7 V ' - X " i MaBBaBfc f T - cl f- . f : r '. .A- i E. - I p .tnR BT TH .... - m - m I IIIjI?U" ,va .YA H r UIMf. Ijt - ' - - in .. 1 (M per wk. P. Til R IX BCITI ft. ICrKJITRAR CO. "-JJK TEOPLE OF Otil, mlndaare rvforaaaa and ratio As Mfipr oeueved in a frhost I M I 1 Ii sFl II II ElJgJ Daj I . . Y I- YOL.YII NO. 113. RALEIGH,!. C. TUESDAY MORNINtJ. JULY 13. 1875. I.IQIOK1. g U O R f rrf rmi L4r,Mcf load eg frd the mnm UlAJLY9rr X.OCAI. MATTER. la Mate PKAIKIE SALOON. - - 31 FarttTili Street. tor Lb NKhJ&Un of Ui It T. BOKHER. . perl oVaW L. S. C. WOODSON. City Editor. (r-Tke bcritia litt mt tkc o ILY !Es i Unrvr tkaa tkat ( aarttthT Dailr i ! tal aaf it )( laat 4 Mf ataer 1iIt ia Kalerch. A 4 vertiaers aa 14 Mkt aote I tki.j THE WttKLT NEWS rORWISHED ONE YER. POKTAOE PAID. FOB tU; XIX MONTHS. 73 CESTR. PatOfie Dircctary.. Tor tka bcMfli at iba Pabtt. va pob- lUh Um IoMowioc Directory at Lb Post-' 7 i j O p t 3 P Wetm tftll la r.awd at deUTrci ai EMWn rkwcdai Kortbarn 7 P. at. IS A M 7 in - P. M. fclS A. M. 9 3 ? irl 8 H. i)llTfrd al tMMl at. Fenons leavioj; the citj for tlm Summer ran have the Daily Nkws Kent to them for To cents per month. Dostaire prejiaM. The ad dress may be cbangeti as often as d irable. nfflc boars tor dWlTerlnc at malla from &3U a. to. lo p. tu. 51 -! 1 9 CO r . s ; s - 3C O R fe Moorr Onlora ar laraad aaj paid fram ris a. ax. utao i. to. LUn rati N Ktl.lrrd from tlS a. aa to LUU p. u. No laallaaeat or raeelTad cm rUnadaya. W. W. HOLDBJf. PostmaiiUr. JOB PRINTINO. o A ai - ; 5 ? f " E 7. '(ALE Oil RF.T. MTORE FOR S.vLE. t : STORE, alb mot yvtfm.Mj,f,Hh I Trs-'.. n. txn: a C 1 nj of i: irmt and mtip-t rra. In Nortb t'mmllDs. No ti -:. ;r.ir luln nl with -Pr- i-ir for i VJ I " i N iN E. P. . Box Rj.Iiii. N. C Tub N'tn Job DeprtHent haa been i honxijhly sappllrd with Tfry aeecLad wantaaJ with tb Uttait atylra of Typea, mod eracr buimt af Jab Wortar ba done aritb dmIbm, da4aUcta and cbeap- nasa. r cm faralaU at abort node BLANK. KILL IIEAIk. LETTKa ME AIM. CARDS. l'R03KAMIE HANDBILLS. PHAMPHLETH, ItXTERS. CHECKS. P BAITS. r. SPECIAL. CITY ITEMS. Tax Nrvri- 0 aaI a.lrr this data oar tarn are sUtrtly CASH. jy CAKMER, Dmssiat. lSCKLLAKOt"-.. V KLL-KNOWN E R I T Y IIOTKL, t ! wll kept lr V'.w Naacy I now lmn( thnrrxifhly rp'1 r- ii p'cndij order anJ npavdy kt ar tf iatut int. U ONLY HOTEL RL'ILDTMHJ w. If Dfnprf!; kC will pay wetL T' EN I Y- ri V K roio. oa tbe eaail mi ! not Imm. ba d (TIMMOMOl'x XTABLKH. Ltwtiiha rverivnl until Ao- fAd Jrew n. ilrAULET. i iiurtt tiru. w. c. Ka !ULi.-li tmria IXCIC PEA 8. nd.ii.tMi p-and balrt FODDER, tor aala at lhtDorne'4 (iraJ and Ercd 8tore. vr. A. O VTTW. j Mlt HaprUitaadat. ! toalir:s OU, for Ala cheap by Je it l u buabaia Stock Paa, V. WOOLLOOTT. Wllmlagioo atrvat. 1 Xv Ii A U H ZO and Sign Painter. of Wl'Uaxoa A Haywood's ap r ly t, T I f E C f itoHilN and S.r m lRK-il AKIMi TAl-rH"-I ! r o Mn:a atrre. a-atrv-rt BpllOiircb. Cully inTtia a lrll. ', EST IN THE MARKET. 4 m's Fresh Meat Store, an Si., nj, posit e the JJarkct. o dooht. In other -worrla It la a t feci that hbaU M.rTAIN TTON. LVUR. HHEKP. and a, I to be focod at RU'M'M r on Wllmlortoo alrvet, op. krC oly the owl MOl'l Vt.S are parrhsaed and batrh wmlnc y t klHfal b&ad . HOlE STEICSp'!a.Uy. a on hkivl v.-ry morning. and lt llv " pritm. It luv, ol cocoe wb-r ya IgcttLa bal. A. WAITU. IT yT) UK W E L L, . paml to rlen. wall or dig anrtnt noltatMd aaUlaaacttoo m orrr Inatanrr. left t ! -Nw4" o Su 'a pmaaaUv iuiiJnl I'X P.RVaS" A M I lLCK. XotTHiui It Tbe brat Northern Je ran be obtained at my ttnrtoo WilalDt Wan atrvet. at all Umea. at two joants per ponod. Je U A. BAl'M. Fnomntirsa,-Tor tbe wioat llfavlike. moat permanent and flocat flaUhed Pboto grapha call at WA1ON OAU.ERY. For tba greataat Tar etr and lst aaaort mMt of Albandk and Framea, ra'l at WAT SON'S CJALLKRY. Ja 3D U KANUIC OP THERMOS! ETKR AT J AS- H. KJTXISS' BOOK 8TOKB, July 12lh. A. M. 9 A. 31. 12 M. 3 P. M. 6 P. V. TV M 87s 6V 85 FOR STATE CONVEHTIO.f FROM HAKE COU.fTT. IlICHAUD II. RATTLE, Jr. Maj. pEATO.N gales, RL FUS H. JONES. D. B. HOLLAND. r. CIGARS! all the anenlkm of ibflrarH ay rblwbraada tdUAUH, t Kai tli Ka-orlle." - Prlae fir I Tow o."' " Leal Ta Oder." nil oUmc abnlro brand, all san rorooimeitd aa a-log UKU. ZWtit.BR, jMrpt taxar aao yarbor rata BciLDtr, 'oaaonio!.) fTIKi InsaXK ALl, uloop N.U. Jan .'ji. 1VTS. j PROPOSALS WILL ad at IbU ofU-e on or before ro.. roriheaopplvo'TMKEE R HatltTC. ta badeiired U,f Watrni Ierr Aylom olina. " ! Inwn Mor- f tw.aic : : ii7 - I "x-lobe r I aper'.fy a'pnratety the eoat iek. w'fj or aitlioot(bu fin th.ir proportion wi.l t reutred to lnur r"miKiof thaeoatmrt. w - fwnr the right to cl ! -nd'H ed : "Propnaji? 'r. I'.nrk fr ine k ea:ern In- ortn l Amltna." and ad- T. 