DAILY NEWS. fjfONE t UZZEUj, - - Proprietors. 1 AYETTXVIX.IJE STREET, , over W. CL Stronach & Co.'s Store. CASH INVARIABLY IK ADVANCX. The DAILY NEWS will be delivered to subscribers at fifteen cents per week, p:i,Viiole to the carrier weekly. Mailed at f7 per an uuru ; fcJ.50 for six months ; 2 for thre e "i'ue'wKEKLY EWS at $2 per annum. DAILY NEWS. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Bqn&ra.ene in8ertloH....7i.t.t 1 09 One sqnara, two lnflertlona........-.....'..... 1 60 One square, three '"""", -yr.7. , ,. 2 60 One square, six insertlona 3 00 One square, one mnnth -,;,. 1J1I-- ,, 8 00 One square, three months " , , , 16 00 One square, six mnniiL. 80 00 One square, t' elve month a, .....i. 60 0C Dor larger advertisement, liberal con -tracts will be made. Ten lines solid non pareil constitute one square. . "VOL. 11. RALEIGH, N. CL SUNDAY M011NING. JUNE 29. 1873. NO. 108. News 1HE SUNDAY. ..JUNE 29, 1873. LOCAL MATTER. B. C. WOODSON CUT Editor MORNING EDITION. Ho- jTjqcAL Briefs.-. ' '; . ',' ..V.; -Nopolice news yesterday. ! Judse Cloud is at: the National tel. . , , V;-' ,. ... ' The civil docket will .be taken up to morrow in the Superior Court. We were glad to see lion. D. M. Bar ringer had sufficiently recovered, to be out upon the street j eater day. ' Capt. T. C. Evans, General Traveling Correspondent of the Richmond Enqui rer, is in the city at the Yarborough. Colonel D. Schenk', of Llncolnton.and Col. W. l Bynumof Charlotte, are in attendance upon the Supreme Court. Major Richard Watt York,' of the Chatham county bar, i9 in attendance upon the session of the Pupreme Court. 1 .. y ? r . ' . .. : . ; An enterprising firm of advertisers are erecting a huge thermometer in the lower hall bf the. Capital near tbe South door. - The Milk of JIuman Kindness, N. B. Cannady, Esq. of Granville, a member of ; the,, graduating class at Wake Forest College, deliyered an ad dress on Thursday -last in ' the College Chapel on "The Milk of Human Kind ness." We admired the speech, en dorsed the sentiment, thought it a good thing, and for tbe benefit ot our young lady readers especially, publish it in full: ' ladies and Gentlemen : Of all the mysteries and wonders in the world's history, of all the themes ' upon which philosphers and "scientific men have made their deep and boundless resear ches, none seem to present a more invi ting held, lor the youthful pen, than the overflowing - kindness of . the human heart. Tilled as it is with love, kind ness a,nd benevolence we feel constraned o express in exulting strains the charms Has for us. Is there any one whose heart does not throb, with emotion as A gene The discussion of issues -of paternity before a Court House audience does not tend tt increase the general modesty of tlie community. . . We are pleased tQ see in the city yes terday Gen. Cullen II. Battle, the distiDguised commander, of Battle's Celebrated Alabama Brigade df the A: my of , Northern Virginia. '; A Miss, Rogers, of tV" tTm throw- cui aBouggy, near Wake For est College, in this county, Thursday iiiffht ami severely injured. Her ' arm a hpr head bruised in tta Ji uivvu 4v - several places. i The Durham Sunday School liad an " , t ftolisboro yesterday, pass- rituioi-u - . h this c.ux at, 71 a. m. ana returninglate in the evening ral gaod time prevailed. t 5 ration vesterdav of tlie list of Aisistant : Marshals .,r the mmroaching State If air an error occurred. The name of Robert t f EYrsu the" should have been 'RobahJF. Gray, of Forsythe." j 4 iw0rorm in"Wke county is nff.rprl for sale by Isac J, Rogers, iu ..Uonfap nf half of the, farm 1 lie aniun. ----- i. . i Vx.ir.rr fQiiprikUv aaaDtea lor stock farm renders it truly , valuable. Bead the advertisement in another col umn. , r . VAQtPrdnv evening a Frenchman by the name ot Bryant made an assault on Air. Ilesselbach, a German, aud the case was promptly brought before his Honor l be Mayor, when a very inteiesting trial ensued. Bryant could only state his cae in his mother tongue, and an inter preter was sent for. Enough ?was elicited by this meats to bind Bryant ovtr to keep.the peace for six months. wonders for tbes world.; But there is yet a token of kindness, which in its essence far surpasses all this. We read of it, talk of it,ijand meditate upon it daily. It is the: theory of government instituted by the present politicians of this graud olej Republic. It is the theory of men who say by their actions, that they desire that this Government shonld be one of purity-that it should stand as a lasting monument, as a bright star of hope to the millions yet unborn; Here jit might be asked, what is the essence of this great theory ? Ha 1 the politicians have concluded that the love of mopey is the root of all evil, and to rid their