1 ' y - q 2 D A I ! T N B W S . rn RATES OF ADVERTISTNO One souare. on inrtun t .. Ut AILY o5! !2?are two owrtons One square, one week . One square, one month T One square, three mosthsIT One square, six months....T L II 00 1 60 S 60 8 00 16 00 HO 00 . V n St-et. nurrnrottv. -St. ,,rr,.rr rrrti!V ti !.. , - If mt.'., f '-"- ; '. i. vuc aquare. twelve months sn iwi 60 0i t News I ( . ..!rr ir. ! Itv-red in I J. it- 4 V R K A ! R !l A.N'i'l .TTON lU'YKlIS Kaics. nh Carol. . . wjMiot mt--'ii- n. . u N M I " K MI ov . i . . r.J J. l WILt.t.V A ". - .--j t.- r tr h'-he. cr prr- t". -o n lf fiiy t- tl ' T N . ire rrr- -r-l - - trval sr Stl.llvt 't 't- iatrB . t : who r r k r s n n o s . WA TRR STREKT, lortstfcv Vlrlnm, Co&mlnion JEXerchaiiti. AJTD DCJLLCCS XX f L Ray. Oats, UavOBBM-.r. A T K M'T L E . 4 O d coiiMissiON irrncHANT. i - . gnarmatent a1 prompt um i i'int'T no Un.! a f.i.; I'hem- iur irliUuit. 'u pw c' -vrvl , 1 cf u''-tl.-o car'1 If iinufii" .-J MiMiUa to rtpt tuiwhM. It 4m I. K K A HONS ,-OTTOX HUYEKS VND SKXLF.RS ANH TPirTLT Jo mm is ai on Meroliants. for the h.uc or . FVdfT Ha. PBrk. Cala. F.ocr, Boro. ( hlrkrua, Ltjt. Better. If ,o , ,.riNn,jr. an! -on!frrie-t -..U auiici'tM A ; I.FK iS". f p. O. H.-x fu: i. N. " W A N T I 200 000 Good Brick. :r. ' w-.i prK .uk .: -. j or t J A K I 4..- ' i ' At I r . t k v I 11 It!!' N - ' - v x - y - ' 3 -1 - - Ll 1'KAlKIK SALO'A o..1l Fay etlet ille trrt-t. w rn forth wflffltn1i,!n : I ' T ' o l. o the firt fl r. an 1 --. Fl-s-r l. W K"s wil: i. iliisJ t pul. .C r .1; ! : - - - -;!. R. T. BosHKK. p i.AIN.V It A It A I N - ! AT Brown. Variety Stora! I I j ' T"V. TOY?. Tms. T -. T s. T' - T-. TOY. T's Tns . 4-.J it '.,rtm prl ? , X T. I rf' s. K 1 s . it a S K E T S r !t-KK-.- MAKr' . s, t - , 1 - H I . PA'Kfcf-. 3 A K.i - v r'n-.r' at. I it - -It N A I'" I.I I.I. V - . 1 .-. . !; - K . I" . I A- Va r i. n t -; - itl AJKM M s I. w . .r:e . . .- . t. n r I . Bii'iw.v. v ,,",,1!!N' -h. .NI lDTATOErf! v - ' r t ife W. ' I W fA R.tfWlllW'H" ( ; i- u a MOLASSr. r. VOL. VIII. SH. 74. C. OOnrON. CUy Ftorf T:K -AKI.Kl.V NKWS HKVi!IK!i nk r i tkhk path, fck ?u; -;x m -n rr - ri Iit-orfice Iirrctorv. For thv -n-.-.: of to Pubtr, ws pan I n the io'if-nm; Plrettory of ice Post o.iw of thJ ?:-' 'l'rn M 1 1 ! .- oed al. 7 P. M :-llTrJ s WSA.14. (jvrrn (.wwltl ... .,...7I " I'-lTtat---. P. H. Nirt;som -.wlat.... -:IAA.M. .-lirrid t 4;;i p. M. Offle hocrti lellTr1ng of nail from 8: . i. to :. j. m. ViLy fr l'r nr- tMaed ttj paid frm 1 1 S a. La. lo .Ai p. Eft. to p. m. Ko maJla ant tr rcoeiTwl on Pnndar. W. W. Hoi.dkw, Pnattuaittrr. The yxwn Job Daprtmfnt hat b-nnjhly a.r'-'l with fT Bdd wtut 1 wth the la tact atjlra of Txpaa. iMUry mttiDf r of Jo vork eu tew b t.rr with n.atf:us daspteh aad ehap :. - . no faraUh at thort not!f BLANKS. r.U.L llKAP-i, I.KTTFri: H V 'KKlK KK1KMMF. V VM'BII,:.", I'H A M PH LET. POSTF.K-. CHECKS. I 'HAFTS, Ac. SPECIAL, CITY ITEMS. 1vr.ti!. .-. r-1 of KI.O . OUVIN, K;K iii: I MKU :n whoal UA; w.al I t. ,!' cal! at J. CsB)RJiEa ti-(u Q-l : I tort . rst uf Jf nr'h f'ro- : FrrU h " lr,,;. I ' porcha- ln( !" wtirr. i.i vr Marrom A AlforJ'a will I vi i -r ii. p ht 1 1 i no tf i-ivrr rrtos i. r 'WKXTioy or V"HTH CAHOiJVA OK IsTS. coraplft In I-: -!; c Un.np by J. W. WA WX . I tbf :, c r.-.'rtr ropv Id sltr. aM ! W. VAT-ON'. tb ttiir Of ro'Ki-tpUj in forih Orolloa. -or v. r KKS t' l ar rxxl. vmrr. Hi '" .-' r,ntrt H v M ;; r ut!,kN, ORO-! an-l franv i .. r r ! of ne - I. .'. :ti t r M rrt H.oe. - :! i . V H i H. -- ': ii'in n'i ih. I hT .- , ..i. Vrc ( t-T.. r "M! v. t "l ; i? 1 ii . . c .-.rpoti" . . -.p. ml I ft ml'. ! F' ' 'ilf'" i'll. a- ! tb- Pt w.rlt ' P. it prwof '. h '. u ui- r r to an j ' - i i: oat In N rth - If her ""-fnpt ar til tj r--!!" " V W'K V - .- : t,v r- n m - . r. I r -.r:! i ' tt... .;. o Art.; . . n 'I I.. r: -- c-t -'- f . 1 H! K.. r.v. WhT doatToa n C.V P.M KR AKIXO roWIiER? It la tl.- -iy Mul'rMhmrr vat Hti I ctiap- ( ftHMKH1! Wu itr. CARMER'R K K 1'KNTIFRICK. u th '' MtLhat and m -t p..pr:-r PH)TH P,itF!ttJN.-J AQ 2 tf Whr rn"t Y'u I"- CA KM FR"H RAK lSt ItlwrT.1 It in ?r;e v rr be and .-.., r.?. '.ny It ' .--tit 1X nn t o.BVtOW . .-i f I or ' ; ,., ;i f C H il l'!u stor. ' ist-: vn e;.' N..Ht V s UK if -"i Ml' MOTH kVR'.'P. f ir ! at ; ".KM K. H ' hrui ""ore. I .irnrr l !!AM. Ju-t aml an.l Tor it W'M W iX.LLClIT. WMmlnrmi tr. aill-tf yoiTRir.1 I. :-Ti:- l-"t Northern ran b nOtaln .! i.t toy tnroa Wilmlnr too atreV, at U t;mr. at HraJw-U A. BAtTf. 