33V Ill F 1 'i' J ' f irtriDAlf STQNEJ.Mana2ing jsoiunv 11 1 7T J L SAM'L T.:WILLIAMa-FDlltlcaUUmor, IDE8p;V.,..l----JUNEl - . : " "" I !.'' . mm noun rllBLlCO,!1. For 'many "montb W Anllrrnl 'iin& oif steamers olny -im paftqeTpIylufr and noriuia. uauivfjrfmVA;i'.w,"Y? : " " .KVpf,cufetrtat, lino has. had., the mo nopoly of traDp6tatlbn., The result ftn'beeii'itthe;pu'b'nc: has been victim ized' anil the Wrier'a of the 'route have bcconie..rnjuioaajreaL , : ;; vhXie(fiJimo'unt of. A profits -'that have -adCried'-To the proprietors : bt thelOia P6mibionrLine' haTeibeen immense and .aatottndmg,.) ,; ,.-U .-:n si There being: no i conipeting line, ' the Ttlere ai great fejoicng among the -few 'days ago, when itnwas -authoritatively announced that-an opposition line, to be owned n4Icentr61kd ' by wealthy ight ingitoewaiii.in:oppo Old Dominion; yttt; the latter nas so mucn -- ,SiiVUUii"!j til I'i': ... ' i money' that it has been aoie euner xo.i hrPnW ilown nr.huv out .the ODDOS1D2 I lines. .i'jiitt ufioiiii.iK' ; v -Whta Hhe7 ? - announcement' was yaaevfeljoriUa: 4 ete'rmin'e((('io vVii8Ue4 line of teamera-of! their own to ply between New York and Norfolk, connecting by water' eith Rtchnibnd, the people of the two JatteriitiBiw.efa greatly rejoiced at .-. ..t-.-ji t ,.' . r... ... ttheira-osiiect it afforded them of relief, .against the exactions and exorbitant ilomonrta nfun nvprorrwnn finrl h parti PR8 -jj-.viin , m irPiWPA3 beautiful yacht Urct.Irom JMew xorK . ana ownea the-;Ltmtods, broughtto Norfolk one 'b Wr purposed ne ftP4M?irisl'.gent. who came with,, the view i of DurchasintT wharf I .wlWi',lD view. i oi purtuasing w um.i i r o property and makmg other preparations for the establishmenV of the Lorillard 'This lob is like business, and for the 'sake of the public at large, we hope tba enterprise will be consummated. If this new line is started; the chances are that it will be successful. The Lorillards are, immensely wealthy, -and it will be no easy matter either to buy them ou orio crush them down if they prove t be too strong to be bought but. ' Th result of this competition with the Old Dominion will be of the most ben,,' pfiiol rhr.tpr nor nnlv tn th nfinnlfi ;oViNorfoik, Portsmouth and Richmondj . . . , . . t but to many merchants and farmers in, , . ... j. -it- w arloOS portions Ol Virginia, Korttl, rarolina Tennessee and other States5 Carolina, lennessee 84a otner ataies that may have occasion to transport their J J goods' and produce Via Norfolk to and '"'r v ' i ' 1 'lrom New York. ! "'tI'- 'ijw' . It would be A difficult matter tOCStlJ mate the advantage this line will be to mate the advantage this line will De IO the public generally. The reduction in A. S l a Tt I .L (2 a.. a 1 1.- -1 2 .. ... A ireiguu wui ueueui mu wuuie cuuui). rt i a it . i 1 iL. f J l a. ;sl an oniy meiarmers ana mercuanis in Eastern and Central North Carolina will feel reliel at the removal ol the pressure which bears so heavily against ther bus iness prosperity,; bat every trade ' and profession, every. interest of every char acter in the land, except the transpor tation monopolies themselves, is more or less' benefitted by having oppressive freights reduced. ! Ijike enormous taxes, high lreights eat out the substance of the country, retard material improvement and progress, strike down the industrial interests ol the land, and keep the people in pecu niary embarrassment and poverty.: THE CONVICTION OF MISS AN ' THONY, The conviction of Miss Susan B. An thony for illegal voting, decides ad versely to the right ot females to vote, claimed by some of the strong-minded of the Bex to be included under the gen eral language of the Constitution in the use of the term citizen. As the word male is not used, Miss Anthony and those who belong to her school contend that females 'a 9 well'' as males are em braced, or at least are not excluded and for that reason the women have the constitutional light to vote. ' The decision of the New York Judge' who tried Miss Anthony's case, construts the Constitution in a different light from that in which