T 11 DATDT NBW3. i i i n " s. ! ;vr!l() 'H!)))tl roH.mn bt no t t yV PUlIIilHIlXNd CO., 1 r ntr. xxws a viu is$. y j y trttn street. neerFeyetterUteSL, ..... tvr mH. postage pld. IS CO .r iatoriherv dellTereJ la any ' , tity. I-' onu per k. MERCHANTS. S A N D K 11 S CO. A- 1TIN FACTORS, .amission Merchant and ik.m-kk is HEAVY GROCERIES. ,wfT A NO ORM'R-S FOR , !-: rl'K "I ALTY. 'jnatrt "et f,r?ctA ltd pn-m.pt re- A. C. JlAXDERs A Co., -lt VSm .N'al Utrtio Urtt!.' G . LEE SONS, A. COTTON BUYERS AND fUXLSRv AND 8THICTX-Y Commission Merchants. FOR THE HALS OF , rMr Wy. feek, ou. Meal, Pirtlff, e., rTyv4rr ami eontlfnrofDii Ujr sol letted. . --f P. fX tV T3 RAleltf. N. O. MQl OH. 151 J r - 3 T - r i 1 rlif -T - 1 r 7-" -: ; c hi i - r . t-s ii a V. n a T". X T A Y. I iva Cvvl wce 1 a rr 4 -:5. 1816. MRS. R. LEOPOLD . - . Tl !arc- cd ! ct tork o: MNV.UY VNI FANCY I t-a r'- d1 Ha:. --v Children" and l: .b p-,. ortietl rx !!- While Oooil, .! i 0. RotT. Coi:r nl 'atT. --wiaed Yekea, KUk aod Cotton. Id'ea f -arf. Be:t. IObr. HamMirg E'en1' ant iMnnra.aJl kinda ami aiy t v( Combe, CoreU, s'aawle-. a. d.J "h!uirn" 'ripd !(, to-. - -MII.I.rNFRY I'EPHTTnrNr we - rr.-arl Firi.lta 5ertaera Milliner. - - -- wr ortroent In the CTtrj I a- MHi. P. UWroiJI. N i. ST Fayettevi.ie r el. : wim K N T I S T Ii Y ao'eralan'd hirlnt i-3tly locA4. la Jiai . -wwtulif tend-m hla wniMi tntbe ixvui't 01 TkY titho',l'n4 raixtiiil- raieo r.r EjCcIaV aila lii puo--,.-r ' - e - r w ewer TMfera a)re. oty oeeerpte bf Ir. Airln- 1 - n E F.VKRITT. ? y. - V R I T r r. sale by e n ALFRED "WILLIAMS, oeUerand KUittoner, Oeoeral A6t, Raleitfh, N. C. 'lnn-,, tr.ter.11 to tk the h( emiBen. lawver dltora. r. 'i.tn, o r-ort. nr k orBe-e. In " m4 bolteea men wo!d 1 1 r,i ti i i.n.loe tbe maehHie, ' M.-;mitr net tf J H K c H A M I I O 'OUN HL'SKEIL ' r :r ! everyfwdy at tl.e ?.. !. 1 auJprfoa work. BESTHUSKEU '-" - v uifli ttvti't' hir nr e f.fl "t Wnve an J-'!DB 'I. I itim tt!ee at h W aaon "L ' H f-ti r re-1. alio tieaD b j N ' iii ewpur ! attend to . 4 cMir.tr. rt w? II the r.ht a' a - , c( if A K F. X V i'Z. it ..T tInderrred n e t-a y ,, '. t, l.'.-own-r i uil by c 'MiHtfeiiitma, rli'.i: lrk ty. ab-xjl ln year. wlU aa-! iie tu. FM N. R I H O O M H " r 'r-i.n Ihee.ty. a 1 c dii-. i' i ........ .... ... -.-. -..-r. : t iir.r-r. : wir.r-r. : ' t ji r mm t he e, tl.rMUjr Cream Ktcy o'er ". .-etej cream " -tory ' w r., A.B UTROVACH. 5 " T , R R I V K D . 'ta'io.d. L'UA UikJUAHEH. la bir- J .-; u h. HINUII4M A O A. i 4 T r-r-.. t . vti 11. ,.r,lrr m lnw. at JAIW. KUQAB& aCtiVUS T,' taa4ar4 A. R. C" Jti Ivw H. P. !" B- m,u.t;nTAPUjii4vr " " "j t;,. t0 iue Pra-rie boa 4 a U..( s.v. FetieviUatre-4.Pder - ....... . . . . r- a J ---KIU.VL.I kt tvl Ucl .V u r.n-'. U A IT s H A L Is ' 8 , 8 A L.T A rrceivad arx'r L St irJONEM C.j r -w l-HE D AILY JN EWS. vol. vi if: ifw E. O. WOOD SON; City Edit THE WEF.KI.V. NEWS FtJRVlAHED INK YE R, POSTAGE PIIt FOR l.rt)j I tix Mn.NTiiH.T5rt4rrs. , J - :' - '! Foryje benefit W fhe PoblW, we pub lish 1Mb following .Directory of tne Post- offlee Of this city: Wwtn Well mmI at 7 P. M " . - debvs-red at 915 A. M EvHera neeedet ,, Tin rWlTered at P. M, Northern - rlMwdat fclS A. Ur delinndeWMWrVk Offl boars Mr tIe!!Terio mt-mSi Men? Order are teerjeJ '"ami "$M freni . li a, m. to 4.-00 p. m. Leiten caa be Koclstered from tU5 a. m to t.-00 p. m. No teal La eat or received1 on' SmrftJaya.' W. W. Hol.ni!, Poalmat'r. JOB PniNTINO.4' Th New Jo TVpertment 'baa -bn horoachly irapplted wllh ever- needed rvaatead witH.the taiesl aljripeoi Tyae. and eTery mtnnrr of Job Work can bow be daate wt t h Beatnee, deepeieta and cheap- neat. We ran furaUh at abort notice BUNKO. bxi.i. nrAr, LETTKR HE A IX. CKlS. PKO-1HAMMEH. . i. HANDBILIS. PHAMPHLET. POSTERS, CH ECK. PR A FTP . Ac, 8PECIAT. CITY ITEMS. Ti) THE MEMHEKHOKTIIEOIXVEN-TKiN.-l woa d ghre noih-e- that I bV mmpil iut (irjp Plctnr of t hr mfno bn iff .nt'.tut nal CnTentoa. and m riw prrptrvd to fill all ortlera prompt W. Kir l-anly o fln!h. rleaocc n? taste. ar..- the fl:i t work of Photographic Art. ll l pronitcJ by all wHo have rn It to b f,r atiper - mu) pr.luciion e"or gob ten "ut lu N-rth 'n i In o!llpaM',?!. t:i iltirl'nnpl nr. r ronplei fuliure. a wi.l remembered by alltbe tnernbeta who hr wd Nlh p rlurm. w. HnEr.Bri:N. v Ti - if Kaleth. K. (NsmnioNM. I 'NvrvTiny cr N-IRTfT OARrtLINA OK lT. complete In Phftocrrhlc itnp. br J. W. WAlfOiC ij tiM eiJy eornplete copy In exttetiee. f:l n j V. WAWV, the father of Phoirrnphy In North Carolloa. Frh r-lvl ronttauily of Torn and Me:. FN-nr nt :t. She'lH Oa. Hiy :tid Vi J r. low ixr r th t 'Grata anl Po1 ow M-15-tf W. A. CiATII-. .op't Whr on't yoi oM-fAKMCRU BAKINO J PvviF.R- I-1 the rery btand cheap- rt. M uJe freah everv 1"y a au -X if CAKMKH'S Iro Htore. t' RMFR HO-K IK TIFRICE U the rli p-t. Ul aaU niitet popatar TOOTH P 1KK uv I. ao JO tr WLy I-'ii Y C CAKMVH - HAK IM. ItWIKRr it l -rr bel and ch i-. H-y a Jj--ul lio aiid rwovlur r-n"K'.f 1- r aie tt an ! tf i-KMFR-S Irng Hlore. IM IAV P.t . . -YurrniMUTHEri S.'IH.V lll.A!.lxt HI P. fwaeai u lf CARHER'S Iru store. . Another !ot tf tlue ti:-e uncovered in rar cured M A MS. Jut arrived and foreale U M WOOLIXXTT. au U tf Wilmington, atreet. North rh I i"X Tbe beat Northern Jce can be ot.:aiud at my alore 00 Wilaalor ton -tt. at all tin, at Hi ctnlM per A. BAUM. - r T' nWx lud. of the DA1LT .f M .s u t-iryrr lham int of W 4Ar Dm in rN .sj.iv emf (Aan fVr' fn Jar-frr IV...M PIMll'lIII'A'lOu.ll U Local ??Kfrrs Lvnr.haven's receivtsi dailyat Tim Lee's. A part of a s'.oro for rent 'for. otlll'e, or Lufdoe" purimnew. Se notiw. (Vlebrated Uravely chewing tobac co at Tim Lee's. The Citizen' Cornet Hand has re organized, willi Trof. iiampson a leader. A. F. Stanton, at Kittrt lh, keep a lotofjrood thing-. Persons viailiiig Klttretls shoutJ ca!l and see him. When we are alone, we have our thought to watch ; in the familv, our temir; ju cowpuy our tongues. Wuu Sinii4oq r0ived his fall et K-k of drug, fancy articles, Ac. He is p. lite, clever and pleasant to with. A meeting of the Young Men' Christian' Aseoclation will be held thw efenlnj? at " o'clock, in their rooDT the Brigga' building. , A rrriTal i In progresa at 'he Per ion street M. E. church. Rev. Mr. Jirncy ofatlAtlog. There has teen alrvadr Mveral conversions. Any peraoa wiihlng to purchase a 1 Engllb twtot uou oie-oar re i hot"eun will call at F. C. Christo pbcra' atore. Oen. Bamtow.of the I", ti. A , who has lately been a.signed fo duty at this Kt. is quartered at the Yarboro with his lafly. ' ' I ".- C Col. George R. Chamberlain, of At lanta, Oa.. has been appoint 1 super vive'of this revenue district, with hea.liuarters at Richmond. Va. Th dMtflcaia composed of IrlnjB, th rne e Caroiitm-s, (ieorgia anu norm. Roiter' catitfy factfrry preeobJ fc yet? attractive appearance to tha lorex, otltrojuxury. DesXenL -whUe loTlaleirShould not omit to call, aample and price at Koyter.8 JtAiid.i Karettmiie street. A .good nuaerof our cjrizn8jren, fur Ute Richmond air .yewwroaj, ancn; ibem we noticed. !Mest Tn"C. Foller, F. H; Cameron-, John ill orris. i ..... -a Ta-O-Ttalaiw lr ' T. DJ.lutcer, CaU Brown, and H. mm. aw m m m w j, MeetimUoftthe Ciiristian As 0ClATiox jthFirst faptisl C hurch wtki crowdtkl 'aundav jiitht ia re pobe to atallofthe To-jng Man's 'Xxhrfstian xtishciation Nr a mass tactln of all qliristiaw and chari-4a-iy 4ipo! tixens. Jlevs Pritch- fcrJ. likhiip. M. Atkinson and V, K. AtklilsorJ. of NCLrcinia. The cVdfr opr?netl wljh the nthem, " He ftiUdxeileLhi the rSfcret Place," whfch ras" ' w All rendered. After hreaflln .'ct .Ihf scriptures by m; x luwuaxvi auu prayer uy ttev. j, rl. tkfcsnn, Dr. Pritchard stated that lie was requested by the President of theAasoclation.Vr. John Armstrong. -" r ..... iu ay iui tuis was a meeting in whjcb every one who had anything lo'aay was axpeiieii to lay ilbut to dp this as briefly 'as possible 'Ht in- trvlucHl Mr. A. M. McPheeters, of the Association, who maU the fol Towltig slat"emcnl or the ooJecU and ' Krcthrhn au Friends : At tl e reiuet f the PiesiJeut of the Younir terr?H?uriUUIVj4diflio,iHi It chairman of the Wood a.nd Katioa ataientent of the wwrking or toe As sociation for last winter sod of what w proftoae to do fur tho future. As ahowti br th Trenail rer1ook-j we collected $iSG 14, coulxibu, Uy 151 ot otir citizens. With' thin we "pur rhaaed 1aa cords of oak antLrtaickory wood, which was furnislied tp bi tlu- X. C. It. It. free of all charge fS? freiUU and, loadiug, auil wliji c)st un otHy per rord (Mlvered We ()aiJ o crotts pe r cord to have it de irereil at 'the doors of our poor a needed, making the whole cost $1.85 er crtl tlelivered much less than half he usual cot. We alu had mni, iributcd by dinVreut Clifarnn 14 cord. making in atlii28 two4ioi load- of wood distributed. We lulled ratioov of tnesl and bicon. Tiie aiuotint of suffering relieved by Ihhi H"oxi aud the. ration- it will be dif-tfi-ult to estimate. As worthy poor as are in thin community, or any other, have: anrred me, that, btjt for ttye relief MlTorded by our. Aaeociation lliey must have pr1!)ed daring the aevrrilies of last winter".) "A t eije uj ay be I L - pre Ht, who. do not know aiiylJungof ewDrkoj;ef the association, ' I xvir a'y .tli :ity is divided Into 12 districts, and two dis tributors areappoiuteJ for each dis trict wtdii!y it is to see personally stt IhAir hohtr every applicant and know definitely their true' utnditlon and wauls, that the association may frrclr mitf)y llitvi iitsof the worthy and not te imiosed n by unworthy applicants. Kiperleuco has taught u.