'IKO. WALTON, j t-rrflATj f Commlwloo. jK CO PA RTNERS H I P. d" a--lae.lT. A. K'NU- eay. ud w. E AJ4MELKY. .a. In the i tun futvii vm n m j-ta najne of HKTT. ALLEN t oar thaak to rr rnUn raj pailronace they bare bereto a4 ir and sutc a oontlnoanea o 1 the new Arm. J Mr M. BP.! IH. JACOB H. ALLEN. 1'TION OK CO-PART-HII'.-Tte fir in ol W. B. (. u tbla dar dlaaoleed n-nU W. H. MITT MINI M.iDcaa of tbe late Arm. H. HL'Tt UIMUH ar CO. I Juue lth. IX7k Pl'RCHASFD THE m-iio the lata Una. I wUl I H: i, where I will keep eoo- u : a full atock of t-tr nut pat ro nag. I reaped- aauUaaanee oc the mim, W. B. MCrcHLNOa. CE LOT OF SMALL lrtmmd N. C HAMS, la star a at lS cents. I, . AVsoxa. Til CAROLINA AND fOODU cJOred Hay for aala I ITO. LEX a BoNiC Local Brlets SuUribe to the Daily Nkw only ?-. per year (fotai;e .iald). Mr. J. D. Whiuker ha. for aale two thouKarrd corda of beat in wood cheap. . "Old Prob." will give us to-day north east winda with cloudy weather ami occasional rain. Intending to enlarge his store, Mr. Juhler, the jeweler, will sell hia present stock of i;ooda at greatly re duced prices. Setj advertuerueut in auoiher culunia. The report of tire condition of the Raleigh NalkmaJ Rank, at the clone of its business on tlie.KH.hOf June, will be found interesting to all busi ness men. See published statement elewbere. "The Sentinel has little or nothing to tay about Convention, but is en gaged in abusing the Legislature which give it the public printing. So aaya the Charlotte OLtrrver." Hon. A. 8. Merrimon and Oen.W. R. Cox returned yesterday from Moore county. Laving spoken in Carthage ol Saturday on the subject of Convention. We are requested by the Hoard of Aldermen to say that there will be a meeting Wednesday night at Metro politan Hall to couaider and discuss the question of funding the city dbt. Let all attend who vnsli to under stand the juetion. For bealtii'and pleasure no more popular and fashionable resort can be foaad than the Western Hotel, at Hickory, N. C. The house is well fitted and furnished, and la a high and healthy country. . Read the ad vertiaenieut else where. The Wilmington Star of yesterday regrets to hear of Lb death of Mr. Mark Bridgers, at Annapolis-, Md. He was a son of Hod. R. IL Bridgers, of that city, and bad bat recently en teral the U. 8. Naral Academy as a cadet. We learn that Mr. Raffln H. 0 raves, Jr., Professor of Enginaeriogand the Mechanic arts hi at the North, col lecting models, Ac, to Illustrate the teaching In his department He will return In time for the opening of the University for students the 1st Monday of September next. The Citizen's Cornet Rand will meet to-nlfht at the Rand room for tbe purpose of electing officers and tbe transaction of other important business. A full attendance Is de sired. . No "squatters" will be allow ed to vote and the Supreme Court will have nothing, to do with the erection. Tub Nominee From Randolph. At a mass convention of the Demo cratic citixens of Randolph county on Friday last M. S. Robbing, Esq., was nominated foe the State Conven tion to till the raeaney on the ticket occasioned by the declination of Dr. Craven. The Piedmont TVess of Saturday has this to say of the whereabouts of Dr. Pritchard: "Dr. T. H. Pritchard and family. of Raleigh, is in the Western part of the State to spend the summer, ine Dr. will be in Hickory to-day (Satur day.) Will deliTer a Temperance addrefls to-uight and preach at the Baptist Church to-morrow morn ing. Poll Holdkks for City Elec tion. The Commissioners have appointed the following poll-holders for the city election on the loth Inst., on the quest iou of funding the debt of the city : 1st Ward T B Yancey, n M Mil ler. at Ward Simon naves, J E PiUiamson. 3d Ward J C L Lumsden. H T Clawson. 4th Hard S M Merrill, J R Whit- aker. 5th Ward J T Parham, J W Cole. Boardixo Hocse fob Rent. Tbe eligibly located boarding house of Mrs Henry W. Miller on the cor ner of Newbera Avenue and Per son street, is advertised for rent in another column. It is conveniently and pleasantly located, is large and airy, and has been osed as a boarding house for thirteen years. Mrs Millar will continue to entertain boarders. and would be pleased to have some additional boarders at preseut. See advertisement. Cotton Stored in Raleigh. There are some 1,200 bales of cotton to store in this city. There haa been some transactions in the eRy during the past week, but there is not much disposition to either buy or tell. We copy the following brief from the Baltimore Gazette : " The Biahop of North Carolina is pleading for $13,000 to establish the Ravenseroft Associate Mission in the western part of his diocese. He has received already one-third of the amount." The State Educational Con vention. This Convention will meet to-morrow morning In the Sen ate