that instrument is viewed. through the sptctacles of the would be female suffragans. He holds thai the Constitution confers mi politi cal rights upon women ; that the word "citizenr applies only t males, and be fore,,, females are allowed to vote the Constitution must be amended. Under ibe charge of the Judge the jorf brought ' in a verdict of guilty ugainst the defendant. An appuil was taken, andlhecase-will in nil proba bility be carried ' up to' the 'Supreme- Court of the( United States, s the ad vocatcs of femitle suffrage desire to see Se important question tested. There 'were several othr females in dieted .for illegal voting at the same time with Miss Anthony, but the Solici tor entered nol pros, in all the other cases rates of-Kelgh the State. lKiCArporaJtutt.couId'de8ire.tou ; v. - :,nAA-)h. dapitaIi8ts4rr-Kew'J'y.iirlc,"wouia soon Vk TOr, i" iV." ry1 male and male ,i.!fAW?n1 its kiridretriopfcs. The Edu-; Uoand with : i . i ... .- t - . t . - J - m I hftYf, TOf?!ft?j'WWrW.t v-.; citiotral Convention- should enter irpon general and in break up the pr.eaenVmonopdly.by-atart-j l--i-5cica.l work. 'add adopt some suitav Uveen m- view THE EDUCATIONAL CON VJ3N-1 A TION-ItEW CHAHLES PHIE" LIPS. When we referred editorially 10 xne gentlemen who had consented tp- pre- a. article, to b. rcd-befor. th Ed ii 1 r An1nn whlftfl Will be 061(1 I v. .'. cational Convention, whictrw,ill be i held r in thisCity on the 9thndl0thof July,tf. it was not then 4 . i TtT.f Prnl I Th(V5 I it was not then known that Froi. cnas. rv.;iiir,a Davidson Collet, would be- Phillips, ot mviusou - preaentf It Sa with pleasure we an; hounce that bV will read aa article on Pju 'hTReciprbcal Duties of Teachers ana. thePublic;" ' - Vi Proi, .PDlUP reputation as a iuaju.cj 'scholaV " and' successful " instructor oi l jj jouth places him among the .front rank of Southern, educators, -ami his treatise will '-doubtless be aT yalaabltf and -instructive p'rodjuction; '' ';. ' 1. . The Educational Convention promises to be asuccess, and we believe it will to wnie exttnt',revive th waning1 cause of .i t time $paU. bp e reading tf - ' I e neea are hterarr Some pVactical Vhd timely suggestions, crefellons and' the recommendation; oi a system of public instruction suited to the present condition ot our people and tue necessi- .- '-'..- , - ' ties' 01 -he nour. ...r ; ,.. .., ..; I annual addresses befpre our.fe- Colleges' and Bemmanes, 1 ve have quite ' enough m the way ot learned aDd seloquent6sayB on fiduca- 1 meaaUre3 looking, to t the rclorcu and I ftmeUoratjon Df the (l present; defective - J system of public instruction - in the State. . .. ! L i t. THE PARRICIDAL HERO. The efforts of some of the New York papers to make; a hero ot, young Wal- I worth are likely, to result in failure. . It will be a singular reversal of the eternal fitness oi things" If the' 'Courts - : v o- 'L'- gn nrcnnw h liiu iii'iil.ui auu. rived nt tbe age of legal discretion, to titn(Jjife of hia father in cold blood, ' : ,. , . . , ' because ue- aia not naye(.connuence in fliaf fattifii-'a rmin5aia ; . Granted that Walworth the 6e: nior h&d maltreated his famiiyt -;.a9 a wretch o the lowesi carac. Vf ' Granted that the son was smarting . ... in8ult9 knd threaU which his . , . ' , r I mother had received at the hands of mother had received at the nanaa of he; uunatural ilUsbanU yet of lU9 fatbcr are laid in shade by the overpowering eU'lt ol the . , ' V , son. "' ' ' I .. 4. -.'- ' - . ,, I At the meeting at the bturtevaut Houseat the instance of young Wal worth, in the latter's room, the mur dered man was asked in a dictatorial spirit to comply with certain de mands,. " I do make that promise," was his reply to every request made by Frank Walworth, but not trusting to the sincerity ol his answers, the Bon rp- m'rlrprl thf h- wniiM not trive him the - opportunity to break his promises again, as he had often done before, and lm- .. , , ,. , -11.1.1. mediately drew his revolver and snot his death. , Hia cool laconic telee ram to his . llT . uncle, Col. Hardin, in Chicago "I have ,, - : ,, - 