- - I j2 B DAILT N B W 8. rrLnvtD t mm :VM lUrilLIMHINCi CO.. v THE yr.irs Bl ll.ni.'. I l Mrtlofttrl. nr Fayette" tlleHL. trnuTa ctrtaasa" n. rr, of eaaratrrios t ii!ci: -. ,-t iahxrlr. delivrd la My city, lis on r wk. (OtMISSIO.I MERCHANTS. f. l"t.. J. M. IrftA C DORRAXCK. ( I. A K K x COTTON BUYERS, ftiifh. North Carol's, .-et.o ew. otatufy n Wll-LlAM A Mrn-tU N i rk tJ J. li. WILLIAMS A C O ,niuir the hlfKt cub prlcf -,.n rAeln"irrlTMi tr'ctly to ot iiTrt, f are prrrrrt , trvl oor on.llvl 1 a'l - crrt lM-tl'-a ! a I who :a ar plat t'jeir eul'on id mit r t e r s nnos U'ITJ?? STREET. PorUaaeath, Tirglaia, Ouamission Merdianti, Her. Oara, Oat. Lim, Ontrat, Jc H . TEMPLE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AND OOltVnSSION MERCHAKT. MHtf OUca solle'tni. hlh o4Uitr baod a fatt sto of Cham- tor Hrl'.llwrv u pr wnL - 1 J aorordlux to rrlp4 farntaheu. V G LEE SONfi COTTON BUYERS AMD SELLERS AND BTRICTLT Commission Merchants, FOR THE SALE OF . a. F'-Mer Hay, fhn-k, Oata. Meal. V,.v.r. Pn. thif koa. tui, Batiif. lr.. Ac. I . vr -rotle and consignment a .. .c.-.s... j t;icitL A. O LEK HONS. '-'f r. o. Bni ra Rjicb. n. o. LIQUORS. T5 r- r H :- - s S X - - -j " 5 -- 1 ' s -x H " -'5. 5 r ' I I i r r 1 t i - - W"A.M. T E I) T O K E X T m'. j. foar nnmitod kltrben. NEWS "FFIT. X TED, A N H..t A -t ilAm t W&OH fond wipi V Apply at Tui Orrtra. K X T I 8 T enleratgned barlnc '-A33t:y Iterated In Rl .. aacMriillT leaders bla m r.: wnr'm la tb jrwu.- of PTT ; -. T H Y ixb ocrtle nd robaBt 1 i.e ric.iroi of Kai!jb au-: tbe pnb-l-2i-i!y. fr.or- r mm o-e Ttf k -r' or., :m rMaU; cxxtpi"! Air". c- -Wttf t- K. EVFRITT. "IRlilNlA OYSTER COMfV, :AMBEIILAINE& CO.. Prop s. iaaei. kc aa4 iH Oyster. HAM BER.I-A INK'S WHARF. h ! "A. Norfolk. V a. 1-ia K CMACKIX FAISO.N, IltCIAin.COnOX IACT0L5 Hone and Cow Pood All. 1K srRIVT I OSS. - T :a-vtif Hay In atuck. 5 ..rth Carolina Hay Inatork. ; :a aloek. il.teia 'om !B Uck. Floor In uk. are constantly rrelTlng Mill Feed. tia. tr. and O entry PT-duc en- 7. him w otT-r at market prlrea. ItTackin t Fainon ak Tin: . KltAf. -TTK AiEl- Koi: ?iulne ! Phuine ! Phuino ! E ,mt arrucl. Luui.ruo i.rt!rlr.u lu ulir fr-Ku lb- b (ainr tn Wake, o ts'l tia'bam coudi Ua.will mU-w ' '.a kup(,jr (iraoa th l tie tst p ": "'.tulral (' uiai'if;iurlna yt.ar :tl! 4r. tu J tw' I" to . tan .o n " on hrt t.- Her, tDii u ,1 ar.y t er dealers. , MrMA' KIN KAlOV. fc ' Mrtln aireet. Pal!f b. N. C. pLOl u. cnFFKK AND TEA ! ! vit,r rntlT Flor. 1 rurii.rcl! Kaml'v Floor. r4iui . Vliey Family Flour. r ileo r.fni.y r uor. )var'a K.tUa kor. Ncrtb Collaa Floor. ' la lUcaCoffe. Lagaarra Coffee. ?"t Choeo'al at juo coca II Y . . W. c. A A. R. BTVONACH S'T FINIriHED WIOAX8. PETTY JON KM. I l;l.r..rr ''l 17 73 VOL. VIII. NO. 85. LOCAL MATTER. THE WEEKLY NEWH FURHISHED ONE YE Mi. pfWTAOK PAID. FOR fLOO; MIX MONTH-. 75 CENTS. SPECIAL CITY ITEMS. CORN at OSBORNE'S Grain and Fd HUt at Tenty-F1' mdU a babl.caal. A!o a Kood Itujitjr Horn and Jery Wag on and HarMaa. d 9 .1 ONTrnTI0NAL X)NVENTION OF NORTH CAROLINA OF 175, eomplU In Photograr te iron p. by J. V. WArsON and the only fomp!ft copy la xUtne. C:i on J. W. WATrON. tba tatbr of rhotTrhjr In North Carolina. to ROPS' lor OYSTERS that are good, wttboot water, at SO ndU pr qaart. II alkr- GAME. VEOETABLK. ORO l EHTKH. and many other artlcW of neces sity. tall 2S. In tha Market Ilooaa. no I.'-lm' Why float yom CARMtK'SBAKINO POWDER ? It U the Try beat and rbeap eat. Made freah every 1y at an 30 tf CARMKK'n Drof fttnre. CARMER B ROSE DENTIFRICC U tbe ebapeat. beat and moat popular TOOTH POWDER uaed. aa 30 It Why Doo't Too Uae CARMERB BAK ING POWDERS? It la the Tery beat and cheapest. Boy a 3 cent bo and convince yoorae:r Foraale at an 10-tf CARMER-H Drag Store, INDIAX BIXXD HYRl'P and MOTHER NOBLE S UUUNO BTRUP, for aale at ao l-t' CAREER'S Dm Store. Another lot of thoae nice nnoorered so- rar eared DAMS, Jol arrlTed and lor aale by WM WOOLLCOTT. an It tf Wilmington etreeC Nnamrax l a. Tbe bemt Northern Ice can h obtained at my store on Wllmlnr too otreel, at all tlmea, at 1', cruU per pond. te. U A. HAL M. im - 7" i6tmAo liM of Ik HA II. Y yf WS it htrtfT j.V.tn tat of any iKrr LMnly in IV Stitfr. amtt nmrf rAvrn tUnblr tnt of any Local Rriefs Mating of the Hoard of Aldermen to-nljrlit. A larpe lot of oak and pine Wtwd n hand am! for ale br Joel D. Whitaker, No. t. Martin atreeL . Nothiuir doing in police circles ye-trr-lay. tin Mayor's Court being ul ff an it ni. t:l S. I put in hit smiling appear .tntt ye-terday, to the delight of the whole atiimrtl vrrain. Tlit Ai-orn cooking and heating tv.