1 SEVTS .' : -r.j. r than Ourt tt any thr lutty . . . . -j . t ' met 1x'lL BKIK- cigars are always to be ob t limil at R P Howell's. In the pra-n- building. V i ' of oak and pine wood r. '.itid and ' r sale .y Joel D. Wliitaker, N'- 4. Martin -treet. A,,.!,;,:,; w.iuld h:pi- ' t' llo-.o.iy !,.' ii.t.-' 3- i-r.l iv in "'r nii.!t, a - i I t-J en-- ja. i:c,- "e L. o-,1 h i I h-ir.l tinie find i eg a iivc item. W'Ti' 'c-r v.ter lav was hi ,, a rn ild-11'5. i. lti . t:e tbi'igor the Otier. litt , :;d t b'-n o ; i. ,.r. . ,.j i .,i ::.-v K. R. . . . ;,. . ;-r ! el urch, tit r Si. : 5: i.- . rh. t-:TV-': t ; ;;cr m .lodge i i . .,. I A M. l.lhl at i'h t rt . Win . II I. 1 rrov ,4. 't- r--'i' ' '' at t W- '!- :al b"r. il.lil ilt-i'rriv 1 1 t'-'ir 1 uiid'Tig. f..r vrork in tl'T M i. us in nood .Ul.dllig ' ' t(, ,1'!- V vot.ii :.: I.awreiic-. Kati-.t-. prnpouii Is tl .- iiit-r-iin tueryt VIt shall we d with our daughter-.- and '""r in tv,,n"f w..Utu know "What shall wed with oar crn ?" The alitor of. thf Toffca "(Kansaai Hati". eager to maJteliimseif useful and poptlltr witb corn to otir daughter. Tl MI-KUAN : Kh-! IVAL. -T1'(;.0( Tftn.'ar- of hi t.iy will liave a irr.ui ; ..,!al!i- at tlu-ii Iiali in :!.eolJ S.''u-r; buiMit.j; to-niiiT, Slid we Ifani a j;xxl time may lt t-xpectcd. We iu kiiiiwleilrt an inritutimi to be Hkijuioi s The Rt. IW. Bishop Atkiusno will preach at the church Of the nxl Shepherd t. day, assist el by liinhop Lynitu. Services will eomuienco at 11 o'clock. All sats are frtf . BUhop Atkinson, at present in the city, is a guest of Kemp I. Hattle,, Eq. He will preach nt Christ's church this evening at half past 7 o'clock. Elktior ok President ok the R. AO. atnl R. & A. A. I,. IUii. Koaks. At a meeting of tlje Direc tor of these road",held in this city at tlc odoa af Ihm Compn- on Wed-n-day afternoon, Mr. John Robin oo, Prealdentof the Seahnard and Roanoke -Rail Road., wan unani mously elected President of the above roads. We will present a f ketch of the life and services of thi gentle man, who has been no long aud mic- cefully connected with rail road lnterft, in our next isue. TifANKStiiviM) Day. To-day Is to be observed as a national holiday, a day of thanksgiving and prayer, and, in accordance with. the epreMd wish of Mayor Manly, we believe it will be pretty generally o I served iu this community. We learn that the tuott ot our business hou-e-t will be closed to-day, and tho-e not closing this morning will be closed at noon. The National Hinks will le closed throughout the country duri ig the Iay. Tnis is one day in the year when all pe o rial feelings and all contlict itiir interests should be laid aoide.and our wliolf tpie unite iu thanks giving for the present and earnest prayer for the fulur. .-IIKKIrK.- .-kiti.im;. uite a imiiiji-r lient!V reiort'l t the Trvii-urer".- -r i . - to d.y. .J - IJrit- ) Uiti, 'i Jl.ir.f. ta-i-l l.im-- it of j l-.r r. . . i; . f W i . m, .!-, ." I i-. I : . i r t ! i ; .-.- i : t!,. ,fit.- s,. ! 7'-.: W .?. iripi.n. -f M;.rtii. ! .';;7 lt-s tion be i." .ifc it l tl- i ; .v a . .i -i !- i : ; I I' .M C lSritirwl-y. of ii r ' in : : i u. ; ")4"' -I, :" 1 1 u i : r-1 , fn- l . i-'iry to tb- t-x-.1 15. Ar!.M.c. ..f r- Mr J--:ikiii rirli r. -it ' .)!. r- . of 111: - ::! i. t lie nr.-hivfs if uir. -f r",77. 7. an I N. Tax i- ilY"-v r of Ruther- I Wilk-r f rd, paid in M tb. Srre fund ' l . tn.iking a of on- d"y' trans- avio'.-i some to.mt-i. Thefiieriff of Tran-v 1 vuni.t vt 'as in ihl at the t i m r '.ai. ii t he not r-. but had not e!tlril. Si.ti.im w i.i v Mi Ki A small Mrt. Hi'.tchetl to a one veil. Map-cared ;nu!i . day t. f. re to-morrow be came frightened at oniethiog on Wilmington -tr et and hastily put a go d litanc-e between it.-elf and the aforesaid mule, breaking to pieces liuht!y the hindmost wheels of the - id mule in the sudden somersault given it m one or the gutters . along the route by the infuriated t cart. Several children in the street i at the time might have been seriously '. damaged by the mad antics of the infuriated vehicle, but for the fore ! thought of the o,uiet inu!e which was nttachetl thereto, which by a noise peculiarly its own gave notice of the rapid approach f th- four-wheeled animal. The cart finally got "on its ears" iu the top of one of the trees In the Baptist tirove, and the detached mule was picked up from beneath the armory house, while the driver of this unruly couple walked forth uocoucerned from Rogers' saloon, wiping bis moustache with a ban dnna, and looked serenely utiou the wreck so lately