chamber. Its proceedings will be of a very interesting character and it is thought the attendance will be large. We hall keep our readers posted as to its doings. Distinguished Guests at the Yabbobough. The following gen tlemen, members of the Cotton States Congress, were registered at the Yar- boro House last night : Messrs. But ler, Ua., Shankland, Tenn., Max well, Tcun., Jones, Arkansas, Aiken, III., Jackson, Va.. Frantham,S. Ca., James, Oa., Saine. Ga., Frank Young, Md., Thigpen, N. C, and Greene, of Illinois. "A Pedestrian .Local." The Piedmont lrem says of Capt. Woodson, who has been on the line of the Western road for some weeks: "The above title is applicable to Capt. Woodson, of the News, for when he wants to go and no conveyance is convenient he puts out on foot. Last Tuesday the hacks left him at the White Sulphur Splines, but he, pos sessing too much go-altead-ativeness to spend another day idle, walked to Hiefcorv. a distauceor eigne miles, In time to take the Western bound raiu. Pretty good for a Local with the TUB COTTplf STATES GUESS t CO!f- recoad AbbbsI Seasieat Commendable. While strolling through tbe city Sunday afternoou iu the vicinity of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum we were attracted by the sound of vocal music, and on reach ing the house of Mrs. wed don, an aged lady whose afflictions have pre vented her from attending church for a larre number of years, we found tbe iu embers of the choir of Eden ton Street M. E. Church, who had met there for the purpose of singing a few of their songs for tbe benefit of the aged lady. This choir, we learn, have formed themselves into an organiza tion for the purpose of visiting such members of their church as are un able to attend from sickness. In thia ooanection we would meo- tloa tut Mr.JR.yV. Rest, oneof the choir, has the atrooresc trass -redo eveflemrd, while at the same time it is possessed of much music. SuprehkOocbt. This body met yesterday at the usual hour, all the Justices present. s The following cases were considered : C. C. Vest ys." Juo Cooper tt a!., from Cherokee. -Dismissed. James Harrell vs. David C. Reams, Adm'r., from Granville. Argued. liatchelor and L- C. JMlwards for plaintiff; no counsel for deft. j. c I... Harris, noiiciior, eiuion to the Court, from Northampton. Attorney General and Harris for pe titioner. Argued. C. J- Green vs. N. C. R R. Co., from Wake. Argued. Rattle A Son. for plaintifTaud Smith & Strong and liatchelor for deft. State vs. Robt. Hall, troni Wake. Argued. Attorney General and J.C. L. Harris for State. No counsel for deft. Jas. Cotton and wife vs. Wm. Far mer ei at., from Halifax. Argued. Walter Claik and Batchelor for plaintiffs and Moore fc Galling for def'ts. A Banqcit in Honor or the Delegates to the Cotton States Congress. We learn that the Com mittee of Arrangements have ar ranged with Dr. Blacknall, of the Yarborough House, to furnish a ban quet Wednesday night to the mem bers of the Cotton States Congress which will convene in this city this morning. It will push the .Doctor to make his arrangements in two days, but we know that he was never behind-hand in anything he undertook. The Rrsidence of the Profes sors of Chapel Hill. The "com mittee of niue of the Trustees of the University, after.' agreement among the Faculty, have assigned residences at Chapel Hill, as follows: To Dr. Phillips The Swain House " Prof. Kirober'ey The Kimber- lev or Wheat House. To Prof. Mangum Tho Dr. Phillips House. To Prof. Redd The Mitchell House. To Prof. Hooper The Judge Bat tle House (rented.) Profs. Graves and Winston, being unmarried, will occupy rooms in one of the College buildings, probably in the 'South." Gv. Broodbn to Receive the Delegates to the Cotton States Conokkks. Gov. Rrogden, having been requested to Welcome the dele gates to the Cotton States Congress to convene in the hall of the House of Representatives this morning, ac cepted the invitation in the follow ing manner : State ok North Carolina. ) Executive Department, -Raleigh, July 10. 1S75. ) To Maj. J. C Winder, Chairman, &v Dear Sir : I have the honor to ac knowledge tbe receipt of your com municatioti informing me that, at a meeting of the committee to arrange for the reception of tbe Cotton States Congress, to convene in the city of Raleigh on the l.'Uh int., it was unanimously resolved, that I be re quested to deliver an address of wel come to the Congress, In the Com mons Hall on that day, and adding your own personal request that I will tind il convenient to comply. For this complimentary request, couched as it is in such courteous and respectful language, and coming as it does from so large and influential a body of gentlemen, known as they are throughout the country for their high character, intelligence and in tegrity, and