- that It id absolutely .no-fsary to vimI and know i)vonall' every ar- pllcant. as the mo.t urgeut and ?t sistetit are oft-n the most un wottliv. In our distribution wekuow no race nor color, but endeavor to re lieve auuVring and want; wherever found. We have rei)ii !o believe that the Raleigh aud (Jasion railroad Will tbi year deliver to u wood or i nir (-w.ri'ii the tme Jineraf terms, j Welle wc knew we have done fcreat gio-l I v ntini-tering ! the wuftf of ! our sull-riti' pHr, and we he to do , y-t ni'Te lr tlu-m f i - - t-oruin winter. ' V c prip'-o to add yet a new a'ld , fefrtMiit tea! lire to o.ir wtirkmt; e bve pnx-ured a l ire. comfortable aiol !i veiiierit ly I (-. ted r oin iii ihe new !lr::g- lan ding on Ky-ttevile r sire, I. which we now have ptrtiilly turnilied. and wliei we already receive tunny ih w paper and periodicals. aad ljo to add many more, and soon to cd ei-t a large aud interesting library of Mandard hooka. We jropose to make this room both comfortable and attractive, and keepil open every day ftnd eveniog.' that our young men, und lb, nJaqy alrange young men Ttl0ajfl drnwTn to onr city by it in- oreMalcIn,m, roay always haTc j pi ace -w hera they .can spend their leisure hours pleasantly and protlt j tblv, aud whtrriVf V't f to throw around' them gooti Influences, and place every barrier we possibly can tnprefent their beln'g" drawn into the haunt of diasipation. We feel cob fldeitt that the means necessary to uarry out these objects will be given. What we need is the persopal aid and cooperation of all those who ap prove of auchiobl a enterprises; and eau it be possible that we shall appeMl' In vain to the philanthropists of this Mimuiutiky, tti say outUiaejoi thobe who are the prolesstd foowers of Him "who went aooht doln good," to join with AjHiit ''labor ol kve," when at every turn we see the ever increttsmg attractions held oat by llio-e ileus of vice whoe ways lead to ruin l if liaicnu'lfl-r Bteriury T ,! iu l J leavf U.ese appeals to he made by IIumj wlutejHiil Uvrntly plead for our" k--soeiatloii this evening. Tho providing lor our. joor and the re soiisihiity of the new feature lit our :Hci4uoii Q!rW4'i itiA' T-w, Wtr. f-MheiiiM M IHrlgeV be able lu bc.tr tl.e hunleii without a-bi-tanCf, and we appeal toevcrv man ai.il rireryi'ttoiBsuJ above all, to everv profetsing christian in thl totnmiinityr-K"ve us their personal aid aud a-Hsitjtuce. ' liev; J. M. Alkfoioa axprewed great flea.uj-e wjtli the object of the aUocIfttlon and Its Workings. . Dr. Pritchard made a most iiappy iiptAchlia rcgal-d to.'th? obgeils-of the association au4 tba course iurueii in finding out by personal canvass of thirdly H worthy c-hjects. He was followed by Dr. Burkhead, who tiwelteJoquenUy Va thaoes sily of the love of God, which should UBvIcriijT this ?vUw wwrk, which served not only .to help accomplish the eiftls tlesiltd by tuia olaj.ori but tri save many a man aad a wo man In our midst from We temp tatious tjiat daily lst tljena, . L Rey. W. R. Atkinson mkd the Youoii ifeuV ChrULUAfisoWiOjoii was' a powerful aoxinary'of " the Ubvrch ,fv tbpi worfcrOf doing good. The Rev. gentleman's remarxs Ahovied a warmth of feellogyd au MMieM 4e hte-orototatinna -that1 T j v. -' a Were felt and appreciate! bytiis Ilrge audience. and whlok we comldd. 0 awaken a new lbtfrJJ V:& oeiation in tho hearta o UUbeawrs. Jl't Joba.'Armtttir?&)w of tie 'AsaodaUon, expWned tbe object KMifftOT 8. CUTPS)AY of the meeting to be to interest the cilizeusof Raleigh in its workings. To it he owed his conyerBion, under , 0 and lu Miould eoutioue ti 'zdalousty for Its advancement. labor Messrs. E. R. Stamps and T. C. Fuller followed with brief but earnest remarks, urging the necessity of the whole community lending assistance to the worthy objects of the Associa tion. ThesexYiees were exceed ineJv lu- i wremingi tirorrgnoK,-Rd we nave no doubt will be productive of good results. There will be a meeting of the As sociation tp:night at their room in theB!gg3 building, when the new CQtfLutiou and by-laws, will beeuh- mitted and adopted. The Association needs co operative and personal aid of i)ur citizen. Whv should not our rftWirMrfiu' all 6-ranfzitforT that has proved such a blessing to other cities in our (vpn SUUe and, all over the land? Wiil not our fellow , citizens aid by tlleir presence and labor an 'AwfcJation mtt haV for its sole nb- jett the providing of our own poor, anu tnrowing - arouou our 3'ouug men the hope of both Church and State every safeguard possible? The Mayor's Lbvee His Honor Manor MaUy, yesterday had a full attendance upon his levee, the result 6f the coming of the " circus into our midst on Saturday, the city treasury being replendished to the extent of $lU9.or thereabouts. The following parties paid court to His Honor dur ing the morning : Henry Dorctrm, col., for beine not dimply and plainly, but decidedly drunk, was jailed fur 1 days. Robt. Henly. cd., who also tilled his stomach with a little too much of the tangte leg. was fined $5 and costs. Jo. WortH, charged with the same ofletre waa. discharged for want of