m -- - JJ Al - ;!,( n .... ,. , . ... &V ' .1 . .'Tib. Win Ktlt 7 1 9iiiiinr 9110 ni iv ' rwin ji(i-Hiu i ( iot b'rti .;m-f i 1 'FMift L mwtn Arf t nt 1 , -wit . I y7TTTU J vi 1 11 i 1 1 !,i ,T k N -.r - - U... . ..... ;X.;44;'':V;:;V'-:PO' . , ,, . . NO. 6ci -T A 'Crrrrr T IT, Th.BtrertillcV ll 0lQJd aftsr anatara deUbaraUoai W VOL. I. THE STAR PHOSPHATE v . J. rvlw aa thta ', -, (,.rvo ba rn tdtrtiiaa of f ,.t U W- ! Ml to f THE STAR ... ... t,tt n4 qbqIU rat ad atandard. VI SELL. NOTHING 'f rTT-CUASa FEKTlLJZERH. . . ... Mill fw MAPI NrTKOGENIZEJ SUPER, PMOSPHATX - I'.UT. Tn-s i" roaspar11 FarUHaar to oar Tmxmmn, but tor tor a naaapa.at witn k W W M f f ww M IOcb nB, who kT ul car rrrtlllaor. m Cat COO rf, ':-', Su -TcBii. - J FOK BA.LX A. o P P SILICATED' ... -.efCotlon Fwillur, ton Ul T fr:p I ST ;md . " " nj : 14-71. . . - whr aa rrOUar.Tt S4 rt ar Clrco!r. hdi New Ideas on nf aua JoatOS VOD t- cooatrj , also of tha aavalar ' riTr-.t-a eta! Government ba j ran led. J47i.t.l Irtr3RIA OR VEOCTABLE SILICA r1ht to for I. yr , i . no br'.ir to oo Pa'rnt Meeielna for 1 Formula la altrd aeeordlnc t analyala of Iba plant to which to ba appllad. RHODES' SUPERPHOSPHATE. no.-.-ml RHODIH- STANDARD AMMONIATED SUPER PHOSTHATE, Prepared I-xpreamly for Cotton! i M,h, v.. ,... Ik. rrttlrt MtlitMlMi to all who aaad It, o only . illltef cJSL IW?VM Or TB.K OIU It I aa ir r P oiZTJali.. RaJot-: R-Pw!rr. WttoWd J i .1: Km iv mm - R. r. J ONE Jk CO., WnolaaaJ. XJqnr Daavlor. WUmtngton atf t. Railb,K. s 5 -3 5? 5 3 Sri"- i!1 s a I o a 2 ! er IK- 3 IT X JT) rs r- s 5t 5! 5? T5 VI a 5 T 8 0 a Si 9 0 fill k ! a a T 1 H P E L HYMNS 4 "A-RED RONOS. My. t'axd in Ooapal B1UM nd MtUDt. avabbata fr.c B boa d toTtr wl'b aialo,ZScU. clXfvrr wUbout ! A lari aapfly of tb a bora popular anaf bjDrftajuai raaaivad at i b Roofetoref M ! ALFRED WIUIAMH. Jl ICAL IN8TKUMENT8 OF ; ALL KIXIW AND PRICES. Tt Bjm'Bf for Oolra, Vy,.'c ran K hJ at Sulnga and BAOjM aad Brown' Variety Store, H'jLLKMAifo BL'ILDINO. Ralrlxk. If C. Children's Carriogea, 'oey Uooda.Tor. Baakata, Pi tola. Bow la a4 I'ockal Knlrea. Cartiidga Envrlo. Pr. I'.ctura Fr-uie. Playing Cards P1"" fuiry. Ho p-.. CROviL'ET HrTS. Bata, BaIl.SwiDga,Rockloa Uoraaa, Waona. Sua Laddara Broomi. Maa. Bla-k-lsf Braahaa, Aa. Pi.Cixara aad Tabacco. d1 aaaarotbartbiiica tootadioaa toaaaav y aa ESTST OROAS. Cpwanl ot TaaEsTET OROAV leaaa tbc warld. rvatbargalna ara avow balnc osVredat 5 AT. U BROWS-B. t BoUamaa Balldtnx. :-if Ralatcb, V. & SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE la Ue 7orlcL tMH iU Mi ta m-k norh past raw. r ar wining to mn tfc rtak til got 7 Vr 1 MArrs j( 6 iMumoniui, mmii wiu T rsooio-oo. was oanry. JOOB ATfTl, 4UOHMW IDUIJ, J. Jnoo. AUfflUN eooatr. a4 to BT C SANDERS & OO. fa. E L E I N SUPER-PHOSPHATE. V w W.CKirr. . H46. - - 8lpbAt Poth . .7&. - U MirBMlt tha iMtt mad a In tnctadlac 1'mbtiu uoav&oaao -lao Fertilization" UtBtftDi oio r uatuuw m i.i"jr r rra and arVcallarai joarnaaa 01 ia uona In rctarn for tb d!eoTry of U new alld nor In ana FarHUMr f jt all 73 4 q W PRICES ALWAYS TAKE THE LEAD. W. H. & R. a TUCKER Still Anead ! Wa now offer to tha poblle tba gralat bargain of the age. A SHIRT, all mad and nnlthed. ready for tba laaa dry. with tha axcaptlon of botton or ya 14 kolaa. of Waaaaotta MnllB and Rleh ardaon a Roond Thad Family Unn. for that xctadlagly low pries of Six for Six Dollar. ! by the halt dosen and doaan only- ... a kaa We claim that this Shirt eanawvB-- celled In auparlority of tba maaa ana . a aaiaa or la qaaMty by any ver offered be- fore In thba aaaxkei. anlit-if TUCKER. Ego?? SM I ? 55 --s J -Sg. sg5s 2 H m C? c. - m 3 3 3- c r - a s rrr o s 'SsC a "Mil i g 515 - 5 w -a r s. s I? f S f 5. 