a ! L Y NEWS - H ,11.1-411 IX oo.. ., .. r.!nrFmyttevtllc8t.. ,inKM' BA!K. NlfTlOsI in apvasit: .. - 3 on 2 ii 75 r '.vere-i 'n Vnt per we-k any ,, 1 KK1IU.1 1 ..v n i i: U2 co ,N FACTOHS, Merchants Kl. IN CilOCERIES. N- ND ORDERS KOR v I U.TY. k rKts kd I prvinpt re- . Mi:itS Ar Co., N. J Mrtm treet. ,!h)N. UPCHURCH k liOMAH. . A L GROCERS AMD 1. fission Merchants ,. VI laietteville si. v" KIOH. N. O .. i: K & S O N S ' rr N nUYKRS S-i AN!' STRICTLY Cosa;sion Merchants. : - vt v. or Meal. iC. nl c -:inni-'il ; I. H t T . N W A N T K I). r ' : 1 r. h "uc. -.i ' o i ..u..l -:ii n'i ! a i.l W'l.) i-ln give ! At re-. N ww in iri " v. i , Th i On .. - N J. N I) . of i Xu.t, to take TmiOimi. 1 KKT1I.IRIC. ',1'ANO: (U A NO." I, v .: h r I Hers : i mo. 'A n . Co.'s r-mun A Co.'i Am- ".arke".' Su frphi.-a-Sr.perpoo- iinin'". uj with - -i'.t r.rl 1 toe. v.l'l'' l t Kt 1. v TMM As. n n s srrKii phos- PltATr. 1 -w to hand. Hio-" In want ri-l well tested Fertiliser rti-i ia tl.eir or ler early. IIVHUROH Jk THOMAS. Iht KLLASKOt. T ICE. Wood and Coal! . .r.lal MM J C Winder's --vrr" Hardware Horf, J- . ii'. p- r ton. " ' ' J a!. 1 I" -' - -Lit. ( iml. " t'l " .. w i.i:l'KSTv. i It I) II O O M t . . .: tam.es .v . . lT'rt t.o i ' iiif"iif"if t.oii. r .; .ir h viu r.vuiiN - j- - i. r"i n J i" n. r .... r V. - ' f if- i rrui: nip- V.;;:H .V it" I.INA : Whi-lcf V. in r. :: MK':. !.ii I i' inly. N. K i: a U ar.d Sign Painter. tins A HywoI P T ly K C I ( A K S ! ! i t. 'k-t.-itlon of thetravel- - - l,n,i,(1nf(,KIAi:M, - - V - u Knvorit." " Pri .--.. Lnl TnJ-r," i : ':!- cr!'" bmnrt. H r. .-i-ii rr-n 1 1-Idu f Mi. Itil.KR. - .i-M.r mv- VAftxim W vi,i; it WELLS. 1 to r w U or "'In r i iitjnr. I - "Nlr" ftl" of ," - ; r r r t : v tlrn.W .1 to. K".VN VII.LK!?. ( 'v THKItN POLICY r" J :-,. to til Ir. -'r . - N. rtri fr Only ': r . :.r: itt i.f i w 1r. TIi J- .rf--r. Auvrrtl-nnt i'i . HI"T.-ON, i.'..r aij 1 i'r .pri-lor. '.Mi .RASS SKKI). nr-r10rxti. : f"' ITHi'M A T!IMA. ,l .-..r l .H. r. 8u;m for 1,1 NKW CKOI OF H K JilN fX. ' ! A M ( f K K S E. 1 T. f I . 1 . . V B. "T hO N A t H. I HAT.f ' 4 I T R. F. JOFX CO. t!t I.lbrurT 0117 74 VOL. VI J L NO. 17 LOCAL MATTV-R. E. O. WOODSON. cityBditorT i-ef The v btcnptioo I the li A 1 1. V .NEWS is larger tkaa that ol nnyotbr Dailf la tbe state, nnd is double thnt of any other Daily in It tleigh. Adrertiwrsshoald make a vote ol thi.-l THE WK'r'Kt.Y NKVVH FURNISH Kt) NE YEAR. PO.STAOE PAID. FOR 11.00; SIX MONTHS. 75 CFJITK, 1'osUOtfice nirectory. For th benefit of the Public, w pab !lh the followinc Directory of the Poet-offlt-e of Uiln rlty : Weiurn Mall 1 rio-ei nt ilellTerecl at.... East em rloaed st " JellrereJ t..., Northern - c'owed t " delivered at... 7 p K .""fll.'i a! M. 710 " 1. M. .fttlS A. M. . 4: T. M. OOce boors for delivering of malls from a. m. in :" p. rn. M oner Order are Issued snd paiil :r.m :li a. in. to 4.-0U p. tu. Letters can be Keltred from V:15 a. n to 1 0 p. m. No malla sent or rerolved on Sua Jars. W. W. Hpldks. 1i t rnat. r. JOB PRINTING. ' Tit Nkts Job Department has bren ihorounJ.ly nuppllt-l with every neeI-l want and with the UUvt ty U of Tyre. ami every manner of Job Work can now Us done with neatnes. despatch an.l clieap nw. We ran furnish ul short notice BLANKS. KIM, HEADS, LETTER HEADS, CARIH. I'HO.iKAVMK'. HANDIULLS, I'llAMPH LETS, lysTERS. TIlEi K. 1'R.VFT. o. SPECIAL, CITY ITEMS. 1 r.-h nrr.v .U coni imi-i.iy if Corn an.l Me.l. K:. tir ..rvl Salt. She'led Cat. H:y nii.l K Uil-r, low for cikh t fWROtM' ;"lii an.l Ke.I Mt se'."-tf W. A. UATI1, t.i:p't 1 KINK CIli Al'.S an.l a fu'.I supply of KINK WHISKIES arl K It X Nl I !1S J uut r. oelved.it SIMT-ON-S m- i:-iw E.iyel t-vlilo .-I ut t. Why t'.m'l uwl'AKMKK'S AKINO P)WIEI1 ? It ! lho vtry ti'tar.d clieap et. Mride fresh every d.y at RB fARMER'S Prog Store. CARVER'S IloE DENTIFRICE Is the rt;ipt, tet t.l iii't pooular T'KITH 1 S' lEK ued. au 3 tf Why Pon t You Ve CARMFIVS RAK INi I'OWDER? It is the very bet art. 1 r!i:prt. I'.v a .'.) .(!',; box :i vl :i ri- viHtrw.r rorsalP I fcii 1 tf fMCMFI t or s!e h t Druic store. INDIAN KI.O D YKIT:i'm! MOTHER N'Mtl.F. S HEALINli YTI'. f-r sale a'J au 1 t' KMER Drue store. Ahother lot of those u lee oncoverwl fu tr ourtd HAWS. Jut rnvl an-l for sale bv A'M W..OT CinT, a;: U tf W 1' in nu u ;rert. VniiTKtS III' t.n t ! . :i t a'. I T1- brt Northern Joe it inv i'ore Wiiinlnir- tirii. cut per !t A V M. er vtf niit rtn:.io tit .: 1 ili. st tl.i'' .! Phobi- Kfph nillA' W Von S (MI.l.KKY. K-r thet-r !ei vn r e v mi l . o-t- ni- lit of A!l.u:i . wnl Eranit-n, ;i i t S'.T-SN-S ti A T.I FKY. 1e tf- J P R I X T O I N (i Bnslrw meu will fin. I It to their lnt-r-et to pitrotiln- the Nir J u ,KtTI"'; Hrr. Its lupftty rt 'lie latent anil iuCkI ppiilnr typ- RLd ollci' Hppnrtt iimices r li tter It a favortte with n't wio try It. Local Briefs Fires were not unp!ca.aut y.