rBB DAILY NBWS. I ....... , TJ ?, "TTV ' J - T '- "J 'l' rtiniiu bt ram t i-rillIMlIITVO CO., Tnr v.us nrtLDtxa. ,.,.n(ttf(. near Fayettevtlle.HU, , r i" (innW ASU , Br-airTio i! AUTlici: rr r."- i?. j , "' r - - s . , -ali-wT'rt. delivered tn any r mr. li Co lef week. I.IQIORJ. i; o 11 8 i. . r-riii( I i JT,onir )nad of N HI1CY. oJ lurrvtol ' " ,n.l i .- braoJ of Cliffy aad ,v ii-KYIxoArtJts lata axr- K.V. J.iNESt A CO. ,;K CINCINNATI JlKKJi ! ,.nor lUI'Xh iBl adioln--, r reapwctfol'y Informed! ha I. . ..! iijn- thia HimtrK-t " V l'KK (IMlXNAtl TM U m f Id hllbll "." i code or fnr ! eo I- ., .in i ri-n fully ea.l lb .,. -f all f nl f UiU ,. lurot'"!!! at liberal r!tenoaL . ,r tj W. 1U -. rf lm?fll'"i, a a ar-rt.o - . !.rrU l tha trad. tJ-If t, l T R A I R I E S A LOON . 0 . w.:-kn-Q plaeeat . 3t rajcttetille Street. , . ,n r tn tfJmJUnn of th I . . o n Won UitHM fl f ,oJ ,vi the b-Mr L U'-ORi will be kept. ,c ' arid the pabitc are invited t " R. T. BOTHER, ' taprtotnleBl. IhCELLAJIEOr. r II K 1 U II LI C! ai.l a liXI SH VVK and UAIR a a o II;r lcluc Halooo. A T T U A r T I O N . u i.I.I.KHY an. I -x - , .m,. rf ba-d-n aVirk. af ir- ia.x . n 1 tn your I ho. craeoa aad e -n, framrU. .all ai r - mlo. o-r n, w inrtioa. r'.Mnff.-i..i.cl frteo-e A . K K A U S , Fresco and Sign Painter. - t ,ck of Win am A Hay woods - --ore. P -lv o i . i r roams and .tr wltV - t hi HRK--MAKINU and TA -l -.i n t " I N " Martin ir. .!n 'r-- ahrt-l rrnrrh. j .t 'pctfaiiy tnvi: a ir a". : s T K E C K I v i: I) . . ptvi. - TOBACCX T-ebe.t a.- ib.1 mU ce ebraie- wrand. laatatiea Tcea a "eveialtv. (AJ PARHAM. rormtrly with C F. Ken. at 7- W. JUl a. ru Mar trtHqoare. .1 roTICEOFCOPAUTNERSHir. , ff rvlKWeewar. W. K. ASHfcLt . , . -. n.w.v la the mm ill KM llCTvl! 131 H III .-ur Srm narae of BrtTTS, ALLF-X . t- tlr! pat rvtKvr have br-l.- JACOB . ALl.r.r-. I ' r L L ARCHITECT AND CONTRACTOR, .;'. JU.Kjhnnt A- f V St-', milt't, liuUfjh, S. C j ah a lar of patroaa w'.alaa' work door to nir n i .v gitarmoid 1jI MllU'"l0 'f. rn rcnuiuauiUlio( and aa etivap -a I iW bf ttf -o - in me ni -- ,: tn-a I rial mjr 'm 1 ) i: KM I C M SA F ET A OIL Safest. Purest, Beat ! ! .'arrulvcan afford to be without IU "Ty Ar A TALLW CANPLE. f. ! :h f .ilowlng letter to the roano. J rr ll.rav W - heater. Co.. N ' Janaary lth. 1T1. V-.rv Pi.tow A Bt h. New York: . v b An oi ine BUhlol 3d . .. .,', itn r.mailuv ill rubblah from i- . , . . mi uid ouod thai .f itm had the'noaslee nialudon. ' i h-r. re Briuly aol.lered tOKetner ' f h. m.nw hrot t w hich tbey had oeen . iii m .ii m Trl I a tne can . nrto.er esplooed nor taken Or. It "" l rur ru mfli (H.aaur to a Id my teaU t uiherea.aurrioniol yoof Pre u . OK' f-r lliotninatlBg pur- . ..i r.r tue nroienion of lire l pr p rt . , , Your. rept fa- 'y. .VILLI AM 11. WATER. I ..T Ut.UVKD. AMK FOR DouhIow t Bnah'a I'KEMICM SAFETY OIL! Take No Otlier! i f - -u'r to II. -;;-r: M l S3 H- Q 3 : i.- o p ?ir s? ? ; ''--' M 5 7-3- . u ..'-fi ; 5- :jjk - i 3 HI O ,li 1 c 1 . -2 c i? 3 Z V - - r - a 3 c - a T :i t ri j 3;;o; : h t ' ''; LO CAIi MATTER. E. O. WOODSON, City Editor. rTa kacrlelioa IUt ot the NICWn e larger taati ikat mi aa-olarr lailf la the State, al i 4otl la m' mmy- other IUiIt i Raleich. Advertiaereshoald snake aoir ol thia.aM TUK WKEKLT FURNISHED OSK VKAR, PAID. fOtt IU0; SIX MuN rHS. TS CtSTH. Ji-l)&e Uiiectoty. , For the benefit tf the Publte, we f luh the following Directory of the Ioat orilceof tblarlty Weetern Mall la e.oaed at tifllTrtd at Faaterti piodat drllTre4al VnrttMrn rloacd at - delivered at OfBee boon r daUTerlng o nxalU from :JU a. BU. to : px ta. Motley Order-i are leaned and paid frem at.Ua.ta. top. m. tttaaai to 4.-U) a. aa. i tee Re-patered from t: a. No malla seat or received on Bandaya. W. W. Holdkk. pmlinMlf. JOI1 PRINTING. Tnt Nrwn Job Impertinent has beu hnr.uh'.y auuirlled with ever peeded want and w th lb Uleat slylee of Type, aad every runDT of Job Work can now be done with neatoe. dapt -h and eheap- nra wa call lurman ai auwrv BLANK". ' - ' " DIM. HF-AIV. LF.TrER HKAIH. C KEH. PR03RAIMK-i. HANDBILLS, PHAMPHLETS, IVWTERg. CU fJL'K.9. DRA FT. c. SPECIAI OTTY ITEMS. Iav Hioks tY Halb. ?V lbs. Dry Hili-. Aleu t alaoghtered Calf and Kip J-alua, far aaic by my JT-lw -C IXVE Jt WS. Local Bri: Subscribe to the Daily Naurs only fj.Oil fer Jr (poatage P1JJ. . Ja. 1. Hay &y the liighetcnsb .rio for .!! iu-uU. mif9, hide, Ac Tl - Kar- Uourt- rwi-reie lu this i-ity on Monday next, Judjfrt Bo:id aud Hrook tw preside. The June trrru cT tlia fJuprehie Court will convene in thia cityuii Monday rt-xt. Old rrob" will k'v u to-day wrmrr and cloudy weather, with occasional ralua. H. V. Hanlie, of Cumberland county, the nn!