THE DAILY NEWS. rat dat. J AXC ART 21. IKTi, ji lu(tr. M DAILY JfeWS I Ike Oalr rapr la taa Cltf of Raleigh Tki Tafcas thm Tatorrapalc Report. L2 JOB PRINTINfi Tba Nsvs Job Department has bn thoroughly supplied with every want anl with the IstcM sty Irs of Type. ril every manner pf Job Work can now l tlotie with aa&aeaa, dispatch and che.ipnew. Wa can furnish at short not;.- BLANKS, BILL HEADS, LETTER UEAUS. CARDS, PROGRAMME. HANDBILLS, PAMPHLETS. POSTERS CHECKS. DRAFTS. Ac. MEW COUNTIES. Tbia is emphatically the era of chixig a well as of progress. Bat change ia sot always progress, anil It aoaetixses happens that change is aciaal retrogression. Tli era baa rarely been a Legisla tor in this State which has cot been besieged bj propositions for new coemtiea or for changes of coun ty lioes. There is sometimes merit in such proposition; bat occasion -aHj they are made cither in tbo in terest of individuals or from mo tives of whim, caprice, or partisan inflaence. We think it is about time for the Legislature to put a stop to the for mation of new counties. There seems to be an unaccountable mania in some sections on the subject There are now ninety-three coun ties in North Carolina, and the in crease in the number of counties keep rapidly and disproportionately in advance of the increase of popu lation. The constitution provides that the House of Representatives shall be composed of one hundred and twenty Representatives, chosen bi ennially by ballot, to be elected by the counties respectively, according to their population. Each county ahaU have at least one Reprcsenta tire, although it may not contain the requisite ratio of representation. The General Assembly is directed to make the apportionment; and in TnaVtwjj the apportionment for the House, the ratio of representation is ascertained by dividing the amount of population of the State, " exclusive of that comprehended within these counlia. which do not severally contain the one hundred and twen tieth part of the population of the State, by the number of Rcprcson tatirea, lees the number assigned to each county. To each county con taining the said ratio, and not twice the Louses, and great inconvenience and embarrassment are occasioned by the want of suitable public buildings. Tin re. -ire various fvpensea incident to thf formation f new counties whi. li nr.' not taken into considera tion by some jHTStms who so ciamor-o:i-ly a Ivocate them, and after they hiwc.nifd the measure through, neglect to make nny provision for the r.utfntenance of th rights and privileg s of the counties so formed. We trust the Li-gi Mature will nm &.hr c;.reful!y before it enacts any m re bills for the formation of new counties in any section of the State. Surely ninety -three counties are cnongli for our present population. It will lx more becoming in us, by a course of wise legislation, to fill up with immigrants the counties we already have than to odd new ones, and thus entail additional expense without any corresponding benefit. lie said be believed the more he hated the rebels of the South tl9 more he loved God. ! He declared lie believed that .the spirit now rampant in theSotitU has got to be crushed out by another war, and be longed for the appearance of Home colored man able to become a leader amon his people, wielding the hwoid and torch. He said the bishops oiiht to come out publicly and declare ihejwhole truth about the treatment of the colored people io the South, but lie didn't believe they would. If they did, lie knew they couldn't return to the South, for if they did they would be hung ; hut he intimated mat. it was no worse to hang it bishop tlian a minister, but he suggested if it was done it might wak.' up the iki pie mucker than anything ele. He thought the biliojs were too tender hearted ami they reminded him of the man who wanted to cut oft" his dog's tail but he was too ten der hearted to cut it oft" where it ought to le, o he cut oft an inch at a time. The speech of Mr. Ives was received with frequent demonstra tions of approval ; some of his most Radical utterances exciting consid erable applause, mingled with laughter. CANDIES. D. ROYSTER & BRO., Candy Manufacturers, R A LEIGH, N. C. Pnr? fresh Candy offered to the trade at ."SOUTHERN PRICES. Also for sal by Wholesale Grocers In this city. Ask for KOY-TKR'B CVNoY aud have H O! hr It l.x PU r K. J in ( y A W A .NTS. N T E D W it Hhares of North Carolina State Life Insurance Company tock. at par. En qnlie Ht Ftata National Bank. jHtl l!