r THE DAILY NEWS. rvBt.t.tnr.3 bt tbi ,.V-4 lt'llTIi-IIIXi CO.. ' ;.V 77. AA.s M ILniMi. Vv t- M.rtin tr . t. uer r'ayct'rvlllo St.. onri: fiTis! Bin. t or srcirTioj is advance: ,vn, bf tUA-i. p.t..e 17 ! mJnUi., m nootl -,iat moclS, J T, ,-,-r SaWr'tM, dMrrrl In any ,, v-t ' tfi" i""". F ft-o n' i"r w. r;r xo. rp V KNTY-T W O Y E. Its ;OF T PRACTICAL SUCCESS ! M A V s MAJC3' Hitrogenized Supor Phosphate, .OMPOEI OF ANIMAL MATTER. yr .-ja'ck and -cly action and per nrfti Imrnivtomt of th ol It has UO l-OAi. prices. HW. November ll f"T. o per ton. M A p i: s A C I U ! II O S I' II A T E ft core 1 1 r. tih crltu red only ft: i rr ton. F-- b A. c.M)EW A CO. II K t a u 0 r G B PHOSPHATE i r t-r mrt r-T i!ir K-rti lier rrr cr cu-wt ucc-!al faruu-ra. PRICKs: ' s. I 3-VT S ' N ve:ibr Is'.. ,f , w r r. V t '.I.- "i iav !( i r. n -. n iv rf p.i ;-r. l.o AC SAN DIIUS A CO. v r.n .! . . .. rv- si. i-i. r-.T . i" -u '.-r M C. : no!.; W in ; ul th : ? Pi -plist. . .- ! -!:; v!n t l J'l 'I . r a. '.'. f r. I !t r-ti.- .r..v r. r. jn IU.JT I ILfK II l ! :.r rt 1- J. I Vt'Y. J,'i :i(.)P. I'oi'-.lj-. I'-c !Tl. ..; A"fr rr!n; f.vr ! iT ." i? k ii.l. -f Krrt .: i-r I ufl ' h "" - !!. ?.'! tTf"!;" I '" n t It r.:e I I . f nH bitr. Inau An r I rvtr uM. I J vh-ixt.m Countv. IVi". I". .r. A. C- !-n.;. t- & l 'i : t.nt : I reV.! tl.irlt t -tr r..r SiVe k rio It rt;uI ! i- : -n ! I pi f- r it to I le i'UOICf or oy cUkt It'i-l I :- J- I, U li I N.N A NT. II rntt . ... N. r r - r A. t". inJ'! : t nt: t ! oi! the t r I"! wrh.'rr iti 1 qr.ni it "i. J n the unn a Mil II. Si .! rn rl wr'u.l v rr rB ito4 U Mjii ul In nil r-frv-t i,o..tf r. sti.wa: t. I r r. r rfr-;v;' - ' . - r ! ! I VlhUIMA Wi.l KV : - . . -i t- 4 I. WJU-K f t . f.'- r 1 n tr.l in ir s : - I i i - rr o CO 5T 3 g -. . ; " Z h "i - r 2 r - y MAMKAtTIHEIIS. N V o r Ii A (i E J HOME niDUSTRY. W b Uv to lb attention of HUTUEUN M Kit ii VNTS to oar ocic r-f Crtt- n Yrn. htlag. lir.tl. T.c. i J-. ri.nd. I hrr A, AC, tuAoafActurrd ty u of th Ttry t.t Cot la". W hre hl oxa nfrwrc In Hi's rn na'fia" of in s v- o-l. jijmr tn cflory . I n'a l ef t" nil I ii provrO Ain.l. we :l::r ourixlvc t:.l wm no ewmp-te In QUALITY AM PRICE with AO J" etAh!'i.cn-i Nor : h or ion h Onlr oIlli1. promptly lf.l rto ran at thin lce wiilioal allitloual rbre. A iMirw IIuLT J. M-RK. r-o,. r. (irinltf W ry. Hw Klver P. U . N. C T. M. HLT. A. G. M"n A- ranre Stu "jIlSCELI.A.NKOrsi. H OUS E, SIGN, FH ESCO E A N D ORAMFKTAL PAINTING. Havlac ben aarAt In the patnt'n lu Ir.eAA in all I tUDfiM for the poat S) tr, I repwrtfaiiy sCr ncy iwrv ie lo u pob'le. MOC8E PAINTING, plain o ornamen tal. IOX PAINTING -n aay atyla and In which w eannot be nrp"-el. FRkSHTlhU.NU, KAUSOMINlNU.UILIr rXO on OIaaa and OKN AM liTAL TAINT ING a peciAily. I rvfar all pervoaa In want of a aperior oo to ny work la Um city, wLlch anowa or luau. UMvp toeatad en Fait aJ4 rayeUerllla street, nest door to trte tAt N At imd Bask. CH4J8. A. KRAt B, -.? : 3-rr ; ' L: I I rj ir5- f : x ? ft "lililli "C ri E - ocsftr i i n VOL. VII NO 30. LOCAX, MATTER. E. O. VOODSON. City Editor. Jf-Tb iibcript ion lit ol the I I I.Y H i Inrrrr thaa that ol tiny othi-r Daily ia the Matf, and i double that ol nor other Daily H tle ch. AdrertiM-rakboulJ make a notr ol thi.I Post-OtGce Directory. Kor the benefit of the member of ton I.t .UlMtnre. we puhluli the following Di rectory ol the Pot-ofBce of th! city: Western MaII In r.oel At 5 P. M. ,liverr.l At ..1S A. M. yjuern " e!oelat Sln " OellvereAl At. P. M. Northern - rlnwl At US A.M. delivers At -: P- M. onee hoor for tlei'.Terlng of malls from H:30 a. m. to 6: p. to. Money Onleni are luueU and paid fram llii.ni. U tOO p. in. Letter can be lUstered from 9-.IS a. m. to 4 00 p. m. No mails teat or reoelved on Pun day. W. W. llOLDtX, PoaLmanter. - '- SPECIAL. CITY ITEMS. Ip.trK ! Ilica!! Bute ! ! For aala at Aborr. North Carolina, by D. I R a LA if or M. J. Irelam. aprl -TiSaCX f ok Sale I new Wllcoi Oibb-' .Mew In f Acbin. never boen oa- J. ana Jut re ceived finm the niAuuract' rr. Kor part le u;r app'y "t The News Orrica. drc 17-lf Local Hkikks No corn in the Newborn market on Sat unlay. Thel.itt-t thin? out "Tales of my Lamllord," by Turner. Iiolit. Hratlley keeps on hand the best iui'.iiy of cigars of every brand. Sunday was a lovely day, and all the Churehes in the city were well ti:: i. The fat-.ey oanlirs beint; manufac-tur-l at ltrinlley" manufactory can i.ot I e Mirjai d. The huiMint: of a bridge across Walnut I'nek. mar this city, is to l !. : out on thr l uh inst See notice in a;ilhi r eoiuinu. The Nkw j J nffirt is prepared to d all matin-r f j !' work upon the H'lotttt u.'ii-e ai.d the nio-t re.vton aoiv Iit:ih. (iive it a trial. Tin revival rontinue in the two I'..ip:.-t Chuii h - ai:.l l'l rxm Street M. II. Chureli. Several pt r.-ons were baptised al the !'.!'. Ilupli't Suuday liiht. 