representing as they do great and important interests, allow me to tender to you and those you represent, my grateful acknowledge ments, and to say that it will afford me much pleasure to comply with the request of tbe committee. I trust the convention of the Cotton States Congress, which will assemble in this city on the 13th insL, may be productive of much good ; and what ever may be best calculated to utilize and encourage honest industry and labor, to improve our condition and develop our resources, and to cherish and promote our agricultural and commercial interests, shall have my hearty co-operation and support. I am with great respect. Your Ob't Servant, C. H. Bbogdkn. ! The National Cotton Ex change Convention, The second annual meeting of the Convention will take place on the 21st inst., at White Sulphur Springs, Va. The Nation tl Convention was organized last year, and its first meeting was held on the 11th of June, 1S74, at Au gusta Ga., when a regular organiza tion was effected. Among the, ob jects of the exchange are uniform classification of cotton and the com pilation of statistics leariiig on the cottou trade. The Board of Trade of Charlotte has appointed the following del egates: Messrs. J. l. Bnce and J. E. Steuhouse, wHSlt. W. Sanders and J. T. Johnson as alternates. Does not the Raleigh Board of Trade intend being represented? Among other subjects the follow ing questions are to be considered : To arrange for tbe securing of monthly returns of overland ship ments to spinners. The establishment of uniform rules relating to reclamation of falsely packed cotton, with efforts to secure the adoption of the same in foreign markets. That efforts be made to secure the adoption of uniform standard of classification in foreign market, and providing that all sales of cotton in Europe, by members of the exchang es, upon nrui oners or for forward de livery, be made on basis of American standards. X The establishment of a Board of Arbitration in Liverpool; composed of salaried experts, for settlement of all controversies arising from sales o cotton apou firm offers or for forward delivery from United States ports. Recommending that crop reports of local and national exchanges be made from April to December, in clusive, instead of May to November as heretofore. Recommending the fixing df a standard of weights for bagging and ties, with tbe view to securing, the greatest economy consistent with safe package. The establishment of a uniform system for the examination and de livery of cotton after sale, leaving the time in which delivery shall take place to be fixed by the local ex changes, as that should necessarily depend on local facilities. Kecommenaing uniiorm system for welching cotton, and that all weighing be done by officially ap- no in ted and sworn weigners. aiso, that all such weighers shall be ex- Derienced in the avocation, and snail give bond and security for perform ance of duty. That such wehrner anaii not oe in terested, directly or Indirectly, in cotton at time of appolatment or thereafter during his eligibility. ' This body will convene in this city this morning at 11 o'clock, meeting at the hall of the Hooae of Represen tatives. At the hour named tbe President, Col. D. E. Butler, of Georgia, will call the Con vent kBi to order, when Gov. Brogden will welcome the Congress ia behalf of the State, which will be responded to by the President. i Mr.F. H, Bus bee will then wel come the visitors to the city in be half of Mayor Separks, ' which will be responded to by Dr. Wm. Max well, Master of the State Grange of Ten nessee. After that the usual order of busi ness will be proceeded with. At four o'clock in the afternoon the atembers pf the Congress will visit the Insane Asylum at tbe Invi tation of Dr. Grissom. Members of the city and visiting press are in vited to accompany the excursion to Aslyum. This Congress was organized during the meeting of the State Fair in Atlanta in the fall of 1S73, and held its first annual session in Atlanta in June last, at which ses sion CoL D. E. Butler was re-elected President of the Congress. The attendance upon the present session , it is thought, will be good, all the Southern and many of the North- Western States being represented. Tbe ladies nqd the public generally are invited to attend the sessions of the Congress. Supreme Court. The following opinions were delivered to-day : By Pearson, C. J. : D. D. McBryde et ah, vs. John Patterson, from Robeson ; judgment modified ; cost equally divided. By Reade, J. : M. L. Holmes et al., vs. T. J. Cro welletal., from Union. Error, aud judgment here for defendant. 