-tt COTTON GINS. QOTTON W1JNB. W are Sole .Agents in this section for the TAYLOR IN. I irhlch Is acknowledged by those who hav oaed It to have no superior, and is confi dently recommended by ns to all in want of a thoroughly reliable machine. We are prepared to furnish tnis or any other Gin mftnuiuiDnn. uvuu ...... short notice. Any person wanting a Gin should order It AT ONCK. 'hat we may have It here in time. WILLIAMSON. UPCHUKCH THOMAS June 10-tf M MISCELLANEOUS. C A L. E-'b r-M MISCEXLANEOrS O j F & H O P i B FUUMTURE. A. WATS O N NVashisotos advices indicate that CongTC&s will dodgo the Lou isiana question entirely the Re publicans have not the nerve to meet the issue, even at the com mands of their master in the Whito House. Says the dispatch : "The Republlcansof the House are caucusping- over the Louisiana ques tion to-nlgbt. and the leaders will move an early adjournment without action." And so. poor Louisiana is to be left at the mercv of Grant, Delknap and the "banditti" Sheridan. The Republican party has become frightened at the audacity of Grant A Co., and will not openly endorse their actions ; but it is none the less cowardly to leave these despotic tools of an unprincipled party to execute their hellish intents, and the Republican party is none the less rejx3iisiblo therefor. Ir would seem that I'inchback has again come to grief, for the time being at least. His new cre dentials, from the present bogus Legislature of Louisiana, it was thought would immediately seat him in the present mood of the Rad ical members of the Y. S. Senate. Rut n Washington dispatch states that his credentials were referred to the Committee on Privileges and Kkcfior.s, "where'they will sleep." Can it be that the Republican Sen ators arc cot prepared to endorse the Kellogg government, in obedi ence to the demands of Dictator Grant? In St. Louis a dentist has refused to fill the teeth ofa"cullud pusson," and the United States marshal has called on the Attorney-General for troops. Jt is not certain whether Sheridan will be sent out or whether his Excellency will "take command in person-" V. Herald. Dr. Jfagnan, who was prosecuted recently at Norwich, England, for inserting absinthe in the veins of dogs, lias been awarded a prize of $-"x0 by the French Academy of Sciences for the same experiments, showing tlie ettect or alcoiiol on quadrupeds. Mr. Pclligrini. the admirable cari caturist of Vanity lair, is about to marry Mrs. t. ollins, daugnter of the late Charles Dickens, and sister-in-law to Mr. Wilkie Collins. A telegram from Hong Kong re ports that the health of the Emperor of China is in a critical state. Forty Kentuckians rode two days to kill a fox worth sixty cents. FOKMKRLY WITH XV . II . flORRISS Si CO., CABINET MAKER AND L e a 1 e r in Furniture, One door East of Carolina House. All kinds of Repairing neatly and promptly executed at moderate prices. Mattresses constantly on hand and made to order, such as Shock and Cotton and Hhuck aud Hair mattresses made to order at short notice. I also keep oc hand all kind of Bedsteads, Tin Hafes, Beureaus. Wabhstandi, Tables, Ac Wl and see me for I am determined to sell stieaner than them all. B. A. WATS N. iet-3-tf - Kaleigh, N.C. CUUriSSMUAAl CAKU. g"iTw arTd w . por Attorney at Law, 8MITHFIELD, JOHNSTON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA. Jan 9-3m B. H. Bukk, N N & SAK'lT. WILLIAMS WILLIAMS, F No. U R N I T U R E W. H. MORRISS & CO., 3 Kayetteville street, Raleigh, N.C, IlKAI-THIX!. J If CI.Anov. plfTui!te Btiiuulanttt, provided they be nbsoluiHy pure. are ai:ouz the mt useful medici nal agents einpToe.l by dunlctans. When the tone of tli sysu ia is lowered by the ' depreH-sinK Influences f, ir (lit re 1m an Inherent want o( vlor In th con stitution, they st-rve ! counteract weik eo I n tendencies, and cheer the niliul of the desponding Invalid. Hut when, in the caae of Uostetterw Hitter, they p ew tonlcand alteratlre properties, their efl.-ct.s are rendered permanent, and tie. accdin plWh a -rebly b-netlcial xesuli. i lie Mi ters not only relieve nervous debility and menial depression by their healthfully stimulative ac'.n, but infuse abiding vlior into the depleted system, and rectify tbohe 1 n lerenl dixt urtairocs which are the real ru of weakness. The purity and the whoit-fcomeneks ol the alcoholic ohsis of the Hitters ureat'y Increase theemcacy of their botanic Ingredient, n Im-t whtcii tlie com pieteueaa vf their curative etrecis utirUfleuilv demonstrates. " Jan i'.'