breathing with powl 'tive life and. fury. The reporter waited to sve no more, Imt silently and solemnly walked away, think ing of man's inhumanity to man, Ac. A Compliment to RAi.EKiH. The followlnc communication came to hand yesterday, nod though we do not know the author, we thank him Torso much of the compliment paid as refer m the News : Mr. FAitor . It has b.ei my privi Ir... to turrv rcveial days in your ! Ii'l,t tullv plea-ant and tli riving "City of Oaks,'' "d among I be many at-tr:oiioi,- winch aboun.l on every liH-.d. Hie building of the News Pub-li-r ing 'ompunv not tlie 5e?ist. I J am hi'i to say also. IhaL your pajer has l.em rea.l i.v your numoie ser v't w 1th tno' Ii interest and pleastire, ki i if I ':. . luiN- lo locate and go i,i ( i busi tie-.- in your ci'y. I shall vtant the Nkws. "and through this ftinnnel t make known to my fri' iiti- ;difi jd of my selection of a .j...... ir ni future home. Oi, ami i nut- -utVlv s.iv the main and all (ftntrollintr consideration with me in f .rnong 'ie favorable opinion which I h ve of yo jr city, is the fact of your having Mich s.iperior schofN, an 1 (mlr. and from t he moral tone of the pe..p!- I judge it in ust be equal to itt; '"niH'iiiifi, from the number of church aieepies in proximity to vour State Capitol. Sunday I step pe.! tuto- the Prcsl-yterian Church nnl heard a god aeruion and mw 1 yuny jmpli- join the church ; it was ' very iinjinr sight. Rev. Dr. V'aughao, the orticiating clergyman, Is equal to any man I have heard North. Houth, East or West, as a pulpit orator and sound theologian. Hope to call on you in person hood, and subscribe for your paper. Canada. UAbEIGH. X. a, THURSDAY . i'ai'er to day. in coase quence of the observance of the Thanksgiving Day. and a desire on our pait to have a rest from the toil necessary in the life of an Editor of a Daily paper, there will be no paper i;tued from this ofiice to-morrow moroing. Presbyteri an Chukch Thanks oiving Services The Rev. Dr. I vauxhan will occudv the Duloik of thIs church thlB mornliir t 11 o'clock, preaching a mtoiod appro priate to the day. All ar cordially invited to attend. The Cotton Masket Yestxr day. Our market opened steady yesterday morning at 12ia, bat weakened during therdy, closing dull at 12j, with no disposition on the part of either bnyeror eeller to transact. Receipts light. ,Tno trade of the city generally tras Hon. Collections fok the Oikort Orphan Asylum. We anderatand that the collections taken up in the different churches in the city to-day will be devoted to the Ox ford Orphan Asylum. We hope this fund may be made a large one throughout the Htate. The ieople of North Carolina should give a hearty support to this noble institution. TheRisht Thino at thi Right Time and in the Right Place. Yesterday just as oar sanctum had been thoroughly cleansed, refitted, papered, and put in somewhat decent shape, and we were looking oonapla- cently upon the result, Dr. Ellis, Steward of the Deaf and Dumb and Blind Asylum of this city walked into oar office with two new brooms manufactured at the Asylum by the inmates, and desired that we keep the office in the same cleanly condi- I tion he then founu it. We promised j tcdoso if we could. These brooms are not surpassed in quality and in appearance by any ! that are made elsewhere, either North j or South, and reflect credit on the ui hi) a: '.mii eru or the inelitution. RFii.i tions ok Respect to the I.ate Major (Jko. W. (iUICe. The following resolutions of respect to the memorv of Major George W. Grice, 1-tte Pr. -tii.-nt of the 11. o: (j. and R iV. A. A. L. Railroad-, were adopted at a meeting of the Directors of said , Companies, held on Wednesday, i November -4th : j Wiihika1-, an All-wise Providence : lias in His iiispt nsations seen fit to remove suddenly from our midst the , late President ol this Company, Mjj. j (ieorne v (rice. Therefore, as a j proper expression of our feelings and j iu justice to the deceased, ' l-'iid. That in the death of t Mkj. Grice this Company has lost a most useful aod efficient officer, who, i iu the short period of his official ser I vice, had given promise of great an ' tieipated usefulness: whose integri ty, zeal, intelligence and devotion to duty was fa-t winning the confidence and esteem of all who knew iiim : this twxly a friend and co-laborer, who enjoyed their entire confidence in the discharge of their arduous duties, and this community a valued and esteemed citizen, whose kind ness of disposition and active benev olence had endeared him to a large circle of friends. R'totirtl, That we tender to the family of the deceased the assurance of our sincere sympathy in their irreparable Ions. RrMolwl, 1 hat these resolutions be spread on the minutes of this meet ing and published iu the newspapers of the city. JJenolvti, That a copy of these reso liitions e sent to the family of the d.i:ea-st oy i he rVcretary. I ssane ARYi.fii.