country , of f this huge - monster they propose to take all of this root of all evils into their own . philanthrophi'c bosoms for the good of their fellow-man. This we assist;! is the cream of human kindness; and does it not surpass all love on record j? Ponder the history of the past explore the archives of an- he looks around and finds exemplified LTw'.Tf? Sw?; in every action of-hist fellow man such ad. Wf i?efl.yU J?wt t0 profound love! for ones country. ' 5ucu i m . i r r ' uie oosom every a display of philanthropy as is now seen in every vocation of life. Let him who doubts, examine with us this morn ing, the tacts in the case. Must this be more palpably demonstrated than it is, when we see men and women toiling and! pulting forth every exertion in theif power to prepare a neat and beau tiful parlor for company, while they with their family creep off into the backside of. the. house ta live. Fathers and mothers undergo great privations in order to rear husbands and wives for their neighbors children. They are kinder and more considerate in regard to the feelings ot their: neighbors1 chil dren, than they are , in regard to the eelings of their own. See them at the table how ct mposed, how. ready and" willing to overlook every, species ot misbehaviour in the children love was not to be found in of Webster, Clay or Calhoun. Shall we encourage such loye by laying .back upon our ores and permitting "the poli tical current to drift U3 where it will, or shall ,we cry down, J, down 1 with Bu.c,h humanity lifting our voices heaven ward, asking that the postals of heaven may once more open upon qs the genial rays of peace, liberty and prosperity ? "Stars ol the South !, thy beams are here Here In this heart that weeps thy loss ; Though hidden, thou art still a spere, Serene, repined from earthly" dross. Eternal and intensely clear X" : Reported for Jhe Daily News. ' Supreme Council Friends of Temper- JFaipA,4 Jujxe.27 AWflica ol tneir gtvenflph ren'oi'thTlandlady dare become guilty) RevA. AvvMarigurn was admitted as of the same and tbey soon hear tne cry, i a visiting member, ana.: mvneu vu "Spre the rod ami you spoil the enna. ticipate in the proceedings oi me v,uuu cosing ExekcisIq op Wake For est College commencement. The Commencement Exercises of Wake Forest College closed on Thursday night with the annual social party. At the request and solicitation of many ot the older heads present, the Rev. Dr. Hatcher, of Petersburg, Va., attempted to deliver his celebrated lec ture on the "Modern Dance," but was necessarily compelled to close it ab raptly on account of confusion in the audience. What we heard of the lec ture "was really entertaining, being well expressed and somewhat facetious in style. The argument we thought very deficient and believe very little good will be accomplished tby the lecture. It is never too late to do good, but our opinion is that it is rather late in the day to commence a reformation on the Abminadab Sleek basis. It is further more, a generally conceded opinion that an argument dependant for its support upon the tearing down and utter, inni hilation of a profession equal in dignity to that of Dr. Hatcher's is no argument at, all. , .. .; :. ,:'X We refer to the harsh criticism on the medical profession, who, according to the speaker's idea, as we understood him, roamed the country at large.with a plentiful supply of calomel on hand seeking victims which, ? when found, were dosed only with this compound, and nothing else. We believe, however, that the Dr. knew better, and only made this raid on the doctors to make his lecture funny, in which attecpt it is our opinion his failure was completer We regret that the lecture was cut short by the impatience of the young to hear him through, but we thinK tne yeung people were exactly rigbtm co audience dispersed by couples in various dirgc- . i.. ornnnrt and LIiruU"Ll luc i.iiiiia - xu. Programme ,op Closing Exercises of Raleigh Female Seminary at J the Baptist Church, Wednesday Evening, July 1st. Organ Solo, by Prof. F. A. Bohl maqn. .Prayer by Hev. T, H. Pritcherd, D. D. Chorus and Solo Gloria in Exceisio Deo De Monte. . ' Essay by Miss Sarah J. Granby, Ox ford, N. C. Essay by Miss Cornelia E. McDaniel, Raleigh, N. C. Diplomas conferred. Benediction. '- WEDNESDAY EVENING, O'CLOCK at Tucker Hall, the semi-annual con cert will occur. At the close of the concert, Dr. L. Von Myerhoff, the new music director of the school will perform "Rhapsody Hongroise" No. 6, by Liszt. These exercises are public. MiS9iNG. Hardy Grace, a . colored lad aged nine years, left his parents in Kinston some three weeks ago to come to his mother in this place and has not since been heard -from. Hardy has small pox marks on his nose. He has relatives living in