HB DAILY NEWS. rrt-tni? t thi ' j at: yt. f r.;.v. t MtftlaMWl. t !' fevllleS!., ,.PriTS i : ; "k Tf, run - v I" :'VAMC: . I . . L . 1 ..1 o " -' - I - ' r ' .' Z ? l' ISllh " " " "i jt O .1. " "i . - i'p. -r fr- li lirer1 In any , -he rr k t wr t-0UlIS3IOi MERCHANT. ( . san n r. ii s t co. 1TN FACTORS, fonuiission. Merchants a n ; 1 k i.lr is HEAVY GROCERIES. r..m N A r PE 1 A L T V . j i ,... rar.;e Ln.;icei 3&J jr.tnpt re- I b cc k'gnoicnts. , A. C. S ADF.UH Co., rlt Vim o. J Mart. a Uriel. y-ILLIAMSON. rrt'Hl'Itt'H A THOMAS. , WHOLUALI OKOCIRS Ar CommUsion Merohanta Sm. 53 Favettevtltr St. RALKIOM. N t li . L II K i SONS.! A. ,'.tTTON IH'YKHS O'.'.vJ t.CKKS A r Ti I TI.Y Commission Merchants. for THK i.VLK OF r' .r !It. s: u.-k. t, !at. rnw'n. fia-r., Kgi. rut:rr. . Ac. f or r. p-r -hI c- A. li I.KK JV-. . ;-- f r. O. Kx -ii Kil. N. '- LlUt OH. t Z i - " r 1 I " r I r - 1 its t - - T ' r" n :-r ' - - - r 3 X f t 7 1 i 'A i'r"T- - - a " - mm J $ - xz z. - t. - 1 7- 7 Z t 1. 1 ANT". A N T it it -! PIAN K 1) ! r: d'tre , or - I. B." W tlTK-e K F W A N T :f Iniere I : lit '. TciHtu.. . I . I! r Hil.I V A - T V. 1 . . ... i ... . m o n g l : ; Aj l -y - Turuwf.rt -f-l-O . A N T i: I s . riM.trsroi Nur. t tale cha:a-cf TiinOrri. tf IS75. 1676. MRS. R. LEOPOLD . --eire-l a n .! ett iok Of ';l.I.:?'KR M'I V ' itoat els aud Ii'. h xr children" ai-d i;rn ..rlmt Ut lt- W lute (i.od. y.i irorf Roff-. .Wiar and "a-. -a:ai Y I "f"1 ' l1". LL S U it. IU. R 1 "' -IUrai'( 'cms ' ItM-r' ;. al! k u l a-. " of ow-. ,.rf. -!.;-. ;U.- ta t i !i!i:r"' "ir'p! H--.. - ar MILt.IM KV l' V VSTMi.N V we j.r .cur t a F:rt- 1a ?lorieT lilliner. T .ht:c a"r:n-.en: in the "ltv. I ; . ci aaJ mtne. MKS. K. I.F.i P'I U N. ": Fytt-iu 'r-rl- e VI si "Aim ... D K N T I T K Y The tn.!r.iri! -i V. (:! nvaaen ally Un-mt.il id O: s. r NTitihV lt. 4infii'lniH"ini- Ui!e cio..l lta.ia - "r " M?w''r t "ve- Tucker .tore, a,urnli; wftul.Ul-i Anlng- n r. f.vkrttt n r 1 T A K ' K . r ...... ...fttf - f t tw paytna rh'i-" I c-.'-.f )T!o: : lrlt . -ut t n year, ee.a .lavrd laL. t li fc u KIN a rI N. )IL I. I A Rl K O O M 8. V - e can PILLIOU. TABLKShm Dual np in I- P' " - btilklto. .,. .1 ... n " !il "trf tl nnd'f .."m. 11 Kb PA'ITIN. I er- otlDlpo" cu uuu ' . , rrtreal In lh-- ;" II.LFKKD, CHOP. BRAN r are prer1 to f.l! or-er for auv r-.ttOv M.11 F,Cbor-.nJ Hian. ; r...p '. -) r.,uu l "t K-. io and i oru. . n. . v.mi of el--t i-w your IIor- M.uVmsoV. I f't Hl'KCH A Til' 'MAH, t--tf fver.t friak OU Milt. ( ' O R N A N D M K A L r . hundre.1 r,nhei " ellow i 01 n. T . ... . . . . ; . VL i : Ui .1 "n cr . (.uieril which mut ba fxJfl IA wN. rPWTTRCH THOMAi. c 1HKE.sk: CHEtE! CHKKSlH l .r lit tle r-l i.oe e. . - ii:wr 1 mm i - Fai cy G o-.ier j- 1 !rrteU Cream r-aUr H V't.ffX A W HTrlOVAfW. Sugars, hug aiis. tUw .'.f , a Bma Btaadarw A. B. C. lagSra tor by R. P. JON EH A CO. 42 ( - LOCAX MATTER. E. O. WOODSON. City Editor. THK WKKKI.Y NKWS Kl'KlHKU NK YKR. hTAUK P.ll. hOR U0; fIX MoNTIIS.TSriNTS. Pot. Office llirectorv. Tor tli benefit of the Public, we pub lic the following Directory of Lb Poat offlce of this city: WMUrnMall U r.ronl m 7PM lllv-re1 at 1 A. M. KMifro - r'rwnltl 710 " IHlvrNl 1 8 P. M. Northern - cUmwoJ at tfclo A. M. tiellvrr! at 1:30 P. M. OfBo boar -r JHlTtinc ot malls from 8:30 a, m. to :3u p. m. Money Order are laaaed and paid frara . L5 a, m. to lAXJ p. m. Letter can b KtUtered fruoa t: 15 a. m to 4.0U p. m. No mails aent or rec1rd on Handaya. W. W. HOLDtS. IHntinrr. JOII PRINTING. Thi Ntwi Job lepartmetit baa tveeu horxmghly auppPed with eTery beetled want and w tb (be latest ty lea of Type, and every uunotr of Job Work oan now b done with BMtonw, despatch and cheap nfM. We can furnUb at abort notlc BLANKS. BILL HF.n. LETTKK H K A IV, CRI. PK03RAMMIH. HANDHILLS, PHAMPHIXr, P.STKR.tHECK!. IRAT-.C. SPECIAL. CITY ITEMS. T THE MEMRKKH OKTHKf ONVKX. TI N : I would t've notice that I have rotnplrli',1 mv frame containing a (roup, picture of all the mi mbrr of lt. 0ave a tton.ndn prep'! to fill all onle; left al mt tiliery. T- ecure prompt delivery r. !- -u:".,l le lefl at onc x- i -lf J W WATSON. VWrTiiKSTii THE CITY WILL. FINI n nilliiiifrn Front, nu Ha'Rt-t street, between Wilmington and FaeltTllfr, wh'tf we mil' Ik happ to erv thorn wlfi Jb spr'i t'elehrato-t I.AGF.H l-.Kf !:. S.S IW:rflf. I.rNCHES. Ac HUHIsN i IHIRAN. oc.v;i Proprletora. (i.!-Ut. AilrHIIIST-.(IU) ( IOAM 1 -r i T a' 1 dea'er m ho Intend open ln np a t'tr boalneaa on tha Fair i.n.aii ! ilurlim Fair Week. I wonld an noarre pec;il InHuc-menU to call.aaui pie and price my Osara. Uiomx Zi 'fiHR, 2-it MwnJactnrer. rrh rriTN co'if Inn lly of vrn and Meal. Flour and Halt, She'lel OaW. Hay nnd FodJ-r. tow for ch t (Jrlo and Kee.1 lore el-tf W". A tiATlK up't u.