Ill ; h : i i S it . ' 1ILT N B W 8. -( J ' yKWS B CI 1.11 SO. f poarrv ciTtaaire BASK. I. pt P. a ao l m TS h.-rifr. .lliTerJ la any ,lMO.N MERCHANT!. S A N D K It H A CO A. CVTTN FACTO US, Cj2l-xU5ioa Merchant A5P PK-.LfcRS ! , v. r- aXD ORt)EM FOR PS I LTY. at pr'.cea eu4 prompt re- Ai'tn. Vlm No,. 1 Martin street. r, . L E E SONS A COT rON BUY E It S ELLKfCH AND fTPI TLY QQsiUslon Merchant, r.'R THE HALE OP . rv.',f lUr. Hroeka. Oml. MeaL 1 rvcr Broo. rbkito.. Ess. Butler. c-.e. .? nd'Dm kOil eontlfrotblt A. LKE HiiV. LIQl'UK. : 2 r - 1 3 3 5C N -r 1 r - r 9 Z -5 1 a 3 ? - n e S" t T a a 3 r2Sir. 4 r-- - i it Si V w A N" T E D r to Uke a balf Interest B, FAlRCHlLn. E D . good wagea 1 . -j p ' Apply at TiOrr.c- 1L 187G. MRS. R LEOPOLD iriTd a 'mtX' and atoek of tCLUNERY AND PANCY OOOI . ' Eoo . u aod Hata, 1 w ctiildrB's aad BablM. r:ttMortaol Lavdl Whlta Ood i t ot-. Roff. Coilara and TotTa. - rapd Yokra. Milk and Cottoa. UI.m Silk Saarr. BIU. Rib boo a. La. Htfflborf Elftoc sod Iortloa,ail k'nds aoU atrle of lraW. Coratfta. HhAWle. k - and ("hlklrn a Mrtpl Hoa. c t r MILLINERY DEPARTMENT we Jr,frd a rm.lli 5Ulfri Jlilliaer. -". jcx aaaonanrot tn li Oty. L ' aad t Earn toe. MKH. R. LrjOPOLD. No. 4J KyeteUle Hirawl. L N T I S T 1; Y iaJrJgned haTlng "". f !ortrl In Rl f . ".uliy leodre hleUJUuC Pr; vrTiM m toe prmwuoo or -UT::tT - b orrallTv aod meebanl- -:ocf Raleigh and tbe poo- r onoa orr Toe C r aior, rwo:.y occoplf-dbp Dr. Airing- -7 D E. EVKRITT. J V P K - W R I T E R , F'.R HALE BY ALFRED WILLIAMS. h :tsirjid.fc;tAtioner, OoneroJ Agent. RAleih. N. O. a saachtaa totodad to Lake tbe plare (a. ".rfyiDn. larera editor. " '.rka. of ewirt. Mok odora. I- t" ran an.l xtu:ne tbe mafblne, of firru iM nejtr T H E C H A M P I O f0U IITSKER. , ' u-prted everybody at tbe ..t ''' u 'IJlck and perfect work. KEST HUSKER 3' s-.4. N. PLI'MADORE bae'ng S t r-nt .f U'.k. J thnann 1 hp mCbiBe at bla Wagoo H'nf.t, r. f wbrro Itcao b ,n.! " v. Wm, prvpami to atirnd to iJT1 'ty. b will aU tbe right et a -elf -if T A K H-VbT the anderalgned eo etry Wm"51" oeBcrcairtb7eoalo paring ebargaav vptios : Dm hr aanat ten reere. d tal: IU aaddle galU. ARD ROOMS. ra' BILLIARD TABLES have BtiMipia tbe Prairie balldiDg. f 111. " - - - 4- li 1 of KIl.HAHD PAKT1M. v" r ollhtaport ean Sod no Boor - rai la ibedty. ee tf pHEfcsKr CHEESE ! CHEESE! " "taa out Oeaaa Cbe, Kane Oir 'ted Creem " tat " ranory - out J1 - A V . AaTV, BA MOLVJWE?!, la bar n r5 P"tae er rr low. at ! 8. H. BINQHAM d WS. 0LGA,ts- SUOARS. 8UUU3 iwuiidacl A.B.C gare " ... u -4a tt. r. jo NH A CO. VOL. VIII. NO. 45 LOCAL MATTER. E. O. WOODSON. Olty Editor. THE WEEKLY NF.W8 FURNISHED ONE TER. POSTAGE PAID. FOR SUM; jS. MONTHS. 7$ CFHTH. Pol)fflf Direetorv. Por tbe baaaflt of tbe Pobllc, we pub lish lie following Directory of tbe Post offloe of IhU eltT : 7 P. M IS A. li. 710 " (P.M. fcIS A. M. CSO I. 11. " - drllT.r a. EMUTB rrid at " d1lTrd at Nr"hm - rlMl at delivered at. OWf hnun ftr delivering of mall from : a, m. lo fclu D. m. VeT Ortfr ax UMd and Mid (rem frli a. a. v 4.-O0 p. m. Ltun eaa be RMliuril from t:15 a, m to 4-OU p. m. Do Bulla Mil or rctT4 on Panda 7m. V. V. BO LB Kit. Pttmu-r. JOB PRINT! NO. Thi Nbw Job Deperteaant bu been boroaghly sopplted wltb every needed want a ad w tb tbe Itt aty lee of Type, and every mtnnrr of Jnto Work can now be Inn w"b nMtDHK, doopatrh and ebeep neaa. W cm a furnlab at abort notice BILL 1IED. LETTER HKPS. CARDH. PK03KAMMEH. HAVDBILIH. PHAMPHLET. POKTER. CHECKS. DRA PT. c SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. TO THE MEMBERS OP Til E CON V EN. TIO . I u'd give notice tbat I bave ro-npleted nny Oriup Pletora of the mero bra tf I be Coaetltat 'onal Convent on. and am row prprl tnflil ll ordeta prompt ly. For beuty of 0n!ah. elegance oT taate. aod the work of Photograph' Art. It la proooacce-1 by alt wht nae a en It to be fr an per or to an prodaetton ever got ten ot In Nortb Cro Ina In eomparlaoo. all other attempt are a complete failure, aa wl.l be remembered by all tbe member woo bave een both p'etarr. W.81IELBCRN, oc 12-11 Ralelgb. N. C. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION OP NORTH CAROLINA OF IS75. eompleU In Pbntncraphlc Omop. by J. W. WATSON, and tbe only complete ropy la exUteoce. CJ1 en J. W. WATSON, the tether of PhoUgraphy In North Carolina. it SO I VISITORS TO THE CITY WILL FIND nattbGrn Front, on Hergct Street, betweea Wllrolngtua and Pavettv1ll, where we will h bappy to eerve tlrrn wltb Jacob Heifer's Celebrated LAGER BEER,ANDWICHE. LUNCHES. 