evideue James Price, white, got a Uttleiixcd up with rye and lourboii. p.iit) ?o aud costs and walked oll'afree man. John'Medling, white, from the the country, fell a prey to the bottle, spent the night in the guard-house- and paid costs. Wash Paschall, col., from looking at the tilling ai the circus Saturday night, got hit Ucad a liUlu wm1 gathering, on!y this and nothing more,) and ve his Honor l(l tnd costs. James rHolfono ftrfp tm'macli, spent the ijiirht in the guard liou-e and paid costa. jrtsn Mccnners, coi , ar rested for being drunk, was dis- (4 a ret (or wont of evideooe. John Powers, white, an attache of Cole's circus, who haJ fallen bv tbe way-- side and engaged in disorderly con duct, was kindly taken care of in the county jail for a failure to pay a tine of $25. Thomas Faison, col., got slightly tight and was lined " and cost. J. R. Hodge aud Madison Hodire. white, of Wake was lined $iH each and costs for violating chap. 4, sec. 4, of the city ordinances. . ...j ! ; - Sales of Cotton in the City. Yesterday the Xews Job OfTice printed fifteen thousand cotton slips for our courteous and efficient Weigh Masters, Messrs. Relo, Rlake and t'pehurch. According to their esti mates, this will Inst them a little over a month. It is a source of pride and gratification to anuounce weekly the large increase in our sales of cotton. Raleigh. is now the best point in the Stale for the farmer or country mer chant to .dispose of his cotton, it nets them more than theycau realize from sfii'pmen! north. We learn that the Citizens' Bank paid t for ofOOO bales diirfrVjJVtieYtost Week" dpon the checks of otir merchants. We say, lrnrrah for Raleigh, our banks and our merchants. Tlrlf NviLMlNfiTON Port. The Journal publishes the following "for the belief U of the Raleigh Xews." which we republish for the Informa tion of the general pubiic, in order to eliow what importance our sister city is assuming as a port, which fact we chronicle with pleasure : "Tlu re are now on th way to Wil mingyou, Xortu Carolina, from Euro pean ports with cargoes or partial cargoes;"and for cargoes, thirty-four shipnaf large size, drawing from V2 to 16J feel water. Thanks to the tardy jujstic of Congress, that harlor will goon be restored to something like its original depth of twenty-feet. The work on the river and bars be ing pushed forward steadily begins touhow its good results." Religious. Qurphurcbes Sunday were well attended, the Rev. Dr. Marsha officiating at Christ church, the Rev. Dr, Rurkhead at Eden ton i:treer .M E. Church. Rev. Dr. Pritchard at the First Baptist, Rev. E. R. Rich at the Church o the Good Shepherd,' Rev. W. R. Atkin son at the Prcsby terian Church, Rev. Mr. Hufham at Swain Street Baptist Church, the Rev. Mr. Jurney at Person HteefM, ,E.C'hurh, and Fat her,Riiery? at t he Ca tholTc th u re ll . tt wT Tiimiiuiv Veil Wo reirrtvf to learu t1Tat tlis youqg Raleighite, who has been for the last neven years engaged in the auction business in this city, and who ha3 become uni ersalry pon'olaf, will In d few day AsaTO-fbr-aotao point in- South Caro- Jina, tp,, engage ja.4uAineas in that State. No .commonity can produce a better auctioneer t Ban our young frieud, and we wish him much pros-' irirywbrYfer he may locate. MORNING, OCTOBER THE WELDON FAIR. Brilliant Prospects Fine Show Cattle -Forty Horses Entered a lor the Races Every- body in Good n pints. of SPECIAL TO DAILY NEWS Weldon, X. C, Octi 25. The Fair opens to-morrow with a better prospect of success than ever before. The entries to-day are twice what they have been heretofore. The show of catt,e '3 exceedingly fine, and fast horses, agricultural products an(j implements are equal to any in t, , . . . . entere1 the races. Visitors are rapidly arriving from every portion of the country Everybody is in fine M. spirits. First quality, Renia imported Victoria cigars at Tim Lee's. The Raleigh Baptist Associa tion. This Association met on Thursday last at Carey, in this coun ty, when Mr. I). B. Holland, of Wake, was elected Moderator and Mr. J. Q. Williams made Clerk. The attendance was large and the meet ing throughout of a most pleasant and harmonious character, and a large amount of important business was transacted. On Friday night. Dr. Pritchard, of this city, preached in the Baptist Church, his text being "The Blood of Christ," his sermon was one of rore excellence. On Sat urday night the same pulpit wa9 oc cupied by Rev. Mr. Hufham, of Raleigh. On Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Rev. Dr. Wiogate preached in the Seminary building, the Rev. John ston Olive p-eaehlug in the Baptist Church, and at night Dr. Wingate occupied the pulpit of the Baptist Church. The Association adjourned on Sat- urdav, to meet next year at Pieasant Grove, Wake county. Ihk Rev. J. B. Taylor. This gentleman, well kuown by the Bap tists of this city aud of this section of the State, was on