operation for years, and iu point of reputation stand as high as any in the South. Civil Engineering. Maj. Jno. C. Winder has established his office in the Fisher building, where he is prepared to attend to all qal!s in his line, together with the survey of lands. He will also pay attention to thes:le of lands, mine?, water powers, &c. The reputation of Maj. Winder is too well known in this community to require comment from us. Read his announcement. The Improved Mode of Heating Buildings. Mr. N. B. Tapley, who is connected with Messrs. W. N. Duffy & Co., of Petersburg, Va., is in thiscitv for the purpose of introducing the most improved method of, heating public buildings. He has operafefl largely in the public buildings at Washington and elsewhere, aud comes here well recom mended. ' The First Sihpmemt.of Peaches. The first shipment of peaches, of the BeUrire variety, was made from the peach farm of Messrs. Salter and Billis, near Littleton, in Halifax county, on Wednesday last. In a lew days these gentlemen propose shipping daily to New York from one to five hun dred crates per day. JUNE 24. 1873: f "Almost a Runaway." See the nor-; .Inn 1 I. C V TXT Tl . ' iice eisewuere oi i. vv . Airown, concsrn- ing his "Vesta Gas Burners." His es tablishment is ai the corner oT- Morgan and Dawson streets. The last "will" sensation, is one writi. ten upon a paper collar, Richmond, Va., is considerably exer cised over the park question. A novel race came off in Richmond t.hi other day. It was between a man on foot and a horse to a sulky. The! toot-back mariwon by about 50 yards, pocketing $100. ; . l-i-.iunl.y,'xli-:i.-4 .... - . -V ... i A Philadelphia bar-keeper has' con'-' tribuied $2000 ot a prize won by him in the Havana Lottery to the: fund of ,a.n inelbiate asylum. Col. Mosby favore the nomination of Gen. II. A. Wise for the Governorship ofVirginiajJ - ; vV , ; s ,-: Vi j Beast' Batler W pushing sard for the Massachusetts3 gubernatorial ooroina-i tion. . , ., t ... .. r,;. . . : ! - A number of : English . immigrants,; fromiiorksuire, have settled ia Luneo burg couHty, Va. ... . a . . The cholera seems to be - gradually spreading on the, Mississippi river. , . The cholera has spread: from Poland, into West Prussia,.-' , , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -T1 t Some two weeks ago1 a Cornelian Sleeve Button and linen curl", cuff was marked W; G, L. The finder will confer a favor od the loser, and receive a reward by leaving it at this office. june24 2t i o XFORD ' II I (ill SCHOOL J. II. Horner, ' Principals. j R. II. Graves. The first Term of the scholastic year 1873-71 will begin the 4th Monday in July. Prices as heretofore. Circulars furnished upon anplication. ) . june21-d2awandw5w J O II N C. , WIND E R, CIVIL ENGINEER, RALEIGH, N. C. Will attend to all business in the line of his profession in any part of the State,' to gether with the survey of lands. And will give prompt attention to the purchase and sale of Real Estate, Mines, Water Powers, &c. ' Office in the Fisher Building, Fayette ville street. June 24-lni MV O G O O D M IL C H COWS One with, the other without, n. calf. je21-tf W. C. STRONACH. a nn BUSHELS OATS & HAY 1WV v For sale low to close consignment. je 21-tf W. C. STROJSCCH. s H I N G L E S 1 SHINGLES. 