-l Sheriff of the State, wu in town yealerdty. Ja.o. C. McCraw, hi . Cashier of the Wnrrentoii Saving Hank, waain the city yesterday on buiue? cou aected with hie bank. It wa aaiU!ini: to eee how many people in town yrMrrdny that could spell "aacrilej-ious" -after they had teen it In print. Tke itaptist cJaoday School pio-nic at Haywood, on the Chatham road, lo-day. It U expected that some 710 persons will attend the excuraion. There i a gl deal of sickness in town at prv-nt. Every one should ! cartful a--, to what la eaten at thia M-axiii of the year. A disastrous storm isited portions of Urativille county a few days aiuce. The waters of Bear-Skin and Gra-wy creek were higher than they had becu since the war. Mr. Jo-eph B. (1. Cooley, lUilmad Agent at the HiiUboro Ucimh, was marrfeU. Wednesday qighl In The lOUJ- asville, to Mies Mollie Mieny. oi Utter place J. II. Mabone is engaged In awn lnj theriti-'He is doing in Ira-, tneWatoouot.of work In this line, .aJ Uatili prefared to do more his advertisement. The Daily Nfcws i now within . v... ,.r oviv one uesirintr a dafly paper. The price having been reduced to So per. annum it should b-ioUie hands of every business man iu the State Dr. Pritchanl, who has been at tending the "National Baptist Annl- vetary at Philadelphia for some ten days paat, is expected to return uy Saturday. He was accompanies Col. J. Si. Heck, of this city. The Commencement exercises of n..'.,.imtmil Colleee this i r iiarrjww-i'i . . .... - i m.iinn w'eeK drew quite a n"" - Marvin pieached the anuual sermon AVednesday night, the health of the Rev. Mr. Mangum preventing nini meat. The Republican State Executive ,mmM,l ... ..m. .., z .e 16th lost, ."to consider questions co th touching the nropowd constitutional convention abJ Tor bther busl- - n r .. a . nt' mailt imnvm -inevwiii ""' - o- meiits for the burial of their party in August next. IUpctable iall-bearer In demand. .-,pa nUuMl La meet in cur iff.' Griffin, late i f tha General Assembly , v..h rountv. He speaks en- ..,r,.ii.elv of the Convention pros- irv hb county. Old Naah will rrtainlv send good man to repre- eenlherlathe CoristltuUonal Con ventlon. Th city authorities yesterday "w ent for" the various eating houses around the Market Bqoareand in other portions of the city for th cltv Uxes. But one esUbllshment ueldlhls privlTege from the Power thatB. nda a consequence the BitydaimeU lu own in tua anapeoi --"J " . , uvil S,10tu - , M.vr ii ....ma t rr m mf-ii uiuuu. f .. 7 P. M. HIS A. M. 710 - . r - .w, li A. X. :0 T. M. Corn -was quoted in Newbern on Vedjjesday at 71 Q 73 "oen ts. Jf.juuje his atraye.1 from Most a Mre. near Whltakera mills, Nash cyuuiy. 8e uotice. Tersons atteudlug the annual com mwoeetueut of Trinity College jvill pee tii advertisement elsewhere of Will U. Burkhead, Esq . We Invite attention to the state ment of the financial conditiou of the Dawson National Bank, of Wilding-toil, N. C We publish this morning the state ment of the financial condition of the Queen (U. S. Brauch) of the Fire In surance Company of Liverpool, rep resented in this State by Jno. Wilder Atkinson, Esq. Let the Authorities Look to tt. Our authorities cannot exercise too much caution at thia eawn ofH the year in having all rear loU thor oughly cleansed. The health of the cfty '"demands that this matter should receive every needed attention. Thanks are tendered to Mr. llher of the Priarie saloon for the fragrant and freezing mint juliu which through his care dlflused their grate ful arona through our sunctum yen terday afternoon. Neal Dow himntlf would have taken oil his hat to them. To Ocr State Exchanges. Thoee of our State exchanges who projoe publishing the address of the Central Democratic Executive Com mittee will u?e the address as pub lished by us thU morning, some few changes having been made in itn verbiage slnc-e its publication yester day. Crop Prospects in Stanly. A gentleman writing us from Stanly Connty aaya: "The crops are looking very indifferent in this country. There Is not a tand of cotton. Corn is lookiug very indiflerent. The wheat crop haa improved very much for the last ffew days, and, if nothing happens to it, will probably make an average crop. To Arrive This Morning. air. Jokso Bingham, one of the Raleigh Artillerymen recently wounded in Charlotte by tke premature dis charge of a gun, will arrive in this city this morning by the Charlotte train. Both the Artillery and Infan try companies will meet him at the depot infull uniform. His fiietid will greet hi return with much pleasure. Oraiifyinu. The increase to the subscription Iwts of both the Daily and the AA'eekly is a source of muc h satisfaction to us. We are daily re ceiving encouraging letters from every section of the State ordering the pair. AVe shall continue to strive to furnish the public with a newspaper ia iu every sense, while we shall keep as our guide the great principles of the party to which we b o tgand the best 1 it?rests of our :Maie. Mkktinu of the Granh Chap ter. The Grand Chapter of the Royal Arch Masons of North Caro Una will convene at Masonic Hall, in this city, on Monday evening i.ext at 8 o'clock. A large attendance is uV....t.i rl7Htes will be .liter er(.f taiued by the Royal Arch Chapt this city. They will reort to H s Honor Mayor Separk, Jno. Nicho's and I). W. Baiu, Committee on Hos pitality. Thanks. The Fayettevillearffs i..