5i e I 1h o.. PRINTING. TX ftmw Job Dapartmant haa bea iboroaghly aopplled with every needed waft mad With ta!jatet atylea of Typea, tori a very maoner;of Job Work, can now ba dona with naato.aaa.daapatah aad cheap neaa. We can fnrnlah at abort notice BLANKS, BIVX HEAD. LCTTKB HEADS,' CARDS, PR03RAVMR3. HANDBILLH, PHAMPHLET3, POHTKR8. CHECKS. DRAFTS. AC Thi 8CBf"aiPTio?r I.iht of the DAIF.Y NEWS 1 LAiicintrHAX that or ASf OTHER IAtLY S THE HTATE, ASD MoKI THA! IMim.E THAT OF ANY OTHER Daily ix Kai.ki(;ii. Advertisers will x.ikx a kotx of th1m. TIIK IT. Oeorte W. High, tinner at J. O. rirewster'a died at the residence of Mr. Lu Rogers last Kuntlav erenlnj; after an lllnew of four or Ave week. He was burletl yesterday evenlDg. Mr. J. D. Whitaker is celling pood oak wood at $3.60. Piue $. (K) a $3 per cord delivered, provided tlie cali alteud the ordr Call on hloa in rear Citizena' National Bank. Mr H. Fendt desires to Inform his patrons that he has runde arrange oirot whereby he Will be enab'ed to furnlah them with' fresh candles of all descriptions made daily. Prime lot seed oats just received for sal' cheap. Twenty car load of wooV ; ten car loads of hay for sale cheap for cash, by the car load at J. Osborne's grain and feed store. If you want good Rolls, Itiscnits or Bread you should buy j-oor flour at Woollcoit's open front strre, he wld sell you the best Gohen B-itter at 40 cents per pound and Yeast Pow ders at 15 cent per lotile, Rum ford's. A. D. Royster fc Bro. have to-day the finest display f candies, both plain and fancy, ever set n in this city. You will be -ou.vinced of this if you will call at thfir store on Fay etteville street. 1 Pescud. Lee !t CV. . T)rtii;i?ts, have just receivel Mnie SaratoRa Water dirvct from Saratoga, both in bottle and on draught, the latter lieing sent to them in reservoirs lined with block tin, and forced from these reservoirs at their counter precisely as it flows from the springs. . From the laree sa'e of the "Star" Phosphates aud Mape's Huper-Hhos phates, these fertilizers are growing more and more popular amonff our farmers. Menr. A. ('. Sanders & Co.. airent. c;iu hnrdK- keep up with the demand. Geo. Zifir'er has Huehes' Durham smoking tobacco which is No. 1. He also has the II F. (Jrively chewing tobacco, which he guarantees genu ine. Hin Priie Medal cigar every- bwd3 kuows is as gxd as a cigar can be for ten cents. New cod flsb. rmillptt's, mackeral. and herrings, light brown sugar 10 eta. per poumJ, Orahalm flour, pickle pork. Irish potatoes, tea 50e per nounil. can neo lomaiora is w o cia. " . , . . . per can at wookxhib uvtu iruui . wa t . a store. nmingioii sireei. An extensive line of all grades of furi.iture may be found at the furni ture ware rooms of Mr. A. W. Fraps opposite market house on Fayette ville Street. Having been long en gaged in the furniture business he is' prepared to furnili anything in his line at remarkably low prices, and give entire satisfaction. . - a Kurpemr Surt. The followitrg btisiaess as trans acted in tliis Court ysterday : W. P. Wetherell aud wife vs. S. W. Whitaker it al. from Wake, (2 cases.) Arjjued by fcuii'.h fe Strong and Josiah Collins, for pwintiffn, and D. d. Fowle and E. J. Haywood, contra. James C. Cooper, trmtee, vs. Augustine Landls et al., from Gran ville. Arirued bv h irlee A Busbee fur plaintifT. and Bachrl r a.i4 Hay wood con 1 1 a. First cate for hearing in ibe Morn ing is W. H. A K. S. Tin ker, vs city of Paleigh . -Messrs. K. i. Hay wood. D. G. Fowle and G. H. Blow will appear for the plaintitPi, id Busbee & Bu bee contra. AdvertUe. Horace Greely, who knew the value of advertising to business men probably as well as any man that ever lived, always insisted that in bard times when business was dull and money scarce, was of all others the time when merchants shou'd advertise the more liberally so as to stir up the people's miud to buy from them. This Is a piece of philosophy that admirably stand- the test, and is verified by every show and exhibi tion that comes alomr. firane Cotton Weigher. At a meeting ol italt-igh Grange No 17 held on Saturday last, Mr. Blake was elected cotton weigher for the coming year from April 1st., ami the nomination of Mr. George D. Unchurch 1T the It .ard of Trade was confirmed. "The Grange deebned to elect two weighers for tl o present consequently the nomination of Ptanhope Wynne was rejected. lletter OfTtbaii HelWiiap, Aiijhou. Since the astounding disclosures in the News, showing Mr. Turner's-silence as to fcwepsoti during the Ring times of 1SCS- 6'J lie lia suuueuiy ut come as duuib as an oyster. He only broke silence yesterday evening iu his stockholder's correspondence by saying that " it i reiresinug 10 iun '.i,iua Turner's course and Com- irmuiahv " Ah ! umph! pare ll wun wim't Just so, Mr. Turner. G ' . n ll.