-HAWlw M Kr ItlKS. iKalers in all kinds of Furniture, mat treases. sprin c beds, Ac, and have now in More and arriving dally, the best assort ment of Fino Furniture ever brought to this market. Those in want of nice furniture at bot tom prices would do well to call and exam ine before buying e sewhere. Respectfully, aug 27 Cm W. H. MORRISS A CO. J3 D. jl TTOIIJTE ITS jtT L,jt lf ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. m- Practice in the Snnreme Conrt of the State and in the Federal Court at Raleig u mh 1-tf. A L T E R CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW. RAXKIGH N. C. Practices in the State and FederalCourts Collections made in any part of the State Office In Yarborough House building, nozi-tf LADIES SALOONS. AT OW OP EN! The Ladies' and Gentlemen OYSTER SALOON AT Moseley's Confectionery EVER YTTING IN STYLE ! W Y C K ! MANUFACTURERS OF THE HOPE ENGINE, RALEIGH. N. C. D GIFT COffCERTs TO THE AMOUNT A t tl-e N. C f fate GINK received the Fair, 1874. our HOPK KN I GOLD MEDAI as i lie est steatn Engine for general use, and the S I LV E li M E D A L t s the btist rertlcal Engine. Win. O. Up- We refer to the roiiowing parties wno nave our ""iTt A W Shaffer Oorh- ehurch, of Williamson. Unchurch A Thomas Raleigh. N C., CoL iJ'V. C. ; mtfistoiifir in RankruDtcv. Kaieiirh. N. C. : Messrs. Farmer 4 Co., ooiasoero. . K. E. Best, Green county, N. C. ; J. C. Wooten, Jr., Kvneton, JN. o. We manufacture the celebrated SEP ARK PLOW, f And severs I others, and are agents for the celebrated prepared to furnish the trade at low figures. We are FIVE. HUNDRED T1I0U8A Vr 27Ch OF FEBRfrny BY THE PUBLIC I4BRARv,, TUCKY, UPON THE Hf THEIR FIFTH AND I.avt , ?' 's : ; ' I. One Grand 'tin Gift, : One G aud ( anli Gri. : One Grno I'mhIi i.I i, : One Jrninl CjikIi G ft. . One G and fash Uifi , ft h) Gifts $' I I'lCaxh Gifts, 14.MI ean,' ISChmI) Gifts, lO.tKjiieHcl,' OCitKh Girts, 5.UU each' 'J5 Caii itf. , .iMtem-i, ' i fcJuii Gifts. 3 (Ka-li ' .VlCmfh Gifts, 2,000 early' lll0sK,OJf'r'.1.0ieHCti 2 10 Cah OX An, 50t each' .0(10 (ish Gl f.s. UK) each ' 19,000 Cash tt4,' 60 eacl,', WtWTlcieUf59, Halves t ''-each Oonponti fet, V J Ticket FoO lckti,or Informallon an THOMAS E. nRA.vfLKTrr: Agent and Manager, LouUvin, t- Jan 19-DAWIm . LefFel Turbine Water Wheel, the bet Water Wheel, which we will se 1 at manufacturers Pvernftnufactnre Saw Mills and Mill Gearing. Shafting, Pulley an'i mill machinery of every kind. For full description and price list auaress McCALLUM, WYCKOFF & HOPE, R A L E I JG U . N .... Ci an 16-tf -piRST AND FINAL PONKMKNT OF TDK F FOR paI.K OR RENT. O li RrE N On reasonable terms, FIV'K ROOMS of a splendid residence, beautifully situated aud in a good neiihborhood. Would salt a small fa nllv For other particulars call at DAILY NEWS Office. Jan 19 lw ESIRABLE LAND FOR SALE Make this a place of resort, and no pain will be spared to EX CELL. Ladles are assured that nethlug shall oc cur to mar their pleasure while here, and they are invited to some to nov 21-3mos MOSELEY'S. HANK'S RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE This highly successful Manure, which. rr sale Five Hundrel and Thirty Acres in Warren cotintv in hall Will of Littleton Ik pk on the R. G. R. R. Will be sold in t r.ti'ts io suit purchasers. Address at once. WALTEB CLARK, Attorney at Law, Ids Raleigh, N. O. HOTELS. A N G E HOTEL F O R E ratio, there sLall le assigu- ed one Repreaentalire; tj f.uh eormtj contalniog twice, bat nut three times the said ratio, there hall be assigned two Represcnt.i tires, and so on progressingly." Taking the census of 1ST0 as a baas of calculation, we had in that j ear a Totingpopiilation, including whites and bhcis, of two hundred and fonrteen thousand one hun dred and forty-two. Dividing this number by the number of Rop resent&iiTes in the, one hun dred and twenty, we find that the arerage number of voters to each Representative is seventeen hundred and eighty-four. Now. if we exam ina the number of voters in some of ths new counties, we find that a large majority of them do not con tain anything like the voting pupu lation required on the average for a Representative in the House. For instance, Pamlico and Dare in the East, do not together contain enough Totera for one Representative; the former haTing eight hundred and four, and the latter six hundred and fortj-fleren Toters, making a total for the two counties of fourteen hundred and fifty-one votes, or three hundred and thirty-three, less than required by the average, for each county. Again, if wo take the new counties of Swain and Clay in the West, the disproportion will be still more apparent Swain cast only three hundred and sixty-one Totea in the election for Governor ia 1872 its Toting