'lheK-.v. Mr. Durham, of Golds lH.r"tijh. p read if I at the First Hap-li-t Ci.ur.h lal nicot. and we learn citiilintie thioii'h the week to :i-it Dr. 1'rMchard. Wliaim'i Haw T.one Superj.hoi r'uale hat be:i u.-ed Miciesi.fully by m:.;iv t)f the btt farmers in all see ti.int ,,f the country. Head the nd- t rtifement in another column. In eonctjuenie of Wake Court bemir in -i 'ion. the Keistrar's ottice f .r Third Ward has l-eeii removed from the ( utt roi.m into the first otVi'-r- left-hand rwiu, lower tl-mr of the Coiirth.'iiee. Mape's firtiiiir. sold by A. ('. S.i-.itdi-r- fc Co . have i;ivn univer al ati.t'ac ion. I'be Siar Aminor.i-att-l Suluable riiophaIe hat Ik-ju siM liy lhit iirtn thiseao:i very lurtly. .ve their ndvertisei:ieiit. The St.:inlin C -mnuttee of the E: .--: d Dix'-eof N-trth Carolina it:iv- el. lit;-n:e I the :ipoilit inellt of I'. J;i',:ir, but h ave refued to r..i.:ir:n ii- .-ippiiiitmeiit of Dr. DvK'.en, ihe lU-hop elect of Illi 1 1 1 i Tlier.- will a par .de f the Ral- t-ils Li'ht Infantry to-morrow after n The new tla f the Company w ill be presented them in the Capitol fxj.iare at 4 o'clock. Members are or dered to meet promptly at 3 o'clock al the Ilaptisl CJrove iu fud uniform. "Ralciuh Favorit.w," Tx'pnl Tcn-d.-rs" nnd "I'riie Me1al" cigars al ways U le found at Ziepler's Cipar Stre, one door north of the Yarlor ouh. The be-tehewlnc tobai-co hI.-o kept on hand, including the"(lrave Iv." "J. T. Clay." of Hiehmond. Va., and;the"Heury TownvilleNut Loaf." The Hcv. Dr. Thoa. E. Skinner, who is at present stationed at Athens, (ia.. and w ho has U-en assisting Dr. rntvhard at the First HaplislChurch in this city for sonic weeks, left yes terday evening for his home, lie was utalioned here for many years, being a native of this State, and many of hit friendt here hope he may he call ed to the pastorale of the new Chunh which it to be built. I nkantu IDK. A case of infanti cide hat ju.tl come to light near H ills Ik rc. A young ngro woman and her uioii.er. livir.sr on the premises of Major ( ieo. Collins, the son-in-law of Mr. Paul Cameron, were the guilty pir:it. The Srntunl of yesterday evening g'vet the following, particu-lar-i of thit crime: A young n-vro woman was found iu her cabin, her neck tied with a rix' t the bed post, nnd the only words she said were, "Take me out (uick, or mammy will kill me." She Oted sxn after the was removed, but her death if-thought to have occurred more from the elhVti oT childbirth than from st ranulation. Major Col m immediately had search made to fh.d the child, the woman's mother declaring there had leen no child born, end there was no use In look ing for it. A barrel of ashes stood at thedo w with a hen's nest on top and three eggs in the ncst.and as the party approached it the old negro woman sung out. "come away from my hen's nest, don't bother alo-.g with it!" and thit excited their sutpiciou and thev searched in the ashes for the child, the old woman all the time making a great to do about it, but no 'laid did they find, until Major Col lint rcsolv-d to empty the barrel, and turning it over the dead negro baby rolled out from the bottom and itt arm and neck were found both broken. The woman was carried to llilisboro, and is now in Jail."' Pkksonai- Senator M. W. Ran som was registered at the Yarbor oufth lat night. He received the conjjratulatiou oi ins many menus here over his recent effort In the U. 8- Senate, which not only placed the people of the South right before the world; bat made for the peaterm natiop.xl reputation. 1 HE .2r Subscribers finding this notice marked are apprised that their term of aubscription will expire within two weeks. All renewals must be prompt."VH Prckjrammk of thk Mecki.kn ncKu Centennial,. The following programme for the MecklenburgCen tennial celebration at Charlotte, on the 20th of May. has been arranged by the .Executive Committee, of which Dr. Joseph Graham is Chair man and Thomas W. Duwey, Esq., is Secretary : One hundred guns, at sunrise, and ringlug of city bells, under charge of the Artillery Committee. To march at 10 o'clock a. m., Grand Procession, through the principal streets of the city, under charge of Chief Marshal and thirty Assistant Marshals, as follows: Military Companies. Fire Companies. Masonic Lodges. Odd Fellows. Knights of Pythias. Good Templars. Patrons of Husbandry. County Organizations. Other Associations of City, County, State and Citizens. Press Organizations. Various Centeunlal Committees, Accompanied by Various Hands of Music, and their own Spe cial Hanuers, Emblems ami Insignia. The Procession will be formed iu the following order : Military Companies on both sides of South Tryon street, right front resting in front of Central Hotel. Fire Companies on West Trade street and on Church street, opposite Fireman's Hall. Grand Lodges. County Organiza tions, other city, couuty ami State