4a H RRlSON A DO RAN. or w Proprietor. Freab arrlvala eootlaaaily of CVra and Meet. Floor and Salt. HheMed Oata, Hay and Fodder, low for eaah at 0BONK, Grain aod Ked Ure W. a. OATH, fcup't 1 15-tf Wbr dmtt yon dwCARU PR'S BAKING POWDER? It la the very b-tand cbeap- est. Made freab every day el an a f C.RM1KM Drog Store. CARMER B RO-iE DENTIFRICE U tbe ehapl. bet and moat popular TOOTH PuA'DCK need. an If Why Doo t To I'ae CARMrR'S BAK ING roWDFJH? It la tbe very beat and cheapeet. Boy a 3 cent box and convince yoaralf Foraaleat au If tf CORKER'S Drag Store. INDIAN BLOOD 8TRCP and MOTHER NOBLE'S HEAUO SYRUP, for sale at aa lf-l' CAREER'S Drug Wore. Another lot cf thaee nice uncovered au gr cored II A MS. Jnat arrived and for aale by WM. WOOLLCOTT. ante tf Wilmington atreeC Xoararax lea The beat NorAbern Jce ran be obtained at my alore on Wilmlng tootret. at ail time, at VA ornU per ormnd. le 3D it A. BAUM. 7Xe tubrriptiom lit of th DA IL Y yKWS U larsffr than thai of an) aihrr Onil im rAe Strife, and aaore than th-rrr ttmn targrr than an other Dail in Rileijh. A drrrtUrrt iKovid make a note of (AiiA Local Briefs The cool weather Is causing wood to be In demaud at tolerably stiff prices. The Institute for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind has 115 pupils and a capa city for 200. Just received, a choice lot of dried peaches aDd apples, atR. H. Weath ers'. The bay mare Skipper, five years old and owned by MCMacain ana Falson.lflfoi sale. Se advertisement, Cotton Weigher will consult their Interest by getting their Certificates ot Weight printed at the News Job Office. The Mayor's lere was thinly at tended yesterday only two cases of disorderly conduct, for which the of fender were made to pay. See the double-column advertise ment of R. B, Andrew A Co. on the econd page of thts pPr- Wamsutta shirts are said to be un equalled In price. Frederick A. Engleheart, having qualified ai Administrator upon tue . a a asUte of Joseph T. Bacbaian, uec u. make an Important announcement to the creditor. See tbe advertise ment. RoTsUr candy factory present a very attractive appearance to the lover of the luxury. Dealer wntie In RaJelffh hould not omit to call. sample and price at Royter' Und, FayetUvlIIe treei. Au Intolerable bore, who talked a friend out of hi sense, finally struck on the "oyster" which he called "one of the most remarkable speci men of creative wisdom extant. hen bla friend interrupted him aod closed tbe debate with the exclama tion: "The oyster! Ah yea, tbe oys ter 1 a glorioo fellow; he always knows when to shut op." N Receipts of Cotton. The r- feiptsof cotton yesterdny were 514 bales agnioat 573 on Weiluesdaj-. The market wan quiet throughout heday, clotting at 13 cU. :The City'8 Income from Finks. The Qnea impoeeU by the Mayor dur jugtbe mouth of September netted o the tlty $223.25. Thus far this month the city treasury has been in creased fiom the same source to the extent of $157.2-. The dray license fee last month amounted to $22 91, and liquor license to $72 02. I The benefits of advertising was never belter displayed than in our pwn ofMcts 3'esterday. A six-months flle of the News having disappeared, we advertised it, and our Devil, hoping for a reward, yesterday fouud "among the rubbish upon our ta ble."' Fact, though not a compli mentary one to tbe boy that should tlran up our room. The Richmond Fair We ac knowledge a pressing invitation from the Virginia 8tate Agricultural 8 Jbtety, through the courtesy of Gen eral Holert Ilwnsoni. tn attend its an nual exhibition, which commences n Tuesday nut. We shall eu- Ueavor to le represented. We are inUet'teO in the Richmond A IXiuville lt for the courtesies of its line on the occasion. mf Express on the Western N. C. tiotiers of this road has triven an Ex- frt sH contract to the "WooteirH Ex Ipress" of Charlotte, which will place an express over the road from Char :lotle and Salisbury to Abbeville. This Will prove a matter of great conven ience to the people of that portiou of the State. To the Members of the Late Convention. Mr. W. Shelburne 'announces iu our special column thU morning that his group picture jof tbe members of the late Convene !tlon is completed, and that he is pre - pared to fill all orders. Not only the members of the Convention but the L general public will find thee pic tures or great value lor Future refer ence. Will Visit Richmomd. The fol lowing members of the Raleigh L'ght Infantry will visit the Rich- 0 mond Fair next week, when they will doubtlrsa meet with the ineni- h Iters of the Richmoud company they met at the Charlotte Centennial: ; Messrs. John T. Pullen, Edward F. .'Smith, George B. Ennis. R. I. Wil liams. Thomas Stevenson aud Fred. ; A. Ol. Is. Mr. N. S. Moseley will also accompany tbe paTty. ie - i The Taxes of the City. The taxes due the city for the present jyear are blng paid in extremely slow, not enough having been r ceived for fthe last two ruont is to pay off tbe employees of the city. The present Board determined, if p msible, to run the government upon a cash basis, Iwill not issue scrip to its employed ! force, and hence it is absolutely jnrceary that the taxes be paid in. The Clerk enn be found at the May ' or's office at all hours of the day 4 The Moncayo Family. This ; wonderful family will give another ! performance iu the Baptist Grove thisevening at 7:30o'clock. The feats performed are unsurpassed by any ; thinz of the kind we have ever seen jand .re Indeed wouderful, while the