-ster-.lay. KHij.se Hie Sun on tho -Kh, vi:l'le. We rort t to Iarn of the Horiou.-" III ih of Mr. Ilt-nry ilnr! cai, ut hi- resilience mar this rily. All the ptil pit.- of tlu- eity will he filled to-ttay. Stran-jerx are cordially invitetl to any ':tui :ll "f them. We re j leased to learn that K. B'irko liny w.r.I, Jr., who Iins hei: ' rio'ilv ill f'r -o:ni- vt-i-ks .nf, i ';nrwli:it improved. (iov. Brod'-n enn end mnr' "new of otHl cheer" to The Newhern ne jrrots. Teil Vm how Friday Jone iticrrr-ed thv majority it Orange for Patterson. At a meeting of the Board of Al dermen Friday night the city Attor ney wa instructed to bring suit against any former officer of the city who may from any cause be indebted to her treasury". Tis eaid that Keogh will call a meet ing if Friday Jones. Ike Young, liilly Henderson and Totn Long to examine Into the late Orange county election frau i, that the Dime may be brought to the notice of the Conven tion. On Thursday next, ut Johnston Court, will ho heard the suit now pending between the .city and the II. A O. H. K , to compel the latter to build a t.ri lgo across the railroad at the Western end of Morgan street with a view of continuing the street in that direction. Says the F.m'n Orange county cor-r-sondent, "at every olnt large and intelligent audiences greet the gal lant Young, and the power of his eloquence will have a telling eflVct at the polls." For one time we have the truth from a Radical source. The power of Ike's eloquence gave Pat terson a majority of Mr. K. O. Brown, cf Lhi city, has lieen apriointet! general agent for North Carolina of the Piedmont and Arlioglon Life Insurance Company, of Richmond, Va. Mr. Brown has already -stablished himself as a Jne business man, and we deem that the company has made a most admirable selection. Bee he card of tbecoriipa Dy ia auoLher column. , , L HE Stale Constitutional Convention- TWELFTH DAY, Raleioh, Sept. ISth. Pnsi(Jeut Ransom called the Con vention to order promptly at 10 o'clock. Prayer by ths Rev. C. B. llassel, delegate from Martin. Journal of yesterday read and ap proved. LEA VIS OK AliSKSCK. L;-avea of abaence wm grantetl Messrs. Sinclair, Oratithatn, Blocker, Hinnant, O'llura, Scott, of Jones, Jones, of Yadkiu, and Bunn, till Tnesilay next. I'.KI'OKTS OK C OMMITTEES. Mr. Clingman, from the Commit tee on Legislative Department sub mitted a rejiort from the same. OKD1N ANl'ES AND RESOLUTIONS. By tr. Yatighan, an ordiuatice-to amend sec. 'S, art. 2 of the Constitu tion. Referred. Ry Mr. Wood tin. an ordinance pro vi.ljug for the means of submitting the amended Constitution to the peo jile to be voted tijxm seriatim, &c. Referred. By Mr. Chamberlain, a resolution reijiiiritig all or-litiatices introduceil to !. jtresei vk! ly the Clerk ot the Contention hmI kept on file, Ac. Li. s nver. By M r. Thome, ati ordinance to se ?i::e a jti-t and jiial apportioutneut o' Mnti!cipal, Legi.sJative anil Con- gr.ssioii-il Districts. Referred" By Mr. Ruuily , an ordinance toex emjt 52X worth of pers nal proper ty from vaU-t uuder execution, Ac Referred. By Mr. Munden, a resolution toad journ riiie (m'c. Lies over. .. INTKonUCTION OF MAJ. 1ATTERS05H Mr. Turner said it wa3 his pleasure to introduce to th Convention his newly vlecteti colleague, Maj. W. X. Patterson, and would ask that the oath, of ollice be now administered to the delegate. Maj. Patterson went forward to the clerk's desk, ami was regularly sworn in as a deltgate from Orange county. CALENDAR. The Ordinance to reduce the num ber of Suj.reme Court Ju fgea to three in-tead of live taken uj on its third ruading, and assed by a vote of "") to i;. Tlie following Republicans voted for the ordinance, Messrs. Bean, Bowman. Boyd. Kerr, Lowe, Mc Catidless Wilcox and Wood tin. Mr. Boyd, moved li reconsider the vote by which the ordinance j a - d it- third reading. Mr. Manning of Chatham, moved t. stable the moti m to reconsider. l itis nioliou prevailed. The Mihstitul for the ordinance in regard to the reduction of S r.erior Court Judges, jiioviding for nine judicial districts, tube diminished or "increased by the legislature. Mr. B idger otlered an amendment as follows : "But the tJeneral Assem bly shall not abridge the term of fViee ninl j'Jiire except by impeach ment.' fie afterwards withdrew it on the rotnise that (he idea of his amendment should be incororaled in the bill of rights. Mr. Bowman otlVred an amend- mi nt ostriKe out ine section per mitting the (leneral Assembly to Ju crease the 'lutnlKT of districts. He was oj.jxised to the Ilexlble language of the ordinance, and con Id not see that the object sought to be accom plished, viz: economy, could ho ob tained