Associations, and Citizens' and Pres' Organizations, on East Trade street. Masonic Lodges, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias and (rood Temp lars, on North Tryon street, from the square to be followed by Hand of Music with Military Com'pniy, to be assigned by Chief Marshal as guard ot honor or escort. In carriages, the following: The President of the United States, Gov ernor of Tennessee and stall". Gov ernors of other States, Governor of North Carolina and stall", I'niud States Senators ami Supreme ard Superior Court Judges of North Car olina, Mayor of the city. n;n! other invited guest", orators a:id reader, accompanied by commit t v s. Parade to be throu 'li Ihe principal streets, to arrive al the Sp akmg Grounds at 1J o'clock M. After tho various com panics and organ izat ior.s. Ac., have been arranged by the Chief Marshal and Assistants, the Centen nial will be ojened with prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Roht. Hall Mor rison. D. D., after which reading of the Mecklenburg Dtdaration of In dependence by , fol lowed by addresses by . After the addresses, there will be. at 3 o'clock I'. !., a Grand Rarbecue. After which Military and Fire Coin pan v display. At night, "at 7 o'clock r. m.. Grand Torch Light Procession with Chinese Lantern. Emblems. Transparencies, Ac. Alter which addresses will be i delivered from theStan J in Independ ence Sqirare, on the site of the origi nal Declaration of May 'Jo. 177o, cor ner of Trade and Tryon street. There will be general illuminations of the houses on principal s(n ets. The Celebration to conclude with aGrand Pyrotechnic Display consist ing of beautiful Emblems, Figures. Motto, kc, appropriate to the occa sion, under charge of the Artillery Committee. PehsoNALS. The following an swers to correspondent- convey much general information: Durham. "Si fencing or boxing master here. i:i,liv:tii. 17 ou can buy the 2"0 acres of land. Price depends on locality, improvements, etc., but 3'ou cannot get twenty boys to learn farm ing tco much wort and too little immediate pay. i ttmtngtoii. 1 lie i sury um i:a now become, a law , and our banks are fullv oltt-vinir itt ret i ui remen ts. If odious and detrimental to the inter ests of yourpeople, it must be borne as best it din, as mere, is now no remedy for jt. Jirirciic, Cannlri Yes sir, Ral eigh is rapidly increasing in popula tion. No better evidence wauted than the hundreds of baby carriages to be found for sale in our vaiiety stores. Aix. Ho more liberal iu your views. Cheap thing-s are generally worthless. Murian. Look at our Columns and judge for yourself as lo whether ad vertising in t lie .i:s pas. Tarboro. There is no law that we know of to punish persons for crue'ty to animals. If your neighbor is cruel to hit mules, shame him out of it. All dumb beasts are kimiiy cii-posed ami are entitled lo kindly treatment. Lnchbury, Va. Would not udvi.-e you to conie lo Raleigh. Mrs. Slater and son are hrre, and seem to gi ve general satisfaction. SJiI!on. large tohr.cco factory wouid do well here. Many things to recommend this locality. Thank you for y:tir favors, and we will ren der vou what assistance we can. v.; ford. We can teli something of the past but nothing of the futup". All prophecies fail. Head the Daily News, and you will kep about up lo the times. JJariioU'i . Y'our article Is too long for a "Daily. Send it to the Slat'- Ag ricultural Journal. Cotton is King, and has become the master of every one who lias undertaken to cultivate it to the exclusion of all other crops. You cannot deprecate too severe y this habit of making cotton an ex clusive crop. Another A n no y a n c e. Re t a i 1 cigar dealers are to be afllieted with apateutcigar box, which the com missioner of internal reveuue has Invented. The box has perforated coupons on the inside edge, corres ponding with the number of cigars in the box. The coupons are fur n if lied by the government in place of stamps, and when a cigar is sold a coupon ha9 to be destroyed before the purchaser. The design is to make the smokers detectives, but like ev erything else of this kind, the.smo kers won't watch, an J the patent box will Incite a good deal of profanity among the retail cigar dealers, who do not like to be continually suspec ted otebeating the governmedt. A comfortable and convenient dwelling- bouse tot 'Tent. Bee notice elsewhere. .. Da RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY MOfcNING. APRIL 6. 