population is not pnt down in the census; while Gay eoold boast in 1870 of only four hundred and ninety-nine voters in aH So that Clay and Swain com bined do not contain one-half of the arerage to ting population required for a Representative. But still these counties are each entitled under the Constitntion to one Representative, regardless of the fact that they con tain less than the ratio of repre sentation. The loss of representa tion most fall on some of the more popmloru counties that send two, or three or four members to the House. In ft number of the new counties already formed, we understand that no court houses or jails have been erected, and the people are opposed to being taxed for the purpose of building them. The courts are held In some instances in cabins or oat- 1 Thikf. is a proposition before Congress to reduce the expenses of the Xavy Department by abolish ing several useless n:i'y yards. This naturally raises a howl from the towns which are likely to lose the manufacture of Administration vo t .rs. New London and Pensacola are crjing aloud in their anguish at this proposition, and demand to be heard. The lieecher-Tilton-Monlton trial i.s dragging its weary length along, and serves to gratify the morbid ou riosity of the thousands who read the reports thereof published iu the New York dailies. We suppose tbe decent mind of the country is thor oughly disgusted with the details . il. . iT , oi mis auair, ami we make no ex tracts from the trial. 1) LA NTS, Rl'LUS. SEEDS AND I KtKS KUlt Dvrora: ive Planting of evci y Inscription I" ALL SEASON. IsT I. T!:e u. w catalogue of KELVYN NUR SERY. 1'ittsboro, N. (.'.. in now ready f..r delivery t ill applicants, poatfre". It -on-Uuii ueiM-rlpt.oiis of Thirteen Hundred varielle of Ornamental Plants tor hale. The tcic i onlHts of nhnde and lawn treeti, Dowcrluu Mlirubat, c. I ruber, green house and oeiKiing plauta. row aiid evergreens of the fluent torts, atlapted to our cljmute. Plann for improvement and estimates, as expUlne'i in tae catalogue, from a Muall plot to a p irk. Klou--r Seeug for Fall Plan! ing. H.'irdy A nnu:l are hefit wheu sown in nniuinn. Majtnlti (inindillora liould le punned fnin s.t ptniber Jkt IO October 1 - t r . We offer all Mzi f. liulrti Hi. ibi of every atyle ready on arri val in September. Our list emlia'eH the niM-ral rt rnluriiM lu .i.swr: iiipii'h. t i inl ever Im li lini rled than i ' ' ' i.rin i soT th:- st hsoii. r l r fir (i Oranue HeiiL't are txk-ii ii i', for ilillverv at auytlnieln fall or wmli't. s Is, Iltubs jiii.t sma.l p!i.nls fr.-e by nisi!. I. rge's by frt ighl oi Ki pre .s itaiiy ny (.'balhani K. It. cr mini. v i r! ne, our p-rdizn K 's- Haruy . :i e:i 1 y ; r' :i. in Hi tin mini; 'ii 4o vii I t C' int t. ry s. s, ( l ii C.s. lor t'Ht.i I-yiir, C. It l'ENsi.N. l'l I sloro, N. i. One tinif interest in one of the best paying In the City. The party wishes tj change his buRineas. Jnl-:i.i Address P. O. Box. 11 O It II K X T . F On Monday the 21st Inst- I will offer for rent, aa public outcry, for a term of years, tne Hoyden House property unless the H.iine b privately rented before that day. KentiiiK to take place on the premises. For further particulars adilresa or soe JOHN A. BOY DEN, i.ecll-tf Salisbury, N. C. Dec. 10. K' s (r ."i -1 .s- 11 : . .li n nt ts. l'.-r' til .i- .r til J i p.-r ilor- 11 . cr. riel:s. t mt:i r.o ric rli The defeat of Chandler for U. S. Senator in the Michigan Ijecisla ture is rather a surprise to the country. lie was beaten by one vote by Christiancy. who is at pres ent a member of the Supreme Court of that State. My A ' Ir 'i 1 -lii!i for tl.e s of Plants. -1 .li.i::. s .11,1 Kv-i gr ens. Is at the .. 1 '. 1. imncri ol .Mr. J imes H. Enniha. Jutt ri-oe v-i a splendid Invoic- of Hy. ci ut !is. 1 i 1 1, Crones aud many ot her va rieties or liiiitm. tiirert rroia Holland. These are of '!! tlrst iia! 1 ty, aud :n e sold n t low rates. A o a fine lot of Camel la J.iponi.-ii. tirders tor any ornarneu';.: platiiK, if left with Mr. I nnls. will rc Ive prompt at tention. '1 Im FUhw-ritw-r Is irniienll- In Kalelxb. ami will uMi'uJ iu piaus for Im provement prom,' y. oct is-u c. b. nr.xso.v. F O " li R E N T FOH THE YEAR 1875 That convenient office in rear of Citizen's National Hank ou Martin street. Apply tJ CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. dec IG-tf O R I take this method of Informlre my friends ard the public that they can rind me at the GRANGE HOTEL, f .rm-rly City Hotel, where I will take tbe best care 01 man ana Deost. dec-4-tf SIMON HAY'S. . ATIONAL HOTEL, fieBtfnIiy SilnleJ, sat t Capitol fnnrf, RALEIGH, N. C. A NEW HOUSE. Fine Rooms, Well Famished and Fitted op in the Best Style. A TTEN TI VE SEE VA X TS. -The Table dally supplied wit'i the nest this and other Markets affoid. 