DAILY NEWS. H roNE & UZZELL, - - PROPRIETORS. "aykttkvillk Struct, over W. C. Stronach A Co.'s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to iubKcrijern at fifteen cents per week payable to the carrier weekly. Mailed at 7 Ldm.nrrt ix.50for six months; 2 for three r - - k t 'Ul-l'X. - 0 .) WKKKlii iNfiwo i SATURDAY., ..JUNE 28, 1873. LOCAL MATTER. E. C. WOODSON, City Editor MORNING EDITION. Local Briefs.- " The Citizens' Cornet Band discoursed sweet music in the Capitol Square Jast night. We learn that quite a number of our people will leave in a few days . for Beaufort. We were glad to see in our city yes terday, Jno. A, Womack, Esq., of Chat ham county. !' " See the advertisement of W. C. Stron ack, the well known Fayetteville street Orocer and Commission Merchant. Prof. Mclver, Superintendent of In struction of this State, attends the Edu cational Convention at Elmira, N. Y., on the 4th of August. . The .only case before the Mayor yes 1 tcrday came up in the person of Michael Grady, au U, S. .soldier, for disorderly conduct. Michael was turned over to, his command. It now said that Madison Hawkins, ot Franklin, and Calvin Rogers, of this county, are among the seekers after the place. of 1 Captain I. J. Young, Collec- tor of Revenue of this District. Two colored women gouged each other on Cabarrus street yesterday after noon. A couple of handsfull of hair and a few scratches was the sum total of tlie damage done on either side. Prof. Alexander Mclver will address the Normal School at Summerfield, Guilford county, N. C, at 11 o'clock A. M., 5th July, on "The Present Condition of Public Education in North Carolina." The importance of the subject should insure a general attendance of the peo ple of that section. t - A letter has been received by a gentle man in this clj from Appleton Oak .smith, from Liverpool, saying that the Midland North Carolina Railrosdwill be pushed through. From the aforesaid letter we learn that the Midland Com pany are exceedingly anxious to pur chase the Western N. C. R. R., and a gentlefnan was sent over to this country to examine into the affiirs of the last mentioned road, but was lost on the ill fated steamer Atlantic. , From present indications the excur sion of the Printers to Kittreli's on the 4th of July,promises to be a grand affair. We learn that Billiard, Ten" Pin and Shooting matches will come off during the day for a silver headed cane, silver cup, &c. Tickets for the round trip, including pic nic dinner and supper, free access to the grounds, ball room and all the pleasures of the day, can be had-of either W. J. Edwards or Z. T. Brouhton, at Edwards & Broughton, or C. E. Lee. at John Nichols & Co., - A full programme will appear early next week. ' The Blaxdy Steam Engines and Saw Mills We invite attention to the advertisement of these engines and saw mills in this issue of our paper. ; The General Agent, Mr, W. C. Margan, has made large sales recently in this and adjoining States, and the certificates of a number ol well known gentlemen at test the ict that the machinery which he sells comes up fully to the high standard claimed tor it. Mr. Morgan has been in our midst for some months and has made a number of warm friends. Ladies' Bazaar. The attendance at Tucker Hall lust evening on the Ladies' Bazaar was very good, and from a view trom the door everything seemed to be going on pc0S5eTouelv.-i We hop6 that the ladies were hand somely compensated for their trouble, and a good round sum realized for the church. The receipts from the two nights exhibition we could not learn as the door-keeper did not know. We hope to be able to report more fully to morrow. " Matrimonial. At Ridgeway, Wed- V ' I ja.u.st vua umieu tu me luvuiy juibs o vnue, naugnter 01 captain x. u. vi Mie, at wnose nouse tney were mar- ricd. Kev. Mr. Bosbaraer, of the M. E. nurcn, oinciating. I ue nappy pair left immediately lor Beaufort. A large party of Indies and gentlemen attended tlie happy couple to the depot to wish them God speed..'" "This Farmer's Friend."