-We are indebted to Or Grissom for a copy of his an nual (the tweulieth) report of the operations of the I stitution. It appears that the total numberof admissions since the opening of the Asylum on the 22nd of February, 1S-V is 111". The total number of discharges for the same period is 880, of whom 291 were cured, 108 Im proved, 177 unimproved, and 3(4 died, leaving now under treatment 219. The whole number under treat ment for the last year was 146 males and 143 females, of whom 40 were discharged; of which 16 were cured; 5 improved 4 unimproved, 14 died, and one was not insane. In this number the percentage of recoveries was 5; of improved; 2; of unim proved 2 ; and of deaths 4 . Since the opening of the Institu te n, the cures upon admicgion have been 2-per cent The deaths upon the number under treatment have been 2i per cent for the period of twenty years. At a-iother time we will give far ther extracts from this valuable re port. One serious embarrassment to the usefulness tf the institution is about being removed by the erection of the Western Asylum at Morgan ton and Dr. Grissom only refers to the troubles of the past whilst grate fully expressing his satisfaction at the ample provision to be enjoyed at no distant days. Improvement at the Ca pitol. Sas the Sentinel of yesterday even ing : "We are glad to learn that Betts 4 Allen, of this city, wfll in a few days place glass doors at the entrances to the cap'toi, thus excluding the damp ness which has long been ao trouble some to the State officers. These doors will add much to the comfort of those having business in the eap itol, particularly to these attending ihJ Supreme Court which Is situated in the northeast wing and Is subject to the cold currents from that quarter." 1 MORNING, NOVEMBER Tucker Hall. The Hoiman En glish Opera Troupe made their first sppearance in Raleigh last night, and achieved a genuine success.- Of fenbach's celebrated Opera-Bouffe, "La Grand Duchess," was rendered in good style, and seldom have our citixeus been regaled with bo rich a musical treat. Solos, duets; trios, quartettes, choruses all were given in as perfect a manner as we can ever hope to witness in oar city. As to Miss Bailie Holman, the charming little Prima Donna of this troupe, she is the very incarnation of eoug, and masks pours as naturally from her lips as honey from thefam- ed bees of Hybla. From her first entrance she carried her audience captive, a veritable Grand Duchess. The support; was all that could be desired. Mr. Bran dial is a superb tenor, and gave the masic allotted to him with a purity of tone rarely equalled. In the third act he Introduced La Marsellaise, and sang it in a manner never before beard in this section. During the French revolution of '48, the great actress, Rachel, chanting this soul stirring sir, excited the volatile Parisians into a delirium verging on insanity. We can fancy that Brandisi, with his inimitable voice and style, could have wrought the same effect. The pom pous General Baum, with his "piff, parT, poof," found an admirable representative in Mr. Ellis Ryse. Julia Holmaa, George Barton, and the rest of this excellent Troupe, de serve praise for their valuable as sistance. To-night, the last of the Holman Troupe in this city, will be presented Lecoq's most brilliant opera "Girofle Girofla," with Sallie Holman as the Twin Sisters. This opera has been the greatest success of the past sea eon in all the European capitals. The Philadelphia Enquirer, which should be recognized as good authori ty, has the followiug to say of it: Wood's Museum was crowded to overflowing last evening to witness, for the first time in our city, Lecog's brilliant opera Girofla. Without the slightest hesitation we prouounce it the best work of the above great j writer: it being full of pith and pretty j music from beginning to end. Miss Sallie Holman us tirotle Girofla wr appeared to bet'er advantage ; her acting was superb and her sing- iug-uch as to entirely captivate the immense assemblage and draw forth from them round after round of ap- filause. The New York 7craW just y terms her "The Queen of