8"t lather" as well as the non- , , 1 . , , , t' . Chalant air he displayed at the time . . . .. Conflnement ' Connnemeni . . Tn . . f. t hfi h cepUon of the enormity of the heinous 1 t . . - A 1 . i crime ne nas commiirea ana ieeis no rvnrvttin Vrm S.I n H rwir I tuuiuu.uu iui luc .jj A HANDSOME CONTRIBUTION, It will be seen from his letter to Mr. . H. Mills, published in our local columns to-day, that Hon. D. M. Barrin ger, of this city, has sent one hundred dollars as a contribution to the Oxford Orphan Asylum. - We hope to be able to announce 60on that Gen. Barringer's liberal example has been followed by others of our cit izens. There never wan a cause which ap pealed more eloquently to the sympa- tnies or tne people ol .North Carolina than the wants of the poor orphan children of the State, who are depend ant solely upon the public bounty. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 0 R R E N A neat Cetlaare House. 4 rooms : available kitchen, and the best garden in town. Vegetables of all kinds ready for use. " Appiy to . i . J. R. H. CARMER, june24-3t , Druggist. U C T I O N SALE OF C I T Y Ij O T S. On Wednesday, the 2.-lh of June. 1873, at 11 o'clock, A. M., will be sold at public auc tion, 20 BUILDING LOTS. - Now is your time to pet a homestead In the City of Raleigh, or make one of the best Investments Willi vonr un mliiu Term. easy. " , J. J. LITCHFORD, Auctioneer. Messrs. Jno. G. Williams, G. W. Black nidi, A.Creech, or H. Mahler win take pleasure in showing the property to any party wishing to examine it. ' e tae Dlace on th ld Fair GrDunds June2 it Carollna Agricultural Society. A LMOST RUNAWAY ! ! - The Greatest Excitement Out in Raleigh the Other Day. A wagon full of rt en, women and chil dren came tearing down Morgan street at full sreed, but was fortunately stoned at the corner of Dawson, in front of J w Brown's store before any damage was donV On inquiry it was found that thev hi heard of the arrival of a number of'thnw excellent al ; M "VESTA GAS BURNERS," lately introduced into our city by Mr Krown, and were afraid all would be gone before they could get them. They, how? 1 L?iUcceeed in et"n8 supplyof them, as well as of the Oil which Mir. Brown is nf.waf?clu' lne at hi 8tre. and which used with the "Vsta Gas Burner" gives a "8"elalln brilliancy to gas ligfft. and 0ng far less tufluid being onli ne pr mfu11 8uP.Ply still on hand, and citizens Will do well 10 call AT ONCli. Ju24-3t NN UAL ME E T I N G . The next Annual Meeting of Stnckhold- ho RsLiPitrb A Gaston Railroad Com- ..... Lanv. will be held at Company 'Office In the ity - of Raleigh, on the 3rd tuuksuax-t being 17TH JULY, 1873, mniencing at 11 W. W. VASS. -m. ;f 22ta, . Treas. and Sec'y. ft, N N "tj,. A L ;M EETIN G . v 1DB ensuing auuuui aicciuig ui otyo.- . . thfRftleieh & Ausrusta Air-tine Railroad Company, will be held at Office of the Compatjy, at Raleigh, on FRIDAY J the istH JULY, 1873, commencing atUoVlock, W. W. VASS, . 22-td Treas. and Sec.ry. T Q' E O F - y Jy A 1. L.VOTT, G Ii O CERA N 1) PRODICE CC3I3ilSSlftN MERC A ANT. I respectiully inform my friends and the public generally tnati nave.jemoveu iu mo building formerly occupied by Mr. M. H. nni - .r&T i i i,AtMn irtT i. lAot iri fl 11 (1 I BnuyiNpwan;u uuuBOCi.t -w. more convenient building, I am better pre- pared to nil all orders for Heavy and Fancy Groceries, t intend to nontinne the business upon the same,, basis of excellence of duality, promptness of shipment, strictly the same prices an(i terma f0r all without variation r dlBCOUJQt In .favor of any individual cus thoroughly fairdeallng in particular.1 I shall always the ancient finger board, pointing out the old way to Fuccess through strict tconomy, fair dealing, business en terprise and close application. v Thanking you heartily for your favors In the past, I hope to receive a share of your patronage in the future, and shall ever do mv best 10 inaKe tue re.'auon to your jau- vantage as well as my own. 1 ju 22-tf ; : ; WAYNE ALLC0TT. A. P ROC L A M AT ION BY THE Governor of North Carolina. "V, "- '. 