-.'0 I' i ll o up head. Centennial: Centennial!! tfom. thing new, and for the first time, mauufacture in the city. Ceu tenial cocoanut. walnut and almond corapids. as white as snow, cream u,wi full line of trench and nlnin candies, constant uu oa.iw, fa consiantiy ou uai ., 1 Brad Hey and Leonard's Give them cal'. Deaths xr- i,.f.i Mnrcan the well known , ortiHt nassed througn lineumvuiv r J ".I .1.- ,.tcr,iiv with the dead body of his mother who recently At-.X of TiiirArv of tvnhoid fever. He was taking her remains for in teiment at Warrenton. dnhsrrlba to th New a. It has' commeuced its fifth year with nearly 5 000 subscribers. Daily f$. Weekly $1 per annum. JOB I 'ill RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY MMMftW " ' " Fire and DeathA Bull Doe Makes 'igbt. . Yesterday morning two onthonsei belonging to the Cottage Entel were burnt to the ground. Io the, house where the Are caught Ma.fy',Anri Dolan. aved 25. and the daoghter-of Patrick Dolan the proprietor of the hotel, perished In the flume-.';' It gem the cook, had left the kjl;hert and fastened the door and the'yoOng woman being Idiotic wis kej)t in this kitchen confined, in aBmall-en-l closure built near the fireplace' bo ai to be comfortable, and thtf efld' to wards the lire was of latttce work. Mr. Doldn was from horn1 and; Mrs. Dolan the mother was afarolFin the office room of the hotel out of hear-' lug of the screams of her daughter. About eleven o'clock Betsy Heply a colored woman who lived in the ad joining outhouse that was burnt Saw the smoke wreathing from the top of the kitchen and ran and looked through the slats of the window and ays she saw the flames twisting up and heard theyoung" wOTftatfaVieanr one time, "her last holler I reckon," said Bct-ay. 8he ran to the room where sat Mrs. Dolan In company with another lady and told her the kitchen was on fire and then It was the mother sprang into the yard with an axe in her band and burst open the kitchen door and the flames leap ed in her face and threw her back but she ru9hed In aga'n, her lady friend trying to hold her and would have perished with her daughter, but a crlored man seized her and dragged her back, and just then a stout bull dog flew at the negro and fought him like a fiend biting his hand badly. The house burnt so quickly It w-as nearly to the ground when the fire men arrived. They drew the poor girl out with hooks. Both arms and legs, were burnt off and hardly any thing remained of her head but the brains. The bull dog we hear lias been with Mr. Dolan thirteen years and seemed perfectly devoted to his daughter, going in with her at night when they would carry her to the house to put her to bed and sleeping by her door. The girl wa subject to fits and once when she was iu the field gathering fruit the dog ran to Mr. Dolan mnd by his-actions made liim go to the 'field where he found her on the ground. He was at the house when It burnt and fought fire men and all till throttUd and dragged away and shut up in the cel lar ot the houe. The reporter saw the colored woman Betsy Henly as she sat by her pile oj furniture in the street and she spoke of how good tne Dolans were to their child but that she was very mischievous at times and once before had come near burning the houseup. She saidonly that morning she heard the young girl singing so gaily, sing 'The pret tiest little gal iu the county " ah. poor ch Id, she's singing in a better world now." The funeral will take place this morning at lOoclock from the house of Mr. Dolan, and the friends of the family are invited to be present. supreme Court Derisions. Opinions were filed by the Justices on yesterday in the following eases : By Pkabson. J : '' , , W. R. Gordon vs. "E. F. Baxter from Currituck. Judgment befw re versed. Benjamin Justice vs. Hnlda Ed dings from Cleaveland. Judgment affirmed. State ys George Evans from Hal ifax. Error. Bv Reade J : State vs Samuel Burgess from Clay. Reversed. Mercantile Bank of Norfolk vs. Caroline Pettigrew et. al. from Hal ifax. Judgment afilirnied. R B. Peebles vs. J. W. Newsom, SI eriff, from Northampton. Error. M. C. Dixon vs. Richmond A Dan ville railroad company from Guil ford. Judgment reversed. By Rodman, J : W. M. Smith vs. Rufus Barringer from Cabarrus. Affirmed and re manded. Sta'.e vs. Elias Powell from Haiifax. Affirmed. J allies Frt-pman et. al. vs. John Wilson et. al. from Bertie. Re served and remanded. S:atevs Leander Cruse from Ire dell. Affirmed. By Settle. J : State vs. OHn Jones from Dnplin. Affirmed. State vs. Nancy Carpenter from Graham. Error. Venire rle novo. Hearings Farrall vs. Hattendorf & Hnshageu from New Hanover. 