- t.i I., -nv of Cant. E. C. Wood son and the News: Mr. E. C. AVoodnon. city editor, of ii.u luiUrli XniM has been in our the iast few days, can- vHMinir in behalf of his paper. We l,,iw hi. has met with abundant suc cess, for lie represents an admirable M-urns ,wmc, I . . -i li .1 . i.utrnn. n.u hn.i i'(iiUr tft cklu iaier in me !tte or in the South, but, as an able, Valuable dally, we can heartily rec ommend the itaieign .t. Pitivric OK GaI'OE. It IS a lis"- v-a. -'"" understood that Presideut Buford will at once change the gauge of the V. C. R- R. to Company S,hopsand :li i:ni.uiu.rn Tim Greens- i ossiuij iw . . tjoro Patriot says ol it : .preparation i9 being made .o at once change the gauge iroai nere y tlie rjliops. A larger uuinoc. aru now in town for that purpose. I Tki. i..i.m on the streneth of the re- decision of Judge Schenck, -w jj,'SSfUBsi K ' u Kefore the Supreme a atut vauM - CouTif which i not We understand th llkelv ' i Governor will 1 ... I Kjb Knnrdiie i parrv me mii w-i , which movement will fully tMt lhe conatitationality of the act of lrie la3t Legislature r.ov. A'ance to Lecture in Ra ! iriail. AYe are pleased to learn that Gov. A'ance has consented to deliver his famous Lecture, "The Scattered vati0n." In this city some, time during the sessions of the Federal 'Court to commence next week, for the benefit of Messrs. Williams and Binirham. the members of the Raleigh Artillery recently disabled in Char lotte. Aside from the object for which the Lecture is to be delivered. the Governor can rest assured that Raleigh will give him a rousing greeting. We have heard "The Scat tered Nation" as rendered by him, and can Dromise a iresi w " I x ? . may be fortunate.a. to attend. RALEIGH, N. C, FRIDAY Tu rile soup at Pepper's saltou to day. Fainiiits wanting it should order it early in the day. Business extremely quiet in the city at rnent. This is the best evi dence that the farming community is busy :.t work. Jos. Blount Cheshire, Jr., of Tar boro, has been appointed a Notary Public for Edgecombe -couuty, by Gov. Brogden. Dr. AV. J. Pulrner, Principal of the Ontario Institution for the Deaf and Dumb nt Belleville, Ontario, Canada, arrived in this city yesterday after noon. He was greeted by his friends here and will remain in the State for a week or two. AVe learn that the crop prospects in this vicinity are extremely good. The cotton crop especially presents an extremely prosperous appearance for this season. Considering the up favorable weather in the early por tion of the Spring, this fact is pecu liarly gratifying. Tin.- lti.iTK and the Grew The Norfolk Landmark, referring to our article of Tuesday morning descrip tive of the commingling of the Blue anil the Grey in the decoration of the Federal graves in this city on Mon day, saj s. " The temner of the remarks mada by our fotemiKjrary is a fair reflection oi the temper of thb South, and no Stale among tho members of the late Con fed. racy has a better right to speak on this subject than Carolina. She contribnt. d to the ntruggle for Southern Independence as many troops, in proportion to jopulation, asunv oilier member of the Southern Confederation. It is claimed, in deed, that h gave more. Her troops were in every irreat battle-field from Bethel to Rentoiigville from first to last the graves of her sons are in every Stale, and her contributions in blood and valor to the "Lost Cause" are unsurpassed. With this record in our war letween the States, this action of Noiti Carolina, through the eilizen-soldiers of her State capi tal, becomes a matter not only of his toric dignity, but of national impor tance, audit is in this latter aspect that we present it to the people of the wbolec j'inrry :is worthy their sym pathetic consideration." Trcsticksof the Cmveusmw Under the approach ing revival of the University many of our reuders will be interested in knowing who com pose a Board which has again become an important body. Below will be rund a list certified to by the Clerk of the Boar. I D M Carter. Beaufort, siune re moved to Wake Mills L Etire, Gates. AV F Mai tin. Pasquotank. W B Shaw. Currituck. Louis Hilliard. Pitt. John A. Moore, Washington. C B Ha-sell, Martin. Duncan C Winston. Bertie. Wiu H Joluiston. Edgecombe. John E Dugicer, Warren. WT Faircloth, Wayne. (Jeo. (ireen. Craven. Wm II D.iv. Halifnx. J IV B Hooper, Wiison. Robert B Peebles, Northampton. H S Hardy. Greene. Forney George. Columbus. W L Sanders. New Hanover. R W Nixon, Onslow. li F Gradv. Sampson. Xeill McKay, Harnett. John Mclver. Mooro. T 1) McDowell. Bladen. R AV Millard. Duplin. J H Thorpe. Nash. J S Amis, Granville. Paul C C imeron, Orange. B F Moore. AVake, in place oi C B Sanders, deceased John Manning, Chatham. Kemp P Battle, ake. Jt-eph J Davis, Franklin. Wm A Graham, Orange. H ('lav Thomas. Davidson. Rufns'Frazer, Randolph. M S Bobbins. Randolph. J A Gilmer. Guilford. John Kerr. Caswell. J L Dufsi nbury. Davidson. David S Reid. Rockingham. James A Graham, Alamance. Archibald Puree! 