3.500 Whit Pin Sl.lno-lH ; . is. . i!,200 "ypresK Heart lnngtos, '; J - " For sale cheap, je 21-t f W. C. STRONACH. jy A T E N T GLOSS ST A R C Hi The finest article In the Market, put up ooro lb. boxes lor family use. Just received aim lor sale at . , CAKMER'S DRUG STORK. : June 17-d2w. . 1? LOUR AN D ME A L 00 Sacks N. C. Sup. and Family Flour. I 30 Barrels Baltimore Flour various grades in quantities to suit purchasers. 150 Bushels Fresh Corn Meal at lowest , market rates. R. F. JONES & CO. Wilmington street opposite ju 19-tf Market Square. I T X Raleigh, June 20th, 1873. Notice is hereby given that I will attend f,t the Mayor's office ou the 1st day of July, and for thirty days afterwards, (Sundays excepted,) to receive the City Taxf s for the year 1873. All persons are expected to come forward and pay the same promptly. FRANCIS df. SORRELL. ju 21-tljy Tax Collector. , "D A LEIGH FEMALE SEMINARY. F. 1. HOBOOOD, A. M.,1 r '. , . : . A. F. REDD. a. Al., j rnnclpal. .. Dk. Ij. Von MEYERHOFF, of Vienna, Mu sic Department. The imposing new building, wilh its im proved senool apparatus and recently fur nished musical outfit, will be opened ou SEPTEMBER 1st, 1873. The Faculty has been largely Increased. The Musical Department is In charge of Prof. Von Meyerhoff, a pupil of Rubinstein. The Protest)!- is a brilliant performer, and bus succeeded well as a teacher of vocal and Instrumental music in this State. Apply for catalogue. Ju 22 lawD&W2m E X T T U E S D A Y Tuscafora Lodge and other Lodges will celebrate the 2ltU of June at the Orphan Asylum. Dinner will be prepared for 500 persons. Addresses will be delivered by Rev. B. Cra ven, D. D.. of Trinity College, Rev. Georg Patterson, of Wilmington, Hon. Robert B. Vance, of Buncombe, Hon. M. W. Ranxom of Northampton, and other distinguished speakers. The cost of transportation will be as follows: .. . From Raleigh to Oxford and back, $ 4 25 " Forestville to " a Franklinton to ' " ! 2 85 Ridgeway to " . 2 6.5 it Warrentonto " s 15 ". Macon to . " 3 60 " Littleton to " 3 60 " Gaston to " 4 15 " Weldon to " " 4 75 The North Carolina Road, and the Wil mington and Weldon Road, will sell re turn tickets for one first class fare. Visitors rnav leave Raleigh or Weldon on the Monday morning Mail, or the Monday evening Freight, and reach Oxford in time for the exercises. Returning, they may take train at Hendersop, on Tuesday even ing, though the tickets wlll be good, if they shall rreler to remain. . julC-al J. II. MILLS. (CLASSICAL AND MATHEMATI- W CAL SCHOOL. r Henderson, Gianville County, N. C, . houner; 1 pHINrrjAT, D. HORNER, rKINCn ALS- T. J W. Will open the Fall Session on the tbird MONDAY in July. The price of Board and Tuition per ses sion of twenty weeks is $100, without extra vnni grs, pare young men foresee, bin ntt& The School Is deslaf-nBrt Tint, nnlir ai'"" axjm. uvuwiuwic auu UCClUi BUhblUUD All life. For particulars, address the Principals at Tally lio, N. C, or J. Abner HarreD, Hen derson, until the School opens, alter wards at Henderson, N. C. jel3-wtf LOURl FLOUR 1 1 FLOUR 1 1 ! 75 Barrels family, I A) Extra, 150 " Super. 65 " (A) Extra (C) yellow and Demarara Sugars, At POOL A MORING'S. mu22-tf . mm:: MS' If a A sundayvigIitte The Pica rune Libel1 Case-Verdict lor .the, r lain tifl-A Corrupt Jury , New., Orleakp, June 22.