Newberne and La Grange. His mother is greatly dis turbed at his prolonged absence, and would be thankful . if. papers would copy this notice as it may lead to some intelligence of the missing boy. Resigned. In our yesterday's issue we inadvertently neglected to any" tw fipn n o.TtneUemocrauo - "b . - , tu! --ftimtv. and that tWe Committee oi - . . d F H. BneA J" -v1- Who can say this is not kindness of a c He Sfeaketh tub Truth. Brother ahriatian Sun. has re- U Ci.uuo mw . I centlj been a guest at the Yarborough House, and no one wUo has seen Broth er W. will doubt his judgment on good living. Hear him: "I am quartered at the "i arborougb, lloue, wuh my young friend Rev. J. T Whitley. The Yarborough is. per haps, the best kept hotel in North Carolina, and here I find every com fort. It is said that ' poets are born, not made." So I think about hotel keepers. Dr. G. W. Blacknall was suiely bom to keep a hotel. I wonder how he ever attempted the practice ot medicine in early life. The Doctor is an old acquaintance. I have been stop ping at different points for a number ot BnA h ultvava man aire to make uis last bouse the bent. ; The Ysrhrough ..aiitv Thouorh it is vt more lOtb UUlJi O . graciously maniiesteu iu mcoc iz corpOrated fcompanies, who have made it their express ousiness to aueuuiu iuC wants of others, ana more especmnj this made manifest in the actions of the mnifUninnui ho.st : of asents. See them in their regular routine ot lite, hunting men as the huntsman does bis rame. See them as they go through the swamps, rivers, hillsides and mountains -a't a whole day telling a man ot bis :...oto f tVe imnroTcments of the ! tCl (.310 1 world, and ' how s easy 1 he would die if he knew his family would get 1 ?; ftfin -or 9(20.000 bv it and then leave without hardly asking him to take out a policy or even to buy a sewing ma chine. Then these good men are so numerous it is said that wnen ngamius struck a tree n the vicinity of Raleigh and killed seven of these life insurance agents, that on, the next, morning there were seen standing by fourteen others, moufning the loss of their dead brethren. Ought we not to Devery uian.iui iui such self sacrificing men ? But there is Another class of persons who, on account of tbtir kindness of hearts, should be honored we see this class daily enduring great pain, both mental and physical. Tbey are actually sac rificing'health, the sweetest boon that God has given 'them. This class ia the professed fashionable people of the net, in various Bttuuuo ui UUi " j young ladies wear double beads, the result bf "which is ar" most satisfactory trial of the elasticity of both skin and hair they wear such a variety of crevices, humps, bumpa and irregulari ties as are now seen in the physique of the Urger half of tbe human species, were never betore hearp. oi, luougm ui, : i n th'ia ia rimed or even imagines ;i v.. . . without a fTown or sigh, together with the woes, pains and agonies of defor mity, tor nothing more nor less than to please the eyes of others. Here lan guage tails us, our tongue falters, our heart throbs with emotion, but the ;norr man seem? comoelled to nuvic iu n- . Tta rJeiitrJrftd a stirrinff ' address in V V... . w.w O response, wnicn was usicucu w marked attention. Rev. A. Coke Smith, representative from the South Carolina State Council arrived and took his seat, after being duly obligated. ; . Rep. Hill ottered tne ionowing resolu tion which was adopted Resolved, That the provision ol our ritual insuring welcome : of visitors to subordinate councils, be bo construed, that two-thirds of the members present at any meeting of any subordinate coun cil ma nrohibit any member of the Order whom they may aeem uuwuiiuj the Council taking sucn SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. Northern Timothy Hay Grain and Feed Store. at Osborn's june 27-3t A1 U being enlarged and greatly improved, burst forth ina cry of enthusiasm, is still de- The followiug cases a.. .Mir ruiidora rominff to the vlty of Oaks, will find this a splendid place to stop at. V Supreme Court. Court met yester dav at 9 a. m. All the Justices present xoit Ju lire Bovden who I I", tained bv sickness were argued: . J. L Carson vs L. A. Mills, Ruther Harris and Busbee & Busbee for plaintiff and W. P. Bynum l.r defendant. W. W. Gr'ur. et al, vs M II Rhyne, Gaston. H. VY. Guion for plaintiffs and J. H. WiUon and D. Schenck for defen- ilant. :' . T. M. Parks and wife ys A. A. Alex ander et al. Mecklenburg, 2 cases. R. lUrringer, C. Dowd and H. W. Guion for plaintiffs and Wilson & Son and W. Bvnum tor defendants. Remanded to Judge below to find facts, L. D. Chdds et al, vs, 8, Martin et al. Mecklenburg. Busbee .