- i rapidly taking the lead. See a.iv-rtifrui nt of J. '. 8. Luaic or:t -d,l a'. CKborn'a grain and feed slotf at 7" fiitu per tHiahel, cah. Alo t' -r a!e a gxd bugiry horeatid Jer-y wagon. See special. The office of the Secretary of the State Agricultural Society ha been rvtnored to the second floor of the new llriggs building. Mlflt carpet, the bet EnglLnh hruaeU, can be obtained of J. A. Randall, New York. See advertise ment in another column. IVnons wanting an elegant corn heller would do well to oomniuicate with T. J. Reamy, of Rocky mount, N. C. He willalaoaell county rights. See bla advertiaement. R. A. Watson, a gentleman thor. ougbly understanding tbe furniture businew, Uat present engaged in the alea room of the Frapp' furniture tore. A new temperance organization , to be known as tbe Temple of Hon or, 1 to be organized in this city There will be a meeting of tbe friends of the measure In the Hall of the (oh1 Tetnplarn Friday night. R. P. Howell's ia a good place to get your clothing. Mr. Farri, the inimitable, is with hiru, whose repu tation a a flrt-c!ai tailor ! too well known to need any recommenda tion. Fit guaranteed or no hale. See advertisement. J. J. Litchfi-rd. an aent for the mortgage and a trulee for the creditors of N. S. Moseley, will e'l at publio auction, on the lth int., the stock of confectionaries and fancy goods and the offlee and ntore furni ture of tbe aald N. S. Mom ley. See notice. The weather is extremely coquet tish at present. Yesterday we bad flr-t sunshine and then rain, and !at night a little moonshine and rain a plenty. As a consequence, our streets are muddy to an extreme ly di.-agreeable degree. The heir of (ireen H. Price, sup posed to reside in this State, will flod something to tnelr advantage by communicating with Messrs. Pettus, Dawson k Tillman, of Bel ma, Ala. Trice left thU State about 44 years ago, and died in Marengo county Ala.. May 172. The "11 Select" whisky has alrea d y tecme famous as one of the moet lptilar brands extant. This and other qualities of whiskey, brandy, rum, gin and wines, together with Hour aud every kind of groceiies are to be obtained at the lowest rates zvt R. K. Jones A (.Vs. This house keeps nothing but the best line of good. See their advertisement. Rev. C. Norman. The Wil mington Star says of this gentlenan, whosuceeds Mr. TJurner a.s Pastor of Person Street M. E. Church In this city: "Rev. W. C. Norman is a son of Alfred Norman, one of the original members or tbe conference. He is a popular preacher and Is a young man of trreat promise." 1HE Report of the Superintendent of the Orphan Asyli:ms of the State. Superintendent J. H. Mills, of the Oxford and Mara Hill Orphan Asylums, made a most interesting report of the workings of those Insti tutions to the present session of the Grand Lodge of Masons in this city, from which we glean the following facts : The contributions to the Oxford Orphan Asylum from December 1, 1874. to November :iOth, 1875. were fl3,0ftS.98. Disbursements for the same time $12,540.37, leaving in band $561.61, the amount $82.37 reported In hand last year added making $637.3 In the treasury on the first day of the present month. This In cludes the receipts and disbursements of the Mars Hill Asylum until the first day of September, when the books of that institution were opened. They also include the recelpU and expense of the Of phan's tYictut The number of orphans repoited as present last year were 132 ; admitted since that report 50, making 162 ; discharged 57, died 2, run awsy 3, expelled 2, leaving now at Oxford 105. The num ber is now smaller than usual be cause many larger boys and girls hare been discharged within the last few days to take eligible situations ottered them, and the Superinten dent has had no time to bring in those awaiting transportation. The total contributions iu cash from September 1, to November 30, Cor tbe Mars Hill Asylum were 5353, 21. One mule was sold for $1M) and J110 received from the Oxford Asy lum, making the total receipts $5o3. 