- Messrs. E. H. Pluinmer & Co., of Petersburg, Va.,. advertise the Farmer's Friend Plow as being the best in use. - Large num bers of them have been sold in this State and they give universal satisfaction. They are also sold by Leni H. Adams, iq , ot this city. Sunday School Excursion. This morning at v:yy ciock the excursion train ol the Methodist and BaDtist Sun- diy Schools of Durham passes this city bound lor Goldsbpro.. We. return thanks for ac invitation to attend, and hope the excursionists will have a pleasant tune, vye Know our lioldsboro friends will give them a cordial welcome. A 'Deserved .Compliment. We have already announced that the degree ot LL. D. has been conferred upon the distinguished Gaillard by Ilutherford college, in tins State. None worthier. He is as eminent in the healing art as ue was gallant on the field. ' superior Cocrt. Yesterday the time ot this Court was taken up with the trial of the bastardy docket. Quite a large number ot cases were disposed oi during the day. Returned." Gen. VV. K. Cox reached tne city a few-days since from Ten nes nessee and Weatern North Carolina, and has entered upon his duties as Solicitor. ne went as tar as Nashville in the for mer State, u - " r VOL. II. Reported for the Dally News. Supreme Council Friends ofTemper 1 ance. THURSDAY EVENING SESSION. Council met at 5 o'clock p. m. Minutes read and approved. The chair was occupied by the Presi dent and praw offered by the Chaplain. Rep. Morrilpffered the following res olution : Resolved, That it is with deep regret we note the absence, and axe apprised of the severe illness of our worthy brother, Major D. S. Hill, one of the founders of our Order, and an ex-Preei-den of this Supreme Council ;, and we assure our afflicted brother that he has our deepest sympathy, and also our prayers that he be restored to health and returned to those fields of temper ance labor where for years his fidelity, experience, wisdom and prudence have rendered him eminently useful. Resolred, That a copy of this resolu tion be forwarded to brother Hill. The death of Rev. N. F. Reid, D. D., a member elect of the Supreme Council, having been announced, a committee consisting of Revs. T. A. Carruth, W. B. Wellons and ' A. R. Raven, were ap pointed to dralt suitable resolutions. Rep. Butler ' offered the following resolution : . Resolved, That this Council advise the State Councils to recommend to their subordinate Councils that they appoint a committee of judicious mem bers whose duty it shall be to publish, from time to time, in such religious and secular newspapers as may be accessible to them, original or selected articles on the subject ot temperance, and so keep it before the public. i Rep. Whitaker made a report with regard to the Sons of the Soil, which was adopted, and he was chosen Grand Superintendent. Rep. Whitley offered the following resolution, which was adopted : Resolved, That the Secretary of this body be instructed to 'transmit to the Scribe of the Supreme Council of the United Friends of-Temperance the re port on the Constitution adopted to day, requesting him to submi the same to the Supreme Council U. F. T., at its session July 30th, 1873, and inform this ogv through its Secretary of the action of that body as early as possible. Rep. W. B. Wellons made a report from the Committee on Rituals, which was adopted The Council then took .a recess until 9 p. m. AFTEKNOON SESSION. The body resumed its business at 9 o'clock p. m. The Committee on finance reported, which was adopted. The election of officers was taken up, and the following duiy elected : President A P Abell ot Georgia. Associate Rev T A Carruth of Florida. Secretary Rev W B Wellons of Vir ginia. Chaplain Rev' A R Raven, of North Carolina. ' . Treasurer C T Butler, of West Vir inia. 4 ; Conductor Jame3 Cutrer, of 'Missis sippi. - Sentinel Col J : G Blue ot South Carolina. On motion the installation of officers was dispensed with. The following resolution was. adop ted,::: Resolced, That the selection of the place tor the next session ot this Su preme CounciUbe made by, the commit tee appointed by this Supreme Council in connection with that of the ty. F. T.y provided the consolidation is effected. The Council decided to hold its next semi-ancual session at Marion, S. C, in case the consolidation scheme is not ef fected. ". Rep. Ott presented a report from the Committee on . Constitution, which was adopted. Only a few unimportant amendments made. The report sus tained the decision of the D. V. P., W W, McKenzie, in a decision rendered in a case in Fayetteville. Leave ol absence was granted brother C. T. Butler, ol West Virginia, and Rev. J. T. Whitley, of Virginia. Rev.; Carruth offered the following re- port, wnicn was aaoptea witn a rising ill i . - . Vote,. ,.r .;-, : VV llPfcna flnr lurrhlv oafuamal nH dearlv beloved brothel. Rev. Numa F nA n n ha rD.nw uDnn oiiori awaT from his earthU iaborB. t the labors, rest that remaineth for the people of CiA rpi C ?. . Ile8olved, That, in this mysterious dis pensanon 01 uoa'g providence we mournfully acquiesce recognizing the truth that He doeth' all tilings well. though we feel our great loss, in the church, in the