NORTH CAROLINA TIMES. NEW BERNE, SATURDAY, J&N. 23, 1864. r -WHOLESALE AGENTS. iTroia and alter date, BxxRa Co., No. 20 Pol lock Street, New Berne, will take charge of .the tTholesalo Department of the North Carolika Timis,' and will supply all orders from tke trade. - SnlleU and Bread. XTe believe in ..bullets. There are times The Day of Deliverance Dawn. 1 Pbovost Coubt. : We donotpropose to make A well j known citizen from Uhe interior, There certainly can be no' mistake as to the public all the "cases,' civil and criminal beard versed in the affairs of theStatet informs us, " signs of the times."" The day of redemption Qd tried before this 'Court, which is held for that priori to the recent adjournment of the and deli?erance is about to dawn upon long trial particularly of civil' cases, on Tuesday Legislature atRaleigb,Uhe conserratiye mem abused and outraged North Caroh'na. The un- and tVida of, each week; 4 Criminal vcases . of hers of, that body, who are in the majority, mitigated tyranny of the Rebel Inquisition at various degrees are tried every day, and Capt. held a consultation to considerthe propriety Richmond isat lasFcoming to a culmination." Denny, Provost Marshal, in his capacity as of repealing the ordinance of secession, and all The atrocious and bloody works of secession Judge, finds his Court docket constantly in law.i enacted since its passage. A distinguish- i f TIie-Hcws, was forged for an unwilling people now set heavy last week John McConkeyys. C. B. Dibble, was accepted, which, in substance, was asTol- and lacerate ' thff, flesh terribly. - A feeling of which occupied the Court over two tiays. . R. lows: "Since nearly all of the supplies to the indignation now' throbs and swells in the breast H. Lehman, Esq., appeared as counsebfor de- confederate army in ryirginia, now pass, .over of every friend'bf the Union throughout the fendant, and the cause of .McConkey was well the Nortl Carolina railroads, which are only Old 13orthStatev As the low muttering sounds sustained by? F, W. Hamilton, Esq; lThe case iake .'but seven miksahour, owing of thunder! presage the tornado and the storm, was .. submitted without argument,' and jiidg- to their: exhausted condition, and inasmuch as so do the whisperings of discontent' and verU merit was rendered for plaintiffl) t f.t:Hl:oh- thesei railroads K will become ifcompletelyleXr geance "withfwhicH the very 'atmosphere seems James Harris (colored) was brought up for hausted before another season which will ne- uoiguicu, wiyuuwna vuc upiidtug wi uciow i wuwwiug mo 01 me existence 01 small wpaanijr ounge mis army 10 aoanuon -Virginia iore praciicaiiy . eusiavea peopie, an an; meir hua i uis nouse, ana a nouse adjoining; Har-I ana norm uaronna, ana unite iWith the ar- native strength' and majesty. S r ns had three cases of small-pox in his ' own niy in the Southwest and leave this State - m - . . a . The evidence is to clear to misinterpret j that house which he had not reported. : He was free to act, without any fear of being overrun the tk People's PrMu at Norridgwbck Malae are now being more keenly felt and seen than creasing. ever.'v 'ine chains of despotism which were I . A civil case of , some importance when they are the; only arguments that have any . force with men. When Gen. Burn&ide came to North Carolina, soft words and gentle treatmen t would have been worse than folljy' towards men with arms in tHeir hands for the - overthrow of the GovernmenL Inthegovern ment of the family there are exigencies when the rod, quick and sharp, is the only effective regimen.' The rebellious boy must be taught that parental authority is a power, as real as parental lore. '. So. in our National Government, (which in Its spirit, its purpose and its beneficence," is as nearly parental as any government tb3 exhibition of authority equal emergency and able to prevent the d or the family, is a necessity which but a iool or 'a traitor can denr. But policy which has been pursued toward them, to their own use.: Government whence truant ' boy- . has . felt and acknowl" ' ' The leading secessionists in the State are be- sisting ; of boots, overcoats and shirts; stolen edged his ; father's authority the reign of coming terrible alarmed. They seem to shrink from Capt Cooke, A. Q. M., in November las ti kindness should return, and the culprit be from any defense of the desperate cause of the The property was found by detective officer taught that submission ensures, safety and Confederacy and welkmay they do so. The Tallman, in possession of these parties, some comlort Ibis is the whole spirit and theory I signs of rum and devastation to be seen in evj- 01 it buried in Smith's garden, some under his I of the Presidents dealings with this rebellion, ery direction are known to proceed from the house, and the balance in Green's1 house 'and I As we have stated, Gens.