if thct'eneral Assembly was k-st with the jiov.n to Increase at will. M r. Manning, of Chatham, ojosed the unveodinent. He said the Com nnttve in reporting the substitute t O i into consideration the fact that in afUryeatstheincrea.se if j)Oj)iila tion in the State would demand an inert ac of the judicial circuits, and ti,e (oncra! Assembly in its wisdom could provide for the demand and the necessity of calling a Convention or altering the Constitution by the expensive process of Legislative en act men t Mr. Chamberlain advocated the amendment. Mr. Barringer favored the substi tute and opposed the amendment but gave notice of au amendment requir ing its refecence to the Committee for revLdon before final adoption. Mr. Jarvis stated that there was al ready a provision in the rules re quiring every ordinance adopted to be referred to a sjccial Committee composed of the Chairmen of all Committees, for revision. Mr. Bar ringer then withdrew his umend pacSt. PeJlding further discussion, Mr. Bio'gletary called the previousques tion. "Messrs. Justice, Badger and Crosby gave"h'oMce of amendments. The yens and nays were demanded on the call for the previous question, which being sustained, resulted in the call, and the several amendments were either withdrawn or voted down. The original bill then passed it second reading bv a vote of 57 to 17. Ordinance No. '22, providing that all funds arising from the sales of fs traya, Ac, shall be applied to the School fund of the counties, was laid on the table. The ordiuance providing that the 'Judicial power of the State shall be tested Id a Court for the trial of Im D AIEY RALEIGH, N. CM SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 19, peachments, a Supreme Court, Supe rior Courts, Courts of Justices of the Peace and such other Courts inferior to the Supreme Court as may be es tablished by law," pased its second reading. Mr. Young called up the resolution providing for nine tlie adjournment and the vote taken, which resulted as follows : Aves Messrs. Alberston. Badger Barrow, Batemau, Bean, Bell, Black, Blivens, Bowman, Boyd, Buxton, Bryan, Cary. Chamberlain, Crosby, Davis, Dula, Freneh, Goodwin, Hampton, Hodge, Hoffman, Horton, Jones, of Y'adkin, Justice, Kerr, King, of Lenoir, Lowe, Maunix.Mc- Candles, Muuden. Nowell, Smyth, Thome, Youmr 35, Noes Messrs. Allman, Anderson, of Clay, Anderson, of Madison, Ben nett, Bunn, Byrd, Carter. Chngman, Coleman, Cooper, Cowell, Dobson, Kverett, F'aion, Karrior, Oreeu, Harrington, Hassell, Henderson, Jones, of Caldwell, Love, Marshall, MCorkle, McLachin, Morehead, Moiz, Xeal, Patterson, Redwine, Reid, Bobbins, Robert, of Davidson, Scott, of Onslow, Shober, Sinclair, Siiiijletary, Sjiake, Summers, Turn er, Watts, Wilson, Woodnn 11 A number of ordinances reported uniti unfavorably by the Commit tees were laid upon the table The ordinance providing for the biennial meeting of the General As sembly on the first B'ednesilay of Junuarv after considerable discus sion passed it.J second reading. The ordinance striking out the Sen atorial apjortionment as appears in sec. 4, urt.2, passed its second read ing. The ordinance striking out sec. 8, af article 2, of the Constitution pass ed its secoud reading. The ordiuancestriking out all of sec. 20, art. 2 after the word holding the elections in time, passed its second reading. On motion of Mr. Badger the Con vention adjourned till 10 o'clock Mon day. MISCELLANEOUS. Mr. Badger stated that he was not paind oft" to -day with Mr. Durham, Mr. I), having made an arrangement with another gentleman. The Sergeant-at-Artus was rejort ed as being detained in his room on account of sickness and an iudefiuite leave of absence was granted. NtiTi:. We append the following eorre-tion which explains itself : Raleioh, Sept ISth, 1875. Frfitor Daily cwn: Your rejxrto yesterday's proceedings of the Con vention seems D mistake my ordi nance as to wearing concealed weap ons. It was to fordid this practice. I may add that this is a crying evil, and in other States the Legis latures are required by Constitutions! provision to j.ass laws for it suppres sion, I think its insertion here would tend to protect human life, suppress ciime. Hod secure freedom of speech. Rufus Barringer. The Sad Accident at Durham Death of Youno Austin. A cor respondent, writing us from Durham under date of Friday evening, gives us the following additional particti lers of the sad and fatal accident at that placer "AUnit 4 o'clock tli is) p. m. a large crowd of our young men, feeling en thusiastic over the result of the elec tion yesterday, gathered on the Com mon "adjoining the North Carolina railroad for the purjioae of tiring the cannon. Round after round fol lowed in rajnd succession until I he gun became very warm, when, owing