2. S. BROWN. Proprietor, Late of the Boydeu House, Salisbury, apr 1-tf. E CiUANOS. N U I N E F S A On reasonable terms the NATIONAL HOTEL FUKNITURE, and an unexpired Lease for seven years. This is a chance for a good investment; as the Hotel is well established, and in a flourishing condition. For further infor mation apply at the National Hotel, or to D. A. 8MITH A CO. janll-2taw2w. Wilmington. N. C. J MP' OUT ANT LAND SALE. Ql. I X O II THS T A T K FIRE 1 11 ii r c n Company, OF Kirk's Lasabs Kediviri. We made some editorial allusion on yesterday, paya the Petersburg ( Va.) Index, to the meeting of Metu odist ministers (of the Northern Church, of course) held at Boston, Monday, by which resolution were atlopted endorsing Graut and Sheri dan In Louisiana. Since those com ment were made we have received from some unknown friend a marked copy of the Boston Herald, which contains a full report of the pious ex ercises of that occasion. As matter of sinjrular, though melancholy and morbid interest, we copy the fallow ing extract from the Herald. We refrain from all remarks on the occa sion : there is no language at our command that rises to the dignity of the theme, or that could do It justice: Krorn the Boston Herald. Jan. lp? At the regular weekly meeting of the Methodist preachers of Boston and vicinity, held at Wesleyan Hall this forenoon, the recent difficulties iu Louisiana were discussed at con siderable length. Bishop Bowman gave an account of what he knew ahout the treatment of colored peo ple in Louisiana, narrating a number of instances in which they had been shamefully abused and deprived of life even. By Invitation Itev. B. I. Ives, of New York, addressed the meeting and hia jeech was of the Radical kind. He declare.! thorn ia altogether too much toadyism on the part of Northern people In their treatment of the South. He said we re undertaking now to coax the devil out of the niiserahi. Lwhelp down South, when nothing out strychnine and cannon ought to be used. He rather agreed with Phil Sheridan's declaration during the war, "that if he had owned hell, and Texas he would leas out Texas and lire Id the other place." Mr. Eves administered a castigation to the church, declaring that there is not a paper In tbe Methodist church that dares discuss the civil rlht Kill mil ulr thiHI Kfl...l tt ..., - ' s- uccuivaiu. lie said be believed tbe meanest rascals ID the Moutn are In tbe Methodist chorea Bon Lb. He declared himself a Radical of tbe strongest kind, and U HRETON, V. C. Cnpital Stock, $107,600.00 A SSETS: Mortgages on Ileal Estate National Hank Stock Solvent stock Notea Cash and Ixians on Call Due from Agents, ,,. Agents Supplle5... OHlce furniture (Safe, Ac.) Accrued Interest i ,' 1 MX 1.00 SIwjM.llO -',it.i2 fJti.89 7!i li f 122.fWi.06 LIABILITIES: Amount necessary to reinsure nil unex pired rinks on the baa! of the New York law. IIO.IA'). 1.329 Ah-icts to I-very 100 of Technical I. nihilities. e.pef ience According to the past Company Wi- have of the 2,45 to Every i0O LiabiIiti-. ol a OFFICERS. Co!. S . s. Davis. Prril.lrnt. IL Jonls, VJoI'rt'i;. Iixii, sectt tary. 1 will expose at the Court House door In KaleiKn. at 13 m. MONDAY, MARCH 1st, the rittbt. title aud Interest of Thomas H. Klacknall. bankrupt, la that valnac e tract of land on which lie now reeldea near tbe town of KlttreJlg, in Granville county, N. C, ou ine Raleigh 4 Oaaton Railroad. THF. HOUSE is newly kuiltand Is fur I'Ulied with the modern ituDrovementa. The lot adjoining is highly Improved. The tract con tains about sixty acres. Parties denirlnx to purchaae will And this a most desirable property LEO D. HERTT, A'ALTfRCURK, Assignee. ' Attorney for Assignee. janzs UiSWlds OF VALUABLE CITY PROPERTY. on Saturday, feb 20th. 1875, at 12 o'clock. I will offer for sale in front of tbe Court House door to the highest bidder for cash, the house and lot now occupied by Paul Liucke sitnxte on Blount Street, ad Jot 11 inn the I. .t of Henderson Bmllh. The house is new and In good condition, the lot contains one-half acre. The above sale is to Hatlsfy a mortgage made by Paul I.lnckeand Susan nls wife in lavor of the .Mechanics Building and Loan Association ot Kaleigh, WM. SIMPSON, becretai y. At the same time and place I will also sell for cash the House and Lot occupied by Daniel Clenxay and his wife, Said honse Is nearly new and well finished. The