--TheJIavf ms-Picayun libel case, which has Tbeen ! gome oingon toreiehtdayslbrewhat is! known aS: the Fourtu District Court, ter nown aS the Fourtlt nitriif Hr nr tor. p. ai. 4vuigm. it. ji lie jury returned a verdict of ,$1Q00 for, Haw kins. Immediately after, the djourn-j men? pf court, two' of the jury went to the Picavithe office and ack&dwTedfr-d hat they ;ha3 been .bribed by receiving! a uunureu ana twenty-pve. aoiiars, the others receiving an order . for five hun dred. 'The Picayune Company wilt apV ply for a new trial.1' n .- . . The Passaic Fire. j Passaic, N7 J., June 22; An inceiid?-! ary was arrested, but, stabbing the"ofn-l cer, . escaped, s- Tw .me& iar inilBBincr.i The,. sqaarqb:.upou wbictr, thp. Aquorr cououk uouse etooa is burned. loss is'$10O,00OVk' ' ' .. ..ii .' .1 i j i i, The i . ews Items. ; ... ! Utica, .June t22. Five bouses and two barns are burned., The Moss is' $20,000. ' ' - .-; j " Cctn'nati,1 J JuRe-22 The'rel4:were tourteen additional deaths on Saturday,! six ol which were classed as cholera by the Board of Health. . '.i i NOON DISPATCHES Tl 1 ' General Intelligence!' ' Threedeaths in Cincinnati yesterday. They'wlre confined to' the very old and1 veryiyoung. , yi a; .. !4i ; u j Reports from Louisville says .the city is unusually healthy r ' J "" In a sudden storm yesterday Jat Chij cago, f the Sweedish chtrrch.f Chifcago) avenue, , was partially demolished. . , Two pleasure yachts containing re-( spectively 9 and 14 were capsized. Tbel parties were rescued. " ' - - - 'v- j The American Hotel, tSaloori ? and, 8table3 at Petalama, Cal.,- were burned, The loss is $75,000. .; , Harkness & Co's., lard oil and candle factory, Eggleston avenue, Cincinnati, was burned. The loss is $90,000. -Woods in the mining districts of Penn-t sylvania are burning. Several towns are threatened. Some villages, ana) many farmhouses were burned. There were many narrow escapes,' but no loss of life yet reported. ( . ,'; A negro and white man who robbed a house in Omaha, dangerously woun- ded the owner. The people lollowed and killed both. : '. The people of Franklin, Mo., hanged a nesTowho outraged a young German) woman." , ! A quarter of a million of salt and lumber is on fire in Bay City, Mich. ' There were twelve, cholera .deaths in Nashville yesterday. ., . ft ' , , ,' An ISOOftincendiary ' fire occurred; at Mount Mores; Livingston' countv.' N...YJ u.i- : . -.."..i! . Jt - The Board of Health f Brooklvn de-: clares no yellow fever there. . ! K B. Ewing, Judge of the Supreme Court, is dead. : . Lewis D. Tappan, one' of the earliest Abolitionists, is dead, aged 75. i i . ; ...The jockey Clark, injured at ; Jerome Park by the horse "Sorrel Dan falling cn him while practicing for the hurdle race, is dead. f ; 1 . ".'r..-; ..: A dispatch from Long Branch, says that Grant is seriously sick from di arrhaa. ,'. . ', '" .. A fire at Point Bctcze, near Leagui Island, this morning destroyed, Turner' stableat Poiut-Bieiize Training Park. But two horses, MattieLyle nd Ntttje, were saved from fourteen valuable trot ters. ' '" " J "' By an accident on the Midland rail road,i Ecglanu, '.several persons were killed, j ;, i . , , . , The steanu-r Columbus, from Dublin, ior iioiiyneaii, was wreckeU. Twelve ot the two hundred passengers were drowned. , hit e ' ot ' the crew 5 were drowned. , , , , i . Accident on the Chesnmake and Ohio ICailroad. Richmokd. Va., June v23. The Pull man car ot the niht Express train to Cincinnati, on the Chesapeake an.J Ohio Railroad, was thrown from the track last night fcoon after leaving Richmond. The car whs turned bottom up and badly wrecked. , A number ol persons were injured though none-fatally or very seriously, ... Among tine injured are Mr. George Arlingstall, of England, Mr. anl Mrs. Walter and Miss Walter, ol Chicaoo. Mrs. AValler had her shoulder blade broken. 