34. The disbursements during this time amount to IS.20. leaving in hand 5-3,14. The Oxford Asylum also paid claims against the Mars Hill Asylum amounting to ?l:6.7". The contributions in Kind have not been so liberal as might have been expected in a country blessed with abundant crops, but some few individuals have mad frequent and liberal donations. Repairs on the main building and the erection of other building, the purchase of fur niture, Ao., has caused t lie expanses to be rather heavy,butthee improve ments are of a permanent character. The number of orphan! admitted to thi- Asylum has been 3.", expelled 1, ran away 2, discharged 3, leaving now present 29 of them. 10 were transferred from Oxford, H.me to 1st In entertainments and otl.e s for their health. The con tint: an ce al this Institution Is recommended by the Superintendent for various rea sons, and the people of the West are urgently appealed to, to give a more hearty support to it. Mr- Mills reports the Orphatx' Friend a success. It has bought its owd outfit and paid its way, besides doing much active service for tbe orphan work. It should have 5,000 subscribers. Iu closing hi report Mr. Mills earnestly appealed that he might be relieved from the duty of Superintendence- of these Asylums, in order that he might enter upon private businefs and the better take care of his family, but the Grand Lodge did not see fit to grant this request, and on Tuesday night he was unanimously re-elected to fill the position a compliment which we deem eminently deserved by that gentleman, whose untiring energies in the promotion of the work which he has In charge is worthy the plaudits of the whole ieople of the State. Sheriffs Sett lino. The follow ing Sheriffs seUled with the State Treasurer on Wednesday : James C. Wynne, oi Franklin, fS.7W.3tt; A. M. Wilson, of Yancey, $779.63 ; C. S. Powell, of Johusoti, $7,i'0 7 ; Jno. A. Given, of Harnett, $2,332.85 ; Jno. M. Bateman, of Washington, $3.U33. 87. Only three Sheriffs remain to settle with the State, those of New Hanover, Rertie and Caswell, and they have reported to the Treasurer and have therefore virtually settled. Thus have the whole Stato taxes been paid up within the time prescribed bylaw, und not a ingle forfeiture from failure to comply with the te quirements will occur. Under the peculiar.depressed condition of afiaire in the State this is a matter of con gratulation, but we learu from the State Treasurer that In many instan ces the Sheriff's, finding it impossible to obtain the currency, have been compelled to accept and settle with drafts and checks, which, through the aid of our banks, the Sheriffs have been enabled to use as money in their settlement with the Treasurer. U. S. Circuit Court. This court met yesterday at 10 o'clock, J udges Bond and Brooks presiding. The case of Murphy A Co.. of Green county, vs. the Old Dominion In surance Company, of Richmond, Va. was argued, Messrs. Smith & Strong appearing for the plaintiffs and Messrs. Jno. Gatling and Wm. T. Dortrh for the defendants. This is a suit U compel the Insurance Com pany to pay $2,000 for loss sustained by tire, which the Company refuses to pay on the ground of fraud. The case bad not been concluded when the court adjourned for dinuer. R. H. Weathers, opposite Sam Haywood's shop, Wilmington street, advertises to hare the cheapest gro ceries, the best N. C. Corn and Rye whiskey, Southampton and Apple Brandy and sweet cider. D AILY RALEIGH, N. C, THURSDAY GK AND LODGE F. A. M, THIRD DAY'H PROCEEDINGS. The Grand Lodge met yesterday morning at 10 o'clock, Grand Master Blount in the East, and morning, afternoon and night sessions were held, much work of importance to the order being done. The Committee on Charters , and Dispensations made a further report Teoommending that charters be granted to Apex, Mt. Morlah and En field Lodges, and that BakersvlHe Lodge be continued under dispensa tion. The report was adopted, and the representatives present of the Lodges named took their seats as members of the Grand Lodge. An invitation from the officers of the Peace Institute to the Grand l.odge, to visit that institution dur ing the j afternoon, was accepted. The Committee on Suspensions and Expulsions submitted a report which, after being fully discussed, was adopted. Much of the work of