-..n-t rrJrXlonTR-SBAKINO I ptA iF.K ? I-1 the, Tery b-tand cheap- r c.t M tt frel evrv 1y at f MMKH"S Irog Wore. TARMFR R t K PENTIFRICE la tha ch-ape:. be nd motl jopnlar thjiii l X 1KK ued. aa 30 If Why Pon't Ym tA RM FR" RAK ING ltlWl'KK-? It l the very beat and cheap. t. Roy a ;jceut bl and convince uor-' f l u; Kale at an ! tf RMFR S Droi Store. INTIAN RIXOI - VRfPund MOT ITER NoI.I K .H HKALIO HYRt'P. for aala at u CARHER'f I'ru Store. AnMher lot of the n!ce oncoverxl n rar rami MAMS. Jul arrtved and for aale by an It it vVM WtOLLCtTT. Wilmington tr-al Xohthir Ica-The bet Northern Ice can br obtained at my More nu WilnilBK ton treet. at all tlroea. at IS cnta pr lf A. BAt'M. Thr rubrri I '1J' DAILY SEWS M Ifrrij'-r tSn thai J ""V Itnily tm tr Stittr. nmH more tAia ri-' o' ura-r Uiam any -Arr n. in K.ilrtQh. A crf.-r ,.!,1 iri'lir n nut' nt fSl." 1K-AI BRIEFS Just received, a choice lot of drie J ptache and apple, at R. H. Weath ers'. l .ite a numkr of our citizens will visit the Salisbury Fair, which begins to-day. The Charlotte Oliert'r sy that Howe' circus does not equal Cole's, and declares that the latter to be an e iraordiuary show. ' Green-backa" and "tie backs' are the tnoat popular Inventions of Uve day. yet it I generally conceded that both need -expansion." Wm Simpson has received his fall tovK of drugx, fancy articles, Ac. He U polite, clever and pleasant to deal with. Royster's candy factory presents m very attractive appearance to the lovera of the luxury. Dealers .while In Raleigh should not omit to call, asm pie and price at Royster'a .Upd, Fayeltevllle street. The Royal Arch Chapter of this city will mwt to-oUrht In its old quarter. ' It baa decided to move In to tbe new Masonic room In the FUher building, but the removal has not yet taken place. Our townsman, J. C. 8. Lumsden, received premiums at the State Fair lat week for liie best cooking stove with wood, best do. do. with coal, and Miver medtl for the best display of Btoves of all kinds. There will be a meeting of the Fxecutive Committee of the State Fair, at the Secretary's office." on ThunMlsy night. A prompt aid full attendance is desired, a buslneaa ot importance will cotqe before the meeting. '( - Our Woodson" is at present U .Utendar.ee upou. Granville Coirf: ' i.t-t. oneend esterday. He wrTi VOL. via. N( I l,r - l"r;irv Utv u ' " .. - - t,fa- Falr ou Thurauay, ano 8tc" t i. ist aetlou 4eneath tbe - , famed "atrlpetl tent." ' put la appearance. taie8.n.bu!T 1 1 Sfiktor XlnTt. RaTivdm, Svhn hns Ih-ptj In tlri(y for the orM week, lefl for WeMon yesterday iiiorning. Postal It Iflileofdeil lr sultserN' berj to newspapers nltoulif remove their narues from tlie margins of nuoh paperu before mailing to other pan He, otherwise they become subject to letter po.t8ge. Si'LENnin Oysters. We are in debted to tbe Tim Lee Salooujfof some magnificent Lynnbaven ''oys tersoo tlie shell." They were great ly enjoyed. Tim will keep them on the shell throughout the season. Religious Our churches irfera well attended on Sunday. The regu lar pastors occupied their several pulpits, except that Rev. Father Riley, of the Catholic church, was at3cut from the city. The Rev. Vauhan officiated at the Presbyte riau church. Tub Premium for Joh Printing. The Daily N'ews Job office receiv ed the premium at the State Fair Ia.t week, over all competitors, for the bt job printing. This is a Mattering compliment to the work doue in the News fnc, and the public ahould remember it when they wish work done. I)i..TiNGnsiiEr Visitors ( at (joiu.suoiu. The following names werie last wetsk registered Jat Ciobls- j lMro,gentlemen doubtless wen known I in the State: Trilz Von Vhtider- 1 bbickenf lophenkeiimer and Jacob Vm Sleurververgerungverfajisung tu:t.seilericktight, of Crk, Ireland. U'f Hhmil.l thiim however, thevlmd mistaken the "coonthry" from wiih they ha.! hailed if tliey had nott.vr gotten their names. The Town QriET. Our streets j-ejterday preneteil a marked con tract to the bustle of last week. The crowd tlieu In attendance upon the Fair bare qaielly left u-, and (he Convention 1st, with a few exemp tions, hav returned to their liomes. Ye IxHal, who ha.s had rather more to d. than he desired for the last few weeks, iuy knows not whither to roam for Itenn, anci ur readers mu-d te content with a sjiall allowance of local matter until we can fall back into the old harness we threw off when we commenced "changing pAUjJ Constitution. " Thb Htatk Fai r The 13th an nual exhibition of the Stale Aricul turul Society, held last week, gavj more general satisfaction to the ex hibitors than any former exhibition of the Society, and the general public expressed itself as well pleaded with the management. A large number of the exhibitors, so well pleased were th'ev with the ceneral management and the affability and poMtenesa of the olllcials, as well as the Impartiality I wftli which tlie awards were maile, ' have expressed their determination to double their exhibition next year. We are pltaeed to state tVat the re eeijits