& Busbee and II. W; Guion for plaintiffs and Robt. Strange and W. P. By nuin fr defen dants. ' ' .' The Court" "adjout-ned to meet this morning at 9 o'clock, when cases from the 10th District will be called.- Baby Found. Can dace Tyler, a col ored women, living on theMordeca1 farm near this city, found in the cotton patch yesterday evening a colored infant about three weeks old, which from all appearances had been there for at least fit teen hours. Sue was arivingcows I from tbe pasture and was attracted to the spot by the cries of the infant. The child will be sent to the county, ' alms house. No clue to its inhuman mother has been as yet obtained. or and glory to you who are so magnan imous as to sacrifice health, pleasure and more especially jour good looks for the eyes of others ; And again, it seems that in proportion as we are made to gratify our desires for ther fancies and shows of dress, in the same prppurtion are these desires urged and gratified tht we had rather wear the finery ot another and be Jim man orn women as it may be, than to wear our own neai, though paid for linm H of this to s done for the gratification of the eye. Is it not the very essence of human kind ness. Fain would we dw to a close, this description of kindness, but as we deDicted in the lUU&.fllVUUU mm , from visiting tinn Rev. T. A.' Carruth and brother Jas. Cutrer offered the following resolution which was adopted by a rising vote : 72sfoid. That this Supreme Council a uoreUv pvrpnd to the orcran of the nrrW The. Friend of Temperance our un qualified approval and endorsement,and nur heartv cobsrratulations to our broth" er R. H. Whitaker and his excellent rfe " Minnie! E. Ray " for the very suc cessful manner in which the paper has been conducted. Resolved, That we do pledge ourselves to a continue support of the paper, by earnest efforts to increase its circulation bv our contributions and prayers." - "Revs. W. B. Wellona, oi Virginia, A. W Mangum,iot naieign, i. a. vatruw, of Florida and A. Coke Smith, ot South Carolina, in short but very complimen tnrv stwecheslto the paper and its man- .n,m fjvorftd -the adoDtion of the agvuivu Vf - Adopted bv a rising vote Tn roannns A. the editor said, he would tnr tn merit in future a continuance of the high esteem which the Supreme nnnnfii- ikd iuat maniiesteu in suuu XVUUAk J complimentary terms. The report of the eommittee ou con otitnt inns was adopted as follows i Art. 3, Supreme Council amendel by inaprt.incr "bienniallv" THat"a note be made, in Subordinate Constitutions saying,that offenses under Art 2 do not. embrace violations of hoh- Art- 2 andthatArt. 10 alone refers to violations of Art. 2. The report also sustained the) McKenzie decision in the Cape Fear Council case. Art. VII amended by inserting six months instead of 12. . Mon Whitaker offered a resolution looking to the collection of temperance statistics. Adopted. . . A letter was read from Rev. Dr. Dame, regretting his inability (tq be pre- sent. ' ' "- ' '-Rep. Wellona made a report from tbe Coramitte on the state' of the ' Order. This report represented l he order in a moBt flourishing ana successiui tion ably and discharged its duties in a manner which redounded to tne interest ot the party and credit to himself. Mr. Busbee'a appointment gives great satis- I:;;,. th Litarv Halls, through faction, as his reputauun v--., A,n,a T0 rliiatrv and enerev is wen esiauusueu. Hio rmasaws. me caauei. uiauivj i 1- . r!rpm Saloon and every other accessi ble point about the premises. We saw a great many pretty ladies, and lots of ugly men. It was our intention to report in full (ala Jenkins) the various costu mery worn, together with the appear ance, &c, ot the most fashionable and attractive of the fair sex present, but lack of space forbid; and again, u would be a dificult task for us to dis criminate between the personal attrac tions of at least a dozen, and we Know that our opinion would not be generally indorsed. For instance, n we assert that Miss A e k 1, ot Henderson, was the prettiest lady m the party room, the question would be at once nkP f 1 saw Miss JM e e s, oi College Hill; Misa M e E n, ot Lou isburg; Misse3 E s and McD Is, of Raleigh, and probably others. This wouki really confound us,and we would not be able to say whether or not we were right in our assertion. We com mit this part of our report to Harrel, of the Henderson Tribune, who was present with his note book, and will doubtless be able to perform the task. The oartv closed about 3 o'clock A. M. - - ,.W .11- Nothing ot a ctijagreeaoie or uu- )leasant nature ocfipurrea to mar me enjoyment of tbe occasion. NOON DISPATCHES. Miscellaneous Items Washington, June 28. Louis Tera ger, of Louisiana, has been appointed Consul to Balogue. j : It seeins to be" determined that Worthington shall ' succeed- Clark as collector at Charleston. His