- Burnside and Foster I ill-fated course that North Carolina was forced a room occupied by Parker, who was a watch administered the necessary chastisement to the) to pursue. ... i ; , ' . man employed to guard Government property. portion of this State now under Federal con-j Before the miserable rag banner of secession , The principal party in this transaction, an trol, The power of the Government has been was unfurled,, every-one was inspired at the other Government watchman, has left the De felt, and to-day the old-time benevolence and very sight of the old flag of the Republic, while partmen t The evidence of the guilt of these gooa win is resuming sway. I peace, uappiuess, auu Bcuurujr prevaueu in ev parues was conclusive, capt Ucnny senten- Under the wise regulations of the Secretary erj locality. J ; "jf: : .V;'.; V" - ced Parker to bard labor in Craven streetjaill of the Treasury, sanctioned by the President, lbese lacts areslresnm tne remembrance ol nve months, and to leave the Department up- trade is resuming its old channels, soTar as is these guilty recreants who have willfully aided on expiration of sentence ; Smith got. three consistent with the stern work'yet to be done in rushing this once happy State into the vortex, months hard labor in jail, and Green, the less ed Statesman, who is a member of their party. tried was consulted on the subject and his advice With5 the'closelof 863,- 'casVofMepravitj was worked up by thd detectives in New Tork, which ' bids ; fair :o eclipse 'every thingof th kind. For some time past' the policeof th city were aware cjf, the fact; that; the Oonfeder. , ate bonds'and shin-plasters were -man u factor, ed in that city, t)n the 31st ;ulL these gutpU - ciona were npeneu inio a surety, unu a large number of-arrests were made, v .vrmtbron E. i Hilton Vas -the principal In thb aflalr. -Tbi I lathes, presses, "dies and plates Jwere .captured, together with $6i00Q,0Q0 of Confederate bondiJ j and 1.000. 000 off rebel money-all readvforsir- nature.' .Hiltpn'fi; papers and contracts with the rebel SepeUrf 'MemmirigerJ werV among ? the. captured': effects.:? The ! whole establish- ment: was about to-be 'sh!pped' .:to!.' 'Halifax ' thence to'Bermuda," and take its chance among the blockade runners for the Floridian. coast ; . fr'i-r- T T : 1 1 i j T-1 ' I . 3 aujs xiiii.011, vo reucmuttr, useu 10 puonsn . a; great majority ef the people of thiState are fined $50, which he paid,- and was discharged and overpowered by the confederate arnifes. about twenty y?ars ago, and afterwards start- ' on earth) almost sick to; death with the monstrous and from arrest j; ; : " : i; between which she is nowsituated.yv ""t ; : edv the " Banorl Daily Jeurhal," which tups to every infamous despotism of Davis and his red hand- Wm. R. Parker, (white) Ed.' Harris and Jas. We give.the.above,- as we.receivVd i: ported' the old Wbie nartvwith a creat deal h isruptioh ed confrarees. : They. cannot and wiU not sub- Green (colored) were charged with receiving, without touching 'for its truth. -we think ii of ability and enthusiasm about the time that t none mit much longer to the inhuman course of concealing and attempting to sell lor convert hirfily probable, that the statement is in the oartv was runnine to seedl Hilton was a I main correct Sword! Presentation. As an , ev the good i feeling existing between the various smart energetic man, and. the worst type of a "'A (i ! f New England sympathiser with the insurgent!. He ought to have been in better business, but it i,. I . t. ... , r xt 1 lL; h,s sympathies jbave led hnn, now, to a perm, military