1, Robeson. James C Marshall, Anson. Walter L Steele, Richmond. S H Walkup. Union. Z B A'ance. Mecklenburg. J hn F Hoke, Lincoln. Paul B Means, Cabarrus. W J Ewing. Montgomery. RL Patterson, Forsytbe. J F Graves, Surry. Joseph Williams. A adkln. W Kellv Glbbs. Davie. Cteogre'B AVetmore. Rowan. E Havne Davis, Iredell. O L C'ook, Wilkes. G H Hamilton, Ashe. D Coleman, Buncombe. H D Kmith, Macon. S McD Tate, Burke. AV L Twitty, Rutherford. J D Hyman, Henderson. E W Jones, Caldwell. AV C Bowman Mitchell. J O I licks, Clay. Tl,. T.trnnhbliror XcU SaVS ! AA'e regret to'learn that in the counties of Campbell. Appomattox and I ittsyl vanla. and perhaps in other portions of the surrounding country, the wheat and the oat crops are in very bHd condition and cannot po,uiy make anything like an average crop, probably uot more than half the av- erage. e aiso team v...-..-- for a tobacco crop is goou, ui iv.. standing the fears in regard t a scar city of plants, which have proved to be plentliui in mosi imauurn. corn crop is also represented as being in good condition. "My son," said a father to his lit the breakfast table, "if you i,.wi tho rhoice to be burned at the ,ir liboJohn Rosrers. or to have your head chopped on line iviu Charles the First, which would you chose?" "John Rogers," said the . , . i T -: boy. "And why?" "Because," re plied the boy, "I should perfer a hot steak to a cold chop." "When the Opposition pres9 speaks of President Grant as an ininguer, f those who know any- thing of his character are inclined to i smne. cosays publican, Grant's kitchen organ. MORNING, JUNE 4. 1875. Change of Schedule. On and after Sunday, June6th, the mail train going East will leave Raleigh ut9 a m. and going AVest at 7:20 p.'m. m a The '.eorsia Centennial C mmission ers. A short time ago we published a letter written by Gov. Smith, of Geor gia, to Secretary Fish, in reference to the supposed requirement that the Centennial Commissioners should take the Iron Clad Oath. In publish ing the letter, we stated that Secre tary Fish, perceiving the error into which Gov. Smith had been led, wrote him, correcting the same. As a number of our readers have ex pressed their desire to read the letter of the Secretary, we give it as fol lows : Department of State, State, " r, D. a, 23, 1875. J AVashingtqn March To His Excellency James K. Smith, Governor of Georgia Sir: I have the honor to ackuowlenge the re ceipt of your Excellency's letterof the 18th of March, informing me that, in consequence of a request contained in my letter of the 8th, transmitting the commission and oath of allegiance of George Hillyer, Esq., as a Commis sioner to represent tiie State of Geor gia at the Centennial anniversary of American Independence, that Mr. Hillyer would sign and return the oath you return the commission and ask to be allowed to withdraw the nomination of Mr. Hillyer. As vour Excellency is pleased to state that you know of no provision of law requiring an oath of allegi ance, I take the liberty of iuforming you that on the 2d of July, 1862, it was enacieu uy uougress inai evei person appointed to an office of honor or profit uuder the Government of the United States should take and subscribe an oath similar in form to the one which accompanied my let ter. But when the war had ceased, Congress, instead of repealing the act, enacted, by another statute, that prisons who had participated in the late rebellion, and from whom all political disabilities arisiug therefrom had beeu removed" should, if ap pointed to office, instead of the oath prescribed by the act of 18o2, take and subscribe the following oath be fore entering upon the duties of their olfiee : 'I. A. B., do solemnly swear, or afhini, that Iwill supjiortand defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or do mestic ; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely and with out mental reservation or purpose of evasion, aud that I will well and fathfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter so help me God." It is m v duty to see that all per sons accepting the President's com mission from this department, sub scribe to one or the other of these nibs This dutv 1 am necessarily compelled to perform through sub- ordinate, anu;it so nappeneu, unt iy . mistnke of the clerk who was in- tmtP.l with the dutv of forwarding the commission fof "Mr. Hillyer, the wrong form of oath was enclosed. With this explanation of what I l.o. thmrti! have become the sub- ,.t . misannrehension on the norl nf volir Excellency. I await the further expression of your wish res pei tiug the commission of Mr. xiii ver. , , " I have the honor to be your Excel leuev's obedient servant, 1 Hamilton Fish. Snooting Affair in Virginia. A letter from New Market, A'a., under date of 27th instant, says that Greenwood Morris was shot at Hon eyvilie, in Page county, a few