commis. ision will issue next week, upon' Secre tary Richardson's return. ; sf4 Cleaveland convention "' of jsuperin tendency . und general . ticket agent? postponed the full pass question to the next meeting. " . ' . - . ;. . Another fire at Pdrt Au Prince de stroyed the greater part of Commercial Quarter. : "; .Emperor William has recovered. -- - The, new Prussian Court for the , ad ministration of the ecclesiastic law has been formed by royal ' decree. It is composed ot eleven judges, five ; ot whom are Roman Catholics. , Archi bishop Cologne and his suffragers have been summoned to explain' their reas ons for' excommunicating two : priests who joined the old Catholic organiza tion. , COMMERCIAL REPORT. New York Markets. 4 Nkw York, June 28. Cetton quiet. Sales 908 bales. Mldllngs 21, . Four inactlver a shade easier common to lair extra $8.00 Wheat closed quiet, holdus anxious. Corn inactlver, scarcely so firm. Pork and lard a shade firmer. Navals dull. Groceries quiet. freights enchanted. Cotton, net - receipts 314 bales. Gross 314 bales. ' ' Sales for as follows: future 8,600. -Market closed August .20 5-1(1; 18H; November l-ia. j JqIv 20U i Antraat . 20 oeptemoer i5?i ; ucLODer Foreign News. Madrid, June 28. A column of Re publicans under -Castano, was surprised on Thursday last. They fled in great disorder to Pampeluna. Upon their entrance into that city, the inhabitants rose up against them shouting- "Death to Nouvillas uc wmy onfife . It l j jieli"1 - , , The KoyeromenV troop ondei r; GeDe- Carlists, commanaea oj w""r" The New Spanish Cabinet. Mimmi. June 28. Senor Margall has formed a compromise Ministry which is nnnot;tntoH na follows: President - of KsJ UOtl Luivv . Council and Minister of the Interior, Margall ; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Maisonave ; Minister of War, Gonzales ; Minister of Finance. Cavagal : Minister of Justice, Berges ; Minister of Marine, Curich; Minister of Colonies, Sorni. 18al8 1-18 ; DecembM8al8 : Money easy 3a4. , Sterling 9. Gold 155. Governmenta duU and steady. States dull and steady. . . ;l- ,, , , i,t : Foreign Marketa. i 0 Ixndon, : J one 23 Noon. Consols 92a Paris, June 28 Noon. Rentes 55 and 90. Fkajjkfobt, June 28 Noon. Bonds 96. LiVKEPooL, June 28 Noon, Cotton open- ' ed quiet and steady. ' Uplands ; Orleans HY. Savannah and Charleston, July and August delivery 8. , t Later-Cotton Irregular sales for specu laUon and export 2,000. . , . Later Sales bf American 5,000 bales. Savannah and Charleston, May shipments 8. Breadstuff quiet. ' Wilmington Markets. ' WiucisoToir, X. C, June 21 SplrlU tur pentlne flrmil. Rosin steady at. 12.30 for strained ; $2.75 ior No. 1. Crude turpentine quiet at 12,00 tot hard; 3.00 for yellow dip and virgin. Tar market steady at J3.00.; i J i - cotton Markets ' Noetoijc, ; June 28. Net ''receipts 605: -i to wwkn iso au tuuq block a,WZ. B AtTiMOEE. June 28. Gross recetnt&MA' exports coastwise lOOLsatoTlTirni ; mid- , Boston, Jane 28,-Cotton quiet ; mid dlings 21. . j ' . Wilmington,- June 28. Net recelpte exports coastwUe 61 ; sales 14; stock 1,508. Mobiub, June 28. Cotton quiet ; low middlings 17 ; middUng 18. . JEPOR OF ,TBLE . .vMX ui i Aur Of ike Raleigh Nationat ,Banh, of North uaronna, at, lho w y nm, June lZth, 1873" RESOURCES. i::;.;:'tfii,099 15 NEW ADVERTISEIE TS. I R - LINE TO OXFORD. FARE REDUCED. Visitors to Oxford N. C,. will find it to their advantage to stop at KITTRELLS SPRINGS as they will always find on hand w p wot ,T with his fine Horses Wtons, Buigiii and careful drivers'. Parties 'will be carried to any point. w r' wu ' June 29-2t . -TTALtJABLE LAND FOR SALE IN V WAKE COUNTY, N. C. The undersigned has 141 acres of good land well improved and plenty of good nlA ,4 Are - - Grakd Excursion From Charlotte tc MoREHEAD ClTV AND BEAUFORT. Through the courtesy ol our menu o. S. .we are informed that there will be a rand excursion on the lotn proximo, from Charlotte to Morehead City ana Beaufort. An excursion train, consisting of a sufficient number ol the Company's ele-' gant coaches for the comtortable ac commodation of all who participate, will leave Charlotte on the 15th prox., at 1:30 p. m., arriving at Aloreneau uy on the morning of the 16th at 9 o'clock, and returning will leave Morehead on the morning of the 18th at 7 J o'clock, i. ok...lntnnn tVio frvl In Winer ana arrive at vumiucuu 0 morning at 2:40 o'clock. : The attractions held out are numer ous, and in addition to the splendid fishing fine boating, bathing, &c, there will hf a nonv penning on the inst., and also a grand dress ball nriMnucs y lie an enioyable a p w .A - - " r . i j ivprcthincr will be done by tne ranroau authorities to make the occasion pleasant to the excursionists, and we advise our people to leave "dull