1875 Anna Dickinson. On Thursday evening, the 8th inst., Miss Dickin son will make her first and only ap pearance in this city at Tucker Hall. Her subject "Joan of Arc" is spoken of so highly by the Richmond (Va.) press that we feel warranted in urg ing our citizens to assemble in force to hear her. The Richmond Dispatch is slow to praise, but we make the following extract from its comments on Miss Dickinson's appearance in that city : "Miss Dickinson is not an advocate of woman's rights. She cannot be accused fairly of advocating any such thing. "It is true she is a politican ; it is true that she once advocated the abo lition of slavery ; and it is equally true that she stum ped North in the last Presidential campaign against Grant, and to-day opposes the iniqui ties of the Civil Rights bill. Her mission to the South is not that of an enemy, but a friend. This was her avowal last night ; and can it be doubted when it comes from the lips of a woman whose every word has been as chaste and as refined as Ihe most fastidious in our midst could desire. "Anna Dickinson is bej-ond all doubt a pure-minded woman, and the record of her good deeds which are nowhere disputed attest the truth of this assertion. She is modest, retiring and graceful in her manner, aud yet a striking-looking lady; and what ever may be the sensational feelings which possess her heart, there are many good traits iu her character which are stamped upou her face, and which show themselves in the thoughts which she utters "On the evening of her first lec ture she wore a black silk dress with a Yak-lace over dress. Her hair, which is jet black, was cut short, and curls hung pretti about her grace ful head. she had on u pair of gold bands, and wore around her neck a gold chain, to which was attached a simple g'ld cross. Upon her left hand she wore two beautiful diamond rings, which sparkled and attracted the eyes of her audience, even if her personal appearance didn't." A Cu aki t.mu.k Act and Irs Rk-r-ci.T.s A contemporary thus truth fully portrays the work of an editor: "The gooQ-natured editor, having had a good night's rest ami a good cup of coliVe for breakfast, comes to his (.liU'e in the morning and says: "I'll do at lea-t one good and chari table act to-day." Forthwith he writes: "John Smith is by far the ablest inun in the entire northwes tern s'.-;io!i of this great country ;'' and there lie stops ; hut it is enough. The street lakes John up, and he is pointed out as " the ablest man;" the press every where clips the paragraph and re produce it, and the editor's exchan ges come pouring in upon bim with it, and hit "ablest man" is n made man. Thus is greatness manufac tured and the world lil.ed with me diocrity through the good nature and god breakfast of some poor, plodding and unknown journalist, w ho has ei haps, never seen "John Smith,-' an I never will see him, or if he should happen lo meet the in: n he has boosted into place, ten to one he would pa-s him by uni-.otlecd, with a lofty contempt for the very insignificant and vulgar source of his succsss. This is the way, however, we thrust greatne and buckle for tune on the backs of the uuwoithy s-nd the worthy alike." Thk Pkis3 Convention. The State Press A -social ion will meet in WihhiiigU-n Miis year on the 11th of May. The Wilmington Journal lias this to sny of thi approaching session of this body : Th third a "unl Convention of the North Carolina Press Association w ill assemble i:i this city during the second wtek in May. We suppose two-thirds of the whole editorial fra ternity of the Stat will visit Wil mington on that occasion. Repre senting, as they do, the entire North Carolina reading populati n, and being themselves a lody of intelli gent and influential gentlemen, we know they will receive a warm wel come to our city. "We feel quite sure that their re ception and treatment while here will be such as to insure a favorable im pression of Wilmington. There are prejudices existing in some portions of the State to our city, which have too frequently exhibited themselves to our injury, in the legislation of our General Aembly. We will probably never have so good an op portunity to be introduced to the people of the whole State, and make friends throughout the length and breadth of North Carolina." Wake Scpekiou Cm nr Open ing Day. The Spring term of Wake Superior Court, Judge Watts presid ing, ope!;cd yesterday iu this city. His Honor "delivered his "usual charge" to the Grand Jury, minus the spiritualistic portion. The day wa occupied principally in organiz ing the ourt aii'! preparing the busi ness of the session, only orte case I cing heard, that of Geo. Mass--n-burg, col . charged with lar-s-uy. He was acquitted. There art; some cases oil the !: Uerei i ! dockets, 1! of which are what : - known as the poll oix indict ments, or parties indicted 'or failing to list their jxill. These iattcr ca.-cs will come up for hearing ntxt Mon day. '1 l.c Court will to-day continue the consideration of the j d! cases, and on Thur.