11. J. Holmes et al., vs. T. J. C ro wel 1 et al., from Union : Affirmed, and judgment here for defendant. By Rodman, J. : Alfred Dookery vs. R. 8. French et aL. from Robeson. Reversed and action dismissed. By Settle, J. : H. A. and M. L. Arm field vs. John D. Brown et al., from Rowan. Af firmed. By By num. J. : Stephen A. Martin vs. William Lea. adm'r.. from Person. Judg ment affirmed. 7S.:J iFor the Dally News. Tse Resialeaee of -the Late Weltfea n. cawartis ? ae vrave ei jsiss - Poplak Mount, W ARREN CO, July 12L 1875 This is a; delightful country resi dence. . Hon. Weldon Edwards owned and lived at this retreat tor a number of years. When he died he leit nis immense estate to Mr. Mar- maduke Hawkins. 1 Mr. Edwards wrote a short sketch of the life of Hon. Nathaniel Macon. It was my pleasure to,' obtain and read a oopv of this highly interesting pamphlet lor tne- nrst time to-day. Every youth in our country would do well to read it. Nathaniel Macon was re garded by John Randolph: only see on d for distinguished abilities, as a statesmen to General Washing ton. Warren county has furnished u number of distinguished men, but Macon; perhaps, stands at the head of the list, although a heap of stones is the, on ly thing that marks his last resting pfaceV He gave directions to Mr. Edwards that they should be placed oq hjs grave. Mr. Edwards was his in timate friend. Not very far from ' this place thedaughterof General It. E. Lee died during! the late war. A beauti ful monument marks the resting place of this beautiful and accom plished daughter of the hero who now sleeps near Jackson, at Lexing ton, Va. 4 . D. Postal Cards and Stamps. Re ports just made by Third Assistant Postmaster : General Barber show that 107,619,000 postal cards were is sued during he . fiscal year which ended June 30 last, against 61,079.000 issued for the year which ended June 30,1874. The increase is equivalent to abont 18-5 per cent, which shows that the postal cards are growing in popular favor. The value of the is sue of ordinary postage stams during the year ending June 30, 1875, was $18,271,479. an . increase of $996,237 over the previous year ;'of newspaper and ; periodical postage stamps, $815,902 47 ; of ordinary stamped en velopes and.wrapers, $4,124,477 84, an increase ot $242,284 58; of postal cards $1,07,160 ; of total issues for sale to the publie, $24,288,018 17, an increase of $2,218,7905 over the fiscal year ended June 80, 1874, The sale of offi cial postage stamps dor the fiscal year amounted to $834,970 25, a decrease of $580,874 95 since June 30, 1874 ; official stamped envelopes, $354,522 18aolncreace of $1,065 52 over the year 1874. : NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR PRICE: FIVE GENTS. la -V ' ity Ex rates by AjJtSTlSnT6t r 1 Ona aqnara,oaa a- , . . ' a to Ona aquara, ona month l- a W vw aquara, mrea month. : : ' ou - 8s: Essi ft : W j S tDZJ!?J? ojJ pam El onatttu.te a square. All MTarUsemegais under tan lines obaraed al tba rata of ona aoare. f" I ' Advertisements mast ia eonflnad tottte btuanaasortbaadvartlaaT. Thi i , yr TO BUSINESS MENV ' A good advertisement fa a wldare a!roa'. latad nawapapor la tha beat of all Boaalbla., j ' ' '- ' M r'-- - A' ,r -- . ' salesmen. It isaaaJeaman kAimnhmi ' and U navt r weary; who iroaa artar boalneaa "'-! ny wn uut; ano aoeosta the aaaran-i . Wake Ceaaty Caavats; The Chairman of the County ecutive Cbmmittees of the Democrat ic and Republican parties have ar ranged the followinsr route to be pursued by the candidates for delu- ... In hlJS Ski..! vil gates to the Convention. The speak- lm9J?r ! hU tba lady- la bee - ' - t .,, . , ,; ham a. the tra velar la tha i car ,or. boai: ing as to time will be arranged by 4 .. y .... , v. f- " . candidates: faleaman wbb no purchaser eaa avoid. ' , 3 who can ba In a thousand plaeaa at oaea . ' Middle Creek. Thnra'ar. July 15, atTTtley's. aad spaak to thouannda ol peopla daily. Baosrborn. Friday July 6th. Laihley'a, 'h X . Y l"V. Hwift Cjraak. Bmtnrday July tt. Franklinla. saylog to each ona tb bast thW In the tb.vary. , I beat manner. A a-ood abnthMiutt lnsarea a baalnaaa couneeUaa oa tha R ! moat permanent and Indepandant basis, and la In a carta in aansu, a gaarantea tu the eastomer of. fair and noUarata-prl-. eea. Exparlenea has shown that . tba dealer, whose wares have obtained' a' ' " I- " - a - - publla celebrity. Is not oaly enabled U -A sell, but U Axced to ael( t reasonable , N ? r. and to rarnlsh a pood art lola. 'A ' dealer can make nn battar Invaatatant than In the advertising column of1 "a. widely elrcaUted newjaper. iroebrta-" W j. . . r'.'tr : " ' the opinion of a man who Is known' to ba the larjroat advertiser la the United fMatea. , Uard'n. Oak: Grove, Thursday July 22d, Oak Urove, iw jjians. rrioay j my aa , uv t. Barton's Creek. Hat'day July 24, Hntchlaon. Hooae'a Craek, Monday July 36th, Klnafa Store.' ,.',('.