the Lodge being of a character that cannot be used by the press, our report in many instances can only refer in general terras to the action of the Lodge. Reporter. The report of the Committee on Propositions and Grievances was adopted, also a report from the Com mittee on Jurisprudence, and from the Committee on work and Returns of Lodges. The committee on Periodicals re ported recommending the Masonic Code, the Oxford? frimd, and the Manonic Journal, of Greensboro, which report was adopted. The following officers were appoint ed by the Grand Master for the ensu ing masonic year : D. (. M. Eugene Grissom. G. Chaplain. F. L. Reid. G. S. D. J. D. Southerland. G. J. I). J. C L. Gudger G. Marshall Eugene S. Martyi. G. Sword Bearer Jos. Hildershei mer. (i. Pursuivant David Y. Cooper. G. Tyler H. C. Prempert. At night the report of tho commit tee on the Orphan Asylum was read and adopted, after some amendments. This report embraced much interesting matter iu connection with the two Asylums which have leen bounded by the Grand Lodge. It heartily endorsed the la bors of Superintendent Mills, ntating that under his energetic and effect ive Morkinps the object of tbe Grand lode;e in establishing these institu tions had been fully carried out and they had been productive of great good to the orphans of the State. The sum of 2,'0 was donated to tbe Asylums for tbe next year, and an effort was put on foot to create an endowment fund for them. The Superintendent was empowered to make such arrangements as might best be effected for the sending to school four ol the orphans each year, several shools in the State hav ing offered to educate some of these children, the Asylum furnishing them clothing and books. The discussion upon this subject elicited the fact from Mr. Mills that already several of the most intelligent children from the Oxford Asylum were being educated at different schools, and this, too, without any cost to the Asylum, friends coming forward to their help and defraying all costs other than the tuition given by the schools. His object is to tit h intelligent children as far as .-i.ti iu ;:.i. otner positions man thai of servants, to make them teach ers in the institution itself or to oc cupy more exalted positions in society than could otherwise be obtalued. Tbe installation of the newly elected officers took place at a late hour Inst night, when the Lodge ad journed to meet this morning at 10 j o'clock. It will probably adjourn nine dir this evening. The dedication of the Lodo room was pitponed until to-day. Pkksonal. Messrs. Wilson of the Greensboro Mani'- Journal, Foote of the Warrenton Uazrttc, and Baker of the Loulsburg CWWr, were In the city yesterday. Hon. Z. B. Vance wa in the city yesterday, and was stopping at the National Hotel. Edwin W. Fuller and lady, of Louisburg, arrived in this city yester day evening m route to visit friends in Wilmington. They stopped at the Central Hotel. Removal Proposed. Dr. J. R' H. Carmer. Druggist, will on the first of January move his drug store into the store-room recently occupied by Major Winder as an office, imme diately opposite the Market House on Fayetteyllle street. The store room is 60 feet deep, and will doubt less prove a most excellent stand for the drug business. Greensboro Female College. The Spring session,' of this popular institution, one of the most flourish ing establishments of the kind in the State, will commence on the 12th of January ensuing. Bead the adver tisement in another column from the President of this institution. Tobacco Barn Burnt. A tobacco barn and contents belonging to Lewis Howard, col., a tenant of Henry Bryan i Esq., of Granville county, was consumed by fire on Saturday last. MORNING, DECEMBER Here and There . Half tbe strength spent in growling wouia often set things richt. Dress skirts are getting so tight that outside pockets have come Into use." Which travels the faster, eold or beat? Why heat you dunce, can't anybody catch cold ? Come people contrive to get hold of me priCKiy side or evervthincr. to ran r c- w against all the sharp corners, and find out all the disagreeable things. ' He who frets is never the one who mends, who heals, who repairs evils; more, he discourages, enfeebles, and too often disables those aroond him. who, but for the. gloom and denres- -I - M f ... luu oi nis company, would do good work and keep up brave cheer. 