1 evirc de novo. By By num. J : Y. I. Vinson vs. rforth Caroiinia iailroad company from Johnson. iMitiou dismissed and judgment agxinst plain tiffs for costs. Mate vs ARum urinin irom ras- nuoank. Affirmed. . a d --T Ueo M. Alien anu wire vs, vv. Iiwen et. al. from Washington. Revered. Statevs. Hudson from Granville. Reverset. James Manly vs. W. fc Weldon R. R. Co. from Halifax, trror. Ve nire de ncno. The hugertrastic, griping, cicken- ing pills constructed of crude, coarse and bulky ingredients, are fast being superseded byDr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative feiuts, or ugar-toatea Concentrated Kot and Herbal Juice Anti-Bilious Ormules the "liilt.e Giant" Catharticur Muttum in lar- vo Fhir. Modert. Chemical Science ,1' t 1 I : . . . 1 enanies it. rii'iwn exiraut irom tne juices of the most vuable roots aud heros tneir active nmiiciuai priuci- pb s which when woifeed into little Pellets or uranuies, scarcely larger than mastered seed, rexderseach lit tle Pellet as active and (owerful as a large pill, while they aKrnuch more palatal ie anu pleasant mtject. Dr. Ira A. Thayer of Bivonsburg, Ohio, writes : T regard yolr Pellets as the best remedy for the conditions for which you prescribe themf any thing I have ever Used, so roiKd and certaiu iu effect, "and leavif the bowtU in an excellent conditio, it seems to me they mu9t take the pace of all other cathartic pills and mii cinea." T.von A Macombee druggists Vek million, D. T. say: ''We think they ra iminirin mII like hot cakes as soon as people get acquainted with them and wi.l spoil the pill trade, aa those that have used them like them much better than large pills." JPRINTOINGB Boslneaa men will find It to thalr Inter eat to patronize tha Navi Job ri tio Hocsi. Ita supply o! the latest and racBt popular typa and oSce apporuinanoea ren Sar it a favorite with all who try it. ri'll l mill I iwfl II U it ll-ftMoi t l.ali T 1? Aril I rrrHTFTT TialTalk.1 1 iiri ,t . if 1 a Tn urn ttrawl .T'.'i 2i bijl' 1No1bdy'tjb0JcMlW enw.fdits 'iff-A.' nurse ran td the -tire wtri babyia her arm.1 J .i : io!-i:i Uit: ,1J : 7 i i .j;-. eifl V;Y .' 7A. mother haaeail wtfff .window acreainiutf af4r( twp little bvy who Jiad Aapft-ttHM rv tor le.i; 9it flying tflj tb.w4.( -and were hmh9g it afxer tb eogijtte j Jjd cry toS-Qf with all 4i)eir jghtt ,'. n , , "tJT?116 bge-w and direct tbf of the Methddist festival' and oottfert are full 6f ttKokis' an ft grate ftiltalk for the kindnesses and-eour-i tearerf extendi thjerrj bV ay6r Mad lyarid WafllSrt8taff.u-i! 1 -ir "1 ,.! o-y yr. fi 'i vtn 1 K-:. ,i; I f rrH-A Urge, flesh yt coao wbowaa galloping tovv4he street, witbyeey deCerminatiou toiii&tface to sve te botiSe if possible Idsi fifteen ainutea .A. 1 . . ' ' unse oy stopping every man toe met "UqUij:ittgiii ;a, prolonged tone 0 voice whereabouts the fire wa7 ' , The gas was cot turned on at Good Shepherd Church Sunday night and the congregation had to go back home. As a sign of the times a little ld about nine who had escorted a little lassie about ten remarked to the congregation that he would be will ing hlruseif to run all the way down to the gas house if they wuld Just have church. ' The busiuesa men seem. losing their appetite en tartly for dinner. One merchant remarked with a yawn to T. T. that he only went to-dinner to see his wife, and another whose friends say he is killing himself chewing tobacco declared be only went to dinner to worry down a little so be could relish his tobacco better after eating, and a grocery merchant said yesterday he believed he . would go home just to see if any kind heart ed neighbors had sent him anything to eat. A man has been noticed every day for the past week visiting all the hotel registers in town and carefully examining them. He exclaimed to a crowd yesterday morning, "Gen