of the week were good, while, with the experience of tlie paBt years before the oftlrlala, the exnenci were greatly lessened. The Mayor's Court. The May or's levee was occupied the greater part of yesterday in the consideration of the Quent Bryant case. Dave Jones, col., paid His Honor a all,for whieh he was .charged $13 and costs. Dave was charged with language uot pronounced altogether polite to a colored damsel in the market. Old Friday, Dave's father, will have to stop can vassing Orange countv in the interest of hu manity and the Republican party, .. .,.1 un..i, iilu ami fl.ive some man- ners. But mjch. we Imagine, is .Me publivau teaching. The Carolina Pakk I!ai es The fail nietii at Carolina Park, Chat lo te, will vUU.'jllesa "bo a most interring affair The raring will be good beyond' all q'mslion, as bni-erte' fAitses will ! offered. They will take pla. e on (he I7lh. IS h and lJ.h o' Novemlier. O 1 the '"sec ond dy the Central I lot. I will a id SlU to the 1 uti-e. OifVj Charlotte fiiendsare never behind "in the ques tion of amusement, and mucii interest may be expected to be manifested in these race-- TrTr? Mkuca 8 8e'vUso iu e of our citizens saw this exhibition at the Fair. To us it was a novel spectacle lst night. Not so novel from the feats of agility displayed, for we have aeeu as good as frjin the character of the performers. Here we see before us t he race that Cortex combatted, and that Cortex conquered yet, in the dark gloom of tire trimfe noche the valor of a race that went down under the strength of Europenn arms has never lost its claim to respect. It yielded to the force of superior weap ons. It did not succomb for want of courage. Now after the lapse of three 1 hundred years the representatives br tbUTarwwppfar before us, not a war rior, but aajicrobatsand maiitUio iag faheJr lop&Utye activity a&rtl adif eooraea Vbl'cbirnade their j aiceatry w dfatlogaUbeS tjrdeiwrtheltfteir feats. j-0n-uVrL4 willwel heicoit ofadmlsaiotn wellTepay- eC4t ofadmisaiotrr ; n, Tbe will -perform To nigbt4.8t J T AoA hnuae. The DUDUC Will find U a performaoce .rlcjiljt wqrJJ,, seeing, t " -4 ' -v 1 D AlLY- fttfjLfcL&&i:NiU, TUESDAY ! Pisockkp-os of the Meeting of i Ciiizkns of Raleigh Last Night To f'ONSIDER THE DEBT OF THE THAieetiD ef tte citlaens was held hint night, in response to a call of the Board of Aldermen, at Metro politan Hall, to consider the question of the debt of the cily and to appoint a committee of citizens to co-operate with a committee from the Boaid of Aldermen to look thoroughly into this .dub t Ji rder that T 4 he mat- f teT vfr-frmdihe U -may be fully known and fairly acted upon by the peop!e of Raleigh,. Mayor Manly called the meetiag to orderand esplaiued iLa objects, when, on inotion of fr. R. ' W. Best. Mr. Alfred Williams was elec ed Presi dent, and Messrs. W. J. Upchurch, Sylvester Smith and M. B. Baibeo A" ere in adek.V ice Presi.dnts. Messrs. R. W. Best and'Wm.f. Brown were made Secretaries. Mayor Manly staled that tlie City Attorney, Mr. F. 11, Buhbee, had been requested by the Board to pre pare him.e!f so that he could give an Intelligent statement of Hie indebt ness of the city, which lie proceeded at snne Irngili to dj, urging in con clusion the nroyrieiy and necessity of funding Litis debt. John Nichols, K 4.. in response to caIN, made .1 few remarks, urging that Treasure le taken alienee to fm.d ttie lel.t. Hon Kemp 1. Battle, in response to cajjs, .went into- detajls as to the iiulthtedness of he city, the effects upon the city if some steps were uot taken to arrange this debt. , ,lleury Miller, Ei , said while he LUaut Spru.g opp.,se the funding 01 me ueii. oecause me matter hail not then been sufficieiitlv looked into and explained to the people, now that the debt had been ascer tainetl and made known to tbeciti zeusi e should give the movement to fund his hearty support. Alderman James Harris hoped there would be no onositlon to this movement, that for once all party I .11..! aim race wouiu ue ihio asuie anu tue city of llaleih be relieved of the floating debt and the suits that now hang over her und which served to prevent the Board of Aldermen work ing with that ec.momv necessary to thejjood of the city. ii. ivkiii 111: pujk- ment of a Committee of three from each ward to eo-operafe with the Board of Aldermen, and that the i-'rof-nlent rail a mass meeting of tlie eiliz'-ns to consider the question finally at as early a day as Ibis com mittee will b'! prepared to report. Adopted and th meeting adjourn ed. The Rocky Point Robbery and Assault. The Wilmington Juurna1 ofSundty his tins following addi tional particulais of the robt.ery last Thursday of I).". Satchwell: Satchwell was aide lo be in the city yesterday, after his desoer-ite strug gle with the negro, rulhan who as saulted him with a murderous blud geon oi Thursday liilit. an account of which we published yesterday morning. "We are informed that Rocky Point, and other places in Pender countv, are infested with desperadoes in the" shape of negro thieves and Totiters. They are naalnly believed to l.p escaped convicts aud other villlan? and cut-throats from VYiUuiugton, aud .are stealing and dt-pred.