exhibition of fire-works from the i magic basket forms a pyrotechnic ; scene of much leauty. There is no thing whatever objectionable In the .exhibition, and we hope to see this '. family have a good house to-night. ; The Buffalo Lithia Waters 1 Reduction of Price. Col. Goode, ; proprietor of the Buffalo Lithia Springs, advertises e-laewhere that thetlemand for transportation having 1 become so larce that he nas ueler- fmineil to redui-e the price for the Isarae. ami it can now b ohtaiued by i the Klnglecase (one dozen half gallon .'bottle each) at H). to the trade generally $4 53. ami to agents at $4 ;Mr. J. II. McAden is agent for these s waters at Charlotte, aud Mr. William 'Simpeonin llaleigb." i The reputuiioii of these Springs is I becoming eularged each year, and ! they will not only prove a fortune to Col. Goode. but the waters will prove ; of great benefit to those afflicted. "Hard Times Ahead." Appro- priate to the advent of Cole's circus in our midst to morrow, we publish the following good one from the At lanta Constitution : Jake sa a ate red up to where Pete was sittiug meudiug a whip lash. ' Pete, please sir, lenu me a quar- "Is you a fool?" said Pete. ' Pay ver back next weeK, 'clar to 'graahus." ' "Takin' up a cerlection to get Into de circus, am ye?" again queneu Pete ! -Xo I ain't I war I ain't I'm ;got a pretlckler use for dat quarter ;to-day I" earnestly urgri wc. "Well, I can't neguaherate de quar ter fer ye today. Jake." 1 "Pay you back, shore, Pete, ef I don't I hope I may die I" "Yer can't do it, chile, I tell ye ! Dere's mighty hard times comin' inex week de cirkus be hyar a-i'Il baukrup de town, 'r'pose ye don t recomember dat de cirkus wld one lempblnt last year nigh busted At- lanu. and now uis on' got four link o' dat! four elemphlnu, an' I tell 'ver money' gwine ter be keereer 5an freedman banks round hyar nex :week? Go 'long, chile V ! And the ehlld went off minus the Quarter. D AILY RALEIGH. N. C, FRIDAY THK PETERSBURG FAIR. A LARGS CROWD IN ATTENDANCE FINE WEATHBR AND FAIR LADIES. The Anneal Address Delivered bp F. II. Busbee, Esq., of Raleigh. The Petersburg papers of yesterday give full and interesting accounts of the Annual Fair which commenced In that city on Tuesday. On that day the crowd In attendance was quite large, and the exhibition, es pecially In the stock department, is represented as being exceedingly grod. OPENING EXERCISES. A little past 11 o'clock the crowd was called around the speaker's stand, His Honor, Judge E M.Mann, of that city, presiding, in the absence of tbe President aud Vice-President. The exercises of the day were opened with a prajer of great earnestness aud fervor by lie v. J. E. Hutsou, of the Byrne street Baptist Church, which was followed I y an eloquent uddrexs of welcome, delivered bv Hon. W. F. C. Gregory, Mayor of Petersburg. MK. ItCSBEE's ADDRESS. Pttliius H. Busbee, Esq., of Ral eigh, N. (' . vvus then briefly intro duced by Mr. E. S Gregory, Secreta ry of the Society, who referred to the ties of brotherhood, social, commer cial and historic, which united the two Commonwealths, aud to the pleasure which Petersbuig especially takes in rendering honor to the sons of the old North State. The Index-Appeal gives a synopsis of the remarks of Mr. Busbee,' ex-, pressiug much pleasure at the gener al tone of his remarks, and says it has "never seen a more attentive audience thau that which Mr. Bue bee's address held together so well, and we are sure that no more excel lent, timely, witty aud eloquent ef fort ever drew any audience to any Fair groundsill Virginia." It con cludes its remarks of his speech as follows : Mr. Busbee's speech, abounded in happy and strong joints which we regret that we have not reproduced in this hurried sketch, made from memory. At the closeof his remarks he made the following admirable per oration, which was received with re peated applause and other emphatic Mutt gratifying evidences of approval: "Another and perhaps the greatest giod which I telieve will te brought about by the annual exhibitions of the Petersburg Agricultural Society, is the growth of more intimate busi ness and social relations between the teople of North Carolina and Vir ginia. Other things being equal, of course 1 should prefer to builu up North Carolina cities with North Carolina trade, but nothing can ever permanently divert the current of commerce from Its natural channels. It regards not State lines. The little city of Kaleigh offers to the planters of central North Carolina a market they are not slowtoavail themselves of, but for a large part of our finest cotton producing section, Petersburg is tbe natural outlet. We are glad therefore that this annual exhibition will give our people an opportunity of mingling with the men and women of the gallant Cockade City. The relations of Petersburg wUh the people of North Carolina have been bo longcontinued, so intimate and so p!ei'anf,so many of our citizens have settled iu your midst, that the North Carolinian tan not feel himself