organizations of the loyal native North . , ,: . , - - rt 1 i- L u i t iu V i nent home, for several years at least VT9 Carolinians in this part m the State, we may - - . u mi r ii j ". il t. ., . M 1 mourn over hia fall from ldyalty and curse hh mention the fact: that the'eommanding officer of 'the 2d Regt N C. Union Vols., has just be$n made the recipient of a handsome sword, sasb. pistol, &c, presehted by the 1st Regt N.; C. Union Vols. It may be remarked, in this connection,' that : no jealousy or rivalry exists, or has existed, between these two or ganization, and we doubt not the entente cor dial wills always be preserved by them. ' ; i Parade .of Fire Department. The parade of the New Rnrnc FireDnartment which is an- Bays, landincr !m ttk n ,m - T J 1 1 3 1 I . ... .t . .. l iU.. L f I . . . r ' '' ' ' m . - I I i , t, '. . 1 I .u winwawuuus. 4 w-uay neariy one nunarea oi rum, ana now wnen tney see. ine wratn 01 6y Pty vi luree, paia a nne 01 twenty-five neunced for the 22d of February in- celebri- yery extensivd thousand people have to thank the United an insulted people rising like the storm waves: uu"a'8 ' f -y , , j i J - M tioh of Washington's birth day, ma be con t , ... -x f.--, , . . H . . , J sidered as one of the comtns events ' of r-vfi wn ac? f oi riMan l nA m t-. A i 1 1 1 tm . . , . . . w , . . . . wm.5ii;1naB uiuugUl UClOrt! me JOUrt States Government for the privilege of obtain- of the ocean, they tremble, and will soon be ing the supplies necessary to save them from ready to seek the rocks and mountains for pro actual suffering and starvation.' The angel of tection . ' ; ' f f mercy comes to them enwrapped irt the glori- Let every loyal and patriotic North Caro ous old stars and stripes, and! her coming is linian stand as firm as a rock I let them take welcomed none the less gladly, at sight of the fresh ceurage from what has already een ac Itng loved emblem. coraplished. The dark; sombre cloud hanging Wo believe iri bullets; we also believe in over the State for the' last three years will yet bread; and we know that in this section of vanish, and the sun of freedom and deliverance North Carolina the reign of -bryad has begun, will shine out in all its glory! ! A We know4! that to-dav. that -wise benpff- '. With KtezAv. uriflinrhihn' nnd nnfalfprinir ,. . - mi t - - ,0 - - . o for breaking and entering the hoijse of Henry Whitfield, (colored) and stealing! $76 in U. S. bills. . Barnes is undoubtedly; aj thief of the full blood, and made a bold thine at Whit field's house. He was proved guilty, and sen tenced b confinement at hard labor in Craven street jail one year, and then to be sent out of t i portancq.' lm It is expected that the Fire Com- 1 t .1 I - " ! . 'ii panies will all appear in uniform, some of the Companies are already provided and the oth ers have-made arrangements to have appropri ate uniforms before the day of parade. 1 The arrival of the splendid -Band of the 2d Mass. Heavy Artillery, settles the question of music-- tor now can a rire uepanuieni mane a sue- loyalty and curse u$ treason. The' Navy Department ro in receipt of offij cial dispatches from RearAdmi'raI Bailey, com-1 mandirig the East Gulf Block aJng. Squadron, ! detailing some very important operations in. ! whicha portfem of his forcVJ'lafely engage-f f ed. -An expedition , or series of. expeditions. . i under the dire ;tion of Acting-Master BrOtrnt, V of the bark Hi stless. had explored the waters of Lake Ocala and the West and St. Andrew' i repeatedly, ahd dcStroyingHao I salt-works from which the rebel i Confederacy has mainly received its supplies. Y Nearly two hundred of these salt-boiling es-; ' ; tablishments, trith their 'boilers and ' manufac- i tured stock were destroyed, and the value ;of the property ik estimated at $3,60O,o6x. t The j cence which mitigates the severe rigor of war courage, North Carolina may jet have the I amount of mu iea, w iuc Buuenug peopie oi mis uis proua saiisiaccion oi Demg me jirsz oi me reg ;trict, life in. the form of food and clothing, is ularjieceeding States to take her place, by the . doing more; to wjn bask the heart of this peo- voice of her own loyal people, among the oth ple to the. old Government, than any other er loyal