to imjroer mobbing the gun was premature! y dis charged, blowing on" both the hands of P. W. Austin, a youug Irishman and painter by trade, also blowing oft'the left hand of John B. Morris, ayonttgntan and most worthy citi zen of our town; ulso disfiguring the face of Mon is, if not putting out his left eve. besides msnglingthe thumb on tti left hand of Cajit J. F. Free land, of whom, for sterling worth, the State fails to produce a superior. Austin, it is thought, sustained in ternal injuries, besides the loss of both hatitls, and will most likely die. His hands were blown olf above the wrist and at. this wiiliugiM a great sulTcrer. All of Durham are sad and shocked and are doing everything possible for the wounded men. It is another of those, sad mi-takes in which the Maine cannot be attached to anyone. Thus the glorious work of yesterday bears sad fruit to our community." We regret to learn that young Aus tin died on Friday night of his in juries, and that young Morris will probably lose an eye in addition to his 1 eft hand. Water Works. Wearcglad tosee pur city Fathers moving in the three tion of the introduction of water into the city, this being a measure we hare lng agitated, and we hope at no distant day the ci'y may be en abled to move in the premises. At the meeting of the Aldermen Friday night, Messrs. PeBCud, Hamell and Armstrong were appointed a special committee to examine into the mat ter, to ascertain the probable cost, and report to a future meeting. We believe the great advantages that would result to the city, the enhance ment of the value of property, the increased safety from fires auda con sequeut reduction in insurance would richly repay any delay. We shall re fer to tins srtibject more at length hereafter. New Boarding House. Mrs. S. J i Stevens informs the public that she has opened as a boarding house the house on Hillsboro street, op posite the Exchange Hotel, and known as the Hutchings house, where she will be pleased to accom modate a few families and day board n.;: See advertisement. State of thk Grocery "Market. The following from the American Grocer, published in New York, be ing of general as well as of local in terest, we copy itiuto these columns : "Whether the expectations which have been entertained of an improved condition of trade for the present year are to be realized or not, the next sixty days will determine. That these hopes of revival have not been sanguine is true, but the disappoint ment which may follow their nou fulfillment will be none the less seri ous. With tlie exception of a few unimportaut localities, the agricultu ral production has been unusually large, aud the favorable prices that prevail for several leading products ought to stimulate an early realiza tion. The movement of crops is the old fashioned legitimate machinery by which to get mouey into cir culation and thus increase the purchasing and debt-.paying pow er of the people, especially " in the agricultural localities. That this would be a vital step toward ims provement in the trade, none will deny following as it does two years ofgreat ecouoruj', and in view of small stocks of merhandise and ex ceptionally low prices for all staples. Great manufacturing centres and importaut importing ought to be benefitted by the absorption of ac cumulated stocks of goods, and the whole country should feel the thrill of new life in business. vVe are therefore, on the eve of a most im portant and critical season in the commercial history of the country and close observers will watch with some anxiety the indications which the next few weeks will afford." Bishop Atkinson's Appoint ments. Appointments by Bishop Atkinson for his Autumnal visita tion : Keidsville. Oct. 7th. Weutworth, Oct. 8th. Mountain Chapel, Rockingham County. Oct. 9th. Leaksviile, 20th gunday after Trin ity, Oct. 10th. Greensboro, Oct. 12th. Salem, Oct. 13th. Lexington, Oct. 14th. St. Andrews', Rowan county, Oct. loth. Christ Church, Rowan co. 21st Sun day after Trinity, Oct., 17ih. Salisbury, Oct. ISth, p. m. and 19th. Graham. Oct. 21st. St. Mary's, Orange co. Oct. 22d. Hillsboro. Oct. 23d. Chajiel Hill. 22d Sunday after Trinity. Oct. 24th. Durham. Oct. 25th. Gaston, Nov. 10th. Ridge way, Nov. 11th. Warrentoti, Nov. 12th. Henderson, 25th Sunday after Trin ity. Nov. 14th. Williamsboro, Nov. 15th. Sassafras Fork, Granville co., Nov. 16lh. toshen, Nov. ISth. Oxford, Nov. 19th. Louisburg, 2'Jth Sunday after Trin ity, Nov. 21st. Franklinton, Nov. 22d. Kittrells, Nov. 23.1. The Orange Vote. The follow, ing is the vote for Major W. N. Pat terson on the 16th inst., to fill the vacancy in the State Constitutional Convention created by the death of Hon. Win. A. Graham : " I , I 9 , r ; - C ' D -3 ' C ' E : i 5 -a , 5 ! : .5 S S ! W I O " ! ? ! - ' - ! n ; I'S'I I -Ji 2Ta 256 ,r-i iti , 75 I 43 lli-l 12-t ! IStt 122 I 122 S2 I 12'i 18 .il 4 4i ! 