Sunday installed as pastor of the Fir?t Baptist Church cf Wilmington. The Star as of the installation : Our Baptist friends had the pleas usc, yesterday nlnrning, of welcom ing their new Paster. Rev. J. B. Taylor, late Pastor of the Baptist Church at Culpepcr, Va. The cere monies incident to the installation of the reverend gentleman as Pastor of the First Baptist Church of this city will take place to-morrow (Sunday) morning, and the occasion will no doubt be one of much interest, espec ially to the membership of the church he has been called to serve, who have now for some considerable tune been without a regular Pastor. We learn that Rev. Chas. E. Taylor, of Wake Forest, Rev. J. H. Durham, of Cioidsooro, Rev. C.T. Bailey, of Raleigh, and Rev. J. R. Richardson, Home Missionary, will conduct the services. It is expected that Rev. Mr. Dnrhtm will preach the install ation sermon and the Rev. Mr. Bailey will preach in the evening. There will doubtless be a large attendance on each occasion. The Fire Last Xioht. The alarm of fire at 6:0 o'clock last eve ning was occasioned by the burning of the interior of the gas house, or so much of it as could be burned, one of tho tar recievers catching on hre causing the accident. For a short while it was feared the fire would be communicated to the combustible material iu the yard outside, but by the prompt offorta of Supt. Merrell it was gotten uuder coutrol. The dam age done was only slight, but had the fire ever gotten outside of the brick building it might have been great, as some thousand barrels of rosin Were in me yard. Low Rates for the Fayette- villeFair. The (iazette requests us to publish the following : f "Arrangements have been made (and the Raleigh papers will oblige us by giving notice of this fact) to hriug passengers from Raleigh to Fayettevilie aud rctur.i during our fair for$2 S5, aud intermediate points in proportion. This amount also in cludes a ticket into the fair. Articles will be transported on the railroad at the same rates as during the State Fair. The boat lines will bring pas sengers frorin Wilmington and in termediate points for half-fare, with a ticket of admission to the grounds; they will convey arlichs for exhibi tion free of charge." Rumored Railroad Changes. The Charlotte Observer snys the fol lowing is rumored to be the slate for the Richmond & Danville Railroad to go into effect on the 1st proximo: Col. A. S. Buford, President; Gen. H. Haup., Vice-President; Col. T. M. Talliott, General Manager; Capt. W. 11. Grtcn, Superintendent of the Richmond Danville Division, (from Greensboro to Richmond) ; Capt. A. B. Andrews, as previously announced, becomes Superintendent of the Xorlh Carolina Division cf this road. It is stated, also, that at the time mentioned, one conductor and four baggage masters Vv ill be removed from the service ; tbe baggage mas ters who remain on the road will run on the night trains, ami the conduc tors of the day trai.is will have to at tend to their own baggage. Jas. P. Hayes pays the highest cash prices for hides, furs, wool, beeswax, .metals, rags &c. Cefebrated 'Mount Vernon whiskey "Old Stag," at Tim Lee's. 26, 1875. We invite especial attention to the advertisement of Messrs. R. L. Bing ham & Co. This house keeps con stantly on hand a large and excellent assortment of groceries, which they sell as low as the lowest, while in the commission business they are prepared to pay the highest cash prices fjr all produce, and work to the interest of the farmer. N. S. Harp's Exhibition at the Fair In looking over the articles on exhibition at the Fair, we were particularly attracted by the splen did show of work bv Mr. X. R. Ham. of Raleigh. Indeed we saw nothing in jvieciiamc s Wall that so plainly margeu me advance made by (south ern worKmen. The above compliment from the Louisburg Courier to our townsman, Mr. Harp, we copy with pleasure. The City Debt. A very full meeting of the Citizens' Committee and that from the Board of Alder men Avas held last night to consider the question of funding the city debt. After a full and free inter course of views, a sub-committee was appointed to draw up a plan of fund ing and the machinery necessary thereto, to be submitted at an ad journed meeting to be held Monday night next. The meeting elicited the fact that the citizens committee are in earnest in the matter, and their action gives hope that some thing tangible and acceptible will be done to relieve the city of its present embarrassment. The Constitutional Conven tion and its Work. The Raleigh correspondent of the Fayetteville Gazette, who furnished that paper during the sitting of the Convention with a series of most excellent letters, iu a recent letter to that paper has this to say of the Convention and its work : ADJOURNMENT. On Monday, at 6 p. m., as the sun closed its daily record, and set behind the hill with a modest blush of con scious