and devoted States of the Union, treatment which could be devised. : We speak In this hour of such 'deep and vital interest not "of thejeading Secessionists who 'dragged to us all, let every heart be 'fired with the sen- JMortb Carolina out of the .Union, but of the timent of the Poet: - ' ine uepariment, ana to loneit lrom money "due ! r j ' -.u i ' .j . . , . i J-. " i cessful parade without music, and where can : if ' - hp.ttpr music b nan tr $76 to renumerato Whitfield for his loss. Same day was concluded the Ltrial of Geo. W. Price vs. John M. Parkbursf, an action "of! better music bo had than that which the said Band can furnish. the music. . t ' j i i 1 Wevote for the paradd and An UxpiEASAKT Surprise. Last week as an debt, and trespass-judgment Tor plaintiff in officer of the Provost Marshal's office; was $462. R. H. Lehman, EsO.; for plaintiff.: and lnAbino fnr ctlon nronortv ht nVfVr.r1 n nrrA -plain people who were befooled and driven into an active or a tacit consent to the iniquity. These raed torday, with tears, gratefully ac knowledge! the kindness shown to them by the Government against which they rebelled and are ready to swear a truer and firmer allegi- 'Then np"withour flag let it stream on the air. Though our fathers arc cold in their graves ; They hud hands that could strike, they had souls thatco.uui dare. s And their eons were not born to be alaves.' ISF" Among the latest Boston notions, is W. II. Howe, Esq., for defendant. In a petition of W. DO'Leary for rents of certaiu real jestatG of.the late Raymond Castix; he being an hcirofsaid estate, certain citizens appeared as Respondents to show cause why O'Learyshould not have saioj rents. The Court decided that Mr. O'Leary was entitled to one-third of said rents and two-thirds be- ance than ever, to the old flag. No more imJ th "New England Loyal Publication Society," longed to the Government, the mother of Ray-. suddenly abandoned .L.!a u j i i i I whipfi issiiAfi hnllctins nvp.rv few daTH. A mnniT I raond Castix not beine" an hpir 'in tht mall if : house in the west part of the City., He earn e to the fbed and turned up the feather bed to examine between that arid the straw bed. when td his astonishment he found the dead body of a ;netno man concealed between the beds; and upon further inspection found that the man had died of small pox. The officer's further search ! for stolen property in that house was town of St. Andrew's which was occupied bj ,a rebel force, was shelled and burned to ashen. In the Suwanee River, the" v'Unlted States schooner Fox had surprised a blockade-running steamer, which she could not bring otlt', and was comrielled to burn; The Fox had alio captured the BrittsV schooner Eltt in, attempt ing to. run; th$ blockade , ,, ' Gen. Kirbyj Smith has succeeded the Rebel Gen:j Holmes firi the command of 1be Trans Mississippi Department,' and j has established f his 'hcadauartcrs at Camden. Ark. - His fnrr T j , . 7 . . is estimated at -r Dortant service can be rendprpd ' inJar I which issues bulletins every few days. Among I raond Uastix not being an heir in the real -Federal bayonets thanto throw around such Ihe 'many visionary schemes it advocates, is property by the laws of North Carolina. A i men a cordon of. safety, assuring them of a one to recruit the old regiments from the large amount of property not heretofore claim- . j continuance of j that protection and kindness! districts they are in and Kive the State which ed, will go to the Government by this decision, which has 4' already won them ThpsA originally sent the Regiment,- credit for the Lehman for Petitioner, and ifowe for Respon-1 whose families Receive bread from our hands' men which enJisted in the enemy's country. dents v ;' t'; : ! 