days o bv E. Derrough, under the fol lowing circumstances: Derrough has been for some time suspecting that an improper intimacy was existing between Morris aud his wife. To satisfv himseif he has beeu on the alert for some time past. The day of the shooting lie and his wife s brother secreted themselves in some bushes near his house, and soon their watch was rewarded by the ap pearance of Morris, who, by his ac tions, evidently was expecting to meet some one clandestinely. Mr. Deircugh, at sight or him, became very much exasperated; and, con trafv to the protests of his brother-in-law, opened fire upon him with a shot-gun, wtucn was loaueu who three buck-snot ana tnree oaus. xoc ttered the victim's left arm very badly, and one of the balls pas sed through his bowels. Morru at tempted to escape, when Derrough ran after mm, snooting iuur uuibb oh him with a revolver. It is thought that Morris, who is a young man re spectably connected, cannot recover. His arm nas oeeu Huipuiawu. w.i.crh is vet at lame, although the authorities are using every effort to capture him. Tn thP vear 1825 the people of a county parish in Virginia wrote to Dr. Rice, who was then at the head of a theological seminary, ior a uiuhbic.. They wanted a man of first-rate talents, lor tne congregation .u building up. They wanted an edu cated man, for some of their young people had literary tastes. mey wanted a man willing to visit largely which the former minister had neg lected to do. He must also ue a gen-, tleman.aud lastlv he must not ex pect more than $400 dollars a year, though if the incumbent just suited the peoplej they might possibly raise it to S450. Tne uocior answeicu im mediately, telling them they had bet ter make out a call for old Dr. Dwight in heaven, for ne wia not know any one in this world who would answer their description, but as Dr. Dwight hap lived several years on spiiitual food, he might not need so much for the body, and possibly could live on $400 a year. Experiments in Fish Hatch ing The Connecticut lish commis sioners report that the introduction of black bass in Connecticut waters has been successful, and that over 1 3.39,000 young salmon have been placed In Connecticut river during tiio vr Their experiments in hatching shad show .that the eggs of the shad will not naicu iu oration or salt water; also that such waters are fatal to the young fry. The catch of shad last season was unusually large. a wow of a ponrmand who had oiarla himsplf ili bv feasting on fish, said he embodied the trio of the fiery furnace, thus shad-rack, me-sick and abed-we-go. "Arrah, me darllnt," cried Jamie O'Flannigan to his loquacious sweet heart, who had not given him an op portunity to get in a word edgewise, during the two nours' ride oenina the little bay nags in his oyster wag on ; "are ye afther knowin' why your cheeks are like my poniis there?" "Shure and it's because they are red, is it?" quoth the blush ing Bridget. "Faith, and a better raisou than that, mavourneen. Be cause there is one o'them aich side of a waggin' tongue The old engine house at Harper's Feiry, in which John Brown and his party were stormed aud captured is used by an undertaker as a hearse house. The loop holes which the insurrectionist made have been bricked up, but the outlines can be readily traced. The places on the floor where one of Brown's sons died and the other was mortally wounded are pointed out by the villagers, al though the blood stains that remain ed for several years have faded out. A cremation company is about to be established in Zurich, in Switzer land. The shares are to be twenty fraucs each, and the undertaking start with the support of 500 of the inhabitants. A piece of land in a cemetery has beeu given to the com pany and upon this it. proposes to erect a furnace, a mortuary, a chapel, a room for urns, &c. It is estimated that the cost will be 50,000 francs. The statutes of the company have been drawn up and submitted to the Government for authoritative sanc tion' before operations can be com menced. The following is given as yie cos tume of a fashionable lady in 1709, per ye last ship from ye port of Bris tol, England, to His Majesty's plan tations in North America: "A black silk petticoat, with a red and white calico border; cherry-colored stays, trimmed with blue and silver; a red and dove-colored damask gown, flowered with large trees; a yellow Batin apron, trimmed , with white Persian ; muslin head-cloths, with craw-foot edging; a black silk fur below scarf and spotted hood." The injreiHOus French have con trived a novel way to impress the barbaric mind. M. de Brazza. who has charge of the expedition to Senegal, carries an electric battery in his pocket communicating with two rings on his hand and with other apparatus scattered about his person. AVheu he shakes hands with a savage chief that chief will be very much astonished, fcr an electric shot will run unhis arm and he will see light- ninc ulavimr about the head of his