-day the only capital case, that of R.ilaam Green, col., c harged with breaking into the resi de i.e-e of Col. L. Stephenson, will be heard. The bastardy ca-ts, some thirty in number, have been set for Thursday week. FhAG FOR THE RAEEIGH LIGHT Infantky. A beautiful blue siik Hag for the Raleigh Light Infantry, manufactured in New York at a cost of some 150, h:us arrived, and is now on exhibition at Weikel's. On cue side of the flag is a shield bearing the date of the organization of the Com pany, while on the other side the coat of arms of North Carolina stands in bold relief. The means for the purchase of this flag was raised prin cipally hy subscription on the part of the citizens, and we understand it will be formally presented to the Company to-morrow afternoon. The Light Infantry Company is now ful lv under way, is in every way equipped, welt officered, and is com posed of many of the first young men In the ctyyY and' they will be second to but few companies at the Centen nial Celebration at Charlotte in May. ILY Death of Citizens of Frank lin. Our Louisburg correspondent gives us the following items : On Monday Jast Mr. Thomas May, who resided near Halls Cross Roads, was buried. He was 81 years of age. On Friday Mr. Wm. K. Barham, was buried in Louisburg. He died of consumption at the age of 43. He was a good scholar, an able lawyer and a kind parent, leaving three children. He was buried with Ma sonic honors. Wm. G. Collins, Jr., aged 36, died on Thursday of epiliptic fits. Two of the oldest and most respec table citizens of Louisburg, Messrs. Wm. P. Williams and Guilford Lewis, are lyiDg ill at their resi dences. The Petersburg Tobacco Mar ket. The Petersburg News of yester day says : I There has been very little doing in aaything except those samples which are in such soft order as not to be safe to hold longer. The general tone of the market is somewhat better, and any sample fit for shipping would find ready sale at full prices. We quote: Pnmiug 5 60 6 00 New leaf, good to prime 13 0016 25 Lugs 5 00 9 00 Shipping leal "flue" 14 (XKalS 00 Shipping leaf "medium" 10 00U 00 The Proposed New Baptist Church. The Baptists of this city determined on Sunday to erect a new church, and committees were ap pointed to obtain subscriptions for this purpose. It is undersood that a large amount has already been sub scribed, and a church will bi built at a cost of some $30,000 or $40,000. The location for this new building has not yet been selected. We are pleased to chronicle this evidence of in creased prosperity of this denomina tion in our midst. To the Press. TheThird Annual Session of the North Carolina Press Association will assemble in the City of Wilmington") on Tuesday, the 11th day of May, 1875. A full atten dance is earnestly desired. Joseph A. Engelhard, President. R. T. Fulghum, Secretary. SF'The Press throughout the State wiil please notice. Major Dunham. The many friends of this gentleman will be ph ased to learn that his c ndition is such as to admit of his removal to Wiimintrton, the residence of his pa rents. He will probably leave this morning, special arrangements being made for his going through without having to change cars at Golds bo ro. Every One Required to Regis ter. In consequence of the change of the Wards of the city by the new charter, an entirely new registration is required. Let every Conservative in the city be certain that he is regis tered by the ri'rd inst. A New York Herald correspond ent has recently visited the old man sion iu Philadelphia formerly occu pied by the dead tragedian Edwin Forrest. It is now offered for sale and has beeii partly dismantled, Here, in his old library, are two large photographs, life size one of Forrest in citizen's dress, the other as Lear, holding his sceptre of straw, and saving. "Aye, every inch a king !" Around the wal. there is a collection of PI otographt of Forrest, in all of his chaiacttrs, imperial size. He took a great deal of pride in these, anil when the Photographs were printed he persisted in buying the negative, so that they could not be reproduced. Here he is in all his characters Lear, Hamlet. Othello, Holla. Claude Melnotte, Jack Cade, Metnmora, Spartacus, the Broker of Bogota, and so on down the list. Here, on a table is the glass casein which he kept his acting ewords ; for they are a noted collection. The first is Richard the third's sword, with themonoram "J. P. K." engra ved upon it, for John Philip Kemble, to whom itoiiginally belonged. Then there is a Roman sword, with "Tal ma" engraved upon it. This was the properz of Talma, thegreat tragedian, and, who woie it in his Roman parttJ and the tradition is that he received it from the Emperor Napoleon, his friend. And her also is a bowie knife, the first ever made, and pre sented to Forrest by Colouel Bowie, the inventor of that interesting em blem of American civilization. Here is a case that belonged to George Washington, and another signifying that it "nad been presented to Forrest bv the artists of the Broadway Theatre, New Y'ork, on the sixty ninth night of his performance iu that city, April 30, 18-5. An immense array of