2C 2UI l'W ; 173 ' Ui (it 21 ! 71 22 , 4C ' 87a j 4! 8 I (-9 7 !tt .so 7. : IS fit) 12 : 192 ! 2o5 2IS ! 214 C ; II 4H 1 v I is j 5 ' 60 ! 79 57 ; 44 l.SWS 1 52 2. 0 ) 1,'2!7 HiilMboro Hmlth's Ce.lHr Grove , Hall's St re, lOUnfo-s'. Miinginii' l.lpH MHiih's D'irhMni P. i terso,' Mil Uuuter ( hire! Hill Cole's store, Eubniik s C ate's, M: jorbv for Graham In August. l7o, .SS K ' J'Aiter&on In Sjpt. 1S7 . Tri. Hai.hoh's Schools A corres pondent of the Fayetteville Gazette, writing from Raleigh says : "Out side of the Convention, Ra'eigh is quiet. St. Mary's School and the Ral eigh Female Seminary have opened under favorable auspices, and Peace Institute (one of the best female schools in the South, and well rep resented from your section) will com mence its exercises on the 22d inst.. with better prospects than ever be fore. Mr. Scott, assisted by Rev. J. M. Atkinson and John Martin, has also resumed the duties of the Ral eigh High School (for boys,) with a bright future before him. Raleigh feels proud of her schools." Maj. W.. M. Patterson. This gentleman appeared in the Conven tion yesterday and took his seat as a delegate from Orange county. He has formerly represented Orunge county in the General Assembly and is therefore not unknown to the peo ple of the State. His grand father, John McCabe, was a member of the Convention that met in Halifax, Nov. 12th 177G, and the colleague of Nathaniel Rochester and Gov. Burk. i ' The Fire Department. At a meeting of the Board of Aldermen Friday night Aldermen Mclvee, Harris, Stronach, R. H. Jones and Nowell were appointed a special committee to examine iato the Fin Department of the city with a view of seeing what may be needed and also to see, if a reorganization is nec essary, and to report at the next reg ular meeting of the Board. A New Clothing Establish ment. Mr. R. P. Howell announces in another column, that, having en gaged the services of Mr. C. M. ITar riss, he has opened a clothing estab lishment id the Prairie Building, Wilmington street. He guarantees gcod work. Give him a triaL , '., News 1875. For the Dally News. Telegraphic CorrespondenceBetween t'ol. Ike Young and Major tV. T. Blackivell. The following telegrajdiic corres pondence actually passed between Col. Ike Young and Major Blacks well over the late Patterson victory in Orange county: Durham, Sept. 16th, '75. Col. I. J. Young , Raleigh, N. C: Send me keg of powder and 2 barrels tar. Your party ain't no where. W. T. Black well. Raleigh, Sept. 17th, '75. W. T. Blackwell, Durham, tf. C : Tar and powder exhausted in cel ebration. Where is Friday Jones I will send military. I. J. Young. Durham, N. C, Sept 17., 1875. My Dear Col .-The last heard from Friday, he was going under whip and spur in the direction of Flat River, on an animal which was, from the description and ear marks, undoubtedly Darr's mtile. The last words hewas heard to speak were: "Oh ! for a place to hide de money de publikin parry gim me to put dat kussed old white-washed nigger Wash, duke, in de konstertutional kon wen tion now assembles! in my native much loved wilkige ob Rolley. Oh i fur a place .to hide my money. It's mine now. Sam M-orphis' poor fellow aint git but $500. What's dat komparred to what dis here niggers got, (Friday Jones I mean,) de old horse-wheel of publikinism. Git up Billy, Win. Long, Darr or whateber Mars. Ike calls you, Dam de differ ence. I got de money, Patterson got tie votes, and I'm glad of it. All I wan t now, is a place to hide my money. I say, hurrah ! for Dr. Ransom too. (I like to forgot dat good nianjDetu'i my senterments. I say, git up Darr, or whateber Mars, ike calls you." Should anv further intelligence be re ceived from Friday, I will take great pleasure, in informiug you or any other member of his bereAved family. ""Affectionately yours, W. T. Blackwell. P. S. I forgot the militar. Send them up. We are in trouble. Tele graph to President Grant. W. T. B. CRAZY Drunk. A negro man yes terday morning, while perambula ting th western end of Hargett street, from being crazy drunk or something else, imagined himself a John Murrell, and brandishing his knife took possession of the street. Several drays and carts were forced to stop, one or two mules were badly cut, and consternation ruled in that quarter for a short while until the negro was ''pawed down" by a muie and the police kindly took him in charge. He Forgot to State This Dik ference. When Mr. Tourgee was tracing the genealogy of carpet-baggers in the Convention a few days since, he forgot to state that England was settled by Northmen "carpet baggers," who came there to fight for the country, or rather to "steel" their way. The South after the war was infested with carpet-baggers who came here to steal for a living, the ronlv difference in the vocation of the two being in the c and the a. CaldweH, of the Charlotte Observer thu3 feelingly alludes to a subject which every oue can appreciate at this season of the year : "'Thtse cool nights are having a depressing effect upon the skeeters ; aud When a fel low starts around the room after one these nights with n olauk in his hands, he has some sort of chance of stuuning him by a liik on the head. Then lie can be picked up and dump ed out of the window." 