visitor. Natural I v he will think he is being interviewed by the devil, and will be ready to consent to any thing in order to get away. Seve ral heads of m u m m ies were sh i p- ned from Esyptito Halifax, England. They wrere packed in separate boxe?, and one of them irot soaked in salt water on the vovasre. This particu lar head when taken out was found to have recovered its natural outlines, the sea water having had an aston ish in er effect. M. D. Convoy, who was Dreseut. savs: "For a few minutes we saw an unmistakeably Egyptianjcountenance, with plesant composed expression the face of a man who lived at least three thou sand vears aco. AVe could but con clude that the powerful aromatic erums which had been used ana ar rested the decay wincn inesau water had now rendered possible, and which speedily set in after the head was taken from the box and wrap pings. I can never forget the life likeness of the face before the swift decav of the flesh which followed." A Bkain Dkstkoyin Malady. That lnsomu a. or imbiliiy t sleep, has opcome vptv nravalont of lale years, is sufficiently evidenced by the fac lht numberless remedies have been introduced within the last decade specially intended for its cure, onH that. n-vc sedatives are continually cropDingUD But no medicinal agent has so widely and clearl v established its claims aaatreuulne soporific as Hostetter's Sto mach Bittttra. That it removes this brain destroying inability far more t ffectually than the bromides, chlorals and valerian ates in use, is not to be wondeied at when we consider that such drugs act only on th hmt n which is not the source of the uwii nhiiAthA Bitters reetifvthe allmenta- rv AiKtnrhanceH which originate it. It is ailtniitml hv nhvsicians that dyspepsia and non-assimllation of the food produce leep lessness. The Bitters overcome these ob stacles to repose as well as those urinaiy trou les which are also said to interfeie wli h iL A wineglass or two of this whole torn sedative invigorant at bed time rarely tails to induce tranquil repose. May 25 DaWlw NEW ADVEKTISEiMETS. N. Strayed oi T I C E 'ravad orr. or was stolen irora. my ianu near Whltakei's mill, Nash county, N. C , on the 22i May, a fine BLACK MAKE MULE, closely compacted, in good order, and having a brand on her left Jaw, which rnrf3rtH an naueht. Any one giving information as regards her whereabouts will receive a handsome rewnrd. je 4 -St MOSES MOORE. A LL PERSONS WISHING TO J attend the Annual Commencement of li luity College cau obtain return tickets for one run lare. c.suop msim xi preach the sermon on WEDNESDAY. 9tb of June, and Dr. MflNSAY will deliver the address on m u nsua i , iwuu u. juuc. 1e 4 3t chief Marshal. TT I L L S BO RO RECORDER. Established February 20th, I4 j. The oldest paper in North Carolina. Has . 1 . . I .. I l in .1-1.1 ,1 a large circulation especially in the coun ties of Orange. Alamance, Person and Cas- Ttro.i and 1m th nmnzn led medium oi aa- vertl's ng for those seeking the business of those cou ntiea. is uonservauve u jjuuhuj, and is a good family newspaper. Kiihanrintiona and advertisements al ways acceptable, ana the patronage of the public respectfully solicited. HnhseriDtlon. $2.00 a year, in advance. For six months $1.00. J. D. CAMERON, ie 4tf Editor and Proprietor. I am prepared to furnish all manner of Awnings, for Stores, offices and Trlvwte Residences, at the shortest notice, nd at the li west p istible raf es. Leave directions with W. H. R. S, Tncker, je 4 tf J. H. MAHONE. VV N I N G S it aaai-in nn 'nn ii.iiiii ni in.riiiiliiliili PRICE : FIVE CENTS. The inter-university bicycle race between Oxford and Cambridge tbokr place this y ear pn"ihe road, from St. Albans to Oxford, a distance of fifty two miles. It was won by Hon. Ktith Falconer, of Cambridge, in four hours, nine minutes and twenty- four seconds, with a fifty-inch-wheel machine. . ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A NNUAL STATEMENT FOR the year ending April 30th, 1975, of the financial condition or tne Dawson Bank. OF WILMINGTON, N. C, made to the Secretary of State 0 Horth Carolina. " ' President: JameS Dawson, Cashier: Wm. Laikias. ; CAPITAL. Whole amount of capital author ized, $1,000.0.0 00 Whole amount of capital paid up in cash, ASSXT3. 112,500 00 Loans ar.il discounts, . Other stocks, brmdft and mort gages, 2 city of Wilmington C per cent. $1,000 00 each cost. Due from Natienal Bauksi, Real estate, furnituie and fix tures no real estate, Checks and other cash items. Fractional currency, Specie, . ' . Legal tender notes and National bank notes, All other property, excluding judgments, office supplies and furniture, or bad anddoubUul debts and securities, ; Total assets, liabilities. t Cash slock, Undivided profits, . . Deposits, Due to State Banks and Bankers, 250.819 11 1,383 25 13.125 17 1,400 00 8839 t5 im 45 3u 73 26.019 00 301,987 56 112.501 00 18,428 06 167,79 1 25 8,206 25 Total, . QUJESJIONS. 