1 EXECUTIVE DEPAIITM ENT, Raleigh,,Juue 9th, 1873. j Be it known to all whom, it may concern : That in conformity with section b, chap ter 153 of the acts of the General Assembly passed at the session of li72-'73, in relation to amendments ol the Constitution of the Si ate: I, Tod R. Caldwell, Governor of the State oi North Carolina, do order so much of the preamble ol atd act as seta lorlh the . j alterations proposeu aiiuugret- i auu lf. second section f said act to be published tug for thirty days preceding the first Thurs day of August. 1873. in the RKleitjh "Uaily Sentinel," the "Daily Era and the "Daily News", published in Raleigh, and also for the "Same length of time iu the following Weekly papers, published in the various t;onirwif.mal Districts of the State to-wit: First District ".North Carolinian," Eliza beth City ; "Express," Washington. Second District" News," Goldsboro ; "Mail," Rocky Mount. Third District-"Statesinan," Fayette ville; "Star," Wilmington, Fifth District " New North State." Greensboro ; "Chronicle," Milton. Sixth District "Democrat," Charlotte; "Spirit ot the south," RocKingnam. Seventh District " American," Stntes- illo ; "WftWiraan," Salisbury. 1 tor," Asheville, . Tha Porilon of the preamble ordered to pe puoiisnea is in me loiiowing worus, , th, last peneral Assembly. (three-fifths of the whole number of mem- bers or each House concurring,) the bill containing the same having ueen read threetimes in each House, proposed the fol- lowing alterations of the Consti.ution of the state, to-wit; Alteration in relation to the public debt ; alteration in relation to the office of Superintendent of Public Works; aiteiatlon in relation to the State census; alteration in relation to exem p- tions from taxation ; alteration in relation to the University ; alteration in relation to the sessions of the General Assembly ; alteration in reiation to the Code Commis- nouers : alteration in relation to Federal S!SSS.j ufeKct ordered I . .... ... ... i to oe paoiisnea is in me ioiiowing words, I M"Wit "itsball be the duty of the Sheriffs in each and every county in the state to open pons at the several eiecnon precincts in his I winniv nn t.h sniti first. Tliiir;ili v In A n gust next, and the sme shall be kept open for one day, from the hour of eight o'clock in the morning to the hour of seven in the aiternoon. when all persons qualified to vote according to the Constitution, may vote for or against the ratification oi each written or printed ticket, 'Against Amend ments.' " The attention of Cornty Commissioners and Inspectors of the Election is also called to the 4th section of said act of Assembly which provides that separate ballot-boxes shall he furnished for each amendment to be voted on. Done at our City of Raleigh, the L. S. ninth day of Julie, A. D. 1S73, and in n the ninety-seventh year of American Independence. TOD R. CALDWELL. By the Governor ; J, B. Neathery, Private Sec'y. June 10-30d The papers named in the foregoing proclamation will publish as therein di rected and forward bills to Executive office J u RECEIVE The finest assortment of Single and Doable Trasses, Men's, Youth's and Infants, Male and Female Shoulder Braces, Sus pensory Bandages, Nip ple: Shields, Nursing Bot tles, Self-Syringes, Sick FtedersCJIass Tabes and Bath ' Towels Ever brought to this Market at CARMER S DRUG STORE, I No. 11 Fayettevllle Street, junel7-d2w Raleigh, N. C. THE SWIFT CHEEK MANUFAC ! ING COMPANY Can give employment to Spinners, Card Room hands and Weavers, in their Mill near Petersburg, Va. Families will le pro vided with comfortable homes, with the privilege of garden. Location healthy and neighborhood pleasant. Steady employ ment and good wages will be given. Ap ply to W. M. Robinson, Superintendent at Factory, or to H. L. PLUM MER, Agent, . Swift Creek Manf 'g Co. Petersburg. Va., June 17, 1873. . "Daily Sentinel" copy 6 times and send bill. junel7-d6t JORTH CAROLINA ALMANAC, 1873 Calculated by Dr. Craven", and compiled by L. Branson, printed on fine-sized and calen dered paper, neatly and elegantly. It contains