'The large and intelligent audi ences thatgreeted 'hegaliant Young" in Orange have been heard from. Col. J. li. Bennett, the member of the Convention from An son, has been suffering greatly for the past two days from rheuma tism, but notwithstanding this fact he has been in constant attendance in the hall, being compelled however to rest on a cot in the lobby. As Chaiimiu of the Judiciary Commit tee, Col. Bennett occupies an impor tant position lo the Convention. Change of Schedule. We are requested by Capt. Green, Master of Transportation on the N. C. Railroad, to state that on and after to-day the ..eight trains on that road, will arrive and Isave at the fol lowing times: going Fist, will ar rive at :40 p. m. and leave at 4:30; going West, will arrive at 8.TS a. m. and leave at 9:10 a m. These trains tun divly, Sundays excepted. As it is cerlainly pleasant, to deal with courteous, polite, affable and honorable gentlemen, the country trader who is favored by having business operations with Messrs Wainwright, Williams & Hood, is bound to be gratlfi' d. They are a young, driving firm, full of energy and perseverance, and calculated to retain all their customers. Masonic Journal. This is the name of a new Weekly just com menced at Greensboro, of which Mr. A. Wilson is the editor and proprie ror, but as we hare failed to receive a copy, we cannot give brother Wil son a more extended notice. John Chinaman is adaptable to al most anything. Just give him bis cua ami he'll go ahead if it takes a. leg. The Young Men's Christian Association, of Houolulu have char tered one to distribute tracts among his fellow co,uutrymtu in the Sand wich Islands. Spotted Tail says that if his tribe are swindled again by any Indian agent every warrior iu,t.he band will get. drunk on human gore. ! PRICE: FIVE CENTS. Emigration is diminishing from Scotland as well as from England i and Ireland. In the seven months ending the 31st ult. the number of immigrants who set sail from the ports on the Clyde was 12.250, as against 17,500 in the earao period of 1874. The falliuir off is mainly in the Cauadian and United States' tracftl, the sailings to New Zealand and Australia being very similar to those of last year. The Queen, it is said, is opposed to the contemplated tour of the Prince of Wales through India, teaming that lie may fall in with bad eomiany abroad and have his morals corrupted. Unless current history has- jjone the young man gross injustice it is the mammas of the Indi tu jrinces who ought to feel anxious. - General Grant doesn't consider the peace of the country sufficiently en dangered by affairs in Mif-sijVpi to de mand his presence at Washington, and so he wilL.litjget.anoiii&r, week "by the sad sea waves;?? iot Long Branch. : The Georgia State Agricultural So ciety will hold its anuall Fair at Macon, Ga., beginning on the 18th of October and continuing for six da3rs. The Philosophy of Diskasi4 The phil osophy of (ilsease Is a subject which Is well worth the attention ot manltlutl, but Is. unfortunately, more generally neglected than any other uuder iieHven. , Decidedly the most important tact Hint, ift nine casts out, of ten, the origiuatlux caused of ('.inease i debility, either general or local, and i hat tl-e earliest manifestations of Its approach a e Identical with those which evidence a lack of vital p. iwer. Much being the case, it is perfectly Clear that tome treatment in what in requi ed in the. first ingtauce. As an invt'icorant. Hostetter's Storqa'ch Bitters has: received the most posiMv'e endorse ment from eminent, physicians, and has 1 ng occupied a foremost nrnk among standard proprietory remedies.: Its pro perties as an k Herat! ve f dlsord. red ool,. dit oris of the btomach, )ive.r and bowels, aud apreventitiveol material diea-es, are no leps renowned anil hive been accorded prolessioual recommendation equally em nh-t ' 1c ' i NEW A I V fc'KTlS EM K M TH. rjA K E N U P . Taken up by the undersigned; an etray MULE, which the owner can eet by coining forward and paying chaises. Description : D irk bay, about ten years, clean-shaved tail, with saddle galls. se 19 tf M CM At. MX & f'AISON. N, New O T C E Boarding House. MRS. . j. STEVES i recpfictnl iy calls attention of the public to' the fact of her bavins? ren'ed and furnished the house on Hiiliboro street, e.ppo ile the Exchange Hotel, and known as the Hutchings House, where she will be pleased lo acqomruodate a few genteel families, and also DAY BOARDERS. Sheiuiendstokeepa FIRsT CLASS HOUSE, upon as moderate, chames as possible, and hooes to be tavorwl with a Mire of the puollc patronage, and prom ises to do al. in uer power to give entire satisfaction. se 19 Dim N TEW CLOTHING LIfcHMENT. ESTAB- Having f-ecnra tlie servi.