-tling in various Ways upon the cii'ZeMs of Pender. The facttiiat Dr. Maicuwell i-4 well known for his ac tive opposition to thieve-and rnsoaN, ms wel' as for his active elfort3 in the IWritAt idn of Peddar county, lias made him enemies among the colored race of Pender and New Hanover, uiul nmy'hnve had some influence in pro vokin" this brutal and murderous t,nfnH ! orxrmint. 1 tJJf1 "Jmaii-obJ Plunder was no ect of the villaiu, however, who assaulted ur. d. . W -V - t 1 The Eimzo tic This disease has reached Wilmington, and all the public stables there are afflicted with it. The Journal says the prospect, seems to be that the disease will have quite an extensive run, but will not be so serious at its former vh-itatioii.' Capt.. Southerland, of that city,, gave that paper the follow ing inhumation in regard to the dis ease and its treatment: "The horses should be kept dry and carefully tended, and the affliction w ill probably pass away in a few days. It is a regular epidemic which he has seen a great many times. It depends altogether on the condition of the atmosphere, ano cold, damp wil cause an increase of the disease, and perhaps" cause the victims to fill early graves. Hordes which are much ex tKised and hard worked, as those ue.l in dravs, are more liable to disease than "any others, as thex:osure develops it." ? Quite a number of jail WrVIs, re- lecently sentenced to the county Workhouse, left yesterday afternoon In a body for that abode, all negroes except one white man. The princi pal members of the crowd that took Xbfit mournful, departure from our midst were : f hos.' .Lilly, Francis 'Taylor, Haywood Bryant, Adam Williams, Wm. Murchison, Andrew Mitchell, J. P. Davis, John., Thomp son and Geo. Robinson. JT,he handsome pictures of two steamships, worked in velvet and sffk by a' "Common sailor, from Wil- mington.N. O. exhibiteo annemate Fair last wek, are now on;exhibItion mington.N. C. exhibited at tnebiaie Ht Clawson's. And a mqaei oi a I steamship bi'.Jhe Captain of the ship is on exniouiou at iun p.v. MOIININGV OCTOBER j J. Q. A. Bryant in Trouble. Queut Bryant was before His Hon or Mayor Manly .yesterday moruinf, charged with highway robbery in that on Tuesday night of last week he did, on one of the public streets of this city, extract from the pockets Of Dr. J. O. Wilcox, delegate to the late Constitutional Convention from Ashe county, a watch and some $140 in money. The State was represen ted by T. M. Argo, Esq., for Solicitor Harris, and the defendant by Judge Fowle, Messrs. Geo. W.Strong, T. P. Devereuxand J. Bledsoe. Dr. Wil cox, Jno. Syme, Esq., and a njro ;boy named Matthew Si in rues were examined for the State. The argument of the defence w .s to show that it was only a case of larceny and not highway robbery. Mayor Mauly decided that as thecase was devoid of fear he would chauge the warrant to -forcible larceny on the highway," and required a justi fied bond in tbe sum of $2,50 for his nppearence at the next term of Hake Superior Court. Immediately at the conculsion of this case Bryant was arraigned, Mr. Wm. H. Pace for the prosecution, on the charge of having on Saturday night, while claiming to be acting as a polieeman, forced a Mr. W. H. Powell, of Franklin county, to pay him $10 lo kep from putting him in the guard house. Mr. Powell iden tified Bryant in the Court room as being the man, and the Mayor bound Quent over again in the sum of $50 for coin m king this offense. At the time of writing we don't know that he has succeeded in procuring bail. P. 6. We learu that Bryant ob tained his bail during the afternoon. Bisitop Atkinson's Appoint ments. Appointments by Bishop Atkinson for his Autumnal visita tion : Salisbury, Oct. 18th, p. m. and 19th. Graham, Oct. 21st. St. Mary's, Orange co. Oct. 22d. HUlsboro. Oct. 23d. Chapel Hill. -Jr2d Sunday after Trinity. Oct. 24th. Durham. Oct. 2ot h. Gaston, Nov. 10th. Itidgeway, Nov. 11th. Warren ton, Nov. 12. h. Henderson, 25th Sunday after Trin ity, Nov. 14lh. Williamsboro, Nov. loth. Sassafras Fork, Granville co., Nov. Kith. Goshen, Nov. 18th. Oxford, Nov. 19th. Louisburg, 2ith Sunday after Trin ity, Nov. 21st. Kranklintou, Nov. 22d. Kittrells. Nov. 23d. The Asheville Citizen makes the above announcement. It will be gratifying to tbe many people in t'jis community and elsewhere, who have be?u "humbugged" by Tom Collins, to know that he has at last come to grief. Newspaper ad vertising is now re cognized by business men having faith in their own wares, as the most effective means for securing for their goods a wide recognition of their merits. ' Heavy Premiums. Mr.' James