English Opera." MNs Julia Holman as Pa ipuita shared the honors of the even ing with her i9ter. Mr. J. Brandisi and Mr. Vernon -Sydney the tenois were in capital vc-ice and were all that could be desired. Mr. El da Rvse as Mouzourk favored us with one of the most comical pieces of ac ting we ever saw bis rich bass voice being greatly admired. Mr. G. H. Barton as Bolero could not have been better. In fact the whole com pany could not be seen to better ad vantage. The choruses were precise and showed great harmony. The wardrobe was to say the least, mag nificent. The whole performance was a decided success and the Hoi mans may compliment themselves as having made the hit of the season. Mabrieix Gol. S. R. Baffin, of Alabama, was married in this city last evening by the Rev. Bishop Ly man to Miss Annie Haywood, daugh ter of the late Hon. W. H. Haywood. Messrs. A. C 8anders St Co. have for sale five young and well broke mules. They can be bought chesp by spplying soon to them at No. 2 Mar tin street. J. Osborne, the feed man, invites those who wish flour, grain, forage, meal, Ac, in wholesale lots, to call on him at hia store west of the N. C. R. R. depot. R. H. Weathers, opposite Sam Haywood's shop, Wilmingtou street, advertises to have the cheapest gro ceries, the beet N. C. Corn and Rye whiskey, Southampton and Apple Brandv and sweet cider. Sheriff Barnes, of Wilson, yester day registered "a man and brother" at the State pen. The negro in ques tion made a mistake as to the owner ship of some bog. The Asheville Pionec will score down another voter lost. Royster & Bro. candy manufac tures, besides the finest display of candy ever seen in this place candy of everv flavor and variety have also a large and fresh stock of nuts, niisins, figs, Ac. Apples, pears, Mala ga graps and many other good things. Call on them for anything in their line. A" Imprfonabi.k Posit, ok. Amonat AmerlcHu reined e. HosWiwr'n Rtoiuaoli Bitter occupies what may not inaptly be termed an impregnable position. The foundations o: Its popclarliy are laid sn deep tn the public oonadence. Its excel lence has been o frexiue.it.ly and concla alvrly demonstrated nuder the most try in circumstjiuces nd It has heen so long known lo tlie public a a standard artic e, na' neither the slurs occasionally c-ist. up on pro' rletarv medicines, uorilie atten'pis of cer kin Inalcohoi'.c Nostrum venders to creates, prejudice against a preparation with a spirituous bin csn affect It. Ih public reenie in it a aafe. agreeable and comprehensive alterative and an Id valua ble a-enerai tonic, a apeedy remedy fr mt Urlons disorders, and their most reiiabls preventive. Its re atatiou U founded, as it were, upon a tock. no 1! twtw piNE RED APPLES. Also a lot ol KR1SH DRIED APPLE. just waived and for sale by oc as tf A. H. TEMPLE. Cf BARRELS AND HALF 0j BARRELS. Doobls stamp North Carolina Corn W his key ja.t received, .ndltor -JM Jsm l-tf Wsoi Js Uqwot- PJsrs. PARASOLS. FANS AND UM B REUAB,lartsst Zm2X7" g vr kspt, a PETTY A JON El. 25. 1875 FARMING INTERESTS. Renovating Worn-out Lands. The following from the Maryland farmer will be of interest in North Carolina, where thereis so much land thrown out of cultivation, but which can be reclaimed : The up lands want clover and plaster, after pnxl culture and some manuring.ert'ilizers or green-manuring such as plowing under rye, then peas, either one. or o would be bet ter. By such a" pr.wess these origi nally very fertile soils can be recu perated in a few years at little cost, and more surely done, than by a heavy cost of $50 to per ton for guano and other fertilizers. True it Is that a dressing of !tf bushels of lime per acre wotifcl be of great last ing benefit twmost of the soils, but the lands of this section are filled with marl and can in a majority of cases dispense with lime clover, is the grand, never failing specific. While indulging iu oar speculations as to the) renovation -of- vow .out lands, in the cheapest manner, we happened to have handed to us the last monthly report of the Agricul tural Department "of the United States, and It so completely supports our views with arguments and facts that we extract a paragraph which explains what we desire to say and so forcibly, we had rather call attention of our readers to its persual than write oat our own views and our ex perience of years gone by. The re port of the statistician, Mr. Dodge, says : "la one case in Butler County, Pennsylvania, a section of thin, gravelly land, on which it was thought no one could