1 he tumbling rod of a steam thrash ing machine will take a pull-back dress ofTa woman quicker than any thing else yet discovered. Employment is essential to happi ness, and so generally is this recog nized that there are times when even the laziest man feelsinclined to thank his creator for bavins provided him with a moustache to twirl. Fifteen thousand people will go to church to see a beautiful girl married, but if it rains on Sunday they "ain't well." As far as selling Christmas goods is concerned, the man who commenc es advertising them soonest will sell the most. This is a saying worthy of all acceptation. A love-sick swain of this city wrote the following lines to the girl who discarded him : "To err Is human, To forgive divine." "But," said he, "she didn't divine worth a cent." You can't most always sometimes tell who's in your chicken coop o nights. A county gentleman reach ed an arm into his the other evening and pulled out a colored minister. The Struggling Poor. "The poor ye have always with 3'ou," is a fact our people should remember at this season of the year. The fact that winter is upon us with all its rigors. briDfrs forcibly to remem brance the condition of the strug gling poor. Raleigh has its full proportion, and although the noble orderof the Young Men's Christian Association labors zealously and ear nestly for the relief of the poor, it is wholely impossible for thein to know nil the actual wants to be found in our community, and with the limi ted means at their command they cannot give that help which is act ually needed by all of our poor. Ev ery individual in our community that is able to give should remember the wants of their poorer neghbors, and thus alleviate the actnal sufferings that are to be found in all portions of tbe city, and by all means let the hands of the Young Men's Christian Association be upheld In their work. Accident to Chas. A. Gregory, Esq., of Granville. We regret very much to learn of serious if not fatal I nj uries sustained by this highly esteemed citizen of Granville a cou ple of days since. It seems as Mr. Gregory was riding on horseback that he was thrown from his horse and his head came in contact with a rook, causing as it is feared the fracture of his skull. As Mr. Gregory was known to be a good rider and a gentleman of sober habits it was at first suspected that a brutal assault had been made on him with intent to perpetrate a robbery, but he was somewhat subject to vertigo, and the more probable conjecture is that he was suffering from an attack of this malady at the time of the accident. Rkmoved. Nat. L. Brown, dealer in toys, fancy goods, willow-ware and musical instruments, has just re -moved into one of the new stores in the Holleman building, just south of the Raleigh National Bank, and ha now decidedly one of the most hand some stores in the city. Although he only commenced moving on Tues day, he has already made his estab lishment look exceedingly beautiful, and In a day or two will be fully pre pared to show off to that advantage which want of room has hitherto prevented him from doing. We con gratulate him on this evidence of prosperity and his good fortune in securing such an eligible position. The Death of Wm. M. Gay. A correspondent, writing us from Ox ford, says of the death of this young man, whosfe remains, as we noticed yesterday, passed through this city Tuesday morn'iug en route to Gran ville : "He was a most estimable and pro mising young man, (sou of Dr. Gay,) and had recently opened a tobacco house under the firm name of Gay & Daniel, at Rome, Georgia. It seems consumption had marked him as its victim, and the noble spirit of Wm. M. Gay yielded to tho inexorable fiat of this fatal disease." Musical Instruments. We in vite especial attention to the adver tisement elsewhere of Messrs. S. A. Stevens A Co., of Norfolk, Va., deal ers in pianos, organs, Ac, of the best quality and of the most celebrated makes. The Steinway and Chicker ing pianos and the George Woods organs are among their assortment. No more reliable house in the coun try can be found than thai of Messrs,' Stevens A Co. News 9. 