Norwood, of HUlsboro, took at the late State Fair oyer $700 in money in premiums. A hatidsome week's work. " A cruel hoax was perpetrated by some graceless scamp on Thursday night, in sending to all the morning raners. through the District leie- graph Company, an ail vertisemeut over tlie name or Dr. Allied isuiie. announcing the sudden death of his brother. Professor Charles J. Stille, provost of the University of Pennsjd vania. Two of the papers even went to the extent of basing lengthy obit uarv notices on the advertisement thus received, without waiting to au theuticate it. The announcement was a great shock to Profejsor Stille's friends, who could Have no reason for doubting it. and many of them will not learn of its falsity until to-day. The concocting of the story, the imposition of it upon the newspapers with such ingenuity, shows a decree, if not of maiice, at Least of titter recklessness, and eun ning combined, which could only be lonir to au accomplished scoundrel We hesitate to believe, with some of our afternoon contemporaries, that any student of the University could be guilty of such an outrage. Stud ents have always been noted for prc tical jokes, but it seems impossible that a-:y young gentleman of the in telligence, refinement and high am bition usually characteristic of those aspiring to a classical education could have beeL guilty of so coarse and senseless an outrage. Whoever the perpetrator was he deserves seyere punishment, and we hope lie may get it. Philadelphia Times. The additional tax on such luxuries as whisky, tobacco, sugar, etc., im posed by the last Congress, does not seem to have produced the revenue to the government that was expected from it. The increase durinjr seven months, beginning with March last, has amounted to but 5,000,000, at which ratio the total for the year will not exceed $0,000,000. This is alike a disappointment to Secretary Bristow and the majority of the members or the va3's and means committee who were very confident at the outset that this plan of swelling the receipt of the Treasury would be immedi ately successful. They doubtless omitted in their estimates however, the fact that the first result of the tax would be a decrease in manufac turing and the consumption stocks on hand. It is to this cause that their disappointment is to be at tributed but it is more than likely now that manufacturing has become a necessity that the closing months of the year will show a marked gain over those preceding. This method of increasing our revenues is in many respects the best that could be de vised, and we should be see It com pletely successful." Mews 19. 1875. From the Cincinnati Star. TEXANIA. How a Wild Ball Bullied a Wilder Crowd, This morning a wild bull got sepa rated from a drove of Texas cattle be ing driven through tbe city, and set out on a tour through the principal thoroughfares. About a dozen of the crack drovers of the city weie detail ed to rapture him and bring him in, and the scenes that ensued were de cidedly amusing and somewhat ex- ' citing. The bull, after a quiet gallop of a dozen blocks, coo!ed down and waited f r his pursuers. They came up con siderably out of breath, but with a large amount of bluster and bravado, which showed clearly that they were not afraid of tbe bull. The bull came up with perfect calmness, and some persons were so foolish as to suppose that this showed that he was not afraid of them. The result proved that these persons were right. The bull stood still. So did his pursuers. Then there was a private caucus, to which the bull was not invited. He did not like this. He resented it. He invited himself. Then there was not a caucus. Then the bull shook his head. So did the pursuers. They were in different localities--onein a doorway, another behind a telegraph pole and another be hind a barrel. They considered. They called across the street to each other, "What are you afraid of?" Theotber said, "What are you afraid of?" Then they said, "Let's lasso him." Then they said, "Agreed ; you do it." But no one was exactly ready. Each one was out of practice. Tlie bull listened and smiled. He walked calmly toward each one separately and offered his horns for the lasso. Each one separately ran as he never ran before. Finally by some mischance in the excitement a rope fell over his horns. It was immediately fastened to a telegraph pole. But the bull didn't mind about that. He just went on and directly there was no rope about his horns. Then imprecations came fast and fearful. Shouts of laughter also. The bull stopped on the corner of Sixth and Walnut. So did about one thous and persons. When he turned toward the north west corner exactly two hundred and fifty persons ran and seven hundred ami fifty laughed. When he looked toward the northeast corner seven hundred and fifty ran and those op posite laughed louder. Several men engaged in the exercise of