secure a decent living, came into the possession of German immigrants at nominal rates. They cleared off the brush, plowed, cultivated, turned under the grass crops; saved every fertilizing material available ; never duplicated a crop in five or six years' rotation, and tbat tract is now a garden, and from worthlessness has advanced to the value of $100 per acre, and is yearly becoming more productive. These owners, in some cases, have raised ' ana educated families, live comfortably, ride in carriages, and have money at interest. In other in stances in which the aid of clover has been invoked, swine-feeding in the clover fields has been made a val uable means of soil-improvement. In the South, a region which many northern writers on agricultural as sume most erroneously to be unsuit ed to grass culture, and which south ern farmers have strangely neglected as a meat-producing section for ob vious reasons, a new era is dawning, and clover and orchard-grass are in many places found to be sources of immediate and heavy profits, and of greatly increased fertility. Iu light lands of more torrid temperature the cow-pea performs quickly and inex pensively the work of amelioration assigned to red clover in argillaceous soils. It is a plant literally worth millions to the South ; possibly as good no ammonia gatherer as clover ; perhaps equal ly as good for fattening swine, and grown with greater facil ity in poorer soils.' For the Dally Xewa. The North Carolian and Virginia Christian Conference. Fraitklixtox, N. C, Nov. 24, '75. JZditor New : I give you a short account of the annual session of the North Carolina and Virginia Chris tian Conference which has just closed . This body met at Pope's Chanel, near this place, on the 19th inst., and was organized by the election of Rev. W. S. Long, of Graham, N. C, as President; Rev. D. A. Long, of Graham, N. C, as Secretary ; Rev. Peter T. Klapp, of Pittseoro, N. C, as Assistant Secretary. Thirty-eight Ministers were present, and about the same number of Loymen. Rev. W. B. Wellons, D. D., and Rev. E. W. Beale, of the Eastern Virginia Christian Conference, Rev. H. H. Gibbons, of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, and Rev. J. H. Gil breath, of the Methodist Protestant Church, were present as fraternal messengers from their respectiye Conferences. These brethren came bearing salu tations of love and fraternal greeting, which were cordially received and most heartily reciprocated. The Conference considered and adopted many important measures relating to the different departments of christian labor, among which I may ineution in particular the sub jects of Education, Missions, Sunday Schools and Temperance. The work before the body was con cluded to-day, having held, as all agree, a most pleasant and harmoni ous ses-ion. The hospitality of the community was generous and ample, and all the members leave with hearts full of gratitude for the kindness extended by the people around Pope's Chapel and Franklinton. The next session of the Conference will be held at Salem Chapel, For sytbe county, N. C. Spectator. M O O D Y A 8 A N K E Y Notice is hereby given that our "COLP EN BUTTEI1 COMPOUND,-' or the ele ments of Cream, will enable you to make tbebest and purest butterat much lessthau half the usual cost. One box sent by re ail loril.W will make from 40 to cO pounds pore CREAM Kl'TTEtl. Liberal lern.s to asnts In the counties. 8end forcirru lsr. Address, with btainp. B1TCKKYE MANlTFACTt'RINQ CO.. P. .x )." roll- Dood A W 1 m Noi fol )i , a . AND F o R S A Ii i : . ill be nold. at uoblic anc'ion. O' THtTRsituY !th r.T Decern Of r iix t. at . Him .innnaiou count v. the trivet of LA N on which Edward Hall recently nved.c tainlng l acres. A ortion o the land is good euserfver botto It is well tlm bered, with a large dwelling house and ne cessary outhouses. 7 inii.s Iroiu I'liocnton Depat. A small portton of the purchase money cash balance u long time, with t) pr eent Interest fn-m day of i.ile. The land, can be divided If desired. JONT:, Treasnreror Rex Hoipltal U'rd. no 21 DlWfcWtd " r A L I J ABLE LAND FOR SALE in MONDAY, the 29 h of N vember. 