a stran ger. There are good and permanent reasons why Petersburg should be and remain a centre of trade. lis river transportation, its efficient line of railroad, Nottb, South, East and West, its proximity to the cotton and tobacco producing regionsof Virginia and North Carolina, and above all the enterprise, the liberality 'and the energy of its merchants. That these things will be monanJ more appre ciated by our people is one of the in evitable results of these annual ex poHit ions. "And have we not the right as well as you to be proud of Peters burg? It is our city as well as yours, for we too have fought for it. Ah! my friends, whatever sectional jeal ousy there has been, or there may yet be between the ieople of our grand old States, our mouths are closed, our hearts are hushed in a moment whenever the sad yet glo rious memories of the past arise be fore us. Iu the presence of acorn- moil peril me sons 01 virgina the sons and of North Carolina have never been apart. Never has the elbow touch ceased to run along the line. When we look over the euvirons of Petersburg and see the mark of careful husbandry, it is difficult for us to bring back to our memories the scenes of eleven years ago. The camp fires glow, the rough huts, the white gleam of the tent, the frowning breast work. The old sounds come back, tbe sullen roar of distant mortar.the sharp crack of the musketry along the picket line, the charge, the cheer, the dying groan. It was not my foitune to have served the State in the tifnohes before Pe tersburg. My lot was cast under Virginia's great hero Gen. Johnston, upon other fields of fight, but never the less does tbe old battle thrill arise iu visiting these historic fields. We see tbe crater with its grating hell of fir?, we see the serried columns of the enemy, and at last we see the shattered fragments of the bravest army that ever went into battle, driven frm the long defended city. But never have we seen, and never shall we see, the spirit 01 the gallant city subdued, never have we seen her heroes falter or her women false Well may it be said "She has fought the good fight, she has Kept the faith." "Now is it the sacred mausoleum of so many of the patriot dead. Not of the commanders am I thinking; not of the noble Hill whose me uioou ebbed out here. We raise our Dom age to grander heroes, the unnamed, unnoted dead. Without hope of fame, tbelr sole reward was the consciou nnu of dntv. When the summons ..m thev died like heroes, for no re creant step had e'er dishonored them; base aespair, uu cowardly recoil. They had the hearts MORNING. OCTOBER of freemeu to the last, and the free blood that bounded in their veinp. was shed for freedom with a liberal jov. "One word more. I believe that It I needless to urge upon you the pleasant, the holy duty we have yet to perform in healing the wounds left open Dy our civil strife. The same aiuKie nearteo devotion you gave your country upon the battle field, give your country now. Upon the common plane of a common country meet your brethren to day. Seek to build up and restore the union of love. The fraternal feelinsr evinced by our brethren of the North must meet cordial response iu vour hearts. Remembering the reception given to your own t it Lee under the sacred shadow of Bunker Hill, send back in rtiuru tne words or peace and recon ciliation, of fraternity and love. Do th js and the future of your State, the iuture ot our country, is aysured." -B - AO kemovk kings. in case a finger ring becomes too tight to pass the joint of the finger, the finger should first be held In cold water to reduce any swelling or inflamatio 1. Then wrap a rag soaked in hot water around the ring to expand the metal, and lastly soap the finger. A needle threaded with strong silk can then be passed between the ring and finger, and a person holding the two ends and pulling the silk, while sliding it around the periphery o'tlie ring, will readily remove the latter. Another method Is to pass a piece of sewing silk under the ring, and wiud the thread In pretty close spirals and closely around the finger to the end thfct below the ring and begin un winding. Bishop Atkinson's Appoint ments. Appointments by Bishop Atkinson for his Autumnal visita tion : St. Mary's, Orange co. Oct. 22d. Hilisboro. Oct. 23d. Chapel Hill. 22d Sunday after Trinity. Oct. 24th. Durham. Oct. 25th. Gaston, Nov. 10th. Hidgeway, Nov. 11th. Warren ton, Nov. 12lh. Henderson ,25th Sunday after Trin ity. Nov. 14th. Williamshoro, Nov. loth. Sassafras Fork, Granville co., Nov. 16th. Goshen, Nov. 18th. Oxford. Nov. 19th. Louisburg, 26th Sunday after Trin ity, Nov. 21st. Franklinton, Nov. 22d. Kittrells. Nov. 23d. The Convention Journal. The Secretary of the Convention is busily engaged In preparing for the printer the journal of the Convention, which will make a good-sized document, notwithstanding tbat body was in session only 31 days. The large amount of fillibustering done by the Radicals and the almost constant calling of the roll of the house will cause the proceedings to appear somewhat voluminous, considering the actual amount of work done. Death of an Estimable Hali fax Lady. The Weldon Nrw re cords the death of an esteemed lady of the town of Halifax .