-. g .. PoreatvllleTueaday'Jniy Tth, Forest y lite. Koleavllle, Wadnaaday July 2lL Rolasvllks Little River. Thora'ay July fW O. Moono. asark'a Cret-k. Friday July 30. Hood a Htoma. St. Matthew's. at'y Julv 21. Powell's Stoiw. Mt. Mary's, Monday August 2d, Andrew's 8tore. Panther Branch, Tuesday August 3d, J, II. Adaoia. r . , Raleigh. Wednesday August 41U, LoveJojJ's W. W. JONES, Ch'n Dem. Ex. Cam. w. w. wmitis, lie p. " greft State Expeases, Coaseryative Vs. Radical Let tke People Read. Proper care and economy In hand ling the people's monejrjs a virtue in any political travagance, waste and peculation should crush it in the eyes . of all good cUizeus. .North Carolina Is poor, and the party that practices economy in her administration seeks her greatest good. The following carefully prepared table shows who are the political friends of our Com monwealth: ti That la Thb Datlr Mews. Vl.fO rv. OEPORT OP TrtK! COtlDTTTriW XV ef the-RAlelenatlonat ltantr.'at Kal- ' ehjh. In tha Htat el Noh it Carotfna, at tha closaof bialnesa. Janet k.j . .7r ? , " - RESOURCES. ' V ' " 'o Loans and discounts. vrrninuiK,.,, Total four years Conser vative Rule. For the year ending Sep tember 1974. For the year ending Sep tember 1S7X For the year ending Sep tember 187. ' Is aa ocapa t- "Ft- v . o. o"uu to secure circulation. 600,000 U0 y-J Bda to secure depoalm,. , e , . Other stocks, bonds and luorl" ' ' Due from oTaTarNaiionaTitaDk's7 ISkWTl Due from State Ranks a nd Bank- r -.;, ern, ll.Ki 63 Real ettata. furniture, and ax- ' ' ' tures. ....... r ln.aW Pemluma paid... 1 ujm US I Checks and other cash ltema, , 7H1 10 Bllla of other A'ational llanka 4JbMjM ' ' . Fract Ion al Currency. Unoludlna nlckles). . S0600 notes;..... .....!.... 5M 43 ' Legal tender notes, J. , UU Redemption fund with Dl B. ' Treasury. (5 per cent of olrcula ' llonj... --.L, 22.R0O CO. ToUL... Iff!''' I ' M i ni wi. LIABILITIES,; For year endln Septeia- rer sutn, mil. 3 s&S s Capital Stoek paid ln,...... 500.000 . 1 Surplus ruud........ m...-;... , 6C.WU) UQ .1 OtBer Undivided ProfltsX.t.l N aUonal Bank notes outatand- , ' - . . I 1 ng, .- ..w.k.4..U'(M4 ' i33,10U 00 1 - Dividends unpaid. , . ,uaow,. , Individual Deposits aubjecG to 1 Demand certitlicates of deposit. H.8 64'NI s 1 cneoit,......,.............. 4. . tm,Jta 5 I Cashier's checks ouUttandingv.t.'r 7.lw kl V; Luiwu ouiuii uejHWiWi, .,4,1 ,7,jSa )ARDING HOUSE . RENT. rill rent at a raaaonabla nrlee mr iiouse. reaay furpisnea ana eiigimy locat ed on tha corner of Newbera Avenue and Person street, aitd only, twe squares from vna vapiiou Until rented tt will ba kept as a Board in nous, ana a tew noaraera can oe ae commouatad at present. - i asanas Ion riven at onea. Mt. HENRY W. MILLER. July i3.-i. A H A M HIGH SCHOOL. For "two years Rale I asic j co bo o ea if ' - J . va s . yp vUS J UK VI" ncers 8TJ&U 73 Due to other National. Rankji,, .iliiHl W Notes and bill roi-dlscountadL.. -1 VSTV fa Due tootate Banks and Bankers, ;. t HI ToUl ...r;...v-JlW7jB44, 67., For tha year ending Sen- tamber 30th, 1870. j As Outrage in Johnston Coun ty. We learu of a most heinous outrage which recently occurred in the north-western portion of John ston county. A white man named Buck Suggs committed rape on alittle white girl some nine years of age The fiend is still at lanrei. The au thorities of tut county -iw.id take I T OUISBTJERG FEMALE 8EMI- or the year ending Sep tember 30th. im. GRAHAfl, H. C, Rev. D. A. LONG. A.M., Rev. W. W. HTALEY, A. B. F. LONG. A- BH Mrs. F. BASON, Instructress In music Opens A gust Wth. and ends the last Fri day in May 1S7& Board 8 to 910. Tuition $3 to J. Head, for circular. ' ly lX-lt. July 1 1 . 5 113, I Tes I U3 " mi ? rl ..- .- I 3d !l STATE 3 OP NORTH CAROLINA, LJ. County ef Wake. t ' 51 I I, Charibii DtWKT, Ciwhler bf the " V .x , o.u,.ao ' solemnly 1 swear , that the above statement la .true to tho ; best of my knowledge and belief. 1 . , uewey. Cashier.. efore ma the steps to put it out of his power to com- mitt auother such outrage. He was Indicted once before for the committ al of a similar outrage in Harnett county, but got clear upon some ground. The Orphans at Metropolitan Hall. Notwithstanding the threat ening character of the even ing, the little band of Orphan child ren from Oxford was greeted at Me tropolitan Hall last night with a crowded house. The band is com prised of six little girls and six little boys, and they entertained their audience with full satisfaction by the rendition of a goodly number of songs. Someof the voices of the little child ren were really sweet, and we were pleased to sec them receive oft and merited applause. An Enterprise that Should ee Encouraged. We are again in debted to Dr. Ellis, the Steward of the Deaf and Dumb Asylum, for some specimens of those splendid brooms which are manufactured in