throwing harmless lassoes after him,aud one succeeded in getting the rope over his tail, but it did not stay there. Then he started toward the crowd and they ran. An old woman, with a basket of eggs ou her arm, fell over, so did the basket. Then he looked the other way aud a man fell out of his wagon. When he looked up all the people in the second story screamed and drew back from the windows and let down the curtains. Of all the crowd the men with the ropes showed the most agility in running. At last the bull was caught. A man with a long stick held out a rope aud he walked under it. Then there was a cheering. The rope was large and new, and it held him. It was attached to a four horse wagon, and at this writing tbe bull is being dragged away, and the man who held out tlie rope is wiping the cold sweat away and being crowned victor by the admiring throug in an adjoining saloon. At the corner of Sycamore and Seventh the rope was unfastened from the wagon, aud the bull attacked the horses. The matter now became se rious, and the efforts of the crowd were turned to the defense of tbe team and destruction of the bull. One horse was badly gored in the side aud in the head by the bull, and the rope, which was still around the animal's head, fastened to a lamp post. Another rope was got around his body and legs, and he was thrown down and finally killed with an ax, and hauled off in a wagon. Several men were injured by running over each other. Tom Collins Turns up at last. The records of Buncombe Superior Court shew that this ubiquitous in dividual has at last been found by Sheriff Young (no one ehe could have foand him) and is now under sub poena to attend Buncombe Superior Court. He was three or four times "solemnly" called during the last term of tlie court, but, as usual, fail ed to put in an appearance when leaded. What Solicitor Gudger wants with him remaius to be seen. We do hope that be has not been imposed upon (as many other "worthy fellows have been) and made to believe that the aforesaid Thomas has been saying something derogatory to his high character. Should the Solicitor suc ceed in securing Tom's attendance. Woodson can come up, aud make known his grievauce against him. There is a funny side to even so sad a case as the abduction of Charlie Ross. The father of the lost boy tells the story to a reporter of the Phila delphia Times. While in Canada re cently, he saw the circular of a circus manager announcing wax figures of the Ross family, together with an of fer from the manager himself of a reward of $2,000 for the discovery of tlie boy. Mr. Ross went to the circus and saw figures of himself and wife, and Charlie, none of which bore the Ifast resemblance to the originals. Without making himself known he talked with tbe exhibitor, who told him be was a frequent visitor at the Ross household, and that all or the figures were strikingly accurate like nesses. When Mr. Ross made him self known the mau was dumbfound ed for a moment, but immediatelv expressed his deep sympathy, declar ing hi9 willingness to pay the $2,000 reward, and offered, in case the boy was found lo give the lather $1,000 a week for 30 weeks, for the privilege ofexhibiting him. Of course Fred Grant won't resign his position in the army; be proposes to attend to a little banking business first in Washington. Hi9 salary however goe on whilst the country demands reform. Pittsburg Poet, JJem. "Say !" said a city youth to the modest countryman, "got the hay seed out o' your hair yet ?" " Wall.'h was the deliberate reply, I jedge, pot from the way the calves run artef me." Rochester Democrat.?- j f . PRICE: FIVE CENTS. A woman is very like a kettle, if you come to think of it. She sings away so pleasantly then the stops and when you least expect it, she boils over ! Thk M AiNTHKAJf oa ot Hbalth. The maintenance of health ia often more diffi cult than Its recovery. Vitiated condi tions oi t he atmosphere, nnhealthv occu pations, extremes of the heat or oold, aud constant exposure to rough weather, are all so many provocations of disease. There is bat one sure way ol effectually guarding the y stem when thus subjected to influenc a prejudicial to health, and that id toetabHsu, by Judicious tonic and alterative medication, vigor or the body and regularity of lta functions. The pro pertieB of an invigorant and corrective are happily combined In Hostel ter'a Stomach Bifters. which, at the same time that It in fuses unwonted vitality into the system, overcomes all tendency of the stomnch, liven bowels and urinary organs tt de M ate Irora regularity in the discharge of functions upon which the welfare of the entire physical organization la dependent. Health cannot be more effectn .ily main lalaeU than by using tb Bitter j. I 1 . . . . i NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. J : rT)"!" 