temperance work and in our social circles, occasioned by this sad bereavement. - . Resolved; That we tender our sincere condolence to hia heart stricken wife and childrenand beg them to allow us to share their sorrow, and mingle onr tears with theirs in token of ouri pro found griet. '.;. Resolved, That, this report be spread upon our minutes and, that a certified copy be furnished the family of our de- ceased brother, and also, that; the same be furnished the Friend oj Temheranc and N. C. Christian Advocate for publi cation. Tnos. A. Carruth, W. B. Wellons, ' A. R. Raven, The Council adjourned until to-morrow morning 9 -o'clock. ... - Supreme Court. Court met yester day at 9 a. m. All the Justices present except Judge Boyden who is still de tained by sickness. The following cases were argued: ti , , W. P. Lowe & Co., vs G. W. Young, etal.. from Cleaveland. Busbee & Bus bee lor plaintiffa and W. P. Bynum and D. Schenck for defendant. t J.' S. Carson, administrator vs 'Colum bus Mills, surviving partner, &c. from Rutherford. Attorney General Hargrove and Argo & Harris tor plaintiff and W. P. Bynum for defendant. 7 'The Court adjourned to meet this morning at the usual hour; H RALEIGH. N. CL Meeting of the Board of City Commissioners. The Board of City Commissioners held an adjourned meet ing on Thursday evening. Mayor Whit aker presided. Messrs. Battle, Gorman, Ellison, Upchurch, Ricks, Johnson, Jones and Prairie, Commissioners, were present. The dog tax question was discussed, and it was agreed that the Chief of Pos dice should furnish medals lor tax paid on dogs. On motion of Mr. Prairie, it was or dered that, after advertisement for ten days, dogs captured on the streets with out the aforesaid medal should bg im pounded and kept for two days, and if not claimed within that time, disposed of. Any persons capturing dogs on which tax has not been paid will be al- owed oO cents out ol the city treasury or each capture. Mr. Battle offered a resolution, which was adopted, that all warrants, past due bonds, coupons and, other city indebt edness, which have been paid off, not leretofore cancelled, shall be cancelled as soon as practicable under the supers vision ot the Finance Committee. On motion of Mr. Battle, the Mayor and Commissioner Johnson were ap pointed to represent the city in the approaching meeting of the Stock holders of the Raleigh & Augusta Air-Line Railroad Company. On motion ot Mr, Battle, the construc tion ot a stone wall was ordered on Cemetery street. The Sunday tonsorial question was next discussed, and. terminated in the adoption of a resolution offered by Mr. Gorman, which places a fine ot $10 and imprisonment of 48 hours on any barber following his profession during the Sabbath. On motion of Mr: Prairie, Commis sioner Jones was appointed a committee to consult with the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department in regard to a sys tem of fire alarms. A nfotion to abolish the office of City Surveyor was lost. The Board then went into the election of a City Sur vevor and Fendall Beavers was chosen. On motion of Mr. Prairie, the City Attorney was instructed to proceed against the R. & G. R. R., by indict ment in the Superior Court, for the ob struction of Morgan and West streets. A communication from the Fire De partment recommending the purchase of a Babcock fire engine was read with out action. After the transaction of some further unimportant business the Board ad journed. Complimentary Resolutions. At their session on yeslerday, the Supreme Council of the Friends of Temperance passed the following resolutions compli mentary to the accomplished wife of Rev. R. II.-Whitaker, editor of that excellent temperance and family paper, the Friend of Temperance. The resolu tions speak for themselves, and we take pleasure in publishing them as the com pliment i3 in every way deserved : 1. Resolved, ; That we, the members of the Supreme Council of the Friends of Temperance, express our profound gratification at the presence of Mrs. Minnie E. Whitaker, the talented and untiring Editress ot the "Social Circle" Department of the Friend of Temper ance, the organ of our Order. , 2. Resolved, That we present to her our hearty thanks for her vigorous efforts in behalt of the cause of Temper ance, and specially in favor of our Order, and express our' admiration of the dauntless spirit she has manifested in her published writings against the drinking habits of society. 