tlemen, he's dead as shoras shootin' o; he'd a been hertf .before this." "Thunder aud lightning!" said the crowd, " who's dead,,what do you mean?'' "Ay, thunder and light ning," he replied, "that's the very word the thunder the lightning an' that's what makes me say " "Kill him! kill him!" cried the crowd, aud they all picked up rocks for now they saw that the man was au agent for the lightning rod man. RF.T.IOIOUS. HKKi: AND THERE A GEM, QATnESIl) FROM THE Jf. Y. OBSERVER. L"'Ve and nnsevered union Of soul with thoss vra Iovp, Nfarf rneaj and glad communion, Brail lie our j y ab-jve. No dream ol wa-iidj; sickness. No thoutnt f ach or pain, Nofreit'.ni hours of waRnes, Snail nirtr our peace ngila. , No detb, our boaiea o' rahadirg 8h 11 e'er - ur r irpa unatrlng; ':; ForslUe life oofadlair 1 - -i i . ' - Id presence of 00c KIbsU ir- Box a a. The Methodists of this country are thus distributed : ' ' KPISCJPAf. MT.THODI8T8. Method'at Episcopal,..-. 1,5SW&)9 Mrthodlsi. kpiaoopal.Hoath . 71i,7t5 rolor-d Meiuodit-t KpUoopal, 8". 000 African Mthoillst Fpis-ooal, 200 009 Afrlein MathodUt iscopl Zion, 225,ai0 Kvaeaail- al Association 95,252 UnlteU Brethren,. 1318 0 Total Kplscopal Methodists,.! 3,025,427 JJON-EPISCOPAI, METHOD STS. The ''Methodist Chnrcti" 55.183 Mthoii&t Kroie-aat 64 8i Aioeric n Wcsieyna, 20 OtW tree Methodi-sts 6. COO Primitive Me'ho.i!st : 2,500 Congrr nti' 'tul and otner lndepen denk Mtlhodlsts 9,000 Total non Epirr-nr-nl Methoils8, 148 802 Total Meih.Kll.sls m the U. Slates.. .3 XTS.OS As the fragant incense cloud went up from the kindled coal in the cen ser, so line btiieviug prayer, coming from a kindled heart, rises of neces sity to God, aud the only Altar which sauctifieth and rentiers it acceptable to 011. L rd Jesus Christ himself. Gou'uiini. The Rev, Dr. Nesbit, of Samoa, not many years ngo, every one ot the South Sea island were under a heath enism, there are now about 400,000 natives who have reclaimed from heathenism, and professed Chris tianity. The latest news concerning Dr. Behrcnds, who lately left the Bapti9t church, ia that he will probably.be called to the care of the Park-street church (Congregational), Boston. A Catholic priest has established a mission among the4Eequimauxof the Artirl Cirol?. He travels with sledges over an immense district, sleeping nightly under snow huts. E. Dodson. a North Canoliua Bap tist brother, went tc bed and stayed there while his clothes were being dyed, that he might give what a new suit would cost to the missionaries. The London Baptist Association ten years ago was composed of 64 churches, and now includes 131. Its total membership is i2.3ol, an in crease of over two thousand the past year. The Young Men's Christian Asso ciation in the United States publish seventeen periodoc;ils, and owns fifty-six buildings, valued, with buil ding funds, at aboui $.W0,000. Another Baptist church has been organized in Phildelphia, making liny-two in all. Only three of these are free from debt. They have a nourishing Young Men's Christian Association in Bom bay, India. He he sows Courtesy reap friend ship, and-he who plants kindness gathers love. ruil A Gkxfbu Rfstorattve. Hoatetter'a St4macii it er ar - impha ically genial restorative. Tli..- In nues which this great botanio teni :oy proJtaces in the dUurat-red ortaulzation are always agreeably thrn?h surely pronrensive, never ar rupt and vio lent On this account it ia arirnliablj a'Japtea to persons 01 oeui-nie cousuiunou 8nl weak uryt?. to wh m tba powerful mlof ial druirs are t.b lvely lnjnrlou That H initiates tnose roca ses which re- i!tin the rc-i'D i-uttte 01 neaiimai vor Is co'ispicnf.UMy srvwn in oduien Vre ii U taken to overcome thaf fruitful caeof debiiiiy. IntlUe .iod, coupled, as it uvuaiiv 1p. with b. i us i.n.i consupa- tioiT riior erh 1 asstl n reijulareTacn- b.tl",rftnd at.uudant Hccretloa are results whieVrt'-om nils- and Invariably atte ;d its 6ywhetic use. It ia, besides, the best proiecSye ajHtnel malaria, and a flrat-rate ' II "Ui'g I "I mi; f I . ; 1. 1 ' ; -- ILRTTERsifWOM- THE PEQPlE.' - nn rjtAtKiijH; March 6th, 187.. yMew$l irW: Wei notice 1fl ycur;rPr-yesterday that gas has Scomii down1 tal 5J This is not lo &8migl. It'. rS'atiU double what h? Hid; In nostjplaces. Yet it i a re afettoji df S2' per thousand and for frJs, ' rexluctlon J we are certainly in SeptetJ.'