- It is with no ordinary feeling of reurret that we have to aunounce the death of Mrs. Alice Smith, wife of Mr. Charles S. Smith and daughter of the Hon. Edward Conlglaud. at the residence of her father, in Hali fax, at half past three o'clock on Sunday morning last. Ou retiring Saturday night she complained of a paiu in her head and never spoke again. She died of apoplexy." The Session of Congress. A Washington correspondent of a conservative and well informed jour nal says that the currency and the national banks will figute largely in the debates, but that it is not prob able that any financial legislation of importance will be seriously attempts ed. It is to be expected that some modifications of the tariff may be nronosed. Investigation will be the order of the day, and everything and everybody that has excited suspicion may look out for au overhauling. Such of the Democratic members as have been in Washington in speak ing on this subject say there will be no secret Investigations but tbat the examinations shill be conducted with open doors. One of the beneficent results or electing a Democratic Congress will be the thorough overhauling wnicn all departments of the government will receive. It will take a long while even to clean off the wor t of the ordure from the Augean stables of the Republican party. But we are satisfied the new Congress will te equal to the task. Wilmington Star. Horace Greeley writing a letter of consolation to a Inend who had just lost a child, gave the following leaf from his own experience : i have had seven children of whom five are gone. Of three sons none survive, and two of them were respectively five and a half and six years ofage when they were reclaimed. I need not say how beautiful and good they were the early called are always thus. When the first of them died my youth ended. I thought I could never be sorely stricken henceforth. Yet In due time there came another, not so delicate so beautiful so poetic ; yet so loviug so tender .so devoted to me, that I thought I had never been understood before. I cannot remem ber that during his six yearj abode with us he even wished to contra vene my will. Auburn is excited about the sudden and mjsterious death of Winnie Cobb, a'respectably connected young Auburn girl, in Detroit. She was visiting at an aunt's house and is sap posed to have been decoyed iuto a house of ill fame, from which she never issued olive, by a French girl of bad name who lived in her aunt's family. The Augusta Constitutionaluil saj's: For cool pauper impudence we will put Rome. Ga., against the world, and give heavy odds. It beats that of tbe beggar boy ho wouM not ac cept a vest because there was no watch pocket in it. News 22. 1875. The State Fair and What is Needed to Build up the Waste Places ol North Carolina. A correspondent sends us thefol-; lowing communication, written, as he claims, with the kindest feeling towards the State Agricultural So-! ciety and its officials : Morrisville, N. C.,1 Oct. 21st, 1875. Editors. Daily Neios .-After hay ing witnessed another meeting of the people of North Carolina at our State Fair, and after viewing most every thing on exhibition, I feel it my duty to say something in the interest of our State Agricultural' Society. There were many that were pleased and a great many that were not. I: have heard of so much complaint by the farmers that I caunot forbear to say something about the cause of It. They say the premiums offered for: their products is so small they cannot afford to carry them. Many times it cost more to put them on exhibition than the premium offered. Thev think it uufair to offer such small J premiums on farm products, and such large ones on race horses. It ought to be remembered that the population engaged in raising fast horses is quite small to the class engaged in agricul tural pursuits, it is discouraging to the farmer to see only five, ten or twenty dollars offered him, when the racer is offered from $25 to $500. North Carolina, with a population of 1,071,000, and 5,258,740 acres of lan d in cultivation, should send at least 100.000 people to the Fair, aud those 100,000 people should carry with them a host of ail the fruits of their labors. If the premiums offered in the past dil not justify the farmer, let tbe Society be more judicious in their arrangement. I do hope, Mr. Editor, that there will be more in ducement held out to the farmer.. Unless we can get them more inter ested we cannot expect to have our anticipations realized. The farmers are the bulwarks of the nation. Our land is adopted to the raising of all kinds of vegetables, our meadows are- sufficient to raise all kinds of stock, - our torest nas abundance of timber for the mechanic. What, then, is to: deter or embarras us from being a great people? Let