3. Resolved, That we pledge her our sympathy and support in carrying for ward the work so nobly begun, and wish for her a career in the future sur passing in brilliancy and success the glowing-record of her past deeds. Statk Agricultural Journal. We call attention to the new advertise ment of .this valuable weekly in our columns this morning. . The Journal makes a neat appearance with its new head. We regard it as the very best agricul tural paper that now comes to this of fice.. ' . Capt. Fulghum, its indefatigable con ducting Editor, has taken for his motto "Upward and Onward" and has already made his paper a successful enterprise. Each department of the Journal is presided over. Dy practical and 'compe tent gentlemen, and every issueof the paper is worth double its subscription price. "': '"' ' ' ', For only two dollars, the larmer can have at the end of the year a valuable fcompndium ot the practical knowledge on all subjects re!ating.tothe cultiva tion of the.soil. . , , , . Marshals for the Fair. The fol lowing is the list of Marshals t for the next Fair of the North Carolina Agri cultural Society, except a few appoint ments to be made by the Chief Mar shal : Chief Marshal : Col. WV.K. Davis, Franklin. Assistants : Augustus M. Moore, Chowan : R. B. Peeebles. Northampton: T. B. Ilyman, Wayne; Capt. W. H.An thony, Halifax: W. L. Faison, Sampson: Capt. W. A. Cumming, New Hanover ; r. F. Pescud, Jr., - Wake;' J. M. Cren shaw, Wake; Joseph Green, Wake; J. K. Foulks, Guillord; Col. R. M. Douc- las, Rockingham; Kerr, Craige, Rowan; J. H. Pearson, Burke; W. W. Flcm ming, McDowell; Robert T. Gray, For- sythe; H. li. otatec, JScigecombe; A. G Moore, Alamance: Capt. John Wilkes. Mecklenburg. I. O. O. P. McKee Encampment, a its regular meeting last night, elected the following officers for the ensuing term, viz: V. . ' W.1I. Bagley Chief Patriarch: Seaton Gales High Priest. J. W. Watson Senior Warden. 1 3. J. Li tchf or d Scribe. ' A. W. Fraps Treasurer. Hammel Junior Warden. Daily SATURDAY MORNING. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. L A " g jT PATENT PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, and S A W M I L L S. . CABiiY, N. C, Jane 16th, 1S73. Tr. C. 3forgnn', General Agent. Raleigh, N.C: ' Dear Sir: The machinery purchased from you gives entire satisfaction. The Shingle Machine will cut from 10,001) to 12, 000 per day. The work is well and accurate ly done. i The Saw Mill is cutting lumber finely ; the largest day's work I have done with it was 17,375 feet, I have been in the lumber business for twenty years. The Blandy Engine of 25 horse power will do about double the work that I have ever had one to do of same estimated hrse pewer. If machinery is needed in this neighbor hood you will have no difficulity in selling My mill is very ,mueh admired. Yours truly, june28-2t A.G.PAGE. rpiIE FARMERS FRIEND PLOW IS THE BEST IN USE, as hundreds of North Carolina and Virgin ia will testify. j For sale by E. II. PLUMMER & CO., 121 Sycamore street, Petersburg, and by LKN II. ADAMS, June 28-eod4m Raleigh, N. C. s W AMP LANDS FOR SALE. The following Swamps. Lands in North Carolina are offered for sale: Big Swamp in Robeson, 14,000 acres ; : White and Brown Marsh in Columbus and Bladen, 24,000 acres; Holly Shelter in New Hanover, 5S.240 acres ; Angola Bay in New Hanover and Duplin, oO.yoo acres; WMte Oak in Jones and Onslow, -85,000 acres, subject to the right of the Planter's Railroad Company, to alternate sections thereof upon completion of the railroad through said swamp ; Open Ground Prairie in Carteret, 87,000 acres; , Dover Swamp in Craven, 75.000 acres; Cat Fish in Craven, 8,320 acres; ' Bay River in Beaufort , and Craven, 41,. 000 acres; Swamp Lands in Dare county, Durants island, 8,000 ares, Sealed bids will be received for any one or more of the ab ive named Swamns. until the 15th day of September. 1873. The land will not be sold in small parcels. Eacti bidder should state all the terms of his bid how much he will pay cash, and the time within which the deferred pay ments will be made : whether lie will sur vey the land himself and paya certain price per acre, or pay a fixed price for any one or more swamps without survey, or re quire tne Board ol .Education to make tne survey. Every letter containing a bid should be addressed to the undersigned with the words. "Bid for Swamp Lands" endorsed upon it. Secretary Board of Education. june27-law4w Raleigh, N. C. "OEPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the State National Bank of Raleigh, at Raleigh, North Carolina, at the close of Business lZth June, 18 1 3. ..RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts, ' Overdrafts, i U S Bonds to secure circulation. Other stocksjbonds and mort-; $ 204,740 15 4,158 87 100,100 00 15,512 92 gages... Due from redeeming and Re- serve Agents 2,181 19 Due from other National Banks Due from other , Banks and Z,l 31 Bankers 11,777 10 25,000 00 14,604 66 2,971 93 3,449 63 TSanking House, ; Otner real estate, ; Current expenses, , ; rremiums, ; Cash items, including stamps,.. Bills of other National Banks, Fractional currency, Specie, coin.......... 1,832 73 24,17! 