1875. Tweed's Escape and What is Xonsht ol it in New York. The Herald, in commenting bit terly upon the manner of Tweed's es scape from the clutches of the law and from this country at the same time, says: me developments of yesterday wuuiu luuicaietnat tne drive from Ludlow Street Jail was simply to a rendezvous in Central Park, where, unless appearances are very deceptive .iueu 1uiiuniii wiMiieu iiie great tuiei ue was sworn to keep in cus tody bon votaor. as the latter cot into a vehicle that was to take him to the outgoing steamer for Europe perhaps. or may be for the colored Republio oi .nay 1 1 wnere. sinew the nnem bovjfe time ofEmpersr Soulouque, tney nave not seen a great professor of the art of public robbery. It was steamer day. and Big Six had the choice of lialf-a-dozeu floating restau rants for conveyance toforeien narts. So lax, indeed, was the system un- aerwuicn in ia great treasury burg lar was held in durance, that it is very evident lie went when he really could stav iu nrlson no longer with "safety to his prospects and not! before. Why Warden Durham did not drive directly to the steamship and hand Mr. Tweed respectfully on board we cannot exactly say, unless it was from a feeling of delicacy to the voluntary exile, who in goine forth to tbe loneliness of London or Paris might prefer to depart unac companied and unobserved, a ridicu lous piece of self-abnegation. We live in the hope, however, that all the villainy which plotted the escape and connived at and assisted In its execution shall be unmasked and the responsibility put where it belongs. To Tweed, going forth with the curse of his country in bis ears, weearnest ly wish the pleasure of a speedy re turn. He will be watched and wait ed for. If he has fled to any country witn wnicn we hold an extradition treaty, we hope that no effort will be left unmade to grip him and brine him back. He is one of those tower ing criminals with whom untiring instice should wrestle until it pins nim down. To the Sheriff and those directly responsible for his escape we must insist that the full rigor of the law be meted out. If Sheriff' Conner sits down lamenting that he is not to blame, we have only to say that we cannot under tbe circumstances ac quit him of any portion of the res ponsibility. Tweed was his prisoner. He knew as all the world knew that Tweed's condition before the law was desperate; the public press had warned him or Tweed's continual trips round town he bad Genet's case before his eyes, and it was his busi ness to see that the eorged plunderer of New York was held until legal process acquitted him of bis charge. The Protestant Episcopal Almanac for 1870 reports the following statis tics of the Church for the past year : rJishops, 57 : .Bishops elect, 3: other clergy, 3,122 ; number of clergy de ceased, 44 ; baptisms, 38,053; confir mations, 22,09-j ; communicants, 231,- 003; marriages, 9,690 ; burials. 18,9(59; candidates for orders, 298; Ordina tions Deacons, 110; priests, 122; Sunday school teachers, 23,448 ; scholars, 23-5,943. Contributions, S6, 899.305.64. The Evil Fruits of Wkak Diges tion. There is no pathological fact more clearly ascertained than that the most for midable phases of nervons disease are di rectly traceable to A b perfect digestion. insomnia, witn its train oi airerui conse qaences, proceeds more frequently from weakness of the stomach than from any other cause. Mre sedatives are powerless to rnre nervousness, ana soon cease to palliate its symptoms. The true wav to 8! rengihen the nervous system it. to in vigorate tne digestive sad assimilative or gans, upon whose on obstructed action its equilibrium Is absolutely dependent. Ihe daily use of Uoatetter's Stomach Bittern will do more to brace and soothe the weak ened and Irrigated nerves, and Induce send, refreshing sleepr-nature's grand cathol Icon than all tbe so called nervines to be found in the Thrmacora a or oat of it. A wioexlasffal of the li liters should be taken before each uieal. EDICINAL WHISKIES. If ycu want a Pure Whiskey for medicine; if you want a pure Whisaey for family use; if yen want a real ly p u re a nd good Whiskey wfticb will do you good ask H. K. Jones St Co. to send you a barrel. kg or a demijohn, and you will flod it as repie sented. '"Not a htuidaohe in h t hogshead of It." I have analyzed tfteWtuskey known un der the brand of "B Select." controil.' ! lr; Messrs. Walter