greatness, the Constitutional Convention of 1S75 closed its work, aud with a modest consciousness of time well speut and of labor devoted to the maintenance and furtherance of the public weal, set its seal to the new Constitution of Xorth Carolina, and sent it forth to the sovereign peo pie to wait their decision and their plaudits, " ell done, good and faith' ful servants." The scene, iu adjourn ing, was just such as we would have expected, from the character of the men composing this historic and, in many respects, remarkable body; and when we compare it to that which closed ihe proceedings of the Conven tion of lS'Jb, the disgraceful orgies that c-lebrated the annihilation ot all that was Xorth Carolina's proud boast, we are led to hope that a new era has dawned upon our dear old State, and that the time is not far distant when she will be able to throw off the char acter given her by the wolves and vampires that inaugurated the "new order of things," and re-assume the irood, honest name that had become a proverb all over our land. The peo ple now have an opportunity of putting their heels upon the hydra of radicalism and crushing out its life. Will they do it? A few moments be fore the hour set for adjournment, Mr. Barringer introduced a lengthy document, signed by himself and numerous other Re publicans, protesting against the work of the Conrention, which was very properly tabled, as it is to be presumed that the Radical party protests, without giving them the privilege of having a long campaign document printed at the expense of the State. The hocr for adjournment arrived before the announcement of the vote to table was made, and Mr. Barringer's protest was left suspend ed between heaven and earth just tbe place where it and many Rails ought to be. After the adjournment a resolution was introduced by Gov. Reid, the old wheel-horse of the Convention, complimentary of the prompt, able, dignified and impartial conduct of Hon. Edward Ransom, the presiding officer. This compli ment, from such a source, should be appreciated by the recipient, and it was certainly deserved by him. We doubt whether there has ever been a presiding officer over a deliberative body in Xorth Carolina who has shown a greater capacity for the posi tion than Edward Ransom ; he was prompt, decided and fearless, and presided over a body that tried his power to the utmost. Xever was a presideut so severely taxed, nor has a one, in so short a time, gained such a reputation. THE CONA'ENTION'S WORK. To attempt to fully criticise and discuss in a short newspaper letter the character aud importance of all the ordinances passed, would be folly. They have been the emanation of great labor and thought, aud were prepared by honest aud intelligent men, to whom the honor of North Carolina is dearer than any personal aggrandizement. But man is human, and it is human to err; we must, therefore, expect to meet with some things iu the Convention's work that will not command ourentireand un qualified approval, while upon the whole we lend our cheerful endorse ment. Xever was there a body of more faithful public servants than the sixty-one gentlemen who composed the Democratic portion of the Con vention. They gave but idle time to idleness, being bent on their work night and day, and, when tbe fac tious opposition of the other side of the house is considered their un swerving endeavor to hinder aud delay ail kinds of legislation it is really wonderful how so much has been accomplished in a session of only thirty-one days. The amendment of most promin ence is that by which the right of suffrage is taken from FELONS. This amendment will seriously dam age our friends, the Rads, and hence met witli warm oppos'tion by them. They realized the startling truth that if persons convicted of felony the thieves, burglars, ravishers, homi cides, and such like are deprived of voting, and the ballot reserved only for the virtuous and good citizen, the sceptre will certainly depart . from their Judab, and leave them with but PRICE: FIVE CENTS. little hope of ever again getting into power in North Carolina. Oh ! what a oiow mat ordinance was to Radi calism ! Mr. Barringer seemed to uuusiuer u so, judging from the ar dent manner in which he opposed its passage. One of the crying shames of the Can by concern is that a man may be one of the most notorious thievesin the community, and, as long as he is outside of jail, his vote counts as much as yours, Mr. Editor. A felon should be made to feel his disgrace, and this amendment alone is worth the calling of the Conven tion. Our Wake Forest Letter. We invite attention to our interesting letter on our editorial page from Wake Forst College, written by our special correspondent at that point. Ihe Cincinnati Enquirer makes this unwarranted attack on the wo man kind : "The latest thing out is a private account book with a lock to it. We saw one