'i - are proving the? sincerity of their renewed For instance; if -a -Boston or News.York- Regi- We learn that the following commis- fealty by shouldering tbe musket, and standing ment should enlist 100 North fjaroliniansjin sioned officers for the 2d RegN. C. Yols. have in me iore irons wnere bullets are still needed I wBiuiwi -iuaoauujBHa ur new xorit just oeen appoimeu Dy major uenerai isuuer, to, secure the mastery and ensure submission w ouW be edited with ! that j 100 men, and subject to the approval of the President of the . We hope, and doubt not, that Gens. Butler North-Carolina woiild receive no credit at all. United States : Elijah A. Smith, 1st Lieut. and Peck will push on the good work until all ( ihe wnle scnee 8macKs 80 much of fireside Co. A; Serg. De F. Marsters, 1st Lieut. Co. B; patriotism, mat it is not to be wondered that 1 1 of North Carolina is redeemed and politically regenerated. Let the Governmer t place under the control of these officers enough of bullets and bayonets to overthrow all organued re. aistance, clear to theTennessee and Virginia lines, and we will trust to thegentler polidy to reestablish the old affection for the old flag. Let two lessons be imprinted unon trTiv eouls of North Carolinians! that the National LPment of' loyalty the seceeded States. Government is a Power for the punishment of T - "iere is now in tne leaerai ser till doers and a Protector. of those who sub reSiments. raised as such;in Virginia, mit : and when the old North State shall hr North' Carolina, South" Carolina, Alabama, Ar- again wheeled into the line of the Union, these kaQsas, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana-and the idea felLtbrdugh. -The moral effect of reg iments raised in the rebellious States, is great, much grekter than many imagine. They are also valuable as soldiers, Vbeing trained from infancy to the use of firearms.;. The fact that such regiments canbe raised, and are being raised, is doing much to encourage the devel- C. C. Barn acas tie, 1st Lieut. Co. C. Carelessness with Firearms. A shoekine accident startled the denizens of Beaufort, last Sunday afternoon, A man named Nichols, clerk for Mr. Vanderbeek, a sutler in Beaufort,! was carelessly, handling a pistol, when a by stander .remarked that be should be careful as I it was loaded. Mr. Nichols replied, " Pll bet A Regimext of Picked Men. -The 2d Regt. N. C. Union Vols., promises to be 'the most efficient. In its material (physically) it will have few superiors in the service. Every re cruit is subjected to a most rigorous surgical examination, according to the strict letter of the regulations for acceptance of men in ' the regular army, -h Of course many candidates are rejected ; but, though ' the -recruiting! officers grumble a little, very naturally, when they see a squad of ten, fifteen 6r twenty, weeded out one half or more, it must be admitted that the regiment .will be the gainer oh the whole. g;gt4 Rock. t 13,000, who are said to be en- ' organ zing for an-attack upon LiUl ; ...... ; . ' " ' "! Hon. Caleb B. Smith. Judze 6MhV United 1 i .. . . States District Court, and Ex-Secretary of ika Interior, died at Indianapolis on the 7th inst. Aj bert M. palmer; Collector Barnes's Pri Secretary, William A. Sinalley, and LewU ninin, have been arrested in.INewj.York, on a charge of jconnivance .and participating in blocKade-runmnff, yate Beni House of Refuge. We chronicle with pleas ure thej fact that another, real improvement has been inaugurated in this city. Gen, Peck h&s placed $t ; the disposal of Capt. Denny a tract of thirty dcres of rich , arable land, just in the !0ut- skirta of the city. . This tract is being' put in or der. ffiTip.fiS rr.tfti1 flotcoV 'nlafa laM nnt an A 9 dollar shn iar7f lrtarioi " anrt nlniin. (.... I J r . . , 7 7-, .v-f r.B mu- bnildings repaired, so as to present a neat and t"1""' T "1'"ai.K", i'r"". l8 na attractive home -for the poor; and-unfortanate killing .himself iinstantlyv:; k j j " I widows, orphans, and poor peopie of New Berne. men rfill b fmmA iia liPirU nA .5- Texas, carries with, itJbrce that would ! be llicK! ka n Lni- r ftndera.- - . utterly lost, were tney scattered about in New fortrtn.r .;. - . .. Eneland or anvnoTthern Wimit Tf.t'ir '7 - " ; . " v",; ' ...' authorities of the birrden-which they have ahonl- -btt: or:Ed,ton, li11 two hundred .nd twenty-fire dollars for the dior she furnishes Uncle 3am. If the KE. lTrr Pmb" PPP17 chri.ened ; hi. 'a'nrnns'. of . .t... r o. ' t i i ir . o . .. " T pwenced and faithful drill sergeants. These new enterprise the U.; S. HotSE pp Eefdge. Ll? a eMi Jal,on,Soc.ety; are so anx,ous to liyaforth Carolinians are ell clothed and When he r'ta.