1S7S. I win offer for sals, at public anc , tlon, s very valnatrle tract of 13 acres, lour miles from Raleigh and less than one mile of Mill-Brook, .hont 3 acres cleared. Good hoo.se with two rttoms. A consider able portion is original growth Lies be tween the B.SO.U. R. and the F-retviJ Is county road. Bls at ths Oourtbonss door In Rafslsn. ai W o'clock. .Terms essy bo W-3awtd KEMP P. BATTLa. PRICE : FIVE CENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. O T C E ripr Conrt. and bv order of said Court ,! wio ouer anu sen ror cash in the townZTr of Sanford, on SATURDAY, the 4th daTTTf December, 175, (30 Lots) 25 acres of LAXD. in lots to salt purchasers, in the towu of Naurord, on the Raleigh and Augusta Air Line Kallroad. For further information apply to John D. M elver. Esq.. at 8 nford. Sold for partition betwe-n John D. Mo Iver, Esq., and the heirs of Wesley Mclver, deceased. A. H. McXEILL, no 2i-DCtaW2t C. s. C. and UoPi'r. T" A N D F 6 R SAL E. "Tdesire to sell my farm lying slxgefe miles Eat of Raleuth, and on muelir and a half on the eaat aide of Nense River. It adjoins the lands or Madison Hodge and the Ute Gaston Wilder. C mains about nine buadrsd acres; a good portion of which is well timbered. A good frame noose and kitchen may be found in good lr dlred small paraeU will be sold to salt purchasers. Terms easy. Apply to d. niJjTON. no D4WtlPjanl,76. ' 9 d 5 s o . Of 3 o e gi aa o H - a a -4 n a a u a 55 x c S a m tf X o CO e CO IE CD SD a a . 3 c 2 2 5 S II 5 2 as 1 0g X " 7. -o, it a K 0 M C a at m u 03 09 -2 o E c 3 3 C O c CD 2 - - - CD be a " a. ci o a o x c H A N G E OF S C H E D ULE ! OKKICE StTP'T OK TKANSI'OBTATION.1 SlCAliOBI A IlOANOKt Railroak Co., . Poktswocth. Va., 8epU 14, 187 j.) On and after WEDNESDAY, the 15th instant, trains will leave Portsmouth, daliy, except Bun Jays, as follows : Mail train at ;Y.V) A. M No. 1 Freight train at 10..1J A. M. No. 2 Freight U sin, except .u- urdays.at 7.15 P. M. ARRIVE AT PORTSMOUTH. Mail train daily at 7.1 P. M. No. 1 Freight train at 12XV P. M No. 2 Freight train at 4 oo P M S59- Ma i tialn wi l stop only at RUtfi;K, Franklin. Newsom's lioykins', Marg-irett. -villeand Sflabnsrd. Freight trains have a passenger oar at tached, and will stop at station f t pas sengers. Mail train e nne ts at Wldon ith the Mail tralnsoftue Wil ingtonand We.dou. Kaielgh abd baiton Kallinads Aud on Mondays. Wertniwtavg and Fri days, at Franklin, with .Steamers for den tou, Plymouth, and Landings on Black wa ter and Chowan rivers. Freight received dally, except Scndays, froai 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. E. O. OHIO, se l-V tf Supt. of TrauM,Hrtation. O P L A N T i: R S SHE'LL LIME. The undersigned can fnrn Ish SOO.000 bush els of 8HELL LIME for agricultural pur poses at any port i n thecaHtat a rate that would enable responsible parties t take the agency of it, with profit. Any amount can be sold in North and South Carol' n a and Georgia. Avp'y to BJVVEN MERCER. no 11 lawi'w KiS. Oaysi., Baltimore. S . GULL E Y Rale sh. N C, Dry Goods Merchant, is sgeat for FRANiv LESLIE'S "LADIE1 JOCHNAI." CI" PAPER PATTERNH, Just received Patterns of all Latest N v- li ies for La i ies, M isses, Boys and Children Jw-HenU tor circular. uo 2) If IVT O M O REDE A D HOG8. '1- Save your HOOH by buylos ENN1SS' Hog Cholera Cure. Never knon to ail If taken In time For sale by WiiDama A Haywood, Raleigh Price 25 cents per box. Pr. pared by J. H. ENNIsJS, Salisbury, North Carolina. - no 21 At A COMPLETE SET OF NORTH CAROLINA REPORTS FOR SALE. ?r for sale a or mpl ets set of the North i 'jiolina Reports in flrst-rale order. For ttrrus, address W. H. BAILEY. Agent, no 2:! 6t Chariot e, N. C. Dally niinel. Dally Journal, Wllmlrg tou, t'narlotte Democrat copy four tlrnrs and i.jrward aero nuts to Daily N&ws. pilOCLAMAT I O N ! MAYoIVrt OFFICE. P.ALEion, xm. C. Nov. V2d. 1876. Attlie K'llicltmion of many citizens I hirei y as-k ail the busi- enM meno- Ita'elgh tnciose I heir plmvsof business on THURS DAY, November 2 lb. so that the day may be observed as one of general Thanksgiv ing and all city eraplovees police excep ted, are h-r by relieved from duty on that day. D C. MA.LY, no Z- .A Mayor City of Raleigh. C AN GOODS OK EVERY DE- SCKIPrJox at TOXNOPPsKl'S TIT O RCIT i: R8HIRE SAl'CE T and Tomato t "a sup, bv the qurt or gallon, at TONNoPPsiCl'.S. STGA RS, COFFEES AND TEAS, t TONNOPPKKI'S. 1AISINS. CURRANTS AND XV Citron, at 1 ONNOPPsKI'S. .4 PPLES. ORANGES AND CO- Xl tV.M is, at TONNOPPssKI'S. THE BEST BRANDS OF TO BACCO, at TONNPOPSKItJ. C AN V ASS HAMS. BACON AND LAUD, at TONNOPPSKIH. THE CHEAPEST PLACE TO gftgoodGOODH IS at no2S-m TONN'OPPSKPS. at the rate o; one .qua V.' "u Advertisements must be ronflnad imh. business of the advertiser nnna toths AMI S OIF NTS. . f U C K E R H A L IT' WEDNESOAY ANI TIIirRsiMY, November 21ih and 25th, MR. HARRY VTKINt ha the bortor he