personal relics of the great actor are her stored away. Tt is rumored that Whitelaw Reid will retire from the Tribune and liufus Hatch lake his place. Cot i on See d C ii e a t h a m's Champion Prolific. With proper cr.itivution will produce from two to four bales per acre; is at least four Weeks earlier than the old kinks, has opened 300 to bolls on a sin gle stalk. Packages containing 200 , 700-and l,.r00 seeds are worth $1, $3 and $5 respectively ; six l,o00 seed packages for S2-3. We are authorized to give two seed for every one short in any of i ho above packages. Call at our office, No. 5 Wilming ton street, and see specimen stalk. Address all orders to A. G. Lee & Sons, Local Agen ts mar 17 1m Raleigh, N C. NEW AUVEKTISEMENTS. O R REN A coinfoitnble nnd convenient DWEL LING HOUSE, in the central part of the city, near the Presbyterian Church. For particulars, apply to aprl 6-D(w. J. M. POOL, N O E vn f riunv, mtr i - m.t ..... . - building of ft bridge across Walnut creek, on the Asvluir, road, will be let to the low est liiddr. Plans and gpcciflcntR-ns made kuowu on day ot letting. w a. up church. ANOERscoN betts, NAT J. WB I TAKER, rprl6DiWtd. IJomuiltUe. UST RECEIVED AND FOR BALE. 3 Car loads of Ha. . 1 (r load Corn. 1 Car load 8pring Oats. Alno a coBBiKnment of nloe white Bean a, and Dried 13 eel Hams, aoroething choice. mhU-tf A. G. LEE 80'8. News AMUSEMENTS. rjUCKER HALL THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 8th. First Southern tour and first and ouly appearance In Raleigh, of the Eloquent and most popular speaker In America, MISS ANNIE E. DICKENSON, who will deliver her thrilling and popular ketch oi tt JOAN OF ARC. S Which is creating a profound sensa tion everywhere. The sale of reserved seats will begin six days In advance at J. B. H. Carmer's Drug Store. Admission - - - 75 c. Reserved Seats. - - 3100. Gallery, - - - 50 c. ap3-6t BLACKINGS. H. A. REAMS & CO Manufacturers of Reams' DURHAM, N. C. The only Blacking that will POLISH OVER OILED SURFACE AND Preserve the Leather ! Warranted to Excell All Others or Money Refunded! The only blacking that will polish on oiled surface. It is guaranteed lo preserve the leather and make it pliant, requiring less quantity aad time to produce a per fect gloss than any other, the brush to be applied immediately alter putting on the blacking. A perfect gloss from this wilt Hot soil even white clothes. We guaran tee it as represented, and ask for patronage strictly on its merits. In tesring our blacking use a brush that has no other on it. Prices as low as other Blacking. Liberal arrangements made with merchants and wholes jle dealers. Below we give testimonials of those who have tested our Blacking thoroughly and speak lor themselves. These testimonials are from gentlemen well knewn to the public. Respectfully, H A. KEAM-S & CO., Manuf cturers, Durham, N. it. New York, Dec. 15, 1875. Messrs II. A. Reams Co., Durham, N. C : Gentlemen I have used the Blacking manufactured by you, and pronounce it unsui parsed for preserving the leather, producing a better polish than any other, with less labor Respectfully yours. GEO. K. BROWN. Durham, N. C. Dec 4, 1871. For twentv-flve years I have been using Mason's Blacking. When offered ny other have invariably replied. "Mason's is good enough lor me." Repeated trials ol Reams' Piish have convinced me of Its superiority over my hitherto fovorlte. W. R. HUGHE, M. D. New York, Dec. 8. 1871. A s ngle trial Is all that is necessary to convince that "The Durham Boot and hhoe Polish'" is the best. Without doubt it will soon have ihe largest sale ol any Blacking made. J. HOWARD WARNER. Wake Forest College, June 17, 1S71. We have used the "Durham Boot and Shoe Poilsli'' and think it superior to any Blacking we have ever tried. Indeed, we bel.eve that it is all that the mauulactur ers claim for it. W. G. SIMMONS. L. R. MILLS, Profenors W. F. Coll'ge. W T. WALTERS, D. D.. W. T. BKi OKS, D. I).. Rev. CMAS. E. TAYLOR, Ri-v. JAMES PUREFOY. W. M. W1NGATE. D. D., President Wake Forest College. Durham, N. C, Dec. 3. 1874. The Durham Boot and Shoe Polish is a marvelous Blacking. It is superior to Ma son's or any French Bl-ktrs; 1 have ever ; used. F. TOML1NSON. Durham, N. C. Dec. S. IS7I. I Uke much pleasure in savin? thatl sm constantly using Reams' "Boot a d ishoe ' Polish." and that I can unheshal lug y re- ; commend It to the public as superior to , auy Blacking iu use. No genlle nan's boudoir is complete without It. J. S. C.VRR. ; Dnr.iam, N. C , Dec. :;, 1874. j Heving used the urcut nnd nnequated. Renins' " Boot am Shoe Polish." e lel that we can lot loo high y rcc unmpnd it.; It is all that the proprietors claim forH.; and its merits must sooa cudear ittothnj patronizing puhlif. W. T. BLAC KWELL 4 CO. I mar 13-1 0 L D NORTH ST AT Ej FIRE Insurance Company; OF WARREN TO N , N. C. Capital Stock, $107,600.00 ASSETS: Mortgages on Real Estate National Bank Stock Solvent Stock Notes. .? 