every North Carolinian put his shoulder to the wheels that have been so long in the mud aud push and pull until we have consummated our desires that of; making our Fair second to none. Wishing our next Fair to be a grand success, and your paper a wide circulation, 1 am, &c. W. H. M. An Eccentric Young Woman. , The London correspondent of the Liverpool Post writes: A great num ber of comical stories are being told just now about the vagaries of a very eccentric, very wealthy, and if re port be true very handsome young, lady, residing in a rural district not very far from London. As may be; imagined, she had plentv of suitors,; aud the devices she has adopted to get; rid of them would read like a fairy ! tale. She generally gives her impor tunate lovers some absurd aud im possible thing to do, the condition being that if they fail they shall trouble her no more. It is whispered that a certain well known member rf Parliament is not indifferent to her charms or her fortune, and that one night while a great debate was in progress the lady dispatched her amorous swain, with a blackened face and striped coat, and a big roll of music under eacli arm, to the classic precincts of Si. Stephen's. Iu this approved Chiisty Minstrel style he presented himself before the outraged and indignant janitors. These bewildered officials uuder the belief that the honorable gentlemen. had been dining too much, lugged him away and in spite of ins protests clapped him into a cab and sent him oft" to his lodgings. Last Sunday the lady herself indulged in a prank which has greatly scandalized the gossips of the neighborhood. She went to church in the morning and immediately upon taking her seat opened a large bright-colored para sol, whicli she persisted in holding over her head through the entire ser vice, notwithstanding the entreaties aud threats of the vergers and a couple of church wardens who were summoned to remonstrate with her. During the sermon she aniused her self by twisting the parasol round and round and bobbing it up aud down to the mingled horror aud amusement of the beholders. 1 be lieve that the Vicar has since waited on the lady, and that no more will be heard ot the matter. The Tramp Printer. He came in witli a modest air and looked around inquiringly. The bright look of intelligence which shone from out the weather-beaten linea ments of his countenance, and the thin tapering fingers, betokened the tramp printer. All he wanted was a couple of days to push him to the next town. When he went td work he did not remove hi9 coat, his mod esty being too excessive. It was la "solid dig," and h held to it nobly until the "take" was finished, then, with a bland suppliant look at the copy hook, he quietly inquired if the ordinary Massachusetts paragraphia); ever stopped long enough to take a drink. On beingv informed that it was against the rules of the office to make more than two breaks in a, column, he walked over to his frame aud fingered the type for a few min utes, and then 6tole out of the door as silently as he had entered. One of the boys went over, and taking up his stick, read aloud its contents as follows : 4 Cursed be thy slanderers, O Aleck Stephens!" Turner's Falls Repor ter. a A Magic Cure. A Vicksburg wife informed her husband the other morning that she was working her , self into the grave for the want of a hired girl, and as he went out, she leaned back and fell to weepings Tbe children were making a noise in; the hall as he passed out, and. he called out: 'You want to stop this racket fi Your mother won't live a week, and; when you get a step-mother here next spring, she won't put up with any such fooling When he came home to dinner, his wife met him with a smile and said : "Isn't ours a cozy home, Richard, with only our own little family to look after!" The aggregate value of church pror erty in Louisiana is $44,000,000. It is exempt from taxation. PRICE : FIVE CENTS. Inflationist A chap that tops off iwo glasses 01 Knine wine with five fingers of straight whiskey. Contrac tipnist A fellow who flavors a full glass of brandy with red pepper and Jamaica ginger. Hard Money Man A broker who shaves depart mental salaries at ten per cent, a month and tenders a quarter for two fifteen-cent drinks. Repudiator A gentleman who invites a crowd to take a drink and then discovers that he has left his funds in his other vest just as he did the last time. Washington Republican. The directors of the South Caroli na Monument Association have in contemplation the introduction atan early period of a series of "penny readings." a popular and profitable source of revenue. At these readings no charge is made for admission, but a basket is placed in tbe centre of the room to receive any sum which per sons may feel disposed to contilbute, large or small. The monument is in Columbia, at Mr. Mayhew's marble yard, but until the money Is raised to pay for it the directors have refused even to have the cases opened. Wanted in the State of Virginia alone about 500 base ball players to go to work at shoemaking, mauling rails, or any other sensible or useful business.