has effected an eon genienk at a irrVat ouUy, with the celebrated K HOLMAN OPERA TROUPE, enlarged for the pr-3t "dnon, headed bv America, brightest pr.fl ravwlte Prm.S nnir v-chu.UQ'u,: 1t". Mks -"i i.v HOLM a N, atnl n .oil and rlHelrnt P.m. pany and COMPLETE (:irs VVednesdav. Evening, Nov 24th, OFFENBACH'S GRAND OPERA. La Grand Duchesset Thursday Evening, Norvii5th. LECOQ'S last and most brilliant Opera, Girofle Girofla I SCALE OF PRICES r' serd'UeSS,' W i1Ty'.7'a"nU: K MWDAT, Nor. XM.at A. M., at farmer's sOTusfrs...,, ,,, , t. 4 jftao-t Mi CELLAIf EO l;"s ' jgj. RE A T RED U cTFi O N IN PRTCES FOR ALL Or O O I S ; AT L. ROSENTHAL'S, 50 Favettevillc Street, OPPOSITK NW HOLLKMAN BUILl.IU. Ilnfrrtnmy Customers and the pnlj.'ic lr.ai. vlnii towsht my Sr-riMKi n,riL f FALL ami WINTFR G(K)Is exceftUifiy low. I wiil -r.ir.sr my entne HUk. for I be n"Xt 0 1 --.ay at (rreMtlv r-darwt rrfcM, ami will assure one aud nil that they can ave Aioney by ca!llu on me b.'lore pnwliiK.n e,'wllere- My 8took consists of i GOODS-Mpacas. Prints, Blfadiwi and Brown DiiuestJc. BUnltsts, Q:'ilt. shiwis. Fl-rmels, Linseyr-, Cloths ljr Men tv?-?0?"' )V'tT' Jl'' i1"01 n Hioes, White Croods, Notlout asd IIt.lsery Als R;uly-Made Ciothlog sod Mens' Fur&Miln'i Goods. Trunks and Vllsles. 1 wouUl call attention to the Patent Heversihie Shirts, of which I sraa.'eut. ail an'' examine then. Thure aiw a i:rat many tulvanUKs lu th weai of th-m. The invenvion telates to lmproemerji-i In Sbi'ts In wntch the bosom can be r-sdllv cliacgeu aoai to present to view dim-reut patterns and can be washed, 8troid and Ironed ai readily as any ordinarv Mnlrt Mv siockof Ready-Mad- i lo: huif wl Ich na b en replenished lattlv. Is onmpb.te a id i:la:o orlVr ert rn-irdinary lndncu lotnts t buyers lu 1lia.v line for ibe iext 00 d:i J 1 hnni. in the penerous piiblfo for their kinii piitriintttf lieretofore 'l.'t(iwed upon me, I hope t iiicrr-ase the sme by pvitnj s'rtct attention to invbnslne-s and 'fffr oohmat roi rovr PHfoKH t.oa' n 1,. ROSENTHAL.- E T 'i' J O X E 8 Wonderful But True ! SOMETHING NEW ! The King of Shirts!! ; t- IX WAMSrrTA MULJN SHIRTS, with good 2100lrlHri Linen Buaoras, Six different style.-- u -ch, h; oi7. a. Tov $8.00 ! Every 8hlrt guarantoea, ; TheMe Shirts ar- ready for U.e button holes and gu se'i. Any laJy csn make the button-hole-i and pat in the gussets, and bv so doing can save from $1.00 to S1.50 on each shirt. PETTY A JONES. ' . i We have to-day reeetvsd additional to our Stock of Dress Goodt-s Soin 5?if(lIs?TH5 a CASSIME1ES. boois. M.iOtH. and are now exhibiting one of the most handsome stocks of toodsln the city; all of which were bought "i'L'."0121, KICESan4 as ws sell for small profits, 'our customers will be sure to get the full value of tneU' weney.. Give us a soil, - T PETTY A JONES, . D,.,, , . 30 Fayet'erills street. ' Biblical Recorder and Christian. A4 meals 2ry- no P'-tn O V E M R E'Rr, I s 7 :f . Cooper II Williams, j -i -0r- .f. , -i OXFOBD, NORTH CAROLINA, ZitfJTx PP" V GranTllle u examine tl)ZLT f51 uierb stock of Rood. i Their, lock Is nnsnrpasssd in their see "fJf Dt-vJlet' cheapness. W7rtT brains la some flepsrt-v -S101 OES A. BPECIALTY. I New Goous constantly being received! .h,iH,ctS5wins totyto Roods la Osfrd should by all means examine tbeprwi. in ducements in style and pries offered by noH-im cooper a williamh N E W GOODS New Rn.La! nm Florida Oranges sweet. ' i ! , Cocoanuta, : Horse Neck fVsr Herri cs, Irie.i nrrauis. . .' ' Baldwin Apnles, : irlsn P lalut. II T .New Rice, Just received at , no 21 lw s. D. HARRTSOVPL i o I G A R S cio aIti a ill T rioafrn tn. .oil t,.t.nl .v. - . , Una public to mvivioice brands of C KIA KH, embracing the "Hiinigti Favorite" "ITIm Medal," ' Triple Crown." "Legal Tender," und "Grape."' and other choice brands, all of wblch 1 can rceorv.niiid as bolng Pontine. EO. ZtEGLEU, , oo21- tf First dcK)ralKve Yariairo. . JgKBF HAMS-BEEF TONGCE8 Bof Dams. Beef TiI3KQ h, I'nrj lhK Reef, at . M Hi:ityiACM. no IB W. A. pOTATO Efci-I' O T A T O H S j? Sweet Potatoes, . j Irish Potatoes, at ! nol W. C. et A. R HTHONACII ' CORN REEF - fRDINES Corn Beer In 2, 4 and Oponnd tins, , Sardlaes rrencri md Amnricun. no i W. o. a .TRIISt PIE APPLES, APPLE BUtVeR j Apples for pies in rsldra llns. i i Apple Butter In barrels ftr rKtlUmr at I noaO W. , hTHONH'M'H I gUGARS. SUGARa SUGAliaJ 60 Barrels Standard A. B. C. Snrar- tor T . R. F. TON Km i. j 'vXi'' 'T do Is v.r and ar1i K T IO.NrH a OT).

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