45,030.00 .. 1 000.00 .. 5T.550.00 .. 20.502.98 Cash and Loans on Call..... Due from Agents. 2,669.62 Agents Supplies 620.89 Office furniture (safe, Ac.) 7P.I8 Accrued Interest S00.00 I 122.995.05 LIABILITIES: Amount necessary to reinsure all unex pired risks on the basis of the New York law. $10.(X0. j $1,229 Assets to Every $100 of Technical Liabilities. j t According to the past experience of the Company we have 92,458 Assets to Every ( .00 ot tual Liabilities. OFFICERS: Col. W. 8. Davis, President. H. R. Joxks, Vice-President, P .V. Lowe. Secretary. Wm. J. Nobwood, Treasurer. T. O- Williams. Supervisor. octl-dlawW12m - .u.t Will .. . PRICE: FIVE CENTS. TAILORS. THE REPEAL OF THE USURY LAW will doubtless be the flrstquestlon that will attract the attention of our next Legisla tive Assembly, but as that Is a long ways ahead, it becomes necessary to learn some thing exciting for present use. Hence we announce the fact that Wtiktl, The Irrepressible Mercbnt Tailor, has just returned from the North with a stock of FRENCH AND ENGLISH CLOTHS, j DIAGONALS, STRIPED, CHECKED AND PLAIN ; CASSIMERS, j SPRING AND SUMMER SUITINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. LIGHT CASSIMERS FOB PANTS, VE?T 1 ING3, Ac. Ac, the like of which is creating even more ex citement on Fayeltevllle Street than j THE CHANGE OF GAUGE did on the line of the Nerth Carolina Rail Road. He has in Store and now on exhibition, the largest and most attractive Block ever offered to the RALEIGH PUBLIC before, and all in want would do well to call early, as the rush has already com menced." The Manufacturing Department is com plete in all its branches, with the best workmen in the State on the bench. Orders from the Country respectfully so licited and satisfaction guaranteed. ap3 3m FERTILIZER. Q UANO I GUANO! GUANO ! I We are now ready to receive orders for the following well known Fertilizers : i 1,000 Sacks Patapsco Guano. 1,000 ' Walton. Whann A Co.' Raw Bone SuperphosphHte. ;1,000 Sacks John Merryman ACo.'s Am moniated Dissolved Bone. il.O'JO Sacks Vegitator. ; &00 " Watson A Clarkes' Superphos phate. , 500 Sacks Zells Ammoniated Superphos phate. 500 Sacks Guanahavi Guano, i 500 " Acid Phosphate (to use with cotton peed.) 500 Sacks Agricultural Lime. WILLIAMSON. UPCHURCH A THOMAS, ;feb3-tf 53 Fayeltevllle Street. pi UANO!, GUANO ! GUANO ! Weare agents for SNOWDEN & PETER'S AMMONIATED SOLUBLE BOXE PHOSPHATE, And also the Sea Gidl Ammoniated Dissolved I Rone Phosphate. I These fertilizers have received the ful lest recommendations of sorn-i of the lead ing agricultuial chemists of the county, and have been used with great success by many planters. Circulars, and testimonials can be had Sou appilcat'ori. PARKER, BARBER fr LATTA. Raleigh, N. C. Jan 14-3m G E N U N E PERUVIAN GUANO. IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. By Instruction of the Peruvian Govern ment., the'FAaents here have advanced the price of GUANAPE GUANO from Septem ber 1st, W4; to sixty-two dollars and fifty cents. (362.50.) Gold, per ton of 2,240 lbs, gross, establishing at the -same time a new scale of discounts, the lowest being of 50c on parcels from 50 to 100 tons, and the highest $.l.7A)on 500 tons and over; as usual, they will not sell in lots of less than ten UNDER-THIS NEW ARRANGEMENT I AM ENABLED TO FH L OHHRRS FOR LOTS OF TEN TONS AN1 UPWARDS, AT LFSS PRICE TITAN THE AGENTS OF THE PERUVIAN GOVERNMENT. I WILL. AH ' HEKKTOFOUK, SUPPLY QUANTITIES UNDER TEN TONS AT THE SAME RATE AS CHARGED BY THEM. Circulars containing testimonial", re fer. enc sand full particulars, mailed tree on application, 1 R. BALCAZ R. No. 53 Beaver St., New Y-rk. P. O. Box. 129. de30-tf. INSURANCE. Q.LOBE MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company or NEW YORK. P.MNY FREEMAN LORl G ANDREWS,. JA-i. M. FREEMAN,... President Vice-President. Secretary. Assets Strrplns $4,506,800. $445,608. VARIOUS KINDS OF POLICIES ISSUED Reserve Dividend Plan a Special Feature. POLICIES NON-FORFEITABLE after annual payments. Dividends declares annually and paid In CASH TO POLICY-HOLDERS. Agents wnntfd for ftnlelfth, Wilmington and charlotte, with whom lit. eral contract will be made by W. M. HUTSON. General? Agent tor North Carolina, janlO-LKJm, Raleigh, N.O. ALBEMARLE INSURANCE COMPANY, CHARLOTTESVILLE, VIRGINIA. ; Established in 1854. Cash Afctets, - - t250.O0O.O4. Old Dominion Insurance Comp'y- lilCtaMOND, VIRGINIA. Organized in 1870. Cesh iset, - - 325 .0O0.00. Each Company ban tlO.000 dr-podled with the Treasurer ol this state for special tecuilly of our Policy Uolde s. LAWRENCE A WINSTON, General Agents for N. C. mb!0-2m Office CO FayetteTille at. LADIES' UNDERWEAR OF every description. Also Ladies' and i urlldren's Dresses. . J. R. ROGERS CO.. i. Prairie Building, Wilmington St. AKRIVED