.to .the.K'fiws. But for the NEWS wejwould have continued to fai $7y. Your paper Iras shown that t is truiy tbe people's paper and your servjees, in Tills matter will be re mmhred. , You bate acted gentle manly, too, towards the gas company. 014 indulged in - no personalties, ae- usea .noDoay ox oeing in a ring (as 19 tsQiQaabie witn your eotemporary), of In communism, but, while ad ltttinir that the gas company being a Dilvate corporation bad s right to charge what they pleased, you show ed that. they charged, too much . and bucAi to come down, : We thank yon both for your services to the public in this matter and for the manner in which yoa have rendered them.- Many Citizens. . Asheville, N. C, March 1, '76. Messrs. Editor: I agree with your correspondent ' Wayne" both that there is too much delay in getting out the Supreme Court Reports and that the price is entirely too high. A tier the liberal pay the reporter gets from the State in bis double capacity as Attorney General and reporter it strikes me that to charge $7 and $S per volume for the reports is getting into the profession too steep. The two volumes now issued each year are, say $15. Just to get the reports of our own decisions from June term 186S down to and including January, AjJT&T-ouly eight years will cost a young lawyer about $100. Can't the reporter come down in prioA? The present price puts tne reports which are a necessity out of the reach of nearly every COUNTRY LAWYER. BELKXAPPERS. Babcock is out of trouble and Belk nap is in. SchencK is on the hot griddle. This Democratic House will never be forgiven. The only way for Republican journals to get even ts io call the members "Confed erates." Cincinnati Enquirer. He sees them leaving. Washing ton Republican'. The croakers, the weak kneed, the doubters and the traitors who are counted among the numberless hangers-on of the Repub lican party are crying aloud just now that political doomsday is impend ing. They seem to think that In Belknap's fall We sinned all. Then. Washington Chronicle: The Secretary of War writes a letter to the editor of the Marshalltown (Iowa) Times regretting that he cannot lend Marshalltown a cannon from Rock Island Arsenal for the Fourth, and tersely adds: "I have no more right to lend a gun belonging to the United States than the Secretary of the Treasury has to lend money." New .Washington Chronicle: No one justifies, 1 alliates or apologizes for tbe late Secretary of War. All speak of his fearful fall in sad u ess. The sudden extinction of this great luminary draws away attention from tbe enormity of the crime of that ob scure personage, U. if. Marsh, through whose instrumentality the offence .of the Secretary was com mitted. He's eoming as fast as he can. Philadelphia TTtmes . The Perfect Poker Player will not arrive in time for the funeral, but he will be in season to weep with the mourners. And what a home-coming it will be for the American Minister ! Instead of rnshing wildly into the arms of grateful fellow citizens,' he will find himself folded in the cold embrace of a remorseless committee, grown hungry with long waiting on bis arrival, and confronted by an unre lenting accuser in the person of Lyon, whom he once denounced a au adventurer. We fear Mr. Schenck can do nothing better than draw to a bob' ailed fish. Juit beginning to gather the good fruits of Democracy. New York Sun: If the people in the country had not in the autumn of 1874 de clared their detestation of Grantism, aud elected a House of Represen tatives unutterably opposed to Grant and all his works, Belknap would still be Secretary of War and still bn selling offices. He would have been as secure from punishment as Rob eson was when his illegal and cor rupt payment of $93,000 to Secor was exposed. We are only beginning to gather tbe welcome fruits of that moral revolution. A. W. Strange, Esq , Lyhchburg, Va., writes: "I use Dr. Bull's Cough 8yrup regularly for a tickling cough at night. It gives relief and puts me to sleep. It is much used here." N O E We ha" removed onrMAKliLE AND STONE WO'-JKS to our new place of busi ness on Fayettevllle street, next door to 1 he "standard Ofiice Build ins," where we will oa pleased to hit all orders for Monu ments, Tomba and --i aba of all descr ptlons. Also Marblelsed Ulate Mantels, constantly cn band. All kinds of Uranite work cut to order Also all kinds of Sione Masonry. Mr. W. O. WOLFE will b found at the office atalltimtsaand ia authorized to make contracts at the most reasonable figures for the above, w e are also man uf actors of Brick in any quantity. Con trustors for H lck Masonry, Plain and Ornamental Plastering- Plaater centers aud Orna ments n baud at - be Marble Yard. Bespect fully, f. b 27 tf HAMMIM, & WEIR. G ORDONS' FOOD FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. The Great Economical Feed for Ftock, rednoea cost of feeding, secure good appe tite, perfect digestion, clean akin, glossy coat, bright eyes, health, long life and heretofore nnknowa vigor For sale by riYLVESiEft SMITH. feb 3-tf. Feed Store, N. C. Depot. N EW CROP MOLAPSES. 847 Khrla. Muscovado. 2S Tiercea Muacovaoo. Just received per Schooner '-Ann Dole." Choice quality and handsome packs koi. Fq- sain low ly WILLIAMS 4 MDROHIOS, fab 24-lw. Wilmington, N. C. FpHE M03T BEAUTIFUL AND l Highly Artistic Business Cards, --how Placard a Calendars for 1876, and Orna mental Printing of every descr Iplion pro duced at abort notice. ra'l and see apecimena. NEW FINE ART PRINTING ROOM. ANOTHER LOT NICE COUN TRY RUTiER, at F. C CHRJHroPHKRB A C0"8, at 25 cents par pouad. Go for It as It Is ulco, aad fresb. , .Not the cneap , dui tne wi I.) lltnviinAtlru? . Oil aver made. iSTllti- Dof-a not take flreror explode ? 1 th lam p la upaat and broken. Ta-r COftftfK) fuBintM print In ne tfrnkd afKlTio 'aeclde- ta r f any d-ecrip-tlaa.4Vreotly or tnflirectlv. hare crn-rod fromlti MHome of CH AKLEart-RATT, XUtaoUahad 17V jiew xora:. 1 r . , JULIUS LEWIS 4 CO.. Hardware M urcbanta, Kaleigh, N. C, Sola Ageats. lor North Carolina. ' JTJST RECEIVl!. :.A large aupply 0 Corn, Peas. Oats, Bran. Timothy Hay, N. C. Hay, Fodder and Shueka. whleh wld basold very C?eap and t delivered at ny part of the city. " P. F". FAI80N. ' The Premium or theBBT JOB PRINT ING waa awirded to the Nwi Job Offloa at tha State Fair. October. 1875 JnKt received a laree and -vellseleMed stock of WOOD -TYPB, for Post era and Siioc W'ork. ra 1 and exaralneat THE NEWa PfttNriNG ROpMR . ' NEW- AtiVJEKTlilE SldTS. oaha LJi fiUGAR cuiiEP XfyfyJ' HAWS, equaled North-Caro-iiua8tol6 tin WeighU - W. C. & A. K WTRONACH. 5"" ' "BARRETj5? "BAlJDWrN AP PLiCS. W. 1 A A B.8TRONACH. rjC. BARRELS KARLY ROSE Ooodrl-h and taca Blow Irish Potatoes, just to hmd. W. C. A A. R. aTRQNACH. 450 LBS. C Q D FISH. W A. B. STWWACH. 20 BOXES NO. 1 SODA AND Cream Crackersa-frehjat baked. W. C. A A. B. 8TKONAOH 200 LBS. NORTH CAROLI NA hVMSi. W. ; A. BTRONAPR 80 SACKS FINE SALT. W a. A A. B. 8TRONACH. JOHN ARMSTRONG, No. 1, Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C. BOOK BINDER AND BLANK BOOK lANUf ACTUEIE. NewsDapers, Magazines, Law Books of every description bound in the verv best st le and at the low fct price Sppctai at t'htlon to Blank Book made to order. Bu ling of every description done at short notif- and 'ow price-. meh 4 d.lm U C T I O N BY SALE M. ROSENB A.XJM Sc BRO Will tke place at their placn of bualnea EvERY NIGHT, from 7 to 10 o'clock, un til further notice. Private Sale, at Auction Prices, in Between Hours. Sale commences to- ni; h at 7 o'clock. M. ROSENBAUM A BRO. February, 18, 1816 2w 1 rpHE MASONIC JOURNAL, Greensboro, A. C The only asoni5 W.eeklv pifbUsbed li the Houth. Eight paea. Thiny-two broad columns. Will treat of every topic of In terest to the (Craft. A weekly household com pa" 1- n . of which every Maaon may JukMt b proud.: (See 'Prospectus.) TERMS.- One year, i Blx month. $1.25 ? E. A WILON. de9 tf Green abro, N. C. W E A flrood Biker One unpnetiraberfid or- icucu. iiuuicas " BOX 449," Baieigh, N. C. feb 23-2w. D ISSOLUTION iDc fir-" of WiUlamsoa. Ucehurch A Thomas this d iy dissolves. Either ptrt nei will sign in liquidation. Any claims due t y them they wish presented for Im mediate pay rrunt. Parties owing them are now called upon 'o pay their Indebted ness, or make satiffe orv arr-'Bgements t occp, one or 1 he older hip hod must be complied with. B. P vWJ LL T A M .SON. v.M a urcui'acii, .1 .1 TOtlMlK Ralei h, March Ihi, 17 . -:j lm QOAL, WOOD AND LUMBER. Keep Pace With the Times COAL, Red Ash Egg Coal, per ton, $10.75 Nut ' 10.) Cumberland (Smith) Coal, per ton, 10.00 WOOD. Hard wood, per cord, f-LOO Wood's fine, ;i SO Old field p ne, 'UK) Hard Wood, per cord, taken by By car load, 3.50 These prices covei the expense ol deliv ery. 