--Staunton Sj)ectator. Time Is money, but health is hap piness. If you have a bad cold or cough, use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, it will cure you. Price, 25 cents. How to Vanqhtsh tb e Rtom ch's Tor si tcjx tor. If the Enemy of mankind wrb permitted to exert his diabolical lnjfnuity in tlje Invention of anew disease, he could scarcely devise one more worthy of his penlns thau dyspepsia. The dyspeptic sufferer Is tormented by symptoms re sembling those of almost every known maliidy. and is often worried Idio mono mania by these confllctirgand perplexin? m n 1 fes t ations. A fa vor i le th ou g h a bsu rd hallucination of the victim of chronic in dieestion isthit he or he baa tbe heart disease. Dyspepsia has often been pro nounced in urable, bat experience has shown that Hostetter'e Stomach Bitters will vanquish it, together with tbe consti pation and billons derangement which usually accompany it. Diseases of the kidneys and f-uppoed rheumatic pains are also freqient concomitants ofayf-prp. sia, but thev, too, succumb to the abo.e named invaluable corrective. oc 22 dwlw. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. o r" s a friT F One BAY MARE. Sktmoer. five vears old and sixteen hands high. Sired by the noted Rourbern bief; Grard sire Mem brene Chief. Trots per mile and repeats eas'ly in three minutes. A kind, gentle and pleasant driver, oc 22 tf McMACKIN Sc FAISON. O E I have this day Qualified as Admlnlslra ter of tbe estate 01 Joseph T. Backalan, de ceased, and this is to notify all persons havinc claims against the descendant to exhibit tbe same to me before the 12nd day of October, i876. or I will plead this no tics In lien of t heir recovery. FREDERICK A ENGLEHEART. Admlnletrator of J T. Backalan, dee'd. oc22 dltaw6w rpHls BUFFALO LITHIA WATERS. REDU G TIOX OF PRICE. The demand for these waters for trans position has been largely more than donbled in the lpst N lntty Days. with every prospect of an Increased demand at the present price. I have however recently rcceired communicitlons from medical men of standing in different parte of the eountry, urging a reduction in the price iu the interest of suffering bumffhity, and I have determined to yield t3 these views, to far as to put these waters at a price as low as ai y other Virginia Mineral Water. They will hereafter be sold fct the following rates: By the single case, at th 00 To the trade generally. " 4.0O To Agents, 4.00 To Clergymen dependent upon their salaries, and pract ic: ng physicians for their own use, at 4 CO Payment require! inv-irlably iu ad vance. The Proprietor will not undertake to re fi 1 old boxes of bottles, or to All Demi job D8, Carboys, or to put up Water in any other way than In cases of one dozen Half Dollar Bottles each. THOMAS F. GOODE, Proprietor. Buffalo Lithia fprings, Va. J. H. McADEN. Ag't. Charlotte, N. C. WILLr VM SIMPSON, Ag't o.;22 3teol Kaleigh, X C. C IGARS! CIGARS 21 desire to call tbe attention of the travel ling public to nar cnoice brands of CIGARS, embraeing the "Kileigh Favorite " '"Prize Medal, ' "Triple Crown," -Legal Tender," and "Grape."' and other choice brands, all of, which I can rtoimraemi as being genu ne. GEO. ZIEGLEK. oc 21 tf First do )r above Yarooro. jOTICE OF ATTACHMENT. Wm P Wetherell and wife, vs. M. J. Gorman and Sidney V. Whitaker etai. Notice is hrreoy given that an attach ment nas been issued In Ihe a Cove men tioned case on the real property ot the said Whitaker, in the cointy of Wake. WM. P. WETHERKLL. Oc'o jer 21, 1875. ikj 21-lawlw Ralklqh A G.4sroff R. R. Co.. General Passenger and Ticket Dep't, 11 UelgQ. in. C , UCl. XI, IS10, FOR THE ACCOMMODATION or visitors to the Virginia State Fair, hound Trip Ticki ts to Richmoud will be on sale October 2o, 26, 27 and 26 at the fo -lowing rate : Raleigh te Richmond and retnrn (VI K Rates from Way Htaliois will be in the same proportion. Tickets will be re Dec ted onetnm min tage onttl, and including MONDAY, No . 1st. 187a THOMAS BADGKK. oc 21 Ct Gen'l Pasa. Agent A GENTS WANTED FOR THE PEXN MUTUAL LIFE INSUEAXCE COMPV. OF PHILADELPHIA. Tills (Company Is purely mutual. Xo stock bo der to absorb proflis. Evey . olicy holder is a member of the Com pan entitled to all its advantages and prlvll eges. having a vote at the annual e ection for Trustees It is tbe easiest Company to work because it gives satisfaction to lta patrons lor the reason that it hndc arc d MORE DIVIDENDS IN NUMBFR and ota LAKGER AVERAGE PERCENTAGE than any tompanyln the United States. Offi cial reports show this. For example." Pol icy 16, for $5 003, has been paid to the widow o: a Philadelphia merchant, upon wh'ch twenty-three dividends bad been declared, averaging (57) fifty-seven per ceDt. Thlt Policy, at the enrt of 23 years, bad te divi dends beea used to purchase additional Insurance, would have been worth 11 046. Any reliable agent who wants to work lor this Company will addrees CARTE1 BERKELEY, General Agent for N 8 C. pe21- Sm Char lotte, X. U. RATES OP ADVERTISING. '" V"" H"ro,pn insertion ,,.,.. 