his in stitution by the unfortuate iq mates. The broom is unsurpassed by any thing of the kind we have ever seen, both in appearance and for durability, They are sold, to the wholesale trade at as Io w figures as they can be ob tained elsewhere. This is an enter prise that should be encouraged. Louisbitro Female Seminary. Miss Cornelia Crenshaw has advertis ed in another column her select school for young ladies at Louisburg. The Christian Advocate, in speaking of tli is school, says and we endorse all Brother Bobbltt says in the ex tract : "We learn that it is a school of merit and know that few communi ties can boast of greater refinement, intelligence aud morality than Louis- Graham High School. The fall session of this institution, under the management of Revs. D. A. Long, W. W. Staley and Mr. B. F. Long, will open on the 24tb of August. This school had 98 scholars during the last session. See the advertise ment. Alluding to the fact that one hun dred and thirty-five children under 1 year of age and one hundred sixty- seven under o years aiea in liauimore last week, the Gazette advocates tbe publication by physicians of summer rules of daily diet and daily life. Proper care at home, it thinks, is af ter all the best preventive in poor families for tick nesa incidental to the season, and it adds: "At least one third of those Infants who die perish of Ignorance quite much as of Km . f I'" I -Wool A Fifteen ' " FOB YOUNG; MTS8E8 AND GIRLS. Fall session, opens Wednesday, 11th ' of July, and continue for m weeks. terms : Hoard, witn wasning. 3b- u, "C? w 5 00c 3 oS fl Subscribed and sworn to 12Lh day of July. A. IX. 173.. CHARLES ROOT, Notary Public. t Correct Attest: W. H. WlLLABD. A. 8. Mkkkimom U.n. CAKTKU, f - Director!.-' )arU-2t MISCELLANEOUS. 3 T u R N 1 8 E D r . rresn 1 nrnip Heea just opened at 'y CARMER'rt Drug Htora. fur- It will be seen from Ine aDove j mates that the lastor years when the administration of the State affair daied coui'ortably with the Parecta of the DrinclDal. Apily for circular to ; Mias COKNELIA A. CRENSHAW. July 13. Deod,ltand WlU O E L L I N G A T (jREATLY REDUCED PKICES INTBN D INO to enlarge my utore, 1 offer m y well xelected stoek of WATCHKH. J K W - K Lit V, SILVER and SILVER PLATED W a RE. at greatly reduced prices. - Orders from ax dis tance ahalt receive prompt attention N O eis of the Raleigii inAfr'AfHSlkhold KaUroad Company, will ba held at Com' nany's office. In Ralelnh. on FRIDAY th nished rooms. nd Enirllsh Tuition In fall. J has been to some extent controlled I 'eth of July,lW5,cominenclngatlloioaki, $9u.oo. Lanpusgea and musie very mod- nas oeen 10 some extent conironea a. M. W. W. VAHH, erxte. wo Kxtw . ses usxe oeen less uy M,i 10.01 tuau that spent by the radicals in two. a difference sufficient in itself to defray the entire cost of a Constitutional Convention.' By an amendment already made to the Constitution the General Assembly meets only once in two years, fan amendment passed by Conservative effort) so that the expense of the last Legisla ture, $109,168.S0, should be divided by two to show a proper per annum. expense. Now let us estimate the probable cost of the Constitutional Conven-i tion: and goods sent for selection If required aespeetiuiiy, H. MAHLER. A SPECIALTY. Wedding and Engngement Rings made. to order at gjiort notice. July 13. tt ' ' A 1 ' TTEALTK AND PLEASURE. 1 L v f POPULAR m IASHIOXABLS E1S0ET- WESTERN HOTEL. Hickorv, N. C. This house swell fitted and famished . in now open for the accommodation of visi tors ana the traveling public, its room- arc well Ventilated and commodious. Ser vants Dollte and attentive. . Table supplied with every delicacy of the season, yemcies . iumiHiieu ai snon nolle-. Omni bos goes from the Hotel to the White Salpher Springs on arrival of every train. White Sulpher and Chalybeate water always on hah'd. This Mouse It com plate Inall Its appoint ments, aa a acs.t-c.asa Hotel, ho errorta will be spared- to make tbe guests com fortable ana contented. Terms ol Board. ' Per day. 12.00 -Children and servants half price. ' For further Particulars. Address. . A. W. MARSHALL, y, Proprietor. Porters at Uuj depot upon the arrival of cvastero ana lyuern uiuu. July 13. lm.. i 120 delegates at 5 00 ner diem. 'i Door-keepers. S5.00 per diem 3 Clerks, at .00 per dlern , 2 Paares. at 92.50 per ill em, Coutlngent, Treasurer and Beer-la ry. 1 The next annual meetlne afRtnekhold. era of the Raleigh and Uaaton Kallrwad Company will be held at the office of the Company, in Raleigh, on ililrd THUR8 DAY, being the 16th July, 1876. coramano In; at 11 o'clock, A. M. Yi jelO td , ; Treasurer and Secretary, . J U S T RE C E.I V E D and for Sale, TWENTY FINE HORSES AND MULffl. Je -X- tf OKO. W. WYNNB A CO. 1 T E D soon. 00 10.f o 10.0l 5 W 1U.00 KRJiOO a Hiinnnon as AXJU'iMonvKor stationary ENGINEER, undenitands the practical working machinery; best reference given, address AKKAM 8PA1N, Jy H-lm Cnre of P. O. Box auO. Total. Estimate the duration of the Con vention at 30 days and we have 18.050.00 Mileage. 