lot contains about oue and one-half acre, and s situated In the eaatern part of tbe town on Re-.t Avenue. The above sale is also to i-ni :fv a mortgage in favor of the Mechanic-' Kiilliluii and Loan Association of Kal-' 'h. Wil. SIMPSON, Secretary, . At the same time and place I will also-' sell for cash, one-half of Jot No. 96, in the pl;n of the city of Raleigh. Said lot la bounded on the north b y Martin street, on the east by part of same lot. on the south bv lot No. apd on the west by Blount st reet, containing one-half acre, and two storehouse-. Said sale is to satisfy a mort gage made by James M Harris and wife to the Mechanics' Building and Loan Asso ciation of Kaleigh. . WM. SIMPrtON. Jan li-till Jeb20 ' Secretary. G PERUVIAN GUANO. IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. By instruction of the Peruvian Govern ment, their A cents here have advanced tbe price ofGUANAPE GUANO, from Septem ber 1st, lh74. to sixty-two dollars and fllty cents. (J6250.) Gold, per ton of 2,240 lbs, gross, establishing at the same time a new bcale of discounts, the lowest being of 50c on parcels from 50 to 100 tons, and the highest $3.70 on 500 tons and over; as nsual, they will not sell In lots or less than ten tons. UNDER THIS NEW ARRANGEMENT I AM ENABLED TO FILL ORDERS FOR LOTS OF TEW TONS AND UPWARDS, AT LESS PRICE THAN THE AGENTS OF THE PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT. I WILL. AS HERETOFOKE, SUPPLY QUANTITIES6 UNDER TEN TONS AT THE 8AM E RATE AS CHARGED BY THEM. Circulars containing testimonial, refer ences and full particulars, mailed free on application. R. B ALCAZAR. No. 53 Beaver St., New York. P. O. Box. 129. de30-tf. Q.UANO ! GUANO! GUANO ! We are agents for 8NOWDEN A PETER'S AHMOMATED SOLUBLE BONE PHOSPHATE, And also the Sea Gull Ammoniated Dissolved Rone Phosphate. These fertilizers have received the ful lest recommendations ef some of, the lead ing agricultural chemists ol tbe county, ana have been used with great success by many planters. Circulars and testimonials can be had on application. PARKER. B ARBEE & LATTA, Kaleieh. N. C Jan H-3m CINCINNATI. RAW BONE SUPER PHOSPHA' STANDARD GUARANTEED 200 lt s. MANUFACTURED BY I WALTON.WHANN & WILMINGTON, DE I ?03 STORES: FRONT WHARVES, HARF flY for many years has been used by the best farmers in all sections of the country. and on every variety of crop, is again offered to the P U B X I C as a Fert User especially adapted to the wants of those who appreciate the neces- s'ty of m-king their land produce !h highest po-hible yield. r" G rand "Gift Concert h.i' e been iven in theCitv i,r . bo o, V. c on u" December 31, 1874, For th purpose of ErertiB i0 Odd Fellow's Ternnl. 1 r Has Iwen postponed until Wednesday, March 17, Wl, At which tlmthe Concert ui; n., be given, and the draw Ir-y guarm A partial draw nz could have t...... .. . at the nine appointed, but Diimrou, ters, from agents and ticket r. 1 f mentiii . ider to secure a full clmwji. The Grind Glf I- the new nn J wy , , lnhed THE BENBOW H0USI s. WORTH Ml '.i). WHAM'S RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE is no nesv or u"ti ied imnure. It has been before the public for upwards of ten years, during wh eh t i me it liaa been steadily growiusr in reputation, until it ia now nniver sally recognized as one of the mo-t uniform y reliable concentrated fertilizers in the market. It Is manufactured from the best and purest raw materials, eveiy one of which is subjected to chemical analysis before beintr used. Tnepnrityof the lertlllzer ia thus assured. In addition to this, every step of its manufacture is conducted under the strictest chemical supervision, so that farmers are thus guarded at every point from any danger ot using an inferior article. On, Cotton. Corn and Tobaeco WHANN'S PHOSPHATE has produced tu most gratlft ing results, iu many instance far exceeding the most, sangnine hopes of those who have used It. We offer this renowned fertilizer for the comiuir season, assuriuer our friends that ths same high stan. lard which tins always char cterized it shall be rigidly maintained. . Asrents for North Ca ina for the Sale of WHANN'S RAW BONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE: rand Cash (UTt. Real Estate f.Mltt- CHsb tiiftx ' i.'rnnd 7 rl. lio.tiii Ml, IN. 111', I,,. HEFKKKSCfS.