many useful recipes, much valuable statistical matter, and many AGRICULTURAL items. It is emphatically an AGRICUL TURAL ALMAN AC. It is different from every other Almanac; has been published a number of years and sold successfully. It is, we think, certainly as jsood if not better than any other. A few t ill on hand order soon. ij. BRANSON, Bookselief, deo20-tf , Raleigh, N. 1 . oi iue sam nmeiiuuienis, uiose aesiring rates possible in Wake and the aloinlug such amendments to vote with i he written counties. Office at Y"ARBORO HOUSE or printed ticket 'For Amendments,' Ua,ieiKh N O - those of a contrary opinion to vote with n mv 1 i!n,Hiv Pi-nm iutni- Tori. -nt r A CHAR I A S & C O, 31 Fayettevllle Street, Would call attention to their large and complete stock of I) Jl r GOODS cons'sting of DRESS GOODS in all thet leading styles, WHITE GOODS, DOMESTICS, In Bleached, Brown and Stripes. C L O T II I N (J, OF OUR OWN MANUFACTURE, TO SUIT ALL. ttats anpi oat ' BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES; ; HOSIERY, NOTIONS, may 31-ly QUMMER REFRESHMENTS AT MOSELEY'S CONFECTIONERY. SUCH AS ' ' Jfl O S E Tj E 1" S ICE CREAM SODA WATER, Something novel in Itself. Come and try it. MOSELEY'S ICE CREAM SALOON For Ladies and Gents, . .. f A favoiite place on warm days. MOSELEY has too many things to men tion. Come and see what you want, at - MOSKLEY'S Great Confectionery Emporium, may 30-tl " , RICES GREATLY " REDUCED As we wis! to make a change in our busi ness, we notiiy our Friends and the Public that we will sell our stock of goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES ; FOR CAM. OUK STOCK COMrUlSKS ,: , I - - DRESS GOODS, HOUSE FURNISilING GOODS, 1KMESTICH Cloths mid Cassinu'ifs,' Embroideries, ColSLltS, Hats and Caps, Roots and Shoes, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Yankee Notions. NOW IS THE TIME FOR BARGAINS AT PRIMROSE, PETTY & NEWSOM'S. All indebted to the firm are called on to settle immediately, mhaii-.iin P., P. & N. piIAMPION HOUSlU MOVER. I I - By T. J. REAMY, Tarboro, N. C. Patented January 14th, 1873. FIFTY PER CENT. SAVED BY ITS USE. S. T. REAMY, STATE AGENT. 43 HOUSE MOVING done at lowest mar 13-tf ORSE AND COW FEED 400 Bushels N. C.Bran & Shorts, 400 Sacks Oats, G2 Bales Hay, CORN' AND MEAL, For sale by deeZl-lm W . H. DODD. Z E R O The ZERO KEFRKi E R A T O R . Is the best Fruit and Ice Preserver In the World. Send for Price List. JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Raleigh, N. C. June 1-tf Manufacturer's Agents. R C T 10!! Ice Cream in Four Minutes. ARCTIC FREEZERS. Send for price list, JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Haleiuh, N. C, June 1-tf Manufacturer's Agents. c 0 1 r T O N SWEEPS Dixons' Pattern, Manufactured by SAM'L COLLINS & SON. Warranted cast steel. We have thesegoods of all sizes stocked and uusiocked. Addr.8 ill orders to JULIUS June 1-tf LEWIS & CO., Raleiah, N. C, Manufacturer s Ag nts. c R M E R C O M P O UN D PECTORAL COUtJII SYRUP, It will cure Coughs, Colds, Hoarsenoss, Sore Throat, Broi.chitis, and all Diseases ol the Throat and Lungs. PREPARES BY J. R. H. CARMER, Druggist, No. 11 Fayettevllle Street, Raleigh, N C. jan 29-tf $i&ei,V Viioiesaie and "" "d'" 'h "rf - . "W- toma 01 functional derangement of the vfc Retail Dry Goods and Clothing House. , , penenc.e ano,aae,erminaipnogivewi- I -t,-, aii hrjnerient. therare excellent , .if. , . 'i faction, we feel sure we snail in the future, , .- - .-v.i: v ,'.-. I v6?:,,, T r.?rrri .wfSJlf . . a H...m -,- w.: as in thepast, deserve the confidence of our, at prices that must attract lhetrade. 1 !M.e,iSBftS FiWS can not be undersold oirtside of the City, pi hnrftWMe traxe general 'y. . ,., f,;.': l!z i. I Piflg. He Is irentleraan of talents, intee. J-) A VIS DA &C 0M J JOBBERS OF FOR EI.GN AND DOMESTIC j ji r gooivs, Dres Goods and Yankee Notions," CO?. BANK & SYCAMORE STS, - .s ..-- - ! i j SPUING ' TRADER 1873. We take pleasure in inviting the the at-' tention of the MERCHANTS Of VIECLMA ,1'B XORTII CAROLINA To our J-'tock of. Foreign and DomestieJDry Goods and Notions which are nowbeiug received,' and which; will be complete in every department by; . i - . I - . 