1 From London. London, June 22 Sir Henry RawC lingson. President Royal Geographical Society, is seriously ill. The Great Eastern reports 890 nautical miles of cable were payed out to Saturday noon; ana i,uoU milts to bunday noon, when tlie vessel , was 53-06 dee. loniri'U ie. 35-52 den. latimde. ': 4fr '. .. Victor Emanuel to be .Excommuni cated. Berlin, June 23. A dispatch from Rome savs that the Pooe will excom municate Victor Emanuel to-diy. 1111SH.HT DISPATCHES. Burning; of Canal Stables. Buffalo, N. Y . June 23. The canal stables near the Erie lock have been burned, with 50 horses. The fire was tne worx oi an incendiary. The Shah of Persia. London, June 23. The Shah of Per sia visited Woolwich on Saturday, and "Orfr" t nicrht Thero wna a rrranA T -aay m The Khivan War. 1 ; t ' St. Peteksbokg, June 22. Get eral Kauft'man's column ot the Khivan t-xp -dition captured a, strong, forties with in 60 miles of the capital of Charrott. :' " -- . " V Fatal Fire. Molton, Ontario, Tune 23 Pea cock's Hotel and stables, with two men. were burned. DAILXNE-WiS. . RATES OP advertising; - One tqiuUftrttHa lnertlou;jUl.t tf One qnar, two Insertions, I GO On Bqnara, thr lertUina.,.. g 60 OneBqnart,ilirsertlons.:.U-.;J.w S 09 One square owe . 00 One square, three months. -,-T. li (M One aquam, si ,moata..w.iZ5ii)l One squaje, f . elve months, l Mm tracu wilS be made. Tea .line 1 Dolid noa. parei! constitttte one tiquarev- " .tVc,TZ The Burninr of thfr-Iolnt CreeM Philadelphia Jane 2a-,Ther;wero eleven horsej burned in' John .Turner'a stables, near Point Breeze Park out of seventeen in the stables. : Tne' norscs Ijuroedj wer&Dot, f Daisy, Vernon; Lady alafP'' .Tlje.latter f?S!? iJ U4UCU wcre not uoiiers. are Nettie, Mattie, Lisle, Canby'.'Lizzte awi.ateoigmj nttej total Jobs ion stock $mfi ,an(llfith& WilO.OAO. u r,,rI , Later. The horses burned in Tor ntr'i stable'were valued at 146 OOQ.'Xady iraTdwiis: v1 tied'-'at 5 8,000 afe t $7 500 ; Dot.ati;$W&s Wettta, Vernon and Brutus. at($5,OO0i. each: a Patcben mare at r. h . 11,500; ofrel hoiii bScl a brown col titfnArv a-nUt .? , , w w , . - $.OWMorsred cheeV.'.vrxi Mliiti T t , . . The alleged murderer of CailiYogt The Walwortxi caseameup on iion day: bt iCnarles' O'CnVior 'nA Wa1 rponed tujtil; to-m6rrow.' l l be; j trial, oij itUe , i emalea. Woodhull nun, lWMUji,; ana uqi. li lopa ior , DCUt 1 Og luuweiii, ui a i ier ; bs commenceiii. ;(., Bail I of tne?I Seconds in the Richmond Duel. Xate :.l ..Richmond. Va.. . Jnna S2 Ti onds in the MordecairMcCrthy duel iriade'kJsnccc'8sI'uiJeffori to get "baU to day; Thev Were takeri oh' a wi-i Mtmtj corpus f before t::Jbdra Tn oi y?? hWhc?.mj,peV RiqljniODd, and after a heading of the case- and ar gument ot counsel, were ' admitted ' to bail in a bond of f8O00rh hbefqreuhe Grandrjurj orrotljobf ihtervIewiL - -r ii: ill London, June 23. A special dispatch to tbe London Peti i rota Paris, laya'that Prince Jerome Napoleon, who-ia now In that tit v. has had am interview lvltk Emile Glliver, who was Prcnident.ot the Council lk'hd Minister ' qt- Justice and Relicion -rlin-lnir ttin '!.. ikf w Empire, and witt) a number of Republi can lvadeia. ,, ; .