00 1.191 99 2,269 54 33,900 00 liegal tender notes $476,841 59 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In, 100,000 00 Exchange, 4,241 43 Profit and loss, 57,132 80 National Bank circulation out- standine 90.000 00 Individual deposits 12,843 52 Due to .National .Banks io,is Due to other Banks and Bank- , ers........ 26,129 81 $476,841 59 I. Samuel G. White. Cashier of the State National Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signed, SAMUiiii u wnij'ji, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me the 20th day of June, A. D., 1873. w. s. primkush;, jsotary mDiic Correct Attest : J. (4. WILMA3IS, W. W. VASS, D. Or FOWLE, Directors. ju28-lt T'lIE FARMERS ORGAN AND X . HOUSEKEEPERS FRIEND. . State Agricultural Journal. State Agricultural Journal. Best Edition Yet 200O Copies this- Week. READY THIS MORNING Sets PER COPY. Contents : - Little Matters mongtbe Flowers. Green House Plants In Summer. Fairs for 18T3. Plowing Under Clover. General Notes on Agriculture, A North Carolina Mountain Farm. Pile Up the Manure. Proceedings of Agricultural Clubs. Proper Selections of Trees and Plants Uy C,W. Westbrook. . Fruits and Nuts. The Patrons of Husbandry Col. D. Wyatt . Aiken in Raleigh. Choiera--List of Marshals for the Approach ing fetate Fair Col. Aiken's Ap- " , pqintments Crop Reports " ' Commercial Reports State News General News, Ac, tc ONLY; $2 PER ANNUM BEST FAMILY PAPER IN THE STA ,TE. R. T. Fulghum, ' .. . Conducting Editor JUNE 28 1873. SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. Northern ,Timcthy Hay at Osborn's june 27-3t Grain and Feed Store. Lost. On Monday evening a memoran dum book containing a number of ap proved County Orders to the amount of about $60, besides other valuable papers. The finder will please leave the book at this office. . - june25-D3t Samuei. Rayxer. - JJEPORT. OF THE CONDITION Of the Raleigh National Bank, of Aorth Carolina, at the close, oj JJusu ness, June 12th, 1873. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts.. . $616,099 15 uveraraus 8,5(10 00 500,000 00 100,000 00 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation U. S. Bonds to secure deposits,:. U. S. Bonds and securities on hand - jDther stocks, bonds and mortga ges 51,149 19 Due from Redeeming and Re serve Agents Gold $36,279.16 Currency 141.916.54 178,195 70 23,501 11 13,607 28 50,000 00 1,391 00 1,058 38 Due from other National Banks, Due from other Banks and Bank ers. Banking House, Other Real Estate Furniture and Fixtures, Current expenses,. 6,729 44 4,027 34 Taxes Paid Premiums t4,9.i zi Cash items, including stamps,... 1,159 23 Bills of otner JNationat iianits... itj.stui ti Fractional Currency, .'. 350 00 Specie coin, " 665 00 J.egai tender notes, ... yu.uuu w ' . $1,717,827 54 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In, $500,000 00 Surplus Fund 37,000 00 Discount, 1,381 10 Exchange,.!..,. 88 99 Profit and loss...... 54,437 45 National Bank ciiculation out standing 450,000 00 Dividends unpaid, 332 00 Individual Deposits 436.644 93 Cashier's checks outstanding,.... 810 53 united states deposits, iv,iw iz .Deposits or u. s. Disbursing oi- ncers sy.m m Due to National Banks 12,835 58 Due to other Banks and Bankers, 2,938 90 $1,717,827 54 I. Charles Dewey. Cashier of the Raleigh National Bank, do solemnly swear tnat tne above statement is correct to tne best of my knowledge and belief. c. jjjsw ifii , casnier. Subscribed and sworn to before me the 26th day of June, A. D., 1873. CiiAliLiKS UUOT, isotary ruoiic. Correct Attest : W. G. Upchurch, a. a. lee, C. Dewey. i rectors. june27-3t. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the Citizens' National Bank, of Raleigh', North Carolina, at the close of business, June 13, 1873. RESOURCES : - ' Loans and discounts,. Overd rafts, .... $ 316,455 95 8V829 35 100,000 00 U. . lionas to secure circulation, Due from redeeming and reserve 88.-129 97 4,853 U3 19,781 81 12,500 00 4,500 00 : 4,700 00 -1,107 53 8,855 00 1.576 25 14,328 00. 1,275 5) Duefrom other Nationaflianks, Due from other Banks and Bank ers, Banking house,... Furniture ana Fixtures Current expenses,...; Taxes paid, : Premiums, ..... Cash items, '. Bills or other national Banks Fractional currency... .... Snecie. coin 1,111 4o Legal tender notes 33,000 0Q $ G21.303 84 LIABILITIES. ' " Capital stock paid In,. Surplus luna, Profit and loss,. - . ... 