801.0S7 50 Has the Com Danvcomnlled with the pro visions of its charier, the laws of thetMate in which It was organizea, ana me iawa oi the State of North Carolina, relating win surance Companies and other corpora tions? ' ' a ncwor Vpr no far as I know. Tinea the bank nossees one hundred thousand dollars of available assets ? A iiiitnr-. Yea. . . Are there any unsatisfied judgments against the back Id North Carolina for which no appeal nas Deen grankeu j Answer No. ' " JAMES DAWSON, President. it JNO. u. WiiiLOAJast, Agent,. State op North Carolina, ) Derartment of State, Kaleiizh. June 1st. 1875. I tottv n WILLIAMS.. Aent. appoint- i rnr t.hn nnmns. bavlne been duly sworn. makes oath that the above statement sub ocrihMl hv him is true, according to his best knowledge ana bener. Secretary of State. Wii.iiivflTos. N. C. May 2'. 1875 t hahv frt ir v that the foreeolnK is a true statement of the condition of the Dawson Bank, to the Desi oi my kuowiouhb and bener. . ' r WM. LiAKli.lo.l,snier. Sworn and subscribed to before me this 29th day of May, rs7o. The above statennt has beenexamlned and approved. WM. H. HOWERTON, Secretary of State. Je 4 It A NNTTAL STATEMENT FOR A the vear ending. Dec. 31st. 1874, of tt.e financial condition oi Queen (United States Branch) Fire Insurance Company, OS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND, made to the Secretary of State of North Carolina. Miia.r : WM. B. .ROSS. Principal Office : 216 Broadway, N. York. CAPITAL. Tiri.,u amAnnt. rtf Inlnt ntook. or guaranteed capital auiuuraeu, av w Whole amount of capital actual-' v Daid uDiucasa. t SSETS. Cash on hand and in banks, 882.820 09 Cash in hands oi Agents in cuu. so . r .i t-TV. i . 1 r. n 19 Mill D Stocks and Bonds. Market VAlue, 1,032.775 00 All other property belonging w the Company, exciuuiug juusj ments, loans on personal securi ty only, cash In baud of agents, o'fllce supplies and furniture, amounts advanced to agents or invested in commuting com missions, or for purchase of re newals, bad and doubtful debts ., . ! . ..nrit.AB KTCP H 1 rfeDOSit wim National Park Bank, 5.SO0 00 Total assets, 1,141,287 64 LIABILITIES. Losses adjusted, whether due or not , Losses unadjusted, in suspense, 22,768 73 or resisted Dyineunpuj', Amount due for expenses and of all kinds. 23,326 13 2,750 00 Amunnt necessary to re-Insure onttandlne rises ai. iiuy iwr ceni.. being the legal reserve. 528.&e9 W 528.569 04 Net surplus as to policy holders. w,s u Total liabilities, INCOME. 1,141,287 U Total net cash income from pre tun ill R4 $1,1I3,11j 64 " t 9n so Total net cash Income from inte' rest, divldenas anorenia, Total Income, $1,114,821 53 KXPENDITCBIS. Total net amount paid during the year for Ioj-sss, Total pay account, $497,068 79 8-.4Hl 23807 38 Total miscellaneous tiicuuu t Total expenditures, arESTioNS, $772,007 40 TTa a iVta PAmnanvnnmnliedWltb the PrO- ii. .Ko n.r the Iawa ot the State in which it was oreanleed. and the laws of the State of North Carolina, relating to in surance Companies iw tho nnmnmv noKsess one hunurea thousaud dollars oi avauaoie maew Upon what plan Is the Company conduct ed? A n.TTAr Wliiine'HT, The greatest amount insured in any one risk. $30,000. w aa JOHN WILDER ATKINSON. General Agent, State of North Carolina, 1 Department of State, -rjQiiirh Mar 27. 1875. ) TnTiv Wilder Atkinson. General Agent, r j r-i .nniiitwi frr the nuriose. nav- - ing oeen duly sworn, makes oath thai, tne above statement subscribed by him, is true, according to uis mi ..uumv beliel. . -r-rnrwr TT" "T. T VT wm. it. nuw secretary of State. The above statement has been examined and approved. Je 4 It Secretary of State. B O O K S A L E . dTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 Office skckktaky of nTAa, r Kaleigh, June 1st, 1875. ) As prescribed by law, tection 24, chapter 97 Battle s Revisal, I shall offer for safe at public auction, at the auction room of J. M. Towles, in the city of Raleigh, on FRI DAY, the 2d day of July, a large number ol volumes, consisting of old Laws, Docu menu, aud Journals of the State of North Carolina. Also a large number ot copies of the Code of Civil Procedure, Revised Code, 4c. H jjowERTON, je3-lm Secretary ol State. E A D THIS .V.. A QfiA.1 tj.nta Plain StriDedand PlaidCOTfONADES, at 20 centsyer yard. well worth 25 cenis. nvvrv: je DdCW3m A. CREECK. S CUPPERNONG WINE. v.m that mil irnown Wine Maken In Hainett county, C C Ck-ffield, Esq. This will be found a cboiw NetiveWine. Call and see ua, R. . J o -y.. Wholesale Liquor and Wjue Dealers. mnif-tf Wilmington street. One BQuare. one Insertion. One square, two Insertions. On. square, one,tnonth!...v...r:-.Mi. 8 0 One square, three rtmths.i..i.....j.u. 18 00 one square, six months .... J w One square, vive K? - w ror larger advertisemenM liberal eon tracts. win. be-made. Tks,ck'nts perjlne thargedfot Una lnertlWnd TiVb CHicts Tor all irabsetiueat Insertions r adnrenise- ments not specially contractpdor. ,Ad,ve" tisementd must "be confined 'trrAiy-tib the business of the advertiser." ... r - i-':--NOTICESVrvv.A TO THOSE .HOLDING '..CCTY SCRIP: By a resolution of the Board or Aldermen, all persona wh own city Bcrip are required to nlo- with that City Clerk before June 8J, a lint of, the amounts of said orders, date of issue and to whom issuea. A failure lo eompiy witi-poesibiy Involve danger of loss to the holders of the crip. J. C. R. LITTLE, in airman ror tne t wnmniee. my 19-eod2w Mootlnet and ira eepy. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. . . . ,i Having; Qualified its the A -I minis tor of Mrs. Kmlly Ik Smith, deceased, I give no tice to all Creditors of tbe Estate, to present their claims with-to-the-Mme prescribed by laW. . . , . -jr KEMP r. BATTLiB. Administrator. RalHiru. N. C. April 20. 1875. ap 22-lawflw . M PORT ANT NOTICE. . v - ' - .i. -.niav PVia rkllrhwlncF rounl lit 1 ir nf lhA .Hoard Of Aldermen is published for public Informa tion: . Metolved, That tbe City Collector, UnKr i Vollcc and Clera ot the Market, shall not take anj.City.ScrUVOLuxfiuifir Jn debtedness of this city. 7 jr any taxes due the vlty except Market-house Coupons, aud that the city Treasurer is ueraDy not.inea not to take such evUienoes from any col lecting officer of the city. This resolut Ion aoea 11 oi apply to tne present, uittueotvr, r . M. Sorrell's extension. A Iter that none Is to be taken. Also, that the Cleric give tne said officers due notice." GEO. n, WILLI Attn, my 19 dtf City Clerk. A R O A I 'Ki'.S . Mahinor'tri reduce onr stock'.' we 'hffi- for sale l Carriages, 2 Piiserone, Boggles. 2 Wagons ana 10 nne ltoree s. apl9-tr , wJtjiii. lAJiifii tfc-w. O R E N T kitchen, and garden attached. on Wilming ton street, within fifty yards of the Capitol. Suitable for a Boarding House. Apply to ' . : je 1 tl a J. WOMBL.K. D1 lRUG " STORE FOR SALE. i x ii 1 1 -i tin ForSale onebell lntei-est or the Whole ol a Beautiful Well stocuea DRUG 8 T O R"E . mttni nn in the most Modern Htvte.wllh a goed Clas ol Trade, and doing a good business, iu one of the largea. and most thrlvinis Towns. In North Carolina. No one but those moaning, tausloiww. and with Cash Need Apply. Audrets iort.w uays. . . iiUliirija, sr wwa. ap24-tf Raleigh. N. C. niTY RESIDENCE FORSALE. . . Two on Halifax Street. 1 on Bnjlsbury street. 8 on Newbern Avenue,' wlWi lots of from 1 to 7 acres, z Htnaii uwoiuug ihuib with four' room on Blonnt street, lot 14 acre; one on t ayeitevMi street,, ioi. a acres. - ' J: CnTY LOTS FOR SALS. 31 on Fayettevllle street. f.-W to 8250 ; ioO on Tar boro road, head of Nwb-ru Avenue V) to 5150; 12 bPHUtifnl lotH on Halifax street, $400 to $l,25i, 2 on Blount, streV l "0. LAND FOR SALCV 39)prps2ii miles from Capitol on rillls J&ttl?& own on Fayettevllle and Asy lum, ro-ids ; 20 acre farm with good hfuxe near 1 nillo fiom Capitol, arrto be otfl on -asy tnrma. K. KLNUMLANH, Real Estate Dealer,' OiRce Yarborough House. eo w-u BLACKINGS. H. A. 'REAM'S &,rCq. Manulactnrers ol Iteaoi". DURHAM, N. C. The only Blacking that will POLISH OVER OILED SURFACE AND Preserve the Leather I Warranted to ExceU All Oliver a or. Money Refunded.! , The only blacking i that will polish on oiled surface. It Is guaranteed to preserve the leather and make it pliant, .requiring less quantity ana lime to prouu-w ycr roAt irWuifl than anv other, tbe brona to be applied immediately after putting ou the I DJ,klll A perfect gloss from All will I not soil even white clothe. We ininran- I . i a. and ink Sot natronaa:e tee it aa represented, and auk for patronage strictly on us raerii.i ID WtUniOlir B.iciiaa vi.mi . has no other on it. Prices as low other Blacking. Liberal arrangement made with merchants and wholesale dealers. Below we give testimonials of l bene who hSive tested our Blacking thoroughly and speak for themselves, Thes testimonials are from gentlemen well kncwn.to tha X. "IfW putting en J Respectfully. eamhaso -. Manufacturers, Durham, N. C. i ' O M E TH ING T O E AT! I smoked Broiling B ef this day reclveJU f cj moke'd bi! f ,tV)ngues. O W. V. k A. B HTKONACH. P E A C H ' B UTTER. W. U. A, A, B. 8TRONACU. NO. w. c. MACKEREL. B. 8TRONACU. F AMILY ROE HERRINGS. W. C. A. U. BliVUAtn. E B DAM .C H E E S E W. C. A. B. SritONACH. It G I N H ! Now is the Time ! 1 ) -Kt.. ... 1 i.. Just reoel vetl SOOOyards P.CIFI0 La WN8 at A. CBEECH S. In short lengths ut 12 cents per yard agreat . tHU These Lawns are new anrt 'gohfl atylea, and are worth 20 cents per yardeyery wbre. fc- ee the customer daily g61 n g to CK K rXli'S . to buy goods. They are sensible to the last. JeS DAW3m ' ' " ' '. . p RE AT DECLINE IN PRICE IN CANNED GOODS t We are now selling onr sib.; panned X best quality Peaches for 30 eenU ' lb. can ned X best quality Ipmatoe at 20 eents. my 20 tf J. M. Mo w IE. pITY SCRIP FOR,. ; SALE. Varties desiring to pay laat year's city taxes can buy CITY HCRIP by applying to my 20-lw W. K..ANDKRHON. MOIiASSES-NEW .CHOP OF CUBA. ' vne Car load J oat received, and fot aal A It F, JON IB 4 CO. b a rich people yet. Bole A cents.