D. Bllr Co.. Kicb num i, Va., and find it. free from fusil oil ndoih" imparltles, sud lecommend its use .'or m -dicinal and family purposes. J. ft. Md'AW.M. T.. Late Professor ot Chemistry, Medicai Col lege of Virginia. The above certificate fiom one of the most eminent chemists of Virginia speak s for itself, bnt in addl lon to the ab ve we can sav that the "15 Select" WUinKey is recommended by most all the leading phy sicians of Raleigh. R. F. JONES A CO., Wholesale Liquor Dealer, sole Agents, Wilmington street, Kaleigh N. C. V LOUR ! FLOUR ! ! FLOUR ! I jrnst received from the mills the follow ing brands ol Flour : Over Burster Family, R. F. Jones FamHy, Bountj Family, Pal metto Family. Wilmington Street Extra, and Gold Lear Extra, which we are offer ing very low. de 9 F. JONES A CO. fTTHISKEY ! ! WHISKEY ! ! ! BRANDY. BRANDY. . RUM. RVll. QIS, GIN. WISE, WINE. Just received a large stosk of all kinds of Liquor. Now is the time to lay In yonr apply for Christmas. y ' R, F. JONES A CO., de 9-tf Wholesale Llqoo:- Dealers. GREENSBORO FEMALE COL LEGE, Greensboro, N. C. The Spring 8ession of 1S76 will begin on WEDNESDAY, the 12th tf January, and continue twenty wec-is. Board (exclusive of washing and lights) 76. Tuition in regular ronrse, 82.J. Charges for extra studies moderate. For Catalogues containing particulars, apply to Rev. T. M. Jones, "reldent. N. H. D. WILSON, President of Board of Trustees. de 7 2m p ARTKIDGES AND OPOSSUMS . Partridges and Opossums per Express o-day. at tef W. a A. B. BTRONACH. FEW OF THOSE SMALL N. C CHEESE Just received and for sale ny A. w. i.u.p; w'n, M PRICE : FIVE CENTS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. flAHT IRON PTPPfi Suitable fnrvnliir onH oa cally in twelve feet lengths, tested to 300 jwuuuajuwwure, Aiso Dranenes, streets stop-cs cks, lamp posts, hydraunts and other casting , furnished at lowest rates v. mtin mnTT.T.n . . . uy inn, JUXJlJCUAti. UOMrAfl Y. de 9 lm Richmond. Va. THE MASONIC JOURNAL, -a. Greensboro, ft. C. The only Masonic Weekly published In inouiu. r.iKui, pages, .luiriy-twe oroaa columns. Will treat of every topic of In terest to the Craft. A weekly household wiuuuu ui wuicn every oiasnn may j Tluf I t . n Km.- .1 U.. . . P1""- i.-sce x-ronpectus. 1 TERMS .- One year, f 2. 8ix months. SL25. ae9tf Greensbero, N. C. TMPORTANT SALE As Agent for the mortgagee and as Trua-' will expose to public sale at store-House recent! v niwnniil hm t a lfn..i. n tteville Street In Raleigh, all his stock of Oranges, Apples. Nuts. Candies and other offloe and store furniture, JUEtares, o. la ! At kin stnpn Sale to begin promptly at 10 o'clock At IS. raiuj, joui unxmuer, into. dec.9-td J. J. LITCHFORD. jyjISFIf CARPETS, English Brussels, Three-Ply and Ingrain ; also, Stair Carpets, Velvet Rugs,Crumb Cloths, Etc., very cheap at the Old Place, 112 Fnlton Street, New York. Carpets carefully packed and sent to any part of the United States free of charge. 49- Snd for Price List. de9-DsWly J. A. BENDALL. JU'ERCHANT TAILORING, C. M. Faxiss WITH R. P. HOW ELL, DEALER IN CLOTHS. CASSIMBRES, DRY GOODS, NOTIONS. HOISERY, CLOTHING, BO0T8, SHOES, Ac, Ac. Merchant Tailoring done at the short' st notice at exceedingly low rates. oi) Wilmington street, de9 tf Prairie Building. s, A. STEVENS & CO.P Cor. Main and Granlni Stx., Norfolk, Va., RESKRAt AOKN'W l'OI! THE LEADING INSTRUMENTS OF THE WOULD. Instruments tnathave achieved tli great est tiiumphs at all tlie leading Ex hibitions and Fairs In Eu rope and America. The only Instruments of American manu facture which have obtained the FIRST PRIZE OVER ALL THE WORLD at the LOlv DON, PARIS and VIEN N A WORLD'S FAIR and EXHIBITION. The most telling test that any Instru ment can possibly be subjected to, for Eu ropean juries cannot be bribed or tampered with, and things have to stand on their merits alone. The PIANOS ol Sleinway&Sons, and Checkering A Sons, The ORGANS of George Woods fc Co., are universally con side ed and acanowledged the finest of their kind In the w'rld. Tnis is so well known that their claims to superiority are neer disputed by thoe best competent to ludge. Tney are the choice of all the leading artist, amateurs and musicians everywhere, and areunapproached by any thing in the market f r o jwer, strength, dnrabilitv, tene, Pnish n short, every