AND IN STORE. jtX That Old Mocha Coffee. i i W. C A, B. STR0JTACH. RATES OF ADVERTISING. One id nare. on insertion One square, two insertions une square, one week una square, one month-.. One square, three months. One square, six months. One square, twelve months., For larger advertisements liberal con tracts will be made. Tut czimi per line charged for first insertion and riYM cents for all subsequent Insertions for advertise menta not specially-contracted for. Adver tisements must be confined strictly to the business of the advertiser. DISTILLER. T R . C L I N E , PRACTICAL DISTILLER, CATAWBA, N. C. Pure copper distilled Gem and Rye Whiskies on h .nd. Order solicited and promptly filled. Address J. K. CUE. mb23-lm Catawba, N. C. ALTER CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW, RALEIGH N. C. Practices in the State and FederatCourta Collections made in any part of the State Office in Yaroorough House building. no21-tf E D W A R D W . P O V Attorney at Law, SMITHFIELD, JOHNSTON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA. JanO-Sm 8. H. Buwk, 8ak'lT. William, JjUNK & WILLIAMS, jiTTOIUTElTS AT IAJ ROCKY MOUNT. N. a n Practice la the Supreme Court of the State and In the Federal Court at Kaleign mh 1-tf. . BOARDING HOUSE. H O W E L L HOUSE, BLOUNT STREET, Bet een Ilargctt and Morgan. RALEIGH, N. C M rcb 20, 187 1 To the public, 'I respectfully announce that from and after this day I will run my House as a ' . PRIVATE BOARDING IIOTJ8E, under the same name as heretofore. I return my sincere thanks to my many friends and patrons for their very liberal patron air heretofore bestoweJ on us, and respectfully as6 a contiunnnce of their la voie Complete accommodations guaran teed at moderate rates. B. N. HOWELL. R. P. Howklt,. Proprieier. Business Manager. mar 21-tf BILLIARD II ALLS. E W BILLIARD HALL, Over HarrUen and Bashford's Ilar gctt Street saloon. This is to announce lo the Public that RUFUS R. KING Has opened an attractive BILLMIW HALL In the Room up sttirs over Harrl- son A Bash lord's Saloon oi Hargett Street, and has placed therein two of COLLKN DER'S BEST NEW YORK BILLIARD TABLES, Where lovers of the beautiful game can spend agreeable pastime to their lnflulie pleasure. The Hall has been elegantly paperod and otherwise Improved, and preneuiti to the eye everything that U pleasing- It will be open both day and night, nnd being only a few do th from our inalu thoroughfare. Fayet evllle Street, is easy of ueces and possesses every convenience. rahl7 lm RUKU8 R. KING. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. A. G. Lxk. Ed. H. Lxk. ClbbR.Lz. A STRICTLY COMMISSION HOUSE, A. G. USB & SONS, RALEIGH, N C. We gl v our entire attention to handling focdson COMMISSION, and LOeref re ou handle to advantace consignments of Corn, Corn Meal, Chickens, Hay, N. C. Flour, Kirrs, - Fodder, " bacon, and all the Shuck, or Green Pork, product of Oats, Beef, tb frm Pease, N. C. Hams, or gar.lim, All of which we sell for cash, and are there fore able to maae prompt returns. We so licit consignments from Wes ern North Carolina, aud tue State feneruily. COTTON IS OUR SPECIALTY, and we are prepare! to pav the Jilghes' Market price, or cell to ad van tan any lot" consigned to us from our frleodc. We have taken the Agency for the PIEDMONT GUANO, manufactured at Baltimore and Cnlpeper, Va. AFEHTILIZKR OF THK HIGHEST STAN DaRI, We cure mainly to Introduce It this ve ir by seiltnir a small quantity to each of our friends, mid rin hurl ted to give a written gunrantee that It will equal any GUANO sol J in this market ALSO AGENTS FOR The ORC'HILLA GUANO and The SOUTH SEA GUANO. See another column. advertisement In The tSCHOFIELD best invented. CJTTiN rUEW, the The DIAMOND COTTON CHOPPER. Ev ery one warranted. A. G. LEE A SONS. P. O. Box 22J Raleigh, N. C. feb 17-tf jyiLLIAMSON, UPCHURCII A THOMAS, WdOLKS ALK OROCI KB ABB Commission Kteroltants . So. 53 Favetteville) St. RALEIOTI, N. V.. I7XCELLKNZA COTTON FEK 2i riLIZKK. So'oble Sea Island Guano. Empire Guano. Bradley's Kea Fowl sod Phonph ite. Geuulre Peruvian Guano. Z)'s Acid Phosphate :or corn pout In?, i Mend for circulars. feblO-tf W. C. A A. B. 8TRON M'ii. .. T7ARLY SEED POTATOES. 40B'rels Early Rose and P-er'es PTjia oes. Every batrel warieuted pure seed. rec-i ved to-day. feb24-tf W. C. A A. Tt. BTROVACII. juYf r e c"e1Te d Thtee car loads Fodder, bright anJ new. Oiica load h bocks. Two bun tred doseu Egg, all comsigned and must be sold. . McMACKIN FAI5MJV ONE OF THE LARGEST stocks of Hoi.ery and Handkerchiefs lu the city you will find at i t ' J. R. ROGFR1 A COU i Prairie Building. Wilmington Bt, r ATS. OATS. OATS. OATS. 3tr Bushels nice white seed oats just re ceived on consignment and for sale by mh27-tf ' A. Q LEE A SONS. 4; N ASSORTED STOCK OF CONFECTIONS.- Fresh and nice. rug to-oay at tajkh vrnjAi e. ; fl 00 X Ml M III 18 00 80 00 60 W 1