5100,000 00 3,700 00 17,852 50 ' 87,900 00 ' 385,288 60 5,493 54 9,009 30 12,000 00 $ 621,303 84 Nationel Dank circulation out- standi ns,... Individual deposits,.... Due to National Banks...... Due to other Banks and Bank ers Notes and bills re-discounted,... T. P. A. Wiley. Cashier of the Citizens' National Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is correct to the best ot my knowledge and belief. r. A. wiLCi, uasnier. Subscribed and sworn to before me the 26th day of June, A. D., 1873. A. W. uaiwuui;, iNoiary i uuiic. Correct Attest : W. E. ANDERSON", Kemp P. Battle TLE, i NS. f ws, J W. J. Hawkins, Directors. A. B. Andhews june 27-3t I E DM O N T SPRINGS . y WILL BE i - OPEX FOR VISITORS JlLY 1ST. All the buildings have been thoroughly repaired. Every cabin newly built, and the grounds beautifully arranged. In fact, everytning tnat couiu ue uouo uy a large force In the short space of time since the Company has owned the property, nas Deen done to inane PIEDMONT" , comfortable In every respect, and we can safely promise a limited number or visitors this season, good fare and goo.i attention at as low rates as can be anoraea. The value of the WATJSK, and the beauti ful scenery surrounding " UL,i) pitu MONT" are too well known to require any description here. ; THE no TEL, unrl roneral management for this season will be In charge of Mr. S. B. TAYLOR, of Danbury, C, assisted oy Mrs. xayior. Tke Bar and Billiard Rooms having been rented to a gentleman who knows his business, will be conducted In first-class city style. ' . A splendid double TEN-PIN ALLEY has been built, rfhd with especial care to the comfort of lady patrons. rvimfnrtaDle Coaches, with splendid teSfms, will run tri-weekly from Kerners ville, leaving Kernersville Tuesdays, Thnrsdavs and Saturdavsr leaving. Pied mont Mondays. Wednesdays and iridays. until the N. W. N. C. R. R. is completed to Winston, then between Winston nd the Springs, over a splendil level road until within some three miles of Piedmont. After July 5th, all mall matter lor visi tors at Piedmont, should be directed to " Piedmont Springs, care Stage Agent, Winston, N.C." . TERMS: Bonrd Per Day S2.50 Per Week 115.00. chi W ren and servants nan price. For bills of $110, ten per cent, off. , 200, nrteen percent, oir. For further particulars apply to or address S. B. TAYLOR, Manager, Danbury, N. C. W. E. WILLIAMSON, C. M. Fleijc, Owners. , ; H. u. JACK June 27-l)iw&W2m Q AT S AN D HA Y 500 Bushels heavy Virginia Oat. ,. 100 Bales Prime X. u. iay. JulMf R. F. JONES 4 CO. NO. 107. TELEGIlJlPHIC JTEirS. NOOlTmSRATCIIES? NEW YORK NEWS. The Billiard Tournament and Other Matters. New YoRK,June 27th. TJbassy and Gamier were the contestants in the second game last night. The former had a call on betting at odds of 2 to 1. The play in the commencement of the game was tame, Ubassy, especially, play ing poorly. In his seventh inning, Gar nier? by brilliant play, including some very fine masse shots, made 36 and in his 18th inning made a handsome run of 60. Gamier in the 26th inning made 10 and won the game amid much ap plause, by 300 to 239. Charles A. Dana has filed bonds in the suit instituted against the editor of the Sun for publishing a communica tion charging Governor Cooke, ot, the District of Columbia, and . Vice Presi dent Shepperd, of the Board of Public Works of the same place, 1 with being l rite res ted .in JVlontpelier raving Com pany of Washington, D C. . , , ' -ii' Foreign News. Paris, June 27. The Municipality of Fans reconsidered the vote refusing an appropriation ol money. lor tne recep tion ot tne bhal), and adopted a resolu tion providing a night fete and illumi nation to the honor of his maiesty. Rome, June 26. King Victor Eman uel arrived in Florence to-night from Turin, and immediately summoned Mm gbilte to undertake the forming of the new Ministrv. , Madrid. June 27. Municipal elec tions are ordered for the-12th of July, and tor lor provincial deputies, for the 6ib of September. Surrender of the Khan ol Khiva. Losdox, June 27. A special dispatch to the London Telegraph from , Contral, Asia, announces that the Khan ot Khiva has surrendered unconditionally ! to the Russian troops before the capitulation ol the Khan. General Kaufman had rejected twelve proposals for capitula tion, which, were made' "with ireach erous intent. ' - . The Italian Slave Trade, New Vork, June 27. An address has been sent to President Grant and Gov. Dix by Italian born