1 I .. 1 . ma -..rill 1 me ISO OI AfiliL, uv wuiuu yrc mtu. prepared to exhibit the 1 ' . .' ' . . . - , . .4 IARGEST STOCK IN THE STATE. ,.r , i .-r.-; -".j' j'. t' ; - and which In variety, price and terms', will compare favorably with any south of New loric. , ; ,. - : ,' . We return our thanks to the Merchants of this State and North Carolina, for the manner in which they have sustained us in our efforts to establish a First Class Wholesale Dry Goods House in this pie Fdyetteville 'Street F it JB s wr ' Ji R RM T Ji fc' s . The Spring Stock bfVancy Goods,' Notions Confectioneries, Fruits, Ac, Toys, . Musical instruments of every kind. In short, a full stock of everything to be found in a . GENERAL VARIETY STORE, is now ar living at Brown's Museum or Emporium f Fancy Goods. The AVIARY has been recently re stocked with Canaries, Gold and null Finches, Java Sparrows, South American Parrots, and the American Mocking a"id Red Birds. The A Q UAR1UJI of Gold and other small fish is constantly replenished with the most beautiful of the finny tribe. Two Dozen Children's Carriages . 1 Just received. Also a large lot 01 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Daily arrivals of Fruits and Confection eries. - Iaige stock of Toys and China Goods selling at cost. For anything and everything, go to NAT. L. BROWN'S. nih20-tf J.M PORTANT SALE OF PUB L I C PRO P E R T r . At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Cape Fear and Deep River Naviga tion Works, at the Executive office In Ral eigh, on the 3d of June, 1873, the following resolutions wrere passed ; 1. Resolved, That in accordance with the Act of the General Assembly, 186d-'61. chap ter 122, it is deemed , advisable to sell the iuterests of the State of North Carolina, in the C-ape Fear and Deep River Navigation WOI KS. - . , - , a . . 2. Resolved, That the same be sold In two sections, viz: 1st,' from Fayettevllle to Sharp's Field Dam. ' 2d, from Sharp's Fieid Dam, including the same, up the Cape Fear and Deep River to the limits of the, origi nal charter. 3. Resolved, That the respective purchas ers shall pay one-t hird of the price of their purchases in cash, and the remainder in one and two years from day of sale, with interest from said date, and thst the same be secured by satisfactory bond, and a lien on the interests purchased. Title not to be made till payment iu full. . - 4. Resolved. That the sale be upon the expressed condition, that the respective purchasers shall complete and put in oper ation, according to the terms of the charter the.portion pui chased as follows, viz: from Fayetteville to Sharp's Field Dam, within 5 years trom day 01 sale, and from Sharp's Field Dam, including the same to Tysor's Mill in Moore county withiu 3 years from said date. 5. Resolved, That H. A. London, Secreta ry ,and B I. Howze, Attorney of the Board, be authorized to make said sale at Lock ville, in Chatham county, ou the 8th of July, 1873, and that they give notioe of the same In the " Era " and News in Raleigh, the " Eagle " and "Statesman " in Fayette vi, le, the " Star " and Post ". in Wilming ton, unt il day of sale and by posters. We shall offer the above property lor sale according to tiie above resolutions. il. A. LONDON, s-ecretary. B I. Howze, Attorney. ju 5-tds QLD CUSTOMERS, FRIENDS, &c J. A. JONES having this day sold out his stock of ' Books Stationery, Sheet Music, Arc., to me, I resume business as his successor at the old stand, No. IS Fayettevllle street, RALEIGH, N. C, ' I shall endeavor to keep a gobd stock of the latest and most popular books, which I shall sell at the lowest cash prices. I respectfully solicit orders from the old customers of the house, and others wishing goods in my line. The latest New. Periodicals kept con stantly on hand.. L. BRANSON, Successor to J. a. Jones, jyR S. II . ff . MIL L E R ROlMlDlJG HOUSE, Corner ol Newbern Avenue and Po son street. mh25-3m. N E W B O O K S Just received 1 Let Methodist Hymns. -1 " Maury's Geographies. - 1 Initial paper. .Baptist Hymns. Call soon. L- BRANSON, Raleigh. N. C. oct2-tf Y A T T, OR E EN & CO., Greeers and Commission Merchants, Solvit consignments, which will receive pron.pt attention. Orders filled at lowest rrarket rates when accompanied with cash ur Kalifnctorv reference. apri 9-tf 1873: THIRD STOCK THIS SEASON. W. II. & K.S. TUCKER & CO., Are now receiving their purchases made within thn last row riava in thu Knrthorn J markets, and are better prepared than ever to supply the trade with the most fashion- I able and desirable Goods in their several I departments, of Ladies Dress Goods, 'i, - Mens' and Boys' Goods, ;;.!.? Children's Goods, ' ' ' " . . . Silk Goods, ' - -. , . Linen Goods, ' ' J ", Cotton Goods, i i. . : . ' . LOLce Goods ;.j J :- , . vjir I , , ;.' Straw Goods, Foreign Goods ' Medium Goods Fine Goods. . ' Cnean Goods, l ; I l!h the formerpurchase of .. .. .uamo vw m.uvk, u,,h , Ltirgest and . M ot Complete in the State) which we i.re offering at W. It. & R. 8. TUCKER i CO. . may 14-tf . TPHE SOU THEUN, MUTUAL FIRE 'JL' - ' I IJis VII .1.1 'CE COMFJUTY of Richmond, Va. Accumulated Capital 1st Jan. 1873, $472,867.23. Issues A nnual Term and - Participating Policies. FARM PROPERTY k SPECIALITY Dr. II. G. DAVIDSON,... JORDAN II. MARTIN,-. J. E. NEISWANGER...... President. .Vice President. ..........Secretary. S. B. JONES, General Agent for North' Carolina. JOSIAH T. WATTS, may 11-1 f Local and Travelling Agent. L L W E i CrTTT" a o A PROCTER & GAMBLE'S JE X T R Jl O JL I T E. Some Brands of Soap are sold Bhortl weight nve to eigne pounds per, Dox. 11 you use these soaps you pay mtmey fori what you ao not receive, can you af ford to ix so? Buy Procter ; Gamble's full weight Brand, sola Dy Grocers m yonr city. LEACH BROTHERS, Wholesale Agents. Raleigh. N. C. r O THE BEREAVED WHITELAW & CROWDER are prepared to furnish T 0 M B S T O E S of all kinds, as cheap and as neat as any other establishment in the Southern States Having been at the business of carving and engraving marble forty-fourrears, we consider ourselves equal to any in the Un ion. All orders or communications punctually attended to. WHITELA W & CROWDER, Corner Blount and Morgan streets, Raleigh, N. C. N. B. I sincerely hope the new firm wiU. meet with success, if we are worthy of pat ronage. . Respectfully, Z. CROWDER, formerly of Warren county, N. C apr2S-6m 0TT0N GINS ! COTTON GINS ! ! COTTON GINS! It We are Sole Agents In this section for the TJl 1 Li OR GIJT, which is acknowledged by those who have used it to have no superior, and is confi dently recommended by us to all in want of a Uior,ughJy reliable machine. We are prepared to furnish this or any other Gin manufactured, upon liberal terms and short notice. Any person wanting a Gin should order it AT ONCE, that we may have it here in time. WILLIAMSON, UPCHURCH & THOMAS. June 10-tf pplMS, HAMS, HAMS, HAMS; 1,500 pounds selected Virginia and North Carolina Hams. 1,000 pounds Baltimore Hams. c Arriving to day. WILLIAMSON. UPCHURCH A THOMAS. mh 22-tr ' 2Q BARRELS "A" SUGAR, 10 Barrels extra C Sugar. 20 ' "c" " 10 : Crushed and Powdered Sugar. ; At ' ap6-tf : LEACH BRO'S. TTRESII CANNED GOODS. PEAOTT es, Tomatoes. Oysters, Lobsters an caimon, at juusklki'S, RODDER, OATS, HAY, SHUCKS. may2-tf W. C. STROXACH. O O D, W O O D Cords OAK, HICKORY and other hard mar 15- tf W C.STRONACH. Q73;, gLANK BOOKS IN VARIETY. Initial reaper, elegant, Inst to hand. , t. ! B HAN SON, liookweller, mar 13-tf lUleigh.N. C. -2;Special notices; -1 BlLi-opsAlf you feel doll, drowsy, debilf ttied. Respondentia ve fretiueut hehai,L. mouth tastes badly Id mo. alng, irregain? appetite and tongue coated, you are suffer in from Torpid Liver or "Bllliousuess In many caned of "JUver Complaint" onlva part of these symptonu are experienced UOlueu vww c? una uu equal ua itrtiffects perfect cures, lea vine the nVer strengthened and healthy. 