yesterday made to oruer mr a gentleman of this city. He is In this way able to go away from home with the key of his little book inhis pocket, and feeling quite sure that his "women folks" will not "put their meddlesome noses" into his private affairs. Brown the mind-reader, h MS o-ivon the Chicago people a terrible fright in declaring that most women nrn gifted, without knowing it, with the same mysterious faculty he possesses. uc vmiagu xeueuicis are packing their trunks so that they may be ready to leave the moment their wives discover they are mind-read ers. How To Vanquish th e Stoma ptt's Toa st ki tor. If the Enemy of mankind was permitted to exert his diabolical ingenuity id the invention of anew disease, he could scarcely devise one more worthy of his genius than dyspepsia. The dyspeptic sufferer is tormented bv Rvmntnma r. sembllna those of almost every known malady, and is often worried Into mono mania by these conflicting and perplexing manifestations. A favorite though absurd hallucination of the victim of ch rnntfl In. digestion istbU he or she has the heart disease. Dysoepala bus often been p o nounced incurable, but experience has shown that Hostetter's Stomach -Bitters will vanquish it, together with the consti pation and bilious derangement which usually accompamy it. Disease of the kidneys and supposed rheumatic pains are also freoaent concomitants nfiivkm-n. sia, but thev, too, suecamb to the above namea invaiuauie corrective. ocx'-diwlw. NEW A UVEhTISEM E TS. OR RE X T F A partofastore to let for office or busi ness purposes. Apply to T. W. HEALD, oct26-lw 12 Fayettevlile St. OLDEXB UTTER COMPOUND This compound'is composed of the-chem- ical element of Cream, and will make good. fresh, firm BUTTER at a cost of less than five cents oer pound. Contains no delete rious substance, and will remain sweet as long asthe best firkin Butter. One box, (sent free by mail to any address on receipt of one dollar) will make FIFTY POUNDS pure Cream Butter. Agents wauled in every county 'of Ihe two Carolinas and Virginia, roand $10 per day guaranteed. For further Information send for circolar. Address BUCKEYE MANUFACTURING CO., 03 26-ThAMlm Norfolk. Va. g L. B I X G H A M & CO., Wholesale & Retail Grocers AND GENERAL Commission Merchants. Sews Building, Xos. 0 4 7, Martin Street, RALEIGH, N. f. We have in store and to arrive the lar gest and best selected stock of Grocerles-.in the city, the prices of which we guarantee a-j low us the lowest. 300 sacks Family end Extra flou r. . o kegs uia Dominion N j,11s. MJ sacks Marshall's Factory filled Salt (24D lbs.) . 2i) ess best Soda. 85 cas s Concentrated Lve. 1 barrels Sugar, all grades. oi barrels New crop Cuba Molasses. H sacks Coffee. 10 boxes C'kes and Crackers. an cases Ho a p. 'M cases IS randy Peaches. m ooxes Landv. 300 bunches Cotton Yarns. 40 boxes best Cream Cheese. Also a large supply of RAGGING, TIES. R( ) DTS, SHOES, Rl'LIC MEAT, LARD, KICE, HAMS, Ac, Ac , Ac. W tke this opportunity of thanking our old friends and customeis for the very lib eral patronage they have bestowed upon us, and from having perfected our arrange ments, think we will beabie to continue to sell them goods that will be satisfactory both as to Quality and price. We have now with us obliging and willing assistants, wh j are ever ready to serve any cue with promptness and fidelity. Prompt attention gtvea to all orders and goods promptly shipped. Very Respectfully, oc2G-tiV. B. L. BINGHAM A CO. A E 8 A Royal Chance TO MAKE MONEY! W e want agents everywhere for the sle of our Pictures. Send lor terms. Tbe DeathBed. of Andrew Johnson This is a hew and elegant engraving, Just published, and portrays with graphic min uteness and touching pathos, the last hours of the Great Statesman, with family, friends and physician, grouped sorrowfully around. It is elegant in design, beautiful in finish, and artistic In exetution, and. should hang In every parlor and cottage In the land. It is printed on heay plate a per. fourteen by nineteen Inches in size, and will be, sent postpaid by mall on re ceipt of thirty-five cents. We sell thous ands of these pictures weekly; kep tent of thousands in stock, ready to fill orders as soon as received. Address j R. J. FERGUSON & CO., oc2fl d&w2m Eliza bethtown, Tenn. RATES OP ADVERTISING. One square, one insertion ft 09 One aquare. two insertloni.T.ZIZZ 1 69 One square, one week Z One square, one month.....,.. 8 (H -One square, three months .T .r 19 t One square, six months .ZZZZ 80 00 One square, twelve months BO Ot TN Links NoNPAM.r.eonititS'que! All advertisements under ten lines charted , at the rate Oi one square. Liberal deductions mad eon larger adver tisements for a term longer than on ' month. Advertisements must be comlned to the business of the advertiser. INSURANCE. Organized A. !. 1850. rjy H E MANHATTAN jLife Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK. HENRY STOKES President J. L. HALS' EY, Secretary, Assets over . . 