43- Asolendtd new novel by Angnsta Evana. author of Iteolab. St.EJoio, Vashtl, etc The last an J best book ever written bv this popular author, and one of tbe finest fl 3i ions in the EnglUh language. Every one must read it. - Bold-every where. G. W. CARLETON A CO., ' Publishers, New York. rpTtTc K E IV HALL. ; TO-NIGHT The Moncayo Family, FEOM MEXICO, In Their Wonderful and Startling National Feats ! Among their superb feats will be found tbe following: DoubfB Wire.Pingle Wtre.Mon ster Perch, Bingte Trapeze, Double Trapes, Devil's C irda, iudl Rubber Man, Leap for Life,:Anvil on the Breast, Ac, c. ADMISSION: Reserved Seats. Orchestra, flxo; Parquete, 75 cents; Gallery. 50 ents. MUSIC by the Italian Htrlng Eand. oc ANNUAL STATEMENT FOR the year ending December 3Ut, 187j oi iiie financial condition ot Fanneil Hall Fire Insurance Com. pany, OF BOSTON, MASS., male to the Secretary of Slate of North Carolina: President: K. R. Ohaffkjs, Hecretary : J. W. Kinsley, Principal oince : 28 Siaie street, Bos ton, Mass. r Capital Whole amount of joint stock, or guaranteed capitol authorized, $200 000 03 Whoie n mount ol capital actual ly paid up in cash, 2 0,000 00 A&SET3. Cash on hand and in banks, S 8,101 09 Amount loaned on mortgage of rt al estate, Amount loaued on collaterals, isiock and bonds, market value, Debts for premiums, Interest due and accrued, 124 560 00 39,03 80 147,488 50 88,828 25 3,393 Hi t j.043 95 Total assets, LIABILITIES. Losses adj usted whether due or not, LiObses unadjusted, in suspense, or resisted Dy thecompany, Dividen. s nnpaid, Amount due for expenses and ouUays of all kinds, Amuuut necessary to re-Insure outstanding risks at fifty per cent, being the legal reserve. Ail other liabilities. Including number .of judgments if any not fully paid and satisfied against the Company in this btaie, in what Court, and at what time they were obtained, the amounts due on the same and to whom due, and whether or not an appeal has bt en crav by the Company and granted by the Court from the ftaid judgment or judgments. Net Surplus, Total liabilities. I S COM K. Totil net cash income from pre miu -.is, Total net cash Income fiom in terest dividends and rents, 16,476 26 6,330 00 385 00 300 00 103,6 li 99 5,301 J5 35,6 6 tb 126.617 40 193.793 76 20.482 22 Total Income, EXPENDITURES. Total net amount paiddurlcg tneyear for losses, Total pay account. Total miscellaneous expndit'es. Total premium note expeudit'e. 214,280 98 52,452 52 22.36.1 45 43,0i0 7 9.615 l 0 Total expenditures, 127,441 73 qukstioxs: " Has the Comp my complied with the pro visions of Its charter, tne laws of th stale in which It was organized, and the laws of tbe State of ior h . aroiiua, relating to In surance companies ? Anser Yes. Does the company possess one hundred thousand dollars of available assets ? Answer Yes. Upon what plan is the Company con ducted? Answer Stock. Tbe greatest amount insured in any one risk, $5,000 00; the greatest allowed to be insured in any one city, town or village, L; the greatest amount Allowed to be insured in any one block, . J K. S. CHAFFEE. Pres't. BERK.EL.fcA' fc BKOWN, General Agents. I Statu ot Norlh Carolina, 5 . uepartmenl or f la'e. BE fK ELE Y 4BKOWN, General Agents. appointed lor the purpose, having been du ly sweru, makes oath that the ttbove state ment !juberibed by them.ls Irne, according' to heir best kuowledge and belief. i WM. H. HOWEKTON, ot l!)j-tf Secretary. of State. J .Uj S T A R R I V E D . One car load CUBA MOLASSES, In bar e!s, fud in prime order. v-rv low, at oc 17H-' B. S CI NG H AM de CO'S. lO li REN A Ilnnse with six Room, corner oi feron and I) ivie streets. Anv. person wishing to rent will please ctuiki inn nfiuse. oo ISptf O. A. SMITH. i CEED WHEAT! SEED OATS! i 250 bushels Prime Futta Seed WHEAT '200 txusheis Genuine WHITE WIN1KR OATi for kale at i BA' BEE A LATTA'S, j Raleigh IS. C. oc lo 3taw2w A. SMITH. J.O. E. VENABLE A SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS ' AND M VNUFACrUKKRS OF Carolina Belle Scotch Snuff and j SMOKING TOBACCO. OFFICE, ODD-FELLOWS' BUILDING, No. t6 North Sycamore street, Petersburg, Va, Jos E Vcwablk. Wm. L. Virirh 131 Ml iULES AND HORSED. Juatj arrived and for aale cheap thlrty- five MULES and twenty-one pOB'ES. ! H. D. BERRY, at I MCM ACKIN A. FAISONS' oc Pt- 3t Stable, Martin street. DAOQING AND TIES. Bagging and Ties, Salt and Iron, Pepper and Spice. In short, a flrst-claaa stock of everything usually kept in a Grocery establlnl ment, i A. H. TEMPLE, So. 5 Exchange and No. 7 Mtrtin. f oc 14 U Raleigh, N C. ARSHALL'S SALT :, Jost received and for sale by 1 ' - ' R. F. JONES CO. o?JBS F ADVERTISING. 2 f2re- ? insertion. ' , , , , 11 of One square, one week . M One square, one month. . 