8old by all fiptf class druggists. How unnecessary the anguish many persons undergo from rheumatism, gout neuralgia, toothache and earache. We 8av unnecessary because .the application of juuivttu muutug muuucui wj tUH a IlcCted part, or a few drops of it in the ears or tooth, affords instantaneous, and what t better, permanent relief. For cuts, wounds bruises, swellings, and all injuries orais' eases which reouire treatment ext mmi,. this liniment is every whei e regarded as the most p tent and reliable healing agent iu existence. - For all external injuries or ail.. ments of horses nd cattle, it is infallible. - Dooley's Yeast Powder xunot be excel ' led for making light, sweet Rolls, Biscuits Waffles, Corn Bread, fcc It is always ready and reliable? -p, ' . i. ' I have used Dr. Simmons' Liver Regula tor in my family for Dyspepsia and iot fieadacheiand re&ard it as-tan inwainuv.i,. remedy 'In these attacks.. .It has not failwi ' l glVe " -WASTKiatNr : : , . , , , H ; '-V - lln nuuci , iuixcxv, juure or tho umted States Ccurt lor the District or mt form Carolina, gave ine iouowuig as bib: "For some tea or twelve vears nas been in the nabifc of using DR. BEt'K- WITH'S ANTIDY8PEPTIC PILLS in niy family, .and ecmsider . them so ivaluable a domestic medicine, that ! never sutler my stock to be exhausted. ; I have used them with good effect in uyspeptio. oases, under various modifications,- and have found them efficacious in. relieving from Sick rlty and worth. "untThe rank's high in the 8cinoe ol medicine and the healing art. Prepared by E. R. Beckwlth, (successor to Dr. John Beckwith) Proprietor, Petersburg, Va. Sold by Druggist generally at 25 cents 5er box.ir Josepn carr,- wnoiesaie Ageut, etersburg,,Va,-,i v:'4 "":'-'- H I ,T E GOO I) b. We ask attention to our large stock ol ' Nainsook Muslins, Mull Muslins, Jaconet Muslins, Checked Muslins, -;.; Striped Muslins, . j AND . Jaconet and Nainsook Edgings, Which we are offering very low. DAVIS. DRAKE & CO.. . Petersburg, v. marl3- ly R.F JON E S & O O., Wholesale and Retail Grocers, CO T T O JT EjtCTOItS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Wilmington Si., east of Market, RALEIGH, N. C. Haveon hand,and are constantly receiving ; consignments of Provisions, Grain, b'arjn ing Utensils, Groceries, etc. 43- Orders tor the purchase ot Cotton su ! lknted and satisfaction guaranteed. 1 Consignments of all kinds. Produce, tiro- oeries, i Provisions, &c.,-wlll receive strict attention. ,ap2s-U r e t T HE B E ST! l LEWIS? i STAG, WHITE LEAD, To Dealers and Consumers vf IF II I T E Z, E Jl V . We desire to call attention to the fact, that LEWIS STAG LEAD sold by us, is guaranteed to be equal to any Lead in the market, and supe rior to most; We are offering it at prices below the figures usually asked for Pure Lead in Oil. W E Af S'K T R I A L! Satinaction is guaranteed loth to price and quality. C Jl V T t O j . In purchasing, be sure that you find our Trade Mark on each package of the Lead. Address all Orders to I JULIUS LEWIS & CO., Fisher Building. Jnl8-tf RALEIGH. N. C TOM AN' S F R I END. The bast Washing Soap made at the pne Is the "Woman' Friend" brand. my5-tf R.F. JONES ACQ. s A F E W AN T ED Medium Size. One of "Herrings" or "Watson's" preferred. my5-tf R. F. JONESA CO. TNli'iT.T.TRr.'P VPAQT PAWbPlK ThA t?An VkA4- T V Jf UOBv iu uac. my21-tf R. F. JONE & tXJ. p novo S A L 8 , At a meeting of the Board of Commis sioners for the City of Raleigh, held on the, evening of the 6th lnstl, the Chief of Police was authorised to advertise for proposal to keep the City Pumps in order for one year, the Contractor to furnish new Stock and Platforms Sealed Proposals will be received at my office for ten days from this date. The right to reject any or all, reserved. . JAS. C. KING. JuhelO-lOt Chief of Police. Sentinel and Era copy. $50 R E W A R D Stolen from the subscriber on the 1st day of June, a LARGE CHESNUT SORREb MARE, twelve years old; slightly sprung in hind ancles. I will pay TWENiY F1VE DOLLARS for Information that will lead to the recovery ol the Mare an! tlie same amount- for information that will lead to detection of the thief. C H GAY Ju 7-d6tandwlt Kittrehs, N.'c

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