10,000.000 2,000,000 Surplus, The Manhattan invitesa comparison with other tlrst-class Companies as to the fal lowing particulars: ' The large excess of Assets ovtr. Ite Lia bilities. The small Ratio of Expenses trt Income. The Interest account exeeas-theelalms paid. Care in the Selection of KIh, shown In the small percentile of H ath i. Ulin. Prudence and Skill lu Management.- Justice and Liberality In th Payment of Losses and Llvidends. All Its policies are inconte'tabls. The even and interrupted succe.1 of Its operations for a quarter of a century. No portion of tne business of tbis Com pany has been derved from lcsurlugthe risks of unsuccessful eompanle. Q RATES LOW. and the same NORTH and SOUTH. All approved Plans of Insurance granted, aad no unreasonnblereRtrlctions Imposed. S-For Plans and ItuUs (of nency)of this old and reliable C iiipany. please call on, or address me at Rsleigb.'N.C. J. M. TATE. General Agent. THE LYXCIIBURG Insurance and Banking Company Capital and Assets over 000,000 State Deposit, . . . 13,000 PROPERTY INSURED AO AIL'S T LOSS By Fire At the Lowest Ourrert Rates f Take a Poller in the T.vvp h nrtnn in.i Sleep soundly ! uoou Agents iranted. Apply to J. M. TAXIS, General Agent. Raleigh, N. C. 3 Mv Airenev ejnhrnei rih..r vim Comuanifs. no .1-eoinWir 0 L D NORTH HTATE FIRE In it fan co Company, Oh WARRE.YTON N. C. This Company has closed Its third year In a condition of GREAT PliO-PF.HITY and entered upon Its fourth year under the MOST PROMISING" AUSPICE-i. It deserves the liberal patroiiaao which it is receiving, because It is a Home Institution. It has ampie Capital aud Reserve. It pays Its losses promptly. A SSET& : Casn on hand and in Rank f 8,1.1 Cash in hands of Agents, 'os CO Stock Notes 4.5 370 00 Real Estate Mortgages, 5K.1HW SO Loaned on Collaterals, 7,07 CH Due lor premiums 3,rju tit Interest, due aud accrued Ml M 1130 a7 I LIABILITIES: All liabilities Including full re Insurance Reserved J8 ISO 81 Surplus julaitf ;w tvw:m iu W.M. S. DAVIS, President. B. F. LONG. Secretary, my 13-dedfcwtf G E X T K W A X T E I) pm JiriTAL life Tmmm coin. OF PHILADELPHIA. This Company stoekho.il. t, to is putel.Vi mntosl. No IhHol'b lIT'OfllM !.., 1 oUrv holder W a ineuhtr of too Com pin 1 ' entitled to all lis advantages andprlvil' eges. having a vole at 1 tie anna ll d.eet 'oii for Trustees It is the isii ii inp.iny to wotk because it rivs s t i.factlon to li patrons lor thereupon that it hss d'dartd .MiTTiK DIVIDENDS 1JV NUMBKU and oVh LA UGKR A VKKAGK H K R ' K T'. K J ha n any company In the United fttittes. I cial reports show this. For ex-imple Pol icy lfi, for $5 003, has oeen p id lo t he. widow 01 a Philadelphia merchant, upon which twenty-threedlvidends had ben declared averaging pj lifty-seveu peC cent. This Policy, at the end or 2.1 years, nd the divi dends been used to purchase additional insurance, would have been worth I'll oin Any reliable agent who wants to woi k lor tnls Cjmpany will address CA RTKrt HKHKKLKY, General Agent for N, A a. t. oe21-1,n ( WlOtte, N. ' Radkigh ft Gaston R, R. Co., -j General Passenger and Ticket Den'L l Raleigh. N. t ' tw. vi i"i .1 FOR THE ACCOMMODATION of visitors to the Virginia State Fair hound Trip Tickets to Kichrooud will h on sale Ocioher Zj, 20,2; aud Zi atthefo.. lowing rates : . Raleigh to Richmond and return 16 0.1 Rates from Way Statio m will be In the same proportion. Tickets will be respected on return nas a$e until, and Including MONDAY Nov 1st. 173. THOMAS BAlMJriK tirn'i Pass. Agent OFFICB.'F T easui;ek ) N. Carolina AoKicrTtTHAf. Kocntty V Raleigh, w. i, ... t ,u.-r a2d. iK7j. T HPO HOLDERS OF BONUS OF -d- AORIH CKULINA AOtttCULTU- RL SOCIETY : The Colons on the bonds of the Society will tie jxld oil pre sentation on FIKbT NOVEvitsKR at eJU zena' N itloual lUult. ' .. P. A. WII.VV . ov 23 MatTutFri Treasurer. Q I G A R 8! ' C I I 6Ta7k rj M i I desire to call tbe attention of the travfe' llug public to mv cjolc 1 brAuds orcli j Aits embracing the "H ileigh KuvorHe " Trlye MedI," "Triole Crowu," I Touder, ' and "Grape." and other -:ioic bmuds, nil of which I can rc rnruend us hiing gtnu ne. tiJJO. ZLKGLKR, oc 21 tf First do r :i 'hivh Yarporo. "g AUG I NO AXE TIES. Bagging and Ties, Salt and Iron, lvpper and Spice, In short, a first-claR stock of everyiti ng usually kept In a Grocer? estahliHj nieiit. A. H. TKMPLK, No. 5 Exchange aad No. 7 M ,n n. or) I4-tt If le-h N C. R EPAIR YOUR WELLS. we are prepared to cleanse, wall orrifv . weals at the shortest notice and watislaillon guaranteed In everv Instances All orders left at the "Niws" office of 8. D. HarkisoN'4 prnmifT nftendeo to I" -tf BRYAN A MILLEK. Q O N S I Q N B D . 500 bushels WINTER 8EBO Oin frratbeA'aileyof Vliylru. vn AU I-tf . MMACKIN & tJtmov. .7) J'l 1 1 j' I

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