citizens, expressing their belief that some prompt effectual remedy is absolutely necessary to put down the infamous traffic -in Italian children, carried on between Italy and America, and asking that certain laws may be framed to that end. . The Cable. Heart's Content, June 27th. The Great Eastern is in sight of the shore and the end, of th3 cabla has beep transferred to the Hibernia. L p to the 2Gth 1,701 miles had been played out. Small Pox. 1 San Fraxcisco, June 27. There are three cases of small pox in the Chinese quarter. - Cholera. Memphis, June 27th. There were 7 deaths f rom cholera yesterday. : MIDNIGHT DISPATCHES. ' From New York. New York, June 27. M. J. Kelly, formerly city editor of the Herald, died this morning. It is reported that the Pacific Mail Directors agreed to-uay to issue six millions ot bonds for buildiner new steamships. . Height nuudreu thousanu aollars in specie are engaged lor shipment, on to morrow. . Charles A, Danna, editor ot the Sun, - i i.i . t tt:. J o l -I - missioner this morning. The Assistant V. S. Attorney for the District of Co lumbia, asked that Danna be committed and removed lor trial to Washington. The Commissioner granted the order for removal for trial. The counsel for Dana asked to have bail fixed, but the Com missioner said he had no authority ; that the bail must be fixed by the District Judge, before whom the parties agreed to go. The bail will probably be fixed at $10,000. The prosecution intend to try the case at the ' present term of the United States District Court. ; ' It is currently reported that Thomas A. Scott has perfected an arrangement tor a new thrdugh route from New York to Washington, and will begin opera-, tions on Monday. I The route will be over the present line to Philadelphia, thence via Lancaster to York, Penn., thence over the Northern Central to Bal timore and over the Baltimore and Po tomac to Washington. There will be be two through traius daily, morning and evening. ' - In the Walworth trial there was a long discussion over the admission of the father's letters.. Judge Davis deci ded to admit only such passages as con tained threats. The , prisoners' counsel especialy objected to the ruling. The letter of Walworth to his wife was read. After referring in most bitter and terri ble terms to his being left only a por tion of property in the trusteeship ot his brother by the will ol Reuben II. Walworth, he continues thus: "Now, Eilen Harding, knowing that I am helpless under that will, if you will per sist in trying, year by year, to see how much of that trust property you get out ot me by threats of law by personal blandishments to the,' trustees, or by any other means ; if you doubt and will not see that I ought to hare something for my entire life, whether be intended me to or not, then mark what will be the finale of my vengeance upon that dead scoundrel and dog, who has made mo so pitiable before . men and before you. I will, and so help me the de mon who v wwt, upon the - persecuted and the proud spirited and the re- vengelui, 1 will wheo,stripped by you of my property, and you mean it, at; last plunge my dagger into Frank . and 'f racey's heart and cut off the Wal worth name forever. God d m him, he has elevated them and degraded me, and you gloat oyer it I have not one single firm right under his wilL VThhT you believe, and this has been tne cause DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One gquara, eae lnsertlOH.MMMM.MM.M....f 1 00 One square, two insertions.................... . 1 60 one square, mree iHJseruons..,...... z oo One square, six insertions.... 8 00 One square, one montnMM.MMM.MMm. 8 00 One square, three months........ 16 00 One square, six mon tha. ...... 80 00 one square, v.. eive muiima,.....- ou For larger advertisements, liberal con tract will be made. Ten line solid non pareil constitute one square. 8 of your despising and abandoning with cold purpose. You contemplate . mv eventual beggary and humiliation. I will kill your boys and defeat the damned scoundrel iri his grave, and cut '. off his damned name forever.": "Nowyou juit persecute about that property and keep this thorn I have in my heart, and by the eternal God I will kill them and you too. " Now you hunt my property any further, you God damned infamous bitch, and I will gut your pups as wen as you. Tne God , damned dead villian shant rob me of wife, children and property. It I can't haye anything, I will have revenge. God damn you I have lost already every thing what makes life tolerable." This letter has no signature, and is addressed to "Mrs. Ellen H. Walworth, Saratdga