-;. ... ... : i ... .ii. Steamer Aeroand. Washington, June 23. The Federal steamer is still aground in the Potomac., discharging stores: . The paj-menlu of , thel, July - interest without rebate, is ordered. . h , . ;--.;;:-7T! 7" . - , i !f,r? Fire Casualities. ' PoitTL ANDi" M J une 23. Mrs. Roberts, aged sixty was killed,' a female teacher fatally injured, and . child seri ously huri escaping irom a burning UUU9C . -1 1 " Southern Bonds. Nkwm;York, June 23. The ' week opens with.' dnlbi markets in' Southern State, bond uTlieonly transaction was the sale ol: $30,000 wortl .of Virginia consolidated. ' ' ' U ' to .;....;: JournaliKtic- -t; J. ;" ! Atlanta, Ga., June 23-The Atlanta Sun has been merged into the Atlanta Constitution. Hon. A. ' n. Stephens, be iciomvs corresponding editor of the ton- stitutldn.u .(..;.' r . 4 vlii . Weather Probabilities. . ; Washington. . June 23.. Kor ( tt Southern States east of the .Missleslppi. light to lre6h winds mostly from the suth,and west." ' ; ' '; ! ' COMIIEIICIAL REPQRTf - New York Markets. , - - " -wvu uuivi , nn i cm 7!i8bnles.. Midlinls 2L - Flour quiet without change ; common to fair extra SO.OOa OOood to choice t& 06al0 60. When one cent lower wilh a moderate ex port and limited milling demand, holder luxious Corn steayy with u lair demand. Poi-k. iedy: new. $10.60 .Lanl wwtk ul . line 4 l;olu quiet at $3. otlo:i,' net receipts, tiff bale.' (jroiis 6,00i., si,U; and export . ti ... Jalt-i .for, futar 8,100,. -Market c2ued July 2D.VC; AUgilst 20!i Ji;; 'September! li- : 1110; oiober 16& t ovwmber ;HJal4: De- cemb r 18. , , . . ; . V11 yb"a,i lV45JSterlinsf W ooi-i io. Crovi uiiueuitf ateady. Ex tbange quiet. fr. , ? . ' . t Foreign Markets. ijivkbi-ool ,;june-J3 no n. Cotton ont ed quieu Upland 8au. ur ran Ijater Cotton Cotton easier and partially a hhade lower, uplands 8. Sale, 10,000' peculatiou aud export, ,000. ! Later-savannah and Charlestoa deliv ery lor July shipjiiuuUS; July an I Auut delivery irom New Orleauit f'r Jan deli ver hj ; Jui uivo Augiibt . , ; saics of American 6.000. -London, June 23. Consols Hvei 8(j. Tallow 43. Later Cotton closed . unchanged. sie-i pen- Cotton dtlarket Wn.MiNGroN, June JT, -Cotton tl m llJlUullUxK 1J. - ' , CHABXKH-rux, Juue K. Cotton quiet; mid dlings lsal; low middlings W; otiii' nary 16ai7. B ltimorb, June 23. Cotton ttrm ; mid dlings 20J4. ' " ; Norfolk-, June 23.--Ootton firm; low middlings my . , Boston, June :8 -Cotton steady; mhi dhngs 21. - . Mkmphis, June 2'. Cotton firmer: low middling lsal-. , ,- Savannah, June 2t. Cotton firm i mid diuigs v, low middlings 11; tgood ordi nary 10-. i MwBilk, June 13 Cotton Arm, Off fine' light; god ordinary 16J; low rot tdiWK-t 1 ; middllDgH 19. - - New OHtKi.NH, June 2I.-(otton, ' mld dling , , Wilmington BlxtkeuP i Wilmigton, N. c, June J3.-epirlls tor l)eutlne quiet. Itoaiu Meady at 2o rur strained :4.5 0 extra Dal. Turr entlneaulet. at 92 for hard : S3 for viinw (fin ' UK. CD ! Baltimore Market. Baltimokk, Juae 23 Flur unchanged. . Wheat quiet. -weHtrn 80Jit Rye 75. Pro-: vlsi n dull an. I nominal.. Pork, juZhh $ IVih Whiskey nominal. - Q.ULLETT'S LIGHT DRAFT GINS ? perfect castings, and guaranteed the bentt Ginclnuae, . i . i G. T. STRONACH A BRO. f Junel7-dtf - j A NOT1IER LOT OF THE3E ELE- -O GANT TEAS. Just received at CARMER'S DRUG STORE.

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