care" behind them tor a,day or two and take this opportu nity of enjoying themselves. The train arrives at this place at 12: oo rr, nnd leaves at 12:30. returning arrives at 3:33 p. m lnttfi nt 3:40. condi- 1 The price of a ticket from this city . , ohnnt. rwvi acres adloinlni -r tooii imnroved. one-third or nre of rich bottom, water plentiful, hav ing two creeks, springs and branches, two OIThere are about one hundred acres liter ally covered with herds and other grasses, which grow without any attenln. It is so situaieu iuv '" ;lr . a stock farm can be carried on together or separate to great advantage Ac. The land is a) mnes onuwenm i..i.s.", within seven miles oime wwuw h All" or any part of the above land will be sold on goVd terms, or one or two good n rferred. as it requires money and energy to carry on two farms success- fUFor further particulars address meat Raleigh. I can be seen any day at my ofhee iKSSf101'-.. ISAAC W. ROGERS. Cuban News. Mobtle, June 27. The Tribune has a letter from Boston, saying Butler will have the Gubernatorial nomination. Gen. Ouesada is reported to have re ceived the fifty thousand dollars promis ed from the United States df Columbia tor the cause o! free Cuba. The Cubans hPTft are elated bv the details ot tne re- fiVt encasements in Cuba, and express ;nrDOoAfi confidence in the ultimate liberation of the Island from Spanish rule. The Cholera in Tennessee. Nashville, June 28. Twenty deaths to-day. Raining and sultry. I Memphis, June 28. Nine cholera in .terments to-day. W earner very Vorable for crops. - Loans and discounts,'. I t n i t a. Ronds to secure deposits,- . 100,000 00 U S. Bonds ana securities uu : Other stocks, bonds and mortga Due ttom Redeeming andRe-, -serve Agents-GoTd f36.W ' Currency ,141,91ftA4 Due from other National Banks, Due from other Banks andBank ers.... - . Banking House,.-....;..... Other Real Estate,.-. Furniture and Fixtures,....... Current expenses...' ..r4 Taxes Paid, Premiums, . Cash items, including stamps,... Bills of other National Banks Fractional Currency, Specie coin,.... .. ; Legal tender notes,... 51.H&W 1 Y 178,195 70 230111 ' 13,607 28 ' 60,000 00 , 1,391 00 Is058 88 , 6,729 44 ; 4,087 84 54,493 21 " 1,159 23 ! T 16,901 51 : 350 00 ' 665 00 ' . 90,000 00 i. H.71727 54 unfa- LIABILITIES. M1DN1KUT D1SATCIES. 17th This affair as o l a n d y ' a PATENT PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES and S A W M I L L . Carey, N. C, June ICth, 1873. W. C. Morgan, General Agent, Raleigh, N. C : Dear SiR:-The machinery JPurcnaeu iynm vnn arlves enure 8aiiu;""' - Shingle la&Tne will cut from 10.00J to IV OWjIr day. The work Is well and accurate- ThTsaw Mill is cutting lumber finely ; i he largest day's work I have done wltn it w wSw feet? I have been in the lumber business for tyventy years. The . Blandy Engine of 25 horse power will do about double the work that I have ever had one !ry j r tmatMi horse Dcwer. VUIf machinery i3 nded iu this neighbor hood you will have no difficultly in selling My mill is very much admired. Yours truly, " june28-2t a. u. rAur. rj'IIE FaTiTiKHS FRIEND PLOW Foreign News. Vienna, June 28. Anarchy prevails in the Turkish province of Bosnia, caus ed by the persecution ol nnsuans uy Mahomedocs. In ..one district of the province 270 Christians have been murdered within the past six weeks and the perpetrators ot crime remain unpunished. No efforts are made to secure their arrest. Foreign to Turkey demand an lCUHObumiv . investigation, and call upon the authori ties, who offered protection to the perse cuted people. The murders ha?e great ly alarmed the Christians in the pro ving and many have emigrated. A London despatch from Penang, says the Dutch government with a view of terminating tne nobusimuw, made an offer to the Sultan to pay all the expenses thus far incurred in the war. to rebuild the Mosque which was . -w 4. 1 an. burned by me uuku uwp, knowledge the independence ot the Sul tan and to abstain from any interler ence with Mahommedism. In return Holland asks hat certain privileges De granted to Dutch traders at Achenesee Capital Stock paid in, Surplus Fund,.. Discount....... Exchange, ; Profit and loss,.... a... National Bank circulation out standinK. i-l Dividends unpaid. Indiviauaiijeposiis,-. Cashier's checks outstanding,...'. United States deposits,-...,...-..--; Deposits of U. S. Disbursing of ficers, ...... -v - rinn tn x.t,ional Banks........!. . Due to other Banks and Bankers, 1500.000 00 37,000 00 .. . 