thing that makes tha pksfict instru ment. Send for Catalogues. dec9-Dt W3m JT U M S D E N ' SILVER MEDAL CUT STOVK STORI, s Fayetteville street, opposite the Market, RALEIGH, N. C. The largest, Heaviest, Best and THE CHEAPEST COOKING AND HEATING 8TOVE8 JN gieat variety. His Stoves took a'l the pre miums but oae at the last State Fair. SILVER MEDAL for best Cook with wood, and premium for the bstCook with Coal Scales, Balances, Weights and Measures already sealed. Hollow -Ware, Wood-Ware, Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Honufc-Furnlshlag (ioods, OP, La in p nd Wire Goods JOB WoRK cf al. kinds in his line done in a substantial and workman-like manner and warranted. Satis faction guaranteed. An experience of 27 years has learned him something ubout bin business. Born and reared in Raleigh, he is no stranger to the wants and require ments of tne community ; and sa to the quality of his goods and style of his work, Ac, he would reter to any merchant, busi ness man or bank o nicer in the city or vicinity. GET THE BEST Earnestly soliciting an examlnaMonuf his varied and continually increasing aa sertment of Goods, be signs himself Tbankfully and respectfully, J. C. B. LUMSDEN. ay Tin Roofing, Guttering and Piping a Specialty. Stoves, Heaters, Ranges and Furnaces, put up and warranted to operate satisfactorily. de9 tf 1 One sqaaTernnYl' 00 One square, two Insertion? ft' One llll mfcE ATlfai'"f.,li?1r00.'U square! at the rito of om S,na. n "e Liberal deductions made on kHWuim AHwttfiMn.Ml. a i . - - . . ixj confined totha business of the advertiser. wine jMISCELLANEOUS. U8T BE SETTLE lT U 1 all thnaa InHaKt . n t fofwa?. bv fhii. as longer lnaalgenee e .nnot be dm. Pieaae take notice thereof. anqotne and settle yonr aocoan ta. y q . U BINGHAM CO. T OOK OUT! LOOKV OUT! ! Ckririma ui tie Mbys are Coming fl! and tbe place for you to bay Is at Brown's Variety Store! where yon caa i eon re good btrialna and get almost anything yoa eall tor, " " RolMlnV? t -Til ESiTS L4".T ",mM atoelt and aave troohle of aaonar. Bar- VUllAe&B 111 k-haA..ilikA -solos given ttt OBM, AppMctio tor th w MMmmnAn J xatu. B. r. moor. OT lO.JayaltevuJe street. la. KiUIWN r0 TO BROWN'S VARIETY day Presents. rjO TO BROWN'S VARIETY IT UTORR for a 1 1 klurta vf . i i i .. stru omenta. O TO BROWN'S VARIETY STORE and bavtlxe Oslehratjxi 0o?ti ttage Organ. It is the best. rTIHE ESTT?.V OROAV T.irinn J. the world. Upwards of 56,00 tatld. xt . fn t- . . . . T EMEMBER, BROWN'S VART- jlv n i "lunm in inn piace to duv Fancy Goods, Toys, Baskets, Musical In struments. Httinira and Trlmmlnn inH gel a good bargain. He sure and call on ' Kr . i . v .nw... 10 FataMavHH. Itruit I7ulAft.li de3 if - ' A REMARKABLE DESK! Wooton's Patent. Cabinet OiHco Secretary. A PRACTICAL BUSINESS DESK is now being used by many leading busi ness and professional men of all rlasnts. and is known In all the principal countries and cities of the civilized world. 3 Price lists furnished on application. WOOTOJf DESK COMPANY, Designers and Manufacturers, Indianapolis, Indiana. de 4 DAWCms N EW ARRIVALS! Just received la addition to my THIRD NEW STOCK this acaaon t treaty thousand yards Plaid and Fancy Prints. These Prints are new and the handsomest of tlie Kelson. New and handsome DRESS OOCVUI re ceived dally by Express. In fact, I keep each department full und oomp'etek I do an active buklusi and always keep up with tbe times. I buy the goods and sell them at prices tbat will guarantee sales. I hoist and carry the flag that runs ahead by fair dealing and representing goods aa they are. It is a well known fact that CREECH'S is the place to buy goods. Customers, Cook to Your Interest and come to see me. d5 Dlw&Wtw A.CREECH. S LOCUM'S MINCE MEAT AT TOXNOFFSKTB. PICKLES BY THE MEASURE at TONNOFFSKI'S. THE BEST QUALITY OF GRO CERIES at TONNOFFSKI'S. SMOKED HERRING, MACKE REL and CODFiSH. at TONNOFFSKI'S. A FULL LINE OF CONFEC TIONH at TONNOFFSKI'S. FIRE CRACKERS BY THE BOX, at TONNOFFSKI'S THE GREATEST QUANTITY of Goods for the least money can be bad at. no23 3m TONNOFFSKI'S. M L A S E 8 One ear load of Cab Motaasea (new crop) In prima order, at de 1 B. L. BINOWAM COB. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR AND APPLES. Freah Buckwheat Floor. 5 crates fine Mountain Apples at de 1 W. OiA, B. BTKONA.CH,