'I he usual reduction made on fuel sold at the yard. Lumber at low figures. mh2-tf C VRPKNTEK A TAYLTTt. JJ O L I D A Y GOODS My stock is complete in- every dep-rt merit, and I Invite tha atteot on of pur chasers to an el gaut a-tsortmenl of Illustrated and Presentation BOOKS. New and Popular Juveniles, r Chll.rens' Toy Bc.oks. Plain uDd Fancy HtMtionery, ELEGANT BIBLES, PLAYER BtX)ES AND HVMNAIA in Morocco, Pearl aud Ivory blndluas. BeaDtifui Cases in Hhell Work for the Toilette. Fine Albums and Writing Iekx OOLD PENS. HOLDERS, PENCILS, Ac from tf best manufacturers. FINE EXTRACTS. COLO'lNES, SOAPH BRUSHES, and other toilet grcvH ; all or which is offered at the veryljwet market price. ALFRFD WILLIAMS, Booliil ljr ftpa stationer. dec 2-3m O T E Having adminlstere I on tha Etata o Parker Rand deceus-d. late ol Waka con n t y, w hereby notify alt parties hav ing claim against ha fcaiate to prevent them t -the unders.gned or to W. H. Paoa, Attorney, on or before th 4th day of Feb ruary 1877, f.rop-riy qualified or tbla vlll be piead in b r of tneir recovery. All per a.na indebted to the Estate will pleaaa maae payment bt odcb. xr ix n a to r f5-od6w. G. D. KAND,; Aflna rB- Tit,: PRICE: FIVE tJENTS.' T MlSCELLABO)L. GROCERIES ! : '."5 r :::?'; : :tv: , : 1 ) (3 r. '.:rr.'. r. .' 'rrt ':::,'::.;m .:: -., IxiRHEASQK THAT i: , - -' e... .3 ?. 5 J r.:.t . . ALLCOTT SELLS' - : . . vui BACON, LARDr SUGAR, - V.nvd : ?i i : :. .r.i t 'COFFBBf"'"" :" -r A jitl PLOUB. - MEAL,'.."' ' .1 11 BUTTER, CHEESE, , , j-.n Ft8t ;i vnx 1 v ti ii.- And all otbar goods la tbe Grooeiy Ua lower than other hottaoa, 1; that Me BtTY9 and SELLS ; For Cash, u REMEMBER WE hInDLBONLY FIRST QUAUTY?-000D3. C 0OKED CORIT BEEF AND COMPRESSED Beef Tongues Ready for TABLE USE. These delicious artlrlea of food are thor oughly cooked from tha choicest of meat retaining all the nutritlouaqualltlea of the same, can be cut Into thin slioea, will kaap perfectly and la a luxury within the rerh 'v of the most economical, aa it contains MORE THAN D0UBLJ TE, QUANTITY OF -7 K UNCOOKED MEAT. Trade supplied at New York aad Chl- cagoprlcaa. . W. C. A A. B. STROlf ACH. piE FRUITS, FRUIT BUT- TER1. PUESERVFH, JELLIEH. MI -OB-J4KAT, DRIED FRUITF. P'ull stock alwajiL ')..( W. C. A A. B. 8T RON ACH. H EADQUARTERS FOR FINE DRESS SHIRTS ; ' FOR MEN AND BOYS. . We are atlU supplying-Keep's .Patent Partly-Made Drasa Shirts, at tha following lowprloea: ' -:.-. Men's sizes at $1 for a aibgle oaa or 912 per docen. . Boy's air.ea, a single one for 13 ttals or $10 per dozen. . ' These Shirts ar n axle of the v . e y ' ' " 1 V ' '1 Genuine.. Wamautta Muslin nd Best Irish lihien, ' and ara unaurpaaaed, In ua)ltyaa4 style aad ara now leading all othara i th United States. The Increasing damaad for this8hirtls evidence of perfect aotUfjc tlon guaranteedrtoonx atutoraara. Orders promptly Oiled 00 racalpt of th money. Wa also furalab a Dreaa Shirt corraleted with tbe exoaptlon of trattona and ay r let holes for tl each. Second only to Keep's Patent, '.i , . : " " Call and txaBllae them. . - R. B. ANDREWS fe OO, Clothiers and Oenta Furnishers, 27 FayettevUla street, Raleigh, N. C. March 2, 1S7B. 1 T!' ORANGES AND LEMONS AT TONWOFFSKIH. - rtMiara who wish to handle RET, I A BLni .SREUJ supplied at a liberal aUcount. Conaumrrsand Claideoera at Ut taper doxen papra If your dealer doe nnt keep tba GENUINE LaNDUTH EaD aand Hat and wa will aend tree of poaf age. J. H. ENNlSt ookllar. feb ft 3UwDAW2m Raleigh. N. C. DEPORT OF THE GEOLOOI- C4L 4L SURVEY of Nolh Carolina, by frof. W. C Kerr. 1373. for aaU at the Hook Ktora Ol Al-Knri) 1LLI8. Prlaa In Cloth, $3 60; Heat by a pre-. 91 ; Potfta hy Mail, XOo. fb a0-tf 'JHOMA8VILLE CHAl RS. Kooklag and Arm Chairs, Hawing and Lair Chairs,1. Dining aad Hitting Room Chairs, ,W. VI A A. . WHOA AO, I-'!' 11- I ,,

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