181 16 88 99 5 54,437 45 " 450.000 00 ' 332 00 430,641 93 ; 810,53 132,166 12 1 89,191 88 1235 58 2,938 90s f 1,717,827 54 I Charles Dkwet, Cashier i, of the Raleigh National Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is correct to the beatofmyknowleadUeA, Subscribed and sworn to before me the 26thvday of June, A. D., 1873. ' HcHARLES ROOT, NoUry Public. . CtorrectAArrEST : W. G.UpChtjrch, A. i. LEK, C. Dewey, u Directors June27-3t REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the Citizens' -Nattonal- Bank, of Raleigh, North Larolinaat the elose . of ousiness, June 13, 1873 ' ' IS THE BEST IN USE, and leaves for Cbar- tion. An amendment. was adopted making countenance ot these our fellow students; Associates ot $tatel3ounci Is eligible 1 l:f-s o.-rr t A a ro I a 1 d,LAmn pAHTiri 1 to tor the round sum of $4. trip is fixed at the low mrw.ViorrrtA look as if ' to say.' dare you speak in such glowing termaof what others sacrificed for- the public eye, and leave unnoticed us, who are now suuer in so much to gratify the eyes of oth ers To you whose lofty aspirations have caused to mount stilted heeled boots, the Oscajcis ot which resembles some lonely peak-may the gracious smiles of tbe fair ones greet that ruffled brow, may those flushed cheeks and miaed lin's speak consolation : to your lnve-strickeu hearts. This night as ooota in the SuDreme : Council. Rep. T. A. Cdrrut" oftered the follow ine which was adopted.' - j Resolved, That the Secretary ol the Rnnromo 'ouncil be instructed to notity the Supreme Council of the N. F. T. that in the elefction of our officers, we did so with the full understsnding, that in the' event of consolidation their Su preme Council is to have the selection of each alternate ! omcer, a i""i06Vi j them in their basis of union. BeD Carruth offered the following, you launch your bark for wield or woe. ilicu wa9 adopted by a rising vote : tnair heaven send a eentle breeze to wt t. Resolved. That the thanks ot the fou- Dreme Council are due and are hereby , Our Chubches To-Day. Divine ill be held at the following oti v i Churches to da)-, (Sunday.) Strangers and others in the city are earnestly and cordially invited to attend. Gentle manly ushers will be present to conduct visitors to pews which are always free. Edenton Street Methodist taurcu, Edenton street. Rev. A. W. Mangum, officiating. Services at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 o'clock p as hundreds of North Carolina and Virgin ia will testify. For sale by - , E. II. PLUMMER A CO., 121 Sycamore street, Petersburg, and bv LEN H. ADAMS, june28-eod3m Raleigh, N. C. gWAMP LANDS FOR SALE. The following Swamps Lands in North Carolina are offered for sale : Big Swamp in Robeson, n,uw acres , White and Brown Marsh in Columbus and Bladen, 24,000 acres; nnrts. Madrid. oeno .uiiu ( terday appointed Minister. Maiine bw resigned his portiono. oenor ri xToaii in nnnouncinff to the Cortes thA rptirement of Aunch asked that the deputies refrain from interpolla ;,.n on Recount ot the withdrawal of Minister! Maime. The remainder of the-1 Cabinet have not been confirmed, and the crisis in the Government continues. A motion in the Cortes that that body be constituted a committee on public safety was rejected- Front New York. ' r .i New York, June 28. James jacK son. colored, has been convicted of mur- der by the Coroner's jury. Mary Sullivan ana jerre iuuumu, highwaymen, have been sentenced to 15 years;in the penitentiary, - RESOURCES r Loans and discounts,... Overdrafts,.. r-;,":' U S. Bonds to secure circulation, Due from redeeming and reserve Duefrom other National Banks, Due from other Banks and Bank- ers-. . Banking nouse,..... -? Furniture and Fixtures, Current expenses,..... Taxes pald,.... ..... ..- Premiums,......." ..- Cash items............. Bills of other National Banks,. Fractional currency... . Spede, xm,-...'. Legaliender notes, 816,455 '95 8,829 35 100,000 00, 88.429 97 l. 4,853' 03 , 19,781 81 4,500 00 4,700 00 1,107 53 8,855 00 1.576 25 14,328 00 1,275 50 1.111 45 33,000 00 f-i 021,303 84 LIABILITIES. While eoina to a - . -V - ' Holly acres ; !n New Hanover, 53,240 fire this morning, the tender to fire engine upset, injuring six men, one fatally. Five sun strokes yesterday, one was futal The nealth Inspectors to-aay Capital stock paid in. Surplus iuuu, Tirnt and loss...... National bank circulation out- Btffnrtlng, ............' Individual deposits,.. .. Due to National Bancs,...--. Due to other jsan&s au jnm.