-W refer, by perti . to the Io lowing irenfliUleii ( mr and would be da I it the rr- lulu .is write to miv of t l.ein : R. P. UICk. Jit'lge p., s I ir Werrn It'strictot N C THO-.S.' TTLK. Judt-c SLpr. M ,. . . T. t-t KEOG'l. He I ier li. i, 1. r ut (O M. 10U(JL. D s M..rl:il W. H HALL. Uui'-r S orflio hCrKY iL;ltlO IT. E.K. IV " CHA8. E. SIIOIIK ....f linn .f. Shober. Banbera. JULIU- Aj GRAY, t HKlnei i.l 1!.. of Green-sttoro. R. M. HTAhKORD. Shuiff ot (imli J D vi H ITE, F'OHtmaNter. )D LLRHANAOj , Mciil.iu i J. W. SuOTT, MarchaniK. Price of Tii-Iift, Namoerof TlrW.-t l-su. ! V I" Wili.iamsjx. Upcnrncii A Thomas, VrcK A Mkbank, ROUNTBKE Co.. White A Shaw, Hyman a Uancy, Burroughs a springs, - HODGIS, HlNSHAW ft CO,, ROW LETT fc TANNOR, J AS. SLOAN t SONS, - Raleigh, N.C. Wilmington, N C. Wilson, N. i . Louisbnrs'. N C. Nrfoik, Va. Charlotte, . C. Wins-ton. N C. Petersburg. Va. Greensboro, N. C. How to Rum IT. Money bhouM ii-' by Register-Hi Letter, P! Office ti'iif. Kx press, with name, Pt' Ofiice, r.nn. and State of ttiepdrrhascr written i l:i.n. For further particulars apply to Uimii. ager, Box 8, Greenslxiro N. , CYRUS P. MKNDKNIMI.I., Maiirn: AOKNTs WANTED. Jan 13-1 ill March 14 H ELP THE POOR KATHr HLKK-S ! A . rtept ttie following o inions of some who have used WH ANN'S RAW P.OVK HUPER- Green Level, Wake County, N. ;.,J Nov. 25 1ST I Messrs. Williamson, Unchurch A Thomas : ftt Gentlemen : The ton of Whann's Raw Bone Super-Phosphaie r-iircn.iserl of von lnst. Spring made the best crop of cotton I ever made, and I consider It decidedly tbe best 1 ll.a I ii . . ....... I T . . t . n i . Yours truly, S W. MITCHELL. Messrs. King, White A Shaw Louihbivg N. C , Nov 9, 1874 oenuemen .i n r. ply to your inquiry as to my opinion of Whann's Haw n. ne!iner. Phosphate, I unhesitatingly say that by comparison with other fertl izer- .liirU- the last, three years, I am satUfle'i that W'hann's has turne.1 .ut ef er crops for me'tlmn any ot it, r. and I expect to continue to use it. Yours tmlv y J HN Oxford. N. K. JHOMA8 C, Dec. 13. 1X71. A RCHITECTURAL Iron and Jail Works. WAKE T II CAROLINA ii : P P. Wx.J. Norwood. Tre-iMiri i . T. C. William. Snpervi-."--. oct I.5-dlawAW12ra JU S T R i; C K I V Three car load Kcvldtr, bright j.ii 1 neu-. t'uucai load t bucks. Two liunitred dozen Egt". all com-iined and must besold. MrMACKIN it P'AISOV 0 LI) NICK W I L L I A M S' Whiskey for s.ile bv Jn l-tf K. F. JON1X A CO. mlum Valley Whiskey for sale by t W. PIKE & CO'S X X X kj. l ri jau y-tf P 11 3j0 ions of the celebrated Cotton and Corn FertiUxer, PHUINE, arriving and will be sold on the most reasonable term. Janl7-tf. MCMACKIN A FAJSON. U E COUNTY. In the Superior Ceurt. Anson V. Parsons, plaintiff, against Patrick Murray, ilt-f.-ndant Summons and no tice of Attachment. To Uie Sltcriff uf Wake Cunty Greeting : Yon are hereby commanded to summon I'Htried Murray, the defendant above nam it. It he be found within vonr bo and appear before the Judge of our Supe rior 'nun, at the Court to be held for the "iinty of Wake, at the Court House in Ra leigh, on the hth Monday after the Al Mon day of February, 1875, and answer tbe com piajnt which has been deposited In the of nte of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, at the time of Issuing of this summons, and let the said defendant take notice mat ir ne rail to answer the said complaint during that term the plaintiff will take Judgment against him for the f-nni of twelve thousand, ore hundred and thirty dollars and thirty-five cents, with 1 merest on the same from the 1st day of Ha id tarm. Herein fail not, of this summons make due return. t;i ven under my band and the seal of said Court, this 22d day of December, 1874. J. N. BUNTING, Clerc Superior Court. The said Patrick Murray Is also notified thit a warrant of Attachment has this day been Issued to the Sheriff of Wake county against the property of him, the said defendant, returnable to the Pupeilor Court of said county, to be hald on tha 8th Mondty after the 2d Monday of Febrnary. 1875. J. N. BUNTING, Clerk Superior Conrt of Wak county. Battlb a Sons, Plaintiff's Atty. dec 24-lawSw M. CLEMENTS Manufacturer of IRON RAILINGS BALCONIES AND VERANDAHS, Jail Cells, Rank Vaults, Doors aud Shntters, Iron Fronts. Columns, Lintels and Girders, Iron Be steads for Prisons and If ospitals, Designs and Specifications Furnished on application without charge. M, CLEMENTS, dec 19-d3m Cincinnati, Ohio. Messrs. Williamson. Unchurch A Thomnn Ralettrh xr J; ii c rV,fp , ,.f v'V.m ln uxror.i. a very decided success has attended f ?PRl ni?,f Whann 8 Raw Bne SDper-Phosphate. Tne land was ooor?anl the s ason dry. but the crors surpass-d our expectations, such a fertilizer will work ita own way, because those who have used it once will want itagaiu. s J. H. MILL3, Supt. Messrs. King, White Shaw: Ced,,r Koc1'' N- - Kov-12'- lear Sirs .