8 CO One square, three monUuT 18 (0 One square, six m'ZZZZIZ' W f One square, twelve months ' AO fa aTif-Ji.N-PfRIa7n'. All advertisements under tea llnaaehaixa at the rate o one square. ' WF Liberal deductions madepn larger adver tlaemenu for a term longer tiian oni' month. Advertisements must be confined to the business of the advertiser, - . OUR AHVERTlSOftfltT. rji O T H E PUB LIC OUR JOB OFFICE. OFFICE DAILY AND WEE LTSEWS, . Ill T.l Raleigh, Sept ioth, 1875. We are pleased to say to odr customers and friends abroal that our Job Depart ment has been moving under rapid pro gress towaids tbe perfection we are aiming at, and we can now, with safety, place our productions in competition with any html- iar establishment In the con a try ... . .i In substaattaUc of th frcoIng, we refer Tlth pride to the appended testlmo nlals ana bracing soma of our meat reliable and trustworthy city merchants, whose commendations we deem to btf the best criterion of our work. " Testimonial t We can commend the Kiwi Joh Office to all desirlng-work in this Hire. We have received work from I .hem that pleases us in every particular. PARKER AVERA. AUdcMiilngJ b Work abou Id patron 'is the Nkwi Job Office. We have tried them and can speak frotrur of u experience. POOL MORI NO, Grocers and Commission Merchants. .OnficK or A. Prf.fcii, ) Raleigh, eepteu ber 20, 1875. I have ued yorr Job Work f ,t some time and cheerfully sty tliat 1 have been well pleased with it all. -r . CREECH. Offick of Hardware House of Julius rcwi r. i Raleigh. N. C. ReDf. 20. We most cheerfuly say thut the .Job Woik executed for u by the News Pub lishing Ocmpany has lw-y iiten flr.t class and the it1c- very low. JULIUS LKWIH i C3. The work turned ou Vy your office Is the best I haveyet hut. 1 ani a muctvpleaNed with It I feel It due you to ihnR express my self. All wishing job wv k if uny cburao ter should patronize the N F.w Joi Ofllce. A. 1. TKW l'Lt. ' We have always pxtroniwd the News Job Office, and have ycl o shv we liv been dlsappoiut-rd. Our bivnlness rein lions have alwajs been mot pleunant, and we are much please-i with vonr wnl man agement. BERKELEY A RK'lWS, General inurance Agents. It affords us great pleas tire to pronounce 1 he work produced by y , ur Foreman, ilr. J. H. Hampton, to he of supf rtor character, both in taste and fluhli. We cheeriully c mmend your work to all. NORRISS A MY ATT. Our work Is received, nnd we are pleased with It. The bU le and qnllty are uot ex celled by any office we k now of. BAR BEE A.LATf A. For neatness of taste, bcinty of execu tion and dlnpatch of v ork, I recommend the Naws Job I lllce. W. n. DODD. I fetl ihat I c inuot top liighlr praise the beautiful cards just printed Ijr me by vour Mr. J. S. Hampton. I mim say the work far eurpases anything In Its line I have yet seen. Hereafter you my . count me a regnUr cd.t rmnr. f ALKt. THOMPSOV, Mdse Bxoker. To those whi.wish ePejcnt Jeork, low prices and prompt delivery wenwopldecom mend IhnNnvH JoOOfMne.. , ' WAIN RIGHT, WILLJ MS A HOOD. Orr:ci of MrM'ritiK A Fa mo if, 1 Raleigh, N.C.,ept 15. On r work pi .ced undn your eaie Is re ceived aud examl ue',gi vl n en tl re satisfac tion, and rnufltKuy I be style, neatness, cor rectness, prompt u-hs ai.'d low j.rlce, can not be excelled by any office In this or any other Southern ''tate. Truly, MoMACKIN 4 FAI80N. Wa refer with great pr$de to the above list of recommendations, and If ,1s still fur ther oar pleasure to assert that we have yet to learn the name of a patron of cur office who has ever expressed hMosstif dissatis fied with any of out production. 'l 'V.,'i Weare constantly, roakLrg additions to i ' -ri v.' our. stock of Type, Taper, Material, and geaeial appurtenances, by tjie Introduction, of everything Ihat Is new and useful, and glveou: customers the advantage of all Utest styles as soon as pr ad deed by the manufacturers. We spare no ifTort to render our business relations of the most pleasant and lasting ch .r-ctr with all who favor ns with their worrf, amd by being Prompt, Reasonable, Accurate, .end Accom modating, we trust we may aiways retain' our customers. "' 'A For Sample aal Prices, or information of any character, your correspondence Is respec folly solicited. , JOHN D. CAMERON, Editor News, Raleigh, N. C. XECUTOit'Cl N O T I C E . 5 Laving qualified as KxeeutrJx, of tha will of the lat- nenry .u'jruecHi, l give no tice to the debtors of the estate to make payment, and to the cre.litoin to prment their claims to my attorneys. Win. H. Bat tle A Won, at their offlc in Raleigh, by the first day of October, 17. : MAKTIIA MORDECAI. Kxrcutrlx, Ba'elgb, N.C.8ept 80th. 1876, Iaw6w S CUPPERNONO WINE. From that well known Wine Maken In Harnett eonnty, C C Ooffleld. Csq. This will be found a choice Native Wine. Call and see na. R. Ft JONES t O., Wholeeale Liquor and Wlue Dealers. mhI7-tf Wllmlngtoa street. T O K iifull llee of sriNfON.WO0L UATP, Call, sample and price at . oe 14-tf Jk4tLTtofm.W. il h r 1 ft 2' i j v ' t Vif: tf'.- f.r, , t. wit'!- 1 2Si'. 'Jr: if-:: f pi .'?'.! ! ii-! w 4 f i '.Y. ! "' g. V' s :i i' K" ' i . ..- -a ! In