- $100,000 00 3,700 00 17,852 50 i87,900 00 38588 50 5,493 54 ' 9,069 30 12,000 00 i 621,303 84 are Telegrafhical. On and after Mon day next the rates for telegraph messages over the Western Union Telegraph Com pany will be reduced about 25 per cent : Fur 25 miles and under the new tariff will be 25 cent for the first ten words and 2 cents ior each additional word ; over twenty-five and under fitty miles, 30 cents first ten words, and 2 cents for each' additional word. ' Jtnav heaven send a gentle you ever in safety and security. Scientific men and Philosophers -5 are rtf0fi or fatuity and untiring re- searches; the Astronomer views tue monuments of the-heavenly bodies and deduces these from great theories ; the Geologist with his penetrating mindis able to dive into the profoundest mys teries of terajirma, and there to gather from the depths ores and venous mine rals which benefit the world. We find a man who is so daring and ambitious na ta snatch from the stands the-' fiery litrhtniner as it flashes from pole to pole, Wnd hehds it submissive at his feet. Shelter Angola Bay in New Hanover and Duplin, disinfecting the sixth, fitth, third, first 50,000 acres; , c-and other pestneroua waras. . n,Lt.nnVtT TnnPR and OnSlOW. 8O.UU0 1 ,,r C V, U.nnUlcn TToalfh u o u uuka jt. i wriievi'""" - r 7 the Planter's I JJT. wai's, ui iu uiuumju Baptist Church, corner Salisbury and tnrbffcompln to alternate sections Board, .has issued sanitary instructions otroota itftv. . I . ii. rriicuiiiu. i ,v,oi-nf nnon cuiuuiciu" i 0..ri nrpraiiunus iui uuwue w tnrougu nhu o t-, M. t p A Wiley, Cashier of the Citizens' National Bank, do solemnly swear that the above Bto&ment incorrect to the best ol my knowledge and tendered to the citizens ot Raleigh and the Proprietors of the Hotels, for their generous hospitality during our stay in their midst. Also, to the several rail road companies for courtesies extended: Uo tn Oak Citv Council, No. 16, for the use of their Hall, in which to hold our sessions. ' '( . . , An hour was spent in neart ieit speeches, from which new courage and; zeal were gathered, for the work which is to be done, 'j The Supreme) Council then, after a mnot. harmnninna and Trofitab!e session n. .r.u.i ...t. l.n.a.hilitv ia so I Innr rlnvo ndionrned to mett in Ma- great, whose style is to pleasant, whose rian, S. C, on the 2nd Wednesday in voice is so musical as to hold bathed in I June 1875. i ! . tears the thousands that nstenana in ; - , iQ-0 tyi.ra TXiM time have their cheeks gloV Sine the 1st of September 1872, there ible. All of these have things are grand ana powenui m been received in Raleigh 21,644 very natures, and haye accomplished bales of cotton, all ot which was so this market. d in V.rlpnlnn D. D., officiating. Services at 11 o ciock a. m. and 8 o'clock p. m. Presbyterian Church, corner Salisbury aud Morgan streets, Rev. Dr. Nor- thmn D. D. officiating. Services at ii o'clock a. M. and 8 o'clock p. M. Christ's (Episcopal) Church, Wilming ton street. Rev. Dr. R. S. Mason officiating, services at 11 o'clock a. m and 8 o'clock P. m. .' 1 " St. John's (Catholic) Church, corner Wilmington streets. Rev. J. V. McNamara, priest, officiating. High mass at 11 o'clock. - Person street Methodist Church, Rey. Mr. J. A. Trimmer, officiating. Service at Uo'cloek a. m., and 8a.m. k St. Augustines (CoU) Episcopal, cor, ner of Lane and Dawson streets. Rev. John Bmedes, officiating services at 11 o'clock a. m., and p. m. a 1. a. r AAA nr,iiil Prairie in uariexei, o,uw J VXJL acres; Dover Swamp in craven , .wu aci Cat Fish in Craven, 8,320 acres; Bay River in Beaufort and Craven, 41,- nOO acres; Swamp Lands in Dare county, Durants Island, 8,000 acres, . ' Sealed bids will be received for any one or more of the abve named Swamns. until theSth day of September. 1873. The land will not be sold in small parcel. wi" 0,,ii.i BtAte all the terms of hirbidVmuch he wlllpay cash, and tho time wituiii v.v,..- m - nWuT will be made ; whether he will sur ev Ihe land himself and pay a certain nrfceper acr6,orpaya fixed price for any Ene ormoVe swamps without survey, or re quire the Board of Education to make the SQEvery letter containing a bid hould be adTrSsed to. the undersigned wltn words. MBia ior bwiuf ; - upon it. at.vx. MrlVER. Secretary Board of Education. June27-law4w Raleigh, N. L. every effort against choleta. Subscribed and sworn to beforeme the 2Cth day of June, A. D., 1873. A. W. HAYWOOD. NoUry Public. Financial New Yovk, June 28. Specie ship ments 11-8 million, Bank statement : loans increase 2 5-8 millions, specie in crease' 1 -4 million,legal tender, increased nearly 2 1 2 millona, deposits increase over 3 1-2 millions. Weather Probabilities. Washington,- Jane 28. -For the South Atlantic States, gentle to Iresh haastriir to southweBierlv winds. rtiv cloudv weather and occasional y. .-j raiu aicaa.., 7 ... j - Correct Attest W. E. Andkrsok, Kemp P. Battlx, W.J. HAWKINS, A. B. AHDREWS, Directors. ' June 27-3t g50 BUSHELS .WHITE MEAL just Received to-day, ' rl- . r June28tf " ' W. C STRONACH lO BOXES PRIME ' A F E W A Medium Size. One "Watson's" prelerred, of N T ED. HerrlngfT or my5-tf R. F. JONES & CO. FACTORY 100 Smoked Broiling Beef. ! v - june28tf .. -W. C tsuwasx. FAMILY " FLOUR. TATAPSICO liVooh lria nf MkP.ll. je28-W W. C. STRONACH, ElmgTOve Family Flour.