-ps cf C. M. FARRits, Fsq , whose reputation ss a rtrsl class TAILOR cm n not be excelled, I ntn prepared to make to order any; hinsj in the CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Cheaper than the Cheapest 1 A full line of CHESP CI40THIN i of JiOUfc. Ml.MJ r t At i L Ht, for s-ai geth.tr with PIECE GOOD- of all gmdts. None tifil experienced work men imp.oy ed, and all work guaranteed. ri REPAIRING AND CLEANSIJIfi dona. nt short no: ice and upon reasonable terms. ,v: Encouraee Home Mannf. cture by buy ing your goods of R. P. HOWELL, Prairie Building, Wilmington btreet. C, M . F A R R 1 S S With R. P. HoweU. I take this method of relnming mv thank . to iuy mauv frtond aud cust' oners for t uelr very lib -ml pat.ona. e. hereto oro bestowed, and respectfully ask continu ance of Mime. W ill he foil ad at all times a.tR.,P. Howell's, Pialrle BuMdlng, Wil miupton street. se 19 tf C. M. KARRISS. jplEDMONT AND ARLINGTON Life Insurance Company TO OUR . . , POLICY-HOLDERS AND FRIENDS IN NORTH CAROLINA: We are glad to anuonnce to yon as Gen eral At'mt for your Mtate, to fljl tuo vbcuj iy made by retiring of l)r t arter Berkeley, one so worthy und capublt as. Mr. E. G. BROWN, who whl- herealter control our business in North Carolina . Fr m our long association with Mr. Brown we are able to commend him lo your kind ly court sy while h is Ber vice of many year, with your Company will enable him to care for your interest properly. Yjour Compauy ' iv still moving ahead and only need your assistance in lncreasii.g its business to press it forward among the foremost insti tutions of this couutry. W. C. CARRINGTON. Officii Pikhmont A Arlington) Life Jnsckanck Company, V Raleish, N. C , Sept. 17. '75. ) Referring to the above card by which yonr atteni ion if called to my appointment as General Agent of the Piedni mt and Ar lington Life insurance Company for North Carolina, lean promise you that your In terest will be studiously cared for by me. Von will always be notified BEFORE THE TIME, when yonr pollcie are due, which you can either pay to me personally, at y office, or send Posiofflcn order,' sight, draft, by express, or legls' ered letter; upon receipt of which you will have ient you promptly the Company's receipt. 1 would state in this connection that lam thoroughly ac quainted with the bus ness of the Compa ny in North Carolina, having b9en con nected with this depart meat 'for the last three years, and therefor yon will sdiT-t no Inconvenience by the change of Ageut ' I am glad to ht.ite that the Piedmont and Arlington is now in a better condlfon than ever before, and Is ranked among the leading Life Insurance Companies of this country. Respct'ully, E. G. BROWN, General Agent, se 10 it ' Raleigh. N. C. JOHN W . HI NgD A Llf, ATTORNEY AT I, W, Room No. 2, First Floor, Lftw KuIIdlnf, Fayetlevilie sweot. RALEIGH, ti. (;., At'encTs all the Courts lu Raleigh and Fny etieville. Claims collected In allp-otsof North C rollna. Refers to Hon. R. M. Pearson, Chief Justice of ". C. Hon. M.VV. Kansom. U. fc. Hemln ; Cit's&e'tis National Bank, W. H. fc K. S. Tucker. Raleigh, N. U ; Fayetteville Nittoml Ban1-?, Merchants' Bank o' Fayettevilie; I. D. VVlIliams A Co.: K. J. Lilly & Co.. Fayetteville, N. :.; Iink of New Hanover, W llmington, N. C. ; Mor ton. Bii-s a Co, Phelps, Dodge a Co., H. K. WintiervvCo , H. B. Ciaflin t Co , New York; D. Laud roth & Co., Philadelphia; G. VV. Gall & Co , Baltimore. Mxj He ttH formed Law connection la Fay ettevil!,hy mean of which, all matters committed to him at that point will re ceive prompt attention. ,. sets tf JLOUR ! FLOUR ! ! LOURI J ! IA. 17. Flour. Fanillv and tit suoeritne rotn best Mills of Chatham county. For ale Dy . -sep 7 R. F, jOSEi & CO. RATES OP ADVEItTISINO. i One square, oue Insertion 00 lino Criniiiin i.. . . k . .. One square, t wo Insert Inns. . 'I bO S (10 1U w ;-;) ot jiixs (Kjirare, oue week .. One SQunre, one tno'ith One guuare, three i.iuitb" ' One square, six mouth One square, twelve inon'tiis' '"o Bquiwe. iweive mouths . fill tfcl Ten l.i nkk Novi'a m i . .... ..;'.'i'.' .'".'.'