- carried. P?t hi. de.ign,. it nill , CTnR,chmo ndvproy.ded fill op fitzrmj, let hem.volunteer thsn.selves fed, in good spirits im . IproW ndeed . Hoo.e of Befnge'to ian. an un- ; ; , 7 w v M caov"' r "7, -H't 4"h '"u ox suirs- see their families- comfortably sheltered and fortunate, from the cold and heartless world. jnir loeir necE-ouL ana cai on th nv . . . . v - . .rr t ? r' ... . " ' i - . , - " 7 r oouniuuiiy proviaea lor, ana this strengthens If f emerpnse ' ; EP we return our thanks to the purser of whites and blacks of the South to do tAtiV du- their loyalty. I u i J ! n n. T 7."" " r - .:rri."" : !u" " On, eptoyoftMsMMWHon l. already o., w.u.ru4auiuisu m.iuo maiier ana stopped -- r j..-; the uMtatumjaf such:.stepl.. Let Massachu- fiehl j.Not a'man'is satisfleH to ''snU vthe haTo thV pur. to acknowledge, the reciipt men and North CaIiuaUle Sl .of 8 pieces oif 3oth from the Christian Com- izations with IoyaL North Carolinian She " BuSaUes " will make their mark ' 1 Tension; $25 from JonN.HdOoNXBT & Co. ; $5 has already, furnished white and black-i-here r - . , . - -;. H ft . t I 'Tt ' . . .v. - I ' mmm - - . - I . ' oi Adams' express; and f5 ana in iast Tennessee, 1 seven .or eight) regi- j The North Carolina membeiS of the Confeder- Trom iHOifPSON & Hatden. Sutlers 8d N.T. ments." 7:--;r (3; r ! ' -.-r--;-!:.: Ute Contrress. backed down and votfid !i?ia sNAruiiery, ior me Deneht of the indigent fam- ; - . -.- , .... .. : ; i new conscript bid. Messrs. Dortch and .Davis. flics of soldiers in Reg. N. O.. Union Vols; "Ata ietheliae f ianew paper just the two Senators firom this'State in therebelcon ;U! w i i i ; , "sued in Boston Its editorials sound decidedly gress, voted for the bill putting in the service all Dennisoman. persons who have furnished substitutes. f . Messrs. Francis T. Eiggs and Luther .Babbitt two well known ' Union ctizens- of Bar River; died recently ' When' we marched into" New Bernei Mr. Riggs was found confined in one of the. captured: forts, as' ; a ? Confederate prisoner. hardwith loyalty to'he old"flag, which was not denied. He was ja fearless man,'and it gave Gen- Burnside much pleasure to release himJ : n . Thi Evening, -Telegraph'1 is the cognomen of a new sprightly dailyiust issued in Philadelphia. Xts p4at clean face anlixenergy displayed in its icoluBins is deserving of success, which it. will re ceive. 4 C ha lice for Speculation. t(,rab.- id go inio me Km giovo ana iur ouv . n . c .u. as.. L . Hr KT . 1 1 A. . .. . shicos. uu uaicu iuv rais ji xievv uerno losuy- ply the Rkin.some 'of them are largo enough to make a good sized muff, or a head for a baso drum: ', . - '.'V ' Second. -JTo start up those Gas Werks, and give us vMore light; ; - a- : f Third. To clean out the stocks of liquorfj i nanus oi . our ueaiers, ,oy uenerai 6, Prices have a downward ten-1 left on the Orders, No, dency in this locality : fourth.- To furnish the citisens of New ir Berne, with' sunshine and good : walkiDg, Would pay fat divies : f ; . ( V Fifth. To the 1 Times, tiid gt great gain hereby :::'!r '.V. i i '.'; I.' ' j$fixth. To lease one of ColHeatcn's abaB-' doned plantations,, and go to raUtng'cotlon, naifal stcris, or corn, like' hone'st, men, Too ..UU'w.. U J'itJt. i ': , .V, . .1 muvu num iu iuai ; i SnnJfci-To start- that botel or-boarding- house, mentioned in bur last paper : ' ' i Eighth.4-To run a serai-weekly mail from here via Beaufort to New York; or some wheri else, so that we' can' get the news once-P a-while retulariyl ; "xl ' I If these chances do not renamerate the spf ulators. they will: on beine consummated, cer tainly benjenV the public, so . that ' whai t their loss, would be our. gain. . . 1 , i T. v WAsiiiNdTON. N. C.Capt. araham and V- Horn started out on the night of the 18th int anotherjraid. They accompliihed their obj and returned In eafety,- having cipturd eigM rebel soldiers, eleven horsesand twelve lUnAof arms. 1 . . r- ' " i - ' fi r . T ; A meeting , was' held : on the 6th instant if Coats District in; Johnson cbuaty, and jeio0' ions passed, fnll of fury at tfce-lale onscxiptiO8 law riassediby the Confederate Conrres - Meet ings of indignation are, being beld all thronf the Western countis iThere is fa, muss .bree4 Dg, if tbejr ba!f back up their Words ' i, - -