0 Ona square, two lnertir" ", . pf m wuw tuBrv, una wei One square, one month One square, three montli.w IM 8 00 1W' One aonare. twelve mnnHr.""""" Tn LlHKa NOHFAKIKL eonatiVn 171 All advertisements under ten llaeeeLareaaT . at the rate or one square. Liberal deduction madeon larger advea- i tlsements for a term longer than ou month. , Advertisements must be eonflned tofbe" ' business of the advertiser. OUR ADVJ5RTISEJIET. p o t h jTlTvriZic. OUK JOB OFFICE. 7 OFFICE DAILY AND WEEKLY R AT.EIQH, Br pt. 20th, 1875. J We are pleased to say to our customers and Meads abroal that our Job Depart ment has bern moving nnder rapid pro gress towards the perfection we are almtog at, and we can now, with safety, pise our productions in competition with anyahpl lar establishment In tbe con a try. . ' In substaatiatlon of the foregoing, we-. refer vith pride to the appended testimo nials, embracing some of our most reliable and trustworthy city merchants, whose commendations we deem to be ihe beat criterion of our work. ' ' Testimonials i . . We can commend Hie Nkws Job Ofllce. . to all desiring work in this linn. We have received woric from them thtt pleases us In t very particular. PARKER fc A VERA I'. ; ". . .J.'.1 All defiling J b Work should patrob V the Niw Job Office. We hae tried tbtni aad can speak from onr r,vn experience! PiHb A MOHING. Grocers and Commissi n Merchants. Officii of A., rumen. I Raleigh, epter. her 2f IK7.V f I have ued yonr J r Wcik f i ooi. time and cheerfully sirv thai I Imv b-en well pleased with it ell. . MtfcEvli. Officb of Hardware Horse of Junius Laws ' Raleigh. N. I!.. Hoot. M. We most cheerfully Kay tht the Job Work executed for n bv.the Nkwh Pnb. Ushlng Ccmpany has Plwiya. bteu ilr t classandthe price vt-iv low. JULIUS LEWIS Jfc C . The work turned out by your office I Ihe best I have yet hd. J nin ho much pUKoetl with It I feel It oneyou to thus express my self. All wishing ob wo k f nny ohxrao ter should patronize the jc ev .Tof, office. A. II. TKMPLK. We have always p.iiroiiizd the Xkws Job Office, and have -t. lo khv w have been dinappolut-d. On business r latlona have always been rookt pI'MSunt. and we are much j leaKed with vour v-iw tnao agemen t. I KK W K LK Y & Ml tV S , Gauer. 1 luiiiiaucu Aleuts, It affords us great pleasure to pronounce ihe work produced by y o Foreman, Mr. J. p. Famptou, to be of tupt-rtr character, both In taste and flulsh. We oheer.ully c ramend your work to all. NORRISS A MY TT. Our work is received, od we are f leased with it. The st le and quxllty are not ex celled by any oflije we k now of. BARBER A LATf A. For neatness of tste, he uty of rxecu- t Ion and dispatch of work, 1 lecoinmend the Naws Job I ftlce. W. H. D0DIV I feel ihat I " innot 'oo highly praise Ibo beauilfnl cards juni prime I for me by yonr Mr. J. H.. Hampton I mux sav the work, far 8urpaeN anything in Its line I have yet seu. Hereafter you m.y oouul 111a a rejjul r cu .t mer. ALF. A. THOMPSON, Mdse Broker. To those who winh elegant work, low prices a.d prompt d livery wevwSuld.recom mend ihe Xbws Job Ofllce. WAINW RIGHT, WILLI M34HOOD. OFHCE OF McM tCKIN A FAI03r, ' Ralftgh. N. i?.. repr 15. Our work pi iced uud i- your cue Is re ceived and examlnei,giviri eutireHatlsfac. tlon, and raut my the style, neatness, arm redness, promp uehs and low price. Cab -not be excelle 1 by any olllce In this or any . other Southern r-tate. Truly, McMACKIN a FAJSON.r . We refer with great pride to theabave , list of recommendations, anl it Is still fur- . . . ther our pleasure to assert that we baveyet . to learn the name of a patron of cur office who has ever expressed himself dlgaU flf J with any of our production. , We are constantly making aodltlonaV our stock of Type, Paper, Material, and.' general appurtenances, by tbe Introduction ' of everything that is new and useful, aad giveou: customers the advantage of all litest styles aa soon as produced by the manufacturers. We spare a effort to' render our business relations of the most pleasant and lasting ch.r cter with all who favor us with their wor,and by being Pi-ompt, Reasonable, Accaral,aad Accom modating, we trust we may always retain our customers. ..i For Samples anl Prices, or information of any character, your correspondence Is respec fully solicited. . . . . . i . JOHN D. CAMERON., Editor News, Raleigh, w.'C. JOS. E. V ENABLE & ,SON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS avd MisuFAcruitwor . : Carolina Belle Scotch SnufT and SMQKINCi TOBACCO. OFFICE. ODD-FELLOWS' BUILDINO, No. US North Sycamore street, Petersburg, Va. JCS I. VkKABUL W"M. L. VCffABLI. oc 1 iw AO GIN G ANt(. TIES. King and Tlea. Pepper and Spice. . In short, a first-clans Svoca or everything usually kept lu a Grocerv extahiw ment,, A; H TEMPLE. Xo. 5 Exchange aud Nt 7 it rt o. oe U U RIil. K. . - .

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