Springs, N. Y." Mrs. Walworth testified to personal violence of which . the son had no knowledge. : ' . In the.trial of Woodhull Claflin and Blood for sending obscene publications througp. the U. S. Mails Judge Blatch ford decided that in the .act of 1872, a, weekly or daily newspaper was not in tended to be included among the list of obscene publications. In the act ot 1873 the word "paper" is inserted, and was, intended to include a newspaper, which as he construed the previous " acts on the subject, was not included in the statutes. The indictments m the pre sent case was drawn under the, statute of 1872 and the prosecution miist con-, sequently fail. The jury then rendered a verdict of not guilty. Mrs. Walwoith said that Frank showed signs of mental aberration in t various ways, after the separation of his ' "father and herself. Comparative Cotton Statement. New York, June ; 27. Net receipts ' at all United States ports during the week, 18,888 ; same week last year 6G 950; total to date 3yi81,700; to same date last year 269,514. : Exports for the week 24,995 ; same week last year 2,744; total to date 2,450,336 ; to same -date last year 1,890,081. Stock at all United States ports 205,415; same time last year 141,877. At all interior towns 39, 013 ; same time last 12,854. At Liver pool 883,000 ; same time last year 965 000. American afloat for Great Britain 160,000; same time'last year 34.000. Death of Col. Ililden Baltimore, June 27t Col. Solomon Hildcn, who died on. the way to a Canada watering place, was a' well known and esteemed citizen of this city, and has been frequently honored with , most important public trusts. He has1 been Mayor ot this city, a member of the Maryland Legislature and a member ot Congress. ; - 1 .Weather Probabilities. "Washington, June 27. For the South Atlantic States, light to iresh southeast and . southwest winds, and partly, cloudy weather. , i , New York Markets r New York, June 27i Cotton quiet. Sales 298 bales. MidUngS 2L - Southern flour less active $fl.60aS8. 00; com mon to lair S3.50aS 10.50 ; good to choice do. Whiskey a shade firmer, moderate request at 92U. No. 2 Milwaukee wheat about one cent better, other kinds without 'decided change, demands moderate. Corn without material change 52a53 for6 steam 'Western mixed and slightly favors buyers, i Wheat good at 1 cent better. Rice good request at Pork steadier. Lard r, quiet" and steady. Turpentine dull A. Rosin dull $2.85a$2.95 for common strained; Cotton, net . receipts,! 930 bales., dross 1.431. Sales of export Sales for futures 10,600. Market closed as follows r July 20 ; i August 20; Sep tember 18 15-16; December 18 Money 4 with exceptions at 3. Sterling dull and steady. Gold 15 Government strong. States dull and unchanged. Foreign Markets. London, June 27. Coneola 92. Paris, June 27 Noon. Ijfentes 55 and 90. Liverpool. June 27 Noon; Cotton ooen ed quiet and steady. Uplands 8 : Orleans : . ..... . Later cotton ami and unchanged : sales 10JM); wdek 63,000 ; exports 5000; stocks ac tual count 883,000; Americans 83,960; receipts oo:iaa A.uieriuttu actual euorui ouuv. Later Savannah and Chi and Charleston May shipments 8 la-16. Evening Cotton elosed American 5,G00. . ! quiet; sales Cotton Markets,. : WILMINGTON, June .27. Net receipts 18;" exports coastwise 27 ; sales 100 ; stock 1,58a. Norfolk, June 27. Net receipts 286; exports coastwise 275 ; sales 200 ; stock 5,045 Baltimore, June 27. Exports coastwise 26 ; sales 257 ; stock 9l6. . - Boston, June 27. Net receipts 4 ; gross 99 sales 200 ; stock 10,600. j , Savannah, June 27. Net receipts 197J sales 857 ; stock 3,702. , - Charleston, June 27 Net receipts 130 ; gross 324. - - Wilmington Markets - Wilmington, N. C, June 27. Spirits tur pentine quiet 41. Rosin quiet at $2.30 for strained ; 5150 for extra pale ; 15.00 for win dow glass. ;- . ' Crude turpentine steady at 12.00 for hard; S3.00for yellow dip and virgin.. . Tar mai ket steady at S3.00. ; g50 BUSHELS WHITE MEAL Just Received to-davl June28tf ; W. C STRONACH 10 BOXES PRIME PACTORY 100 Smoked Broiling june28tf .... Beef. . c. htkonach; 5 BOXES PROCTOR & GAMBLE'S Candles lust received. June 28-tf W C. STRONACH. pATAPSICO FAMILY FLOUR. Elmgrove Family Flour. . Iresh lots- of each.; -Je28-tf W. C. STRONACH. CHOICE GREEK PICKLES. je28tf ' W. C. STRONACH. O 0.M For tale by je28tf W.C. STRONACH. rREAM OF THE YEAST7 BAK- J Z ... r: :' ing Powders. Dooiey's Baking Powders. ; . "8ea Koara." " . Twl n BrQtner'Yeat Cakes. Je28tf , W. U. STRONACTI f i '- 1 ' ' A F E , W Ai N T E P , '. Medium Size. One of VHerrlngs- or "Watson's" prelerrecL- ' ; my5-tf R. F. JONES A iXK