6,1100.00 Printing, dc, 5,000.oo Total cost of Convention. $:i0.050.00 The voting population is about 200,000, so that the cost of Conven tion will be fifteen cent to the voter. The property however pays the tax. and estimating the taxable value of the property of the State at $150,000,- 000 we find the cost of Convention Per month Per week 41. 2et J - - ?j A N TpjS D IMMEDIATELY At beville, N. C, BRICK MAflERSof all grades and ages, STONE MASOK8 and Laborers, BBICK- Layers, about j , the I si of Aagnxt aext. Apply t; HENRY W.'SOOTT. J!y 10 lmontii eod. Contractor. te BLLSI PEARL HOMINY IkJ AND GRITS. 3 Tleret a Carolina Rice. 4 Barrels Navy Beans. - Just recel ven . W. t Al B. BTRON A CH. Conservative rule we "say to some extent" because they have not had the entire control of the State. If so much is saved when only the Legis lative branch is conservative what would be the result if all were in their hands ? Much of. this expense also could be saved were it not forced on us by our ill advised Constitution. It is hard to give figures a party bias. They are inflexible, but stand out a stern truth, a rigid fact, and if the people of .North Carolina are wise they will heed the lesson they teach. QHECK LOST OR STOLEN. All persons are hereby notified not I trade for r tfUt e a chectt drawn by ineon HTATK NATIONAL BANK aud made payable to self or bearer for t 75, dated Jnoe J5Jrl, IHTu, and if any have tha same, they will please return to me as It, lias been lost or stolen, . 1 . . . JyE-lm R. P. HOWELL: JjliJSOLUT'l ON .,T i ne co-partnership heretofore existing be tween DODD fe A VERA la thia day dlaaol v. ed by mutual consent. All persona Indebt ed to Kald firm will please come forward aud settle their accounts. n W. H. ODD. ' ' D. 1. A VERA. RalkiStt, July 8th, 1875. TTAVING PURCHASED but 20 cenfc on the thousand doltar. ki7okunue tb In alluding to the four years of mtnnlZ .urateiui lor past patronage, i I bepa my old friends and cuatomara and) thevpublie generally will call to see me. Jys-lm W. H. DODD. EACHERS WAUl)! T. XV . B xEIXAS.Xar 1 nar knl. at V TARASOL8, FANS AND UM- geat assortment we bave 1CA BUSHELS CLAY AND 1 kJyJ fepeekled PK AS now In the market Dy .si a. lmjn 1 soaa. HyrOLASSES NEW CROP OF . Ifl CUBA.. Ona car load lust reeela'ed and rot sal by ' . V. JONES OCt Th Folly or Nxglkct. It is tbe height of lolly to neglect precautionary measures tor we preservation 01 neaitn, wnen may become necessary In eonaeananoa of hurt ful Influences. Among these influences are the unavoidable Inhalation of malari ous or fetid air, exposure In bad weather, unhealthy occupations and habitual late hours, all of which tend to produce diaease. To guard against their effects a vigorous andreeuiar discharge of the bod 11 v func tions should be -kept on. Hoe tetter's Stomach Bitters Is tbe tonic, of all olhrrg, best alenlated to rerpetnate bodily vlsror ana regularity. 1 ue experience 01 denizens of unhealthy loealltleu. oat-door laborers, employees In . manufactories, and .. late workers of all kinds, has shown that a wtnegiaaarai or tms pieaaant safeguard ta ken at reeular intervals 1 m parts an amoun t of sUunina and poartr of reaistanee to dis ease afforded by no other protective and remidal agent. The nervous, the weak and the dyspeptic, derive incalculable bea- eflt from fta nse, and pronounce It tbe peat preparation of Its class. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of tba Peafbody Graded School, . to be established in ..Warrenton. N.. d, at an early day, wish to employ a superinten dent and three teacher. "' Proposala. stating terms, will be rteel ved until tbe 15th Inst., tbe Board exercm! nr id npiiw oonsiaer ua same nntii tno Ziia in st. The School will open' with 'hundred pupils. Ctailly yugjS. Bm JONES... 1 1 JOEL G. KINOv j 1 about ona i.l... ( . 1 -. Committee. Warrenton. N. C. TMPORTANT SALE OF LAND. UNDER decree , of Jo V NDER decree of Johnston Superior Court In the case of Tuck a a vs. Atkiicwom. ADBl KISTkATOB. ABU OTtUS. we snail OB. Monday. Auansi vtu. ibis, expose to poiMia aale at tne Court House door In Snsltbflakt, .1 the Interest of tha Infant defendant. A. C: and J. D. Atkinson, being tba rev ataion a ter tbe life esUte of their mOliner. In tho land whereon V. B. Smith new 1 va, ( ; i T . j containing 1 ,4 7 acres j ; j., For tcrma and particulars, see I " I. G. FOWLE, and F. H. BU8BK.BT. j In'-gOdya. Oommlwalonera. gUGARS. SUGARS, SUGARS. 50 Barrels Standard A.B. C Sagars lot f le by R, F. JONES a CO, , 'St ' I, k