.'::" . All advertisementi. under leu lines chin. eoJ ar the rate oi on; square. " Liberal deCrctlous unnieou larger ad ver-tlse-rjeiits for ft term longer than on.' month. Advertisements must be confined to the business of the advertiser. AIHlSE.MR.irs. C K E R HAL TWO NIGHTS ONLY I GRAN o OI'KNING OF THE Dramatic Season! TliritNDVY .M Fill A Y ' I!S, sept. :n nud ai, 1875. KIT'S DRAMATIC COMBINATION will appear in the beautiful Fojr Act 1 ram i entitled . The Gringo! K,T, the Gringo KIT LARSON, supported bv die lull and ta l i:nti:d compa n yi Hale of Reserved Seats will commenco September ISth, at Cartner's Drug stora. tt servfdsi-ats l 0; General ndiulsslou 7o cenis ; G.iUerj -k). , . WM. M. PAUL, se is .it Duslueaa Mauager. H K C E L I: IS R A T it D HOME Stomach Bitters, PaKPARKD BY TJJE Homo Bitters Company CF ST. LOUIs, These B' Iters ate prepured with the great est care from a receipt long (n possession of one of the Compauy. They were original ly compounded by a celebrated French Chemist, and are tho only Tonic and Stim ulants pet m It ted lobe used In the Armies and Government Hospitals ef France. They are a certain preventive of FEVER A NO AG UK, INTERMITTENT!. INDI GESTION. DYSPEPSIA, And an Infalliable Cure for FEMALE SICKNESS. By using it moderately three time a day, after the system has b en reduced by ttloE. ness or disep, it is tni-viualed bs nn la vlgfiat or nrd It cijioraot. DIlii;'VlUNS ON THK LARICL. No family ft'iouid h.; witUonta bottle. KOIt SALE BY Drugisl and Dealers generally, se 18-Wiim "'pONVKNTION STILL IN J SESSION" every d iv (Sundny ex crpte.i b tweeu the hours of i A. M. and P. M. at WM. H. & R. S. TUCKER'S Dry Goods Store! Jutf received the largest and chenpesf lot of H o;, i sil'JbS ever brought to this city. Have Just pened a new stoSk of the fa mous BURT BOOXa and G a ITERS. Customers who have bei waiting for those Hoi in ami Guiteri are now tufortued libit t hey hve eonie m; 12 f . H. ,v R.H. TUCKER. ; . L j: E & S O N8 , AGE NTS FOR THE' Schofie7d Cotton Press, 77; JlKSr IN I'M!- and the onle PRF.s.S Invented1 after'' the plan ot the old :isliioried .screw tlil;ca oe used tn sosiiimII a spice. l'.irtl-s wanting to buy it pre, will do weU t write Tir cmII and see u iiefore 1IH' lug any other paleut. A uiisiel on ejiUtbJ liou hi our olllee. A. G. LEE A SONS, Agin. se l-s -Jiv Rulelgh, S. 0. jgOMEmiNO ':iiKAr rut as GOOD AS AT A HIGH Lit PRICK. Afikyour merchunls for the pieced or SECOND HAND COT TON TIE. ..' It Is as gjpj niid iitiswers every pupnse of the new ones an,; hi. h lowtir price, "Sty . them, they at e kep: ny ail denier. , M.-retiiintn In ur section will Uo well to send us their or.h r l r .t c n loao. A. (i. LEE A- -G H, Aenijt.j IS- in ".ip'll"i p EACH k 1' r i: u v k d , I'Ij KUI), BRA N 1I i.D, We will receive ten io erates PEACrlEa this evening. Partiis wishing theiu ran have them sent to their hoiiic-s by leaving their orders, se 17 W. C. ft A. R. ftTRONACIL " O T I C K . This is to say that I have quRHflod t.i executor of the late Mrs. .Mary Andrew, and do hereby give notice to all persons wlys have claims against the estate to pre sent the same for py meat within twelve months from the date hereof; otherwise this will be pleaded In bar of Uilr recov ery. W. N. ANDREWS. ang C6 dlawOw. Executor. N o (! ine TaT-T.lsf f.-r u:-. la n., .i r collection, and those dwirlr-r lit pay 'tlifelr taxes will find me at mv oilh-e iroin 8 A M. to 1 P. M., and frotrl 2 P. t. o ti P.. M GEO. H. WILLIa -H, I el0 tf ,(ji,letf & N T I S T O"" The nmleraliro il lnvii -- , . ------- - .. ..... , firnuvir j y located In Raleigh, res pe -i fity tenders bia Crotesslonat services in the rrHwllee "of ENTISTRY (b .th operat I v.-and tuechanU ' . uiinuivi .i-ii lhU .lkw. IMi t. He generally,. -OfHce rooms over Tucker',-niore same ai receutly occupied by Or. Ai rlim tou. . e 9-Dtf D. T). EVER ITT. X !: 0 U TO K ' S N O 1 I CE xne undersigned h::s qnallfl d m Execu tors of Oie estate ol ,). i. N'uiiii, notify all persons having miun .g:d ,.m the es tHte to present them for pnynie y ou or he fore the l.V.h of s p(,. i her. JTtf, ur ti 1 m,. ticev-ili be used in lieu t .-it: o-i . 1l:o.eiu Kbtedto the ebUit-; wil! pi..ie cil mid sctre, as we r deslroos of luoitrg up the estate Us Soon ;s pract ! uhle. T. H. HUIHUM. : WM. C. Ui-i'HL'RCU, W. W. Va s, se8-2w lOtlN G. W IJ.I.A.VN. gnlNULES! ! SHlNilLK-fTi lam now manufacturing from Hm vry best selected heart p. w timber, t-lilii-GLES, at the rule u i'J,. lit .pwr ilny. Xhey etinnot sarpavse I in qtialily as every contractor In RilcjjiM wio jitust Orders from a distance o:lciteil. lean be found at all times at V ants' haw iiiUt at-at th Raleigh and tiasljii Ka ir..n.t Dr-pot " amj-haWls- JOSEPH JONES. A a tale oy FEW OF THOSK StMA T.t. isr CHEESE Just received and for A. O. LJLE AiOKB. r f r

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