--This is to certify that we have used Whann's Raw tone finper-Phosnhate. the pi- .tseu-o., aud are as well pleased with it as any we have ever uwj-that is on co-ton we did not use it on anything else. r UBOU lMl on Yours very respectfully, J. J. TUOMAs. OhO I). WE-r. Louisburg, N. C, vov. 10, 1S74. 1 have been using Vliaim Raw Bone Super-Phosphate and of her klnrts of manuiac tu d lertllizers for several years, aud feel confident in saving that I nr" Ier Whaa7l'LT ar s- other. I cheerfully recommend it to be a first-class fert,lii?r; and expec Ho con tu.ue its use as long as its present kept up. p con j m s-DiWlm SABASTIAN vACOv .l.'-O. CAYTON. ii U N l i I T T UONCMf K K -IHK BEN HIT OF IIIK ORPHAN AS Y I. I'M. $17,500 IN GIFTS To Lp Distt ihtittl among the . Holtlers. 'I'iiA.- A (J i ft 'outfit will l. beM In "W ILSON, 3NT . C . On Wednesday, the VHh .Fid. . For, the ex. hulve I'eiiefl ol Hie nril.n Asy'nm hi fo-i. TIi 'KETS ONLY TWO oLI. . NiiihIht l i lc et-H n ; ri.imn. '.''ifiin' io be given avv, makniK over mi- i" every .even tickets. REAL ESTATK (JlrTS.- One lot in the rown rt WiUonj N. .. coiit iiiilt.g l!i in Willi li't'.'" 11 il ouvi-lileii: l 1 1 nti. 1 ;i 1 1 J.' I I rf nif., ii ii.l -il I lie esii- i "li i al -In nisen, miii;ii... mi li;iru. s stree. Va il tt al t Oueelig.ii t -J Ktoiy rcsldei cc. In Wllsou.e-t' nerot PlueaDtl Green str. eta. v uh acres, aud con taining H looms, h-caled In the most eligible part of I lie lowu, valued at One 14 acre lot. situated on le corner ol Vance and Stig sirs wini ilea ntiil imiI houses.'valued at CASH GIFTS; 1 Cash Prist. 1 - 'OK IM . a N UNDER TIIE STYLE OF 0."3rTTOISr SO UTHERN ! i 15 BOXES BULK MEAT, 10 kees Lard, bast refined. 20 boxes Candles. 10 kegs F F F Rifle Powder. 10 sacks Bio Coffee, 10 " O. G. 30 Cheese, Factory, cheap. 0 " Fancy Gilt Edge, at UPCHURCH A BAGWELL'S. Asxi-oio and Stone yyarlsf ! One Door East Corner Morgan and Blount streets, RALEIOH, 'N- G. Constantly on hand all kinds of American and Italian M.rble HeoUstones. Monu ments and Tomb-; Krauite work f.r building and graveyard purposes. . All Monuments and Tombs executed in the finest style None but First Class Mechanics employed. Parties desiring to purchase shouM visit as before parcha-sing .North or elsewhere, as we can furnish work much cheaper. All woi k warranted or no sale. Address all messages to " ' CAYTON A DUNCAN, my 1-ly P. O. Box 803, Raleigh, N. Q. 1 . 4 5 20 90 100 WW 1500 $10 1 each 50 " 20 ' 10 5 i " 1 li 9 1 .ip i i .' ' if j yi tK J ,(i' !,(. MISCELLANEOUH (iUTH: One Fine p Buggy W One Fine Buggy, I One Fine Gold Watch, 1 One Fine Ladies Watch, t ' ommlttee of Arrangements w Blount. B. F. Brings and A. Marttes, Kmjt. Depository Bank of Wilson. Advisory Boards-John Nichols, rg . Ral-lgh, W. F. Davis. Esq., Klttrell". A II A. WilJIamv, Esq., Oj ford, MaJ J.I. kins, Nashville, J. H. Thorp, Esq., Uxny Moot.t. Dr. K W, King, James W? Uu 'ti" ter and James E. Clark, Esqs,, WImii. While this euterpriae is not con t nc'e.l under the direct auspice of aiiv L'xlK'. yet lis object Is to aid tha noble' I mi"' tlon. the Oxioitl orphan Asylum, w!uU was estabhshexl bv the Grand Lodge ot " Siaie, and tbe inanxgeineut i emln ly in the hands ol members of the irtler. Tne ohje t Ik exclusively for the ix nclit oi the Orphan Asylum and the i iiiiiiii'I' '' ' eem it unnecessary to make any ext. 'I ed appeal Ut the p-topte of Ntrtli l aroliini In behalf of an Ins nation which '. ' worihj- of their t-upjort. The 1 ' n 1 of the tickets places It in the v wer .! every oo to aid noi e chuhc, hii it ?. same l me the cha n et-ol being ii .! - ed are uq lsuallv -MVirable. . It Is confidently believed ihat the ent. ' prise will be h success, but If from ' cause there shopld beau Oonort IhikI i trlbulion, all tin-morey recei.edf mn ticket holder- shall be return d to thi-m wi boat discount. No tickets sold will be entitled toscln'i' for the Gilts unless the m-niey lor the him"' bax been reot lve I at this ofnee. The Gifts will be distributed immedl'i'1' ly after the Coi cert. Any ierson lioldiug a ticket entifh d m h Gltt who desires the Asylum to have Hie bneflt of such Girt, will notify the secre tary by such endorsement on back o i lit tle net, and tlie same shall be appropriated as directed. ? Money for tickets must be sent by Keiclstered Letter. Money Order or Kx press, dire ted to - . A. BARN Es. Secretary. declS-dawtd Wilson, N. : R. H. BRADLrY, Agent. Kaleigh, C. 6 TUBS PRIME BUTTER W. C. A A. B. 8TK0N ACH. jU U-tf 4 i

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